#They have play-dates when regressed i swear
cheezyratz · 1 year
More baby mig thoughts:
when he's big he tries to hide his injuries, but the second he regresses he cries over the smallest hurt. Like he accidentally clapped his hands too hard once and they started tingling a bit and he was tearing up and sniffling. He asked Peter B. to put bandaids on his palms, and made tearful puppy eyes at Jess until she kissed his booboos better (she kissed them immediately).
The reason he tries to hide his injuries when big is partially because of how sensitive he is when small. he feels embarrassed by how sensitive he is when regressed so he hides injuries when big almost as if he's trying to prove to himself that he's tough and strong.
Mwah mwah/platonic
Much love~🐀
Miguel is definitely the type of guy to be like “I have to be strong. I can’t show any signs of weakness because they need me” or some variation like that
Also yes I agree!! I feel like regressed miguel would also cry if he sees someone get hurt, like he’s having a playdate with web-slinger and he scrapes his knee and Miguel is just a waterfall of tears. Patrick (web-slingers name I’m pretty sure) tries to reassure Mig that he’s fine but Miguel’s still sniffling a little when Peter come by with a bandaid (the next time they have a play date miguel wraps bubble wrap around Patrick’s knees because he’s still a bit worried about the whole thing
Also also, regressed Miguel having Jess kiss his forehead whenever he has a headache 🥹🥹🥹
Yay more kisses!!!! ^^
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Caregiver Katsuki Bakugo Headcanons
A/N: Hey!!! This is my first like. Writing related post. In a WHILE. Sorry about that!! But please feel free to request anything, I’m kinda bored. :P
Warnings: Minor swearing but I think that’s it ???
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Bakugo is very aggressive. We all know this. Pretty much all the time, he’s aggressive and seemingly angry. And this does not waver or change, even when you’re regressed. So if you’re super sensitive, he probably wouldn’t be the best for you.
However, that’s not to say he doesn’t care. Quite the opposite, actually. He would die for you and actively goes out of his way to protect you.
Oh, he would get SO mad if anyone ever said anything remotely negative to you about your age regression. He wouldn’t even try to reason with them or have a debate he would straight up just tell them to kys 💀 (me core)
He does better with toddler or kid regressors, but baby regressors are fine as long as they can tolerate his naturally rough and callous behavior.
He did not know what the hell age regression was before he met you. Honestly, I feel like he’d come off as judgey at first. He doesn’t mean to, it’s just how he is. But then he’d go and research it a bit and realize that it’s not anything weird or fetishy and is instead a healthy coping mechanism.
He’s a little hesitant to be your caregiver at first. He says it’s because he isn’t sure if he wants to focus on anything other than training right now and being a caregiver is a lot of responsibility. That’s partially true. But it’s mainly really because he’s afraid he won’t be good at it and will just end up hurting you and potentially ruining one of your only healthy coping mechanisms.
It takes a lot for him to be able to open up to someone and take care of someone like that, but eventually, he does it. And he finds he enjoys it. He finds your little antics and your dependency on him really adorable.
He’s not embarrassed or ashamed that you age regress. I feel like nearly half of class 1-A regresses so it’s not unusual at all for you two to be in the common room, you sitting on his lap with a sippy cup in hand.
Sets you up on play dates with Kaminari and Mina all the time. He wants you to have fun and interact with other littles. Plus, they’re his friends and their caregivers are his friends too.
Takes a little bit to get used to nicknames as well. But finds he likes parental nicknames a lot more than he thought he would.
The first time you called him dada was something he will never forget. You were half asleep, snuggling in his chest, when you realized you were thirsty. You lazily grabbed his shirt and gently tugged on it and went, “Dada…juice…?”. He immediately knew what you wanted and he gave you the juice. He didn’t even register the nickname until a few seconds later and was really shocked. He didn’t say anything about it in the moment, though. He talked to you about it when you were big again and he clarified that he was okay with it and it didn’t make him uncomfortable.
Midoriya and Kirishima are his go-to babysitters. Mainly Midoriya because he’s more responsible than Kirishima. But Midoriya can get busy quite a lot. And Bakugo’s also a little anxious about you possibly liking Midoriya more than him, although he would rather die than admit that out loud lol.
He can cook. This is canon. This mf can cook like a 1950s housewife it is INSANE. He makes all your food for you, especially when you’re little. He likes taking care of you, even if he won’t really say it.
If you’re like me, and you tend to have really bad rage episodes and outbursts when you’re overstimulated or upset, he’s got you. He knows how to deal with that. He’s got a punching bag in his room that he lets you beat the shit out of if needed. He can make you laugh too. You’ll be beating the fuck out the punching bag and he’ll pretend like it’s a real person and say shit like “YEAH‼️‼️‼️ BEAT HIS ASS‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️” and it makes you giggle.
Surprisingly okay with physical affection. You wanna cling to him? That’s fine. Just listen to him if he tells you to get off of him. Respect his boundaries and don’t get in the way when he’s doing something important and it’s cool. 🙏
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little-babybell · 10 months
hiii!! could i request some regressor scott pilgrim headcanons ? maybe with cg wallace??no pressure :3
Haii I just got home + I have a headache so I can try to make these the best I can !!
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Regressor!Scott pilgrim !!
(And a bit of cg!Wallace)
Usually regresses to around 4-9 but can and will regress to younger if stressed
(He also has some kid shows that are passed the return date but shhhh)
He can be annoying at times but he finds it funny
If you swear around him he'll just repeat what you said until your just annoyed
A BIG BALL OF ENERGY especially during the winter he'll just run outside and just play in the snow
Usually likes to follow Wallace around, just annoying him since he thinks it's funny
Wallace calls him Little guy, Scotty, Twerp, Little bro & dumb dumb
He's more calm when he regresses to way younger like 1-3
Usually likes to just snuggle up with Wallace when he's regressing to younger than usual
He likes to play with Ramonas hair when regressing, just babbling as he tries to braid her hair or style it or is just twirling her hair and playing with it
Anyways that's all I got I hope you enjoy😭
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duck-at-midnight · 8 months
Little Duck
Summary: After the Ghostface attacks in New York, Tara lost control on when she regresses. Tonight, Sam has a dinner with Kirby and Danny, Tara is forced to come along.
Content warning: age regression, Sam is Tara's caregiver, wetting
WC: 1315
Special thanks to my boy @writing-rat, who watched scream 6 with me and listened to my building thoughts on this idea.
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���Sam, please, just let me stay home.”
“For the last time, Tara, no.”
The younger sister pouted. “Please, I don’t want to crash your date.”
Sam waved her comment off. “You’re not, Danny and Kirby love you, and I don’t want a repeat of last time.”
She quickly shook her head. “It won’t, I swear!”
“You can’t promise that.”
“But I can! I don’t feel bad or stressed or anything! I don’t want a repeat.”
Sam let out a sigh. “Tara, I know you would rather stay home but I can’t leave you here alone in good conscience.” She paused to look her sister in the eyes. “I tried Gale but she can’t watch you. I’m sorry, you have to come with us.Please go get dressed.”
Tara huffed and dragged her feet to her room to change into nicer clothes. She hated that she wasn’t allowed to be alone anymore. It wasn’t like she did anything too bad last time she regressed when she was alone. The replacement rug was better than the old one anyways. 
She laid on the couch wearing a nice dress fidgeting with her fidget cube as she stared up at the ceiling with her earbuds in playing an old playlist. 
In the corner of her eye, she saw Sam answer the door. 
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before opening them and removing her earbuds, she sat up. She joined Sam at the door.
“Hey Tara, you ready?” Danny asked, flashing a smile at her.
Nodding, “Yeah, sorry that I have to tag along.”
Kirby dismissed the apology. “Don’t worry about it at all. We love having you with us too.”
She felt a pat on the back from her older sister. “I’ll try to stay out of the way as much as possible and let you three enjoy your date.”
“Again, Tara, don’t worry. We love spending time with you.”
“But,” Danny interrupted, “We should get going. We’re going to be late.”
On the way to the restaurant, Tara felt a slight buzz in the back of her mind. She tried to brush it off but the stimulation of the city was proving to be too much. She stopped to put in her earbuds back in to help tune out the noise. 
Large hands grabbed her and pulled her close nearly making her scream until she looked up to see it was Danny who mouthed ‘sorry.’ She stayed close to him as Kirby and Sam were leading the way.
As they were standing in line to meet the hostess, Tara felt the buzzing come back stronger. She grabbed Danny’s hand and shoved her face into his chest. 
Quickly, she felt herself get lifted and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hand patted her back. They moved through the restaurant following the waitress as Tara gripped the back of Danny’s shirt tightly. 
They sat at a booth and Tara made it clear she didn’t want to be put down as she whined loudly when Danny sat her in the seat. He moved Tara into his lap as he pulled out his phone for Tara to play a game. He removed the earbuds from her ears without disturbing her focus.
“Well, I’m glad she didn’t stay home.” Sam commented. 
“She was trying to avoid it.” Danny defended the younger girl. 
“She was trying pretty hard.” Kirby added. “But she can’t help it.” 
Sam let out a small sigh as she watched Tara tap at the phone. “I know, she tries so hard.” She smiles. “Tara.” Her sister looks up at her. “What do you want to eat?”
“Chicken nuggets!”
A long sigh as the girl goes back to her game. “Of course, you want chicken nuggets. Can we put you in a pull-up?”
”No!” She whined loudly. 
“Tara, you need to. I’m sure Danny doesn’t want an accident on his pants.”
”No, Sammy! I’m a big girl.”
“Tara, now.”
The sisters stared each other down that ended with Danny clearing his throat. “I’m sure Tara will let us know, right? You’re a big girl, huh?”
”Yes!” She smiled up at him. 
Sam gave him a look. “You sure?”
”We’ll be fine.”
The couple talked as the girl tapped away on the screen receiving occasional help from Danny who peered over her head at the screen. She was in her own world swapping between two different apps. 
When they or food was delivered, Sam spoke up to Tara. “Time to put up the phone and eat.” She received a loud whine. “I’m sure Danny doesn’t want ketchup on his phone.”
”I’ll give it back after we finish eating, ok?” Danny said lightly. “Want to sit on your own?”
She shook her head as he took the phone pouting as she eyed her sister. 
“The faster you eat, the quicker you can have the phone back.” Kirby said as she cut into her steak. With that in mind, Tara started shoving chicken nuggets in her mouth. “Woah, slow down, kid. Chew first.” 
“Please don’t choke.” Sam pleaded. 
The group ate quietly, chiming in with the occasional conversation, several reminders for Tara to use a napkin, and reminders to be careful with her drink. 
In the middle of a conversation, Tara’s eyes widened as she looked up at Sam. She tried to open her mouth but shut it as she saw Sam responding to something Danny said. 
“You ok, Tara?” Kirby asked.
”I-“ She stuttered before Sam met her eyes. “I need to pee.”
”Oh, shit.” Sam said before trying to get up.
Her eyes welled up with tears refusing to move when Sam tried to pull her up. 
“Uh, Sam, it’s already too late.” Danny whispered to her.
”I’m so sorry, babe. I knew I should’ve put her in a pull-up.” Sam said feeling terrible about her sister wetting herself in his lap. She sat back down and felt Danny grab her hand on the table. 
“It’s ok, it happens. Tara tried her best.” He assured her. “Besides, I knew what I was risking.” With his free hand, he gave Tara a hug. “You ok, kiddo?”
She nodded her head with tears streaking down.
”Don’t worry about it. It can happen to anyone.” Kirby said with a smile. “I might have a jacket in the car to cover you.” She slipped out from the table to check for one and pay for their dinner. 
Danny slipped Tara his phone who accepted it while wiping her face. “It’s ok, little duck. We’re ok.”
The girl began focusing on a video on his phone, calming herself down. The adults focused on her making sure she was calming down. She slipped her thumb into her mouth without thinking. 
Sam fished out the pacifier from her bag and with the help of Danny replaced the thumb. She pushed the girl’s hair out of her face. 
Kirby returned with a jacket to cover Tara’s bottom half that covered Danny as well when he carried her. The couple let Tara hold on to the phone as Danny carried her to the car. 
He placed her in the backseat making sure the jacket covered the seat. He moved to sit in the back with Tara when Sam stopped him. 
“You take front. I’ll watch her in the back.” 
“It’s no problem, I can sit in the back with her.”
”You’re already covered in pee and had her sit in your lap all dinner. I can sit in the back with her.”
”If you insist, but I truly don’t mind sitting with our little duck.” He said pressing a kiss to Sam’s lips. 
Sam got in the back and checked on her sister who was focused on a video leaning against the window. Sliding into the middle seat and buckling before leaning Tara against her. 
The small girl was asleep before they made it back home. 
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eddiessidegirl · 2 years
🎀Making It Up to You🎀
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Summary: Eddie has to cancel a dinner date with you and it causes you to spiral and slip into little space
Pairing: Caregiver!Eddie x little!reader (gender is not really mentioned, so gen!neutral reader)
Warnings: Standard 18+ for my blog, it’s a fluff piece, however mentions of age regression, CGl dynamic, use of pet names
Word Count: 1524
A/N: A very special thank you to @hellfiremunsonn for reading this before letting me post it, I haven’t written much because of a lot of irl things going on. I appreciate everyone’s patience and I have another fic coming soon, I’m just working out the plot!
Today was going to be a good day, at least that’s what you’d told yourself all day. Eddie was going to take you to dinner before he checked in with Dustin, the new leader of Hellfire now that Eddie’s graduated. He still guest DM’d here and there but he mostly just helped create campaigns for the group. A silent partner if you will.
His van was waiting outside the library you worked at, the loud hum of his engine, a soothing noise to you, was a nuisance to everyone else. Your feet carried you across the parking lot, you were so excited for this check in and dinner. You already had an outfit picked out, and were excited for him to see it, since he loved seeing you dressed up when you two went out.
The door swung open, “Sorry Bun, change of plans. Rain check on dinner, apparently Dustin lost his copy of the campaign somehow and now I have to help him rush it together before the guys and Erica start showing.” You were crushed, the world crumbling. Logically you knew it was fine and that things happened from time to time to make it so you had to change plans. And you knew he’d make it up to you later or the next day. But you started to slip a little, you could feel yourself becoming small. Usually you had more control but when you got upset, the wall was harder to hold up.
Quietly you nodded your head and slid into the passenger seat, sitting as humanly close as you could, his hand sought out your thigh and he held it to comfort you as he drove over to the Henderson house to pick up Dustin and drive over to the high school. The curly haired boy got into the bench behind yours once the van pulled up. He was swearing up a storm, going off about how it had taken them weeks to work on this story. Eddie asked you to hand Dustin the binder on the floor of the passenger side, it was decorated in stickers and binder clips.
Dustin thanked you, and started going through the pages, while he was distracted you slide a little closer to Eddie, looking for a moment of solace, and hoping you didn’t fully slip before you made it back home. “You ok?” He asked you, it was getting hard to verbalized, so you just nodded your head and settled against his arm. “Feeling a bit small, huh?” He muttered softly into your ear, again, you nodded. Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, he reassured you that it wouldn’t take long and to not worry. But you could feel yourself slipping more, your fingers playing with the frayed edges of your sweatshirt. At the next stop light he reached across you and opened the glove compartment and handed you a tiny stuffed bear on a keychain for you to hold on to. It would innocuous enough that no one would think twice but it would give you the comfort you needed.
Pulling up at the school every got out, you slid out using Eddie’s side of the van, his hands helping you to the ground. “Just a couple hours, Henderson, it’s been a long day and we’ve already cancelled plans for this.” The walk to the drama room was short, just a few doors in, you remembered the first time you came here, it seemed so intimidating but then you sat and watched a campaign and you grew to appreciate it even if the content scared you sometimes. Eddie and Dustin sat at the table, Eddie in his old seat, and Dustin beside him while you wandered off to sit and hang out on a padded bench to draw in a notebook from your book bag.
Eventually your eyes slid shut after a couple hours and you nodded off waiting for the boys to finish, your body curled up on the bench, thumb near your mouth since it’d fallen out of your lips and landed next to your head. Eddie noticed you’d fallen asleep and since they were basically done, he told Dustin that the two of you needed to go.
“You could stay though, I’m sure everyone would love it if you stayed.” Dustin still looked up to Eddie, and loved any excuse to hang out with him.
He shook his head “nah man, I bailed on date night already, consider this my check in that I was going to do after dinner, I’ll call you and make plans,” Eddie motioned towards you “for now I need to get them home so they can eat dinner before it’s too late.” Gathering yours and his things, and picking up your bag before gently shaking your shoulder to wake you, “come on, sweetheart, time to go.”
Yawning and stretching you waved goodbye to Dustin, “s’later” you mumbled sleepily, clutching onto Eddies’ arm. Getting into the van this time around was slightly more difficult, from being barely awake and slipping you feet wouldn’t work as well as you’d like. Eddie assisted you and then got in on his side.
“I’m sorry your night was spoiled, little one, I’ll make it up to you I promise,” as you two pulled out of the parking lot, you could see Steve and Robin dropping off some of the guys and Erica, the older boys would be carpooling and wouldn’t be far behind them. Eddie and Steve exchanged nods, but beyond that your boyfriend was more concerned about getting you home so you could feel fully at ease.
The drive home didn’t take long, once you were at the small apartment complex on the outskirts of the main road, you slid out of the van, landing with a quiet “oof” as your feet collided with the pavement. Your unit was on the ground floor, and it was perfect. To you anyways.
Inside was warmth, cozy items, stuffies, Eddie’s guitars and amps as well as comfy furniture and rugs everywhere. Instead of posters directly on the living room wall there were posters in frames, which was your idea so it looked more artistic. The bedroom was a different story, posters tacked to the wall, plants everywhere, clothing heaped on the floor waiting to be folded and put away, yours and Eddie’s bed in the middle, and your dressers took up most of the space. There were stuffies here too, but these ones were the ones you’d had since your childhood. The one on the bed was your most prized possession, it was a small tiger, you’d had him forever and he was full of your secrets and stories. He was due for a restuffing but you didn’t like him leaving your room or the apartment for that matter.
“Alright, lets get changed and I’ll make some dinner since you’re too little to do that right now.” Eddie had finally entered caregiver mode, he helped you get out of your clothes, wash your face and get into a PJ set that had dinosaurs on it. Once you were settled on the couch with The Land Before Time playing to keep you occupied, Eddie went to make dinner for the two of you. After about twenty minutes he entered the living room carrying two plates, each had a generous helping of Kraft Dinner and a pile of Dino nuggets, Ketchup was tucked in his arm.
His ringed fingers motioned at the plates, as he joined you on the couch “dig in Kiddo,” you knew that he was desperately trying to make it all up to you, Eddie hated disappointing you. It was the last thing he wanted to do. So he always tried his best to cheer you up, and tonight especially it was working. He told you that you two would go out for dinner tomorrow and that he’d get you a new stuffed animal as a present too. You were elated and he felt better about everything.
Later he would tuck you and your tiger into bed, tell you a story and cuddle you until you fell asleep. His chocolate brown eyes would watch you sleep for a long while, sweeping over your face as you dreamed and cuddled deeper into his side. Wrapping his arm around you he tucked your head into the crook of his neck and kissed your temple “G’night baby” Before he fell asleep he noticed your stuffed animal was nearing the edge of the bed, he pressed him back into your arms and allowed himself to join you in dreamland.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
Would you be open to writing a platonic cqregiver!Clint Barton and Little!Kate Bishop? Maybe Kate is babysitting for Clint one day and when he gets back he notices his kids and Kate are watching some kids show but Kate seems more interested than the kids, from there he figures out she regresses??
Have a lovely day and feel free to ignore this!!! 😊
ೃ༄ Babysitting ⊹༉‧₊˚
|| kate bishop & clint barton || read on ao3
notes ; this got so much longer than I intended whoops, also Kate angst cause I’m a sucker for it
warnings ; hurt/comfort, swearing (it’s nothing awful), mentions of Kate having a bad childhood, pet names
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Letting Kate watch the kids was already nerve wracking for Clint, he knows Kate would and can protect his kids easily. Hell she'd probably do it for fun. But that's not where his worries lie, it's more to do with the kids tricking Kate into something (probably stupid) or them messing around because they know Kate's just a sitter and doesn't know all the rules.
Though his anxiety's seem to ease when him and Laura pull into the driveway to see that the living room and kitchen lights are still on, no chaos in sight. It's only around ten pm so the kids could still be complaining about bedtime, they've never gone down easy, or Kate could've put a movie on just to make them calm down.
"We're home!" Laura calls while Clint locks the door and slips his boots off, he has to admit that date night was really nice, but he's happy to be home.
"Living room!" Cooper calls back, hand appearing in the hallway from where he sticks his arm out behind the couch.
Like Clint had suspected, there's a movie playing lowly on the tv, Nathaniel and Lila slumped over one another on the couch, snoring just as loud as Laura claims Clint does. Cooper sits scrolling through his phone beside his sleeping siblings and Kates on the floor, cross legged on the rug and staring up at the Tv.
Her eyes are wide and full of a light Clint doesn't recognize. It's some Disney movie going, one he's seen but doesn't quite remember, though Kates expression reads like this is her first ever seeing the film. Maybe it is? Clint has never asked what Kate's childhood was like but he can't imagine it left a lot of time to lounge around and watch movies.
"I'll take the kids upstairs, you pay Kate and remind her that she's free to stay the night." Laura presses a soft kiss to Clint's cheek before moving to haul Nathaniel up to her hip and ask Cooper to help his sister up the stairs so she won't stumble in her sleepy state.
They all file up slowly, only a few grumbles from Lila about moving that are barely audible with her face pressed into Coopers shoulder. It leaves Clint to look back to where Kate is unmoving, hands folded in her lap too orderly for him to feel easy about, jaw slightly clenched like she's stopping herself from smiling or saying something. He doesn't like that one bit.
"Hey Kate, you alright?" Barton tentatively places a hand on Kates shoulder, worry only growing when she flinches and whips her head to stare at him.
"Easy kid, it's okay." A beat passes where Clint just rubs his thumb across the girls sweater covered shoulder and watches while she takes deep breath after deep breath.
"Got a little distracted, sorry." Her cheeks flush pink in embarrassment but Clint shakes his head quickly. There's no reason for Kate to be apologizing, but Clint is definitely not going to let her walk away without at least a short conversation about what's going on in her head.
"You feel okay?" She nods quickly but her hands are still folded, Clint decides they won't be moving in a while so he plops himself down to the floor and tries not to wince at his tailbone hitting the hardwood.
"Whatcha watching?" Staring at each other won't do any good and thankfully Kate perks up at the question, turning her head back to the Tv with that same lit up look in her eyes.
"It's the second little mermaid, with Ariel's daughter Melody! They keep her out of the sea cause Ursula's sister tried to take her as a baby, but Melody figures out a way to break into the sea-." She keeps going, excitedly taking Clint through the movie plot. There's something so vulnerable about her voice, something so childlike about it; that Clint finds himself smiling softly throughout the tangent, it feels like when he listened to Lila talk about princesses when she was younger.
"That's really cool Kate." A beaming smile gets sent Clint's way at the acknowledgment.
"Right! I haven't seen it since I was a kid but I think she's my favorite princess, besides Merida cause she's got a bow like me and you."
"I don't think I've seen that one, we'll have to watch it sometime." An immediate nod brings a faint grin to Clint's face, she just seems so young, younger than she ever has before and her mannerisms are—- it hits him all at once.
The talk, the behavior, the movie, she's probably age regressed. He had learned about it when the avengers were all staying in the tower together and Natasha discussed it with Tony, Clint was actually in the vents for that conversation but he did some of his own research afterwards.
"Kate, can I ask you something?" He's never dealt with a little in real life, only ever looking at things online and reading forums, this feels out of his depth but Kate nods so he takes a breath.
"Are you- do you- umm- uh. Alright uh, are you feeling little?" The brunette blinks a few times while processing the question, it takes a second but she slowly nods, dropping her head quickly afterwards.
"Hey, hey, it's okay Kate, I just need to know so I can help you. You don't need to hide." The girl untucks her head from her chest but drops it right back when her eyes land on something behind Clint.
"Sorry to interrupt, you guys okay?" Laura questions low and a little weary, glancing towards Kate but doing her best to not stare.
"Yeah yeah, Kates gonna stay the night. You can go to bed I'll be up in a bit." She seems to sense something else is going on but nods then disappears back upstairs quietly.
"Sweetheart, can you look at me? It's okay, Laura went upstairs." Clint tones his voice down soft and tender like he would with younger kids.
“That’s good Kate, very good. How about this, we can get you changed into some pajamas then lay down for bed?” The guest room has practically become Kates dedicated room so he’s sure there’s at least one pair of extra clothes in there somewhere.
“Can I not watch the movie anymore?” Tears well quickly in Kates eyes, her voice wobbles ever so slightly, it all but snaps Clint’s heart to bits.
“Darling you can watch it while I go grab you some pajamas, no need to cry.” He soothes as fast as he can, trying to look reassuring when Kate doesn’t seem to believe him.
“It’s okay if I can’t, I understand. Gots responsibilities.” She mumbles, wiping at her sniffling nose and looking away from Barton for a moment.
“What’re you talking about honey? If you wanna finish the movie you can.” Confusion shows through in Kates expression before she speaks.
“It’s just- when I was a kid I had to go do lots of stuff, important stuff, didn’t get to watch a lot of tv.” She shrugs and leans the smallest bit closer to the hand Clint still has on her shoulder.
An bubble of anger summers in Barton’s gut towards Kates parents, her mother in specifics. The idea of a little kid Kate running around to no doubt fancy cocktail parties and other high end things definitely not enjoyable for a kid; it makes Clint wish she had someone to be there for her, someone to show her what a true childhood is supposed to be like.
“You don’t have to worry about that here, you can watch the movie and I’ll be right back.”
He shuffles himself away before Kate can sense any of his emotions towards her mother, besides, walking to the downstairs guest room and rummaging around in the drawers is a good distraction. He’s able to dig up a pair of pajama pants with purple hearts on them and a soft shirt that’s got a Hawkeye logo on it, no doubt bought by Kate herself but passed off as a gift from someone.
When Clint returns to the living room he catches Kate rocking slightly in place, a strand of hair stuck in her mouth that she idly chews on, he makes a mental note to stop at the store for some pacifier or teethers. He’s already made the decision that this will be a more regular thing, there’s no way he’s going to let Kate wake up tomorrow and pretend none of this ever happened and she didn’t say what she did.
Barton’s honestly happy that she feels happy enough to slip into little space in his house, that she trusts him enough to be small around him. And he definitely wants to help take care of her if she’ll let him, she deserves to relax and be safe somewhere without the worry of bad guys sneaking up on her.
“Im back, I hope these will work.” The wet chunk of hair drops from Kates mouth when she turns towards Clint, a smile on her lips at seeing him again and the prompt of changing out of the jeans that are no doubt uncomfortable while sitting cross legged.
“Thank you.” One of Clint’s hands reaches to ruffle the top of the girls hair before he directs her towards the bathroom to change.
It’s takes longer than it normally would and Clint has to weigh in on which way the pants go on from outside the door but eventually Kate changes, already looking sleepy when she exists the bathroom.
“You wanna finish the movie or just go to bed? We can always watch it another time.” The when you come back is unspoken but Kate doesn’t mention it.
“Movie then bed.” She decides while flopping onto the couch, Clint following her lead and only startling slightly when Kate lays her head on his chest then tucks her legs up into his side.
“You falling asleep on me kid?” He chuckles lowly as Kate nuzzles farther into his sleep shirt, shaking her head like her eyes aren’t closed and she isn’t half asleep but Clint lets her be. They’ll talk more in the morning but for now he’s content letting Kate use him as a human pillow.
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little-snuggle-bug · 2 years
Regressor Eddie mood board and headcannons bc he has my heart
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Baby regressor Eddie headcannons
He’s the youngest out of all the stranger things regressors! He’s 0-2 he’s a tiny baby!
Eddie still adores metal when regressed but is more sensitive to noise so it’s not as loud as he’d play it when big.
He’s absolute besties with baby jonny! They have play dates all the time. (I love this duo so much it’s unreal)
He loves pound puppies (and Care Bears after Robin makes him watch them with him)
He’s a spooky Babie! He likes watching kid appropriate horror movies they’re his favorite!!
He likes Garfield! I don’t make the rules I just type them up \_(•v•)_/
He likes Angel milk better than any other flavored milk (yk the kind with a lil vanilla and sugar)
He’s a sleepy baby. Naps all the time!
He just wants to be held someone please cuddle this boy!
His caregiver is Steve!
Huge babbler!! He’s the silliest little guy :(
His uncle Wayne knows about his regression and doesn’t really care.( if anything if makes him more protective of Eddie)
You bet He’s crawling EVERYWHERE!! He’s not getting into trouble on purpose he just doesn’t know any better he’s baby!
When Robin tries to rope him into her chaos he’s like “bu wha if tevie gets mad?” :(
He’s not anything like he is when he’s big! Yea he’s talkative and not shy but he’s not loud! He just adores being a good kid!
Eddie plays with blocks all the time! He just likes anything he can stack though.
He only has a few pacis and he decos his own when he’s big so they’re more metal!
Huge rattle guy! He has autism so it’s like a stim!!
If he doesn’t like something it’s becoming everyone’s problem!! He might be a good kid but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his fits!
He’s more prone to meltdowns when small. He’s a very sensitive baby.
When him and jonny have play dates they nap together! Well more like Eddie naps on jonny and jonny just goes with it…
He loves big ol bear hugs from anyone he trusts! All of hellfire give baby Eddie the most bone crushing hugs when he’s regressed around them.
Keep this boy supervised!! He will try to eat anything and everything!
He has a bat from when he was a baby and it goes everywhere with him when regressed .
When he’s on his older side of his regression he loves loves LOVES teethers! The ones you can freeze, silicone, ALL KINDS!!
He has few pacis but he makes up for them in teethers!! He uses them when he’s big and little oral stim.
If he’s a toddler and he doesn’t have his teether or paci he will chew on his shirt and hair.
I swear I love this little guy so much :(( Eddie was only on screen for such a short time and he’s already my comfort character!
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cordycepsfem · 1 year
Pageboy Readthrough, Part Eleven
All the previous parts can be found here.
EP goes to Oregon and learns about Permaculture
EP is extremely closeted
EP gets shingles while making Inception
that's it
Chapter Fifteen
EP dates a woman who is very closeted
they have a wonderful, very closeted relationship
eventually they realize it's not going to work out
later EP sees her at a party with a man
the chapter ends with the line Someone will break your heart but you will break one too.
Chapter Sixteen
we jump back to EP's childhood; she asks to be allowed to play soccer with the coed league one extra year, which is granted
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"not precisely meaning it" but telling the truth all the same
EP talks abut moving into puberty and hating periods, needing a bra, etc., which I'm sure literally only affected her and has nothing to do with how almost every other teenage girl on the planet feels
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two things here: 1) "other boys" sure EP; 2) "euphoria" - using "euphoria" to describe oneself or one's gender did not start when EP was a kid and even so, kids don't think that way about themselves, as "euphoric"... that's a very adult, usually trans, way of looking at things and it's pretentious. Ask me when I've ever felt "euphoric" about my body and I'll probably say playing roller derby or swimming, or maybe running pushing my sister in a 5K, and even then "euphoric" seems far too grand and, again, pretentious, for what I felt. I felt confident, I felt powerful, I felt happy, and those were the words I'd use.
a third thing, I guess - it's distressing to learn that one's body no longer fits clothes one enjoyed, but life sometimes is like that, and one learns that boys and girls can wear shorts, pants, T-shirts, etc. This period of time didn't mean needing to give up wearing certain clothes or to start wearing other clothes. It just meant EP would have to purchase them from the dreaded "girls" section
EP talks about going to a friend's house and being permitted to wear swim trunks as a kid, which she describes in a tone nearly orgasmic
... y'know girls and women can wear swim trunks too, EP? I swim in them.
this regressive "gender is clothes" gets me every time I read this and for some reason I always forget how dumb it is
EP meets a gay man:
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you recognized yourself in a gay man? the kind of gay man who's on TV, so a collection of stereotypes? EP, even now you don't act like that, so what were you recognizing in this man?
(also, does this man know you wrote about him this way? I'd hate to find myself written about in this manner by someone I barely knew - "She was the kind of lesbian they showed on TV sometimes. The way she dressed comfortably, the way she didn't shave her legs, the way she talked about flea markets, the way she listened to Julien Baker, the way she moved... a lesbian person, you know, like a normal human woman." Jesus Christ. I'd want the book burned.)
EP goes to a water park with a friend:
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EP I swear to all that is good and holy I need you to stop referring to other people as "queers" without their permission. Don't ask me how I know, but I know this person would not want to be referred to as "a queer" in your book. Why the fuck would you do this? And you weren't "a queer" at age nine, you were a girl with short hair.
And yes, once again, women can wear swim trunks and in certain places go around with their chests out. I wear swim trunks and rash guards to swim. Once again, gender is just clothes.
EP goes into how euphoric she is to not have to wear a shirt and how she can wear swim trunks and swim and feel the sun on her body or whatever.
be careful with your scars, sunburns will fuck them up
I will admit here that this part, while so weirdly enraging and confusing like the rest of the book, made me feel unhappy and jealous for a couple of reasons. First is that my own BDD and dysphoria have made it hard to want to look at my own body or feel neutral, let alone euphoric, about it. When I'm swimming I don't care, because my body's in the water and it's doing things, but in general I hate everything around it - getting dressed in the Y locker room, peeling off my heavy, stuck swim clothes afterwards, etc. I am deeply jealous of someone who feels so comfortable in their own skin that way.
Second I'm unhappy because I wonder how things would have turned out if I'd been born just a few years later. I'm too old for a school-age diagnosis of autism, too old for knowing what "lesbian" meant in elementary school, too old for discussions about gender amongst my friends. I don't like to think that I would have been pushed in the direction of "trans'ing my gender" if I was among the youths now, but I don't know who I'd be, either.
I am glad that no matter how much I hate my own body from time to time, I know that no matter how much I change it, I'll still always be me. I'll still always be female. My body is more than the nebulous, unnecessary concept of "gender" - it allows me to do the things I want, to love the people I care about, to show up for work - my body is me. I have time to learn how to love my body for what it is.
This book makes me fucking maudlin.
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trappedwriter · 1 year
Chapter 28
Content Warning, this is intended for people that are 18+ and this chapter includes ddlg themes (always forced age regression) abdl themes, mentions of killing, torture and cannibalism, fluff, lots of swearing.
Sebastian’s POV:
After putting the girls to bed, Chris and I spent the evening disposing of all the meat in our freezers. We couldn’t remember exactly who the girls ate but we must’ve had someone else for dinner. Our poor girls got sick and as much as it hurt us to get rid of our hard earned work, we couldn’t have our precious littles getting sick again. Instead of wasting it we decided to give it to Marc. I’m sure he would make good use out of it. He prefers killing and torturing over eating but he’s a firm believer in not leaving behind any evidence. Marc knew all about how evidence works, how forensic teams can find the tiniest bit of evidence and have your life ruined within a couple of days. It’s always good to have someone on the inside of the police force who is on our side.
I woke up to the sound of little pitter patters on the hardwood floor next to me. Without opening an eye, I swooshed open the blanket and felt her little body fall against my chest. I held her closely by the waist and flipped the both of us around so that we were facing Chris, that earned a little giggle from her. “Shh little one, dada is asleep.” I kissed the top of her head. “Otay” was the only response I got followed not long after by faint little snores that accompanied loud ones. I lay there for a time and just enjoyed. I snuggled in closer to Chris, gently smushing our little one between our bodies.
When I woke up for the second time, the bed was empty. My snuggle buddies had abandoned me. Probably for the best. Jessica’s diaper was already soggy when she came in this morning. Wouldn’t want a… I rolled over and immediately felt a huge wet patch on the bed. Great. I got up and stripped the sheets, showered, and joined my family in the kitchen.
“Good morning, babe, and little ones. How did we all sleep?” I asked as I walked over to the kitchen island and kissed Chris on the lips. I got a chorus of “great” from the little ones and a groan from Chris. Grabbing what I could from the fridge, I made myself a decent breakfast. A reminder that we had to go to the grocery store today. Chris and I had talked about it last night and we both agreed that Jessica would come to the store with me today. We trust her the most and plus she needs a little daddy daughter day.
After clearing up the mess the little ones made, I sat Jessica down and explained what was going to happen. “Honey, I want you to listen very, very carefully, okay?” “Otay” I smiled and continued “you and daddy are gonna go on a little date to the grocery store. If you are super-duper good then maybe we can get some new toys and ice cream, how does that sound?” I’ve seen Jessica excited before but never this excited. She bounced around on her little tiptoes, she wouldn’t even stop when she was getting ready. 20 mins later we were all packed up in the car, Jessica firmly strapped into her car seat happily looking out the window whilst I was a bundle of nerves. It was the first outing from the campsite, Jessica knew the rules but how well it would go would depend on her.
An hour later and we arrived at Edgewood, a small town with a population of only 204. The perfect place to stop for groceries. I parked the car outside the local grocery store and helped Jessica out of her car seat. “Remember the rules honey, misbehave and there will be no toys, no ice cream and much worse punishments to come.” No response, she just nodded her head. I took her hand in mine and grabbed a cart. Sadly, she wouldn’t fit in it so I had to trust that she wouldn’t run away.
I handed her the list and she proceeded to read out the items. She was so adorable trying to pronounce the words, we both knew she could, but she was playing her part. She’s definitely a good little actress. After picking out all the fruit and vegetables, we made our way to the cereal section. Jessica didn’t need to look down to read what we had to get, she knew exactly what we were getting. She looked up at me with begging eyes (god I loved when she did that) and I gave a silent nod. She took off squealing and ran towards the cheerio’s. I couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle.
A woman, a very beautiful one appeared next to me “she’s adorable.” I tried not to jump but she did surprise me. “Thank you.” I responded. I didn’t take my eyes off of Jessica. The woman continued “I wish my little girl was as well behaved as…” Picking up on why she stopped I interrupted “mine, she’s, my daughter.” Jessica returned to the cart carrying a very large family size package of cheerio’s, plopped them into the cart and slid her hand back into mine. Good girl.
The woman smiled and introduced herself “I’m Aliyah, but you can call me Ali.” With my other free hand, I reach out to shake her gorgeous hand “Brad and this is Riley.” Ali bent down “hi Riley it’s so nice to meet you, how old are you?” Jessica put up four fingers. “oh wow, you’re very tall for your age. You must have your daddy’s genes.” She straightens up and as she does, her eyes take in every inch of me. I chuckle “that she does.” I pull Jessica closer to me. Ali smiled at the loving affection “Are you new here?” I kept calm, can’t show any signs of stress. “No, we’re just visiting some family.” “Oh, that’s a shame, have you been here recently before? It’s just I recognise Riley, I dunno where from, maybe the park?” Shit. “Yeah, we have been here a couple of times, my aunt is sick, and Riley has been spending some time with her cousins, I dunno probably went to the park at some point.” I smiled, hoping that was a good answer.
It wasn’t. Ali looked at me questioning and angry “Wait, probably? Don’t you know where your little girl is at all times. What the fuck kind of parent doesn’t know where their child is. There are creeps out there, anyone could have taken her and your response is “I dunno probably at the park”, and here’s me thinking you’re hot I was gonna give you my number. You need to sort out your shit and take better care of her, ya hear me?”
At this point, lots of shoppers were looking down the aisle, wanting to look at all the commotion. Not what I wanted. I didn’t say a word but dragged Jessica down the bottom aisle and into the next one. People were giving me weird looks and were looking at Jessica. Not wanting to drag her around, I forced her into the child’s seat in the cart. She whined and a few tears fell but I quickly wiped them away, not wanting to add to the new attention. I grabbed random tins of food and went to checkout.
The cashier was too happy and bubbly and I didn’t have the energy to force myself to be nice to her. “Good morning, sir, were you able to find everything you were looking for today?” “Yes” I answered angrily. The woman clearly didn’t like my tone but continued to ramble on. “And would you like these bagged or…” “I’ll do it myself for fucks sake.” She didn’t like that at all “sir, please refrain from using that language around me and your child. It’s not tolerated.” She looked at Jessica and her eyes widened. Fuck. “Sir I’m gonna need to make a quick call, please stay here.” And off she popped, frantically walking to appears to be the staff room. I knew that look and without hesitation I threw the money on the counter and took off with Jessica.
I flung the food into the car and tried to get Jessica out of the cart. Fuck sake why did she have to be so big. I struggled but eventually got her out and buckled up. I abandoned the cart and sped off hoping that no one saw the license plates. I was full on panicking, the cashier knew Jessica but how. What are we gonna do. All these thoughts were racing in my head, meanwhile Jessica’s was crying in the back seat. I stopped the car and turned around to her “what the fuck is wrong? Would you stop crying.” She let out a shaky “ice cream toys.” “You’re not getting any now just shut up.” I yelled. I picked up my phone and texted Chris.
Code red: We have to go, NOW!
Chapter 29
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The Love Story of Jim and Yam
Part 2: Mutual pining, comphet regression
This is a three part analysis about Jam, every part covering one season. So, read part 1 here if you haven't. Friendly reminder that this analysis is built on non-canon views and headcanons, and thus will not always be what happened in "canon".
Season 2 starts with them as close as they always are. Sometimes I personally always have noticed is the LESBIAN FASHION they have early in this season.
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One example out of 100. But seriously, they wear every single possible lesbian look ever in the span of like 6 episodes I swear.
In the start of this season, Jim is still dating Nico. But we slowly see how she feels like something is off.
This starts when he sings Linda to her. She looks rather uneasy as he sings it. Of course - in the context of the scene, a reason Jim is nervous because she just left him a terrible voice message and now he comes and sings a song to her? A love song, dedicated to her no less? Of course she's now very embarrassed - to the point where she can't even seem to focus on the song at all. It's even that she forgot about the song...
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And in all honesty, even if she was focused on other things like deleting a message on his phone, she did not seem that impressed with the song - and I think she also feels guilty about not feeling as touched by it as she should be. Sure, it could just be due to the voice mail thing making her nervous and distracted, but I also think there's other things involved. "Oh no, he is my boyfriend and he did a really adorable thing, come on Jim where is the butterflies? He is your boyfriend and he loves you, why aren't you into it more?"
Jim absolutely does not want Nico to think bad of her. To the point that she can't admit her mistake to him, in case he would think bad of her. It's both that she as a person just does not like conflicts, but I think comphet also plays in here. She loves the idea how having a boyfriend sometimes more than... having one. Which eventually makes her realize that... she really only likes Nico as a friend. It's actually funny how quickly her love for Nico died down. Like it just happened all of a sudden. Maybe Jim realized something about herself...?
I recall they also said something about how, on the phone, when they aren't seeing each other, they feel like they want to be together, but meeting up in real life they feel more like friends. Which I feel is, that apart they romanticize the situation, but then it's not as romantic as they thought they felt. So they mutually decide to break up. After this breakup, Jim more and more starts to get out of the comphet field. And the further the season goes, the further she's into the "I don't need any man" thoughts - she's glad she has her gal pals over a boyfriend.
Yam on the other hand? She regresses back in comphet for a while, although not until the last chunk of the season. In the beginning, she still helps Jim with all of her weird boyfriend shenanigans and supports her through it all - she is there to give some moral advice to Jim when needed, too. But at the same time, she is actively supportive of Jim and Nico breaking up, even if she does not say it out loud. Example: This is Yam when Jim flirts with Nico...
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Or even... when she stands next to him...
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She was aware she had feelings for Jim in the first season, but I think it has hit her more this season. However, admitting you're in love with your best friend is not really an easy thing, and she is not even sure if Jim feels the same. So she has to put those feelings down in favor of keeping her friendship with her - a friendship she cherishes more than anything in the world. So, with her pushed down feelings, she decides to go all in into her singing. And while Yam blossomed with her singing last season, this season is really when she goes off with it.
One thing I remember distinctly from her performance in the singing competition is that she said "this is a love song and I don't feel in love". I do think this is a half-lie. She's saying this to Jim, who if she said she was in love, Jim would ask who, when, what, etc. But I also think there is a truth in it - Yam does not want to admit she's currently in love, both because the one she's in love with is right in front her, but also because she has convinced herself she is not. "You can't be in love with her, so just don't be". But Jim tells her to think of a time when she was in love and Yam says she only can come up with "one example".
Yam does not sing Yes, I do to Ramiro. No matter how much the show wants to frame it as that. She sang it to "no one". Yet people are convinced she must've sung it to someone, that she must've sung it to a boy. Even when Yam says "I wasn't inspired by anyone" or "I sang the song to no one" she gets to hear that she's lying, and Jazmin even says that she'll find out and tell everyone eventually. Now, I do believe that her initial choice of song wasn't due to any special reason. I fully believe she chose it because she simply liked the song and did not sing to anyone in particular. But I do think that, when she performed, she acted as if she was in love to get into the love song, and thus thought of the time she felt in love. And, was that with Ramiro? Ramiro, who she argued with so much? Even when they dated, in fact then she argued even more with him? The dude she was ready to break up with at any moment? Was there not any other person she felt more love with? Also with this, I think Yam is growing more and more tired over people always thinking she has a crush on a boy, that she's thinking of a boy, that she should find a boyfriend... and eventually this takes a toll on her and makes her fall back into a comphet phase - thus, back to dating Ramiro.
In season 2B, Ramiro has started to become less self-absorbed and is on better terms with Jim and Yam. They become such good friends and, in the middle of denying her feelings for Jim and everyone expecting her to like and have crushes on boys, she decided "okay... why not give Ramiro another chance?". However, just like in season 1, they bicker a lot and I recall Yam even threatening to break up with him over some tiny thing at one point. However, it's a bit more stable this time. Maybe because they perhaps tried more than last time... but, it's clear to me that it's more that they like the idea of dating more than actually dating. I, side note, often switch between bi!Ramiro and gay!Ramiro, and so occasionally I wonder if he's even into it either or just pretends because he "wants" to, or it's some sort of beards they have with each other. I will discuss them more in S3.
I've discussed Jim and Yam alone, and with their boyfriends this season. But how are Jim and Yam with each other, then? The answer: They have a huge mutual pining.
I will never get over the couple's costume of the century that is the jin/yang outfits.
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During a lot of this season, they are often off screen and the others wonder where they are. Several times they enter a scene like "here we are, we forgot the time" and the others slightly raising their eyebrows but shrugging it off. I've been thinking of how, for example, Luna and Nina know everything going on in each other's lives, but Jim and Yam does not really know what's going on with them (do they even know of Luna's necklace mystery or that they dressed up at a retirement home to find information on a dead man?) - at the same time, Luna and Nina does not really know what's up in Jim and Yam's lives either. And it's likely that there's some unknown things Jim and Yam talk about or do off screen, stuff we'll never know of, and we only know they were late or had to go due to some reason. What did they do on the way to "get some supplies" during the episodes of everyone cleaning up Roller, for example?
It's possible a lot of the time they sneak away together as an excuse to spend more time together. They can't get enough of each other. At this point, both of them have realized they feel something deeper for each other than just friendship. However, they start thinking opposite ways. Jim realized more and more that she's not interested in men, while Yam is starting to consider "okay, maybe I should give men another chance... I have no luck in women anyway..." This will all fix itself in season 3. Right now, they have a mutual pining that they don't realize the other one has too. And when we end the season, they're as close as ever, sharing a hotel room... with Delfi and Jazmin too, but due to it seemingly only being two beds, I guess Jim and Yam had to share one.
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Also! I could not fit this anywhere else on the analysis, but: Yam's suit! For a while, she had been talking to Jim about how she did not really want to wear a dress. It was actually a whole thing that also was sort of in the background in favor of other things. But Yam had expressed how she'd rather have a suit than a dress. And then!!
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Her wanting to wear a suit instead of a traditional "girly" dress, makes the impression she wants to explore herself and experiment what she likes and don't. I mean, I gotta say, both her and Jim have a range of different outfits - one day they look like retro punks, the next they wear brightly colored overalls. It's clear they like gray, white and black, but then they like red and blue in both light and dark shade. The next day they're in flannel, the next day in striped buttoned shirts... they're experimenting with their style and expression and it's very nice to see how you can determine the kind of style they have, even if they wear such different outfits every day.
And I think, with that, they also explore their identity. What they like, how they wanna express it... and who they like.
Get ready for season 3, where I personally think is when the girls actually started dating.
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Thursday, 25 May 2023
Once again we have half a dozen plots that fit perfectly together and one that has nothing to do with anything, so once again we'll get that one out of the way first.
Xander and Chloe are still living together and Xander still has super-regressive gender-based ideas of what their roles should be. He does offer her a job at the newspaper (where she can really put her skills as an opera singer to work, presumably), which she accepts.
This screencap is not entirely flattering to either of them, but you could always stream the show yourself if you really wanted to. (Or, as many characters on the show actually say, *Peacock and chill.* No, seriously.)
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Back in Greece, everyone's packing up to head back to Salem so this can stop feeling like two entirely different shows. Harris, still trusted by absolutely no one because of the whole "brainwashed to murder a whole bunch of people" thing, comes to Sad Eyes Shawn with the news that Megan and Dimitri have secured their release from prison. So maybe they could, you know, move Bo (and Hope) someplace extremely off-camera since their guest spots clearly wrapped weeks ago and we don't want to give the audience Bo Brady Blue Balls.
But Shawn doesn't trust Harris because... see my previous. Then he remembers that *oh right, I shot my actual dad* and comes around.
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We pick up where we left off yesterday with Megan taunting Kate and Roman at the pub.
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And Megan drops a weird hint into a conversation when she calls Roman "Chris."
Having recently watched the Beyond Salem miniseries, we (Amanda, actually) realized that Chris is the name of some apparently unrelated incidental character who owned a gym and was played by the guy who plays Roman. We thought the casting thing was a little weird, but not extremely weird for this show. For instance, in this very mini-series, Kristen was played by the performer who played her in the 90s, not the one we see on the show every day. And that same performer also reprised two other characters she used to play. That's just how they roll inside this hourglass.
But now maybe there was a connection between Roman and Gym Manager Chris after all? I suppose we'll find out soon enough!
This is maybe not the most tantalizing plot morsel Days has ever delivered, but trust me: we have an embarrassment of riches ahead of us on that front.
Dimitri visits Chad, reminding him (and us, the audience) that Chad is his uncle and pretty much just spends 10 minutes of screen time making Chad deeply uncomfortable.
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(Amanda was certain Dimitri was coming on to his uncle, but that's what an entire lack of boys kissing will do to a person, I guess.)
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Regardless, it was really fun to watch, because Chad's sweet spot is genuinely *I am extremely out of my comfort zone right now.* (See also: Chad's appearance in the aforementioned Beyond Salem, where he ended up performing in a drag show as Belinda Chinashop. And then absolutely loving the entire experience.)
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Kristen slinks around in her Catwoman outfit, assuring Marlena, and then Brady, that she's legitimately out of prison. She even brought the papers with her in case nobody believed her, which is a bizarre and completely Kristen thing to do. She also swears that she will not be kept apart from her daughter, but this is nothing we haven't seen before. The new part is the Catwoman suit. Which is still fantastic.
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Then Megan returns home to Maniac Mansion (aka where the DiMeras live) and gives us possibly the greatest sequence I've seen on this show to date. (See my next post for that.)
0 notes
sugar-sweet-tea · 2 years
Sorry, it took a while to respond but I mean like Zane or Travis as cg's with a little gender-neutral reader.
I truly don't mind what you do with it, but like, caregiver Zane and Travis with a little gender-neutral reader. (Also sorry again that it took me so long to respond!)
Sorry this response took so long. I really hope you like it though! I genuinely really like both of these characters sooo, I hope I did them justice :)
Travis as a cg would be like...
- He would treat you like royalty.
- Like, you're getting spoiled.
- He might not be the brightest guy sometimes, but I swear he's trying his best.
- It's his first time being a cg so he's still learning.
- Fakes the confident that he knows what he's doing.
- Spoiler alert. He does not.
- Speaking of spoiling... he's a total pushover.
- Genuinely will get you anything.
- Puppy dog eyes will end this man.
- "Here. I saw you look at this the other day, so I bought it for you." ._. "Travis wha-"
- Loves physical affection.
- Will take any excuse to cuddle with you. Like, you could be walking and he'd just wrap his arms around you.
- Obviously won't do it in public if you're uncomfortable, but once you're home. Be ready.
- This man.. this man loves nicknames.
- Terms of endearment are his cup of tea.
- These include : darling, baby, bunny, angel, kitten, dumpling, lamb. Just a lot of animal ones.
- Despite his very sweet nature, he can be quite scary at times. Like, god have mercy on anyone who even glances negatively in your direction.
- Takes you out on cute dates.
- Picnics, parks, zoo trips, etc.
- Despite the fact that he loves going out and taking you out to do stuff, his favourite date is staying at home, cuddling on the couch together and watching a movie.
- He shows you off proudly to his friends.
- And they just love you.
- A really funny guy.
- Big or small, he'll always try to make you laugh. Just to see you smile or giggle lights up his world.
Zane as a cg would be like...
- He's very secretive about it.
- He's not a very open person in general, soooo. Yeah. Expect not many people to know.
- He has quite a bit of experience since both his brothers regress and he used to take care of them.
- Vylad and Garroth both know you and you all have play dates together.
- He spoils you, but not too much.
- He has limits and he's pretty strict about them.
- You're one of the few people he's actually close to so expect a lot of attention.
- He's getting better at opening up but will spend hours on end just with you without complaint.
- You love playing fairytale games together.
- He's usually the "evil villain" and you're usually the "charming knight".
- Speaking of games. This man will always let you win. No matter what. Usually. In most cases.
- There's just something about you being so happy that he just can't resist. He's happy when you're happy.
- Absolutely adores playing toys with you.
- He'll sit down with you and play with your toys forever.
- The best part. He does a ton of voices and gets really into character.
- "Now I shall take thy sword and attack thee with it!" *You playing on your DS* "What-"
- He's the actual definition of "scary man with soft spot for one." You are the one.
- Overall, just a giant sweet heart for you.
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teddy06writes · 4 years
hey i was wondering if you could do a little reader x sapnap x karl x quackity. like where she is telling the boys that's she's a little and after she tells them they say something that triggers her into little space and they care for her. can their little age be 3-6? also little space is basically age regression. well it is age regression but yk. i just wanna see them be daddys... also not me going into my littlespace while writing this-
sapnap x karl x quackity x little!reader (also fem!reader)
{PSA I know virtually nothing about littles and what I do know comes from urban dictionary and I don’t know how much I trust them, so if this is wrong, I’m sorry, I’m doing my best here, I don’t want to offend anyone}
trigger warnings: swearing, my general lack of knowledge
premise: you tell your boyfriends that your a little, the next time you go into little space they’re there to take care of you
(y/n/n)- your nickname
“So you turn into a baby?”
You rolled your eyes at Alex’s question, “No. It’s- it’s pretty much age regression.”
“So, like you get into the mindset of a kid?” Karl asked.
You nodded, “My littlespace is between 3 and 6.”
You had been dating Karl, Alex and Nick for a few months, and you had been waiting to tell them that you were a little until now, hoping that they wouldn’t find it strange enough to leave.
“How often does this happen?” Nick asked.
You shrugged, “Depends, it’s been a while. Last time was,” You faltered, “Less than ideal. Didn’t really have anyone to take care of me.”
Karl frowned, “That’s not good.”
“I know.” You sighed.
Your boyfriends shared glances before Karl spoke up again, “We’ll take care of you.”
A smile slipped onto your face, “Really?”
“Course Baby.” Alex smiled.
“What kind of boyfriends would we be if we didn’t?” Nick chuckled.
When Alex got home from grocery shopping a few days later he did not except to find you and Karl sitting on the floor of the living room, both giggling like idiots, Nick watching from the side, bemused.
“What’s going on?” He asked one boyfriend quietly as he set his bag down.
“(y/n) finds the word ‘honk’ to be exceptionally funny.” Nick explained, smiling softly.
You stood up, face lighting up upon seeing your missing boyfriend and quickly jumping into his arms, “Alexis!”
“Hey baby girl.” He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Me n’ Karl n’ Nicky...” You started to ramble on about what had happened since he’d left for classes that morning, which was when you’d been triggered into little space.
After a little while you went back to sit with Karl, where you’d been drawing, and Alex turned to Nick, “You guys cancel the streams for tonight then?”
“Yeah, the fans can wait.” Nick was still watching you and Karl, an undeniably soft expression on his face.
They spent the rest of the day, listening to you babble on about random things and playing games, until eventually you fell asleep, curled up on Nick’s lap.
“We love you baby girl.”
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crybabytoy59 · 3 years
My Own choice in life...pt1.
As I walked up there street I was sure everyone knew why I was there !!!
I swear I could see curtains twitching !!! ...
Get a grip I told myself...!
Calm down your panicking !...
But not without good cause I was about to give up everything...
Something that I was terrified about, but had truly craved my entire life........
My inner sadness had finally taken hold as In grew older realising we None of us live forever we Do have an end date...
I had realised most of us live as if Death is something that happens to Other people....
But sadly it’s not....
That’s when I realised I truly wanted my little life....
That was when I met them a couple openly willing to let be live as my true self.....
As I got to the Door  I took another Deep Breath feeling lightheaded Everything around me seemed to go quite the birds even the wind...
I rang the bell.....
The door Opened and Master Daddy greeted me with a huge smile ..
Hello “little one” Come in please along the corridor and second door on the right Mistress Mummy is waiting for you Cutie....
As I walked into there kitchen Mistress Mummy was standing waiting for me at a high stool in the middle of the floor...
She hugged me tightly for quite sometime....
She spoke to me....
Hello sweetheart....It’s Ok Mistress Mummy is here now....come sit on this sool for us  little one...
Take your Shorts down first though Babyslave....
They both watch me as I did this, revealing the skirt on my pink maids dress with the frilly bloomers under the dress...
I then climbed backwards onto the high stool my legs now dangling I feel like a naughty child infront of them both....
Mistress Mummy was first to come over pulling my Shorts off then my shoes and socks...
”My my Master Daddy look at this Babyslave has shaved her leggies for us !....have you been a good Babyslave and removed All hair ?”
Wess Mistress Mummy...
She then put white tights on me with strawberries up them and pink bows at the top to jut under my bloomers, these had rubber cuffs inside to hold them in place...
She pulled my leg to the side of the stool leg “Put you feeties in over the bar Babyslave !..Clever Baby and the other I will help you”
Am now not able to move my legs due to the angle my legs are without help or falling face first....
Now Master Daddy walks to a shelf he comes back with a ball Gag with face/head harnessing And white mittens with cartoon characters on them at the end of each is a heavy D-ring....
“Open Wide Babyslave !”
As I do he gags me from behind....strapping the harnessing tightly this is followed by him tugging on the mittens ....
I can tell he is quite strong !....
He is around 6’6” bald with huge shoulders from having a coal business for years so he had to be lifting heavy weights daily, he also had the biggest hands I have ever seen on a man !
Mistress Mummy was no regular girl she was also 6’2 and quite heavy built but not over weight, she had large breasts and big hips with a very full sexy bottom, she had red hair very long down her back in a poly tail.
Mistress Mummy Spoke to me....
“Now Crybaby we have a couple of things to get ready for you so sit quietly...
When we come back We will take you to the play room....
There you have no safe word & no limits other than permanent harm...
Nod if you understand as once we start there will be No turning back we Will turn you into a complete Babyslave !
Over time you Will be fully regressed to an infant !
This Will happen to you make No mistake !..
An object for our amusement and pleasure...So yes or no Babyslave ??
I nod to them both...
Clever girlie Babyslave then sit quietly....until we return...
But remove your jacket please”
As I do Master Daddy puts a posture collar on me cuffing the mittens to it up my back !
As they both smiled at the pink pvc maids outfit they had requested me have on the day of arriving to start my new “little life...”
All my other sissy clothes wardrobe & Toys had been packed up and sent to them
From my home .....
Then everything I owned sold off....
The money was in a trust fund that a good friend had the only access to...
She knew what was about to happen with my new Dominant parents...
So would be responsible for working with them for the first year after that Mummy and Daddy would get my trust....
Sam had already given them fifteen thousand pounds for my Nursery to be set up and equipment some very special bought for my mental and physical regression training .....
I seemed to be sitting for ages before they came back ?..
I gasped as they both walked in ...Master Daddy was dressed in a black leather suit with large black boots and a black rubber mask only his eyes were showing as he had on a blue face mask the type worn during that pants pandemic..!
He looked like a giant due to the thick soles on the boots !
Mistress Mummy was in a red rubber suit also with a hood on only her eyes showing as she too had on the same mask, her boots were right up to her knees they were black...
Master Daddy spoke first....
“Right little one this is it ....
Say good by to your Big please...
I took a Deep Breath.....Good bye “Stephen”...
“Clever Crybaby...
As from now on you will be only 18month’s old !!.....
Our Baby Girlie...
In Nappies 24/7 ...You will use them fully never allowed the use of the toilet....
If your behaviour is good in this first year at New year we will consider Potty training for Serving on Very Special occasion’s...
You Will act as a Baby at All times...
No matter who comes to our home or where we take you...
You are Now our Baby & we your Strict Parents !!”
Mistress Mummy then spoke.....
“Babyslave we are very fair so be Obedient and you will be fine if not that is a different matter..You will find we are true sadists we absolutely will take pleasure from correcting Any disobedience !!...
Now to your baby talk....
Ga’Ga is for Yes goo’goo is for no ..
If you need a drink that is Ugg’ugg, If you wet your nappy you will say nothing !!
You will simply look at your nappy and cup both handies over the front until one of see’s you have wet yourself !!
If you go soil yourself  you will also look down at your nappy...
But cup both handies over your rear....
Is that clear Madam ?”
Ga’Ga !
“Clever girlie Crybaby let’s get you to the Quiet Room...
Master Daddy!”
He lifted me clean off the stool ! Putting me over his large hips like a small child,...
I instantly snuggled into his neck....
He spoke softly to me....
”Clever girlie Crybaby that’s the way you cuddle in and remember Everything Mistress Mummy has told you....
If not you will be Very Sorry Madam!”
He carried me to a room inside was dark it didn’t look like a Nursery ?
As he walked to the Center of this room a light came on to a Huge black wooden chair with all manner of leather strappings ! It had a steel bucket under it and a large metal frame that the head went into !...
I started whimpering on seeing it !....
But he simply told me to Hush Down Everything was going to be fine if I had listened to Mistress Mummy Very carefully ?
I was puzzled you his words as I watched Mistress Mummy Open the cage part to take my head !
Master Daddy put me into the chair then removed the ball gagging..
“Heddle backwards into the cage Crybaby !!...
Clever girlie”
Mistress Mummy shut the front over my face I could now not move my headie !!
They started pulling all The strapping on the Chair over me...
They were every 4” over my entire body !!!!...
As they stepped back I was completely immobile !!
And very scared this was Not a Nursery ??...
It looked to me like an electric chair but with a head cage !...
They said nothing not a singlword just disappointing imto the darkness ?
It was Then I realised the led lights were in a circle pointing inwards so when I looked out I could see nothing only light with black beyond.....
Master Daddy was the first to appear back with things over his arms he set them in my lap, again without a word, as Mistress Mummy also came back but she was pushing what looked like a large hoover ?
With all manner of tubing from it ?......
Then I noticed two things first the “Hoover” had a glass tube down its length on one side on the other was a corrugated hose with a gas mask attached to it !
I started whimpering again...But Master Daddy simply told me the same thing..
“Hush Hush now Crybaby...it’s all going to be fine If I had listened to Mistress Mummy Carefully ?”
Why had he said that a second time ? Had I missed something....
My brain desperately searching my memory for her exact words....
O’no panic was setting in I couldn’t remember A word she had said !...
Master Daddy looked at me “Aawww Cutie your shaking are you scared ? I went to say Ga’Ga but he pushed a mouth gag into my mouth it was ridged top and bottom to go over my teeth a Hollow was there for my tongue and the roof of my mouth the rubber pushed up tightly !
He fed the rubber jaw mask around inside the cage fastening it at the rear tightly.
Next came a thick tube the bore was around 10mm internally, this he pushed had to a click on the mask he the cable tied the tube up the side of the head cage...Next item was a tube of glue ?
Mistress Mummy was done setting up the machine so spoke to me..
“Clever girlie Crybaby that’s very good so far...Close your eyes cutie !”
As I did I felt wetness on my eyelids, they my eye was opened fully ? Then the other eye...My eyes started watering and seemed to be stinging slightly?...
Master Daddy took his fingers away but my eyes stayed open !
OMG he had glued my eyes open !...
Goo’goo ...
Again he told me to Hush I was fine If I had listed to Mistress Mummy !
The very first tear fell....
Mistress Mummy was first to notice..
“Look Master Daddy our Baby is shedding her first tears !!!”
She took a picture with her phone then stood writing something...
Hello everyone Our Crybaby is shedding her Crybaby’s first tears ! We will be live on our home page please feel free to follow Crybaby’s progress through her first day 💝
She hit send....As she did there was a Flash !...
Master Daddy lifted the gas mask from the hook, pushing the mouth tube through the wee hole for it in the mask.then.....
Hooked up the tube to the machine, he pushed hard onto my face to hissing as the mask clung to my face ! He did up the head strapping tightly...
“That’s our Clever girlie all ready to go Mummy !”
I watched as she pushed on of the buttons on the machine and a green light came on...
A low hum started as I watched green fluid coming up the tube !
Master Daddy told me to be a Clever Baby Girlie and Swallow nice and steadily !
The fluid tasted minty and was actually quite pleasant to swallow as it had a slightly sweet taste....?
Mistress Mummy mocked...”Aawww bless Master Daddy look she thought it was going to be nasty...Baby Girlie is that nice ?”
“Clever girlie your so good listening to Mistress Mummy....it’s ok to cry princess mummy and daddy know you desperately want to cry for us ....So as long as you listened to Mummy Properly.....this is not a Punishment Crybaby this is just to let you be a cute Baby Girlie without worrying about your silly Big holding you back as we both know Your nasty Big will want to push little Crybaby to one side but Mummy and Daddy will make sure when that happens Princess we Will have him leave you so Baby can live a full life ...then Our Baby Girlie can live a Very full “Little life”...Now we are going to let Baby Hydrate as we fit a few things to you Princess”
Master Daddy had a small plastic bag he was pealing open for her....she lifted it out in her blue rubber gloved hand ...
It was a 3” long  cannula needle ! Pulling my dress down slightly she wiped my skin with an alcohol wipe then pushed the needle Deep into my chest muscle ! I squealed as she did...she smiled down at me..
Then simply taped it to my body...
“Hush Hush now Crybaby your fine just be a Clever girlie we want you to look like a cute Princess ”.....Master Daddy Told me...
He gave her a second needle ! This to was pushed Deep into my other chest muscle..
More tubing came for the machine  this single clear tube split in two with 6” orange rubber ends with small cuffs and it was already primed, a small “pop...pop !”
And they were both connected.....
Mistress Mummy lent into my face this is to have our baby look more like a girlie....until she has her hormone treatment Then she can be a real Baby Girlie for Mummy and Daddy !!”
Master Daddy lent in too smiling....
”You do want to be our Baby Girlie Crybaby ?....(Ga’Ga)
Clever Baby But nice and loud so everyone can hear you Crybaby !!!”
He patted my thigh.....”Clever girlie Crybaby Say it Again !....(GA’GA !)...Well done Clever girlie are you wetting your nappy 😂..Say it Again Baby !”
“Clever girlie keep repeating yourself until Mummy or Daddy Tills you to Stop Ok Princess ?”
GA’GA !!....Gulp....GA’GA !!....Gulp...GA’GA !!...Gulp...GA’GA !!.......
Mistress Mummy put head phones on her headie through the bars !
They were pink and covered in cartoon characters...they burst into life as Baby heard a recording.....
It was a soft spoken girl, telling Crybaby...she was going to take me for a walk down some stairs....to a lovely garden... in the Center of the garden was a special Chair...this Chair was her chair....come on baby take the first of the Ten steps with Nanny...Ten....
Master Daddy set the pink lamp down shining into Crybabys eyes, small spirals appeared on Baby’s face as she sat still swallowing the green fluid repeating her mantra...GA’GA !....Gulp...GA’GA !....
“Can you smell the lovely scent from Your garden...the soft breeze in your hair..Clever Baby next step with Nanny Nine...can you see all the lovely flowers Baby they were All planted with love just for you ?”
Mistress Mummy put the small fan on under the lamp with the wet cloth in its dish , this aroma would blow lightly into Crybabys face...she could tell Babyslave was gone all Ready his eyes were kept open but the glazed look told her sissy Babyslave was going down the steps with Nanny...
Next week after listening to all 24 of the tapes she would let him meet her sister “Nanny”...But the best part ... Sissy was still repeating Ga’Ga Ga’Ga...As her tummy filled with green fluid making It’s was to the mass below !
They had Babyslave on a special diet for seven days, then had sissy take strong pain meds this made Babyslave constipated..Babyslave had not passed a single movement for four days now !!!!!
But as she smiled to Master Daddy....That was all about to change the green fluid would see to that over and over....
Fuck this was such a rush...time to leave Babyslave for a bit as she needed Daddys attention to a pressing matter her sexual frustration !!!!
“Can you smell them as the breeze is passing through your cute curls Baby?....that’s it next step with Nanny...Eight !...can you see your special Chair now Baby look how cute it is see the lovely Pink padding Baby made with love just for You....Next step with Nanny Baby Girlie...Seven....
Mistress Mummy and Master Daddy left the room as the feed and chest fluid would take an hour.....
45mins later they both walkedback in smiling at each other, she kissed her husband.....time to get on with Babyslave’s Transition Darling...You get the Butterfly Gag & I will her Ballet boots !!!
She set them down the turned the volume slowly down....lifting the headphones off Babyslave...
“Hello Princess How’s your wee tummy doing is it Very full hhmmm?”
“Ga’Ga “
She was kneeling down rubbing the now swollen tummy !...
“What a Clever girlie Crybaby So Mummy and Daddy have a reward for our Baby Girlie !!”
Master Daddy was taking my tubbing away all of it but didn’t remove the canula’s....After that he removed the feeling gag...as he did he spoke to me...
“Clever girlie Crybaby that’s an Ever so Obedient Baby who can stop Her... GA’GA ‘s now.”
I fell silent but a funny thing had happened ....
I felt truly Sad for some strange reason ??...
“Open Wide Princess !....In we go !”
Master Daddy was pushing a butterfly gag into my mouth I had seen them in videos but never had on on me....
My tears were still falling but ever so gently..
He fed a leather face mask up the tube pulling it past the bars to the back where he zipped it down this made me Whimper aloud.....
As this was the second time I had felt how strong my Master Daddy was !
As it felt like the soft kid leather was too small for my head ...
But I was wrong ! ...Master Daddy got the zippering All the way down my head and neck !...he stood back in front of me..plugging the bulb pump to the tube from the butterfly gag, closing the small valve....
He started pumping with one Big Hand, as the other finger and thumb pinched over my face between each of my Cheeks ?
Slowly my mouth opened tightly against the leather hood till he felt the right pressure from My cheeks telling him It was going backwards into my throat !
But my bulging eyes would have told Him that, also the fact I was gagging slightly...as he spoke......
“Hush Hush Princess your fine concentrate on your Breathing slow it down girlie......that’s it.....aAs our girlie Really is Not wanting to be sick right now !.....Do we Crybaby?”
“Clever girlie Princess...indeed we don’t !....so settle down everything is fine, Mistress Mummy is going to put some nice booties on you but Master Daddy will stay here and keep you company Princess”
I still had the Sad feeling but could Not work out why....?
I felt my ankle be unfastened and my leg pulled out at 45deg onto something hard...as it was Master Daddy Spoke to me as if reading my mind !!!
“Crybaby what’s the matter Princess?...are You a sad Sad Crybaby?”....
“There There Princess Hush...! So that’s what’s wrong Cutie...is it Crybaby?”
He was looking right into my tear stained Eyes !
Ok you can say it Princess nice and loud so everyone can here what a Clever girlie Crybaby IS !!!!”
GA’GA !!....GA’GA !!....GA’GA !!....GA’GA !!....
I started crying again but not from sadness from pure joy at being Allowed to say GA’GA’s !!!!!!!.....
What was happening to me ??......Why did I want to say GA’GA’s so very badly ???...
I felt tugging then my foot went unnaturally flat at the front as the Ballet boot slipped all the way home, then Mistress Mummy zipped it up its length cuffing my ankle back to the “Chair”....
My other foot was undone....then the boot pushed on...
Master Daddy lifted the headphones putting them over the black kid leather hood !
The recording started again....
“Clever Baby Three....Can you feel how warm the breeze is Princess as we get closer to your Chair...can you smell all the lovely flowers...Can you see the soft pink padding on you special Chair...Your going to Feel wonderful sitting in such a lovingly made Chair Baby....
Next step with Nanny...Two....
That’s a Clever Princess only one last step then Baby can get to feel the soft grass planted with love just for you, under her Baby Princess feeties....
Your so close to the special Chair now Baby...
Here we go last step with Nanny...One !....
Clever Baby Princess ! There we go can you feel the soft grass on your feeties...
The smell of the lovely flowers......
The warm breeze blowing in your lovely hair....
As you walk to your special Chair built with love...
Hold Nannies handie Baby Princess....
Look at the lovely Pink padding....
It’s There just waiting for You Baby Princess your Special Chair ...
The Special  Chair is only for you Baby Princess !.....nobody else...
Ok when Nanny claps her hands Baby Princess will sit for Her Mummy and Daddy....and relax fully.....
That’s a Clever Baby Princess “SIT”  down very slowly....
Listening to Nanny’s voice....
Just let go and “SIT” for Nanny...feel the soft padding rising up to meet Baby Princess As she “SIT’S” in her Special Chair....
Clever girlie Baby Princess....That’s it relax Nanny has you....
Take Big Deep Breaths for Nanny...when Nanny claps Baby Princess will let go and “SIT” all the way down for Nanny....
.”SIT”.......Deep Breaths Baby Princess...Clever girlie...
In Your lovely Padded Special Chair Princess Make Mummy and Daddy proud of You !!!!!.....
They were both watching the spectacle unfold as Babyslave sat chanting..
GA’GA !....grunt...GA’GA !!....grunt...GA’GA !!!....Grunt ....
Babyslave was filling her Nappy !! Over and over it came, as Babyslave’s face went Red with effort !
Grunting between chants...
GA’GA !!....GRUNT !....GA’GA !!.....GRUNT !!...pant !...GA’GA !...GRUNT !!!...Pant !..GA’GA !!....
Babyslave had taken the first step....of many yet to come...
But this ??.....
They both kissed they had Never seen anyone cave in this quickly !!!
They were right this sissy was Very Special.....
Master Daddy pumped the bulb one more time as Babyslave GAVE A HUGE GRUNT EMPTYING THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF HER BOWELS !
Into the waiting Nappy in a Roar of pure liquid sound ...
Babyslave slumped in the Special Chair...
Crying like toddler...!!!!!.....
Mummy and Daddy ...cuddled there new Toy as Mistress Mummy took Babyslave’s nipples ...
“There There Hush Hush now Mummy and Daddy are so very very proud of You Princess Crybaby....Hush Hush....that’s the way...
Ok Baby Girlie one last thing then we will get you out and cleaned up then into a lovely soft Clean Princess Nappy....Ok?”
He was still in a groggy hypnotic state so they worked fast...
“Clever girlie Crybaby that’s good.....
Let’s show everyone what Your Special Chair is actually for Princess ...”
She was deflating the butterfly gag removing it from the mask ...
As it came out dripping with Babyslave’s saliva ...
She smiled at Crybaby...
Babyslave was puzzled why his mouth was still Open ?
Held by the rubber O-ring inside the mask Babyslave had not even noticed Master Daddy working it behind her teeth due to her hypnotic state ! As he had tugged the tightly fitting mask !!...
Master Daddy flipped the two side steps out from the chair, held the upright behind the head cage....
He pulled himself up to Babyslave’s face pushing into Babyslave’s mouth Deeply...
Mistress Mummy Spoke...
“Clever girlie Crybaby that’s it Show everyone what a Clever girlie You are in your Special Chair !”........
Master Daddy started a slow rythem back and forth, the head cage rattled it time to the rhythm of the assault on there New Toy....
Babyslave had No choice No option as her headie wouldn’t move her mouth couldn’t close her body could move....so what was left but submission....
Every time Master Daddy with drew to a grunt..Baby would run her sissy tounge around Daddy’s shaft..moaning like a bit in heat....Crying as she did....
Soon Babyslave would crave this room....
But especially “Her Special Chair !!!”.....
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ginasrickyfav · 3 years
Let’s start from the beginning, Rina has always been set up... it’s always been there in the script, the show, etc. Tim might have not thought it would be big but he definitely planned it. Gina being intrigued by Ricky, Ricky not being scared of Gina. They naturally get each other. Their connection is deep and organic doesn’t feel forced unlike some of the other pairings.
Now onto the beauty and the beast theory... I believe the story of Belle and the Beast are being played by Gina and Ricky.
It’s quite obvious why Ricky got the Beast, bc tbh his audition was rocky— he had to get the beast because theorically he is the Beast. He doesn’t like change and has attachment/abondment issue but we will get into that later.
Now Belle is Gina even though she doesn’t play Belle in the play she is still the Belle- the girl everyone wants to be, be with, the one who has one of the biggest storyline this season except for Nini/Nina. Gina is very important this season, she wants to leave Salt Lake City because she feels there is nothing there for her... she misses her mom, she doesn’t have Ricky in her corner, none of her friends are seeing that she is sad— no one is asking her how she feels and is doing. Belle misses her dad and wants to leave the castle. It hurts Gina to see Ricky and Nini happy together because she could have had that if she knew she wasn’t leaving. That’s the main reason she wants to leave. Gina’s input on a lot of things matters... mostly to Ricky that’s why he went to her multiple times this season about Nini. Belle is the one who helps the Beast through change, which Ricky needs to do. Gina does help him through that as we seen in Season 1.
Now Ej is playing Gaston, I personally don’t know much about Gaston except he is in love with Belle and wants her to love him back. The thing is Ej and Gina are getting closer in 2B... In multiple scenes it is shown that Ej is showing feelings for Gina (weird but anyways). It’s becoming very one-sided as of right now, we haven’t seen future episodes so I can’t really speak on Gina’s feelings because we haven’t seen her side. She only has stated they were friends and co-anchors which is normal- she wanted to get back to normal after the fake dating act... she wants the best for him, she wants someone to talk to and not feel lonely. Same as Ej, they are both lonely and seek the attention and “friendship” they both want. I feel like portwell is a stepping stone for Rina, they will realize they aren’t it for each other they don’t “get each other” the way Ricky and Gina do. Plus Ej is confusing this friendship for feelings because they are getting closer but he doesn’t realize that he needs to focus on himself and preparing for college instead of looking for a girlfriend in the last 2 months of high school. Like what does he even want to do? Does he want to go to college? He didn’t get into Duke but what does he now want? he said his life had been planned out for him— now it went left so now he should be figuring out what to do now.
As of now we have just seen Gina tell Ashlyn about her telling Ricky “I wouldn’t quit on us if I wasn’t leaving” and how they never talked about it since then. Which makes everything make sense (kinda) Gina ignoring Ricky, Ricky being like why isn’t she speaking to me, the awkwardness, the romantic subtext, the freaking flashback- which was filmed in 2019??! and was kept a secret helloooo?!! She asked Ricky to find someone else to confide in about Nini, now they are speaking. But the thing is they have to speak, especially about “opening night”. If they don’t that will be left unresolved and that whole thing is from 1B and 2A combined.
Now Nini/Nina who is now free from a relationship and has rebranded herself as Nina. She is thee Rose, the Rose that has been confined in a glass- the Beast’s Rose. Who literally plays the Beast’s Rose in the play. Nini’s whole arc is about finding herself outside of boys— finding who she is as a person without being defined by someone else. This has been happening since season 1 but her character along with Ricky had regressed backwards when they got back together at the end of season 1. She was done with boys then see Ricky move on with Gina and now she wants him back. But now she is realizing she won’t be confined to the Beast’s POV (Ricky’s POV).
The symbolism is crazy on this show I swear. The dog tag and guitar pick also show symbolism of the Rose being confined in glass. The dog tag coming off two seconds into the breakup is showing how Ricky is realizing he has to let her go and start accepting his change and his relationships changing. Nina still has hers on maybe because she has fully grasped that they are over and that she had to let go— even if she has already mentally did it. She emotionally hasn’t. Her head mind she wants to be her own person but she still loves Ricky deeply. Yes, she is doing great and moving on to bigger and better things... but we have to see her physically take off the guitar pick like we seen from Ricky.
Also the lighting this season has been very dark, compared to last season. The theme is darkness because the Beast was keeping himself in his castle in darkness— Ricky nothing wanting anything to change. The Rose still being confined. Gaston still wanting Belle. Belle being sad and wanting to go back to her dad. As soon as the character arcs start developing more - Ricky accepting change and his parents divorce (every relationship isn’t meant to last forever), Nina accepting that she can break out of her shell and do something that truly makes her happy (her songwriting and music), Ej accepting that his love(feelings) for Belle(Gina) are taken for kindness same with Gina most likely and that he will be fine without a girlfriend and should focus on the future that he has and that he should do something for him and not his dad (maybe NYU or community college), Gina accepting and understanding that she wants to stay at East High and that she has friends that truly care about her and want her there, and speaks her truth with Ricky (they finally have that conversation about opening night). The lightning will lightning back up around episode 11 or 12 when most of these story arc wrap up.
The main storyline is Rina when that second chance happens and they have the big conversation about opening night and last semester, the story will lighten back up, Ricky is now accepting change and Gina is now accepting that she is wanted and that staying will be the best choice because this will be a stable “home” for her. - how ashlyn sung home to gina hehe.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Puppy Pack Classification Headcanons
characters featured : liam, hayden, mason, corey, theo [moodboards for characters included]
[slight tw for theo’s — mentions him having a bad past]
find hale pack here & mccall pack here
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Liam Dunbar : little — he is just the babiest of babies I swear!! he’s on the clinger side of things when he’s small as it can be very scary for him, between how bad his nightmares are normally and then when he regresses they only become worse. He likes to have Hayden watch him or Mason, they’re both his safe people and neither have any problem staying up late when he doesn’t want to sleep. Mason tends to have them play games, not the normal video games as those can get a bit graphic but he brings cards games and boards game over. Hayden prefers to have them lay in bed and talk about things to hopefully lull Liam to sleep. On the flip side, if it’s daytime and Liam’s regressed he stays pretty happy, it’s also a great way to control any anger he may feel. Him and Theo get along well and Liam’s happy to drag Theo around wherever they may, he’s very content being the leader with games and such. Occasionally he’ll ask Scott to watch over him if he’s feeling extra “werewolf-y” as he puts it, but in general he’s not picky about who watches over him, he has favorites yes but as long as he feels safe he’s okay with anyone ♡
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Hayden Romero : flip — she has a little lean but it only ever comes out around specific people, mostly Liam, Masson and Corey but sometimes Scott & Theo. She’s got a killer sweet tooth, little or not, she loves to snack on candy or go out for ice cream with any excuse in the book. When she is little she carries around a stuff bear from her childhood that her sister got her, she technically has two of them [see middle picture of the moodboard] but favors the one with the hearts because it was the first one her sister had got her. Her sister doesn’t know about Hayden’s regression as she gets very shy and embarrassed about needing to regress, but she’s more relaxed about her caregiver side and will sometimes bring the little she’s watching over to the station for a quick visit. She’s a pack caregiver of sorts, someone to babysit anyone in the pack if they need it, but mainly she watches over Liam which may turn into play-dates depending on her mood, and she’s watched over Stiles more than once because they both end up stuck at the police station waiting on their respected person ♡
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Mason Hewitt : caregiver — the caregiver of the entire puppy pack, and he’s the best at it! He’s got books and movies and games and everything that a little could want or need, he’s always prepared. He also carries a backpack filled with extra supplies at all times, at school he’ll leave it in his locker but if the pack is going on an outing he makes sure to have it on him. He’s also great at bedtime, he’s able to get the crankiest little to sleep with just a simple story, this annoys and impresses the older members of the pack that struggle severely to get through bedtime without losing their minds. Mason mainly watches Liam as that’s his best friend, but Hayden and Theo are looked after by him pretty frequently too. He’s extremely patient and knows that Hayden and Theo struggle to regress around others so he takes the time he can watch over them very seriously and straight to his heart ♡
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Corey Bryant : caregiver — Corey isn’t as physically prepared as Mason is, as in he doesn’t carry a heft of a backpack around filled with necessities. But Corey is great at listening to issues and talking an upset little down, he’s someone the littles can go to if they’re upset. He’s also pretty good at patching up scarped knees which Liam definitely appreciates. He and Mason usually watch over the three together even if Corey doesn’t ask, it’s just rare to see the pack separated even when only one of them is regressed ♡
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Theo Raken : flip — after everything that happens he isn’t too keen on telling anyone that he’s a flip, nor does he think anyone would believe him if he did. But after some months and some therapy, he tells Mason, Liam & Hayden. He figures out of everyone they seem the most likely to accept him and he’s right, they’re all surprisingly nice about it and supportive. Eventually Hayden, Mason and Corey even get Theo to regress around them and even if he is a clingy sniffling mess the whole time, they don’t get mad, don’t punish him, it’s like a breath of fresh air compared to his last caregivers. He’s never had someone care for him like they do, and when Liam starts to regress at the same time as Theo he’s over the moon. They get along great and while Theo falls into a much more reserved and shy headspace than Liam, he’s still happy to take Liam’s hand and go on whatever adventures the latter desires. When Theo’s caregiving it’s usually only to Liam and maybe Hayden, but he try’s his best. He doesn’t have a lot of practice and has to call Mason and Corey up a thousand times to double check things, but he isn’t as bad as he thought he’d be. He likes carrying Liam on his hip and making them both lunches as cooking is about the only thing Theo can get right every time. At some point the rest of the pack find out about his classification and Theo has a minor freak out about it, he’s quickly calmed down when he realizes that nobody’s mad at him. Not even Stiles makes a joke about it. Theo still sticks to Hayden, Mason, Corey and Liam after the rest find out out, but nobody minds and that means the world to Theo ♡
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