#Triggers and Content warnings formatted like tw __ and cw __
clusterbenrey · 1 year
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This is Cluster B(enrey), aka a system full of Benri's blog journal spot. Singlets are fine to interact but don't be fucking weird about our disorder please and thank you.
We have some sort of Complex Dissociative Disorder (Suspected to be DID, but we might be wrong) and are possibly polyfragmented.
Main blog is @playstation-hydrangea, we collectively use It/Xey. (It/It/Its/Itself and Xey/Xem/Xeir/Xemselves, though many alters use he/him.) Please keep in mind we are bodily 21 and many alters that may post here are older than that.
We will not be normal in the slightest about our collective source(s).
Please read and respect our DNI, though if you don't we'll just block.
Lil more info below, like what we'll post about, tags, main posters etc.
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We are the Hydrangea System, though our main blog is more of a general reblog/post spot for the whole system. This blog is specifically for the various Benr[e]y introjects we have and xeir chronomates.
We spell the character Benr[e]y with the brackets because spelling varies alter to alter, and the plural form is Benri pronounced Ben-Rye. (Also spelling it like this helps keep us out of the main tags.)
More ways we spell people's names to avoid the main tags : Gord, Tom, Cooper, Bub, 4zen, Darn, Jeff, Josh, Joshie (If you know you know. And if you don't, just ask!)
A lot of us may vent about/describe source trauma here. Just block #vent if you don't want that on your dash. Please never forget we are a heavily traumatized system. We are not glorifying things we vent about in the slightest.
Some posts might not grammatically make sense due to us being schizophrenic and having trouble thinking. Posts like that will be tagged as #word salad just in case that's a trigger for someone.
(In order of most likely to post) Main Benr[e]y posters are : ☎️ The Host Rotary (Subsystem of ⛈️Rookie 🦋Boper and 🌪️Glim), 🎶Echo, 💌 LoveBug, 🩴 Tayrey, 🛢️ Vivi, and🐏 Marty
Check out our playlist! (It's a work in progress)
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shiverandqueeef · 2 years
TikTok Censoring Does NOT Work on Tumblr Please Stop Doing This
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use the actual words. abuse. rape. pedophilia. nothing will happen to your blog, you will not be "shadow banned" or deleted
creatively censored words make blacklisting more difficult for users who would like to avoid these topics
use the actual words within the text of the post, and tag with any or all of the following format examples:
tw rape rape tw cw rape rape cw trigger warning rape content warning rape rape trigger warning rape content warning
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sanemisstalker · 1 year
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Hi hi! Requests Are : ON HIATUS!
I'm Sanemisstalker! I'm 20, and a (predominantly) KNY (Demon Slayer) smut blog.
To interact with my content, you must be 18+, as the majority of my writing is kink related in some way! I'm fully supportive of minors having safe spaces in online fandoms- but I cannot be that space provider.
What Do I Do?
I am specifically a kink/fetish oriented writer who really likes to focus on character! (Aren't we all?)
I write more bizarre/extreme sexual fantasies people might have with certain characters while, hopefully, not butchering said characters in the process.
Some sexual practices are better practiced fictionally or solo, and I've always been interested in providing said fiction. If it keeps you horny and safe, I've done my job!
I love all the hashira and upper moons, but I have some particular soft spots for Sanemi, Douma, and Shinobu. I'm always most excited to write about them!
W.I.P - I only tag my personal works! anything I've written for a character will be tagged as #(character name) smut. I'm adjusting to the tumblr app format, so please give me time to make a proper masterlist.
Rules :
-You must be 18+ to submit an ask.
-Anything goes. If I'm not comfortable, i will simply ignore/delete the ask! You will not be posted, as I have no grounds to clown you when i'm writing KNY porn in my free time.
What won't I write?
☆I won't write for Tanjiro's Crew, Genya, or Muichiro. No judgement, they're just not my favourites.
☆Race Specific asks - As a white person, I do not have the background to accurately portay a sexual situation regarding traits exclusive to POC.
However, my stories intentionally do not mention anything referring to skin tone or imply any ethnic background aside from the setting they are placed in. (If they do, please tell me so I can change it immediately.)
☆Incest, this is just a personal thing. I have no judgement, just an unpleasant past with the subject. If I mention a character having a thing for this, It will likely not be elaborated on.
☆Scat, once again, no judgement, It's just one of my hard limits. It's hard to romanticize for me personally, and my writing wouldn't have my heart behind it.
☆Characters being parents- I am not fond of pregnancy, and would much rather just write about fucking with no long term consequences.
☆This is subject to change, and can be updated accordingly☆
Content Warnings
Any posts I make will usually have a CW/TW explicitly before the writing. It will usually be in Bold, or a different color from the rest of the post to identify it.
CW// ->
I tag based on what I know to be common triggers, and will not tag for certain triggers such given their existence is implied by the setting/story in general.
For ex. I will not tag a post about demon slayer with 'blade use', as it's directly implied by the setting of demon slayer that there will be blades present in some capacity. I will not tag 'cum swapping with the hashira' with -gratuitous cum- etc. etc.
However, I will always tag for SA, which will be reffered to as Non-con/Dub-con, and for Gore, regardless of how lightly either is treated. If you believe I missed an important trigger, please let me know. I write in a flurry, and do not spell check nor proof read.
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miyamiwu · 2 years
A Guide to Tagging on Tumblr: Types of Tags
This was meant to be part 3 of my Tumblr guide for Twitter refugees series, but I figured old Tumblr users could benefit from it as well. I’m also writing this for myself because even after years on this site, there’s still so much I could learn to tagging.
Types of Tags by Purpose
General (for global categorization)
Communal (for identifying with a community)
Considerate (for other users’ safety)
Descriptive (for describing how the post is formatted)
Promotional (i.e. tag tracking)
Systematic (for blog-level organization)
Fun (your little side comments)
Above are categories I’ve come up with after looking through the tags on my own post, and I think they should cover all the tags mainly used on Tumblr. If you think there should be another category up there, just share it in the notes.
Before I explain what each of those types are, here’s a heads-up that most of my examples would be tags used in fandom spaces. After all, this is a multi-fandom blog.
General tags are also what I would call Topic tags. They make your post easier for your target audience to find. Like, if you post something about a certain topic, then a #topic name would be appropriate.
Example: Posts about the anime Blue Lock would be tagged with #blue lock.
Topic names can even be abbreviated to make it faster to type. Mob Psycho 100 can be #mp100. Archive of our Own is usually tagged as just #ao3. Blue Lock can be just #bllk (the actual acronym should be #bl, but people are cowards asfhddgfzh).
General tags also include sub-topics.
Example: If you’re posting specifically about the Blue Lock manga and not the anime, then you may tag it with #blue lock manga.
Sub-topic tags can also work as Considerate tags. People may be interested in posts under the parent topic but would like to avoid the sub-topic. Don’t want to intentionally spoil people about a certain media? Tag it with #media title spoilers.
Example: #mp100 spoilers, #little mushroom spoilers, #blue lock spoilers
Extra example: If you post x reader fanfics for a certain media, then you may must tag it with #media title x reader.
[Don’t wanna sound like a tyrant on this blue site, but for the love of god please include a general tag for your x reader fics to make them easier to filter out. Some people (me) don’t want to read them at all, and it’s tiring to come up with all #character name x reader variations out there. I end up just automatically blocking those who don’t use general tags the moment I come across their fic.]
Examples of some non-fandom General tags:
#spilled ink
These are tags used to identify yourself as part of a certain community here on Tumblr. Such tags are often suffixed by “blr.”
There are no hard rules, but these -blr communities often contain specific kind of posts in the tag. For example, in #studyblr, you would find a lot of photos of aesthetic notes and people’s desks. If tagging with a -blr tag, check out the community first to see what kind of posts fit under the tag.
Examples of other communal tags:
#actually adhd
#artists on tumblr
#writers on tumblr
#photographers on tumblr
And here’s a list of the top Tumblr communities in 2022. You might wanna check it out.
Considerate tags are the most important. Primarily, these tags contain the trigger/content warnings for your post. I’m not gonna include a list of all possible triggers on this post though coz that would be quite long. You can just look that up on your own.
From observation, warning tags affix a tw or cw to the base tag to differentiate them from neutral discussions of said tag.
Example: A post tagged with #depression may be an informational post containing tips on how to manage one’s depression. A post tagged with #tw depression or #tw: depression, however, may contain extremely depressing rants that could negatively affect others’ moods.
It’s different for posts that may be harmful to epileptic people, though. If your post contains flashing gifs and the like, tag it with #flashing and NOT #tw epilepsy or just #epilepsy. A more in-depth explanation as to why can be read here.
You may have also recently seen the #unreality tag in Goncharov posts. I just learned about this tag myself, so I cannot explain it well. Here’s an old post by @ whethervane though that explains it:
an unreality warning is a warning that something (media, discussion, etc.) will deal with themes of unreality and false reality—which can be very stressful and triggering for people who’ve gone through feelings of unreality or disassociation before.
Another kind of Considerate tag would be one used in fandom spaces, especially in big fandoms. These are what I would call anti tags, and they’re used to contain fandom discourse or prevent fandoms from becoming toxic spaces.
If you spout hate about a certain character, do not tag your post with #character name. Instead, prefix your tag with the word “anti.”
Example: If you hate Mu Qing from Tian Guan Ci Fu for whatever reason, tag your hate post with #anti mu qing.
Believe it or not, regardless of how hateful you think that guy is, some people in the fandom actually like him (me, for one) and would be upset at seeing your hate posts while browsing under the #mu qing tag.
Moreover, anti tags are not just for characters. They can also apply to ships you hate.
Examples: #anti mileven if you don’t like the Mike x Eleven ship from Stranger Things. #anti byler if you don’t like the Mike/Will ship.
I see a lot of people censoring anti tags (e.g. #anti mil*ven, #anti milkvan, etc.), but I think such tags would be easier to filter out if they’re just spelled completely.
Descriptive tags describe how the post is formatted. In a way, they also work as Considerate tags, as they allow people to filter out posts that may be too stressful/painful for them to read or look at.
Most common example would be #long post, which is used for posts that are, well, very long. I reckon such a tag became necessary because in the past, Tumblr didn’t have an option to truncate long posts on the dashboard. It was all up to the original poster if they’d be kind enough to cut their posts under a Read More/Keep Reading block. Scrolling past a long post was hell, especially for those on mobile. The color of the sky post was quite notorious for this.
Another example would be tags informing users on whether images in the post contain an alt text (aka image description/image ID): #image id, #image described
Or, if the images don’t have an ID: #undescribed, #no image id, #no id, #no id in alt text.
Other Descriptive tags:
#caps lock
#large text
#small text
#colored text
#eye strain
#bright colors
#fast gif
#transcribed (for audio/video posts including a transcription)
#unmute (tells the viewer of a post to turn on the sound of a video)
These are tags that are tracked by other blogs and often use the name of the blog that tracks them. By adding Promotional tags on your posts, you are guaranteed a reblog from the blog tracking the tag.
@ bluelocksource tracks the #bluelocksource and #bluelockedit tags
@ anisource tracks #anisource
@ dailyanime tracks #dailyanime
Tags are a great way to organize your blog. Since Tumblr is a reblogging site, people often use tags to differentiate their original posts from reblogs. Some would tag their originals with something like #my post or #mine. Another trend is to use #your-url.txt.
I tag original posts on this blog and across my side blogs as #lznk #miyamiwu.src. It’s from the consonants of my url, but I also chose it because it’s unique throughout Tumblr. Whenever I want to view my posts across all my blogs in one place, I just use the dashboard search. Nobody uses the tag aside me, so all posts that come up would be mine. Hopefully it stays that way…
And from your own originals, you can categorize it even further: #my art, #my edits, #my writing, #my cats, etc.
Of course, you can also categorize reblogs. Some people add #reblog or #rb. If you blog about a certain topic and would like to post/reblog something unrelated to that topic, you may add a #not topic tag. The popular @ one-time-i-dreamt blog uses the tag #not a dream.
I don’t really have to explain this, do I? Fun tags are basically your little side comments/footnotes. They are things you wanna say but don’t really want to be too out there.
I'm not gonna include examples of this, but I’d like to talk about the mentions of “prev” in Fun tags.
Prev stands for the user you reblogged a post from—the previous person, so to speak. Some people just prefer to speak to someone in the tags instead of saying it loudly in a reblog; hence, the need to say “prev.”
“Prev” is also used when one is copying a person’s tags [on the mobile app]. To give credit to the person who came up with the tags, you may add something like #<- prev’s tags (the arrow would be pointing to the copied tags).
Aaaand that's all. Normally, I'd write a proper conclusion to a post like this, but writing this was exhausting, okay? Just take this and go~
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rainysflowers · 9 months
Tosses this out into the eather for the most niche audience I could think of. *NYEAH!!*
After seeing the lovely @species-whump-weekly and waiting excitedly for their Demon prompt list for the purposes of using them against my favorite Mazoku, I decided that it would be fun to do something similar. Therefore, I'd like to offer to you, the whump and Slayers community...
Mazoku Whump Week!!
This is the perfect opportunity to take your beloved Mazoku, be them canon or original, and beat them up (maybe comfort them too) for the world to see! What fun ^^ If this does interest you, please look under the cut for more info and prompts!! If not, then have a lovely day!!
CWs/TWS: Themes of Hurt/Pain, Dehumanization of Non-Humans, Neglect, and Similar Content
ALSO I feel that upon farther community interaction that I should mention to PLEASE write out/tag your entries with content & trigger warnings and the characters involved as to not offend/trigger anyone who may come across it without interest in said character/content!!
Personally, I like to give a general overview of what content is in the media much like my CWs/TWs above, then also add on SPESIFIC tags for worse things like Major Character Death, and finally PLEASE SPESIFY which character you'll be hurting in the media!!
Now, I call it a week because that's the way i formatted it, but there's no timeframe and there's no start date. I just made it for fun and my own enjoyment ^^ All I ask is that you please tag me in whatever you choose to create [Writing, art, GIFs, ect]:)) You totally don't have to be a part of either community to participate, I just made this for Slayers fans specifically because I love that anime <3 They are also more so anime-based, than light novel-based, as a side note.
Prompts are formatted as a single master-prompt, something that sets the theme for the sub-prompts under it, and three sub-prompts that you can write one, two, or all three of!! There are also seven alternative prompts that follow the same general theme of the master-prompts (I.E. alternative prompt one (1) has the same theme as master-prompt one (1) and so forth). !!! Two alternative prompts are based on my personal headcannons, but those are labeled as such, and do not have to be used !!!
Here is the prompt list:
01) Summoned.
1] I’ll Treat You Like My Pet/Dehumanization
2] Defiance/Defiant Whumpee* (*Whumpee refers to the character who is in pain, which is in this case the Mazoku of your choice)
3] Terms and Conditions
02) Used.
1] Losing Control
2] Astral Wound/Pain
3] Magical Exhaustion
03) Misunderstood.
1] Kindness Makes the World Go Round
2] Starvation
3] Botched Shapeshifting
04) Betrayed.
1] Backstabbed
2] Found Out
3] Ritual Sacrifice
05) Returned.
1] Uncaring Master
2] Can’t Go Back
3] Demonic Punishment
06) Inherited.
1] Immortality
2] Bleeding Black
3] Ingrained Morality
07) History.
1] Scars
2] War Never Changes
3] Falling Comrades
Alternative Prompts
1] Orihalcon Restraints/Weapons (Based on a headcanon where the metal Orihalcon is able to suppress the Mazoku's ability to either return to the Astral Plane or negates their ability to be impervious to physical wounds in the real world.)
2] Reluctant Caretaker
3] Presumed Dead (Based on a headcanon where if a Mazoku is injured enough, they must ditch their assumed form to return to the Astral Plane, leaving them looking like a corpse in the Human World.)
4] “I can’t believe I trusted you.”
5] Assassination (Attempts)
6] “I thought that you couldn’t love?”
7] Survivor’s Guilt
Here is the Prompt List in a Google Doc:
Thank you so much for checking out this post, sorry for the crappiness lol, I just wanted to share some stuff. Ill be back sooner or later, and if you have any questions, please send them on in ^^ luv yall with the strength of a thousand suns <3 Have a good day, night, and whatever else!!
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boppinbabe · 10 months
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❰ #BOPPINBABE ❱ —— An independent, non-selective GIRLFRIEND from FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN', written with love by BEE. At  this  point  in  time,  blog  is  dash  only,  uses  minimal  but  neat  formatting  and  90x90  cartoon  icons  exclusively.  Crossover, duplicate,  multiverse  and  original  character  friendly.  Uses  the  Beta  Editor  and XKit  Rewritten to trim posts.  18+  only,  but  not  strictly  NSFW.  Multi-ship,  ships  with  Boyfriend  or  chemistry.  All  ships  exist  in  alternate  universes  unless  stated  otherwise  to  avoid  conflict.  Established  in  November  of  2023.  Please  do  not  reblog.
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      MINORS AND PERSONAL BLOGS, DO NOT INTERACT. As stated above, this blog is an 18+ space. The admin is an adult and not comfortable roleplaying with minors. Please respect that.
      Personal blogs, I don't mind if you follow me, but please do not interact with my posts or attempt to start a roleplay with me. You may ask Girlfriend questions if you wish, but I will not roleplay with you. Any attempts to start a roleplay with me may result in a block.
      DO NOT INTERACT if you are prone to starting drama or are any shade of bigoted. I'm too old to deal with petty bullshit. I'm just here to roleplay.
      If you do not wish to interact with me or have me follow you, you're welcome to soft or hard block me so I know you're not interested. It won't hurt my feelings and you don't have to explain yourself. It's preferred on my end, actually.
      While I am a fan of the game and (obviously) roleplay as Girlfriend, I do not condone any gross or unsavory behavior from the creators/devs. I separate the art from the artist. If this is a problem for you, you're more than welcome to block me, but I am very attached to the series, it's one of the only things that actively brings me joy, so for the sake of my mental health, I do not interact with the fandom or support the bad apples within it. I understand completely if the series and characters makes you uncomfortable. You are well within your right to block me for your own comfort if you choose to do so.
      If I like your promo but don't follow, I am likely tentative to do so first because I get anxiety following first sometimes. Liking your promo is my way of saying I'm interested in roleplaying with you without the anxiety of following first. Sometimes I'm able to break through this anxiety, but not often. Regardless, if I like anything of yours, I'm likely interested in interacting!
      CONTENT WARNING: Canon typical dark themes will be present on this blog. These themes include, but are not limited to alcohol, blood, cursing, drug usage, gore, mental illness, objectification, religious themes, sexual themes, underage drinking, underage drug usage, violence, etc. I will tag major triggers, but if there is something specific you need me to tag, or if I forget to tag a post, please let me know. Triggers will be tagged in the following formats: tw [trigger], [trigger] tw, cw [trigger] and [trigger] cw.
      My portrayal will be a healthy mixture of canon and headcanon. I take heavy inspiration from the fandom's portrayal of Girlfriend whilst also staying faithful to what little we know about her, whilst also putting my own spin on her. Basically, you can expect some canon divergence, especially in the future when the full ass game comes out.
      Mun goes by Bee, is 24 years old, uses any pronouns and lives in the EST time zone. There's not much to know about me. I'm a simple Boyfriend/Girlfriend kinnie who enjoys roleplaying, voice acting and writing. I will share my Discord with mutuals if prompted to. I promise I am much warmer when I'm not writing an intro to my blog.
      Please read my Carrd before interacting. If you've read this far, consider giving this post a like to let me know. Here are my tags. Also, consider filling out my interest checker and liking my interaction post to let me know you're cool with me interacting with you. Finally, click here to see art credit for all of the icons I use. Thank you! I appreciate you! ヾ(˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶)
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beemused · 8 months
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❰   #BEEMUSED   ❱   ——   An independent,  non-selective  multi-muse  blog  featuring  muses  from  Friday  Night  Funkin',  Newgrounds  and  other  franchises. Loved by BEE. Blog is dash only, uses minimal but neat formatting and no longer uses icons due to the hassle of editing them. I just don't have the time. Crossover, duplicate, multiverse and original character friendly. Uses the Beta Editor and XKit Rewritten to   trim posts. 18+ only, but not strictly NSFW. Multi-ship. Established in January of 2024.
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      Blog information, links and rules below the cut. Please read thoroughly!
      MINORS AND  PERSONAL BLOGS,  DO  NOT  INTERACT.  As  stated  above,  this  blog  is  an  18+  space.  The  admin  is  an  adult  and  not  comfortable  roleplaying  with  minors.  Please  respect  that.
      Personal  blogs,  I  don't  mind  if  you  follow  me,  but  please  do  not  interact  with  my  posts  or  attempt  to  start  a  roleplay  with  me.  You  may  ask  my muses  questions  if  you  wish,  but  I  will  not  roleplay  with  you.  Any  attempts  to  start  a  roleplay  with  me  may  result  in  a  block.
      DO  NOT  INTERACT  if  you  are  prone  to  starting  drama  or  are  any  shade  of  bigoted.  I'm  too  old  to  deal  with  petty  bullshit.  I'm  just  here  to  roleplay.
      If  you  do  not  wish  to  interact  with  me  or  have  me  follow  you,  you're  welcome  to  soft  or  hard  block  me  so  I  know  you're  not  interested.  It  won't  hurt  my  feelings  and  you  don't  have  to  explain  yourself.
      I  do  not  condone  any  gross  or  unsavory  behavior  from  the  creators or anyone  involved  with  the  fandoms  I  roleplay  in.  I  separate  the  art  from  the  artist.  If  this  is  a  problem  for  you,  you're  more  than  welcome  to  block  me,  but  I  do  not  support  the  bad  apples  within  these spaces.  I  understand  completely  if  any  of  the  franchises  I  roleplay  in  make  you  uncomfortable,  though.  You  are  well  within  your  right  to  block  me  for  your  own  comfort  if  you  choose to do so, but please do not police my interests. Thank you.
      If  I  like  your  promo  but  don't  follow, I  am  likely  tentative  to  do  so  first  because  of my anxiety.  Liking  your  promo  is  my  way  of  saying  I'm  interested  in  roleplaying  with  you  without  the  anxiety  of  following  first.  Bottom line is, if  I  like  anything  of  yours,  I'm  interested  in  interacting!
      CONTENT  WARNING:  Canon  typical  dark  themes  will  be  present  on  this  blog.  These  themes  include,  but  are  not  limited  to  abuse, alcohol,  blood,  cursing,  drug  usage,  eating disorders, gore,  mental  illness, neglect, religious  themes, self-harm, sexual  themes,  underage  drinking,  underage  drug  usage,  violence,  etc.  I  will  tag  major  triggers,  but  if  there  is  something  specific  you  need  me  to  tag, please  let  me  know. Triggers  will  be  tagged  in  the  following  formats:  tw  [trigger],  [trigger]  tw,  cw  [trigger]  and  [trigger]  cw.
      This  blog  contains  the  following  muses:  canon  divergent  /  my  personal  versions  of  B3  Boyfriend,  D-Sides  Boyfriend,  Soft  Boyfriend,  base  game  Boyfriend  and  base  game  Girlfriend  from  Friday  Night  Funkin',  who I treat like my own original characters, Daphne from Scooby-Doo, Lacey  from  the  Lacey  games  series,  four completely original  characters  for  Friday  Night  Funkin',  an  original  character  for  TANKMEN  and some request muses.
      Mun  goes  by  Bee,  is  24  years  old,  uses  any  pronouns (genderfluid)  and  lives  in  the  EST  timezone.  There's  not  much  to  know  about  me.  I'm  a  simple  Boyfriend / Girlfriend  kinnie  who  enjoys  roleplaying,  voice  acting  and  writing.  I  will  share  my  Discord  with  mutuals  if  prompted  to.  I  promise  I  am  much  warmer  when  I'm  not  writing  an  intro  to  my  blog!
      Blog roll: @hellocutty, @ribbeats!
      Please  read  my  Carrd  before  interacting.  If  you've  read  this  far,  consider  giving  this  post  a  like  to  let  me  know.  Here  are  my  tags. Consider  filling  out  my  interest  checker  and  liking  my  interaction  post  to  let  me  know  you're  cool  with  me  interacting  with  you. Thanks for reading!  I  appreciate  you!  ヾ(˶ᵔ  ᗜ  ᵔ˶)
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promisebroken · 9 months
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❰ #PROMISEBROKEN ❱ —— An  independent,  non-selective  GRACE  DEAREST  (SOFT  GIRLFRIEND)  from  FRIDAY  NIGHT  FUNKIN':  SOFT,  written  with  love  by  BEE.  At  this  point  in  time,  blog  is  dash  only,  uses  minimal  but  neat  formatting  and  90x90  cartoon  icons  exclusively.  Crossover,  duplicate,  multiverse  and  original  character  friendly.  Uses  the  Beta  Editor  and  XKit  Rewritten  to  trim  posts.  18+  only,  but  not  strictly  NSFW.  Multi-ship,  ships  with  chemistry.  All  ships  exist  in  alternate  universes  unless  stated  otherwise  to  avoid  conflict.  Established  in  November  of  2023.  Please  do  not  reblog.
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      MINORS   AND   PERSONAL   BLOGS,   DO   NOT   INTERACT.   As   stated   above,   this   blog   is   an   18+   space.   The   admin   is   an   adult   and   not   comfortable   roleplaying   with   minors.   Please   respect   that. 
      Personal   blogs,   I   don't   mind   if   you   follow   me,   but   please   do   not   interact   with   my   posts   or   attempt   to   start   a   roleplay   with   me.   You   may   ask   Grace   questions   if   you   wish,   but   I   will   not   roleplay   with   you.   Any   attempts   to   start   a   roleplay   with   me   may   result   in   a   block.
      DO   NOT   INTERACT   if   you   are   prone   to   starting   drama   or   are   any   shade   of   bigoted.   I'm   too   old   to   deal   with   petty   bullshit.   I'm   just   here   to   roleplay.
      If   you   do   not   wish   to   interact   with   me   or   have   me   follow   you,   you're   welcome   to   soft   or   hard   block   me   so   I   know   you're   not   interested.   It   won't   hurt   my   feelings   and   you   don't   have   to   explain   yourself.   It's   preferred   on   my   end,   actually.
      While   I   am   a   fan   of   the   game   and   (obviously)   roleplay   a   character   from   it,   I   do   not   condone   any   gross   or   unsavory   behavior   from   the   creators/devs.   I   separate   the   art   from   the   artist.   If   this   is   a   problem   for   you,   you're   more   than   welcome   to   block   me,   but   I   am   very   attached   to   the   series,   it's   one   of   the   only   things   that   actively   brings   me   joy,   so   for   the   sake   of   my   mental   health,   I   do   not   interact   with   the   fandom   or   support   the   bad   apples   within   it.   I   understand   completely   if   the   series   and   characters   makes   you   uncomfortable.   You   are   well   within   your   right   to   block   me   for   your   own   comfort   if   you   choose   to   do   so.
      If   I   like   your   promo   but   don't   follow,   I   am   likely   tentative   to   do   so   first   because   I   get   anxiety   following   first   sometimes.   Liking   your   promo   is   my   way   of   saying   I'm   interested   in   roleplaying   with   you   without   the   anxiety   of   following   first.   Sometimes   I'm   able   to   break   through   this   anxiety,   but   not   often.   Regardless,   if   I   like   anything   of   yours,   I'm   likely   interested   in   interacting!
      CONTENT  WARNING:  Canon  typical  dark  themes  will  be  present  on  this  blog.  These  themes  include,  but  are  not  limited  to  abuse,  alcohol,  blood,  cursing,  drug  usage,  gore,  mental  illness,  sexual  themes,  underage  drinking/drug  usage,  smoking/vaping,  violence,  etc.  I  will  tag  major  triggers,  but  if  there  is  something  specific  you  need  me  to  tag,  or  if  I  forget  to  tag  a  post,  please  let  me  know.  Triggers  will  be  tagged  in  the  following  formats:  tw  [trigger],  [trigger]  tw,  cw  [trigger]  and  [trigger]  cw.
      Mun   goes   by   Bee,   is   24   years   old,   uses   any   pronouns   and   lives   in   the   EST   time   zone.   There's   not   much   to   know   about   me.   I'm   a   simple   Boyfriend/Girlfriend   kinnie   who   enjoys   roleplaying,   voice   acting   and   writing.   I   will   share   my   Discord   with   mutuals   if   prompted   to.   I   promise   I   am   much   warmer   when   I'm   not   writing   an   intro   to   my   blog.
      Please   read   my   Carrd   before   interacting.   If   you've   read   this   far,   consider   giving   this   post   a   like   to   let   me   know.   Here   are   my   tags.   Also,   consider   filling   out   my   interest   checker   and   liking   my   interaction   post   to   let   me   know   you're   cool   with   me   interacting   with   you. Thank   you!   I   appreciate   you!   ヾ(˶ᵔ  ᗜ  ᵔ˶)
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hydemercats · 10 months
After I unpinned my other intro I realized I had to rewrite this!!
Hi I'm Hyde I use any pronouns
This blog is just for whatever I want, usually my art. I do have specific side blogs floating around this website though.
ALSO, warning this blog is HORRIBLY formatted. I started it when I didn't know what I was doing!! If you want to find my art, the tag is #hyde art
My art regularly contains violence, though these will be tagged with either of these depending on relevance Blood cw , Gore cw , violence cw , animal death cw as well as blood tw , gore tw, violence tw , animal death tw AS WELL AS just the words on their own. the same will go for any other triggering content (I like to cover as many bases as possible, but im still very new to this, so please dm me if I'm doing this wrong)
As of May 8th 2024 I am
a storyboarder in the osc (ALSO A HUGE FAN OF OBJECT SHOWS IN GENERAL
a Warrior cats fan that makes MAP parts
Also a.. tsco Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde hyperfixator. I'd like to clarify my name predates me knowing what jekyll and hyde is.
^ with an interest in media inspired by it (cj gwotnlh..... TGS though i wouldnt like to admit it). other than the musical. fuck the musical
a portal fan :)
Jash listener
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itsjeonjk · 1 year
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──── 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒂.
* important information below the cut, please read before interacting!!
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• selective!! no bts members outside of the affiliated group. NO member x member.
• third person pov
• semi literate to advanced literate depending on mood and mun motivation
• writes; idolverse, multiverse & aus
• can be descriptive and get carried away (sorry!)
• will try my best to mirror
• gif icon and/or pictures/gifs will not be used during a thread, but do feel free to format how you like !
• friendly! — Y/N's welcomed, OCs welcomed, fandomless characters welcomed, multiverse characters welcomed.
• platonic, romance & smut roleplay. romance and smut threads will only occur with Jungkook's shipping partner!!
— ask box opened | dms/ims pending
• no minors — minors, please, do not interact. the blog is occasionally NSFW, including but not limited to; reblogs, threads, suggestive imagery, ect. i'm extremely uncomfortable interacting with anyone below 18. that means don't like my posts, don't send me asks, don't try and thread with me. in the case that asks will be sent by a minor, they will be answered to be polite but anything past that will be ignored. if pushed to interact, i will hard block.
• good vibes only — any hate comments towards the idol i portray will be deleted and your account blocked. furthermore, do not interact if you're problematic in anyway; eg. any of the "ists and phobics" or just want to start drama.
• tags — all posts with trigger/content warnings are appropriately tagged to the content. nsfw has it's own tag and trigger/content warnings are under tw; and cw;.
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EMOJI LIST (please check to see what ones are taken before sending an anon!) ;
🐱, 🐥, 🐨, 🐿️, 🐹, 🐯, 🐻, 🍡, 💜, 🌷, 🐈,
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vihrago-a · 2 years
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(   𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖝𝖚𝖘   )      :      independent   and   highly   private   multimuse.   this   multimuse   contains   only   original   characters   which   are   majority   female   or   non-binary.   all   of   these   original   characters   are   based   in   a   plethora   of   different   fandoms   ―   written   and   cared   for   by   𝚅.   rules   can   be   found   under   the   cut. [ previously illyriamade, mkoshi, atlaentian ]. nsfw sb is @jigjigstreet.
(   𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘   )   :   @motife  ,   @jonbyers , @deadranch , @adaelus
(   𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖉   )       :   link. promo temp credit. promo.
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001 : i am 18+, so nsfw content will be present but it will be tagged with the generic ‘nsfw tw / cw’ tag, this also goes for triggers. — consider general trigger warnings for blood, death, murder, torture, are withstanding due to the nature the fandoms i interact with — all of these will be tagged accordingly ( trigger tw / trigger cw ), but if you need anything additional tagged, please let me know ( via message, anon, or carrier pigeon ) and i’ll make sure to do so! i generally tag anything that’s extensively / actually written out in threads or any visuals / direct references, but if you need something more than that, feel free to let me know.
002 : i don’t use heavy formatting ( occasional bolding / italicizing and small text is all i use ), but if you need me to adjust anything for replies to you ( because of eyesight / disability / ease of reading / etc. ) don’t hesitate to let me know i’d be happy to do it. otherwise, i give you overarching permission and encouragement to edit any parts of my reply formatting that you need to to fit your needs!
003 : i prefer to keep my blog mutuals only, that being said, if you unfollow me i’ll be pretty quick  to unfollow you as well. typically i just block and move on because i detest confrontation with all of my being.
004 : i love multi-muse blogs and fellow ocs / oc writers, but i will not write with self-insert ocs or blogs that write a non-fictional character / a character that is based on a real life person. it’s nothing personal towards those muns, but the line between fiction and reality is a bit too blurred for me to be comfortable with it.
005 : i ship chemistry. force-shipping is an automatic block. but generally, if you ship it, i ship it. so just talk to me! i am a very nice person and easy to talk to! chances are, i'm more afraid of you than you are of me.
006 : regarding call out posts, DNIs, and messaging people about “toxic” mutuals – i 100% your respect your right and experience and choice to keep your dash a safe space for yourself, but i believe in two/three sizes to every story and i prefer to develop my own opinions about people. i do tag urls on all my replies to make blacklisting easier for those that need it and i respect all my mutuals enough to never talk negatively about them behind their back, so if you message me trying to spread anything but basic information ( like hey here’s what my experience with this person was, it wasn’t great ) you’ll likely be blocked because i don’t want to be put in the middle of drama that has literally nothing to do with me. the only time i do anything other than that is when someone is genuinely harmful and i feel that interacting with them is going to bring YOU more harm than good. i value every one of my mutuals' well beings.
007 : got something mean to say? tell your cat. or dog. or plant. but don’t send it on anon and just don’t spread hate about people in general. anon hate on this blog will only be accepted if it is either a haiku or a pun.
DISCORD available upon request for chatting / plotting / flailing purposes.
MUN INFORMATION:  V ( any prns ). 18+. ISTP-T. sagittarius. please tell me about your pets, i’m dead serious. i want to know about your pets. or if you don’t have pets, i would like to know about your plants. also if this rules page looks familiar, it is because @seesgood gave me her rules to use after she realized how little braincells i had left.
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itsbeahoney · 2 years
My Tag Guide + Rules
I apologize if my tagging system is confusing or inefficient. I wasn’t great with tagging on tumblr before, and I didn’t use tumblr for a few years and am now trying to relearn. LMK if there’s something I should change!
beas writing : drabbles / long headcanons
beas fics : links to my Ao3 fics
beas headcanons : all headcanons
beas art : all of my artwork
announcements : any important announcements, such as hiatus, new rules, or opening commissions
beas ramblings : lil text posts, sometimes yoi related
beas life story : talking about irl things
beas lesbian ramblings : self explanatory
bea is pining again : just me being a lonely little lesbian
Content and Trigger warnings: I tag anything with mentions of triggering topics, such as s=xual assault*, with “TW [topic name],” and I also include a trigger warning at the top of the post. I also use “CW [topic name]” (content warning) in tags and at the top of posts for stuff in which I’m unsure if it’s a trigger but could potentially be (such as venting, medical stuff, etc.) If there’s anything I can do to make that format better, please tell me. 
*I only censored the phrase on this post so that people with that phrase muted will be able to see this post. I will use the full word/phrase of a triggering topic, uncensored, when using it in a post about that topic.
1. I do not tolerate any forms of racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, islamophobia, etc. on my blog. 
2. Don’t bring any sort of LGBT+ discourse onto my blog. I am a non-binary lesbian. if you don’t like that, block me and leave. 
3. I am pro-Palestine. This is not a safe space for zionists. 
4. I am a full-time college student, and I am very busy. Sometimes asks and DMs get away from me. If I accidentally forgot to message you back or answer your ask, it likely wasn’t on purpose. Please do not be rude and just let me know. 
5. If it seems I reblogged or interacted with something or someone problematic, it was likely an accident. Please bring it to my attention politely and I’ll sort it out. 
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trannyfutch · 2 months
umbrella tags.
#on erasure; #on exclusion; #on lateral oppression; #on misinformation; #on oppression; #on rhetoric; #on theory
general tags.
#aromanticism; #asexuality; #bottom surgery; #estrogen; #hrt; #intersex; #media depiction; #metoidoplasty; #phalloplasty; #positivity; #queer history; #queerhet; #reproductive justice; #testosterone; #top surgery; #transfemininity; #transmasculinity
oppression-oriented tags.
#anti-blackness; #anti-indigenity; #anti-masculism; #atm [anti-transmasculinity]; #atf [anti-transfemininity]; #de-gendering; #exorsexism; #homophobia; #intersexism; #malgendering; #misogyny; #misgendering; #transmisandry [transandrophobia, etc.]; #transmisogynoir; #transmisogyny; #transmultiphobia
theory-oriented tags.
#feminist theory; #queer theory; #transfeminist theory; #transunitist theory
rhetoric-oriented tags.
#baeddelist; #bioessentialist; #gender essentialist; #radfeminist; #transmedicalist
warning tags are to be formatted as: tw [trigger] & cw [trigger]. content warning will be used more often for when the trigger is mentioned in passing, or when it's mentioned as queerphobic fearmongering (ie. implying queer people are all predators); otherwise, it will default to trigger warnings.
[tag].log will also be used for posts with real-world examples of types of oppressions, while these posts will likely already have a trigger tag on them, feel free to mute any of the aforementioned topics ending in .log, if you would like.
— (ex. tag: transandrophobia.log)
if a post is simply discussing oppression, it will likely not get a trigger tag. if a post has accounts—or in-depth details—of oppression and other violences, only then they will get a trigger tag.
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purple-cat-stims · 4 months
CW: Some of my stuff may have sensitive content! Will be tagged accordingly with "tw (blood, knife, flashing lights, eyestrain, etc.)". Full tagging system under the cut.
If you need to request a trigger warning, please DM me or send an ask. I am working on tagging all of my posts! I'm sorry they're not done yet!
Welcome to my stim blog! This is a sideblog of @the-existential-bread. That's me. I'm that person.
This blog is entirely focused on stims and stimboards. I'll reblog stimboards, videos, and standalone gifs. I'll make myself stimboards sometimes. I'll also take requests, so if you want something, I'll try to make it.
Tagging system under the cut!
Triggers: tw flashing lights, tw eyestrain, tw knife, tw fire, tw bugs, tw swearing, tw guns, tw fire
Format: gif, gifset, stimboard, video (gifset is for when it's stim gifs that aren't an actual stimboard, gif is for standalones)
Colors: rainbow, iridescent, glow, pride, (pride flag here, usually shorthand like bi or ace), (literally any basic color you can think of, I tag them individually, I also type gray with an "a")
Themes: food, slime, glitter, cosmetics, nature, water, paper, paws, gems, fabric, stars, clothing (usually for personal organization so I can make more stimboards easily)
Will use the tag "fandom" for, well, fandom based stimboards!
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xxdinobreathxx · 5 months
In no particular order my rules are as follows.
This is a Sideblog. Please always tag me in asks and threads so that Tumblr actually alerts me.
This blog is Semi-Selective, meaning that I may pick and choose who to interact with based on writing style and chemistry.
Askbox is always Open unless I specifically state that it’s not, please feel free to send me things, that’s what it’s there for! However know that I am not obligated to answer every ask. If I’m not comfortable or inspired I won’t. Please be respectful and use common sense.
Content Warnings: Occasional Angst and Violence may appear, as well as Mild NSFW content. All will be tagged as well as other obvious triggers and squicks. If you need me to tag something specific shoot me an ask and I will do my best to accommodate you. Tags will follow the “#CW:” and “#TW:” format.
NSFW will be tagged as “#NotSafeForDinosaurs” because I don’t want Tumblr nerfing me for using the actual NSFW tag. (This tag may change over time but the most recent should always be listed here)
For the love of all that is good DO NOT interact with any NSFW content on this blog if you’re a minor. That just puts us both in a bad position.
OC, AU, and Crossover Friendly. However! Crossovers are selective, and if I’m not familiar with or don’t like the source material I may choose not to interact.
Regarding OCs, please have a bio for your character so I can read up on them! I like to get to know who I’m talking to and it makes it easier if I know a few things about them!
Multiverse and Multiship. However ships are chemistry based and I will maintain the ability to choose not to ship with a character, even if I’m already shipping with a mirror.
Please don’t send single word or single sentence cold starters unless they’re from a meme. Give me something to work with, I’m not a mind reader.
Unless it’s from a meme please do not ever send me NSFW cold starters. I’m just not comfortable with that.
No means no. Regardless of if it’s the Mun or the Muse respect that. The only time this rule can be waived is if the encounter is pre-plotted, or I have otherwise already agreed to whatever is happening. And even then please respect it if I change my mind and ask you to stop.
Generally speaking, I am not a meme source. Therefore unless it’s a meme that I’ve created or a reblog meme I will ask that you at least consider sending something in if you reblog a meme from me. This isn’t a hard rule but it would be greatly appreciated.
I don’t do RPs in Tumblr DMs, I prefer to keep those open for plotting and other discussion. Please respect this.
Don’t reblog threads you aren’t involved in. If you wanna drop a Like I don’t mind too much but reblogging threads you aren’t a part of is a good way to get blocked.
Reblogging my art is completely fine, encouraged even, so long as it’s not attached to a thread. If it is, shoot me a message or an ask, I probably won't mind putting it up separately!
That said, Do Not use my art without permission. Always ask first and respect that I have the right to say no.
Will probably go through periods of inactivity. Listen, we all have bad brain days, or weeks, or sometimes even months. I can’t pump out content 24/7/365. That said, unless I’ve posted an official Hiatus Notice you can message me or shoot me an ask and I will do my best to respond.
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deeztastic · 9 months
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❰  #DEEZTASTIC  ❱  ——  An  independent,  non-selective  BOYFRIEND.XML from FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN': D-SIDES,  written  with  love  by  BEE. At   this   point   in   time,   blog   is   dash   only,   uses   minimal   but   neat   formatting   and   90x90   cartoon   icons   exclusively.   Crossover,  duplicate,   multiverse   and   original   character   friendly.   Uses   the   Beta   Editor   and  XKit   Rewritten  to  trim  posts.   18+   only,   but   not   strictly   NSFW. No romantic shipping. Established   in   January of 2024.   Please   do   not   reblog.
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      MINORS  AND  PERSONAL BLOGS,  DO  NOT  INTERACT.  As  stated  above,  this  blog  is  an  18+  space.  The  admin  is  an  adult  and  not  comfortable  roleplaying  with  minors.  Please  respect  that.
      Personal  blogs,  I  don't  mind  if  you  follow  me,  but  please  do  not  interact  with  my  posts  or  attempt  to  start  a  roleplay  with  me.  You  may  ask  Girlfriend  questions  if  you  wish,  but  I  will  not  roleplay  with  you.  Any  attempts  to  start  a  roleplay  with  me  may  result  in  a  block.
      DO  NOT  INTERACT  if  you  are  prone  to  starting  drama  or  are  any  shade  of  bigoted.  I'm  too  old  to  deal  with  petty  bullshit.  I'm  just  here  to  roleplay.
      If  you  do  not  wish  to  interact  with  me  or  have  me  follow  you,  you're  welcome  to  soft  or  hard  block  me  so  I  know  you're  not  interested.  It  won't  hurt  my  feelings  and  you  don't  have  to  explain  yourself.  It's  preferred  on  my  end,  actually.
      While  I  am  a  fan  of  the  game  and  (obviously)  roleplay  as  XML,  I  do  not  condone  any  gross  or  unsavory  behavior  from  the  creators/devs.  I  separate  the  art  from  the  artist.  If  this  is  a  problem  for  you,  you're  more  than  welcome  to  block  me,  but  I  am  very  attached  to  the  series,  it's  one  of  the  only  things  that  actively  brings  me  joy,  so  for  the  sake  of  my  mental  health,  I  do  not  interact  with  the  fandom  or  support  the  bad  apples  within  it.  I  understand  completely  if  the  series  and  characters  makes  you  uncomfortable.  You  are  well  within  your  right  to  block  me  for  your  own  comfort  if  you  choose  to  do  so.
      If  I  like  your  promo  but  don't  follow, I  am  likely  tentative  to  do  so  first  because  I  get  anxiety  following  first  sometimes.  Liking  your  promo  is  my  way  of  saying  I'm  interested  in  roleplaying  with  you  without  the  anxiety  of  following  first.  Sometimes  I'm  able  to  break  through  this  anxiety,  but  not  often.  Regardless,  if  I  like  anything  of  yours,  I'm  likely  interested  in  interacting!
      CONTENT  WARNING:  Canon  typical  dark  themes  will  be  present  on  this  blog.  These  themes  include,  but  are  not  limited  to  alcohol,  blood,  cursing,  drug  usage,  gore,  mental  illness, religious  themes,  sexual  themes,  underage  drinking,  underage  drug  usage,  violence,  etc.  I  will  tag  major  triggers,  but  if  there  is  something  specific  you  need  me  to  tag,  or  if  I  forget  to  tag  a  post,  please  let  me  know.  Triggers  will  be  tagged  in  the  following  formats:  tw  [trigger],  [trigger]  tw,  cw  [trigger]  and  [trigger]  cw.
      My  portrayal may be canon divergent in certain areas. I've roleplayed XML for almost a year off of Tumblr and have established a bit of a differing personality for him in certain areas. If this is a problem, you're more than welcome to unfollow.
      Mun  goes  by  Bee,  is  24  years  old,  uses  any  pronouns  and  lives  in  the  EST  time  zone.  There's  not  much  to  know  about  me.  I'm  a  simple  Boyfriend/Girlfriend  kinnie  who  enjoys  roleplaying,  voice  acting  and  writing.  I  will  share  my  Discord  with  mutuals  if  prompted  to.  I  promise  I  am  much  warmer  when  I'm  not  writing  an  intro  to  my  blog.
      Please  read  my  Carrd  before  interacting.  If  you've  read  this  far,  consider  giving  this  post  a  like  to  let  me  know.  Here  are  my  tags.  Also,  consider  filling  out  my  interest  checker  and  liking  my  interaction  post  to  let  me  know  you're  cool  with  me  interacting  with  you. Thank  you!  I  appreciate  you!  ヾ(˶ᵔ  ᗜ  ᵔ˶)
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