#Twister (2024)
inknopewetrust · 2 months
𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐅𝐥𝐲
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Summary: Tyler’s always wanted to show you something he loved—it just took some bad weather for it to appear. [Tyler Owens x Reader] [WC:2.6k}
Warnings: language, college-aged Tyler & reader, fluff, romance, this is a comedy? Idk folks. No smut though—sry :/. Just good ole fashion kissin’ in the rain. And what if I said this story was my real life experience, then what?
Quick Links: Masterlist [including other twisters fics]
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“Where are we going?”
The tires of the truck were clunking along the rocky path to… well, nowhere. Thick trees surrounded you; the sun barely peeking through them as it began to decline in the sky and yet the truck kept tumbling along.
Shit. You thought for a brief moment as he didn’t reply. He might murder me.
“I told you,” his voice rang through your mind like a pinball machine. “It’s a surprise.”
“What if I said I didn’t like surprises?”
Tyler glanced at you as the truck hit a rough patch. Your hand was white-knuckling the grab handle above the window and your face was torn up in concern for the locale.
“I’d say, ‘honey’,” he put a hand on your clothed thigh. “I ain’t gonna murder you.”
“Well now that makes me think you are gonna murder me.”
Tyler laughed, squeezing your thigh joyously.
He was a maniac—Tyler Owens.
But he was also many things you did not know of yet. The first time you laid eyes on him was around eight months back when he walked in two minutes before the chemistry lecture. Every seat in the room was nearly filled except for the lone seat on the inside of the lecture hall beside you.
And when he sat there, you couldn’t focus on one goddamn thing.
It was silly—being twenty-one and having a crush on a guy in your science class. You weren’t in high school anymore but you sure as hell felt like it. When he asked for an eraser, you were too eager to provide it. One day he forgot his computer so he asked for some paper in the notebook you elected to use.
Each day you’d arrive a minute earlier than before with a childish hope that he would too and you’d be able to talk to him, learn about him. You weren’t in the same lab section so it was growing increasingly difficult to manifest a semblance of potential when it only occurred twice a week for an hour and fifteen minutes.
Fuck college schedules, is what you had concluded when he wouldn’t show up twenty minutes early to class.
Yet fate had a funny way of dictating what happens when.
Three months into class, your roommate suggested getting out and heading to a frat party one Saturday night and it shouldn’t have been a surprise to see him there. And out of some kindness, he went out of his way to say hi to his “lecture buddy” who’d helped him in times of need.
Every class that followed grew something in you. He came early to lecture to talk to you, joking about anything but the subject and going on and on about what he wanted to do when he graduated. His smile was contagious, as with his laugh. Bellowing and loud; Tyler Owens was everyone’s friend and everyone’s crush and you happened to be lucky enough to sit beside him until it was all over.
The semester ended and your interactions with Tyler ceased.
And it made you feel a little crazy for feeling down and out about your luck. Your roommates and friends tried everything to get you on the market: going to parties, joining strange clubs, playing trivia at the bar on Wednesday nights but nothing.
It was all nothing until something caught your eye.
You saw a flier for a meteorology seminar with a guest speaker from your local news. The premise wasn’t overly exciting for any one student at the university but for you, it was interesting enough to attend on a vacant Tuesday evening.
Like fate had promised before, it dealt you a winning hand.
Tyler spotted you as you walked through the door and waved you down. In your dumps, you forgot to think his attendance was a possibility even after he mentioned time and time again that he’d love to be on television, that he’d die to help people protect themselves.
So when he got ready to leave after the lecture, you weren’t going to die without facing a fear. You had to protect yourself from another six weeks of imaginary mourning and asked for his number.
And six weeks later you concluded he was going to murder you in some remote location in the plains of Arkansas.
“I’m not gonna murder you, alright?” He chuckled. His eyes were illuminated with a mischievous glow you couldn’t escape. You saw his eyes in dreams and knew you’d never want to imagine a day without them.
Fuck, you thought. It was way too early to be thinking of that.
“Then tell me!” You looked over at him with reason. “This road is so shitty I can’t imagine what’s on the other end!”
“Paradise, baby!” He smiled. “When I was a kid, my pops used to take me and my brother down here to go fishing. It’s this picnic area that I think,” he glanced at you with raised eyebrows, “no one else knows about. So don’t go runnin’ and tellin all them about this, ok?”
It was personal.
“I won’t,” you promised.
“When my grandpa died I was,” he thought back on it as if it were long ago. “Nine and I came here with my mom and just sat. We stared out at the water and watched the ducks and the birds fly over until the sun went down. This was his spot and he passed it on to me.”
You suddenly felt an urge of regret pass over you as the comments from before soured.
“Tyler,” you said solemnly. “I didn’t—“
He brushed the nonverbal apology away.
“It’s alright,” he reassured. “There are plenty of reasons why you could have felt that way.”
It was heartwarming that Tyler didn’t dismiss your fears. There were so many guys, barely men, who would have called you crazy for a lot less. Tyler never made you feel that way.
Being with him was like chasing a high of the greatest strengths. Everything he did revolved around his ability to be free and willing to do what scared him the most and it was enchanting.
You could feel the sparks hit your heart.
“I’ve never taken anyone there before.”
“You’d be the first.”
The two of you let that sit in the air as the road became more suitable for driving. The smoothness was welcome as his admission settled between you.
The first. He thought you special enough to be the first person to witness this place. You could have been ten feet tall at that moment. Never had anyone ever made you feel so special.
As the roads improved, the clearings of trees and bushes began to open up to a wider area with a paved lot on a taller hill.
It was beautiful.
Only the fairy tales could conjure a place like that. Billowing pines and lush greens on the bank of a river cut off by a large damn. The rushing water filled your ears amidst the squawking of wildlife uninterrupted by human activity.
It was so peaceful, charming.
The sun’s orange rays twinkled down onto the water and made it sparkle. Flowers in bloom, the buzzing of cicadas at the arrival of a hot and early spring warmed your cheeks as Tyler put the truck into park.
He watched you take in your surroundings of pure nature. A slight awe in your eyes, shallow breath at the sights. You were a vision in his favorite place.
“I thought we could have dinner here,” he tipped his head to the back seat where he had plastic Walmart bags full of food, unprepared and prepared for whatever fit your fancy. “And then, if we’re lucky, maybe it will rain.”
“Rain?” You turned to meet his eyes and they crinkled at the sides. Endearing, charming—just like this place.
Tyler hummed. “You mean to say you’ve never heard of rain?”
His words quickly became a joke. You rolled your eyes, hitting his chest with the back of your hand. It was solid under your touch and you were reminded that he was real. It wasn’t a fairytale and you were very much living it.
“Ha-ha,” you replied dryly.
“I’ll keep that one as a surprise.”
“I checked the weather before we left and,” you pointed to the sky. “No rain.”
Tyler unbuckled himself and opened his door.
“They just don’t see what I do.”
“And what’s that?” You asked him but he shut the door, moving to the backseat to take out the bags of items he procured, and then as ever the gentleman, opened your own door.
You laughed but he was being serious. His eyes still gleamed with the same sly nature he was born with, but his touch was comfort. Hands carefully guiding you to a spot that he had meticulously planned out—even if this appeared to be a spur of the moment outing for you.
Everything was planned. Tyler wasn’t going to take just anyone to this spot. He’d be a fool to lie and say he hadn’t spoken to his mother about his plans just to hear her perspective on whether it was creepy, brilliant, or just plain sad.
However, he carried on to face his fears of bringing someone he liked to a place near-sacred to him. Tyler wasn’t a fool of love, he just hadn’t found anyone worth sharing these bits of him. And he also didn’t expect the feeling to come about so quickly.
Those fears he let simmer never truly came about in the reality he lived.
You were smitten. Absolutely fallen into this little spot in this tiny corner of the world with a man who was opening up before you. Tyler made the puzzle pieces of a perfect date fit together wonderfully.
The food, the drinks, the atmosphere—he hit an apex of the paragon of “partner,” “boyfriend,” or “lover.”
And you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face as the sun began to truly fade.
You took a sip of your drink, coming down from a high of laughter at a story Tyler shared at his brother’s detriment. The sky was a shimmering shade of reds and deepening blues now; orange melting away for the sake of night.
“No rain,” you pointed out. He shrugged his shoulders, moving from a lounging position on the worn blanket to a lying one. His arms perched behind his head.
Tyler stared at the stars beginning to form.
He could see the shapes of the clouds, the movement quickening and the air cooling. It was as special as this place, his talent for finding the storms. Whether they brew inside or out, he found them and chased them with a passion—unrelenting and fierce. He sought the thrill.
“The night’s not over yet,” he said coolly. “Don’t count me out.”
“I’m not counting you out,” you defended, moving scraps of discarded food away from you to lay next to him. You shuffled to get comfortable in his vicinity.
“How often do you stargaze?” Tyler asked.
“Not often. I don’t think there’s an opportunity for it when I have nowhere to go.”
He agreed with a grunt. “I think you’re lookin’ in the wrong spots, honey.”
Oh those godforsaken nicknames. The country in him seeped out at their mention.
“Yeah,” he removed his arms from the back of his head and pointed to the now appearing stars the darker it became. “See here?”
You moved closer. “Not really.”
“There,” he pointed again. “Right there in the middle of those two clouds.”
There were two stories at play here: one of him proving that rain was coming in the guise of stars and the second of you trying to be aloof in order for him to touch you.
You’d spent the last hour with him. Watching him talk, eat, smile, and laugh at anything that brought him joy. Those lips begged you to kiss them. They beckoned you like a ship lost at sea and in the clouds, the water would find it.
You shook your head innocently.
“I don’t know what I’m looking at, Ty.”
“Here,” he took your hand in his and pointed to the stars. “Look.”
In the sky above, a faint outline of the Little Dipper appeared in your vision. You smiled lightly. His hand with his finger pointing was still outstretched and connected to yours which made it grow wider.
You were giddy.
Tyler moved his finger to fully cup your hand but as you kept looking at the sky, he looked at you. You could feel his eyes on you, the turn of his face and the low breaths he released through his nose.
“What else do you see?” He asked lowly.
You breathed in deeply. It was just too beautiful to explain one thing. The clouds grew thicker, dense in the night as light was swallowed up by the moon. The air was now cool enough to send a chill down your spine and wish the blanket was more than a thin excuse for a sheet.
“It’s getting cloudy,” you observed. “There are more stars and it’s cooling off.”
“Anything else?”
“It’s just beautiful.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “It is.”
“I’m can—“
You stopped mid-sentence at the sensation that hit your cheek.
It wasn’t air or breath or a bug or grass but a wetness that could have come from only one place: the sky. You waited for another to fall and it did not a second later. A third and fourth drop followed until it was a hundred drops or more into a steady downpour.
You scoffed in disbelief, sitting up to feel the rain in your palms and Tyler sat up too. His laugh was one of joy that followed yours.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed as the water began to drench the area around you and your clothes.
“I told you!” Tyler shouted over the rain falling harder and harder. You blinked at him.
“How’d you know!?”
“Just did!”
“And what’s so magical about getting rained on?” You asked him.
He didn’t have a solid plan if it rained. All he knew is that he had seen this in the movies. A downpour catches two people in the rain and it creates one thing: magic. It’s innocent and daring, carefree and transparent. Rain makes lovers fall in love. It binds them to one spot, one moment in time where all the elements line up to craft one singular point that would forever be cemented in their memory.
“I don’t know,” he confessed.
Tyler positioned one hand to lean on behind your back while the other cupped your face. The rain dropped onto his hand but you were warm against the coldness of his hands. Your eyes glistened at him as the movies described.
“I don’t know what’s so magical about it.”
“Me either.”
“Can you kiss me?” You asked him. It wasn’t a question, per se. He was going to kiss you.
Tyler nodded his head, leaning in to meet your lips as the rain fell harder around you both. The sound of the rain disappeared when his lips met yours. Only the beat of your heart, the rush of your blood flooded your ears and body. You lifted a hand to grip his arm as he tilted his head, using his leverage to position you the way he wanted and deepened the kiss.
You could feel the tendrils of a story weaving in your bones. The place, the time, the kiss… it was a fairytale.
You dropped everything and kissed him in the pouring rain in a spot now forever implanted in your history, you felt the sparks fly higher.
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A/N: thanks for reading! As always comments, reblog, and likes are always appreciated. I love hearing from all of you and your reactions motivate us greatly!
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missnancychavez · 27 days
So I am on my third rewatch of Twisters. So here are some of my own personal headcanons and theories for the movie and some parallels that may add weight to those theories.
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1. The original 5 friend group dynamic: Jeb and Praveen have known each other for years and are each others best friend. Javi and Kate are the dynamic duo (basing it on the fact that they were the only ones to do the handshake together). And Addy is everyone's little sister. Her and Kate were extremely close, but in a different way than her friendship with Javi.
2. Tyler Owens is the nephew of Bill and Jo on Bill's side (As we knew Jo didn't have any sibling). He spent his summers with them as a kid, and then as a teenager, he moved in with them full time. He started chasing with them around then, too. He even pays homage to that as he is driving a newer model of Bill's red dodge ram.
3. Boone and Lily have something going on. The way Boone screams her name as she gets picked up by the wind. And their personalities are perfect together. You can't convince me otherwise.
4. Kate and Tyler kiss in the truck after the chase they go on straight from the airport at the end of the movie. (Refer to point 8)
5. Kate puts in her resignation almost immediately, and Javi cuts ties with Riggs and Scott. The wranglers and Kate join StormPAR. Kate and Tyler spend the off-season working with Javi while the others do their own gigs, but during the storm season, they are all chasing and gathering data.
6. Cathy is so encouraging of her daughter because she's been through loss before. They called her Mrs. Carter, meaning she was married. Kate's dad died when Kate was a little girl. Cathy had to learn how to navigate being a young mom and tending a farm on her own. But she also knows that it could stop her from living her life. So she didn't. She grieved, and she learned to live with the grief and still do what she loves. It's why she is so encouraging of Kate getting back out there.
7. Kate stayed in OK for another couple of weeks after the tornado (neither her nor Tyler appeared injured in the final scene, and the truck looks great, all things considered, so clearly they had time tp heal and fix the truck.) They all were forcibly invited back to the farm by Cathy after Tyler and the wranglers went to drop Kate off post El Reno. Cathy took one look at Tyler and forced him in the house. Kate gave herself a headache from laughing so hard. She was then sent inside alongside him. Cathy made everyone stay for as long as they needed. But she did, however, get some free labour from it. It was an unspoken agreement that Kate's was now home base.
8. By the credit scenes, Kate and Tyler are together. Their first kiss was immediately after the two of them went chasing from the airport. Something about their adrenaline rushing, and it being just the two of them. It was electric. It was immediate. It just happened, and when they pulled back, they both started laughing. It reminded him of the first time they chased together, just the two of them. Kate delayed her flight for another two days. She was back home within the month. Tyler quickly realised he would have to start bribing Boone afterwards on the days he and Kate went out.
9. Kate and Boone will play card games at night to see who gets shotgun the next day, when Boone isn't riding with Lily, of course. Turns out, Kate's damn good at playing poker. On the rare occasion that Kate drives, Boone automatically hops in the back of the truck. He won't tell anyone, but he loves it when she drives. She gets this manic energy about her in the drivers seat and his adrenaline always ends up pumping. Tyler loves it, too, but he has no qualms verbalizing his affections toward her.
10. Tyler has nightmares now. Of watching Kate drive into the tornado. Of finding her body, discarded and broken by his truck. Of her slipping through his fingers during a storm. He wakes up sweating and panicking. And it's only when he sees her that he can calm himself down. The two of them, those first two weeks after El Reno, would spend hours each night, sitting in the barn, going over formulas. Or sitting outside on the tree swing, talking until they were both too exhausted to have any nightmares. When she left to go back to New York, she wasn't particularly surprised when one night she awoke to her phone ringing, Tyler close to having a full blown panic attack as he tried and failed to reassure himself that she was okay without her help. They would always call each other before bed after that, usually falling asleep over facetime.
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floralcyanide · 2 months
#9/#17 from smut list 2 & #11 from smut list 1 with Javi from Twisters, I can no longer unsee pre accident Javi not messing around if he was dating someone especially a fellow chaser in that car they borrowed from uni after noticing during rewatch two Kate mentioned they could barely get him to wear pants back then ykyk 😏
𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
(requests are closed for the saturday night sleepover!)
Javi RIvera x Fem!Reader
prompts: 9: car sex, 17: sex while camping, 11: cockwarming after a long day in order to calm down together
a/n: javi was def super horny in college 24/7 you can't change my mind (and probably still is lbr)
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For one particular chase, the group decides to make a night out of it and camp after the storm tapers off. The 6 of you camp out in the 4 Runner and the van, as well as a handy tent Jeb had brought, courtesy of his roommate. Kate’s mom had plenty of camping gear that she let all of you use as well, so it was a legitimate setup. Lanterns, a fire, some chairs, and non-perishable food with some sleeping bags and blankets. You and Javi decided to make a pillow fort in the back of the van, Jeb and Kate took the 4 Runner- Addy and Praveen used the tent to sleep in.
This chase was nerve-wracking for sure. A typical EF1 turned into a rowdy EF3 and required the entire team to work together to get back to safety. The group manages to find an area by the lake to camp and attempt to settle down. After a night of going over some data and exchanging ghost stories to ward off the tense vibes, the 6 of you wander over to your respective sleeping areas and crash. Except you and Javi, of course, because Javi doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself, especially when he’s nervous. 
You sigh and roll over, causing Javi’s hand to retract from your thigh, “Are you okay?”
“No,” Javi mutters, moving to lay on his side and facing you, “Are you?”
“No,” you admit, “I’m still kind of anxious.”
You and Javi don’t have to whisper technically, as the van is parked a little ways from the tent and 4 Runner, so the others likely wouldn’t hear your conversation. But the night was still enough that you felt you had to keep your voices down. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Javi asks, rubbing your arm soothingly.
You shrug, “I can think of something else I’d rather do, honestly.”
“Like what?” 
“Put your hand back on my thigh, and I’ll show you what.”
Javi grins from ear to ear at that. He puts his hand back where it was, his palm flat to your skin with his fingers splayed. Only this time, he quickly moves his hand under your shorts to cup your heat. He slips a finger under your underwear, toying with your clit until you’re squirming and growing wet. Javi tests how wet you’ve become with a curious finger.
“I wanna try something,” Javi says, his lips brushing your ear.
“Hmm? What’s that?”
“Get on top for a little while, but don’t move.”
“What, like, fucking you without moving?” you ask.
“Yeah, it’s more relaxing than you think. Now, come on,” Javi pats his thighs as he lays on his back.
You shrug, pulling down your shorts and underwear and setting them aside as Javi pulls his down his legs. As you hover, Javi teases your entrance and clit with the tip of his length before guiding himself inside you. You sigh in contentment as he fills you up nicely. After some adjusting, you manage to sit on top of Javi, him fully sheathed inside your needy cunt. Javi runs his hands along your thighs as you sit still on top of him, watching you with utter endearment. 
“Feel better yet?” you ask, wanting so badly to move.
“Yep,” Javi pops the ‘p’. After a moment of silence, Javi reads your impatient facial expression, “You want to move, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you groan, “But it feels nice not to at the same time. I like being so full of you like this.”
“Maybe if you stay still long enough, I’ll let you move.”
A few minutes pass and you’re now biting your lip in order not to swivel your hips. Javi chuckles, his hands on your hips. He lifts you up a little, to which you hiss, and then motions for you to drop back down. You let out a quiet, high-pitched moan, your fingers grasping at Javi’s shirt. He feels himself twitch as he bucks into you, wanting to hear you moan like that again. Adjusting yourself to the feeling of moving again, you start riding Javi slowly so you don’t accidentally scream out in pleasure. He feels you clenching around him, signaling you’re close.
“Gonna cum already? Didn’t know you needed me that bad- ow!”
Javi is interrupted by you flicking him on the nipple through his t-shirt, “Just fuck me, Jav. Save your snarkiness for later.”
Javi snaps his hips into you a little faster, matching your hip’s movements. He presses his thumb to your clit, and you come undone, having to shove your fist in your mouth to keep your moans at bay. Since Javi didn’t finish inside you, you offer to get him off quickly before the two of you decide it’s best to go to sleep.
“Go ahead, but I can tell you right now I’m probably just going to bust in your mouth in five seconds.”
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lovebittenbyevans · 24 days
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Soccerplayer! Scott Miller in College
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
Masterlist 11
Writing Drabbles
avert your eyes
SFW writings
Match up pairings - Valkyrie // Trevor Belmont // Alucard // multi-fandom pairing //
Song 🎶 fics - Vax fic // Percy fic // Grog // Caleb // Cadeuces // Grog - fic 2 //
Song fic: multi-party - Pike/Jester/Laudna // Wild 😜 Ones //
Pretty Little Liars 💋/Original Sin 🔪- being mouse’s sibling //
Genshin Impact - Neuvillette flirting //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon 🐉- aegon + writing prompt // aemond headcanons // incorrect quotes // jock 💪 aemond //
Ewan Mitchell - Martin (in the modern world) //
The Decameron - Dr Dioneo fluff // Dioneo and the artist //
Hades - making out with Moros //
MCUniverse - Namor + female general // Paradox ⚡️ headcanons // incorrect quotes // incorrect quotes 2 // incorrect quotes 3 // incorrect quotes 4 // incorrect quotes 5 //
Werewolf by Night - Jack Russell fluff //
X-Men - relationship headcanons //
Bridgerton - Benedict SFW (+ NSFW) //
Fallout - found family + Lucy //
Dune - Chani + sister!figure //
Ultraman Rising - kenji x male!reader //
A Quiet Place: Day One - dating Eric //
Monkey Man - writing prompt ask //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️- ares x Hindu!god!reader // Dionysus with pregnant!reader + twins // hard to get Ares // can’t carry a tune 🎶 // Hermes and Apollo twins // sneaking with Poseidon // childhood friend // rise of Venus 💕 // friends of monsters // plus size reader //
Critical Role 🎲
Vox Machina - thicc thighs // (my darling) yandere // grog + sorcerer!reader // Percy + harpy kiss // yandere Vax and Percy // bard oc + scanlan // kidnapped?! // wild witch 🧙// domestic + affectionate //
Mighty Nein - hold my ale // you get separated //
Bell’s Hells - constellation Druid //
Other -
Dungeon Meshi - toshiro headcanons //
Castlevania/Nocturne 🌙 - once upon a December // Fae healer lover // fall asleep on their shoulder // Trio + modern au // lover’s voice kink // divine paladin, cleric // roasts and insults // richter + elf!reader //
Assassins Creed - Kenway friend // drunk Haytham // Connor and author s/o // the cuddling type // gyaru reader // altair and day off // Altair and eagles // Malik headcanons // markings of Eden // supportive Altair //
Codexmonthly prompts
July “magic”
August “rooftop”
September “leap”
Baldurs Gate - linking pinkies // peck 💋 on lips // practicing “I love you” // Gale + insecure!body reader // blue dragon in the rain // too close to call //
Batstarion 🦇 Week 2024 - day 6 // day 7
Star Wars - Rey skywalker + reader with anxiety //
NSFW writings
Twisters 🌪️ - sweet darlin //
Trap (2024) - bonnie and Clyde //
Critical Role 🎲
Multiparty - match freak //
Vox Machina - lover & giver // ride of your life //
Mighty Nein - your reward + round 2 //
Bell’s Hells - braius fic //
Castlevania - you taste good (ft C.R.) //
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modernmessydisaster · 1 month
Just saw Twisters and while I should be talking about so many other stuff in the movie.
I just wanna know if anyone got jealous vibes from Scott?
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The reason? Cause he's an ass to woman, probably. OR ITS CAUSE HE WAS DOWN BAD FOR JAVI
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Something something of Scott feeling so threatened by Kate, especially when she was around Javi. That Javi trusted her more than Scott, his business partner! The guy who's been with Javi since StormPar was still just an idea. Scott who probably swayed his Uncle Riggs, to invest in Javi.
Listen, I know I'm delulu. Scott is such an asshole and really Javi deserves better, aka Kate & Tyler.
But in an alternate universe, Scott is still an asshole but after seeing how he's focusing more on the numbers and not the real reason why he's even in this business. That Scott is helping distort Jav's dream to proft further his greedy Uncle.
Scott yells, "DAMN IT." Looks into Javi's dreamy eyes and nods. "Fuck the numbers, fuck my uncle. Let's go help those people. And Kate. I guess."
Javi laughs and gives the biggest smile, something Scott missed, and speeds them off.
After seeing how down bad Kate & Tyler are for each other. Scott relaxs a bit more around Kate and eventually tells his Javi his feelings.
See how delulu I am, but seriously, Scott's "jealous" was just funny to me.
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clark-hailey77 · 4 months
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Glen Powell - The Hollywood Reporter [May 2024] Photography by Guy Aroch
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cinewhore · 8 months
Glen Powell: *playing what appears to be another lovable asshole but this time make it ✨southern✨ in the new Twister flick*
me, easily amused:
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vanellygal · 1 month
No, I'm not using Twister as a coping mechanism. Why would you think that-?
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callsignrooroo · 2 months
Update: the muse is musing and the Tyler x reader fic WILL be out by tonight, I swear. I’m so excited about this, I have missed writing for you guys so much!
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kintsugikalliope · 1 month
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if i had a nickel for every time i knew an ultra american (southern?) blue-eyed brunette man who responded with "yes ma'am" to their respective female leads and may or may not have gotten their leg decapitated, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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bluemanticism · 1 month
howdy guys okay i just saw twister & for those unfamiliar. glen powell is in it. and i was not attracted to him before this movie, esp during that horrible netflix romcom… but somehow seeing him talk science in a cowboy hat elevated his hotness levels by ten factors.
like he didn’t take his shirt off for the whole movie and i was still salivating more than a middle-aged woman watching a period drama.
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 months
Watched Twister again in 4DX safe to say THE JUICE IS BACK ON BABY EXPECT A FIC THIS FRIDAY BOYS
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floralcyanide · 2 months
What about number 13 from smut list no 1, (high on adrenaline kind of sex) with Javi for the saturday night sleepover? 👀
𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
find this prompt and more, here!
Javi Rivera x Fem!Reader
prompt: high on adrenaline kind of sex
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You were not expecting the first chase with Javi to go as great as it did.
It’s been years since the two of you have chased together, and the last time went awry very quickly, the two of you losing all of your friends in the process. Javi had the opportunity to figure out how tornadoes work and needed your help. So here you are, the two of you driving in the direction away from the tornado that successfully got the Storm Par to work. 
Javi is grinning from ear to ear, and so are you. It’s nice to see your best friend smile like this. Years ago, you were often the reason why he would be caught in a good mood. But ever since the accident, you haven’t had the chance to see Javi in a state of grace. 
Once you’re a reasonable distance away, Javi parks on the edge of a wooded area. The two of you look at each other and burst out laughing.
“That was insane! I can’t believe it worked!” you cry out,  hurriedly unbuckling your seatbelt and climbing out of the truck.
You shield your eyes as you watch the tornado disappear into the sky, Javi exiting the truck and joining you where you stand.
“It worked because of your help,” Javi elbows you in the side.
“Oh, don’t forget that it was you who convinced me to come here,” you wag a finger at Javi, who unlocks the truck bed door, laying it down so the two of you could sit on it.
You hop up on it, “Any word from Scott or the others yet?”
“I think we’re all too busy celebrating,” Javi says, slotting himself between your open legs.
“How would you like to celebrate, then?” you bite your lip, eyeing Javi as he leans in close to you.
“Like this,” he encloses the space between the two of you, bringing his lips to yours.
There’s always been something between you and Javi, and you could never quite put your finger on it. But the soaring adrenaline and mind numbing energy pumping through you only makes you eager to find out. You lay back on the truck bed, Javi following as he hovers over you, not breaking the kiss. In a hyper frenzy, both of you remove what clothing you can in order to get access to one another.
“I’ve been wanting this for so long,” Javi kisses along your neck hungrily.
“Oh, I have an idea of how long,” you say jokingly, carding your fingers through his curls.
“Really?” Javi kisses down your chest and along the edge of your bra, “How long then?”
“Since college,” you say, “So how about you get on with it?”
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” Javi pushes your underwear aside, plunging two fingers inside your already soaking cunt.
You gasp, immediately grinding on his fingers. Your heart is racing still, the high still not subsiding. Javi feels just as pumped up on the adrenaline from moments ago, and wastes no time to pull his underwear down and his length out. Javi fills you up quickly, but allows you to adjust to him before moving. 
“You feel better than I ever imagined,” you groan, your hands gripping Javi’s biceps.
Javi chuckles as he thrusts particularly hard into you, “I can say the same about you.”
He picks up his pace, both of your pulses racing in your ears as you meet his thrusts. It’s sloppy and high octane, you’re panting and sweating but you don’t care. All you know is that this feels so good- so right. Javi fits with you like a perfect puzzle piece. You cum around him with a loud cry, your orgasm rocking your body. Javi pulls out and finishes on your stomach, nearly collapsing into you. With what little energy you can muster from the adrenaline crash, the two of you get cleaned up and redressed, climbing back into the truck.
Javi checks his phone to see several missed calls from Scott and the team.
“Looks like the celebration is over.”
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procrastination20 · 2 months
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crying-in-converse · 2 months
why did they have to kill the glasses lesbian first thing
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