#Veil of midnight
myownbookcloset · 1 year
Veil of midnight Lara Adrian
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/🌶️🌶️
♀️ Renata ♂️ Nikolai
Quote: “He was on his knees before this female, and he'd gladly stay there for the rest of his life"
Own ❌
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bengallemon · 1 month
! SMTVV SPOILERS ! (that and partial nudity)
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- Horned God -
Bored and wanted to draw more of the bino being weird strange and divine. We're now almost done with our first CoV run so we actually know lore now! Please zoom in to look at details especially the horns, eye and ribs. We spent a lot of time on that.
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Which lineage/background Rook is having the worst time after the ritual?
⬇️ poll under the cut (Game Informer spoilers) ⬇️
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 11 months
Fyodor/Nikolai/Sigma, domestic au, but they are painfully slavic and living their best lives, is something that can be so personal.
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(this post took forever cause I essentially had to make it twice. I didn't look at what blog I originally posted this to the first time round. shoot me)
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clarafell · 3 months
Inside the interior of Homura’s apartment. Did Homura use any form of magic to make the inside of her apartment like that?
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unprompted / always accepting!
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Hello there, dear anon. I want to start off by welcoming you to my little blog. Next, I want to personally thank you for taking the time to send me such a thoughtful question. I'm always willing to answer any questions related to the franchise since Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a really big comfort for me, even if it doesn't strictly relate back to my muse. As someone who adores everything about Homura so much, getting questions relating back to her always make me really happy. I always get super excited when I receive thoughtful questions out of the blue.
Let me get this out of the way: You are not the only person to question what the heck is happening in Homura's home in the franchise. There is a lot going on in her home. It's a pity she doesn't give a tour of her home, isn't it?
But the lack of concrete knowledge on Homura's home only makes her air of mystery all the more fascinating. Many fans alike have sat and pondered the same thoughts. I'm sure that everyone has their own personal headcanons on Homura's interior home, so please don't take my personal thoughts as facts. Here is my personal take on the interior of Homura's home...
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Isn't Homura's home on the outside so pretty?
Allow me to mention that the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica is shown to be sprinkled with advancements in technology. Let's take the school, for example. The desks are shown to be built so well that the desks can retract into the floor, effectively clearing away the room with only the push of a button. Gone are the days of stacking the desks away, at least in the school that Homura attends.
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The image above reveals the floor where a desk is secretly located, ready to be pulled out for the student to use. The Japanese seen on the floor reads Sayaka Miki's name, showing exactly who the desk is belongs to via the digital sign. Not only does it state the student's name, but it states that she is absent. Isn't that cool?
I believe this example of technology advancement in a public space really does speak for itself about the world. There is a popular theory on why technology is so impressive: It is a visual example of how wishes have progressed the advancement of human kind throughout history. I believe this theory to be a really easy one to understand, but it also makes plenty of sense.
As for Homura's interior room...
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There is a lot to unpack, but I believe the interior of her home is a strange mixture of both technology and her magic. With that said, I do heavily lean towards the technology side. Personally? I like the balance of both worlds. Not only do I believe that technology and magic are at play, but I also believe that Homura has sought out to refurbish her home.
I have reason to believe that parts of Homura's home are holographic displays. The frames of the various illustrations in the background appear to have frames that resemble image-like tabs. Not only that, it appears that Homura has found references in her studies over Walpurgisnacht. Judging by how old Walpurgisnacht is, I assume what we are seeing on the blank wall is Homura's research.
Walpurgisnacht aside, these clusters of images on the wall do scream that there is some form of technology at play in the background.
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A closer look at the various images show that the window-like frames are actually physical frames. This little detail implies that these potential holograms behave like picture displays, but only for digital photos. I believe that Homura is basically using her walls as one big monitor in order to always be looking at her research. She is taking workaholic to the next level by covering every part of her home's interior with her research.
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Walpurgisnacht has taken over her life so much that Homura eliminates all of her old distractions. The image above shows just how much Homura has changed after all of this time— Her home is distant and cold and empty...
The exact opposite of Mami's home, if you think about it. Both Mami and Homura live alone, but their interior homes are so vastly different from each other. Mami's interior is welcoming and cozy, mirroring her personality. However, the moment that we lose Mami is when the warm atmosphere of her home becomes sad... Almost bittersweet. Mami's home looks more normal, showing us that all Mami wants is to block away the loneliness with as much comfort as she can.
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Let us take a brief look at Homura's old interior. As you can tell by the two connected images, Homura's old style is less bizarre-looking. You spot a desk, table, couch, and even a couple of framed paintings. But nothing really screams Homura. It shows that all she cares about is having what is necessary. Not only that, but it shows that Homura is easy to adapt to whatever she can find.
Darkness covers the entire room, perhaps to foreshadow Homura's descent.
The old interior gives off a gloomy atmosphere. It still, however, looks like a home. A lonely one, yes, but still something normal. It isn't anything special, but it still has something. The fate of Homura's interior in the later timelines lack personality, looking as detached as its owner. The future look of Homura's home looks more like a witch's labyrinth, not someone's home.
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I do, however, believe that Homura has reconstructed her home with the help of magic and technology. The odd-looking flames on the candles (maybe even the slowly swinging pendulum) scream that they are formed by magic. Fans have also pointed out that Homura's room looks more like a clock, easily a reference to her time manipulation magic hiding in plain sight.
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As seen in the original anime, covered in a purple aura-like light, Homura has the ability to control large objects with her magic. While this might be only for weapons, it still shows that Homura can use magic on physical objects. With this in mind, it could be possible for Homura to redecorate with her magic when her technology cannot do the trick.
Overall, I love the changes that we see in Homura's home. I am hoping to be able to see more of Homura's home in the upcoming movie, Walpurgisnacht Rising. I love seeing Madoka or Mami's homes, but I would love to see more of Homura's life.
It's interesting that Rebellion doesn't feature Homura's home, even though the witch behind that impressive labyrinth is actually Homura herself. The lack of a home really does show that Homura doesn't give a second thought about her home. Homura is anywhere but inside her empty home, even within her labyrinth...
It's almost a little sad, actually.
With that said, I hope to see more of Homura's home again!
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mqfx · 6 days
yet another late night thought from yours truly. in a situation where I'd have to choose between being with jiang cheng or having access to my imps I would actually hesitate. like a lot
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rinbylin · 2 months
watching this extremely american movie with an ensemble cast and every other scene is me realising this is a character i saw in a previous scene then SUDDENLY thinking about one of those 'cDraMas ArE alWays liKE ThiS Ha HA' running jokey posts on this webbed site by its supposed fandom about how 'there are just always so many people in cdramas! so many characters you won't ever remember anyone haha!!' like buddy idk how to tell you that's not just a cdrama thing you just keep treating cmedia like it's some special alien thing. sick sick sick of it all
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vairuler · 9 months
𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 ! i hope this one treats you kindly & is even better than the last ♡
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contentabnormal · 1 year
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This week on Content Abnormal we present Basil Rathbone & Nigel Bruce in The New Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes adventure "The Unfortunate Tobacconist" followed by a spooky tune from our good friend Buddy Keys!
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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i don’t remember much about book one but excited for some more unhinged lesbians
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atherix · 2 years
With the pantheon, how do they effect the culture? Like how certain religions have certain standards/ beliefs/morales. Qnd how with the fae one, they keep their hair longer.
(I'm bad at phrasing questions so I hope that makes sense)
Ohohohoho I only have like ten minutes to answer this but here we go!
I lied, I saved it as a draft in the middle of answering this. I rambled so much-
Of course the Fae Pantheon has the hair thing, but the hair thing actually stems from something else- head coverings. Long hair is viewed as a "natural headcover," and elves with short hair actually wear headcovers/scarves! Not all elves are comfortable with long hair (whether their job/role in society is just not good for long hair or if they just in general don't like having long hair/feel physical or mental discomfort with it) and will opt for a headcover of some kind. It's viewed as being honorable/respectful, and is 100% a cultural thing and not at all related to their magic. There are followers of the Pantheon who opt out of this completely (for example, Tubbo has short hair and doesn't wear a headcover despite being part of the Pantheon) but yeah. Just a fun fact. But other than that, their teachings are big on things like honor and respect and family and community and responsibility; self sacrifice (for the right reasons) is something to be honored and respected (by other people) but is not something to be done lightly.
The Death Pantheon is extremely respectful, in general, to all living things and especially honors the dead- thus why Vampires are considered such an insult to the goddess, having denied themselves an honorable death and funeral in line with the beliefs of the Pantheon (generally, followers of Death would have funeral pyres, where their body is burned in the hopes that the smoke would guide their souls. Of course Vampires turn to dust when they die so can't have a funeral pyre). Zombies and Skeletons do not get the same rep, as more often than not they did not ask to be infected/cursed. (Hi, this fact should in fact give you a hint to something I cannot explain) Death is closely related to Destruction and can be self-harming as well as extremely harmful to others, so those who are part of the Death Pantheon and have Death magic are expected to hold themselves to high standards and learn self restraint. L'Manburg is a perfect example of what happens when someone with Death magic loses self restraint and control. ( :) ) They are also taught a bit of a symbiotic family-group type relationship; the strongest is meant to protect and care for those weaker than them, and in return the weaker among them swear loyalty to the protector. This is why they group up- Vampires into Covens and Angels/Lower Deities into Flocks and (sentient/hybrid) Zombies and Skeletons into Hordes. It's a very "we take care of our own" family-group type culture. The Illagers are a favored group of Naturals who follow Death, and even they fall into this family-group take-care-of-our-own mindset.
The Old Pantheon is, if you remember from Midnight Alley, a very, very exclusive Pantheon not because you have to be born into it but because it denies all other Pantheons (it was The First of the modern age, when people first started picking up the pieces again) and is very Humans Are The Chosen People (Hybrids came about during the Ancient period (they started as mobs/animals with human level intelligence and started taking on human characteristics, and eventually humans started taking on animal/mob characteristics as well) but unfortunately small vocal groups of people can be awful, thus why many hybrids would hide out or live in places that didn't have humans). Which makes situations like Tubbo, a Hybrid's bio parents followers of this Pantheon rather ironic and extremely sad. The Old Pantheon was good for one reason; it gave people hope for the future and guided them to rebuilding, but in the modern age of Hybrids and Magic and the Supernatural it just isn't a Pantheon that appeals to people anymore, and only a few (well, less than a thousand) people still follow. The good parts of this Pantheon focuses on community and loyalty, which unfortunately fostered a lot of Othering feelings.
The Moon's Pantheon is wild. The Moon god's favored being were wolves, who would sing to her every night. As the Moon is very wolf-centric for this reason, packs and families and "it takes a village" style parenting are at the forefront of the Pantheon, and loyalty and pride is serious- namely, on the pride front, having pride but not letting it consume you. Not all followers of this Pantheon are Werewolves (as there ARE Natural followers of each Pantheon as well). Of course, most Werewolves live in their own villages where they function at night, under the moon, and the Natural followers of the Moon also tend to live nocturnally. That being said, Naturals are not welcome in Werewolf villages unless they come with the intention of joining and becoming a Werewolf. (This is where you should be side eyeing Ren and Martyn.)
The Sun's Pantheon is quiet and low-key. Its followers wake up early to welcome the rising sun but they don't communicate with their god or anything like that. No, they kinda like... literally just worship the sun. They don't even know if there's a god attached to it, all they know is they wake up and the sun rises and brings them warmth and light and chases away the monsters of the night. The only thing a follower of the Sun is expected to do is greet the sun in the morning and bid it farewell in the evening, that's it. Nothing on morality or values or how they live, just greet the giant ball of fire and gas that gives us light, as if if they don't it won't rise again.
The Watchers you have to be brought in by a trusted member. It's very exclusive. I can't actually... explain a lot about the Watchers and their values/morals because it will be important later, and what they actually do I can't explain because it would be hella spoilers, but the tenets are very "community/chosen family" oriented; "Find your people." They're meant to protect their own and be loyal and faithful to those they choose to be "their people," which as we know wasn't always the case and still isn't in some communities.
Listeners are extensions of the Watchers, a special group who can sense/communicate with them, even when they're not physically there. (Again, you need to be side-eyeing Ren and Martyn here.) If the stars are the Watchers' eyes, the Listeners are their ears. They are meant to be loyal to the Watchers and are often meant to be silent, so they can serve their purpose without distraction. Listeners are a class of Observant, but they are very much so a servant-type class, their natural ability to connect the Watchers in [redacted] to the Natural world being desired and necessary. They're expected to travel the world so the Watchers can learn and, well... watch over everything.
Creation... well, Creation is just that. The First after Fate. The one who created the Natural world (or what we would call the Overworld in-game). No one follows this Pantheon anymore as all information about it was lost over the tens of thousands of years of known history (and however long it was before that), but there's still a sense of respect for it as everything around them, their entire lives, are all thanks to this long lost Pantheon. It was based in honor and respect for all things, whether living or not.
Destruction, well, I really can't explain that one right now. That one will be explained in-story, because there is a complicated-as-fuck situation going on here.
The Nether god created the Nether as an attempt at finding a peaceful place away from the Warden's wrath. Unfortunately, the Nether god was only a child of Creation and was, specifically, a volcanic god... so it could only create something volcanic. Thus came a world of magma and volcanic rock. It was utterly inhospitable for humans, which led humans to fear and revile it, until it was a forgotten piece of their history. Creatures found their way there and adapted, though, and Piglins evolved from the common pig and built societies, which pleased the Nether god. Unfortunately, some of the creatures that found their way there weren't so peaceful and honorable and wanted to find a way back... :)
What created the End? No one knows. Humans discovered it so long ago and explored it at the height of their technological advancements. Some never left. Strangely enough, prior to humans finding their way to the End, there were no Endermen in the Natural world... That being said, Endermen worship something. No one really knows what. It could be some kind of Creation god or it could be the Void that surrounds it all, it could be the Dragon they've bound at the heart of the dimension. Eye contact is disrespectful among Endermen and Enderman-related Hybrids, and generally non-Endermen (who will naturally avoid eye contact with each other) would wear a mask or veil to keep from accidentally making eye contact.
The Void... well, it's a defunct Pantheon now, but it was about community and loyalty, as many Pantheons are. Its followers would bring offerings- often bundles of food, sometimes things like precious stones and metals- to places that claimed to have access to the Void itself. Its people were generally hardy and faithful, with a strong work ethic. Of course, though, it had its... groups. Worship was generally held in small community houses or around a shrine... if you saw a giant temple dedicated to the Void, it was best to avoid it lest you become the offering.
Fate is Fate. Fate controls the fate of all things, and is one of the hardest things to defy. There's arguments on whether you CAN defy it, if you even have free will to stray from the path it sets out. There's debate on whether or not Fate maps out everything or just key points- if the journey to get to the end point even matters. No one knows Fate. Everyone is bound to it. Even the gods. Fate came into being when there was nothing at all, and set the wheels in motion for everything that came after. No one can even agree on if Fate is actually a god or just a concept. Many people don't even believe in Fate. Certainly, with a god out there who plans out all the paths and every turn the world can take- surely a god like that would never allow the Warden to come to be. Well, one thing's for certain among those who do believe in Fate; it doesn't like to be challenged.
I spent way too long on this :o I hope this answered... anything at all honestly, I had fun rambling about them~
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2ofharts · 2 years
when mitski said i want a love that falls as fast as a body from a balcony and taylor swift said im so in love that i might stop breathing and when pierce the veil said i wanna hold your hand so tight i’m gonna break my wrist and when phoebe bridgers said you’re breathing in my open mouth you’re the gun that will blow my brains out and when
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nullwork · 9 months
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nye final look b4 2024 lol
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drdumaurier · 9 months
I started writing a headcanon about Bedelia and closure and I made myself sad.
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clarafell · 3 months
new to the pmmm rp scene but my blog is not finished yet but do you know of any other active pmmm accounts besides yours?
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unprompted / always accepting
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Hello there, anon!
First off, welcome to the pmmm rp community!
I'm happy that you came to me because this moment gives me the chance to happily promote my lovely mutuals!
Neg from @heartbinders offers lovely versions of Homura and Madoka on their multi-muse blog as secondary muses. Neg's Shinji Ikari (from the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise) also has a pmmm verse, if you are interesting in writing with some non-canon pmmm characters. Overall, there are a lot of characters on Neg's blog. She is really friendly and passionate with each of her muses!
Next has to be the creative Ryn. She is a rather unique case because both of her blogs contain connections to pmmm world, which is something that I adore. First, I have to share her OC blog ( @wolfvirago ) because Robin is an amazing character. Naturally, Robin has a pmmm verse. However, there is also her multi-muse blog ( @shibemuses ) that offers a large amount of pmmm muses. There is Madoka, Sayaka, Homura, Mami, Nagisa, and even Kyubey. Isn't that wonderful? The best of both worlds! Of course, her multi-muse has other options beyond the pmmm world. (But make sure to still check out Robin, though! Original characters, even if they don't have a pmmm verse, deserve the world!)
Next has to be Kasy from @deathdanse, which is a side blog to her @misfxts blog. Kasy is another fascinating blog because her pmmm muse comes straight from the spin-off called Puella Magi Tart Magica. Now, if you don't know... Puella Magi Tart Magica follows the story of Tart, the very same historical person that would later become Joan of Arc. While Kasy does not roleplay Tart, she does roleplay a very fasinating character called Corbeau. She is both seen in the Puella Magi Tart Magica manga, but she did indeed get featured in the Magia Record app. Magia Record brought Puella Magi Tart Magica to life. Either way, read Puella Magi Tart Magica. It's a classic. More historical spin-offs should exist in the pmmm franchise.
Here are some more pmmm options for: @nagarese @hogarsis @gracelessflame @phntasmgoria @duessperare @starsgifted @rosecoloredmuses
(Siiigh. I'm sorry for some of the mentions not working completely near the end... Tumblr is being rather rude on how many mentions you can do on your blog. It's annoying, but there's nothing that I can do about it. Either way, I highly suggest that you go check out those blogs!)
Like I have mentioned in this other anonymous ask, the pmmm rp community is pretty tiny. It is my hope that the Walpurgisnacht Rising movie will attract the growth of the community because I would love to see more pmmm blogs. The overall growth of the whole pmmm community, rp or not, will flourish with the release of the Walpurgisnacht Rising movie. Thank you for the ask, anon! ♥
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isitovernow-ootw · 9 months
bla bla is midnights a breakup album bla bla bla irrelevant.
the real question is: is midnights woodvale?
and the answer is yes
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