#Vld season 6
aro-paladin-pidge · 2 years
I can finally make polls!
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chatonmagique · 1 month
I'm not sure what's going on, but I haven't felt personally betrayed by a character the way I did with Lotor..?!! I actually trusted this man with my heart for some reason. Am I stupid??
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savethisnewwriter · 2 years
Season 6 of Voltron: Legendary Defender done. Thanks guys for telling me in advance what a disappointment it was gonna be. I hate it. It's as if Lotor underwent trauma- descent into madness- killer arc all in one episode and boom! Conveniently dead as well. Thank you writers. I hate it now.
I think I'm happy writing My Shotor fics in ao3. Don't need no canon to ruin me mental health more🥹
(They did to Lotor what GOT apparently also did to Dany)
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noixdraw · 17 days
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#sheith 🖤♥️
#Voltron #season6 #vld #keith #shiro #edit #littlealiens👽 #littlealiensforever #alien #alienedit #editfunny #shirovoltron #shiroganetakashi #keithkogane
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As my rewatch of Voltron season 6 comes to a close, here are my thoughts on it. Mind you, as I'm writing this, it is past midnight. I took my medication, and one of the pills I take makes me a bit sleepy. I wholeheartedly apologize for any repeated sentences, nonsensical phrases, poor spelling of certain words, and poor grammar.
Keith and Krolia's adventure to the area where the other Alteans are should have been at least two episodes - there are moments that should have been more fleshed out, but were unfortunately cut short by production, and possibly absences of Steven Yuen since he is a popular actor in both America and South Korea
Season 6 was ordered, it started production with a certain number of episodes, then one of the suits decided to cut down on the number of episodes - that explains the weird montages
Monsters and Mana, while the best episode of the season (and I stand by it) was definitely written as either a needed filler episode (which is fine) or a special episode to release between season 6 and season 7
Anything that I said about Lotor, in terms of how he ruined Allura's character, is wrong. Allura is just not a good character in this season. I can understand that she needs that connection to her people, and Lotor is able to help her. But I genuinely stand with Lance when comes to not trusting Lotor, since he could not shut the ever loving fuck up about their fathers being friends. My brother in Christ, Lotor, we fucking get it. Your dad and her dad rubbed elbows.
The kiss shared between Lotor and Allura still makes me gag. Nothing against the shippers of this specific ship. I just hate Lotor and how he manipulated Allura. I've been through my own kind of manipulation, so I can't seem to like the character as a person.
I am still right in the theory that Lance and Shiro's relationship was supposed to be important. As much as I adore the fight that Keith has with Kuron, and he tries to being Shiro back and Keith says "I love you", shocking the clone enough for Keith to get the final blow... Lance was given the shaft once again. I could try to work with this in my fix it fic, despite sacrificing my favorite moment in the finale. I'm still outlining my fic, and still on chapter 1, so only time will tell.
That Galra robot that was programmed to have fun was amazing and the scene of it being tied to a rocket getting shot into space as Amazing Grace played in the background is iconic and I wish people talked about it more. Because it was insanely funny and I loved it too much. Fly high, random robot. I will always love you.
Despite me bashing Lotor for all that he is, I will still say that he is a well written character that I would love to punch in the face. Unfortunately he is like 7ft tall, and I am the same height as Krillin from DBZ. So I'm either going to have to learn how to do a Shoryuken a la Street Fighter.
As much as I love the finale of Season 6, I genuinely have to say that Keith's inclusion after being away from Team Voltron just seems convenient.
The Black Lion is the most disloyal bitch I have ever seen. I love the Black Lion's design, as I should. I'm a basic Voltron: Legendary Defender fan. But the Black Lion instantly took Keith back after leaving the team to be with the Blade of Marmora. Also the Black Lion had no problem with Kuron after a certain point, which is stupid. How dare it not be a continuous struggle for Kuron to gain its trust. Then again, this is the same lion that was still loyal to Zarkon despite the fact that Zarkon was evil. Never understood why Zarkon's bond with the Black Lion was so strong when Shiro proved himself to be the better paladin, but that's none of my business at this time.
I personally felt like the Blade of Marmora overstayed their welcome after a certain point. This could just be a me problem, and I am wholeheartedly willing to be the only person on this hill.
Coran is consistently amazing.
I don't know when the writers started making Hunk more of a tech savy character (I genuinely have no idea), but it's quite eye opening when you notice the change in archetypes.
Matt is still an okay character to me. When he was revealed, a good chunk of the fanbase was madly in love with him, which I understand, but I just look at him and shrug.
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grimreapersnuisance · 9 months
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Keith if he was included in the Monsters & Mana game in S6E3
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rulesofdisorder · 10 months
thinking about voltron in the year 2023 i know i know BUT i can’t stop thinking about how the creators caught on to the fact that we caught on to the klance queerbaiting so they had the masterclass idea to introduce NEW queerbaiting with shiro and adam and we fell for it AGAIN despite ALL OF THE SIGNS
i still can’t believe it. they announced that shiro was gay and had a fiancé at a con, made the only scene between the two of them a breakup scene, and THEN they had adam die offscreen and just played a flashback of it right before shiro got back to earth. insanity. i’ve thought about this every day for weeks.
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
I was thinking about voltron so much today that during class I took more notes about voltron than actual notes </3
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mewdeathcakes · 1 day
oh shiit oh fuck oh shit SHIT
I'm back in my klance era :(
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veilder · 8 days
Ugh. Well, there I go. Just finished up season 6 of VLD and lemme tell ya. Still absolutely devastating, even six years on. 😭😭😭 Like, damn son, not just the worst, most OOC turn a character could take, but then they also just make his newly-cackling-villain self die in the most ignoble way? The whole... sequence of events leading up to the ending just kills me, man. Rant incoming, oof. (I guess spoilers here if anyone still cares about that?)
It really irks me how the show treated Lotor. Like yes, on a rewatch, he absolutely starts off just trying his best to manipulate his unfortunate situation to his advantage. He calculates his best move at the end of season 4 and he saves Keith not for altruistic reasons, but to ingratiate himself to the Voltron Coalition. Like, it's obvious what he's doing. We've already seen him scheming, we know what he's capable of. We know he's not necessarily nice or even a particularly good person. And that carries on through seasons 5 and 6, too! You can see how he uses not just Voltron but everyone around him to consolidate his power. And let's make no mistake here: he needs power. In order to claim the title of Emperor, he must make a show of force, it is the only thing the Galra would respect. He needs his plans to work if he ever wants to quell their warlike culture and stop their ever-present drive for expansion and domination. Access to the quintessence field is a good plan! Because it wouldn't have only aided the Galra, but it would've saved the remaining Alteans, too! (I'll get into that more in a sec.) And he would've achieved it on his own if it were at all possible, without dragging Allura into things! But he tries and he fails and he reevaluates things on the fly, and thus comes to be under Voltron's mercy. (A mercy which, might I add, was conditional enough that they were willing to surrender him to his own father who would've murdered him just because they thought he might not be trustworthy? Like... c'mon man, these are supposed to be the heroes. Take him out of the equation for a sec, pretend he's just some other Galra commander they've captured, and tell me it isn't kind of abhorrent that they were willing to just send him to his death like that? Geez.) Okay, but as established, he was trying to manipulate them all! And he succeeded! So were they justified?
No, I still think not.
This is where I feel his characterization becomes... inconsistent. Because yes, it's time to talk about the Altean colony. It is canon that, after Altea was destroyed, those remaining few who were off-world at the time were hunted. It is canon that Lotor used what he knew to track them down and relocate them to a place where his father couldn't find them. It is canon that the only reason any of them survived was because of him! Throughout the entirety of his screentime, Lotor is shown to revere his Altean ancestry and the culture his father wiped out. He makes great sacrifices to ensure their survival, at great peril to himself. He has an almost worshipful view of the Alchemists of old, especially King Alfor, Allura's father. And, though I definitely think he invokes Alfor's name to try and secure Allura's help, it does seem... rather genuine all the same? How could it not be, with the environment he was raised in? Despite how he strives to distance himself from the Galra at large (and his father most of all), I can't imagine you could survive 10,000 years without developing a healthy respect for power. And who deserves such respect more than the man who created the greatest weapon ever known, Voltron? In that way, I feel as if we can't only discount his actions as pure manipulation. There is a grain of truth in every lie, in every omission, and the truth of him is painfully bare: he genuinely, genuinely wants peace in the universe. And end to the harsh and imperialistic Galra war machine that has chugged on for millennia. He genuinely wants a restoration of his mother's people, the Alteans he so cherishes. And, as time passes and he works more closely together with Allura especially, it seems to me that he genuinely begins to hold her in high esteem. With genuine affection. For all his scheming and manipulation, his pleas for her to hear him out struck me as legitimate, especially on the cusp of that final battle. This is how he was written to be and, if we want to stay consistent with his character then... the reason for his duplicity, the way he sacrificed his own people to harvest their energy, his motivations for it all... There must be a legitimate reason, beyond just his own personal power. The Alteans... they mean more to him than the Galra throne. I cannot believe he ever would've made the decision to sacrifice hundreds of them on a whim? So, why was such thing necessary then? Was this why he was searching so hard for a way to access the quintessence field? Did he truly care about the race of people he saved? Sadly, we'll never know. Because the writers decided that, in lieu of allowing him and sort of coherent motivation, they instead decided that he'd gone made for power millennia ago and was doing everything all in the name of his own ego. Instead of an interesting, nuanced anit-hero, they turned him into a mustache-twirling villain. And even as they continued to expand his background and all the abuse he lived through post mortem, there's never any thought given to his actual characterization, at least from what I can recall. I plan to watch the last two seasons when I get the chance but, as my memory stands now, all I remember are more flashbacks of his terrible childhood and alternate timeline shenanigans. Never an attempt to clear anything up or allow him any sort of redemption. And it is just... a real shame. For a character who had so, so much potential, he was more-or-less thrown out with the garbage. And it's very difficult for me to get past that, even years later. I'm sure I'll have more thoughts on the coming seasons after I make my way through them. But I'll end this rant here today, lol. Thanks for joining me in the "Lotor deserved better" club.
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fulltimecatwitch · 1 year
just found out my man Shiro was dead for 4 whole seasons
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My Roomie: *loading Netflix and pausing on VLD. The trailer starts, shows Keith being the Black Paladin*
My Roomie: Keith becomes the black paladin?? 
me: Oh dear....this retwatch will be brutal 
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Somehow got better. Finishing up Season 6.
Lotor shouldn't know anything about Honerva drawing her last breath because he was born after Honerva turned into Haggar. That was literally shown in earlier seasons. Unless we as the audience are to believe that there was still a little bit of Honerva left when she was pregnant with Lotor, which doesn't make sense given the actual flashbacks we were shown in the seasons prior.
I could be wrong on this, but please forgive me. I am doing too much for a stupid fix it fic. But it's my stupid fix it fic.
Also the virus coming from Shiro's arm is a nice touch. Literally forgot about that little plot point and mistakenly blamed Lotor for it, thinking that he was playing 4D chess once again.
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jankwritten · 2 years
SOBBING how they all immediately start treating Keith like he's suddenly a different person.....hate this for him....
I think it's very funny that the show set up both Shiro AND Keith as potential love interests for Allura in the early seasons (giving them both solo-missions alone with her, giving them both little side plots/quirks that connect them kinda thing) and giving Lance absolutely nothing. i never watched past season 4 so i hope they Stopped That in later seasons.
It is interesting to see that Keith is next to never portrayed as being "girl crazy" in any way, him or Shiro (this early in the show they can't have had the idea to make Shiro gay yet). Like, Hunk and Lance both constantly fall all over themselves over pretty girls (Lance, duh, but Hunk with Shay and whatnot) but Keith is always left out of it. I'm still hung up on this whole "canonical ages" thing too so it makes me wonder if that's meant to be a hint - like Lance/Hunk are still in the 15/16/17 age range where they're a little more immature whereas Keith/Shiro are closer to the 19/20/21 age range where they're more mature. Shiro is obviously the eldest - he's least likely to get drawn into shenanigans, but he does still sometimes (the spore fight before the Olkari, when they're all making gunfire noises at one point) which to me reads as someone who's still not quite solidly settled into being an adult yet, which reads as younger twenties, not mid twenties.
IDK. I really love figuring this kind of shit out based only on like, context clues, but I also understand that everyone's got different ideas for what means what, and I've never really been one to understand ages and different maturity levels anyway.
I think that Shiro is the eldest as 21-23, Keith is the second oldest at 19/20, and then Lance/Hunk are 16/17 and Pidge (who I DID just type as Bitch accidentally whoops sorry Pidge I love you so much) is the youngest at 14/15. This is based partially on the SUPPOSEDLY canonical ages from that one unconfirmed paladins guide thing, and my own thoughts on how the characters interact/their demonstrated maturity levels. Plus - Keith says "you're like a brother to me" to Shiro, which I think demonstrates they're closer in age. He'd have said father or mentor if Shiro was that much older than him - Keith sees Shiro as somebody he can look up to, but also somebody he can goof around with and whatnot.
Perhaps the thing with me always fucking around with ages in Percy Jackson has started to rub off on me, so now I'm trying to do it in other fandoms too WHOOPS. Oh well. This is my truth, and this is how I perceive their ages - at least in seasons 1-2 since that's as far as I've gotten. I know there's some fuckiness with Keith later on.
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nejishadow · 2 years
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First piece of really old art I finished was this Matt from a sketchpage cause I liked his hair. Didn’t change a ton just cause I wanted to see how odd it would look. A little odd I think
Tried out some lighting and quickly gave up, but included it in case you wanted to see it anyways lol. There was only one other small thing on the page worth finishing so that’ll also go in the queue.
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chambers003 · 5 months
ok i have a binge free trial for a week
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