#Unexpected Babysitting
melocakes574 · 1 year
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Goth unexpected bbsiting (1-2/??)
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cygnus-is-tired · 4 months
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Too tired for words.. I’ve been working off and on (mostly off :/) on this for a week! Nap time now
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Another weird question for y’all! This one is more of a series of weird questions 1. Would it be bad weird to give helpful strangers a “thank you” sticker? I am very short and have asked strangers for help getting things down from tall shelves many times, and it occurred to me my new purse has room to fit some stickers 2. If I am going to carry around some stickers (I’m thinking the kind you can get a lot of that come on a roll), should it be stars, happy faces, or something else? 3. If you are a tall person who has been asked to get things down from shelves for strangers in stores, what would you do if that stranger then gave you a sticker?  edited to add: it is entirely possible this thought occurred to me because I used to volunteer with preschoolers and have remembered while typing this post that I do have a roll of stickers somewhere in my house (they were for the preschoolers)
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myleftpinkytoe · 1 year
Parents don't like it when I'm around their children bc the kids will ask things like "why can't I eat my spaghetti with my hands in the restaurant?" And I'll deadass go "because we live in a place where someone (no one knows who) has decided that we're not supposed to eat spaghetti with our hands, and now if we do people will be mean to us for no reason because they think it's 'bad'. They're wrong, but it's easier to follow the rules so people won't get mad at us for no good reason."
Which is a true statement, but now there's a good chance that the parents of that child are going to have to deal with a kid that insists on eating spaghetti with their hands in public for ideological reasons which is probably not ideal.
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bringbackgoth · 6 months
started my day determined to have a Sad Sack Crybaby day where I just loused around and slumped on furniture but the weather was so beautiful and when I took Scoops outside to bask in it some neighbor children wanted to pet him which led to all of us migrating to my backyard so they could play on the 30 year old 'playset'(two swings and a slide) while I chilled and absorbed the sun in my chair and they chased and ran away from my puppy and then threw him sticks and toys until he was SO exhausted and then finally a Mother came over and sat in the other chair to 'watch' them and...
it was really nice. I didn't have time to be a sad sack, just had time to chill and absorb the sun and breathe the over-pollinated air and enjoy the sounds of kiddos running around my yard.
I think I needed that.
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mantisgodsdomain · 2 years
Sometimes we think we should open writing commissions but then we remember we actually have very little control about the length of whatever we put out and we'd likely be asked to do painfully normal things like shipfic and such and we don't know how to explain to people that no! We don't want your most palatable dreams! We want to be the vessel through which you pour your most bizarre concepts! We want to be the person you go to when you have an idea so unapproachably weird that you're afraid to pitch it to anyone else! Let us take your ideas and be the face through which you pitch something new to the world! Let us take that weird little brain worm you've had for the past decade and realize it in fuller form! Do you understand? We want you to be weirder!
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winepresswrath · 7 months
I'm the Healer anon! I'm so glad you're enjoying the show!! I'm on a mission to get more people to watch it so I can talk about it with more people lmao. One great thing about this show is its one that actually just keeps getting better and better as it goes on (as opposed to starting strong and then ending weakly).
Yes! We'll probably finish it tonight. I was really impressed with the pacing- I was braced for a slump in the middle but it never came, and they do an excellent job balancing the lighter comedy moments with the serious drama. Min-ja is I think my actual favourite but it's very, very close, and the plot is so much fun! I wish they'd let Young-Shin stay insane about Moon-ho- I really enjoyed their relationship and I feel like it kind of got a back seat once the main couple got together, but that is a very small gripe. I hope there's a big final bro vs. bro confrontation- my current theory is that there's going to be an ultimate reveal that evil big brother cracked after the elder threatened Moon-ho but IDK if they're going to go in that direction.
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daylerogers · 1 year
Unexpected and Unnatural
Kids’ hair is always a delight. Often parents don’t want to cut it because they’re so cute and the curls are feared to be lost forever, cowlicks are loved rather than loathed, and the color is something that often changes as they get older. When our daughter and son-in-law left their three children with the babysitter, they walked out the door recognizing all of them as they normally see them…
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airborneace · 1 year
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She's humming "Welcome to Duloc" as she's filling out paperwork.
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i keep saying this but lone star is fucking insane
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sinnabum45 · 3 months
Unexpected Babysitting
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Link to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
[Plain text: Links to help Palestine and other resources! (palestine flag). End plain text.]
[Image description] Digital comic of Ace Attorney characters: Miles Edgeworth, Cody Hackins, Maya Fey, and Pearl Fey.
Page one: Colorful, blurred image of Amusement park’s entrance. People are walking around. Text: “Amusement Park: Steel Samurai special event.” Miles is walking and is internally excited. There are people walking around behind him. Miles’ thoughts: “They’re giving out exclusive Steel Samurai merchandise today! Yippie! Yippie!” There is a small drawing of Miles in his thought excitedly moving his hands up and down. Text box: “Bought a pass one month in advance.”
Page two: Cody yells “Hey, Pops with the frilly thing!!” Miles is surprised and turns around to see an upset Cody standing behind him. Cody, point at Miles: What are you doing here?! Don’t tell me something bad happened again!” Miles frantically tries to explain, “Wha— Ergh! Nothing happened- I’m just…” Cody interrupts him, and stomps his foot. Cody: “Yeah right! Why are you here then?!” Miles: “Ghk!” Maya is off screen and calls out to Miles, “Ah! It’s Edgeworth! And Cody!” Miles and Cody turns towards her.
Page three: Maya and Pearl are walking up to them. Maya is smiling and Pearl is shyly holding Maya’s hand. Maya: “What are you doing here, Edgeworth?” Pearl: “Hello, Mr. Edgeworth.” Maya, snickering: “Maybe you’re here because a “certain someone” is in today’s stage play?” Miles is embarrassed, clenching his jaw and his eyes are closed. Behind him are texts: “Why does this happen every time? I just want to enjoy the show in peace, ALONE. I knew I should’ve worn the disguise today!” There is a little drawing of Miles with “said disguise”. He is fixing his sunglasses with his right hand and a black coat over his usual suit. The kids start approaching Miles. Maya with a mischievous smile: “Aww, don’t be embarrassed! I love Steel Samurai, too!” Pearl: “Me, too!” Cody with his hands raised to his chest: “What?! You like Steel Samurai, too, Pops?!” Miles is backing away, embarrassed and uncomfortable.
Page four: Two sketches of different scenes. Miles is paying for everyone’s food. Behind him, Maya has one arm raised over her head: “Yay~!! Thanks, Edgeworth!” Pearl is holding onto Maya’s arm: “Thank you, Mr. Edgeworth!” Cody has his hands raised to his chest again “You’re not so bad after all, Pops!” Second sketch: Miles is facing an off screen worker with a glare. “Excuse me. She asked for no pickles.” Pearl is behind him with tears in her eyes and she is holding her hands up to her chest. Maya and Cody are sitting at a table eating burgers. Maya is looking at Pearl with worry. End description.]
I wanted to have the Steel Samurai fans hang out 🥺🤲 They probably discuss a bunch of facts and share their interpretations about it together.
Miles does not know how to interact with kids, that’s for sure LOL Maya making fun of Miles for his crush on WP is now my favorite thing (There was supposed to be a whole scene with PowersWorth, but maybe another time)🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ I’m assuming Pearl got into Steel Samurai because Maya likes it!
Also, I really like how the anime emphasizes Cody’s impact on Miles. I feel like he was the catalyst for Miles to change. And the scenes of Miles struggling (and losing) against Cody in the games were very cute 🥹
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traveler-at-heart · 1 month
Babysitter Club
Summary: Natasha is taking care of the Barton children and has unexpect help.
Natasha Romanoff x Super Soldier F!R
Being an aunt was fun. Natasha got the cool moments and could spoil Clint’s kids. They adored her.
But, being on babysitting duty after a grueling mission was definitely not fun.
Natasha had barely managed to get out of bed when Cooper and Lila came out of nowhere, straight to her.
“Children, no running” Clint said, chasing after them, Nathaniel in his arms.
“Auntie Nat, can we go to the zoo?”
“No, to the movies. Or bowling!” Cooper suggested, both children fighting to get Natasha’s attention.
“I…” she blinked several times, trying to wake up. Did she say she’d take care of them?
What day was it anyway?
“Ok, you two go and sit over there” Clint asked, pointing at the couch. He approached Natasha, and the baby smiled when he saw her.
“Hey, little one” she greeted, taking him in her arms. “Boy, you’re growing too fast”
“Are you sure you can take care of them? You look like you could use some sleep” Clint said.
“Yeah, no. It’s fine” Natasha nodded, swaying gently to appease Nathaniel. Though the movement was making her sleepy as well. “Go”
“I’ll be back later today” he promised, saying goodbye to his children.
As soon as he left, Cooper and Lila turned to Natasha, expectantly. It took her a minute to understand.
“What do you want for breakfast?”
“Ok, coming right up”
It was hard to balance a toddler in her arms while she found all the ingredients for the food, so it took her a good five minutes to have everything ready. Cooper and Lila were clearly getting restless, making Nathaniel upset too.
Natasha turned around. You were looking between her and the two kids.
“Y/N, hey. These are Clint’s children. Sorry about the noise, we’ll keep quiet, right?” she rushed to say, figuring you came to the kitchen to complain about the disturbance.
“Need a hand?” you offered instead, surprising her. 
Truth be told, even after a few months with the team, they knew very little about you, other than you were a super soldier and had worked as a double agent reporting for Fury for most of your career.
“Sure” she said and you took Nathaniel, balancing him expertly while you got the pancake mix ready with your other hand. He took a liking to you instantly and you chatted with him, talking about what you were doing while preparing the food.
Natasha looked at you, amazed. You, the person who would only nod to confirm instructions and stayed in your room for most of the time, looked soft and welcoming and charming with a baby in your arms.
Oh, no.
Natasha liked it.
Liked you.
“We have a problem” you turned to her and she snapped out of it.
“Diaper emergency. Can you…?”
“Yeah, sure” she nodded, taking the baby to the living room. Lila took the opportunity to get closer to you.
“How you doing? Lila, right?”
“Yeah. What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/N” you said, flipping the pancake expertly.
“Wow! That was so cool, can you teach me?”
“Sure. You’ll do the next one, how about that?”
By the time Natasha finished changing Nathaniel, Lila and Cooper were standing next to you, and taking turns flipping the pancakes while you cheered them on. Once breakfast was ready, Lila took your hand and led you to the table.
“Do you work with Dad?”
“Mhm” you nodded.
“And what’s your power?” Cooper said, excited at the idea of watching something new.
“Nothing you haven’t seen before, kiddo. I’m a little bit stronger than most people”
“Can you carry us both in your back?”
You grimaced, pretending to think about it.
“Yeah, maybe. We’ll see about that later. Wanna go to the lake? We can feed the ducks, throw some stones”
“Can we, aunt Nat?” Lila turned to her, excited at the idea of feeding ducks.
“Well, auntie Nat could stay and take care of Nathaniel for his nap” you offered, noticing the woman was struggling to stay up. “We’ll bring her the coolest rock we can find so she’s not sad for missing our little trip”
The kids cheered on, eating the rest of their breakfast in record time. Natasha approached you while you picked up the plates.
“You sure about this? I really appreciate it but you don’t have to…”
“It’s fine. I know yesterday’s mission was exhausting” you said, placing your hand on Natasha’s back to reassure her. She was standing between you and the kitchen counter, enjoying the proximity a little too much. “Take a nap with Nathaniel and I’ll take care of Lila and Cooper. How about that?”
“I owe you one” she smiled, taking Nathaniel back to her room.
A few hours later, she woke up to a message on her phone. The kids were enjoying the day out, so you came back to prepare some sandwiches and were now eating by the lake. You had also left some extra food for her in case she got hungry.
Natasha’s heart fluttered at your thoughtfulness and hurried to meet you and enjoy the rest of the day.
“There’s aunt Nat” you greeted as she approached you, smiling. Lila was sitting on your shoulders while Cooper threw rocks at the lake.
“Check it out, Y/N taught me how to skip stones!”
Natasha stood by the lake, while Cooper showed her. You walked to stand next to the redhead.
“Forest fairy, do you have it ready?” you reached for something. Lila gave you a small bouquet of wildflowers that you both had gathered on your walk and handed it over to Natasha.
“Thank you” she said, hoping you wouldn’t notice her cheeks turning pink.
“Yeah, uh… pretty girls deserve pretty flowers”
You set Lila down, and she ran to play with her brother. Nathaniel reached torwards you, and you took him in your arms, raising him way too high to pretend he was flying.
“What an interesting talent you have hidden, Y/N” Natasha commented with a smile and for the first time since you’d known her, you laughed.
“Oh, there are plenty more that you have yet to know, Miss Romanoff” you teased.
Once the heat got a bit too intense, you decided to come back to the Compound. It was Cooper’s turn to sit on your shoulders as you walked, playing a game of I spy.
“Oh, am I interrupting?” Maria said, looking at you curiously. All she knew were the few things Fury had shared, but Hill definitely didn’t think good with kids was among them.
“What’s up?” Natasha asked as you balanced Lila and Cooper, one in each arm.
“I need to go over some mission stuff with you. It won’t take long” Maria promised. You nodded, already leading the kids back to the living room. Natasha followed you with her eyes as you let the kids run around, while putting Nathaniel in the crib the team kept around for him. “Huh”
“What?” Natasha snapped back.
“Nothing. I didn’t think you’d be one to fall for girls that are good with kids”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hill”
“Uh-hu. Come on, don’t want to take away from your family time”
Natasha rolled her eyes, and took one last look at you.
You were handing Lila and Cooper Nerf guns, whispering to each other.
“Don’t get in trouble” she warned.
“Mmkay” you gave her a thumbs up, and waited until she left to kneel and speak to both kids. “Ok, so we’re gonna hide behind the couch, and whoever hits more people that come here will decide what movie we watch, got it?”
Both kids nodded and you gave them a high five.
It didn’t take long for the first victim to show up. Sam came in, whistling a tune. You nudged Cooper and he looked over the couch. His shot hit the shelf above Sam’s face.
“My turn now” you said, aiming for his arm. Sensing something, he moved at the last second, turning quickly.
“Hello?” he said. “Who’s there?”
Moving your head, you encourage Lila to go next. She waited for Sam to approach the couch, and then jumped forward, hitting him between the eyes.
“Boom!” you clapped, lifting Lila in the air. “Someone has her father’s aim”
“That’s not fair” Sam complained. “I wasn’t ready”
“A spy is always ready” Cooper pointed out and Lila and you nodded in agreement.
“I’m a pilot, not a spy”
“Don’t be a sore loser. If you get Bucky to come here and get shot we’ll share some pizza with you” you offered.
“Fine” he glared, going back to his room. Minutes later, you heard footsteps.
Oh, damn, it was Banner.
“Ok, maybe sit this one out, kids” you said, leaning against the couch. It would be a nightmare to have him turn green in the middle of the kitchen.
Later, Bucky was targeted as planned and even Wanda got to play with the kids. She helped with Nathaniel as you stood up to get the pizza.
By the time Natasha was back, you were setting a fort of blankets and pillows.
“We were waiting for you to start the movie” Lila said, rushing to her side and taking her hand. “Sit next to me”
“Hey, everything good?” you said, leaning casually against the couch. Natasha nodded and you gave her a plate. “Here, we got your favorite pizza. Lila picked The Incredibles, as if we don’t have enough superheros in our lives”
“Do you have someone like Edna Mode make your suits?” she asked excitedly.
“No one as cool as her. But at least we don’t wear capes” you said. Natasha laughed at your extensive knowledge of children movies and you blushed, trying to hide your own smile.
Natasha stole glances here and there, and finally decided to lean forward as the movie continued.
“I’m sorry about leaving you with them for so long”
“I had the best time. Whenever you need help, let me know”
“It was nice seeing you happy. I was beginning to think you didn’t like being here”
“It’s not that” you shook your head, taking a breath. “I have done a lot of things I’m not proud of and seen many things I wish I hadn’t… I guess I feel like the Avengers are about hope, and I can’t see myself in that equation”
“The Avengers are also about second chances, and doing good. Trust me, if there’s anyone that understands, it’s me” she said, waiting until you looked at her. You smiled, relaxing against the couch.
The kids wanted to see Despicable Me next. Again, you commented there were enough real life villains but you enjoyed the movie, sitting on the floor with them, repeating some of the lines.
By the time Natasha came back with more popcorn, the three of you were fast asleep. Her heart fluttered at the image and she was almost tempted to take a picture. Instead, she turned off the tv and let you sleep. She sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone.
“Sorry I’m late” Clint walked in, and Natasha turned, shushing him with a murderous glare. “Is that Y/N?”
“Yeah, she’s great with kids”
“Oh, someone’s smitten. I knew you had a thing for her since she threw that mobster out a window”
Natasha rolled her eyes, moving to wake up the kids. You were yawning as they gathered their things, and waved goodbye as Clint took them out.
“Daddy, can we go with Aunt Nat and Y/N to the zoo next week?” Lila asked.
“Yeah, let’s see, kiddo” he chuckled.
The girl handed over a drawing to Natasha, like she always did when they spent the day together.
It had you in it, carrying her baby brother. Natasha was looking at you and smiling, pink circles on her cheeks.
Well, apparently even Lila could see Natasha liked you.
“Thanks for all your help today” Natasha said, walking with you. You stopped outside her room.
“Thank you for what you said to me… it’s nice to know I can do better now” you smiled, and walked to your room.
Today you had felt less alone, and for that you could thank Natasha.
“We could…” she spoke, reaching for you. You turned back, squeezing her hand to encourage her to talk. “Go out next week?”
“With the kids or…?”
“Just you and me” Natasha said, suddenly shy. “Only if you want to of course…”
“I’d love that” you were quick to agree.
Natasha smiled, standing on the tip of her toes to kiss your cheek.
“Night, Y/N”
“Night, Nat”
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
You were so unexpected. He knew that you were yet another task that Lucifer was pushing off on him for the sake of Lord Diavolo. Only another instance of being used, of being relied on, of being given the job no one else wanted to do.
It was difficult at first. A great demon like him had better things to do than babysit a fragile human like you. But time passed. Things changed. You changed and he changed and everyone else changed, too.
And then one day Mammon looked at you and saw his entire world.
He saw his sun in your eyes and his moon in your smile. His sky in the soft expanse of your skin. His roots in your fingers slotted perfectly with his. Time and tide and thunder and lightning, every part of him and every part of you - it was his everything.
It almost hurt to say it out loud. To admit to this vulnerability. His greatest weakness. It was always you. It would always be you. And in darkness, when you couldn't quite see him, he found he was desperate to whisper his truth into you. Pressing his face against your hair or your neck, his arms around you, feeling your heartbeat thudding against his. When he could just exist there, in the only place he ever felt like he truly belonged.
The Celestial Realm didn't want him. And the Devildom was only home because no place else could be.
Until you.
You saw him for who he was. A demon, a former angel, but more than any of that, you saw a brother, a friend, a lover. You saw the part of him that wanted to have fun, pulling pranks on Lucifer and going out clubbing with Asmo. You saw the part of him that wanted to protect, threatening Levi's bullies and taking the blame for Belphie. You saw the part of him that kept things normal for his family, teasing Satan and gifting things to Beel. And more than anything, you saw him when he was open and raw - when he didn't hide himself behind too much bluster, when he admitted how much his brothers meant to him. How much he loved you.
And maybe it was a little bit dangerous. Mammon knew that when it came to you, it would take so little. That in an instant he could become a demon whose power and rage cracked through the very fabric of existence. The kind of demon he never felt the need to be, the full potential that he let pass by in favor of keeping the peace. It would be nothing if it meant keeping you safe.
Pact or no pact, Mammon knew the truth. And deep down, he was sure you knew it, too.
That Mammon would let that power off its leash and bathe the world in blood, only for you.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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benevolentbones · 3 months
Hi!! How are you doing?
Can I request Spencer sitting on the couch with a pile of bows and hair ties in his lap, messing with reader hair, while reader is sitting on the floor, laughing at Spencer's antics? I find it so cute and love your writing. Tysm!!
abstract hairstyling | spencer reid x reader
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warnings: none just fluff, gender neutral reader.
word count: 0.5k
a/n: hi! tysm<3 i hope you enjoy this drabble, sorry it’s a little short:) reblogs n comments appreciated! i will be getting around to more requests!!
spencer sat on the couch, a pile of colorful bows and hair ties spilling over his lap. his brow was furrowed in concentration, his tongue peeking out slightly as he carefully tried to braid your hair. you sat cross-legged on the floor in front of him, your back to the couch, shoulders shaking with laughter.
"hold still," spencer chided playfully, his fingers tangling in your hair as he attempted to secure a bow. "i think i’m getting the hang of it now."
how did this unexpected scene come to play out? you had been babysitting your niece, jane, at your apartment, surrounded by a sea of toys and hair accessories. your sister had come by to pick her up shortly after spencer got home, but you couldn’t care to clean up the mess of plastic and ribbons she left all over your sitting room floor.
you turned your head slightly to catch a glimpse of his serious expression, stifling another giggle. "are you sure about that? because it feels like you're building a bird's nest back there."
spencer's lips curved into a grin. "hey, it's a very artistic bird's nest. i like to think of it as abstract hairstyling."
you laughed harder, your sides beginning to ache from the sheer joy of the moment. your boyfriend’s genuine effort and his endearing determination made your heart swell with affection. he was always so serious, so meticulous in his work, and seeing him let loose, his playful side shining through, was a treasure.
as he fumbled with another hair tie, you felt the gentle tugging ease, replaced by the soft sensation of his fingers running through your hair. "you know," spencer said, his voice thoughtful, "i never realized how relaxing this could be. it’s like chess, but with hair."
you leaned back slightly, your head resting against his knees, looking up at him. "i’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. and I’m glad we have plenty of hair ties, because i think you might need the practice."
he chuckled, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your forehead. "thanks for being my willing participant. and for not judging my hairstyling skills too harshly."
you smiled up at him, warmth spreading through you. "anytime, baby. anytime."
“now you mustn’t distract me- i’m about to create a masterpiece on top of your head.”
with that, he went back to work, his fingers weaving through your hair, sticking pieces up at the sides and adding numerous bows as he pleased.
once he was satisfied with his work, spencer passed you a small mirror so you could gaze upon his creation. your locks were messily combed upwards, with a dozen or so hair clips ans bows pressed snugly into your scalp.
you turned back to spencer, a proud smile resting on his features.
“wow i look so…” you trailed off with a small smile on your features.
“perfect? beautiful? honestly i’ve never wanted you more.” he replied, earning a chuckle from you. he quickly pulled you into his arms, forgetting about the pile of bows and ribbons, peppering your face with sweet kisses.
“i love you”
“i love you more”
taglist!! @0108s22m @rainoftearss @potatovoyager @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @luvmia222 @shardsofmarxx @silver138 @lover-of-books-and-tea @thedancingnerdmermaid
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coff33andb00ks · 3 months
Until You - Part Two
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
charles leclerc x female pop singer!reader x oscar piastri f1 smau with intermittent scenes fc: none it's a mix of taylor swift, sabrina carpenter, and random pinterest ladies. {voice claim is adele}
Summary: he drives vroom vrooms, she sings soulful tunes. there's no way in hell this is gonna work, right? Warnings: language, implied smut (18+ only), oscar is a simp, lando is a horrible wingman, reader is a fangirl
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Y/n set her phone aside and laughed as Leo jumped over onto her, headbutting her chin then licking it while she rubbed him. Charles stretched out, gently pulling the dog from her face.
"He's a bit insane," he apologized, rolling his eyes when Leo immediately scampered back to tuck his head under her chin.
"If he keeps loving on me like this I might smuggle him out," she teased, smiling as Charles laughed.
"You'd steal my dog?" he asked, clicking his tongue. Leo's ears perked up and y/n gasped as she was abandoned. Charles cooed at the puppy, cuddling him close.
"Not steal. Borrow." Reaching over, she smoothed her hand over the pup's back, not really surprised when he suddenly flopped onto his side, yawning with a squeak.
"You can babysit?" Charles offered, looking up at her with a smile.
"Hm… I don't know. What's the pay rate?" Watching as Leo nestled his head against Charles' shoulder, eyes drooping.
"My undying thanks, Leo's devotion… Paddock passes?" He leaned his head back. "A kiss?"
She blushed, thinking of the unexpected but very welcome kiss they'd shared on a dark street while walking Leo. The sweetness and tenderness had been sorely needed. Sighing, though, she shook her head. "I don't even get a Ferrari? I'll pass."
His chuckle was, like his company had been all evening, warm and soothing. "You don't have one already?"
"If I'm in New York or London my assistant arranges for a driver. And it's pointless having one in LA. I have a Mercedes but I rarely… Actually, I don't. That was his." She shrugged, impulsively scooping Leo up and settling him against her chest. He squirmed a little then relaxed and she sighed, knowing Charles understood her need for puppy snuggles.
The room was silent for a moment, Charles shifting so was next to her. "Why did you cry for yourself at the show, chérie?"
"I was stupid," she whispered. "I fell for everything he said. When I met him the first time people told me he was bad news but I just thought they were jealous, and when I told him he said they were crazy. And I believed it. By the time I realized they were right it was too late."
"That doesn't make you stupid. You were young when you met, yes?" he asked gently.
"Exactly. So you weren't stupid, chérie. You were naïve."
"Perfect prey for a guy like him," she sighed. "I thought I was living my childhood dream because not only was I a singer, I was dating my childhood crush."
"He was your crush?" Charles made a face.
"I was like ten when his stupid Baby song came out," she defended.
"Ah, we were all stupid at that age." He nodded.
"I just…" She sighed, pressing her face into Leo's fur for a few seconds. When she lifted her head she stared straight ahead. "I feel like he played a colossal joke on me. He said all the right things at first and when he showed his true side I was too in love to want to give up on us."
Charles's hand slid over hers. He sat up, his expression concerned. "Did he…"
"Not physically," she murmured, answering the question he asked with his eyes. "He wounded with words. When I got excited about a new song I was working on he always downplayed it, you know? I got the opportunity to perform Your Song this year at the Grammy's—"
"It was beautiful," he said. "You said you would play it all the time as a child."
"And he—" She blinked in surprise. "You remember that?"
"It was during the lockdowns, no? The video of you playing and singing it at home went viral. I watched it a lot while I was learning piano."
"Wait." She laughed, shocked. "You watched me while you taught yourself piano?"
"Because I saw the video and you said you were self taught." His smile was almost bashful. "It was one of the first pieces I learned to play."
"But you've never played it publicly."
He shrugged. "It belongs to you."
"It belongs to Elton, I just borrowed it." She looked across the room, through the doorway where she could just see his grand piano. "Will you play for me?"
Charles protested weakly. "Chérie, I'm still not as good as you—"
"Please?" she murmured.
He sighed, looking at her for a moment. Then, sighing again, he nodded. She smiled, gently transferring Leo to the sofa and getting to her feet. Charles led her through to the piano, and she looked around the room, taking in the décor and noting that he had recording equipment in the corner.
"It won't disturb the neighbors will it?" she asked, joining him on the piano bench.
"No, they never complain when I play." He lifted the cover and let out a breath. "I feel like I am back in school doing reviews."
She giggled. "I promise not to grade you harshly."
He ran his fingers lightly over the keys, and as soon as he began to play she felt him relax. She couldn't help but hum along softly. He glanced at her, smiling, and she drew in a breath when he gave her a nod. "I am playing, you should sing," he said, tipping his head. "Please."
"The last verse," she agreed, turning on the bench so she faced him. Waiting for his nod, she admired his side profile and the focus with which he played, already aware that music was a passion of his. She began to sing, watching him, blinking and then finding him looking at her as she sang the line I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue and oh, they were both blue and green and she scooted back a little when she felt herself starting to fall into them. When his playing softened she softened her voice, watching his eyes light with something akin to admiration.
"Oh… I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind… That I put down in words… How wonderful… Life is… While you're in the world…"
She wasn't sure if he leaned in or if she did, or if they did it at the same time. But the music seemed to echo around them as their lips met, stealing her breath and drawing her closer to him. It seemed so natural to be kissing him again, and when he stopped playing abruptly and his hands cradled her cheeks she finally let herself touch him, tentatively resting her hand on the side of his neck.
"Y/n," he moaned, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against hers.
"We shouldn't," she whispered.
"I know," he agreed.
His breath caressed her lips and she shivered. "People will talk."
"Do you care?" he whispered.
"No, but…" She stared into his eyes, both hands sliding to cup the back of his neck. "Please just… I can't let myself fall for you, Charles. I can't get played again."
"I don't play," he murmured, tracing her cheek with his knuckles.
"How can I know that you're not full of tricks and unkept promises?" she asked, pulling away. His fingers trailed down to her chin and she felt a twinge of regret when she heard his sigh.
"You can't ever know, can you?" He lightly plinked the piano keys.
"I guess not." Pulling one foot up onto the bench, she rested her chin on her knee. She watched his hand move over the keys, unintentionally humming. "Play that again?"
He did, shifting to give her room when she reached to add a few chords.
"Take a bow… To the crowd… The joke's on me," she sang gently.
Charles hummed, nodding as they played through it again. And, apparently realizing what she was doing, he stood and left the room, coming back a moment later with her phone and his iPad. "Do you need pen and paper?"
"No, my phone's good, thank you."
He sat next to her, and when he shifted she realized Leo was tucked in the pocket of his hoodie. "Would you prefer I leave?"
She shook her head, opening her phone's camera and starting a video. "I need your input and help."
He scoffed at that, bending to place Leo in the soft dog bed beneath the piano. "You're the professional, mon couer."
"See, you say things like my heart and say you don't play," she teased, actually laughing when he bumped her shoulder with his.
"It's how I speak, amour."
"I'll believe that when you talk to Max or Lewis and call them your heart," she snorted.
"You have a point," he conceded with a sigh. "But I do not play."
"Only the piano, right?" she asked, ending the video and starting a new one.
"Only the piano, yes." He leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "Shall I play for you, mon couer?"
"Please? While I work on lyrics."
He kept calling her the professional but his input was better than from some who'd been in the industry for decades. And she knew it was because music for him wasn't a career, it was an outlet. He played and composed with emotion, not with a care for how much money it would make him.
"Again?" he asked an hour later.
Taking a sip of the tea he'd brewed for them, she nodded. "I think we've got it, Charles."
"Will you record it?" He took his place in front of the piano while she stretched.
"Yeah, video's going," she told him.
"I mean to publish."
"Oh. I guess? My manager can handle the rights and crediting and royalties for you."
He shrugged. "I don't need the royalties, mon couer."
"Would you record it with me?" she asked once they'd played through the entire song fully.
"You would want me?" He sounded surprised and she turned to him, ending the video and immediately emailing it to herself.
"Of course. It's your song too. Your melody. I'd love to be in the studio with you." Thinking of how busy he would be for the rest of the season, she locked her phone. "I'm sure we can find a studio nearby for us to use before I leave."
He chuckled. "You find one, amour, and I will be there."
"Thank you," she whispered, hugging him. His arms wound around her and she closed her eyes, letting herself enjoy the warmth and gentleness of his embrace. They both began to pull away at the same time, both freezing when his cheek brushed hers.
She was well aware it could be a big mistake, that she had once again fallen for the right words, and she would be left alone and cold once more. But she turned her head slightly, barely brushing his lips with hers. His arms tightened as he caught her in a gentle kiss and it felt different and she couldn't begin to explain how. Last time there had been the element of danger, the excitement and the butterflies and fireworks. But Charles…
He guided her to her feet, somehow keeping his lips on hers. He didn't pull her with him from the room, his hands at her waist keeping her steady.
It was warmth and safety. Exciting, yes, but calming at the same time. He wasn't an ice cold energy drink that would leave her buzzing and her heart racing. He was a cup of hot tea on a cold winter's day. His gentle touch soothed her even as it aroused her. When he sat on the foot of his bed she hesitated only a second before straddling his thighs, kneeling over him.
"Do you want music, chérie?" he whispered, leaning back slightly.
"Don't need it," she promised, shivering as his hands slipped under the shirt he'd loaned her, his fingers caressing and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"Candles?" He grunted and chuckled when she lightly shoved his shoulders. Lying back, he stared up at her, humming through a sigh while one hand left her skin, reaching to stroke the curve of her jaw. "He didn't deserve you."
"Is this where I say 'no one does'?" she murmured, leaning over him. "Or do I say maybe you do?"
"Don't blow up my ego," he whispered, sitting up to meet her in another kiss.
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YN laughed while she signed the CD, nodding when one of the mechanics asked if she would sign something for his niece. Ynbff was already on it, pulling a copy of the CD from her bag and YN signed it for him, handing it over with a smile then spending a few moments to take pictures. They then decided to walk along, mainly so yn could work off some of her nervous energy.
Pete stayed close as they walked along in front of the garages. YN walked slowly, breathing in the scent of the sea mixed with the aroma of fuel and rubber. Taking a few photos, she couldn't keep the smile from her face as drivers walked up to introduce themselves. As they neared the McLaren garage she snapped a photo of the car, stopping long enough to post it to her story.
ynyln has added to their story
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"YN," Ellie hissed.
She jerked her head up, eyes widening at the sight of Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri standing with her assistant. "Shit, sorry," she mumbled, stepping forward. "Hi."
"Found your way to us at last?" Lando teased, an easy grin on his face once the introductions had been made.
"Wild horses couldn't keep me away."
Oscar snorted, grinning. "Heh, nice one."
"Thanks." Smiling up at him, she missed the knowing look on Lando's face as he looked between them.
"Oh this is mint – Catch ya later yeah? Media," he said, moving to shake YN's hand then turning to ynbff. "You said you wanted a drink, right? Follow me – you don't mind right YN? Perfect."
YN blinked as he easily swept her friend away, leaving her alone with Oscar. And Pete, but he was chatting with a couple of the mechanics. Turning to smile at her favorite driver, she cleared her throat. "You're doing great this season so far," she said.
"You think so?"
"Well yeah. You're already ahead in points as opposed to last year at this time. I know you've had a couple less than stellar races this season, but you're consistently top five and you had fasted laps a few weeks ago at Miami. You'll get a podium soon I know, and you're definitely good enough to get your first win." Realizing she was starting one of her rambles, she felt her cheeks grow warm and pressed her lips together. "I'm not biased, honestly. Just because you're my favorite driver—"
"I'm your favorite driver?" he asked softly.
She was sure she imagined the hint of wonder in his voice. "Well… Yeah."
He grinned and she was momentarily dazzled. "I'm honored."
"You're young and passionate, and more importantly, you're good. I've seen people brush you off because you don't have an outlandish personality but I think it's a benefit to you. If you steadily cry for attention people won't be surprised when you earn it."
As she talked she moved, and she didn't realize they were walking together until they reached the barrier. He leaned against it, continuing to tell her about his late night drive of the circuit as soon as he'd arrived in Monaco.
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liked by charles_leclrec, ybffn, oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others mclaren: We think we've discovered ynyln's favorite driver 👀 What are you talking about, oscarpiastri??      scuderiaferrari: please return our guest 😤               mclaren: no 😌      landonorris: you mean I'm not the favorite??????      user5: stop this is so cute!!      user9: her face tho. same, yn, same      user4: the way he's smiling omg
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liked by mclaren, ybffn, oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others ynyln: it was completely accidental that I found myself near the McLaren garage, and this lovely guy from Australia was kind enough to tell me how I got lost then escorted me back to Ferrari. Undying thanks to oscarpiastri, otherwise I'd still be wandering the streets of Monaco. (Ferrari's jokingly(?) threatened to lock me in hospitality for the rest of the weekend)      mclaren: blink twice if you need rescuing      oscarpiastri: always happy to help out 😊 (liked by author)               user4: oh no he has no rizz 😩      user5: ugh this is so flipping cute      user2: he's blushing!!!! AGH
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liked by charles_leclrec, mclaren, oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others ynyln: an amazing day. I'm in awe at all the work and dedication that goes into the vroom vrooms. Thank you so much scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, f1! (Now to crash because I'm waking up at 5am)      scuderiaferrari: ❤️❤️❤️      charles_leclerc: it is already an honor. This week is going to be incredible!               ynyln: c'est déjà incroyable               user2: oop               user3: "an honor" sir she stayed at ur house last night      oscarpiastri: 5am?? Do you hate yourself?               ynyln: sometimes but this is for TOP SECRET RECORDING               oscarpiastri: Is it top secret because it's top secret or because you're doing it so early?               oscarpiastri: also please don't hate yourself               ynyln: it's a human weakness I'm afraid. And it's top secret because I haven't told the label I'm working on new songs already. But I promise to work on my self esteem               oscarpiastri: I can't wait to hear them.               ynyln: if I don't pass out I'll drop by mclaren's garage and give you an early access listen               oscarpiastri: you can pass out at our garage (liked by author)               user4: maybe he does have rizz      mclaren: we can kick lando out of his room if you need a nap tomorrow, YN (liked by author and oscarpiastri)               landonorris: no??               mclaren: changing the access code now               ynyln: I watched the hub tour, can I take oscar's room? (liked by oscarpiastri)               mclaren: done               oscarpiastri: wait      user8: hey scuderiaferrari, mclaren's tryna steal your girl               scuderiaferrari: she'll have extra security tomorrow
Oscar jerked, nearly hitting his head on the underside of the shelf, as Lando burst into his room. "Jesus Christ, mate," he groaned, backing out and turning to look at his teammate. "What?"
"Are you fixing the room up for YN?" Lando waggled his eyebrows as he looked around.
"Oh fuck off," he muttered, going back to plug in his laptop. "How are you this energetic so early?"
"Early?" Lando scoffed, flopping onto the couch. "It's almost noon. We've got the thing in forty-five minutes—"
"And you have nothing better to do than annoy me?" Oscar asked, kicking Lando's feet off the couch before sitting down to open his laptop.
"No? But also I'm here to offer my services."
With a heavy sigh, Oscar closed his laptop and set it aside. "What are you talking about?"
"You and YN."
Oscar just stared at him. "There's no and."
Lando waved one hand. "I saw the pictures, mate. Did you see the pictures?"
"Pretty sure I did? What the fuck are you talking about?"
Sitting up, Lando whipped out his phone and opened his photo album. "One perk to being so nice is the social media admin sends me any pics I ask him to." Swiping through, he pulled up one and turned his phone so Oscar could see. "Exhibit A."
It was the same photo posted to the official mclaren account. The one of he and YN chatting at the barricade. "It's two people talking."
"That's not the point – It's the looking," Lando pushed the phone closer to him. "Until I saw this I didn't really understand the heart eyes for days meme but now? Osc, mate, she's into you."
He let out a humorless chuckle. "And you call me a muppet. No she's not."
"What were you talking about that had her smiling like that?" Lando swiped to another photo.
"I dunno." About home. Not a house, but the feeling of belonging. And how important music was in destroying barriers of language and lifestyles. He could have talked to her for hours, could have listened to her talk about what she used to escape her demons for days. "I think music."
"And here?"
Oscar kept his face blank, as though he wasn't staring at himself blushing and giggling over what YN had said.
"I know you care but sometimes your whole attitude is literally 'I don't give a fuck about this' in interviews and I gotta say: same."
"Ah… Media I think." He cleared his throat and got to his feet.
"Mate, it's alright to like her."
No it wasn't. "It's not like that."
"Right so you telling her the view from the dog's head is enchanting was just small talk?"
Lando was not going to let this go. "She saw my video of my hike and asked about it."
"And?" Lando threw up his hands when Oscar just looked at him. "That was your cue to say oh it's lovely, why don't we go together one morning!"
"Er… No, I'd never say something like that." Oscar shook his head. Not to mention she was tangled up with Charles...
"That's the problem—" Lando cut off when the door opened. One of the PR team popped her head in.
"Hi Oscar, you've got a visitor. She said you're expecting her so I'll bring her up?"
"Uh… Sure?" Oscar winced as his voice cracked on the word, dragging his hands over his face as the door clicked shut.
"Who's coming to see you?" Lando asked suspiciously, helping himself to one of the drinks from the fridge.
"I don't have a clue," he sighed.
"Maybe it's YN. She promised to drop by so you can hear her new music right?"
"Are you constantly reading comments?" Oscar muttered. "Yeah she did but I doubt she'd come straight—" He gulped when there was a knock at the door.
"Oh this is gonna be great," Lando giggled, taking a sip of his energy drink as he went to open the door. "Well hello! We were just talking about you."
It was her, because of course it was, she wasn't the type to make even the vaguest of promises then not fulfill them, and she was in his private room, smiling and bubbly as she greeted him and Lando, and—
Lando. Fuck's sake it would take an act of god to get him to leave the room now.
"All good I hope," YN said with a little laugh.
"Only the best," Lando promised. "Osc can't shut up about you."
"Shut up," Oscar groaned, drowned out by YN's giggle.
"I think it's so cute that you call him Osc. My assistant – ybffn? She calls him Pastry Boy."
Lando's eyes went wide, and Oscar groaned again when his friend burst into high-pitched laughter. "No but it fits! He does love a good pastry!"
YN swiveled her eyes to him and he felt his stomach twist. "Do you?"
"Oh god, yeah. My trainer hates it because I can't say no to a good pastry." He rubbed the back of his neck, wondering why his palms felt sweaty.
"Yeah I'm with you there. We went incognito in Paris just so I could buy and eat every pastry I wanted." She sighed happily at the memory.
"You can still go incognito?" he asked, surprised.
"Sometimes. Luckily no one knew which hotel I was staying at so we were able to sneak out without being noticed. And Pete was with us. When he's in jeans and a hoodie nobody pays attention to him. Plus it was raining so I was able to keep my hood up."
"What's your favorite pastry?" Lando asked casually.
"That's like asking a mother which child is her favorite…" YN scrunched her face and sighed. "Pain au chcocolate."
"Perfect choice, that's the best," Oscar said with a nod.
"Isn't it? I love pastry and chocolate, it's—"
"The best of both worlds," he finished with her.
"Yes!" She grinned and the twist in his stomach loosened, unleashing a swarm of butterflies.
"Oh this is so beautiful," Lando murmured, yelping when Oscar elbowed him in the ribs.
"Did you get to the studio?" he asked her.
"Yes." She practically glowed, shrugging off her backpack. Motioning for her to sit, he stumbled when Lando pushed him towards the couch. "I got two tracks down and a couple rough demos—" She pulled out a tablet, shoving her backpack to her other side as Oscar sat next to her.
Lando huffed and took the chair. "Oh!" he blurted, his expression innocent. "Did you want me to leave? I don't wanna ruin a private listening party."
"No it's fine." She flashed him a smile then turned her attention to the tablet. "The first one is just a demo. I'm not that great on guitar and it was last minute, so…"
Oscar listened as she rambled on about how she'd been inspired for the one and the second was a last minute burst she'd cranked out with just herself and the guitar. "Anyways," she said with a small shrug, handing the tablet to Oscar. "Just hit play."
He did, and was met with a strumming guitar. Then her voice, and he marveled at her ability to sing so beautifully so early in the morning. He glanced at her, saw she'd pulled her knees up and was nodding her head to the beat. I was enchanted to meet you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you...
ynyln has posted to their story
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[caption: got lost at the mclaren hub oops]
YN smiled as she posted the story and locked her phone, picking up her cup to finish her coffee. She'd been hanging out with them for nearly two hours. Well, with Oscar. Lando had been in and out, giggling and giving Oscar knowing looks. "I should really get going."
Lando nodded, smiling. "Glad you liked the transition. If you ever want…"
Laughing, she patted his shoulder. "As soon as I'm ready to do a remix album I'll call you."
"Perfect." He nudged Oscar and tipped his head.
Confused, because she could tell Lando was trying to silently tell his friend something, she got her backpack and picked up her paddock pass. "I can see—"
"I'll walk you out," Oscar blurted, already on his feet.
"Thanks." Waving goodbye to Lando, she headed out of the room, smiling her thanks when Oscar opened the door for her.
"He's a bit mental, but he's alright," he said as they walked along to the stairs.
"Lando? My grandma would say he's hyper." YN headed down the stairs, stopping at the bottom to loop her pass over her neck.
"She'd be right," he chuckled.
She felt him tugging on her backpack and glanced over her shoulder to see him zipping the front compartments.
"Don't want you losing anything," he said. His cheeks tinged pink and she almost giggled.
"Thanks. Did you get a hike in this morning?" she asked once they were walking across the hub towards the exit.
"No, I did work in the gym. Did – Oh right you were at the studio."
"I'm gonna try to go tomorrow," she said. She wondered if Charles would want to join her.
"Do…" He cleared his throat, stopping just before they got to the doors.
"Hm?" She turned to face him.
"Would you, um…" His cheeks darkened and he ran a hand through his hair. "Christ, I'm bad at this."
Realizing what he was trying to say, she gave him a soft smile. "Do you want to come with me on the hike in the morning?"
He nearly sagged with relief. "I-if you want company, yeah."
"I'd love to." Taking out her phone, she unlocked it and handed it to him so he could give her his number. "I'll text you so you'll have me – What time did you want to head out?"
"Whenever you'd like. I don't have anything until afternoon." He handed her phone back with a smile.
Making sure to save him, she sent him a quick text - 👋🏻 – and leaned to kiss his cheek. "Text me later and we can make plans."
"Yeah, alright," he agreed.
"I'll see you in the morning, Oscar. Thanks for everything," she said, rolling her eyes when Pete appeared at her side. Exchanging farewells with Oscar, she held onto her phone as she left, glancing back to see Oscar watching her through the window. Used to Pete's surly silence, she didn't talk on the way back to the Ferrari hospitality center, unconsciously chewing on her lip as she thought over the day.
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@lichterfee | @formulaal | @a-beaverhausen | @dullypully |
466 notes · View notes
xvysarene · 6 months
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𝕌𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕕
Pairing: Zayne x Fem!Reader Prompt: “I’ve built walls, and yet they crumble when I see you.” Words: ~2.5k Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff Notice: Y/N is not MC, Antagonist MC, Mentions of wounds
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His childhood friend exuded energy just as vibrant as her Anhausen class Evol, captivating those around her with her bubbly demeanor.
However, beneath the cheerful façade lay a calculated use of charm, a trait you couldn't help but notice, especially in her interactions with Zayne.
As a senior hunter, your responsibilities included supervising new recruits, and you discerned her manipulative tendencies over time.
“Just because you've seen me at my weakest, you’re not entitled to pass judgment on those dear to me. It proves how I've known her longer and better, as she would never stoop so low as to speak ill of you. I don’t need you babysitting me.”
Quick to defend his adored friend and seemingly caught up in emotion, he voiced those unfavorable words your way.
You knew Zayne was a direct person, but being on the receiving end of those words hurt. Especially as you later realized that you harbored feelings towards the cold doctor, feelings that had unknowingly woven into what you had always believed to be a purely platonic friendship between the two of you.
“—and you’re here because?”
His voice jolted you out of your reverie.
Somehow, standing in the exact spot where your last conversation occurred, resulting in months of silence between the two of you, had clouded your thoughts.
You cleared your throat, trying to focus back on the present moment. “Greyson and Yvonne have been trying to get in touch with you.”
When news about Dr. Zayne taking recuperative leave had spread like wildfire throughout the UNICORNS, you had considered reaching out to him. 
Your fingers had hovered over the phone, composing and deleting messages repeatedly.
In the end, you completely abandoned the notion altogether when you heard his childhood friend’s not-so-subtly mentioning her plan to visit and cook for him while chatting with the short-haired girl from the Data Analysis sector.
“I’m fine,” he managed to huff out after a while.
Taking a swift glance at the unexpected mess on his kitchen counters—scattered papers and remnants of food packaging—you challenged him. “I thought we had moved beyond the superficial ‘I’m fine’ responses when asking about each other's well-being.”
Zayne didn’t reply and you noted that he had absentmindedly leaned his long legs against the kitchen counter as if seeking support from it.
“You, the Chief Cardiac Surgeon of Akso Hospital, someone who enjoys his lack of free time, couldn't possibly have felt ‘just fine’ after being placed on recuperative leave.”
“I wasn't aware that you still kept tabs on my whatabouts," he retorted, eyes slightly gleaming competitively. However, they lacked the usual spark; instead, they hinted at tiredness and something indefinable that looked familiar but you couldn't quite pinpoint.
“I understand that your friend has probably visited you, but my great buddies insisted I come and check on you. They didn’t want to pester, but after two days of no answer, they are beginning to worry.” You raised your hands in a gesture of surrender. “Though if I’m not welcome, I’ll leave you be.”
As you moved past him towards the front door, you felt yourself emotionally drained from the brief exchange.
“Why you, specifically?” his whisper caused you to stop in your tracks.
“They know we are—” you stopped yourself, “used to be each other’s confidant. They thought you might be willing to speak to me if not to them.”
He chuckled dryly. “Used to…”
His muttered words compelled you to turn. Your hunter’s awareness noticed how he had subtly shifted, leaning more against the counter with one hand supporting his weight while his body slightly hunched forward, facing your retreating figure.
His body trembled with involuntary shivers, and the silver-framed glasses that had been perched on his nose earlier now lay discarded on top of the black granite.
“What’s wrong?” The words spilled out of your mouth before you could stop them.
Your eyes instantly snapped to his arms, expecting to see the familiar bluish hue and the delicate, yet deadly patterns of ice crystals.
Instead, you saw fresh cuts on the back of his hand. Both of them.
A sound must have escaped your lips because Zayne quickly tugged at his light gray pajama sleeves, trying to cover his hands. He took a step back as he heard you stomping towards him.
Helplessly, he played a brief game of tug-of-war with you before yielding to your unexpected strength.
“What the hell,” you breathed out as you took the angry red marks marring his pale skin, making them stand out more. When you rolled up his sleeves further, you discovered fresh lacerations, a chilling reminder of the frost's icy grip.
You cupped his cheeks. It took his gaze a moment to gradually refocus on you, seemingly startled by the sudden skin contact. “Zayne, what happened?”
His lips were sealed shut. He began to resist, however, as you guided him towards his bedroom, but your hunter strength slightly won over his sluggish state.
Zayne watched you intensively check his wounds after you managed to get him to bed. They were more severe than the scratches you saw after you had cradled his frozen arms and succeeded in defrosting them using your Evol. It was when you found him beating himself up in regret for failing to save your partner during surgery.
As you stood up to fetch the medical supplies, his hand swiftly caught your forearm, surprising you with its speed. "You don’t have to take care of me," he insisted.
“Respectfully, Zayne,” you began, knowing he'd grimace at your next choice of words, “Fuck your pride and let me look after you.”
Seeing his familiar disapproving grimace at the brash word, you chuckled quietly to yourself. 
Your boldness and recklessness often clashed with his calm and collected nature, one that left people wondering how a friendship could blossom between two such opposites.
As the antiseptic scent filled the air and silence enveloped the room while you tended to his arms, memories flooded back to the griefful night when you had lost your partner.
He had treated your temporarily forgotten battle wounds after the frost had thawed from his arms.
“It’s not your fault,” Zayne had spoken softly as he cleaned your wounds.
Your breath stuttered, surprised by the doctor's attempt to console you. Many people regarded him as highly reserved due to the carefully crafted mask of indifference he wore.
"The other staff told me what happened. You couldn’t have known that he was bitten; a child Chlorostaga leaves a very small puncture, and it would only feel like an ant has bitten you. With adrenaline running high, he wouldn’t have felt a thing."
“He told me that his heart was racing unusually fast during the transport back,” you whispered, feeling the tears clouding your vision. “And I jokingly suggested he needed to do more exercise.
“He laughed at it until—” you forced down the bile rising in your throat before being able to continue, “until he suddenly collapsed from cardiac arrest. We were only a few minutes out before arriving here to treat our wounds.”
Zayne continued gently dressing your gashes as you recounted the last moment with your partner. “His last memory was of happiness with you, feeling fulfilled knowing he had once again protected Linkon City from Wanderers... With his trusted partner."
The tears you had struggled to contain finally broke through, cascading down your cheeks in torrents. He held you close that day, offering comfort until every tear was dried.
From that moment, a bond seemed to form between both of you, drawing you closer from mere acquaintances to individuals you could trust with your deepest emotions. Only a few had ever witnessed each other's vulnerable state.
In the present, you noticed his breathing had calmed, and the hazel eyes that had been watching you carefully moments earlier had closed as you finished tending the last cut.
Gently smoothing out the crease between his brows, you couldn't help but wonder how troubled he must have been. “I’ve built walls, and yet they crumble when I see you,” you whispered, afraid of him hearing your secret.
You had tried to shield yourself from future heartache after you slammed his front door the day he had spoken harshly. Yet, seeing him so vulnerable, your caring for him only deepened.
Listening to the rhythmic sound of his breathing, an unexpected exhaustion washed over you like a tidal wave.
Sleep claimed you swiftly, and it wasn't until you felt Zayne's gentle touch on your shoulder that you awoke.
“You’re going to strain the muscle in the back of your neck sleeping like that.”
Still groggy from the unplanned nap, you couldn’t protest as Zayne easily deposited you to the space he occupied earlier, as if you weighed nothing.
Your skin flushed hot feeling his fleeting touch behind your knees. Blinking, you met his gaze as he settled back beside your feet on the bed, already looking much better than before.
As the heat from his body permeated the wool blend of his pajama pants, you could feel it warming the tips of your toes. “Are you feeling any better?”
He nodded, casting a glance down at his arms adorned with scattered adhesive strips. Awkwardness filled the air as you both grappled with the ever-present unresolved tension.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled softly. You looked up, startled.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated more clearly. His hazel eyes, appearing browner under the dim lighting, seeking yours. “For saying those hurtful words to you, for failing to accompany you on mourning day.”
Your eyes widened, surprised that he even remembered about the day that had occurred months earlier.
When he didn’t appear at the cemetery of fallen hunters on mourning day, an annual tradition to honor your late partner whom he couldn't save, you learned just how much he cherished his childhood friend.
While he hadn't explicitly promised to join every year, he had always done so without fail. At that time, you couldn't help but feel disappointed when you discovered he had spent the day with his childhood friend instead.
And perhaps, an ugly thorn of jealousy had begun to bloom inside your heart.
“Greyson gave me an earful after he found out about our... conflict, and then he pieced together why I was absent that day. Why didn’t you remind me?”
You broke away from his gaze, not prepared for the sudden query. “You are under no obligation to accompany me, so there's nothing to apologise for.”
“I absolutely have to apologise, for on the day you mourn for your late partner the most, I callously had fun with my friend.”
And there it was, his childhood friend once again stealing the spotlight in your conversation. You felt the barriers you erected creeping back into place.
“It's getting dark outside, I should head home,” you said, retracting your legs and hurriedly standing up.
However, a warm hand on your wrist carefully pulled you back down, knee bumping with yours.
“I was ensnared by my memory of her innocence from our childhood,” he confessed, voice heavy with regret. “She envied the deep connection we share and after overhearing your conversation with Yvonne, purposefully suggested a day trip to our hometown that exact day. She exploited my weakness for her gain, knowing my fond memories of our past together.”
Zayne tenderly unraveled each of your tightly clenched fingers, soothing the nail marks that had etched into your palm.
It was one of your bad habits, surfacing whenever anxiety and stress took hold. Ever the observant person that he was, it was something he was well aware of.
Your breath hitched as he wove his fingers with yours, larger palm easily covering your smaller one.
“I'm the one who foolishly let myself be blinded and stooped so low, wrongly accusing you when your intentions were nothing but good-hearted.” He swiped a hand over his face in frustration. “People praised me for my good judgement, but I evidently failed to make the most important one.”
“And so this happened?” you gestured towards his arms with your other unoccupied hand. “Punishing yourself because you felt guilty for your lapse in judgment?”
She had heard bits and pieces of what happened from Greyson. The Chief Psychologist in the hospital had noticed Zayne’s peculiar behaviour for weeks—moments of zoning out and evident emotional distress.
Not wanting to jeopardise his patient’s health, he agreed to take a leave until he felt mentally prepared to return to his responsibilities, which required a clear mind above all else.
“No, it's me losing myself because I've taken advantage of the only person who understands me; to the extent of hurting that one person who, despite knowing her for a shorter time, has selflessly always been there for me.” He placed a kiss on the back of your hand. “And fearing I may have already lost her, as I come to realize the depth of my feelings for her.”
You whipped your head to fully face him, face flushed at his confession. His gaze unwavering, trapping you with fierce affection.
“You don’t need to say anything—”
“I just want to let you know that I’m sorry for causing you pain—”
“Zayne, I—”
“And I would understand if you don’t want to do anything with me again after everything that’s happened—”
"Zayne!" You moved to cover his mouth and lost your balance in the process, tumbling together onto the bed.
Him beneath you.
As you stumbled, his hand found the curve of your hip, supporting you from falling on top of him. While his other arm remained thrown over him, fingers still intertwined with yours amidst the sudden movement.
You could see him trying to mask his discomfort, no doubt feeling some of the deeper slashes being tugged.
“God, you really need to shut up sometime,” you blurted out, catching Zayne off guard with your abrupt remark following his heartfelt revelation.
This close, you could see his pupils dilating at your close proximity, almost consuming the green in his eyes.
With profound confidence and a fuzzy feeling spreading inside your heart, you eased his mind. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The content smile painting his lips tugged at your heart. It was a genuine happiness that chipped away his usual cold demeanor. 
He squeezed your hip and slowly urged you to lay on top of him, a silent invitation to be closer. Strong arms circled around as you nestled your head against his throat, enveloping you in his scent—grounding, and slightly musky, like the scent of a forest after rainfall.
“I never want you to lose control of your Evol over me again,” you warned him, eyes closing as you felt his lips pressing on your forehead.
“I can’t promise, but—” he interjected before you could interrupt him. “I’ll work on myself for the better. It’s the least I can do for the one who holds the dearest place in my heart.”
When you opened your eyes again, you could finally pinpoint that familiar glint in his eyes, the one you noticed when you confronted him hours earlier in the living room; it was endearment.
As you lay down on his bed that night, fingers gently combing through his tousled midnight-black hair as he rested against your chest, it dawned on you that the glow of affection had been there all along, subtly shimmering in his eyes throughout the years whenever you were by his side.
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