#Transmissions from mars
atracaelum · 2 months
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A thing about me is I have been enjoying thrifting frames and then hanging up my fanart collection right alongside my other ephemera
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taigaselfships · 2 years
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this is just a place for me to hoard my tags so here have a meme-
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 4 months
Mariner program
The Mariner program was conducted by the American space agency NASA to explore other planets. Between 1962 and late 1973, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) designed and built 10 robotic interplanetary probes named Mariner to explore the inner Solar System - visiting the planets Venus, Mars and Mercury for the first time, and returning to Venus and Mars for additional close observations.
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The program included a number of interplanetary firsts, including the first planetary flyby, the planetary orbiter, and the first gravity assist maneuver. Of the 10 vehicles in the Mariner series, seven were successful, forming the starting point for many subsequent NASA/JPL space probe programs. 
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The name of the Mariner program was decided in "May 1960-at the suggestion of Edgar M. Cortright" to have the "planetary mission probes ... patterned after nautical terms, to convey 'the impression of travel to great distances and remote lands.'" That "decision was the basis for naming Mariner, Ranger, Surveyor, and Viking probes."
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Each spacecraft was to carry solar panels that would be pointed toward the Sun and a dish antenna that would be pointed at Earth. Each would also carry a host of scientific instruments. Some of the instruments, such as cameras, would need to be pointed at the target body it was studying. Other instruments were non-directional and studied phenomena such as magnetic fields and charged particles. JPL engineers proposed to make the Mariners "three-axis-stabilized," meaning that unlike other space probes they would not spin.
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Mariner 1 and Mariner 2
Mariner 1 and Mariner 2 were two deep-space probes making up NASA's Mariner-R project. The primary goal of the project was to develop and launch two spacecraft sequentially to the near vicinity of Venus, receive communications from the spacecraft and to perform radiometric temperature measurements of the planet. A secondary objective was to make interplanetary magnetic field and/or particle measurements on the way to, and in the vicinity of, Venus.
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Animation of Mariner 2's trajectory from August 27, 1962, to December 31, 1962. Mariner 2 · Venus · Earth.
Mariners 3 and 4
Sisterships Mariner 3 and Mariner 4 were Mars flyby missions.
Mariner 3 was launched on November 5, 1964, but the shroud encasing the spacecraft atop its rocket failed to open properly and Mariner 3 did not get to Mars.
Mariner 4, launched on November 28, 1964, was the first successful flyby of the planet Mars and gave the first glimpse of Mars at close range
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This archival image is an enhanced contrast version of the first Mars photograph released on July 15, 1965. This is man's first close-up photograph of another planet -- a photographic representation of digital data radioed from Mars by the Mariner 4 spacecraft. Data was either sent to Earth immediately for acquisition or stored on an onboard tape recorder for later transmission.
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The pictures, played back from a small tape recorder over a long period, showed lunar-type impact craters (just beginning to be photographed at close range from the Moon), some of them touched with frost in the chill Martian evening. 
Mariner 5
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The Mariner 5 spacecraft was launched to Venus on June 14, 1967, and arrived in the vicinity of the planet in October 1967. It carried a complement of experiments to probe Venus' atmosphere with radio waves, scan its brightness in ultraviolet light, and sample the solar particles and magnetic field fluctuations above the planet.
Mariners 6 and 7
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Mariners 6 and 7 were identical teammates in a two-spacecraft mission to Mars. Mariner 6 was launched on February 24, 1969, followed by Mariner 7 on March 21, 1969. They flew over the equator and southern hemisphere of the planet Mars.
Mariners 8 and 9
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Mariner 8 and Mariner 9 were identical sister craft designed to map the Martian surface simultaneously, but Mariner 8 was lost in a launch vehicle failure. Mariner 9 was launched in May 1971 and became the first artificial satellite of Mars. 
Mariner 10
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The Mariner 10 spacecraft launched on November 3, 1973, and was the first to use a gravity assist trajectory, accelerating as it entered the gravitational influence of Venus, then being flung by the planet's gravity onto a slightly different course to reach Mercury. It was also the first spacecraft to encounter two planets at close range, and for 33 years the only spacecraft to photograph Mercury in closeup.
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Venus in real colors, processed from clear and blue filtered Mariner 10 images
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Mariner 10's photograph of Venus in ultraviolet light (photo color-enhanced to simulate Venus's natural color as the human eye would see it)
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This mosaic shows the planet Mercury as seen by Mariner 10 as it sped away from the planet on March 29, 1974.
source x, x | images x
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yesterdays-xkcd · 10 days
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Interestingly, on a true vertical log plot, I think the Eiffel Tower's sides would really be straight lines.
Height [Explained]
Caption: Top of observable universe.
[Black Hat is standing on top, throwing a black kitty down.] Black Cat: Mrowl!
[Map of the universe from observable universe to Earth. Each area of item is labeled. Labels left to right, up to down:]
(46 billion light years up) Hubble Deep Field Objects One billion light years: Great Attractor. Antennae Galaxies (colliding). Andromeda.
Holy crap lots of space.
One million light years: Magellanic Clouds. Edge of galaxy. Galactic center. Crab Nebula. Orion Nebula. Horsehead Nebula. Romulan neutral zone. The Pleiades, duh!. Rigel. Betelgeuse. Ford Prefect.
[Three arrows are pointing up above three lines labelled “expanding shell of radio transmissions”.] Edge of federation sector 0-0-1.
Pollux. Arcturus. Missing WMDs. Sirius. Barnard's Star. Alpha Centauri.
One parsec:
One light year: Oort Cloud (?). Bupkis. Comet which will destroy Earth in late 2063. Pioneer 10. Voyager I. Eris (All hail Discordia!). Pluto. (Not a planet. Neener neener.) Neptune. Uranus. Saturn. [Two arrows labelled “life” point to two moons, one next to Saturn and the other Jupiter.] Jupiter. Asteroids. Mars. Venus. Sun. Mercury. Spaceship Planet Express: Hey, a heaping bowl of salt! Spaceship Discovery One: Open the fridge door, Hal. Moon. Human altitude record (Apollo 13). 2nd place: Snoop Dogg. Space elevator - One of these days, promise! Geosynchronous Orbit. GPS satellites. Lunar lander: In retrospect, they shouldn't have sent a poet. I have no idea how to land. International Space Station. Space junk.
Official edge of space (100 km): Meteors.
1/10 ATM: High altitude balloons. Airliners. Shuttle Columbia lost.
1/2 ATM: Cory Doctrow [In an hot air balloon]. Everest. Helicopters (6000 m). Cueball: Woo Python!
[A vertical scale is drawn along the right side of the picture, starting at 1 km and getting progressively smaller and smaller.]
1 km. 800 m: Burj Dubai (~800 m). 500. 400. Eiffel Tower (325 m). 200. Kites. Great Pyramid (140 m). Pop fly. Redwood (115 m).
100m. Oak (20 m). A person in the oak: Hey squirrels! Tallest stilts. Brachiosaur (13 m). Giraffe (8 m).
[Megan and Cueball holding the kite are labeled:] Folks.
Title: The observable universe, from top to bottom: on a log scale.
Caption: Sizes are not to scale, but heights above the Earth's surface are accurate on a log scale. (That is, each step up is double the height.)
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hearts-hunger · 19 days
i'll be seeing you || sam kiszka x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: When you're sad, Sam knows just how to comfort you. || Standalone in the Sunshine Daydream universe
Pairings: Sam x Reader | Genre: fluff, h/c | Word Count: 2.5k | Warnings: none, unless you count being sad about space
A/N: Truly I don't know where this even came from but as soon as I thought of it I knew it was perfect for space buff Sammy and his Birdie baby. I hope you like it! ♡
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Swiping your wet face with your sleeve, you blinked and tried to see the television screen through the blur of tears. Your throat was tight, a hot, choked feeling of rising emotion flooding you the longer you watched; when you finally couldn't keep back a sob, it felt almost satisfying to let the wave crash over you. 
The spunky, sweet little face of Laika the space dog filled the screen, bringing another crumpled sob out of you as the narrator spoke somberly of her one-way trip into space. You didn't know why you'd picked the documentary to watch while you sat on the living room floor and folded laundry; you knew it would only made you sad, and here you were, crying your eyes out as you stacked Sam’s folded shirts in a neat pile.
Maybe you'd needed a good cry. There was something relieving in expressing this grief for the little Soviet pup who’d trusted the hands that finally took her off the street only to send her some place they knew she wouldn't come back from. You thought of your own puppy, your sweet Rosie, and felt another wave of sadness at the thought of her all alone, waiting for someone to fetch her back home. 
When the documentary ended and the credits rolled with another picture of Laika, the caption bearing a memorial to her and all the other animals that had furthered space exploration, you cried like a baby.
“Oh, man,” you said, burying your face in a warm dish towel fresh from the dryer. You laughed a little at your own headlong rush into a bona-fide crying jag. “This was so stupid.”
You went to put on the next recommended documentary, one about the Mars rover Opportunity that you knew would make you cry just as hard, for some reason wanting to keep the weird high of catharsis going for a little longer. You put on another load of laundry while it played, listening to the story of the little rover’s explorations and discoveries, sniffling over your dryer sheets and laundry detergent.
The front door opened just as the movie was telling you that the scientists at NASA played Billie Holiday’s “I’ll Be Seeing You” for Oppy in their final transmission. You were in the middle of bawling your eyes out but quickly turned the TV off and dried your face, a little bashful to have Sam find you in such a state by your own doing; you couldn't hide your blotchy face and red eyes, but you tried your best to look presentable and mentally stable as your boyfriend and your puppy came in.
Rosie came in first, padding right into the living room to greet you with her wagging tail and lolling tongue. Her fur was a little damp; it looked like the end of her walk had been a rainy one, but you knew she’d enjoyed it. You didn't even mind her wet paws tramping over your unfolded laundry, scuffing your hands over her fur and kissing her soft head.
“Oh, Rosie,” you said miserably. “I’ll never send you into space. Never. I promise.”
She gave a soft bark as if to agree with you. You buried your face in her fur and felt more tears track down your face, comforted by her warmth and happiness to see you.
You took a deep breath and held Rose's face for a moment. “I look like a mess for your daddy, don't I?”
She licked your face, and you gave a watery laugh. 
“Okay, okay,” you said. “You’re right. Let me go wash my face.”
You went to splash cold water on your face, wincing a little at your disheveled, emotional appearance in the mirror, but there was nothing to be done for it. You went to put on a kettle, thinking Sam might like something warm to drink after his chilly, rainy walk.
“Hi, birdie baby.”
You smiled as Sam came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. You turned your face for a kiss, and he happily obliged.
“How was your walk?” you asked.
“Wet.” He kissed your cheek and drew back to brush his rain-damp curls from his face. “Rosie got into some puddles, so she has a good time. How are you? Feeling any better?”
You'd declined to go on the walk with them, needing some time alone after work to decompress. Before you could tell him you were feeling nice and rested now, though, he saw your face for the first time since he'd come home.
“Have you been crying?” he asked, bewildered and worried. He shifted into panic mode, hovering like a mother hen. “What’s wrong, birdie? What happened?”
You were a little embarrassed to tell him, but you couldn't let him worry. 
“Nothing happened,” you said gently. “Nothing’s wrong.”
The kettle whistled, and you moved to take it off the heat. He only watched you as you started to make two cups of tea.
“Why’re you crying, then?” he asked.
You gave a rueful, wobbly smile. “It’s silly, really.”
He came close, then. “It’s not silly if it made you upset, birdie.” He accepted the mug you gave him. “Thank you. Please tell me why you're crying, sweetheart. Let me help.”
You sighed. “I watched a movie,” you said. “Two movies, actually.” Just the thought of Laika and Oppy was enough to make you feel al l twisted up inside again, and you blinked tears away. “It was stupid. I shouldn't have watched them.”
Sam huffed a bemused and mildly concerned laugh, seeming relieved it wasn't anything serious but still sensitive to your obvious emotional distress.
“What kind of movies, honey?”
You buried your face in your hands. “One about Laika, you know, the space dog? And one about Oppy the Mars rover.”
“Aw, birdie.” He pulled you in for a hug. “Made you said, huh?”
“Yeah,” you said pitifully, your head thumping against his chest. “It’s awful, Sam. Both of them being sent up there all alone. Those poor babies.”
He chuckled, and the sound was warm and rumbly in his chest. 
“I know it's sad,” he said. “That’s why I would never in a million years watch a movie about either of them. I'd have to check myself into a mental institution, I’d be so torn up about it.”
You took a deep breath and ran your hands over your face, your skin hot and your eyes stinging.
“Yeah. You might have to check me in now that I've watched them.”
Sam breathed a sympathetic laugh, brushing your hair from your face. 
“Silly girl,” he said. “If I'd known you were gonna watch sad documentaries while I'm gone, I would have made you come on our walk with us.”
You smiled. He knew you liked to go with him and Rosie for their evening walks around your quiet neighborhood, but you'd been tired and emotionally off-kilter after work today and had needed some time alone. He hadn't complained, had merely given you a kiss before he left, but now he'd come home to find you in tears over something as silly as a space documentary.
“Did it help, at least?” he asked kindly. “Sometimes it's nice to get out a good cry.”
You nodded and leaned into his touch. “It’s weird. But yeah, it helped. I’m glad you're home, though.”
He smiled. “Me too, birdie.” He gave you a smooch on your forehead before he pulled back from you. “I’m gonna get dinner started. Put on something cheerful if you're gonna watch anything else.”
“There was another one that sounded interesting,” you said, leaning against the counter to sip your tea. “It’s called Challenger: The Final Flight.”
“Oh, super,” he said dryly. “The one where the shuttle blows up before it even gets out of the atmosphere. That’ll be uplifting as hell.”
“No, is that really what happened?” you asked. Sam was nothing if not a space history buff, so you had no reason to doubt him, but you almost wanted to watch it.
“You can't watch that one right now, birdie,” he told you. “Not unless you really want to spend the whole rest of the night crying.”
You hummed. “Maybe I do.”
He laughed. “Well, I don't think I do. So let's save that for another night.”
You stayed in the kitchen while he worked, enjoying his company; Rosie padded in and settled under the table with a squeaky toy, chewing on the matted shape that had been so well-loved that you couldn't determine what kind of toy it had been originally.
You cradled your mug and breathed in the fragrant steam, watching Sam move about your kitchen in the familiar, domestic rhythm that always brought you comfort. He set soup to cooking, insisting that you needed something warm and hydrating after all that crying, and worked on it on as the rain pattered gently on the window.
“Bad day at work, birdie?” he asked, chopping up vegetables to go in the dutch oven of simmering broth.
You sighed. “Sort of. Exhausting is the best word for it, I guess. I was just really tired all day.”
He put his hand to your forehead, feeling for fever, and you breathed in the earthy, fresh scent the veggies had given him.
“You’re a little warm, honey,” he said. 
You sighed. A fever would explain the hair-trigger emotions you'd battled all day, as well as the fatigue that you couldn't quiet shake. Sam got you some medicine and coaxed you to take it with your tea.
“Why don't you call out for tomorrow?” he suggested. “I’ll stay home too, and we can cuddle in bed all day.”
That did seem awfully nice. It was supposed to rain all night and all day tomorrow, and spending the chilly, rainy day in bed with Sam sounded a lot better than going to work.
“Okay,” you agreed. You texted your boss and set your phone aside, ignoring the messages and emails with the assurance that they'd still be vying for your attention when you were feeling better.
“How was your day?” you asked.
He tapped the wooden spoon against the rim of the dutch oven and leaned against the counter.
“Good,” he said simply. “We got a lot done. Danny had to leave early to do something with Sunny, so we just decided to call it quits when he left. Can't do much without the heartbeat of the band, now can we?”
You smiled. You liked how all the guys valued the others’ unique talents and input into the music, and nobody knew better than them how much each of them contributed to the magic of the band. You remembered that Sam had been working on a new song, and you wanted to know what the boys had thought of it.
“How’d they like your new song?” you asked.
He grinned. “Smash hit, birdie. They loved it. Jake came up with some really cool licks for it, and of course Josh fixed up the parts of the lyrics I wasn't so sure about.”
“Aw, honey, I'm glad. I knew they'd like it.”
You set your mug on the counter and crossed to him, and he knew without you having to say anything that you wanted a hug. He held you close and squeezed you tight, giving a contented little groan as he did.
“I missed you today,” he said. “I’m sorry you had a rough day.” He kissed your nose. “And I'm sorry you made yourself sad watching movies you knew better than to watch.”
You gave a soft laugh. “They were pretty good, actually. Even if they were sad.”
He cradled your face in his hands and kissed you gently.
“I love you, birdie,” he said, tender and amused. 
“Even when I make questionable viewing choices?” you teased.
He smiled. “Yep. Even then.”
You lingered in the kitchen with him while dinner cooked, and you sat catty corner to him at the table while you ate, Rose safely between the two of you, dozing at your feet. When you'd tidied up after dinner, you joined him out on the porch to watch the rain while he smoked a cigarette, sipping your next cup of tea that you knew would be a staple of the homespun, gently effective doctoring Sam was planning to give you.
“You want to know something?” he asked.
You snuggled close to him. “Yeah. Tell me.”
He looked up at the hazy sky, his features gentle and tired and thoughtful.
“The first time I learned about Laika,” he said, “I came up with a better ending for her story.”
Your heart tilted. “What was it?”
He let out a slow breath. 
“I imagined she got out somehow,” he said softly. “That the man in the moon got her out of that death trap of a spaceship and took her with him. I laid awake in bed all night, looking at the moon through my window, thinking about her running around in the stars, chasing comets, playing with the bears of the Ursa constellations.”
He looked over at you, and for a moment, you saw a much younger Sam and felt the grief and love he’d felt for that little space pup.
He smiled. “I think she's happy, birdie,” he said. “I think she’s okay, somewhere out there.”
You felt the sting of tears again, and he chuckled softly as he cupped your cheek and brushed away the few that fell.
“Aw, honey, I didn't mean to make you cry again,” he said, soft and affectionate.
You gave him a watery smile. “I’m glad you told me that, Sam. It makes it better.” You thought his imagination was a very wonderful and tender place, making up songs and stories and pictures of playful starlight puppies and their kindly moonbeam companions.
“Can Oppy be with them too?” you asked. You wanted her to have a happy ending like the one Sam had imagined for Laika.
He smiled and gave you a gentle kiss. “Sure she can, birdie. They're both running around up there together.”
You wrapped your arms around him and rested against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as the rain fell. Loving Sam was so easy, as natural as breathing, and moments like these had always shown you that love was supposed to be gentle. Before Sam, you hadn't been sure what love was supposed to feel like; with him, you knew in every part of you that love was safe and tender, that it was made of shared sadness and joy, music and laughter and tears and stories that washed over your life as effortlessly as the tide, as steadily as the rain, as gently as the light of the moon.
“What was the song they played for Oppy when she powered off?” he asked. “I feel like I remember them playing a song for her.”
You snuggled closer. “‘I’ll Be Seeing You,’,” you said. “Bille Holiday.”
He rested his head on yours and hummed a little of Oppy's lullaby.
“I’ll find you in the morning sun,” he sang, his voice soft and beautiful and very gentle. “And when the night is new, I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you.”
You hugged him tight.
“I love you, Sam,” you said softly. “Thank you for being so good to me.”
He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “Sweet birdie,” he said gently. “You're welcome. I love you too.”
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thefloatingstone · 9 months
Shakarian fans I need help because I have something that is just vibes and idk how to form it into something substantial.
One of the crew (probably Joker because I like it when Joker acts like... ... Joker) in some form or capacity overhears "Rocket Man" coming from Garrus' general vicinity. (idk if he hums it or it gets picked up from his fucking airpods because the fact that Garrus canonically listens to music when he's sniping is a piece of trivia from ME2 that is never going to dislodge). And Joker is like "well THAT'S a fucking weird song choice to her from Bird Boy." and then it turns out Garrus has 0 context for the song, he just overhears it in the very early morning while Shepard is making their coffee.
(specifically Rocket Man because idk what the actual tone for Rocket Man is supposed to be but it's the most poignant, bittersweet song of loss and affection to me in the whole fucking world because irl when the Opportunity Rover on Mars died, after trying to reestablish connection for almost a day, NASA played "Rocket man" for it as its last received transmission and I HAVEN'T GOTTEN OVER THAT I AM NOT OVER THAT I WILL NEVER BE OVER THAT)
(So having it be associated with Shepard and Garrus in a painfully intimate scenario of something like the earliest morning coffee and carried as a small but unmistakable permanent mark on Garrus in that he hums it because SHE hums it, and it is sad, and melancholic, and filled with affection and loss and just everything and it all melts together but at the same time it becomes associated with Shepard. So it becomes something he just DOES because he's a fucking nerd and he can't listen to the Fleet and Flotilla soundtrack ALL the time and sometimes shit gets stuck in your head because people become stuck in your head and ALSO that gd alternate intro someone made where they cut the intro to Star Trek Enterprise to that song to turn it into a tribute to man's dedication and hopes and devotion to space travel and exploring and dkjfhskjfsdjkhf)
is this anything?
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
One Piece Chapter 1122 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
A bit late, scanlations didn't come in my time zone yesterday and I've been unable to graft out time until now. Also My Hero's final chapter happened so I had to read that too.
But finally, back from another break in One Piece. It's 'getting off this island, this time, for real' time in Egghead, the Sunny still soars in the sky, Vegapunk's broadcast is still ongoing and there are some lingering factors still to consider.
Let's see how the chapter unravels them
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Sadly Yamato's cover story has been so boring that for a split second I got excited about seeing a Smoker cover story, but instead it's a redraw of an artwork (edit: a redraw of My Hero's mangaka's artwork, which is sweet), he looks badass though - Oda make Smoker badass more in the story! He and Tashigi need some Ws
Vegapunk's last reveal that the One Piece will decide the fate of the world has led to international worry, many not exactly thrilled with the idea that the fate of the world is likely gonna be in the hands of pirates
Pirates of course are happy, the world's smartest man just told everyone that the One Piece exists, there was more deniability when it came from a dying pirate after all
Impel Down are rambunctious, as Oda reminds us that the broadcast is piggybacking off of all Den Den Mushi whether people like it or not
Many misc Vice Admirals don't like that reveal either
Koby though, remembering his first encounter with Luffy, is forced to put himself at odds with his friend once more
Koby you know Luffy ain't like that can't you just resolve to stop his opposition?
Buggy meanwhile wins the hearts of his masses by refuting that it'll be 'his world' but rather 'our world'
His gesture at least spares him more assault from Crocodile and Mihawk - who it was really directed to
Devon and Augur are still with Caribou, asking Teach if they should kill him
Blackbeard seems willing to hear him out, which means a lot of worry awaiting Fishman Island and Wano
Vegapunk's broadcast is once again cut off after Vegapunk utters Joy Boy, with Warcury having once again damaged Emeth
As the giants call out to it's mecha kin, the Den Den Mushi inside explodes, ending the transmission once and for all
Up with the Sunny, V. Nusjuro makes chase, I guess he can gallop on air?
Zoro does prepare to confront V. Nusjuro but it's time for Emeth to do THAT JUTSU
He apologizes to Joy Boy and charges
He also apologizes to Luffy, realising that he's not the same person
What a spread though, it's like a painting seeing the Sunny flying overhead, the Gorosei's forms one side, Emeth in the middle and the longboat on the other, also with the reveal that Emeth is sorry that he couldn't make Joy Boy King
King of what though? It was implied that he led the Ancient Kingdom, perhaps he like Rocks wanted to be King of the World?
Emeth asks for Luffy's name, and he does his usual declaration
Pulling out a knotted rope, Emeth marvels at him having D. in his name
He unknots the rope, and an immense Conqueror's Haki emits from it!
Emeth thanks Luffy for letting it hear the Drums of Liberation once more, and demands that he doesn't die
The haki is so intense that not only does it revert the Gorosei to their human state, but it sends Warcury, V. Nusjuro and Ju Peter back to Marejois!!!
Mars is there waiting having been given the Manga's second successful space launch
Oh Shit! Imu even felt it, and they are rattled!
I wonder if this confirms that Imu is somehow connected to the Gorosei in some way?
Also we have a new shaded character acting as an attendant to Imu, wonder who that is?
The Sunny lands safely, much to the crew's relief
Only Saturn remains, staring down Emeth as he remembers an encounter with Joy Boy
Sadly it seems Joy Boy wasn't a giant, his silhouette is small and he must look Luffy-like
In the past Joy Boy tells Emeth that 'the time is at hand'
That Haki was Joy Boy's, which he embedded into a knot for Emeth to use, knowing that Emeth will likely outlive him
He permits Emeth to untie the knot when their life or someone's life that they care about is in danger, so they will be there to help
Joy Boy happily notes how it's like saving him with help from the past
Emeth seems to shut down once more, heartbreaking that his last memory is hoping that he won't feel lonely
Welp we pour one out for Emeth this chapter
This was an exciting chapter to come back to, and it once again puts Haki in a new perspective. Shanks has already shown that Conqueror's Haki can be utilised differently than just a shockwave or coating, but this was a lingering imbuement, something that stayed intact long after Joy Boy died, that is very fascinating.
The fact that Joy Boy's Haki could repel the Gorosei shows the ceiling Luffy and co need to get to as well, it feels like we've just breached the surface of how powerful Haki can really be, the will of the spirit, the quality of a King. And we have to mull on that, because being King does mean a lot, the end of the chapter shows Joy Boy - at least his silhouette - to be a caring person, focused on being able to help his friends, but what did Emeth want to make him king of? Was it Joy Boy's will to be king too or was it like a Whitebeard thing where he wanted to make Ace king? I'm not saying there's duplicity but the conflict between Joy Boy and the very shaken Imu could be a conflict of ruling philosophy, two extremes rather than a comfy middle ground. Food for thought at least.
With the threat of the Gorosei gone, minus Saturn we should still keep an eye on him (maybe Saturn didn't get sent back because he did technically sail there? The rest were summoned), the crew are safe to leave. But there's still other matters to deal with; the mother flame is still in Saturn's hands now, York that bitch is still alive, there's also the worldwide reaction and however Morgans wants to spin this (we never did get a reason to have a video feed from Vegapunk? Maybe his explanation of the D or the recent cutoff had the visual aids?) and there's whatever CP0 will do - I doubt Saturn will treat their and Kizaru's failures as unable to be helped, not to mention Sentomaru and Stussy's treachery.
The all out pirate war is on the horizon though, Koby looks like he's gonna step up again even if it means opposing Luffy, but as we leave Egghead the world is for sure about to be shaken more than it's ever been shook.
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weirdsatellites · 1 month
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Transmission #004 from Topaz 3 (EXPERIMENTAL) 1. Weed Trench 2. Elvish Mars 3. Lemurian Webkinz
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Rise Of The TMNT: The Movie
Complete Fanmix
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Link to the Spotify Playlist is at the bottom of the post
Our Time (Hidden Citizens, ft. Aloe Blacc)
Ready for War (Liv Ash)
Invincible (All Good Things)
The Future Is Now (STARSET)
Kill Or Be Killed (Twisted Sister)
Champion (Fall Out Boy)
How Far We’ve Come (Matchbox Twenty)
No Escape (Sam Tinnesz)
Rise (League of Legends, The Glitch Mob, Mako, & The World Alive)
Traveller in Time (Uriah Heep)
By My Side (3 Doors Down)
United (Hidden Citizens, ft. Ranya)
Wolves (acoustic) (Aviators)
Point of No Return (UNSECRET)
The Way It Ends (Landon Pigg)
Live To Rise (Soundgarden)
It Has Begun (STARSET)
A Storm Is Comin (Liv Ash)
This Is War (Thirty Seconds to Mars)
Rise Up (TheFatRat)
Louder Than Words (Les Friction)
Nuclear (Mike Oldfield)
Heroes Fall (Hidden Citizens, ft. ESSA)
Aftermath (Muse)
Chasing The Sun (Sara Bareilles)
Fight For Survival (Klergy)
Legendary (Welshly Arms)
Is This The End (Hidden Citizens, ft. Young Summer & Sam Tinnesz)
Silhouette (Aquilo)
Goodbye (Ramsey)
Never Surrender (Liv Ash)
Down With The Fallen (STARSET)
Nothing Else Matters (Metallica)
End Transmission (Fire From The Gods)
Run Boy Run (Woodkid)
Claim Your Weapons (Christian Reindl & Atrel)
Knights Of Cydonia (Muse)
Don’t Look Down (Hidden Citizens)
War (Poets Of The Fall)
This Is A Call (Les Friction)
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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Mars Sector 6 Talon Abraxas
Recognised and revered by many races throughout the galaxy, Mars Sector 6 is one of the most elevated extraterrestrial masters who has ever contacted mankind on Earth.
In 1961 Mars Sector 6 delivered a series of nine transmissions through Dr. King known as ‘The Nine Freedoms’. In these transmissions, Mars Sector 6 describes nine essential steps which humanity must take as part of its journey back to the Divine source. The First Freedom is Bravery; the Second Freedom is Love and the Third Freedom is Service. This extract is taken from the Third Freedom and in this powerful transmission, Mars Sector 6 explains why service is so essential.
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mythicamagic · 3 months
Two Black Sheep Entwined (Scar x Frover fic) Chapter One
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Summary: “I'm here to offer you a deal. Everyone in Jinzhou is running around like frightened lambs, fretting for their lives because the big bad Fracsidus member is free from jail and on the prowl, right? Well the solution is simple. I'll sit nice and pretty, unable to commit crimes or mischief- but I'll only behave if you're under the same roof, Rover.”
“What?” She croaked, staring. Surely she'd misheard. Rover cleared her throat and tried again. “You want to…live with me?”
Aka: forced cohabitation with Scar x Female Rover
Rating: E (eventually)
Read on Ao3
The news came in the form of her beacon blaring at her, flashing an angry red. Rover paused in her hike in the Desorock Highlands, wiping salty sweat from her brow and unhooking her beacon from her belt with a frown. The alarm died down, but only a brief moment of silence punctuated the air before a sharp pinging noise echoed off the cliffs. Accepting the incoming call from Yangyang, Rover faced her projection as it was cast upon the rock face. 
“What’s wrong? Was that a distress signal?” she asked, catching her breath from the climb.
“I’m afraid so,” Yangyang’s flickering image clasped her hands worriedly. “I don’t know how else to say this but…not too long ago- Scar escaped from Jinzhou prison.”
Rover felt her stomach drop. A strange rush climbed up her spine in tandem with her heart thundering; sending pulsing waves through her body. Something inside her clenched. She suddenly felt exposed. Too out of breath, feverish. Too high on the mountainside like a lost lamb that had strayed too far from its shepherd. She could be seen from leagues away if someone had the right equipment. 
He could find her easily. 
Muffled words caught her distracted attention, and she fought to refocus on Yangyang’s worried gaze. 
“Sorry- what was that?” 
“I was just suggesting you hurry back to Jinzhou. The magistrate seems to be too busy with the commotion to summon you herself, but I feel she’d agree. You’re better protected here until we either catch that madman or frighten him off from the area.”
Rover took a breath, a frown marring her brow. “Logically speaking…even Scar wouldn’t be desperate or stupid enough to try anything with me right now. He just escaped. He’ll probably want to hide and flee, as a first priority.”
Concerned blue eyes wavered. “Still…” Yangyang squeezed her hands tighter in the projection, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. 
Knowing nothing would stop her from fretting, Rover gave a smile. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious though. I’ll head back. Besides, Chixia will get angry with me if I make you worry unnecessarily.”
Her friend visibly brightened. Her shoulders dropped in relief. “Y-yes!” she forced a light laugh. “And she won’t treat you to any free meals at Panhua’s either!”
Rover gave a soft noise that could pass for a chuckle, “the horror.”
 Waving at the projection with what she hoped was a reassuring smile, she waited until the transmission ended and the projection vanished completely. She then sighed, sinking back against the mountain face. She took a moment to just breathe, resting a hand over her chest and feeling the responding ‘thump, thump, thump’ of her thundering heart. Even her legs were shaking, from the strenuous climb or the news, she couldn’t say.
She wasn’t afraid of Scar. Many people thought she was, and inadvertently encouraged her to be. Maybe it would've been smarter to give in to their suggestions and let fear take over. Scar was dangerous. He had a reputation for a reason, and he'd been a force to be reckoned with as an opponent. 
No, what frightened her more than anything was the alternate reason her body was filled with adrenaline, high on the thrill. The prospect of just seeing him again. He wasn’t an ordinary person to navigate around, and their encounters often left her with more questions than answers. Even when she’d visited him in Jinzhou’s underground prison and he’d been powerless to harm her- that thrill, that anticipation had been there, strung tight in her lower stomach.
No force on earth would make her ever examine that reaction too closely though. She had expectations to fulfil, a duty to uphold; protect the people at all costs. She had no reason to entertain any thoughts about him, and wouldn’t join his ridiculous cause. 
Rover fixed her gaze on the distant spec of white in the distance; Jinzhou city laying quiet and peaceful.
She wouldn’t be swayed. Even by the likes of a confusing, conniving Black Sheep.
It only took a little while to reach a resonance beacon that teleported her back to the main city, but from the moment Yangyang and Chixia saw her they sprang into Protect Rover Mode. She’d been practically frogmarched back to Yangyang’s residence; a quaint little apartment opposite Shifang Pharmacy. Baizhi had soon joined them, sighing and rolling her eyes at their dramatics. Chixia sat next to the window the entire time they chatted, looking outside with the trained eye of a sniper rather than a goofy patroller. 
Nothing of note happened though. No news came through about Scar’s capture, but neither were there any sightings. It was like he’d just vanished into thin air. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for the night?” Yangyang asked again for the umpteenth time as they all lingered outside City Hall together. 
Chixia nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, or you can even crash in my bunk? Or better yet, take one of us with you back to your apartment! We don’t want you to feel scared or alone while that creep is roaming arou- ow!”
Baizhi straightened after elbowing her friend, resting a calm gaze on Rover. “Just tell us honestly and put the matter to rest; will you be alright by yourself tonight?”
She couldn’t help but grin at her friends. “In City Hall? The place with the highest security in all of Jinzhou? Yes,” she giggled softly. “Yes I’ll be just fine. Besides, if it comes down to it, I’ve fought Scar a few times in the past. I like my chances,” she lifted a shoulder, backing away with a short wave. “Please stop worrying, everyone. I’ll sleep like a rock, I promise.”
“Message us once you’re home! A-and again before you go to bed! Just in case!” Yangyang called, voice growing fainter as Rover jogged away, smiling a carefree smile. 
The moment she stood inside City Hall however, Rover let the painful upturn of her mouth drop. She sighed and rubbed her eyes tiredly. Her friends were wonderful, but honestly their worry had burned through her energy quickly. Tension could only be sustained so long before fatigue set in, and Rover felt herself crashing. 
Swiping the wall, she stepped into the offered elevator and took it up to a higher floor.
Bed. I just need my bed.
Guards were the first thing she noticed as she stepped off onto her floor. They flanked the elevator entrance, and gave her a short nod when she passed by. 
"We did a sweep of your apartment miss, under the Magistrates orders. Nothing of note was found," the shorter one spoke up. 
I suppose security will be even tighter the next few days. 
She thanked them and continued on, confidence bolstered. Fishing out her apartment key card, Rover stopped at her door, looking back at the distant figure of the guards down the pure, cream coloured hallway. She then leaned in and swiped her card, letting the door scan her eye for identification. 
“Identification failed. Please present an alternate method of sign-in” the door’s security screen uttered stiffly. 
Rover frowned. That had never happened before. Usually she’d be let in so easily. Maybe the security features had been updated because of Scar’s breakout. 
Remembering what Sanhua had said about alternate security measures, Rover presented her hair, swiping her longer strands over one shoulder and pressing the stands to the screen, allowing them to be scanned. The door clicked open. 
Stepping inside her familiar, and fairly bare-bones in décor apartment, she immediately sensed something amiss. The faint sound of water trickling.
If she were smarter, she would’ve instantly turned on her heel and alerted the guards in the hallway. She would’ve called someone, anyone to investigate. 
But she wasn’t afraid, and therein lay the problem. Rover shifted her weight carefully, moving to press her back against the wall of her little hallway. Gradually slinking furthering into her apartment, she bypassed the living room, giving it a courtesy glance and finding nothing amiss. As she moved with all the grace of a jungle cat, her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her sword, sliding it gently free from its scabbard. 
Her bathroom door was ajar. Steam curled out of it lazily. Rover’s eyes flashed. 
You’ve got some nerve. 
Undaunted, she pressed her fingers to the polished wood and pushed. Steam enveloped her immediately, a figure immediately appearing in her line of sight. He seemed to have purposefully neglected to use the shower curtain. 
Scar’s hair was a splash of white and red strands in the haze, his lithe yet muscular build sharpening into focus the closer she moved. His back was turned to her, because of course it was. Out of arrogance or confidence she wouldn't play dirty perhaps. Broad shoulders shifted as he raised his arms, sweeping sharp nails through wet hair as he dipped his face back into the shower's gentle spray. She couldn’t help but notice how water droplets ran down the pale column of his neck, dipping down between his shoulder blades to rest at the base of his spine. 
His ass was surprisingly cute, perky even. Rover scowled harder. She did not need to know that. 
Looking past the well-toned muscle of her enemy however, the more obvious details of his body painted a picture of his life; that of painful, seemingly endless scars criss-crossing over one another in places, licking broad burns across his flesh. Old and new- the faded ones covered by fresher, angrier bruising pepping his ribs and flank.
Rover rested the cool metal of her blade against his neck from behind, shower water hitting it softly.
Scar shifted, his usual spiked hair slick and hugging his face. Mismatched eyes found her instantly. He brightened, grinning at her as though seeing each other in her apartment was the most natural thing in the world.
“Ah, welcome home!~”
He then fully turned to face her, delighted grin melting into a smile of pure satisfaction as her eyes widened in horror, flicking downwards just once- before mentally kicking herself and refocusing firmly on his laughing eyes. 
“I must say, thoughts of you certainly kept me company during the past few weeks of confinement- but nothing compares to the real thing standing before you in the flesh, now does it?” he purred. Letting out a faint sigh that was almost lost in the fall of humid spray, Scar leaned affectionately into the side of her blade. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, my dear Rover.”
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atracaelum · 1 month
I should rewatch Sam and Max... the ahegao funhouse wasn't real, it can't hurt me.
The ahegao funhouse in Tonight We Love:
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (18)
T for Tinne (Holly) - July 18th - August 5th
“Tree of Sacrifice - 8th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Colour: red; Star: Mars, Saturn: Gemstone: ruby, bloodstone; Gender: male; Patrons: Taranis, Jesus Christ, Thor, Lugh; Symbols: discord + humanity, blood + compassion, endless love
When it comes to holly, there is no one who doesn't know the prickly leaves and red berries. The evergreen holly tree has dense branches, and thanks to its glossy evergreen foliage, the holly tree remains unchanged through over time and throughout the year. 
Since ancient times, holly has represented the robust vitality and masculine strength of nature. It was closely associated with birth and rebirth rituals and the transmission of esoteric knowledge, and was particularly linked with unconditional love, and eventually came to symbolise all gods dedicated to sacrifice. The holly is also known as a tree that protects fairies and, as with all 'fairy trees', legend has it that cutting it down will bring bad luck. People in the past planted holly near their houses because it was said to ward off evil and stop lightning from striking.
It is said that long ago, when the island of Britain was still called Albion, prehistoric Britain was protected by a giant called Gogmagog. This giant who covered his entire body with holly branches and leaves, primeval god Gogmagog, eventually became known by the name 'the Holly King'. The giant held a holly bush as a club and is said to be the twin brother of the 'King of Oak'. In the medieval story 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight', the Holly King appears as the immortal Green Knight and Sir Gawain as the Oak King. 
The Holly King, who rules over the six months leading up to the summer solstice and winter solstice, takes the throne after the Oak King dedicates himself to the summer solstice bonfire. Then, in a cycle of death and rebirth, he sacrifices himself to give way once more to the Oak King on the winter solstice. Hence, Oak King and Holly king represent two phases of nature's guardian deities.
The Celtic festival of Lughnasadh (Lughnasa) takes place at the end of the holly month. This celebrates the rebirth of Lugh, the god of light (the sun) and crafts, and is celebrated on 1 August in the UK, Ireland and Europe at the Harvest Festival. This is also the Anglo-Saxon festival of Lammas.
The evergreen holly, which does not die out even when all plants have died, symbolises a strong life force and is a 'good omen' tree. The druids (Ref2), who regarded holly as a particularly sacred tree, proceeded to bring holly into the house during the winter months. The holly, with its red berries and bright foliage, which exalts the soul, was a protector of elves and fairies from the harsh cold. So, during the winter, they do not misbehave.
Any holly brought into the house must be returned to the outdoors by 'Imbolc Eve'. It's because if holly leaves remain in the house after that, misfortune will befall them.
This was retained in Christianity as Twelfth Night (also known as Epiphany Eve). In Christianity, which teaches that holly eventually grew from the ground on which Jesus walked, the thorny leaves and red berries of holly represent the Passion and shed blood of Jesus.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (18)
TはTinne (ヒイラギ) - 7月18日~8月4日
『犠牲の木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第8月』
色: 赤; 星: 火星、土星: 宝石: ルビー、ブラッドストーン (血石) ; 性: 男性; 守護神: タラニス、イエス・キリスト、トール、ルー; シンボル: 不和+人間性、血+憐れみ、限りなき愛
ヒイラギの月が終わる頃にはケルトの祭典、ルーナサが行われる。これは、光 (太陽) と技芸の神、ルーの再生を祝うもので、英国、アイルランド、ヨーロッパでは、8月1日に収穫祭が開かれる。これはアングロサクソン人のラマス祭にも当たる。
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minthandsoap · 10 months
Jordan Teaches Marie How to Drive (stick shift)
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2000 ish words
Jordan leaned proudly beside their sleek black Jeep Wrangler parked outside the dorm smoking a cigarette, patiently awaiting Marie's arrival. It was a sunny day today. Perfect weather conditions to drive. Today was the day when Jordan, an expert at handling their manual transmission car, would teach the art of driving a stick shift to Marie.
They were wearing a simple grey tee, black basketball shorts, their iconic chain and pearls resting on their neck, and shades that adorned their eyes. I hope she doesn’t get us killed, they thought taking a drag from their cigarette.
Jordan wanted Marie to start off with an automatic car, it’d be easier for her to learn and easier for their mind to handle. But Marie insisted that Jordan teach her how to drive a stick shift, saying she wanted to drive "cool like Jordan does” or whatever she meant. 
Jesus, maybe this wasn’t a good fucking idea. I mean, I can protect myself if she crashes but what about her? Fuck, Imma tell her that she can’t learn manual-
“Jordan! Hey!” Marie jogged towards them. She wore her hair in a bun, a simple strappy tank top, shorts (that were oh so short Jordan smirked to themselves), and a large smile on her face. “Are you ready?” She asked reaching to bring them in a hug. 
Jordan tossed their cigarette to the ground, before stepping on it, swishing their feet over it to make sure it was out.
“Speaking of, are you sure you wanna drive a manual?” They asked. “I mean, come on, Mar, automatic is easy. No gear shifts, no stalling—smooth driving the entire time,” they suggested with a hopeful glint in their eye.
Marie placed a hand on her hip, shooting back, "I'll take my chances with the 'fun' version of driving, thank you very much." Her warm-hearted determination was unyielding, and she was adamant about diving into the challenge head-on.
Fun she says Jordan thought to themselves. “Oh my god, she’s gonna get us killed. Fuck my life,” they mumbled to themselves turning towards the car. 
“What was that?” Marie asked innocently at them.
“Nothing babe. Get in,” they gestured opening the passenger door for Marie.
Marie raised a brow at this. “I thought I was the one learning how to drive today?” She stood standing by the passenger door.
“Yeah, but there are too many people around campus for me to feel comfortable with you driving us from here. We’re going somewhere you can’t accidentally use someone as a speed bump,” they quipped giving her a pointed glance. “Now get in,” they smacked her butt pushing her into the driver's seat. Marie could only grumble a simple fine knowing that Jordan was right.
Jordan skillfully drove them to the empty trucking lot, an area without of any traffic, bystanders, or witnesses. Perfect for someone who’s just learning how to drive. Once they reached the empty area, Jordan parked the car and turned to Marie.
"Alright sweetheart, your time to shine," Jordan announced, grinning mischievously as they hopped out of the driver's seat, leaving the position vacant for Marie.
They opened the back seat pulling out cones and a “Please Be Patient: Student Driver Sticker.” They took the stick slapping it on the back of the Jeep and putting the stacked cones off to the side, planning to use them later. 
“Do you really have to put the sticker on the back of the car?” Marie groaned embarrassed noticing the sticker. 
Jordan shrugged. “Well, that’s what you are. We wouldn’t want to lie to the world now would we?” They smiled at her. “Now we’re gonna start with the basics. We’re not moving until you know where every button is, and how to use your windshield wipers versus your turn signals. The difference between your clutch, brake, and gas pedals. How to use your shifter-“
“That’s a fucking lot,” Marie groaned in disappointment. She wanted to get on the road immediately.
“You’re the one who wanted to learn manual so here we are, learning manual,” Jordan responded simply. Now get in the driver's seat and stop moping.” They finished with a swift smack to Marie's ass.
“You gotta stop doing that,” Marie laughed hopping into the driver's seat.
“Sorry, not sorry. It’s a reflex. Whenever I see your ass I just gotta smack it, you know?” They gleamed at her following her to the driver's side. “Alright,” Jordan leaned into the driver's seat where Marie sat patiently. 
Jordan gestured toward the center console of the Jeep, pointing to the shifter. “See this stick right here?" They explained, "This is the shifter. You'll use this to select the gear you want. Reverse, Neutral, 1st gear, 2nd gear, and so on. It's like a manual control for the transmission."
Marie leaned in, nodding attentively. "Got it, the shifter."
"And here," Jordan continued, shifting their focus to the pedals. "This pedal on the far left is the clutch pedal." They pointed to the left side near the floorboard. "You'll use your left foot for the clutch. It connects the engine to the transmission. Up position, connected. Down position, not connected."
Marie looked down at the pedals, nodding to indicate her understanding. "Clutch got it."
“I know that last part made no sense to you Marie. It’s alright, It will make more sense once we get you driving,” Marie laughed a little, embarrassed that Jordan was able to read her so well.
"And lastly," Jordan added, pointing out the parking brake lever situated between the seats. "This is the parking brake, sometimes called the handbrake. It's not the same as the regular brake pedal. This keeps the vehicle from rolling when parked, especially if it's in neutral. It's essential when the engine is off."
Marie looked at the parking brake and gave a nod. "Parking brake. Check."
"Alright, let's do a quick rundown again," Jordan said, checking in on Marie's understanding. "Shifter for the gears, clutch for engine-to-transmission connection, and parking brake for keeping the car still when parked. Clutch, brake, accelerator. Left to right, C-B-A. Ready to give it a try?" They looked at Marie.
Marie nodded confidently. "I think I'm ready!”
"Now, about the clutch," Jordan continued, pointing to the pedal on the left this time sitting in the passenger seat. "It's different from the gas and brake. It disengages the engine from the wheels, allowing you to switch gears smoothly. Before you change gears, press the clutch down." They explained, "And it's a good time to get the feel of slowly releasing it."
Marie glanced at the pedal and nodded attentively. "Clutch to switch gears. Got it."
"And when the gearstick is in the middle position, and/or the clutch pedal is fully depressed, the vehicle is considered out of gear," Jordan elaborated. "Remember, don't try shifting gears without pressing the clutch. It won't work."
"Alright, Marie," Jordan said, hands resting on the gearstick, ready to assist. "Press the clutch all the way down with your left foot and move the gearstick into first gear."
Marie followed Jordan's instructions, feeling the unfamiliar resistance of the gearstick as she maneuvered it into position. She cautiously released the clutch while gently pressing the accelerator. 
The engine grumbled and the car jerked slightly before lurching forward.
"Good girl,” Jordan encouraged. "Now, slowly lift your foot from the clutch pedal."
Marie's focus was intense as she carefully released the clutch, feeling the tension in the pedal and the gradual engagement of the gears. The car began to move more smoothly, and Marie let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"You're doing great," Jordan said, observing her, ready to jump in if they have to. "Now, try to pick up a bit of speed. As you accelerate, you’re probably gonna need to shift to a higher gear."
Feeling a bit more confident, Marie gradually increased the pressure on the accelerator, feeling the car pick up speed. Jordan guided her through shifting gears, explaining the process as she gained momentum.
As Marie gained a better understanding of the coordination between the clutch and accelerator, she became more comfortable. She practiced moving forward and backward in the empty lot, getting a feel for the gears and the car's responses.
With each attempt, Marie's movements grew smoother, and she managed to drive the car in a straight line without stalling. 
“Alright babe, that was really good. Park the car and let me set up the cones,” Jordan looked over at Marie, giving her an affectionate squeeze to her thighs. 
They got out and quickly set up some cones, creating a makeshift course for Marie to practice steering around. 
"All right, Mar. This is your Formula 1 racetrack Jordan announced, strolling back to Marie. "The idea is to drive smoothly through these cones, maintaining a steady pace and keeping an eye on the steering. It's all about precision and control."
Marie nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. 
"Now remember," Jordan reminded her, "start at a slow speed. Keep your eyes forward and steer gradually, letting the wheel naturally move through the course. Feel the car's response and adjust your movements whenever you need to.”
Marie took a deep breath, letting the instructions sink in as she shifted the car into gear. Slowly pressing the accelerator, she inched forward, feeling the car respond to her touch. She focused intently, guiding the vehicle through the path set by the cones.
Jordan stood on the sidelines, offering gentle guidance and encouragement. "You're doing great, Marie! Just a little to the left. Now, keep that speed steady. Nice, gentle turns." Jordan beamed in pride. That’s my girl. They started clapping in encouragement, more excited than Marie right now.
After going around the course a couple more times, Marie pulled to a stop next to Jordan and parked. 
“I did it!” Marie exclaimed hopping out of the car into Jordan's awaiting arms. She couldn’t help but pepper kisses all over Jordan’s face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Marie grinned widely, pulling them in for a long kiss. 
“That was all you baby! Don’t thank me,” they smiled. “And now, you’re driving back home,” They winked getting into the passenger side of the car once again.
“Wait what?” Marie looked at them nervously. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” She said scratching the back of her neck. 
“But you were so eager before,” Jordan raised an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, we’ll take the backroad, you’ll be fine,” They leaned across to kiss her. “It’s finally my time to be the sexy passenger princess,” they teased, throwing an arm behind the driver's seat.
“Be serious,” Marie laughed at that regardless.
With the help of Jordan's guidance and encouraging words, Marie navigated the car along the quiet backroads, taking her time even if she was driving ten under the speed limit. As she cautiously steered through each turn and straightaway, her confidence grew steadily. Jordan sat beside her, offering occasional tips on adjusting the speed and handling the curves. Only once did Jordan have to take over the wheel to avoid them falling in a ditch! Marie sees that as amazing progress. 
The surroundings gradually became familiar as they neared the campus. Marie's concentration remained strong, her focus entirely on the road ahead. After a 30-minute drive (she seriously did drive ten under the speed limit, the entire time), they finally made it back to campus, parking Jordan’s car in the garage.
“Woohoo!” Marie jumped out of the car squealing. She did a little dance and Jordan stepped out of the car, watching her appreciately.
“So,” Jordan started moving towards Marie, wrapping their hands around her waist. “What do I get for being such an amazing teacher hm?” They teased her giving her kisses alongside her jaw. They slowly backed her up until she was pressed against the side of the car.
“I can think of a few things,” Marie pretended to ponder, before pulling them in for a long kiss. Their lips moved in sync with one another, both of them moaning in content with the kiss. They grabbed at each other, marking each other with their lips. A tingling sensation spread through her body as they kissed her back passionately.
Their fingers were buried in her hair, holding her head still while they moaned softly into her mouth. They broke off the kiss and they both looked into each other. "How about I just show you my appreciation, hm?" Marie bit her lip mischievously. She grabbed their hand, dragging them from the car.
"Ow! Jordan!" Marie felt a stinging on her ass. That one actually hurt a little this time.
"Sorry," they replied sounding less than sorry. "It's like I told you; a reflex," Jordan smiled shrugging.
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deimos-awaits · 6 months
What can be said of the First Explorator Fleet of Deimos? To say anything of what has been called “Boats Full of Xenarites” and “The Best Damned Explorators This Side Of The Eye of Terror” Our beloved Deimos itself must be discussed even in brief. REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED. 
Deimos has long been a smaller Forgeworld by the standards of the Adeptus Mechanicus, which gained most of its raw material from what remains of the Solar System's asteroid belt and Kuiper Belt. However despite being smaller in sheer size and output that has made Deimos no less hungry than other Forge Worlds. As the munition makers of the Grey Knights the forges of Deimos have never been allowed to fall silent lest the Great Enemy find any weakness in the defenses of Holy Terra. It was established by taking one of Mars moons from its orbit and moving it forward Titan, before establishing a Forgeworld upon this small rock that grew equally outwards and in. One method of growing the surface area of the moon has been to bring other asteroids close enough that they might be added to its mass, leading the once small moon to be a network of hallowed out asteroids stitched together by human artifice and holy machinery. This has lead Deimos to be approximately REDACTED across and REDACTED percent the size of Holy Mars. 
Like every other Forgeworld the rediscovery of blessed STCs is paramount in the minds of masters of Deimos and thus the creation of their exploratory fleets. These fleets, each led by an Ark Mechancius, lead the way in search for archeotechnology.  Established as an semi-independent force by the Fabricator General REDACTED REDACTED of Deimos very soon after the establishment of Deimos as a Forgeworld.
In more recent history the First Exploratory Fleet has had two Magi Domini. The first was Magos Domina Omega Bellerov-1.0 and Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0.
Fabricator Minoris Magos Domina Omega Bellerov-1.0 was originally the techpriest in charge of the Purgation Maniple which undoubtedly tinted her perspective about leadership. Bellerov-1.0 was a plastisteel fisted ruler. Under her command skitarii, servitor, and techpriest alike were seen as utterly disposable to further the will and reach of the Omnissiah. They led the fleet for around two hundred standard years bringing back approximately three STC fragments to Deimos for study. However after an encounter with the Word Eaters Legion Warband known as REACTED, Bellerov began to grow eccentric but still functioned well within parameters. However, for nine standard decades after this, Bellerov-1.0 began to abandon the pursuit of STC fragments instead chasing down Slaaneshi dedicated cults including THE BLESSED GUARDIANS on Erophant III. 
Erophant III would be Magos Domina Omega Bellerov-1.0’s last stand after nearly 56.43% Skitarii, 80.31% servitor, and 23.48% Techpriest casualty rates, the fleets ruling Synod launched an investigation. Due to knowledge gained from serving the Grey Knights, Bellerov was deemed corrupted by KHORNE and promptly REDACTED.
Following this the oldest priest serving became the ruling Fabricator-Minoris Explorator of the Fleet as decreed by the fleets Synod, and Technoarcheologist Magos Aleph-Gimmel became Fabricator-Minoris Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Explorator Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0. 
Under Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0’s leadership 7 distinct STC fragments have been found. Further three Necron tomb worlds have been discovered and reported to the wider Imperium and novel weapons added to the arsenal of both Adeptus Mechanicus and Grey Knight forces. However her propensity towards the usage of Eldar and Necron technology has began to stir up declarations of REDACTED.
Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 has utilized these two combinations of technologies after a meeting with Belisarius Cawl in order to form practical antipysker personal shielding that was spread within the First Explorator Fleet, however it's construction of necrodermis and wraithbone has lead most non Deimosian Techpriests that learn of it too decry it as hersey.
Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 displays a knack for finding STC fragments to support her with that has lead to many supporters previously here on Deimos to claim that she was blessed truly by the Omnissiah. Further information can be found in LINK_MISSING. The First Explorator Fleet has also come to the aid of the Grey Knights with the resurgence of the Demon Prince ANGRON as the fleet Synod now holds a grudge against the chaos power known as KHORNE. 
However, it was the trade with the LEAGUE OF VOTANN KNOWN AS THE TRANSANDROMEDIAM COOPERATIVE for resources in addition to rumors of PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS that has lead to Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 and the majority of her supporters to be declared by the Fabricator General Xenarite and Cawlian. In addition her supporters would be on a two hundred year penance crusade to recover lost technology before they could return to Deimos with the First Fleet. This was declared in 846M41. 
Organizationally, this Fleet, at last broadcast, was know to follow common organization of a Deimos force: a Skitarii-Infantry Maniple with three Cohorts, a Scout Maniple with three Cohorts, a Cybernetica Vanguard Maniple with three Cohorts, a Purgation Maniple with two cohorts and a independent Command Cohort run by the most senior tech priest present. The Command Cohort is usually comprised of choice selected unit by the leading priest. The Skitarii-Infantry Maniple are lead by two Skitarii Marshals and one Skitarius Preator. The Cyberntica Vanguard is typically run by any datasmith present and is composed typically of kastalean units and kataphron servitors. The Purgation Maniple, after Omega Bellerov-1.0’s REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED 
The Purgation Maniple, is led by a Manipulus not a Magos Dominus under any circumstances.  The Scout Maniple is led by autonomous Serybus and Sicariian Units. 
Further the First Explorator Fleet itself contains is known to contain two Ark Mechanicii, the Sigilite’s Anger and Deimos’s Cog, and at least three Metallica class Factory Ships which allow it to maintain base levels of self sufficiency in prolonged void operations. In addition the First Explorator Fleet was accompanied by the battle barge of the Ironsong Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, a flotilla of the Imperial Navy lead by Admiral Ezekiel Bendavid from Terra’s Pride, and a collection of Deimosian Knight houses. 
This lecture on the First Deimos Explorator Fleet REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED REDACTED 
REDACTED REDACTED. Omnissiah bless and preserve you. 
Well. That was most informative. Further search will be needed to determine how much of Magos-Historia Esther-Mendeelvee ∆12.56π's work is correct. Tracking the history and trail of the First Exploratory Fleet before it went to REDACTED will hopefully be less laborious if records are similarly kept. Unclear as of yet what audience Magos-Historia Esther was writing for, next avenue of investigation will be interrogating them tomorrow. Will be sending word to investigate Erophant III, which is located within the Imperium Nihilius. Reports of the fleet's activity have kept circling in from the Imperium Nihilius which does at least suggest they are still active. 
Praise the God-Emperor-Omnissiah
Inquisitor Seraph Seraphdottior signing off. 
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
I present to you... Price going mental in order to protect Soap from another bear, lol. Gotta love that papa bear instinct. Plus it sort of explores their more feral mindset while in animal form a bit, because they struggle to maintain lucidity in stressful/dangerous situations. And if you're interested in learning more about this AU, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Bear Attack, Animal Death
Word Count: N/A
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The mission takes place in the woodlands and they are forced to go dark because the transmission is being scrambled by some sort of device that the enemy has in their camp.
Soap somehow gets separated from the rest of his team during the ensuing firefight and ends up wandering about the forest and by himself as he makes steady progress toward the exfil point.
On the way he stumbles upon the mutilated bodies of some enemy combatants and crouches to check the nature of the wounds. He figures out that they are consistent with a bear attack and sighs a breath of relief at proof of Price being in the area. He picks up his pace and finds signs of a struggle, blood splatters and drag marks marring the grass, and he follows the trail of carnage.
He eventually stubbles upon a large grizzly bear —who is feasting on the corpse of an enemy— and carefully approaches. He announces his presence by speaking to make sure that he doesn’t accidentally startle Price and the bear freezes at the sound of his voice, the grizzly turning its head to reveal a bloodied muzzle and sharp teeth.
Soap feels an odd sensation roll down his spine when he meets the bear’s blank stare, not a hint of recognition in its gaze as it watches him. Soap takes an involuntary step back as the bear turns to fully face him, its huge, intimidating body blocking out the sun as it briefly pushes up onto its hind legs.
Then, with a deafening roar, it crashes back down to the ground and charges.
Price had just gotten done securing the exfil point and was in the middle of putting his gear back on when a loud roar echoed through the forest, the angry sound being immediately followed by an worryingly familiar scream.
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Price feels his vision and hearing sharpen as his instincts go haywire, the man frantically stripping his gear off of him as he takes off into a full sprint in the direction of the commotion, uncaring of where his vest and belt landed. Once he was free of the heavy gear, he didn’t bother stripping down since he didn’t have time, Price merely ripping through his clothes as he shifted into his animal form.
He barreled toward the attack and his mind goes blank when he sees a wild grizzly on top of Soap, who is making horrible noises that he is going to hear in his nightmares for a long time, and his vision floods red, two things being chanted in his head like a mantra, drowning out everything except for cub and kill it.
He wastes no time bodily slamming into the other bear before it could land a fatal blow, knocking it sideways and away from Soap. Price comes to stand protectively over the man who was curled in the fetal position under him, cradling his right arm as tears streaked down his dirty, blood-splattered face.
Price comes back to himself with Soap’s functioning hand shakily petting over his wet muzzle and ears, his voice pained, but soothing as he spoke to Price in quiet tones. Price registered a low, growling sound and it took him a moment for him to realize that it was him that was making the sound, that he was still shifted in animal form and was hovering over Soap protectively.
The pair were surrounded by soldiers with guns, a familiar patch on their uniform as they watched Price uneasily, their fingers hovering over the trigger of their firearms.
His gaze groggily wanders about the area, pausing on a pile of gore to the left that was once a living being, but was now mutilated so heavily that it was unrecognizable. Price pokes at the blank parts of his memory but gets nothing but a sense of protective fury and decides to leave it alone.
Then, like the flip of a switch, Soap’s voice finally breaks through whatever barrier that was keeping Price from comprehending what he was saying, the full gravity of what just happened crashing down onto him all at once.
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