#That in itself is different
mechanicaldance · 4 months
honestly a thing I keep thinking about is just how different my Mrs afton is from others - their interpretations and canon. Of course I created her a year or so after the blogs initial creation, but a long while before any details of Mrs Afton were even around.
but at the same time? I’m quite happy with how she is. Every day I create new headcanons or polish her up even more. Shes just. So different, so unique (so traumatised) from everyone else’s rendition that in a way, I think she stands out among the others (when it’s no competition at all).
long as everyone likes Em, and all the different takes I put into her backstory and the overall lore, I think I should be satiafied with my loving, mute, circus goth wife.
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orcboxer · 1 year
those first couple weeks after escaping a time loop have gotta be disorienting as all fuck. all those little cues that used to tell you what's about to happen are now triggers that cause you to brace for something that isn't coming. you have to relearn the permanence of death -- hell, you have reacquaint yourself with the entire concept of finality altogether. everything keeps changing but it never changes back and you keep having to remind yourself that this is normal. "it won't reset anymore," you echo to yourself, over and over and over, like a broken record, like you're still trapped in a loop, like someone who escaped the time loop but was doomed to bring it into the future with them
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notbecauseofvictories · 5 months
I'm re-reading the Discworld series for reasons, and honestly the most relatable part of reading these as an adult is how many of the protagonists start out being tired, used to their little routine and vaguely disgruntled by the interruption of the Plot. Sam Vimes wants to lie drunk in a gutter and absolutely doesn't want to be arresting dragons. Rincewind is yanked into every situation he's ever encountered, though he'd much rather be lying in a gutter too. (Minus the alcohol. Plus regretting everything he's ever done said witnessed or even heard about fourth-hand in his whole life.) Granny Weatherwax is deeply suspicious of foreign parts and that includes the next town over; Nanny has leaned into the armor of "nothing ever happens to jolly grannies who terrorize their daughters-in-law and make Saucy Jokes"
Only the young people don't seem to have picked up on this---and that's fortunate, because someone has to run around making things happen, if only so Vimes and Granny and Rincewind have a reason to get up (complaining bitterly the whole time) and put it all to rights. Without Carrot, Margrat, Eric, etc. these characters don't have that reason; they're likely to stay in the metaphorical gutter and keep wondering where it all went wrong or why anything has to change.
............well, that's not quite true. You get the sense that Vetinari knows how much certain people hate the Plot. And as the person sitting behind the metaphorical lighting board of Ankh-Morpork, he takes no small pleasure in forcing the Plot-haters specifically to stand up, and say some lines.
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mintaikk · 2 months
I fuck hard with Asexual Venom, but the idea of Venom, an alien whose species doesn't breed sexually and don't have concepts of sex, being sexually attracted to some boring sad and sweaty white guy he picked up on the streets is just so funny to me
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theoldkyokodied · 6 months
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Daywoman. Fighter of the Nightwoman!! (more genderbend screenshot redraws + an outfit design for charlie's and denise's short-lived glam rock band + guest appearance of THE duster. Because i love that thing.)
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spacerockband · 4 months
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Legend tells of the carp that leapt over the Dragon Gate at the crest of a river and became a stand up comedian.
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ceilidhtransing · 2 months
If you hear Republicans speak to other Republicans, you'll hear a lot of them say that they really don't like Trump for whatever reason (many of them aren't fans of the felony convictions, his personal manner, his business dealings, his family life, or whatever else) but that they'll still be voting for him because he'll get them closer to what they ultimately want. They're pragmatic; they don't demand purity in their candidate. They recognise him as their strategic choice so they'll set aside the issues they have with him and vote as a bloc. That's what makes them effective at getting their way. That's how they win elections.
And boy I wish we had more of that attitude on the left. Imagine what we could get done.
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biblically accurate dca drawing tutorial
i finally fucking made this thing let's GOOOO
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the biggest tips i have for anyone wanting to draw them like this is to 1. practice A LOT and 2. USE REFERENCES!!!!!!! if you need a specific angle to reference you can use this sketchfab page with sun's 3d model (and animations!!) or these images of their head at various angles :3
i've also made a (very messy and disorganized) traced reference for their face that i'll be putting below the cut for anyone interested!
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the specific image i'm referencing is the same one as my blog's banner if anyone's interested in that as well!! ^_^
i probably forgot to mention something somewhere so if anyone has any additional questions just lmk!!!
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hiekka · 3 months
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fuck everything else i just drew him with semi-consistent features also this is the immediate aftermath of the last sketch i posted
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wolfythewitch · 3 months
I’m just now getting into and learning about the odyssey but like…was all the adultery with Circe and Calypso by choice or did Odysseus get manipulated into that since he does genuinely love Penelope more than he did either of them so like what happened there?
Well you read the text haha you tell me
There's too much surrounding Circe's to ever know the level of consent imo. She gets like a paragraph or two and we know they definitely slept together at least once. Hermes tells him to but their meeting was also supposedly prophesied. She is a goddess and he's a mortal. His men were trapped with her but they also stayed a year after. We don't even really know if they had sex after that but I can't say they didn't. The whole thing is very vague, but you can't quite say it was by choice. I think a friend described it by saying the closest word for it is dubcon
With Calypso it's clearer the level of consent. Though, maybe it could have been willing at first, with the line "she no longer pleased him". Which could be interpreted a different number of ways so I'm not gonna get into it. The bit I'm going to point to is the line after, "an unwilling lover beside a lover all too willing". That's rape. Regardless of any past proclivities, at some point his consent was revoked. He had been trapped on her island the entire time for 7 years, so already the power imbalance (along with her being a goddess) is pretty skewed. He wept on her shores every day. He says himself that he longs to go home. Athena says he longs to die
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letitbehurt · 10 months
A trope I adore: not only a drugged Whumpee, but the act of drugging Whumpee.
Pinning Whumpee’s arm to the ground or a table, keeping them still enough to push the needle into their arm
Causing a sharp, sudden pain that makes Whumpee cry out, their mouth opened just long enough to shove a pill inside—then holding a hand over Whumpee’s nose and mouth until they swallow or suffocate
Forcing Whumpee to drink something they know is laced (or don’t)
Waving a strong chemical beneath an unconscious or exhausted Whumpee’s nose, and watching the effects hit their system almost immediately
Making Whumpee finish a suspiciously chalky meal
Restraining Whumpee and hooking them up to a constant drip of fluids meant to keep them docile. Bonus: Whumpee fighting tooth and nail to keep the needle from their arm because they know—once it’s in, there’s no chance to escape
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kagoutiss · 6 months
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din’s champion
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void-and-virtue · 6 months
Lying on the floor in a puddle of my tears and staring blankly at the ceiling as I once again think about all the fucked up, multi-dimensional ways that Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung encompass the god vs creation and deity vs worshipper dynamics
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salamispots · 1 year
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dream logic means freshwater sharks are more dangerous than ocean sharks and that they can be out of water/glide across sand on reinforced fins lmao
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robininthewindow · 8 months
“Autistic sniper” “autistic engine”’”autistic medic” BIYCH THEYRE ALL AUTISTIC!!!!!
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arcanegifs · 9 hours
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Here's more comparisons of Arcane Gifs before and after I color and sharpen em!
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