#The reviews also speak to a much wider conversation about freedoms of fiction/policing fiction but that’s too deep for right now
mixedup-sideblog · 1 year
On ‘Moral Panic’ - reviews of Captive Prince
Just re-reading the trilogy and noticed the terrible reviews of people saying it glorifies abuse, trauma, torture etc - I don’t know if it’s about individual perception but I certainly wasn’t reading the first book thinking I was supposed to be enjoying/revelling in any of the trauma - the whole book sets up how grotesque and awful the society is.
I genuinely think if you find yourself thinking the book glorifies any form of the depicted abuse then I think you probably need to have a look at yourself and how you are reacting to it….
Just my two cents.
Side note - I would be extremely interested to know if any of these reviewers liked/happily consumed Game of Thrones, it would be an interesting double standard.
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