dijetemjeseca · 3 months
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"predivan film španjolskog redatelja Pedra Almodovara, Pričaj s njom. U tom filmu je filmu jedna sekvenca sna, priča o jednom muškarcu koji započinje kao debeljuco, ali se zatim zaljubi u jednu ženu i počinje mršavjeti. On je luđački zaljubljen. Međutim, nakon nekog vremena, jasno je da se on doslovce skuplja - postaje sve manji i manji. Od silne ljubavi prema toj ženi, on kopni. Do kraja te pričice u priči, on je tako malen - minijaturan, da ulazi u vaginu svoje ljubljene posljednji put i u njoj zauvijek ostaje. Zvuči kao frojdovska noćna mora, ali u Almodovarovom filmu je čarobno, dirljivo i zapravo veoma bolno. U stvari, dramatizira strahopoštovanje koje izaziva žensko tijelo i njegovu nevjerojatnu, možda i opasnu moć."
-Jamie Cat Callan, Zašto Francuskinje ne spavaju same?
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mirtapersonal · 2 years
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St Francis of Assisi in Trsat, Rijeka, with his poem about Brother Sun and Sister Moon.
Sculpture by Vid Vučak
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palerubyart · 3 months
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Some photos from my short vacation in Trsat!
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spottinghistory · 2 years
Historic site of the week: Trsat Castle
Trsat Castle in Croatia lies probably at the exact spot of an ancient Illyrian and Roman fortress. It was owned by Frankopan family who built the present castle in the 13th century. Today the castle has now been turned into a restaurant and tourists can visit the place during the summer months.
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gohvar · 2 years
Rijeka in a day
Rijeka in a day
Rijeka is known as the city that flows (grad koji teče). Not just for the Rječina river, but it seems they also have more rain here. Another thing we learnt about Rijeka is that its museums and galleries, several of which we planned to visit, are closed on Mondays. We arrived on a Sunday evening for a two night stay, allowing one full day (Monday!) to explore this, Croatia’s third largest city.…
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morti0re · 2 months
někdy zapomínám že bydlím v paneláku a že pode mnou bydlí lidi a že pravděpodobně slyší když si z zničehonic začnu trsat jako maniak
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twig-gy · 4 months
me when. i remember that i don’t acutlaly have to be normal and refular all the time and i can be a little bit of a system as a trsat bur only on weekends
[insert image of dolphins dancing or whatever i’dm need to write an id for it anyway so really i’m just skippinf a step]
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mikimeiko · 2 years
Day 4 - Rijeka
And... It's raining. Much more than yesterday, though luckily it's still coming and going.
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After a walk in the old town I decide to take the advice from lovely Tumblr user @notasgoodasseven to go see Trsat castle. Rijeka has a day ticket for the buses! Very good, since taking buses is one of my favourite activities XD especially when it's raining XD
The bus climbs up a hill going through a very interesting part of town, where small houses and big high rises are meshed together in a surprising but not unpleasant mix.
On the last stretch of the road to Trsat you get a beautiful view of the entire old town and the harbour; if the rain stops for a bit I might go downhill by foot to get a better view.
The castle is small and quite pretty, they turned most of the court into a giant openair bar? It must be lovely when it's open in good weather.
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I don't even have to go find a good viewpoint later because you can see everything from here!
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I might come back when it's dark to see it with all the Christmas lights on.
I get a spinach burek from a bakery and head to the bus stop to go to the computer museum... But I discover the computer museum it's only open on Saturdays during winter :( apparently I could have ask them via the website to open it anyway, but a) it's too late and b) it would have put too much pressure on my visit!
While I'm on the bus going back down I see the sun peeking out of the clouds, illuminating a strip of sea in the most beautiful manner. It stopped raining so I decide to get down the bus once I get to the city centre and walk, but of course the moment I get down... It starts raining again 😅
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(every time it stopped raining I took a picture XD)
The good news is that the bus day ticket I bought this morning actually covers a much bigger area that I thought, so I decide to just get on a suburban bus that follows the coast down south and just hope for some brief moments of sunlight (in any case, it's better than getting soaked while walking in the streets, not able to see anything because of my umbrella XD)
It's almost ridiculous the amount of joy just being on a bus with the outside the window gives me.
Due to some miscalculation and forgetfulness, I end up waiting almost an hour for a bus in the middle of nowhere (well, there was a cafè/bar, but it was one of those places basically just full of men where everyone looks at you - not a man, not from around here - like an exotic curiosity and with a hint of hostility, so I just had coffee, used the toilet and left). But while I was waiting for my bus the light changed: though it was still pretty cloudy there was a lot more visibility and it was in general much more pleasant, and I actually got to see the island of Krk from a distance!
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(I walked on the road to get this picture, I thought I was going to die XD)
Going back to Rijeka the weather kept getting greyer and foggier and wetter, and I wished I could have kept going south but... not this time!
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After a brief stop at the hotel to get the things I forgot I decided to take another suburban bus, this time going north. Sadly by the time I actually got on the bus it was starting to get dark, so I didn't see as much from the bus (but it was still lovely). I went to Opatija and from what I could see from the bus it looked really lovely, though when I got off the bus it started raining again, so I just waited for the bus back (how many minutes, how many HOURS I spent waiting for buses today? Probably too many XD but it was worth it).
I went back to Trsat castle after dark and it was indeed very pretty with all the Christmas lights on and the stalls and bar open (though it was still mostly empty, I guess I went too early).
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At least four people today have tried speaking to me in Croatian at bus stops etc good job Maddalena for never looking like a tourist I guess XD (this tends to happen to me everywhere I go, people just assume I'm a local XD)
Tonight is my last night and I couldn't leave the Balkans without eating The Grilled Meat, so I found a nice place and... ate the grilled meat XD
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Anyway that sauce on the spoon? It's called ajvar, it's made from peppers, eggplant and garlic and it's SO GOOD. I actually bought a jar to bring home XD
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dreamcast-official · 11 months
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gluppyblippo · 1 year
Hello everyone... I have not posted In a while... as a trsat..treat... have some of my ocs...and my toyhouse https://toyhou.se/Gluppyblippo
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lavandin · 1 year
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Trsat, Rijeka, 25 March 2023
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mirtapersonal · 2 years
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4 views of Rječina canyon from up high on some rocks I shouldn't have been climbing. On the second one you can see Trsat castle in the distance, and on the third one ruined water mills by the river
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rijeka2023 · 1 year
To już ostatni dzień w Chorwacji :( kusiło przedłużenie, ale i też mamy chęć wrócić do domu. Znaleźliśmy za to fajną zabawę - szukanie fajnej miejscówki na kolejny raz ;)
A tymczasem plan był, żeby rano zabrać dzieci na plażę, dokarmelizować skórę, pochillować, ale po ogłoszeniu tej wesołej nowiny dowiedzieliśmy się, że dzieci już nie chcą do wody. Za to mają inny pomysł! One chcą wykorzystać darmowe bilety na tyrolke w Pazin. Ta darmowość to płatne autostrady, prawie 1,5h w trasie dłużej, i kilka chwil zjazdu, czyli godzina na miejscu ;) Ale dziś bankowo nie będzie padać. Bilety po ostatnim razie wyglądały tak:
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Już na pewniaka zakładają osprzęt, dzieci skaczą z radości jak sprężynki, wchodzą ostatni, żeby jechać pierwsi - to wiemy z ostatniego razu. Jako jedyni nie mają strachu w oczach. Ja czekam na ich skok w przepaść i biegnę do drugiej bazy, żeby ich odebrać. Jak miło, że dziś nie leję mi się na głowę. Jedzie instruktor, a po nim oni. Ten odcinek jest dłuższy i wyraźnie szybszy, 50km/h, ale to już ich 3 zjazd w sumie, więc puszczają liny i cwaniaczą. Duma i zazdro. Nie musimy wracać do Pazina za rok.
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Teraz wodospad, gdzieś tu obok. Szkoda nie zobaczyć. Internety głosiły, że Chorwaci spędzają tu czas na piknikach, tymczasem zaparkował tam tylko jeden niemiecki golf i my. Chyba coś się zmieniło. Po tym stresie tyrolkowym mogliśmy schłodzić chociaż nogi do kostek i dotrzeć do lokalnego bistro dla tutejszych. Jedzenie dobre, brzuchy pełne, wracamy tą samą trasą, czyli czeka nas jeszcze ostatni look na morze. Tak nas omotało, że źle pokierowałam kierowcę, on posłuchał i znów mamy okazję spojrzeć na morze i przejechać się lokalnymi dróżkami, gdzie jeszcze nas nie było. Z drogi widzimy Trsat, z murów którego wczoraj widzieliśmy tę trasę i tunel przed nami. Takie roszady tylko tutaj!
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Kilka godzin później, żeby rozprostować kości zjeżdżamy do Karlovac. Ktoś nazwał wpis na blogu, że to najbardziej niedoceniane miasto Chorwacji. Szok. Może, gdyby nie było CAŁE w remoncie, każda ulica zagrodzona barierka, żywego ducha tam nie było... nawet to, że piwo Karlovac jest stąd, ani 4 rzeki przepływające przez to miasto (w tym rzeka Kupa, wielce ciesząca dziatwę), nic nie pomogło. Szybkie rozciągnięcie się i spadamy. Ktoś musiał mieć nudne wakacje, że tu spędził czas ;)
Już tylko Węgry nas czekają... emocje nie te, co w drodze do raju... pojawiają sie słoneczniki i kukurydza. Ale tutaj nie ma nic więcej. Węgry to takie zakupie Europy. Niech ktoś wymieni inne miasto/wieś poza Budapesztem! Płasko, wiejsko, zielono. Domy stare, zaniedbane, na stacje strach zajeżdżać. Przestało nam się tu podobać... ale jedziemy.
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Plitvice to Rijeka to Rovinj to Pula -
We awoke the next day and had a fairly relaxing (by our standards) morning of packing and departing. It had rained overnight so the kids had fun jumping on the wet trampoline while the parents loaded things, then we headed out for what may be our biggest driving day of the trip. The first leg was Grabovac to Rijeka, including some super windy/narrow/potholed sections to wake our driver Matt up in the morning (and cause carsickness for most others…though no vomiting occurred!). After a while we were back on the fancy toll roads which are similar in quality/nicer than US interstates and it was smooth sailing from there on out to Rijeka. On arrival we had some brief navigational difficulties due to road construction but eventually made it to Trsat castle, which was small but worth the price of admission (free). We then wandered through a nearby plaza which included monuments to pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa and let kids play a bit in a nearby playground before loading back up the van and heading onto the Istrian peninsula to our next stop- Rovinj. Matt wanted to stop here as he heard it was Rick Steve’s favorite spot in Istria on a podcast. It turned out to be very difficult to find parking so we gave up, but just as we were headed out of town found a spot in a free lot, so hopped out and the kids enjoyed 2 different very cool playgrounds and adults took in the scenes. Rovinj reminded us of "Dubrovnic-light" it had similar cool buildings and the edge of the city rising straight up form the water. We also enjoyed a tasty snack of Burek (basically a giant pastry stuffed with cheese/meat) per lonely planet. We then hopped in the car for the last and shortest leg of the day: Rovinj to Pula. On arrival in Pula the plan was to drop everyone off at the airbnb then have Matt drop the car off at the airport and come back. This turned out to be a bit difficult as there was a Robbie Williams concert in the ancient Roman arena that night so there was lots of car and foot traffic to navigate, as well as a lady guarding the entrance to our street trying to keep people from going up there to park. We talked our way past her, parked briefly with emergency flashers on and unloaded into our airbnb. Then Matt headed for the airport to drop off the car and caught a taxi back into town. His taxi driver had a lot of thoughts about US politics (Desantis better than Trump, etc…) but was otherwise pleasant and got Matt back smoothly. We then enjoyed a dinner in (not pizza as we had planned as it turned out we just had 2 electric burners and no oven). Afterwards, Matt took Oli and Emily (the only interested parties other than himself) out to try and see “lighting giants” where cranes in the Pula shipyard are lit up different colors once it gets dark, it was almost a bust, but they lit up just as we were headed home. After that all went to bed (Matt nursing a sore hip flexor from all the driving)
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photoart-naegele · 1 year
Art gallery of by Photoart-Naegele. Buy Photography, Paintings & Prints, Digital Art.
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manga-girl67 · 1 year
Je chyba, když lidé neumí přiznat svou chybu
Pracuji s dětmi. Děti nás dospělé vnímají, jako někoho, kdo všechno umí a ovládá. Dětem říkám, že to tak není. I my dospělý se bojíme a mnoho věcí neumíme, nebo nám nejdou. Přesto dáme tomu šanci a zkusíme to. Je to v pořádku. Každému něco jiného jde.
Další věc, pokud dospělý neumí přiznat chybu kvůli svému egu. To je pro děti naprosto traumatizující. I pro dospělé... Lidi, tohle nedělejte!
Kdysi jsem tímto byla traumatizovaná. I do teď tímhle někteří traumatizují, jelikož svým milovaným umí hodně věcí tolerovat. PŘESTO SE UČÍM ŘÍKAT NE.
Ego je ego. Hrát si na machra umí kdokoliv. Ale přiznat si, co je pravda umí jen výjimeční a moudří.
Proto to nedělám dětem, uznám svou chybu, svůj omyl, jelikož vím, že je to v pořádku!
Věřte mi, mnohým dospělým lidem dělá problém, pak to přenášejí na své děti. A je to jako začarovaný kruh.
Dospělý, přestaňte tohle dělat, je to matoucí! I já někdy bojují se svým egem, ale mám zatracenou ušlechtilou a čestnou povahu, která vždy vyhraje. Já si někdy beru věci, až moc k srdci. Učím se nebrat.
Proč je tahle společnost postavená na tom být nejlepší? Ve škole učí něco jiného, ​​než to co nás naši rodiče učí a ukazují do praktického života. Nebo se s tím setkáme, až v běžném praktickém životě.
V každém věku jsou jiné priority. Přesto jestli vám je dvacet let a chcete žít žijte. Nezapomeňte na sebe, na své vzdělání, cestování, vystřídejte různé pracovní sféry, udělejte si řidičák. Udělejte něco, co cítíte, že chcete zkusit, ale především ať je to pro vás samotné.
Pít a trsat na diskotéce můžete kdykoliv. A nějak mi nejde do hlavy, kde berou ty mladší generace na slimky, které kouří?? Každého věc, přesto i já jednou byla "chudý student", který chtěl, aby jeho rodiče na něho byli pyšní, tak měl několik brigád...
Dobře, tohle nebude případ všech.
Jestli někoho na tomhle textovém bloku něco uráží, možná by jste se měli nad něčím namyslet. Hezký den všem!
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