#Vall d´Aran
silentsystemaudio · 9 months
EL VALLE GRITA - Val d´Aran a Pau Donés from SILENTSYSTEM Audio on Vimeo.
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miky59-blog · 2 years
Pirineos Catalanes de Lleida. -Каталонские Пиренеи Льейды.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 4 September 1838
9 ¾
so bit last night that this and the loss of my cloak prevented sleep – got up at 12 ¾, and, on examining my bed killed a louse – enough – sat up the rest of the night, slumbering when I could as I leaned back in my chair – I had luckily brought away nearly 2 whole tallow candles from Bagnères de L- this morning as a separate charge (unusual) was made for them, and one of these with the one we got here made out for the night – aroused at 4 – chocolate at 5 – determined to return the same way we came to look for my cloak – off (from Bosost [Bossòst] at 5 ½ - at the little chapel of St. Antoine in ½ hour at 6 – at the top of the Portillon at 6 35 – had looked and inquired all along in vain for my poor cloak – had thought of sending Charles to the village to Lys to seek my cloak but had hardly uttered all the way till 7 35 when I said I was determined to have it found if possible conte qu’il conte – Charles rather in a pet said qu’il ne l’avait pas enlevé..... this led to some words, and I blamed him for the careless, and was annoyed – however before we had gone ½ hour father he thought better of it and seemed so ashamed and sorry and made so very sufficient an apology (poor fellow! he was in tears – said I was very just – he had been with me so long etc. etc. never did wrong willingly......) that I promised to say and think no more of it and all was right again – for at 7 35 when I had told Charles to go to Lys, seeing that he was for leaving the mule and going on foot, I thought this would not do, and sent Jean who promised to be back as soon as possible and was sure he could get the cloak back if it had been lost thereabouts - .:. at 7 35 Jean set off by our route of yesterday and we returned by the direct road – by and by passed a douanier who asked Charles if we came from Spain – Charles came to tell me that he had said no! we had only been making a petite promenade and all was settled without another word – begged if I was asked I would give the same answer – no! said I, I shall certainly tell the truth if I am applied to – Charles said, he was very glad we had got off so well; for if he had said we had been in Spain, I should have had a fine of 60/. a horse to pay – Arrived à l’hotel du commerce B. de L- at 8 25 – comfortable enough double bedded room à rez de chaussée – very well for merely breakfasting in – breakfast at 9 – boiled milk and pears and peaches – no coffee and gateau de riz at A-‘s desire – Charles got the ‘manteau rouge publié’ cried by the drum-man – the crier goes about with a drum not a bell as in England – at 11 the botaniste guide – (Joachine Martre, Rue de la poste aux Lettres, à Bagnères de Luchon)  and we went with him home to see his collection of Pyrenees plants – the very pretty little pink flower, we saw on the Piméné (vide Tuesday 24 July) and in several other places Coumelie [Coumély]? Begonz? Saongué? (but not the little pink flower of the Piméné the whole plant not more than an inch high) turns out to be Azalea procumbens a little low plant, 5 or 6 in, high with little woody stems – very pretty – my great inquiry was for a specimen of Vératre – he did not know the plant by this name but knew it by the name of Hellébore.
but he had to seek a long before he found a specimen of this plant – his specimen about a foot long – could not judge how much longer the whole plant might have been – he said the colour of the flower was yellow – a person not understanding the difference of the petals (h meant to say the pistils etc. classical distinction as established by Linnaeus) might mistake it for the aconite – How said I the aconite flower is blue and the leaves quite different – yes! but he meant the A. Anthora – is the flower of the A. Anthora yellow? he said the hellébore was plentiful in the Près de St. Jean (near Paillole) –
le Vératre, la plus haute plante des montagnes. Chaussenque [Chausenque] i. 196
les Vératres, l’ellébore des anciens, croissent à hauteur d’homme somewhere sur un plateau herbeux near above la butte de Sers. i. 202.
l’aconit anthora, quoiqu’ vénéneux lui-même, passe pour le contrepoison de la renoucule thora, petite plante – n’a qu’une feuille et une fleur jaune – used by les peuples de nord pour empoisonner leurs flèches. i. 198
while Matre looked for the Vératre, he gave me a letter to read from our late M.P. Mr. James Stuart Wortley from which it appeared M- had been his guide in the valle de Lys, valle d’Arran [Aran?], etc. and desiring to send some pine cones of 2 or 3 different sorts named and the plants according to order, and giving M- an order for the sum due upon W-‘s banker at Bordeaux the parcel to be sent from Bordeaux to England – M- shewed me also a letter from an Angalise Mrs. Martin who had ordered of him a collection of Pyrenees plants – he furnishes specimens at 25/. per centaine – what I paid in Switzerland – but when I said I had paid 20/. per 100 at Chamouni [Chamonix] he said he would furnish me specimens at that price I had asked him the price of guides here, he said 3/. a day per man and 3/. a day per horse and nourriture, but when a man was not mounted and had long courses, he deserved something more – He shewed me also a little work which he praised much, written by a Mr. Bentham the son (he said) of an English general who was with the d. of Wellington in the peninsular war –
Catalogue des plantes ingidènes des Pyrénées et du Bas Languedoc. Par George Bentham à Paris chez Madame Huzard imprimer-libraire Rue de l’Epéron – St. André n°7 1826. and Toulouse chez Vieusseux. and Montpellier, chez Gabon and cie. and Sévalle libraire
Martres’ specimen of Vératre too long for me to bring away – took nothing but gave him a 5/. piece and my name ‘Madame Lister’ begging him to set down the receipt towards anything I might order hereafter – Jean came here to be paid 12/. for man and horse the 2 days, and gave him 10/. with which to pay the man at Lys who had found the manteau rouge (as he said) not far from the cottage where we had fed the horses – satisfied to have my poor cloak back again – it went with me to the top of Mt. Perdu in 1830, and has been my companion too long to be unvalued tho’ now worn into holes round the bottom – Pierre too (Dalgarotte) came here to wish me goodbye and recommended himself and his son for future employment – but Martre would be the man for me another time – A- not having been much amused had probably been proportionally impatient of delay – walked back to the Inn – and off from here – off from Bagnères de Luchon at 12 10 – had we had time Jean had greatly vaunted an excursion to Montné (should it be Mouné?) from the top of which a very fine view of all the mountains around and we should have returned upon Arreau by a new line all the way – I think he said it would only have taken us 7 hours this way to Arreau – we had doubted between this and the valle d’Oo and lake of Seculejo in one road as we passed by our former route – it was now too late for the lake – but we might have done the other – However, I thought not of it at the moment, and we jogged on the old way – at St. Aventin at 1 10 good church and village – Casauz [Cazaux -Fréchet-Anéran-Camors] at 1 ½ just skirt along the top of the village, and close by and under the church – at 1 50 pass thro’ Garrey and just out of the village good view of the glacier of Mt. d’Oo on our left – at the top of the Port (de Peyresourde) at 2 50 and I alighted then and A- afterwards at 3 25 – passed thro’ Loudervielle at 2 50 – A- rather tired and sat down on a wall to rest at 4, for 5 minutes when both mounted – crossed the bridge over the gave and in the highroad in ¼ hour at 4 20 and here we came up with the 2 Spaniards and Bagnères de Luchon guide on foot carrying a largeish deal box on his back, who had passed us ¼ hour before, and they turned left to pass the port de Plan to Vielle [Vielle-Aure] (3 heures) in the valle d’Aure (on account of the Doane [douane] being there) to go tomorrow to Balbastro -  at 4 50 pass thro’ the pretty village of Avvaiyorn (as pronounced by Charles) – A- tired of riding and poorlyish – very picturesque wooded hedgy, corny, well-villaged, fine valle (valle de Louron) – A- very much tired – walked 10 minutes till 5 ½ and I from 5 20 to 5 ¾ thro’ the village of Bordères (vide Chaussenque [Chausenque] i.357) in a nice green bassin – at the hotel du commerce chez Clavière à Arreau at 6 35 – very fine day and evening – Arreau beautifully situated, neat, good, very pretty picturesque little town – delighted to be as it were, at home again with these good people – out in the court and about while A- lay down – dinner at 7 ¼ in ¾ hour – A- sick and poorly – la fille came to ask me in a whisper that the mistress takes all that is given for la fille, and gives her very little of it, and gives her 55fr. a year – begged me to give her herself ½ what I gave before and give the other ½ to the mistress without saying anything – shook and folded all my things and had a thorough wash, all which took me till 9 ¾ - A- better
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hostalsalvatierra · 2 years
hoteles en vall d aran
hoteles en vall d aran
#hotelesenvalldaran #hotel #hoteles Conseguir reserva de alojamiento en hoteles en vall d aran.   ¿Estás planificando un reposo en hoteles en vall d aran? ¿qué opciones de hoteles están a tu disposición para usted? ¿ahora ha podido ejecutar su selección y recatado su resort, o quiere preguntar más? Es fácil de llevar en la emoción de la planeación de unas vacaciones y terminar descuidando…
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dwaynagrupomusical · 4 years
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Buenos diss Amiguitos!!!! Venga vengaaa que vamos rodando y hoy a las 17:00-21:00 segundo concierto postconfinamiento en Arties! En la plaza del Hurtau! Os espero a todos!!! Que mejor manera de comorar tus regalitos hechos con el corazon y directamente de nuestro Valle de Aran! Vamonossss! A partir de las 17;00! QUE NO TE LO CUENTEN! ❤️😘😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😘 (en Arties, Val d' Aran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD0gwolink6/?igshid=s1840bvpk5c
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visitandoespana · 5 years
Hoteles en Baqueira
Hotel Spa La Pleta Hotel situado en el corazón de los Pirineos, en el idílico valle de Arán, a 1.700 metros de altura en la localidad de Baqueira, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas con acceso a internet. El hotel dispone de todos los servicios de spa, piscina climatizada, saunas, jacuzzi, baño turco, rayos UVA, bañera de hidromasaje, terraza, gimnasio
Hotel Melia Royal Tanau Hotel situado en la estación de esquí Baqueira Beret, a una altura de 1.700 m. sobre el nivel del mar, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas.  El hotel, completa sus instalaciones con una zona de relax con piscina climatizada, sauna, hamman (Baño Turco), jacuzzi interior & exterior, bañera de hidromasaje, zona de balneario para masajes & otros tratamientos corporales. Salón social con T.V. vía satélite.
Hotel Chalet Bassibe Hotel situado en el núcleo residencial del Nin de Beret en Baqueira en el pirineo Leridano, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas con conexión wifi a internet, algunas con bañera de hidromasaje. El hotel dispone de piscina climatizada interior y exterior, saunas, yacuzzi exterior, departamento de masajes con tratamientos para la salud, pequeña biblioteca y salón social con chimenea.
Hotel Acevi Val d´Aran Hotel situado en la localidad de Vielha, en la provincia de Lleida , sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas. El Hotel también cuenta con una piscina interior y climatizada, 2 saunas, Ducha vichy, ballancer, fullterm, 3 cabinas para masajes y envolturas de barro. El Restaurante Val d’Arán, ofrece una variada carta que le permitirá degustar la tradicional gastronomía Mediterránea.
Hotel Sol Vielha Hotel situado en el centro de la localidad de Vielha, capital del Valle de Arán, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas. El hotel ofrece a sus clientes una variada oferta gastronómica que va desde los servicios de snack y el menú del esquiador de su cafetería, hasta una completa y variada carta con las mejores especialidades de la cocina Aranesa. El hotel ofrece un punto de partida idóneo para disfrutar de todas las actividades deportivas y culturales de las que goza el valle.
Hotel Husa Tuca Hotel situado en la localidad de Betren, Viella, en pleno corazón del Valle de Arán, a 10 minutos en coche de la estación de esquí de Baqueira Beret y a pocos metros del centro comercial, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas.Dispone de Bar-cafetería, restaurante, salones para banquetes y convenciones, piscina cubierta y climatizada , salones de juego, parking propio.
Hotel Tuca Hotel situado en la localidad de Betren-Viella (Lleida), en pleno corazón del Valle de Arán, a 10 minutos en coche de la estación de esquí de Baqueira Beret y a pocos metros del centro comercial, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas. Dispone de Bar-cafetería, restaurante, salones para banquetes y convenciones, piscina cubierta y climatizada , salones de juego, parking propio
Hotel Beret Hotel situado en la localidad de Betrén (Vielha), en la provincia de Lérida, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas. Dispone de piscina climatizada, cubierta en invierno y descubierta en verano, área con entrada exterior e interior con guardaesquís individual   por habitación con cierre de seguridad y secador de botas. alquiler de bicicletas en verano.
Hotel Els Avets Hotel situado en la localidad de Sorpe, a 5 minutos de las pistas de Baqueira Beret, en el Pirineo Leridano, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas.  Entre sus instalaciones dispone de : restaurante, cafetería, sala de reuniones, piscina climatizada, Pitch & Put Golf ,  20000 m2 de jardines,  y la posibilidad de realizar todo tipo de actividades en los alrededores.
Hotel Eth Pomér Hotel situado en una zona céntrica pero tranquila de la localidad de Vielha, en la provincia de Lérida, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas alguna adaptada a minusválidos. Entre las actividades que podemos realizar desde el hotel, en invierno el esquí, en verano, barranquismo, rafting quads, golf, rutas ecuestres, tiro con arco o visitas culturales por los alrededores.
Aparthotel ETH El Regufi D´Aran El aparthotel se encuentra situado en la localidad de Vielha – Val D’Aran en la provincia de Lérida , los apartamentos están completamente equipados y cuentan con servicio de limpieza diaria. Las instalaciones deportivas de Eth Refugi D’Arán son el destino ideal para olvidarse del estrés de la ciudad y mantenerse en formal. Dispone de piscina cubierta en invierno y descubierta en verano y fitness con todos los aparatos necesarios.
Hotel Tuc Blanc Hotel situado en la cota 1500 de la estación de Baqueira Beret, en el Pirineo Leridano, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas.  Dispone de restaurante y piscina panorámica, cubierta y climatizada. Tiene un programa de actividades gratuitas y otras que se pueden realizar y contratar desde el mismo hotel, como: Pesca, Excursiones a caballo, Vuelos en parapente, Quads
Hotel Pirene   Hotel situado en Vielha, capital del Valle de Arán (Pirineo Catalán, en la frontera entre España y Francia), sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas son exteriores y con vistas al valle. El hotel dispone de restaurante y cafetería, , zonas ajardinadas y terrazas exteriores, con lugares especiales para el recreo infantil. Además, contamos con parking descubierto, lavandería y guardaesquís. Gestionan cualquier actividad deportiva y de ocio desarrollada en el Valle.
Hotel Juan Caneján Hotel situado en el pueblo de Les que está situado en el Valle de Arán, a 3 km. de la frontera francesa y a 13 km. de Vielha en pleno Pirineo Catalán, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas.  El entorno ofrece múltiples posibilidades para practicar deportes de aventura y realizar turismo activo por todo el Valle de Aran y sur de Francia. Dispone de ofertas de fin de semana.
Hotel HG Ribaeta  Hotel situado en la plaza de la iglesia de Viella, capital de la Vall d´Arán, cerca de la estación de esquí de Baqueira – Beret y a solo 20 km. de la frontera francesa, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas,  El hotel dispone de Restaurante, Bar-Cafeteria, Sala de Juegos con Play Station, Lavandería, Guarda Esquís y Sauna.
Hotel Husa Viella Hotel situado en el centro de Viella, capital del Valle de Arán, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas. Cerca del centro lúdico (pista de hielo, piscina cubierta, etc.). Dispone de transporte privado a pistas y programa de animación tanto para adultos como para niños.
Hote Husa Urogallo Hotel situado en el centro de Viella, capital del Valle de Arán, sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas. Dispone de Restaurante, cafetería, salón social, parking (a 200m del Hotel). Guardaesquís, local para bicicletas. En invierno transporte gratuito a pistas. Programa de actividades en verano.
La entrada Hoteles en Baqueira aparece primero en - Visitando España.
from – Visitando España http://bit.ly/2HIqWSd
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euskadideportes · 6 years
Notas de prensa del Baskonia 
No todo es baloncesto en el Vall d´Aran para KIROLBET Baskonia / #GoazenBaskonia #GoazenKirolbetBasconia @Baskonia @BKNesports @BaskoniaFeskola @Baskonia_CR @CaracBaskonia
No todo es baloncesto en el Vall d´Aran para KIROLBET Baskonia
Los chicos de Pedro Martínez realizaron una actividad de rafting que sirvió para unir más al equipo.
(Notas de prensa del Baskonia ).- Poco a poco llega a su fin el stage que está llevando acabo KIROLBET Baskonia en el Vall d´Aran. Durante la mañana del miércoles el conjunto azulgrana realizó una actividad muy habitual de la zona en…
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