#Vista Glades
jandeproductions · 20 days
Bolton Valley, VT 12MAR2024
Ty takes off as he blasts through another line filled with the powder from our recent March storm cycle. As our most recent storm cycle progressed into its second half yesterday, it brought prodigious upslope snowfall, but heavy winds also pounded the upper mountain areas at Bolton Valley. That meant that the Vista Quad Chair never ran, so all that fresh snow would still be sitting there for…
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gumified · 4 months
Omgg for a part two or ‘whispers of gold’ you could do on insight on their life after escaping the dungeon.. 💕
you can even show detail about satorus kingdom and his personal life with reader being human and him taking her there when other demons consider is improper or even hate it…
You can make it fluffy like a domestic day with them stuff like that <3
perhaps a wedding/pregnancy fic also? 🤭
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pairing: demon!satoru x human!reader
summary: domestic bliss after you escape <3
content: 0.7k, fluff, just a cute little drabble i whipped up <3
note: maybe maybeee i'll write a pregnancy fic if these exams let me, we will see <3 ENJOY THO MY LOVES
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If anyone told you that the life you would have found the love of your life while being locked up in a dingy dungeon you would’ve laughed in their faces. Yet here you were. The world you discover was vast and filled with so many beautiful sights that you found it hard to comprehend just how gorgeous everything is. Your whole life had been spent cooped up in the tiny village you called home, now with Satoru by your side everything seemed technicoloured. 
Days turn into weeks turn into months and you find yourself even more enamoured by the demon than you already are. He had teleported the both of you to a breath-taking meadow when you had first escaped. There was an abundance of wildflowers and in the middle stood a little cottage. It seemed as though he had plucked the perfect home from your head and spun it into reality. 
Satoru tried his best to assimilate into human life as best as he could. There were many mornings that you awoke to the sweet scent of flowers and him fumbling in the kitchen looking very out of place. He keeps his promise, taking you to the most magical places in the kingdom. Secret glades, glistening lakes, hidden forests. Satoru loves to show off his powers, teleporting you to breathtaking vistas and enchanting places, always with a playful grin and a request for a kiss as “payment.”
One particularly memorable evening, he whisked you away to a cliffside overlooking the ocean. As the sun set, casting a golden hue over the water, you sat together, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. “I thought you might like this place.” He whispered, his voice filled with warmth.
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Satoru.”
The seasons changed, and with them came new adventures and experiences. Spring brought picnics in the meadow, where you would lie in the grass, watching the clouds drift by, hands intertwined. Summer meant long days by the lake, swimming and sunbathing, the two of you laughing and splashing like children. Autumn was a time for cosy evenings by the fire, wrapped in blankets, sharing stories and dreams.
And now, it was winter. Snow blanketed the ground outside, little snowflakes falling from the sky as you sat cuddling in front of a fire. His arms are wrapped around your body and you lean back against his broad chest, enjoying the feeling of his warmth radiating off his body. Satoru’s chin’s on your head and you bask in the bliss that you were now so familiar with. Your hand found his and you smiled as he intertwined his fingers with yours. 
“Remember when we first escaped?” You mused at the distant memory. “Feels like forever ago.”
“It does.” Satoru hummed as you listened to the slow beating of his heart.
Silence stretched between the both of you and all that could be heard was the gentle crackling of the fire. 
“Satoru.” You begin softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “When I first met you, I never imagined we’d end up here. You were...terrifying.”
A small smile tugged at his lips, and he gave a short laugh. The mere sound has butterflies erupting in your stomach. “I was trying to be. Demons aren’t supposed to be comforting.”
“But you are.” You insisted, squeezing his hand tightly. “You are to me.”
He looked down at your joined hands, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles. “You changed everything.” His voice was quiet. “From the moment I gave you my name, I knew things would never be the same.”
You lifted your head to look into his eyes, the firelight reflecting in their depths. “You changed everything for me too. You showed me a world I never knew existed. You showed me love.”
Satoru’s expression softened, and he leaned in to kiss you gently. “I love you.” He murmured against your lips, the words filled with a depth of emotion that took your breath away.
“I love you too.” You whispered back, your heart swelling with happiness that you found. 
The grasp he had on your heart was tight and you knew he would never let go. You knew that Satoru would be yours forever and you forever his. The love you held for him was something you always cherished and now that you were here, in his arms, you never wanted to let him go. As the night continued, both of you drifted off to sleep. The fire continued to crackle and the light flickered. The matching gold bands the both of you had on your fingers glinted in the light, the memories of the promises you both made to each other only a few months ago.
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wearepaladin · 9 days
Hi Pally! I love the messages of positivity and hope and bravery that get posted here… I’m a little new to TTRPGs in general and DnD in particular, so I was wondering if you could help me with a little bit of inspiration? More specifically, choosing a god for a rather unique Paladin to follow.
See, I love irl cave-dwelling, burrowing, deep-sea, and nocturnal animals, many of whom are harmed by bright lights, and I assume that both magical and Mundane animals in these types of settings (as well as some of the more subterranean/deep-dwelling races of People) would be hurt and stressed by bright lights as well.
I like the idea of a Paladin/Druid combo who lives somewhere like the Underdark and fights to prove that much of the resilient and fascinating life there isn’t as “objectively evil” as a lot of people paint it to be, and that it deserves to be protected, studied, and appreciated like any pretty woodland glade or mountain vista does - but while I’m sure they have a FEW spells to conjure bright lights, both to help visitors from the surface navigate better and to scare away potentially dangerous wildlife without actually having to harm them too badly… I assume they’d have darkvision themselves and prefer not to use holy magic that would harm innocent creatures that are sensitive to light, but that made me realize that not only are loads of good-aligned gods SUPER bright-light-coded(?), but also that a lot of the gods associated with Deep, Dark Places and the Kinds of Creatures that Thrive there are mostly Evil-Aligned? Which makes sense I guess, but I still think that’s a bit sad :(
TLDR: Are there any Good-Aligned or Neutral-Aligned Gods that would work well as patron deities for a sworn protector of Deep, Dark, Dangerous Places and the “Creepy-Crawlies” who live there? Or do the Bats and Olms and Centipedes and Spiders and Moles and the like all have to make do with Evil Gods?
There is a deity I think you might have interest in. Psilofyr is a little known deity primarily associated with Myconids, and while considered unaligned compared to other deities, it is described as benign in its purpose. I see it as being who represents life as it forms in places and cycles associated with the deep and the dark. Even death itself is a source of life, as life is the source of death.
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jbuffyangel · 8 months
Second Chance: Arrow 1x18 Review (Salvation)
The villain of the week is one step ahead of Felicity in "Salvation" which gives Oliver the opportunity to be there for HER, as they race to save Roy Harper's life.
And oh holy cow is there Lance family drama y'all. WOW. Scandalous.
Let's dig in...
This is one of Arrow’s more suspenseful episodes. Felicity goes toe to toe with the villain of the week and she more than meets her match. This results in one of Arrow's cooler action sequences and some iconic Olictiy moments.
But first, we must work out.
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Of all the times Felicity watches Oliver working out, this is my favorite. Emily Bett Richard’s face is hilarious.
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Her comic skills are so on point and she brings a much needed levity to the show. But do not deny this woman her dramatic work. She can bring her A game anytime - as we will soon see.
Oliver is off to threaten (or kill?) a dirty real estate developer named John Nichols, who doesn’t mind skipping code requirements if it means saving a buck. Oliver fed up with this guy killing people in the Glades and he’s on the List, so hasta la vista, baby. (Do not deny my my nineties cliché remarks. They bring me comfort and joy.)
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) someone else beats Oliver to it and kidnaps Nichols. Oliver is strangely displeased. I mean... what's the difference? Felicity and I share a brain sometimes, so she asks Oliver on my behalf.
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Source: @andjustforthismoment
These two are in their own rom com and we’re just along for the ride. The way he growls “They don’t show my level of restraint,” at Felicity is a lot. Is it really necessary to stand that close to her Oliver? No it’s not. I SEE YOU SIR.
The man who kidnapped Nichols executes him on live television which was super creepy. He definitely has a Heath Ledger as the Joker vibe to him. (Nobody said the comparisons to the Dark Knight are unfair.)
Felicity is unable to crack his encryption code because he’s a former cyber crusader called “The Savior” and the NSA has been searching for him for years.  His real name is Joseph Falk and he erased his existence after his wife was murdered in the Glades.
When he failed to get justice for his wife's death, the Savior took matters into his own hands - not unlike our favorite vigilante. His cyber skills are no joke and give Felicity a real run for her money. She is unable to track him down before he kills Nichols, which leads to a hilarious if frustrated exchange between Felicity and Oliver.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Things go from bad to worse for Felicity when Falk kidnaps the district attorney. His crime was not prosecuting the person who murdered Falk’s wife. If we were on the fence as to whether Nichols should live or die, then the district attorney snaps us out of the moral grey zone. Prosecutors choose not try cases all of the time for lack of evidence. It doesn’t mean they should die for it.
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Source:  msr-olicity-love
Oliver's impatience only heightens Felicity's stress, but she finally gets a location. It’s the middle of the day which means Oliver can’t hood up. So he grabs the motorcycle and his super sexy brown jacket to hunt Falk down and save the DA.
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This leads to one of my favorite Arrow action scenes. Falk is not at the location Felicity sends Oliver to, which means he has to sprint across town and leap between buildings to next location. Felicity is completely flummoxed because she doesn't understand how this guy is moving locations. Oliver screaming at her over comms is not particularly helpful either. 
Unfortunately, Team Arrow loses and Falk murders the DA on live television, which is completely traumatizing to Felicity who has never seen anyone die before. 
Oliver returns home to find Felicity alone in the dark, twirling one of his arrows in her hands. Oliver immediately wants to know where Diggle is because he’s probably wondering why John left Felicity all alone in the dark.
Felicity: I asked him to leave me alone in my loud voice.
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Source: @westallenolicitygifs
Oliver isn’t going to do the same. He immediately reassures Felicity that it wasn’t her fault (because it isn’t). This is the price of the life they’ve chosen to live. It’s a very lonely one as Oliver knows all too well.
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Source: @jamiedornaniseverything
Felicity is understandably feeling defeatist, so it’s one of the rare times she says it’s better to be alone. Oliver doesn’t have much to say in return, but notice how the scene is shot. The entire bunker is dark except for the brightly backlit desk lamp. Oliver and Felicity are the only thing we see in the darkness.
Felicity also mentions her relationship status, which feels like an oddly placed comment. Umm… ok? SHE’S SINGLE AND HETEROSEXUAL GUYS!
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I love receiving pieces to the Felicity Smoak puzzle, but this comment felt very out of context. “Hey I’m sad, but I wouldn’t know how to talk to my boyfriend about fighting crime. Good thing I don’t have one.”
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It is NOT the fans who create romantic undertones to Oliver and Felicity’s scenes. The writers make it romantic with conversations like this. It’s very easy to keep a scene like this strictly platonic, but nope! The writers decide it’s super important that Oliver knows *right now* that Felicity is single as she pours her heart out to him in her time of need.
The light is equally important, because this relationship (regardless of romantic or platonic) has to be a two way street. Felicity cannot always help Oliver find the light. He has to help her too.
Oliver does come through Felicity by the end of the episode. Not at first because he is equally struggling with the loneliness of the life he’s chosen. He can’t really advise Felicity against being alone because that’s the choice he’s made for himself. So much so, that Diggle takes him out for a burger and a little therapy session. After the disaster zone his past relationships have left in their wake, Oliver is tapping out. He doesn’t require a life, or entanglements, or feelings.
Diggle: You’ve been home for eight months Oliver, I don’t think you’ve left that island yet.
Diggle, per usual, disagrees. He wants Oliver entangled. He wants Oliver as entangled as he can get. It makes you wonder if he has someone specific in mind.
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The Savior puts a big mirror up to Oliver’s face. He is man grieving the loss of his wife and chose to channel that rage and sadness into exacting his brand of justice.  Oliver can see himself in Falk and he doesn’t like what he sees.
Being alone leads to exactly that. While Oliver may say he doesn’t want the complexity of relationships and the difficulties they can bring, the reality of living life alone can lead to some pretty terrible results. Falk cut himself off from his humanity. This lead to selecting victims who didn’t deserve to die. If Oliver wants to maintain a moral high ground, make difficult but ultimately right choices, then he needs his humanity fully intact. Humanity requires human contact.
Oliver reaches out to someone first, but it’s not Felicity. It’s L*urel. He wants to have dinner or coffee or whatever because he no longer wants to be on an island.  It’s a nice line. It would have more meaning if we saw that dinner or conversation, but we don't.
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Instead we see Oliver return home to the bunker, to Felicity and Diggle, and they debrief their latest Team Arrow victory.  It would be easy to leave this scene at Felicity’s funny remark about Roy and Thea.
Diggle: You ok?
Oliver: Getting there.
Instead, Oliver acknowledges, more to himself, that he’s feeling better because John was right. Then we actually see this rigid man move and in the cutest way possible - with a little "Psst." It is a small yet definitive step towards his second chance.
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Oliver approaches Felicity in the now brightly lit bunker and tells her she is not alone. He is there for her always. Felicity may not have a “boyfriend” to talk to, but she has Oliver.
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Then he gently touches her shoulder and lets his hand linger there just long enough to even make Felicity wonder if maybe, just maybe, he means more.
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Actions speak louder than words.  Oliver may talk about not being on an island anymore with L*urel, but he leaves that island for Felicity.
Roy Harper
What are we doing with Roy Harper? Thus far it’s been a lot of Roy and Thea having the same “make better choices” argument and debate their wildly different economic lots in life. This is all well and good but we eventually need movement on this character and “Unfinished Business” give it to us BIG TIME.
Thea is understandably frustrated when Roy admits he plans to hold up a liquor store because he “owes” people in the Glades and that’s how this town works.
Thea: I got you a job at my brother’s club. You have choices. You don’t have to be a criminal.
Somehow this decision puts Roy in the Savior’s cross hairs. According to Falk, Roy Harper is a gang banger.
Roy has a criminal record and holding up a liquor store with an empty gun is not great, but a freaking death sentence? Calm down crazy. The Savior can’t find bigger fish to fry?
Roy doesn’t make excuses or ask for forgiveness when Falk challenges him to defend himself against his “crimes.” He doesn’t care if he lives or dies (just like someone else we know).
Roy: No one’s gonna miss me. I’m just a waste.
Gut punch. This kid wrecks me. Now Thea is crying in Tommy’s big brotherly-like arms. WE MUST SAVE THE PARKOUR PRINCE!!!
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Felicity and Diggle determine Falk is on the old abandoned subway system in Star City, which is why he was moving locations. The Hood finds Roy before Falk can pull the trigger and they engage in a morality debate, which thankfully isn’t broadcasted across the whole city after the feed is cut off. Or maybe the city should have heard Oliver’s arguments.
Oliver: I understand being alone, but it doesn’t give you the right to kill people in cold blood.
The Savior challenges Oliver on the difference between them and, once again, he doesn’t have a lot to say. There's minimal morality wiggle room for Oliver. The only difference between the Savior and the Hood is the people they are choosing. Oliver wasn’t wrong at the beginning of the episode. He has more restraint. He also has a better list of names. The Savior should ask for a couple.
Killing the District Attorney and kidnapping Roy Harper show that Falk is very bad at being judge, jury and executioner. Arrow is putting other vigilantes up against Oliver to show that he is better. There is a good heart under that hood – a potential superhero’s heart. Oliver’s morals and how he measures the sins of others are more just, but that doesn’t make him right. These distinctions we are drawing between Oliver and people like Falk and Helena are merely shades of grey. He is balancing on a very razor thin edge.
Oliver begs Falk to give Roy a second chance, but is forced to put an arrow in him when he refuses. “Salvation” is asking an important question. Who is worthy of a second chance? And who decides who is worthy?
Killing not only ends someone’s life it removes the possibility for change. There is a clear distinction between a man like Nichols and Roy Harper. There should be consequences to sinful actions, but what sins warrant death and what sins warrant forgiveness? Who decides? It’s a question we grapple with constantly in our imperfect legal system and it’s one Oliver Queen must answer as the city’s self appointed protector.
Roy is an easy call to make. He made mistakes, but he is deserving of a second chance. However, the question of whether he is worthy of it can only be answered by Roy Harper.  As he pulls the small arrow that saved his life out from his pocket, Roy is illuminated by a bright red light – a not so subtle nod to the Red Arrow. 
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And thus a hero’s journey begins with a second chance.
The Lance Family
This week on Loving the Lances… Dinah returns home with hopes of resurrecting their dead daughter but family secrets were unearthed instead. Dun dun dunnnnn!!!!
L*urel is on her own show, so I thought I’d give it a proper soap opera name. She never intersects with Oliver’s storyline except when she randomly pops up at the club looking for Tommy, but I digress. In all seriousness, this episode is pretty damn good because some scalding hot tea was spilled!
Dinah is CONVINCED that Sara is alive because she had the exact same baseball cap as the woman in the photo. This is such a weird detail to hang all her hopes on. Does Dinah think Sara was holding the rockets hat in her hand while she was swept out to sea? What’s with the hat? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
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Long story short, Sara is truly dead. L*urel finds the woman in the photo. She’s American, spent some time in China and owns a Starling City Rocket’s hat. We’re going to pretend the Chinese Embassy can find some rando in a photo and deliver her name to L*urel in five seconds flat. Also, Oliver confirms once again Sara is dead and he never lies so we’re all good.
But now we can get to the really interesting part of this little Lance drama unfolding before us. L*urel has the same questions about the hat as I do! I am wildly uncomfortable being this much in agreement with her, but here we are.
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Dinah came home while Sara was packing for her little get away with Oliver. She watched Sara pack the hat. Dinah told her not to go, but Sara said she was in love and following her heart even though others may not think it is right. Just like Dinah did with Quentin (side note – what’s the story on those two?)
Dinah: So I let her go. I killed my daughter.
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This family is so jacked up. They make the Queens look halfway normal. Y’all I don’t even know what to do with this information. HOT. MESS. EXPRESS.
Clearly Dinah is riddled with guilt and is desperate to find Sara alive to erase the terrible decision she made, but she can’t erase it. Just like Oliver can’t.
Somehow this betrayal almost feels worse than what Oliver and Sara did. Alright, maybe that’s too harsh, but it feels just as bad. It feels like Dinah was taking sides and she chose Sara. 
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I really need a therapy session with these women to unpack all that, but this is Arrow and L*urel doesn’t get that much screen time. The best we’ll get is an awkward hug and L*urel asking her mother to call her sometime.
What L*urel is offering is a generous second chance. Perhaps she’s realized that forgiveness is less painful than holding onto all the anger and hurt. Perhaps Oliver coming home and her mother’s time away made her realize she wants Dinah in her life than not at all. It’s really only a decision L*urel can make, but it’s a chance Dinah needs to jump on. She didn’t stop being a mother when Sara died. L*urel needs her too.
Stray Thoughts
L*urel advises Thea to run from the bad boys. Snort. So it’s a “do what I say, not what I do” type of advice day.
Moira serves Frank up on a platter to Malcolm Merlyn as the person who hired Deadshot. Moira’s hands are getting pretty damn bloody.
It has to be hard on L*urel to see that the only time her parents can be in a room together, affectionately touching, and being on the same team, is when they are searching for Sara. I really felt bad for her this episode. Ugh.
Slade and Oliver ransom the chips for a boat. It goes disastrously. Now Yao Fei is captured again.
Hey! Shado speaks English and can kick ass. Neat!
 “Keeps my ears warm.” He jokes!
“I’ll be home in a flash.” Dinah lives in Central City. Season 1 Jen didn’t get that reference, but I am a seasoned professional in the art of comic book references and I totally picked up on it the second time.
“Stay” by Rihanna was playing during Oliver & L*urel’s scene at the end of the episode. This was my song of pain in 2013. The Vampire Diaries used it in a particularly agonizing Stefan and Elena scene as well that year.  It's like white hot pokers in my heart.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 1x18!!!
If you’d like to support the blog, please buy me a cup of tea!
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me.
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lyon-amore · 2 years
¿Qué pasaría sí...? Duskwood Capítulo 26
Capítulo 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Macie POV*
Entro al garaje de los Roger, buscando a Richy con la vista. Pensé que estaría en recepción, como Jessy no está.   —Um… No hago nada malo entrando por mi propio pie ¿verdad? —susurro. Al fin y al cabo, estaba visitando a un amigo.    Entro a la zona donde reparan los coches y le encuentro con el coche de Dan. Estoy segura de que hasta ahora no ha examinado el coche porque tampoco se creía que lo habían manipulado. Me acerco despacio, suerte que está de espaldas a mí, así le puedo dar una sorpresa.
Coloco mis manos como si tuviera una pistola y la coloco en su espalda.   — ¡Está usted detenido, señor Rogers! —exclamo, intentando poner una voz un poco profunda, aunque imposible.    Richy se asusta y se da un golpe en la cabeza al incorporarse. Suelto una risa y él se gira, con cara de dolor.   — ¡Por fa-…. ¿Macie? —Richy me mira nervioso, casi como si hubiera visto un fantasma.   —Hola Richy —saludo, con una sonrisa de las que son encantadoras.   — ¿Qué- —suelta una risa floja, mirando a todos los lados— ¿Qué haces aquí? —Pregunta con tono molesto— ¡Quiero decir! ¡No es que no me alegre de verte! —Me señala con las manos, aún nervioso— Estás aquí ¡Wow! Ah… Vaya, no sé qué decir…   — ¿Tan mal me veo en persona? —bromeo, al ver que no puede hablar.   —Sí- ¡Digo! —Para de hablar y suspira— Mejor me callo antes de que diga alguna tontería más.    Vuelvo a reír y me apoyo en el coche, mirándolo.   —El famoso coche de Dan… —digo sin apartar la vista a todo el destrozo— ¿Has logrado encontrar algo?   —Ningún signo de manipulación —me responde, quitándose los guantes— ¿Pero qué haces aquí? ¿Y dónde te alojas? Pregunto por preocupación, dado que todos en Duskwood desean… Bueno, ya sabes —hace un gesto como de disparo en la cabeza, fingiendo que se muere.    Asiento haciendo un sonido de molestia. Por suerte todavía no ha pasado.   <<Más rápido de lo que pensaba. >>   —Estoy aquí por trabajo —contesto, metiendo las manos en el bolsillo de la sudadera—, un reportaje sobre el festival Pine Glade —veo como asiente, apoyándose también en el coche— y estoy alojándome en casa de Jessy.   — ¿En serio? ¿La has visto? —me pregunta preocupado por ella.   —Sí, justamente antes de marcharse, me ha dicho ‘Siéntete como en casa’ y me ha dejado en su casa sola.   —Qué raro que no me haya dicho que estabas aquí…   —Bueno, con lo de Phil… —suelto un largo suspiro. Ha sido un golpe fuerte para ella.   —Ya, lo de Phil… —veo que parece de verdad se siente mal por la situación— No puedo creer que le hayan detenido, a ver… Solo por dar copas gratis a las chicas guapas no debe de ser un crimen.    Pongo los ojos en blanco. Hasta en momentos como este bromea.   — ¿Te recuerdo que por tu culpa y ese paquete de cerillas, Cleo y Thomas quisieron entrar en la en la caja de seguridad? —le pregunto enfadada.   —Intentaba ayudar también con cualquier pista —contesta, encogiéndose de hombros— ¿Pero dónde está Jessy?   —Está… —tomo aire y me pongo seria. Terreno listo— Ha ido a casa de Iris, la madre de Jennifer Hanson —uso el apellido que había encontrado en internet investigando por mi cuenta. De esto no lo había contado todavía.    Veo a Richy cambiar de expresión, incluso esta vez sí que se pone pálido. Se pone a mirar el suelo, nervioso.   —Me diste el nombre mal —le doy un empujón amistoso, con una risa— o como fue hace diez años, quizás no te acordabas bien ¿verdad?   —Sí, es eso —se ríe sujetándose la gorra—. Hace mucho de ese caso, la verdad que aún me pone los pelos de punta. Saber que el asesino nunca fue encontrado, puso nervioso a todo Duskwood por un tiempo —me explica con calma. Aunque su mano me dice otra cosa cuando la veo, agarrando el coche con fuerza—. Pero ya te lo dije, es imposible que el caso de Jennifer y el de Hannah estén relacionados.   —Pues parece que sí —me aparto el cabello, colocándolo detrás de la oreja, haciendo esto, puedo mostrar mis ojos, buscando los suyos con confianza—, Hannah le dijo a Iris que el mismo hombre que mató a Jennifer iba a por ella.   — ¿Y ese es el hombre que la ha secuestrado? —me pregunta, dándose la vuelta para guardar las herramientas.   —De momento es la primera teoría que tengo —le veo concentrado en guardar cada herramienta bien colocada en su lugar, despacio— y la pista que tenemos es un coche, un AMC Gremlin.    Se le cae una herramienta y suelta un taco.   —Perdón —se disculpa, mirándome— ¿No me digas que ahora harás que ese hacker vaya archivo por archivo buscando ese coche por internet? —se ríe, regresando a poner bien la herramienta.   — ¿Y por qué no?   —Porque dudo que pueda encontrar algo —responde, acercándose de nuevo—, no hay ningún archivo en nuestros ordenadores de esa época… Y no me gustaría que se meta en nuestros archivos actuales, ya sabes que lo que pienso de él.   —Por eso es que es Jessy que se va a encargar de ello —me atrevo a decir—, si a ti no te importa, claro.   —Si es que encuentra algo —se cruza de brazos, pensativo—, son archivos de hace diez años ¿Quién sabe si seguirán estando?   —Por intentarlo —me encojo de hombros—. Pero como tú no te encargabas de eso, puede que ni sepas si sigue estando ¿verdad?   —Sí, supongo que tienes razón —suspira, volviendo a tocarse la gorra— ¿Y cuándo regresará Jessy?   —Primero va a ir a la comisaría de Duskwood, quiere poder averiguar quién a acusado a Phil.   — ¿Y si ha sido el hacker? —me pregunta. No veo nada raro en su pregunta, lo dice en serio— Piénsalo, está muy interesado en buscar a Hannah y con todo lo que se ha dicho, a lo mejor ha dado información falsa.   — ¿Podéis dejar todos de acusar a Jake sin conocerle? —Me molesto, dejando salir mis sentimientos— ¡Jake es inocente! No haría algo como eso, se arriesgaría a tener más problemas.    Richy me mira sorprendido ante mi enfado, casi parece dolido por haber dicho eso.   —Espera aquí —me dice antes de volver a las oficinas.    Intento relajarme. Todo lo que implica acusar o señalar a Jake de algo que no ha hecho me molesta. No soporto que le traten así.   <<Pero claro, solo yo conozco a Jake de verdad…>>
Me quedo esperando dándole toques al coche con el dedo. Si todo va bien, puede que pronto termine esto.   —Ya estoy —Richy regresa, con las manos en la espalda y una sonrisa—. Extiende la mano.    Pongo los ojos en blanco y me incorporo, separándome del coche. Hago caso y extiendo las manos. Me deja una chocolatina en la mano, con el logo de su tienda. Lo miro con gran interés, como si fuera lo mejor que existe ¡Es que es un chocolate!   —Dijiste que prefieres antes el chocolate a una taza, así que encargué unos cuantos en la pastelería —me contesta mientras le doy vueltas a la chocolatina— ¿Y bien?    Abro el envoltorio y me llevo el chocolate a la boca ¡Delicioso!   —Mmm… ¿Esto es chantaje por lo que has dicho de Jake? —le pregunto, tapándome la boca para comer.   —Más bien una disculpa —sonríe.    Me quedo mirándolo, dudando por un momento. Es un buen amigo y aun así… No puedo creer lo que esté pensando.   —Oye Richy —empiezo a decir, con miedo.   — ¿Sí Macie? —no borra su sonrisa. Duele.   — ¿Hay algo que te preocupa? ¿O que te gustaría decirme? —Pregunto, mientras tapo de nuevo el chocolate— Sabes que soy tu amiga ¿verdad? Puedes ser sincera conmigo.    Richy aparta la mirada, ocultándose con la gorra.   —Tan solo… —suelta aire cargado— Estoy preocupado por Jessy —dice intentando mirarme a los ojos—: El secuestro de Hannah, tus acusaciones, el ataque, la detención de Phil… Realmente estoy muy preocupado por ella, es que… —aprieta la mano con fuerza— No debería pasar por todo esto.   —Lo sé.    Intento mantener la calma. No debo alterarme.   — ¿Por qué… ¿Por qué no te llevas más chocolatinas? —me hace una señal para que le siga a la recepción. Parece como si me estuviera echando ya de manera indirecta. Me tiende el bol de cristal— Coge las que quieras.   —Vale… —cojo cinco y los guardo en la sudadera. Escucho como se ríe— ¿Qué? ¿Qué pasa?   —Deja un poco para los demás.   —No hay un cartel que ponga ‘Coger solo uno’.   —Gracias por la idea.    Me río también, al menos, dejando que el ambiente entre los dos sea más relajado.   —Tengo que irme ya —digo, señalando a la puerta—. Me ha encantado verte en persona.   ��Y a mí también ¿y hasta cuándo te quedas?   —Hasta que termine el festival ¿Por qué?   —Oh, pues… —se rasca el cuello nervioso, evitando mirarme— Podríamos ir todos juntos y enseñarte el festival Pine Glade y ayudarte en contarte todo lo que sabemos.   —Me encantaría.    Me va a abrazar pero recuerda que tiene el uniforme lleno de aceite de coche. Me acaba dando la mano para despedirnos. Espero que haya valido la pena venir aquí por mi teoría, si no… Me sentiré como la peor persona en el mundo. De camino al motel, me pasé por la cafetería para comprar dos cafés. Estaba segura de que Jake iba a necesitar uno. Llamo a su puerta y abre un poco para ver quién está fuera. Le veo que lleva puesta la mascarilla y la sudadera.   —Ah, eres tú —dice más aliviado— ¿Todo bien?   —Sí, ya he terminado —le tiendo el vaso y lo coge—. Pensé que necesitarías un par de baterías.    Suelta una risa y me mira.   —Gracias.   — ¿Lo llevas bien?   —Aún me queda un poco más —mira dentro un momento y luego a mí— ¿Puedes esperar un poco más?   —Claro, estaré en mi cuarto entonces —señalo con la mano, indicando que estoy cerca.   —O también…    Se queda callado y deja de mirarme. Espero un poco a que me invite a pasar.   —Descansa un poco —me dice finalmente.   —Claro —sonrío mientras que por dentro grito—. Envíame un mensaje entonces ¿vale?   —Sí, no te preocupes.    Cierra la puerta y yo me dirijo a la mía. Si hubiera sugerido yo quedarme en su cuarto ¿me hubiera invitado?   — ¿Quieres pasar? —Me giro al escuchar a Jake tras abrir la puerta— Yo tengo todavía que mirar chats, pero si quieres podemos hablarlo mientras voy leyendo.    Voy a contestar cuando recibo una notificación. Cojo el móvil y miro el chat de grupo. Thomas pide continuar con la conversación sobre la detención de Phil.   — ¿El grupo?   —Sí —contesto, un poco molesta de haber escogido el momento más inoportuno— ¿Sigue la invitación en pie? —pregunto, ahora yo atreviéndome— Puedo quedarme en la cama hablando con el grupo mientras que tú estás ocupado.   — ¿En… ¿En mi cama? —pregunta nervioso.   —Sí, bueno… Tú estás usando el único asiento que hay en el cuarto para el ordenador-   —Por supuesto, cierto —veo como se sonroja. Me controlo en reírme ¿en qué pensaba?—. Vamos, estarán esperándote en el grupo.    Me acerco con una sonrisa y entro en el cuarto.
Me tumbo boca abajo en la cama y Jake regresa a su trabajo leyendo los chats. Espero que no me hayan esperado demasiado. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas Podemos seguir por favor? Cleo Sí, ya estoy de vuelta Macie Richy? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richy normalmente era uno de los primeros siempre en conectarse y sé que ya había terminado de mirar con el coche de Dan porque estaba presente. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Ahora ya se puede decir lo que uno piensa de nuevo? Macie Ya todo el mundo lo hace Dan Vale Mi caso es claro como el agua La he cagado con Phil porque le dejé colgado en el Aurora Y justo luego después me fallan los frenos de mi coche Cuando justo vengo de una cita con su hermana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pongo los ojos en blanco ante lo que dice. Eso no es motivo para acusar a Phil de algo y tras hablar con él varias veces, ni le interesa lo más mínimo las historias de Jessy y sus amigos, pero encuentro normal que se enfade porque no se presentó para el trabajo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cleo Cuando quise preguntar a Phil sobre Hannah, reaccionó de manera poco adecuada Habló mal de Hannah y no sabía cómo hacer para perderme de vista ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    <<Ey, Cleo, cuando te acusen de algo, no te enfades cuando reacciones mal, un consejo para alguien que ha sido acusada.>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Macie Lo que puedo entender hoy en día Cleo Cómo? Macie Según él, tú tampoco te comportaste de la mejor manera Cleo He intentado chincharle un poco, pero es cierto Pero su comportamiento no lo justifica Macie Y las pruebas ridículas tampoco son justificables 😑  Dan Oye, quién dijo que ya había acabado? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  — ¡Oh! —Me levanto de la cama y sacho una chocolatina, abriéndola— Abre la boca, Jake —me acerco a él, quedándome a su lado de pie.   — ¿Para qué?   —Tú hazlo —me río ante su duda.    Abre la boca y muerde un poco de chocolate. Hace un sonido de que le gusta y me mira.   —Gracias —dice tras terminar de comer el trozo.   —De nada, te lo dejo aquí —dejo la chocolatina encima del papel en el que estaba envuelto en la mesa y regreso a la cama.   — ¿Roger’s Garage? —pregunta Jake. Debe de haber cogido el dulce.   —He ido a ver a Richy —digo, levantando la vista del móvil— ¿Algún problema?   —No, ninguno —contesta, incómodo—. Pero recuerdo que dijiste que ibas a ver a alguien especial.    Sonrío al escuchar lo molesto que parece.   —Un amigo también puede ser especia, Jake —le respondo, mientras sonrío de escucharle de esa manera.   —Sí, claro, sí, lo sé… —escucho que murmura— Los amigos también son… Especiales.    Niego con la cabeza, soltando una risa.   — ¿Qué? —me pregunta, girándose un poco.   —No, nada, todo perfecto —contesto, intentando poner cara de inocente.    Jake pone los ojos en blanco y regresa a mirar el ordenador, tomando un sorbo de café.   —Y no está tan bueno el chocolate —dice finalmente—, los he probado mejores.   —Ajá, claro.    Aún me faltan más pruebas y teorías como para hablar de mis sospechas. Él me contó al principio que sospechaba de alguien ¿y si es la misma persona que pienso? No debo saltar a la primera y acusar sin antes construir el escenario en mi mente. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jessy Acabo de venir de la policía Y lo saben casi todo Del vídeo de Lilly, de que nos hemos metido, de que tenemos pruebas que no mostramos! Que hay un hacker buscado entre nosotros Y saben de ti, Macie Macie Esto solo puede significar algo malo para Jake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  —Jake —me levanto de la cama y me acerco a él, mostrándole la conversación. Comienzo a morderme la uña del pulgar, nerviosa— ¿Qué hacemos?    Se queda mirando la pantalla, con el ceño fruncido.   —Bueno, la policía de Duskwood de momento no saben cómo soy o quién soy de verdad —me devuelve el móvil—. Y tampoco es de su trabajo detenerme, no te preocupes por mí, me preocupo más por ti ¿Te han dicho algo mientras ibas a ver a Richy o cuando regresabas?   —No, todo el rato iba con la capucha —contesto más preocupada—. Igualmente me lo imaginaba por mi parte, pero ¿de ti?   —Está todo bajo control —me coge la mano y me sonríe—. Nadie va a conseguir atraparme, y ya sabes por qué.    Sé que lo dice para que no me preocupe, pero es horrible pensar que podrían alejarle de mí.   <<Siento que me estoy obsesionando con este miedo, debo de calmarme un poco. Jake está seguro aquí dentro, mientras no salga de aquí, estará bien. >>
Regreso a la conversación. Jessy y Cleo de nuevo discuten. En realidad me pregunto si alguna vez han sido amigas o tan solo tienen en común a Hannah como amiga. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jessy Sé que uno de vosotros ha testificado contra Phil El jefe de policía me lo dijo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oh, perfecto. Tenemos un chivato en el grupo. ¿Qué más puede pasar? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas Phil habló con Hannah por teléfono el día que desapareció! Jessy Quién dice eso? Thomas Macie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diciéndolo así parece que yo haya acusado Phil, cuando en realidad no es así. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jessy Habéis hablado sobre Phil? Como sospechoso? Macie Pero solo por Cleo y Thomas Jessy Por qué no me lo contaste Macie? ☹️ Macie Porque no creo que Phil haya secuestrado a Hannah Richy Jessy, soy yo el que lo puso en marcha Tendrías que estar enfadada conmigo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jessy se desconecta. Estupendo…
Veo el chat entre Richy y Jessy. Ella cree que ha sido Richy, pero no es cierto. Él no ha sido, de eso estoy segura de ello, se lo he podido notar. Al final Jessy decide dejar su trabajo porque cree que Richy es el culpable del arresto de su hermano.
Me estiro en la cama cerrando los ojos. Toda esta tensión en el grupo no es buena, si empiezan a acusarse todos, podríamos acabar no fiándonos entre nosotros.
Es perfecto, llego a Duskwood y las cosas se ponen peor que antes. *Jake POV*
Termino de leer los chats y me giro en la silla para avisar a Macie. Cierro la boca cuando la veo tumbada en la cama, sin escribir ¿terminó la conversación?
Me levanto con cuidado de no despertarla y me acerco, observándola cómo duerme. Me fijo en sus labios y pienso en besarla. Estos pensamientos… Tengo que calmarme.
Despacio abre los ojos, mirándome medio dormida.   —Ya me lo he mirado todo —digo, sin levantar la voz.   —Bienvenido de vuelta… —contesta incorporándose en la cama.   —Gracias —veo cómo se estira y se queja— ¿Cansada?   —No, tan solo había cerrado los ojos unos segundos —contesta y suelta un bostezo. Me río y me mira mal—. Bueno, vale, pero porque llevo mucho tiempo sin dormir bien.   —Pues siento desilusionarte, pero toca trabajar.   —No me desilusionas, lo estaba deseando —se sienta y me mira esperando.   —Hubo una cantidad enorme de cosas que he tenido que leerme —empiezo a decir, acercando la silla a la cama—. Parece ser que el grupo comienza a dividirse. Macie me mira preocupada. Por los mensaje que he ido leyendo, al final ha cogido cariño al grupo, incluso estuvieron jugando por el enlace que vi.   —Tengo miedo de que me tiren hacia un lado.    No sé qué decir exactamente. Veo a todos los amigos de Macie y Lilly como simples objetos para ayudarme a descubrir la verdad detrás del secuestro de Hannah. O eso es lo que pienso, cuando vi que atacaron a Jessica, sentí que debía de ser mi culpa. Hice pasar a Macie por un mal momento al ver que atacaron a su amiga.   <<Y de nuevo mis pensamientos vuelven a ella. >>   —Sí, lo entiendo —coloco una mano en su hombro, intentando tranquilizarla—. Una situación como esta puede tener ventajas, ya que te presentan dos puntos de vista. El problema para ti es mantenerte con una perspectiva objetiva —Macie frunce el ceño, un poco molesta—. Parece ser que el grupo comienza a dividirse.   —Lo intentaré…    Tiene que mantenerse pendiente ahora a cada acción, no podemos dejar que esto sea un contratiempo.   —Tengo que admitir que la detención ha sido una sorpresa para todos.   —Y tampoco creo que Phil contaba con que le iban a detener —veo en sus ojos lo preocupada que está por él y me molesta.    No entiendo por qué preocuparse por alguien que trata mal a su hermana y que ve a las mujeres como objetos ¿Si eres guapa una copa gratis? Es el peor tío que existe. Doy gracias de no ser como él.   —No, seguramente no —contesto finalmente, intentando calmarme—. Supongo que la policía habrá estado investigando en niveles que no eran visibles para nosotros. Pienso que el ambiente general ha influenciado bastante nuestras perspectivas a la policía.   —O sea, que muy posiblemente gracias a ‘Los tres mosqueteros’, eso les ha ayudado.   —Más o menos podríamos decirlo pero —me pongo a pensar en lo que tenemos hasta ahora de cualquier pista que indique que sea Phil. Odio que no haya ninguna— parece que ni de un lado ni del otro hubieran suficiente pruebas.   —Tengo que averiguar quién ha declarado en contra de Phil.    Al ver su cara de decidida, mi corazón se acelera.
No puedo evitar en ponerme nervioso, es increíble lo que ella hace. Amo ese instinto de querer saber la verdad, es muy natural.   —Sí —me pongo a pensar en la situación— ¿Quién se aprovecha de ocultar informaciones contra Phil al grupo?    Espero la respuesta de Macie, que parece dudar.   —Alguien que cree poder llegar a Hannah.    Deteniendo al supuesto secuestrador, puede que hable. Aunque no hay indicios de que Phil lo sea… De momento.   —Es cierto —admito—. Al menos no podemos pensar que vayamos averiguar en breve quién detrás de todo esto.   —Me molesta muchísimo —dice con rabia— Sea quien sea en el grupo, no se lo voy a perdonar.    No sé si es importante Phil para ella, pero me duele. Su manera de preocuparse por él me hace sentir mal conmigo mismo. Inferior a él.   —He visto la conversación que tuviste con Phil —abro el tema y siento que debería detenerme, pero no puedo controlarme, es como si no pueda pensar con claridad por culpa de lo que siento por ella— ¿Por qué te invitó al Aurora?    Macie me mira sorprendida. Hasta ahora no me he dado cuenta, pero mi voz suena como si estuviera molesto.   —Porque soy una amiga de su hermana —contesta, inocentemente.    Frunzo el ceño. En realidad, no estoy enfadado con ella, sino con él. No me fío de Phil ni de lo que podría intentar hacer con ella.   —Le dijiste que irías a verle.    Veo cómo esboza una sonrisa. Tenía que haberme detenido.   — ¿Estás celoso?   —No —miento.   —Sí.    Suelto un suspiro y me cruzo de brazos, ignorando su mirada.   —Parece ser muy poco simpático.   — ¿Qué? —Suelta una carcajada— Todo lo contrario.    No sé si quiere molestarme o lo dice en serio.   —Pues me es antipático —le sigo llevando la contraria. No sé qué ha visto en él para decir eso—. No tendrías que haber venido a Duskwood, Macie —fijo mis ojos en los marrones de ella, bastante serio—. Es demasiado peligroso para ti estar aquí.   —En un análisis objetivo, los celos no tienen lugar —responde ahora ella cruzándose de brazos.   —Mi preocupación por ti sí —respondo deprisa, aproximándome a ella y apoyando mis manos en la cama.    Nos quedamos mirándonos y ella lleva su mano a mi cara, acariciándome con cariño.   —No te preocupes —me sonríe, tranquila—, no me va a pasar nada mientras esté en Duskwood.   —Prométemelo —digo firme—, que tendrás cuidado mientras estés aquí.   —Te lo prometo Jake, no voy a ponerme en peligro.   —Gracias Macie —apoyo mi frente en la de ella, cerrando los ojos—. No podría soportar saber que estás en peligro… —susurro, cerca de sus labios.   —Podría decir lo mismo ¿sabes? —me responde y noto el aire de su boca cerca de la mía.    Me alejo despacio, recordando que no debo tener una distracción en este momento. Se suponía que debía de hablar de todo lo que ha conseguido sin mí y de los chats y aquí estoy… Preocupado en que pueda perderla. No es profesional por mi parte.   —He… —me aclaro la garganta, dejando de nuevo el gran espacio que había entre nosotros— He visto que anotaste el nombre de ‘Alan’ en el listado de llamadas de Hannah.   —Y he averiguado quién es —veo como inspira y espira con dificultad ¿estará bien?—, es el jefe de la policía de Duskwood.   —Interesante… —pienso el motivo de por qué le llamaría ¿Sería por el hombre que la seguía?— Hannah contactó poco antes de desaparecer a la policía.   —O quería hacer una declaración —recuerdo a Macie diciendo que quizás hizo algo terrible. Me da miedo que sea así, pero habría que aceptarlo—. Al menos no era una llamada muy larga.
Asiento al recordar la duración de la llamada.   —Es cierto. Así que no le hubiese dado tiempo de contarles su versión de los hechos —veo a Macie agarrando con fuerza las sábanas, pensando. Parece que algo la está molestando bastante, me encantaría saber qué es—. Así que quieres seguir investigando ¿no?    Me mira como si hubiera acertado, con una medio sonrisa.   —No seguiría aquí sino —suelta una risa floja—. Estamos más cerca de Hannah jamás.   —Sí Macie, lo estamos —le respondo con una sonrisa. Ha dedicado demasiado tiempo de su vida en este caso—. El hecho de que Hannah haya conseguido esa pulsera de una casa de empeños puede llevarnos un paso más allá.   —Sí, también lo he estado pensando. Podemos averiguar quién lo empeñó.   —Exacto —me levanto de la silla, caminando por el cuarto—. Qué pena que no se me haya ocurrido antes —digo molesto.   —Tranquilo, podría decir lo mismo —me disculpa y la sonrío.   —Este hecho nos revela un detalle importante sobre quién es el verdadero vendedor —tendría que haberlo pensado. A lo mejor tenemos suerte y el que lleva la tienda puede decirnos algo—. Si llevas un objeto a una casa de empeños, tu intención es recuperarlo en cuanto antes.   —El asesino de Jennifer no es entonces —Macie se levanta de un salto, como si una bombilla se hubiera encendido.   —Sí es probable —respondo ante su deducción—. Deberíamos averiguar quién fue la persona que llevó la pulsera y ya sabes que es una tarea para ti —la guiño el ojo, sabiendo que hasta ahora, nos ha venido bien su ayuda.   — ¡Genial! Ya estaba deseando una misión —me responde con un guiño y me río.
Veo que entonces duda un momento en su hablarme o no. También me lanza algunas miradas, casi acusatorias.   — ¿Qué sucede, Macie? —Pregunto preocupado, acercándome a ella y cogiendo sus manos— ¿Qué te preocupa?   —Has… Has borrado los emails de Hannah ¿verdad? —me pregunta y noto que no me coge las manos como antes, como si estuviera dudando de mí.   —Sí. Pero entiendas por qué lo tuve que hacer.    Asiente despacio. Algo más la preocupa.   —Sí, supongo… —se encoje de hombros, con duda— ¿No te preguntas a veces si vamos demasiado lejos?   — ¿Qué quiere decir demasiado lejos si se trata de una vida humana? —No quiero discutir con ella, pero quiero entender su preocupación—. No puedo contestarte esta pregunta —agacha la cabeza, mirando el suelo— ¿Y tú Macie? ¿Puedes hacerlo?    Macie me mira con dureza. Ambos tenemos opiniones distintas sobre cómo llevar al final la búsqueda de Hannah. Sé que no ha podido evitarlo en encariñarse con el grupo. La dejé sola y era el apoyo que tenía.   —Sí si otra vida se pone en peligro.   —Te refieres a tu amigos ¿verdad?    Macie me va a contestar, pero su móvil suena.
Nos separamos y saca su móvil de la sudadera. Poco a poco veo cómo se le va cambiando la cara. No entiendo esa expresión ¿Es miedo o emoción?   — ¿Qué es? —pregunto preocupado.   —Así que no vamos demasiado lejos ¿no? —me dice, mostrándome el chat. En él me mostraba que Jessica le había enviado una foto. Una foto de una puerta con un cuervo manchado en sangre.
La acababan de marcar.
Capítulo 27
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spiritofkilimanjaro · 16 days
Unveiling the Magnificence: The 8-Day Lemosho Route on Mount Kilimanjaro
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure that takes you to the rooftop of Africa? The 8-Day Lemosho Route on Mount Kilimanjaro is not just a trek; it's a transformative journey that promises breathtaking views, diverse landscapes, and an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. Join us as we delve into the beauty and allure of this incredible route with Spirit of Kilimanjaro.
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Why Choose the Lemosho Route?
1. Scenic Beauty
The Lemosho Route is renowned for its stunning views and diverse ecosystems. Starting from the lush rainforest, you'll pass through heath and moorland, eventually reaching the rugged alpine desert. Each day brings new vistas, with the iconic summit of Uhuru Peak always in sight, beckoning you onward.
2. Fewer Crowds
Compared to other routes, the Lemosho Route is less traveled, allowing for a more intimate experience with nature. This solitude enhances your connection with the mountain and gives you the chance to enjoy the scenery without the hustle and bustle of larger groups.
3. Acclimatization Opportunities
The 8-day itinerary provides ample time for acclimatization, significantly increasing your chances of reaching the summit. The gradual ascent allows your body to adjust to the higher altitudes, reducing the risk of altitude sickness.
Day-by-Day Itinerary Overview
Day 1: Lemosho Glades to Big Tree Camp
Distance: 6 km
Hiking Time: 4-5 hours
Altitude: 2,650 m
Highlights: Begin your adventure in the lush rainforest, home to diverse wildlife including monkeys and various bird species.
Day 2: Big Tree Camp to Shira 1 Camp
Distance: 8 km
Hiking Time: 5-6 hours
Altitude: 3,600 m
Highlights: As you ascend, enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and the majestic Kilimanjaro.
and so on.
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evanlex · 2 months
[Disney Dreamlight Valley]
DreamSnaps Decor Challenge - Valley Views: Capture a beleza espetacular do seu vale. Seja um pôr do sol deslumbrante, um deserto deslumbrante ou geada - este desafio é sobre aproveitar a vista.
Acho que nunca fiz uma foto no Glade of Trust então resolvi fazer esse, fiz um caminho até a casa da Mamãe Gothel e ficou assim, gostei, a Mirabel apareceu ali com as borboletas e achei bonitinho
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altruistbloger · 2 months
Why Cat Skiing in Fernie Should Be on Your Winter Bucket List - White Grizzly
If you’re an avid skier looking for an unforgettable winter adventure, cat skiing in Fernie should be at the top of your winter bucket list. Known for its stunning landscapes and incredible snow conditions, Fernie offers some of the most exhilarating cat skiing experiences in the world. Here’s why you should consider cat skiing Fernie with White Grizzly for your next snow-filled escapade.
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Unveiling White Grizzly: A Legacy of Excellence
White Grizzly is one of the oldest cat-skiing operations globally, delivering authentic mountain experiences since 1998. Located in the pristine wilderness of British Columbia (BC), White Grizzly is celebrated for its commitment to safety, high standards of guest experience, and a legacy of excellence. In 2020, a group of backcountry enthusiasts from Nelson, BC, took over the business, infusing it with new energy while upholding its rich heritage.
Why Cat Skiing in Fernie is a Must-Do
Epic Powder Conditions: Fernie is renowned for its consistently deep and fluffy powder. The region receives abundant snowfall each season, creating the perfect conditions for cat skiing. Whether you're carving through powder-filled glades or navigating wide-open bowls, cat skiing Fernie offers some of the best snow conditions you can find.
Varied Terrain: Fernie’s diverse terrain caters to all levels of skiers. From mellow, powder-filled runs to challenging steeps and trees, there’s something for everyone. The ability to explore a wide range of terrain without the crowds of traditional ski resorts adds to the appeal of cat skiing in this area.
Exclusive Access: Cat skiing allows you to access remote areas of the mountain that are otherwise unreachable. With a snowcat transporting you to untouched slopes, you’ll experience skiing in areas free from tracks and crowds, providing a truly exclusive adventure.
Scenic Beauty: The breathtaking scenery of Fernie, with its rugged mountain peaks and pristine snow-covered landscapes, enhances the skiing experience. Each run offers stunning vistas and a sense of solitude that’s hard to find in more crowded resorts.
Expert Guidance: White Grizzly’s experienced guides are passionate about cat skiing in Fernie and are dedicated to ensuring a safe and memorable adventure. Their local knowledge and expertise will help you make the most of your time on the slopes, whether you’re a seasoned skier or new to cat skiing.
Experience Cat Skiing in Fernie with White Grizzly
Choosing White Grizzly for your cat skiing adventure in Fernie means you’re opting for a top-tier experience. Here’s what sets White Grizzly apart:
Unmatched Terrain: White Grizzly offers access to some of the most sought-after cat skiing terrain in Fernie. The variety of slopes ensures that every skier finds their perfect run.
Personalized Experience: With small group sizes, White Grizzly provides a more intimate and personalized experience. This approach allows for more individual attention and a less crowded skiing experience.
Comfort and Luxury: After an exhilarating day on the slopes, unwind in the cozy and comfortable lodgings provided by White Grizzly. Enjoy gourmet meals, hot tubs, and a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
Commitment to Safety: White Grizzly prioritizes safety, with experienced guides and well-maintained equipment ensuring that you can enjoy your adventure with peace of mind.
Join the Adventure
If you’re ready to discover why cat skiing Fernie should be on your winter bucket list, White Grizzly is the perfect choice. With exceptional snow conditions, diverse terrain, and expert guidance, your cat skiing adventure in Fernie will be an experience to remember.
Cat skiing in Fernie offers an unparalleled adventure for powder enthusiasts, combining deep snow, varied terrain, and stunning scenery. With White Grizzly’s expertise and exceptional service, you can fully immerse yourself in the thrill of cat skiing in Fernie. Embrace the adventure and create unforgettable memories on the slopes with White Grizzly.
Visit White Grizzly to learn more and book your next cat skiing adventure in Fernie.
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raven-nerd4life · 2 months
- The Garden of the Nymphs -
All around through the apple boughs in blossom
Murmur cool the breezes of early summer
And from leaves that quiver above me gently
Slumber is shaken;
Glades of poppies swoon in the drowsy languor,
Dreaming roses bend, and the oleanders
Bask and nod to drone of bees in the silent
Fervor of noontide;
Myrtle coverts hedging the open vista,
Dear to nightly frolic of Nymph and Satyr,
Yield a mossy bed for the brown and weary
Limbs of the shepherd.
Echo ever wafts through the drooping frondage,
Ceaseless silver murmur of water falling
In the grotto cool of the Nymphs, the sacred
Haunt of Immortals;
Down the sides of rocks that are gray and lichened
Trickle tiny rills, whose expectant tinkle
Drips with gurgle hushed in the clear glimmering
Depths of the basin.
Fair on royal couches of leaves recumbent,
Interspersed with languor of waxen lilies,
Lotus flowers empurple the pool whose edge is
Cushioned with mosses;
Here recline the Nymphs at the hour of twilight,
Back in shadows dim of the cave, their golden
Sea-green eyes half lidded, up to their supple
Waists in the water.
Sheltered once by ferns I espied them binding
Tresses long, the tint of lilac and orange;
Just beyond the shimmer of light their bodies
Roseate glistened;
Deftly, then, they girdled their loins with garlands,
Linked with leaves luxuriant limb and shoulder;
On their breasts they bruised the red blood of roses
Fresh from the garden.
She of orange hair was the Nymph Euxanthis
And the lilac-tressed were Iphis and Io;
How they laughed, relating at length their ease in
Evading the Satyr.
- Sappho (630-570 BCE)
Apologies for the wait, my time had been much longer occupied than I anticipated. As compensation, I share with you a longer text from a in modern days very famous, ancient greek poet to enjoy.
Yours truly,
The wallflower poet
Beautiful, long but elegant
Thank you flower, it's fine I didn't mind the wait. It's always worth it, to see you.
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magpieecotourism · 3 months
Investigating the Deoriatal Chandrashila Trek and Chandrashila Tungnath
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The Deoriatal Chandrashila Trek and Chandrashila Tungnath are two noteworthy objections in the Indian Himalayas, offering globe-trotters an extraordinary encounter. Known for their shocking vistas, rich social legacy, and different widely varied vegetation, these treks are great for nature aficionados and daredevils the same.
Deoriatal Chandrashila Trek
The Deoriatal Chandrashila Trek is a well known trek in Uttarakhand, famous for its stunning perspectives on the Himalayas, including tops like Nanda Devi, Trishul, Chaukhamba, and Kedar Reach. This trek is moderately simple, making it appropriate for fledglings and experienced trekkers.
Course and Features
Deoriatal Lake: The trek begins from the pleasant Deoriatal Lake, arranged at an elevation of 2,438 meters. Encircled by thick woods and snow-covered tops, the lake offers a quiet and peaceful climate.
Chopta: Known as the Smaller than usual Switzerland of India, Chopta is the following significant stop. This interesting village is encircled by rich glades and thick backwoods, giving an ideal spot to setting up camp and unwinding.
Tungnath Sanctuary: From Chopta, trekkers head towards Tungnath, the most noteworthy Shiva sanctuary on the planet at an elevation of 3,680 meters. The sanctuary, with its old engineering and profound mood, is a critical journey site.
Chandrashila Highest point: The last climb to Chandrashila, remaining at 4,000 meters, offers an all encompassing perspective on the superb Himalayas. The highest point gives a 360-degree view, making it a photographic artist's heaven.
Chandrashila Tungnath
The Chandrashila Tungnath trek is an expansion of the Deoriatal trek. It consolidates the profound meaning of Tungnath with the amazing excellence of Chandrashila. This trek is ideally suited for those looking for a mix of experience and otherworldliness.
Course and Features
Tungnath Sanctuary: The trek begins with a visit to the Tungnath Sanctuary. The old sanctuary isn't just a strict site yet additionally a design wonder. The peaceful climate and the scenery of the Himalayas make it a novel encounter.
Chandrashila Culmination: From Tungnath, the trek proceeds to the Chandrashila highest point. The ascension is steep however fulfilling, with the culmination offering dazzling perspectives on the Garhwal and Kumaon ranges. On sunny mornings, you can detect well known tops like Nanda Devi, Trishul, and Panchachuli.
Best Opportunity to Visit
The best opportunity to embrace these treks is from April to November. During these months, the weather conditions is charming, and the paths are liberated from snow, making the trek more available and pleasant. The spring season (April to June) brings blossoming rhododendrons, while the fall season (September to November) offers clear skies and fresh mountain sees.
Arrangement and Tips
Actual Wellness: Albeit the trek is viewed as moderate, being in great shape is fundamental. Standard cardio activities and strength preparing can help plan for the trek.
Stuff and Dress: Pack fitting trekking gear, including durable trekking shoes, comfortable dress, downpour gear, and a decent quality rucksack. Remember fundamentals like a medical aid unit, water jugs, and energy snacks.
Acclimatization: Give yourself an opportunity to adjust to the height, particularly assuming that you are coming from lower elevations. Remaining hydrated and going slowly can assist with forestalling height affliction.
Guides and Allows: Recruiting a neighborhood guide can upgrade your trekking experience and guarantee wellbeing. Make a point to get the fundamental licenses prior to beginning the trek.
The Deoriatal Chandrashila Trek and Chandrashila Tungnath offer an unrivaled trekking experience, mixing regular magnificence, experience, and otherworldliness. Whether you are a carefully prepared trekker or a fledgling, these treks guarantee an essential excursion through the charming scenes of Uttarakhand. So gather your sacks, ribbon up your boots, and set out on a trek that will pass on you with recollections to value for a lifetime.
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jandeproductions · 3 months
Bolton Valley, VT 10MAR2024
Dylan rides through the thorough resurfacing of snow that our latest winter storm continues to drop on Bolton Valley. Dylan is on spring break this coming week, so he was home in Waterbury and raring to go for what’s been looking like a great stretch of skiing. Dylan joined us as E and I headed up this morning for a session at Bolton Valley to check out the snow from the front end of this current…
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explorer-motorhomes · 4 months
Off-Road Comfort: Exploring Nature in Style with a 4WD Campervan
Embarking on an adventure into the heart of nature is an experience that many crave. The allure of winding trails, serene landscapes, and untouched beauty beckons the intrepid traveller. 
But for those seeking to combine exploration with comfort, the idea of roughing it in the wild may seem daunting. However, with the rise of 4WD campervans, adventurers can now indulge in the thrill of off-road exploration without sacrificing luxury. These rugged yet stylish vehicles offer the perfect blend of functionality and comfort, allowing travellers to immerse themselves in nature while enjoying all the amenities of home.
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The Allure of Off-Road Exploration
There's something undeniably captivating about venturing off the beaten path. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life, the wilderness offers a sanctuary for those seeking solace and adventure. However, traditional means of camping often come with their own set of challenges.
 Tents can be cumbersome to set up, and sleeping on the ground can be uncomfortable. Additionally, inclement weather and unpredictable terrain can pose significant obstacles to an enjoyable outdoor experience. This is where 4WD campervans truly shine.
Unparalleled Comfort on Rough Terrain
One of the primary advantages of a 4WD campervan is its ability to navigate rugged terrain with ease. Equipped with four-wheel drive capabilities, these vehicles can tackle everything from rocky trails to muddy tracks, opening up a world of possibilities for adventurous travellers. 
But what truly sets them apart is their interior comfort. Unlike traditional camping setups, which often require travellers to rough it in the wilderness, 4WD campervans offer all the comforts of home in a compact and mobile package.
Luxury Features for the Modern Adventurer
Step inside a 4WD campervan, and you'll find yourself surrounded by luxury amenities designed to enhance your outdoor experience. From plush seating and cozy sleeping quarters to fully equipped kitchens and bathrooms, these vehicles are equipped with everything you need for a comfortable journey. 
Imagine waking up to the sound of birdsong, brewing a fresh cup of coffee in your onboard kitchen, and enjoying a leisurely breakfast while taking in breathtaking views of the natural landscape. With a 4WD campervan, the wilderness becomes your playground, and luxury becomes your constant companion.
Freedom to Roam
Perhaps the greatest allure of a 4WD campervan is the freedom it affords travellers to roam wherever their heart desires. Unlike traditional RVs, which are often limited to paved roads and established campgrounds, 4WD campervans can venture off-road, opening up a world of remote and secluded destinations. 
Whether you're seeking the tranquillity of a secluded forest glade or the breathtaking vistas of a mountaintop lookout, a 4WD campervan can take you there in style. With the ability to access remote locations and navigate challenging terrain, the possibilities for adventure are virtually limitless.
A 4WD campervan offers the perfect combination of off-road capability and luxurious comfort, allowing travellers to explore nature in style. With a rugged yet stylish design, these vehicles are built to handle whatever the wilderness throws their way while providing all the amenities of home on the go. 
So why settle for a mundane camping experience when you can embark on an adventure in style with a 4WD campervan? Whether you're an experienced outdoor enthusiast or a novice adventurer, the allure of off-road exploration awaits. So pack your bags, hit the open road, and let the journey begin.
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poemoftheday · 4 months
Poem of the Day 27 May 2024
To Mr. [S.T.] C[oleridge]
Midway the hill of science, after steep 
And rugged paths that tire the unpractised feet, 
A grove extends; in tangled mazes wrought, 
And filled with strange enchantment: dubious shapes 
Flit through dim glades, and lure the eager foot 
Of youthful ardour to eternal chase. 
Dreams hang on every leaf: unearthly forms 
Glide through the gloom; and mystic visions swim 
Before the cheated sense. Athwart the mists, 
Far into vacant space, huge shadows stretch 
And seem realities; while things of life, 
Obvious to sight and touch, all glowing round, 
Fade to the hue of shadows. Scruples here, 
With filmy net, most like the autumnal webs 
Of floating gossamer, arrest the foot 
Of generous enterprise; and palsy hope 
And fair ambition with the chilling touch 
Of sickly hesitation and blank fear. 
Nor seldom Indolence these lawns among 
Fixes her turf-built seat; and wears the garb 
Of deep philosophy, and museful sits 
In dreamy twilight of the vacant mind, 
Soothed by the whispering shade; for soothing soft 
The shades; and vistas lengthening into air, 
With moonbeam rainbows tinted. Here each mind 
Of finer mould, acute and delicate, 
In its high progress to eternal truth 
Rests for a space, in fairy bowers entranced; 
And loves the softened light and tender gloom; 
And, pampered with most unsubstantial food, 
Looks down indignant on the grosser world, 
And matter’s cumbrous shapings. Youth beloved 
Of science — of the Muse beloved, — not here, 
Not in the maze of metaphysic lore, 
Build thou thy place of resting! Lightly tread 
The dangerous ground, on noble aims intent; 
And be this Circe of the studious cell 
Enjoyed, but still subservient. Active scenes 
Shall soon with healthful spirit brace thy mind; 
And fair exertion, for bright fame sustained, 
For friends, for country, chase each spleen-fed fog 
That blots the wide creation — 
Now heaven conduct thee with a parent’s love! 
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techrish · 7 months
A Beginner's Guide to Cat Skiing in BC - Unveiling the Thrill of White Grizzly
Are you a ski enthusiast looking to elevate your powder experience to the next level? Look no further than cat skiing in beautiful British Columbia. Nestled in the heart of the breathtaking Canadian Rockies lies White Grizzly, an iconic destination for those seeking the ultimate adventure on untouched slopes.
What is Cat Skiing?
Cat skiing, also known as snowcat skiing, offers a unique and exhilarating way to access pristine backcountry terrain. Unlike traditional ski resorts where lifts ferry skiers up the mountain, cat skiing involves riding in a specialized snowcat, a large enclosed vehicle designed to traverse snow-covered landscapes. These rugged machines provide access to remote areas that are inaccessible by chairlifts, opening up a world of endless powder and breathtaking vistas.
Why Choose Cat Skiing in BC?
British Columbia boasts some of the most coveted powder skiing conditions in the world, making it a paradise for winter sports enthusiasts. With its vast expanses of untouched terrain and reliable snowfall, BC offers an unparalleled playground for cat skiing adventures.
At White Grizzly, we take pride in our commitment to delivering an unforgettable experience for every guest. Our team of experienced guides is dedicated to ensuring your safety while guiding you through the best terrain that BC has to offer. Whether you're a seasoned powder hound or new to backcountry skiing, our guides will tailor the experience to suit your skill level, ensuring an adventure that's both thrilling and accessible.
The White Grizzly Experience
Established in 1998, White Grizzly stands as a pioneer among cat-skiing ventures globally, earning esteemed recognition for its longstanding presence and exceptional service in the industry.Located in the picturesque town of Nelson, BC, our operation is steeped in history and surrounded by stunning mountain scenery. In 2020, a passionate group of backcountry enthusiasts took over the business, committed to upholding the legacy of excellence that White Grizzly is known for.
From the moment you arrive at our cozy lodge, you'll be immersed in the warm hospitality and laid-back atmosphere that define the White Grizzly experience. After a hearty breakfast, you'll meet your guides and fellow skiers before embarking on an unforgettable day of exploration and adventure.
Cat Skiing BC: A Beginner's Perspective
If you're new to cat skiing, you might be wondering what to expect. Rest assured, cat skiing is accessible to skiers of all levels, including beginners. Unlike heli-skiing, which often requires advanced skiing skills, cat skiing offers gentler terrain and slower-paced descents, making it ideal for those who are still honing their skills.
At White Grizzly, our guides are experts at finding the perfect runs for every ability level, from mellow glades to steep chutes and everything in between. Whether you're carving your first turns in powder or tackling more challenging terrain, our guides will provide expert instruction and support every step of the way.
Cat skiing in BC is more than just a winter sport—it's a way of life. From the thrill of carving fresh tracks in untouched powder to the camaraderie of sharing unforgettable moments with fellow skiers, cat skiing offers a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.
So why wait? Embark on your next adventure with White Grizzly and discover the magic of cat skiing in beautiful British Columbia. Whether you're a seasoned powder hound or a beginner looking to take your skiing skills to new heights, we'll provide an experience that's as exhilarating as it is unforgettable.
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panindia · 7 months
Exploring Paradise: 3-Day Tour Packages in Kerala
Introduction: Kerala, broadly known as "God's Own Nation," is a place where there is stunning normal excellence, rich social legacy, and tranquil backwaters. Offering an ideal mix of unwinding and experience, Kerala is an ideal objective for explorers looking for a restoring escape. In this article, we present alluring 3-day visit bundles custom-made to grandstand the best of Kerala's attractions, guaranteeing an extraordinary encounter for each voyager.
Day 1: Embracing Nature's Abundance On the main day of your Kerala visit, drench yourself in the lavish vegetation and serene scenes that characterize the state's regular charm. Start your excursion in the first part of the day with a visit to Munnar, a pleasant slope station prestigious for its tea estates, fog-covered slopes, and unblemished valleys. Partake in a comfortable walk around the tea gardens, taking in the reviving smell of newly culled tea leaves and wondering about the all-encompassing vistas that unfurl before you.
Then, dare to the Eravikulam Public Park, home to the jeopardized Nilgiri Tahr and a different scope of widely varied vegetation. Set out on a directed safari through the recreation area, absorbing the stunning excellence of its moving slopes and verdant glades. Assuming you're fortunate, get a brief look at the lofty untamed life that occupies the locale, including elephants, sambar deer, and extraordinary bird species.
In the early evening, treat your taste buds to a customary Kerala lunch at a neighborhood café, enjoying the real kinds of Kerala food. Subsequently, proceed with your excursion to the Mattupetty Dam, where you can appreciate drifting in the midst of the tranquil waters and rich vegetation. As the day attracts to a nearby, make a beeline for your convenience in Munnar, where you can loosen up and restore in the midst of the serenity of nature.
Day 2: Cruising the Backwaters On the second day of your Kerala experience, set out on a hypnotizing venture through the backwaters of Alleppey, frequently alluded to as the "Venice of the East." Board a customary houseboat and set forth along the wandering organization of waterways, tidal ponds, and lakes that confound the pleasant scene. As you coast past curious towns, influencing palm trees, and dynamic paddy fields, submerge yourself in the tranquility of your environmental elements, distant from the buzzing about of city life.
Enjoy a scrumptious Kerala-style breakfast served ready, including a variety of neighborhood delights arranged utilizing new fixings obtained from the locale. As you proceed with your voyage, witness the ageless magnificence of rustic life unfurling along the banks of the backwaters, where anglers cast their nets and residents approach their day-to-day schedules.
In the early evening, land from your houseboat and investigate the enchanting back streets and streams of Alleppey town by walking or by cycle cart. Visit the notable Alappuzha Ocean side, famous for its brilliant sands and stunning nightfalls, prior to getting back to your houseboat for a comfortable supper under the twilight sky.
Day 3: Finding Social Fortunes
On the last day of your Kerala visit, dive into the rich social legacy of the district with visits to noteworthy milestones and social attractions. Start your day with a visit to the captivating city of Kochi, where you'll be welcomed by an interesting mix of Portuguese, Dutch, and English impacts.
Investigate the notorious Mattancherry Castle, otherwise called the Dutch Royal residence, prestigious for its flawless paintings portraying scenes from Hindu folklore and the historical backdrop of the district. Proceed with your social odyssey with a visit to the Jewish Place of Worship, quite possibly one of the most established temples in India, embellished with lovely Chinese porcelain tiles and Belgian ceiling fixtures.
Then, walk around the clamoring roads of Stronghold Kochi, fixed with pioneer time structures, workmanship exhibitions, and interesting bistros. Respect the notorious Chinese fishing nets that speck the coastline, a demonstration of Kochi's sea legacy, prior to enjoying a luxurious fish lunch at a nearby diner.
In the early evening, investigate the lively business sectors of Kochi, where you can search for trinkets, flavors, and handiworks to bring back home as keepsakes of your Kerala stay. As the day reaches a conclusion, bid goodbye to the charming place that is known for Kerala, with recollections of extraordinary encounters and the commitment of future undertakings waiting in your heart.
Conclusion: With its charming scenes, rich social legacy, and warm neighborliness, Kerala offers an abundance of encounters ready to be found. Whether you're cruising the backwaters of Alleppey, traveling across the slopes of Munnar, or investigating the memorable roads of Kochi, a 3-day visit through Kerala vows to be an enhancing venture loaded up with snapshots of stunningness and miracles. So gather your packs, leave on an extraordinary experience, and let the magnificence of "God's Own Nation" enter your faculties more than ever.
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lotusglades · 7 months
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Discover a slice of paradise at Lotus Glades, an exceptional eco habitat development in Delhi. Surrounded by picturesque vistas and refreshing greenery, our project invites you to experience the perfect blend of sustainability and urban living. With a host of thoughtfully designed residences, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and eco-friendly initiatives. Embrace a lifestyle that cherishes nature and elevates your every day at Lotus Glades.
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