#U and aster both
rebouks · 8 days
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[phone vibrating]
TEXTS FROM LEVI: ROBINNNNNN CMON AM BORED let’s go out… hellooooooooo? well i’m still going to the diner tomorrow if u wanna meet me there
[Robin sighed, tempted to block Levi-.. though he couldn’t bring himself to do it] [message notification]
MESSAGE FROM ASTER: hey Robin, i hope you don’t mind me messaging you outta the blue, i swear i’m not stalking you ahaha i just wanted to say that you should totally ignore what everyone was on about today, like they just don’t get it y’know? if it’s true which i guess it might not be but either way…… my aunt has issues too like, if you ever wanna talk to someone who gets it you can sorry if i’m overstepping or whatever idk and sorry for calling you a loser a couple times, that was pretty shitty of me you don’t have to mssg me back or anything i guess i just wanted to say smth and now i have so, yeah…
[Robin stared at Aster’s rambling message for a good five minutes, unsure what to make of it; it was impossible to gauge his classmate’s sincerity with the gaping chasm that was the internet between them-.. surely, he was taking the piss] Robin: What the fuck.
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sxf-rarepairs · 10 months
Me in my delulu.
These two. Helppppp
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👀👀👀👀👀👀 i think i vaguely recall this coming up once before but i cant remember for the life of me any details, PLEASE ELABORATE IM SO CURIOUS
yor's supervisor x loid's supervisor.... one's in a leadership position of an assassin organization And at city hall, the other is in leadership of a spy organization And at (uhhhh what is it again? something something westalis i think IDK i tried looking it up on the wiki but it wasnt helping me acjaksj).... the concept of them working together in some way 👀👀 or even just. they meet as their Civilian identities. (maybe when theyre both in the middle of a mission/coming back from one??). thinking about mcmahon cleaning extra good and sylvia's house being Like That.
honestly, there's a lot to work with here but my brain is having trouble putting the puzzle pieces together akdbaksjak thank u for sharing your delulu, i love it 👀👀
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butterscotch-goat · 8 months
I was sketching this really cool idea I have of the Taylor Manor Trio that's like super off-putting yet ethereal n stuff but with the way I posed them and with the facial expressions I gave them I accidentally made it look like Charles just found out that Aster & Beatrice are gay for each other and is not handling it well
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astererer · 9 months
5, 9, 11, 28, 33, 34, 48, and 56 for Cleo and Kaz? (I love them i need more of them)
Ask meme here
under the cut for length!!
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Yes she can!! She only cries on command for two reasons:
She finds anyone that isn’t a very feminine and cute girl super unattractive from a dating standpoint, to the point that if someone she isn’t attracted to tries flirting with her she will intentionally make a scene to either make herself as unappealing as possible or make them look like they’ve done something wrong. Is this incredibly shallow and unpleasant of her? Yeah. Does she care? No. She knows exactly what she’s doing. it’s a defence mechanism for her.
On rare occasions if a customer is being particularly rude at her barista job and she can’t be bothered with being professional. If she’s tired and someone starts having a go at her for being “too slow” at making their order with like 5 alterations to it she will turn on the water works and pretend to be a new hire to make them feel bad. Does not do this with regulars for obvious reasons. Her manager doesn’t care and actively plays into it sometimes because she thinks it’s funny.
Doesn’t have one specific thought, instead pulls up various bad memories so she doesn’t get too used to the same thing being used too often. Was bullied a lot in elementary school, so has a lot of options to choose from.
No. Doesn’t like crying in general because to him it shows weakness. If he ever cries it is genuine but private.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Prefers to give and receive gentle love. She doesn’t like tough love because teasing and what others may consider playful insults among friends remind her too much of the bullying she’s experienced. Just wants to be cuddled and doted on and would like to do the same for her favourite people in turn.
Gives tough love to most people he cares for with a few exceptions and is used to receiving it in turn, but won’t turn down gentle love from the right person. Kind of craves the softness but at the same time it makes him sort of uncomfortable because he’s just not used to it. Gets kind of freaked out if anyone other than Aster, Cleo or @peachsodama ‘s Pecha are soft/gentle with him, and all three of them had to work over varying periods of time to get to where they are with him in their respective relationships.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Put a friendly and cute ghost type like a pumpkaboo next to her. If it’s the real Cleo she will probably have a panic attack before passing out from fright, due to having an extremely intense fear of ghost types. An impersonator would likely not react anywhere near Cleo’s level, or if they tried to it would be pretty obviously exaggerated.
Get the impersonator to play guitar. Kaz is a skilled guitarist and has his own unique playing style + alternative tuning preferences. If anyone else was just handed one of his guitars and expected to play something they would likely assume the instrument was out of tune and start messing with the strings, a dead giveaway for not being who they claim to be.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Tells people she just wants to have a good time. To have an easy and uncomplicated life with nothing to worry about and plenty of time to spend partying with her friends. A cute girlfriend would also be nice.
Deep down she wants her DJ side gig to take off and be taken seriously within the world of electronic music, but kind of knows she’s dug her own hole with her internet presence as pokétwitter’s most annoying Klara stan. She wants fame and success but the risk of being tarred by her own actions makes her hesitant to fully commit beyond playing sets at friends’ parties and local shows.
Tells people he wants the band to take off and to be able to make an actual living off it. He wants the fame and attention and the travel. He wants to perform to crowds of thousands. He likes to think he would give everything he has to achieve this.
What he really wants is truly unconditional love. The sort a parent is meant to give except his never did. Doesn’t know how to ask for it anyway and finds it kind of embarrassing.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
Actively avoids people she dislikes if she can. If avoidance is impossible she’ll blank them or make it abundantly clear she finds the other person’s presence repulsive. Pulls a face like she’s smelt something rancid and says something along the lines of “oh….. it’s you” 😒 before walking off.
With a precision aimed insult designed specifically to provoke the other person into trying to hit him. Then he has an excuse to hit back. Actively looks for fights he can start with people he hates.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
Hugs and kisses on the cheeks for her besties!! If she has a girlfriend they will be greeted with more kisses and getting spun around or picked up if Cleo is strong enough to lift them. Otherwise she will jump for them to catch her instead. Always very excited to see the people she likes spending time with. Will tone down on the kisses though if a friend finds that too much.
Playful insults (e.g. Romy frequently gets a “what’s up, cumslut?”) or just a casual wave of the hand with a lopsided grin. Plays it cool. Cleo gets scooped up in a hug though without any insults because she is Much More Sensitive than his other friends. Usually he wouldn’t make such an exception but she is like the little sister that he never had.
If he’s dating someone he will greet them by kissing them with tongue and maybe grabbing their ass.
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
If she has a girlfriend she will say yes to anything she asks of her. Even if that meant going to an opera or through a haunted house or going/doing anything else she finds boring or scary. Cleo would watch paint dry if the girl she’s dating asked her to. A simp through and through.
Heidi can ask Kaz to go or do anything and he will likely say yes. He craves their validation and will put up with stuff he finds incredibly boring and tedious if it means they’ll approve.
Will also do things for Aster even if he’d probably hate it because he loves her. She doesn’t demand much and when she does invite or ask him to do/go somewhere she knows he wouldn’t like, she makes sure to make it up to him later.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Runs home crying to her parents every time. Still pretty attached to her parents and seeks them out for comfort 9 times out of 10. They kind of baby Cleo, to the exasperation of her sister. If they can’t tend to her she will go to her girlfriend (if she has one) or Kaz if he’s not busy. Otherwise she will just cuddle one of her pokemon until the fear passes.
Tries to deal with his fear on his own, and doesn’t like showing it to other people. If he can’t deal on he own, Kaz will go to Heidi, Aster or Romy but won’t outright look for comfort. Instead he will act antsier than usual and refuse to talk about whatever’s bothering him unless it’s painstakingly coaxed out. If they’re all busy he doesn’t really know where to go. Tries to distract himself by grooming his pokemon if that’s something he can do in the moment.
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pinkseas · 1 year
ALY i am putting you in my most spacious most comfortable pocket and carrying you around forever <- normal person sentence (this is me trying to say i love you so much and i would kill and maim for you all you have to do is say the word <3)
CRYINGGGGGGGGG i am sitting in your pocket and every now and then i peek up and marvel at the wonders of the world it is so warm and cozy in here... tghis is just like the borrowers this is just like arrietty i am Pocket Sized Now
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asperants · 1 year
activity check
note: special toa!hortensia by aster beneath the cut!
april activity; passed! 1 skill point gained. 6 -> 7 Allocated to Flying. Flying at C+!
may activity; passed! 1 skill point gained. 7 -> 8 Allocated to Faith
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callilouv · 1 year
you have the same energy as kaveh fr tbh 🙏 ALSO ENJOY HSR OHMY 🥺
istg when i read the leaks of his backstory i just went "damn . hes just like me fr..." HWLJF😭
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flvvrpetals · 2 years
closed starter for @servtudes​ & @glvrious​ ( alysane & alerie ) when: new valyria
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the   man   felt   ravenous   after   he   had   spent   most   of   the   day   training   with   rhaegar,   until   the   ache   in   his   shoulder   had   made   holding   a   sword   unbearable.   he   had   not   bothered   to   wash   the   dirt   off   himself,   nor   change   his   clothes   before   sitting   for   meal.   let   his   mother   be   angry   with   him   for   it,   if   it   would   pull   her   focus   from   davios   for   a   bit.   however,   he   felt   different   eyes   on   him   for   once,   pausing   in   tearing   apart   a   piece   of   bread   to   look   up.   “   what?   “   he   asked,   frowning   at   them   for   staring   at   him.   “   it’s   delicious   this   evening.   “
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satirn · 1 month
if Jimmy and Timmy get married, how would the wedding go? Who proposes to the other? how does the proposal go?
this is the best ask ever i forgot how much i love schmaltz <3<3. heres some quick doodles as a bonus <3
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as for the wedding and events proceeding, i think its go well! they deserve a little break from the stuff in their life, as a treat /q. Unless something like the syndicate crashes their party (i.. dont think theyd be that evil to do that tbh, i havent really dabbled w them story wise but idk, its a wedding im sure they'd be civil for once..) or some interuniversal threat pops up that needs their immediate action (something like garnet's wedding from su). which tbh would probably inhance the expirence for timmy, hes a straight menace and thinks stuff like that is awesome </3. but anyways
in general relationship stuff timmy may be the more forward one but i think jimmy would be the one to establish the milestones, plus that hes more traditional in my characterization of him. that being said, timmy would totally unintentionally propose or joke about marrying him and jimmy would 100% take him up on that with no hesitation.
now onto wedding stuff bc damn do i have a soft spot for this kinda stuff <3<3
the flowers i chose are forget-me-nots and pink / peachy orange aster flowers with a touch of roses in those same colors as well. i implore you to look up the flower meanings i had fun w em <3
I chose the color peach/a coral (is that what that color is ??) for the wedding because its a combo of timmy's pink and jimmy's redish orange (vermillion ?). i just think combining their colors when it comes to ships is just so so CUTE <3<3<3. this is also why that jimmytimmy painting i did a while back has primarily those colors <3. it didn't fit the theme but timmy wanted them so he gets a green, hot magenta pink, and purple flowers for his suit so his only family that loves him can be there.
this is uhh kinda angst implied but it wouldn't be something i made without a bit of angst <3. timmy's biological family would not be there, his mother would probably call once she heard that he got married but timmy decided to abandon that life and those people for good, and for the better tbh. the rest of the nicktoons unite crew would be there + maybe their plus one ig, but dib instead of zim, or maybe them both (zim wants to look normal so attends these events where its expected u show up yk, and dib follows bc clearly. hehe). cindy would probably arrive and agree to being a bridesmaid to show she isnt homophobic but would probably cry and/or drink in a corner the whole time </3, losing both of her boyfriend prospects at once /j
when they toss the bouquet danny is the one who catches it.. he looks over to manny and they share a flustered look while everyone else cheers <3
this is how id imagine it to go at least, there might be more sketches of this in the future i just gotta clean em up first </3. aaah this post is so long </3. told u i loved this kinda stuff SHHSHUSH !! <3<3<3
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lemons4u · 1 year
Hello, Pri! How are you? If you're ok w/ it, may I have the anemo boys with a s/o who enjoys seating on their lap? (Sfw)
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notes ! OKAY THIS LITERALLY TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO ANSWER, so i’m really sorry 😭 and also i’m doing great thank you! also not proofread (my grammar is a little bad anyways so)
warnings ! fluff, heizou’s part is suggestive
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v e n t i
he loves it when you sit on his lap! it gives him a nice a sense of comfort… to have you so close to him.
he also thinks it adorable lmao.
sitting in his lap while you both are out at the statue of seven at windrise— he’s putting windwheel asters in your hair as you read to him or something.
or maybe he’ll hum a tune for you!
it’s depends what he’s feelings like :3
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“your hair is looking beautiful today, hehe..” venti cooed, tucking yet another flower in your hair.
“hmmh..” he pressed a delicate kiss to your temple. “no thank you?” he asked with a grin.
“no.” you reply, continuing to read your book.
“hmph. are you really going to treat your darling boyfriend like this?” he pouted before smiling again.
“your so mean to me.”
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x i a o
xiao gets a bit (very) flustered, the poor guy isn’t used to all of these acts of affection :<
the first time you asked he was like.
“you… wanna sit on my lap?” he’s adorable, oh my god.
sitting out on like a hill or smth, idk, watching the stars— on xiao’s lap.
it’s a really cute a wholesome thing that both of you (i’m assuming) like to do.
it’s usually really quiet, unless xiao decides to tell you about his day.
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“i spoke a little with the traveller today.” he murmured, fiddling with your hair.
“aw.. you did?” you tilted your head.
xiao didn’t really speak to anyone aside from you, so it made you happy when your boyfriend finally decides to speak with someone.
“about what though?”
“about you.. the traveller wanted to ask you some questions— but i told them i could answer them instead.” he said dully.
“i could’ve answered them myself..” you mutter.
“i know that… but i felt like talking about you at that moment.”
you laugh a little. “oh really? you wanted to speak about me?”
“yes… i mean you are my s/o right? i can speak about you… unless you don’t want me to?”
“no! it’s fine if you wanna talk about me…”
“are you… sure?”
“yes i’m sure!”
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k a z u h a
he’s like venti, he loves when you sit on his lap :3
maybe he’d be a little surprised at first, but he doesn’t object.
the two of you sitting out on the crux, watching the sunset reflect on the ocean. (idk)
you could be reading a poem he wrote to you— or you could just genuinely be talking to each other.
either way it’s adorable.
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“kazuuu.. this poem is adorable.” you coo, smiling fondly at the piece he dedicated to you.
“is it? i really don’t think it’s all that good.. compared to my other poems.”
“nono! it is! i absolutely love this one..” you say in defense.
“oh…? i thought it was a bit… um.. corny?” kazuha said with a laugh.
“well it’s not… i think it’s quite lovely.” you cross your arms.
“whatever you say, love…” he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“whatever you say..”
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h e i z o u
he finds a way to tease you for it… like this man literally will not stop teasing you when you ask him to sit on his lap.
when you first ask him he’s like this though…
“oh? you wanna sit on my lap?” he grinned at you.
“how could i ever deny such a request?” he cooed.
“but… may i ask why you wanna sit on my lap?”
he’s got a very dirty mind so like… um, just be aware.
sitting on his lap while he works on his cases or smth, idk.
i actually hc he rushes through his work, so like he always makes mistakes.
but then you, his beautiful s/o, can help him fix them!
(he 100% makes mistakes on purpose)
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“mmhhm..” heizou arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
he craved to feel your body against his.
“you… made a mistake over here..” your murmur, circling it so he could fix it later.
“oh? did i? my, my… i’ve been making so many mistakes recently.” he smiled innocently.
“maybe you should doublecheck my papers, just in case.”
that… was just excuse to have on his lap for even longer. ( he probably wants it and likes more than you do )
“i’m already double checking them.”
“hmm… triple check?”
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w a n d e r / s c a r a m o u c h e
was the only thing you heard when you first asked scara.
you would just have to beg then.
whining and complaining to scara about literally just sitting on his lap—
it was a small thing, really, but were you just going to let it go? nope.
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“pleaseee scara! all the other couples do it!” you pout, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
“yeah… and i’m not like those other couples.” he responded coldly.
“arghh.. you suck.” you whine, flopping down on the bed.
“hmph..” he crossed his arms.
“you are making such a big deal. it’s really nothing major.”
“to me it is.” you frown.
there’s a moment of silence before a idea pops up in your head, it was probably a bad one… but whatever!
“i bet any other guy would let me..” you sigh, almost dreamily.
“mhm.. like childe…”
you were answered by silence once again.. scaramouche was just staring out, arms crossed with a unreadable expression.
“fine then.”
before you knew scaramouche rushed to the bed beside you— tackling you into his lap.
“your gonna stay here now.”
“nuh uh.”
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foodiegoogie · 2 months
Hi :)
Please can I request a scenario/oneshot where the reader is planning on spending valentines alone but Kaeya refuses to let them because of the sweetheart he is <3
note: AAAA OMG MY FIRST REQUEST 🥹🫶🏼 tysm for requesting lovely!! im ngl im not so satisfied with this one, but i still hope u like it ❤️❤️ kaeya is my baby <3
things left unsaid (and kept close to the heart)
kaeya alberich x gn!reader ✮ 1.5k
cw/tags: oblivious!reader, pining!kaeya (teehee), alcohol very implicitly mentioned (+ food), may or may not have slipped my own bitterness into this but dont think too hard on that <3
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( ♡ )
While you loved Mondstadt dearly with all your heart, having to be in the vicinity of the city during such a time—in this case, Valentine’s Day—always proved to be a hard time, especially because you were oh, so, single.
Not that it had ever bothered you, of course. You were more than at peace with the fact that you didn’t have to deal with the stressors of being in a relationship with someone. In fact, every time you passed by the Adventurer’s Guild and caught sight of desperate people commissioning for someone to help out with their troubles with their partners, you could only laugh at how pathetic it was and think, “Wow, that couldn’t be me.”
But at the very same time you’d think of those words, you spiral towards the other meaning of it all. How it couldn’t be you that has a person to call your own, to look forward to seeing every day, to love you.
And so, you’d resigned yourself again to the fate of spending Valentine’s Day alone. Without a person to ask, it was kind of hopeless anyway, you thought.
But when the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius caught wind of your predicament, he sought to remedy it; immediately.
Never one to back down from a challenge nor see any of his friends (you, included) so sad and blue, Kaeya had spent the days leading up to the occasion meticulously planning an evening full of romance. He was hell-bent on charming the hell out of you, set on making you forget about loneliness as a whole, as long as you were in his company.
Thus, now, he stands in front of your doorstep, a lovely bouquet of Windwheel Asters in his hand, clad in his best clothes in regards to the date he had planned for the both of you for tonight. When he had asked you, you had all but laughed in his face, amused by the absurdity of it all.
Kaeya almost felt offended by the sound of your laughter, in spite of how it sounded like music to his ears. Why were you laughing at him? Surely, you knew that he was being serious… right?
When the laughter died down from your lips, wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes, he took the chance to speak again, a hint of bewilderment etched onto his face.
“Well, that was pretty harsh,” Kaeya chuckles, crossing his arms as he leans his weight towards one leg. “Are you done laughing now or should I get you some tissues?”
You startle. “Wait… were you actually being serious?”
“Sweetheart, I was being serious the whole time. Did you honestly think I’d ask you out as a joke?” He scoffs, slightly affronted by the doubtful look in your eyes. “You should really cut me some slack, you know. I know I’m cunning, but I’d never go that far.”
You sigh, feeling your face grow warm with shame and embarrassment by his remarks. Your hand reaches up to rub at the back of your neck in a sheepish manner.
“Sorry, Kaeya.”
“If you were really sorry, you’d accept me being your Valentine.”
You chuckled in response, shoulders slightly easing from the tension from the earlier moment of embarrassment. It was safe to say that the conversation ended quite well - you’d finally agreed to Kaeya’s request to spend the occasion with him as your Valentine.
One slight problem, though. While you had agreed to his kind request under the guise of a friendly date, Kaeya couldn’t help but feel like he had missed an opportunity to take things further.
(He likes you, and it’s way too much to consider it still being a platonic feeling. But he would never admit that aloud, of course. Who is Kaeya if not secretive about his emotions, especially to himself?)
Kaeya realizes that he’s been standing at your doorstep like an idiot for what was longer than necessary. Raising a hand, he raps against your door, tightening his grasp around the bouquet in his other hand as he steels himself for the moment you open your door to him.
And just like that, he feels like he’s frozen from head to toe as the door finally opens, revealing you.
The dim candlelight coming from inside your house spilled out into the doorway, framing you from behind in a brilliant, glowing halo, accentuating your beautiful figure, dressed in an elegant, and form-fitting outfit.
He hadn’t even realized how long he’d been staring at you until you cleared your throat, breaking him out of his trance-like state.
Kaeya remembers to act normal again, beginning with a sly chuckle as he says, “Well, well, well. You clean up pretty nicely, Y/N.”
You return his compliment with a bashful smile, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind your ear, “Thank you. I only aim to please, Kaeya.”
“Oh, and you have certainly accomplished that, and more,” He replies, eyes glimmering with the ever so present hint of playfulness, his voice dropping to a smooth, velvety tone.
“But… if pleasing is your aim,” Kaeya adds, “Then you must know that I have some ideas on how you can do it even better..." His words were laced with a hint of flirtation that was subtle yet undeniable.
You gaped at him, “Sorry?”
You’re certain that Kaeya could tell that he’d flustered you, but even if he didn’t, he’d made no attempt at bringing it up as he steps closer to you, gaze unwavering from yours, and hands the bouquet to you.
“These are for you, by the way,” He says, feigning nonchalance as you take it with two hands. Kaeya watches you take a whiff of the Asters with a warm, but proud smile.
Glad for the change in topic, you find yourself relaxing as you smell the flowers in your hands.
“Thank you, Kaeya. They’re wonderful,” You smile back at him in gratitude, a faint hue of pink dusting your cheeks.
The Cavalry Captain’s smile could only grow (and glow) more with pride for himself, “Well, I’m glad you like them. Because lucky for you, I also aim to please.”
You raise an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in your eyes, “What does that mean?”
“Why, I picked them out myself, of course. The whole bouquet was arranged by yours truly,” Kaeya gestures to himself, doing a small bow for the sake of theatrics.
He earns the melodic sound of your laughter, and Kaeya hides a fond smile to himself as he stands back up to his full height, towering over yours.
“That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you, really.”
“Like I said, I only aim to please.”
With that, Kaeya offers his arm for you to take whilst flashing you a smile, fully committing to the whole being-your-Valentine ordeal. He was determined to show you just how much of a gentleman he could be, and maybe, just maybe, make you see him in a different light.
For the first part of your evening together as Valentines, Kaeya takes you to the Dawn Winery, where a lovely dinner prepared by the head housemaid, Adelinde, awaits the both of you. After that, a stroll through the vineyard to “burn the food in our stomachs, and make room for some drinks,” as per Kaeya’s words.
And the whole time, you find yourself enjoying the evening, despite your initial dejections of Valentine’s Day as a whole. But with Kaeya keeping you company, and taking you out on a date for that matter, who were you to remain in your low spirits?
The air was crisp and fresh as the both of you walked side by side through the vineyard, the sweet scent of ripe grapes filling your nostrils with each step you took, both of your hands lingering by your sides.
Kaeya found it especially hard not to notice how he could brush his fingers against yours in one, small move. He wasn’t sure if it was the sweet scent of grapes surrounding them that was enticing him, nearly emboldening him, or if it was the sight of you bathed under the moonlight, casting you in an angelic glow.
And he thought he’d never seen someone so beautiful up close right from the very first moment he saw you. Kaeya couldn’t quite fathom how you seemed to take his breath away, time and time again, no matter how dressed up you were or not.
All of a sudden, the man who had always kept his secrets close to his chest, found himself wanting to spill out everything he truly felt about you all at once, at this very moment in time.
But for now, Kaeya thinks it would be best to just keep his feelings at bay, content with merely being in your presence, and enjoying each other's company in the beautiful vineyard, under the moon and stars.
In the meantime, he’ll let the star-filled sky, and the vines and foliage surrounding you alongside the ripened grapes, bear witness to the way he longed for you.
So close, and yet, so far.
( ♡ )
GRRRAH thanks 4 reading <3 lmk what u thought of this 🥹🙏
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devourable · 7 months
Any yandere x reader blog recommendations? Please
i honestly dont interact w a lot of other writers or their xreaders bc i am ✨ shy ✨ so this is pretty much just a handful of my mutuals alsjjs. regardless :
@darling--core — mazzy is the first writer i met on here and she is part of the reason why i started writing. shes my friend and her writing drives me insane every single time i read it without fail 🫶 luka is off limits though so thirst for anyone but him
@not-a-bot-just-shy — doe has a ton of ocs and all of them are different so you’ll definitely find someone you like on his account. he does NOT get the attention i think he deserves and its a travesty
@crispy-armpit — adam isnt super active but he’s both an artist and a writer like me !! i like all their ocs and every time they post it’s a banger
@fluffula — aster hasn’t started posting yet but he does plan to write soon and is making his own yandere text adventure game so u should def get ahead and be one of the firsts to see his stuff!!
@moyazaika — bc im still petty over that one anon accusing him of stealing my oc im directly boosting this
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laikabu · 6 months
Pumori’s Northern name is Aster, coincidentally resonates with Thistle—both are purple flowers. I also agree with previous anon’s Aurelios/Makalu cuz Aurel in polish means golden. golden kingdom. aster flower. Aurelios and Aster. 😭🤲
oh yes!! yess thank u! i should note that down. i was thinking those names were picked by laios but requested by kabru, so it looks “consistent” when written down in history books and family genealogy books, and to lessen the suspicion that kabru is the other parent… even though the skin and hair color gives it away.
he excluded himself and downplayed his contributions to laios’s “devourer of all things horrible” narrative, he wrote it after all. he may not think of it much now, but it will be a huge treat when historians discover the importance of his role in the future… drama!
meanwhile, while kabru picked out their utayan names, it’s actually laios’s suggestion. he loves kabru a lot and was very happy to help him to not have utaya end with him. in a way their northern names exist on paper, but still adequately describe them, their utayan names are what they are, but neither identity contradicts the other and exist together etc
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giggly-argent · 6 months
Late Lunch
lmao this Technically isn't finished but I gave up at the end so! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (loosely based it off tht one pic of Ori that I'll put below the cut ♡)
Word Count: 3184
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The employee lounges in Aster's castle were just as decorated as the rest of the palace, with the spaces for the highest ranking officials being the most lavish. Massive windows overlook the well-manicured courtyard garden, bathing the room in soft, golden light. Rich tapestries line the walls, adorned with intricate designs and vibrant colors. The centerpiece of the room is a massive oak coffee table, surrounded by plush sofas and armchairs, perfect for weary officials after a hard day's work. This particular break room was reserved for the (mostly) admirable young captains of the West Wing, but two far less admirable freeloaders had found themselves lounging there instead.
Orion was sprawled out on one of the plush couches, his ruby eyes half-lidded as he watched his fellow nuisance Homare make his ninth or tenth dizzying lap around the room. The silent demon seemed to be in a daze, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his black jeans and his head tilted up at the ceiling. As nice as it was to not have the younger menace causing a fuss, his atypical dawdling was starting to bother Ori.
“Dude, what're you on? You're looking like a fuckin’ zombie.” Orion snickers aloud, finally pulling Homare from his listless trance. He stops in his tracks and pulls his right hand from his pocket, cupping it to make a simple gesture down his chest: he was hungry.
The ever smug rockstar just waves towards the door, earning a blank stare from his restless friend. "Uh, you know the biggest food court in the kingdom is right out there," he snorts, jerking a thumb over his shoulder. "And it's all you can eat, unless you're expecting me to pay for ya'!”
Internally, Homare's thoughts were racing. “This dumbass knows that's not what I mean, right? Or maybe I never told him... no he HAS to know already, it's obvious-” His face scrunches up in frustration as he tries to think of a way to convey his intentions.
"...Well, if money's really that tight, I don't mind covering this time, eheh..." Orion's playful smirk grew more tense as he switched his tone. While Homare was lost in thought, his piercing emerald stare was practically boring through Orion's head. Homare snapped from his trance again, shaking his head and slouching over in exaggerated defeat.
"I-N-C-U-B-U-S," his fingers spelled out, his antsy gaze now aimed at the floor to avoid eye contact. He idly rocks on his heels, almost as if he were embarrassed by his predicament. "I need to feed." He signs feebly, and Ori could hear a quiet, unintelligible grumble from under the man's cloth mask.
"Oooh wait, I get it!" Homare rolls his eyes as the lightbulb goes off above Orion's head.
"Shit, I got a roommate just like you. We help him out all the time- his dumbass always forgets to feed when we're out touring-" The star rambles on, tugging at the collar of his jacket and brushing his hair back to reveal a few telling hickeys around his neck and shoulders.
Homare's pale face goes beet red and he straightens up fast. Why did those marks look so… fresh? Before he could let his mind get carried away for a third time, the exasperated demon tried clear the air as fast as possible. “Not that way!" Now both of hands were out, and more irritable murmurs accompanied his dramatic signing.
Orion tilted his head and stood up from the couch, strolling right over to the blushing man. "Riiiiight... So how do you do it then?" With his hands on his hips, the taller demon's casually flirty look only twisted Homare's thoughts even more.
Homare blinks up at him, appearing starstruck for a moment before his lips curl into a faint smile under his mask. The oddball doesn't give a clear response yet. He quietly snickers to himself, only leaving Orion more curious than before.
"C'mon, spit it out~" Orion lets out a playful whine, nudging the incubus with his elbow. "You're killin' me here, dude!" Much to his annoyance, Homare just crosses his arms and gives a nonchalant shrug, playing more coy than usual.
"Hah, don't lie to me, you bra-HAHT!!" All at once, every last drop of smugness vanished Orion's voice once he felt something soft brush against the shell of his ear. He frantically scans the room, not noticing a faint purple glow from Homare's hands. Two glittering, enchanted purple feathers soon revealed themselves from behind Ori's wild mane before fluttering over his pointed ears.
"B-Broho, the fuck are you doing?!" The startled man sputters, snatching one of the plumes out of the air while clumsily stumbling back to dodge the other. "That... Doesn't work on me!”
"Not ticklish?" Orion didn't expect to shiver just from seeing the word signed out, and that hungry, almost predatory look on Homare's face wasn't doing him any favors either. Nevertheless, he tried to keep cool, hoping he could shake the troublemaker off before he learned too much.
"Neh-Nuh uh, it just, uh... It felt weird!" Foolishly, Orion thought he could laugh it off for the time being, until a gentle push to his chest pressed him back against the wall. That little weirdo really had him cornered… But that aura of yearning in his often unreadable eyes made the rockstar's heart pound in his chest.
"We'll do it your way, then." Homare briefly leaned back just to let Orion see him signing. He then slowly tugged at the other's jacket, but he barely had a chance to feel it before Ori eagerly ripped it off himself. His own hands wrapped around Homare's hips and yanked him closer, erasing the gap between the two.
"Aww! Look at you, tryna be all dominant-" Ori chuckles, his goofy, boyish charm still slipping through his seductive front. Homare only hummed and tilted his head, too close to sign a response. Instead, he did the next best thing.
Slender gloved hands trailed down Ori's arms, only stopping to graze the bare skin of his waist. Even through his hunger, Homare was still one step ahead of his target, distracting him with the unfamiliar, yet extremely welcomed advances all while he worked his other magic more subtly.
Ori's racing heart nearly leapt from his body when his wrists were grasped tight, and it didn't take long for him to spot the familiar purple magic forcing his arms up behind his head. Before he could protest, the taller punk's toned waist was stretched taut, leaving him vulnerable in front of the famished incubus. He knew he was seeing traces of a grin under that dark mask now…
“H-Hold on!" Ori's eyes widened when Homare turned away from him. He ignored the man’s preemptive begging, summoning a small portal to sift through his storage. "I was just jokin', babes! Doesn't matter who tops, I'm not that pick- what the fuck are those-"
When he spun back around, Homare was holding several wooden sticks in one hand, and he waved the portal shut with the other. The tools almost looked like ear picks, but the size and sturdiness of the plumes at the end let him know they weren't meant for an average grooming.
Homare didn't grace him with a spoken or signed answer, deciding to give him a more hands on introduction instead. Holding the other four tools in one hand, he traced the feathery tip of the last one over Orion's bare stomach. If the punk wasn't actually ticklish like he claimed to be, he might've noticed Homare was just signing his own name. Instead, his eyes were squeezed shut, fangs clamping down on his lip to hold his giggles in.
"Shihit-!" Ori pressed against the wall, trying not to squirm too much that would give away his ticklishness after all. The round plumes looked pillowy soft, but held just enough firmness to make him jolt and whimper with every stroke.
Homare, being a jerk as usual, stealthily conjured up a small magic hand by his captive's side: those purple fingers then briefly drilled near Ori's back where it met the wall. The punk nearly screamed in surprise and arched his back, giving Homare the opportunity to press the fluffy tool right into his navel and give it a spin.
"GAHAH-?! Oh fffuhuhck you!" It all happened so fast; Orion couldn't stop the quick bark of laughter that forced its way out. He tried to glare at the bratty incubus, but that stupidly cute, cocky look in his eye made Ori give up instantly- or maybe it was that twirling tool in his navel. "D-Don't look at me like thaHAHAT!!"
As if he hadn't had enough surprises, he felt another plume dancing along his skin. The spare magic hand kept the other three tools nearby, while Homare dragged two of them over Ori's waistline. More strained snickers slipped from the punk's lips, just feeding into Homare's urges even more.
How did these stupid things tickle so bad? Even Homare was surprised by how effective they were. His regular victims usually required a lot more effort to crack, but Orion, as tough as he pretended to be, seemed to crumble at the softest touches. With a longing sigh, Homare slowly started to drag the plumes upwards, drawing more panicked prattling from the bound man.
"Nnonohoho don't you fucking dahahare- Ahaha wahahAIIT!!" The incubus paused surprisigly enough, holding the tools right below Orion's underarms.
He'd noticed Ori reaching a new level of struggling once he got a liiiitle too close to his armpits- definitely a weak spot. As much as he would've loved to keep slowly teasing the punk over and over, gradually breaking him down with those soft, calculated strokes… He'd have to save that for a day when he didn't feel like he was withering away from hunger.
Orion felt a wave of relief wash over him when Homare stepped back, tossing the two sticks in the air, but that feeling was painfully short-lived. The hand holding the remaining tools split into three separate wisps of magic at the dull snap of Homare's fingers, and two similar wisps caught the others that he tossed. Now all five of the fluffy plumes were poised directly over Ori's bare body, just waiting on the cue to strike.
"Ahh..." Homare noticed his captive breaking a sweat, and clasped his hands together. That nervousness was so cute- it always made his meals more flavorful! On the other end, Orion managed to break his focus from the (non)threatening picks hovering around him, putting on a wide, antsy grin. "Homareeee… Are you trying to kill me?"
Homare shook his head at the pretty-boy's whining, which drew the next question from him. "Are... you mad at me?" Yet another nonverbal ‘no’, and the oblivious man took that as a sign to relax. "...So that means you'll let me go now, right?"
The third answer sent a shiver down Orion's spine. Maybe it was his anxiety over getting the living hell tickled out of him, but he could've sworn he heard Homare actually whisper "no" that time. Before he had the chance to throw out another distraction, all five plumes made their move.
The first began at his waist, drawing a large circle around his stomach that grew smaller with each loop, just threatening to dive right back into his navel. Two more flew up to his pointed ears to mimic the annoying feathers from earlier, but this time there was nothing he could do to slap them away.
The last two dove straight into Ori's taut underarms, dragging up and down in an erratic pattern to keep him on his toes. Some strokes were long and slow, dragging up his arms and down to his chest. The others were faster and never strayed too far from his pits.
Poor Orion was beside himself with laughter. He couldn't even try to hold back the shriek that ripped from his lips as soon as the tools touched down.
"NOHOHOHOHOO!! " The sudden ticklish onslaught broke his nerves immediately, and his initial fit of thrashing against his bonds melted into useless tugging and worming around. After just a few more seconds of reckless squirming, the sensitive punk slumped against the wall, tossing his head back and letting his cackling flow free.
"YOHOHOU'RE THE WOHOHOHOOORST!!" he whined at his captor, who was practically drinking up the panicked, helpless laughter. He couldn't hear Homare's amused giggle in response, but he could tell the sadistic brat was too pleased with himself seeing how the tickling just didn't seem to stop.
But Homare's mean streak didn't end there. Orion’s tickle-addled brain didn't process the sound of Homare snapping again, but he definitely felt the plumes moving faster than before.
The one at his stomach stopped circling around, dipping into his navel again and prodding around incessantly. At his underarms, the tools became more focused on drawing the loudest squeals from their pretty ticklish ‘toy’, twirling right over the smooth skin with a bit more pressure than before.
While he wasn't near the point of silent laughter (damned musical breath training), the pitifully sensitive rockstar couldn't get a single word out once the harsher tickling took over. His already uncontrollable giggling went up almost a full octave, and his body went rigid for a split second before slumping back down. He weakly shook his head, trying anything his instincts could work up to keep the fluffy tools away from his ears.
Homare gave it another minute or two, then slowed down the tickling with another soft sigh of delight. Now that he had the chance, Orion took this opportunity to finally spit out his defeat.
"AHA-ALRIGHT!! It tihihickles!!" Homare's ears perked up, and he couldn't help but giggle in awe. He had only sped up the tickling just to satiate his hunger faster, but Ori's whiny concession was an added bonus.
"Huh?" Just to be a dick, the incubus stepped closer and cupped his ear, snapping at Orion to get his attention. Ori's eyes were blurry with tears, but he could still see the eccentric demon taunting him.
"Oh fuck yohohou- WAITWAHAHIT!!" He only had a moment to regret his poor choice of words: it almost looked like Ori would break free with how hard he jerked under Homare’s fingertips. The incubus listlessly poked around his ribs, getting dangerously close to under joining those plumes at his underarms. "IT TICKLES, IT TIIHIHICKLES!!!”
After what felt like hours to the ticklish drama king, Homare pulled both his hands and all of the fluffy tools away, though they still hovered nearby in just case Ori was dumb enough to to spare any more sass.
Though it felt like he'd just started, Homare's energy had flooded back faster than he was used to. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but this quick, strong rejuvenation wasn't entirely foreign to him. He'd once had an encounter with a nymph queen whose mirthful squeals of laughter replenished his power almost too fast- Maybe Ori's own magic was on par with hers?
…No, not a chance. Now that it was on his mind, he could recall similar experiences nearly every time he (begrudgingly) had his precious, eager to please Inori help him feed as well, and he knew her magic was always on the weaker side. He tried to think of anything his best friend had in common with the punk in front of him or a powerful queen, but he just couldn't draw any parallels...
Ori was still pressed against the wall, breathlessly giggling long after the tickling had stopped. Once he blinked away his tears, he could see Homare having a stretch and getting lost in his own mind as usual. The sight of the tools lingering nearby kept him on edge, but he couldn't help but notice a stark change: the magic holding them seemed more vivid in color. "Huh..." Ori huffed softly, his teary eyes shifting from the tools to the seemingly energized troublemaker in front of him.
"What's up? You full already?" He piped up, startling Homare mid-stretch. The incubus furrowed his brows, noticing the familiar shit-eating grin that Orion had the nerve to bear. "Heheh, and here I was thinking you were starving! Can't believe you'd use me as a quick snack."
While Ori was just teasing the other man, he didn't know he was poking a sleeping… No, a freshly energized, very alert bear. Homare stared the punk down, his visible eye now just as vibrant as his magic. He didn't bother to snap this time, cutting out the theatrics in favor of dishing out his favorite punishment.
The bondage around Orion's arms suddenly shifted, and the taller demon dropped to his knees with a startled gasp. He thought his bonds were completely loosened, but the incubus had the rope catch his wrists on the way down, fully stretching his arms above his head. Taking full advantage of his captive's stunned state, Homare dropped down as well, seating himself straight onto Ori's lap.
“Hghn-!? What-???” Orion was already convinced he fit the bill of an ‘inexperienced, flustered idiot’ by now, but the moment he tried to save face one last time, he was immediately countered by Homare slowly tugging down his own mask. It felt like he could never get used to seeing the lower half of the younger demon's pretty face, but what really shook him was the impish, telltale smirk on his lips. Ori shivered, feeling Homare's gloved hands gingerly rubbing up and down his sides. It might've been relaxing if he didn't know what it was leading up to. "D-Damnit! Wait, can't you take a joke?? Ya’ don't really HAVE to keep going-"
"Yes, I do." A lovely, melodic, and oh-so unfamiliar whisper seemed to shatter any of Orion's objections- that, and the feeling of soft lips grazing his cheek afterward. Ori's mind went blank, save for one thought: the incubus known for being an unpredictable, dangerous threat was currently planting the most tender kisses along his jawline.
When it seemed like Homare's lips would finally meet Orion's, that teasing brat only gave him a quick peck instead of what he truly wanted. Homare leaned back and let out an airy laugh, one that Orion would've folded over without a drop of shame if he wasn't so riled up.
Homare didn't give him the chance to whine over it too much. Soon, the hands at Ori's waist dug in, squeezing at his hips without warning. Orion bucked and yelped, almost jerking himself up off the floor, but Homare kept him in his place, kneading that sweet spot with light, hellish precision.
“I know…♡ " Homare kept his voice low, leaning in to carry on with the soft kisses, this time right along Ori's ear. The combined merciless squeezing and loving, tickly kissing was maddening. He so desperately wanted to break out of the ropes and give Homare a taste of his own medicine, but a part of him didn't seem to mind the position he was in…
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homobrainjuice · 5 months
y’all can I be real with y’all for a minute (or atleasts, people who are still here)
when I joined tumblr, a LOT of people started interacting with me and my art, which was mainly OSC (object show community). But soon my OSC hyperfixation started being replaced by other ones and school and me wanting to focus on ocs and eeehhh. It feels like ever since I slowed down with the OSC stuff my moots who once interacted with me everyday have kinda just…. Left me alone.? I understand this might have something To do with me deleting a lot of my messages (which was mainly out of fear of my parents) and it’s kinda started taking a toll on me ig? Like I had abandonment issues before this but this?!!?!?! Damn. I know it’s probably none of y’all’s fault (it’s probably mainly mine). But uh even before that…. Any post that wasn’t OSC realstes never EVER got as much attention. It kinda contributed to me feeling inadequate ig? Like it I didn’t post these personified objects my friends won’t care anymore? But now I’ve put a focus on my personal lil guys (Wild! And that unnamed comic featuring Christian(ish?) mythology) and I was really excited thinking all my bestest buddies would be SUPER hyped about them. But eh..? None of y’all are really here anymore. Tbh. I miss you guys :(((( I miss y’all so much. I know life and school has been rough for a lot of you :( I’ve been distant. I’ve only really kept Fizzy close (love you lil bro/p) I really hope I didn’t hurt any of you :( life is hard guys. But I’m going to try my best over the summer to bring you guys outstanding content that will make you guys smile. Even if it’s not about objects. I hope y’all don’t mind the tags here
@akalikestodraw, @peppermintz-25, @thatonesalmonlingnamedspike, @maxphilippa, @s1lv3rp4w3dc4t, @mochablogger, @wowwzaaxei-aster, @lemonpie45, @yourfriendlyshapeshiftermonsters, @knightobreath, @koduflower2000, @galaxy-brushs-posts, @devycolamy, @blairzart, @trashbins-stuff, @biblicallyaccuratefour, @sillyosclover, and many, many others, I love you/p, I miss you. I haven’t forgotten about you. I hope summer will give me more time and energy to interact with y’all (if u want) I will bring you many goodies. Even if it’s not in the form of a colorful juice box. I’ve got TWO✌️💕2️⃣‼️ webcomics planned that ARENT unbalanced breakfast (that entirely depends on me and Fizzy’s will to work on it together but we both have other things we wanna make) I can only hope everyone is along for the ride. So uh… yeah. Just wanted to get this off my chest. How y’all been doing lately :)! If not well I hope it gets better, honestly. I’d like to think my purpose is to bring others joy through my creations, I hope that’s what I can provide for you all! And others who are new :). Love y’all/p. Have a good night or day :D!
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wosemi-sama · 11 months
Hihi!! Guess who's back to make another Kyo request?!(⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Sooooooo as we know this mf is a HUGE tsundere, and recently Ren has said that he doesn't really know how to likeeee react to, accept affection so I was wondering how would he act with a s/o that's really really affectionate :3
hi again and thanks for the request!! i added my own hcs for what i think the iluna institute is like bc i think it would be such an interesting school n stuff ! hope u like it tho c:
kyo kaneko x reader
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Just like every other school day, Kyo wakes up, gets ready for class, and waits for his friends, Ren and Aster.
He waits outside their dorms for a moment, leaning against the wall.
Ren comes out of his dorm room and greets Kyo. Almost immediately, Aster comes out his dorm too and greets his friends. The three of them start walking down to the cafeteria of the school to eat breakfast. The boys talked and laughed while they ate their first meal of the day.
20 minutes had passed, the bell rang, signaling it was time for students to start walking to their next class of the day. The three boys threw away their trash and walked out of the cafeteria. The doors to the cafeteria led to the outside, leading to multiple other hallways and classrooms.
ILUNA, Institute of Mythics, has one big courtyard in the middle. The school is made up of eight big hallways, arranged like a square of top of another square with a hole in the middle of both of them. Four hallways on the second floor, four hallways on the first floor. The courtyard has multiple buildings in it, such as the library, watch tower, the planetarium, observatory, and a smaller building that has more classrooms. It's a big courtyard.
Aster had already gone to his first class of the day, the first classroom next to the cafeteria.
Ren spotted Maria within the crowd of students and promptly chased after her, since they had their first class together.
After a few seconds, the concrete path cleared up, only a few students remained, walking to their classes.
The pathways were mostly empty now.
Kyo's first class of the day was Potions 101. He had it with Scarle. He had already memorized his schedule by now. He was about to start walking forward until he felt a pair of arms around him. Kyo's body stiffened, not knowing how to react, just like every other day.
Every single day without fail, Kyo gets hugged from behind in the same hallway at ILUNA Institute. It is, of course, his lovely S/O.
His S/O couldn't see it from behind, but his face turned bright red, nearly identical to a tomato.
Little did he know, a pair of familiar silhouettes were watching. The two people watching were, of course, Aia, the angel, who was infamous around the Institute of the Mythics for being kicked out of heaven, and Doppio, the delinquent from the friendly rival school, XSOLEIL, Institute of Infinity. Aia was heading to library as she was apart of the library committee. The library committee helped around the library and each member was scheduled to help out once a week during one of their classes. This was Aia's time. Doppio was skipping school, as usual and decided to drop by to spy on the ILUNA students.
They watched from afar, hiding behind the door to the exit. Aia silently laughed as she took out of her phone. Doppio was chuckling to himself as well, taking his phone out, his magenta phone case blending in with the shade as the sun hid away from behind the door.
Aia and Doppio quickly snapped a pictures of Kyo and his S/O, knowing this would be really funny blackmail.
Aia's phone made a shutter sound. Knowing that Kyo heard it, she quickly put away her phone. Her phone case covered in Genshin Impact stickers was hid away in flash as she darted across the courtyard, making her way to the library in hopes that a now 6 foot tall Kyo Kaneko wouldn't kill her in broad daylight.
Despite the fact that Doppio's phone also made a shutter sound, he ran away with the evidence and no harm done to him. As he ran away to the Institute of Ininfity to show the student council, he silently giggled and muttered to himself about how this would be SO embarrassing for Kyo and that he was going to show this to all of the student council and Kyo's friends.
Kyo's face returned to normal when he heard Aia's phone. Kyo quickly ran after Aia in attempt to make her delete and and all photos she took while his S/O watched in silence from under the shade.
"DELETE IT, YOU BITCH!!" Kyo shouted at Aia in an angry, but joking manner
"NOT A CHANCE, YOU COTTON CANDY LOOKING ASS BITCH!" Aia shouted as she tried her best to pull her phone away from Kyo.
"YOU SOUND LIKE SCARLE. SHE USES THE SAME GODDAMN INSULT FOR ME BECAUSE SHE CAN'T COME UP WITH ANYTHING BETTER!" Kyo yelled with a smile on his face. It seemed like he almost laughed at what he was saying.
At this point, they were both out of air and his S/O was laughing from under the shade as well.
The bell finally rung, signaling that if you weren't at class yet, then you were late.
Aia darted to the library before yelling something petty to Kyo. Kyo gave you a peck on the cheek before he quickly dashed to his first class.
As he was running away, he was a blushing mess.
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