#Università Ku Leuven
garadinervi · 2 years
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Engaged Visuality. The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva Phenomenon in the 60s and 70s, International Symposium, Organized by Maria Elena Minuto (Université de Liège; KU Leuven) and Jan De Vree (M HKA Museum, Antwerp), Academia Belgica, Roma, July 7, 2022 / Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza', July 8, 2022
Engaged Visuality. The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva Phenomenon in the 60s and 70s. An International Symposium organized fifty-one years after «Lotta Poetica» foundation.
Feat. Alain Arias-Misson, G. J. de Rook, Anna Oberto, Lamberto Pignotti.
Moderators: Florian Mussgnug (UCL London), Emanuela Patti (University of Edinburgh), Bartolomeo Pietromarchi (MAXXI, Roma), Franca Sinopoli (Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'), Francesca Terrenato (Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza')
Scientific Partnerships: Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma – Department of History, Anthropology, Religions, Art History, Media, and Performing Arts; Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Yale University); Université de Liège, Belgium – Department of Modern Languages and Department of Historical Sciences; KU Leuven, Belgium – Department of French, Italian and Spanish Literature; Royal Holloway University of London – Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture; Università degli Studi di Milano – Department of Cultural Heritage and Environment.
In collaboration with: Academia Belgica, Rome; M HKA Museum and Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp; the Society for Italian Studies (SIS); the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Poétique Appliquée (CIPA, ULiège); the Service d'histoire de l'art de l'époque contemporaine (SHAÉC, ULiège); the UR Traverses (ULiège); the Handling (UCLouvain); the Collection for Research on Artists’ Publications – CRAP, Ekeren.
Scientific Committee: Jan BAETENS (KU Leuven), Julie BAWIN (Université de Liège), Laurence BROGNIEZ (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Michel DELVILLE (Université de Liège), Jan DE VREE (M HKA Museum, Antwerp), Elio GRAZIOLI (Università degli Studi di Bergamo), Maria Elena MINUTO (Université de Liège; KU Leuven), Johan PAS (Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp), Giuliana PIERI (Royal Holloway University of London), Kevin REPP (Beinecke Library, Yale), Bart VAN DEN BOSSCHE.
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luposolitario00 · 3 years
Non esiste alcuna relazione tra il volto di una persona e la sua intelligenza
È impossibile e sbagliato pensare di prevedere il comportamento di una persona dal suo aspetto.
Giudicare le capacità di una persona dalla faccia non ha nulla di scientifico.
Peter Claes: "I nostri risultati confermano che non c'è alcuna prova genetica di un nesso tra il volto di una persona e il suo comportamento. Ci dissociamo quindi in modo esplicito dalle ipotesi pseudoscientifiche che affermano il contrario. Ad esempio, alcuni sostengono di essere in grado di rilevare le tendenze aggressive di una persona dal viso attraverso strumenti che sfruttano l'intelligenza artificiale. Questi progetti non sono solo del tutto immorali, ma sono anche privi di fondamento scientifico".
A ulteriore dimostrazione giunge una ricerca delle università di Stanford e KU Leuven, che ha individuato 76 geni che influiscono sia sulla forma del cervello che sulla struttura del volto, ma che non hanno nulla a che fare con il comportamento o le capacità cognitive di una persona.
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Rivista Nature Genetics
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Nel marzo/aprile del 2012, vicino alla città egiziana di Minya,  il Progetto Dayr al-Barsha, dell’università belga KU Leuven, ha scavato nel sito del complesso funerario di Medio Regno del nomarca Ahanakht I. La tomba di Ahanakht I è piuttosto conosciuta, dal momento che è stata esplorata tra il 1891 ed il 1891 e completamente scavata dall‘archeologo americano George Andrew Reisnernel 1915,…
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marcogiovenale · 2 years
'engaged visuality': rome, 7-8 july, 2022
‘engaged visuality’: rome, 7-8 july, 2022
Academia Belgica, Rome. July 7, 2022 / Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. July 8, 2022, Jul 7–08, 2022 International Symposium: “Engaged Visuality. The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva Phenomenon in the 60s and 70s.” Organized by Maria Elena Minuto (Université de Liège; KU Leuven) and Jan De Vree (M HKA Museum, Antwerp) fifty-one years after “Lotta Poetica” foundation.July 7, 2022,…
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Una Europa - European University Alliance
Una Europa – European University Alliance
Eight leading European universities have signed an agreement that aims to create a shared, multilingual and multidisciplinary academic space that may lead to a truly European University. Thanks to the European University Alliance, eight prestigious European universities – KU Leuven (Belgium), Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), Università di Bologna (Italy), Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie…
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miriadonline · 8 years
CONF: Comics and Memory (Gent, 19-21 Apr 17)
Het Pand (Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent) & Vooruit (Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat
23, 9000 Gent), April 19 - 21, 2017
"Comics and Memory" is an international NNCORE conference organized at the University of Ghent from April 19-21, 2017, in collaboration with the KU Leuven, UCLouvain (GRIT), and the ACME comics research group (University of Liège). This conference examines the complex relationships between comics and memory through the prisms of personal, collective, and medial forms as well as practices of remembering.
The conference is free and open to the public.
Wednesday 19 April ­ Personal Memory
8:30 Welcome and registration
8:45 Introduction by Maaheen Ahmed, Benoît Crucifix & Charlotte Pylyser
9:00 ­ 10:30 Intersections of Personal and Collective Memories
Bieke Willem (Universiteit Gent) ³Crisis, Memory, Intimacy in the Spanish Autobiographical Comic. The Case of Lo que me está pasando by Miguel Brieva²
Fiorenzo Iuliano (Università degli Studi di Calgiari) ³Drawing on the City¹s Memory: Jon Strongbow and the Reinvention of Seattle¹s Past²
Nina Schmidt (Freie Universität Berlin) ³Sharing Memories of Loss: the Role of Photographs in Graphic Narratives of Bereavement²
Coffee break
11:00 ­ 12:30 Drawing the Body in Autobiographical Comics
Martha Moreno Linares (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ³La parenthèse by Élodie Durand: Collective Autopathography and the Reconstruction of Memory²
Rachel Miller (The Ohio State University) ³Keep Out, Or Else: Diary as Body in Diary of a Teenage Girl and Cruddy²
Eleanor Ty (Wilfrid Laurier University) ³The Un-erotic Dancer: Sylvie Rancourt¹s Melody²
14:00 ­ 15:30 Graphic Memoirs
Giorgio Busi Rizzi (Università di Bologna/KU Leuven) ³Portrait of the Artist as a Nostalgic²
Pedro Moura (FLUL Lisboa/ KU Leuven) ³The Ever-Shifting Wall. Edmond Baudoin and the ŒContinuous Poem¹ of Autobiography²
E. Dawson Varughese ³Remembering India: Textual and Visual Creativity in Banerjee¹s Personal and Collective Memory-Making²
Coffee break
16:00 ­ 17:30 Creative Practices and War Memory
Bettina Egger (University of Salzburg) ³Oral History in Emmanuel Guibert¹s graphic novels²
Brigitte Friant-Kessler (Université de Valenciennes) ³The Colour of Memory in The Red Diary / The Re(a)d Diary²
Maureen Burdock (University of Californa, Davis) ³Memory Lines: Retracing Female Ancestral Stories of WWII Era Germany²
18:00 Conference dinner (upon registration)
19:30 ­ 21:00 Roundtable @ Vooruit: Drawing Memories: Artists¹ Talks, with Dominique Goblet, Jeroen Janssen, Pascal Matthey, Tanitoc (moderated by Gert Meesters)
Thursday 20 April ­ Memory of the Medium
9:00 ­ 10:0 Keynote Address
Mel Gibson (Northumbria University), ³ŒIt¹s All Come Flooding Back.¹ Memories of Childhood Comics: Narratives, Practices and Objects²
Coffee break
10:30 ­ 12:00 Memorializing Franco-Belgian Comics
David Pinho Barros (Universidade do Porto/KU Leuven) ³Playing with the Memory of the Clear Line in Philippe Coudray¹s L¹Ours Barnabé²
Christian Reyns-Chikuma (University of Alberta) ³Playing with, Sinking, and Bridging Collective Memories of Comics in Trondheim and Parme¹s Spirou, Panique en Atlantique²
Nick Martinez (Cardiff University), ³A Trip Down Memory Lane: Canonisation and Reprints of Western Bande Dessinée²
13:30 ­ 15:30 Comics, the Canon and History
Christopher Pizzino (University of Georgia) ³Comics History and the Question of Delinquency²
Michael Connerty (IADT/University of the Arts London) ³Selective Memory: Art History and the Comic Strip Work of Jack B. Yeats²
Rik Spanjers (University of Amsterdam), ³The Historical Comic and the Maus Event²
Michael F. Scholz (Uppsala University) ³Historical Primary Sources Provided by Early Comics Historians²
Coffee break
16:00 ­ 17:00 Memory and the Superhero Genre
Chair: Christophe Dony (Université de Liège)
Jean-Matthieu Méon (Université de Lorraine) ³Sons and Grandsons of Origins: Narrative Memory in Mainstream Super-Hero Publishing²
Dragos Manea (University of Bucharest), ³The Ethics of Historical Fantasy: Collective Memory and Transgression in The Manhattan Projects (2012-) and Über (2013-)²
19:30 ­ 21:00 Roundtable @ Vooruit: The Memory of Comics In and Out of the Institutions, with Philippe Capart, Roel Daenen, Simon Grennan, Gunnar Krantz, Pascal Lefèvre, Roger Sabin (moderated by Pedro Moura)
Friday 21 April ­ Collective Memory
9:00 ­ 10:00 Keynote Address
Claire Gorrara (Cardiff University), ³Connective Histories. Transgenerational Memories of the Second World War in 21st Century French Graphic Novels²
Coffee break
10:30 ­ 12:00 War Testimonies
Kees Ribbens (NIOD Amsterdam/Erasmus University Rotterdam) ³Combining Individual Memory and National History in Classics Illustrated²
Simon Desplanque (Université catholique de Louvain) ³Testimonies in Contemporary Franco-Belgian WWII Aviation Comics²
Jacqueline Berndt (Kyoto Seika University/Stockholm University) ³Beyond Authenticity: On a New Current of Alternative War Manga²
Susan Hogervorst (Open Universiteit Nederland) ³Grasping German WWII Memory Culture through Students¹ Oral History Comics about Contemporary Refugees²
13:30 ­ 15:00 Post-Memory
Miriam Piegsa (University of Passau) ³Intersubjective Memory Space. Jacques Tardi¹s Moi, René Tardi, prisonnier de guerre au Stalag IIB and Florence Silloray¹s Le Carnet de Roger in comparison²
Christina Kraenzle (York University) ³Transnationalizing Memories of the German Past: Barbara Yelin¹s Irmina and Birgit Weyhe¹s Madgermanes²
Júlia Garraio (Universidade de Coimbra) ³The Unexplored Family Album: Portuguese Comics and Post-Memories of the Colonial War²
Coffee break
15:30 ­ 16:30 Memory as Resistance
Anna Nordenstam (University of Gothenburg) & Margareta Wallin Wictorin (Karlstad University) ³We remember Women¹s Lib Comics. Swedish Feminist Comics from the 1980¹s²
Nina Mickwitz (University of the Arts London) ³Beyond Nostalgia: Memories to Fuel Resistance and Re-Imagine Possibilities²
16:30 ­ 17:00 Wrapping-up and final comments
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top universities in europe
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Top universities in Europe
top universities in Europe . Below are some of the top universities in Europe this list is not based on ranking .
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top universities in europe
University of Vienna
Open to new ideas. Since 1365. The University of Vienna, founded in 1365, is probably the oldest and major universities in Europe. About 9,600 staff members, 6,800 of whom happen to be academic employees, just work at 19 faculties and centres. This produces the University of Vienna Austria’s major research and education institution. About 94,000 national and international students are enrolled at the University of Vienna. With an increase of than 175 level programmes the University offers the most diverse range of analyses in Austria. The University of Vienna can be a major provider of continuing education. Excellence in doctoral training includes a long tradition in the University of Vienna. The University supplies structures thatenable doctoral prospects to give attention to their studies and also to complete their studies successfully. These supporting structures are the Vienna Doctoral Colleges and the Vienna Doctoral Academies, established in 2016, and also the uni:docs program. Furthermore, the Universityof Vienna organises workshops to teach and increase the transferable skills and provides platforms for interaction and networking. Another major objective of the University is normally to develop andimplement numerous measures for the advancement of educational careers of women. Accordingly, the University of Vienna offers workshops as well as long-term procedures -tailored to a concentrate on group ranging from female PhD students to senior postdoctoral researchers. Using its wide range of 27 topics the University of Viennais the major institution for teacher education in Austria. The University is normally focused on further developing university-based instructor education when it comes to content material, didactics and organisation. To guarantee the efficient implementation of the plans the Centre for Instructor Education was established.   top universities in europe
KU Leuven
Today, it really is Belgium’s highest-ranked university along with one of the oldest and most renowned universities in European countries. As a leading European study university and co-founder of the League of European Analysis Universities (LERU), KU Leuven presents a multitude of programmes in English. These programmes will be supported by high-top quality inter disciplinary research completed at both the university and its own internationally acclaimed hospitals. Boasting an outstanding central location in the center of Europe, KU Leuven gives a really international experience, high-top quality education, world-class exploration, and cutting-edge innovation. A Global University 18% of the university’s 56,842 students result from abroad. Mutually, they represent over 150 countries. KU Leuven is, thus, house to a captivating community of international learners and staff members, spread across its numerous campuses. The university also works with a select quantity of top-level partner institutions worldwide, and stimulates purposeful international flexibility and intensive exploration cooperation. It continuously strives to integrate the neighborhood and international student and study communities on all its campuses through a variety of programmes and actions. Internationalisation is type in the insurance policy of the university’s plank. KU Leuven and its own faculties own concluded partnership agreements with a large number of universities and study institutions all over the world. These agreements facilitate both scholar and staff mobility, create and activate cooperation in exploration and education, and permit capacity building and university development cooperation. top universities in europe
Sorbonne University is a people university in Paris, France, which was officially established in 2018 following merger of Paris-Sorbonne University and Pierre and Marie Curie University. However, the institution can trace its history back again to the 13th century and the University of Paris, which had a Collège de Sorbonne that was founded in 1257 by Robert de Sorbon. The university’s central campus is situated in Paris’s Latin Quarter, on property inherited from the former University of Paris. The Jussieu Campus - formally the Campus Universitaire de Jussieu - is located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris and was the key campus of the Pierre and Marie Curie University (generally known as Paris VI). On the other hand, the institution’s Maison de la Recherche campus properties the annals and geography departments and the Serpente Library, which boasts a lot more than 50,000 works and about 300 French and international periodicals. The university includes a number of prestigious scientific collections The Sorbonne University residences eight notable scientific collections, including a screen of just one 1,500 minerals; a assortment of nearly 50 photographic plates created by Gabriel Lippmann in his studies of picture taking; and the Charcot library, which residences a collection of the personal library of neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. In 2008, Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi was founded in the United Arab Emirates, which teaches a variety of qualifications in the French vocabulary. top universities in europe
Technical university munich
Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München), also known as TUM, was founded in 1868 and is a member of the TU9, an association of nine of Germany’s most prestigious technical universities. TUM offers 14 academic departments and 40,124 students, which around 24% are overseas. It telephone calls itself The Entrepreneurial University and aims to foster a supportive environment for budding business owners. There are 172 degree courses available including an array of English-taught courses. top universities in europe
University of Bologna
The University of Bologna (Italian: Università di Bologna, UNIBO), founded in 1088, is the oldest university in continuous operation, and one of the top rated academic institutions in Italy and Europe. It really is the most prestigious Italian universities, typically ranking in the first locations of national rankings. It was the first host to study to utilize the term universitas for the corporations of learners and masters, which found define the institution found in Bologna, Italy. The University's crest carries the motto Alma mater studiorum and the time A.D. 1088, and it has about 85,500 college students in its 11 institutions. It features campuses in Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena and Rimini and a branch center overseas in Buenos Aires. In addition, it has a university of excellence named Collegio Superiore di Bologna. A co-employee publisher of the University of Bologna is normally Bononia University Press S.p.A. (BUP). top universities in europe
University of Amsterdam
Today's university with a wealthy history, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) traces its roots back again to 1632, when the Golden Age school Athenaeum Illustre was established to train pupils in trade and philosophy. In 1877, the Athenaeum Illustre started to be the University of Amsterdam and provides since expanded into a comprehensive university with seven significant faculties. The University’s scholarly research has an outstanding national and international reputation. Exploration at the UvA is generally interdisciplinary, and staff and students are encouraged to push the traditional disciplinary boundaries. A degree from the UvA is great preparation for the start of an educational or professional profession. UvA graduates from worldwide find their approach to interesting careers, whether in holland or abroad. The UvA Scholar Careers Center is specialised in advising international UvA students about finding employment in the international labour market. top universities in europe
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linguistlist-blog · 5 years
Calls: Sociolinguistics and Linguistic Typology: Towards an Integrated Approach to the Study of Linguistic Variation (SLI 2020 Workshop)
Call for Papers: Convenors: Silvia Ballarè (Università di Torino), Guglielmo Inglese (KU Leuven). The workshop will explore the relation between language internal and cross-linguistic variation, which have traditionally been the main concern of two branches of linguistics: variationist sociolinguistics and linguistic typology. In spite of their similar research agenda, the two approaches have only rarely converged in the description and interpretation of variation. Over the las http://dlvr.it/RMfjQ5
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