#VaR Mastery
surajheroblog · 1 month
VaR Mastery: Quantify Market Risk Like a Pro
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In the world of finance, understanding and managing risk is crucial. One of the most widely used tools for quantifying market risk is Value at Risk (VaR). This blog post will delve into the intricacies of VaR, exploring various market risk VaR calculation methodologies, their applications, and how you can master this essential risk management tool.
Value at Risk (VaR) is a statistical measure used to assess the potential loss in value of a portfolio over a defined period for a given confidence interval. It provides a clear and concise way to quantify market risk, making it an invaluable tool for financial professionals. In this post, we will explore the concept of VaR, discuss different market risk VaR calculation methodologies, and provide insights into how you can effectively use VaR to manage risk like a pro.
Understanding Value at Risk (VaR)
What is VaR?
Value at Risk (VaR) is a measure that estimates the maximum potential loss of a portfolio over a specified time period, given a certain level of confidence. For example, a one-day VaR at a 95% confidence level indicates that there is a 95% chance that the portfolio will not lose more than the calculated VaR amount in one day.
Importance of VaR
VaR is widely used by financial institutions, asset managers, and regulators to assess and manage market risk. It provides a standardized way to measure risk across different asset classes and portfolios, making it easier to compare and aggregate risk exposures.
Limitations of VaR
While VaR is a powerful tool, it has its limitations. It does not provide information about the potential size of losses beyond the VaR threshold, and it assumes normal market conditions, which may not hold during periods of extreme volatility. Additionally, VaR is sensitive to the choice of time horizon and confidence level.
Market Risk VaR Calculation Methodologies
Historical Simulation
Historical simulation is one of the simplest and most intuitive market risk VaR calculation methodologies. It involves using historical market data to simulate potential future losses. This method assumes that past market behavior is indicative of future risk.
How It Works
Data Collection: Gather historical price data for the assets in the portfolio.
Portfolio Valuation: Calculate the portfolio value for each historical data point.
Return Calculation: Compute the daily returns for the portfolio.
VaR Estimation: Sort the returns and identify the VaR at the desired confidence level.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages: Easy to implement, does not require assumptions about the distribution of returns.
Disadvantages: Relies on historical data, which may not accurately reflect future market conditions.
Variance-Covariance Method
The variance-covariance method, also known as the parametric method, is another popular market risk VaR calculation methodology. It assumes that asset returns are normally distributed and uses the mean and standard deviation of returns to estimate VaR.
How It Works
Data Collection: Gather historical price data for the assets in the portfolio.
Return Calculation: Compute the mean and standard deviation of returns.
Covariance Matrix: Calculate the covariance matrix of asset returns.
VaR Estimation: Use the mean, standard deviation, and covariance matrix to estimate VaR.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages: Computationally efficient, easy to implement for large portfolios.
Disadvantages: Assumes normal distribution of returns, which may not hold in reality.
Monte Carlo Simulation
Monte Carlo simulation is a more advanced market risk VaR calculation methodology that uses random sampling to simulate a wide range of possible future outcomes. This method can accommodate complex portfolios and non-normal distributions of returns.
How It Works
Model Specification: Define the statistical model for asset returns.
Random Sampling: Generate a large number of random scenarios based on the model.
Portfolio Valuation: Calculate the portfolio value for each scenario.
VaR Estimation: Sort the simulated returns and identify the VaR at the desired confidence level.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages: Flexible, can handle complex portfolios and non-normal distributions.
Disadvantages: Computationally intensive, requires assumptions about the distribution of returns.
Expected Shortfall (ES)
Expected Shortfall (ES), also known as Conditional VaR (CVaR), is an extension of VaR that provides additional information about the tail risk. It measures the average loss beyond the VaR threshold, offering a more comprehensive view of potential losses.
How It Works
VaR Calculation: Calculate the VaR using one of the methodologies discussed above.
Tail Losses: Identify the losses beyond the VaR threshold.
ES Estimation: Compute the average of the tail losses.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages: Provides more information about tail risk, addresses some limitations of VaR.
Disadvantages: More complex to calculate, requires additional data and assumptions.
Applications of VaR in Risk Management
Portfolio Risk Management
VaR is widely used in portfolio risk management to assess the potential losses of a portfolio and make informed decisions about asset allocation and risk mitigation. By quantifying market risk using VaR, portfolio managers can identify and address risk exposures more effectively.
Regulatory Compliance
Financial institutions are required to comply with regulatory standards for risk management, such as the Basel III framework. VaR is a key component of these standards, and institutions use VaR to calculate regulatory capital requirements and ensure compliance with risk management guidelines.
Performance Measurement
VaR can also be used to measure the performance of investment strategies by comparing the risk-adjusted returns of different portfolios. By incorporating VaR into performance measurement, investors can evaluate the effectiveness of their risk management practices and make more informed investment decisions.
Best Practices for Implementing VaR
Data Quality and Consistency
Accurate and consistent data is essential for reliable VaR calculations. Ensure that you use high-quality historical data and maintain consistency in data collection and processing.
Model Validation and Backtesting
Regularly validate and backtest your VaR models to ensure their accuracy and reliability. This involves comparing the model’s predictions with actual market outcomes and making necessary adjustments to improve performance.
Risk Reporting and Communication
Effective risk management requires clear and transparent communication of VaR results to stakeholders. Develop comprehensive risk reports that provide insights into the potential losses and risk exposures of your portfolio.
Mastering Value at Risk (VaR) is essential for quantifying and managing market risk like a pro. By understanding and implementing various market risk VaR calculation methodologies, you can effectively assess and mitigate potential losses in your portfolio. Whether you use historical simulation, variance-covariance, Monte Carlo simulation, or expected shortfall, each methodology offers unique advantages and can be tailored to your specific risk management needs.
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queenofyumcha · 7 months
'Promise' - Geralt/Emhyr Drabble
Tags: Pre-relationship, insecurity, gift giving, ✨paranoid emhyr var emreis✨
The cold weight of sharpened steel sits comfortably in his hand. 
It is no Witcher sword to slay monsters with, it cannot bear a torch to the deadly span of meteorite steel that lies waiting alongside Geralt's ever-packed saddlebags.
It is also no flimsy short sword meant as a first weapon for a lordling with more money than sense, gilded with gold that does little else but dazzle.
It would not be an exaggeration to call this sword a work of art, an elegant display of a swordsmith's mastery over steel. Geralt does not recognise the maker's mark at the base of the hilt, but nevertheless, he commits the shape of the overlapping twin suns to his memory.
Any Witcher would be a fool to not memorise the mark in order to seek out the expert behind such well-crafted weaponry, but Geralt has a streak of romanticism that Vesemir could never quite rid him of.
He may no longer call himself Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde, but a whisper of the naive youth that Geralt used to be has him memorise the maker's mark purely out of respect for the craftsmanship. He can respect a man who devotes his life to learning a trade, to craft treasures from ore. At this moment in time, he wields a deadly blade capable of changing the tides of battle in his hands and Geralt will treat it with every care it deserves.
He hums, tracing a thumb along the edge of the blade, drawing his hand away with a hiss of pained approval when blood slicks his skin. Geralt flips the blade in his hand, adjusting his grip until he’s satisfied, tilting the blade this way and that, admiring the way the steel glints in the candlelight.
It’s a handsome gift and he says as much.
Witcher's do not work for free. Geralt cannot be bribed and material payments do not interest him. But of course, the man sitting opposite him knows all that already.
Emhyr seems ill at ease in the silence that follows, the man the closest to flustered as Geralt has ever seen him and the closest Geralt imagines he could ever come to being ruffled. When Emhyr speaks, none other than a Witcher would be able to detect the subtle strained inflexion his words have gained. For any other person, for any other man, Geralt would discard such an observation as meaningless.
Emhyr var Emreis is not any other man.
For a man like Emhyr, the strain to the words spoke of an anxious, nervous want to fill the lull in the conversation, it spoke of a man that found himself somewhere he did not often tread… out of his depth. Ciri may have often accused Geralt of being emotionally obtuse, however, at this moment he felt anything but.
Emhyr wanted something from him, something he thought Geralt would deny him immediately without having even considered his offer. Yet despite Emhyr's belief in being denied, Geralt had been invited here regardless. Invited, rather than summoned. Emhyr had offered the gift anyway, even knowing it would have no weight in the upcoming negotiation. 
“It is not intended as a bribe, nor as a payment. I merely wished to… encourage you to the bargaining table, shall we say, and to draw your attention.”
Emhyr may have not secured an agreement from Geralt, but from the moment of the first strained word uttered he had secured Geralt's full, undivided attention.
"I haven't received many 'encouragements' through my long life, but those that I have received have been gift-wrapped and presented in person. I hope you don't make a habit of leaving 'encouragements' on your general's beds lest they think it an eminent sign of their heads being removed from their shoulders."
Emhyr holds his gaze unflinchingly, head held high. On the surface, he is the same unflappable man he has always been. Beneath the skin, Geralt can hear his heartbeat quicken.
"I see I have misinterpreted your... actions towards me the last time we met as interest. I regret any inconvenience I've caused in your daily routine, Witcher. You are free to leave."
"Well, I did think an entire sword commissioned and delivered to my room a tad overkill for a mere peck on the cheek."
Emhyr relaxes minutely in the wake of Geralt’s flippancy, his white-knuckled grip on the armrest loosening a touch. 
“I was not- I am not offended by your interest, Witcher. If I were, I assure you, you would know.”
“I should have known better, a threat from you would have never been so inelegant.”
Emhyr almost looks pleased by that.
“And you say court life is ill-suited to you. You have flattery down to an art.”
Geralt settles back in his chair with a lazy smile directed at Emhyr, letting his legs spread naturally- his smile becomes more like a smirk when he sees Emhyr's eyes automatically track the movement before flicking back to Geralt's eyes with an almost guilty cast to them.
"What exactly did you want from me? Now I know I'm in no danger of being hauled before the executioner's block."
Emhyr swallows, straightening in his chair as though readying himself for some great task. His heartbeat has become almost distractingly rapid, a fluttering beat that betrays the Emperor's nerves.
"A relationship of sorts, I suppose."
Geralt is guilty of letting the silence linger between them simply to observe the normally unflappable man's demeanour begin to become strained under a Witcher's intent gaze. Emhyr's breathing patterns change to tend to his body's belief it needs more air, his emotions, to a Witcher at least, are easy to read.
“A relationship of sorts. With me.  The filthy Witcher half your court thinks feral. Why would you even want that?”
“Your presence at court needs to be normalised one way or another if you truly intend to be supportive of Cirilla’s ascension to the throne.”
“As much as I’d like to, I’m hardly going to drag her kicking and screaming back into the wilds. She’s made it clear she has found her future walking a different Path.”
“How reassuring to know you won’t abscond with my daughter, Geralt.”
“Geralt? Well, if we aren’t being personable today, Emhyr, choosing to use first names instead of pointed glares.”
“The thought of spending the next four to five years without any kind of meaningful connection nor conversation seemed… unfortunate.”
There is a solemn understanding that fills Geralt at hearing his words. A lifetime on the Path is devoid of many comforts, which is to be expected, but it also lacks many necessities. It was not uncommon for him to spend weeks in the wilderness without ever speaking a word aloud, never exchanging a word with another being. He all knows all too well the bite that comes with loneliness like that.
“You were afraid of being alone.” Against his will, Geralt's tone has softened and he knows it was a mistake as he watches Emhyr tense, misinterpreting understanding with pity.
Emhyr's words come clipped and steely.
“I do not fear solitude. I do not desire it either. Most find companionship agreeable, and in that regard, I am like any other man. In return, you secure a comfortable retirement. I believe we will have a mutually beneficial arrangement. Have we not reached an agreement?”
“You’ve stripped your proposal of every shred of romance, Emhyr. Do you mean to woo me with such cold words of mutual benefit?” It is a clumsy attempt to lighten the mood with forced flippancy, but the joviality coaxes some tension from the other man regardless.
“I will accept a refusal with grace, Witcher. You needn’t drag this out in an attempt to embarrass me.”
“Emhyr, I was attempting to tease you. Honestly, did you suspect me of attempting to mock or humiliate you-" He cuts himself off, a smirk already turning up the corners of his lips. 
"No, what am I saying, of course, you suspected that.”
He had never met a man more paranoid than Emhyr. And yet, he had never met a man whose paranoia had been so justified.
Geralt sighs, shaking his head with bemusement. “I will make you trust me.”
“You must realise, that to a man like me… that is rather more a threat than a reassurance.”
"Emhyr," Geralt laughs, reaching out to rest a hand on the other man's arm.
"I prefer to think of it as a promise.”
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rohit-69 · 8 months
Mastering the Absence of Primitive Data in JavaScript with Power of Modern Programming
In the ever-changing landscape of web development, JavaScript remains a cornerstone, driving dynamic and interactive content over the internet. The ability to handle non-primitive data types is a critical distinguishing factor between skilled JavaScript developers and novices. In this comprehensive book, we dig into the complexities of these advanced data types, allowing developers to realize their full potential.
Understanding non-primary data
What distinguishes non-primary data?
Primitive data types like integers, strings, and booleans serve as the essential building blocks of computer languages, but they have limitations. In contrast, non-primitive data types in JavaScript provide developers with greater flexibility and power. This includes objects, arrays, functions, and more, which facilitatesThe development of complex data structures and sophisticated operations.
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The Power of Objects in Creating Strong Structures
In JavaScript, objects allow developers to create complex and logical data representations. Objects make programming more scalable and manageable by combining associated data and functions. Consider the following illustration:
Copy the code: const user = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30, address: { city: 'Techville', country: 'CodeLand', }, getInfo() { return '${this.name} is ${this.age} years old.'; }, };
With this arrangement, accessing and changing user data is straightforward, promoting code readability and maintenance.
Arrays for dynamic data manipulation.
Arrays, another non-primitive data type, provide a flexible approach for handling lists of data. They provide a variety of built-in methods, which allow developers to modify and iterate through components.With efficiency. Here's an example:
Copy code: const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']; fruits.push('grape'); // Adds 'grape' to the end of the array. const firstFruit = fruits[0]; // Returns the first element ('apple').
Using arrays, developers may effectively manage changing collections of data, increasing the versatility of their programs.
Functions: the foundations of dynamic code
Functions play an important role in the non-primitive data realm. They provide developers with the option to encapsulate functionality, promoting code reuse and maintenance. Consider the following example of a basic function:
JavaScript code: function greet(name) { return 'Hello, ${name}!'; }
var greeting = greet('World'); // return 'Hello, World!'
Functions allow developers to arrange their code in a modular fashion, making it more understandable and readily updated.
Harnessing non-primary data for elevated Efficacy optimization for data manipulation.
Using non-primitive data types goes beyond surface improvements; it has a real influence on the performance of your JavaScript code. Objects, arrays, and functions provide optimum resolutions for data manipulation, ensuring that your applications execute smoothly even when scalable.
Embracing Progressive Development Principles.
As web development improves, it becomes increasingly important to follow contemporary methods. Non-primitive data types integrate well with modern development paradigms, allowing developers to build durable, scalable, and maintainable programs.
Mastery of non-primitive data in JavaScript is more than just a talent; it opens the door to realizing the full potential of this flexible programming language. Using the power of objects, arrays, and functions, developers may improve their coding skills and create apps that Stand out in the highly competitive digital world.
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frontproofmedia · 1 year
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Daniel Dubois Fight Preview
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By Sina Latif
Follow @Frontproofmedia!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id))(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');
Published: August 25, 2023
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Daniel Dubois Fight Preview
Following the failure to finalize the Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk undisputed super-fight, Usyk (20-0, 13 KOs) will be defending his unified heavyweight titles against WBA mandatory challenger and rising heavyweight star, Daniel Dubois (19-1, 18 KOs) on Saturday August 26 at the Tarczynski Arena in Wroclaw, Poland, during the week of Ukrainian Independence Day.
This fight for the WBA, IBF, WBO, and Ring Magazine heavyweight titles airs on TNT Sports Box Office in the UK and ESPN+ in the US.
This will be the first heavyweight title fight of 2023 and, therefore, is one for boxing fans to look forward to in anticipation.
A 2012 Olympic gold medalist, Usyk made his professional debut in November 2013. After winning the WBO cruiserweight title in September 2016 with a unanimous decision win against Krzysztof Glowacki, Usyk made a fast climb towards history. In the World Boxing Super Series, Usyk defeated Mairis Briedis via majority decision for the WBC cruiserweight title in January 2018, then beat Murat Gassiev in the final via unanimous decision in July 2018 for the WBA, IBF, and Ring Magazine cruiserweight titles to become the undisputed cruiserweight champion.
After moving up to heavyweight in 2019 and having two warm-up fights against Chazz Witherspoon and Dereck Chisora, Usyk dethroned unified champion Anthony Joshua in September 2021.
Against Dubois, Usyk will be making the second defense of his unified crown. The Ukrainian southpaw won the rematch against Joshua and added the Ring Magazine belt to his heavyweight collection in his first defense. In this rematch, Usyk proved he has the minerals and intangibles to match his undoubted pugilistic mastery as he dug deep to overcome a determined Joshua. In the ninth round, Joshua unleashed hell and had Usyk scrambling around the ring as the Ukrainian was dragged into deep waters before Usyk showed his class by coming out in the 10th and taking it to another level, one which Joshua could not keep up with. Usyk turned up the pace and tempo even further, enjoying his own best round of the fight as he detonated a high volume of power punches from all angles.
After turning professional in 2017, Dubois’ self-confidence will have undoubtedly plummeted, with the Brit gaining a sense of invincibility built against men who never had a chance. In November 2020, Dubois had a rude awakening behind closed doors and under Covid restrictions.
Dubois was unbeaten in 15 fights and was coming up against fellow unbeaten Brit Joe Joyce. Dubois had stopped 14 of his 15 previous opponents. Coming up against Joyce proved to be a big mistake, though. Dubois took a knee in round 10 with a badly swollen left eye.
Since that loss, however, Dubois is on a four-fight knockout win streak. Dubois’ June 2022 knockout of Trevor Bryan earned him the lightly regarded WBA Regular title.
Despite being the WBA mandatory challenger, the majority of the boxing fraternity is not giving Dubois anything more than a puncher’s chance against one of the most skillful boxers of the modern era. Dubois seems ill-equipped ahead of Saturday night when he will be sharing the ring with the formidable Usyk.
Dubois believes he has more than a mere puncher’s chance in this fight. Speaking to iFL TV, Dubois said: “People don’t give me enough credit. They just say ‘he’s got a puncher’s chance’ but I’m going to show them all that I can box as well, I can move. I’ve been up in altitude, so I’ve been working on a lot more than just throwing punches, or looking for one lucky shot.”
Dubois is viewed by many fans, media, and analysts alike as one of the brightest young talents in the heavyweight division, one tipped for success due to his thunderous knockout power. However, this may be another classic case of “Levels” in boxing. A bright, young prospect is coming up against a generational great and one of the supreme pound-for-pound fighters of this generation.
This opportunity has come early for Dubois. When you compare the achievements of the two heavyweights on paper, it is hard to think of another sport that would pit two such mismatched competitors together and have the audacity to label it as a world championship contest. In terms of experience, Usyk and Dubois are worlds apart. Usyk is obviously at the world championship level, and Dubois may also reach that level one day, but right now, the gap is too vast, and it is difficult to imagine them competing as equals.
The 6ft5 Dubois will be hoping to join the likes of Lennox Lewis, Frank Bruno, David Haye, Tyson Fury, and Anthony Joshua in the list of British heavyweight champions.
It’s a big ask and would be arguably one of the biggest upsets in heavyweight history, but upsets do happen. No one would have expected Buster Douglas to defeat Mike Tyson or Leon Spinks to beat Muhammad Ali. The unexpected is what makes boxing such a captivating sport.
There is no getting away from the fact that the gulf in class and talent between Usyk and Dubois would make a Dubois win one of the biggest upsets ever. Dubois’ only chance of success appears to be whether he can use his size, youth, and power to overcome Usyk’s superior technical brilliance, experience, and every other conceivable advantage, and the odds are not in favor of the Brit.
Until very recently, Usyk was viewed as the number one pound-for-pound pugilist in the world. After becoming undisputed cruiserweight champion, the Ukrainian had become a pound-for-pound entrant. He then cemented his greatness with back-to-back wins against Joshua.
Joshua has superior mobility, boxing IQ, pedigree, and experience to Dubois, and Usyk still handily defeated Joshua twice. This does not bode well as far as Dubois’ chances in this matchup.
Of course, styles make fights, but is Dubois’ style the one to dethrone Usyk? Dubois has a traditional jab-right hand, jab-jab right-hand style, which can be effective but is also very predictable for a fighter with the IQ and know-how of Usyk. Dubois does not possess the different rhythms, with a variety of angles and combinations which would trouble Usyk.
Furthermore, Dubois will also have to contend with what is likely to be a very pro-Usyk crowd, in excess of 40,000, in Poland and his first fight with a new coach after replacing trainer Shane McGuigan with Don Charles.
Usyk, always professional and disciplined, does not seem in the mood to be complacent heading into this showdown. Speaking of Dubois on Top Rank Boxing’s YouTube channel, Usyk said: “He’s (Dubois) a good fighter. Young guy. Very motivated, but I respect Daniel and his team.”
Experience is the best teacher. This is all very new to Dubois. As new as this is to Dubois, it is just as old to Usyk. However new it is to Dubois, this alone won’t be enough to stop him from landing a single fight-ending shot, which he is capable of, but it will certainly affect his approach towards landing that shot. Dubois’ uncertainty about how to land that punch may create the kind of doubts in his head as the fight progresses, which would have never been present had the fight happened at the right time.
Dubois cannot be faulted for taking this opportunity to contest for the unified heavyweight titles. In the unpredictable world of boxing, such opportunities are never guaranteed. It cannot be denied that stepping in the ring with Usyk right now will be the deepest waters Dubois will have ever entered.
Will Usyk remind everyone why he has long been regarded as one of the pound-for-pound supremes in boxing, or will we witness one of the biggest upsets in the history of the sport? It’s these sorts of questions that make fights like this unmissable.
(Featured Photo: Piotr Duszczyk)
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Create the Best eCommerce Store for VARs
This is why it's so important to build your eCommerce store correctly. One of the most crucial decisions you will make throughout your eCommerce journey is choosing the right eCommerce platform.
The eCommerce platform you select is in charge of your company's operations, marketing, sales, and website. Therefore, choosing the appropriate B2B eCommerce platform for your business is crucial.
Today, we'll talk about some important considerations to keep in mind when selecting the best eCommerce platform. These factors will assist you in selecting the best B2B eCommerce platform for your business, facilitating its significant expansion.
Things to Consider When Selecting the Best eCommerce Platform Hosting and Ownership 
Businesses are rapidly establishing their online presence as the eCommerce market expands. SaaS eCommerce platforms are preferred by most businesses with little to no technical expertise. 
When compared to conventional SaaS platforms, these platforms have a market go-to time that is quicker.
The SaaS eCommerce platform handles software management tasks like updates, security, hosting, and other things. Businesses own the eCommerce store by paying a monthly or annual fee.
To avoid conflict in the future, it is essential to clear the ownership and hosting details with your eCommerce platform.
Numerous eCommerce platforms advertise low website deployment costs. An entry-level website for your business is covered by these low prices.
As a company, you should be aware that a fully functioning website is very different from just a website. Both you and your customers should find your eCommerce store convenient.
Create an extensive list of the features and eCommerce integration you want for your online store. Discuss the store's ownership and overall deployment costs. Do not leave the costing discussions for the feature and inquire about the license, contract, deployment, and management costs.
You can choose the best eCommerce platform, but you won't grow because that platform doesn't have the experience and knowledge you need. It happens a lot in the B2B eCommerce industry because most businesses choose the most popular eCommerce platform with CRM. 
Think about the kinds of products you want to sell online and then choose an eCommerce platform that has good experience in that industry. Their insight and mastery will assist your Internet business with putting away development quickly and conquering many difficulties.
Take, for instance, any eCommerce solution; For a long time, they have been providing B2B eCommerce software for office supplies. They are able to assist numerous B2B eCommerce businesses in rapid expansion due to their experience and expertise.
Integrations with Other Tools: Even a small eCommerce business uses a lot of tools, like sales quoting software, customer relationship management (CRM), tools for sales and logistics, analytics tools, and so on. As a result, the eCommerce platform ought to make it easy to connect all of your tools. In addition to third-party software integrations, your eCommerce platform ought to provide useful business tools.
Concentrate on UI and UX: The two most important aspects of any website or online store are UI and UX. Generally speaking, they are critical to such an extent that they conclude whether a client will return to your internet based store. Your Online business stage ought to furnish you with great site customization choices.
SEO-friendly and Mobile-friendly: A website's User Experience (UX) is just as important as its UI. Your online store should make it easy for customers to shop. Find an eCommerce platform that places an emphasis on both UI and UX. Integration with accounting software comes with plenty of benefits such as easy access to invoice.
Scope of Scalability: Any business's ultimate objective is expansion, and if you offer high-quality services and products to your customers, nothing will stop your expansion. However, your eCommerce platform ought to be capable of accommodating the expansion.
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madsjohanogaard · 2 years
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
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Pop Culture Builds 11: Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Steel for Humans, Silver for Monsters.
That’s a recurring phrase in The Witcher, a low-magic grim fantasy setting revolving around Geralt, one of the last remaining witchers. Witchers are a group of alchemically and magically enhanced humans (and sometimes elves, but while mentioned in lore, no named elven witchers are ever introduced) that train from an early age to become monster hunters.
In their golden age, witchers were respected heroes that protected the settlers of “The Continent”, but as the monster population declined, jealous and fearful rulers used their influence to demonize and persecute the witchers, turning the people against them.
Geralt was one such witcher. His father a great warrior and his mother a sorceress, who left him with the School of the Wolf, one of the many academies that trained, or more accurately, created witchers. From that early time, he endured many hardships far beyond the painful trials and alchemical mutations that would actually turn him into a witcher, such as surviving attacks by a rival school, killing a mind-controlled friend, and so on.
As he grew up, The White Wolf, named for how his hair turned white as a side-effect of his transformation, has seen the best and worst of humanity, but defends them still against threats both mundane and magical.
 Geralt is human, though thanks to his witcher training he is much more powerful than most, though with the right ability score set, he can seem rather impressive for a human. You should, however, replace the Skilled racial trait with the trio of Fey Magic, Fey Thoughts, and Low-Light Vision. This will represent minor magics in his possession, the insightful way he views the world thanks to his witcher training, and his impeccable night vision, respectively.
Witcher combine swordplay with minor magic and a variety of potions, bombs, and poisons to supplement their abilities. With that in mind, we will be focusing on a multiclass build, specifically alchemist and a spell trapper magus. The spell trapper will give access to magical traps, particularly the basic snare, which we will use as the Yrden sign spell. I’d recommend an even mix of levels in both, but if you wish to favor one over the other, that is fine.
Of course, both the alchemist and magus have discoveries and arcana, respectfully. In the former case, discoveries that add variety to bombs, particularly those that add debilitating effects, are quite useful. Meanwhile, the spell trapper archetype does weaken the level of arcana that you can take, but things like Accurate Strike, Arcane Edge, Arcane Scent, Bane Blade, Disruptive, Reflection, Spell Blending (for charm monster) and the like are good options. You probably don’t need to spend arcana choices on more traps though.
As witchers canonically don’t have the same magical prowess as a true mage, the feats that we will be working with will mostly consist of combat feats, as well as those that grant superior mastery of longswords, such as Weapon Focus. Geralt likes to duck in and out of combat as well, so Dodge and Mobility are also a must. Power Attack and Cleave are also good choices, as are Combat Expertise and Combat Reflexes as well.
From your alchemist levels, you will want to take spells purely focused on buffs and healing, the sorts of extracts you’d wand to drink before or after a combat, such as Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, and so on. The magus spells are where we will be realizing Geralt’s various sign spells, namely any fire spells for Igni, shield/ablative barrier for Quen, Charm Monster via Spell Blending for Axii, and Force Punch for Aard, with other buffing spells as well as other appropriate damaging spells taken at your discretion.
In addition to his alchemical gear, Geralt carries with him the standard witcher equipment of two longswords, one steel, and one silvered, so he has the proper tool against any type of foe. Of course, in Pathfinder the variety of metals available, as well as the material weaknesses of various monsters, is much more diverse, so a cold iron and adamantine sword would likely also be in his arsenal. Beyond that, armor that is appropriate for the build’s level of agility, as well as your magus levels is also important, and overall Geralt would carry any gear that would be useful for dealing with any sort of monster that he encounters. Also, don’t forget his witcher medallion, which can alternate between detecting magic or detecting nearby monsters.
If that build doesn’t appeal to you, it is also possible to drop the spell trapper archetype, or go full magus and rely on purchased potions. Pure or multiclass ranger might also be useful, but you won’t get quite so impressive spells. Inquisitor might also be a good choice if you want some more divine flavor for it. If you’re playing 2nd edition, you can probably do a similar build either going true multiclass, or using the magus class with the alchemist multiclass archetype
This build definitely screams a self-sufficient monster hunter like Geralt, but few heroes go it alone in Pathfinder. That being said, it can be a nice and flavorful build for a character regardless.
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dracocheesecake · 4 years
Skekvar? :)
Of course!
Jock, but nowhere near as dumb as he's made out to be.
Actually quite strategic in his own way- relies more on brute force most of the time, as in his experience that's had some pretty promising results.
Was once the Ambassador with reason. He's actually got a good sense of diplomacy when it suits him, and a mastery of tact.
Actually quite honest, but its more brutish than anything else, and usually only used to disarm or discomfort others by pointing out their flaws.
If he has one good trait it's most certainly his loyalty- he's loyal to an extreme, and then to a fault.
He's prone to tempestuous bouts of emotion which is difficult for him to restrain- was a major part of why he despised being Ambassador.
The battlefield whittled down all of that tact, social skill, and restraint he did have, on top of giving him a greater taste for blood.
He was always impatient and bloodthirsty, but back then understood it was a necessary step to get him where he desired to be.
Seeks approval from SkekSo above all else. Strangely, he himself has no ambitions for the throne, because SkekSo provides him with what he desires in ample amounts- violence. War. Action.
In Var's eyes, SkekSo is a very effective leader, and won SkekVar's respect tenfold when he began to show favoritism towards his own upfront methods.
He defends SkekSo's throne not only because of his loyalty to him, but mainly because he doesn't want to see a cowardly worm like SkekSil on it- someone who would force him back into that dull, benign roll of diplomacy again.
He's actually good friends with SkekZok, and gains much internal amusement from watching him trying to upkeep that stately facade of his- he knows what that feels like better than anyone.
He respects strength and not much else. He and SkekUng were both great friends and rivals.
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juliablind · 3 years
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👑 99 NAMES OF ALLAH 👑 One who is the most powerful and most cherished. The almighty whose strength, glory and power are overwhelming and cannot be overcome or resisted. The One whose dignity, majesty and power are unique, precious and unattainable by mankind. The One who has complete mastery over all of creation. The One who overcomes everything. The One who is incomparable. The One who is the source of all strength and power. This is Allah, Al Aziz. (8/99) ▪ 👑 ALLAHS 99 NAMN 👑 Den som är den mäktigaste och mest prisade. Den allsmäktige vars styrka, ära och makt är överväldigande och kan inte överkommas. Den som vars värdighet, majestät och styrka är unik, ovärderlig och ouppnåelig för människor. Den som har all makt över allt som är skapat. Den som övervinner vadsomhelst. Den som inte går att jämföra. Den som är källan till all styrka och kraft. Detta är Allah, Al Aziz. ▪ #islam #muslim #muslimah #allah #deenoverdunya #alhamdulillah #juliasofia_writes https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk2KbfRB7UQzA9TnwHJqv34-0fkNtXiSBBSwH40/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tumblngdice · 5 years
USA's mastery of fine details helped them beat talented England
Hope Solo, Wed 3 Jul 2019 16.35 BST
The difference between victory and defeat can be razor thin. It was the Americans who made the most of their resources in the semi-final.
The game between the United States and England took women’s football to another level. It had everything you could want in a semi-final: two VAR decisions; great goals by Ellen White (OK, with one pulled back for offside); a penalty; a penalty save; surprise line-up changes; a tactical battle between the two managers, and, unfortunately for England, heartbroken fans.
This World Cup was a turning point for the women’s game in England.
The team have won a lot of respect around the world for their talent and the way they play. Since 2015 they have addressed some of the issues that have held them back for so long. The next goal if they want to really succeed is to work on the fine details that make the difference between winning and losing at the highest level.All three goals (four, if you include the one called offside) in the game came from horrible defending. I said from the beginning of the tournament that this was not going to be a competition with fantastic defending and that’s what we got in the semi-final. England – as well as the US – obviously need to tidy up their backline but, importantly, I really want to see England convert their penalties.
Nikita Parris missed two spot-kicks during this tournament. Ellen White – who is their main goalscorer – doesn’t feel comfortable taking them. So it was up to the captain, Steph Houghton, a defender and not a specialist penalty taker, to do the right thing and step up to take the crucial kick against the US. That took courage but Steph didn’t look confident before she took the kick even if Phil Neville said after the game that England had practised hundreds of penalties.
Watching from the other side of the pitch, I knew from the way she lined up in front of the ball that she was going to go to the goalkeeper’s right. That’s what goalkeepers are taught to see. Top penalty takers are also taught how to disguise which direction they will shoot.
It’s these details that make the difference.
To compound things, Steph also mishit the kick. There was no pace on the ball and it was not placed in the corner, making it easy for a well-trained goalkeeper to save.
In my experience with the US team, we worked on penalties a year out from any tournament. Every day after practice we would all take a penalty – and that included us goalkeepers. Players get more comfortable and more confident over time. The coaches keep records about how players responded to penalty kicks and what they did in training. Those little details are what England seemed to neglect and can be the difference at the highest level.
Alyssa Naeher had a great save in the first-half to confirm that no one is going to score against an American goalkeeper from outside the box. American goalkeepers are well trained and historically very strong, an area in which England have struggled down the years. It has been great to see Alyssa gain more confidence as the tournament has gone on.
Starting Christen Press was a great decision from Jill Ellis. Christen can run up and down the sideline forever: she’s fit, she’s fast, and she scores goals. She should have played more minutes across the whole tournament by now, though.
It’s been strange to see Carli Lloyd, who came into the England game as a late substitute, go from being the US team’s goalscorer to being the closer in tight games. That shows how much attention is being paid to game management by the US, and how much Carli’s calming presence, ability to hold the ball and intelligence is needed when the game gets hectic and stressful.
That said, people have told me they want to see the US keep possession and go for another goal to close out a game. Instead, the tactic seems to be conservative: put five defenders at the back and head for the corner flag with the ball and wind down the clock. I understand why that can be a good idea but the message I get is that people would love to see the US play football for 90 minutes. We have quality players who can play with style and lock down the game in a less conservative way.
Rose Lavelle has really made a name for herself in France. So many people are asking me to tell them all I know about her and I was sorry to see her leave the field injured. She will have just as big a mental challenge as physical to be ready for the final. If she gets fit in time she might still question her body and if she misses the final it will be heartbreaking for her – and fans.
That’s why some US players will now be happy there are a few days break until the final. Crystal Dunn and Tobin Heath can run and run but Megan Rapinoe will benefit from some extra time out. Megan should look at missing the semi-final as a positive step towards having an amazing game in the final. Hopefully on Sunday, just like in 2015, the US team can take women’s football to an even higher level.
Hope Solo -- ‘USA's mastery of fine details...
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magaprima · 5 years
Lilith Origin Headcanon Part 2
Note; Just as a reminder, these posts are my origin story headcanons for specifically CAOS, compliantly entirely with what they have shown us so far. I will be writing a concise origin headcanon for my generic mythology verses at a later date
After healing Lucifer, enough that his wounds stopped bleeding, though the scars there show that they’ll never completely heal, introductions are made between the fallen angel and Lilith and Stolas. The witch and the raven are able to explain who and what they are. Stolas explains that is a raven sent by the Goddess Hecate herself to serve as teacher and friend to Lilith, to help her grow as a witch. Lucifer learns that although Stolas may look like a raven, as any creature that walks the earth, he is something else entirely, that his appearance is an illusion that hides the power he comes, that he was created by a Goddess in the same way Lucifer was created by a God, as something with power in their own right. The only difference is Stolas has never been commanded or punished or denied his freedom and Lucifer feels the smallest spark of jealousy and resentment over this. 
Lilith explains that she originally came from the Garden and that she became a witch, came into the very powers that had healed him, when she defied her own Creator and his rules. Lucifer is immediately entranced by the idea of another who had questioned and challenged his Father. He says he remembers God making her (and Adam), but he had never seen her, and confesses he never imagined she would be this beautiful or this fiery and interesting. He tells her he has seen Eve and the Garden and Adam and that he knows now that Lilith is var too unique and powerful and fascinating for something as limiting and ordinary as Eden, that she deserves a much more impressive kingdom. Lilith is, undeniably, flattered by the flirtatious compliments and finds herself attracted to Lucifer in a way she never was to Adam. She is also drawn in by the idea of someone seeing her this way, of someone seeing her as powerful and fascinating and deserving of better. 
Lilith admits she sometimes still thinks about the Garden and Adam and what could have been, even though she knows now that he never wanted an equal, and she knows that a witch could never be in paradise, that the angels told her so. And she’d much rather be a witch in the wastelands than a mortal in paradise. In that moment Lucifer realises they are of like minds, kindred spirits, and that he might have found someone who is his equal. 
But he doesn’t want anyone else to have her. He immediately begins to think that the False God or Adam will take her back, that they’ll come for her and she’ll accept their offer. After all, she admitted she thinks of the Garden sometimes, the fact Adam treated her so foully might mean nothing in the face of an offer of paradise. After all, she’s only human. So Lucifer starts sowing discord, whispering in her ear, telling her that Adam has been saying that she kills children, that she eats them, that she’s a clawed foot winged beast. Lilith is understandably offended and horrified, and worries that Eve will believe the things Adam says. They’d only spoken a couple of times, but it was enough for Lilith to feel a bond to her, a sister of sorts. Lilith wants to clear her name, but Lucifer convinces her not to return to the Garden and confront them, he convinces her that all that matters is that they know the truth, all that matters is each other. 
Over their time together in each other’s company, Lilith continues to use her magic (learning more from Stolas’ mentorship), but now Lucifer provides her with his own teachings, showing her his own gifts and joining them with hers, and, with the help of Stolas, the three begin to thrive in their own little Kingdom, and Lilith begins to think that this is what she was meant for, that this is the world she was seeking when she left the Garden. She grows curious about Lucifer’s magics and wishes to learn more, to add his powers to her own that she has from Hecate’s teachings and gifts. Stolas questions this, but Lilith reasons that all magic is magic regardless of it’s origin and she loves all of it and yearns for all of it. The power is something she thrives on. She reasons that while Hecate made her a witch, gifted her, she was created by the same God that created Lucifer, so shouldn’t she also harness those magics too?
Lucifer encourages Lilith to show him more of her Hecate magic, and she shows him her mastery of elements, her healing gifts (of which he already knew), the way fire doesn’t touch her, the way water can bend for her, the way food grows for her, with a single touch, how her own voice can lull creatures to her, even Lucifer himself finds himself entranced by what Stolas calls her ‘siren song’ (he’s only partly joking). His susceptibility to Lilith’s magics, essentially making him feel less than what he is, makes him want to discourage her in his own subtle way. He compliments her magics, but  in such a condescending way as to make Lilith feel self-conscious, as if her magic is perhaps embarrassing or too simple, something not to boast about. 
Yet, Stolas, her truest friend and companion, reassures and builds her confidence, sweeping away any insecurities Lucifer inadvertently caused with a kind, supportive word and the touch of a wing. Stolas reminds Lilith that her magic, her witchcraft comes from a source much more ancient and powerful than a fallen angel, that she should never forget how powerful that is, no matter how young she might be, and how new to the craft. 
Lucifer realises how close Lilith and Stolas, how tight their bond is, and how she will never be fully reliant on him, fully loyal to him, as long as she also has Stolas, and wonders if she loves the bird more than him. That night, as they lay in each other’s arms after making love beneath the starlit sky as always, Lucifer decides that he loves her and tells her so, and asks her if she loves him too. Lilith says that she does, but he finds that isn’t enough. He wants her all for himself, he wants her love to be for him and him alone.
So, he begins to talk to her of Kingdoms, of new realms, of a realm entirely for them. He talks to her of crowns and thrones, of new worlds, where woman and man are equal, where she could rule by his side as his Queen. Lilith is entranced by the idea, almost intoxicated by it, this idea of a realm that didn’t have God’s rules or Adam’s beliefs, where any woman could be equal to any man, where she could rule at the side of Lucifer rather than submit as his servant as Adam wished. Lucifer encourages her dreams and hopes and is pleased to see how happy she is at the idea, how attached she is....but it still isn’t enough. So he decides he can only be certain of her love if there is no other to distract her. He says, casually, in a throwaway comment, that ‘while Stolas might not think you should be a Queen, I certainly do’. When Lilith questions this, Lucifer dismisses it, claiming Stolas didn’t mean it in that way, only that she’s a witch, not a Queen, that he’s stuck in his old world views,’he can’t see the future as we can, Lilith’.
Lucifer is so apologetic and innocent when he confesses he never meant for it to come out like that, that he would never want her to think ill of Stolas, that Lilith is sated, accepting this, and assures the Morningstar that it’s fine, that she knows what Stolas must have meant, and she knows that Lucifer meant no harm by his comment.
Yet, the first hints of distance between the once inseparable Lilith and Stolas begin to grow. 
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brassikarts · 5 years
Can I get a snippet of when Val first got Dog?
Edmund was the boss.  He held the coins.
Well, no, it wasn’t that simple. He did, however,  have significantly more coin though than Var - Valerie, she reminded herself - and had dragged his young apprentice to Dalaran for the day.  For “educational“ purposes, he’d said, though she hardly saw what was so educational about a half day’s shopping trip in the most expensive city in Azeroth. They’d ducked into and out of at least a dozen stores selling Light-knew what.  Val (who was not a strong woman by any means) was loaded down with books, an astronomical tool, or a paper bagful of alchemical reagents until she felt like one of her old farm mules. 
Currently, the apprentice/beast of burden was standing outside of the Legerdemain Lounge clutching a hot coffee in one hand and trying not to die from cold or boredom.  Edmund had abandoned her to go into Mystique’s Antiques, on the rumor of an old elven sextant for sale.  The young woman had zero interest in sailing tools, despite her Kul Tiran father, and so she people-watched.  A rather exciting-looking pair of Kirin Tor wizards were smoking nearby and had just exited the area when she caught a flash of white in her peripheral vision.  Glasses were a relatively new addition to her face; at first, Val took it for a trick of her lenses or the light.  A stray snowflake from one of Northrend’s frequent snow flurries, perhaps.  But then she saw it again, then a wave of something white from near one of the city’s dead bushes, and she carefully set down an armful of her parcels, then balanced her coffee atop it.
Because investigating strange things in a city of mages is a good idea, she thought to herself, but what she actually said aloud was, “What in the world…”
The apprentice hitched up the bottom of her robes and strode over towards the bush.  Frosted grass crunched under her feet; the grounds were littered with wrappers, ash, and used mana crystals - apparently, even mastery over the world’s ley lines didn’t stop the wizards of Azeroth from littering.  She stooped, then peered  deep within the the shrub’s snow-covered boughs only to see a pair of eyes. “Ah -!  What-”
The creature within whined, and suddenly, it was clear what she was dealing with.  The flash of white… was a puppy.
“Oh, no,” she breathed.  She sunk to her knees and reached further in.  The puppy, scared, backed further away and then hit a wall and whined again.  It was a filthy puff of white fur, with a black patch near its tail.  It’s shaggy hair covered its eyes, which were shiny and black (as far as she could tell), and it had a small black nose which was quivering in the frigid air. 
“Dog… puppy…” she called after it, approaching slowly and with wide arms.  “Come here.  I don’t want to hurt you.  Light, you must be cold…?”
The puppy whined once more, and then peed, melting the snow underneath it.  Val made a face; gross.  She kept up her slow approach, though, and gave the puddle a wide berth while she moved nearer, and finally offered the pathetic furball a hand to sniff.  That’s how they’d done it, growing up.  There was a part of her that was surprised the animal didn’t recoil away - that was always how they’d responded, in the Undercity.  Instead, the pup sniffed at her carefully, and regarded her with its wide, shiny eyes.
“Valerie!” floated Edmund’s voice from nearby.  “I got it!  The sextant, that is.  Are you ready to go yet?”
Val looked at the puppy for a moment, then made a command decision.  With uncanny speed, she scooped it up, and then tucked the whining, filthy dog into her robes.  “Coming!” she called back.
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frontproofmedia · 1 year
Terence Crawford - Generational Great
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By Sina Latif
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Published: August 03, 2023
Terence Crawford is the first undisputed welterweight champion in the four-belt era
Just like that, Terence Crawford is the first undisputed welterweight champion in the four-belt era. Crawford made it look easy in the most challenging and legacy-defining showdown of his career.
Crawford was facing a fellow long-time pound-for-pound elite fighter and the other leading welterweight of his era in unified champion Errol Spence Jr. It has been one of the most clamored-for fights of this generation. A perceived 50/50, and Crawford put on a clinic in a one-sided beatdown.
This fight marked a rare occurrence in the history of boxing. The last time two undefeated welterweights, both top pound-for-pound pugilists, met in a Las Vegas ring was Felix Trinidad vs. Oscar De La Hoya in September 1999. That was nearly 24 years ago. This was also the first time since 1986 when every recognized welterweight world title belt was on the line.
On a historic night, Crawford produced a historic performance. He dismantled Spence in a real all-time great performance to score a ninth-round TKO. It was advertised as The Fight of the Century. It wasn’t because it was far too one-sided for that. Instead, it was a performance for the ages.
At the final pre-fight press conference, Crawford said: “Everything about Terence Crawford is better than Errol Spence Jr. When you look at everything that I do in the ring, it’s better than Errol Spence Jr. Come fight night, I be proving each and every one of the doubters wrong once again. Terence Crawford is the best fighter in the world today.”
On fight night, everything about Crawford was better than Spence. Every remaining doubter and naysayer was proven wrong.
In the seventh round, Spence unleashed an overhand left that was bound to cause real damage. Before the punch had even landed, Crawford had landed a perfectly executed counter right uppercut with his back to the ropes, and Spence was on the canvas immediately after throwing a dangerous shot. Spence’s shot was easy on the eye and looked lethal, but Crawford’s was devastatingly perfectly placed and confidence-sapping.
Once Spence lands his most damaging punch, one that is not telegraphed and is well-disguised, and yet that punch actually ends up being to his detriment, there is little hope for him. Crawford was still going through the gears and entering that vast toolbox of his as late as the seventh round, and despite Spence’s bravery and persistence, he could not stop Crawford’s mastery and expert execution.
All three knockdowns Crawford scored were different punches: right jab, right uppercut, and right hook. A fighter who can drop an opponent with multiple punches is a fighter who is multi-dimensional, with various punches in his arsenal that can exploit openings and allows him to operate and execute at the elite level. Crawford’s right hook has always been his best shot, yet he did not even need to rely on that punch to score any knockdowns until the W was pretty much in the bag in the seventh. For Crawford to not rely on his best punch in order to dominate, an elite fighter is indicative of his sharpness and all-around ability.
This long, long-awaited showdown was guaranteed to have a significant bearing on Crawford’s legacy.
Crawford is now an all-time great. That shouldn’t really be up for debate anymore. He did what the truly great ones do and made it look easy against an elite opponent on the biggest stage. This has to be one of the greatest performances in the history of the sport on such a grand stage. To produce such a performance en route to becoming the first men’s two-weight undisputed champion in the four-belt era puts the cherry on top of a Hall of Fame career.
Spence can come again. If sense prevails, Crawford will receive all his just dues for a truly spectacular performance, and Spence won’t be scrutinized.
Muhammad Ali lost to Joe Frazier on Frazier’s biggest night. Sugar Ray Leonard lost to Roberto Duran on Duran’s biggest night. Frazier and Duran have received the utmost credit and plaudits for those great wins, and Ali and Leonard still proceeded to go down as two of the greatest fighters of the modern era.
Sometimes, great fighters simply lose to the better man on the night.
Spence lost to a generational great. Crawford is a complete fighter. He makes adjustments, is instinctive, and has the physical gifts to utilize his talents. Crawford can fight effectively in both stances and carries power in both hands with a vast array of punches in his arsenal. He is a tremendously skilled boxer who can really fight—a great fighter who is a killer at heart.
Both Spence and Crawford were undefeated heading in, and neither had even come close to losing. That is what sent an electric shock through boxing. Crawford winning was not shocking, but it was the method and the large gulf in class and quality that was. Crawford was simply faster, stronger, and smarter. His ring intelligence, speed, and ability to make adjustments were too much for Spence.
Neither man had shown any worrying bad habits or suffered any genuinely nervous moments in the ring, and that made choosing a confident pick significantly difficult. Now, people will be somewhat exaggerating Spence’s shortcomings. He has no defense. His punch resistance has gone. He has never been the same since that horrific car crash in 2019, and he is weight drained at 147 lbs.
Some of the above may be true, but Crawford did what the greats do, and he exposed Spence’s weaknesses for the world to see. No one else may ever be able to do that to Spence again as long as Spence remains the same fighter.
“Hell yeah we gotta do it again,” a spirited Spence said in his post-fight interview through his swollen and puffy lips.
Spence has the option to invoke this rematch clause, but given the one-sided nature of the first fight, is there really a demand and need for it? Will fans show their support for a rematch? Can Spence reverse that result? Is it good for Spence’s career, and more so his health, to run it back with “Bud”?
In the post-fight press conference, Spence expressed his desire for the rematch to take place at 154lbs. Crawford said he would be happy to oblige. Will the extra 7 lbs bridge the gap between the pair? That remains to be seen.
A performance and win like this might catapult Crawford to superstardom. The boxing world knew he was special. Now, the rest might sit up and take notice too. Perhaps in this new age, skills are enough to sell.
From the moment Crawford walked to the ring alongside Eminem wrapped in fish netting, then fulfilled his promise of skinning the self-acclaimed “Big Fish,” a superstar was born.
Now we have to appreciate Crawford for as long as he remains active as arguably the best fighter in boxing’s post-Mayweather/Pacquiao era. In the biggest test of his career on the grandest stage, Crawford made Spence look like he was no more capable of winning than the likes of Amir Khan and Kell Brook.
Crawford didn’t just show up. He showed up and conquered in a devastatingly beautiful style.
(Featured Photo: Esther Lin/Showtime)
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azerothexpanded · 6 years
Order of Embers
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This is a look at the Order of Embers, an order of witch hunters from Drustvar! This has a blend of headcanon/expanded lore and is also something of a summary of its history, as well.
Ancient Roots
The Order of Embers was first founded thousands of years ago to combat the Drust aggression, which threatened human settlers all over Kul Tiras. The Order performed research into the strange death magics Gorak Tul’s forces used, and eventually managed to vanquish threat through the tactics they discovered. During the war, the underground Drust fortress of Gol Var was captured by the Order, and it was there that they performed much of their research and perfected their techniques.
The Order was officially dissolved by Arom Waycrest a year after the war had ended, once the final remnants of the Drust had been defeated (the Drust, of course, had been devastated, but some had retreated to the nightmarish realm of Thros). Many of the Order’s highest-ranking members were granted various lordships and pieces of land around Drustvar as reward for their pivotal roles in the war. 
With the task of building a nation ahead of them, most of the people of Drustvar soon came to forget the Order of Embers. A small group of the Order’s members met in Gol Var one last time, where they combined all of their knowledge of the Drust and their magics into a single book- the Tome of Silver and Ash. It was magically sealed away within the ruins, enchanted to not fall prey to the ravages of time in case the knowledge should be needed in the future. From there, the last surviving members of the first Order of Embers parted ways.
Revival & Defeat of Gorak Tul
The Drust hatched many plots to return themselves to the world and escape Thros- but the Heartsbane Coven represented their most successful one. Gorak Tul himself corrupted Arthur and Meredith Waycrest, and the city of Corlain fell in a matter of weeks. From there, the Coven spread like an indidious plague across most of western Drustvar- their forces were vast, and it was feared none could stop their advance, with most of the Waycrest Guard under the control of the witches.
A flood of refugees and Waycrest soldiers alike fled to Arom’s Stand and fortified the town- with witches hidden among them, some slipping out into the rest of Drustvar. Soon, the towns of Fletcher’s Hollow and Carver’s Harbor fell to the Heartsbane, as well.
Amid the crisis worsening, Lucille Waycrest arrived to the town of Arom’s Stand bearing something that had not seen sunlight for thousands of years- the Tome of Silver and Ash. From the best of the Waycrest Guard, she handpicked a number of individuals to induct as the first inquisitors of the revived Order of Embers. 
Over the weeks after its founding, the Order of Embers found a number of recruits- including key craftsmen in the form of Master Ashton and Angus Ballaster, who would help create key weapons from the Tome of Silver and Ash with which to effectively combat their enemies with. More would join the ranks as well, letting them more effectively combat threats all over Drustvar.
Lucille Waycrest and the founding inquisitors would eventually be prepared to make an assault on Waycrest Manor itself- choosing to keep only a small team for fighting their way through the fallen city of Corlain. Upon reaching the Manor, they discovered the horrifying truth of what was at the heart of all the devastation- but after a full day of struggle, the Order of Embers struck down the Coven leadership and stopped Gorak Tul from fully reaching the world.
Recent Activities
With the Coven’s leadership slain and Gorak Tul licking his wounds, the Order of Embers turned its attention towards the rest of Drustvar. The rest of the Coven was still very active, entrenched in the Crimson Forest and Corlain with armies of wicker creatures, stitched-together monstrosities, and bewitched humans. It is likely Corlain, at least, will be reclaimed before Kul Tiras fully commits to the Alliance.
Most of their efforts have been focused on combating the many coven-controlled forces. Most of eastern Drustvar is safe to live in now because of their actions, though witches still lurk in the depths of the forests there. Western Drustvar is still largely Coven-controlled- some towns and villages are under sway of the witches, and must be infiltrated and dismantled carefully.
Still more of the Order has spread out to the rest of Kul Tiras, working with the Proudmoore Guard to track witches who have escaped Drustvar and seek to regroup elsewhere in Tiragarde Sound, or further afield in Stormsong Valley. Ships leaving Boralus and Anglepoint Wharf are inspected by inquisitors looking for Heartsbane-related artifacts. 
With the Blood War’s battlefields shifting to Kul Tiras, Drustvar has come under attack by Horde forces, and the Order of Embers battles them near Krazlefrazz Outpost and stands against Horde gunship attacks in the region. 
The Order of Embers has also sent a handful of their forces to join with the larger contingent from Kul Tiras joining the Alliance armies, but it is little more than a token amount of forces. Most of their strength remains in Drustvar until it can be cleansed of all Hearstbane remnants.
Membership & Structure
Lady Lucille Waycrest is the leader of the Order- but she is occupied with rebuilding Drustvar and working with the Lord Admiral in Boralus. Leadership is usually up to the first inquisitors - Mace, Yorrick, Sterntide, and Notley - those picked by the Lady Waycrest herself. While they are officially the leaders, all four generally prefer to lead from the field rather than behind a desk. Most of the day-to-day running of the Order is handled by Alcorn, the Order’s quartermaster, who is based out of the Order’s main lodge in Arom’s Stand.
Most of the Order is made up of citizens of Kul Tiras, but one does not need to be from the island to join, only loyal to the House Waycrest. It features a number of mainlanders and others among its ranks- including a former Scarlet Crusader, a Gilnean worgen, a Kaldorei druid, and a Lightforged paladin. 
The Order of Embers has three arms:
Inquisitors are the most well-known members of the Order, and represent the largest arm within it. Inquisitor is more of a loose title among the Order of Embers (unlike in the Scarlet Crusade or the Church), and the inquisitors are a diverse bunch, with everything from falconers to priests to swordsmen represented by the title. No matter what their abilities, they operate in small teams that slip out into Drustvar’s wilderness to wage guerrilla warfare against the Heartsbane threat. 
Clerics are the Light-wielding members of the Order, trained as priests in the abbeys and churches of WInterhearth, Barrowknoll, and Whitegrove. Not all clerics in Drustvar are members of the Order of Embers, but after the Heartsbane uprising, a number have seen it as their duty to protect Drustvar from the Coven’s threat. They go a step further than the rest of their kind, and mix their mastery of the holy energy with the techniques gleaned from the Tome of Silver and Ash, allowing them to counter the Coven’s magic. They also grant powerful blessings to their allies and heal wounds, and are sent out to care for refugees as well. Clerics also can elect to be given weapons training to supplement their usage of the Light, but only few clerics opt to do this. They also bless every silvered weapon given to the inquisitors. They are led by Cleric Loriette.
Artisans are the smallest arm, but the most important. Without this group, the inquisitors would not have their chief tools with which to combat the Heartsbane. The alchemists work day and night to create more of the alchemical fire that can destroy wicker constructs with ease. The blacksmiths work to create new weapons to combat the darkness with- every inquisitor is armed with at least one of their creations. They have a number of skilled craftsmen among their ranks beyond simply alchemists and blacksmiths, including tinkers, leatherworkers, rune-scribes, and enchanters. They are led by Angus Ballaster and Warren Ashton.
While membership of the Order of Embers is not impossible to obtain, it is usually reserved for individuals who have proven their value to House Waycrest in some way or are brought in by another member. While joining up is simple, those named to the position of inquisitor are brought into the Order’s main hall in Drustvar and given intiation rites from the Tome of Silver and Ash.
Brother/Sister, today you become the searing fire that burns away the darkness.
Today you become the shining blade that cuts through the wicked.
Today you become the beacon of hope against the endless foe.
By the authority of House Waycrest, I name you inquisitor of the Order of Embers!
The new inquisitor is then gifted with an insignia, a kit of useful tools (including silver ammunition and alchemical fire), and some sort of silvered weapon forged by Angus Ballaster, the head smith. they are also gifted with a set of expertly-crafted armor that’s made to blend in with the darker environments of Drustvar. 
Allied Factions
The Order of Embers are not alone in their defense of Kul Tiras- or even simply in Drustvar. They have strong allies in the Thornspeakers, who operate out of the refuges of Bramblesnare Hold, Althair’s Rest, and Ulfar’s Den. The Thornspeakers serve as steadfast allies in the eerie and fog-filled forests, and have a link with the land.
The Order of Embers serve the Lady Waycrest, much the same as the Waycrest Guard. The Order of Embers often looks to them when they need a larger or more diverse force. The current Marshal of the Guard was one of the founding inquisitors before she was promoted to her position.
The Church of Holy Light maintains a small but notable presence in Drustvar, the only region of Kul Tiras to favor worship of the Holy Light over the Tidemother. The Order of Embers draws its clerics from the Church, who combine the Light’s power with techniques gleaned from ancient knowledge to heal their allies and smite at the Coven’s servants. It is said a handful of the inquisitors can also use the Light.
The Army of the Light has come to defend Drustvar after Kul Tiras officially rejoined the Alliance, setting up near Arom’s Stand. These Light-blessed warriors aid the Order with eliminating the remaining witch forces and help defend against Horde attacks.
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