#Top 10 Funniest Animals in the World
animalsbirdsplanet · 10 months
Top 10 Funniest Animals in the World
In this article, we'll introduce you to the top 10 funniest animals in the world that are sure to bring a smile to your face.Humor is a universal language, and it's not just limited to humans. The animal kingdom is full of creatures that can bring joy and laughter to our lives with their quirky behaviors, comical appearances, and unexpected antics.
Read More... https://animalsbirdsplanet.com/top-10-funniest-animals-in-the-world
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(PG 13 list with random and funny topics. Reblog for your anons to ask you.)
1. Top 5 stupidest ways you have ever gotten injured
2. Top 5 weirdest places you have fallen asleep
3. Top 5 dumbest scars you have and why/ how you got them
4. Whats an odd item that brings you comfort
5. If you could say one sentence to the whole world what would it be?
6. If you were a plant which would u be?
7. If you were an animal which would u be?
8. What 5 things would you take with you to be stranded on an island (nothing that helps you escape tho)
9. If you could have superpowers what would u want to have?
10. pen, pencil or typing?
11. Weirdest pet peeve
12. if you were a ghost who would u want to haunt?
13. Dumbest thing you have done just for kicks
14. most niche hobby you have
15. Weirdest pet you’ve ever had (the more exotic the better!)
16. Least fav colour?
17. Winter clothes or summer clothes?
18. Hoodies or sweaters?
19. Iceblock or icecream?
20. Sea turtle or land turtle?
21. If you could keep any animal as a pet what would it be?
22. How many poisonous plants can you name without googling (no cheating!)
23. Fav toxic/ poisonous / venomous plant / animal / food
24. If you could bring one person back to life who would it be (dumb answers only!)
25. Name of your childhood toy (if you had one)
26. Least fav food
27. Allergies? (Bonus points if they are weird or unusual)
28. Lest fav flavour
29. How do you take your coffee?
30. if you could put wings on any animal which one would it be and why?
31. If you could pick a species to go extinct which one and why?
32. Rename three animals
33. if you could pick someone dead to haunt you who would it be?
34. stupidest reason you ever got in trouble (as a kid or as an adult)
35. Best thing you ever pulled off and got away with
36. Longest you have ever gone without sleep?
37. Earphones or headphones
38. how much money would it take for you to kill someone?
39. Best excuse you ever used and got away with
40. Dumbest lie you ever told.
41. Stupidest thing you believed as a kid
42. What food would you be happy to eat for the rest of your life
43. Food dislikes (more obscure the better!)
44. Top 5 weirdest things you have eaten (food edition)
45. Top 5 weirdest things you have eaten (non food edition)
46. Fashion style
47. If you could do anything for a day what would you do?
48. Funniest childhood crush story
49. Have you ever had a nosebleed and where was the worst place its happened
50. Ever broken a bone? Which one and how.
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barcodeboyz · 4 months
My top 10 favorite South Park episodes, no one asked but here we go
10. With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
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This is a controversial episode to put here because of how offensive it is, and truthfully, I didn't care too much for the A plot. But the B-plot makes up for it. Watching Cartman and a Midget fight to Get Down with the Sickness is so hilariously absurd.
9. You're Getting Old/Ass Burgers
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This is the second/third episode I remember watching before I got into the show. I included them both in one spot because Ass Burgers is a continuation of You're Getting Old, but each have their own separate charm. I definitely shed a tear when Stan moved out to Fleetwood Mac's Landslide and split my sides laughing as Kyle yelled at Cartman for sticking the burgers up his ass. I also heavily relate to Stan's meltdown in class in Ass Burgers, because that's real emotion. An amazing storyline overall.
8. Make Love, Not Warcraft
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I mentioned that the previous two episodes were some of my first episodes, but not THE first episode. That title goes to this episode. When I was born, my brother was 15, and as I grew up, I often watched him play World of Warcraft. So this episode is very nostalgic to me, not just because him and I watched it but because as someone who plays WOW nowadays (very inconsistently), it's so nostalgic to see how much has changed.
7. The Losing Edge
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This is just a classic episode. The boys don't want to participate in baseball and try to get out of it by losing, but the other teams have the same idea. I think we all know who the real star of the episode is: Randy. I thought this was America!
6. Trapped in the Closet
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Subtlety is completely ignored in this episode. As Stan is praised as the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard, his comments about Tom Cruise send him literally into the closet. I think my favorite bit in the episode is R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet verses, specifically when he pulls out a gun in Stan's room and everyone in the hallway runs away.
5. Major Boobage
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This episode is... beautiful. The animation is impressive, and the story is hilarious as well. Kenny and Gerald cheesing and then getting into a fight, Cartman reliving the Holocaust with the cats, and the funny ass press conference given just solidify this episode as legendary.
4. Le Petit Tourette
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This episode introduced my favorite one-off character, Thomas. But even more than that, it gave us a great story and a chance for us to see Cartman's plan blow up in his face. While it ultimately never came to fruition due to Kyle's actions, it's satisfying to know that he definitely revealed a deep secret or two in exchange for almost slandering minority groups on national TV.
3. Follow That Egg
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I have vague memories of watching this episode as a kid, but I don't consider it as one of my firsts because I could only really recall them running through the crowd trying to save their grade. But it's a fantastic episode. Ms. Garrison's attempts to stop gay marriage from being legalized, to Stan's comical bitterness towards Kyle and Wendy, it all comes together and compliments each other well.
2. D-Yikes!
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I didn't expect to get so personal on a South Park top 10 list, but it's the honest truth. South Park became a major comfort for me after my assault. And this was the first episode I watched that made me burst out laughing since the attack; Ms. Garrison screaming "scissor me timbers!" has got to be one of the funniest lines in the show's history. And overall, it's just a fun episode to watch.
1. Guitar Queero
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This is an underrated masterpiece of an episode that more people should watch. The plot of the episode feels so fluid, and everything about it makes sense to me. The rise to stardom, falling to drugs (well, video games about drugs), losing it all and returning to give it one final shot just encompasses what South Park can really do when given the right tools. Maybe I'm biased because Season 11 is my favorite season, but something about this episode just really scratches my brain.
Anyways, that's my list! Thanks all for reading.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: Miraculous: Ladybug & Chat Noir. The Movie
Welp I finally got the miraculous Movie so now I get to review it.
So For this review, I plan viewing this SOLELY on the movie. I will not be judging it completely based on the show. This is Zag's take. (The view on who did it better will be for another Post)
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(Thanks @knightsweeties for the picture)
How I will be reviewing it.
Music (Because yes, this is a Musical and should be judged)
Final Thoughts.
So its pretty simple. A villain named Hawkmoth appears that wants to use the power of the butterfly miraculous to get the two miraculous he needs to attain his goal. But two heroes will rise in order to fight him, Ladybug and Chat noir. We will see another take on the show that inspired the movie. A new world for Ladybug and Chat noir.
Overall, this movie's plot is pretty generic, its not going to be winning anything for originality. BUT it sticks to the script and does everything it needs to do to set up Ladybug and Chat noir's respective character arcs and setting up one heck of a final confrontation with hawkmoth. The emotional drama is there and mostly hits the points it needs to. And while not everything got a laugh out of me, some things did.
It also ties up a good amount of loose ends while leaving Sequel bait.
For the most part. 7/10 for non-fans
9/10 for fans.
Its engaging enough and does what it needs to do.
Marinette: She is likable and you do enjoy seeing her on screen when she starts getting confident. I do think the pacing of the movie does impact her a bit, but its never to the point where its unbelievable. Also as Ladybug, her banter with Chat noir is top notch. There is some really good chemistry there. That being said, I find it harder to believe that she fell in love with Adrien over chat noir. But its a nit pick.
Adrien: I admit it took a bit for me to actually like this adrien, but I think thats intentional. Chat noir starts out arrogant and annoying, while Adrien starts shut off and quiet. He is a boy mourning the loss of his mother and his father is so distant that he seems gone to. But then he meets Ladybug, he sees this girl and how incredible she is. He finds someone he can relate to and his heart opens. Its beautiful seeing him fall in love with her and pull out all the stops opening up to her. He even gets to confront his father. Its quite a biting scene. I must say this maybe my favorite iteration of Adrien. (Careless whisper is the only song he listens to.) I do wish he was in it a bit more as adrien, but its not that bad.
Gabriel: I dont know how they did it, but they managed to make Gabriel sympathetic. Showing the lengths he is going, how lost he is, the survivor's guilt he has. He blames himself and wants to bring his family back together again. And Hawkmoth they made wacky and yet TERRIFYING. And we see this especially in the finale and the moment we think he wins, he sees his son. He sees it was Adrien, the one thing left in his life that he wants to protect him. This is a gabriel that deserves some sympathy but doesnt shy away from the fact he committed crimes.
Alya and Nino: Now they are both not in this as much as the actual show, but they are great supports and some of the changes done to both of them are wonderful. Alya being supportive of Marinette, Nino being such a bro to adrien while also simping for Alya (Chef's kiss). I do wish Nino and Adrien's meeting but their friendship is good.
Chloé: This chloé is exactly what she needs to be. A bully character but never so excessive that it detracts from the plot. She is spoiled and she is probably the funniest character. (For those that know the show, think Season 1 chloé with a dash of season 2) I think they got a different english VA for her, and honestly it works.
Plagg and Tikki: I found Plagg a bit annoying with the fart jokes, but outside of that he is pretty similar to his canon counterpart. Tikki on the other hand SHINES in this movie. This is what I wanted from Tikki, motivational, curious, fun loving. this is what I picture with the kwami of Creativity.
Fu: He is the mysterious old man character. He plays it well, though he is hardly in the movie. But at least he actually shows up for Ladybug and Chat noir almost right away, instead of just hiding.
The other characters play their roles and there are some funny bits, the akumatized villains are fun and play their role. Lady Magician and the Mime are both phenomenal.
Also the Gargoyle, I feel so bad for him. He wins the award for most Tragic akumatization.
Overall Solid 8.5/10
I do wish we got more Alya and Nino, and less fart jokes from Plagg
There are 3 lessons to take away from this movie.
The first one "Stronger together"
Having help and working with those around us can help us grow, we have to be willing to let others in and help us be our best selves.
The second is "Believe in yourself"
Marinette's main character arc is coming to terms with what she can do and finding the inner strength that she always had, even without powers. (Done better than a chunk of films these days)
The Third lesson, "Power of Love"
It was love that helped stop Hawkmoth, it was love that helped chat noir and ladybug overcome their weaknesses and fix paris. It was even love that helped them at the very end.
That being said... the execution on all of the lessons was not perfect, the first one sort of fell off by the end, but the second one and third lesson still applied. There could be some work but I still enjoyed it.
The Animation looks great, the character designs look great, and while I was originally iffy on them, after seeing it I must say the designs work.
The Lighting in itself if Heavenly to say the least. Whoever was in charge of the lighting needs to be given a deep tissue massage and a raise.
It does feel a bit Disney for my personal taste but I cant complain with how crisp the fights look. Great Choreography and it really sells the intensity of the scenes. The details and call backs, the foreshadowing.
Its solid animation, I would say that it is missing a few bits to really make it stand out, some sort of Stylization. But outside of that. Its good.
The scenes that they want to focus on look great, the imagination bits are grandiose. There was care put into this and not just a cheap cash grab.
The Music
This movie is a musical, very disney-sque.
And as a courteous, I listened to the songs in French and english. I know the english VA's arent the one's singing. And I have to say, it feels SO WEIRD for Marinette in the english dub. But Its not that bad. I think the French one is just more consistent sounding. But english and french both sound fine. Also Chat noir's VA isnt singing, but I think the singing voice for him fits him a bit closer but the french is still the best. "My Lady" is a great song for Chat noir.
The songs are fine, nothing that really blew me away, but they were fun. "I believed in me" fits Marinette well as an opening song.
Tikki's rapping in english is surprisingly decent. But SO WEIRD.
But Gabriel's singing voice, THAT through me off.
Villain song 101. Love it in the english dub. "Chaos Reigns"
But the song "Stronger together." That hit me. The duet in both iterations are great.
The Background music always seems to fit the mood... Except Careless whisper (But that was always used in amusing ways). The BG should be praised
Final Thoughts
Overall, if I had to rate it objectively, without knowing the show or series. 7/10. Nothing ground breaking but its a good film in itself, its entertaining and fun, and it has some good moments. Pacing is a bit all over but it’s under 2 hours so it’s more of a pick your battles thing
If I had to rate this as the Show fan that I am and my personal enjoyment.
It does nearly everything I wanted it to do, and added to flair and changes.
Now not everything is perfect, since limited time to tell a story. But its coherent and cuts some of the bloat that was a problem in the OG series. Now some things I enjoyed were also cut though.
I like how it isnt a 1 for 1, it changes some things and gives a fresh tale.
Now which one is better I will address in another post
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doublydaring · 1 month
Ron what are your top 10 favorites movies ever made
This is not a definitive list I love too many movies too much but here is a sampling:
1. Head - self explantory
2. Bull Durham - the greatest baseball movie ever made. even if you don't know anything about baseball you will love this movie. it will lovingly teach you all you need to know which is that baseball is sex and sex is baseball. Susan Surandon and Kevin Kostner mildly kinky sex with heavy saxophone. Wear garters to pitch better. The beauty of the minor leagues.
3. Benny and Joon - this movie is just... delightful. It knows exactly when to take itself seriously and when to be whimsical. Being something of a Joon myself I formed an emotional connection to these characters at a young age when I originally saw this story as a wonderful musical premiere that unfortunately never went anywhere. I still mourn those songs. Benny Joon and Sam are adorable and the conflict makes sense and I like everybody in this movie. Ugh. So perfect and sweet.
4. Maurice - E. M. FORSTER. I will always be a room with a view girly but this movie is better sorry. The movie that annoying gay people asking for happy ending would like if they understood the concept of class conflict. So good so wonderful. Alec Scudder you will always be famous.
5. My Cousin Vinny - Italian Americans, Jews, the south, what could go wrong? One of the funniest movies of all time and one of the sexiest movies of all time. Marisa Tomei perhaps I am not a homosexual. Ralph Macchio. Fucking stunning. A film that doesn't need to be as gorgeous as it is but serves and slays at every turn. Thee courtroom comedy.
6. Army of Darkness - I can't watch scary movies luckily this movie isn't scary. I love hot men doing dumb shit, I love king arthur, I love Sam Raimi, I love boiiiiiinnnngggg sound effect. This movie is EPIC. Smart stupid fun.
7. Parting Glances - Steve Buscemi gay AIDS comedy 1986. No one has seen this movie because I don't think it got a wide theatrical release its one of those movies I am lucky to know about because my parents went and saw every independent movie released from 1984-2002 at our local art theater (RIP). This movie is sweet and thoughtful and hysterical. One of my moms favorites one of my favorites. Dump him, fall in love with your best friend.
8. Arsenic and Old Lace - I have to have at least one extremely old thing on here (honorable mention to bringing up baby). This movie is fucking hilllarrrious. Jonathon Brewster and Dr. Herman Einstein are the greatest homoerotic villain duo of all time. Carey Grant for God's sake!!!! A horribly dark comedy about the two sweetest old ladies you ever did meet.
9. The Lost World: Jurassic Park - what if Jurrassic Park starred Dr. Ian Malcolm. Are you stupid? Jurassic Park is a perfect film but this one is My Favorite. The power of gymnastics can ward off a dinosaur.
10. Pacific Rim - the characters in this movie blow all its peers out of the water. Raleigh Becket? Mako Mori???? Stacker Pentecost? Newt Geizler? Helllooooo. Dr. Herman. Gottlieb. What if an action movie was good? I can't believe no one had thought of that until now? Not a kaiju guy sorry. Not a Jaeger guy. Just a freaky little characters guy and boy does this move have them.
Soooo many more: Moonstruck, Raising Arizona, Pride and Prejudice, Lancelot of the Lake, The Sting, Slap Shot, Barefoot in the Park, Excalibur, Re-Animator 1&2, Evil Dead 2, Bill and Ted, To Wong Foo, Repo Man, I could go on forever.... I love the movies.....
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alshamswelnahr · 5 months
52 demon slayer questions
1) Which chapter title do you find the most clever or fitting
2) Which character(s) in the manga do you believe is/are the most well-written and what makes them stand out to you
3) Which character introduction stands out the most to you and what makes it memorable
4) Whose character's conclusion impacted you the most and which one do you believe was the most skillfully crafted
5) Thoughts on "Kimetsu Gakuen" and your favorite character(s)/chapter(s)
6) Favorite character design (including: eyes, color scheme, hairstyle, attire)
7) Top three breathing styles
8) Which character has the most compelling backstory
9) Favorite sword or weapon design
10) Favorite original soundtrack/OP/ED
11) Name your top three favorite fights
12) Favorite anime adaptation change or added scene
13) Is there any scene, aspect, or a detail that you preferred in it's manga version over it's anime counterpart
14) Which sibling or familial bond is your favorite and what distinguishes it as your favorite
15) Which three panels do you find visually stunning and which three panels are your personal favorites
16) Standout quote/dialogue from the manga and what makes it special to you
17) Your favorite parallel or foil within the story
18) What do you think each Hashira/Upper Moon represents symbolically in the story
19) What moment(s) in the manga saddened you the most
20) Have you read the light novels and if so which story was your favorite
21) If you could add an extra manga arc what would it be about and where would it fit in the story
22) Share any headcanons you won't take any criticism on
23) Is there an element of the story you feel passionate enough about to write a thesis on
24) What is your favorite blood demon art
25) In your opinion who is the best-written demon and why
26) Which side character do you think deserved more spotlight
27) If a new Gaiden were released which Hashira would you want it to focus on
28) Your favorite volume cover/sketch and your favorite cover page/colored page
29) Favorite Taisho era whisper
30) How would you rank the story arcs
31) What is the most intriguing piece of lore or world-building element for you and what aspects would you like to see explored further
32) Name a moment in the manga you'd love to experience for the first time again
33) What is your opinion on the manga's ending
34) What initially drew you to watch or read the series
35) What message(s) do you believe kny is trying to convey to its readers, and what idea(s) you think it aims to explore throughout the story
36) What scene in the manga/anime do you find the funniest
37) How would you recommend this manga to someone who's never read it before
38) Which location/setting in the manga or anime do you find the most beautiful
39) Do you create fandom content like fanfiction or fanart and if so what kind
40) What is your favorite dynamic whether platonic or romantic
41) Are there any chapters or volumes you never get tired of rereading
42) What was the most surprising twist in the story for you
43) If you could switch two characters roles in the story (living or dead) would you and how would that affect the narrative
44) Which character did you have the biggest change of opinion about throughout the manga
45) Since love plays a central role in KNY which act or display of love touched your heart the most in the story
46) Do you own any Demon Slayer merch? If yes what items do you own
47) Is there an anime episode you could watch repeatedly without getting tired of it
48) Which version do you prefer watching: sub or dub? also which voice actor do you believe truly embodied their character or portrayed them most convincingly?
49) Does kny bring you comfort? If it does in what way or through which character do you find comfort
50) In demon slayer love's endurance surpasses death making it a story haunted by ghosts. Which one of them do you like the most and which interaction between the living and the dead stands out as your favorite
51) Is there a character that inspires you or whom you strive to be like and is there any you hope to never resemble
52) Lastly, out of Tanjiro's connections and empathies towards the characters, which bond or connection resonated with you the most and what was the reason behind that
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algor-mo4tis · 8 months
I think light Yagami/death note is the funniest character in anime industry honestly, death note wasn’t intended to be a comedy but the pure unhinged autism faggotry that came from death note will always make it a 20/10 comedy anime for me. I remember light was on his hands and knees ass up in the air and screaming at L’s grave and I keel over laughing, the stupid fucking pun of “I couldn’t live in a world without light” “yes it would be very dark” top tier. The whole fucking thing with matsuda just existing around Ryuk and being somewhat okay with it even to the point he yanks an apple out of a DEATH GODS HANDS and eat it in front of him. And my personal favorite:
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Mass murderer narcissist god complex to the actual gods light Yagami calls Ryuk “ryukie”
Also the fucking simp that light had for him and I’m NOT talking about misa, the other one. Once again more faggotry. It’s just pure perfection.
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Captain Underpants: The Epic First Movie
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So I have to admit, Captain Underpants is yet another thing I didn't engage with as a child. I remember the books being around when I was a kid, but I was too busy being obsessed with Disney Princesses and Barbie to really care. So as my first exposure to this property, how does it hold up?
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We focus on best friends Harold and George, who spend their days writing and drawing the "Captain Underpants" comics about a underwear-clad superhero's epic adventures. Those adventures find their way into reality when they accidentally hypnotize their strict principle Krupp into thinking he is Captain Underpants. While fun at first, danger is thrown into the mix with the arrival of Professor Poopypants, who seeks to rid the entire world of laughter.
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So yeah, this movie is really silly, but I think it works in its favor? Like, it's probably the most meta Dreamworks movie ever, like no joke Harold and George break the fourth wall constantly ala Emperor's New Groove and it's actually pretty funny in that reguard? The humor overall is pretty sharp, spare for a few obvious potty jokes (I mean, the bad guy's name is Poopypants). But even then they didn't really bother me that much because, well, this movie is just... charming? Its sharply written and a silly little romp that knows exactly what it is and doesn't strain itself trying to be anything more (unlike Boss Baby before it).
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The characters here are all pretty fun. George and Harold make a great dynamic duo and they play off each other really well. Our titual captain is expectedly silly and humorously emptyheaded, but he steals the show whenever he's on screen. We start the movie off thinking Krupp will be the antagonist, and he's delightfully cruel and unhinged. Even more unhinged though, is our villain. Professor Poopypants may just be one of the funniest Dreamworks baddies yet. He just plays the insane supervillain trope so well and he gets some of the funniest jokes in the entire movie as a result.
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I think what really charmed me about this movie, however, was the way it looks. I am highkey OBSESSED with how stylized this movie is! It matches the vibes of the books perfectly and does it so well. The colors all pop, the simple character designs just work, and the animation is so smooth and fluid and fast-paced with some really great work when it comes to character expressions, which is impressive given the fact that all of the characters have dots for eyes.
So yeah, overall this is a pretty simple movie, but a really fun little romp! I appreciate that it really doesn't try to be more than it is, doesn't try to phone in some fake emotions or a pointless message. It exists to be silly and over the top and ridiculous and it does a pretty solid job at that! As an epic first adventure, I can safely say I hope it ends up being the start of several more.
Overall Rating: 7/10
Verdict: Get flushed down the Turbo Toilet 200
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Previous Review (The Boss Baby)
Next Review (How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World)
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littencloud9 · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
oh my god. an excuse to talk about my favs please never apologise for asking i love u. heres a list and also a song i assign them because i can LMFAO 🫶:
10. murashige yuzuki - skip and loafer
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yuzuki means SO much to me. she is so so kind and has the biggest heart ever and is always looking out for the rest of the girls, and she’s so perceptive too. and the effort she puts into her art makes me sob. she’s the biggest supporter and i adore her friendship with the other girls 🥹💗
song: there she goes by sixpence none the richer. dw about it
9. mai - avatar the last airbender
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she is SO me. oldest sister core. i adore how much she cares in the show even though it’s always masked by indifference or harsh words. her betrayal scene was FANTASTIC and she is so skilled and powerful i love her. also love her design it’s very cute!!
song: are you satisfied? by marina. i feel i dont need to explain this one
8. kyan reki - sk8 the infinity
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holds him so gently. nothing bad should happen to him ever. he is the sweetest character and he is trying his damn BEST and his arc was incredibly done. super realistic. hurt my soul. him and miya are the most siblings to ever sibling. GIVE HIM PRAISE HE DESERVES THE WORLD
song: outdated by lyric. ps i LOVE lyric it’s my new obsession and her songs send me to heaven. highly recommend !! <3
7. shi qingxuan - tian guan ci fu
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the genderqueer icon. the silliest babygirl. they are the light of my life and i smile every time they come on screen. them and xie lian are the funniest duo ever. and i love how cheeky they are no matter the situation, and that they’re so smart!!
(honourable mention 1: lang qianqiu. he was here before sqx replaced him. his story shattered me into pieces and i hold him so dear to my heart)
song: girls and boys in school by neon trees. i am the biggest neon trees fan and i feel like the vibe fits. also any trashy 2000s pop song fits too. i think sqx would love kesha
6. yosano akiko - bungo stray dogs
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YOSANO I LOVE YOU 💗💗💗💗💗 the moment her backstory hit i was utterly fucking DESTROYED. her fight with kajii and her speech about how valuable human life is (which you wouldnt expect because her ability can ‘reverse’ death) was amazing, and then you get to know WHY she thinks that way with her backstory. and the way she was forced to become a weapon but unlearned that with the help of the agency. oh god. im on my knees. asagiri give me more yosano screentime i beg 🔪
(honourable mention 2: akutagawa. i didnt want to spam this list with bsd characters but just know that he hurts my soul and destroys me mentally)
song: history of man by maisie peters. again i feel i dont need to explain this
5. mu qing - tian guan ci fu
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he is SUCH a little fucking bitch (affectionate). admittedly hes here because hes pretty and sassy. genuinely my fav tgcf character and his attitude is funny. hes also dumb sometimes (with feng xin or xie lian) and i love how hes so embarrassed of affection. please give him more hugs i need to see this man blush. also hes in an 800 year old situationship and there is SO much to unpack there but it doesnt matter because i want to throw him in a blender NOW ‼️
song: best by gracie abrams. i was gonna put a sillier song but i think this fits him and his dumb situationship. get this guy to talk about his feelings
4. edogawa ranpo - bungo stray dogs
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!!!!!! RANPO! hes so me. hes been my fav since season 1 and then untold origins got adapted and i was shaken. holy shit. hes just a boy. he just needs love. he flaunts his brain and power as a direct response to how much he was shamed for it as a child. HIM AND FUKUZAWA. HIM AND YOSANO. im gonna sob. he seems so cocky and arrogant and then u realise hes desperately trying to be the smartest in the room because he knows how much the agency relies on him. hes trying to protect everyone. hes holding the weight of the entire agency on his shoulders. im squishing him I LOVE RANPO
song: mastermind by taylor swift. it was either that or mirrorball. but i think the bridge fits him especially well <3
3. itadori yuuji - jujutsu kaisen
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TOP 3!! ITADORI YUUJI THE MC THAT YOU ARE. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💞💞💞💞💞 hes pink and silly PLEASE take all his suffering away and give it to gege akutami. I LOVE HIM. he has undeniable willpower AND UNSHAKEABLE CHARACTER and he keeps getting up no matter how many times hes been beaten down. HE FIGHTS SO HARD FOR THE PEOPLE HE LOVES. he wants to save people. he blames himself so much for things that aren’t his fault and it makes me CRY holy shit. and the way he looks past appearances and sees people for who they are inside/their talents and positives. GREENEST FLAG. I LOVE YOU YUUJI. please please please give him back everyone he loves and give him a big hug. put him in a romance anime this jjk shit is NOT for him 😞
song: atlantis by seafret. it was that or not strong enough. both options hurt equally bad. I LOVE HIM ☹️
2. cheng xiaoshi - link clink
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HNGHHSHDHDHHSSJDHSHHSHSSHSHDHSHSHDHHS. CHENG XIAOSHI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. none of you get it (ps PLEASE watch link click i want more lc friends 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏). he is the best thing of this show and the show is fantastic so thats saying something. HES SO DUMB BUT SO KIND AND AN AMAZING FIGHTER and his backstory omg i need to give him a hug. i love how determined he always is to give people a better life, to change their past for the better, even though hes heavily warned not to do that. and that he is ALWAYS fighting for others. and how understanding he is. his relationship with both lu guang and qiao ling are so precious. he has this warm aura around him that draws the other characters to him u know?? i am the biggest cxs stand i will defend him with my life. i cant say much more with spoilers so ill end here but I FUCKING LOVE HIM PLEASE WATCH LINK CLICK DO IT FOR HIM 🫶🫶🫶🫶
song: waiting room by phoebe bridgers. he knows he cant change anything but god fucking DAMN it does he wish he can. sobs forever
1. fushiguro megumi - jujutsu kaisen
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MEGUMI!!!!! i feel like we saw this coming. ill never shut up about him. megumi i love you. ill defend him with my LIFE. he is the biggest lover at his core and he is so determined to protect those he loves. and his whole thing about never reaching his full potential because he doesn’t believe in his power… ough. and how he loves his friends so much but wont show it. he’ll be like ‘i do NOT care about human earthworm’ and then watch all four movies. he is my son. and yeah as a manga reader ive been suffering for so long but WE HAVE HOPE NOW! megumi nation in megumi we trust 🙏 I LOVE HIM. his sass is also really funny. i love him have i mentioned that. im not even articulate anymore my brain is just HDHFJSBDJDHJD when i think of him. he makes me miserable. his relationships with tsumiki, gojo, toji etc are all so depressing in their own way. HE DOESNT DESERVE ANY OF THAT SHIT BTW GEGE GIVE HIM BACK HIS HAPPINESS. also wait i love how smart he is during battle and how he is so observant, and how he explains jujutsu stuff to people like yuuji who are new to it. HAVE I MENTIONED HOW KIND HE IS. HGDNAJDHSJD. my silly pining gay boy. i am hugging him so gently and making him the warmest soup ever. sorry for the rant MEGUMI THE CHARACTER EVER 💗💗💗🫶🫶🫶💞💞💞🩵🩵🩵
song: the alcott by the national ft taylor swift. this is ESPECIALLY solidified by this edit here that changed my life. LIVE LAUGH LOVE MEGUMI 2k24
wow this is a long post. thank you SO much for the ask sorry for how incoherent this is i love my favs 🤍
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animebw · 1 year
Seasonal Reflection: Spring 2023 Anime
Now that’s more fucking like it. I was feeling pretty down on anime after a disappointing winter season, but spring has come in like a freight train to remind us why this medium is so damn important (just in time for summer to let us down again because my god this new crop of shows is looking thiiiiiiiiiiin). Making the choice not to stick with shows I wasn’t enjoying just for the sake of completion was clearly the right call, because not only did that leave me with fewer bad shows sucking my my free time and motivation, it meant I was able to much more happily appreciate the bevy of excellent offerings that Spring 2023 had to offer. From an absolute top-tier run of rom-coms to a slew of entrancing fantasy series, I was never at a loss for things to enjoy. I’ve already shared by thoughts on Vinland Saga’s flawed but excellent second season (8/10) and the abysmal, overrated trash heap that was Oshi no Ko (3/10), as well as quick thoughts on all the series I ended up dropping. But if you want to know my thoughts on the other shows I watched to completion? Then read on, and see which spring offerings are worth checking out!
Uma Musume To the Top: 4/10
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One of these days, I’ll be able to better articulate why this franchise leaves me so cold. What is it about Uma Musume that made fans go gaga for historical racehorses anthropomorphized as cute anime idol horsegirls that I’m not getting? Cause from where I’m sitting, the whole thing is just a bloated, overwrought exercise in hacky melodrama and shrink-wrapped moeblob pandering with the occasional actually pretty decent sports anime arc thrown in there. The whole thing just feels so cynical and calculating, from its lazily slapped-together premise that feels like three random popular anime genres shoved in a blender with no rhyme or reason to the obnoxious soap-opera histrionics that define its attempts at tugging your heartstrings. And while this 4-episode OVA certainly has the best, most exhilaration animation of the bunch- seriously- it is stunning how good the racing looks- it also makes the unforgivable mistake of having zero Gold Ship content. They got rid of the funniest character in the show and I will never forgive them for it.
Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible: 4.5/10
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I think 2023 is the year that something officially snapped in me. I have just entirely lost patience with middling rom-coms that exist for no other reason than to sell the fantasy of a perfect manic pixie dream girl who’ll love your totally bland forgettable self. I mean, not like I had much patience for them to begin with in the first place, but watching Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible felt like staring the futility of mindless wish fulfillment itself in the face. Does it have some good jokes? Yeah. Is the animation pleasing enough? Sure. But between the embarrassingly forced whimsy in the soundtrack and the treacly sweet presentation that tarts up this bargain-bin Takagi-san like some sweeping, romantic ideal, the inherent emptiness at the heart of the fantasy it’s selling just becomes impossible to ignore. Boys, I beg you: get higher standards for yourself and the shows you watch. You will not cure your loneliness by losing yourself in the illusion of a perfectly sweet, doting girlfriend who’ll never ask you to outgrow the things you hate about yourself. You deserve better than settling for endless self-indulgence at the hands of an industry that doesn’t believe you’re capable of more than that. Or just, you know, at least only watch anime of this kind that actually are good, compelling stories in their own right with more to say than “Gee, wouldn’t it be great if Kana Hanazawa was the only person in the whole world who I mattered to?” There’s even one of those later in this list! You don’t have to settle for mediocrity! Seriously!
My Home Hero: 4.5/10
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I feel bad for this show, because it’s one of those cases where it’s obvious you’re getting a vastly inferior version of the story. The concept of a cat-and-mouse thriller where the protagonists are just a normal family of everyday middle-class busybodies trying to outwit a yakuza conspiracy after killing one of their goons is a pretty unique one, and the writing goes a long way to sell out on the fact that these are just an ordinary middle-aged couple thrust into a hectic situation and doing their best with the limited skills at their disposal. Even if the writing can be overly convenient at times with how much they’re able to plan ahead, there’s some good stuff here. Unfortunately, it was adapted to anime by Tezuko Productions, one of the most bafflingly incompetent studios to still get reliable work. So the animation falls apart any time it has to depict anything more complex than characters talking and walking, the art direction is uniformly ugly and stilted, and the horrendously conceived score tries so hard to sound epic and edgy that it turns every potentially gut-wrenching moment into a laughingstock of poorly executed melodrama. If you’ve got any interest in this story at all, just go straight for the manga and forget this turd exists.
Yuri is My Job: 5.5/10
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Something to know about me: I hate cringe. And if there’s one type of cringe I can’t stand above all others, it’s watching performers mess up on stage and ruin the show for the audience. As a former theater kid, nothing makes we want to curl up in a ball and die more than a stage play going off the rails and the actors being left lost and adrift while the audience stares and murmurs in worry. I say all this to tell you that I watched Yuri is My Job- a show that is primarily focused on watching actors almost fail in live performance over and over again in the messiest. most emotionally charged ways possible- and I almost managed to make myself like it. What can I say, I’m a sucker for subversive yuri deconstructions that explore the liminal space between ambiguous Class S-style stock yuri tropes and real feelings of lesbian love. Especially when they’re willing to let their characters be this messy and difficult. But man, there were times I had to watch this show with my hands over my eyes from sheer concentrated cringe. Do not let the yuri fool you into thinking this is just another soft and sweet gay girl romance, this shit gets rough. But as long as you have a stronger stomach than me for this kind of thing- and if you don’t ask too many questions about what these girls’ lives are like when they’re not play-acting for customers in a yuri schoolgirl cafe because we never fucking leave this location- you might find something really worthwhile here.
Otaku Elf: 5.5/10
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Every season, there’s one anime that sneaks under the radar at first but slowly accrues more and more good will over time, establishing itself as an underappreciated gem for anyone smart enough to go looking for it. And this season, that show was Otaku Elf, an inconsistent but enjoyable blend of chill slice-of-life antics- centered on a young shrine maiden looking after the titular shut-in elf who serves as her temple’s local deity- and bite-sized history lessons about the life and culture of people in Japan’s Edo period. It’s got some surprisingly warm and nuanced character writing for its two leads, and their relationship as they push and pull from different perspectives on life leads to a handful of emotional moments I’d genuinely consider magical. Sadly, the further the show strays outside that central relationship, the less interesting it gets, with most of the side characters- the maiden’s perfectly angelic younger sister, other elves enshrined as deities as their caretakers- coming off as half-baked in comparison. It’s a bit of a crap shoot whether any given episode will pluck at your heartstrings or bore you to tears depending on what it chooses to focus on. But when it’s good, it’s really good, and it’s worth a look for anyone who enjoys historical trivia mixed in with their comfort viewing.
The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 2: 6/10
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In retrospect, I’m really glad I went back and re-evaluated my opinion on Magus Bride season 1 before this new entry came out. Not just because it helped me realize how much I’d underappreciated one of the most captivating fantasy anime of the modern era, but because it drives home that this second season’s sluggish pace is, in fact, an issue. Magus Bride has always been a very slow and ruminative series, trickling through moments like streams through a mud-clogged riverbed en route to its big character moments. But even by those generous standards, this has been sloooooooooooow going. Lots of table setting, lots of new characters with new conflicts, lots of buildup for multiple different plotlines that don’t always feel meaningfully connected and will require a damn good payoff to make this slow start worth it. Luckily we’ve got a second cours coming in the fall, so there’s still plenty of time to turn Chise’s experience at magic college into another worthwhile entry in this powerful series. Until then, I’ll hang tight to the things this series still does well- its primordial depiction of magic, a wonderful soundtrack, the complexities of Chise and Elias’ relationship, Chise’s continued journey toward understanding and cultivating her self-worth- in hopes the end result will be just as magical as what came before.
Birdie Wing Season 2: 6/10
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Is there a point where a series who’s primary appeal is how brazenly over-the-top it goes starts to run out of steam? Believe it or not, being stupid and bonkers is an art unto itself, and it takes real talent to sustain. For every Akiba Maid War that constantly ups the ante until it blows its stack with an absolute barn-burner finale, there are countless Highschool of the Deads that slowly dribble away their incredible manic energy over time, leaving nothing behind but the same tired anime cliches as always. And as much as I enjoyed seeing the rollicking madness of Birdie Wing come to close, I can’t deny that I felt my interest starting to slip as this second and final season went on. It just doesn’t do enough to surpass the bar it set with the insane high-stakes golf mafia death matches in the first season. Which I acknowledge is a high bar to clear, but for all the hilariously overdramatic soap opera twists and sudden power-ups that dominate the matches in this season, it never quite manages to measure up to that wonderful madcap energy that made its first season such a lightning-bolt success. Or, I dunno, maybe they shouldn’t have split up the main goddamn couple for basically the entire season. Especially when the same studio was already doing another, much better handled lesbian separation arc over in G-Witch. Seriously, Sunrise, anything you want to get off your chest? I feel like you might have some issues.
Ranking of Kings: Treasure Chest of Courage: 7.5/10
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It feels like we’re heading into a very bizarre trend in side story “season 2″s lately. First Ranking of Kings, Horimiya next season, and the Quintessential Quintuplets somewhere down the line, so many shows are spending entire seasons on side content going through stuff from the source material they either skipped over or rushed through. And I can’t help but worry that sets a bad precedent for anime adaptations; we seriously do not need to legitimize shows hacking their source material to pieces for the sake of modern broadcast standards any more than they already are. On the other hand, though... man, it’s hard to complain when the end result does such a great job living up to its source. The Treasure Chest of Courage is every bit as whimsical, emotional, and gorgeously animated as the first season of Ranking of Kings, all the same heart and imagination in bite-sized pieces exploring the finer details in ways that make you appreciate the base story even more. It even fixes a few of my big issues with the main show’s back half and sets things up for an apparent proper season 2 sometime in the future! We’ll see if Horimiya and Quints can keep up those high standards, but for now, this is an exceptional interquel that’s bound to make you fall in love with one of anime’s best modern fantasy yarns all over again.
The Dangers in My Heart: 7.5/10
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If you started watching The Dangers in My Heart only to drop it after the very first scene, I can’t blame you. The prospect of putting up with a school-shooter level misanthropic loner of a protagonist gleefully fantasizing about brutalizing his crush was almost enough to make me nope out right away. But thank god I kept watching, because once you get past that horrifically unrepresentative opening scene, it quickly becomes clear that The Dangers in My Heart is actually a genuinely wonderful little rom-com that fully understands just how much edgelord middle school nonsense is just insecure kids trying to figure out their place in the world. So few rom-coms like this really get the precise blend of hormones, awkwardness, insecurity, and cringe that defines so many middle school foibles, let alone one that understands the interiority of its female characters well enough to make them feel more fleshed out than trophy wives. But this show nails that early adolescent hellscape without ever coming off exploitative of it (well, almost; there are some obnoxious fanservice moments that really didn’t need to exist, thankfully few and far between). And really, who else but the director of the similarly true-to-life Teasing Master Takagi-san could pull that off so well? Just make it through that opening scene and you’ll very quickly find yourself falling for these idiots just like I did.
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999: 8/10
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God, it’s so fucking good to have shoujo rom-coms again. We went through such a drought period where the genre basically faded into nonexistence save for the Fruits Basket remake, but it feels like they’re finally coming back into fashion. And what better way to remind the world how marvelous the world of shoujo romance can be than another collaboration between the studio and director that graced us with the masterpiece My Love Story back in 2015... with another show called My Love Story? You couldn’t ask for a more surefire winning formula, and sure enough My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 is a delight from start to finish. It’s nominally about failgirl extraordinaire Akane meeting the socially awkward and emotionally distant hot boy Yamada through the RPG they play together, but the game stuff is actually a pretty small part of it. At heart, this show is about the messiness of young adulthood, and the ways people fumble through the highs and lows of coming of age as they develop into fully concrete people. And it captures that chaos with all the sharp, creative direction, thoughtful character writing, and feel-good romantic fireworks you should expect from this creative team. It’s a gut-busting, feel-good, achingly sincere gem of a show, and I recommend it to everyone in need of a little more whimsy in your life.
Skip and Loafer: 8.5/10
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It’s absolutely insane to me that the Skip and Loafer manga is published in the same seinen magazine as Vinland Saga, because this is one of the most authentically shoujo teen coming-of-age delights we’ve had in a long time. Small-town girl Mitsumi moves to the big city to excel at a prestigious high school and make her dreams of rebuilding her hometown come true, only to have her perfect plans derailed by the chaos of growing up, from friends to crushes to high school curveballs. It’s so rare for a story to capture adolescence this authentically, the moments both big and small that define our paths toward maturity as we begin to figure out who we want to be. Watching Skip and Loafer made me reflect on my own high school experiences, good and bad alike, and be grateful for all the steps I took that brought me to where I am today. And any show that can get me so introspective about myself is a show worth celebrating. Plus it’s got the legendary Tomoyo Kurosawa in the leading role, and it’s got a prominent adult trans side character (Nao-chan is perfect and needs more screentime in season 2 or I riot), and the OP makes my cheeks hurt from smiling too hard... yeah, PA works has once again knocked it out of the park. Somebody stop them, they’re growing too powerful!
Heavenly Delusion: 8.5/10
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To summarize Heavenly Delusion in a single sentence is, I’m afraid, impossible. I could say it’s a post-apocalyptic mystery thriller that feels like the love child of Shinsekai Yori and The Promised Neverland, but that doesn’t quite do it justice. I could say it’s a dizzying double-track story that does a better job than pretty much any other series as letting you pick up clues on your own, but that’s doesn’t tell you enough either. I could say it’s host to one of the most staggering, masterpiece anime productions ever put to television with no shortage of the greatest singular episodes and individual cuts I’ve ever seen, but even that falls short. I could even say it’s a deeply flawed, intensely problematic series that’s trying to unpack so many different ideas about gender and sexuality with no guardrails to keep it from hurtling off track, but even that leaves out so much. Ultimately, though, the only way I can describe Heavenly Delusion is that it is Heavenly Fucking Delusion, and it’s one of the single most mesmerizing anime I’ve ever had the pleasure to watch. It’s a tour-de-force capital-E Event the likes of which we so rarely get nowadays, and if you think you can stomach the dark places it goes in its exploration of humanity’s corrosion and reconstruction, then you absolutely owe it to yourself to give it a watch. Just be aware there’s a content warning for an incredibly upsetting scene of sexual assault near the end, and I mean that seriously. I like to think I’m pretty desensitized and even I felt kind of sick and unclean by the time that scene was over. Watch at your own discretion.
Insomniacs After School: 8.5/10
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So fun fact: this is the rare series where I’ve actually read the manga before the anime was even announced! One of my Discord friends introduced me to Insomniacs After School, and despite my normal aversion to manga, I fell helplessly, recklessly head over heels in love with it. And if this adaptation made you feel any inch of that magic, then you owe it to yourself to check out the manga right away. Not just because there’s more story to cover beyond the anime’s admittedly pretty perfect stopping point, but because Lidenfilms’ workmanlike production is only able to capture, like 70% of what makes this series so special. And this stirring tale of two insomniacs learning to navigate the trauma of their sleepless nights together deserves to be experienced at its full, unblemished power. It’s an absolutely wonderful slow-burn romance that captures the nuances of teenage friend groups and coming of age like so few series I’ve consumed, and its portrayal of Nakami and Magari’s growing companionship under the night sky is sure to melt your heart into a sugary-sweet puddle. It’ll make you learn for your lost youth more palpably than any other show you’re likely to watch this year. And even in a season already jammed to the gills with exemplary rom-coms that really, truly get what it means to be a teenager or young adult, this slightly subpar take on the material still stands head and shoulders above them all.
Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch from Mercury Season 2: 9/10
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Be honest: did any other show even have a shot? For all the wonderfully realistic rom-coms and ambitious seinen mindfucks this season gave us, there was only ever one true contender to the throne. And I’m thrilled to say that after a fantastic first season putting all the pieces in perfect order, Gundam: Witch From Mercury stuck the landing with a riveting second season that smashed the game board and  sent everything spiraling out of control in the best way possible. It’s like Ichiro Ookuchi took all the right lessons from his work on Code Geass- a seamless blend of high school melodrama and gut-wrenching mecha warfare, dizzying plotting that leaves you gasping for breath at the end of every episode, a sheer unrivaled confidence in the chaos of love and war- and refined them to a razor’s edge, delivering a never-ending roller coaster of jaw-dropping battles, explosive emotional payoffs, stunning twists that all make sense in retrospect, tears, laughter, hard choices, flawed characters overcoming their weaknesses, and a true coronation of Suletta and Miroine as one of the all-time great anime yuri couples. At times you can’t help but wish for more time to explore the many worldbuilding details and side characters that fall by the wayside as the chaos takes hold; two cours just isn’t enough to do justice to all the complex, interconnecting ideas this series is juggling. But the fact it works as well as it does, and bring it all home for such a satisfying finale, is proof of just how damn miraculous this series has been from start to finish. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect introduction to this storied franchise, and I couldn’t be more excited to see what this creative team will come up with next. And if you somehow haven’t gotten around to watching it yet? Fix that as soon as possible. You won’t regret it for a second.
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solemg · 1 year
Genius in Naruto. Do you know that the funniest concept in Naruto is genius? After all, we are literally poked with our noses at "brilliant" characters, and often by genius they mean not so much intelligence as ... strength? birth data? For example, Itachi. Yes, he is prone to planning and so on, but are his plans ingenious? Can the plans that are somehow built on "pianos in the bushes" be ingenious? After all, when it comes to Itachi, we always observe the appearance of this very piano. Is Itachi stupid? No, of course not, but I can’t even call him a genius: he didn’t invent a single technique, he didn’t show miracles of planning, tactics and strategy, but he, attention, is considered almost one of the smartest characters, which in my opinion unfair and wrong. Let's just, who do I think is smart in this manga (this is not the top):
1) Tobirama - invented a bunch of techniques, reformed Konoha. In general, it was clear that he was a fairly rational thinker.
2) Sasuke - he has shown himself to be a good strategist in most of his battles.
3) Kabuto and Orochimaru - no comment.
4) Shikamaru - yes, there are BIG questions about some of his plans and he is called a genius in anime and manga, however, let's not forget that the plans of the heroes depend primarily on how advanced the mangaka himself is.
5) Minato is a kinder analogue of Tobirama.
6) Sakura, Tsunade - their techniques, excellent analytical data.
7) Kakashi - no comment, but there is a "but" which I will sign below.
And in principle, this is a rather expected list, but let's remember those who are smart enough, but they don’t call him a genius:
1. Naruto - I don't consider him a genius, BUT - he is the most creative shinobi. He may not always be serious, but it is his creativity that impresses me.
2. Kakuzu - he lived in their world for more than 70 years, showed himself to be a fairly rational shinobi. He always analyzes the situation.
3. Nagato. Here I want to stop and compare Nagato with all of the above.
So most of all of these had: a house, food, education.
Nagato is an orphan who often went hungry, which already has an effect on cognitive abilities, he had no special education, although I think that Jiraiya or his parents taught him elementary writing and reading. Simply put, he didn't have such good introductory conditions, and even his rinnegan only served to worsen those conditions, since Naruto's eyes are always hunted.
However, this unfortunate orphan created his own organization all the time with friends, which became quite influential, after - again his own organization - do not forget that Obito sat for 10 + years and did nothing - but with psychos and killers who need to be controlled, sent to different parts of the world + control the budget (Kakuzu just brings in most of the money). In addition, he has his own country, which he restored from a collapse to a developed industrial power with one of the best defense systems. I'm not even talking about the fact that the country of Rain was after 3 world wars, when Nagato became its ruler. But nevertheless - he made her the way we saw her.
In addition, you can imagine what cognitive power you need to have in order to simultaneously control 6 bodies in such a way, analyze all the information that comes from at least 6 pairs of eyes (do not forget about the calls) and coordinate all their actions. If Shikamaru is a wonderful and modern computer, then Nagato is a universal quantum computer that has an increased speed of information perception and analysis. Yes, we can say that this is partly due to the Rinnegan, but the rinnegan only speeds up the perception of information, not its full analysis, taking into account all factors.
Nagato showed himself to be quite smart as a child: he is prone to reflection, introspection, analysis of the environment. He has his own philosophical and economic system based on the realities of life, understanding of the human psyche and needs, as well as economics, in which he is also well versed. Unlike the same Obito and Itachi, he showed himself to be a strategist: he perfectly knows how to allocate time in such a way as to avoid conflict, and he always has backup plans, he is cautious. In doing so, he invented many techniques, ranging from those used by the Akatsuki to negotiate, to "cloning" people. He doesn't know much about Uzumaki's art (his parents weren't shinobi), but he: uses fuin to seal information in the minds of his subordinates, and is most likely the one who wrote the fuin that controls the Gedo Mazo (the one in her mouth).
To summarize, he showed that he is a good ruler and leader, showed himself to be a person with developed abstract thinking, able to look not only at what is here and now, but also cover the problem globally, and also look into the future, taking into account the input data. And for a tramp orphan, this is very, very good.
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necro-hamster · 9 months
top ten funniest liam facts 3 2 1 GO
1) his apartment is a fucking disaster and definitely has a box of porn bds hidden somewhere. wires everywhere. hacked vending machine. complete fire hazard. damn bitch you live like this?
2) he used to get babysat by local animal groups when he was really young. they were like his go to people when he was a teenager and needed life advice. they mostly just taught him how to hit things really really really hard
3) he has optics w a yellow iris and white pupil and everyone thinks he got them custom made bc they're not a style usually sold. but he actually just stole them on a job lol. he hates how they look #fail
4) idk if furries r a thing in cyberpunk world but if they are then he's definitely a closet furry. if he had a fursuit he'd be like 20% more mentally stable
5) he gets into screaming matches w johnny. like out loud not in his head. his neighbors r so sick of him. but it's really par for the course living in a megabuilding
6) his mom thinks he has like an office job and that's where he's getting money to send to her LMAOOOOO she doesn't know her kid is a fucking street merc chat 😂😂😂
7) when he was like 19 he got into an accident where he was on his bike and a car fully ran him over. he was clinically dead for like 30 seconds. would've definitely died if the person who hit him wasn't decent enough to stop and try to help and also didn't have enough money to pay for medical bills. probably the luckiest thing that's ever happened to him. he still rides without a helmet
8) he romances kerry but they're both fucking disasters and neither of them are cleaning the fucking house. damn bitch you still live like this????
9) related. when kerry started bending over on that damn boat liam almost had a heart attack cuz he's autistic and awful at picking up on flirting. he wasn't upset but he was surprised. at first he even like asked just to make sure. like um are you aware your hole is out kerry was that on purpose or..
10) he has a stutter and it does not go away when johnny is steering. it pisses johnny off so so so bad because he's never had to deal with a speech issue before. he had the audacity to whine about it after going on his little joyride. typical johnny L. the stutter does eventually go away for liam all around as more of his brain is rewritten and even tho he's in a ton of pain he thinks it's really funny. johnny not so much (on account of liam actively dying)
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neonscandal · 2 years
Hi ....Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any anime (can be series or movies)? Sorry if you have already answered this ask before.....
This is an incredible ask which inherently will come with some serious spoilers! This was also really tricky trying to determine what makes something my favorite - was it the funniest? The craziest? The biggest plot twist? I used the benchmark of what moments do I wish I could watch for the very first time, all over again. I broke the difference with eight, hope you don't mind!
⚠️ Spoiler Warning covers the following series (specific benchmarks will be given) for Sk8 the Infinity, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Yuri on Ice, Trigun, Fushiigi Yuugi.
SK8 the Infinity S1 E6, allusion to S1 E10
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Starting off light! One would assume that one of the most iconic scenes in Sk8 is the slap heard round the world but I found that more heartbreaking than anything. My favorite moment of Sk8 is easily Miya cockblocking Joe on the beach because what a flex, first of all. Secondly, the build up and subsequent (unknowing) teamwork of our favorite motley crew of skaters? 😘👌🏾 Chef's Kiss and *peak* comedy.
Attack on Titan S3 E16
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I could talk at length about the exquisite exposition of Attack on Titan and how each rewatch sprouts new easter eggs of foreshadowing as the world unfurls for the viewer. But the truth is, out of the entire series, the moment that I would want to rewatch for the first time is Erwin's rallying speech in Shinganshina. In addition to inspiring goosebumps and anxiety when I hear it, it is a perfect storm of emotions as concurrent events unfolding are all coming to a head. It's a wretched life and a hopeless situation made worse by the all-or-nothing corner they've been backed into. The standoff is more poignant as it's a reckoning of Erwin's own past of valiantly using others as cannon fodder if only as a means to a strategic end. A man we now know to be possessed by the obsession of proving his father right, presses forward ceaselessly while never seeing a future beyond that and we're never given the time to fully digest that. "A Perfect Game", indeed. The speech manages to be heart wrenching every time. Including when the dub pops up in my music library.
Yuri on Ice S1 E10
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Hot Take: Every sports anime is a BL. You cannot convince me otherwise. BUT THIS WORK OF ART!? Literally the exception that proves the rule. Episode 7 was GOOD. Like, "ohmygod-ohmygod-ohmygod, IT'S HAPPENING!" good. Episode 10 was a cultural reset ✨ and what I wouldn't give to see it for the first time all over again. From the viewer's perspective, Viktor picked up his life with one foot in a relationship when he decided to coach Yuuri. It was alluded to, hinted at, his susceptibility of Yuuri's affection should it ever be thrown his way but in an almost detached, puckish manner. A manner that frazzled Yuuri so he could never take it seriously. So what a comedy of errors to know, after finally finding a working rhythm and even exchanging rings, that Yuuri was the one who made the first move!? OMG. Iconic plot twist, truly. The bonus evidence of his champagne fueled revelry is one of my all time favorite bonus sequences.
My Hero Academia S3 E18, S6 E9 and Heroes Rising (Indirect Manga Spoiler Ch 337)
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Maybe a bit biased since I'm most plugged into this series at the moment (I like GIFs and only get 9 a post), but here's a treasure trove of moments! I've recently gotten my niece and nephew into MHA and rewatched everything from S1 to the current season and all movies while seeing how they digest everything. I tried to tweet about it because it's truly novel seeing things for the first time through their eyes but didn't really keep up with it. Since I'm reading the manga (and need to pick back up on posting about it), I have a renewed perspective on certain moments so see below:
Iida rallying Aoyama from the figurative edge during the provisional exam and how it inspired Aoyama to sacrifice himself so someone he perceives as noble can be slingshot across the finish line. Humorous of course since we know Iida was like a hair away from murder a season or so ago. When this last ditch effort unites the rest of Class 1A and serves as an impetus for them all to pass together? BRUH. With what we've seen of Aoyama and what we later learn, rewatching this scene actually made me a bit more emotional as it added a layer to his duress that we don't comprehend just yet.
Bakugo's hero moment which mirrored Midoriya's own hero origin story. Don't get me wrong, Bakugo is no stranger to sacrificing himself. He and Midoriya make it a habit of saving one another. But this specific moment marks itself indelibly as deliberate insight into Bakugo's character growth because we hear his thoughts in that moment which seems to mirror Midoriya's. TBH, the episode was good but reading that for the first time? Phenomenal. It felt more impactful somehow.
The final fight scene against Nine with everyone coordinating to use their quirks to the best of their abilities while knowing they were outclassed. Bakugo and Midoriya seamlessly working together and then the (non-canonical IG) transfer of OFA with Deku risking quirklessness again and Bakugo warning him against it. *Cue Sarah McLachlan-esque soundtrack.*
Trigun (OG Run) S1 E 23
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I slipped down the Adult Swim to Toonami pipeline of anime so Trigun was one of the first anime I fell in love with and kicked off an enduring adoration for characters voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch. Wolfwood's showdown with Evergreen and the subsequent scene at the church as he makes his peace before dying forever altered my brain chemistry. On the one hand, I loved Wolfwood's character as he played off of Vash so well, comedically. At odds but similarly aligned in the greater good though the means to the end weren't always in sync. I could appreciate the dissonance of his character, holy man who kills; unsavory priest, etc. So I would have been sad to see him go either way, but the life he imagined for himself as he was dying? Knife in the heart. Knowing that ultimately, legendary gunslinger Vash the Stampede made such a visceral impression on this ne'er do well priest, moreso than the God he served and that that was his undoing? Twist that knife, baby. That last bit I can appreciate much better as an adult where, as a kid, I could understand how moved I was without realizing the complexity of it. Truly devastating.
Fushigi Yugi S1 E33
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I'm realizing that a lot of my favorite characters tend to be really irreverent and rough around the edges. These very same characters tend to have compelling depth beyond their surface level brashness and character growth that stays with me. Such is the case with the graceful and beautiful Nuriko of the Suzaku warriors. As a kid and also for a series of that period, I could understand that Nuriko had a rich complexity and appreciate the relief that they were accepted wholeheartedly by Miaka and the warriors. The character was so deeply steeped in grief that it defined them and muddled their identity over the course of their life. Upon finding a new mission, they were able to come into themselves but only by slowly letting that grief go. So it is ironic that this person, shortly after finding peace in who they were, was marked for a death that would critically galvanize Miaka and the rest of the warriors to carry on and see the mission through to the very end. This episode became a core memory and I distinctly remember bawling.
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kopimoss · 1 year
Sims get to know me tag!
I was tagged by @jonquilyst !
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Probably the killer bunny cheat, it's the funniest way to get rid of random townies 🤫
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match / mix!
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? noppee. I usually base sims diets individually. I just let what happens happens to each personally.
4. Do you use move objects? yes!
5. Favorite mod? MCCC or pose player
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? back when I was buying these, I only had seasons haha.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE (lie-ve)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Olive!
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9. Have you made a simself? noo... but honest, I think all my sims kind of reflect some of me or at least what I'm surrounded by
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? I put freegan in my bio but honestly I think it's clumsy, outdoorsy & socially-awkward. With coffee fanatic as a lifestyle ha.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? the true black! that they added because the original black is so blue. Or the warm brown that's almost orangey
12. Favorite EA hair? Don't like any really...
13. Favorite life stage? teen, ya
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I used to build a lot actually, but I haven't really had a motivation for a long time. Now I just like decorating others builds & gameplay!
15. Are you a CC creator? no :(
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I would like to~! I would love to make friends but i can never approach first hahaha
17. What’s your favorite game? any? hm maybe skyrim. I also love sims 3 & 4 of course.
18. Do you have any sims merch? noooo, hahaha. I don't pay those guys 👀
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? no but that could be fun!
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? considering I use to play vanilla & only recently discovered reshades, cc & mods - it very different haha. I used to just use premades and change them slightly. I think it's still growing even now
21. What’s your Origin ID? don't have one :))
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? oo ummm I like sforzcc, literalite, clumsyalien, softerhaze, squea, awingedllama, landgraabed, sammi-xox, northernsiberiawinds, ellcrze, mossylane aandd those are off top of my head
23. How long have you had a simblr? this one first started july 2022~
24. How do you edit your pictures? Photoshop online beta
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? ooooo, thats hard... um... I think my top 3 are outdoor retreat, cottage living & seasons
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I'd like more worlds from around the earth. More cultural foods, terrain, plants & ways to explore outside~ Maybe more animals too - like birds & snakes from sims 3. I think horses would be cool but maybe break the game haha.
tagging @acuar-io @shawsimmer @minamill @crsentfairy ! sorry if you don't want to be tagged!
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ravel-ing · 2 years
top 10 tv shows i’ve seen this year:
(in no particular order) 
Andor. I was expecting nothing from it, but this is the best thing that ever came out of Star Wars to the point it excedes its confines. Andor is a slow burn that has you stuck to your seat before you know it, it has the most beautiful dialogues and every characters are so compelling.
Abbott Elementary. I’m late to the party but that sitcom left me happy, and light, and cares so much about its characters, and is so positive despite talking about an elementary school that basically is abandoned by the US education system.
Staged. A weird british show that is more brillant that you’de expect. Got into it for David Tennant and Michael Sheen’s banter, stayed for the hilarious use of the fourth wall, especially in the last season. 
The Bear. The Bear is about a chef that drops everything to go take care of his brother’s restaurant because he just died and left it to him, and it is raw, and it feels so real that you forget you are watching a tv show, and the performance are incredible, and i just loved it???
Single Drunk Female. It’s a silly show that deals with alcoholism without triavilizing it or dramatizing it, and it’s funny as hell, and Sofia Black-D'Elia kills it and I hope she gets the recognition she deserves.
Severance. Go watch it. Right now. Severance is a show that is just starting to get popular but MY GOD is it good. Severance is about a world where you can choose to forget about your time at work, therefore creating a ‘you’ outside work and a ‘you’ inside work that remembers nothing but work. It is not a huis-clos but it feels like one, there are very few characters but all the actors are killing it, and the plot twist had me screaming at my screen at 2am. I never wanted to watch a season 2 this badly before.
Our Flag Means Death. The love story is everything, the humour really kicks in for me, it did took me one or two episodes to truly being seduced but oh boi did it succeed. Gay pirates stuck in a satire that make me cry? it’s everything i like in a comedy.
Doom Patrol. I started watching Doom Patrol again after having forgotten its existence for a year, and damn did i binge everything i missed! And the last season, that is still ongoing, is ever better than the last. Doom Patrol is the best thing that came out of DC comics. You gotta love the absurd, but if you do, you’re gonna love everything about it. Doom Patrol has a lot to say, and it says it well, if you can go appreciate the butt jokes in-between.
Interview With The Vampire. That is no surprise to anyone that follows me. I was never a fan of the books, and yet the show pulled a perfect adaptation in that, for me (don’t come @ me) it made the story good where i didn’t think the book was. It is about the most toxic relationship ever though, so beware.
Star Trek: Lower Decks. Star Trek comes out with very solid anime lately (unlike their tv shows.......) but lower decks is still the funniest, most aware of itself, and connected to its roots ever. The four main character are just so loveable, no matter how much they mess up, i love them, and i love that the show just keeps getting better.
Honorable mentions: Reborn Rich, SAS Rogue Heroes, The Legend of Vox Machina, The Sandman, The Resort.
Shows that haven’t made the cut because I haven’t seen them yet: The White Lotus, House of Dragons, 1899, Cyberpunk: edgerunners, The Midnight Club, Pachinko
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agentnico · 9 months
My Most Anticipated Movies of 2024
Here we are - Christmas behind us and right at the precipice of the end of the year with 2024 ready to rock and rumble. So naturally as per usual this time of year I do all my film-related Top 10 lists, with the first up My Most Anticipated Movies of 2024. An interesting aspect of 2024 is that it is in fact bare bones when it comes to superhero flicks with both Marvel and DC taking a little break as they reorganise that respective cinematic universes, with the only major flicks of that genre being Deadpool 3 and the Joker sequel. As such, I’m really hoping we will get some stand out releases from the indie and more niche market, so looking forward to those surprises down the line, as for now here are the movies on my radar who I see having potential at being the stand outs in 2024…
10) KUNG FU PANDA 4 - Jack Black’s Po the Dragon Warrior is back for another round of hijinks. DreamWorks animation sequels recently have been nothing short of superb, with the genuinely laugh-out-loud hilarious Croods 2 and then the fantastic Puss in Boots: The Last Wish that had no right to be THAT good! Like honestly, how the hell was Puss in Boots 2 so awesome!? From the striking and ambitious animation style, to the soundtrack and one hell of a title track with “Fearless Hero”, to the narrative itself tackling surprisingly mature themes and honest depictions of panic attacks - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is a masterpiece! There, I said it. As such really high hopes now for DreamWorks’ other projects, with Kung Fu Panda always a reliable series, yet I must say the trailer was a tad underwhelming hence why it’s so low on the list. Still though, the previous 3 have been solid so no reason for this one not to. Let’s give this panda some love!
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9) THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE - Director Guy Ritchie has been on a real hot-streak lately, delivering quality after quality. 2019’s The Gentlemen is one of the coolest gangster flicks in recent memory, 2015’s The Man from U.N.C.L.E was an entertaining action espionage caper with some great humorous banter, and this year’s The Covenant was one of the more underrated surprises, delivering a tense and realistic pulse pounding war thriller that was so out of character for Ritchie, yet honestly delivered such an edge of your seat experience. Then there’s that Aladdin remake with a blue Will Smith. Look, everyone’s gotta pay the bills, but nonetheless Guy Ritchie really is hitting the mark non-stop, so really looking forward to this World War II based action spy film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. Love the title alone. Also Henry Cavill’s in the lead and that guy’s simply cool.
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8) ARGYLLE - So much so that this is the second film on the list featuring Henry Cavill in the lead. What a cast - John Cena, Sam Rockwell, Dua Lipa, Bryce Dallas Howard, Samuel L. Jackson, Sofia Boutella and Bryan Cranston. Talk about an ensemble! This comes to us from Matthew Vaughn who made those Kingsman movies, and one could argue that this looks and feels like a Kingsman movie. Wouldn’t even be surprised if at the film’s end there will be a twist connecting it to that franchise Cloverfield-style. Looks like a good time though, as long as they brush up on their special effects, as that CGI cat is Garfield-level bad!
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7) BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVE - When a music biopic is done right then it is SO right! Taron Egerton rocked as Elton John in Rocketman, and Baz Luhrmann visual frenetic style paired really well with the crazy life of Presley in 2022’s Elvis. And who can of course forget the incredible tale of Dewey Cox, as he walked hard through his drug-filled Bob Dylan-stealing life where absolutely nothing bad happened to him. I’m of course kidding, but if you’ve never seen Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story then you’re missing out on of the funniest music biopic satires ever. That movie is hilarious and the Beatles scene alone is worth the price of admission. Anyway, in regards to One Love, the trailers for this Bob Marley biopic have actually been really intriguing. Kingsley Ben-Adir seems to be impersonating the famous reggae singer really well and the movie itself seems to offer a powerful depiction of Marley’s journey behind his revolutionary music. At the very least I’m going to enjoy listening to “Buffalo Soldier” on the big screen, and that’s gotta count for something.
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6) FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA - One of the stand-outs of George Miller’s absolute batshit insane wasteland hit Mad Max: Fury Road was Charlize Theron’s headstrong Furiosa. Well Theron is not returning and instead Anya Taylor-Joy takes on the role as a younger version of the character. I am always hesitant with prequel stories as I always wonder what’s the point of them, however Miller’s Fury Road was visually incredible with some outstanding action sequences, and additionally the trailer for Furiosa features an unhinged Chris Hemsworth, and for those of you who’ve seen Bad Times at the El Royale you’ll know the guy can play insane really well.
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5) DRIVE AWAY DOLLS - The Coen Brothers are behind some of the most thrilling crime capers in film history, yet recently they temporarily parted ways to focus on their own projects. Joel went on to direct a truly spectacular Shakespeare adaptation of Tragedy of Macbeth that gave Roman Polanski’s original a run for its money, and now Ethan Coen has got his first solo directorial outing with Drive Away Dolls. It’s a queer roadtrip buddy comedy about two friends whose spontaneous trip to Tallahassee is undermined by a gang of amateur criminals. Should be a fun time at the movies with hopefully some of the Coens’ signature wit, and the supporting cast featuring Pedro Pascal and Matt Damon simply sounds delightful.
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4) MICKEY 17 - Bong Joon-Ho’s highly anticipated science fiction film starring Robert Pattinson. Not much is known about this however Joon-Ho is fresh of winning an Oscar for Best Picture for his incredible Parasite, and Pattinson has really proven in the last decade that he’s a very talented actor, and that the quicker we forget about his Twilight times the better. Look, it’s a movie that is made by a very talented group of people, so I’m really rooting for this one to be a hit.
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3) DEADPOOL 3 - One of the few superhero flicks of 2024, and the only one I really care about, as, well, it’s fricking Deadpool! The first two were awesome, and we have Ryan Reynolds back in this one, this time with the highly anticipated return of Wolverine himself - Hugh Jackman. Again, there are reasons to be worried, as the MCU’s Multiverse saga has been very underwhelming and this film is posed to be at the centre of this cinematic plot line. Additionally, due to the writer’s strike earlier in 2023 Ryan Reynolds was not allowed to improvise on set, and I feel like Deadpool thrives of the ad-libbing and actors being allowed to act in the moment, so take that away and what do we have? Fingers crossed the team know what they are doing and I’m still really looking forward to it, yet Deadpool 3 has a lot to prove come it’s summer release day.
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2) MAXXXINE - The final entry is Ty West’s horror trilogy X. Following the only survivor of the bloody incidents of X, Maxine continues her journey towards fame to be an actress in 1980s Los Angeles. Both X and Pearl really reinvigorated the horror genre as they both took inspiration from the old yet managed to blend in something new, as such making this third installment one of my most anticipated this year. In fact, I don’t enjoy horror films that much, so when one gets me so invested it really proves a point that it is something truly special.
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1)THE LORD OF THE RINGS: WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM - Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy are my favourite set of films ever. So of course anything to do with Lord of the Rings gets my blood pumping. Amazon Prime’s recent Rings of Power show was an absolute slap to the dick, and was such a disservice to the fans, however War of the Rohirrim sounds more promising. The prequel will be an anime adaptation of Tolkien's world and will take inspiration from the look and feel of Peter Jackson's original trilogy, with Miranda Otto returning to narrate, and as you may recall Otto played Eowyn, the daughter of Theoden, in the original trilogy. The film is directed by anime industry heavyweight Kenji Kamiyama, known for his work on Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Blade Runner: Black Lotus, promising excitement for both Tolkien and anime fans with his impressive track record. It sounds like The War of the Rohirrim will be worth the wait at least because at Annecy Film Festival in June 2023, an exclusive first look was screened and the first reactions are very positive. And look, it is a new Lord of the Rings movie that will be playing in cinemas! I am very afraid but also very excited!
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