#Uhhhhh other tags others tag uhhhh I got nothin'
obsidiancreates · 5 years
Youse Gonna Fit Right In
(Hey guys, remember my post about Yancy and the Random Encounters collab egos making an Acapella group?)
Yancy watched the other egos mill about in the living room. He kept to the doorway, not really willing to join in.
They were all so... so... he couldn’t find the words to describe them. He just knew he didn’t feel like he belonged.
He watched for a moment longer. Illinois was being interviewed by Wilford, casually telling stories of his adventures as Wilford overreacted to every word. Google and Bing were fighting, something about who could go for longer with too many tabs open and running? He could see Magnum running around outside, playing with Dark Chica. The Host was in the corner, facing where Yancy stood. Yancy felt a shiver run down his spine.
He turned and left. He would find somewhere else to hang out.
He wandered around the house for a bit, still not sure where everything was.
He knew the prison like the back of his hand. No, he knew it better. 
He didn’t like looking at his hands very much. Sometimes he could still see blood on them.
Somehow, he ended up descending a staircase to what he assumed was the basement. He hadn’t even been aware there was a basement...
Well, at least it would be quiet.
He paused a few steps from the bottom. Was that... singing?
“No phones, no screens, no more...”
Who the hell was singing? He didn’t think any of the other egos were interested in music.
He stepped down into the basement. 
There was a small living room, and three egos Yancy hadn’t met yet. 
Two of them sprung up, grabbing weapons. The one who had been singing, an ego with bright red hair and a security guard jacket, aimed some kind of flamethrower-chainsaw at him. The other one, who was just covered in dirt and what Yancy was pretty sure was blood, brandished a machete at him. 
The third stayed sitting, a cup of tea in his clawed hands. For some reason the cup had a face. Yancy tried to ignore the way it’s empty eyes stared at him.
“Who are you?” the red haired one demanded. “Were you sent by Fazbear’s? I’m not going back! I don’t want the freaking CEO job!”
Yancy put his hands up. “Whoa, no needs for those! Whose the hell is Fazbears?” 
The red haired ego relaxed. The dirty one did not. He got up closer to Yancy and looked him over. “Well, you’re not a monster,” he said, putting away his machete. He turned to the third one. “No offense.”
The third one tilted his head and grinned, the dim lighting glinting off of his horns and sharp teeth. “None taken.” He stood up, putting his teacup down on a little stand shaped like a body. The hands rested on the side of the cup, like it was a head.
It looked like it was screaming.
“So, care to tell us your name?” he asked, towering over Yancy by at least a foot. He wasn’t as tall as Magnum, but he was certainly taller than the majority of the egos. 
“Uh, Yancy. Whose are youse guys?”
The red haired one put his hand out. “Security Guard Mark. Or FNAF Musical Mark. Whatever you want. I’m uh, not exactly a canon ego. Don’t really have a real name.”
Yancy shook his hand. 
“Resident Enis Mark. Same boat as Security Guard, no real name.” He shrugged. 
“Devilplier. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Uh, nice to meet youse toos.”
“So... new ego, I’m guessing?” Security Guard said.
“Uh, yeah. Only been here... a month and a half? Somethin’ like that.”
“What brings you down to our little hellhole?” Devil asked, still grinning.
“Just lookin’ around.” Yancy shifted uncomfortably, trying to move away from the devil. “What are youse doin’ down here?”
“Were non-canon,” Resident Enis Mark said. “We don’t always live down here, we’ve got our own house. But Goop and Mask were summoning things.”
“... Who?”
“Goop and Mask. Some other non-canons. There’s a lot of us.”
“Oh. More! Good, I’m reals glad about that.” Yancy’s shoulders slumped.
“The canon guys a little much for you?”
“I just want to go back to prison.”
“Oh hey, Security almost got arrested once.”
“They left the car unlocked.”
“... What’d you do?”
“I shot a guy thinking he was a killer animatronic. Put three rounds in his chest, he recovered perfectly! I still don’t understand it. What about-”
“Hey, why were youse singing?” Yancy said, cutting the other man off. He didn’t feel like talking about his own crimes. “I thought I was the only one here who liked doing that musical stuff.”
“FNAF musical, remember? All three of us are from musical collabs Mark did with another channel.”
“I had to deal with a sparkly singing vampire. With a kazoo.”
“I was from the Cuphead musical. Are you familiar with the game?”
Yancy’s eyes flicked to the teacup. Oh. “We didn’t have those in the clink.”
“Hmm. Shame.”
“Wait, you sing too?”
Yancy straightened up a little. “It’s my passion! I had a whole musical number and everything! And all my friends-”
Yancy stopped, his mood suddenly plummeting.
“... You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Jus’ missin’ home.” Yancy blinked back the tears and hoped they didn’t notice. “Uh, my friends were a part of my singing group. I just miss havin’ one, is all.”
Resident Enis Mark snarls. “They took you away from your friends to live here too? Jerks.”
“Yeah, they’re assholes.”
“Isn’t that what I said?”
“... Youse said jerks.”
“Oh. Right.” RE Mark sighed. “Random Encounters, the channel our videos are on, don’t curse. Every time we try, the word changes.”
“Oh. Sorry about that.”
“Eh, it’s fine. Most of the time.”
Devil puts a hand on Yancy’s shoulder. “You know... we could help out.”
“We could be your new singing group, if you’d like.”
RE Mark and Security Guard looked at Devil. 
“Uh, what?”
“Come again?”
“Oh, come on boys. We’re the only musical egos here. Why not?” 
They all looked at each other for a bit. And then Security Guard shrugged. “I’m down. I miss having other people to sing with.”
RE Mark sighed. “Fine. But on a trial basis.”
They looked at Yancy.
Yancy looked at them.
They weren’t Jimmy the Pickle, or Bam-Bam, or Tiny, or Shithole Hank.
But they were the first people he’d met since he gotten to this place who he could actually relate to in some way.
“Eh, let’s give it a shot.”
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mothman-clarice-2 · 5 years
Tag 17
I guess this is happening lol. Just another one of those “do this thing if someone tags you in it and tag a bunch of other people to do it” things.
Tagged by @missywhomst tanks u for making me feel a little less unpopular ( -3-)~❤️
Nickname: Moo
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5 foot nothin’
Hog warts house: Ravenpuff
Favorite musician: uhhhhh this changes so much but I will always love Forrest, Khai dreams, and David Bowie❤️
Last thing I googled: images of soviet police uniforms (I’m writing a book and I needed them for concept art which I’m gonna post eventually!)
Song stuck in my head: life itself by Glass animals (it’s a bop, seriously go check it out)
Following: 43
Followers: 11 but only 3 of them are actual people -_-
Amount of sleep I get: I’d say the average is 6 hours
Lucky numbers: uhhhh 3 and 4 probably
Dream job: being a successful actress
Wearing: spaghetti strap tank top, shorts and a bathrobe
Fav song: oh god too many to count... I guess I’ll make a list cus I can’t choose:
- grandpop’s uke by Forrest
- Why not me by Forrest
- Castles by Tom Macdonald
- I wish by Tom Macdonald
- Mama’s gun by glass animals
- Life itself by glass animals
- Dream sweet in Sea major
Instruments: favorites would be piano and uke cus I’m basic lol
Random facts:
- Queen Victoria was barely 5 feet tall.
- Catherine de Medici was also barely 5 feet tall. (I’m noticing a pattern with my historical crushes being as short as me...)
- Teddy Roosevelt was getting ready to give a speech once in Milwaukee, Wisconsin when a madman shot him in the chest. Teddy stumbled back from the force but didn’t collapse even though it clearly hit where his heart would be. He then walked back up to the podium, pushing away the guards who were rushing to his aid. Guards promptly tackled the Assassin to the ground while shocked onlookers gasped and murmured. Teddy straightened himself out, stood up tall and smiled reassuringly. People around the madman started beating him when they realized he was the attacker but teddy said “Don’t hurt him, bring him here. I want to see him.” Teddy picked up his head, looked him in the eyes and asked “what did you do it for?” But when he got no reply he said “Oh what’s the use, turn him to the police.” As the policemen held him down, Teddy looked down at him and said “you poor poor creature,” before ordering the officer to detain him and make sure no violence was done to him. He then proceeded to give the 90 minute speech with blood seeping through his shirt. He began his speech with this iconic line: “Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose." (And that’s why he’s my favorite president) Turns our he was saved by the steel glasses case and 50 page speech in his inner coat pocket which reduced the force of the bullet enough to prevent it from hitting any of his vitals. Absolute mad lad...
Aesthetics: classic vaporwave with marble renaissance-style sculptures, blue, purple, and pink lights, gorgeous sunrises and sets, neon lights on a black background, and cyberpunk mixed with steampunk. Also just colors in general, i have a special connection to colors.
Tags: @civilizedcompany @oswincoleman @albert-and-victoria @bellalaufeyson @chickenkeeping @doctorwho-but-its-wrong @empathsprana @freelydifferentluminary @anne-the-queen-daily @vicbertsource @vaporwavecorp @way-beyond-confused @petercapaldiwillalwaysbthedoctor @peteycapaldey @bextardisblog @vulturecoyotearts @linguistwho
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eruptionshot · 6 years
 I was tagged by @mysticwiki, thank you mari.......
Tag Game!                                          
Rules: answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
Nickname: its just chris as far as i know lmao
Zodiac: I’m a Scorpio babey!!!!
Height: 5′4′’….. I Am Short smfh
Time: 10:35pm
Favourite band/artist: i dont really have one since i dont really listen to music actively smfh lame i know
Song stuck in my head:The Rats Song
Last movie I saw: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh probably antman 2 
Last thing I googled: amen break dnb; bc i saw a post talking abt that and i have no idea what that is 
Other blogs: i got none but like a bunch of urls
Do I get asks: not really but thats cool too 
Why did I choose this username: it used to be the twitter handle of a youtuber i like and i noticed that the url wasnt taken so it just sorta stuck 
Following: like 202
Average amount of sleep: id hope like 6-7 but my cat always wakes me up for food thanks zoey
Lucky number: i dont really have one i guess
What am I wearing: my pj’s 
Dream job: uhhhh probably a computer tech im going to school for that actually and i enjoy it so far
Dream trip: not to be that guy but with my gf in CT, cause we can just go to NYC; also like japan too
Fave food: PIZZA! if thats too general then probably the mac and cheese my aunt makes its really simple but i really like how it tastes
Play any instruments: nope none at all!
Eye colour: brown
Hair color: brown
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i got nothin lmao, if i had to pick id say neon lights? is that a thing? i got nothin sorry ocean maybe? cold areas?
Languages you speak: English and a little bit of spanish im a bad latino smfh 
Most iconic song: uhhhhh depends probably weight of the world from the nier automata ost
Okay so I won’t tag 20 people but uhhhhhh….:  @dunsparcee, @bijoeden, @shinyabsols, @p3p, @revxrd, @lacachapera, and @blairmas!
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arodrwho · 7 years
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
was tagged by @chromalogue​ (thank!!)
1. nicknames: the ro friend calls me ace, little sister 1 calls me dork, and and little sister 2 goes back and forth between “face,” “faish,” and “fishy” bc she adorably can’t pronounce my name proper (which tbh no kids ever rly can)
2. gender: mostly a girl, sometimes more, sometimes less
3. star sign: virgo
4. height: 5′1
5. time: 11:10pm
6. birthday: sept. 3
7. favorite bands: ehhhhhh i don’t ? rly listen to bands a whole lot uh. poets of the fall is nice, and fun., and nickelback, and ? others
8. favorite solo artists: uhhhh well tracy chapman’s always gonna be up there, fond of amos lee too, and p!nk, and julia nunes, & ?? others again
9. song stuck in my head: “i’ve got a dream” from tangled and “pizza” by julia nunes have both drifted through a couple times while writing this, also “when the sun goes down” from in the heights
10. last movie i watched: the incredibles!!
11. last show i watched: uhhhh i just watched the latest supergirl ep, but like fuck that bc the whole...nazi crap they’re pulling. soooo let’s talk the last show i watched in the marathon sense, which is leverage. love me some leverage
12. when did i create my blog: 2013
13. what do i post: if we’re talking original posts then complaining mostly? but if we’re talking reblogs then dr who stuff (+bonus leverage and fringe)
14. last thing i googled: “in california if you’re on your parents’ insurance can they tell what doctor’s visits you’ve had”. (answer: surprisingly not always! under certain circumstances u get privacy)
15. do i have any other blogs: yyyyyyep. i’ve got the doomblog over @aroacenbdrwhoquotes, and i’ve got a writing blog i never use @greencomposition, anD i’ve also got a sort of....personal sideblog for junk i don’t want followers i know irl to see (which is in theory give-out-able on request but in practice [vague shrug])
16. do i get asks: ehhh rarely
17. why i chose my url: because i’m the most sentimental fuck who’s ever lived (read: it’s taken from the title of a picture book my mom bought me the day i was adopted) (it’s” called the tin forest” and it’s a rly good book, w/themes i can’t quite word but feel v strongly about)
18. following: uhhhh 163
19. followers: 458
20. average hours of sleep: mmm bout 8
21. lucky number: 4
22. instruments: the tiniest possible amount of violin 
23. what I’m wearing: dude jeans, college t-shirt i got for free, mismatch socks one of which has lil sheeps on it and says “black sheep of the family” which is.....ironic & mildly hilarious, considering. aND also a v soft hoodie w/3 whole avengers on it (hulk, thor, & iron man)
24. dream job: writer. pls let me make the words go for dollars
25. dream trip: uhhhh well, if we take “dream” to its extreme, then i’d say a trip Anywhere in the tardis (except somewhere there’s plague, bc uhhhhh no thx)
26. favourite food: [samwise gamgee voice] PO-TA-TOES. boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew
27. nationality: american, unfortunately
28: favourite song right now: uhhhhhh idk that i have a favorite song rn tbh. am not as wild into music as other folks. like i like it but i also....disengage from it for long periods of time, sorta forget it’s a thing i can listen to, & am only just slipping back into it after one of those periods, so. i got nothin
29. last book I read: uhhhh i read some of the brief wondrous life of oscar wao for class? but non-class-wise, i’m in the middle of rereading good omens
30. top three fictional universes: dr who ofc, and i wanna say fringe and leverage bc those are the shows i’m most into rn buuuuut there is also the fact that hp owns my entire damn soul, and that the young wizards universe is cool as Heck. so...gonna have to actually say dr who, hp, and yw. yeah (wAIT but star wars??? can i have four bc if i can then also star wars)
friiiiick if i’m tagging 20 people lmao but i’ll do a few i guess? @killuabs @keepthemacramesecret @fangoriousfae @autisticpadfoot and ??? whoever else the heck wants to do this, consider urself tagged
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