#That is definitely Ray btw
rfaromance · 2 years
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since you all enjoyed the last one so much
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ray935sworld · 2 months
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I think Marc died after seeing this picture the first time
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rayjayoo · 2 years
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raeman-ray · 2 months
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listening to crying during sex by ethel cain while posting this and dude. ohmygod </3
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mooshofish · 1 month
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I’m back from the kitchen to bring you Manshine City and FC Barcha Ocean Friends!!!
I got kinda lazy towards the end and some of these bitches hair was… really something.
My apologies for that. Probably won’t do Ubers but I might do some of them like Aryu, Barou, and Aiku because I have ideas that I cannot disclose…..
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sunshinechay · 1 year
So I had a thought probably everyone else has had by now but like
Mew had absolutely turned Boston down in the past right? And Boston never got over it. Maybe he liked Mew at one point just like Ray.
So he introduces Top, someone a lot like himself. A “love ‘em and leave ‘em” type expecting Mew to turn him down too.
Only Mew doesn’t. So now Boston has a problem. Not only did Mew turn him down because he’s not interested, the guy he likes is the one Mew accepts, the one Mew dates, the one Mew is willing to have sex with.
And Boston just can’t deal with it. Can’t deal with Mew not wanting him, can’t deal with Top wanting Mew instead of him, can’t deal with the fact that everyone is cheering Mew and Top on like it’s going to end well (with the exception of Ray but that’s it’s own can of worms). Can’t deal with the emotions (jealous, angry, hatred, inadequacy) that comes with all of this happening.
So he is reacts poorly. He starts trying to create doubt and discord and he’s getting more desperate the more it feels like it’s not working. Top and Mew are still dating, still getting to know each other, still having sex and Boston just can’t have that.
This is what I mean when I say he’s the closest thing by to a villain this series has. He has his own reasons, his own qualities that are both good and bad. He is not an evil person, but he is a jealous person. That jealous is going to ruin his life if he lets it, and it looks like he’s going to let it. Which is a damn shame since he is already such an interesting person. He’s social and outgoing and charming. He knows what he’s about and goes out and gets what he wants.
This friend group is already so toxic and it’s as unhealthy for Boston as it is for everyone else. Especially since it’s pretty clear he feels like he can’t open up to anyone else about everything. So he doesn’t, he bottles it up. Soon it’s going to explode as he falls apart. Everyone’s demons are going to eat them all alive and unfortunately it looks like Boston is the one who jump starts it all.
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRmoCtgE/ shout-out to whoever turned rays mic up becau
hm. has recording technology gone too far.
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neonstatic · 4 months
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they call me JC the way i live a life of perfect chastity
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Alice the alligator… can't wait to see her hahahha your version will most definitely be my canon now. My favorite parts of Fucked/Up includes whenever Johnson's comforting or taking care of Matty like after the fight with Asher or their whole conversation in chapter 10 about the pinups and love. Or when Joel is threatening him but cuts it short when he sees Johnson watching it with actual threat in his eyes. (And yes love every second of the smut too)
crying sobbing 💗😭💗 I loved writing those parts so much! I'm currently on ch5 of the sequel (ep3, to be exact, each ep will be split into two halves so you guys aren't reading entire novels some updates oop) and I can for sure tell you there's gunna be so many more of those moments, hell I've already written a bunch already lol
I'm so excited for Alice's intro in a week, developing her and Johnson's history has been a joy and if I can make others accept her as canon I'll be so happy /)w(\
(more smut will also be very present in the sequel too hehehehe can't go without that in this series)
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I was sitting opposite some guy on the tram today who was very obviously sloshed (like couldn't stay upright going round a corner)
Anyway he's pulling faces throughout the journey, I'm sitting there hoping he's got tourrettes and not having a stroke or something
About 3 stops before I'm about to get off, he pulls out a 700ml bottle of gin from god-knows-where and chugs like a quarter of it before shoving it back into a mysteriously large pocket
Yeah. Australia.
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illumiiiz · 2 years
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‘cause you look even better than the photos (ref; plain lineart below)
Happy 2023!! <3 This year I’m challenging myself to sketch something every day, no matter the subject or the simplicity. so, here’s day 1! :D I need to draw Ray more often, honestly. he’s so beautiful.
i honestly think i like this lineart by itelf better than the flat monocolor version sknskghf i dunno. either way, i tried smth a little different than i normally do and i really really like how this looks hehe
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also, thanks to @thefutureviolents​ for (indirectly and, i’m sure, unintentionally) helping me decide what to draw <3 
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butchybats · 1 year
Anyway. Back to lesbianism!
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darklight-owl · 1 year
Series that has a lot of random hidden lore bits the author made so even years after you finished it sometimes it comes back to step on your heart with something you didn't know
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art styles dont excuse inability to draw not-white people. heres an old drawing of ray anyway, theyve been unfinished for months and my style has certainly improved since!
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pansypr3p · 2 years
the issue with being a writer and being a hardcore mcr fan is that all of my stories have HEAVY mcr influence because i genuinely believe there is nothing more beautiful than what theyve done
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jerseymuppet · 2 years
i NEED to know ray “almost majored in film editing” toro’s opinion on Goncharov (1973)
He’d think it was pretentious and lacking in dinosaurs and cool robots. He’d enjoy the cinematography and film direction, but y’know.
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