#The Lightning Emperor
edda-grenade · 2 months
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squid au, saar (tav) and abstermious (oc)
tentacle hugs my beloved
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emps is real tired lmao
for completely normal reasons. definitely not any unprocessed trust issues or feelings or anything
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creakysocks · 7 months
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So having a bronze dragonborn tav who looks just a little bit too similar to ansur sure was an experience-
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qcoded · 11 months
Based on a weird dream :P I was The Collector, and Belos was driving us in some convertible through some part of LA or Mexico LMFAO
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tcards · 5 months
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Star Wars - Return of the Jedi: The 40th Anniversary Covers by Chris Sprouse
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tart-miano · 11 months
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~Clips from the new "Pollyanna" Owl House animation!~
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impulsivefanwriter · 1 year
Other Emperors AU — Ninjago
So. The beloved Ice Emperor. The corrupting potential of the Staff of Forbidden Spinjitzu + Amnesia + Vex.
Now what if the Ice Emperor came in other flavours?
That’s right, introducing the Other Emperors AU, a collection of different “What ifs” for if other people had been zapped with the staff by Aspheera!
Different Versions:
Earth Emperor / King of the Underworld = Cole
Lightning Emperor / Thunder God / Lightning Striker = Jay
Fire Emperor / Western Wildfire / Fire Maker = Kai
Energy Emperor / Lord of Energy / Luh-Lord = Lloyd
Water Empress / Commander of the Sea / Wrath of the Waves = Nya
Empress of Technology / Automated Empress / Overseer / The Technodrome = Pixal
Creation Emperor / Second Spinjitzu Master / The Creator = Wu
Not all of them are fleshed out (honestly most just have… one or two minor ideas, but I’ll gladly bounce ideas back and forth with people in Reblogs, comments, and/or asks!), but here’s what I’ve got—
Earth Emperor / King of the Underworld
- Got zapped into the Neverrealm instead and lost his memories from a concussion in the fight
- Vex finds him and the staff and convinces him to take it
- He raises/sinks the Earth to create a stone dome over the realm and make it a cavern of tunnels; some call him the King of the Underworld (Hades vibes) for it and he hates it even if he can’t remember why (haha forgotten Skulkin memories)
- Master of the Mountain mixed with ancient mythology vibes
- His hair grows out and becomes partially lava because come on that look just is so cool on him ; his armour is also formed of obsidian/onyx and crystals
- Difficult to anger (a very patient emperor that listens to his people whenever Vex doesn’t interfere) but if you do (usually on Vex’s manipulation) OH BOY you’re in for it now
- Built a dangerous labyrinth King-Minos-style complete with a stone minotaur in the centre that he sends prisoners/people Vex tricks him into thinking are enemies
- Is very fascinated by Kai’s fire (and Jay’s lightning) because the only light source in the caverns are glowing crystals formed from his powers or special regulated flint/coal-based fires
- He keeps Kai with him when the Ninja arrive and banish the rest to the labyrinth to “prove themselves” on Vex’s manipulation (possibly specifically dropping Jay in the minotaur room as a sacrifice because Jay made a menace of himself in the throne room)
- The Ninja make it through the traps because they’re all kinda Cole-themed (like one involves the Triple Tiger Sashay) and arrive back at the throne room after defeating the stone minotaur, much to Cole/Vex’s astonishment/ire respectively
- Cole realizes the Ninja are telling the truth and that Vex has been lying to him and ends up dropping the staff after reverting the Neverrealm back to its original state
Lightning Emperor / Thunder God / Lightning Strike
- Realizes Zane’s vision (yeah, Jay is the only person who knew Zane had a vision and he DISMISSED IT, hecking come on) is about to come true and shoves Zane out of the way of Aspheera’s shot
- Cracked his head on a rock falling through the portal and has zero memories <3 Should he be dead? Probably. But he’s Jay, so he survives, especially with his boosted element lashing out
-  Vex finds him and is so confused over the lightning appearance but realizes he can use it
- Skybound / Lightning Ruins parallels with Jay ripping up chunks of ground and making floating magnetized islands
- Has a very ominous cult following Vex leads because its Jay, of course it would happen, its not the first time
- Is kinda revered more as a ‘godly figure’ than an emperor (Vex uses his status to make orders in Jay’s name)
- Kinda unhinged, but you can blame the staff + Vex + the concussion and blood loss
- Fascinated by Cole because he absorbs/grounds lightning fine ; also fascinated by Zane who is a walking metal lightning rod
- Constantly zapping around
Fire Emperor / Western Wildfire / Fire Maker
- Lost his powers to Aspheera, battled her with the second staff, and got his butt yeeted to the Never Realm- that’s rough, buddy
- Gets his well-deserved focus season
- He really means well and just wants to keep his people safe, but unfortunately it comes across as overly possessive and tyrannical 
- Older brothers so hard that he comes across as evil/possessive and aggressive when he’s trying to be caring and protective
- Don’t have much for him because the fandom already has insanely cool Fire Emperor AUs
Energy Emperor / Lord of Energy / Luh-Lord 
- So many Lord Garmadon parallels
- Also a surprising amount of Morro parallels about making his own destiny
- So, so traumatized and got corrupted simply for wanting to take his fate into his own hands for once
- Punts Vex out of the castle because he’s had enough of people telling him what to do
- Kinda goes back to S1 Lloyd because this kid just wants his childhood back
- Goes from “scary emperor who’s going to execute you” to “excited little kid” the second he sees his siblings
- Taking the staff back hurts because Lloyd isn’t mad, he’s just super sad and confused and pleads with them not to do it
Water Empress / Commander of the Sea / Wrath of the Waves
- The Never Realm just became the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
- All the ice and snow melts into an ocean with islands
- Nya builds a big ol’ palace that’s both above and below the water’s surface
- Seabound parallels in terms of architecture (lots of accidental Wojira foreshadowing)
- So. Much. Rage. You anger Nya, you’re done for.
- The staff + her element amplified the ocean’s whispers and she’s kinda merged with the sea but not fully, her memories are a bit scattered
- Was going to take on Vex as an advisor because he convinced her she knew him before her memories got lost/scattered, but then her memories associate him with Krux, and she kicks him onto a lone island
- Her brothers have to face the ocean to get to her. They hate it, but they do it anyway 
Empress of Technology / Automated Empress / Overseer / The Technodrome
- Pixal gets to sacrifice herself for Zane
- While the staff doesn’t amplify powers for her, she still gets boosted strength, speed, smarts, etc., her processor running at 300x proficiency
- Is able to get the mech up and running— she DID build it, after all
- Still loses her memories from Vex’s interference, somewhat reverts to S3 Pixal
- Makes the entire realm “efficient” and rapidly revolutionizes technology
- Easily one of the scariest rulers because of how good she is at it
- Took Vex on as an Advisor because of his knowledge of the realm, then fired him once she was done. 
“But you— you cannot FIRE me! I am your loyal, most trusted advisor—” 
“And you are no longer necessary. There is more important matters to attend to.”
- It’s very difficult to dismantle her empire
Creation Emperor / Second Spinjitzu Master / The Creator
- Aspheera blasts her intended target
- Wu is sent to the Never Realm with the other staff
- The Ninja are devastated because they just lost their Sensei AGAIN just after getting him back
- Wu refuses to use the staff at first but then… well, he starts getting desperate to return. He misses his family. And his essence— creation— could be used to help the people of this realm. So he uses it once or twice, sparingly, to help the villages, to help travellers— and slowly gets more and more addicted. Why does this realm hurt the people in it? If his essence is one of creation, couldn’t he use it to… reform this realm into something more peaceful? More habitable? Remake it in his own image? Correct all the mistakes he’s made, start again, start better—
- FSM and Pilots-S2 Garmadon parallels
- His students manage to get into the Never Realm only to find it “prosperous” and “thriving”
- Bonus if there are copies of them, but the way Wu sees them— uncanny valley alert
- EXTRA bonus if there’s a fake Morro that’s based on how he was as a student / if he’d lived , and a fake Garmadon cured of venom and evil
- Breaking their Sensei out of this illusion of a perfect world really hurts
- Wu is traumatized by all his mistakes and they get acknowledged in this AU whether he wants them to be or not <3
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yeowninefive · 4 months
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Jolt of Lemon and My Funny Tape and Me
Quick doodles of Annalogue participating in some recent art trends over on Twitter. (IDK how the licking lemons art meme started, but the second is a redraw of this frame of Roblox SpongeBob holding up an apple, the art challenge was initiated by @/RIFLESCYTHE.)
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daiourage · 4 months
Final Fantasy x Texts From Last Night pt. 2!
Same as last time → Warning! Vulgar!
Part 1
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leftistfanenboii · 8 months
I just know that Ansur is cheering on my draconic sorcerer tav when I beat the emperor in the final fight
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dougielombax · 3 months
“a JEdi, hE SaYs. LiKe HiS fATHeR BefOre hiM¡”
He said, with an air of sneering condescension and nasal, powerless, furiously petulant self pitying indignity.
Then FALL, Sidious!
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Shit in hell! Asshole!
This was the most complete gif of the scene I could find.
I like to think the 144p PotatoVision resolution adds to the quality of this post.
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Unstoppable! My power is unstoppable! 🔥
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1346x2048 -- Spotlight on published cover art to "STAR WARS: Lords of the Sith" (published April 2015) canon SW novel, written by Paul S. Kemp. Artwork by Aaron McBride.
"He’d said that the relationship between Sith apprentice and Master was symbiotic but in a delicate balance. An apprentice owed his Master loyalty. A Master owed his apprentice knowledge and must show only strength. But the obligations were reciprocal and contingent. Should either fail in his obligation, it was the duty of the other to destroy him. The Force required it. Since before the Clone Wars, Vader’s Master had never shown anything but."
-- "STAR WARS: Lords of the Sith," published by Del Rey Books in 2015, written by Paul S. Kemp
Source: https://twitter.com/delreystarwars/status/459784173931085824.
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tcards · 5 months
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Star Wars - Return of the Jedi: The 40th Anniversary Covers by Chris Sprouse
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Legend of Lightning Chapter 98. The Strike Team Arrives!
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“He” popped open the trunk underneath his bed. He rummaged through the contents, carefully placing the bottles of wines—all gifts of thanks—on the floor. He pulled out a small case at the bottom, only a bit bigger than his palms.
He opened it and connected it to his earpiece. One of the most secure, undetectable transmitters in the Galaxy. But even so, he didn’t have authorization to use it until the others were making their moves abroad. He hoped today wouldn’t count as a violation of that order.
“Hello, Father. This is the First Son. They are on their way. I’m sending you their plan of attack—”
“I already know they are coming. It matters not what their plans are, or their numbers. They will converge on me, and when they do, they will find their hearts in my hands.”
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abyssmalice · 10 months
@narvvhal replied to your post “@narvvhal replied to your post “”: Uhh, hey...”:
"T-Traitor?" He gasps painfully upon this accusation, touching his chest dramatically... "Niashka... it's just an allegiance by default, solely because his goal aligns to us... I never said anything about pardoning slime sins."
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"It's exactly because he has committed crimes against slimekind that we can't be allied with him! He's the loser of all losers in the world, a pathetic piece of scum who can only be mean to slimes!! I don't care if his goals align with ours - he has sinned, and sinned to slimes, and that is the only important part to consider here!
"I'm, I'm going to put you in a box and mail you back home if you keep this up!"
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doglover502 · 2 years
Had an idea for this chart and I had to get it down
The middle is supposed to be "self-absorbed D-bag who gets better"
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