#The Mer au and the tinyhunt au
colossal-red · 2 years
Here is my consent to be in the fics!: ✨CONSENT DEIVERED✨
I’d like to be in the mer au not that I’m particularly fussed about what story I’m added too but I’d preferably like to be a tiny if added to the mer au but I don’t mind otherwise. Giant or tiny, I’ve never tried making a story with me in it lol. And this gonna sound weird but for inspiration on my own lore I actually have some already that is canon to myself.
You see in my profile, I’m wearing a cow skin. Now that may look cute and all to the untrained eye but what lies beneath is a ruthless cow killer. I am Becky the Cow Slayer. All cows I find are slain to provide steaks to the world. I wear the skins of the cows I’ve slayed like trophies and wield my katana with pure determination. Fear me, if you dare. 🥰
Anyways you do not have to use that lore at all (especially when cows don’t live in the ocean lol) I’m just giving you some of the lore I’ve already got. There’s a tonne of other lore I have on my character too if you want to know anything else regarding gods, gremlins, outer space and all sorts of other things but yeah. That lore is the one about my profile.
I think this concept of involving other community members is really cool so go for it!!!! Looking forward to whatever you come up with!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for the details Beckyu!
When I did this little community inclusion my plan was for each individual member to be very involved in the process of shaping their own individual character in whichever au they wanted to exist in. So send me as much lore on your PFP character as you can and I will work as much of it as I can into TinyHunt (TinyHunt is the Mer au I was talking about, although if I do make a au fully about Mer’s you can request to be included!
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colossal-red · 2 years
TinyHunt Side Story The Mer from the ocean
Tw: Some swearing, Fear, Safe Vore, comfort, extreme angst, slight gore (like a bit of blood and a death mention and description of a semi-important character. WC: 3.6K-ish
Wilbur was just enjoying another boating trip, sailing away into the ocean in hopes of catching some fish. He would’ve loved to be out here with his 10 year old son Fundy, but he wasn’t the biggest fan of fishing. “Why would anyone want to sit in the middle of a big pool of water waiting to catch something, only to let it go?” He phrased it when asked if he wanted to go. Wil had hoped that after taking him several times he’d be able nurture his son to have a love for fishing.
But evidently, that didn’t happen. Instead he had to leave him with one of his friends, Puffy. He sighed, he really enjoyed fishing, it left him alone with his thoughts. He wondered if he was even doing the right thing, did he have any real knowledge on how to raise a kid? He had no idea. That was when his hook caught on something.
Sally wasn’t so sure about this. “Niki, are you sure this is safe?” Sally shouted at the rapidly retreating back of the mer. Niki simply turned her head and nodded. “Yeah, I promise nothing bad’ll happen, I’ve done this loads of times!” Sally wasn’t sure if that was better or worse. She has no idea why Niki would put herself into needless danger, especially considering that she was small. “I mean, at least I can grow in size if I’m caught, but what will you do?” Niki frowned at her as they neared the bottom of the Fisherman’s boat. “What? Do you think that just because you can Sizeshift, that means that I can’t take care of my self?” Sally stammered after that, “T-that’s n-not what I mea-“ Niki laughed.
“I know what you meant, don’t worry, I’m just messing with you. Watch this.” And Niki touched the hook, well, actually the line just above the hook. Then it started to move. “Um, Niki?” Sally started, “Don’t worry Sally, it’s fine, I’ve done this a hundred times and I know that Fishermen are usually always preoccupied with their thOUGTS!!” Sally watched in horror as the hook caught around their arm, just barely piercing it and forcing her up to the surface. “No!” She cried trying to swim up to her, but the human was too fast, and Niki was yanked out of the water.
Wilbur went ahead and did what he normally did when he got a catch. He let the thing flop onto the deck, and then he’d pick it up, inspect it, and release it. Only, this time was different. “What the fuck?!” He shouted in awe as he noticed that the ‘fish’ was actually just a small person with a tail instead of legs. He instinctively picked up the small female and asked “Are you alright?” In response, the tiny fish girl shrieked and tried to get out of his hands. It was like holding onto a bar of soap, and he almost dropped her several times as she flailed about. At least she was getting dry, Wil thought before realizing that that was probably a bad thing.
“Put. Her. Down.” Sally commanded to the back of the human after rising to the surface. Once she got over her fear, and tuned into her anger, she shifted to her human size. The human turned around, looking at her in awe. Damn, he looked… Never mind. He was wearing a yellow shirt with dark brown messy hair, there was a beanie but it was left abandoned on the floor of the boat. “Woah, who- or rather, what are you?” The human asked. “That, is none of your business.” Sally responded and gestured for the human to hand her Niki. “But, what if you hurt her?”
Sally was surprised, she had always thought that humans were evil, everymer thought they were. “Um, no, I won’t, she’s my friend. Right Niki?” Niki took a second to respond, as she was shaking like a leaf, and her tail was already disappearing in place of legs. “U-u-um, y-y-yea, Sally i-is my f-friend.” The human instead of putting the tiny mer into Sally’s hands, instead put her into the water. “What’s your name?” Initially Sally didn’t respond, thinking that the Human was talking to Niki, before realizing that he already knew Niki’s name.
“Oh, my name is Sally.” Sally, that was a very nice name. Wilbur wasn’t sure why, but he thought that Sally was beautiful. Of course he’d never say that to her face, she seemed the type to punch anyone who said that to her in the face. “My name is Wilbur, Sally is a nice name.” Sally appeared to blush for a moment, but Wil pretended not to see. “Oh, thank you, Wilbur is a nice name too.” She replied awkwardly. “Oh, well, would you look at the time,” She pointed at the sun, “I really gotta be going.” She quickly went below the surface of the water and swam away. She did hear, though she tried to ignore it, the sound of Wilbur calling for her to stop.
“Hey, wait! Come back!” Wilbur asked the fish lady frantically as she swam away. He was upset that she had left so soon, but to be fair, she probably isn’t supposed to speak to humans. He’s seen The Little Mermaid, he knows what’s up. So, every day as often as he could, he came to see if she'd come back. It took a while, but one day as he was patrolling the water he saw her again. “Um, ahoy there!” He immediately wanted to slap himself, ‘Ahoy there’? How dumb was that! “Uhhh, not much how about you?” He was surprised that she had answered, he had fully expected her to swim off again.
“Nothin much, just fishin.” She wasn’t sure why she came back. She’d just been so interested in him. Things went by this way for quite a while, until one day Wilbur brought a guest to meet her. God damnit, well to be fair she never said to NOT bring anyone. But that didn’t mean she would surface for them. She did peak a bit over the surface to see who exactly Wil had brought. She saw a child, who was wearing a black jacket, with an interesting hat and orange hair.
“Dad, why did you make me come out here.” Fundy asked exasperated, Wilbur stared at his hair for a moment, then answered the question. “We are out here to meet someone.” Fundy looked at him questioningly and looked out for incoming boats presumably. Wil laughed, “Oh no, not a human.”
Sally blanched, what the hell was he doing.
“But, a mermaid, or something!” Then Wilbur gestured in the direction that Sally would normally emerge. “Umm, Sally?” Fundy was staring at him, probably gauging Wilbur’s sanity level. “Uhh, hold on a second son.” Wilbur leaned over the edge to see if he could spot Sally preparing to emerge, he hoped that she wasn’t too mad about him bringing his son. Granted after thinking it over a little more, it was a rather silly move. “Dad, you feeling okay?” Wilbur turned around and got Fundy’s hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. Wilbur pushed it away, “I’m fine Fundy, she just, didn’t show up today.” Fundy nodded, “Sure, whatever you say, Dad.”
“And the next thing you know, the Radishes will start talking too!” He finished in a slightly mocking tone. Wil just glared at him a bit, before turning the boat around and heading home. Fundy sighed and looked over the edge. His father had been going to the lake more often, he had been pretty sad over the years since Fundy’s mom died. He didn’t remember her too well, but the memories that his father told him were great and filled with joy. It wouldn’t have been outside the bounds of reality to think he may have gotten off of his rocker during this time. Then again, maybe that’s a good thing.
After all, these last few visits to the lake have left him happier than he’s been in a while, he even quit smoking. It was, nice to see Wil like this, considering that he’d never seen his dad like this before. He would try extra hard for Wil to not come on the fishing trips, whilst he did secretly enjoy them, he wouldn’t want to disturb his fathers delusions about their being some Mermaid lady. Eventually they reached shore, and Fundy’s 12, almost 13 year old mind could go back to thinking about normal kid things, like his first day of Middle School. (SideNote from author: Using my country’s education system, because f*ck my knowledge of the British one-)
Wilbur heated up some hot-pockets and set Fundy down in front of the TV. He sighed at the kitchen table watching Fundy. The kid deserves a better life than this, but, what else could Wil do? He went up to his room and stared at his guitar, many emotions flying by as he looked. Wonder and awe, for an instrument that could stir crowds, guilt for the lack of success in being a musician, and anger at where it had gotten him. He picks it up and absentmindedly strums along, that’s when an idea strikes him.
He should play Sally a song! It’d hopefully make her forgive him, if she actually is upset. He makes plans again immediately the next day to do so.
The next day…
Wilbur called Puffy to watch Fundy and left for the ocean again. He boated away and waited in their usual spot near the coral reef, strumming on his guitar whilst waiting. Eventually Sally emerged, she did look a tad bit pissed, but Wil hoped it’d be fine. “Wilbur Soot, you better have a good reason of why you thought it was a good idea to tell your son about me. And the existence of Mer’s in general.” Wilbur paused his strumming for a moment. He thought about it for only a moment or two before answering.
“Because I believe that you are magnificent, and that if we’re going to be friends, it’d be cool if you were to meet some of the other people who are close to me.” That was, a fairly flattering answer. So she decided that giving him another chance would be, something she’d rather want. “What’s that?” She asked gesturing to the strange device in his hands. He smiled wide after she asked, “Why this,” he said spinning it around in his hands all stylish. “Is my Instrument pour mon magnum opus, la musique!” He said in a different language, she looked at him questioningly. “Here, let me show you.” He then started plucking the individual strings in the device and it created a harmonious melody echoed through the ocean air.
“This is what’s called, a ‘guitar’.” Wilbur explained after finishing a 3 minuteish song. “You play that really well.” She commented making Wil blush just a bit. “Heh, I wish, I try to make money playing for the world. But, no one else seems to appreciate my music, except for you and my son. Thank you.” He heartfeltedly agreed. She felt bad for him, his music shouldn’t have flopped like that, granted she didn’t know really anything about what the Human World was like, but in the underwater land of Mer’s, he would probably be beloved.
They talked for a bit longer, and eventually Wilbur had to leave again. But his talk of meeting other people got her thinking. Just meeting the people he cared about wouldn’t be enough, she’d have to VISIT the land of the humans if she wanted to get closer with him. So, the first chance she’d get, she’d stowaway on his boat and greet him inside of his own home. Wilbur came by again as usual, she was a bit quieter this time while he talked a bit more about his life and how he was excited to move to a new place with his Son soon.
(He reassured her that they’d still be close by.) And that was about it. They said goodbye, the way they always do. But instead, this time Sally after going underwater shrunk in size, and swam to where Niki was hiding. “Niki, I’ll be gone for a bit, cover for me.” And darted back to the underside of the boat, she could vaguely hear Niki shouting for her to wait, but she ignored it and after carefully climbing on board, she dried off and gained her legs and was officially stuck tiny. The special thing about Sizeshifters is that when they get dry, they are permanently stuck small until they get wet with water again. So she was putting her full trust into Wil. So that was terrifying.
She settled with hiding beside his bag and would hide inside once they got back to shore. She waited and watched Wilbur in awe as his Giant form towed back to shore. She was still terrified, but she trusted Wilbur a decent amount. They hit shore fairly quickly and she went inside the bag and tried to hang on as Wil jostled her around when moving the bag. It took a bit, but after a short walk, a short drive and an opening of a front door, but they were finally at Wilbur’s dwelling, an apartment. Wilbur dismissed Puffy from her duties, and set his bag in his room and left to get Fundy some food.
She crawled out of the bag and took a second after being shaken up quite a bit and waited for Wil to come back in. He finally did and sat on his bed strumming his guitar without really paying attention. “You play that really well, I hope you do make it.” She said aloud, Wilbur’s eyes widened as he looked around the room before his eyes landed on Sally’s small form. He got up and walked over. “S-sally?” He asked as he stared in awe at her small form. While she did trust him, it was still terrifying to be under his gaze when she was smaller than one of his fingers. His hand twitched a bit, obviously wanting to pick her up, but to her relief he didn’t.
“But, don’t you need to be in water? And how are you small?!” He asked trying to be quiet. “I’m what’s called a sizeshifter, to answer as to how I’m small. When I’m wet I can change my size at will. But when I’m dry I’m stuck at a small size.” She explained, “Also, all Mer’s can be dry, they just turn to a human or borrower form when on land and dry.” Wilbur looked at her face filled with questions, or maybe just one more. “What is a borrower?” Sally thought for a moment. “I think if I remember correctly that humans usually call them tinies? I’ve heard that they don’t like talking in front of humans.”
After Wilbur got used to both her small size and her being in his house they talked a bit more, with her asking plenty of questions about the human world. Eventually, Wilbur’s son knocks on the bedroom door. “Dad? Who are you talking to.” Wilbur tenses for a moment. “Sal’s, is it okay if I can pick you up and show you to Fundy?” Wil asked as gently as he could. Sally hesitated, she trusted Wil but didn’t really want to put her life in his hands, literally. Staring into his eyes though, she saw a kind person who would never hurt her. So she nodded, and resisted the building panic attack as his hand approached. Though he didn’t wrap his fingers around her form.
No, he instead set his hand down beside her and waited for her to walk on. After giving herself a pep talk, she walked wobbly onto the fleshy surface. It was, strange to say the least. The skin was a bit pillowy and sunk down a little under her weight. Wilbur waited for to give the okay before moving his hand. Once they started moving, the massive fingers curled over her head to protect her. And not once did she feel trapped during this, Wilbur opened the door and said “Hey Fundy, I’ve got someone to show you.” Fundy sighed. “Is this about your imaginary girlfriend again?” He asked exasperated. “Kinda.” Wilbur said presenting Sally to Fundy. “Heya kid.” Sally waved at him. Fundy’s face did a few things at once. It looked confused, in awe, questioning, and happy all at the same time.
“Woah, is that a Tiny?” Fundy asked his father as Wil showed him the small female. “Nope! It’s a Mer!” He exclaimed as he stared with a certain expression on his face as he stared at the small life in his hands. “Wil, I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but that doesn’t look like a mermaid.” Fundy pointed out. “Well, maybe not now, but whenever she gets wet she does!” Fundy nodded still in awe at the sight of the small woman.
Sally ended up staying with the two overnight, and in the morning Wil went to go drop her off in the ocean. And they talked for a bit afterwards too. This time Wil asked a bit about Mer Biology. Sally explained how at the beginning of a Mer’s life they were really small and couldn’t breathe underwater, which led to the pouches that Mer’s had inside themselves where they could store anything, more specifically their offspring before they could breathe in their own underwater. She even talked about the special Colossal Mer’s who were way bigger than the normal Mer’s.
She talked a bit about their king, King Foolish and his mysterious connection to some mystical deity’s. Wilbur asked her which Deity she meant, but she had no clue who he speaks to in private. Eventually she worked up to the big question, of whether or not she could go live with them. She explained that there was a special process that Mer’s could go through, that would allow them to live on the surface in secret if they so desired. There were a few people who have done it, one of the most prominent ones being Squid Kid.
“Yeah, I’d love for you to come live with us!” Wilbur exclaimed excitedly after being asked. And so it was done. Sally requested permission from the king to go live on the surface, and was given the proper identifications to live up there without arousing suspicion. Once she got up there, the first thing he did was search for Wil, but she then realized that Wil had probably gone out to the ocean to see her. So she went out there, and there was a storm brewing , literally. Apparently Wilbur Soot and not checked what the weather would be for today.
Once she got far out enough she noticed that Wil had been blown considerably far out and was in danger of being drowned. She could hear him cut out for help. It scared her quite a bit. Once she got close enough, she realized that she could barely control herself in the water, she had to grow. And grow she did to a massive size, the size of a Colossal Mer. She lowered herself down to Wil’s level and whispered sweet nothings to him to calm him down as she cupped him in her hands from the already sinking boat.
“Do you trust me!” She asked Wil as she held his fragile life in her palms, he nodded for lack of being able to speak, either out of fear of her, or fear of the storm. She realized that she would be unable to get her out of the storm alive, the only way out would be if she put him in her pouch. So as carefully as possible, she placed him in her mouth. He landed on her tongue in a very panicky matter, it was obvious immediately that he had forgotten their discussion on the existence of pouches.
Wilbur was scared out of his mind, he could barely think straight after landing in the giant pink muscle that his brain refused to acknowledge was a tongue. He tried frantically to crawl away from the dark hole that lay at the back of the mouth. But it was futile, as he was dragged down by both tongue and the muscles of Sally’s throat, Sally the Mer, Sally who he thought he could trust. He cried a bit as the throat forced him down nearly suffocating him, before landing in the pit that he knew was probably her stomach. He curled into a ball and thought about his son, who he’d probably never see again, and about his Wife, who had died after cheating on him. He never told anyone about the exact details of how she died.
He had found her in bed with another man by the name of Jared in another apartment after recognizing her car. He confronted her to which she broke up with him and wandered out into the street and walked near the cold water. “Wait! Please come back!” He yelled after her as he gave chase, she turned around, and lost her footing. He attempted to catch her and pull her up, but she fell down down into the cold water. He called the police in hopes of them being able to save her, but instead of waiting he jumped in to chase after her. It was, so cold… He tried and he tried and was eventually able to find her and bring her to the surface to the awaiting paramedics.
But all that was left of their relationship and her life, was a Saline Solution of blood and tears. After recalling this depressing time of his life, he realized that he wasn’t dying, and wasn’t dead. He felt Sally gently rubbing her stomach where he was curled up, to which he remembered their discussion about Mer pouches. And the amount of joy it brought him to know he wasn’t dead yet was immeasurable. After they got to a safe place presumably Sally talked to him.
“Hey, are you alright in there?” She asked patting her pouch. “Yeah, little freaked and grossed out, but otherwise okay!” He shouted out to her in a joking tone. She chuckled a bit. “So when do you think I can get out?” “As soon as the weather clears Mister Soot.” Once she regurgitated him back up, she walked him home through the light rain at normal human size she kept her legs dry though so she could still walk. They entered their home, and she offered to help Wilbur finish packing. One week later, and they were a happy family, living in a new neighborhood. After they finished unloading all their junk, Wil pointed out some smoke from the house next door, suggesting it was a barbecue. And so they went next door as a happy family to see what was going on…
@baka-monarch @squishys-soft-stories @funtimemoth @eiscreme135
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colossal-red · 2 years
I wanna answer some asks after a movie with the fam, got a new AU that I wanna talk about as well, but any questions about any au are pog-
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colossal-red · 2 years
This is no longer that empty.
Fic’s that have an * next to them contain vore/noms, and fic’s that have a (*) next to them contain mentions of it. Fic’s that don’t have either are normal g/t.
(Hiatus) Small Radish, Big Fox ----------> Taglist
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four (At some point)
Side Stories:
Muffins 2
(Rebooted!) TinyHunt -----------------------> Taglist
Chapter One: Four Eyes
Chapter Two: Help him say his Goodbye's
Old TinyHunt:
(Old) Chapter One: Analysis (Old) Chapter Two: The Duo (Old) Chapter Three: The Muffin Head (Old) Chapter 3.5: A bridging between Rivals (?) (Old) Chapter Four: Extermination Pt.1
Old TH Side Stories:
(Old) The Academy Pt.1 (Old) The Academy Pt.2 (Old) A Third Boyfriend? (Old) The Move (Old...?) The Mer from the Ocean* (Old...?) Cows? Sounds Evil (Old...?) Sizeshifting issues (Old) A Warden’s Grudge (Old) Crime Boi’s
(Hiatus) (AU name credited to Baka-Monarch)Tubbee in Tubbox ——> Taglist
Chapter One(*)
Chapter Two(*)
Side Stories:
Finding Tubbee(*)
Finding Tubbee Pt.2*
(Hiatus) Candy Boi’s —> Taglist
Chapter One: Candy Men(*)
Chapter Two: (unknown)
Chapter Three: (unknown)
Side Stories:
(Hiatus) Blorbo ———-> Taglist
Entry #1
Entry #2
Entry #3
(Hiatus) Water deep as loneliness—>Taglist
Chapter One: Boating trip*
(Hiatus) Just an Ordinary Life——->Taglist
Chapter One: A Planned Escape
Chapter Two: The BigWorld
(Hiatus) The Mark* ————>Taglist
Chapter One: Tomorrow
Crafty Fox
Day #1
Day #2
Day #3
List of Anons
Comma Anon ,,,
🇮🇱 Anon
My Fam <3
Husband: @random-ran-me :D <3
Parent: @a-tiny-frog-girl
Other Parent: @kayla-crazy-stuffs
Niece: @squishys-soft-stories
Niece: @aquatheaxolotl
Niece: Artemisa Scarlet- (can’t spell tumblr right TwT
A Quiet Night (not g/t, OC)
Frozen In Place*
Endless Sleep… (Memorial Fic.)
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colossal-red · 2 years
Got any spare vore crumbs?
Do you mean this as a submission, or as an ask?
I’ll go for an ask for now tho.
Hmmm, as for Vore in any of my current au’s, there is currently
Tubbee In Tubbox: Only fatal vore exists in this universe, so none will be shown in any of the fic’s.
TinyHunt: similar to TIT in this regard, but Mer’s can do safe vore, so any fic’s about Mer’s in this au do have the potential to include Vore.
Small Radish, Big Fox: I’ve actually wanted to talk about this vor a long while. So *clears throat*
In this au, many many years ago borrowers were fairly well known creatures, so they were constantly in danger with no way of defending themselves. Eventually the had a plan where they would manipulate the biology of other animals through unknown means to make them have a storage stomach where they could be trained to protect Borrower kind. And, it worked! Eventually, after borrowers were forgotten by human’s they stopped using these animals and set them free. However these animals eventually evolved to become similar to Human’s, and by that I mean exactly like them. Except for the fact that they were still animals with their animalistic features, but were humanoid. Fundy, is a descendant of these first humanoid animals, though they have gained equal rights a little while ago now. Does this mean that Fundy has a storage?
And Chapter Five is going to be interesting…:)
(If this isn’t what you meant than please send another ask and Answer in the way you intended the question-)
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