#Tracey Meek
pansysbbg777 · 10 months
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william evans-mcdonald house: hufflepuff age: seventeen face claim: dylan minnette sexuality/gender: trans man, straight description: william is shy, sensitive, and reserved but once you become his friend, you realize how talkative he can actually be. he loves charms class and healing and one day, he wants to work for saint mungo's and become a healer.
erin evans-mcdonald house: ravenclaw age: seventeen face claim: quintessa swindel (as maxine hunkel) sexuality/gender: cis woman, bisexual description: erin is eccentric and loud, which is why she is such good friends with luna. she is very intelligent and productive, as well as strong-minded and argumentative. she constantly gets into intelligent debate with others and protests a lot for the causes she believes in. she wants to work in the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures and as well as become a magizoologist and author.
corey meadowes (adopted) house: ravenclaw age: seventeen face claim: jack wolfe, as wylan van eck sexuality/gender: non-binary (he/they), aroace description: corey is very alternative and a functioning mute (he performs wordless magic). they have an anxiety disorder and finds it very hard to interact with others. however, them and their brother are super close, and they are also good friends with william and luna. their favorite class is potions.
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lucas meadowes (adopted) house: hufflepuff age: seventeen face claim: mason gooding, as chad meeks-martin sexuality/gender: cis man, straight description: lucas is the class popular guy. he loves (and is great at) quidditch and partying. however! he is actually a really sweet guy and was taught to be VERY respectful towards women. he secretly wants to fall in love. he also really loves baking 🤷‍♀️ he loves wearing clothes that are construed as "feminine"
alexandra "alex" alphard black (adopted) house: slytherin age: seventeen face claim: havana rose liu sexuality/gender: cis woman, lesbian description: one the outside, alex is gruff and intimidating. to others, she seems like a bully, but really, if you are her friend, you find out she is actually hilarious, sarcastic, and fun to be around. yes, she is daring and adventurous, but she is very ambitious and cunning. she wants to become a curse-breaker for gringotts when she grows older.
aurelie beaufort (muggleborn) house: hufflepuff age: 17 face claim: reneé rapp sexuality/gender: cis woman, bisexual description: aurelie is the class popular girl - she is beautiful, kind, strong, and unapologetic. boys and girls are always throwing themselves her way. she loves (and is very talented at) quidditch but she's not exactly sure what she plans on becoming as an adult. she will become best friends with ginny.
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theodore nott
travey davis
mattheo riddle
my year
gryffindors: harry potter, ron weasley, neville longbottom, seamus finnagin, dean thomas, hermione granger, parvati patil, lavender brown, ginny weasley
hufflepuffs: ernie macmillian, justin finch-fletchy, lucas meadowes, hannah abott, susan bones, sally-anne perkins, aurelie beaufort
ravenclaws: michael corner, terry boot, anthony goldstein, corey meadowes, me, luna lovegood, erin evans-mcdonald
slytherins: draco malfoy, vincent crabbe, gregory goyle, theodore nott, blaise zabini, mattheo riddle, pansy parkinson, daphne greengrass, tracey davis, alex black
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beatdisc · 1 year
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Quick little pre-weekend round-up of some other New Releases & Re-issues through the shop this past week!
- Prince - Batman (Original 1989 Soundtrack) - $60 (Black LP) - Dan Sultan - Dan Sultan - $60 (White LP) - Adrianne Lenker & Buck Meek - A-Sides & Besides - $40 (Maroon LP) - Power Trip - Live In Seattle - $55 (Purple LP)
- Kool Keith - Black Elvis 2 - $50 (Orange LP) - Royal Blood - Back To The Water - $60 (Clear LP) - Ed Kuepper Music - Honey Steel's Gold - $45 (Pink LP) - Bar Italia - Tracey Denim - $50 (Black LP)
0 notes
lazuli-writes · 1 year
Outtakes - Lost Memories
summary: A collection of lost and unfinished memories from a pensieve
genre: angst / hopeful / fluff
estimated word count: 3000 words
a/n: Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
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[year one] Tracey figured she and Ron could be filth together.
“Areyougonnaeatthat?” Tracey almost struck her head against the table, embarrassed at how she word-vomited. Yet she did feel slightly justified at her nervousness with the strange, red headed boy to her right. He was just staring at the banoffee pie with the most empty eyes. 
He looked lost for someone who knew exactly where he was.
Tracey didn’t get it, but she didn’t want to intrude if it meant inconveniencing someone. So silent she remained… for approximately two minutes. The banoffee pie that was prepared before the boy was left untouched, and frankly, Tracey wanted it. She wanted it bad.
“W-What?” The boy stuttered. Tracey almost winced, even the boy’s voice was devoid of almost all emotion.
“Are you gonna eat that?” Tracey asked once again in a meek voice, finally turning her body to face the boy. As the boy looked at the food she gestured at, Tracey took the spare seconds to observe the boy. Wiry, tall, ginger red hair, a dash of freckles, bright blue eyes and a facet of dread exposing itself over his features—Tracey barely recognized it, but she could articulate the hints of apprehension radiating off of the boy.
“Uh… um… no.” It was the boy’s turn to stutter, pushing the banoffee pie to Tracey, prompting a tiny squeal of excitement from the copper-headed girl. 
“It seems that filth attracts filth.” 
Tracey and the redhead whipped their heads to the boy sitting across from them. A short, pale blonde boy sat, glaring into his food as he ate. A git in all its glory, sat right before them. Tracey only rolled her eyes, refusing to allow the comment to bother her. Growing up she had dealt with enough comments from her mother’s blood purist family to solidify her thick skin. She figured, why waste energy on a problem when you can just avoid and evade it? Quite Slytherin of herself Tracey believed. 
“Shut up you little git.” The tall red head all but hissed. Tracey shot a look at the boy, noticing how the once devoid face took on a mask of seething hate and disgust. 
The blonde boy sneered before continuing with eating, “Or what Weasley? Gonna starve yourself in anger? I know you’re probably used to going to bed hungry-”
Ron interrupted fiercely, “Shut it Malfoy or I’ll-“
“You’ll what?”
Tracey wanted to hit her head against the table once more, as she realized it was her voice that interrupted the red head’s. Banoffee pie completely forgotten about, Tracey tried her best to seem confident. Setting her utensils down neatly and straightening her back.
With the banoffee pie forgotten, Tracey inhaled a deep breath. Trying to pass as nonchalant, yet failing miserably, Tracey eyed the two boys before her.
“Not to be gobby with you two, but… it’s literally the first night for the next seven years of our lives. Do we really want to start it off this way?”
It seemed to be the wrong thing to say as both boys seemed to ignite at the same time.
“This house wasn’t made for blood traitors and diluted half-breeds.”
“It’s not my fault he’s a bloody wanker!”
The two states simultaneously, freezing each other in a hateful pause. They just eyed one another, completely ignoring Tracey’s presence as they stared off hatefully at one another. 
Tracey had to admit, her desire for evasion was unshakeable only a few moments ago. Now though, she had a clear mind for who she could see herself preferring to be around. It wasn’t the blonde boy.
{memory blurred or obscured for a time}
“I guess we can be the filth of Slytherin together.”
Tracey watched as the bolts and cogs churned in the red head’s mind. She really hoped she didn’t mess this up. Tracey really wanted to have at least one friend in the house of snakes.
Elation welled up into her heart and soul as she noticed a smirk grace the lips of the red head. Tracey wasted no time to pounce on the opportunity.
“Tracey Davis. And by the looks of it, the resident half-blood of our Slytherin year-mates.” Extending her hand out after her assured introduction, Tracey smiled brightly as the boy returned the smile. Gripping her hand out in a firm handshake and allowing both to settle into a new calm.
“Ron Weasley. Proud blood traitor of this wretched house.” 
Malfoy sneered further into his food, choosing to ignore the two across from him. Tracey internally sighed in relief, grateful for his decision to keep quiet.
“So Ron, anything you looking forward to here in Hogwarts? I’m really excited for charms. I wanna learn how to make pictures move like in the newspaper.”
Tracey smiled as the red headed boy named Ron, the boy that was once emotionless incarnate, now erupted into an endless chatter of excitement. She listened to his worries, but she breathed reassurance into his being. Relaying her own insecurities of being in Slytherin.
She didn’t realize it at that moment, but eventually it came to her. Tracey could never have imagined that being the “filth” of her house alongside a fellow outcast would lead her down the best parts of her sweet yet short life …..{memory left unfinished}
[year five] Astoria hopes it’s all just one big nightmare as she is held in the embrace of Daphne, Ron and Tabby.
Despite the warming charm that shimmered above her, Astoria still shivered in her bed. Beneath the covers, scrunched up into a ball. She felt numb, pondering the uncertainty of her future.
“We can’t stay here Daph. It’s not safe. We’ll go out to muggle London tomorrow, hopefully then I can find my brother’s flat.”
“How do you know Percy will even consider taking us in? Ron… your father or mother had to have told him already.”
“Percy isn’t like the twins. He’ll help us out, I promise.”
Astoria didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but the voices of Daphne and Ron seemed to be the only thing to ground her on those sleepless nights—something that has become more common as of late. 
As someone born into wealth, Astoria never had to worry over such trivial matters in her life. A place to sleep. Food to eat. Clothes on her back. That was her parents' job. A job they worked hard at, for her and her sister. It seemed so unnecessary for her to give a second thought to such things. Yet, in less than a fortnight, her ivory tower had crumbled.
She still had nightmares of hiding in that ditch for hours. Alone, hiding, crying in the snow. A warming charm as her only company. Mum, Dad, Daphne and Ron had been taken by Death Eaters… DEATH EATERS!!!
Astoria couldn’t believe…..{memory left unfinished}
[year six] Muriel extends an olive branch at the height of the war.
“The last time a Greengrass walked these halls, he was poisoned. A pinch of belladonna was it not?”
The Prewett matriarch rolled her eyes at the comment. She hadn’t the desire to entertain such impertinent thoughts from her guest. Muriel Prewett had other things clouding her mind at the moment.
To say she expected her Monday evening to be invaded by her nephew Ronald, and the remnants of the Greengrass family would be a complete and dastard lie. Her blood. The blood of her ancestors. Defiled by that abominable dark mark. She’s sure her brother is weeping in his grave at the mere thought that his great-grandson was a slave to a dark wizard. 
But there’s little use in crying over spilled potions… or spilled blood for that matter. So here she was to see things through—as if she hadn’t been doing that for the better part of a century. Muriel was simply drinking tea, trying to detach herself from the war that had descended on her home country.
Only to have her time ruined when her nephew besieged her home, with two girls and a house elf in tow. She had the smallest desire to shun him and his for his lack of class, showing up uninvited and unannounced, how inexplicably rude. She had the ever growing desire to hex him to tears for bearing that disgusting mark in the halls of his ancestors. But for the faintest moment, Muriel let her guard down. That seemed to be all it took for Ronald to slither into her life completely. A true Slytherin to boot, just like his great aunt Lucretia and his grandmother Cedrella. Damned boy.
“I have no intention to cause you or your sister harm, you pillock.”
Across from the old crone sat the young brunette, Astoria Greengrass. Whom despite only being fourteen years of age, had the spine of a thirty year old auror in their prime. 
“You really expect us to trust you with our lives?” The bairn asked, eyes narrowing as the earl grey that sat between them was forgotten. Muriel instead, shined her eyes down upon the young couple who walked around the back yard with a house elf.
Ronald, Daphne and the unseemly house elf Tabby each were busy adding their own multitude of wards around the Prewett house. The old witch would be lying if she denied the ingenuity behind some of their wards. Runic wards, elf magic and even blood magic. Powerful wards to be added…..
{memory left unfinished}
[year seven] The Silver Quartet spend the Winter Hols together.
Theodore sighed contently as he inhaled the burning scent of lavender in air as he sat, staring into the flames of their camp. He didn’t predict that he would spend Christmas in the middle of the Orlestone Forest. Yet, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Having devoured probably the best wilderness treat—courtesy of the wondrous Tracey Davis and her beautiful muggleness—s’mores were now a winter hols must. Theodore had already decided it so for the next festive hols. And so he sat, enjoying the warmth of the campfire, with a full belly, eyeing his companions. 
His brother in all but blood, the ginger giant that was Ronald Weasley, gave a stomach gripping laugh as he watched his other half. Theodore couldn’t stop his serene smile as he watched his cousin and best friend roll in the dirt and snow. Hair disheveled, face red from the biting cold, and dirt smudged upon both faces, Daphne and Ron shared a sweet kiss as they finished rolling on the ground. The two now focused upon embracing and holding the other, their snowball fight forgotten. 
Theodore didn’t know what to think the first time he saw the two hold hands as they entered the common room back in their fourth year. Had he known how the two would become a paragon of love and peace for not only themselves but for those around them, Theodore would have probably cut Ron some slack. 
But what was done was done, and Theodore couldn’t have had it any other way. He loved seeing his cousin have someone who loved and cherished her. He hates not being there for her two years ago on the very same day. Having to be told by the shaking form of his cousin Tori of how his only family—by both blood and choice—along with one of his best friends were kidnapped, tortured, killed and essentially enslaved with the dark mark… Theodore wanted to scream. To murder. To exact the same pain he felt on all those who dared to hurt his family. His home. 
To know little Astoria and kind little Tabby hid in a ditch, in the cold, in the snow and in utter darkness for almost ten hours made Theo want to scream. To know his uncle Bart and aunt Gia, the man and woman who raised him after his mother’s death and father’s imprisonment, the man Theodore imagined himself being, the woman who taught Theodore what it meant to be a man, tortured and butchered like animals… it made Theodore numb in his sobs. To know that Daphne, his first friend, had to watch her own parents die before her was too painful to think about it. Too goddamn painful. To know Ron took the mark for Daphne made Theodore cry, wishing it was him who could have spared his family the terrors of this war. 
Theodore couldn’t be more grateful to Ron for saving Daphne. He couldn’t be more blessed to see Ron and Daphne grow together. Becoming the answer to one another’s problems and the reason why both seemed to remain so strong, despite all they’ve been through. Theodore recognized it now every time he watched the two together. Their love was real and true. Just like his uncle Bart’s and aunt Gia’s. It was passionate, it was kind, it was sweet and it was all consuming and true. Theodore wanted that one day. 
Such desire made Theodore shift his sight to Tracey. Standing off to the side, her snowman is almost complete. A black scarf strangling its neck, heat from both the campfire and Tracey’s warming charm making the snowman slowly melt. Almost like it was bleeding. A sad smile on its face, as if saying to the world that it was happy despite a sad situation. Theodore found it heartwarming. Tracey was the best of the quartet in his opinion. Always a light in the never ending tunnel of gloom. 
“It’s rude to stare.” Tracey’s melodic voice cutting off the tangent Theodore found himself on. He couldn’t fight the blush off fast enough, as he realized he had been caught in his attentiveness on the young woman before him.
He did what he did best, tried to talk himself out of his problem, “I wasn’t staring.”
“You weren’t?” A layer of mischievousness lacing the two words.
Theodore damned the way she made his heart quicken in less than five words. He felt like that stupid, hormonal little boy who couldn’t control his emotions. Third and fourth year Theodore…. One does not speak of such times. As of now, Theodore was legally an adult. 17, of age and his own person. A secret member of the Order of Phoenix and smuggler of goods and refugees. Defenders of the defenseless. School boy crushes were beneath him. He could handle speaking to his schoolmate, who had perhaps the biggest heart, the sweetest soul and the most heavenly of looks.
“N-No.” He stuttered.
He fucking stuttered. The way he could just fling himself from the Dover cliffs was exceptional.
Tracey took the time to smile before turning her head to finishing her snowman. Attempting once again to conjure a carrot for the nose. She got as far as the carrot leaves, an orange colored pen and some actual orange peels. No carrots though.
“Well that’s too bad. I kind of enjoy your staring.”
Damn you Tracey Davis, Theodore thought as he looked down back at the flames, hoping the heat would burn away at the blush erupting over his cheeks.
Theodore must have been trapped in his own head again as he didn’t notice Tracey step away from her unfinished snowman, proceeding to shove Theodore over. Feeling himself being pushed over in an effort to make room for her, he obliged easily, still trying to hide his blush. 
“Not the way I saw myself enjoying Christmas. But it could be worse I guess.” Tracey said, wrapping her hair into a bun as settled herself next to Theodore. Fixing her coat and rearranging her scarf. Canceling the warming charm that came with her, she instead drew heat from the campfire.
“Same. I’m just glad to know you three are here and Astoria is safe.” 
Tracey hummed her agreement, both minds traveling in their own ways. 
Tracey soaked up the traces of assistance and peace around her. Her parents were safe hiding in France. Astoria was safe under thee Fidelius with Lady Prewett. Ron, Daphne and Theodore were here with her. Together they could face anything, even that stupid dark lord.
Theodore’s mind raced thinking of all the ways he wanted to protect those he cared about. Astoria was safe with Tabby and Ron’s aunt. Ron and Tracey were in his sight. He could depend on Ron to fight to the bitter end in protecting Daphne. Ron was someone Theodore didn’t have to worry for. Ron took the dark mark selflessly. Ron and Daphne were assured life as long as they were together. And Tracey… Theodore was no liar. Tracey Davis was the most divine, brilliant, powerful, kind, generous, fierce, honest witch… woman Theodore felt blessed to have ever met. 
He didn’t know why it took so long for him to realize. Six years he had known the goddess Tracey Davis. And only until last year did he have the guts to admit to himself. He had fallen in love. Theodore Nott. The son of a death eater, resident prick of the Silver Quartet, pseudo-son of Greengrass, a self preserving Slytherin prat, in love with the most beautiful witch he had come to ever known.
“Do you think you’ll find something as perfect as they did?”
Theodore’s train of thought derailed at her words. Digesting her question delicately. Mentally fortifying his mind. He trusted Tracey to respect other’s minds—to not use her light legilimency skills, especially on her closest friends. 
“If I can, then I guess I can die happy.”
“What a joy it would be. Wouldn’t it?”
“Yes,” Theodore sighed out, his eyes matching the fondness that Tracey held, both staring blissfully into one another “I guess it would.”
Tracey smiled softly before she leaned her head downward, laying it upon his shoulder. Theodore fought hard to not allow such a simple gesture render him stiff or immobile.
Relaxing and steadying his breath, Theodore simply allowed himself to enjoy the moment. Sitting there, laying his down upon hers as the two enjoyed each other’s company. The echoes of Ron and Daphne’s laughter and happiness filling the cold air. The snowflakes of the white Christmas falling down sweetly and the flames still burning.
…..{memory left unfinished}
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southernvangard · 2 years
(Southern Vangard) Episode 347 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep347! While you’re fatting out this Thanksgiving - or ThanksTAKING, as EDDIE MEEKS so eloquently puts it - you can pig out to the latest and greatest underground hip-hop that’s sandwiched perfectly between trash talking from your hosts with the mosts. We’ve got one heck of a WORLD EXCLUSIVE this week, Vangadians - D-STYLES and J SCIENIDE have a new project they’re dropping before the year is out, and you can hear the first single HERE before it drops this FRIDAY! It doesn’t get any better folks, go ahead and admit it, say thank you and YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live November 20, 2022 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Talk Break Inst - "Peace Or Bombs" - Amerigo Gazaway
"Invisible Ether" - Vinnie Paz ft. Method Man (prod. Stu Bangas)
"Killin'" - DJ Mercilless x Asun Eastwood ft. Louie Rankin & Dreadpool
"Verse 16:10" - Primo Jab (prod. godBLESSbeatz)
"Hot 12" - Terror Van Poo X Leanah Cane (prod. Vinny Idol)
"Phenomena" - Athletic Mic League ft. Trilogy Beats
Talk Break Inst - "Oda Nobunaga" - Amerigo Gazaway
"Avocado" - J Scienide ft. Phyba (prod. Giallo Point)
"Get Light" - Nas (prod. Hit Boy)
"Face Two Face" - Juga-Naut
"Soliloquy Of Stupidity" - Dookie Bros
"Divine Order" - Justo The MC & maticulous ft. Ill Conscious
"Red Scare" - Milc & Televangel
Talk Break Inst - "Sine Qua Non" - Amerigo Gazaway
"When The Wind Blows" - D-Styles & J Scienide **WORLD EXCLUSIVE**
"JohnLewis" - Primo Jab (prod. godBLESSbeatz)
"Supreme" - DJ Mercilless x Asun Eastwood ft. Lex Talionis & Snackz
"Band Of Brothers" - 38 Spesh & Harry Fraud ft. Benny The Butcher & Ransom
"Aqua Sana" - Pro Dillinger ft. Ty Farris
Talk Break Inst - "Dreams - Amerigo Gazaway
"Ronald Reagan" - Milc & Televangel ft. AJ Suede
"The Missile Launcher" - Dookie Bros
"Rambo Knife" - Vinnie Paz (prod. Agor)
"Merci To God" - DJ Mercilless x Asun Eastwood ft. Conway The Machine
"Strung Out" - Vic Spencer & Stu Bangas ft. Da Villins
"One More Chance" - Josiah The Gift
"Street Visions" - Supreme Cerebral
"Legit" - Nas (prod. Hit Boy)
"Born Kings" - Athletic Mic League ft. Ro Spit & Kenyatta Rashon
"Soundproof Aura" - Illogic
"We Right Here" - Priest Da Nomad ft. Tracey Lee & DJ Celo
"When The Wind Blows" - D-Styles & J Scienide
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #AmerigoGazaway #VinniePaz #MethodMan #StuBangas #DJMercilless #AsunEastwood #LouieRankin #Dreadpool #PrimoJab  #godBLESSbeatz #TerrorVanPoo #LeanahCane #VinnyIdol #AthleticMicLeague #TrilogyBeats #JScienide #Phyba #GialloPoint #Nas #HitBoy #JugaNaut #DookieBros #JustoTheMC #maticulous #IllConscious #Milc #Televangel #DStyles #LexTalionis #Snackz #38Spesh #HarryFraud #BennyTheButcher #Ransom #ProDillinger #TyFarris #AJSuede #Agor #ConwayTheMachine #VicSpencer #DaVillins #JosiahTheGift #SupremeCerebral #RoSpit #KenyattaRashon #Illogic #PriestDaNomad #TraceyLee #DJCelo
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flushthethrone · 2 years
(Southern Vangard) Episode 347 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep347! While you’re fatting out this Thanksgiving - or ThanksTAKING, as EDDIE MEEKS so eloquently puts it - you can pig out to the latest and greatest underground hip-hop that’s sandwiched perfectly between trash talking from your hosts with the mosts. We’ve got one heck of a WORLD EXCLUSIVE this week, Vangadians - D-STYLES and J SCIENIDE have a new project they’re dropping before the year is out, and you can hear the first single HERE before it drops this FRIDAY! It doesn’t get any better folks, go ahead and admit it, say thank you and YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live November 20, 2022 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Talk Break Inst - "Peace Or Bombs" - Amerigo Gazaway
"Invisible Ether" - Vinnie Paz ft. Method Man (prod. Stu Bangas)
"Killin'" - DJ Mercilless x Asun Eastwood ft. Louie Rankin & Dreadpool
"Verse 16:10" - Primo Jab (prod. godBLESSbeatz)
"Hot 12" - Terror Van Poo X Leanah Cane (prod. Vinny Idol)
"Phenomena" - Athletic Mic League ft. Trilogy Beats
Talk Break Inst - "Oda Nobunaga" - Amerigo Gazaway
"Avocado" - J Scienide ft. Phyba (prod. Giallo Point)
"Get Light" - Nas (prod. Hit Boy)
"Face Two Face" - Juga-Naut
"Soliloquy Of Stupidity" - Dookie Bros
"Divine Order" - Justo The MC & maticulous ft. Ill Conscious
"Red Scare" - Milc & Televangel
Talk Break Inst - "Sine Qua Non" - Amerigo Gazaway
"When The Wind Blows" - D-Styles & J Scienide **WORLD EXCLUSIVE**
"JohnLewis" - Primo Jab (prod. godBLESSbeatz)
"Supreme" - DJ Mercilless x Asun Eastwood ft. Lex Talionis & Snackz
"Band Of Brothers" - 38 Spesh & Harry Fraud ft. Benny The Butcher & Ransom
"Aqua Sana" - Pro Dillinger ft. Ty Farris
Talk Break Inst - "Dreams - Amerigo Gazaway
"Ronald Reagan" - Milc & Televangel ft. AJ Suede
"The Missile Launcher" - Dookie Bros
"Rambo Knife" - Vinnie Paz (prod. Agor)
"Merci To God" - DJ Mercilless x Asun Eastwood ft. Conway The Machine
"Strung Out" - Vic Spencer & Stu Bangas ft. Da Villins
"One More Chance" - Josiah The Gift
"Street Visions" - Supreme Cerebral
"Legit" - Nas (prod. Hit Boy)
"Born Kings" - Athletic Mic League ft. Ro Spit & Kenyatta Rashon
"Soundproof Aura" - Illogic
"We Right Here" - Priest Da Nomad ft. Tracey Lee & DJ Celo
"When The Wind Blows" - D-Styles & J Scienide
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #AmerigoGazaway #VinniePaz #MethodMan #StuBangas #DJMercilless #AsunEastwood #LouieRankin #Dreadpool #PrimoJab  #godBLESSbeatz #TerrorVanPoo #LeanahCane #VinnyIdol #AthleticMicLeague #TrilogyBeats #JScienide #Phyba #GialloPoint #Nas #HitBoy #JugaNaut #DookieBros #JustoTheMC #maticulous #IllConscious #Milc #Televangel #DStyles #LexTalionis #Snackz #38Spesh #HarryFraud #BennyTheButcher #Ransom #ProDillinger #TyFarris #AJSuede #Agor #ConwayTheMachine #VicSpencer #DaVillins #JosiahTheGift #SupremeCerebral #RoSpit #KenyattaRashon #Illogic #PriestDaNomad #TraceyLee #DJCelo
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crossdreamers · 4 years
Here are the US representatives who voted against the US pro-LGBT+ Equality Act
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The US Equality Act is to outlaw discrimination against LGBTQ people in housing, credit, jury service, public accommodations, and federal funding.
The House of Representatives passed the legislation yesterday, but it is unlikely that the Senate will follow up, given the Republican Party's increasing hostility to queer people. They are currently weaponizing transphobia in an attempt at mobilizing their base.
In the Senate the bill will require at least 10 Republicans to vote with all Democrats to advance past the so-called filibuster.
Metro Weekly has listed the representatives that voted against the law in the House.
Photo of Rep. Marie Newman.
Robert Aderholt
Mo Brooks
Jerry Carl
Barry Moore
Gary Palmer
Mike Rogers
Don Young
Andy Biggs
Paul A. Gosar
Debbie Lesko
David Schweikert
Rick Crawford
French Hill
Bruce Westerman
Steve Womack
Ken Calvert
Darrell Issa
Mike Garcia
Young Kim
Doug LaMalfa
Kevin McCarthy
Tom McClintock
Devin Nunes
Jay Obernolte
Michelle Steel
David G. Valadao
Lauren Boebert
Ken Buck
Doug Lamborn
Gus M. Bilirakis
Vern Buchanan
Kat Cammack
Mario Diaz-Balart
Byron Donalds
Neal Dunn
C. Scott Franklin
Matt Gaetz
Carlos A. Gimenez
Brian Mast
Bill Posey
John Rutherford
Maria Elvira Salazar
W. Gregory Steube
Michael Waltz
Daniel Webster
Rick Allen
Buddy Carter
Andrew S. Clyde
A. Drew Ferguson
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Jody Hice
Barry Loudermilk
Austin Scott
David Scott
Russ Fulcher
Mike Simpson
Mike Bost
Rodney Davis
Darin LaHood
Adam Kinzinger
Mary E. Miller
Jim Banks
James Baird
Larry Bucshon
Trey Hollingsworth
Greg Pence
Victoria Spartz
Jackie Walorski
Randy Feenstra
Ashley Hinson
Mariannette Miller-Meeks
Ron Estes
Jake LaTurner
Tracey Mann
Andy Barr
James Comer
S. Brett Guthrie
Thomas Massie
Harold Rogers
Clay Higgins
Garret Graves
Mike Johnson
Steve Scalise
Andy Harris
Jack Bergman
Bill Huizenga
Lisa C. McClain
Peter Meijer
John Moolenaar
Fred Upton
Tim Walberg
Tom Emmer
Michelle Fischbach
Jim Hagedorn
Pete Stauber
Michael Guest
Trent Kelly
Steven Palazzo
Sam Graves
Vicky Hartzler
Billy Long
Blaine Luetkemeyer
Jason Smith
Ann Wagner
Matthew M. Rosendale
Don Bacon
Jeff Fortenberry
Adrian Smith
Mark Amodei
New Jersey:
Chris Smith
Jefferson Van Drew
New Mexico:
Yvette Herrell
New York:
Andrew R. Garbarino
Chris Jacobs
Nicole Malliotakis
Elise Stefanik
Claudia Tenney
Lee Zeldin
North Carolina:
Dan Bishop
Ted Budd
Madison Cawthorn
Gregory Francis Murphy
Virginia Foxx
Richard Hudson
Patrick T. McHenry
David Rouzer
North Dakota:
Kelly Armstrong
Troy Balderson
Steve Chabot
Warren Davidson
Bob Gibbs
Anthony Gonzalez
Jim Jordan
Bill Johnson
David Joyce
Robert E. Latta
Steve Stivers
Michael Turner
Brad Wenstrup
Stephanie I. Bice
Tom Cole
Kevin Hern
Frank Lucas
Markwayne Mullin
Cliff Bentz
John Joyce
Mike Kelly
Daniel Meuser
Scott Perry
Guy Reschenthaler
Lloyd Smucker
Glenn Thompson
South Carolina:
Jeff Duncan
Nancy Mace
Ralph Norman
Tom Rice
William Timmons
Joe Wilson
South Dakota:
Dusty Johnson
Timm Burchett
Scott DesJarlais
Chuck Fleischmann
Mark Green
Diana Harshbarger
David Kustoff
John W. Rose
Jodey Arrington
Brian Babin
Kevin Bady
Michael Burgess
John Carter
Michael Cloud
Dan Crenshaw
Pat Fallon
Louie Gohmert
Tony Gonzales
Lance Gooden
Kay Granger
Ronny Jackson
Michael T. McCaul
Troy E. Nehls
August Pfluger
Chip Roy
Pete Sessions
Van Taylor
Beth Van Duyne
Randy Weber
Roger Williams
John R. Curtis
Blake D. Moore
Burgess Owens
Christ Stewart
Ben Cline
Bob Good
Morgan Griffith
Robert J. Wittman
Jaime Herrera Beutler
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Dan Newhous
West Virginia:
David McKinley
Carol Miller
Alex Mooney
Scott Fitzgerald
Mike Gallagher
Glenn Grothman
Bryan Steil
Thomas P. Tiffany
Liz Cheney
All Democrats voted for the legislation, as did three Republicans.
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Rolling Loud will come to Portugal
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Tickets go on sale
Pre-Sale - Thursday, Feb 6 @ 8AM GMT On Sale - Friday, Feb 7 @ 8AM GMT
at http://www.rollingloud.com/europe
Want more festivals? Check out our Festival Calendar for a complete list.
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celeboftea · 5 years
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Rolling Loud Announces Rolling Loud Portugal, Coming to Portimao on 7/8-7/10 - They've hosted sold out bashes on both U.S. coasts and in Australia, but Rolling Loud is always on the hunt for new worlds to conquer. Today, Rolling Loud unveils Rolling Loud Portugal, a brand new edition of the world's premier rap festival. Occurring at Praia da Rocha Beach in Portimao, The Algarve, Portugal on 8th - 10th July 2020, Rolling Loud's much anticipated European debut comes along with an all-star line-up typical of the festival’s reputation, boasting headliners like A$AP Rocky, Future, Wiz Khalifa, Lil Uzi Vert, Gucci Mane, Young Thug, Meek Mill, and Rae Sremmurd. Please Reblog!
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getmybuzzup · 5 years
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Rolling Loud Announces Rolling Loud Portugal, Coming to Portimao on 7/8-7/10 - They've hosted sold out bashes on both U.S. coasts and in Australia, but Rolling Loud is always on the hunt for new worlds to conquer. Today, Rolling Loud unveils Rolling Loud Portugal, a brand new edition of the world's premier rap festival. Occurring at Praia da Rocha Beach in Portimao, The Algarve, Portugal on 8th - 10th July 2020, Rolling Loud's much anticipated European debut comes along with an all-star line-up typical of the festival’s reputation, boasting headliners like A$AP Rocky, Future, Wiz Khalifa, Lil Uzi Vert, Gucci Mane, Young Thug, Meek Mill, and Rae Sremmurd. Please Reblog!
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thebigbadbatswife · 4 years
One Single Thread Of Gold Tied Me To You
Summary - Everyone is tied to their soulmate with a red thread tied to their wrist. All except Y/N’s, who’s thread is gold. Tired of waiting for her soulmate to come and find her, she decides to go and find them. It doesn’t go quite how she expected it to.
Warnings - A little angst
[A/N] - This is a soulmate au where you and your soulmate are attached by an unbreakable red thread (or, in this case, gold), tied to your wrist. This was inspired by the song 'Invisible String' by Taylor Swift.
Word Count - 4k
As the early morning sun slowly filtered into your room, through your blinds, you carefully examined the thread attached to your wrist. Everyone had one; it was your link to your soulmate. Yours was different to everyone else though. While everyone had red, yours was gold. As you turned your wrist, it caught the sunlight and glistened a little.
Everyone you knew had always been fascinated by it. As was nearly every stranger you met. Why was it gold? What exactly made you and your soulmate so different to everyone else’s? Questions you had often asked yourself as well. Why were you two so different?
Your family had a theory that whoever it was, they were rich. Very rich. That was surely the reason it was gold. Nothing else made sense to them. Meanwhile your friends were completely convinced that your soulmate was some kind of God.
“Come on, Y/N! It’s the only thing that makes sense!” Tracey said before taking another sip of her third glass of wine. Her usually bright emerald eyes were glazed over from all of the alcohol. “Why else would it be gold?”
“You gotta admit, Tracey might be drunk right now, but she has a good point!” Skylar joined in. She took her brown eyes off the blonde and looked over at you before continuing. “Oh! What if your soulmate is like Wonder Woman or Superman or something! How cool would that be?”
You rolled your eyes and took a sip of your own glass of wine. “Stop it. You’re both being ridiculous,” you had told them because they really were being ridiculous. There was no way your soulmate was a member of the Justice League, let alone an Amazonian Princess or the Man of Steel.
You were, of course, curious of your soulmate yourself. Who wouldn’t be curious of the person they’re destined to end up with? But you didn’t think up the crazy theories your friends and family liked to come up with. Instead you wondered things like, what kind of hobbies do they have? What’s their favourite colour? What type of music do they listen to? Were they a cat person or a dog person? And other things like that.
Another thing about the thread that tied you to your soulmate was that, while everyone could see the thread around your wrist, only you and soulmate could see where it led. While you had always wanted to follow it, you had decided that it would be better to focus on having a decent job and place to live first.
During that time a small part of you had hoped that maybe your soulmate would come looking for you, but since they clearly weren’t, maybe you should? After all, you had a well paying job and a great apartment, so why not? Every job was legally required to allow people time off to go search, so that wouldn’t be an issue. It was paid time off as well so you didn’t have to worry about money. You also had a car so you wouldn’t have to spend a shit ton of money on travel. At least, you hoped you wouldn’t. In truth, for all you knew, your soulmate could be in a completely different country. Now that would certainly complicate things.
Shaking that thought away (because there was no way fate could be that cruel), you got out of bed and set about putting the wheels in motion that would allow you to start following your thread
‘ Welcome to Gotham City! ’ the sign read as you drove past it. When you had told those close to you, your plan, they had been super supportive. Now, if they knew where your thread had lead you, you doubted they’d be as supportive. Hell, even you were rethinking things now. Out of all the cities for your soulmate to be in, it just had to be this one.
How did you know it was this city that they resided in and it wasn’t just another stop along the way? It was hard to explain, but you had a feeling deep within your gut, almost like a sixth sense that just yelled “Yep! This is the place!”.
You felt extremely uneasy as you drove through the city. It was night-time as well which did absolutely nothing to help. Honestly, of all the times to arrive in Gotham, night-time was definitely the worst. Well, there was nothing you could do about that now, you just had to keep on going, so you did.
The golden thread snaked through the gothic city and went from the “posh” part of the city all the way to the worst part of the city. The buildings were run down and most of the windows were boarded up. Each turn you took there were shiftier and shiftier characters on every corner. You started to get the feeling that you really shouldn’t be here. Plus you were starting to wonder if you really wanted to know who your soulmate was if they were hanging out in neighbourhoods like this.
You brought your car to a stop in front of a particularly dark and sinister looking alleyway. A particularly dark and sinister looking alleyway that your golden thread lead straight into. Coming to this part of this city was already a bad idea. Continuing to follow that thread to what had to be your certain doom was even worse. Yet, at this point in your mission, you were pretty much committed.
You couldn’t help out a quiet and very nervous laugh as you climbed out of your car. ‘ This is fucking insane ,’ you thought as you stepped out of your car. Before shutting and locking it (though you doubt that would do much to protect it in this area), you grabbed your pepper spray. ‘ I really hope your worth all this .’
As you followed the thread down the alleyway, you heard a sudden loud bang. A gunshot. You stopped in your tracks and you could feel your heart pick up its pace. Your thread lead in the direction the shot had come from. ‘ I really hope you weren’t involved with that .’ Taking a deep breath, you continued down the alleyway.
The alleyway lead out onto another street. There was a small crunching sound as you stepped out onto the street. Taking a step back, you looked to the ground to see what you had just stepped on. The ground was littered with small shards of glass. Looking up, you figured the shards of glass were from the bulbs from the streetlamps. Something had broken them. It didn’t take you long to figure out what, or rather who ,was responsible.
Further down the street, taking on group of ten men, was none other than Gotham’s Caped Crusader. The Batman.
You quickly ducked back into the alley you had just left. You then carefully peered around the wall, so you could watch the fight. You were well aware of the fact that your thread was leading straight toward the fight. Which meant that your soulmate was involved.
You watched the fight intensely, both intrigued and terrified to figured which one of the men was on the end of your thread. There was a voice in the back of your head praying hardcore that it was the hero in the centre of the fight.
Batman was a blur of black and dark grey as he rapidly made his way through the group of men. With a variety of different punches, kicks and gadgets, he made short work of them. During his combat flow, you followed your thread with your eyes and a small gasp left you as you realised who the other end was attached to.
Holy fuck. You’re friends had, kind of, been right. While your soulmate wasn’t Wonder Woman or Superman, like they had suggested, he was apart of the Justice League’s ‘Big Three’. Your soulmate was Batman . At least now you knew why he hadn’t come looking for you. He’d been busy saving the world.
Now you had to figure out how to approach him before he ended up disappearing into the night.
Exiting your cover, you took your thread between your finger and thumb and gently tugged on it a couple of times.
Batman looked at his end of the thread curiously as your tugs had gotten his attention. Then his head drifted upwards, following where it lead till his eyes settled on you.
If he was shocked, he didn’t show it. He just stood there, his eyes never leaving you. Part of you wanted to cower away from the intense stare, but you willed yourself not to. He was your soulmate, and you weren’t a criminal,  you had no reason to be afraid.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said, finally ending the silence between you. His voice was deep and almost robotic sounding. Probably some sort of voice modulator to help hide his identity, you figured.
“In Gotham? Yeah, this place really sucks,” you replied, thinking about all the things you had heard about this city, “but I came here to find my soulmate; to find you.”
“You shouldn’t have.” His voice was sharp and serious as he spoke. He also sounded irritated at your sudden appearance, which caused you to frown. That couldn’t be right… could it?
“What?” You hated how meek and pathetic your voice sounded, but you couldn’t help it. Wasn’t this supposed to be a happy moment? One of the happiest in your life in fact. Instead you felt like you were being scolded rather than meeting the person who was supposed to be your other half.
“I didn’t want to meet you. Now I suggest you go home. It’s not safe here.”
What? You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. There was pressure behind your eyes and your throat tightened. You took a shaky breath as you took a step backwards away from him. It quickly sunk in that the man you’d been destined to be with, the man you had thought about since you were old enough to understand the concept of a soulmate, wanted nothing to do with you.
“I-I’m sorry I disturbed you.” Your voice broke as you fought back the tears that threatened to fall. You weren’t going to give him that satisfaction. You then turned around and ran back toward where you had left your car.
As fast as you could, you started your car up and made your way to a safer part of the city. It didn’t take you long to find a somewhat empty parking lot to park in. Once the engine was off, you screamed and aggressively slammed against the wheel as you let the tears freely fall.
You felt like a complete and utter fucking idiot. Of course he didn’t want you. You’d probably just get in the way of him saving the world or something like that. Besides, what was that article you had seen a few months ago? Something about Catwoman and a relationship between the two? While it happened very rarely, some people in the world had been known to reject their soulmate because they had found someone they deemed better. Is that what had happened? Whatever the reason, you could feel your heart breaking.
You had used to think that, out of all the members of the Justice League, Batman had been one of the cooler members. Now all you could think was that he was a massive jerk.
Maybe it was your own fault for romanticising the whole thing and thinking that your meeting would be something out of a fairytale. Apparently fate was far crueller than you could have ever thought it to be.
Bruce watched as she ran away from him, back down the alleyway she had come from. A small voice in the back of his head told him to go after her. To grab her, hold her close and apologise, tell her that he hadn’t meant it. He ignored it and headed off in the opposite direction, back to where he had left the batmobile.
Over his comms, he heard a barely audible sigh and he could easily picture his butler and lifelong friend shaking his head in disappointment. No doubt he was going to get an earful once he got back to the batcave. Well it certainly wasn’t the first time.
As the batmobile pulled up in the batcave, he could see Alfred waiting for him. ‘ Here we go ,’ he thought as he got out of his car and removed his cowl.
“I don’t want to hear it,” he stated as he walked past him and toward the batcomputer. He set his cowl down on the desk. Even as the words left his mouth he knew he had wasted his breath. If there was one thing that Alfred had done consistently since Bruce had started down this path, it was letting him know when he disagreed with something he did.
“Was that really necessary Master Bruce? She’s come all of this way…” Alfred started, but ended up trailing off. There was a small moment of silence before he continued. “You know, I remember a small boy who couldn’t wait to go out there and find…” Before he could finish what he was saying, Bruce promptly cut him off.  
“What would you have me do, Alfred?!” His voice echoed off of the cave’s walls and disturbed some of the bats still hanging on the ceiling. Bruce gestured toward his equipment and the display cases that held some rather badly damaged batsuits. All of them testaments to injuries that had come far too close to killing him. “Would you really have me force this life on to her? The dangers, the no guarantee I’ll come home…” He took a deep breath and rested both his hands on the surface of his desk. “She deserves so much better.” His voice was quiet, but still easily heard in the, almost, silent cave.
“With all due respect, sir, I believe she should be allowed to make that decision, not you,” Alfred replied before leaving the batcave, not giving Bruce a chance to respond.
He looked in the direction of the stairs that lead up into the manor. The direction that Alfred had headed in. Was he right? Should he be leaving it up to her to decide what she wanted? But with all the dangers he faced nightly… No, it was better for him to stay far away from her.
Over the following week Bruce found himself distracted. It didn’t matter where he was, what he was doing, he couldn’t focus. And considering what he did once night fell over Gotham, to say being unfocused really wasn’t good was a complete understatement of the situation. He had been having far too many close calls recently.
He couldn’t get it out of his head. The way she had looked at him as he told her he didn’t want to meet her, that she should leave. Alfred’s words echoed in his mind and he found himself questioning the decisions he had made that night. Something that Bruce rarely, if ever, did. Everything he did was meticulously planned and there was never any doubt when he made a decision. Was this what happened once you met your soulmate and rejected them?
Bruce was sure that the rest of the Justice League had taken notice. With how off beat and slow to react to certain things, it would be hard not to. Of course, if they had, none of them had mentioned it to him. Apparently they knew better. For the time being, at least. He was sure it wouldn’t be long before they did try to pry into his personal life.
Which lead him here. On the roof of the building opposite of Y/N’s apartment building. He hadn’t needed to do any extensive research to find her, or learn her name, because he had been in this exact spot a couple of years ago.
Two years ago Bruce’s own curiosity had gotten the better of him. He blamed Clark and his soulmate, a reporter by the name of Lois Lane, for it. He had seen them one too many times in the Watchtower together and had found himself wondering who exactly his soulmate was and what they was like. As a result, he had gone looking for them. Not because he wished to finally meet them, but so he could make sure his soulmate was safe and happy. And she was, so he had left. Only ever checking up on her every now and then to make sure she had stayed that way.
He looked down at the golden thread that came out of his gauntlet and lead down toward the apartment he’d been watching. Both as Bruce Wayne and Batman he had made sure to keep it well hidden. With its unique colouring he couldn’t allow anyone to see it. It would be all too easy for his enemies to find her if they did see it.
He knew that by being here he was easily undoing everything he had done to keep her safe, but, then again, had she not done exactly that when she had tracked him down in Gotham? Besides, and while he would never say it out loud, Alfred had been right. It should be up to Y/N to decide whenever or not she wanted all the baggage that came with him being in her life. Baggage that had driven more than one person from his life…
He shook that thought from his head and got up from his crouched position on the roof. Bruce then leapt from the roof and allowed himself to fall for a couple of seconds before opening up his cape and let it catch the wind that was rushing past him. He silently glided over to her apartment’s balcony.
Y/N was in her apartment alone. She was sat on her sofa, the light from the tv was the only thing illuminating the room.
Bruce was unsure of how exactly to go about this. Back in Gotham he had originally thought of approaching her as Bruce Wayne, but quickly discarded it. Bruce Wayne showing up at an out of the way apartment building was sure to garner attention. As would Batman using the front door, so the balcony had seemed to be the best option. But now that he was here, he wasn’t entirely sure it was.
Should he just knock? That seemed like the best way to go about this. It was going to scare the everloving daylights out of her, but he could deal with that.
He gently rapped the glass of the balcony door with his knuckles. As he had expected, Y/N leapt up from her seat. A bowl and the contents of the bowl followed her and scattered across her carpeted floor. She spun around and when she saw him, the look of shock on her face quickly turned to anger. Her eyes narrowed and he swore that glare would be enough to make even the toughest of Gotham’s thugs would cower at its intensity. Maybe she would deal with his life better than he thought.
After a minute of glaring at him, she turned around and walked toward the lightswitch. At the same time, she gestured for him to enter.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” she demanded as soon as he had entered the apartment and shut the door behind him. The rage in her voice was evident and Bruce was sure he could cut the tension in the room with a batarang.
“I came to apologise,” he said, his voice gentle despite how distorted his modulator made it sound. Y/N scoffed immediately. He didn’t blame her. If he was in her shoes, he wouldn’t believe him either. After all ‘Batman’ wasn’t exactly known for making apologies.
“Yeah right.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I’m being truthful. I… I shouldn’t have said what I said. It wasn’t right.”
“Then why did you say it?” A fair question and one he had an answer to. Before he even said it, Bruce was aware how cliché it sounded.
“I wanted to keep you safe. This life isn’t for everyone.”
“So without even meeting me, you decided that it wasn’t for me.” She shook her head. “That’s not your decision to make!” she yelled at him.
“I know. It’s been pointed out to me before.” In fact that night in the cave wasn’t the first time Alfred had told him that. “But that’s why I’m here now. To give you all the information you need to make that decision.”
You listened intently as Batman explained the dangers of the life he was leading. The dangers that effected the people in his life in one way or another. He also made it a point to reiterate the fact that when he left at night or was summoned by the Justice League there was no guarantee he would return. You asked the occasional question, but for the most part you just listened to him to talk and let his words sink in.
You got it. You understood the very clear concerns that Batman had about this whole thing, they concerned you as well, but you weren’t about to let it deter you. You wanted to know your soulmate. Even if it ended horribly, like he was saying it would, you felt it in your core that you would regret not knowing him, especially if the worst truly did happen. And you told him so.
“Even if you’re not wearing a mask, this life is dangerous. Anything can happen.”
“Anything could happen to me when I leave my apartment each day.”
The superhero life wasn’t special in that regard. As you spoke, your voice was a lot calmer than it had been earlier. In fact, as he had spoke and explained you had found your anger slowly fading. You still wanted to slap the jerk superhero before you, but that was a considerable downgrade from your overwhelming need to deck him when you first saw him standing on your balcony.
“It won’t be easy.”
“I’ve never backed down from a challenge before.”  
You admired his commitment to deter you, but it wasn’t going to work. You were too stubborn to let it. Something you were positive he was learning very quickly.
“There’s nothing I can say to convince you that this is a bad idea, is there?”  
“Nope.” You made sure to pop the ‘p’.
Batman sighed deeply. You watched as he looked away from you and toward the golden thread that linked the two of you together. You could almost hear the gears in his brain turning as he thought. Then he was looking back up at you.
“In that case then.”
You watched as Batman brought his hands up to his cowl. Your eyes widened and you couldn’t help the small gasp that left you as he removed the cowl and revealed his identity to you. Bruce Wayne. While you didn’t live in Gotham City, you were well aware of Gotham’s favoured son. You would’ve had to have lived underneath a rock to not know who he was.
And apparently your family had been right on the money, literally. Not that you cared about the money, you weren’t superficial like that. Personality was far more important than the material items someone may or may not have. In your eyes, at least.
You both stood in silence, his blue eyes studying you, probably trying to gauge how you were going to react. To be truthful, you weren’t entirely sure how to react. Except maybe…
“Well, it’s… it’s nice to meet you Bruce Wayne. I guess this is the part where we forget about what happened and start over?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“It is.”
Yeah, sure, this was probably going to end horribly, but you were looking forward to the adventure that lie ahead.
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sleepysailorghost · 4 years
Tracey’s opinions on the companions:
Dogmeat: She loves Dogmeat! would die for him.
Nick: Tracey’s love for Nick knows no bounds!  he’s the best detective partner she’s ever had. However, they can’t run together all that long because Tracey will forget or ignore the need to eat. She’s also very worried that Nick will get damaged in some way.
Danse: Tracey is very very in love with Danse. Blind Betrayal was a very difficult mission for her, and she could not kill him. She could never do that, even if it meant that she was disobeying orders. at that point, she didn’t have anything to live for; she knew there was no rescuing her son and Paladin Danse was one of the only people she cared about. And she was supposed to kill him. She knew that if he killed himself, she would follow. Ultimately, they talk each other down and just decide to leave the Commonwealth, but Elder Maxson confronts them when they exit the base. After sometime, she confesses her feelings to him, and they become lovers. Still, Tracey wants to leave the Commonwealth.
MacCready: She didn’t need a hired gun, but she looked at him and wanted to have him around. He could ask for the moon and she’d find it for him. She sees him like a brother. 
Piper: If Tracey’s honest, Piper scares her a little. When they first met, Tracey was still pretty meek, trying desperately to adapt to this strange new world and running away from her fears. Then there’s Piper, so determined and perseverant, lying to Danny and yelling at the mayor. She doesn’t care for Piper’s use of Jet. 
Hancock-She doesn’t really know what to make of Hancock. He doesn’t win any points for her with his flagrant use of drugs, so she really just tries to stay out of his way. Tracey’s unaware of it, but part of her issue is that Hancock wants to be her friend. Every companion she gets along with, it’s something of a business arrangement at first. Danse travels with her because he’s her sponsor, and then they become friends. But Hancock just wants to travel with her for the hell of it, and Tracey doesn’t really know what to do with that.
Cait: Tracey admires Cait for trying to break her addiction on chems, but she doesn’t really understand why Cait is mean to dogs. If Cait asked for help, Tracey would back her in an instant. She’s a little intimidated, but Cait always says unintentionally kind things. 
Strong: She doesn’t really like or travel with Strong, although she was glad to be of help.
X6-88: They’ve never interacted
Preston: Tracey didn’t meet the Minute Men until she was a Paladin. She helped them along to Sanctuary, ignoring the sting in her heart. She would have liked to continue helping them, but Preston scared her off with the title of General
Codsworth-What a loyal servant! She was very glad to see him, although he generally stays in their main settlement. 
Deacon: She doesn’t like Deacon. At all. 
Old Longfellow: He’s interesting to be around. 
Curie: She loves Curie. 
Gage: They’ve never met. 
Ada- although she didn’t care for Ada at first, she did like how Ada never complained if she stopped to pick up junk
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anniekoh · 6 years
Documentary films on 20th Century Aboriginal Australia
Sister If You Only Knew (1975, 47 min)
Directed by Janet Isaac.This film explores the pressures experienced by Aboriginal women living in the city, and the effect that these pressures also have on their men and their children. In spite of all life’s difficulties, the women seem to survive the urban environment better than the men. Their humour, intelligence and resilience in the face of adversity shines through. When asked if they wanted to change anything in the content of this film, the participants’ response was “it tells the truth and that is what is important”.
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88.9 Radio Redfern (1988, 54 min) [Image of Radio Redfern on Cope Street in 1989 (photograph courtesy City of Sydney Archives NSCA CRS 1133/5/31)]
An observational documentary which looks at Sydney’s first community Aboriginal radio station, 88.9 Radio Redfern. Set against a backdrop of contemporary Aboriginal music, 88.9 Radio Redfern offers a special and rare exploration of the people, attitudes and philosophies behind the lead up to a different type of celebration of Australia’s Bicentennial Year. Throughout 1988, 88.9 Radio Redfern became an important focal point for communication and solidarity within the Koori community.
Radio Redfern description from Barani Sydney’s Aboriginal History:
Maureen Watson and her son Tiga Bayles laid the foundations for Radio Redfern in 1981, when they started broadcasting for 10 minutes each week on community radio station 2SER 107.3 FM.
When Radio Skid Row (2RSR 88.9 FM) was allocated a community broadcasting license in 1984, it gave 10 hours of air time weekly to Radio Redfern. The station was initially broadcast from the University of Sydney, later moving to a terrace house on Cope Street in Redfern, still under the license of 2RSR.
Radio Redfern was considered the voice of the Aboriginal community in Sydney, and played a vital role in coordinating political protests against the Bicentennial celebrations in 1988 and Aboriginal deaths in custody in the early 1990s. Radio Redfern grew to have 40 broadcast hours each week, with all the announcers contributing their time voluntarily.
Videos from the Redfern Oral History Project
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Boomalli - Five Koorie Artists (1988, 28 min)
Featured People: Bronwyn Bancroft, Euphemia Bostock, Brenda Croft, Fiona Foley, Fernanda Martins, Arone Raymond Meeks, Tracey Moffatt, Avril Quaill, Michael Riley, Jeffrey Samuels.
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peacefulwriter88 · 6 years
Lance Tucker x Curvy WoC
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Warnings: Fluff, language like subtle hints of SMUT but nothing to crazy kids
A/N: I’m just trying to clean my system of this asshole, don’t mind me…
The room reverberates as the crack of thunder hits above the hotel. You’re frozen in your bed, comforter pulled to your chin as lightning flashes against your pulled curtains, the stiff material doing nothing to dispel the chaos that is happening between the thin layer of glass. Can’t help dispel the anxious way your chest heaves up and down, the way your tank top sticks to your sweat drenched skin and you try to close your eyes, willing the scenario away from your mind. But another clap of thunder has you snapping your eyes open and you whimper lower into your bed.
You hated thunderstorms like this.
Your grandparents who had a home in North Carolina loved storms like this. Wasn’t bothered by it. So, that night when a hurricane had blown in, it had taken them off guard. It was a wonder that your grandfather was able to get you and your grandmother to safety, but he had lost his life in the process. Nights like this drew you back to your six year old self and you jump at another flash of thunder, before you’re giving into your anxiety and pull your phone from the nightstand.
You knew he’d be up. It was only 11 – he was always up this late.
Are you up?
You knew it’d throw him off. You never texted him outside the context of work. When you were hired to help coach the girl’s Olympic team, you and Lance had naturally butt heads. He thought he knew what was best for his winning team and you assured him that he didn’t, that there was more that could be learned. You would know, you were a former gold and silver winner like him and that was probably what irked him as much.
You were on his level.
Over time though, annoyance became respect. Lance realized that you did a lot more with the girls than he was capable of, connecting with them on different levels that translated in the gym. Though you barely were in the gym as much as your former self was, it helped when you were able to jump on a beam or the bars to show a technique. You’re muscles had memorized techniques, form, even if the weight of your body’s curve betrayed you and made you regret the suppleness of your ass and breast as a 29 year old. Barely 30 and anytime you were done after a day’s technique,  you felt like you body was going on 50 after you finished a demonstration, needing to ice and soak every part of you.
Lance respected that you still got up there and could do it with ease though. Was impressed on the way you were still able to call control to your body and show the mental and physical discipline that is gained if your mind is in the right place. Lecturing them that boys were nice, sure, but the wrong boy could have you in the wrong state of mind when you were twisting your body off a vault. That going to ballet was a bummer after spending hours in the gym but it strengthened your calves, helped you meditate in a different way. He would also echo his agreement, his eyes lingering a little too long on your ass or chest when you finished a move. You ignored the way that made you feel, you had no room for a Lance Tucker.
Except tonight, as you look down at your cell phone. Two minutes had gone by and he hadn’t responded which mean he hadn’t taken Kyle’s offer to go out for a drink. That he was in bed – hopefully his own. Another boom of thunder and you throw the covers off of you. Fuck this. You weren’t going to be stuck in this room all night, unable to sleep when you both had a long day ahead of you. You find your room key, take a deep breath and lunge out of your bed after a rumble of thunder, counting slowly down to yourself as you scamper out into the hallway. If he wasn’t going to wake up and give you the comfort you needed you were going to force it on him.
There’s something loud banging on his door, drawing him out of his subconscious. He’s suddenly aware of the coolness in his room, the way something bright flashes occasionally throughout the small space and the buzzing of his phone. He groans, blindly looking for the metal contraption that’s annoying him first, rubbing his eyes as he croaks out an answer,
“Open your goddamn door!”
Your voice is different. It’s not commanding, confident or elegant. It’s the opposite – needy on the verge of fear and it’s enough that has him stumbling out of his bed, clicking on a light as he makes his way to the door.
The pounding has stopped now and by the time he cracks open the heavy wood, you’re pushing past him with lightning speed. You’re just wearing a tank top that pushes up your ample bosom and shorts that might as well be illegal as they grip your ass in the best kind of way, causing him to bite his lip as he tries to look away. You throw your phone and room key on his night stand, push your phone into his charger, before your wrapping yourself in his comforter. He furrows his eyebrows together as he closes the door, looking at you with skeptically curiosity as another boom of lightening hits and you jump nearly off the bed, fear laced in your eyes.
“…you’re afraid of thunderstorms?” he doesn’t mean for his voice to be cynical, he’s genuinely curious and you snap a look at him, one he’s seen enough times. The one that makes him want to go hide in a corner while simultaneously bending you over his knee in punishment.  
“You? Really?”
You give a deep sigh, pinching your nose as he walks over to the window, taking a peek outside and whistling under his breath.
“It’s coming down. But makes sense for Florida – it’s trying to wash away all the crazy shit that happens in this state away.”
He looks back at you as you watch him with wide eyes.
“Don’t be so close to the window. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Your voice is meek but genuine and he gives a deep sigh, shaking his head as he closes the curtain, turning to walk toward you.
“You know I was charging my phone. Now it’s going to die.”
“I’ll make sure to keep it at full charge tomorrow. Besides anyone important who needs to talk to you can also connect with you through me. The skanks in your life are just going to have wait a day.”
Despite the sassiness in the comment you’re frozen, he can see the way your body shakes while you hold yourself. He places his phone next to yours before he grabs the sides of your body, pushing you over a bit. You’re soft and hard in the way he’s always imagined and he prays the small erection that always makes an appearance whenever he’s this close to you isn’t apparent as he gets into bed. He pulls the comforter a bit, enough so you have to share and another bout of thunder hits that has you practically jumping into his arms. He chuckles as he wraps them around you, drawing you close as you rest your head on his chest.
“I’m sorry this is unprofessional. But I was stuck for two days in a hurricane that started like this and…..it brings out the worse fear in me. I know it’s unfounded and unrealistic but I can’t afford not to sleep. And Kyle’s a fucking pervert, no way I’m trying to bunk with him. Tracey would keep me up all night talking my ear off about that one time you banged her in her office and the girls would wake me up constantly, asking if you and I were a thing. I just wanted to be with someone who I felt safe with and that I trust….”
You’re shaking and he nods, placing his head on top of yours. He knew your story – it had ben plastered all over the news the years you had gone to the Olympics. Your grandfather had gotten killed in that hurricane that ripped through the east coast. A few years later, your grandmother had passed away and the orphan in you had found a way to overcome, to practice and train and work and go to school to be an American Olympian. He had respected it, respected it more than Hope.
What surprised him was that you trusted him. You talked to him the least, kept him at an arms distance. The fact that you thought to come to him made him feel proud and something else he can’t put his finger on. Tries to push it into the back of his mind even though he knows it’ll linger there for weeks as he rubs your arms up and down as he whispers,
“You don’t have to explain, its ok. I get it. You can stay here as long as you want….”
You fall into his embrace, a sigh of relief hitting his exposed chest.
“Thanks Lance,” another bout of lightening that has you jumping into his lap, arms wrapped reverently around him. When it passes you look at him, large doe eyes that make his cock twitch before you give a sheepish smile. “Probably the night.” You admit and he chuckles as he falls back into his headboard.
“That’s fine with me,” another smile as he grips your hips. “I’d be more than happy to find a way to distract you.”
His moves his hips into your own, his erection moving against your center and you let out a small moan, before you narrow your eyes and shake your head.
“Are you trying to use my fear to seduce me?”
He gives a lazy smile.
“You want to tell me you’ve never thought about you and me? I’ve seen the way you’ve checked me out in the gym….”
You roll your eyes as you shake your head.
“Yea Lance you’re hot. And sure, I’d love to ride you like no tomorrow,” the honesty of the words take him off guards as his eyebrows raise. “But we work together and honestly, I’m not just trying to find some guy to fuck me. I’m past all of that. If I’m riding you like the stallion you are, it’s because you’re more than a good lay.”
Even though you say the words, he sees the way you bite your lip, the way your eyes scan down his chest before your pushing off of him.
“I’m going to bed. We have a long day tomorrow.”
“Fine. But just for the record, I wouldn’t just consider you a good lay. I actually like you. You think I’d let Tracey in my room if she was pounding at my door this late at night. I’d send her over to pervy Kyle.”
You giggle as you lay on your side, shaking your head and he takes the opportunity to wrap himself behind you, drawing your backside to his erection that causes you both to groan.
“Let’s at least cuddle. My fee for disrupting my good sleep. Although, you’re going to have to deal with the consequence of my erection from coming in looking as hot as you do...”
“….unbelievable….” you mutter, but your hand already falls over his arms, snuggling back into him.
Neither admit that it’s the best sleep you’ve gotten in months, even if you both wake up with the worst case of blue balls. Even if you can’t help the lingering way Lance pulls away when you hug him thanks in the morning, or the way his eyes fall on you even more openly throughout the rest of the meet.
Even if you do give in a little bit when he asks you out to dinner, the moment you both land back in California. Even if you say yes with a big grin on your face.
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purestpeacock · 6 years
A Little Lift Conversation
Lucius Malfoy was annoyed with the world. Bad enough that the Ministry of Magic had gone and thrown a party in honor of the god who was his sire without allowing Lucius to oversee every last detail, but to have now sent some flunky around to hound him for information about that vanished Mudblood -- Tellie or Tracey or Tammy or some awful Muggle name like that, he couldn’t keep track.
“As if I would care enough to know even if I knew,” Lucius sneered, pushing past the mousy-haired little wizard trying vainly to keep up with his much longer stride. He had come to the Ministry to make a complaint about the festival, not to answer questions about some idiot Mudblood who’d gone and gotten herself lost. “You’ll recall that I wasn’t in charge of the festivities?” he added sourly. “Maybe you ought to be talking to the people who were.”
Without waiting for an answer, Lucius shoved his way through the gates of the nearest lift and stopped on the threshold, leaving the meek little ministerial flunky to hem and haw at his heels while Lucius pretend to ignore the man until the doors had shut behind him, shutting the fellow out of the elevator. It was only then that Lucius turned to realize that he wasn’t alone, nor did he have any idea what floor this lift was currently heading to.
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Summoning a big, charming smile, he drawled, “Persistent little cretins, aren’t they? I swear, you give some lackluster wand-polisher a quill and a clipboard and they think they’ve got some kind of power over people.” He chuckled heartily. “It would be tragic if it weren’t so funny -- or do I have that backwards?”
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Ver Ella no es un ángel   Película Completa HD Español - Latino
Ver Ella no es un ángel  Online HD (2020) En Español - La Película Completa en  Castellano, Gratis y Subtitulada.
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Ella no es un ángel  Película Completa en Español,Ella no es un ángel  netflix,Ella no es un ángel  /cinepolis,Ella no es un ángel  película completa en español netflix,Ella no es un ángel  tráiler 2 español latino,Ella no es un ángel  película completa en español latino facebook,ver Ella no es un ángel  cinepolis
Ver Ella no es un ángel  Película Completa HD — UTorrent Descargar 97 | 4K ULTRAHD | FULL HD (1080P) | SD ### VER CLIC AQUI |✼✮☛ https://bit.ly/3i4i340 Official Media :https://bit.ly/3i4i340
Antes de ver y seguir el cómo ver películas completas gratis y hablar en español ,entonces aquí está el detalle y la pieza de la historia que he delineado en película completa con subtítulos en español ,y a continuación hay una sinopsis de la historia y una colección de actores que protagonizaron las películas Ella no es un ángel
Como es costumbre, esta película se filmó en video HD 1080p (Alta Definición) Widescreen para proyección cinematográfica y en formato Blu Ray con audio Dolby Digital. Las películas estreno para televisión se distribuyen en formato 4:3 720p (TV). Sin cortes comerciales, la película Ella no es un ángel completa tiene una duración de 90 minutos. El tráiler subtitulado HD está disponible para ver gratis en Internet o para descargar desde la web oficial. Puedes ver este film completo en español o inglés en la programación diaria de los canales cinematográficos, alquilando la película en castellano en DVD o con servicios VoD (YouTube, Video On Demand) y PPV (Pay Per View, Netflix Películas).
Ella no es un ángel 2020 De La Pelicula Completa En Español Latino Ella no es un ángel cuenta la historia de Libby, una mujer joven que, tras asesinar a un hombre que se ha aprovechado de ella, se da a la huída. En el camino se encuentra a una pareja que acaban de perder a su hijo así que ella les hará creer que éste era su difunto marido. La protagonista comenzará entonces una nueva vida bajo una identidad que no es la suya, pero toda mentira puede ser descubierta.
El film está dirigido por Rachel Feldman (The Jersey, Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death) y cuenta con un reparto formado por Tracey Gold (Por el bien de Nancy), Kevin Dobson (1408), Dee Wallace (E.T. El extraterrestre), Cameron Bancroft (El remedio de la naturaleza), Jeffrey Meek (Johnny el Guapo), Terri Hoyos (Diablo), Michelle Jones (Aprende como puedas) y Nathan Anderson (El dinero es lo primero), entre otros. Título original She's No Angel
6 de agosto de 2020 / 1h 40min / Drama Dirigida por Rachel Feldman Reparto Tracey Gold, Kevin Dobson, Dee Wallace Nacionalidad EE.UU.
Puedes ver Ella no es un ángel, película completa en nuestra guía cinematográfica - Alguien está tratando de enfermar a los estudiantes en el internado de lujo, Danforth Academia. Abby, Paige, Ella no es un ángel unen sus fuerzas para resolver el misterio. Es posible ver la película Ella no es un ángel gratis por televisión por cable o con servicios de alquiler VoD con audio original en inglés, subtitulada y doblada al español latino o castellano (Estados Unidos, México, España y Latinoamérica). La disponibilidad de idiomas y subtítulos varía según el servicio utilizado. Esta película se estrenó oficialmente en cines el 5 de Febrero del año 2009 (películas de 2009). La edición en DVD full y Blu-Ray HD/3D de la película completa en buena calidad visual más trailer oficial, comentarios del director, escenas eliminadas y extras generalmente se comercializa luego de su estreno oficial en festivales o salas cinematográficas de Estados Unidos y otras partes del mundo. Título alternativo: Ella no es un ángel (Brasil).
Categorías: Películas en español Películas de Argentina Películas de 2020 Películas de suspenso Películas policíacas Películas de cine de comedia Películas dirigidas por Ariel Winograd Películas ambientadas en Buenos Aires Películas dramáticas de Argentina Películas dramáticas de los años 2000 Películas rodadas en Buenos Aires Películas sociales y políticas Películas basadas en hechos reales
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letswritefanfiction · 4 years
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Mistakes Were Made
A  series of disconnected oneshots that poke fun at the fandom hivemind,  canon, and past!me. I’m taking things that I’ve either observed or done  myself and reframing them in parody where hopefully we can just all have  some low stakes fun and, at best, maybe learn something about our  favorite characters and writing.
Read on ffnet here.
Chapter Four- Wait, How Did We Meet Again?
It was only natural that the Cerulean Gym became the hangout place for all the PokéGirls. First of all, Misty's sisters provided the house with everything one could possibly need for a girly sleepover. Nail polish, gorgeous clothes, lots of makeup, face masks, etc. Secondly, one could presume it was a large space. Certainly it looked that way from the outside, especially after the renovation it must have gotten before Sun and Moon. Similarly, one could only assume that Misty and her sisters lived there, since they're never shown to reside anywhere else. Then there was the central location. Of course, no one has a map of all the anime regions, but since Ash gets to all of them via Kanto—most on foot to boot—we can at least pretend that Kanto is in the middle of all the action.
And, thanks to Misty's dead, missing, or otherwise absent parents—and her aloof sisters—there was no supervision to concern themselves with!
For all of those arbitrary and possibly made up—not to mention rarely canonical—reasons, Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, Serena, Bonnie, Lillie, Lana, and Mallow found themselves sprawled all over Misty's room. Let's say it's a large room, since according to Showdown in Dark City owning Gyms is a good way to make money despite no evidence proving this.
Lana was eyeing all of the Water Pokémon paraphernalia Misty had while Lillie was perusing Misty's closet—Misty, after all, didn't have a mother to force her into clothing that makes her look like a non-Pokémon from another dimension. It was pretty exciting. Dawn and May were gossiping about coordinating while Mallow was trying—and failing—to explain bread baking to Misty. Serena, meanwhile, was dabbing a light amount of makeup on Bonnie's face. The girl was way too young for it, but it was all in good fun, so Serena couldn't see the problem with doing it in the context of a sleepover.
Only Iris was alone. Not only because she didn't have much of an interest in nail polish or makeup, but because…well, she was confused. She kept on glancing at Dawn—and everyone else—trying to gauge if she was the only one who felt out of place in the situation. But if anyone else felt the way she did, they weren't showing it. Finally, in the din of the room, she cleared her throat to speak up.
She said something, but it was lost in the noise of the girls' chattering. She tried again, a little louder, but again, it was swallowed up like a lone voice in a cafeteria. This time, however, Dawn looked over at her and asked, "Did you say something, Iris?"
She said it just loud enough for the room to quiet by half. Taking that as her cue, Iris said, for a third time, "I'm sorry, but just who are all of you?"
Dawn blinked, not sure what her friend was talking about. "Well, I'm Dawn. We met in Unova, remember?"
"No, I know you!" Iris said sharply, not able to hide her frustration any longer. "But who are the rest of you? Whose house is this?"
By then, everyone had hushed and was staring at Iris. They seemed alarmed by her questions and that caused Iris to recoil a bit.
"Well…this is my house," Misty said. "But I'm not sure about the other part. We're all best friends. We all met through Ash."
"Okay," Iris said, almost eagerly, having found something to cling onto. "But how did you guys meet?"
Misty, having accidentally become spokeswoman for the room, took it upon herself to continue. "Uh, well, I met Mallow, Lana, and Lillie in the airport when they came to visit Kanto. And May and I met in Hoenn for the Togepi Festival. And then…"
Misty looked between Dawn, then Iris, then Serena and Bonnie. Her brows furrowed as the words left her. She was left with nothing more to say than, "I…I don't remember."
"Did Ash introduce us?" Iris insisted.
Misty shook her head slowly. "I don't think so. He's not very good at that. I mean, Ash is only indirectly responsible for me meeting any of the rest of you."
"Do we have anything in common?" Iris asked, now on something of a roll.
"Of course we do!" Dawn answered. "We're all great friends with Ash. We all love Pokémon. We've all gone on journeys—"
"Technically we haven't," Lillie interjected in a meek voice. "We do travel occasionally, but I live in my mother's house."
"And she has a butler who drives her everywhere," Lana added.
Iris blinked. "Yeah, that's not so relatable to me."
"Well, we all have careers and aspirations in Pokémon, right?" May asked. "Misty's a Gym Leader and Dawn and I are coordinators…"
"I wanna be a Dragon Master," Iris agreed.
"I've been making a name for myself in Pokémon Showcases," Serena offered humbly. "And Bonnie—"
"I can speak for myself!" Bonnie said. "I wanna be a Pokémon Master, just like Ash!"
"I hope you mean what Ash wants and not what Ash is," Misty mumbled.
"I want to be a Water Type Trainer like Misty," Lana added.
"And I suppose I've been toying with the idea of being a Pokémon researcher," said Lillie.
Mallow was the holdout. She looked awkwardly at the other girls and said, "I think I just want to work at the restaurant with my dad. I mean, my Pokémon work there too and I want to serve to Pokémon customers but…it's just a restaurant."
Her comment was met with silence. Silence which Iris was quick to interrupt. "So. What I'm hearing is that we don't necessarily have a lot in common. I mean, I'm sorry…" she gestured towards Serena, whose eyes grew wide with having been singled out, "but I've never even heard of Pokémon Showcases. That, combined with the fact that I have no idea how I ended up in the same room as any of you, makes me a little hesitant to call you my best friends. My best friends are Ash and Cilan, and Dawn is an acquaintance. The rest of you are strangers."
Once again, the room was thick with silence. This one, profoundly awkward. Silence was not a thing meant to happen at slumber parties. If there was a lull in the conversation, put on a rom-com. If people started ignoring the rom-com, throw on some throwback music. If that failed, take it upon yourself to prank call any one of Misty's sisters. Apparently a lot of unknown numbers were in this room, ready to be utilized for prank calls. However, none of that happened.
"Well, that sure took the fun out of everything," Bonnie pouted.
"It's okay, Bonnie," Serena comforted. "She's probably right. Maybe we should both go home."
"To Kalos?"
Serena shrugged. Just as she was about to stand up to leave, Misty said, "No, that's ridiculous. The least we can do is stay here and get to know each other. We're all friends with Ash and that's enough in common for me. I trust his taste in friends."
"Me too," Dawn said decidedly.
"That's fine with me," Iris said, surprising everyone. "You're just not my best friends."
Moral: Um, sudden endings are off-putting? Sorry, it seemed as good a place to end it as any.
Real Moral: Most of these characters don't know each other. I've read a lot of stories where Misty, May, and Dawn are all best friends, but Misty and Dawn have never met in canon. And there's never any explanation for this. As Misty said in this story, I don't trust Ash to have done a thoughtful introduction between any of these characters. I would buy that May would introduce Dawn and Misty but when? Why? Where? These are good questions to consider when putting these characters in a story together.
Exception: Really, there are lots. I've certainly done this (the chapter "Effeminize" in my Alphabet Challenge comes to mind) and I'd say being a oneshot is the most common exception. The truth is that not every oneshot is going to have the space for this kind of exposition or back story. But, generally, if you can avoid being arbitrary with this kind of thing (or anything) the better your story will be. Specificity is almost always the way to go. But in a multi-chap there's really no excuse for not fleshing this out.
Secondary (Tertiary?) Moral: Yes! A second one! Apologies for this level of preachiness. The second moral is that even if these characters have been introduced, they are unlikely to be best friends. Take into account how much time they've spent together and what they have in common. There might be less there than you'd think. Example: Misty has a real friendship with Lana because they have so much in common, but they're still not best friends like her and Ash or Brock because they haven't spent much time together. She and Tracey spent a lot of time together, but they don't seem to have too much in common, so they're close, but probably not best friends.
Exception: A character who doesn't understand emotional boundaries? I don't know.
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