#The Menace (plot)
cosmosnout · 8 months
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The real reason Oda had to get rid of her was not for plot convenience, but bc she would have kicked everyone’s ass. (Source: trust me bro)
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shutupcrime · 2 months
Some of you are too afraid to admit this but we all know Star Wars works best when it goes full soap opera
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chiscribbs · 7 months
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Leo smells an opportunity to cause a little chaos while everyone is distracted.
More @tmntaucompetition shenanigans!
Grown Apart AU: [Premise/Concept Art] [General tag] [Intro]
Thread: Pt. 2>>
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nil-elk · 6 months
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You can't take my ass anywhere.
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deedala · 11 months
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Timestamp Gif Roulette ⇆ 05x12: Love Songs (In the Key of Gallagher) ↳Peach + 12 for @lingy910y
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weevmo · 3 months
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Not final - but she's looking so much better in the 2nd pass!! Can't wait to set her loose so she can eat carpet lint and curb stomp sock puppets who get in her way -
Trying to emulate a bit of Hannah Barbara in the shapes! But I'll tighten the styling up in the next pass
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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the immediate aftermath of this post. they sure did kiss
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mccallhero · 7 months
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belle french + saving killian from rumplestiltskin: 2x11 vs 4x12
requested by @stubblesandwich
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laurasbailey · 2 years
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oblivionsdream · 10 months
If I were to theoretically make a Jingly Menace x Knight comic I would probably do it in a more casual slice of life style while following a loose plot. Nothing too high stakes. Just fun times with possibly the occasional bit of angst thrown in if I’m feeling dramatic.
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untouchedsoap · 1 year
there is something sooo fucking good about early seasons ian and mickey, about watching this summer fling turn into something more, the fear that elicited from mickey but him being unable to stop, finding those little moments hidden away and taking all this meaning from small gestures and persevering in dugouts and under bleachers and barely pressed confessions in the back of a church that is soo good for my brain
like i am very glad mickey gets to shout his love for ian from the mountain tops and also beat his love for ian into his dad's face but when he was clenching his teeth shut and his love for ian was coming out regardless ohhhhh baby i was eating
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
Gonna be real. I know I’m super biased in saying this but I genuinely think it’s more conducive to the story’s message and themes if Thistle is still alive after the end of the manga. Like.
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There’s all these examples of characters talking about how love and support from those who matter most to you is what can allow you to heal despite experiencing immense trauma. Themes of life and death and rebirth in both a physical and metaphysical sense. I just think it’s so much more satisfying for Thistle to get that, too, more so than the tragedy of him dying. You could say that him not getting that chance is just how things go sometimes, but in a series all about defying fate and walking the more difficult but fulfilling path (after all, recovery and facing the reality of it all certainly wouldn’t be easy) I would argue that him living serves the narrative much better.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Happy day one of Chatember, starting it off with strong with the Thunderclan (Jin) leader, Jin Guangshan (Lionstar)
(Name and AU credits to @clintbeefwoods!)
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stardustdiiving · 2 months
Sometimes I think about we got the very first rumors that playable Scaramouche would be Anemo + get a design change around July 2022 (it was a month or two out from 3.0 release) and a sizable portion of people were melting down on my Twitter recommended over it bc they were absolutely certain this qualified as genshin “ruining his character”. Like they had a hashtag over it and everything it was so funny
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
Question, is Bean Bloodmoon even allowed near the kids inside the daycare?
So far it seems:
Bean Lunar is adorable...
Bean Eclipse is a menace...
Bean Bloodmoon is a whopping Holy #@$&
You know you pose a good question. Something tells me he's probably not allowed in the daycare when its OPEN. Just a safety precaution, more or less. Sun would like it if he wasn't at all but also I wanna take these two. and Make them unlikely friends. But later maybe. Please do NOT have Eclipse and Bloodmoon at the same time in the daycare while its open. It's not good for anyone. Killcode learns the hard way.
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fizzigigsimmer · 3 months
Imagine Billy’s first spring show at the academy being Frankenstein. He and Steve are still in their rival stage and Steve is gloating because he got the part of Victor, who is technically the lead. Billy’s pissed because they were both good but he thinks he did better at his audition. No he doesn’t think it, he knows it.
This is total bullshit and obvious favoritism. He wants to just pack his bags and walk out, only he hasn’t hated the last couple of months the way he thought he would. His classes are challenging and it’s been nice not having to hide his books or pretend like he doesn’t give a shit about his grades without his dad looming over him. And fuck, yeah, he’ll admit it, he’s not sure if he’s ready to give up dancing again.
Being able to practice every day with Argyle & Eddie who almost feel like friends now, learning from teachers who really know their stuff and who can push him to be better - he’s not ready to walk away from it. Which burns. Because he doesn’t want to need this place more than he wants it; and that’s what drives him into Mrs. Harrington’s office, calling her out for her Nepo Casting. He all but dares her to admit that he was better and therefore should have gotten the part as Victor.
He’s speechless when she agrees with him - about the audition. Not about the part.
“I don’t need to tell you you’re good Billy. You already know it. You’ve scored the highest on every exam this term.”
“So then why -”
“Because this is a school, Billy, and while some competition between students is to be expected you shouldn’t mistake this for one. This place is meant to prepare you for the world first, but more specifically to teach you to be an artist within it. Our job as your teachers is not to hand out parts based on how you score on a sheet, but on how you might grow. I gave you that role because you bring something to it that few of your fellow students can, and I believe there is much you can learn from it. Likewise, the part of Victor will challenge Steve technically as well as mentally. When I approved the curriculum for this term I’ll admit I wasn’t confident that reading the novel in English would sufficiently teach him anything about the pitfalls of pride and hubris -”
Billy snorts. Because if Harrington manages to write a thoughtful essay on Frankenstein’s themes without Wheeler spoon feeding it to him he’ll eat his hat. Mrs. Harrington’s eyes dance like she read his mind and shrugs.
“I was never much of a reader either. Dance has always spoken to me in a language that is easier to understand.” She smiles at him, tenderly, with that same look in her eye that Billy’s mom always had when she talked about dance. It’s a look he sees every day now reflected in the eyes of so many almost friends. Still. It’s not fair. Steve gets the lead because he’s an arrogant prick and mommy hopes playing out the demise of another stuck up asshole will teach him to play nice with the other kids, and Billy just has to take it?
“It’s not fair.” he challenges, and Mrs. H. sighs a little, her smile fading as her expression settles into something more serious. Final.
“You did very well Billy. But no. Victor is not the role you should have.” She says, closing the door on any further argument with one of her direct unblinking stares. “I’m confident you’ll do very well as the creature, and that the rest of this term will be an education for you.”
She doesn’t say as much but Billy doesn’t need anyone to tell him the conversation is over. For better or for worse he’s Frankinstien’s creature and he’s going to have to put up with Steve, Tommy and Jason giving him shit until the show is over. As he leaves the madame’s office he vows to himself then and there that he’s going to outshine Steve on that stage and make him eat every word. Victor isn’t even the true protagonist of that story anyway, and Billy’s going to show them all why.
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