#Thenamesh Lifeguard AU
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey loved the thenamesh lifeguard au! Would you write some cute fluff stuff like for example thena putting sunscreen on Gil’s back?
Thena looked down as she felt Kingo pat the side of the tower chair. "You are not supposed to climb this thing. We tell people not to all day."
He gave her a grin and a shrug, "just thought you'd wanna know that your break is in five--if you wanted to go early I'll cover for you."
Thena raised a brow at him, "and why would you do that?"
Kingo tipped his sunglasses down, "because I'm a good friend, Thena."
No dice.
Kingo chuckled, pushing them up again and climbing even higher, all but pushing Thena out of his way, "because your boyfriend keeps looking over here to see if you're done yet."
"He's not-"
"He is," Kingo rolled his eyes. It wasn't as if it was any secret at all. "Now, go!"
Thena huffed, on her way over to Gil while looking around her at the rest of the beach goers. It was easier than looking right at Gil on her way over to him.
"Hey," she smiled marginally, ending up beside him under the shade of his umbrella.
"How was your morning?" he asked genially, folding up his legs out of the sun as she curled up next to him.
"Uneventful, I suppose," she answered while staring out at the water. "I mostly had to watch the early morning kids and make sure they weren't being hooligans."
Gil chuckled at her word choice, pulling out a bottle of water for the both of them.
"Thanks," Thena murmured, accepting it and definitely not thinking about the very simple brush of their fingers as she did. "What have you been up to?"
"Mm," Gil hummed between sips. "Haven't been here long. But I did get in a quick dip before it got too crowded."
Oh, she had seen. It was impossible to miss a wall of muscle, after all. And in the binoculars, soaking wet...
"I just have to reapply my sunscreen."
Thena blinked, suddenly feeling as if she was being caught up in something. She looked over at him.
"I got most of me already," he promised, as if anticipating her concern. "It's, uh, just my back, really."
Thena could see why he might have trouble reaching it, with those arms, those shoulders, even just the muscles in his back...
"I don't suppose you'd, um," Gil trailed off, blushing cutely as he struggled to suggest the cliche.
Thena smiled at his shyness, "did you wait for me to go on break in hopes that I could help you?"
"Well," he semi-admitted, shifting on his towel. "If you didn't want to, I just wouldn't go swimming again. Or I'd put on a shirt, I guess."
And they couldn't have that.
Thena rolled her eyes, taking the squeeze tube from him, "turn."
Gil acquiesced, not making a big deal out of it, because he was sweet like that. In fact, he was the one with the tips of his ears gone red.
Thena inhaled, rubbing the cream in her palms and staring down the broad expanse of his back. She was hesitant, reaching out slowly before pressing her palms to his back.
The longer she took, the more flustered she felt. Thena blushed as she moved her hands over every bend and curve of his muscles, both strong and wiry but also with a pleasant layer of softness over them. She was a lifeguard, it wasn't like she was a stranger to the average human body.
But Gil was far from average, and she was starting to wonder if he was human.
Gil shivered as she reached the center of his back, along his spine. She withdrew her hand, letting out a soft sound of surprise (some might call it a squeak, which she would deny). "Sorry."
Thena didn't trust herself to get out proper words, instead just resuming her work of making sure Gilgamesh didn't get a sunburn. She moved her hand over his spine, from the base of his neck down, down...down as far as she could dare.
Gil blushed from the neck up as she swiped her palms around the plump over his hip bones. "D-Done?"
"Hm," Thena replied, handing the tube of sunscreen back to him.
"Th-Thanks," he smiled sheepishly at his...at Thena. He wasn't entirely sure what they were or where exactly they stood. But so long as it was beside her, he didn't have any complaints.
"Don't mention it," Thena muttered, fidgeting with the sleeves of her track jacket she threw on over her uniform suit.
Gil cleared his throat. "What, uh, what're you doing after your shift?"
"Today?" she asked, and he nodded. "Well, I'm off by 1 today. Kingo and Ikaris have the afternoon shift."
"So," Gil smiled, "you could, maybe, have lunch with me?--if you want?"
Thena smiled at the very sweet man beside her. She was so used to being hit on by absolute pigs, but Gilgamesh was so completely different from all the meatheads she had to deal with on a daily basis. "That'd be nice."
"Okay!" he brightened, and Thena looked away again. "I'll, uh, I'll just be here, I guess."
"I'll come find you," Thena murmured, standing up to go back to the lifeguard tower.
"Oh, hey," Gil shot to his feet. He pressed the tube of sunscreen into her palm.
Thena tilted her head at him; she had plenty at the guard station.
"You look like you're getting a little too much sun already," he shrugged with a gentle smile. He tapped his own cheek, "just a little."
Thena turned around, eager to escape as she felt her cheeks become even more flushed (which Gil had taken as signs of sunburn). "Thanks--see you later!"
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey how about Thenamesh AU with Thena being a lifeguard and saving Gil’s life because he is almost drowning because a group of 3 men who wants to measure their strength against him (cause it’s Gil and his nice muscles xD) and thinking it’s funny to surprise him from behind and push and hold him under water for fun not really caring how he struggles against them and almost passes out?
Some angst, hurt, comfort and fluff!
Thena glanced at him over the rim of her sunglasses before turning her attention back to the rest of the beach.
She hadn't told anyone they were together yet, and neither had Gilgamesh, as far as he'd told her. She wanted more time to be private about it and he was fine with that, because that was Gil's way. He was sweet and funny and charming--everything her exes weren't.
"Checkin' out body-ody-ody over there?"
Thena huffed, glaring at Kingo leaning against the base of the lifeguard tower. "I'm doing my job--you should try it some time."
"Hey, I'm on break," Kingo shrugged, grinning up at her and holding his hand over his eyes and his own sunglasses. "I just figured you'd wanna know that those surfers are challenging Gil to some muscle head competition again."
"And that concerns me?" Thena murmured, still playing dumb to the implications he was making.
Kingo knew better than to make blind swings with his fellow lifeguard, though. He twirled his whistle around his finger. "Well, unless you agree to apply sunscreen to any dude's back who asks-"
She blushed; she had only done that...a few times. And Gil really did have a hard time getting the very centre of his back. It was all those muscles of his...
Kingo climbed up beside her on the bolted structure, raising the binoculars in the side pouch. "They're lining up to race."
Thena rolled her eyes at it. It was pretty common for other men at the beach to feel threatened by Gilgamesh's mere presence. But they couldn't compete with him. Not only in terms of personal appeal, but literally--every time someone challenged Gil to a friendly competition he won. He certainly didn't want to compete in them, but he still managed to win all of them.
"Idiots," Kingo snorted as he lowered the binoculars and saw the distant specs dive into the water and start swimming. He was no slouch either, as both a lifeguard and a dude who liked being cut. But Gil was obviously stronger than any competitor to challenge him yet.
"I don't see why they bother," Thena sighed, watching - or trying not to - as they swam further and further out. She leaned her chin into her palm, "what is it that makes them keep asking him?"
"Hm," Kingo mused, as if observing a flock or birds or a couple of squirrels in a tree. "Male pride is a funny thing--drives them to do crazy things."
Thena nodded faintly. It didn't help explain why he accepted their challenges either.
Kingo picked up on her confusion easily enough. He chuckled, "and when they're trying to impress someone - say, a girl they like - then they might be more stupid than normal."
She didn't seem to get what he was saying, but he raised the binoculars again.
Thena watched Kingo frown and then looked up and out to the water again. "Where's Gil?"
"I don't see him," Kingo answered, searching around with them. He could see the others, all swimming and laughing between themselves. "Is he underwater?"
Thena snatched the binoculars out of Kingo's hands, ignoring his complaints. She felt her throat tighten, "where is he?"
Kingo looked at his more and more panicked friend, "I'm sure he's fine."
Thena sat forward in the tower seat, watching as the group started frowning at each other, looking down at the water. "Something's wrong."
"Thena, take it easy," Kingo tried to soothe as she scrambled down from the seat and started down the beach. He ran beside her, also prepared to take action.
The group with Gil swam back towards the shore, hauling him behind them. "We didn't-"
"Shut up!" Thena barked at them, grabbing Gil for herself and pulling him atop her board to help him float. She pulled him to shore, her legs straining against the water as she kicked up a storm in her rush. "All of you, get away from him!"
"We're sorry! We didn't-"
Kingo blew his whistle at them, shooing them away from Thena as she got Gil onto land again. "You heard her guys, back the hell up."
"Gil?" she called to him, although it came out as more of a whimper as she patted his cheek. His face was scrunched up, but at least he was conscious. "Gil, can you breathe?"
He just groaned in response. Thena turned him over, letting him drape himself over her knee in hopes of getting the water up and out of him. He coughed and sputtered a few times, but he was breathing.
"That's it," Thena sniffed, rubbing his shoulder - between patting his back - as he coughed. "Let it out."
"What the hell happened out there?!" Kingo turned to the other three.
They flinched, "look, it was a friendly competition, okay? We didn't-"
"Didn't what?!" Thena snapped at them as she held Gil's head in her lap. "Didn't mean to hold him under the water until he couldn't breathe!?"
"Thena," Gil uttered weakly, his eyes cracking open just barely.
"Sh, it's okay," she whispered to him, pressing a hand to his chest to feel his heart rate. His breathing was still shallow, but it was reassuring nonetheless. "Do you know where you are?"
Gil blinked up at the open sky behind Thena's head. He looked at her as he managed a smile, "heaven, judging by how you're holding me."
"Oh my god," Kingo rolled his eyes at the couple. He blew his whistle again, waving his arms to disperse the crowd that had gathered around them. "Okay, nothin' to see here, people. Go back to your beaching!"
"Gil, you scared me," Thena sighed, running her fingers through his wet hair as she held him.
"Just let me lie here for another hour and I'll be fine."
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