#The moon is on my side || Mitsuki
gojotojis · 4 months
Dracula pt.2
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part one
summary: because of yours and Sukunas actions, there’s a consequence that threatens to ruin everything
pairing: sukuna as Dracula x fem reader
content MDNI: abuse,Dracula, vampires, unplanned pregnancy, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, death, mentions of abuse, violence, fingering, arranged/forced marriage,
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Your hands cling to the ring handles of the door as Naoya grabs you by the legs in attempts to pull you away. You refuse to let go as your wedding guests watch you throw a tantrum. You scream loud enough to pierce the air like a banshee and everyone’s clutching their ears.
Mitsuki stares at you, like you’re the most amusing human she’s ever encountered. Your legs kick at Naoya but your grip doesn’t loosen.
“How is she so fucking strong?” He hisses using his body weight to pull you and you scream more, you don’t care how insane you look. You’re not leaving with him and nobody can make you.
Devastation hits you when strong hands grab yours and easily pluck them from the door. You claw at him until your arms are wrapped around his neck, feet kicking Naoya in the face so your legs are free to wrap around Sukuna.
You cling to him like a monkey that was nearly drowned. His arms remain at his sides as he walks with you. The guest in attendance stare in shock that he’s allowing this.
“Must you be so difficult?” He asks with amusement in his voice.
“Please don’t make me go, please. I’ll do anything, I’ll behave I promise, I’ll stop leaving books everywhere and I won’t laugh at you ever again” you plead.
“You knew the deal,” he says.
“You’re The Count, deals don’t matter unless you say so” you remind him and he hums.
“Nine and ten moons acting like a child, what will your husband think?” He asks.
“It’s a good thing I didn’t marry him to think” you say and his chest vibrates, you think he’s going to laugh but he doesn’t as his hands grip your thighs to pull you off of him. You squeeze tighter.
“Come on little mouse, it’s time to go” he says using his genuine strength to pull you off of him. Naoya pulls you to him and Sukuna walks away.
“Sukuna” you cry and for the briefest of seconds he pauses.
You’re hauled into the carriage with no one to save you.
4 months later
Your feet hit the dirt, dress snagging at the branches from the trees. Your lungs burn as you watch the flames from the torches disappear. You can still hear the shouting and the hounds sniffing for you.
“Come out murderer!” Naobito yells. You tremble feeling the ice cold air freeze your skin. Thunder rumbles and you panic as rain patters, beating against your flesh.
“She’ll freeze to death, let her die out here” Jinchi says as you hide behind a tree, hand clasped over your mouth.
“She killed my son”Naobito grits.
You try to think of what to do, one thing comes to mind and it’s easily the worst decision you can make but the only one that may protect you.
You run for Sukunas castle, hissing as twigs and rocks imbed themselves in the soles of your feet. Your dress is shredded by the time you reach the massive double doors. Your fist beat against the door as you freeze to death. You bang desperately until Mitsukis opening the door, she pulls you in as water drips from your body creating a puddle on the floor.
“You’re freezing”she says guiding you up the stairs and to your old room. She pulls out one of your nightgowns and strips you. She inhales at the bruises that cover your body. Her fingers graze your black eye and then your busted lip, eyes lingering on the purple hand print that marks your neck.
Her eyes widen when they land on your stomach, round and swollen. You turn away from her and slip into the dress. You climb into the bed shaking and she sits beside you.
“What did you do?” You hear his voice before you see him striding into the room shirtless, drops of blood on his bare chest.
“I slit his throat”you breathe. Your husband was violent, and the night he realized you were pregnant with a child that wasn’t his, he beat you for it. Then he beat you to force you into obedience.
“Let me heal you”he says and you glare.
“I don’t want your blood, you’ve done enough. I begged you not to make me marry him, I begged you not to let him take me and you did. Now I’m as good as dead once the Zenin find me,” you hiss as he bites into his wrist.
“Still a volatile little brat” he says, gripping the back of your head and forcing you to drink from him. You fight against him but his strength is too much. You feel the liquid slide down your throat and you become delirious. Your head hits the pillows as your eyes close.
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Your eyes open to three women staring down at you, fangs on display as they twist and tug on the strands of your hair. One pokes at your cheek and they giggle.
“She’s pretty” one whispers.
“She smells so good” another moans.
“She’s pregnant” the third says, her claws drag up your belly and you smack her hand away.
“What did I tell you about touching things that are mine?”you hear from the doorway and the women pull away.
“But we’re hungry” they cry in unison.
“Then chase a goat, I’ve had it up to here with you three”he says and they run off.
He walks toward you, eyes narrowing in on your protruding stomach. Your arm wraps around it, refusing to let him near her as you crawl to the furthest part of the bed.
“You sleep like the dead” he comments but you don’t answer him nor do you look at him and it drives him crazy.
“You can ignore me but we’re stuck together till that brat is born”he says and your head snaps to him, eyes enraged.
“She’s not a brat, she’s just a baby and you will not have her for she does not belong to you,” you say watching him stalk to your side of the bed.
His fingers lift your chin up and his claw taps the skin.
“There’s nothing in this world that’s going to stop me from killing it, not even you can save it from that,” he says, his voice is dark and any traces of Sukuna are gone, this is solely Dracula talking.
“She’s not Naoya’s” you whisper and his brows raise.
“You were unfaithful?” he asks, that doesn’t sound like you but then again what did he know. You despised your husband the moment you met him, it was clear you’d never love him.
“No, I’ve only slept with one man” you breathe and the air escapes his lungs. His eyes flick from yours to your stomach and then back.
“She’s yours, Sukuna”you say hesitantly grabbing his hand to splay it across your belly. Something appears in his eyes but is gone as soon as he pulls his hand away like you’ve burned him.
“What did you do?!” He yells and you flinch.
“I didn’t do anything, it just happened. You were there just as much as I was. You can’t hurt her, she’s your daughter” you whisper.
The word feels foreign, mundane and prettifying.
His instincts are to wrap his hands around your throat but he fights them and leaves the room.
“He won’t hurt her, he won’t” you tell Mitsuki at dinner. She’s still in shock at the news you’re carrying her niece. Sukunas never slept with someone and not killed them after, this is the consequences of his actions.
“He killed our family, if you think a child will change that then you’re mistaken,” she says. She’s never been one to sugarcoat anything and you like that about her but in your heart you believe she’s wrong.
When Sukuna had hurt you, he fought against his very own nature to be gentle, to kiss away your tears and apologize, not once but twice. There’s a part of him that cares and you know it, you’ve seen it.
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At five months pregnant you grow concern, she still hasn’t moved. You thrum your fingers along your belly, gently tapping in hopes of getting her to kick but she doesn’t.
You whisper to her at night and sing to her but she’s unresponsive.
A sigh leaves you as you climb out of bed, and walk to the room down the hall. It’s been a month since he’s spoken to you, you don’t push it because you believe with time he’ll love her too.
The times you’ve been so close to talking to him at night, you hear the grunts from his room and turn away, certain he’s inside another woman but you shouldn’t care.
The door pushes open and to your surprise he’s alone sitting on the edge of his bed. Your eyes trail his muscular body and you hate how responsive it makes yours. Pregnancy’s made your lust grow, and not even your fingers are able to dull the ache between your legs.
His eyes look up and find yours before they stare at your belly. You slowly walk toward him to stand between his spread legs. He’s never been a weak man but there’s something about you that has him turning to putty in the palm of your hands and it’s not your blood.
He feels your belly pressed against his chest and he smells it, that sweet scent coming from your daughter. His eyes close, and your fingers slide their way through his hair, nails gently grazing his scalp.
“She’s not moving” you whisper and his eyes open.
“It’s fine” he says, listening to the steady thump of her heart mixed with yours, it’s like a melody. You sigh in relief as he stares at your stomach, there’s so much turmoil in his eyes.
“I want to name her Katalina, it means pure” you admit and he stiffens against you.
“You’re growing attached” he says and your fingers pull away from him.
“Why wouldn’t I? She’s our daughter,”.
“It. Is a mistake,” he says and you shake your head. You don’t regret any of it, not when you feel her grow inside of you. You grab his hand and force him to feel her.
You gasp when she kicks against his palm for the first time. The feelings is strange but beautiful. His face is stoic but his eyes look conflicted and she kicks again.
“She likes you,” you smile feeling his thumb graze over the spot she kicked.
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“Don’t wander far” Mitsuki says as you walk along the garden. You nod in response kneeling to pluck flowers for your room.
“Do you know how to ride?” She asks as she pets the black mare named Juniper.
“No” you answer, gently setting the flowers in a basket.
She wants to say she’ll teach you but there’s no point, after Katalina’s born, they’ll send you away.
“She likes Sukuna” you tell her and her brows raise.
“And how would you know that?”.
“She only kicks for him,” you smile and her face softens. She finds herself wanting to care for the baby as much as you do but it’s useless. Sukuna has never had an issue killing his own flesh and blood, this will make no difference.
“Would you like to pet Juniper?” She asks and your ears perk up. You nod as you stand, holding your belly. You’ve never pet a horse before.
“Can I bru-“ your words are cut off at something hissing through the air. Pain explodes in your chest, you look down at the arrow protruding through your skin and blood pools from your mouth.
“Sukuna !” Mitsuki screams as your body hits the ground with a thud. Red eyes appear above you, his lips are moving but you can’t hear a word as you choke on blood.
He yanks the arrow from your chest and you scream. His fangs dig into his wrist and he holds them to your lips. There’s too much blood pooling in your throat for you to swallow.
Your brows pinch in anguish as your skin pales. He can hear your heart slowing before he drags his fangs across your wrist, splitting the skin open. Your wrists touch and his blood seeps into yours.
His hand rests against your belly and Katalina kicks, the thump of her heart so strong that he finds himself sighing in relief.
Mitsuki tears though the Zenin mercenaries sent to kill you as you roll on your side and cough out the blood. You gasp when you can breathe again.
“Is she okay?” You choke and he nods, lifting you into his arms and carrying you back inside.
“You care” you weakly smile, eyes closing.
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The sound of lightning striking the ground has you tossing and turning until you’re out of bed and walking toward his room.
Only a few candles light the room as you enter and walk toward the bed. You pull back the covers and climb in. He turns to face you, and fingers graze your cheek.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, the concern to clear on his face. He’s losing this war.
“I can’t sleep” you say innocently.
“Katalina?” He asks and you smile wide.
“You said her name,” you point out.
“That doesn’t mean anything” he says making you shake your head.
“It’s okay to love her, I know you want to” you confess feeling his fingers brush against your belly under the covers. Katalina kicks and you giggle, his hand moves and she kicks again.
“She only kicks for you, she loves her papa” you say looking into his eyes. He’s scared and you can see it. You lean forward and gently kiss him, slowly pulling away. War is over when his lips find yours, his fingers run circles into your belly as your daughter kicks.
His tongue forces its way inside your mouth and licks at it, letting him get drunk off the taste of you. You moan against his lips, feeling him move to hover over you. Your legs spread to accommodate him and he breaks the kiss to pull your dress up.
His eyes look over your belly and his hand presses against it. Katalina kicks up a storm and he does the most human thing you’ve ever witnessed, he smiles. He hesitantly leans forward and presses a kiss to the skin earning a kick from his daughter.
He looks up at you and lets himself feel. You’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on, now full and carrying his child. He’s been utterly seduced, taken down by the one thing he was meant to kill.
His fingers touch your core, feeling how soaked you are. You inhale as he pushes a finger inside of you, eyes holding yours and you moan.
“There’s not a day I haven’t thought about this” he says pressing a kiss to your cunt and you bite your lip. He adds a second finger, moving slow and deep inside of you, pressing kisses to your belly and your inner thighs.
His thumb rubs furiously at your clit and you cry out, feeling yourself clench onto his fingers. Your legs shake as he continues until it’s too much. You slump against the bed as he moves to lay beside you.
“I need you inside of me” you say feeling his lips graze your forehead.
“I don’t want to hurt her” he says, thinking about how rough he had been taking your virginity.
“You won’t,” you assure him, he hesitantly gets back on and between your legs. He’s too far gone, with you and your daughter. He couldn’t hurt her if he tried, she’s a part of you that he’s grown to love. In those months you were away he was miserable and when he believed you to be pregnant with Naoyas child, he felt anger.
He can’t hate something that you made.
“Hurry” you say and his fingers graze your neck.
“Little brat” he says lining his cock up to your hole and gently thrusting home. The stretch will take getting use to but you moan once he’s fully inside of you. He doesn’t move and it annoys you as you sit up on your elbows.
You roll your hips and moan as you feel him deep inside of you. “So impatient” he whispers pulling out and thrusting in. You shake as he repeats the action over and over. Your hands reach for his and he laces your fingers, listening to your whimpers.
“Harder” you beg, you want to laugh at how afraid he is of hurting your daughter.
“Always demanding”he grits, hips pulling from you and slamming into you hard. You gasp and he does it again feeling you clench around him.
He skin slaps against yours lewdly as he builds a faster and hard rhythm of fucking into you. One of his hands leaves yours to roll your nipple between his finger and you cum around him gasping.
He lifts your leg up and pulls you impossibly closer, burying himself in the depths of you, feeling you cum again. A scream leaves your lips mixed with his harsh grunts.
His thumb drags across your clit, working circles into it. He grips the back of your head and pulls you as close as he can, lips locking with yours. Your breathless gasps hitting his lips, your nails claw at his arms when he hits your cervix and you both cum arms wrapping around him to steady yourself.
You fall to the bed drenched in sweat as he pulls out of you. He kisses your sweaty forehead, listening to Katalinas heartbeat.
Minutes pass and you get up, grabbing your gown and putting it back on. You start to leave until his hand clasp against your wrist.
“Stay” he says and you swallow roughly, climbing back into the bed. He pulls your back against his front, hand splaying across your belly. Katalina kicks and you laugh.
“Does she ever rest?” He asks.
“No,” you answer.
“A brat like her mama” he says and you roll your eyes.
“What are you going to do about the Zenins?” You ask, they had been so close to killing you, to killing Katalina.
“Wipe them from the earth” he says and you frown.
“Some of them are good people, very few but some. They shouldn’t suffer for the sins of their family” you say feeling his lips press against your shoulder.
“That heart of yours bleeds for all the wrong people” he whispers, feeling your hand cover his.
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Sukunas still trying to wrap his head around becoming a father, it’s not easy fighting your instincts or changing your beliefs.
He fears now, it’s strange but he does. He fears everything that could go wrong, how either you or her could die, potentially both. He worries he’ll corrupt her, or she’ll grow to hate him. Often times he feels like he can’t breathe, lying awake at night listening to your breathing and her heartbeat.
He nearly had a heart attack the other night when you almost tumbled down the stairs, now he insists on escorting you everywhere and holding your hand.
He slaughtered most of the Zenin clan besides the servants and a few members you asked him to spare. Dracula didn’t spare, only one person was ever spared and that was your mother. He spared her for his own selfish tendencies, but you simply asked him and he obliged.
He feels like a puppet and you his master, he fears when Katalinas born he’ll be wrapped around her finger just as he is yours.
Mitsukis still hesitant, fearing his mind will change. She finds herself touching your belly from time to time, Katalina doesn’t kick of course but Mitsukis trying to learn to love her.
You’re getting so close to giving birth, you’d be lying if you said you’re not scared. Your mother died giving birth to you, a burden you carry with you. You talk to Katalina all the time, incase something goes wrong, you hope she’ll remember your voice.
Sukuna watches you waddle toward the bed, you’re hissing with a limp and he’s instantly at your side.
“What’s wrong?”he asks, kneeling infront of you, hands kneading your belly.
“My feet” you whisper and he looks down to your swollen feet, a sigh leaves you as he begins massaging your right one. His lips kiss the arch of your foot and you giggle as his fingers dig into the flesh. You’re so ticklish but it feels really nice.
He moves onto the other one, repeating his actions as you cradle your stomach.
He leans forward and presses a kiss to your belly button earning a little foot pressed against the skin.
“You’re hurting your mama” he whispers to your belly and you feel a sharp kick to your ribs making you inhale.
“Behave little one” he whispers tapping your belly, feeling Katalinas foot press against his finger.
“Sukuna” you say and he hums, looking up at you.
“If anything happens to me, you have to take care of her. You have to love her, unconditionally” you whisper and he tenses as you speak his worse fear into existence.
He palms your cheek and you lean into it. “I’d turn you before that ever happens” he says. You blink, not having considered that as an option, not sure if that’s what you’d even want.
“I don’t know if I want that, I don’t want to become-“.
“A monster?” He cuts you off. You feel guilt at the admission but he’s not a good man, he’s the reason several children grew up without fathers, the reason your people would hide in their homes and barricade themselves. He’s the reason your mother was unable to flee and be with your father.
He’s done so many horrible things but despite them you find yourself loving him. He’s given you something so precious, something equally you and him. He needs you, he needs her.
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Pain erupts in your stomach, hands clutching it as you wake up with pinched brows and you cry out. You feel the liquid running down your thighs and Sukunas immediately awake.
“It hurts” you cry, his hand grabs yours and you clench it. His lips kiss your temple as he yells for Mitsuki.
She rushes in with your midwife and you feel your legs being pried apart. You’re scared, wide eyes looking to Sukuna. His jaws clenched, a face of indifference but his eyes tell you he’s worried.
“She’s not fully dilated yet, it could be hours” the midwife informs.
“Hours of suffering?” Sukuna grits and you squeeze his hand to be nice to the woman merely doing her job.
“It’s okay” you whisper, kissing him. You press your forehead against his, he has to know. Incase these are your last hours with him, he has to know.
Mitsuki and the midwife rush off to fetch towels and water while Sukuna pulls you between his legs, your back to his chest. His fingers pet your hair as your body aches, preparing to deliver your daughter.
“Sukuna, I love you. Incase we don’t have more time I want you to know that. I forgive you for everything and I don’t regret anything. I’d do it all over again to have her, to be with you,” you say and he stills. He doesn’t reply, he can’t bring himself to utter the words. His hands rub your belly and he kisses your temple.
When Mitsuki comes back, you requests a moment alone with her.
“Thank you for everything, for showing me kindness and compassion in the darkest of times. For being my friend, I don’t hold anything you did against you. You love your brother fiercely and I can only hope Katalina receives that same love,” you smile at her.
Hours pass and Mitsuki holds your left hand, Sukuna your right as your Midwife kneels between your legs.
“She’s crowning” she says and a scream leaves your lips as you push, it’s painful. Mitsuki rubs circles into your hand and you watch tears fall from her eyes. You kiss the top of her hand and smile weakly at her, the sister you always wanted.
Your body feels broken the harder you push, sweat coating your skin.
“I love you, I loved you the moment I heard you tell those villagers you were born of fire and blood. How something so vulnerable and beaten could say something so deranged and laugh. The way you showed me not an ounce of fear, sending you away was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and easily my biggest regret but I love you” he says in your ear and you smile giving one last push.
An earth shattering scream pierces the air. Katalina enters the world covered in blood, fists curled. Sukunas bites his wrist and offers you his blood but you shake your head.
“I want to feel this, at least for a few more minutes” you say, he doesn’t understand but he nods as the midwife cleans your daughter and cuts her umbilical cord.
She wraps her in a pink quilt and you sit up, weak and tired and so desperate to meet the little girl that’s completely changed your life.
You sob at the sight of her, her father’s twin with two crimson red eyes. Her hair a mass of pink curls as her fists curls around your finger. Mitsukis crying, fingers grazing Katalinas curls but the baby’s eyes seek out her favorite person. Her eyes land on Sukuna, big and curious.
His whole world stops when their eyes meet, time stands still and suddenly that cold organ that thumps in his chest is filled with so much warmth it’s overwhelming. He leans down to kiss her little fingers smiling, surrounded by his three favorite girls.
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Eight years later
Glass shatters and a scream erupts, you’re climbing out of the bed immediately with your husband following behind.
Thunder rumbles outside and you can hear the pitter patter of feet. Your eyes follow the trail of muddy foot prints downstairs and broken pottery. Books thrown everywhere, red and yellow painted handprints coat the walls and you feel on the verge of a heart attack.
The footsteps lead to the kitchen, cupboards open and pots scattered everywhere.
Sukuna spots the pink highlighted head of hair and snatches her up, she screams and her little feet kick at him. Chocolate covers her mouth in a ring and all over her grubby hands. He pretends to bite into her neck and she giggles, feeling him attack her with tickles.
“Papa no” she gasps, hands clawing at his face, coating it in chocolate.
“Come out, now” you say, and watch three heads peek out around the corner. Paint covers them, feet coated in mud and you pinch your nose.
“Mama…”Katalina starts and your brow raises.
“Soreena started it” Adrian accuses pointing to the little girl in Sukunas arms. Her eyes, one brown and the other red widen.
“No I not!” She shrieks.
“Papa, she chased us with paint” Katalina says walking toward her father, eyes big and pleading as she leans into his side and clings to his free arm. Soreena attempts to kick her in the face but he holds her little feet down.
“The truth or you all are sleeping with the horses” Sukuna says and their eyes widen.
“Soreena” the three siblings say.
“Katalina,” he warns and her eyes look to the floor.
“We just wanted to have fun, mama won’t let us outside” she sighs.
“It’s raining, I don’t think I’d like my children being burnt to a crisp because they couldn’t outrun lightning” you say.
“Papa would save us” Nikolai says and you roll your eyes, you swear you’ve raised a cult obsessed with your husband.
“Well I would” Sukuna agrees looking to you and your children grin.
“Told you!” Nikolai says, six years old and the perfect combination of you and his father.
“That’s fine, because of your actions, papa won’t be reading to you tonight” you say and they groan. Soreenas eyes water as she starts to cry.
“Mawma pwease” she begs, you sigh kissing her forehead.
“It’s okay” Sukuna says stroking her hair and kissing her little tears. Her lips pout and her little fangs poke out.
“Where’s Elena?” You ask looking around, Soreena never goes anywhere without her twin sister.
“Here” Mitsuki calls from behind you holding the sleeping three year old. The only child of yours that’s obsessed with you.
“She was behind the sofa” she says as you take her from her. Her cheek rests against your chest as your hand rubs down her back.
Sukuna kisses her chubby cheek, careful to not get chocolate on it.
“You gave birth to demons” Mitsuki says eyeing the mess your children have made, and you can’t seem to argue with her.
“Mimi” Soreena says giggling at her aunt, earning a smile and pat to the head.
“Let’s get you bathed and in bed, papa can read to you but this gets cleaned tomorrow” you say and they nod their heads furiously before running into their father.
Once the kids are bathed and in bed, Elena rests between you and Sukuna with Soreena on his chest. They’re the spitting image of you save for the streaks of pink hair and the one red eye.
His hand trails up and down Soreenas spine as he stares at you three.
“I’m glad you killed your husband” he says and you laugh.
“Which one?” You ask, turning to face him.
“Both,” he says watching your eyes twinkle.
“The verdicts still out on you” you tease and his chest vibrates, making Soreena lift slightly.
“To die by your hands would be the sweetest death” he whispers grabbing your hand to kiss it.
“I love you” you smile.
“I love you to the ends of the earth and beyond that”he says leaning to kiss you. You break apart at the creaking of your door to see Katalina rubbing at her eyes with her stuffed bunny Mitsuki had made her as a baby.
She walks toward the bed and you expect her to go for sukuna but her arms wrap around you.
“I love you mama” she says climbing over you and laying between you and Elena.
“I love you too my angel ,” you say arms wrapping around her. You hear two sets of feet and your sons climb into the bed.
You kiss their foreheads and look at Sukuna and smile, your fangs on display.
“I knew it’d be impossible for you not to fall in love”.
“I never stood a chance, I was already defeated from the start. The bride of Dracula, the cruelest of creatures”
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Note: I really enjoyed writing this though it was stressful. Their children are half human half vampire, their vampire traits are more dominant than their human ones like their immortality, aging, healing etc.
Human wise they are more human than animal so not like the instincts sukuna was born with and also have an appetite more for human food than blood.
Adrian is five so he’s the the third oldest and looks like Sukuna in the same way Katalina does. They adore their mom but Sukuna is just the fan favorite. Elena is a mommy’s girl through and through though. Reader has heterochromia not sure if that’s obvi, one of the reasons she was accused of being a witch and her children aside from Katalina and Adrian inherit that from her.
I picture Soreena and elena to have black hair like I do the reader with pink highlights like draculara from monster high kind of look. Nikolai’s hair is mostly dark with pink frosted tips. Sukunas features are more dominant thus the pink hair and red eyes but the twins look like the reader in every other aspect.
Though reader is a vampire, her blood is still the same and addictive to him as is their children’s but he doesn’t crave it anymore, he’d never let his bloodlust bring him to kill his family, at least not again! And he does feed from reader during sex, it’s a kink ;)
Also I was gonna kill her off but I started crying too much lmaooo.
@firefly-333 @idkkkkd @bluebirdhangingonawheepingtree @chxrv @bubb13gumb1tch @kiki17483 @xra1 @berries06 @ilestreign
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fanaticsnail · 9 months
Mitski - My love mine all mine
Comfort fic with Mihawk?
Pretty plz oh my sister of mine
(Add smut if you must-but you’re really pulling my arm)
Comfort fic, you say? You get some angst too, sis.
Masterlist here.
Word Count: 1,178
Warnings: angst, longing, fluff, sleeping, embracing (no smut)
Song Suggestion: Mitsuki - My Love Mine all Mine.
Nothing in the world belongs to me // But my love mine, all mine // Nothing in the world is mine for free // But my love mine, all mine, all mine
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The halls in the great castle had naught a sound resounding in the chasms. The polished cobblestone lay bare and cold, the warm light of the crystalline chandelier reflecting its small flames atop the surfaces. The darkness from nightfall glistened starlight through the stained glass windows; the moon cascading it’s crescent shape on one of the many portraits that hung high and out of sight within the room.
He had been gone for two weeks, his presence not gracing the ornate floorboards with his silhouette for nine days longer than he promised. He thought the contract would be over swiftly, the great blade Yoru able to cut through anything with one fell, booming swipe. His cloak was dishevelled, his cross was laying slightly askew atop his bare chest. The large, fluffed, white feather in his broad hat was slightly singed around the edges, tanning under the scorch marks to tint it a smoked yellow. It did not go at all according to his plan: get in, get it done, get it over with, and get back to you.
The individual he was stalking had managed to raise an army, something the world government did not anticipate him having such sway nor ability to execute. He was to be brought in alive for questioning, his bounty nullified should he perish below a blade. Dracule Mihawk was tasked with not only capturing this person alive, but also ridding the amassment of pirates that had so readily come to his defence. It took him nine days of combat; never resting, always pushing to get to his target. He was exhausted, his energy resources depleted completely.
As he stalked slowly along the grounds, his staff would turn and halt their movements and chores; offering a swift stoop at acknowledgement of his presence. Mihawk’s shoulders were slumped, hunching down from his great posture as he reached your shared bedroom. Turning the circular handle, he lifted the small latch from its brace against the door and slowly allowed the hall light to break through the darkness.
Atop his large four-poster bed lay his love, his hidden treasure known only to his staff and a handful of others he trusted enough with his secret. His eyes softened, leaning his towering form against the post of the doorframe slightly to take you in. Allowing a soft smile to rise to the corner of his lips, he raked his amber-eyes over you to take in your sleeping form.
You lay in a white silken bed-robe, the fabric of the many layers pooling at your wrists in their lengthy decline. Laying on your side, facing the door, your hair lay gracefully cascading atop his pillowcase. Your right leg bent at the knee, the duvet laying beneath it as to mimic your embrace with your lover; as you would most commonly be cradled against the chest of the warlord as you both slept soundly. Your hand was clutching a single red rose, laying wilting and dried over the mattress alongside his promise to return to you before the cut, thorny rose should ever require water. A single petal fell to the floor as you took a deep breath to indicate your slumber had become interrupted.
Mihawk quickly stepped inside and shut the door behind him, the softest click of the latch could be heard as he attempted to silence his decent. He took his hat off, placing it on the desk beside his armchair, alongside removing Yoru and laying the great blade on it’s wooden, decorative resting hilt. He sighed in relief as the weight had been removed from his shoulders, rotating them to remind his muscles how to behave without harnessing such a weapon. Slowly, he drew his arms out of his cloak, wincing as his biceps contracted beneath the material.
He had overexerted himself, went too hard for too long; something you would chastise him for, he’s sure of it. Placing the cloak on the back of his armchair, he removed his boots and socks from his feet and slotted them beneath the bed. His fingers halted their retract as you let a slow, sleepy moan fall from your lips. Your brows began to furrow as your lucidity continued to propel you within haunted dreams of your love’s demise. Mihawk hastily unclasped the buckle on his belt, pulling in one swift movement to rid it from its place within his pants and tucked the object in one of his boots.
Kneeling his right knee on the bed, he began a stumbled and exhausted crawl to fall his body next to your own. He laced his left arm beneath your right and flattened his forehead against your chest, listening to the slow, rhythmic thump of your heartbeat. The remainder of petals fell to rest atop his curled, darkened locks as he closed his honey-coloured eyes tightly shut. He lifted his right arm to rest over your manubrium, focussing more on his concentration listening to the rhythm of your heartbeat and the rise and fall of your breathing.
In your subconsciousness, you drew down your right hand and laced it within Mihawk’s hair; body completing this soft and gentle embrace from muscle memory alone. The furrow in your brows completely fell from your face and softened in your slumber once more. Mihawk smiled into your embrace, relishing being in the arms of his hidden love once again – albeit nine days late.
He hoped you did not hold such tardiness against him, tracing low circles atop the small of your back before drawing his hand down to clutch the back of your right thigh to hook your knee over the bottom of his ribcage. Sighing into the embrace, he felt your body completely relax into him with a sigh of his own to follow in reaction. The two of you feeling the weight of the absence fleeing from your bodies in this gentle embrace, falling from you in waves of bittersweet reunification.
The gentle light of the crescent moon continued to follow into the room, its light illuminating your embrace through the small partition within the heavy charcoal curtains. Mihawk reopened his yellow eyes, tilting his head up and removing his hand from your chest in favour of brushing a single strand away from your face. Your lips were parted, eyelashes forming a small shadow atop the apples of your cheeks under the light of the moon. Mihawk felt his heart swell knowing you were safe in his castle, slumbering soundly while remaining hidden away from the world government.
Finally having something that was truly his own, not an ability to be used for exploit, nor his vast array of wealth in riches and land. You were his, something that was only for him.
“Sleep now, my love,” he sighed, pressing a lingering kiss against your throat with his eyelashes flickering against the bare skin as he leant in to your embrace. He withdrew his soft touch and whispered against your flesh: “May you forgive me when you wake. I love you, may you continue to be mine. Only mine.”
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Ryuhei Kuroda x Reader: Moon and Tide
F!Reader. Colleagues to Lovers. Mitsuki leaves, Ryuhei has some realisations.
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Ryuhei experiences his first heartbreak at nineteen.
(In truth, his heart had broken time and time again with his unrequited love. Each time that Mitsuki dismisses him, each time he saw her with Shiba Inu.
But each time he used to see her, he also fell in love all over again too.)
Shortly after Sinu Han leaves, Mitsuki also departs.
"What?!" Ryuhei slams both fists down on the boardroom table, "Then I quit." 
"Haven't you harassed her enough? She obviously doesn't want you to follow." Samuel Seo gazes over the top of his glasses, smirk on his face and relishing the blonde's distress.
"Watch your mouth." Ryuhei snarls, low and menacing, a clear warning as any.
"Samuel is right," Eugene is calm, voice even. "Please respect Mitsuki's wishes this one time." Unlike all the other times you've ignored her boundaries does not need to be said.
The room stills at his words. The chairman has spoken, although it does nothing to dissipate the tension. The air hangs heavy. Like an elastic band stretched taut, to its limits. 
Samuel observes Mandeok tensing and Ryuhei’s nostrils flaring, and he wonders who will break first.
Ryuhei's eyes flit around the room. The silence, lack of support, from Kenta or even yourself is damning.
"Fuck you," he hisses. Leaving, not wanting to be here a second longer.
The door slams, reverberating off the walls.
"My apologies for Ryuhei's interruptions," Eugene gestures to you, "In Mitsuki's absence, Y/N will take on her duties and title."
You give a curt nod to the rest of the room, acknowledging your promotion, but your eyes stay glued to Ryuhei's empty seat.
To both of your surprise, you're the first one to reach out.
(You like to think it’s you fulfilling your new duties as president. The alliance, the uncomplicated relationship you always had with Ryuhei helped too.)
Gently knocking on his room door, calling his name. The voice, the tone, the pitch pulls him out of his mood. Briefly, for a second, before he realises the two of you sound nothing alike.
"Go away," 
He watches you respond by jiggling the handle aggressively. So much so that the entire door shakes then a second later - it opens with you striding in.
"That's handy," Ryuhei, lying in bed, glances over at you rearranging the pins back into your hair, "And a complete invasion of my privacy."
"Like you ever cared about anyone's privacy,"
Right. Another jab about Mitsuki. One that he used to take on the chin because it's true, he's not ashamed. He pines after her openly, certain that everyone in 2A would have heard of his antics by now, if not the whole of Workers.
Tonight is a different story. It's less the wound being raw and tender and more Ryuhei is missing an entire limb.
How can she leave without saying goodbye?
He misses her.
Ryuhei throws the covers over his head.
The message is clear though not enough to drive you out or to muffle your voice.
"You have 3 days to get yourself together, then I need you by my side."
Fuck off he wants to say. But what's the point anymore? 
"I have negotiations that could go wrong. I need all the manpower I can get my hands on."
Like you wouldn't be able to handle it by yourself, a small voice in his brain retorts.
Whatever. This, Workers, everything has all been a complete waste of his time.
Ryuhei was officially Mitsuki's bodyguard, and it makes sense that his duties now extend to you.
Everything else thus far has transitioned smoothly, except your current dilemma: how do you deal with a bodyguard that doesn't want to guard you?
After the three days, you barge in at the crack of dawn and try to wrestle him out of bed. Out of the room that stinks of despair and depression.
A one sided obsession that has run its course, ended in the best way it could. You don't voice these thoughts out loud.
Ryuhei is a dead weight in your arms, childish and insolent and completely unhelpful. 
He's a grown man. There's little you can do.
Your lips crease thin with fury but no words spill forth.
You leave without him.
It's a full week later that Ryuhei musters up enough energy to crawl out of bed, throwing on something half presentable to stretch his legs.
Wandering the corridors, guilt creeps over him when he sees you talking to Kenta, right arm bandaged and in a sling.
Kenta nods at his friend's reappearance, you ignore him completely.
Well. He supposes he deserves that.
Seeing you kick starts a little change. 
Not a lot, enough to get Ryuhei out of bed every day and put up an appearance of semi-normality. Key word: semi.
He slumps over a desk half the time, willing away the hours by fiddling with the edges of papers and documents, heart aching.
(A small part of him, maybe the most pathetic part, wants to doodle Mitsuki's name over and over.)
Other times he takes to training with a ferocity that surprises himself.
The only moments he feels anything other than a hollowness is when he's by your side. Eyes constantly attracted to your broken arm. 
Steel pins, Kenta had mentioned, face grim as he clicks his lighter, adding that it was only thanks to your quick thinking the executives of Workers made it out alive.
Huh, it was that bad?
The guilt builds, claws under his skin and at his conscience. Could have sworn you were ambidextrous except now he watches you struggle with your dominant hand out of action. 
He's not sure if it's out of stubbornness or forgetfulness that you have used chopsticks all week. Albeit your dexterity has vastly improved since Monday, watching you is nothing short of exasperating.
Ryuhei’s peace offering comes in the form of a spoon.
You've barely exchanged words since that day where you tried to hoist him out of bed. Only on a needs-must basis. Terse and to the point.
You were thoroughly pissed off and everyone knew it.
Righteous in your anger at first. You had explicitly said that you needed all hands on deck, implicitly asked for his help and frustrated he couldn't separate his personal feelings enough to do his job when there are lives at stake. Over the past couple weeks, your ire has reduced, cooled until he is now nothing but a thorn in your side.
"Go on, just take it," The thorn in your side holds out the utensil.
You ignore him.
"Or else I could just feed you?" He offers, a hint of mischief returning to his eyes.
Ryuhei huffs when you tell him he can try if he wants a broken arm to match yours.
Inch by inch, you thaw.
Would have thawed quicker if Ryuhei lessened his efforts to get back into your good graces, causing headaches and extra work more often than not.
Still, he tries. Following you around, part bodyguard, part puppy. You appreciate it in hindsight. It’s almost cute.
Little by little, he also regains the bounce in his step.
Ryuhei tries once to contact Mitsuki.
She says she has no plans to return or to see him again.
She doesn't offer anything else.
He stays silent the whole time.
Some may consider that a form of closure, Ryuhei isn’t sure. Things at least get slightly easier after that.
Once an all encompassing searing pain, the hurt and heartbreak eventually settles and dulls into a throb.
Normalcy becomes less of a facade.
Ryuhei flips off Eugene in earnest, tells Samuel Seo to eat shit with sincerity, struts 2A with his confident gait once more.
"Nomen," you nudge him lightly with your shoulder. Even with your mask on, he can hear the smile in your voice. "It's good to have you back."
"Yeah," he agrees. It is good to be back.
Not everything is smooth sailing, however.
In his more melodramatic moments, in which there are many, Ryuhei vows never to love again, endure a lifetime of chastity, promising to never so much as gaze at another woman.
You snort at the declarations.
"What?" He snaps and you pointedly return his gaze as he remains indignant, "You don't count."
You let that particular one slide but- "Who's going to sleep with you anyway, you're a pathetic asshole."
"A very handsome pathetic asshole," he corrects.
"Hmm." Yet you don't disagree.
It's only later that day, stuck in another godforsaken meeting with you and Eugene, when boredom strikes and his mind wanders that Ryuhei realises that you didn't refute his claim.
He watches you, head tilted and eyebrows furrowed.
Ryuhei doesn't care about you, not like he cares about Mitsuki. Though he doesn't care about anyone the same way he cares (cared?) about her.
It's not personal.
His relationship with you has always been easy, flirtatious without intent. 
Sharp words and double entendres litter your conversations. Fun during the better moments, aggravating during others. Skin deep, superficial. He doesn't know you beyond the limits of your words, not really, and the experience is mutual.
Others have commented on your strength and character before. Formidable. A force to be reckoned with.
Even more have taken note of your looks, a common water cooler topic. 
To Ryuhei, you're like the moon. Sure you're nice to look at. Yet when Mitsuki is the stars and beyond; dazzling, glittering with untold adventures, how can anyone possibly compare?
(In the end, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Though not in the way Ryuhei expects.)
He carries out his new bodyguard tasks without complaint. 
It only made sense with your arm out of commission, and him technically and almost literally being your right hand man, that he carries your bag, your coffee too. Really, whatever you need.
What’s more, he now knows you take your coffee exactly like him. Quadruple shot, milky and disgustingly sweet.
Spends more time scrolling on your phone than a president probably should.
Hate sitting with your back to the door. And in meetings where there are no other options, Ryuhei makes sure to position himself opposite instead of being next to you. Himself sat where you would have preferred. One eye on any potential dangers and the exit route, giving a reassuring, roguish smile that eases your worries.
Bags under your eyes naturally mean a poor night’s sleep. Bags under your eyes and hair in a ponytail means you do not want to be here today. Something you would never voice out loud, but Ryuhei can read you anyway. 
On those days, he makes sure he’s always one step ahead and extra considerate. He’s not completely altruistic, he also doesn’t want to be shouted at again.
The emptiness still comes and goes, catches him out when he least expects it. Usually he feels Mitsuki’s absence more than remembers her presence.
Ryuhei notices you a bit more too, these days. Ever since your offhand agreement.
The way you say his name is nothing like how she used to. The way you look at him is nothing like how she used to. 
It’s actually warmer.
“You fucking idiot,” your tone is a complete contrast to your gentle hands, now completely healed and bandaging up his instead.
Ryuhei pouts with mock hurt and you roll your eyes. You will not give him sympathy, not for this.
(A yelp diverted your attention earlier today, and you rushed to find Kenta holding his lighter and Ryuhei cradling his own hand, wincing in pain.
You took one look at the two guilty faces and realised that the blonde moron wanted to learn how to set his finger alight like Kenta without hurting himself.
Ryuhei is one thing, but you expected better from Kenta. You turn to him, disappointment painted on your face and tell him exactly that.
“What about me!” Ryuhei had the audacity to pipe up. You roughly snatched his wrist and dragged him away.)
“Don’t set yourself on fire again,” you punctuate each word by sharply jabbing him in the chest with your finger.
Ryuhei flutters his eyelashes at you in a way he thinks must be quite charming and endearing. Who knows where the hell he got that idea from. You’re tempted to gouge out his eyes more than anything.
Somehow, you manage to resist. You also refrain from rolling your eyes at him again.
(You worry if you do that anymore, they might get permanently stuck and never return back to normal.)
Ryuhei studies his injured hand. Lying in bed, other hand behind his head, holding it up into the direct path of the silver moonlight cutting through the darkness.
He moves it, angles it this way and that. Letting the highlights and shadows illuminate your neat handiwork.
Something about this makes him feel funny. A little light headed.
He can’t recall the last time anyone touched him so kindly. Can’t recall anyone ever taking care of him when he’s been hurt before.
If he squints and looks at the neat little knot just right, he can almost see a heart shape.
It’s odd.
Were you always this flirtatious? Was he always this coquettish with you?
Did you always return his taunts with such a sparkle in your eyes?
When did you start having so many inside jokes, your own moments snickering together?
And it’s like he can finally see you. No longer subjected to his previous tunnel vision, he finally understands what everyone has been saying.
You’re much more stunning than Ryuhei remembers.
He also doesn’t remember your smile making him feel this way before.
Lastly, he remembers saying ‘you don’t count’. His words have come back to bite him.
Ryuhei wakes up at his usual time on a Wednesday.
It’s a nothing special sort of day.
Slinks out of his bed like he usually does, goes about his day as he usually does, teases you with intention and a quickened pulse. Which… ok, that one is new.
All in all. It’s fine. It’s an unremarkable Wednesday.
Except the dull ache in his chest, one he has had to endure for the last few months, isn't there anymore.
There’s a different type of guilt at play.
When you’re used to something for years and years, it takes time to break out of a habit. For the first time, Ryuhei begins to see his attachment to Mitsuki as the unhealthy obsession that it is. 
He’s not fully ready to pick this apart just yet.
How do you separate a rebound from something real? That you’re not just a replacement, a new person to pass the time?
And that idea, that you’re a replacement for anything, shocks him. It’s unimaginable to think of you as a passing fancy because you deserve so much better.
That really should have given him an inkling. 
On the other hand. When Ryuhei has only surrounded his love life with the one red flag, and himself being the other red flag too… he has a lot to learn.
Unfortunately you did get one thing right: Ryuhei is pathetic. His baseline personality is an absolute simp. 
Maybe it would have been different if his informative years played out differently. Alas.
Alone, he tries to dissect his thoughts and feelings. In your company, he is much more simple. Constantly wanting to capture your attention, which you give easily and with minimal conditions. 
Ryuhei can now read you like the back of his hand, knows your preferences so well that he’s able to anticipate your needs before they develop into needs. Wants, at best. Perhaps not even that.
And when other people look at you, the desire shown easily on their face that he has tried to tamper down, his possessiveness and jealousy flares.
Unsubtle shoulder barges and sneers are thrown in their direction.
But Ryuhei is nothing if not patient. He supposes it won’t be so bad if you turn him down and you’re happy with someone else.
He’s used to that.
Giving you the opportunity to turn him down though, he’s not sure yet how to go about.
Conveniently, an opportunity does arise.
Celebrating the new Fifth Affiliates, Eugene had said, showing his face at the gathering for about ten minutes before leaving. 
Then the two newbies, who Ryuhei doesn’t bother to get the names of because he sure as hell doesn’t want to know anyone with tacky ‘H’ tattoos (on their forehead and neck for crying out loud!), leave shortly after.
Ryuhei also considers it a small victory when Samuel Seo departs, after a very witty verbal sparring to see who can tell each other to fuck off in increasingly creative ways.
“You’re so fucking juvenile,” you sigh, though you begrudgingly admit that you were impressed throughout that display.
“At least I got the last word in,” Ryuhei grins, giving the finger to Samuel’s retreating back.
The room empties out at a quicker rate now that the non-mandatory, completely optional (if you want to keep your job) gathering is devoid of the more severe senior management.
No more than another 30 minutes pass and only you and Ryuhei remain. Two small figures in an oversized room, full of empty tables but one.
Ryuhei rests one elbow on the table, propping up his head and looks at you with a cocky smile.
“Remember when I said I’m never going to gaze at anyone ever again? That was a lie.”
“Really.” You deadpan, resisting once more the urge to roll your eyes. It might be the most difficult thing you have ever had to do.
“I lied when I said you don’t count too.”
Ryuhei, for all his flaws, has only ever been forthright with his emotions. In his own roundabout and very sex-pest way with Mitsuki, though he did confess in the end. As for right now, well, he has learned his lesson.
You give him a response he didn’t expect.
“I think you should spend more time on your own first.”
Ryuhei is immediately placed on a leave of absence the next day.
You explain clearly to him as he sits opposite, his very official letter scrunched in his fist and feeling extremely petulant, that while you do like him, he needs some distance to everything.
He only hears the first part. You like him? You? Like? Him? The words swim round and round in his mind.
“Ryuhei,” you snap your fingers and him out of his daze.
“Then what’s the problem?” he whines.
“Don’t make me into another Mitsuki,” Ryuhei opens his mouth to argue that he won’t, there is no way- 
“Ryuhei,” you repeat his name again in an authoritative tone that leaves no room for argument. Echoing your words from yesterday. “You need to spend more time on your own. This is non negotiable.”
Ryuhei sulks like there is no tomorrow.
Tries to manifest you outside his door but to no avail. He doesn’t see you at all.
That just about surmises his first week.
The week after, he thinks about you. How strange that you started as colleagues, almost friends first. How well he actually knows you.
Now months after Mitsuki has left, Ryuhei can only piece together fragments of her.
Even still, he had never seen the whole picture. He never knew her in her entirety, only the portrait he painted.
What becomes exceedingly clear is his one sided behaviour.
The fog, the rose tinted glasses fully lifts in the fourth week.
The sixth week he carefully pries open the past.
Gently picks apart what he wasn’t ready to before.
Moments of self reflection are painful, embarrassing. If the earth could open up and swallow him whole, he would gladly take it.
He still feels something for Mitsuki, though pertaining more to the remorse and shame side rather than anything else.
In an ideal world, he would seek her out and offer an apology for his past behaviour. However, in the real world, that only helps to alleviate his own conscience. 
He has already reached out once before and she has given her answer.
Nothing else from Ryuhei now would benefit either party.
Two full months later, Ryuhei sees you once again at work.
Your smile still makes his heart flutter and brain short wire.
Except he can now see you as a whole person, all your flaws and faults too. What he used to ignore with Mitsuki, blinded by his obsession. 
His feelings for you don't change.
Ryuhei wonders when he started to like you.
Thinks his heart liked you before his brain even realised. When the time is right, he needs to apologise for how long it took him to fully catch up.
He remembers thinking of you as the moon once, paling in comparison to the stars and the great beyond. 
That wasn’t quite fair. Wasn't accurate at all.
If you are the celestial body, luminous and hung high in the heavens by the gods themselves, then Ryuhei considers himself the tide.
He understands now, with its lunar radiance, there is nothing that comes close.
Quite simply: 月が綺麗ですね
(The moon is beautiful, isn't it?)
At twenty, Ryuhei experiences real love.
Experiences what it truly means to love and to be loved.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 4 months
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Vampire Wedding Part 2
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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After Drake's proposal, he again took me on a boat to a cave on a small island.
Drake: "The place we're heading to is further in. It's dark, so should we hold hands, or should I carry you?"
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Mitsuki: "H-Hold hands, please."
As we exchanged these words and moved forward,
Mitsuki: "Is that an altar?"
Deep within the cave, a structure seemingly carved from rock stood quietly.
Drake: "This is a church known only to pirates."
Mitsuki: "Only pirates?"
Drake: "A long time ago, churches were built here and there to mourn their dead comrades and hold weddings."
Drake: "This is one of those."
Mitsuki: "Wow, so there are many places like this."
Listening to Drake's explanation, I looked around.
Mitsuki: "It's kind of surprising. I thought pirates didn't really believe in gods."
Drake: "That's not true. The goddess of the sea is quite jealous, you know?"
While lowering the large luggage he had carried from the ship, he smiled wryly.
Drake: "If I don't pledge my love properly in front of the goddess, she'll sink our ship."
Drake: "So if I'm going to marry you, it has to be here."
(We're really having the wedding tonight.)
While I was in a daze, he beckoned me over.
Drake: "Come here, Mitsuki. A bride needs to get ready."
Mitsuki: "But I haven't prepared anything."
Feeling ticklish at the word "bride," I hesitated, but he gave me a mischievous smile.
Drake: "I told you, didn't I? You just need to let yourself be swept away by me."
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Drake: "Naturally, everything is prepared, including the dress."
As he said this, he opened the luggage, and I saw a pure white wedding dress and various sparkling accessories.
Mitsuki: "Wow!"
The delicate beauty of the dress and the dazzling sparkle of the accessories took my breath away.
Mitsuki: "It's beautiful! Thank you, Drake!"
Mitsuki: "But can I really put on this dress by myself?"
Drake: "Leave it to me, fawn."
He took the dress and held it up against my body.
Drake: "It's my privilege alone to make you beautiful."
Drake: "I'll make you the most beautiful bride in the world, Mitsuki."
True to his words, Drake skillfully helped me put on the dress and accessories.
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Drake: "All done. What do you think?"
My reflection in the mirror looked glamorous, like a completely different person from just moments ago.
Mitsuki: "It feels like a dream."
(As expected of Drake, the dress and accessories fit my taste perfectly.)
Drake: "I almost mistook you for a princess from somewhere. It suits you very well."
Before I knew it, he had finished getting dressed and looked at me.
Behind his eyes, there was a shimmering heat, perhaps due to the full moon.
Mitsuki: "Drake, are you okay? Are you in pain?"
Drake: "I've had more than enough blanc, so I'm good."
Drake: "But you're so beautiful that it's making me restless."
He let out a sigh, as if holding something back.
(Even now, he's like this. What more if he's already drunk my blood?)
Mitsuki: "Hey, even without a blood oath, I—"
He pressed his finger against my lips, cutting off my words.
Drake: "I told you. It's what I want."
Drake: "And I won't lose control and hurt you."
He smiled reassuringly and extended his hand.
Drake: "Now, shall we begin our private wedding?"
Mitsuki: "Okay!"
Standing in front of the altar, Drake lifted my veil.
Drake: "Mitsuki."
His eyes, looking straight at me, reflected only me.
Drake: "From now on, my soul will always be with you."
Drake: "Even if I'm swallowed by the storm and sink to the bottom of the sea, my soul will return only to you."
Quietly, his solemn vow etched a strong determination deep within my heart.
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Drake: "Will you be the place I return to, Mitsuki?"
With as much determination as his, I gazed back into his aquamarine eyes.
Mitsuki: "Yes."
Mitsuki: "Even if we are separated in the future, my soul will always be with you."
Mitsuki: "Thes place I will always return to is by your side, Drake."
As I spoke, filled with overwhelming happiness and love, he smiled warmly.
Drake: "By the seven seas, I swear, you are mine forever."
He lifted my left hand and brought his face closer.
Drake: "And I will be yours forever, Mitsuki."
His whispered words were followed by a sharp pain as his fangs pressed against my ring finger.
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
The pain was followed by a tingling pleasure that spread throughout my body.
I shivered involuntarily, and he pulled me close, his breath coming out in rough gasps.
Drake: "I was prepared for it, but your blood really is exceptional."
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His body, as he murmured longingly, was hot, and his heart pounded like a drum.
Mitsuki: "Drake, are you okay一Mmph."
Before I could finish, his hot lips covered mine.
Drake: "You should worry about yourself more than me, Mitsuki."
Despite his light tone, his voice was filled with heat, and he continued to devour my lips.
The repeated kisses fueled the pleasure I'd felt from my finger earlier, and I clung to him, seeking more of that heat.
Mitsuki: "Mmph... ha, so hot..."
When our lips finally parted, I was utterly drained, leaning heavily against him.
Drake: "Now we've got the sea goddess's approval."
He looked at me, a ferocious aura surrounding him.
Drake: "So, it's alright if I savor you to the fullest, right?"
Drake: "Let me take everything from you."
His eyes, filled with a heat strong enough to make me melt, were breathtakingly seductive.
Mitsuki: "Yes. Take everything."
Shivering with the joy of being desired, I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung tightly.
Trembling with the joy of being desired, I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tightly.
Mitsuki: "Take everything, Drake. My husband."
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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maoam · 3 months
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Someone is obsessed with me. But yeah it's not my fault you're blind and in denial. Like anyone can see Kishi has a thing for Sasuke if they're not delusional. Even some straight men can somehow see it.
Blocking and unblocking just to reblog my stuff with hate comment and then blocking again so I can't see it. Lame. 💁‍♀️
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Yes Naruto resembles his parents (there's even an interview where Kishi talks with editor how Naruto shares both of his parent's traits) and Sasuke looks like Mikoto. What about it?
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If you actually bothered to read my posts, you'd know why I make those parallels. It's about a dynamic. Not personalities. Same with Mario/Saori. And Minato isn't like Sasuke, other than smart. He's way more chipper and goofy. Boruto/Sarada certainly have the Hokage vs. Nukenin thing, I won't deny that, but they pretty much got nothing else. Sarada is neither like Naruto or Sasuke in her overall dynamic with Boruto. Ironically, Kishimoto made Mitsuki parallel Sasuke to Boruto's Naruto in his monologue about his feelings towards Boruto, how he is the moon to Boruto's sun, how he wants to be by his side, and pretty implying he has feelings for Boruto. But I'm not gonna talk about that more since I have confliced feelings about it.
Man I know some of my posts piss people off but at least I back them up. Also have some spine instead of blocking and unblocking all the time.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 3 months
Morally Questionable Anime Milfs Round 1 Matchups!
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Lusamine (Pokémon The Series: Sun and Moon) VS Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Sara (Kiba) VS Rem Saverem (Trigun)
Holo (Spice and Wolf) VS Zeqing (Forge of Destiny/Destiny Cycle)
Dr. Courtney Sithe (Ace Attorney) VS Yuuko Ichihara (xxxHolic)
Angelina Dalles/Madame Red (Black Butler) VS Kaato Higashikata (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Karen Kurokawa (Tokyo Revengers) VS Mitsuba Higashikata (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Kouyou Ozaki (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Lalaco Godspeed (Space Patrol Luluco)
Yachiru/Retsu Unohana (Bleach) VS Aponia (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Numeri (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure) VS Chikage Kuroba (Magic Kaito)
Natsuhi Ushiromiya (Umineko When They Cry) VS Curly Dadan (One Piece)
Ritsu Nagai (Ajin) VS Kyrie Ushiromiya (Umineko When They Cry)
Misaki Unasaka (Buddy Daddies) VS Ozen the Immovable (Made in Abyss)
Junko Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) VS Yui Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Koram (A Tree of Palme) VS Amara Sigatar Khura’in (Ace Attorney)
Echidna (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World) VS Mari Nagare/Maria Akeboshi (Maria no Danzai)
Mitsuki Bakugou (My Hero Academia) VS Michiko Malandro (Michiko & Hatchin)
Ah-Duo (The Apothecary Diaries) VS Sara Lee (Hand Jumper)
Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) VS Kirio Hikifune (Bleach)
Yukiyo/Kirika Misaki (Another) VS Morgan Le Fay - Lostbelt Version (Fate/Grand Order)
Captain Dola (Laputa: Castle in the Sky) VS Thalassa Gramarye/Lamiroir (Ace Attorney)
Yayoi Kusakabe (High-Rise Invasion) VS Leona Herace (The Rogue Prince is Secretly an Omega)
Charlotte Linlin/Big Mom (One Piece) VS Hiroko Hagakure (Danganronpa)
Umeko Sawamura (Those Snow White Notes) VS Atsuko Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket/Fruits Basket Another) VS Haruko Kamio (Air TV)
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kteabug · 1 year
“that’s not my sire” — pup, probably
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Summary: At birth pups instinctively know their dam and sire’s scents, it’s what allows them to know who is a safe place. What happens when a pup rejects the alpha that believes they are the sire?
Pairings: BakuDeku (endgame), BakuKami, KiriKami, OverDeku (past)
Word Count: 9, 480
Warnings: Infidelity. Shitty parenting. Minor Character Death. Omegaverse. A!Bakugo. A!Kirishima. O!Kaminari. O!Midoriya. Quirkless AU.
AN: This is based off a silly little head canon I have.
**PLEASE READ: this fic is bakudeku ending, but before we get there, there’s bakukami and then mentions of overdeku.
Bakugo Katsuki knew the omega he was going to marry when he was nine years old. He first saw him at a garden party his grandparents threw, he was the grandson of someone his grandfather knew or something like that. Honestly, he could’ve been the son of the waitstaff and Katsuki would’ve chosen him. His yellow blonde hair, citrine colored eyes and bubbly personality had the alpha captivated. This is based off a silly little head canon I have.
When the two were 16, Katsuki bashfully asked the omega for an official courtship — it was amusing to those around to see the brash and loud alpha seem so docile as he handed the omega a scented shirt and high end blanket he ordered from his parents’ company. Kaminari Denki accepted the gesture with a warm smile as if he had any other option.
When the two were 20, their engagement was announced and within the year, they were married. The Bakugos had wanted to forego the engagement and tie the union together with a mating claim, but the Kaminaris did not — they felt the bond should only take place if and when Denki said so. Bonds cannot be as easily removed as a marital status can.
While it bothered Katsuki to see the hard thick plastic collar around Denki’s neck during their heats/ruts, he understood that it was the omega’s choice. He had always known Denki was it for him, he would wait until the end of time for his omega if that’s what he needed.
After the first year they were together, Denki expressed he was tired of having to wear the anti-claiming collar so Katsuki immediately bought a muzzle. The next year Denki said the muzzle ruined the mood but that he didn’t want to wear the collar so he suggested they spend their cycles in heat/rut clinics. Clinics designed for mated or unmated individuals to ride out their cycles without fear of unwanted bonding or for those who are away from their mates.
Katsuki didn’t really like the idea, it felt so sterile and robotic rather than the passionate nature heats/ruts are. It didn’t feel right to Katsuki for Denki to be alone in a hospital-like room in pain, crying out for relief while his alpha did what? Sat at home like it was just another Wednesday? The thought alone just broke his heart but if that’s what his omega needed then he’d do it.
However after four years, both sides of their families are exhausted waiting for a pup to be born. Katsuki however doesn’t press the issue, when Denki is ready he’d tell him. It’s after their anniversary dinner that the omega’s attitude changes — Mitsuki made a comment about Denki’s appetite which he counters with him being in preheat even though the alpha doesn’t pick up on it. When they get home, Denki practically jumps the ash blonde.
The alpha’s rut is triggered by the intensity of Denki’s actions, the omega hasn’t acted so hungry, so aggressive, so needy with Katsuki before. The sudden action doesn’t allow the omega to wear his collar but somehow he keeps enough sanity to bite his own arm to prevent himself from bonding with Denki. A few weeks later, Denki announces to Katsuki and their families the pair is expecting a pup.
Katsuki is over the moon. If he’s honest (which he won’t be) the moment he smelt Denki’s jasmine scent, he saw a future with a house full of love, warmth and pups. He wanted pups with citrine eyes and soft blonde hair, pups with their dam’s bubbly personality and headstrong nature. He wanted to watch their pups grow up and go off to have their own lives while spending the rest of their lives falling in love with each other over and over again.
Katsuki is there to rub Denki’s back when his morning sickness is rough before carrying him back to bed with crackers and ginger ale. He buys any and every craving the omega has — teasing that the pup must have their dam’s taste since Denki doesn't want spicy foods like Marasu had with him. He reads, talks and sings to the growing bump as he rubs lotion to help keep the omega’s skin moisturized. He tries to go to appointments, but Denki tells him they aren’t really that important for them both to go.
According to Katsuki’s planner, the anatomy scan should be coming up and he really wants to go. He doesn’t care what their sex is, he just wants to see the pup, to be able to look at the screen and call him or her by the name chosen. Denki instantly loved both the names Kats suggested which surprised the alpha but he went with it.
He doesn’t get that as Denki comes home with ultrasound scans announcing it’s a girl, brushing off Katsuki’s complaints by saying he simply forgot it was /that/ appointment today. The entire rest of the day whenever Katsuki tries to bring up anything to do with the appointment or asking to go to just one appointment, the omega claims he’s getting a headache and prompts switches subjects.
Denki claims that the appointments from now on will only last five minutes at tops — it’d be more of a hassle than anything. Katsuki hates it, he wants to be there, to hear their pup’s heartbeat, but he doesn’t want to add stress to Denki so he stays home.
The alpha swallows the ugly feeling that sits in his chest, threatening to come out anytime Denki brushing off something he asks considering the pup. Denki has always been an amazing partner, so it must just be the pregnancy hormones. Kats instead decides to go focus on his daughter’s room — it’s the place she’ll spend the most time so it needs to be perfect.
He divides the wall, painting the lower half a terracotta orange while leaving the upper half an off-white. They picked white furnishings: crib, dresser, changing table, rocking chair and around the room had a few natural wood accents such as the photo frames and wall shelves. This room will grow with her and he can’t help but tear up at the thought.
He folds her burp bibs, sheets and swaddles even trying to match the tiny little socks before just tossing them in a drawer. He hangs up her onesies, dresses, footed pajamas and sleep sacs. Katsuki attempts to fold her white onesies but they are teeny compared to his massive hands.
He even adds a name sign on the door — Yuika: dream come true. That’s what she truly is, a dream come true for Katsuki and he has so much love for her that it spills out in tears. Denki always just shakes his head, but putting a name to the pup he talks to, feels kick, it makes it all feel surreal.
Katsuki plans to be ready for when Denki goes into labor. He has bags packed for him, Denki and Yuika. The car seat is properly installed in their car with the window shades and mirror for the headrest to see her from the rear view mirror. He’s even gone as far as to run drills to make sure he can get himself and Denki to the car effectively for the big day.
All that planning fails the alpha when Denki wakes him up at 3am saying it’s time. Katsuki trips getting out of bed, puts his shirt on backwards and has two different tennis shoes on. But they do manage to get to the hospital unscathed which is a miracle with the way Katsuki was driving.
The maternity ward has scent neutralizer constantly pumping through the air vents — it helps keep things safer for the in labor omegas and their pups. Somehow this helps calm Katsuki’s nerves as he holds Denki’s hand through it all.
Nearly 18 hours later, Yuika is born. She has ten fingers and ten toes with a head of beautiful black hair. Katsuki assumes it’s from Denki’s side since the omega has a black stripe through his own hair and his sire has solid black hair. Like many newborns her eye color isn’t set in stone, but Katsuki hopes she gets the same citrine eyes as her dam.
The scent neutralizer is cut off to their room. After delivery, the room is to be filled only with the parents' scents; pups instinctively recognise their parents' pheromones marking them a safe person. Everyone else who enters the room, regardless of relation, has to wear scent patches — Katsuki is more than on board with this as he doesn’t want Yuika bombarded with too many scents.
Denki holds her the entire first day, rarely letting her go. He doesn’t even put her in the incubator for naps after breastfeeding, opting to just do contact naps. Katsuki tries not to let it bother him, but it feels off. They are partners and yet it feels that Denki doesn’t trust him to hold their daughter. He doesn’t feel like he’s asking for all that much, just a few moments with her in his arms, but Denki continuously waves him off.
The next day however when Denki is taking a much desired shower, Katsuki gets to hold the bundle of joy. All he’s thought about for the last several months has been her — holding her, comforting her, feeding her, loving her. It’s like a crescendo of emotions as he reaches out, gently picking her up and cradling her into his chest. But the high pitch scream she lets out causes all those emotions to just stop.
He’s worried that maybe he woke her up so he starts making the shushing noises, bouncing slightly, and rocking her; all the things the books mentioned but they don’t work. He holds her higher, closer to his scent glands, wondering if maybe he hasn’t been letting out enough of his pheromones, but that seems to worsen things. Thankfully a nurse pops in, giving him a hopeful smile before saying she might just need to be changed.
Later that night he brings it up to Denki, voicing his worries and asking if any of the expecting omega books said anything about it. The omega simply brushes him off, telling him that it was probably because he wasn’t around and she’s just more used to his scent. Katsuki lays away that night, his partner’s words did nothing to ease his anxiety, but maybe tomorrow would fare better.
It doesn’t.
Yuika cries and screams and refuses to relax any time Katsuki holds her or even tries to pick her up. It’s like a knife in his chest that gets twisted each time she fully calms down the second Denki touches her. Why was she rejecting him? Was it him? Did she just not feel safe around him at all?
When the doctor comes for a visit to tell Denki they want him to stay an extra day, Katsuki tries to get an answer from the doctor. He tries to reassure Katsuki that while it’s not exactly common, it’s not uncommon for pups to struggle to adjust to their sire’s scent — especially in cases where the parents aren’t bonded. Bonded couples have a blended scent whereas he and Denki have two very different ones.
Katsuki might’ve believed him if it hadn’t been for the purple-haired nurse whose facial expression showed she didn’t really think that. He follows her out into the hallway and practically begs to know her opinion, saying that he just wants answers to why his daughter rejects him.
He can tell she’s uncomfortable but she relents, explaining that a pup’s reaction is usually only /that/ intense if the alpha present isn’t their biological sire. In cases where a pup fails to adjust are typically more when the sire is a prime or the pup is being adopted. That’s why when adoption is chosen by the omega or female beta, the adoptive parents come around and scent the expectant individual in hopes it alleviates some of the initial scent rejection.
Katsuki doesn’t believe her. Denki isn’t like that. Denki wouldn’t cheat on him. Denki loves him and they are a team. Sure the last several months have felt different than the past three years but hormones can be a bitch so the alpha didn’t take it personally. He then remembers when he brought to Denki’s attention he seems to have gone into labor earlier than it was projected in Kats’ planner, Denki said she was a little premature. Maybe that’s why she’s rejecting him? Though the doctor not mentioning it is a bit weird.
It’s the same the next day too, Yuika screams whenever he holds her so he doesn’t. It breaks his heart to not be able to hold his little girl, but he only wants her to feel safe and happy. So he just does things that help Denki such as making a hundred trips out of the room to refill his water cup, feeding the omega as he holds their princess, and making sure to call a nurse if Yuika needs something when Denki is asleep.
He’s worried more now about taking her home than he was before — their home was heavily filled with his scent. What if his baby girl didn’t feel safe in her own home? He had spent the most time in her nursery, what if she couldn’t rest there? Denki tells him that babies cry and she’ll eventually be fine over time and maybe that’s true, but the alpha is panicking.
The morning of discharge day has Katsuki even more anxious. He practiced getting to the hospital not getting home; over the last few days they had accumulated more things than originally brought. The alpha wanted help getting both Denki and Yuika home, but his parents and in-laws were busy and so were his friends. The omega quickly told him that he had it handled, he would just ask Eijiro.
Now it isn’t that Katsuki doesn’t like Eijiro, the red headed alpha has never done anything to warrant Kats hatred or anything like that. It is more about the way his in-laws turn up their noses when the alpha is mentioned that makes him weary. Denki on the other hand constantly sings his praises, the two were apparently friends in school before his parents sent him off to boarding school.
After discreetly asking around, he learned that Eijiro is the illegitimate grandson of Kirishima Kenji, one of the biggest names in the tech industry. One of his sons decided to keep a mistress and Eijiro is the result, but to keep things mostly under wraps, Kenji moved him and his mother to the family compound.
Kenji even allowed Eijiro to be given their family name rather than whatever his mother’s was and he attended nice academies but not the same as the other grandchildren. Eijiro had been allowed the same lifestyle of Kenji’s biological grandchildren, but the imbalance in status still remained.
Katsuki has met this man a total of three times: engagement announcement party, wedding, and then at the party to celebrate their one year anniversary. All three times Eijiro had drunk quite a bit, but Katsuki couldn’t blame him, the parties were an awful bore. Though he didn’t see Eijiro at their pregnancy announcement party or the other myriad of parties their families threw, so he isn’t sure why the alpha would come up to the hospital.
Surely enough, when he is taking some of Denki’s stuff to the car he sees Eijiro walking into the hospital. Katsuki shrugs it off, maybe the redhead just really hated going to parties and avoided them or hell, maybe Kats just never saw him. He bounces in the elevator, Eijiro will be their first visitor outside of immediate family and he wants to make sure he’s there when Yuika meets him. Yeah he’ll be wearing scent patches, but if she really is super sensitive to scents, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.
He stops in the doorway when he realizes there’s no crying coming out of Denki’s room despite knowing the omega was in the bathroom changing. When Katsuki looks into the room he sees his daughter happy and content in the stranger’s arms, much like she is in Denki’s. He can pick up on the redhead’s pheromones, assuming he didn’t have patches on and that still isn’t a problem with the young pup.
Then he watches Denki come out of the bathroom, smiling as he leans into Eijiro’s side and the air in his lungs is knocked out. He watches as the two share a look, but not just any look, but /the/ look. The kind you give the person you love with all your heart, the one that’s soft and gentle and anyone who sees it can tell your soulmates. He knows that look because his mom snapped a picture of the two together as teenagers and teased him over the soft expression on his face.
To anyone the two would look like a picture perfect family which fucking hurts because suddenly that makes Katsuki the odd man out.
Midoriya Izuku loves his job. He has always wanted to help people and working as a nurse allows him just that. Being a labor and delivery nurse is just the icing on the cake — being able to help bring pups into the world and help betas and omegas is the best thing. There’s so many emotions that rush through those who have given birth and it’s crucial to have someone that can understand you, that’s where Izuku thrives.
One omega felt like a horrible dam for not breastfeeding her pup, feeling like she was letting her son down. She said that all the mommy blogs said if you formula feed or even pump and use a bottle that you’re selfish, don’t deserve to be a parent, don’t love your kid, and are lazy. She was spiraling on top of all of the postpartum emotions and it broke Izuku’s heart. So he pointed out all the great things she’s done to prove she did love her pup: she made sure he was fed, she held him and soothed him. The biggest sign was that she was worried about being a good parent because bad parents don’t worry about that. The omega thanked him profusely.
One beta had made the choice to put her little girl up for adoption and despite having made it, she was upset. It was a hard decision for anyone to make, it took a lot of strength which Izuku gently reminded her of. He held her hand, releasing a calming scent to surround her in hopes to help her. She asked him if she was selfish for not wanting to keep her baby, saying she just wasn’t ready, but he squashed those thoughts telling her how selfless she was. He then got to introduce the adoptive parents to her who thanked her tremendously. Before the beta left, she made sure to tell him that he had really helped her and the couple said she was always welcome to go and visit.
Some days are harder than others and he’s there for those who don’t leave with the baby they planned to take home. Izuku knows he can’t take that pain away, if he could he would in a heartbeat. He makes little momentos using the baby’s handprint and footprint, sometimes with a photograph of the parents holding the baby if they want. He also uses the blankets they were wrapped in to make teddy bears to send home with the grieving parents. It’s not much, but it’s all he can do to help bring them some comfort. He doesn’t always get a happy thank you like in other cases, but that’s fine; just knowing that one day they’ll be able to see those momentos and smile a little is enough for him.
While he’s used to dealing with dams, he has offered help and comfort to sires as well. He’s there to help show them how to change diapers and not be afraid of changing their outfits — little baby fingers and toes seem to terrify alphas. He helps show them how to hold their heads properly and check footed clothing for strands of hair to prevent it from wrapping around little toes. He watches amusingly at first time and even seasoned sires fret over swaddling and putting little hats on the pups. Smirking at the proud looks on their faces when they excitedly show off their sons and daughters to visitors for the first time.
The last three days he had used personal time and was eager to get back to work as much as he loves being at home. He expects the usual when he gets back, his coworkers catching him up on who is in labor and who has given birth, basically giving him the rundown for the upcoming shift. He doesn’t expect to hear hushed whispers of a scandal with a pup not taking to their sire. Izuku doesn’t care to engage in gossip especially at work, but this really bothers him.
It can be harmful to a pup who is constantly around pheromones that stress them out leading to lack of eating, trouble sleeping and more. He is only half listening and at first wonders if maybe it’s an alpha stepping up to be a sire, it happens and could be why the pup is rejecting them. At least that’s what he wants to believe because the alternative, the possibility of it having been infidelity fills the greenette with rage. Truly someone could not be /that/ stupid to think wishful thinking will override instincts! The nerve!
He’s walking away from the nurse’s station, getting ready to start checking on patients discharging when a blur of blonde passes by. The blonde doesn’t get too far before he falls to his knees as he gasps for air, sobs wrecking his chest. Izuku drops down in front of the man, releasing his soothing scent before taking his handkerchief and wiping the alpha’s cheeks. The omega is unsure why he does that exactly, it’s something he’s only ever done for Kumi and surely not something you do for a strange alpha you just met.
“I…but he…not mine…”
Izuku instantly puts it all together. He’s the alpha his coworkers have been talking about, the alpha who’s little one isn’t taking to his scent and the omega’s heart breaks. He’s seen it happen before, an affair exposed by a pup’s rejection — had to call security for it and everything but usually the wronged alpha is angry. The alpha will yell and scream, storm out, maybe have tears in their eyes, but nothing like this. Most times there’s some sort of inkling that there’s an affair going on, but the blonde seems to have been completely blindsided.
The omega helps the alpha up and into a nearby chair, trying to comfort him but what could he say?
It will be okay.
Izuku hates that phrase because he can’t say that confidently.
Things will work out.
Izuku cannot promise that.
Everything happens for a reason.
Izuku wants to gag every time he hears that being told to people.
“I appreciate you not wanting to bullshit me.” Katsuki lets out something of a laugh while sniffling.
Izuku turns pink, he thought he’s been getting better about mumbling. But despite his embarrassment he’s glad he got the alpha to laugh a bit.
“There you are, Midoriya! I got worried when you didn’t answer a page!” The same purple-haired nurse from before says.
“I’m sorry! I got distracted.” The omega tilts his head to the side and gives her a blinding smile.
“It’s my fault.” Katsuki adds, for some reason he feels the need to protect the small omega, “I was upset and he made me laugh.”
The nurse recognizes the alpha immediately — not just from having spoken to him previously but because she was just in his omega’s room and witnessed probably what had upset him. Some redhead alpha holding a very calm pup, a pup that up until now he believed to be his. “That’s Midoriya’s quirk!”
The greenette snaps his head at her, with a very motherly ‘stop it’ look but Katsuki beats him to it.
“Yeah, it’s like a superpower. It’s from Izuku’s favorite kid’s show!”
“Kid’s show? I’ll have you know that All-Might’s Mighty Adventures is a very popular classic TV series! Kid’s show? Hah, just because it’s animated doesn’t make it for children.” Izuku continues to defend the show, leaving a smirk on the nurse’s face and a faint blush on the alpha’s — the omega misses both of them.
Kaminari Denki had been told what to do and when to do it since he can remember, though he’s pretty positive it’s been like that since he was born. It probably went back further to when he was conceived, he’s certain his dad demanded he be a male and his mother willed him to be an omega. Though with the chill in his parents’ marriage, maybe he was a designer embryo grown in a lab.
Being born in a wealthy family has its upsides, but also most definitely its downsides. Especially when it’s a family that’s not secure it’s in holdings — you see the Kaminari family is what one would call ‘new money’ and it only dates back to Denki’s grandfather. His grandfather got lucky with a few investments when Denki was three and having a friend owe him a favor ended up with his grandfather rubbing elbows with Bakugo Mamoru (Mitsuki’s father). That allowed the Kaminari's introduction to other more prominent families like the Todoroki’s (hotels), Kirishima’s (tech) and Yagi’s (entertainment) who are what’s called ‘old money���.
When Denki presented at five, his parents had been so thrilled — male omegas still hold a lot of value in the upper class and are sought after. Some more traditional wealthy families prefer having alpha/alpha couples take over the company so an omega is useful for producing heirs and quelling ruts. Denki’s parents want more, more wealth, more fame, more status, so using their son to “marry up” was just par for the course.
When he was seven he was sent to a decent private academy and that’s where he met Kirishima Eijiro — a shy alpha who transferred in mid school year. His seat was placed right next to Denki and it was love at first sight for the omega. Every chance he got he would try to get to know the alpha more, break through his shell and then finally right before the school year was over Eijiro smiled at him. The two became inseparable, so much so that Denki once screamed until Eijiro was allowed to have his seat moved to be next to his.
At first his parents were pleased, Kirishima is a very well known name, but then they heard the hushed whispers of Eijiro not really being a Kirishima. It didn’t matter that for the first time in his life Denki had a friend, that he smiled more now and that being around the alpha helped the omega do better in classes. No, their child’s happiness didn’t matter, what mattered was their own selfishness in knowing a bastard son-in-law would do nothing for them.
So when Denki was sent away to boarding school without getting to say much of a goodbye to Eijiro before going. When his parents called him home for a stupid party, he had a little hope that Eijiro would be there, his family is one that would make an appearance. He looked and looked, but he wasn’t there. That was the night that he caught another alpha’s eye, one that his parents were all too thrilled about. Denki thought he stunk — his spicy cinnamon clove scent hit his nose funny, not like the sandalwood scent Eijiro had.
But once again, Denki was told what to do and when to do it when Bakugo Mamoru reached out to his grandfather about his grandson, Katsuki’s interest in Denki. He tried to protest, claiming that he already had an alpha, but his mother simply laughed at him and his father grabbed his face hard, nearly using an Alpha Command on him. Tears blurred his eyes as he nodded that he understood Bakugo Katsuki would be the only alpha for him and that he was never allowed to mention Eijiro again.
There was nothing wrong with Katsuki. In fact if he had never met Eijiro, Denki was sure he could’ve fallen in love with him, but he did. He did meet Eijiro and no other alpha compared. It wasn’t Katsuki’s fault nor was it his; when money is involved, feelings really don't matter. It had been during one of their chaperoned dates that by chance Eijiro walked into the same restaurant and his eyes locked on Denki’s. The omega had wanted to plead with him, but he gave him an expression that said ‘oh I understand’ and Denki cried so hard Katsuki thought he overstepped by not wearing scent patches and took him home with an apology.
When he was 16, his mother forced him to accept the blonde’s courtship offer and his fate was sealed. When he got home later that night, he realized that his nest had been completely ransacked. His baby blanket was gone, his favorite fuzzy blanket that he got when he first presented and his plushie.
The plushie had been hidden in the corner of his nest that Eijiro had gifted him before they changed schools. It had long lost the alpha’s scent but it brought him comfort — he was careful to keep it from his parents, but clearly not careful enough. His parents had also completely replaced the nesting mattress and base, saying something about him needing a proper nest now that he was a taken omega. Denki hated it because the new nest wasn’t comforting to him, it felt stiff and sterile and all he had was the blanket and shirt from Katsuki to fill it.
The day after he turned twenty, their engagement was announced and Denki fell apart when he caught the scent of sandalwood among the guests. He saw red eyes, ones that were slightly similar to Katsuki’s but not the same at all, and they were filled with anguish. His black hair is now a bright red and he seemed to be on his grandfather’s heels. Denki ended up at the bar toward the end of the party, watching how happy Katsuki acted as he chatted with his friends when Eijiro sat a few seats down. Denki sent a drink his way, an apricot fizz (please look my way) while EIjiro sent him back an old fashioned (I’ll go my way).
Denki felt like a zombie on the day of his wedding. His mother made him go through what she called a ‘professional omega cleanse’ — he was stripped down and every part of his body, inside and out, was scrubbed, hard. He was then humiliated by having to go through a ‘virginity exam’, something that no one but his own family pushed for. Apparently his parents were taking pride in what a perfect specimen their omega son was. Everyone cooed at the tears that ran down his eyes up at the altar, thinking the omega was overjoyed, but instead it was because he saw an emotionless expression on Eijiro’s face right after he said ‘I do’.
The omega tried. He really did, but Bakugo Katsuki would never be the alpha he held dear in his heart. The alpha really was the perfect mate and he would be…for someone else. He had hoped he’d get pregnant the first year, his heats were more miserable with Katsuki than without him, but he was used to not getting what he wanted from life. After a year he had enough and brought up spending their mating cycles apart. He could see Katsuki’s hesitation but most of Denki’s life was spent doing things he didn’t want so surely Kats could make this sacrifice for him. And he did. In fact Denki learned that Katsuki would bow to anything and everything the omega asked of him.
Denki had been married for three years when he finally saw Eijiro again — both leaving the same heat/rut clinic. Something about knowing Eijiro wasn’t sharing his ruts with another made the omega feel warm inside. He asked the alpha to a nearby cafe and that’s how it all began. Eijiro was still the puppy-dog that he had always been and apparently showed his grandfather he had more potential than his other grandsons. It was innocent, the alpha respecting the fact Denki was bound to another…all until Denki lied.
Telling Eijiro that Katsuki was more focused on work than him, that he was disgusted by the omega’s heat and he’d overheard the blonde saying their relationship was just transactional. He told him that Katsuki turned down a mating claim when in fact it was Denki’s parents that had — since a mating claim can only be broken upon death, they felt withholding it gave them an upper hand to potentially control the Bakugos (it did not). Eijiro had been livid and easily fell into the omega’s trap: so Denki would simply tell Katsuki he was heading to the clinic and instead go to the nearby hotel where Eijiro was waiting for him.
The omega was on cloud nine, his parents left him alone and he got the alpha he wanted. Eijiro doted on him, worshiped him and wholeheartedly loved him, he wanted for nothing when the alpha was around. But it was short-lived when Eijiro tried to end things, saying that it was wrong and he couldn’t stand the person who looked back at him in the mirror. So Denki lied, claiming Katsuki had a side piece, and some other things that got Eijiro to spend one more heat with him. But before he could try to figure out how to prolong his affair, he missed a cycle and a cheap plastic test told him he was royally fucked.
Six weeks. He was six weeks pregnant and it would be very apparent it wasn’t his husband’s. So the night of their fourth anniversary, after his mother-in-law’s comment about his appetite and his ‘pre-heat’ rebuttal led to him sleeping with his husband. It’s uncommon for an alpha/omega couple to get pregnant out of heat/rut periods but thankfully for Denki, his actions triggered Katsuki’s rut. But maintaining the lie wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. Katsuki, who was already a doting alpha, somehow became even more doting and wonderful, making it hard for Denki to really figure things out.
Katsuki wanted to attend the appointments, but they would say the gestation week and it wouldn’t line up with the timeline Katsuki had mapped out in his planner. At first he could use the alpha’s meetings as reasons he had to go alone, but that didn’t last long because he just asked Mitsuki to cover him. He wanted to see ultrasounds so Denki lied and said there was a power outage so the dates were wrong when the system rebooted. The hardest was hearing Kats going on and on about the anatomy scan, mainly because he already had it so he said he picked a random appointment and came home playing it off as he just now knew they were having a girl. The further along he got, the more attentive Katsuki got, the more annoyed Denki got — after all he wanted his pup’s sire to be doing these things, not Katsuki.
Denki really had thought that because Katsuki spent so much time around him, Yuika would accept him as her sire. Why couldn’t he get anything he wanted? He tried to play it off as normal behavior but his own instincts were going haywire by not having Eijiro around, by some other alpha touching Eijiro’s pup. Each time Yuika screamed, he wanted to shake her until she stopped and would listen. HE had always behaved. HE always did as he was told. HE always listened. HE never disobeyed. Why couldn’t SHE?! Suggesting Eijiro to be the one to come was his last stitch effort in getting her to just calm down for a second. But the moment he saw her relax in the redhead’s arms and Ei looked down at him with pure adoration, he knew that everything was ruined.
Katsuki waited a week to confront Denki, mainly because he had enough self respect to not make an ass out of himself in front of the plethora of visitors they had. He had called Mitsuki to watch Yuika as he talked to Denki, who thankfully didn’t try to lie about things. He stood there as the omega confessed, telling him the various lies Eijiro had been told and then he dropped to his knees in front of Katsuki. He begged the alpha not to leave him, that his parents would kill him if they ever found out and even offered up his mating claim to the alpha. He used the alpha’s love for Yuika to try to persuade him to stay.
As he looked at the omega he could no longer see the one he fell in love with, the one he wanted more than anything to spend forever with. But had Denki ever been that man or had it been rose colored glasses? He was disgusted he tried to use Yuika as a bargaining chip and it was because of the alpha’s love for her that he had to leave. The once fond memories were now tainted and he can’t promise that he won’t grow to resent her if he stays — maybe that’s selfish of him but he’d rather not know her than to end up hurting her.
He also cannot forgive Denki, he’s upset he cheated, but what really hurts was that the omega never talked to him. If he would’ve just told Katsuki about his feelings, about not being interested in him, he’d have helped out. It made his blood boil that the Kaminari’s had used their own son the way they had, but Denki made his choices on his own. He would’ve talked to his parents and ended the courtship where /he/ looked like the ‘bad guy’ rather than Denki and helped him any way that he could. The omega chose not to do that. He chose to lie, cheat, and manipulate and that bell couldn’t be unrang.
Katsuki left the apartment the next day, taking his clothes and personal items, leaving everything else to Denki. His in-laws tried manipulating him into staying with their son but his grandfather shut that down immediately and the divorce was swift and easy for the blonde alpha. By chance (read: he essentially stalked the hospital) he ran into Izuku a few months after the confrontation. He wasn’t sure why he felt such a pull to the nurse, but just the short conversations they shared had him feeling like a child with a puppy dog crush. A few weeks of ‘random’ run-ins and he finally asked the nurse for dinner.
- -
Izuku couldn’t help but like the attention from the blonde alpha, however it also felt wrong. Izuku’s fingertips gently grazed the scar on his mating claim as he watched his four year old, Kumi, coloring. If he hadn’t given birth himself, he’d be convinced his mate had done so. Kumi had his sire’s dark brown hair and heliodor-colored eyes, he’s so much like Kai that sometimes it hurts. All he has of Izuku is a handful of freckles dusting his nose.
Izuku met Chisaki Kai at work which didn’t surprise anyone, the omega basically lived there. Kai was a pediatric oncologist and they met in the cafeteria — both reached for the same last packaged melon pan. After both tried to pull the ‘no you’, the doctor relented taking it, but when he passed Izuku’s table he slipped it on the nurse’s tray. That singular event triggered a whirlwind romance that resulted in a mating claim ten months later. If you ask anyone in the hospital, they couldn’t name a couple that seemed more perfect.
There was no denying that Kai only had eyes for Izuku, the alpha was absolutely whipped for the tiny omega. The doctor always wore a black face mask, but the smiles on his face when Izuku was around or even mentioned were obvious. He doted on the greenette, always making sure he didn’t work too hard, making sure he took breaks when he needed and somehow all the alpha’s breaks ended up with him on the maternity floor. Everyone thought the two couldn’t get anymore disgustingly in love with each other, but then Izuku found out he was expecting. If Kai was over the top before, he was five times that during the pregnancy.
He just happened to be on the maternity floor nearly every hour to make sure the omega wasn’t overdoing it and that he was drinking his water. If he couldn’t, he’d page one of the OB-GYN to check in with his mate. At home, the alpha wouldn’t let Izuku lift a finger, constantly doting on Izuku and the pup; he even tried to carry him to the bathroom though the greenette put his foot down and said no. Kai attended every appointment, fulfilled every craving and talked to the baby daily. Izuku struggled to believe he deserved such a great alpha, but Kai was there to kiss away each negative thought and reassure him every time he needed it. Kai cried the day Kumi was born, thanking Izuku repeatedly for giving him an amazing life, mate and pup.
Things were perfect.
Until they weren’t.
Shortly after Kumi’s first birthday, Kai lost a patient — a little girl named Eri and he took it harder than most cases. He told Izuku he just wanted to go out for a night drive, something he would do after a bad day, so he kissed his omega and pup goodnight saying he’d be home soon. Izuku got a call from the hospital three hours later, telling him there’d be an accident. Truck ran a red light and crashed into Kai’s car, there was nothing they could do. For weeks Kumi cried for his “dada” but Izuku couldn’t give him the one thing he wanted and if it wasn’t for his mother, he’d have fallen completely apart.
It took eight months before he could go back to the hospital, thankfully he was able to take extended leave to be with Kumi and properly grieve. He smiled and was there for his patients but he wasn’t the same, nobody expected him to be. The first anniversary of Kai’s passing the omega was inconsolable, sobbing so hard he threw up and he couldn’t even look at Kumi for two days. Izuku felt like maybe Kumi looking exactly like Kai was his punishment for taking an alpha like Kai and keeping him all for himself, he was just a male omega born to a single dam after all. Nothing special.
For his third birthday Kumi asked for a superhero party and Izuku assumed it was because the two often watched All Might’s Mighty Adventures. Then one night Kumi surprised him by saying he wanted the superhero decorations that looked like his daddy and the omega sobbed for hours after his pup went to bed. Kumi then became a wonderful reminder of Kai’s love and compassion and Izuku felt like things were really working out for him. Then a blonde alpha showed up and threw his world upside down.
Izuku couldn’t deny the way he felt about Katsuki or the pull he felt toward the alpha. He didn’t just have himself to think of, but Kumi and then there was everything that happened with the omega in the hospital. Then there was his mating claim scar; typically when bonds break the mark fades within a year, but he and Kai had constantly marked each other, practically engraving their love on the other’s skin. A doctor told Izuku that it was rare, but it could happen when a pair repeatedly bite over the claim and that some old stories say it’s a sign of an undying love. Izuku wasn’t so sure another alpha would be okay with that kind of reminded of a past mate.
- -
Three Years Later
Eijiro’s exhausted, long hours in an office building isn’t what the alpha thought his life would be. When his grandfather found out about Denki and Yuika, he saw a whole different side of the man — he slapped Eijiro across the face and screamed at him. He told him that he was no better than his mother, just another mistress whore and a worthless alpha. Kenji had hoped Eijiro wouldn’t disappoint him, it’s why despite his illigitmacy he wanted Ei to take on one of their companies. Instead he got demoted to being a basic paper pusher, further darkening the black smudge that he was on the family’s name.
Kenji met with Kazuki (Denki’s grandfather) and Mamoru (Katsuki’s grandfather) to hope to smooth things over and make sure further endeavors weren’t tainted. Kazuki apologized for his family’s behavior, he had been in the dark about the whole thing and was willing to accept whatever the others decided, even if it was severing business ties. Mamoru said he wanted a clean divorce for Katsuki, they wouldn’t slander the Kaminari name in the press saying it was all due to irreconcilable differences and wouldn’t speak on the matter. Despite the clear evidence the blonde alpha wasn’t the sire, they would do a DNA test just to cover all the bases and protect Katsuki and the pup.
Kenji said that Denki and Eijiro would mate, not just marry and that it was non-negotiable. He wouldn’t allow Eijiro to further ruin the Kirishima name or have Denki embarrass his grandson by going around saying whatever to whichever alpha would listen. Kazuki agreed, the bond would be more as a punishment than a reward for their behavior, the two wanted to be together so badly, they would now spend the rest of their lives together. Eijiro would still be allowed a job within the family company to support the omega and pup, but he wouldn’t be in the limelight or seen at any events. That also meant that Denki wouldn’t be seen out either, he would be allowed to visit the family compounds but nowhere else.
The red-headed alpha drags his feet to go home, nothing’s been the same since that day at the hospital. When Denki told him he was pregnant, he never said anything about her being his, so he distanced himself. He didn’t attend any parties or anything affiliated with the Bakugo family. He was already struggling to live with himself being no better than his own parents, but when Denki texted he needed help getting home with the pup he felt the urge to help. Eijiro knew the second he saw that little girl that she was his daughter and when Denki leaned against him, he saw a life he always wanted. Then the truth came out: the omega lied to him, repeatedly.
Katsuki wasn’t a monster at all. He wasn’t more focused on work, he returned home early every day. He wasn’t disgusted by Denki’s heat, he was respecting what the omega asked him. He never called their relationship transactional, he was head over heels in love with him. He never denied a mating claim, Denki’s parents were withholding it. Katsuki never had a mistress, he spent all his time working to provide for his family or doting on Denki. Eijiro didn’t recognize Denki after he untangled all the lies, he surely wasn’t the omega he fell in love with all those years ago. And now…now he’s stuck with him.
- -
Denki finally has everything he had wanted, mated to Eijiro and had his pup, but it’s nothing like he thought it would be. Eijiro doesn’t bother to look at him and if he has to, he just gets a neutral unreadable expression. The only time he sees pieces of the alpha he loves is when Yuika is around or involved, she gets all the love and attention Denki wanted from the alpha and he /hates/ her for it. Once they left the hospital, he refused to do anything with her, demanding a wet nurse, night nurse, nanny, any and everyone that worked with pups to be hired to handle her. When his parents got wind of this, they berated him and Kenji allowed for Eijiro to have leave to bond with the pup.
The omega tries to entice Eijiro, flaunting his pheromones especially pre-heat ones, but to no avail. At first, Eijiro simply ignored Denki, then he began leaving boxes of scent patches around before telling the blonde to spend his heat in a clinic if he needed to. That only further upset Denki who tried to lock himself in their room for attention but got nothing from the alpha. Instead Eijiro moved into one of the spare rooms and continued on with life.
Denki watches as Eijiro comes into their apartment, face unreadable until Yuika rushes to him and the alpha lights up. He rolls his eyes as she asks about his day, excitedly telling him about hers and how her nanny made her lunch just like he does. The omega watches as Eijiro relives the nanny as he takes over childcare for the evening — playing games with her, making her dinner, giving her a bath, reading her a book before tucking her in. Denki watches as Eijiro walks out of her room and back into the main area of the house, it’s as though he doesn’t exist as the alpha moves around him.
“So you’re just not gonna speak?” He spits at his /mate/.
“You’d just lie anyways.”
The omega pushes himself off the couch and slams the front door behind him. He doesn’t give a fuck anymore that he’s supposed to stay out of sight, not cause anymore issues, he cannot stand being trapped in that suffocating house anymore. He misses the way things were with Katsuki — how HE was always first to the blonde alpha, HE was the one that loved and HE was the one that got all the attention. HE deserves those things, to be the one doted on and cared for, HE did everything he was told to so why was he being punished?
He’s turning a corner, heading towards some cafe when he freezes, hearing that all familiar husky voice. Denki realizes how awful he looks: dark bags under his eyes, oily hair, he’s exhausted and simply looks a mess. At first glance he probably looks like a tired parent, but it’s due to being mated to an alpha that he doesn’t have a solid bond with. But maybe his looks won’t matter, Katsuki has loved him pretty much his whole life, so he’ll see through such a trivial thing. He looks at his reflection in a shop window, fiddling with his hair and smoothing his shirt. Denki feels something for the first time since he was forced to mate Eijiro and excitedly walks towards the blonde alpha.
The omega’s face completely drops when he takes in the sight of Katsuki with a pup much older than Yuika on his shoulders. What really sours his mood is seeing the alpha walking next to a basic looking pregnant omega. How could Katsuki just replace him like that? Sure he wanted out, yeah he wanted to be with Eijiro, but Katsuki never showed interest in anyone else. He had even told Denki that, that no other omega had or would ever catch his eye, so Katsuki is just a liar! Not to mention he clearly lost any standards by being with someone that was no more than damaged goods with a pup.
That could’ve been him. Instead he’s stuck with Eijiro and Yuika, two people that make his life miserable. Two people that have done nothing but ruin his life and take away everything that he worked for. He hates them. He hates them. He hates them. He sees Katsuki laughing at something the pup said, smiling lovingly at that whore of an omega and Denki feels sick.
- -
Katsuki never thought he’d fall in love with another omega. His whole life was Denki Denki Denki. Then he met Izuku. Waiting an appropriate time to approach the omega had been difficult because he was ready right then, that moment he left Denki, he was ready. But that wouldn’t be fair to Izuku especially since he knew the story, it would make the greenette feel like a rebound — he could not have that.
Izuku had been upfront and completely honest with Katsuki. On the first date he told the alpha that he had a late husband, a pup, and a mating scar. He told him that if any of that bothered Katsuki, there’d be no hard feelings between them. With such kindness in his eyes, he bluntly told Kats that he didn’t want to waste either one of their time. The blonde wanted to say he loved him right there in that moment, but he settled for simply nodding; his honesty was refreshing after everything.
It took six months for him to meet Kumi and despite not being a newborn, Kats was worried he’d reject his scent. To both his and Izuku’s surprise, within an hour of their first meeting Kumi blatantly told them the alpha’s scent was comforting. At first Katsuki was worried that with Kumi, he’d be living in Kai’s shadow — he never wanted to replace his sire, just be another alpha figure he could look up to. He just wanted to add to those the pup felt safe around. A year in, while he was tucking Kumi into bed, the pup looked up and said “did you know my Daddy was a superhero? Pretty cool huh?” Without skipping a beat, the alpha said that was amazing and retold a story Izuku told him, smiling as Kumi’s eyes sparkled.
Nearly two years into their relationship, Kumi called Kats ‘papa’ in passing; he never noticed the large loop he had thrown the couple into. Izuku immediately felt horrible, that he selfishly moved too fast and now his son was forgetting his sire; something that the omega swore he never would let happen. Katsuki panicked, worried he overstepped, worried he somehow messed up. Then the pup asked, “hey Papa, did Ma ever tell you about the time Daddy…”
Katsuki is nervous. Like to the point it feels like his stomach is turning inside out and he’s gonna puke. Technically he’s been in this exact position before, standing next to an omega giving birth, but this time it’s different. This time the love between them is mutual, everything he does is appreciated, and it’s so clear what was missing in his past relationship.
The nurses pass the tiny little pup back to Izuku who coos preciously before telling Kumi to look at his baby sibling. Kumi has a huge smile on his face, excited to finally meet them. Discreetly (read: not discreet at all) Katsuki sniffs himself, worried that the pup will reject his scent just like Yuika did. Izuku reassured him that won’t happen, never taking offense at the alpha’s worry, but he couldn’t help it. Time hasn’t fully healed that wound — he had even gone as far as having Izuku heavily scent him before they came to the hospital.
The tiny bundle is offered to Katsuki who gently takes them. His hands are sweaty as he pulls the swaddled pup into his chest, heart nearly beating out of his chest. He closes his eyes and waits. He waits for the babe to start screaming, to become uncomfortable and search for a different scent, just like Yuika had done. He braces himself, tears pooling in his eyes as any moment now the pup will wake unsettled.
That never comes.
When he opens his eyes, he sees a peacefully sleeping pup in his arms. No screaming. No fussing. No fear. Tempting fate, he pulls the baby up closer to his chest, letting out just a bit more of his pheromones knowing things will drastically change. They don’t. Instead the pup wiggles to get a bit more comfortable before relaxing into Katsuki’s hold and the alpha loses it. He starts crying, unable to stop the waterworks as Izuku tries to comfort him. Kumi very proudly states that he told his Papa he wouldn’t stink to the new baby and Mitsuki finds herself holding back laughs as she records the entire scene.
It took time, as with all things, but Katsuki’s heart completely healed — thanks to a wonderful green-haired nurse, of course.
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eventinelysplayground · 3 months
This is my last pet fic for the time being, but I will do more I have so much fun with them. Thank you to @lorei-writes for the encouragement and idea for this insanity with her and @wordycheeseblob event they had. I did tweak the ending just a bit for this as it was a bit too sad for me otherwise. Yes I will be writing ones in the future that go with this since I skipped over some things I know people will be curious about but this was already very long. It also felt a bit disjointed to me but I had somebody read it and they said it was fine so hopefully it was just me and it is fine. Also I learned a bit about white tigers looking things up for this fic. Things seem to come full circle for Chérie as she is introduced to someone new. Fluffy and sad at the same time, implied deaths. WC approx 2370
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It was an unexpectedly cool night at the end of summer and Chérie sat in the kennels looking out the window at the moon, her tail twitching occasionally.
I really should sleep but I'm too excited. You'd think I would have outgrown this by now but apparently no.
Chérie turned around and looked out her kennel across the way at two empty ones. She lay down resting her head on her giant paws and let out a sigh.
What would you two think seeing me like this again? I do think I was more nervous back then though, I remember I kept you up practically all night.
Papa? Papa, you came to see me!
“I know it's late but I had something to tell you.”
Jean opened the door of Chérie's kennel and she scampered out, tripping over her own paws in her excitement.
It's okay Papa. I like being up with the moon!
Jean sat on the wooden floor and Cherie climbed into his lap.
“I have a favor to ask of you.”
What's a favor?
He needs you to do something very special for him.
Chérie took a quick glance in King's direction then looked up at Jean and tilted her head to the side.
“I need to apologize to Mitsuki for taking up so much of her time, especially tonight.”
He needs to say he's sorry!
Ah, thank you Vic!
Cherie heard Vic grumble about all the noise at an indecent hour and King chastising him, she was about to ask them what indecent meant but just then Jean began to stroke her head.
“She is…. special to me. I want to see her smile more. I think seeing you will make her smile even more radiantly than normal.”
I don't understand but I'll do anything for you Papa.
“I will come and get you in the afternoon, she will be less busy then and we will have more time…”
Jean trailed off still softly stroking Chérie on the head and she lay there content. After a while he shook his head and stopped petting her.
“You should rest Chérie, I will come and get you tomorrow, be a good girl.”
Jean put Chérie back into her kennel and she let out several little mew like sounds.
Okay Papa, goodnight I'll miss you! See you tomorrow, I can't wait!
As the door to the kennel closed behind Jean Chérie's head hung and she stared at her paws.
Well it sounds like tomorrow will be quite the big important day for you Cherie.
Do you think so?
Absolutely, what do you think Vic?I think it's time for you both to be quiet and let me go back to sleep.
King let out a chuckle as he got up stretching his limbs. Chérie had more questions but she didn't want to be rude so she stayed quiet. After a few minutes she heard an exasperated sigh.
What is it?
Chérie's big eyes blinked in surprise at Vic who was now sitting at the door of his kennel.
Well get on with it, the sooner we answer your asinine questions the sooner I get to go back to sleep.
Vic be nice, she's just a pup after all.
She is not…
Knock it off, you know what I mean.
Vic let out a huff while King shook his head at him.
What's bothering you pup?
Well, you said it will be a inorant-
Im-por-ant day tomorrow.
Well, what exactly am I supposed to do on an imorant day? And how do I make a Misui smile? What if I do it wrong and Papa gets mad at me! What if-
That's enough! Firstly it's im-por-tant, secondly her name is Mit-su-ki and lastly he is not your Papa he's your owner. How many times-
King gave Vic a look that made him slump his shoulders.
Don't worry Pup we’ll gladly HELP you and teach you everything you need to do.
Of course, now the most important thing is…
Chérie woke late in the morning her dreams and memories still filling her mind. She stretched her paws and let out a loud yawn before turning to look out the window.
Hmmm it should be close to the right time, I really should wait but….I can't help it.
Chérie went over to the door of her kennel and with a few quick nudges from her paw she heard the distinct clink of the latch opening, a trick she had learned from watching King. She stopped at the door to the outside and looked back at the same two empty kennels from last night.Wish me luck my friends.
Chérie walked slowly across the grounds, towards a very important and sunny spot filled with memories. The memory of meeting her Mama for the first time, of lazy afternoons, of playing with her friends, of being introduced to her cub and flower for the first time, getting read to, being dressed in a hat and having tea, of listening to violin and flute music carried through the window, of hearing her cub, flower and Mama would be leaving for awhile, of quiet yet sad days of just her and Papa, of when they finally returned home after five long years. So many memories over so many years and each one, even the sad ones were so very precious to her.
It does seem to be coming full circle doesn't it?
Cherie's thoughts drifted to yesterday afternoon. She had been laying in her kennel napping when she heard the door creak open.
My cub, you've come to see me!
“Hey Cherie, I'm sorry I woke you up girl.”
I don't mind, I much rather spend the time with you than sleeping anyways.
Chérie watched patiently as the young man opened the door of her kennel and sat on the floor outside it. He looked very much like their Papa, although he had Mama's eyes and smile. Cherie prodded over and sat in front of the young man who began to gently stroke her fur.
“Chérie, I want to ask you a favor.”
Anything for you my boy.
Cherie nuzzled her big head against the young man's hand.
“Late tomorrow afternoon there's somebody I want you to meet.”
“She's very special to me and I love her dearly.”
The young man let out a sigh.
“If I'm going to keep her with me I need to start being completely honest with her about what I am, what my family is.”
I see.
“I thought that meeting you first might be best before well, girls love animals after all don't they?”
The young man straightened his back and looked into Chérie's eyes.
“Can I count on you to help me Cherie? I don't want to frighten her, I don't want her to not smile at me again.”
Chérie lifted one of her giant paws and gently batted at the young man's face.
Be more confident, we will prevail. I have much experience in meeting very important people.
Chérie let out a chuckle to herself as she continued to walk towards the spot she assumed her cub would be. As she drew closer she heard voices and the faintest scent of a delightful perfume reached her nose. She paused briefly around a hedge taking in a deep breath and it reminded her again of all those years ago.
Papa did this exact same thing as well back then, he was very nervous although I doubt many would have been able to tell.
A smile crossed Chérie's face and she carefully peaked her head out around the bush. Her cub was there, talking to a young woman with blonde hair whose face she couldn't see. It took only a moment for her cub to sense her presence and he smiled at her while motioning for her to wait.
“Please, just give me a few minutes alright?”
“Five minutes.”
The young woman's voice was soft and sad. Cherie was wondering what had happened when her cub motioned for her to come forward before quickly squeezing the young woman's shoulders and walking towards Cherie. As she approached him he reached down and patted her head then turned back towards the young woman.
The young woman turned and Cherie saw her eyes go wide and mouth fall open.
“Wolf! Is that a tiger!?”
“Yes, she's our family pet. Don't worry, she's very gentle and won't bite you.”
Chérie could sense the nervousness radiating off the young woman, Colette her cub had called her, but there was also a hint of curiosity. Colette's features were soft, her eyes a vivid blue. Her nose was small, her cheeks full and her lips mirrored them both.
“Can I pet her?”
“Of course.”
Colette's hand stretched out tentatively before settling on the top of Chérie's head. After a moment she noticed a small smile creep across Colette's face.
“You're smiling again.”
Cub….what had you done
“I suppose I am.”
“Good, because we still need to talk.”
Colette's face fell and her hand that had been moving through Chérie's fur stopped at those words followed by Chérie snapping her head toward her cub.
You did not just say that! Please tell me you did not just tell a young lady that you need to talk! What in the world is wrong with you?
“Colette, you look upset again. Is it something I-”
Chérie lifted up one of her massive paws and knocked her cub squarely on the back of his knee, cutting off the rest of his sentence and almost causing him to topple over.
Don't ask asinine questions! My god, I’ve turned into Vic.
“Your tiger seems to understand.”
“Understand what?”
“Wolf, do you want to end things with me?”
“Of course not, why would you ever think that?”
Oh that look, I love you my cub but nuance is not your strong point. Looking at her I suspect she knows that too deep down.
Chérie saw Colette let out a sigh and shake her head. She began carding her fingers through Cherie's fur again before an exasperated smile formed on her face.
“She's very cute and very nice. Luckily for you I find you just as nice, and you're cuter. What did you want to talk about Wolf?”
A few weeks later when summer had changed to fall Chérie once again sat in her kennel looking out at the moon, her tail gently swaying across the floor.
It was nice to see Colette again today, I think she's a wonderful addition. So many changes over the years…
Chérie turned her head to the empty kennels again thinking of her long gone friends.
I'm really very lucky, my cub is lucky too after the way that conversation started.
Thinking back on that day made Cherie laugh, it had gone quite differently then the one her Papa and Mama had had all those years ago but one thing was the same, the love in all their eyes. She was too young to understand it when it was her Papa and Mama looking at each other but she was much older and wiser now and she recognized that same look in Wolf and Colette's eyes. She smiled to herself as something her Papa had said that day came back to her.
‘Now that she's been born into the world, I can't help but want her to be loved.’
Chérie laid down resting her head on top of her paws.
That was your wish for me Papa, and I have been so loved. By you and Mama, Wolf, Lily and my dear friends. Even better I've gotten to see my cub fall in love as you fell in love with Mama. I can only hope the same for my flower one day.
Chérie let out a soft yawn as her eyes began to slowly shut.
I'm very tired, I think I’ll sleep now.
Chérie, Chérie?
This is ridiculous, all the times she bloody well kept us awake and she just keeps sleeping there!
Chérie felt the sensation of light on her eyes and she slowly opened them.
Oh that's very bright.
Look, she's waking up!
Well it's about time.
Chérie blinked her eyes before getting up and stretching.
Her paws were still big but they were no longer huge. She was a smaller size, one that she had not been in many years. She startled and looked around, she was somewhere unfamiliar but very pleasant.
Chérie snapped her head in the direction of the voice and her eyes lit up at what she saw.
King! Vic!
Chérie took off in a run, tripping over her paws and landing face first into the soft grass.
Did you forget how to use your legs?
No, but...
Come on Vic, let's go help her.
King took off in a sprint towards Chérie not waiting for Vic who soon took off in a mad dash to catch up to him. When King reached Cherie he nuzzled her and licked her face all over.
I promised you I would wait for you mijn katje.
Chérie smiled at King whose tail just wouldn't stop wagging.
Thank you for keeping your promise.
Chérie nuzzled against King's neck and purred contentedly.
You could have waited for me, you know my legs are shorter than yours.
Sorry Vic.
Chérie stumbled over to Vic and began nuzzling him almost knocking him off his feet.
Alright, alright. Calm down already.
Sorry, I'm just so happy to see you both again!
The three of them sat there for a moment just gazing at each other before Vic let out a sigh.
Well get on with it then.
Get on with what?
Everything you have to tell us, the sooner you start the sooner you'll finish which means the sooner I can go back to napping! How are you still asking asinine questions after all these years?
Chérie couldn't help but laugh at the familiar exchange.
You're right Vic, I have soooo much to tell you both! I don't know where to start.
It's okay Cherie, we have all the time in the world to listen to you.
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butch-bracket · 7 months
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Rules & Guidelines
If you notice any issues with the matchups or submissions please let me know!
Matchups under the cut, polls will be linked once they're posted.
Bracket A
Jess McCready (A League of Their Own) vs. Shelley Byron (Doom Patrol)
Lupe García (A League of Their Own) vs. Desdemona (Fortnite)
Jo DeLuca (A League of Their Own) vs. Min Suh (My Princess Charming)
Vi (A League of Their Own) vs. Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Max Chapman (A League of Their Own) vs. Faye (Questionable Content)
Chloe Kitagawa (Belle of the Ball) vs. Imtura Tal Kaelen (Choices: Blades of Light and Shadow)
Kase Tomoka (Kase-san snd Morning Glories) vs. Miyake Aoi (D4DJ)
Hoshiumi Asa (Haikyuu) vs. Kyoutani Kentarou (Haikyuu)
Annabelle Cheddar (Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy) vs. Sir Amanda Maillard (Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy) vs. Captain Jan De La Vega (Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey)
Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) vs. Evan Kelmp (Dimension 20: Misfits and Magic) vs. Chieftess Cleva Katzon (Dimension 20: The Ravening War)
Cynthia Zdunowski (Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies) vs. Lake (Infinity Train)
Anne Lister (Gentleman Jack) vs. Sasha Nein (Psychonauts)
Tracer/Lena Oxton (Overwatch) vs. Zarya/Aleksandra Zaryanova (Overwatch)
Moira O'Deorain (Overwatch) vs. Junker Queen (Overwatch)
Brigitte Lindholm (Overwatch) vs. Susie (Deltarune)
Riot Maidstone (Hello from the Hallowoods) vs. Striga (Castlevania)
Bonnibel Bubblegum (Adventiure Time: Fionna and Cake) vs. Cassie Sandsmark (DC Comics)
The Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) vs. The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Sevika (Arcane) vs. Vi (Arcane)
Geeta (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet) vs. Rika (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet)
Kim (My Candy Love) vs. Jean (Blue Jean)
Naberius Kalego (Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun) vs. Opera (Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun)
Zen'in Maki (Jujutsu Kaisen) vs. Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony) vs. Applejack (My Little Pony)
Dame Aylin (Baldur's Gate 3) vs. Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate 3)
Karlach (Baldur's Gate 3) vs. Kevin E. Levin (Ben 10 Ultimate Alien/Alien Force)
Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters (2016)) vs. Kena Mwaura (Rafiki)
Emmy Altava (Professor Layton) vs. Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)
Lois (Dykes to Watch Out For) vs. Kora (Rebel Moon)
Mo (Dykes to Watch Out For) vs. Kipo (Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts)
Niamh Brody (Any Way The Wind Blows) vs. Jamie (Butch Jamie)
Kenjou Akira/Cure Chocolat (KiraKira Precure a la Mode) vs. Hinomori Shiho (Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage)
Bracket B
Tenoh Haruka/Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon) vs. Arkady Patel (The Strange Case of Starship Iris)
Nahara Satrinava (The Arcana) vs. Nazali Satrinava (The Arcana)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359)
Pyrrha Dve (The Locked Tomb) vs. Alice "Daisy" Tonner (The Magnus Archives)
Park Jae-In (Sora & Haena!) vs. Thatcher Davis (The Mandela Catalogue)
Jess Goldberg (Stone Butch Blues) vs. Lady Lesso (The School for Good And Evil)
Undyne (Undertale) vs. Van Palmer (Yellowjackets)
Amaya (The Dragon Prince) vs. Tenjou Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Burn (Wings of Fire) vs. Moonwatcher (Wings of Fire)
Tsunami (Wings of Fire) vs. Asha (Wings of Fire)
Moonlight (Warriors) vs. Mothwing (Warriors)
Anybodys (West Side Story (1961)) vs. Anybodys (West Side Story (2021))
Mitsuki Koga (The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All) vs. Rachel Lindt/Hellhound/Bitch (Worm)
Warthog (Trinity) vs. Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Jay (Star Stable) vs. Sabine (Star Stable)
Alex Cloudmill (Star Stable) vs. Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Huntara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Scorpia (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Pearl (Splatoon) vs. Kit Tanthalos (Willow)
Sun Jing (Tamen De Gushi) vs. Coral (The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes)
Buliara (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom) vs. Urbosa (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda) vs. Impa (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) vs. Linkle (Hyrule Warriors)
Queen Barb (Trolls) vs. Viva (Trolls)
Hunter (The Owl House) vs. Willow Park (The Owl House)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House) vs. Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Vector the Crocodile (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Surge the Tenrec (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Ali (The Big Con)
Garnet (Steven Universe) vs. Ruby (Steven Universe)
Bismuth (Steven Universe) vs. Roman (Sanders Sides)
Saira (We Are Lady Parts) vs. Kim (Yes Or No)
Lucy Kensington (Where The Stars Fell) vs. Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
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zukadiary · 11 months
Flügel / A Kaleidoscope of Life ~ Moon 2023
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4.5-year awaited Grand Theater return on September 22 (before things) ft. my eyes dead from the unseasonable heat and yet another failed attempt to get my FLYING SAPA REFUND FROM 2020 THAT THEY STILL OWE ME.
This, unexpectedly, turned out to be the hands-down Takarazuka highlight of Tadaima ’23, and that’s… despite a play of extremely questionable content. Tsukigumi—Mugen Musou / Krung Thep—had the honor of being my last live Takarazuka before the shit hit the fan globally, and the troupe is such different vibes I felt like I stepped through a portal (not that Yukigumi isn’t, dear lord, but small theaters are always a little weird vibe-wise). I had a feeling this would be my first and last live top Tsukishiro Kanato, and she did indeed announce taidan days later. We have no shortage of 95th top stars, but, since I was a hardcore Yukigumi fan ten years ago, Reiko is the only one I’ve been closely following since her shinko days. She’s gotten so good, and every time I’ve watched her since the Romance Gekijou stream, I’ve seen in her movements and expressions that she's absolutely watched Komu on repeat in her moments of doubt. It makes my heart sing.
FLÜGEL SPOILERS (can’t believe I’m saying this again, but cw suicide, also nazis 🙄):
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gee, you know whose take I’d love on the politics of a divided Germany? TAKARAZUKA’S,” well, maybe this show is for you! It’s the 1980s (although you wouldn’t know it till they bust a hole through the Wall… they really dropped the ball on costuming) and Jonas (Reiko) is a GDR officer who grew up thinking his mother (Shirayuki Sachika) was a nazi after she was arrested in his childhood for war crimes and they were separated on opposite sides of the partitioned country. After we open with a completely historically inaccurate scene from the Russian Afghan war (just SCREAMS Takarazuka, doesn’t it?), Jonas is put in charge of overseeing an East German concert featuring wildly popular West German idol Nadia (Umino Mitsuki), while other GDR officer Helmut (Houzuki An) is tasked with keeping an eye on them/preventing spying or something (idk, this plot doesn’t hold a ton of water to be honest). The general conflict is that Team Reiko is pro-unification, and Team Chinatsu is staunchly anti. Amidst a flurry of various activities that realistically would have gotten Jonas thrown in the gulag 1000 times over—including helping old war buddy?? Amashi Juri escape to West Germany via an underground route operated by Irodori Michiru and Haon Mika—Team Helmut attempts to dampen pro-unification sentiment by plotting a terrorist attack at the concert (in the form of an exploding microphone) and pinning it on a priest (Yumena Rune) and his band of peaceful student protestors. Thanks to Jonas and Luis Wagner (Kazama Yuno), who is Nadia’s manager and also secretly the best spy in the world or something, the mic is retrieved and the plan is thwarted. When Nadia returns to West Germany, she is moved to become a pro-unification activist thanks to the friends she made on the other side, and leads a protest that results in breaking the wall down. Helmut, unable to cope with the defeat of his ideology, takes his own life quite dramatically (so be aware of that). After travel is permitted between east and west, Jonas discovers that his mother (aging with dementia), while employed by the nazis, actually used her position to help Jews escape. Jonas and Nadia don’t fall in love, but they do look off into the sky together in hope and friendship.
I really did not care for this plot, yet somehow I also didn’t absolutely hate watching it. I think there were enough isolated highlights to make the experience worth it:
I! Love! Reiko! And I’m so happy I got to see her as top once! And her voice is fantastic lately!
Reiko and Chinatsu have an unexpectedly compelling chemistry
Chinatsu has an unexpected chemistry with me and my feelings
The final protest scene (set to a dramatic rendition of Ode to Joy) features Chinatsu repeatedly trying to hit Reiko, while Reiko just blocks all her punches and stares straight into her eyes. It’s a lot.
I had similar feelings watching Oda as I did watching Agachin; she wore those 4.5 years loud and proud. +1000 confidence, absolutely ready for her nibante era.
Nice little send off role for Ren Tsukasa, who is ABSOLUTELY BELOVED. People cheered the theater down for her, it was genuinely moving. No one in anything else I saw got that much applause except for maybe Kaiho Naoto.
This, brainchild of Kurita-sensei making her revue debut, was the revue of the year, and probably the revue of all pandemic era for me. It was fresh, it had a theme, the music slapped, it actually called back a little to Ogita-sensei who I will miss in tkz until the end of time. LET WOMEN MAKE REVUES!!
The premise is a journey through different eras of Tokyo, triggered by the turn of a magic kaleidoscope. Each era’s scene is beautifully designed, and has a little self-contained plot. The transitions are seamless, and I loved the song choices (CITY! POP! CHUUZUME!). Tsukigumi as a whole is vocally outstanding right now, and the impact was awesome. Verbal descriptions don’t do it justice! If you’re tired of Fujii/Saitou/Nakamura B throwing all their old scenes into a tumble dyer and pulling them back out in a random order, watch Kaleidoscope, even if you aren’t a fan of Tsukigumi.
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smash-or-pass-otome · 8 months
Not a submission. Just wanted to ask if there's any games you are considering playing as a result of this poll. And if you have any favorites you'd recommend to people to play.
I actually did download Lovebrush Chronicles and What in Hell is Bad thanks to this blog. And I have started looking for where I can find a copy of Code Realize. And I added A Date With Death to my steam wishlist.
I also downloaded the demo for TOUCHSTARVED though I never got around to playing it.
I already had Arcana downloaded but now i've been getting urges to actually finish a route
As for recommendations I enjoy Bustafellows and Radiant Tale.
I will always recommend Max Gentlemen Sexy Business. I'm not that great at the business management side of things so I understand if you're not interested in that. But I adore all the characters. I think there's only one on my "meh" list and I've even grown to love characters who I initially brushed off as being "not my type". I actually finished a character I brushed off before any of the characters I bought the game for. He's that much of a sweetheart (Antoine).
Seven Kingdoms Princess Problem isn't finished and I unfortunately don't know if it ever will be but if you can find the extended demo absolutely give it a try. I love Lyon and Clarmont and they're one of the few routes I've played repeatedly even after finishing them.
Listen. I love Sweet Fuse and you can drag Urabe out of my cold dead hands. I deeply regret not having my PSP anymore cause I keep getting urges to play his route but I can't act on them.
It takes place in a high school so it doesn't count for this blog but I do like Jack Jeanne. I've only played one route so far but I love him (Kai). And I actually fell for another character (Mitsuki) while playing that route.
I've been a Fire Emblem girl since Sacred Stones so absolutely that series. And I've been getting married in Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games since I was in elementary school so of course I recommend those (My first wife was Popuri. Still love her to this day and I was so happy to be able to marry her as a girl in the switch game)
That's all that comes to mind at the moment.
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vipaeris · 6 months
            When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow [ ... ] Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it. [ ... ] And I was in the darkness so darkness I became.
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      (  @sageson  )  𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 : "do you care about me?"
      there it was. it had taken him a while to build up the courage to ask. many a nightly chat with rogu too. this never leaving feeling in his chest that despite all the scientific aid in keeping his clone child alive, there a sense of avoidance in him to fully embrace his existence. the longer mitsuki spent time with boruto the more it dawned on him just how different his family was from his friend's.
      "you say you love me. but you avoid me." it was a strong accusation that the child was aware of. he worded it like that on purpose. boruto once said that to get an emotional reaction out of someone, accusing them of something false could do it. but it included the risk of further rejection. mitsuki didn't really care either way. he wanted to see just how emotional orochimaru could be.
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      As much as he'd like to say it was a surprising question, it was not. Orochimaru had an inkling that some sort of existential storm was slowly brewing inside his youngest, and it would be only a matter of time before the rainfall began. It seemed that the time had come, such an accusation posed so sweetly from the voice of the child that held half of Orochimaru's sanity by simply existing. ❛  Of course I care about you,  ❜  he responded, turning around to look at his child, inky black hair billowing around him, gracefully following his every movement.
      ❛  You're my child, my precious son. Of course I care about you and love you dearly.  ❜  As he had cared for and loved every child he had ever raised, though Orochimaru understood where the child's doubts came from, it had been much the same with many people who lived long enough to be around him. They did not understand him well enough to understand his love for them. And while Orochimaru wasn't often one to explain himself, Mitsuki was one of the few who got to see this side of him. The side willing to expose his own ways and weaknesses. ❛  Love however, comes in many forms, Mitsuki.  ❜
      Orochimaru's voice was soft, warm in its whispery tones as he spoke to the boy he had created. A little moon to grace the land that he himself had made.  ❛  What you call avoidance, is simply my way of allowing you freedom to come and go and do as you please.  ❜  Orochimaru had no desire to keep his child locked up, shackled to him like a prisoner despite how much he missed him when he was away.  He wanted Mitsuki to be free, to know the world around him through his own eyes, and not what Orochimaru thought right or wrong. Though perhaps that wasn't what the boy wanted, and Orochcimaru had to admit he failed to account for that.
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      ❛  Despite my wishes of having you here by my side, I know you've grown very fond of your teammates,  ❜  Orochimaru walked to the nearest chair and sat down, utmost grace to every move. ❛  I was under the impression that you'd rather be with them than to be here with me. That is why I've always made our meetings and interactions very brief.  ❜   
      Orochimaru's golden eyes gazed at the young boy, a small smile taking hold of his delicate features as it dawned on him just how much his little boy had grown up. ❛  Then again, this is the first time you've reached out to me, Mitsuki,  ❜ the snake sage lifted a well groomed brow, and the gentle smiled turned into a teasing smirk. ❛  Would it be fair of me to accuse you of avoidance as well?  ❜ 
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koumeowkami · 1 year
✧ introducing my paralive oc!
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★ NAME: Mitsuki Kuroki (黒木美月 → a beautiful moon shining over the darkness of a black tree)
★ MC NAME: Tsuki
★ THEME COLOR: Wisteria #B172B9
★ TRAUMA: "I don't wanna be treated like an object ever again."
★ AGE: 20
★ GENDER: female (cisgender)
★ SEXUALITY: asexual
★ PHANTOMETAL: her goth butterfly hairclips; they usually materialize a full moon over her as an illusion
★ HOBBY: listening to music (she enjoys every genre and appreciates every spectrum of freedom it offers + always carries headphones with her)
★ LIKES: sweets, collecting CDs (mostly because of her job), annoying Kanata (affectionately)
★ DISLIKES: being judged, being told she's short (it happens often)
★ APPEARANCE: a slim girl with fair skin, a bit shorter than the japanese average (1.57 m). she has short dark purple hair with a few lilac streaks on her bangs and sharp violet and blue colored eyes. she wears dark colored clothes, mostly baggy and comfy, plus a couple of piercings. she has chubby cheeks.
— past Mitsuki (10-18 years old): she kept her hair long and not dyed. she dressed elegantly, in an old-fashioned way, almost looking like a doll. she didn't wear earrings.
★ PERSONALITY: growing up in the facility allowed her to become strong and independent ever since she was little, plus she has a great sense of justice. she's not used to affection, having spent her childhood by herself, so she's a bit of a tsundere. she's also really sensitive to touch and that makes her more reserved and shy, in contrast to her usual personality. she's greatly empathetic, to the point other people wonder if it's a superpower. she always speaks her mind, even accidentally, ending up putting herself in tough situations. she can be playful at times and has a mischievous side, especially with people who are more closed off than her (aka cozmez).
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themockingcrows · 2 years
Fic update! Come get ya fresh fic update! Finally getting into the spice with some TodoBaku to start!
My Sun, My Moon, My Star (15067 words) by TheMockingCrows Chapters: 3/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Mitsuki Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Alpha romance, Polyamory, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Knotting, Marking, Mating Bites, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Shouto has everything as prince of the land. He has power, prestige, and a surprisingly free choice of partners so long as he carries on the family line. When he chooses another Alpha for a mate, his father insists he follow the tradition of the aristocrats and keep an Omega partner on the side. While he expects this person to fulfill a set duty, and maybe at least be a friend and companion, neither Shouto nor Katsuki had ever really gotten to see an Omega work their skilled magic among the elite before. Will the new power couple mesh well with Izuku? Or will him plying his skills prove to be more of a threat to stability than anything as they try to keep the country from plunging face first into internal war?
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 3 months
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Vampire Wedding Part 2
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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A blood oath was a vampire wedding ceremony passed down since ancient times.
The words Galileo told me sounded familiar.
Galileo: "Do you know what the blood oath ceremony is?"
Mitsuki: "I only heard a little about it from Comte before. It's a ceremony performed by two people."
Galileo: "Yeah."
He took my left hand and gently touched my ring finger.
Galileo: "On the night of the full moon, the groom will pledge eternal love by drinking from his bride's ring finger."
Galileo: "If you don't mind, why don't we do it on the next full moon?"
(Full moon?)
I hesitated for a moment, as I was about to nod at his words.
(He's a dhampir. Is it really okay?)
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Galileo: "What's wrong?"
Mitsuki: "Um, you'll drink my blood on the full moon night, right? I'm worried about your body."
Galileo: "Your concern is understandable."
He tightened the arm he had wrapped around my waist.
Galileo: "But even so, I want to make a blood oath with you."
Mitsuki: "Why would you go so far for this?"
Galileo: "I told you. You changed me."
Galileo: "I was able to accept both my vampire and human sides because of you."
Galileo: "That's why I want to pledge eternity to you."
Mitsuki: "Galileo."
I gently leaned against Galileo's shoulder.
Mitsuki: "I also want to pledge 'eternity' to you."
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Galileo: "Yeah."
He whispered and hugged me even tighter.
Then, on the night of the full moon, in a deserted church, our private 'Blood Oath' quietly began.
Galileo: "Mitsuki, come here."
Standing before the altar, he reached out his hand to me.
Mitsuki: "Okay."
I slowly walked toward him in my wedding dress, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.
Galileo: "That dress suits you well."
Mitsuki: "Thank you. I'm happy to hear you say that."
As I felt my heart being filled with happiness from his simple but heartfelt compliment, he offered something he held in his hand.
Galileo: "Mitsuki, this is for you."
Mitsuki: "A flower crown?"
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Galileo: "Yeah, I made it."
It was a delicate flower crown woven with white flowers.
Galileo: "I used to make these often for my sister."
At that moment, the scene I had once seen beyond the door returned to me.
Livia: "Big brother, I can't make the flower crown properly."
Galileo: "Let me see."
Galileo: "Here you go. Happy birthday, Livia."
Livia: "Wow, it's so cute! Thank you, big brother!"
Cleric 2: "Even if they're the family of a heretic, it's sad to see them getting ripped apart by wild dogs."
Cleric 1: "Sure, it's a quick solution, but I wish they'd consider those of us who have to clean it up."
Galileo: "Family of a heretic?"
Galileo: "No way, that can't be."
Galileo: "Livia?"
The white ribbon tied to the flower crown was stained with blood.
Cleric 1: "Alright, let's throw this away."
Galileo: "No, stop! Wait!!"
---------Flashback Ends--------
(The flower crown is a symbol of the bond between the two of them and a reminder of sad memories.)
Mitsuki: "Wasn't it painful to make this?"
My heart ached sharply, and I clasped my hands tightly in front of my chest without thinking.
Galileo: "No."
He shook his head gently.
Galileo: "On the contrary. While making it, I felt a sense of nostalgia and warmth."
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Galileo: "I wanted to see you wearing this flower crown at the ceremony, no matter what."
As he spoke, he reached out and gently placed the flower crown on my head.
The soft, sweet fragrance that surrounded me was endlessly tender.
(It feels as if his family is watching over me.)
Mitsuki: "I'm so happy. I'll treasure it."
Mitsuki: "It's really beautiful."
The mixed feelings of joy and sadness welled up, leaving me speechless.
Galileo: "Yeah, just as I thought, you look beautiful."
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He whispered as he faced me in front of the altar.
Galileo: "In times of health and sickness, no matter what hardships may come, I vow to love and protect only you."
Galileo: "I want you to walk with me until the end of our lives."
His sincere words shook my heart.
To accept his feelings, I looked straight at him and spoke.
Mitsuki: "I also vow to love and walk with you."
Mitsuki: "From now on, I will always be by your side."
Mitsuki: "I want to live my life looking at you and laughing together."
Hearing my declaration, Galileo gave a fleeting smile and knelt.
Galileo: "Tonight, I pledge to make a blood oath."
The moment I felt his fangs press against my ring finger, a sharp pain ran through it.
But the pain quickly turned into pleasure, and a tingling sensation spread throughout my body.
Mitsuki: "Nnn..."
A sweet sound escaped my lips, and my legs gave way beneath me.
Galileo, who had been kneeling, swiftly stood up and caught me in his arms.
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Galileo: "Haah..."
His pale cheeks were faintly flushed, and an unmistakable heat shimmered in his usually calm eyes.
The sight of him, exuding such intense sensual allure, captivated me completely.
Galileo: "The oath is complete."
His outstretched arms effortlessly lifted me.
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Galileo: "You are mine and mine alone now."
His closely held embrace transmitted the rapid thumping of his heart through his clothes against my chest.
His eyes, looking down at me, reflected nothing but me.
Galileo: "Let's go home. I don't think I can wait much longer."
Mitsuki: "Okay."
I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my flushed face.
Mitsuki: "I want to be yours completely soon."
As I whispered, suppressing my embarrassment, his arms tightened around me.
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Galileo: "Don't tease me too much."
With a sigh-like murmur, he placed a light kiss on my cheek.
Still holding me, Galileo quickly left the church.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 5 months
Celestial Eclipse
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CP9sT05 by the_realtheory Once upon a time, in a world where the sun and the moon were more than just celestial bodies, they took on human forms. The sun, with his striking blue hair and fiery red eyes, radiated warmth and vitality wherever he went. The moon, with his gentle baby blue hair and deep red eyes, possessed a serene and ethereal aura. In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a boy named Kaito. With his jet-black hair and piercing black eyes, Kaito always wore his trusty raincoat, even on the sunniest of days. He had a quiet demeanor, but his heart was as deep as the ocean, longing for something he couldn't quite grasp. One fateful day, during a rare celestial event known as an eclipse, the paths of Kaito and the sun and moon converged. As the sun and moon descended to Earth in their mortal forms, they were drawn to Kaito's enigmatic presence. Under the darkened sky, Kaito found himself face to face with the sun and the moon. Despite their contrasting appearances, they shared an inexplicable connection that transcended their celestial origins. Or Bakugou and Deku wrote a story as kids that blossoms as Bakugou's actual love life. Or Adorable Rare pair fluff. Words: 506, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia) Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta, The sun/The moon/a mortal, Aizawa Shouta/Hazashi Yamada/Bakugou's Dad, Kirishima Eijirou/Bakugou Katsuki (One Sided) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Sad Bakugou Katsuki, Fluff, story turned real, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou dyes his hair, Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, Top Iida Tenya, Top Sero Hanta, Mean Girls Quotes, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, All Might is a pedophile, Bakugou Katsuki is a Ray of Sunshine, Bakugou Katsuki Writes Fanfiction, Bakugou Katsuki has a short attention span, Bakugou isn't Asian, Biromantic Asexual Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki and Toga Himiko are Siblings, Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku are Like Siblings, Parental Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Mentioned Bakugou Mitsuki, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Bakugou Katsuki Wears Glasses, Bakugou Katsuki Wears Eyeliner, Bakugou Katsuki and Hawks are siblings, That's not a tag???, British Slang, a lot of it read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CP9sT05
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