valka-arialitan · 10 months
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Did this during and after an ocular migraine, so stuff might not be exactly on point, but eh. There she is.
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acotarxreader · 3 months
Timing Part Two
Azriel x Reader
Synopsis: You and Azriel try to navigate the awkward air the kiss you shared has left between you but the reintroduction of one of your former flames spurs action
Original Synopsis: Timing works against you and Azriel as a series of unfortunate events lands the two of you alone for the night with a broken down car and a breaking down friendship
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, silliness, miscommunication, punching and light smut, Eris being silly.
A/N: Part two of my first dance with a modern Az fic, hope you all like it! Also there are now 400 of you lovely friends!!! Hehe thank you so much for joining my lil nonsense of ACOTAR ramblings! Love you all long time! - C
Part One
The car hummed along in its happy tune, finally glad to have gotten the maintenance it called out for for months, the rest of the truck was shrouded in silence. Even the 80’s blaring radio had its voice stolen. Azriel’s leg bounced on the sticky carpet from one end of the journey to the next as his fist white-knuckled the overhead handle, your driving putting the truck's tune-up to the test. Not even your close call with a deer had broken the steady run of awkward silence, leading you to your arrival at the camp. You drove down the winding road to your friends had picked their site where the deafening silence was broken for the first time since this morning- 
“YN…I think maybe we should talk about-” “-I don’t want to talk about it” You quickly nipped back to his soft tone.
“I think we should, I-” “-Oh there's Feyre!” You braked the truck so harshly that it cut across his words. The wheels had barely stopped before you leapt out and darted towards your best friend. 
“YN! You survived the driv-” “Yes, yes I’m a terrible driver, I need to talk to you” You caught her hand from outside her tent, pulling her away from the rest of your friends while she laughed. Azriel watched you from the passenger seat of the car before leaning over and turning off the engine you didn’t even give yourself time to switch off. 
“Az, you’re alive, Cass owes me money-” Rhysand beamed through the driver's side door, his face fading before continuing “-Hey? Are you okay?” 
“I have no idea” Azriel’s eyes locked forward on the stained caramel-brown dashboard.
“Tough trip up? No longer friends with one another?” he laughed to attempt to lighten the mood. “I have no idea” he tore his stare off the dashboard, looking over Rhysand’s shoulder to where you and Feyre had run off to in the distance.
“More than friends?” 
“I have no idea”
Cassian and Rhysand watched from their deck chairs around the burnt-out fire pit as you and Azriel unloaded the back of the truck in complete silence, Feyre busy on the phone to Mor trying to help her with directions, the blind leading the blind Azriel had remarked to you, a small smile leaving you as you threw down your bags. Cassian watched the stacks of bags and supplies infiltrate their campsite, the disorganisation of it annoying his regimented brain. 
“What’s going on with them, they won’t even look directly at one another?” 
“Beats me Cass, I thought Az had decided to tell how he felt, now I think those plans have been abandoned” Rhysand whispered back, kicking a stray bit of tinder into the ashes of the firepit. A devilish smirk painted Cassian’s face, Rhysand’s eyebrow-raising as Cassian stood from his chair. Cassian waited until the two of you had circled back to the back of the truck to get the cooler, out of sightline of the stacks of bags. He whistled a tune as he ambled over, arms behind his back before he shot down to the pile, snatching the large bag of tent pegs and firing it to Rhysand who caught it and chucked it into his tent with fluidity. Cassian scurried back to his chair as the two of you carried the cooler, dropping it into the dust. 
“Are you guys planning on living here forever is it?” “Please Rhys, this is just Azriel’s hair care” you laughed, Azriel smiling at you before you both dropped the smile in the awkward air that hung around you. You hauled your bag to your chest, digging through to pull out the base sheet for your tent. Azriel threw his two friends cans of beer from the cooler before beginning to build his own tent. 
“Do you have the pegs YN?”
“No, they were in your bag?” You stood up from the skeleton of your tent, scanning the ground for the missing bag. 
“No you had them”
“No” the two of you squared up to one another on either side of the firepit. Cassian just tipped the top of his can off of Rhysands. 
“Fighting is still talking” Rhysand whispered, a small laugh leaving Cassian, causing the two of you to stare at him where he shrugged. 
“Hey, I have the pegs for my tent, don’t look at me, maybe you two can camp in the back of the truck again?” You scoffed in reply, tucking your arms across your chest to half stomp away from the canvas flooring. 
“Cass, what did you do?” Azriel half whispered to his brother, a devilish smirk painting his face. 
“Just having fun, have you and YN tried it?” Azriel scoffed, abandoning his tent for a can of beer. 
“I think she hates me right now” “Maybe remind her how much fun we can all have together?” Rhysand offered a new plan. 
For the remainder of the day, you avoided Azriel like the plague, the rest of your friends who weren’t privy to previous events being left in confusion but decided on a whole to avoid bringing it up and risk being on the other end of your temper. You watched sitting from the small cliff of rocks above the sprawling lake as your friends soaked one another in the cooling spring waters, beaming at their uninhibited joy in one another's presence. You scanned the water, Azriel noticeably missing, jumping with the slight fright Cassian gave you as he ran past your side and off the rocks, diving into the clear water below, soaking you. 
“Asshole!” You shrieked with laughter.
“I knew I could make you wet YNN!” He teased back, your eyes nearly rolling from your head as you smiled down at him.  
“Come down and play with us Rapunzel” Rhysand called to you, threading the water effortlessly as your friends relaxed into their surroundings behind him, basking in the sinking sun.
“Rapunzel doesn’t want to get her hair wet!” You laughed back, standing to put your hands on hips to get a better look at your dear friend while he did handstands under the water. You weren’t sure if it was the feeling of the rocks gone from under you or the feeling of scarred hands meeting your waist that you felt first but the sudden whoosh of freezing spring water was definitely felt by every nerve in your body. 
“Azriel!” You squealed out as your head bobbed back to the top of the water, your frenemy howling laughter in the water alongside you and Cassian, who’d turned practically purple from laughing so hard. You splashed the water back towards him, your once furious face melting at the semblance of normalcy. 
The silty ground separated from your feet as you felt someone swim beneath your legs, pushing you up suddenly on strong tattooed shoulders as Rhysand gripped your thighs. Azriel fought off the feelings of conflict at the sight, deciding to make his own moves. Your arms shot out straight for balance as Feyre was quickly lifted onto Azriel’s shoulders across from you. The four of you coated the lake in bellowing laughter as you and Feyre tried to push you from the shoulders of your seat. 
“It's like wife swap” Cassian chuckled, your foot flicking to kick a wave his way accompanying Feyre throwing him a dirty look. 
“Shut up Cass” You stuck your tongue out to him and he quickly clipped the back of Rhysand’s bad knee with his foot beneath the water, sending you flying back to the water. 
“YNN! C’mon we’re gonna start cooking!” Mor called from the shoreline, her late arrival due to her forgetfulness in submitting assignments. You splashed Cassian again before swimming back to dry land, wringing out your hair as your feet met the rocks again, and Azriel’s eyes heated your back. Feyre was very quickly turning blue from the disappearing sun and so followed you, the promise of a fire to cook over also bringing warmth.
“Careful Az, you’re drooling” 
“Leave it” Another wave of water met Cassian’s face, his tone sharper than normal when defending himself from their teasing about you. 
“What happened to you guys?” 
“Nothing happened last night” Azriel moved to swim from his best friends.
“Why’d you specify last night Az?-” Cassian continued his teasing, swimming alongside him “-Tell us, you were like you’d seen a ghost when you arrived this morning and that’s the first time she’s looked at you all day” “Crushed by the crush Azzie?” Rhysand added to Cassian's request for information as the three reached for their towels. 
“She kinda- we kinda- I don’t know had this bizarre moment” “Most moments between you too are bizarre” Azriel whipped Cassian’s legs with the tail of his towel receiving a small yelp from the towering man. 
“Tell us about it” “Tell me where you two idiots hid the pegs for our tents-” he shot back, Cassian and Rhysand sharing a brief look “-I know you have them” “I want to speak to my lawyer”
“Well, Amren isn’t coming this weekend Cassy you’re on your own” Azriel laughed, throwing his bag over his still-damp shoulder. 
“Maybe you guys could figure it out at the party tonight? It's all about timing” Azriel shook his head at Rhysand’s words.
“I’ll ask Feyre what she knows” “She’s not gonna break confidence, the sisterhood of the travelling clowns” Cassian added.
“Does that make us the clowns?” the three looked amongst one another before saying no in unison with a laugh 
“Clowns have tents to live in” Azriel shoved Cassian playfully again before the three head back in the direction of the camp, laughter bouncing off the tall trees. 
You had managed to keep distance between yourself and Azriel at dinner and soon the campsite had become a conclave of students escaping the stress of their life for a weekend of chaos. You had all gathered around the large fire in the centre of the camp, people flowing from all directions, music dancing across every branch of the night air-soaked trees. You laughed along to the story Cassian told his dear friends about when he had signed Rhysand up for a salsa dancing elective and he had to go to get the college credits.
“You laugh but I make use of that skill all the time” Rhysand chuckled, spinning Feyre around, her drink splashing out of the cup she held, hitting Mors shoes where she shrieked. 
“Ugh Feyre!” she laughed, Feyre apologising.
“Remember when YNN’s cousin got sick on your shoes Rhysand?” Cassian chuckled at the sight, drinking deeply from his can, a slight chill crossing over your shoulders. 
“Oh yeah right after she slept with Az at YNN’s birthday, you must have made her sick Az” The group howled with laughter, Azriel shuffling slightly to cover his discomfort.
“I blocked that drunk night out, world's greatest misunderstanding, that was such an accident” “What did you slip and fall?” Mor shot, the group giggling along. 
“No, nothing hap- I came looking for-for…actually never mind” the group booed, your attention searched for anywhere else to be interested, a tall red-head fulfilling the need. You drifted from the edge of the group as Mor began her favourite story about your cousin’s last wild visit.  The group fixated on Mor as Azriel watched you walk away, forcing a smile into his beer as though he was listening to the wild story. 
“Hello stranger” “YN!” Lucien placed his drink down on the makeshift table, swaddling you in a hug. 
“How are you?” You smiled into his chest before separating again.
“He’s fantastic but as usual I’m better” You turned towards the equally tall male, rolling your eyes at Eris. 
“I thought you fell off the face of the earth Eris” “Any day now” Lucien quipped, crossing his fingers together and wrinkling his eyes closed, his brother shoving him gently, gaining a laugh from you.
“Azriel, it looks like you’re trying to blow Eris’s head up with your mind” Cassian whispered to his brother, noticing his intense watch across the clearing. Azriel finished off his drink with one glug before opening another. 
You spent an hour or so with the brothers, enjoying the company you hadn’t been around in years, your families being old friends. The music grew in volume like the crowd, people dancing freely around the fire and tree border. Eris took your hand, twirling you around as you laughed, your silky slip dress almost shimmering in the moonlight.
“I remember at my 16th birthday, dancing all night with you” He laughed in your ear, the feeling of heat meeting the side of your face, radiating from Azriel’s eyes. The simmering remained on you for the remainder of the night, the sun beginning to attempt to stretch its limbs over the mountain. 
“Allow me to walk you back YNN” Eris outstretched a hand to you as you contemplated the consequences of taking it. 
“YNN, c’mon we’re walking back” Azriel’s irritation joined your side, his hatred for Eris wrapping around the conversation. 
“She’s all good smokey” Eris gestured with his head to Azriel’s tattoo-coated arms that promptly folded across his chest. 
“Eris” you warned lightly.
“Sorry babe, c’mon let’s go” His arm slipped around you more harshly than he had met in his alcohol-infused state. You stood away from his grasp with a half-laugh, a sound Azriel knew you used to cover rising panic.
“It’s okay Eris, I’m gonna walk back with my friends but it was really lovely seeing you again” You reached to hug him, Eris turning his head slightly so you met his lips in the lightest of brief kisses, Azriel jolting back partially before completely lunging forward as you pulled back from Eris. You screamed with utter shock as Azriel rolled along the floor with Eris, the sound drawing attention to the pair. Cassian quickly hauled Azriel from above Eris where Lucien pulled him from the dusty ground. 
“Calm down you idiots!” You put a hand on each of their shoulders where the two of them shrugged you off, death glaring between the space. 
“Stay out of this YN” Eris bit out, eyes of pure fire towards your friend, shaking his own brother's grip loose again. Cassian released Azriel cautiously. 
“Don’t speak to her like that” Azriel shoved Eris into the chest again, instigating another flare-up of heated emotions. You moved to stop another clash, timing ever in your favour coupled with the two raging men in front of you. You weren’t sure who threw the first punch, only that it met your eye instead of the target, your body sailing to the ground in a crouch. 
“Fucking hell!” You cursed, pressing your hand to your face to try to stop the radiating pain. The two leapt with fright, both going to help you back to your feet, apologies rushing out like the pain rushed to your face. 
“Don’t touch me! Either of you!” You shot back to your feet, stomping away from the group and brushing away any of your friend's advances in an attempt to help you. 
You stormed your way back to the camp, feet almost splitting the soil as you bounced along in rage. The truck door was nearly separated from the hinges as you ripped the passenger side open. You sat in the still slightly sticky environment, pulling open the glove box to dig around for the first aid kit. You cracked the instant ice pack before sitting back into the chair, eyes closing as you exhaled your full lung capacity, your door closing in the gentle wind. A light tap came to the driver's window, a groan escaped your throat as you rolled your head along the headrest to look at Azriel.
“We flipped a coin to decide who got to speak to you first, the others are gonna stay at the party for a bit longer, they don’t want to witness my murder-” He admitted, sliding alongside you “-I’m really sor-”
“-Don't" You whisper sharply, dropping the ice pack to your lap, your sightline following it.
“But I am sorry, I just got a bit blindsided”
“Please don’t make blind jokes right now” You let a breathy laugh leave you before rolling to look back at your greatest frenemy. 
“Sorry, again-” He returned the laugh “-It was just when you kissed him I just…I have no idea”
“It was just a kiss, an accident” You offered, unsure of why you felt so compelled to defend it. The quiet air returned to the cabin of the truck, almost as thick as it was when you had arrived this morning, Azriel’s bouncing his foot separating from the sticky carpet the only sound. You sighed again, outstretching your arm to land on his knee to stop the infuriating tapping, Azriel’s eyes landing on the motion. 
“Was-Was when you kissed me just an accident?”
“Oh Gods, why wasn’t I just knocked out?” You groaned jokingly, sinking further in the seat, replacing the cold pack on your eye. 
“Az” you teased back, looking towards him again, your hand unmoving from his leg as he leaned across the space between you. His hand pulled the ice pack down from your eye, the light freckles of bruising beginning to form as he cautiously pressed his lips to yours. Unlike your first kiss, neither of you pulled away, only pushing in further, his hand releasing the ice back to meet either side of your face, both turning further into what was left of the little space between you. You tilted your head as his hand traced up your jaw, into your hair, his wrist bumping gently into your bruising eye separating the two of you as you winced. 
“I’m sorry about that, I have bad aim after I drink” he admitted in a whisper, your hand hovering over the mark.
“You, you’re the one who hit me!?” You found yourself laughing loudly at the absurdity as Azriel gave a guilty smile. 
“Oh fuck that, I’m going back to Eris” You smirked, faking an exit from the car as he caught your forearm, pulling you back to him grinning. 
“I’ll kiss you better” The hair on the back of your neck stood up at the sultry whisper.
“How drunk are you?” You managed between tender kisses, no longer capable of dismissing how the action made you feel. 
“Sober enough to know I want this, drunk enough to silence the anxiety trying to deny me this” You nodded in agreement, swinging a leg over to the lie flush with the driver's door to straddle your best frenemy. Azriel’s hands traced their way around your waist to steady you as yours wrapped around his throat delicately, your thumbs tipping his jaw back deepening what you had denied one another. Your mouth parted slightly causing him to eagerly take the invitation, his tongue conducting teasing strokes that you happily match. Your hands slid to clutch the material of his shirt, afraid to let go of him and the movement as the glass of the truck began to fog. You cautiously pulled back from him, slipping your arms from the straps of your dress for it to fall to your hips. Azriel’s eyes had a laser focus on yours, his hands tracing over your now bare sides, their warmth burning the chill in your skin with an addictive nature. 
“Have I ever said how much I love this truck?” You tilted back as you laughed at his words, his arms supporting your lower back as he began to nip down your chest. 
“Haven’t you had enough marking me?” You pointed playfully to your eye, Azriel reaching to kiss your purpling cheekbone softly. 
“I’ll forgive you for destroying the inside of this truck if you forgive me for that” “You’re the one who opened the coke!” you hit him playfully into his chest. “And you’re the one who made it a pressurised weapon with your driving!” “Shut up” You chuckled, his hand tracing up your spine to the nape of your neck.
“Gladly” he grinned into the smile he pulled you down into an electric kiss, chills tracing both of you until a sudden beating of the driver side window had you leaping back, your head sailing into the roof of the truck. Your arms slipped back into the straps of your dress, before sliding back to Azriels side in the truck. He cautiously opened the door to find Cassian staring in at him, for the second time that night Azriel contemplated murder. 
“Rhysand and I would just like to know which of us is winning money in our bet?” “And what do we get?” you laughed, replacing the ice pack to your face
“Emmm your tent pegs?” 
“Keep them” you both said in unison, Azriel closing the car door again before meeting you sweetly, all in perfect timing.
Whatcha think? hehe
Juat tagging ye because ye asked for part two @serxndipity-ipity-blog @novabeckersainz55 @happyt0exist
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rinnyyyyyyyyy · 9 months
scud (blade 2) and a male reader 🤭 make it smutty lol‼️
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I actually find him so attractive with that choker so yes.
Gif isn't mine
(I did headcannons because I didn't know what u wanted, lmk if you wanted a actual fic)
Tw- smoking, hair pulling, shotgunnning (i think??), biting, semi public sex(??), leaving marks, burning the reader with a joint
(I'm actually better at writing top😭 I'll try to do a good bottom list tho lol)
• this man definitely likes his hair being pulled. He doesn't have long hair for no reason lolz
• PULL HIS CHOKER. PULL. IT. pull it while he rides you, pull it while you fuck him silly, it doesn't matter pull it
• idc what anybody says this mf is defo a power bottom. Fight me
• honestly I think that he's more of the type to keep the clothes during sex, idk just me? Like, he prefers to have his shirt unbuttoned than off, yk?
• blow smoke in his face. Or let him blow smoke in yours, doent matter, he'll like it. (Unless you don't smoke ofc, but that won't stop him from blowing smoke in yours)
• bite him. Leave marks on him. He doesn't care, he'll glady show them off.
• idk something tells me he gives THE best blow job's ever. Like, idk
• he's defo loud. If you're loud. He's louder.
• blow smoke into his mouth, (if you want to get him horny again lol🤭)
• piggybacking off of the first one, but he will pull the living FUCK outta your hair. (It will hurt you lowk)
• he will definitely blind fold you with his bandana, or ties your hands up with it
• he definitely edges you with his fingers while he smokes. He'll be fingering you with one hand and holding the joint with the other smoking.
• it doesn't matter if he's topping or bottoming you're going to get smoke blown in your face lol
• he'll probably burn you a couple of times too maybe with the joint or make you hit it while he's fucking you silly from behind
• bite him and leave him hickies, just know, he'll do the same to you 10× worse
• even when he's rough with you (like 80% of the time) he will hold you close, he's just one big lover man. He's a lover not a fighter
• when he tops he isn't that loud, think he'd be more quiet to hear your moans n shit
• don't even think about telling him to slow down or be more gentle, he'll do the opposite.
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timetodecidedjo · 2 months
hi saw your post about prompts for Logan and wade! would you write about them getting caught in the act tehe 🙈
Yes!! This one was SO much fun to write!! I’m going to post it to AO3 as well under my username xuaerduobb. I haven’t written and put anything out in quite some time, so if it’s not the best, I’m sorry!
I hope you love it ❤️💛
“Happy birthday, Al!!”
Don’t ask how Wade and Logan pulled it off (it was mostly a lot of help from Laura). It was Althea’s 80th birthday and Wade really wanted to throw her a party with all of their closest friends to remind her of how much they all really loved her. You only turn 80 once, right?
Everyone scrounged up enough money to rent out a small party room inside of a restaurant, one of Al’s favorites, and decorated it just for her. Wade would argue that the need for decorations seemed unnecessary because well… she’s blind. Nevertheless, it came together perfectly, and she was totally surprised.
“Motherfuck!!” She yelled out before backing into Laura who had brought her down to the restaurant from their apartment. She went to grab her small pistol from her pocket, but Logan stopped her before she could.
“Althea, it’s just us. We threw you a birthday party.”
“Oh my sweet Logan!” The elderly woman chimed, pulling him in for a tight hug. Wade’s mouth dropped open like he felt overlooked causing Logan to smirk and laugh.
“You and Laura put this all together for me?” She asked while Logan walked her over to her seat so she could rest from their long walk there.
“Wade helped. Kinda,” he teased before placing a kiss on her cheek.
“It was my idea in the first place!” The merc with a mouth argued while everyone else had already moved on.
Everyone who was able to come to the party were taking their seats, including Dopinder, Ellie (Negasonic Teenage Warhead) and Yukio, Colossus, Vanessa, and Peter. It made Wade’s heart swell to see all of his friends together to celebrate Al, who had truly been like a mother to him. They really were one big, kinda freaky, happy family.
Wade sat down at the table next to his boyfriend and took his free hand on the table. Logan looked over at the merc and smiled, finally getting more comfortable with the idea of PDA. He was never really a big fan of being affectionate in public with anyone, but Wade LOVED showing Logan off to everyone, and LOVED being touchy feely as always. It took some time, but after a while holding Wade’s hand in public was easy. It was a comfort.
“Everything sounds so good!” Vanessa mentioned as everyone looked over the menu in front of them. Laura mentioned something about a sandwich and Peter noted that the steak was ‘just incredible’ there.
“I’m getting the steak too, Peter,” Logan seconded, now turning over to Wade for his decision on dinner.
“What about you, bub?”
“Nothing on this menu entices me the way you do in that sexy flannel button down,” Wade answered, his eyes glancing up and down at his lover. He practically had cartoon heart eyes popping out of his head watching Logan just sit there.
“I’m just going to order for you,” Logan informed as the waitress had gotten to their drink orders.
“I just love a man who takes charge.”
After dinner, it was time for Al to open her birthday gifts. Colossus picked up the table and put it to the side so that everyone could sit comfortably in their chairs to watch the birthday girl open her presents.
“Jesus, do you have to show off like that all the fucking time? Who are you even trying to impress?” Wade asked, mostly to annoy the steel hero.
Colossus just took it in stride and shook his head at the merc.
“Behave yourself, Wade. It’s Althea’s birthday.”
“Who invited the birthday etiquette police?” He quipped back as Logan pulled him down to take his seat. Their seats were at the back of the room, behind everyone else, while Laura helped Al into her seat at the front facing them. She would hand each card and gift to Al and help her open it. They had become very close in the 6 months they had all lived together at their new apartment. When Wade offered Logan a place to stay, and Laura was now with them in their timeline, it only seemed fair to let her stay with them as well. She had just made 19, but needed time to get on her feet, and Logan felt like maybe this was his chance to do right by someone. After all, she was technically his daughter, and they did share a certain connection that Logan felt was important to explore.
Al opened up her first gift bag, this gift from Dopinder, and tried to feel around it to figure out what it was.
“It’s an audiobook for you to listen to when you ride in the cab,” Dopinder beamed, very proud of his thoughtful gift.
“That’s so sweet,” Yukio said as she looked up from her phone, probably tweeting.
Logan watched along with everyone else before he was interrupted by his boyfriend beside him.
“Lo?” Wade said in a hushed tone.
“Wade?” The Wolverine replied without peeling his eyes away from Al.
“I have a proposition for you.”
“This oughta be good. Let’s hear it.”
“I started scoping out the bathroom in this place as soon as we walked in. It’s right down the hall, maybe 10 feet away.”
“Get to it,” Logan replied, sensing Wade’s body shifting closer to his own.
“You look absolutely ravishing this evening and I want — no I need to have you. Right now. In the bathroom.”
Logan hesitated. Was he enjoying himself at the party with all of their friends? Yes. Would he enjoy himself a hell of a lot more in the privacy of the bathroom with Wade? Hell yes.
“Meet me there in 3 minutes.”
Without drawing attention to himself or bothering anyone else, Logan stood up from his seat and began to make his way towards the hall and into the bathroom Wade whispers “go go go go” to his boyfriend as he passed his chair, counting down the seconds before he feels he's in the clear to make his getaway.
Once he believed 3 minutes had passed and Al had opened 2 more gifts, Wade got up to sneak into the bathroom to do ungodly things to the love of his life.
There was only one single private bathroom, no stalls, so thankfully there had been a lock for the door. When Wade opened the door, Logan had been standing there waiting for him with lust filled eyes. He grabbed the merc by the shirt and pulled him close, just to push him up against the door and kiss him.
As much as Wade wanted a 20 minute makeout session, complete with foreplay, they knew they probably didn’t have much time, so if they wanted to make each other come in this public bathroom, it needed to be soon.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Wade mumbled between kisses, his fingers tied up in Logan’s brown locks. “I still can't believe I get to tap that ass whenever I please.”
With one final sloppy kiss, Logan pulled back and gave his lover a smug grin.
“How ‘bout right now?”
Wade threw his head back in disbelief and utter joy while Logan was already undoing his belt and pulling down his jeans, the buckle of his belt rattling loudly in the echoes inside of the bathroom. Wade began doing the same as quickly as he could, and before he knew it, Logan was leaning over the sink counter, bent over and ready.
“Aren’t we an eager beaver? What should we use for lube?”
“Just…” Logan started, already getting impatient. “Just spit in your hand or something, I dont give a fuck. Just get over here and fuck me.”
“God, it’s like you just really get me,” the merc cooed, in utter awe of his partner.
“Now, Wade!” The Wolverine fussed one final time, giving his boyfriend a look of utter grouchiness.
Wade walked up behind Logan, took his aching dick into his hand and spit to give himself some sort of lubrication. He didn’t want to risk taking the time to stretch Logan out due to raising suspicion between their friends, but Logan had asked him before to skip the prep because the guy really didn’t mind the pain.
Slowly, Wade eased himself into Logan’s entrance and groaned at just how good it felt. Logan wasn’t being quiet either, a growl escaping his mouth, as Wade filled him up. It was a little painful, but nothing he couldnt handle, and truthfully, it felt really good anyway. Once the merc found a good rhythm, he gripped one hand around Logan’s neck and the other on his hip. Logan looked back at his lover, begging for a kiss, and Wade happily obliged.
“I love you so fuckin’ much,” Wade mumbled as he lost himself in their love making. It was always like this for the two of them. Every time felt like the first time– exciting and fun and sexy as hell.
Just as Wade could feel himself about to climax, he heard the door to the bathroom push open.
“WHAT. THE. FUCK!” Negasonic Teenage Warhead screeched, immediately letting the door close behind them. Both men hurriedly pulled their clothes back on and tried to catch Ellie before she could get back to the rest of their friends.
“I thought you locked the damn door!” Logan hollered, feeling beyond embarrassed that they had been caught in the act, especially by a friend.
“There was a lock on that door?” Wade questioned back.
When they made it back to the party room, everyone had their heads turned to watch their embarrassing arrival. Both disheveled and out of breath, they stood there and waited for the other to say something.
There was a small silence and then…
“This party was my idea!”
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ranpoedgw · 1 year
the sugar-coating of ranpoe
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as we're all familiar with, ranpoe is a pretty popular ship in the bsd fandom and is often said to be a very healthy/fluffy ship. however, fanon ranpoe is honestly an incredibly sugar-coated version of how they really are in canon. ranpoe is not the fluffy innocent ship people think they are, and are in fact almost as bad as many other ships in bsd. let me explain.
first, i want to talk about the babyfication of ranpoe *in canon*. yes i know authors can't mischaracterise their own characters, but that doesn't mean they can't choose to portray them through a warped view. in ranpoe's case, it's also the authors themselves who choose to portray ranpoe as a comic relief duo. like, the way poe commits (attempted) murder is so unserious? and ranpo (as usual) just... doesn't seem to care that poe tried to kill him? and encourages him to try again?
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compared to skk for example, who when they try to kill each other it's actually portrayed with some kind of intense hatred and/or murderous intent.
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of course i'll never know what the authors were thinking, but they probably chose to portray ranpoe as such with the intention of ranpoe being a fluffy crack ship. which is fine, because they're the authors obviously and they can do what they want, and this also gives ranpoe their own unique dynamic. however, the issue with this is that it causes people to be completely blinded towards what's actually happening between ranpoe, and only see them through the rose-tinted glasses which the authors have handed to us. hence, i'm going to objectively recount everything that happened with ranpoe.
around six years ago, ranpo beat poe in a battle of wits.
poe went into this reclusive state where he refused to interact with other people, and is implied to have been suicidal/depressed.
eventually, poe decides to plot his revenge by writing a novel in order to kill ranpo and obtain the praise and glory that ranpo has.
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six years pass.
poe meets ranpo again, and tries to kill him. he fails.
they end up establishing a mutual relationship where poe writes novels, and ranpo gives him feedback. poe no longer seems to want revenge.
fast forward to chapter 80, by this time ranpo has asked poe for help regarding a lot of things, all agency-related.
one, ranpo said he wanted a showdown to trick poe into writing a novel for him, which he then used against chuuya.
he asked poe to write a novel in about ~30 mins to corner mushitaro.
in the volume 20 omake, ranpo also asked poe to write a novel to house 3 people by the next day.
ranpo asked poe to help him rescue the agency members in chapter 80. poe helped to snipe the lock on kunikida's cell, and prepare a vehicle to save yosano.
in the recent chapters, it was also mentioned that ranpo had poe write a novel to trap fukuchi.
based on this brief (??) summary, you can probably see a bunch of things which are not very right. first of all, poe experienced severe withdrawal after losing his match with ranpo, and for six years his only goal was to defeat him. secondly, poe is doing a LOT of things for ranpo, which aren't really reciprocated. there might also be other things, but i will just focus on these two.
1. poe is heavily reliant on ranpo.
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as you can see, poe is a pretty fragile person. he lost one match to ranpo and basically gave up on life. he became overly reliant on ranpo's existence to affirm his own, and even now he dreads the possibility of ranpo dying and leaving him without a rival. and while poe who has almost no friends is entirely dependent on ranpo, ranpo always has the agency to support him, so he isn't all that emotionally dependent on poe. he still needs poe for his novels and such, but it's not often that he shows/says that poe is really important to him as a person. however, ranpo does clearly appreciate poe's intellect and abilities and praised him before. ranpo never praises people, so this is a pretty big occurrence.
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in this sense, poe really needs ranpo but ranpo doesn't realllly need poe (or at least he doesn't show it).
2. poe does a lot for ranpo but not the other way round. i think this kind of speaks for itself tbh. poe helps ranpo with a whole lot of things, and ranpo doesn't give him much in return. obviously there is something wrong with this, but because poe is so eager to impress/help ranpo, he seems to have no issues with this.
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as you may (unfortunately) know, because of the above reasons some people say that ranpoe's relationship is "toxic" or "abusive", but i believe this is inaccurate. based on a few dictionaries, the word "toxic" carries the meaning of unpleasant, extremely harsh, malicious or harmful. however, ranpo asking poe for help with a lot of things isn't done with the intention to harm or assert control over poe. he just really needs poe's help and poe is willing as well as capable. also, he probably isn't aware that he's overworking poe because he's not sensitive to other people's emotional needs or wants. and poe doesn't do all this because ranpo is threatening him, he's just very (overly) eager to do it.
despite everything, ranpoe isn't completely horrible. they're not the best, but they certainly aren't the worst. none of them seem to visibly hold grudges or have issues with the other, and are generally happy with their current arrangement. they share each other's interests and provide the other with the intellectual stimulus that they need.
also, the authors' "sugar-coating" of their relationship isn't completely off. due to the nature of their personalities, it still makes sense that they can get along. after all, ranpo was once held at gunpoint when he was 14 and didn't give a flip so i doubt he'd really care about poe attempting to murder him. and on poe's side, i think he's always been fragile and a little pathetic so this is pretty normal for him.
and even though their relationship is kinda unbalanced, they do hold each other in equally high regard (including ranpo, although he doesn't show it. he doesn't really show anything) this is also why i think ranpoe isn't an idol-fan relationship. parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other’s existence. poe definitely extends a lot of energy in helping ranpo, i don't deny. but the baseline for a parasocial relationship is that one person is almost unaware of the other. before guild arc this was true, but right now ranpo is very much aware of poe's existence, and admires poe just as much as poe does him. hence, i don't think ranpoe is a parasocial relationship.
overall, ranpoe is still heavily sugar-coated by the fandom and authors who don't really acknowledge the issues within their relationship. however the rose-tinted glasses don't completely warp everything, and their dynamic, both canon and fanon, isn't totally off from how it should be, based on my knowledge of their personalities. they're just a silly little couple doing their silly gay things. everything is fine (half lying)
thanks for reading 🔥🔥
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yoitsjay · 3 months
Hi hi! I was wondering if you could do a headcanon list for Tech x y/n who has chronic pain please 👉🏼👈🏼
Yes absolutely! I did some research and I decided Chronic migraines would be interesting to write about and I'm pretty sure I just figured out I might have it.
Anyway enjoy!
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Worse and Worser
Pairings: Tech x gn! Reader
Summary: you have chronic headaches. Tech finds a way to make it better
Warnings: a bit of angst
•You’ve had Chronic pain since you were a child at the beginning of the clone wars
•Explosions and the light it let off had nearly blinded you and almost made you deaf you so you wore hearing aids, and had to have eye surgery just to see clearly
•The chronic headaches didn’t really start until you were a teenager
•They would last sixteen days, constant headaches and neck pain, dizziness and nausea.
•your parents were part of the republic GAR so they got free healthcare and that included you.
•The doctors told you that you had chronic migraines
•you started taking medication and were able to push through the pain and enrolled in the GAR as a medic
•you specialized in mental medicine mostly, therapy for the clones who suffered PTSD. You also knew combat aid.
•despite your chronic pain the republic sent you out onto the feild anyway
•but you were placed with an elite task force.
•The Bad Batch
•they didn’t like you at first
•but you were smart, and witty and always snapped back with clever replies or jabs
•crosshair approved first when you broke his nose after he said something stupid.
•After that the other men warmed up to you quickly
•then there was Tech.
•You were both oblivious to the feelings you harbored for each other
•even though the rest of the batch could clearly see it
•One day however, your migraines were so bad that you could barely move, and that pain had moved down towards your back
•Tech was very concerned
•he wouldn’t leave your side until you finally told him about your chronic migraines
•you told him about how your home was bombed
•and how you were 80 percent deaf if it wasn't for your aids allowing you to hear
•Tech did some research, and did his best to help you feel better
•hed sit in the darkness with you, and he'd just hold you in silence
•He thought you were very strong though
•being able to deal with that much pain on the loud battlefields
•When you got to Pabu a lot of things changed
•you were able to get some help with your headaches
•and you made the decision to stay behind while they went out into the world
•when Tech ‘died’ you were devastated, and couldn’t get out of bed for weeks because of your crying, dehydration and migraines
•Then they found Tech in Tantiss
•he came home to you
•he saw you in so much pain
•he laid beside you again, in total darkness and told you everything would be alright
•and by his side?
•you knew it would be.
Tag list:
@moomoog017 @only-my-unexistent-fiances
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eternalwritess · 1 month
hazbin hotel and jjk matchup exchange with @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms
i match you with... 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓝𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓲 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
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☞ He definitely met you at Jujutsu tech, maybe some event that was being held there when he was older. He was confused on the exact details of what was going on and decided to approach you since he thought that you might know. When you told him that he didn't he planned on walking away but you kept talking and he found himself constantly responding to you
☞ He didn't even notice how much time had passed as the two or you were talking for about an hour before he noticed that whatever event you were both there for was starting. It was some meeting about giving sorcerers more work, something that Kento wasn't too fond of and grumbled about under his breath, you made a comment agreeing with him and he found himself smiling at your comment, pleasantly surprised
☞ When the meeting ended fate seemed like it hadn't had enough of the two of you together as you were both on the same mission, actually most of them were the same as apparently whoever arranged the schedules thought that you two might make a good team together and they were right. You both mostly stayed on task when fighting curses and when it was done you had some more missions together so Kento ended up asking for your number
☞ That night he ended up texting you asking if you wanted to meet somewhere to discuss the next mission the two of you were facing and you agreed, the two of you ended up going to a nearby bakery where he had a sandwich and some coffee. He also ended up paying for your food and drinks saying that since he called you out here it was the least that he could do
☞ Although if you were worried about not seeing him after the two of you finished all of your missions together you were more than wrong. You found him more than once on several occasions, several cafes, restaurants, and stores that you went to were the same ones that he would and each time he would approach you to see how you were doing and the two of you would end up talking for a while
☞ He didn't realize it right away but he started developing feeling for you but since he found it unprofessional of him he kept it buried deep and told himself that he would never act on them because as a sorcerer it wouldn't work out for the both of you in the end
☞ Eventually and unfortunately for him when the two of you were talking and walking back from a rather troubling mission Gojo just happened to spot the two of you and had it out for Kento, running up to him and saying how he never thought that anyone would actually date him and constantly teasing him
☞ He didn't leave for a while and kept noticing the way that Kento looked at you, soon enough Gojo decided that the pining was getting on his nerves and started saying how 'nanami just wont shut up about you! hes told me hes in love so many times already, its getting kinda sad'
☞ This went on for about fifteen minutes before Kento managed to push him away, finally allowing himself to breathe as he apologized for Gojo's behavior towards you. Yet he never said that he didn't like you and that led you to believe that Gojo was right, when you asked him about it though he only said that it was unprofessional and that the two of you should move on
☞ The next day Gojo set the two of you up for a blind date, why? Why not, he could tell that this slowburn was set on low and he wanted to turn up the heat and see what would happen. Kento wanted to leave the date but Gojo kept him there saying how it was rude and in the end he stayed and you two talked and talked
☞ By the end of the date Kento was unsure but he asked you if you would want something more with him and when you said yes he was pleasantly surprised, and a little horrified... it had nothing to do with you, more that Gojo actually did him a favor for once
☞ Your first date was at a cafe, and he paid for everything once again as you two began to sit down and talk again. Everything felt pretty much the same accept that you two sat closer and Kento complimented you on everything, your hair, style, it was like he couldn't get enough of you
☞ Gojo was ecstatic when he found out that the two of you were dating, constantly jumping up and down with excitement saying how he's glad that you managed 'to tame a grumpy nanami' and how he hoped that you didn't mind him being 'so cold' sometimes. Which you both knew was a lie
☞ When Shoko found out she thought that it was kinda funny how Kento managed to get a girlfriend before Gojo, and she said that only for Gojo to shush her and say that 'he didnt need a girlfriend... or boyfriend-'
☞ Mei Mei didn't react much at first, although she was surprised that it happened, teasing Kento and saying how she thought that he liked to keep it professional and such
☞ Utahime was absolutely ecstatic for it, she bought you two quite a few things as a congratulation gift, and Gojo bullied her for doing so but she yelled at him and then ignored him
☞ Your dynamic is friends to lovers, and workplace lovers <3
☞ He constantly does stuff for you, goes out to by you groceries, fixes anything that you break, helps you with your technique and training. He's around you basically 24/7
☞ When you told him about your love for literature and writing he asked for you to recommend him some books to read, saying that he needed to read more anyways
☞ While he doesn't give you letters per se he does write you little sticky notes on things, placed on food all over the house saying that it was for you or that he thought you'd might want to try something. If you overworked yourself one day you'd find a sticky note next to you when you woke up criticizing you for it
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☞ When you first met him you probably crashed into him when you came into hell and he was confused at first until he realized that you were just a sinner from Earth. He got really sad at that and started lamenting about it as he walked away, before turning around and asking you what got you into Hell in the first place
☞ You told him that you didn't know and thats when he started to get a little confused, he asked you again and said that you must have some idea of what got you there as you must to have done something bad like the majority of people there and when you replied no his face dropped.
☞ Thats when you took hold of the conversation and began asking him questions, he answered them boredly and with a bit of disdain but did so nonetheless and the more he talked to you the more he felt that you didn't belong in Hell, yet he didn't do anything and instead told you to follow him. He took you back to his place and said that you could stay there for the night until you found a proper place to stay
☞ You tried to thank him but he didn't stick around long enough for that, instead disappearing without another word. Every now and then the two of you would talk about something and he would find himself captured by your voice but shook it off and it wasn't till he introduced you to Charlie that she pointed out that he was falling in love
☞ At first he didn't want to admit it but it became more and more apparent and suddenly he couldn't hide it any longer, when he confessed to you it was a huge grand gesture with fireworks and everything (courtesy of Charlie)
☞ When you said that you would date him he didn't know what to do. He started panicking and running all around the place screaming about how he needed to plan for your date... which Charlie helped with
☞ You two had a date at the hotel with Alastor as the server, he kept exchanging insults with Lucifer the entire time but besides that his attention was fully on you... at least when Angel didn't almost burn down the entire building just trynna make some damn pasta for the two of you
☞ You two ended up taking the date agian and this time just having some tea in the lobby while chatting with each other about your goals and such, along with what is going on with your lives. He ended up apologizing for treating you so coldly when he first met you, saying how he didn't really like most sinners at that time and they just reminded him of what he did
☞ You comforted him through it the entire time and he appreciated that a lot from you saying how you didn't have to forgive him at all and that he was 100% in the wrong for what he did in the first place
☞ Charlie was ecstatic to hear that you were dating, jumping up and down and grabbing and shaking Vaggie screaming about how she was going to make sure that everything was going to go smoothly in their relationship and how she was gonna be the cool daughter
☞ Vaggie didn't really care much, she was just happy because Charlie was happy for the two of you
☞ Alastor bullied Lucifer constantly saying how he's surprised that he could get anyone after Lilith and how even that had probably been a mistake on her part, which caused them to fight... again
☞ Relationship dynamic is roommates to lovers and maybe caretaker x whumpee thrown in there?
☞ He tries to take you flying often, he just wants to hold you and cuddle with you man... he doesn't really got a real reason, cut him some slack please
☞ He's scared of doing something wrong to push you away from him and because of this he's always giving you things, complimenting you and even writing you the occasional sappy love letter if he can't hold up to any of his promises even if its the smallest thing ever he instantly wants to make up for it when it comes to you
☞ You ground him and teach him more about his self worth than anything and everyone loves you for it, its a lot less awkward when you're helping him through his anxiety and depression
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dr-futbol-blog · 3 months
Before I Sleep, Pt. 3
So, they get her out of the stasis pod, and they've all gathered around her body as Beckett conducts a medical examination. He finds a piece of paper in her hand that contains gate addresses. What's more interesting, though, is that Sheppard is standing right behind McKay. Like, real close.
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McKay's arm is awkwardly placed, like he doesn't quite know what to do with it. But if it was at his side, they would be touching. That's how close to him Sheppard has chosen to stand (obviously because he just wants to get a better look at the mystery woman). Beckett mentions that he has to run a scan for "any brain activity," which makes McKay glance over his shoulder at Sheppard--because his own brain activity is currently clearly at least 80% not on what it's supposed to be (and he's glad that he can actually even count to five looking over the gate addresses written on the piece of paper). McKay seems real distracted.
He even does the thing with his fist that seems to be somehow Sheppard-related. Is somehow related to Sheppard being close to him. Yes, he's a very nervous man. Yes, he does a lot of talking with his hands. But we consistently see him do this when he has been so near Sheppard that he doesn't know what to do with himself.
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One of the gate addresses is familiar to him, the planet with the children in Childhood's End (S01E05). McKay has a good memory, is excellent at retaining information (as evidenced by the fact that he has memorized PI to the umpteenth decimal). But he remembers much more than symbols and numbers.
He turns, again, to look at Sheppard, this time not so much to confirm his observation but to share in the memory of their visit to the planet. Good times, simpler times.
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As he turns his head back, he is suddenly even closer to Sheppard and unlike what a straight man (or just someone not interested) would likely do, which is to try to maintain the social distance by pulling away in a proportional measure, he makes no move at all. He has no need to maintain a social distance between himself and McKay, he is perfectly comfortable having him inside his personal bubble.
The would-be Ancient woman opens her eyes, and we get a reaction shot of Weir, a reaction shot of Beckett, and then for some reason, the two of them still in the same frame. They get to share their reaction to seeing her revived. What ever this is, what ever this means, they are in it together.
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They're also moving in unison again. The woman opens her eyes and they suspect that she has been blinded by the stasis, prompting McKay to wave his hand over her face. And Sheppard actually leans over his shoulder to look not at her face, which was there for him to look at the whole time, but to follow the movement of his hand.
We are also reminded of the importance of eyes, of the importance of looks, to the narrative with McKay's comment about them. It's not unimportant what or who people look at. When you want to know what's going on with someone, you look at the eyes.
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Now, we don't actually know how much time passed between this scene and the previous. One might imagine that releasing someone from a stasis pod and moving them to the medical bay, in which ever order that happened, might take a while. Hours, possibly even days (but since Sheppard, Ford and Teyla are still in their fatigues, it's likely still the same day).
However long it did take, something is most definitely changed between Sheppard and McKay. If back in the lab McKay was irritated and Sheppard was contrite, and neither would look at the other, that's all changed here. They do look at each other. They're real close. Freaked out as she turns to look at them, McKay actually backs up right into Sheppard. And, once more, Sheppard does not even attempt to maintain the distance (what distance?) between them but instead turns his head so that he, also, is even closer to McKay here as a result.
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It's like... both of them had just suddenly forgotten about the "secrets of Atlantis". And it's not just the body language.
In the lab, McKay ignored Ford's question (which was him just repeating what McKay had just said in an incredulous voice; clearly this did not warrant a response) but while he was arguing with Beckett, he still answered Sheppard's question respectfully, taking the time to explain the science to him without being condescending, not unlike he did during The Storm (S01E10). He was being professional and respectful.
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Here, now, they're bantering:
Old Weir: It worked. McKay: What was that? Weir: She said, "It worked." McKay: What's that mean? Sheppard: I assume something worked. McKay: Yes, that's very sharp! Sheppard: Thank you!
And by bantering I mean flirting. Sheppard is teasing him with something McKay 'always' does, i.e., clarifying the meaning of words to him, and McKay is calling him a big dumbhead by sarcastically praising his intelligence for pointing out the obvious, the whole exchange emphasizing the familiarity between them. The way in which Sheppard says "Thank you" in this earnest way as though he's actually taking it as a compliment is also teasing. The thing about knowing someone very well is that it's easy to get under their skin, the thing about falling in love is that it makes you want to poke fun at those repeated mannerisms and characteristics of theirs that you find adorable just to get a reaction out of them, and the thing about wanting to be close to someone is that sometimes you say things just to hear them say things back to you to keep the never-ending conversation going, even when they might be pointless.
I'll remind you of a scene in First Strike (S03E20):
Sheppard: Shouldn't you guys be bickering or something? McKay: Ah, we've got nothing to bicker about. He's run out of bad ideas… finally. Zelenka: If we survive this, I'm putting in for a transfer. McKay: Oh, please. We both know that you've done your best work under me. Zelenka: Under you?! I'm my own department head, you know. McKay: Please, we both know that department is a joke. Zelenka: What?! Sheppard: Why don't you two guys just make out and get it over with, huh?
Hearing Zelenka and McKay arguing out some science is familiar to Sheppard so finding them not doing that freaks him out, for one. His presence gets them 'bickering' again, although not about anything useful. But his comment, about making out and getting it over with? So you can focus on the task at hand and not be distracted by a building unresolved tension. He's not actually suggesting that McKay and Zelenka should make out, his comment was just meant to snap them out of arguing in the weeds. But he sure seems to be talking from personal experience. And by that time, no one has more experience dealing with Rodney McKay than he does.
So anyway. They do an awful lot of bickering in this episode.
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Weir orders for the room to be under constant video surveillance in case she says anything else, to have the cameras on in the room the whole time, and Sheppard seems to make a mental note of this, looking briefly to his side. She says "I want video on her at all times recording everything" and it's especially the word 'everything' that Sheppard reacts to (and prior to this, also to the word 'sleep'). Seems like he has no intention of getting caught doing anything he's not supposed to on video. And yet, as Weir leaves and McKay has space to step forward, he steps forward with him. Sheppard is just about as close to McKay as he wants to be, drawn forward with him as by a magnet.
While they're close at the side of her bed, we find them even closer in the next scene. Yes, even closer. They are so close that they are actually touching. We find them sitting in the control room, at the same station McKay was at when they were discussing the new quarters earlier. Sheppard has removed his jacket, which is resting on the chair back behind him either because he was feeling overheated or because he wanted to feel more relaxed. And they both do seem to feel relaxed where they are.
They appear to be looking at the same schematic of Atlantis he was looking at earlier. This puts their conversation in the context of the quarters but as mentioned previously, the dialogue makes more sense pertaining to something (singular) in the quarters (plural) than just to the size of the quarters Sheppard had been checking out. Some people interpret them as discussing the size of Atlantis since they seem to be staring at a schematic of the whole city but, um. They all know Atlantis is huge, and Sheppard's comment "It's not that... [big]" makes no goddamn sense in that regard. So, yeah. They're discussing something that's not on the screen right in front of them and, once more, we (along with Weir) walk right into the middle of their private conversation.
The thing is, when Weir walks in, they change the subject. Sheppard's entire demeanor changes as she walks in. When it was just the two of them, they were talking in soft tones, a real intimacy in the exchange.
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(Note the two male couples in the background, one couple coming up the stairs turned toward each other in conversation and the other just chilling and talking in the background standing real close to each other; priming the audience).
They clearly lie about the topic of their conversation:
Weir: Gentlemen. Sheppard: We were just wondering whether there were any other frozen bodies out there in Atlantis that we haven't discovered. McKay: And I was just saying there's no way of knowing in the short term. It'd be like searching every room in every building in Manhattan. It'll, uh, take a while. God knows what other kinds of surprises are out there not showing on the sensors.
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First of all, Weir calls them 'gentlemen' again, as though they form a unit in her mind.
But more importantly, if they had been talking about what they report to her they were just talking about, there would be no need to emphasize the fact that they had just been talking about that, really and truly, scout's honour, repeating to her verbatim what they were just discussing, Ma'am. They got caught having a private conversation where they should have been doing actual work. They're coming up with this discussion that they probably should have been having ad hoc and ex tempore in front of her, now.
If their discussion about the size of Atlantis had been important, Weir would have walked in to hear the actual discussion and not this later paraphrase of an earlier discussion. But she does not, she walks in and by her presence, causes them to change the topic. Because that's not what they were talking about. And they are lying.
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And Weir knows that they're lying.
I mean, which of these makes more sense, when we change pronouns into actual nouns:
Sheppard: [Atlantis] is too big, huh? McKay: I'm not saying [Atlantis] is too big, I'm just pointing out its dimensions. Sheppard: Huh. [Atlantis] isn't that… [big]
Atlantis is huge. McKay just told us it's the size of Manhattan. Sheppard's comment makes no sense in this context. Atlantis is that big. But interpreting the dialogue in the context of the conversation they were actually having earlier puts their dialogue in a context that makes more sense:
Sheppard: [The bed in the quarters I pointed out to you] is too big [to pass as a comfortable single], huh? McKay: I'm not saying [the bed] is too big, I'm just pointing out its dimensions. Sheppard: Huh. [The bed] isn't that... [big, it could pass as a single].
And, again, while the title of the episode is a reference to Robert Frost ("My little horse must think it queer...") and the endless miles Elizabeth Weir had to endure to save the expedition, sleeping is central to this episode. Not only do we watch her sleep a lot, but we also see both McKay and Sheppard asleep in the same room together, and Sheppard just had a strange reaction to the word 'sleep' back when he was standing right behind McKay. So interpreting their conversation as being about beds for sleeping isn't outlandish.
What ever else you think might happen in or on them is a whole other question, but Sheppard and McKay not having comfortable beds to sleep in is written into the episode. So. Atlantis is big. Miles to go before they sleep, and all.
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Beckett alerts them to the fact that she's awake and talking. McKay is interested to hear what she has to say. Sheppard is much slower in wanting to leave the cozy place he had just been sitting at. Could be he even needed a minute.
Continued in Pt. 4
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koukaaa-descent · 7 months
tell me more about monsoon and indigo please (politely) ((its Hollie and Rose)) (((Rose is our Bracken)))
starting with monsoon,,
Monsoon gestated on Vow and was born there. Its birdlike attributes came about because a manticoil died and was absorbed into the soil almost directly above Monsoon’s incubation area, further changing its features. A Bracken is a very adaptable creature in its early life stages.
Monsoon’s beak isn’t explicitly hooked as you might expect in a hawk or falcon. It has a small curve and remains very sharp but seems otherwise harmless. (Indigo would say otherwise; whilst raising Monsoon, it bit him enough times while feeding that he has enough scars to cover half of his hands and some even go up to his forearms. Three bites went down to the bone. Monsoon has, indeed, consumed some small pieces of Indigo.)
The blue dots scattered on Monsoon’s body are a result of a regular variation in Bracken markings, typical of the baseline species. They work typically to confuse its prey or otherwise disorient, seeing as the contrast between the reds and stark blues serves to strain most of its prey species’ eyes. This usually presents in normal brackens as varying browns, light blues and whites.
They also have a lot of symbolism for Indigo. Beneath the light, they appear to be a stark shade of (the color) indigo. Indigo considers them to be the mark that he himself has left on Monsoon’s life.
Monsoon is a ‘special case’ among brackens regarding symbiotic behaviors typically shown with the ones that raised it. Normally, a Bracken leaves their pseudo parents after reaching a juvenile age. Monsoon stays with Indigo far beyond that age range, and displays behaviors that are incredibly odd. You could consider Monsoon to be technically tame. (It is still a wild thing!!!! A very wild thing!!!)
There have been no recorded cases of a Bracken being raised by a humanoid before then. This excludes Masked and Coil-heads. Thus, the behaviors that Monsoon has adopted are recognizable as Indigo’s own habits, body language, and tones.
Monsoon’s kind of like a very large bird. It does sometimes ‘preen’ the foliage on its back. (Yes, it tries to preen Indigo too, to varying success.)
Monsoon runs fairly cold, as it does not have blood.
It does not have bones.
It does have organs.
Monsoon has never met another Bracken, but has interacted closely with Nutcrackers, Masked and jesters. (It likes the music :])
Monsoon is very flexible. It does not have bones to restrain it.
It’s an extremely messy eater. Indigo mostly just lands on March or Vow and lets Monsoon hunt down some manticoils. There have been multiple occasions where Monsoon’s dragged a masked’s corpse back half eaten, oftentimes with the masked still writhing. It’s kind of like how cats drag rats back home.
Ok. Ok I could say More. But I have to move onto Indigo or else I never will
Indigo has four molars and an overbite.
He cannot hear amazingly well, but his sense of hearing is very keen in regards to small, barely audible sounds. For example, he would sooner pick up on a Bracken’s leaves rustling a room away than he would a jester’s song. There are certain frequencies that Indigo cannot hear at all (which also ties in a bit regarding his struggle to hear a jester’s song.)
His eyes are rounded and fairly similar to a Bracken’s, minus the glow. They’re just a solid, glassy white. He is not blind.
Due to his biological composition, there are certain entities who may entirely ignore him. Coil-heads, Masked and Nutcrackers never pay much attention to him unless he explicitly attempts to catch their attention. The chances that they outright ignore his presence are about an 80/20 ratio.
Indigo does not have a good grasp of his emotions.
Indigo is the one who named Monsoon.
Indigo has no real idea how old he is physically, yet retains physical reflexes and body language from previous ‘iterations’ of him. (previous individuals/creatures he was made from.)
He has salivated blood before. Small amounts that stung the inside of his mouth. Wonder where that came from?
Indigo does not have a stomach.
Indigo spent 2 weeks of his life raising Monsoon. Before that, he’d only been alive for roughly four days and with his original crew for two days before getting two of them killed as a result of his actions. The third died in the attempt to protect him from a Masked, which was curious about him, which ultimately meant nothing.
There are incredibly small spines that extend from the bones of his spinal cord, usually remaining pressed flat against his skin to avoid chafing. The longest is only an inch long.
Indigo bites things a lot as a way to stim. It also feels good for his teeth.
Autism. He’s just not alive long enough to discover most of the symptoms aside from biting.
Again, he’s very bad at social interactions. He’s more likely to stare than he is to respond if you greet him.
this is all I can think of rn .,,,. My brain Empty….
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 month
Hi! Do you by chance have any kind of reading list for newbies to romance who want good examples of common tropes & an understanding of how the genre has evolved over time? Or recs for iconic titles and pioneer authors in the genre? I know Nora Roberts and Danielle Steele are everywhere but are they really the best place to start?
I can offer some recs/guidance! My word definitely isn't gospel and I have my blind spots—I try to read diversely, but I can always do better and am a white, cis, physically abled woman.
Soooo in terms of Nora and Danielle, I'd say yes to trying Nora, no to her necessarily being the best START, and personally I don't care for Danielle's books. But that's a pure taste issue, and the big thing is that the vast majority of Nora's books are romance (more recently, she's been published some dystopia/fantasy-bent stuff with romantic subplots while still publishing romance, I believe, and she's been publishing her In Death series, which is romantic suspense with some sci-fi elements, for years as J.D. Robb) whereas a lot of Danielle's books aren't. The first Danielle Steel book I ever read as a kid was pitched as a romance. It wasn't, and I hated it.
Nora is very good, but I do think she can be a bit overwhelming for new readers just because she's been through so many eras. She also has a very distinct voice, and you're either gonna be into it or you aren't. Nora writes a lot of trilogies, which will sometimes offer standalones and sometimes reeeeally read as interconnected series that happen to focus more on one of three couples per book (while the other couples still stay on as strong supporting characters). See my favorite books I've read by her, the Circle Trilogy. It's paranormal romance with a strong fantasy element. While each book centers one of of three couples, the books must be read in order and all feed into this overarching "save the day" storyline.
But to cut to the chase... Here are some books that can offer you an intro "sampler".
Iconique Classiques
A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught. This medieval romance is enemies to lovers where they're LEGIT enemies to lovers, with a delightfully complicated heroine. It's a great example of Judith McNaught, who is a foundational author, and despite being written in the 80s (with all that entails) it holds up really well.
The Bride by Julie Garwood. Another foundational medieval with a "oh, this is 80s but it hjolds up" vibe. Arranged marriage with a classic medieval setup: the Border Marriage! (Scotland x England marriage for political purposes.) Alec Kincaid is an EXTREMELY influential hero, and this is just such a fun book.
Indigo by Beverly Jenkins. Beverly Jenkins isn't by any means the only author who's written historical romances about Black characters, but she's perhaps the most influential and probably the historical romance novelist wh does the most research in general. Her writing is gorgeous, and this book focused on a practical heroine who ends up in over her head after she nurses an infamously rakish Underground Railroad conductor back to health is just so romantic.
A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux. This is a really interesting romance, again very 80s but still good (imo). It focuses on a heroine in the 80s who goes to a church to cry wishing for a knight in shining armor after being abandoned by her douchey fiance. Then a literal medieval knight literally time travels right before her eyes. And he's also a douche lol. But a hot one!
Johanna Lindsey is also a very influential author in the genre, but a lot of her big CLASSICS are more noncon-leaning. A big one is Prisoner of My Desire, in which the heroine is forced to rape the hero in order to get pregnant (he later does the same to her in revenge... and then they fall in love). Kathleen E. Woodiwiss's The Flame and the Flower also features the hero raping the heroine, and it's also a classic. I won't get into it on a request post, but if you want to explore the genre more academically~ and are okay with reading noncon, I'd encourage checking out these and/or McNaught's Whitney, My Love. They're good books, imo, but the reality is that consent issues are a part of the genre's history, and that books with consent issues did and DO appeal to many romance readers for reasons that I think relate to the genre's appeal in a big way.
Kiss an Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Susan Elizabeth Phillips did a lot to work towards the contemporary romcoms of today, except her books are often a lot more romantic and a lot funnier. This one is also generally WILD with a super dickish alpha hero who takes the heroine (who was forced to marry him by her dad) on a jaunt around the country with a TRAVELING CIRCUS. It's crazy. It's extremely fun. It's WILD.
To Love a Dark Lord by Anne Stuart. This is another historical, and to me it shows a lot of the early seeds of dark romance. You have a shady hero, a deal with the devil, and high stakes throughout. Stuart writes the biggest assholes for heroes, but this one is on the softer side for her.
Reel by Kennedy Ryan. Kennedy is one of the best in the biz! This book focuses on a famous director who falls for the up and coming actress he's chosen to star in his passion project. But she has a secret that could come between them. It also has a unique quality in that it goes back and forth between their story and the movie "script", which tells its own love story.
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert. The first in Hibbert's funny, feelings-y, and hot Brown Sisters trilogy. Showcases a heroine with chronic pain who decides to get a life (as the title suggests) witht he help of her hot neighbor.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez. A super unique billionaire romance with a Latina heroine who is in fact the billionaire, making a very unique deal with a prince in need...
How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang. A successful author sets out to have her books adapted into a TV show, only to find out that one of the writers on the show is a man who was pulled into her sister's suicide when they were teens. (Basically: her sister jumped in front of his car, it was by no means his fault but the heroine and her parents hated him for it.) They can't resist their chemistry as adults, and begin a short-term no-strings thing that obviously... is a lot more. SUPER emotional, super hot, would recommend 100000%. READ THIS OVER EMILY HENRY. IMO.
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid. A great way to try sports romance, and a particular niche of sports romance called hockey romance, and a particular niche of hockey romance called GAY hockey romance. One of the only hockey romances I'm into, about a pair of longtime rivals who've secretly had a FWB situationship for years and are clearly in love but can't handle admitting it. SO. GOOD.
Chef's Choice by T.J. Alexander. A classic fake dating setup with a lot of cooking when a down on her luck woman agrees to pretend to date the French heir to a famous cooking family while he takes on a cooking... challenge...? To lock in his inheritance. A book with a trans hero and a trans heroine, rare (unfortunately) in romance.
Managed by Kristen Callihan. This is a great example of a rockstar romance, albeit one that focuses more on the manager of the band who's sooo uptight, and the social media girl/photographer he can't live without.
Lead by Kylie Scott. And if you want a rockstar romance that's about, well, the rockstar side... Here's a book about a recovering addict frontman whose world is turned upside down when his hard-ass assistant/sober living companion/unintentional best friend quits her job (because she just realized that somehow she's fallen in love with him).
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang. A woman on the spectrum who's convinced that she's bad in bed (and wants to get married to please her family) hires a sex worker to get her out of her funk. Definitely recommend!
Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas. This is the prequel to Kleypas's Wallflowers series. By and large, I generally recommend trying to read older editions of Lisa's earlier books—she's been making a lot of edits since 2015ish that I don't... love.... I haven't heard of any edits being made to this one, though, and she's one of the greatest historical romance authors of all time. This is a dual romance, with a second chance/revenge interclass romance as the main story, with an age gap sort of redemption romance in the second story. Both are excellent.
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt. Hoyt's entire Maiden Lane series is sooo good, but if you're going to read one book by her, go for the one with the virgin vigilante hero who finds love with a jaded society widow.
The Duke Gets Even by Joanna Shupe. This is a standalone that's even better when you read the prior books in its series first. However, I think it's a great sendup of historical romance tropes—you get a rakish heroine, a hero who likes some rough sex (giving AND receiving bites and bruises) and a lot of HIGH OCTANE EMOTION with a feminist streak.
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall. A friends to lovers romance between a PTSD-ridden duke and a woman who, unbeknownst to him, is his best friend from before the war, who faked her death after the Battle of Waterloo in order to live as her true self. A rare historical romance with a trans heroine.
The Dragon and The Pearl by Jeannie Lin. A cat and mouse villain/kidnapping romance set in Tang Dynasty China. Super tense in the best possible way.
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera. A sapphic romance set in 1800s Paris, with one heroine being forced to show the other the secrets of the lesbian art community as a part of a business deal.
Princess by Gaelen Foley. To me, this is a great example of CAMPY 90s bodice ripper vibes in the best possible way. A bodyguard! A princess! An age gap! It can't be! She lactates when he sucks on her tits (she's a virgin).
The Mistress Experience by Scarlett Peckham. A sex work-positive romance with a shy hero and a bold heroine, a super modern and exciting look at historicals.
Devil's Bride by Stephanie Laurens. This is one I would definitely recommend to see a throwback—it's a great example of the campy historicals focused on one big family, with a solid dose of humor. And I mean... you kind of need to read a book with a hero named Devil.
Unmasked by the Marquess by Cat Sebastian. A super lovely friends to lovers romance with a nonbinary protagonist. It definitely broke new ground in historical romance.
Waking Up with the Duke by Lorraine Heath. Lorraine is one of the best historical romance writers in the game and is known for turning bonkers plots (in this case, local man agrees to impregnate his impotent best friend's wife) into suuuuuuper emotional love stories. A must-read.
Paranormal Romance
Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh. A really interesting, influential shifter romance with a heroine who's literally incapable of feeling emotion... falling for a hero who's a literal panther shifter that feels ALL the emotion.
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole. A CLASSIC paranormal romance and the first full-length installment of Immortals After Dark, the best PNR series I've ever read. Very classic hyper alpha werewolf book, with the "feminine but headstrong" heroine type Kresley's so good at. I would also make your way to Lothaire, which is later in the series but probably the BEST vampire romance novel I've ever read. A true example of a villain romance, which can be hard to find.
Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison. Another Big Alpha romance with mating bond stuff, this time featuring a dragon shifter who hunts the heroine down after she steals from him.
Morning Glory Milking Farm by C.M. Nascosta. Not MY favorite book, but it's cute, and if you want an example of the modern "soft monster" romance, this... is it. (Run, Run Rabbit is my Nascosta of choice, but it's definitely a darker bite and feels a bit less "monster romance" to me as the leads are werewolves. To me, a monster should be less... humanoid.)
Bride by Ali Hazelwood. I really liked this, but I also think it's good to read to see the contrast between currently lite paranormals and paranormals from the height of the early 2000s wave. Plus, it's a tradpub book with knotting, which... shows how far we've come lmao
Moonglow by Kristen Callihan. Another KCallihan, but she writes across so many subgenres! This one I'm recommending to illustrate a particular niche we don't get enough of—historical paranormals. A werewolf/witch book set in Victorian London? And he's a Scottish rake? HELL YEAH.
A Long Time Dead by Samara Breger. A recent release that offers more gothic approach, with a romance between sapphic vampires spanning centuries. You can totally see an Interview with the Vampire call and response thing going on, but as a true romance novel with more explicit queerness (referring to the Interview book, not the show).
Erotic Romance
Priest by Sierra Simone. Good for dipping your toes into the Sierra Simone waters, a very classic "taboo" (but the taboo is religious, so it's light for a lot of people) romance between a Catholic priest and a woman seeking to unburden herself. With unique usages for holy oils. For Simone, I'll also recommend..............
The New Camelot Trilogy. This is for people who are ready to expand a bit and explore poly romance—I personally don't think anyone writes poly as well as Simone. An MMF triad retelling of the King Arthur myth, with the president, vice president, and first lady in a tangled, semi-dark-but-more-emotionally-speaking-not-violently-speaking triangle. Her writing is MAGNIFIQUE.
Praise by Sara Cate. Sara Cate is hit or miss for me, but this one is a great way to try her out while getting a good example of a "sex club" romance. The heroine ends up in a light D/s relationship with her ex-boyfriend's dad, with a good bit of praise involved. ;)
The Master by Kresley Cole. Another author who has to be featured multiple times due to her expansiveness. This one is a Russian mafia book that involves some truuuuuuly interesting... devices. But also, a lot of heart, as Kresley Cole is so good at making everything work. An interesting contrast to Lothaire, which I maintain is the paranormal version of this book in a lot of ways.
Mafia Mistress by Mila Finelli. A great example of an Italian mafia romance, with a massive age gap and some daddy stuff. I will also say—it does end on a cliffhanger and you need to read Mafia Darling to get the full story. Mafia Madman is actually my favorite in this series and is about a different couple, but they're ALL super good.
His Valet by S.M. LaViolette. A historical erotic romance with boss/employee stuff, secret identity stuff, a great grovel, and a nonbinary protagonist. Gorgeously written, daring, and a must.
Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre. A billionaire romance that critiques the very concept of billionaires, and a great example of a soft femdom romance.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. An interesting and again self-analytical daddy age gap romance.
Fantasy Romance
A Heart of Blood and Ashes by Milla Vane. An amazing barbarian-type romance with a big fantasy world and a ton of heat and swoony passion. A must!
The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks. I just think this series is everything people tell you ACOTAR is, and I would absolutely recommend for multiple great romances (m/f and m/m), complex characters, and amazing dynamics throughout.
Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco. This kicks off Maniscalco's Kingdom of the Wicked series, with witchcraft, demons, and more. This series began with a YA tone (the heroine was never underage, though) but in the second book Maniscalco transitioned to a fully adult sphere (and content...). You could also begin with the "adult from the start" spinoff Throne of the Fallen, it's up to you.
The Wisteria Society for Lady Scoundrels by India Holton. A whimsical and super romantic book kicking off a series with thieves, flying pirates, witches, and a ton of humor with a historical romance bent.
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson. Another high fantasy type romance with a conquering winter king marrying a summer princess in a true-making arrangement. Ice sculptures, war, and enemies to lovers goodness ensues.
Aaaand I don't read a lot of alien/sci-fi romance, but I'd definitely say that everyone should give Ruby Dixon's Ice Planet Barbarians series a try for the culture! Barbarian's Mate is my favorite, but Barbarian Alien might be a good place for newbies to start.
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peacesells-imbuying · 13 days
80's. Platonic fic pls. Reader and Slash are roommates everyone thinks they're dating but they see each other as siblings and nothing more. Also maybe reader can date Duff? 👀 TY love ur fics!
omg yes 💞🦈 will be on a break after this is posted 😋
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Growing up you never had a sibling, as you were an only child. Never had anyone to bother or talk to 24/7. So after high school, you decided to find a roommate in California. Risky but life is too short. Your parents were completely against it, but you were a full grown adult so you didn’t care. 
“Hey, what’s your name?” You stood in front of a tall curly man. He seemed nice and polite. “Slash. You?” After telling him your name you both instantly clicked. “Hey Slash, would like to be my roommate?” A bright smile blinded you as he was excited. “Definitely.” 
That’s how you ended up having(later on)the famous Slash from GNR, be your fucking roommate. It did feel unreal sometimes. But you loved having him as a roommate. He was the sibling you always wanted. From annoying him to listening him play the guitar was something you always cherished. 
Slash was having a childhood friend come over, you were fine with it. So there you sat with Slash and his blonde haired friend. “Meet Steven Adler. We grew up together. He plays drum even thought me the guitar.” Steven talent amazed you. “Woah, you’re so fucking cool Steven! You’re welcome anytime. A friend of Slash is now mine.” Steven smiled back happily. “Wow, thank you that means a lot.” 
3 months later, you got a job while Steven and Slash were with Guns N Roses. You hanged out with them a couple of times before, they didn’t mind. Axl, Izzy, Steven and Duff were kind and always asked for your feedback, which you gladly gave. Occasionally at night, you and slash joked about you falling in love with one of them. Unfortunately he was right. 
“Ha I fucking told you!” Slash was messing with his guitar. “Okay shut up smart ass.” You sat next to him slapping his arm. “So, which one? Who’s the lucky guy?” You blushed a bit. “Duff.” Slash just smirked and went back to his guitar. 
Everyone knew you were dating Duff but the world didn’t. During interviews, Slash would get the same questions. “Are you dating your roommate?” Slash replies with, “No, we are just close friends. I see her as a sister, and she sees me as her brother. Nothing else. She is in a relationship.” Of course, Slash didn’t reveal about Duff. As it was for you and Duff decision alone. Which he respected. 
All the fans and media were surprised in the end. You and duff being a couple was crazy but adorable. Some were sad that you weren’t dating Slash, but they got over it. After you and Slash moved out, nothing changed between the two of you.
Forever siblings that cared for each other.
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 months
[Takes place after this, Belial, 80 and Riku are sitting the living room waiting for R/n to explain herself, this had been a long time coming that's for sure. Belial had suspected for while that R/n wasn't human and been patient with his wife hoping she'd open up to him eventually but that didn't seem to be in the cards until now...]
Riku: I just don't understand how Isla could have gotten her powers so early, Akari said her powers didn't fully show up until she was around 6.
Belial: That because Isla is a full blooded giant not a half-breed like the Zero brat's sister.
Riku: What?
*He looks at R/n who stares down at her lap.*
R/n: I don't know how to start this out.
80: Just do your best to explain.
R/n: Well, I guess it's no secret that I'm not what I appear to be- I think you figured it out over time or in Riku's case just this second...
Riku: You're not human?
R/n: No, I'm not....I need to get something.
[R/n gets out of her chair and goes into her office, she returned a few moment later with an old book, She opened it and places it on the table for them to see, It was photo of a picture stone from the viking age depicting a giant being fighting a dragon falling from the sky while tiny people cower from them.]
R/n: We were peaceful race that once lived together with humans, but as these things go our relationship soured and we were soon driven into hiding...
Belial: How the hell can mere humans force a race of giants into hiding?
R/n: Because that same race of giants were stupid enough to give some of those humans advanced weaponry to help combat threats. From a war hammer that controls lightning, to replacing a blind man's eyes with cybernetics so powerful they allowed him to see people half way across the land as though they were right next to him; we were naive... and we paid the price for it.
80: Wait, wait...A lighting hammer, a man with all seeing eyes? that sounds almost like...R/n, are you a jötunn?
R/n: Yes, but I've become quite used to the name frost giant, seems quite fitting considering...uh, ah!
[R/n grabs Riku's glass of juice off the table and stares at it, a few seconds later a layer of frost formed on the outside, R/n then used the reusable straw to pull the now Popsicle She handed it off to a stunned Riku.]
Riku: Is explains the snow thing...
80: And why your office is always so cold.
Belial: Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me?
R/n: I was scared, okay?
80: Scared of what?
R/n: That...I- I thought if you knew what I was you were going tried to experiment on me or put in a zoo or something.
Riku: That's ridiculous, why would anyone-
R/n: Because I'm the last of my kind! The jötunn are gone I'm all that's left. and as soon as some rich prick alien figures it out; they'll do anything just have to have me. Especially when they figure out my lineage...
Belial: You're linage? What were your parents royals or something?
R/n: Humans have been known to call me Hel, though that was never my name to begin with.
Riku: Your father was Loki?!
R/n: Nods
Belial, still lost: Loki? Whose Loki? Was he important?
Riku: Loki was the god of mischief and was considered king of the frost giants. He had three kids with his mistress, a giant snake who circles the world, a wolf that never stops growing and a girl whose body was half rotting...
Belial: R/n doesn't look like she rotting away to me...
R/n: Yeah, those tales were very exaggerated...
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cto10121 · 5 months
Twilight Clown Takes—Part 7
Featuring Twilight being both queer and homophobic, more deranged Rosalie fan dumb, and a random simping for Sarah J. Maas. On nom nom away
Twilight Is Homophobic AND Queer!!1!!
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Or…and I’m just throwing it out there…Twilight is a romance and the romance genre are notoriously heterosexual???? To the point where one of its nastier tropes is the predatory gay villain (looking at you, Outlander)????
Hell, even now the number of homosexual characters in romances are low, mostly just limited to supporting characters. I suppose it’s improved in recent years, but even in fantasy romance you get, like, Mor from ACOTAR.
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At least Clown OP has the self-awareness to know they are indeed writing fanfic.
But regarding the “Edward/Bella would never last and they would get divorced!!” clownery…what canonical basis is there even???? They could barely last six months apart without having a complete nervous breakdown. Yes, they are blinded by their own insecurities and delusions, but they eventually communicate and resolve their issues fairly easily. Their love proves greater and helps them overcome these.
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You would think Kristen Stewart would have an easier time playing Bella if she were so obviously bi-coded. Instead we got the most awkward and ill-fitting performance of a major character in years, to the point where her version of the character is among the most hated film characters—ever. Part of it is definitely the stupid script and questionable direction, but there is also a matter of casting type. Bella is a modernized romance heroine while Stewart is a grounded indie actress who at BEST can play a major fantasy heroine—a more emotionally intelligent version of Katniss. Perhaps an animated TV show will be beneficial in that respect, in actually casting for the character.
Rosalie Fan Dumb
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Bella: *wants to be a vampire*
Rosalie: How dare you, an autonomous individual different from me, make a completely different choice than what I would make!!!1!! 😡
Clown OP: Complexity 😍
Seriously, we have got to have a long talk about this fandom’s idealization of Rosalie resenting Bella her own autonomy and pissing on her own choices. Edward literally has the exact same position as Rosalie (except that homeboy doesn’t hate Bella for it and understands why) but he is criticized so much more harshly. What the hell is going on?
Also, Bella was gung-ho on becoming a vampire anyway, so this pregnancy did not change her plans in the slightest. Hell, it was her plan to get changed right after birthing Renesmee, so it was all on her terms. Let’s not pretend she was at any point coerced into vampirism! For all this whinging about Bella’s agency, it’s the anti fandom itself that refuses to acknowledge it.
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Except that in Midnight Sun we do see Rosalie’s hostility from Edward’s POV and boy, is it super petty and irrational—she cannot even stand to be in the same room as Bella! It’s completely juvenile, which is well, par de course for vampires frozen in their adolescent state.
But again we have the victim blaming. Bella’s existence doesn’t endanger the Cullens; it’s the Cullens’ existence that endangers Bella, as Edward correctly notes and angsts about. The only way Bella endangers the Cullens is that she knows their secret—but of course, she would never tell, so it’s moot point. It’s not even on the table after the car accident scene.
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Sarah J. Maas? You mean the author with prose like unseasoned rice? You mean the author with 80% of the most boring ass worldbuilding and 20% actual erotic sex scenes, her actual strength? You mean the author who literally turned her first love interest evil and stripped him of all his personality in the sequel just so that her female MC could end up with the fan favorite antagonist (who drugged her and made her dance suggestively in front of people)? That Sarah J. Maas? A better writer than Meyer? Really????
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keemitthefeog · 11 months
im 🗣️ yelling 🗣️
thoughts about willow under the cut (with spoilers obviously)
loved the scenes that actually focused on magic. this tv show felt like a rare one where what the audience wants out of a traveling group of adventurers is present. like elora learns magic and theres that sick shattered sea montage where they all train together and shit. very fun.
this isnt going to be a huge read more or anything but the biggest thing was
WHERE WAS THE HYPE FOR BOORMAN???? WAS I JUST BLIND TO IT? or did you motherfuckers really just never talk about him???
bc yes yes kit and jade, yes yes willow mentoring elora, yes yes graydon character development (ig lol, i liked graydon though)
but BOORMAN, my best friend boorman. Amar Chadha-Patel was literally so amazing. he's maybe my favorite guilt-filled, heart of gold buried deep under ground, comedy relief character ive seen in a tv show. the way he asked in the last episode maybe they should all make out 😭 so out of pocket but soo funny
but his sort of mentor-uncle-adjacent vibe with kit was so good too, like very much detached from her but also her father was such a huge person in his life, so he wants to help her and ough. im not being articulate about it but i liked it a lot.
him and graydon being buddies the whole trip was also fun
yall were sick for not telling me about boorman. hes the best character.
i can see why people are upset about it getting cancelled, this is maybe the best representation of a fantasy setting ive seen in TV. it feels very true to its 80s roots while also having modern appeal. but like. the set design, the character design, the actual magic language and spells and shit. it was SO FUN because thats what fantasy is!! i liked it even more than the D&D movie's attempt at fantasy
however ☝️ why did they CG the crone. an amazing melted face with actual practical efx makeup would have been soooo cool. LAME for making her all gross with cgi
other than that though, i thought the mix of practical and cg was pretty well balanced and looked good ✌️
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wolfieloveswade · 2 months
Logan and Wade AU Fanfic-Save Wade Wilson
Chapter 2: Without You I'm Nothing
*Logan and Wade are sitting on the bed in the hotel room, Drive by The Cars plays quietly on the radio*
Logan: this was our song Wade...
Wade: our song?
Logan: *sniffles, squeezes one of Wade's hands* I'm scared of losing you...I've already lost you before
Wade: *squeezes back* you and I were really in love weren't we?
Logan: you were my everything...
Wade: *sniffles* I'm recently divorced... My uh...my wife cheated on me and left me for a guy.with more... More everything...I didn't think anyone would be madly in love with me...
Logan: well I am...
Wade: Logan...I'm scared of being in love again...but you tell me that you're my husband from the future...and I feel safe with you
Logan: *holds Wade's face, stares into his eyes* I haven't kissed you for months...I miss the warmth of your skin on mine...I miss you... I miss making love to you...
Wade: that's really really hot
Logan: *giggles, sniffles* look at you baby...God it almost hurts to look at you...I can't not wanna touch you *sobs*
Wade: Logan...You can touch me...I'm right here...
Logan: *sniffles* I lost you 3 months ago...it hurts...it hurts to see you... alive and so beautiful
Wade: *sniffles* no one's ever called me beautiful before
Logan: what are they fucking blind?
Wade: I guess so
Logan: *squeezes Wade's hand and kisses it* promise me baby...promise me you won't leave my sight...Please...
Wade: I promise...
Logan: I know you don't know me yet on this timeline... But you and me were all over each other in our correct timeline
Wade: *smiles* somehow I believe you
Logan: we fought together... That's how we fell in love...fighting evil and looking hot while doing it *giggles*
Wade: *giggles* ...I get to fight like you do?
Logan: yeah....*smirks* and you look really hot when you do it too...
Wade: you look really hot yourself
Logan: Wade...I'm trying not to lose control around you...
Wade: damn I must be amazing in bed *cracks up* holy shit
Logan: you are *smirks*
Wade: you look like you'd be amazing in bed yourself honey badger
Logan: *chuckles*
Wade: oh you like that? You like that I called you honey badger?
Logan: you used to call me that, a lot
Wade: well shit, that sounds like me alright
Logan: lie down and cuddle with me
Wade: okay
*Logan and Wade lie on the bed and lie on their sides so they're facing each other, Logan touches Wade's face*
Logan: you're so beautiful baby
Wade: thank you Logie...
Logan: *smirks* you used to call me that too baby
Wade: Logie? Yeah that sounds like me *giggles lightly*
Logan: you always knew what to say to make me smile
Wade: it's funny...my ex wife would disagree with that
Logan: forget about her bub...she's nothing
Wade: *touches Logan's arm muscles* you look so strong and handsome...
Logan: you like what you see sugar?
Wade: do you wanna kiss me?
Logan: so badly
Wade: you can kiss me Logan...
Logan: *holds and touches Wade's face* I love you
Wade: I love you too...
*Logan holds Wade's face and kisses him slowly, Wade kisses back, a slow and tender kiss, Logan's trying to control himself, he moans, Wade's breathing intensifies*
Logan: *trembling* Wade...baby...I can't...I can't control myself
Wade: *breathlessly* do you wanna lose control baby? You are my husband aren't you? don't we have the right to lose control?
Logan: *whimpers, sobbing*
Wade: hey...Logan...*holds and kisses Logan's forehead*
Logan: *sniffles* I love you so much baby...I love you
Wade: *sniffles* do you wanna make love?
Logan: oh God yes...*kisses Wade's cheek*
Wade: how long has it been...since we made love back on your timeline?
Logan: 3 months
Wade: That must be a long time for us on your timeline *giggles*
Logan: *snickers, sniffles, nuzzles and kisses Wade's face and lips* It's been too long bub
*time passes, romantic ambient 80s sounding music plays in the background, Logan and Wade are standing up next to the bed, facing each other, they're holding each other, staring into each others eyes, Logan removes his own shirt, his white tank top, Wade stares at Logan's hot, beautiful, sexy, muscular, Godlike chest(lol), he runs his hands all over his chest and his abs, he leaves a trail of kisses, starting from his neck to his abs, Logan moans softly, Wade's heart is racing like crazy, he then grabs Logan's face and kisses him deeply and with tongue, Logan does the same, they're making out like crazy on the bed now, Logan kisses Wade's neck, they're both shaking and breathless, their hearts are pounding like crazy, soft moans and whimpers*
Logan: *breathless, moans* Wade...baby...
Wade: *breathless, whimpers* Logan...
Logan: I love you...I love you so much
Wade: *whimpers, smiles*
*all of sudden the hotel room halfway explodes, the windows break, Wade screams, Logan covers him, shielding/protecting him, ugly vampire variants of different Marvel universe villains show up, they're all floating in the air, a really ugly vampire version of Cassandra Nova shows up*
Logan: what the fuck??
vampire nova: hand him over to us Logan, or we'll kill all your friends
Logan: fuck you bitch!!!
Wade: oh my God what the fuck are those things?!
Logan: baby, don't move, let me handle this
*Loud lightning and thunder, Storm appears and kicks cassandra in the face, she electrocutes her, Logan attacks her minions, Wade gets up from the bed, he takes his gun out and shoots at one of them, it kind of looks like the fucked up version of Harry Osbourne from The Amazing Spiderman 2 except his eyes are red and his fangs are fucking huge(lol), shooting at him did nothing but made him screech like a demon*
Wade: oh fuck!!
Logan: Wade!!
*Wade's getting tackled by the hob goblin or whatever the fuck he is, Storm lands and electrocutes the bastard, he screeches and finally gets knocked unconscious*
Storm/Ororo: take a nap demon
*it looks like stupid cassandra and all her party pals are unconscious, a few of them are dead actually(lol), Logan runs over to Wade, he grabs him and kisses and hugs him*
Logan: oh my God, baby, are you okay? did he hurt you?
Wade: I think I'm okay baby
Logan: we need to get out of here, Ororo, can you find us a safe place?
Ororo: I sure can Logan
Wade: *just notices that one of his arms was deeply cut by the vampire hob goblin, blood dripping down, he whimpers* Logan
Logan: oh fuck *just noticed too, he holds Wade*
Wade: it hurts baby
Logan: you have regenerative healing powers like I do baby
Wade: I do?
Logan: when was the last time you've gotten sick?
Wade: 10 years ago
Logan: exactly
Wade: ow *whimpers* it hurts bad baby
*Logan carries Wade in his arms, he kisses his cheek*
Logan: focus on me baby
Ororo: I got us a place Logan, it's nice to finally meet you Wade Wilson, I only wish this was under happier circumstances
Wade: you wanted to meet me?
Ororo: you're a legend in the future Wade Wilson
Wade: me? seriously? in this timeline no one takes me seriously
Logan: that's exactly why you're the perfect Wade
+ to be continued in chapter 3 +
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saffronapplemanga · 2 years
Anime/Manga Recommendation Round Up
Anime and manga recommendation thread of things I’ve been enjoying in recent years~ 
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~I’ll link any dedicated posts I have to these~
~Links to my other manga posts here~
My personal favs/ones I super enjoyed will have a ✨ on them :)
(Some of these might not have official EN translations since any physical manga I read are JP copies. I guess if any sound interesting, ask publishers to license them!)
I won’t get too much into what they’re about because I think finding out is part of the fun. I’ll mostly list the genres and a little blurb. Some of these I feel like I rarely hear anyone talk about so it would be cool to see people try these :) 
✨The Summer Hikaru Died by Mokumoku Ren 
(4 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Picked it up earlier this year up knowing nothing but was immediately gripped by the eerie mood. Takes place in the country side where mysterious things have been happening. My friend couldn’t stop reading when I recommended it.
✨Banana Fish by Yoshida Akimi
(19 volumes + side stories, completed)
It’s getting reprinted in English, so what are you waiting for!
Anime - yes and it’s so good…
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The manga is from the 80’s-90’s but the anime updated it in 2018.
Without giving too much away, it takes place in NY where our characters are trying to break out of the vicious cycle of violence and figure out a mystery that’s also connected to a conspiracy. Lovable cast, keeps you on the edge of your seat. I’m obsessed.
Lovers’ Kiss by Yoshida Akimi
(2 volumes, completed)
JP only
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A short story where high schoolers are just trying to figure life out. Yoshida-sensei has this way of writing human stories and melancholy/tragedy while still leaving a glimmer of hope.
✨Mushishi by Urushibara Yuki
(10 volumes, complete)
I think the physicals are out of print but you can read it on bookwalker. It deserves a reprint!!!
Anime - yes, it’s a whole vibe please watch it
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I watched S1 ages ago but never got to the rest until recently. Recently picked up the manga and plan to read it eventually. Another top fav of all time. Amazing atmosphere. We see the daily life of mushi expert Ginko deal with mysterious phenomenon mushi cause.
✨Yotsuba&! by Azuma Kiyohiko
(15 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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This series is super cute, wholesome, and hilarious! Yotsuba is honestly a delight, and following her daily life as she befriends her new neighbors is just a good time. Yet another fav of all time.
✨Blue Period by Yamaguchi Tsubasa
(15 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - yes, but… listen I’ve never said “don’t watch the anime” because everyone can enjoy stuff however they want but... don’t watch the anime… I’ve never been so offended by an adaption ;_;
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After discovering something he’s passionate about for the first time, Yatora navigates the art world despite his fears and being a complete newcomer. This series made me cry so much, I love it… please
In the Clear Moonlight Dusk by Yamamori Mika
(7 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Blind-bought this a while ago. Yoi is dubbed “Prince” by her classmates for her cool demeanor, but she’s not the only one.
MARRIAGETOXIN by Joumyaku and Yoda Mizuki
(3 volumes, ongoing)
Available for free on Shueisha’s mangaplus site
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Assassin Gero needs to produce an heir so his sister can stay with her gf, but the social skills he needs to win a girl over need some help. This series is so funny and wholesome, all around a good time!
✨Yona of the Dawn by Kusanagi Mizuho
(44 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - yes, but I haven’t seen it yet so idk
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I’m not very far in this one yet, but I’m having a great time. Love the friendship, the found family vibes. Seeing Yona acknowledge that she is naive and then stepping up is awesome.
idk how I slept on this for so long since it seems like something right up my alley. Literally picked up a lot of all the 39 currently out volumes (it came with the light novel too), no questions asked. I’m only a few volumes in, but I’m enjoying it a lot. It’s giving me Ertugrul vibes (the historical Turkish drama). No, I won’t expand on that point, go watch Ertugrul!
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I’m committed apparently...
A Sign of Affection by Morishita Suu
(10 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
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Blind-buy. A cute romance between a deaf girl and a well-traveled guy.
✨Ascendance of a Bookworm by Kazuki Miya and Shiina You
(3 seasons, ongoing)
Available in English - originally a light novel
Anime - yes, I’ve been watching this not reading it yet
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Listen, isekai just don’t ever click with me, but this one does. There’s political drama and we get to learn about the culture and daily lives of people living in this world.
Our mc is reincarnated into a medieval fantasy world where access to books is limited, making it her personal hell. But don’t worry, she gonna do something about it! This series is so interesting and I love the character dynamics. Even if isekai aren’t your thing, try this!
✨Requiem of the Rose King by Kanno Aya
(17 volumes, complete)
Available in English
It has an anime but I heard fans were really mad at the adaption. I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment.
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Normally not the kind of thing I would go for, but this series has me constantly screaming. IT’S SO MESSY, but the good kind of messy. It takes every fiber in my body to contain myself when reading in public. It features an mc who was born intersex and a battle for the crown of England.
My Broken Mariko by Hirako Waka
(one shot)
Available in English
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Saw this at the bookstore and I looked at the cover like “wow, she looks like she’s really going through it…and she’s carrying someone’s ashes, oh no…” Didn’t know anything else about it but, oof, it’s a heavy one…
Look Back and ✨Goodbye Eri by Fujimoto Tatsuki
(one shots)
Available in English - also on the Jump app
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While Fujimoto-sensei’s more well-known work wasn’t 100% clicking with me, I tried his one shots and really enjoyed them. I particularly liked the cinematic feeling and environmental storytelling.
Maybe when I’m up to it, I’ll do posts on some of these that go into a little more detail on how I felt about them idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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