#That Terry gives to July so he can get on his feet
lazlolullaby · 1 year
Batman Beyond arc concept: the semi-retired Matthew "Matches" Malone + his new apprentices, Cameryn "Cam" Min-Jun and Julio "July" Jimenez
Idk it's just a set up and some vibes. But uh. I don't think Alvin Draper (Tim Drake's underworld cover in the comics) ever made an appearance in the DCAU helping out Matthew "Matches" Malone (Bruce's underworld/henchman cover identity across several universes). so.
Welcome (back) to the underworld, Terry.
After years of surviving in the Gotham underbelly, feeding Batman information and dodging both the cops and angry mafia dons, Matches Malone had decided to retire.
But money didn't go as far as it used to. After a few decades of disappearing, his nest egg ran out. Batman had also vanished in the meantime. He thought he had a few connections, some street kids he fed and put through school, but it didn't work out. They'd made it clear that they'd steal whatever pittance he had left.
So. he thought he'd go out with a bang, burning down one more warehouse in the name of his arson hobby and disappearing into the flames.
That's when Cameryn comes in. Hotheaded and lacking some street knowledge, but with some spit and polish he could be great. A notable lackey for one of the big Rogues. Cam is from Bludhaven, scrounged up his savings to make it big in the mega city of Gotham. It didn't go well. He was homeless and squatting in the aforementioned warehouse where Matches wanted his funeral pyre. Cam tackles Matches away from the flames, angrily demanding why he was trying to kill himself.
Realizing that he couldn't find an answer, Matches decides to take Cam on as an apprentice. Teaching him sneaking techniques, the main families, the history of Gotham and Old Town. They become this duo of gossipers, of grifters and information brokers. Cam is - per his name, good with cameras. Using them, hacking them, hiding from them. Eventually Matches finds out that Cam was sent here by one of his old contacts - it's unclear if it's one of his kids that can't partner him full time like Cam can, or if it was Batman, trying to both help him and train a new underworld contact.
It goes well. Then they get noticed.
A young man named Julio "July" Jimenez thought he recognized Cameryn. But he thought his name was Terry McGinnis. And Cam knew their secret handshake, but disappeared before July could check.
A few days later, Terry shows up at Julio's door, apologetic. Cameryn was a cover story.
Matches is actually his boss, Bruce Wayne. Bruce, after a lifetime of living in Gotham, finally cracked. Back in the day, Bruce was interested in helping people from the ground, not just through donations and social movements. So he created an identity he used to get information that the police and Batman could not.
Now that Bruce is elderly, sometimes the memories between "philanthropic CEO" and "mob mole" end up blurred. Sometimes Bruce doesn't recognize Wayne Manor or Terry. Matches picked up where he left off, defending fellow henchmen, but also being really tempted to just burn everything down.
It took some improv work, but Terry was able to convince Matches that he was an ally. And when Neo Batman realized their predecessors friend was back in the game, they offered help as well. They point Matches to missions and work with him while he's going through his "episodes".
But Barbara had to mess it up by giving Terry a civil service award. (Not exactly for this, no one can really know how bad Bruce got, but.) Now he's burned, he can't be on the streets with Matches. He's stuck as mission control at Wayne Manor.
Terry explains all of this to July. And sits and breathes for a moment. "I haven't actually told anyone else."
"Why not?"
"I can't tell my folks because they'd get worried and make me stop working for Mr. Wayne. Last two times I went to a shrink for myself they turned out to be connected to Rogues, I don't want to risk Mr. Wayne's rep. Powers wants any excuse to get rid of him, and if he's fired, then I'm out of the job too. I told the commissioner because she was a family friend but that got me the award and now my cover is blown." Terry puts his head in his and. "Matches and Bruce ain't bad, they're just. Needing some help."
"I see. Why tell me?"
"I didn't want you to think I was screwing up my life again."
"Wayne was as straightforward as they come. I can't believe you found that skeleton, Terry. Just your luck, huh?"
Another pause. July reaches, starts to hope. "you really believe in him? You think you can take them down?"
Terry immediately knows where this is going. "July. It's dangerous. I can't ask you to do this. You're trying to get out, not go in."
"I'm trying to support myself and my family. You're my family too."
He gets an ear piece and instructions, memorizes faces and places the gangs go to. July gets a stipend, weekly payments that help him and his family out. Terry says he's not paying him his PA salary but July knows better. Terry was right about Mr. Wayne and Matches: they aren't bad, just a bit rough.
Later, when it goes to heck in a hand basket and Neo Batman has to intervene and bail July out:
"You used that same voice when trying to intimidate Charlie. Try again."
Neo Batman pauses, flicks his hand under his chin and then signs "I love you" with narrowed eyes.
Commissioner Barbara Gordon gives July a witness protection deal and a new job in a better part of town.
Terry visits, eventually confirming he's Neo Batman. July is in the loop, helping out where he can. Even if it's just an ear and a break.
Idk it's an outline I don't know how to end it but it ends well. I ❤️ you.
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natromanxoff · 3 years
7 - Freddie...
Hi everybody, it's me from down under.
I thought I would keep a low profile while everybody was having a mass debate about whether they should or shouldn't keep the name Queen, it was actually quite interesting to read all the different reasons and opinions. I, like everybody else, have my own opinions which I won't burden you to much with, but one thing is for sure, I personally do not want to see Freddie replaced, and I don't care if it's George Michael, Elton John or f***ing Pavarotti. I reckon Roger should play guitar and share lead vocals with Brian. That's enough of the thoughts of Chairman Taylor.
When I started this today I was going to give you another stupid story from the vaults, but then I got thinking that it's another year since we lost our little vocalist. I, alongside the rest of the band, Jacky, Julie, Phoebe and everybody else at Queen Prods. still miss him immensely. What was Freddie like? I'll try and explain how I saw him, and it's not gonna be easy.
He came across as an extrovert and sometimes in interviews he came across as a complete asshole, this was far from the case, he was one of the most generous, caring people you could wish to meet. He would love to give gifts, and they didn't have to be really expensive either, just to see the enjoyment of the person that opened it, because when he got you something a lot of thought went into it. Not long after he bought Garden Lodge, he and his merry little entourage went to Japan to 'shop' for furniture. When he returned Rock-it Cargo told me it was the biggest EVER personal shipment, and they had to get police permission to block off Logan Place while it was unloaded. A couple of days later, unannounced as usual, I turned up at the house and Phoebe greeted me in his bubbly manner. When I got into the house and saw Fred, we said our hello's and I asked "How much did you spend?" He had a twinkle in his eye, gave me a wink and a very cheeky smile and said "Well over the million dear." I asked to see what he had purchased and he said, "I saw the most amazing pair of shoes I tried to get for you, they were black and silver, very you, but you know what the Japanese are like, they have such small f***ing feet, I tried everywhere." I thanked him for the nice thought, but I really wanted to see what he bought, but every time I mentioned it he kept apologising for not getting the shoes, in the end I gave up and we opened a bottle of vodka, got pissed and I never saw anything. I think it was that trip he got Jacky and Julie kimonos.
Another time Freddie, Phoebe and Terry went shopping and while they were out Fred saw a shirt and said, "Thats very Crystal, I'll get it for him as a Christmas present." The next time I was at the house and we had drunk a small section of Russia, Freddie told me how he had seen this shirt, etc.etc and got it for my Xmas, but he couldn't contain himself any longer "You must have it now, I know it's a little early." He ran upstairs to get it and proudly gave it to me, and I can honestly say it's the first time I got a Christmas present in May. What else was he like?
Around the house he was useless, as I'm sure Phoebe would agree. After a long session recording at the Townhouse we rocked on back to the house, this was also one of the first times we had used John 'Teddy-Bear' Brough as an engineer, and the first time Broughie had been back to the house, so he was on his best behaviour. We went straight to the alcohol fridge but Fred asked Broughie what he would like to drink, and the little git asked for a cup of tea, to which for some strange reason FM said he would make. We all let him get on with it, and he seemed to be doing very well, mastered how to switch on a kettle, he even knew where the cups were. When he handed over the brew he had remembered the milk, the water, and even the sugar but had failed to put in the vital ingredient for tea, yes, the tea bag.
He loved to play Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit, and we used to have mammoth sessions that went on all night, he was brilliant at table tennis and unbeatable in the queen camp. I could go on and on for ever about him, but let's sum it up by saying he was a great singer, songwriter, piano player and showman, but he was also a great mate with a wicked sense of humour, and along with all you guys, I think of him a lot. What I seem to end up doing on his anniversary is what I hope he would want me to do, and that is have a few drinks in his honour. So on the 24th, lets all drink to a long lost friend
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baldwinboy5ive · 3 years
A few scattered Hawk, Johnny, and Demetri thoughts and headcanons 
How Hawk Will Atone in Season 4
This is a dumbass joke I shared this with some friends outside of tumblr, but I needed to save this for posterity, so I’m posting this here as well even though it’s hilariously outlandish. All because I saw this comment and couldn’t stop laughing about it: 
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But it turns out this conversation was happening at the same time as a discussion about Johnny’s and Demetri’s heights, and I pointed out Demetri is actually taller. We were talking about how, especially after critiquing Kreese’s tattoo, Demetri needs to insult Terry as well. Demetri goes up against Terry Silver, annoys the shit out of him, calls the earring tacky, you know - just Demetri doing his little Demetri things, hahaha. Then Hawk swoops in, swiping a sharpened sai from the Cobra Kai dojo wall - Stingray pops out of nowhere just to remind everyone that it’s Raphael’s weapon - and Hawk brandishes it over Terry Silver. It probably looks something like the imagery on the Narmer Palette, which shows the king grasping the head of a conquered enemy by the hair, and raising a mace in the other hand to strike him with, a picture of complete dominance.  
Hawk then leaps at Terry and slices the sai across his neck offscreen. (I recall it was @phoomwhoosh​ who reminded me that the hawk screech sound effect has to be played here, as well.) Next thing you see is Hawk victoriously brandishing the ponytail and yelling in triumph, holding it up for everyone to see, and all of the other students cheering him on, with Terry slumped on the ground, defeated and humiliated. 
Hawk goes up to Daniel-san, reverently lays the ponytail at his feet, and says with a bow, “For atonement, for what I did to your dojo, and for stealing your sensei’s Medal of Honor.” 
Daniel: “........................ you did fucking what now” 
“Babes means babes.” 
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“Babes” is gender-neutral. I love the notion of bisexual-even-if-he-doesn’t-even-know-that-word Johnny Lawrence just calling any hot person a babe. He thinks Daniel LaRusso’s a babe. He told Hawk at Valley Fest that the flashiest way to show off the board breaking was to “pull the hottest babe onstage and make them hold it” (Hawk listened). 
Daniel: “Johnny, when you constantly say that you hooked up with plenty of ‘babes,’ do you mean men and women, or -?”
Johnny: “Babes means babes, LaRusso, don’t be weird about it.” 
Just Hawk
Not sure if this is just another dumb joke of mine or a realistic headcanon, but I say Johnny doesn’t actually know Hawk’s real name. Maybe this is realistic, though? Which is sad. I mean, he ignored that kid so much. And I genuinely think it might actually be possible that Johnny never had a single kid fill out paperwork, and only Kreese had them do it once he stepped in (he mentioned Tory’s) and took care of administrative things like paying Johnny’s bills and the like. (Oddly enough, Johnny does know Demetri’s name. Not sure why, but he does.) 
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Speaking of names:
The Assassination of Eli Moskowitz by the Coward Demetri Nolastname 
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Really, most of the things I desperately want for season 4 are not going to happen, so I’ll just lower all my expectations and just wish for this one single thing: please give us Demetri’s last name. I need to know it! 
Important note: I do not think of Demetri as an actual coward, this is just the same damn dumbass joke I’ve been recycling for years now, starting from way back when I said “The Assassination of Greedo the Rodian by the Coward Han Solo.”
And a tangent: I’ve never even seen that movie, but after hearing Martin Kove talk so much about his love for Westerns I’m kind of interested, haha. 
Demetri’s Future
This one comes straight from @idontknowkaratebutiknowcrazy​ and I love it so much that I have majorly latched onto it: Demetri becomes a standup comic when he’s a little older. The credit for this idea goes fully to her! And it truly is an amazing idea. @idontknowkaratebutiknowcrazy​ also suggested Demetri becoming a comic book creator, which I also love so much, but he could be both! Because whatever he ends up doing, he can definitely do standup on the side. And, man, I just rewatched The Assassination of Eli Moskowitz by the Coward Demetri Nolastname (again: not actually a coward) and his delivery is SMOOTH as silk. He’s so good. And obviously very engaging with the crowd. 
If only I could write fics, I’d love to write this one: Demetri starts finding some success after awhile, and his binary boyfriend Eli attends some of his sets, and they both watch a lot of other comics because of Demetri being in that world now. Some of them kill, some of them bomb, and some are just average. Demetri does all three, sometimes all in the same night. Eventually, Demetri has a big night where he headlines a show, and a bunch of their friends come, along with their senseis. Demetri spends a good portion of his set roasting Sensei Lawrence. (The man spent years listening to and following orders from a dude with an inaccurate cobra tattoo, for crying out loud - round pupils, REALLY.) Sensei LaRusso loves it. Eli’s so proud of how well Demetri did in his headline show, but because Sensei Lawrence was in attendance too, Eli says to everyone else later: “I’ve never seen someone kill that hard, and then be killed that hard after the show.” 
Hawk’s Just a Simple Man, Trying to Make His Way in the Dojo
Hawk’s trying to figure himself out. He has a bit of an identity crisis when he’s in the transition period between Cobra Kai and Eagle Fang/Miyagi-Do/Whatever the Fuck, and is still figuring out who he is, and whether or not he still does or does not like Nerd Shit. Even more confusing is: does Star Wars count as Nerd Shit? It’s pretty nerdy, yeah, but is it really Nerd Shit when it’s so popular and almost everyone watches at least the main movies? 
And Johnny was really at the actual perfect age for watching Star Wars when it came out. Look, I don’t care how much the guy rewatches Iron Eagle on a loop, Star Wars was a cultural juggernaut when it happened (and never went away) and - really, I don’t care who you are, Star Wars is for everybody. I’m even hearing Johnny’s voice in the bit where he goes “It doesn’t matter if you’re a freak, or a nerd, or a loser... all that matters is that you become badass!” 
It DOESN’T matter! It doesn’t matter if you’re a freak, a cool popular kid, a loser, a weirdo, a nerd, a normal everyday average joe, or anything at all really - you can watch and like Star Wars, haha. 
Sure, maybe Johnny didn’t watch many, if any at all, of the movies past the original trilogy, but here’s another headcanon. He really enjoyed at least the OT, and once Hawk and Demetri find out, it starts to crack at the walls Hawk put up around himself about all the Nerd Shit. He still isn’t sure whether it’s okay to like Star Wars because it’s cool, or whether it’s okay to like Star Wars because he really is still into all that nerd shit... but then Hawk eventually comes to terms with all of it by realizing that it doesn’t actually matter what kind of labels get put on all of this. After all, Sensei Lawrence doesn’t care that much, despite how much he throws words like “loser” around. To him, it was just a cool movie. (Later, when Hawk gets much more comfortable in his own skin, then he can enjoy the truly nerdy shit like Clone Wars and Rebels ahahaah.) 
So far, they didn’t really do too many of these kinds of training exercises on the show, but Mr. Miyagi blindfolded Julie Pierce and trained her to use her other senses. Perhaps Daniel got some of that training off-screen too, and begins to teach it to the students. They all start with a kata and blocking drills with their eyes closed. Hawk has some trouble at first, and it’s actually Johnny who says “If you keep opening your eyes, I’m gonna come over there and put a bucket on your head like Obi-Wan did to Luke. And we used that bucket for washing the cars for like the hundredth time.” 
“Sensei, you know Star Wars?!” Hawk says incredulously. 
And then it’s everyone else who’s incredulous: who the fuck doesn’t know Star Wars? 
And that’s how that all began. 
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cc-tinslebee · 3 years
[steps up to the mic] Listen, this might just be me, but if you’re going to have a large cast of “main” characters, you should probably give those characters opportunities to display their skills and foils instead of handing it off to the “real” main character.
Obviously, this could probably speak to a lot of fandoms, but I’m just gonna talk about The Mighty Ducks for a second because that’s what inspired this train of thought.
A bit of a rant (analysis?) below the cut:
When we look at the movies, I think the original, as well as D2, handled their large cast pretty well. Sure, it was kind of strange not seeing Karp, Peter, Terry, and Tammy/Tommy in the D2 cast, but they seemed to fill their absence decently with the new additions. (Of course, that’s just my own opinion.)
D3’s where my real gripe is, and while I have yet to rewatch it, there are still a few issues about the large cast that come to mind. Going from giving Adam good arcs in 1-2 to side-lining him when there was a perfect opportunity right in front of them, setting up a conflict between Guy and Connie with seemingly little payoff, and completely cutting Jesse (an original and arguably very important Duck) out with, as far as I know, little explanation.
I’d like to clarify before I get into this next part that I actually like Linda as a character; she seemed to have a lot of heart and I really admire that. I don’t, however, appreciate the writers creating a female character for the sole purpose of being the love interest to the lead. I really do believe that they could have made a much more compelling coming-of-age story for Charlie had they not implemented that romance, which didn’t seem to add anything to the plot. It really wasn’t Linda who got Charlie to turn around and realise his kinda self-destructive behaviour, but Fulton and Bombay.
They really would have used their time better focusing on solely telling the story of the Ducks’; Charlie’s refusal to change, actually giving us a vague understanding of Connie and Guy’s lovers quarrel, Adam’s feelings of separation from the Ducks. They really did the Ducks dirty with this one, and, hell, they did Linda dirty too. (And, yes, I do understand that D3 was mainly there to wrap up the story, so naturally things were a little messy.)
Which brings me to Game Changers.
Look, I’m not going to subject you all to me nitpicking this show. I will, however, say this: I hope they give the Don’t Bothers/reclaimed Ducks other than Evan a chance to shine. Even Sofi and Nick, despite them arguably being the “second/third” main (younger) characters. Sam, Logan, Maya, Lauren, Koob — even the Capek brothers! — are listed as main characters, but they’re often not as focused on as Evan. I’ve seen someone argue that Sam was set up to be a really interesting character this first season and they didn’t really do much with him other than in Pond Hockey, which was kind of disappointing, and I think that’s an extremely valid point.
I can only really speak for myself when I talk about things I’d like to see if we get a season 2. Like, if they manage to get Joshua Jackson, I’d be pretty happy with a new-captain-meets-the-old-captain moment, but I would much rather see Charlie bond with Logan over absentee parents over Evan. Logan clearly has some unaddressed issues with his mom, clearly more self-aware that what his mom did was unfair to him, and it just furthers his already established arc (but I’ve spoken about that already). I’d like to see Sam’s character get explored more, and maybe see Bombay help him harness his X-factor! I’d like to see Lauren and Maya’s relationship grow, and the Capeks’ gradual journey learning English! Hey, maybe even see the Reddicks join the new Ducks and bond a bit with Evan like Stephanie and Alex did.
That’s what I, personally, would like to see, not Evan getting handed all the potential arcs. Because he pretty much got everything; absent dad, team captain, love interest, choosing between what's good for him versus the team, getting Bombay back onto his feet, etc, etc. Other than maybe Sofi and Nick, everyone else on the team has 1-2 arcs at most, and I think there’s a pretty good argument out there that some get one to none.
And look, I’m not so naïve that I don’t understand that large casts are hard to juggle. It’s difficult to focus on everyone especially when a particular character speaks more to you and especially with a time limit. But take my Logan and Evan point for example; it’s not hard to assume that a bonding-with-Charlie-over-an-absent-parent moment would go to Evan. That’s probably what the GC writers might assume. But if you take a step back, look at the rest of your cast for a moment, you can see that he’s not the only option. It’s all about sharing the wealth of arcs evenly amongst your characters.
(Also, I wanted to quickly include — I believe — @k-romantic’s idea/joke that Julie should’ve been the one to romance Linda purely because I think it adds to my argument of arcs being forced onto the main character when they could’ve easily been better suited for another character. Obviously, since it was the late 1990s and Disney’s a bunch of cowards, maybe they wouldn’t have used Julie, but I think another Duck dating Linda would have done what the writers were going for just as well, maybe even better.)
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violetsmoak · 6 years
no safety or surprise [1/?]
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18035168/chapters/42616919
( See First Chapter for full Disclaimers & Warnings)
Summary: A haunting broadcast reveals the Joker’s final act and sets off a chain of events that will destroy the world. Terry finds himself collaborating once more with the estranged members of Bruce’s former team. As the end nears, however, he and the other Bats are faced with hard choices about survival—and forgiveness.
Rating: T (may change depending on the amount of graphic/details I decide on)
chapter one: the calm before the storm
Neo-Gotham, Friday, June 13, 2042 9:04 AM
Siblings, Terry thinks as he scowls down at the little gremlin on the couch, are highly overrated.
At some point, while he was getting ready for school, Matt snuck into his room and stole his comforter. The twip is now wrapped up like a giant burrito, watching television and pretending he doesn’t see Terry’s irritated expression.
“Don’t you have your own?” he grumbles. “You’re going to get your sick germs all over it.”
“You can just wash it later.”
“That’s not the point.”
“I think it’s cute,” Mom interrupts, stopping the fight in its tracks the way she always does. She doesn’t look up from her phone, thumb flying through a text. “And you used to do the same thing, by the way.”
Terry blinks. “I did not.”
“You did. With mine and your father’s bedspread. That, and homemade soup? Always made you feel better when you were sick.”
Which, okay, Terry can sort of remember that.
There was something safe about being wrapped in blankets that smelled like Dad’s aftershave and having Mom spoil him with food made just for him. A pang of sadness hits him, leeching away from his irritation; Matt was never able to do that. Their parents divorced rather soon after he was born, and Dad wasn’t around Matt much afterward, let alone when he was sick.
Since Warren McGinnis’ death, Terry is the only adult male presence his brother has in his life.
And I’ve done a pretty crap job of that so far.
He’s always so busy, working for Mr. Wayne on and off the books. The criminal element in Gotham makes it practically impossible to maintain connections outside the life.
It’s ironic that Batman is better at being a role-model for Matt than Terry is.
The fight drains out of him, and he gives a put-upon sigh. “Fine. He can have it. But if I get sick, I’m going to hang him over the balcony by his feet." He turns away, but knows Matt is sticking his tongue out at the back of his head; it’s what he’d do at that age. “So, what’s the verdict? Staying? Going?”
Whatever Matt has, their mother seems to be coming down with as well. She’s been debating all morning about whether she intends to go into work or not. Terry’s stuck around, in case she does decide to go, and he has to watch Matt; he can Livestream his classes, she can’t exactly do the same for her job.
“I don’t know,” Mom says, frowning at the screen. “Jarvis and Riley are out today too apparently.”
Terry whistles; he’s happy he hasn’t caught whatever’s going around. It’s still the cold part of June, around the time when the temperatures fluctuate between mild and freeze-your-nuts off. Mom always tells him how when she was a young girl, the weather already started warming up in May, but because of global warming summer doesn’t really arrive until July.
So now, June is the summer flu season.
Point being, I could still catch it. And won’t that be fun.
Because Batman doesn’t get sick days, and Terry knows from experience that having a cold while wearing the cowl is probably the most disgusting feeling ever. And that includes wading through sewage and cleaning rotten food out of the refrigerator.
While Mom continues to debate with herself, he fires off texts to Dana and Max, asking them to cover anything he misses for the first period, in case he’s late. There are about ten seconds before he gets a response from Max.
‘No problem. Is it work? Or work?’
Before he can respond, Dana’s text comes in. ’everything OK w/ mr wayne?’
And he can’t help a smile at that, because he doesn’t have to make up any kind of lie or excuse, because they both know. He’s still getting used to the fact that Dana knows, and that she understands. And wants to help.
It’s more than he ever thought he’d get when he started this whole thing.
‘Wayne OK far as I know,’ Terry texts them both back, mentally crossing his fingers that he isn’t jinxing anything. ‘Mom & Matt not feeling great. Keeping an eye on them a bit.’
‘aw, sux. tell them feel better from me. dnt worry, got u covered! <3’
There’s a minute or so before Max responds.
‘Too bad. Nasty flu this year, huh? Not feeling great either, but test period 2, so…’
Terry’s eyes widen. ‘Wait. What test?’
‘Srsly, what test?!?!’
There’s no answer, and Terry frowns down at his phone, trying to decide if Max is messing with him or not. He’s about to double-check with Dana when his mother speaks.
“I think I will stay home,” she decides, rubbing her cheekbones. “My face hurts. I really hope it’s not another sinus infection. That’s all I need on top of everything.”
“Hey, take it easy,” Terry tells her with a comforting smile. “It’s been a while since you had the day off. Besides, the world’s not going to shut down because one astronomer doesn’t come into work.”
“You say that now,” Mom says dryly. “If an asteroid is hurtling toward the earth and it’s my job to spot it, you’re going to feel pretty foolish.”
“Nah, never happen.” He grabs his bag and starts for the door, stopping to press a kiss to the top of his mother’s head. “With Superman out there? And the Justice League? Pretty good job security, I’d say.”
“Lame,” Matt grumbles from his blanket cocoon. “Batman can take them all. He probably has a special rocket to shoot stuff down.”
And, okay, maybe Terry might rethink his stance on siblings, because damn if those words don’t make him grin.
Matt notices and frowns at him. “Why are you smiling at me like a creeper?”
And, there goes that good feeling.
“Trying to decide whether to take a pic and send to your friends and show them how pathetic you are right now. You’re like a human-larva hybrid. It’s gross.”
“Yeah, well—well, you’re adopted!”
That’s his latest insult to everyone when he can’t think of anything else to say.
“At least I was planned,” Terry retorts.
It takes a moment before the penny drops, and his brother’s overly pale face goes red. “Moooooom!”
“Terry, leave your brother alone, he’s sick,” she sighs, rubbing her eyes.
“What’s his excuse for the rest of the time?”
“Go to school, hon.”
Matt smirks at him, and returns his attention to the television, flipping through cartoons. Terry rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything about favoritism, because it always comes back to how he’s an adult now and should know better than to stoop to the level of a ten-year-old. 
I can win a fight against the deadliest member of the Society of Assassins, but not this. Go figure.
“Will Mr. Wayne need you today?” Mom asks as he puts on his jacket. He knows she’s wondering if he’ll be able to come home and relieve her from Matt-duty at some point, which he totally understands.
“We’ll see. I’ll probably drive out to check on him tonight, but I think I can get home after school if you need a break.”
“That would be appreciated.”
“Do you want me to bring you guys anything while I’m out—?”
There is a sudden, sharp drop in pitch throughout the entire house. Terry’s ears pop a little, the same way they do whenever Shriek mutes the sound in the surrounding area, but somehow his hearing simply becomes sharper now.
Before Terry can wonder if it’s a sign the sound-terrorist is back out on the street, the living room is filled with music. A jaunty, haunting carnival tune that instantly has the hair on the back of Terry’s neck raising.
His gaze whips to the television screen, which is flickering between static and a blank screen with the words HA HA HA flashes across it in red.
His mouth goes dry.
Bruce is starting to wonder if a Lazarus Pit might not have been a better idea than the liver transplant. Of the methods for artificially prolonging life, at least with the Pit, he would eventually start to feel like he was recovering.
After the madness subsided, at least.
On days like today—when it’s damp and chilly, and there’s nothing going on in Gotham to keep him glued to the computer screen in the Cave—it’s hard to remember the arguments he’s always made against using the restorative powers of a Lazarus Pit. His body protests with every movement as he eases it through several slowed kata variations. Part of his physical therapy, as suggested by his doctors.
Since his procedure, he feels the exhaustion much more keenly. It’s bone-deep fatigue that seeps into every muscle, emphasizing the way his bones creak and grind against each other, cartilage worn away from age and decades of abuse. It’s the way his energy levels drain so much faster now, to the extent that even his usual ability to will himself into action seems to wane every day.
Not that he really had a choice in the matter. He was in end-stage liver failure, and the nearest Pit is in New Cuba. He’d just been lucky that there was a suitable donor in the hospital at the right time.
‘Luck’ is one word for it. ‘Cruel irony’ might be a better phrase.
Douglas Tan is one of the names he’s going to carry on his conscience for the rest of his life; or, at least on his liver.
Terry still makes jokes about Batman having a piece of a Joker inside him, but then Terry tends to use humor to cover up when he’s worried. Dick always did that, too; and Jason.
Bruce scowls, bothered by the direction of his thoughts, as well as the raggedness to his breath. He isn’t even moving very fast, but it’s taking him every bit of strength to keep at it.
Ace is curled up in his usual spot in the cave, watching Bruce with what seems to be narrowed eyes. As if to say, don’t overdo it or I will knock you over.
The dog is smarter than most people.
Ace is one of the reasons the doctors were willing to leave him to pursue recovery on his own and not under some beady-eyed nurse in the hospital. Money isn’t as much an incentive as it once was, with so many legal and health standards in the way; the older he gets, the less likely people are to trust his ability to make decisions, lawyers or not.
He tolerated a private nurse for about a day while having Terry make other arrangements and manufacturing a piece of paper saying Ace was a certified service dog. He’s not, but Bruce has no doubt the dog would activate the medical alert button at the computer if something were to happen. And Terry has an alarm set up, keyed into the surveillance and motion sensors in the Cave. If anything were to happen, he can be here faster than any ambulance.
Old age has fed into long-buried fears, and it gives him an embarrassing sense of relief knowing there’s someone to look in on him. It has always bothered him, being dependent—being weak.
Some days he’s more accepting of it; some days he wishes he had Kryptonian DNA.
Which is usually the point at which he forces himself to occupy his mind with other things because envying Kal-El can only lead down a dark, frustrating path of self-pity. One he’s determinedly avoided ever since meeting the other man.
After another fifteen minutes of forcing himself to think about nothing but the movement of his limbs, Bruce finally finishes his exercises. Sweat coats his back and his muscles ache with the same burn as if he just spent several hours grappling through the Gotham skyline. Even if it took fewer challenging movements to reach this point, that burn is comforting.
And that’s a word that’s been cropping up more in his thoughts lately. History tends to repeat, after all, but it’s still strange to experience. Terry’s been an excellent example of that.
Like Bruce, the McGinnis boy started out with nothing but a suit and an old man’s voice in his ear. Now, he’s got a network. Friends who he trusts and who will keep his secret. A steadily growing list of allies in the field.
The Police Commissioner. The Justice League.
And a Catwoman too, for Christ sakes.
He wonders what Selina would think about that.
Bruce just hopes the kid won’t make his mistakes. Forty years is a long time to rack up regrets.
At least Dick’s back in contact now.
Sort of.
He showed up the second night that Bruce was recovering from his procedure at the hospital; he’d managed to convince Terry to go out on patrol instead of wasting his time watching an old man sleep.
“Batman doesn’t get a day off.”
Bruce had dozed for a bit, but not deeply; it wasn’t difficult to discern that he wasn’t alone. 
One minute the room was empty and in the next, Bruce could feel that familiar presence—the one of a man who had carried the mantles of Robin, Nightwing, and Batman—and somehow lived to tell the tale. Then his estranged son was stepping out of the shadows, glaring down at him, muscles in his jaw working and fists clenching and unclenching.
“I know what you’re going to say,” Bruce had croaked, wishing he had thought to ask for ice chips before the nurse left. “I’m too stubborn to die.”
The silence hanging afterward was filled with everything he couldn’t say yet. For once, Dick didn’t call him on it.
“You’re more stubborn than God,” his boy countered.
(He’ll always be a boy to Bruce, grey hair and eye-patch be damned.)
And yet, Dick sat, arms crossed and spine stiff for the rest of the night. Still angry, but present nonetheless. He stayed until morning rounds without saying anything and then left.
They haven’t seen each other since, but sometimes Bruce can hear feedback on the comms when he’s directing Terry’s patrols. The tinny whisper of signals crossing from the bug he pretends he doesn’t know Dick planted on the underside of his medical ID tag.
It’s not much, but it’s something. The opening of the possibility that at some point, he’ll come around.
Barbara did, after all.
Mostly because of Terry, but afterward Bruce started making the effort. They can have conversations alone now that don’t end with her yelling at him (or punching him, on one or two memorable occasions). Bruce forgot how much he enjoyed her sense of humor and intelligence—how much he enjoyed their friendship—from before they slept together.
(That might be one of his life’s biggest shames. Oh, he has regrets associated with all of the family for one thing or another, but this is the one that still wakes him up at night feeling dirty.)
In a way, it’s easier with Tim, and that’s a bridge Bruce thought had been obliterated long ago.
Granted, he’s leaving Gotham again—the last incident with the Joker army rattled him enough that he put in for a transfer to the Beijing division of Wayne Enterprises—but he stuck around long enough to collaborate with Bruce on a subdermal antitoxin deployment implant against Joker venom.
(None of them want to be caught unawares again.)
It’s in the prototype phase, with only five of the devices in existence; he, Tim and Terry are testing them personally. It’s not exactly something the FDA is going to approve for human testing anytime soon, not with all the new legislation, but with the state of Gotham, it’s unwise to wait on it.
(He sent one to Barbara and one to Dick but doesn’t know if they’ve bothered to activate them. At least they haven’t sent them back.)
If the implant works, Bruce is seriously considering modifying the tech for the Wayne Enterprises medical division. There are a lot of illnesses and viruses out there which require regular dosages of medicine to keep them under control. The difficulty is finding funding and ensuring the board of the directors doesn’t jump on the chance to charge exorbitant amounts of money for the technology. The whole point of the tech is to help anyone who needs it, not just the filthy rich.
Maybe that’s the next project, after CAIN, he muses, grabbing his towel from where he draped it over one of the computer processors.
His global Clean Air Initiative Network is something he’d been working on before stepping back from the company. It was shelved almost immediately by Derek Powers when he took over, but since Bruce has been back, he’s been revisiting a lot of old projects.
Lucius’ boy did most of the technical work on it, and Foxtecha will have joint ownership of the patent when it’s ready for public consumption. Bruce would have asked Tim, but he knows how determined his estranged son is to get out of Gotham. He can read it in the tone of his emails, which have thankfully lost the stilted, formal business tone they’ve had since he returned to the company.
(Bruce mentioned paying a visit in the future, and Tim didn’t say no, so he counts that as a win.)
It’s a little disconcerting how the family is coming together again; disconcerting but welcome.
He’s received a vid call last week from Cassandra expressing concern over his surgery, and then a short, gruff email from Duke all-but ordering him to get better. There’s even a letter from Stephanie—or Eurus, as she goes by these days—smelling of dust and desert sun and incense found only in Nanda Parbat. Her messy, looping scrawl, echoed Dick’s sentiment about Bruce’s stubbornness and alluded to its genetic inheritability.
(That said more than if she had mentioned Damian outright; his youngest son has remained stubbornly silent.)
Bruce lost track of her not long after Damian’s short and brutal stint under the cowl; it had surprised him to find out she ended up in Tibet.
It also relieved him. Because no matter how dark a path his son wandered, at least there would be someone to challenge him. To not obey without question. To give him a link to the life he once had, to being human and alive.
(Bruce very carefully doesn’t think about Jason—doesn’t wonder if things had been different if he wouldn’t have reached out as well. Even after so many years, that wound is still raw.)
The whole thing is a stark difference from the last few times he ended up in the hospital, including when he was dosed on Joker venom several months ago. He didn’t hear anything from them at that point, which makes him think someone really thought he was dying this time and reached out.
Barbara, maybe. Or Dick. However much tension there is between himself and Bruce, he does keep in touch with the others. Hell, it might even have been Terry. The kid doesn’t know the rest of them personally, but he’s gotten adept at navigating the computer in the cave.
And he’s always been curious about his predecessors.
Bruce’s first family.
Or maybe just the first phase of the family.
Bruce shies away from that secret bit of knowledge he has about Terry, and his brother Matt. What he discovered the first time the kid returned to the Cave with bloody gashes that needed stitching up. The files and medical information buried beneath every firewall he could fashion, so the latest Batman can never stumble upon it accidentally.
The most Bruce has allowed himself to acknowledge it is an amendment in his will setting aside trust funds for both boys.
As if triggered by his thoughts, the screen of the Bat-Computer flickers to life. He rolls his shoulders, expecting an alert on some heist or robbery going on in the city; another case to add to the docket for Terry to investigate after school (depending on the severity).
Bruce doesn’t expect the Cave to suddenly fill with a jaunty, haunting carnival tune that makes his entire body seize in recognition. And yet, he already knows what’s coming even before the words HA HA HA coalesce upon the screen. 
“Hell-O World! It’s your favorite rascal…”
There are times when Barbara misses being a vigilante, if only because there was a lot less paperwork involved. Questionable legality aside, there was always a simplicity to the whole endeavor: track down the bad guy, entrap-and-or-beat said bad guy into submission, and then drop them off at the GCPD.
Now that she’s the one behind the desk, though, she has a lot more appreciation for the work her father did. She wonders how he never developed an aneurysm or stress-related heart condition due to the grief Batman (and the rest of them) caused the department.
She has barely sat down in her office, but there’s an influx of emails flooding her inbox. She scans through the first few—requests from someone in IA sniffing around some of her open cases on the barest hint that she’s allowing Batman to help, reminders about upcoming social functions she would rather skip, two officers that have to be brought up on disciplinary charges—and sighs. It’s just the first two dozen.
Today is going to be a triple espresso kind of day, I can tell, she decides, rolling her shoulders and tilting her neck from side to side.
Another message chimes as it comes in.
Crime Alley and Tricorner are requesting more plainclothes officers in the area, ostensibly to deal with an upswing in crime over the past twenty-four hours.
Barbara frowns at this—it must be significant if those particular precincts are reaching out, they usually hate working with Central. Then again, everyone’s been jumpy about security since the Jokerz almost destroyed Gotham.
They’re still finding bodies from that one. She’s got three of her officers’ families grieving without any closure.
Barbara goes back over incident reports from the last few hours, noting a rise in attacks on the homeless, property damage and extreme road-rage (twenty-six separate incidents of that, which is a new daily extreme for her). From the initial investigations into each of the unrelated events—all in different areas of the city—there doesn’t seem to be any motivating factor or link.
What the hell is going on?
A crime spike isn’t ordinary for June; they usually start around now and then play out over the course of weeks.
Not hours. Have any of our usual players been released from custody lately? There’ve been no outbreaks or escapes that I know of.
If there is someone out there stirring things up, she hopes to God it’s just someone like Walter Shrieve. Arrogant and brilliant offenders she can deal with; they’re always so eager to prove themselves the best, and it always leads to their downfall. It’s the criminally insane ones that keep her up for days on end trying to restore some semblance of sanity to a city that’s never going to get any better. Even worse is a combination of the two.
Uneasy, she fires off a message to her counterparts in New York and Toronto, to see if they’re seeing similar phenomena in their jurisdictions. She hopes this is nothing, but she’s getting a hunch. And her hunches never lead her to anything that could be remotely called good.
“Get me Commissioner Sawyer over at MPD,” she tells the computer. She and Maggie go way back, and the other woman doesn’t pull that intercity rivalry crap when it comes to sharing important information.
“Yeah, the dregs are coming out of the woodwork here, too,” Maggie tells her after they exchange the requisite pleasantries. Her voice is carefully measured in a way that tells Barbara she’s not having a good day, either. “We had a damn flash mob that caused an A-trak derailment this morning. I have no idea how there weren’t more casualties, but…”
“Where’s Superman when you need him, right? I’d heard he was back in play.”
According to Bruce and Terry, anyhow.
“If he is, he must be off-world or something, because I doubt he’d be sitting on his ass at a time like this. What about on your end?”
“Well, we’re not exactly beyond the powers of the GCPD right now,” Barbara replies, a little smugly. “No need to take the Bat-signal out of storage.”
Yet, the unwelcome voice in her head echoes.
“Oh-ho, aren’t we getting confident in our old age?” Maggie sneers, but there’s no real malice to it. “For all our sakes, I hope it stays that way. But I’ve got a hunch...”
“Yeah,” Barbara sighs, her stomach dropping. “Me too.”
It’s not a good sign when both she and her opposite number in Metropolis are on the same wavelength.
As Maggie hangs up, three more incident reports pop up on the side of her screen. Skirmishing at Gotham General—that’s all they need now. If things are just warming up, it’s looking like another long day.
Sam’s not going to like it…
Barbara dials in the number herself this time on her personal line. There’s a trill and the viewscreen pops up to show her husband in his office at the DA, scowling down at a tablet. His expression clears when he sees her.
“Didn’t I just see you this morning?” he jokes. “Or were you that keen to see me again?”
“Always,” Barbara tells him, softer than she speaks to anyone else. “But I’m actually calling to apologize. It’s going to be a day, and I don’t know if I’ll get home for supper.”
“It must be bad since you just got there.”
“Things have been hairy all night,” she admits. “I’ve got incident reports multiplying as we speak. You’d think with the bug going around people would be staying home to recuperate, but it looks like they think it’s an excuse to break the law.”
“Well, it’s Gotham. After all this time, it’s not a surprise.”
“It’s really, really not.”
“I know I’d rather be home in bed,” Sam says, and normally a comment like that would have innuendo behind it. This time it’s all too earnest. He rubs his face tiredly. “I think I’m coming down with it too, to be honest.”
“If you give it to me, you’re sleeping on the couch for the next week,” Barbara informs him automatically. “I can’t afford to miss any work for the next…forever.”
“You’re preaching to the choir, hon. The minute they see you blink in this business, you’re dead in the water.” Sam grimaces and rolls his shoulders, and Barbara experiences a tinge of concern because he does look pale.
“Maybe you should go home,” she suggests. “You can work on your cases at home, can’t you?”
“Unfortunately, no. I’m due in court at ten o’clock.”
“If you’re dead from the flu, do you know how many criminals are going to walk free?” she demands, only a little bit joking.
He chuckles. “Come on, Babs, you know no one’s died of the flu in twenty years.”
Barbara has a witty retort on her tongue, but it stalls when Sam’s image freezes in front of her. It seems at first to be a lag, but then the screen morphs from his office to what looks like a brick wall.
She feels an icy cold slice through her, the same one she always gets when anything is associated with him. It’s the echo of a bullet, tearing through her internal organs and spine, and the hair-raising chill.
Barbara doesn’t really read the words, too focused on the high, cold cackle in the that somehow blocks out every other sound. 
For the first time in a long time, Tim is happy.
His house is a gutted mess of boxes and detritus, but unlike in his younger years, it’s not because some supervillain has come crashing in to threaten him. He smiles, a little whimsical, at the date on the holographic calendar, and the word that hovers there: Moving.
In a week, he and Arlene will be in Beijing, and forever free of Gotham City.
They made the decision together in the weeks following the Jokerz attack, after Tim escaped the Cave the last time. He made it clear to Bruce and his new apprentice that it was the last time.
He doesn’t mind continuing to work for Wayne Enterprises—hell, he helped build that company, he takes a certain amount of pride and responsibility for it—but he won’t be doing that from Gotham. There’s too much history here, too much…everything. Apparently living on the outskirts or even in the same state (even on the same continent) isn’t enough for Tim to completely escape the lingering, nightmarish legacy of Batman.
Of Robin.
He wants normal. And after everything he’s been through, he more than deserves it.
“Oh, I’ll be sure to tell your dad, he’ll be happy to hear that,” Arlene says, chatting with their daughter Janet on the vidphone across the kitchen. In the den, the low sounds of the television provide background noise.
“—the level of unrest breaking out in the world’s major cities, has politicians asking, ‘is this another Yellow Vest Movement?’—"
“Honey, Janet says she and Maeve will be coming to help with the move after all.”
“You mean coming to eat pizza and beer,” Tim replies with a smile; they’ve already hired movers.
“Semantics,” he hears his youngest daughter laugh. “Either way we’ll be there.”
“Always happy to see you, kiddo.”
“Now, I’ve got to let you go,” Arlene says. “I have a nine-thirty conference call with Peking U., but I’ll speak to you later on.”
She has a follow-up interview for a position in the Linguistics Department there. It’s a step down from her current professorship at Gotham University, where she was on the tenure track, but when Tim pointed this out, she insisted his mental health was more important than her job prospects.
He tells himself he gave in so easily because after so many years of marriage it’s futile to argue with her. He tries not to acknowledge the total relief that he didn’t have to argue with her about it.
“Yeah, no problem Mom. Talk to you soon.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too!”
The video feed of their daughter winks out.
“Do you need me to get out of your hair?” Tim asks.
“No, I’ll take the call up in the office,” his wife replies and presses a kiss to his temple as she passes. Then she pauses, turns around and grabs the coffee pot to bring with her. “And I’m cutting you off. Any more of this and you’re not sleeping tonight.”
Tim sighs. “It’s like you know me or something.”
“And don’t forget it, mister!”
He listens carefully to the sound of his wife retreating up the stairs and over the landing, and then reaches for the microwave, where he surreptitiously stashed an extra cup earlier that morning.
And swears when he finds it missing; a quick glance to the sink sees it already washed out.
Damn it, she does know me.
But the thought is more fond than irritated.
Arlene is the only sure thing in his life, especially after his trauma. They met through Kate Kane—or rather, because of Kate Kane. The two women attended West Point at the same time, and Arlene acted as a character witness for Kate prior to the dishonorable discharge. Though Arlene graduated from the Academy, she did not spend much time on active duty before she was injured by a roadside bomb and lost her leg. Afterward, while dealing with her own PTSD, she pursued an academic career. She and Kate lost touch, and it wasn’t until the media released news of Kate’s murder that she heard of her again.
Arlene attended the funeral, which is where Tim met her for the first time. Two weeks later, they met in a support group for trauma survivors and started getting coffee together. It took Tim a year to figure out she was flirting with him (which Jason never stopped teasing him about, even when he was on his deathbed). After everything with Stephanie, and then with Jason, Arlene offered a safety none of his other partners ever had.
There’s a high-pitched trill from his cellphone, and he glances down to read the text from Cass.
‘ayt? need yr flight info. to pick u up from airport next wk. :) :) :)’
His sister still prefers to text over talking by phone, even all these years later, which he’s pleased about. So much these days is done with face-to-face screens or even holographic technology; he wasn’t really a people person before, but it’s getting rarer and rarer to have any kind of privacy. Texting—especially across the encrypted server he’s set up—is a relief.
Tim relays the details to her, along with the implied greetings from his wife, and expects that to be it. But then he gets another text.
‘question? 4 work.’
Tim tenses.
Cassandra Cain works as a retired ballerina who opened her own school of dance; it’s highly unlikely the work-related question has anything to do with that. It’s probably for Black Bat.
But he cautiously texts back, ‘As long as it’s just a question.’
He’s had to re-learn to establish boundaries.
‘fair. u worked cybersecurity. ever hear of Morningstar. hacker/agency???’
Tim frowns, thinks back, and shakes his head even though she can’t see it. ‘No. Never dealt with anything like that.’
Ok! 3Q. worth a shot. will c u & arlene on thurs. 520GG!’
He waits a few minutes, but there are no more messages forthcoming, and then sends out the last message—‘88MM’, before putting his phone away.
Unlike everyone else from his vigilante days, Cass knows how to not push.
And yet…
She rarely asks him about anything that might involve her after-hours work, both out of familial courtesy and because her operation is, at least unofficially, supported by the Chinese government. Legally, there’s not a lot she can involve him in; when she does, it’s only where she has absolutely no other recourse and it involves paperwork and non-disclosure agreements.
Only twice has she asked him something in an off-hand way, which he knew instinctively had to do with Black Bat but pretended not to realise. The last time, his information helped her locate and dismantle a eugenicist breeding program using homeless girls.
Perhaps that’s why he finds himself reaching for his laptop and looking into anything to do with Cass’s mysterious ‘Morningstar’.
The word generates a broad spectrum of results, even when he searches through the Dark Web. Nothing to do with drugs, nothing related to human trafficking or weapons—nothing that wouldn’t immediately stand out to Cass in her own searches. He narrows search parameters, skating through encryptions and IP trails and layers and layers of disturbing data—
Within ten minutes he comes across the exact word in connection with a burgeoning hacktivist group known as DevilNight, but no indications as to what it refers to. It’s odd, considering the group has only existed for a short while and has hardly done anything worthy of attention. It makes no sense that something like this would be on Cass’s radar, especially considering based on his tracking, the group is based in Idaho.
He has just started to peel back the layers of the group’s security when his computer screen freezes. A beat later, words begin to type on his screen, and the blood drains from his cheeks.
H E L L O  J U N I O R
Even as the words register, Tim is already shoving himself backward, away from the screen. His hand slaps against the spot in his neck where Joker’s microchip was implanted—the spot where he injected Bruce’s anti-venom deployment system. It’s a reassurance, a reminder, he will be safe—
Horror suffuses him as another message typed out in front of him:
D O N ’T  B E  A  N A U G H T Y  B O Y
Bile rises in his throat and Tim feels the world spin. Instantly, he is back in that horrible room, hysterical laughter in his ears and a falsely cheerful melody playing in the background.
He has to fight himself back under control, checking his surroundings, going over simple facts about himself in his head—
Not Junior not Junior not Junior—
My name is Timothy Jackson Drake. Drake-Wayne.
He is still that, even if he never uses the name anymore. He never got around to changing it, never had the courage to.
My parents were Jack and Janet Drake. Mom died when I was a boy, Dad remarried. Dana. But they died—
Kidnapped, poisoned, murdered, went insane—
No, he’s getting off track. Facts, he needs facts about himself, to ground him, to remind him of who he is and not what he has lived through.
I work as a communications director and do contract work for Wayne Enterprises. I have two daughters—Kate and Janet. Kate is a veterinarian; Janet is a stockbroker. She married Maeve last year. Kate is pregnant with our first grandchild. Arlene and I go to Florida every winter…
At long last, he gets himself under control again, can separate himself from the specter of Junior.
He expects the laughter and the inner echoes of carnival music to fade away.
Instead, it becomes louder and more distinct.
Tim stares at his screen in horror as the message vanishes, the words replaced with something even more sinister.
Not again.
He can’t do this again.
Dick only ever feels his age in the mornings.
There’s just something about his body waking up after a long sleep, before his training kicks in to ignore the aches and pains, that can’t fight off the heaviness as fast anymore. Every day it’s more painful putting himself through the usual routine of exercises to keep himself in shape. 
Thankfully, he’s still outwardly put-together enough to hide it.
He smiles ruefully at his reflection in the bathroom mirror—more of a grimace, really—and studies the patchwork of old scars and not-so-old bruises across his chest.
He knows he doesn’t look his age. It’s not even due to cosmetic surgery or organ replacements or even the personal holograph projections that have gotten popular in the last decade. Longevity just happens to run in his family; John Grayson’s father was still pulling triple somersaults at eighty and Mary Lloyd’s grandmother lived to be a hundred and thirteen.
The only thing artificial in his body are metal plates and pins that replaced bones fractured beyond natural healing, and the biotech keeping the bullet in his spine from moving. (And the antitoxin implant Bruce sent him; because no feud is worth getting dosed with Joker venom, whether the bastard is dead or not.)
Not bad for fifty-nine, he decides and heads for the kitchen.
There’s a moan from his bedroom, and he pauses briefly as he passes to consider the woman lying in his bed in nothing but his bedsheets. In her sleep, she curls to one side, causing the sheet to slip a little and reveal bruises in the shape of his fingers across her hip. He can feel the matching set on his own back.
Definitely not bad for fifty-nine.
For a moment he debates the merits of returning to bed and continuing where they left off last night, but that would be against one of the unspoken rules they established when they started sleeping together.
The other is that they don’t use real names.
He doesn’t know or want to know hers—after a lifetime of failed relationships and broken hearts he knows better than to get attached. And though he’s aware she knows his—the world knows his name since that fiasco with the wannabe Hush—she never uses it. If she must, she calls him Wing, and it’s a clear reminder that she has no intention of crossing any boundaries to let things become personal.
He has no problem with that; he calls her Black.
He’ll never call her Cat because that’s what Bruce called Selina Kyle. Associating this Catwoman with the original just feels a little too oedipal to Dick.
(Selina never really gave off motherly vibes, but she was the most constant presence of all Bruce’s paramours, so she sort of ended up in that role by association).
The original Catwoman was the only one Bruce could never completely push away—though that might say more about Selina’s stubbornness than the old man trying to keep hold of the people in his life. She decided when they were in a relationship, or out of one, whatever Bruce wanted.
In the end, even that wasn’t enough though. Her heart was never as strong after the incident with the real Hush.
Dick remembers attending the funeral. Bruce didn’t show up at the service or the burial. It was a few years into his self-imposed exile, right after Damian’s departure, and soon after Steph and Cass. He obviously hadn’t wanted to face any of them (maybe couldn’t face them).
But there was a crack in the headstone the next time Dick brought flowers (an imprint of a fist he would know anywhere) and he knows Bruce blamed himself for that too.
Dick heads to the kitchen, grabbing a coffee for himself. He debates for a moment, leaving one out for Black, but if the usual pattern holds, she’ll be jumping out his bedroom window soon without even coming into the kitchen. She’s not exactly one for goodbyes. Instead, he leans on the counter and pulls out his mobile, scrolling through the day's news stories.
Call him old fashioned, but he prefers to read the news than watch the featureless blue talking heads on the television. He spends about a minute skimming a beat piece on the successful launch of Wayne Enterprises' latest environmental initiative. Tim was telling him something about that the other day; it was the most animated and relaxed Dick had seen him since that night with the Jokerz.
“It’s basically like a planetary rebreather,” his estranged brother enthused. “You know how trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen? It’s sort of like that, but on a larger scale. Once it's all set up, any toxins pumped into the atmosphere will get filtered out and converted to oxygen.”
Tim had then gone on a lengthy explanation about the technical details that Dick had no chance of following, but given how enthused he’d seemed, it hadn’t mattered.
He’s going to miss him, now that he’s headed off to Beijing, but Cass is ecstatic. As far as Dick knows, they haven’t seen each other in ten years. It almost makes him want to head over and join the reunion.
Except that would be counterproductive to his current plans.
Dick is in Gotham on the pretense of opening a second athletics course, but really, it’s to keep an eye on things.
He doesn’t trust Bruce not to screw up whatever he’s doing with this new kid, and the boy’s too green to notice the signs of losing himself to Bruce’s mission. When the old man cuts him off—and it’s when, not if, because Bruce will inevitably screw this up—the McGinnis kid is going to need someone to keep his head above water.
Dick’s only been around him a handful of times, but there’s a cockiness and attitude there that reminds him of Jason. That’s concerning enough on its own, but what really makes the hair on the back of Dick’s neck stand up is the sense he has of this kid’s potential to do damage. He’s seen that, before, too, along with the results.
Christ, the kid even looks like Damian. If I didn’t know Bruce so well, I’d think…
He shakes off the thought because it’s too disturbing to contemplate.
The point is, Terry McGinnis needs someone looking out for him, even if he doesn’t realize it. Bruce isn’t going to do it and Barbara has clearly forgotten a hell of a lot of history since she’s allowing the boy to fly around her city risking his life.
So it’s up to Dick.
I’m way too old to be getting another brother, he thinks darkly, in what once might have been genuine humor but now feels just exhausting. Especially considering his track record with the others.
He doesn’t even know where Duke ended up.
Something flickers on the edge of his eyesight, and he turns to look out the window of his apartment. Across the street, the giant vid-screen advertising the latest energy drink blinks and goes briefly blank. Along with every other screen as far as the eye can see.
Dick narrows his eyes, taking a step forward to study the phenomena, and then freezes as his quiet apartment is invaded by obscenely cheerful music and a laugh he wishes he could forget.
Every screen for miles spells it out, and he knows immediately that things are about to get worse.
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agritecture · 6 years
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Indoor Farming Industry Takes Root In Nevada
Las Vegas’ farming industry might seem as dry as the desert, but Southern Nevada’s agriculture sector is just a bit harder to find than most. To discover rows upon rows of basil, green butter lettuce, mint and even cannabis in Las Vegas, you will have to step inside.
Southern Nevada’s indoor farming industry has been growing in recent years, with some attributing its success to the expanding national cannabis industry.
With population in Southern Nevada booming, local experts say indoor farming has the potential to provide local produce and increase food security within the state.
“The indoor ag industry has grown quite a bit,” said Jennifer Ott, plant industry division administrator for the Nevada Department of Agriculture.
According to data from the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, the number of private companies in Clark County the state classifies as growing food “under cover” jumped from at least three in 2014 to at least 42 last year.
Part of that growth “is due to a huge amount of education across the U.S. regarding indoor ag and the benefits of indoor ag,” Ott said. “There’s more research being done, more adoption in the industry.”
Many investors have been focusing that research on the marijuana industry, which is more profitable than growing crops such as lettuce or basil.
“Cannabis is a very high-profit commodity, to where technology is definitely going to follow that kind of profit,” said Jared Krulewitz, co-founder and vice president of marketing at Urban Seed Inc., an urban agriculture technology company headquartered in Las Vegas.
Many of the advancements made through this research — which include improvements to LED lights — are applicable to a variety of plants. That means the indoor farming industry as a whole is seeing benefits, said Shane Terry, CEO of vertically integrated cannabis company TapRoot Holdings Inc., between Spring Gate Lane and Village Center Circle.
“When cannabis came around and there was a higher value of crop on the market, R&D started to make sense,” Terry said. “Both worlds are benefiting from it.”
David Martin, CEO of Las Vegas-based indoor farm equipment supplier Indoor Farms of America, estimated LED lights were about 60 percent of the initial cost of the indoor farm when it started in 2014 and the most expensive part of operating costs.
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David Martin, CEO of Indoor Farms of America offers a freshly picked cherry tomato from a plant grown on a vertical aeroponic panel at his warehouse.
The indoor ag industry is growing like a weed
A 2017 report from virtual agronomist platform Agrilyst, which had 150 responses from indoor growers around the world, found that energy — primarily lighting costs — made up about 25 percent of total operating expenses at farms larger than 10,000 square feet and 12 percent at smaller farms.
Today, the lights used at Indoor Farms of America are customized and display the entire spectrum of LED light at a fraction of the cost.
“Up until last year, I didn’t believe in LEDs,” said Mike Tsairis, director of operations at Redwood, a cannabis cultivation facility off East Charleston Boulevard and Las Vegas Boulevard South. “They didn’t produce the yields, they weren’t producing flowers that had high potency. … The technology has been advancing and changing rapidly throughout the past five, 10 years.”
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Marijuana plants in the flowering grow room of the Redwood Cultivation facility in Las Vegas.
Dependent on imports
Indoor farming is on the rise, but that doesn’t mean Nevada is nearing self-sufficiency. The state imports a majority of its food, and a 2014 report called the Las Vegas Sustainability Atlas found that 92 percent of all food in Las Vegas is shipped by truck and only 8 percent of food available in grocery stores and markets are locally grown.
Even with the additional costs of importing produce from states such as California, the goods are often cheaper than what local indoor farms can produce.
“They have cheap labor. It’s tough to compete with,” Martin said. But the “price is getting to be closer to par … and even if its a little bit pricier, it’s locally grown and clean and it’s supporting Nevada jobs.”
Krulewitz said the price of their crops are often cheaper than organic alternatives. The company sells its produce — mostly leafy greens — to local restaurants, including Strip restaurants such as Border Grill at Mandalay Bay, Sage at Aria, Michael Mina at the Bellagio and downtown restaurants like Vesta Coffee Roasters, PublicUs and The Kitchen at Atomic.
“It’s really hard for (chefs) to find great ingredients” with a lack of local farmers and about 99 percent of local food imported, Krulewitz said. “It’s a really large culinary market. You have the Strip, which has an average of 25 restaurants per resort, so there is a huge demand for food.”
Changing the local industry
Martin believes indoor farming can replace outdoor farming models with certain crops like lettuce. But overall, he views it as a supplemental industry to traditional, outdoor methods. Others agree.
“I don’t see this as being the size and type of operation that would take over the world,” said Doug Busselman, executive vice president of the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. “A lot of the production I’ve seen for indoor ag is very niche. … It’s not something that could sustain an overall diet.”
Still, indoor farming gives areas like Southern Nevada the opportunity to take on a larger role in the state’s agriculture industry.
“We want people to know that you can grow crops, even in this climate,” Martin said.
Las Vegas’ population growth has been fast-paced in recent years. In 2017, data from the U.S. Census Bureau showed Clark County was the third-fastest-growing in the nation for population gain; it welcomed an average 127 new residents per day between July 1, 2015, and July 1, 2016.
Krulewitz believes growth in urban farming goes hand-in-hand with the population boom.
“Las Vegas is really growing up as a city, and I think this is just a piece of that evolution,” he said. It’s “becoming a little more sustainable, a little more resilient. And to do that, you have to help feed your community.”
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ernestbloor · 3 years
When the Beatles finally imploded, Martin did not retire.
Such instances, however, are very rare; but there are unprincipled men everywhere, who will give vent to their ill feelings and bad passions, not with less good will upon the back of an indented apprentice, than upon that of a purchased slave. Or tried to. When the Beatles finally imploded, Martin did not retire. According to Mercedes Benz, it can handle 60 sheets of plywood (I hauled six), and it has 186 cubic feet of cargo space.. After a while this husband either died or was sold, I do not remember which. A clever Panthers marketing team laid down a trail of blue paw prints (ostensibly left by new mascot Sir Purr) that seemed to emerge from a manhole at The Square at Trade and Tryon streets. The subscribers continue to sell Negroes, at their office, on Wall-street. Indeed, Catwoman isn't the type to sit around twiddling her claws, waiting for anyone to bail her out of trouble even when the offer comes from Bruce Wayne. A large dragon is more fearsome than a small one.” The magister shrugged. The wolf and the falcon fought over us for a thousand years, till between the two of them they had gnawed all the fat and flesh off the bones of these poor islands. “She was sending me to him yesterday, but twice she turned me back as I was starting. Take a look at a few features and specifications in the table below and then
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pledge that you will not exercise your rights. Specific strategies that have changed will be discussed in the level sections below.. Though it lacks the national profile of WHYY s Fresh Air (and she earns $100,000 less than Fresh Air host Terry Gross $230K), she s satisfied and says she doesn t feel competitive.. At the end they had the usurper hidden pantofi sport tip soseta dama in a brothel. "The agency's basic goals," Chanslor said, "are to expand the areas served, to expand the number of express buses from outlying areas, to increase frequency on core routes (especially during peak times), and to build up the crosstown service (allowing bus riders to cross town, east to west, without transferring downtown)." For the South Congress area, she added, the agency's technical studies are currently focusing on the commuter rail option, using existing Union Pacific tracks (which the SSCA has said it supports) rather than light rail.. Tyrion was grateful for the respites. This guy Creamer visited the Whitehouse over 300 times!! He is the one who hired the hate filled henchman attacking innocent Trump supporters.,,Wikileaks showed the collusion between press and campaign. Ariya has been ranked second to Ko with 34 weeks in a row and hopes to close the gap even as the South Korean born Kiwi has found her form with three top 10 showings this year, including shares of eight last week at the Founders Cup and in Thailand and ninth at Singapore.. "Everyone at some time in the race will reflect on their experiences with Ryan, the strength and determination he showed not only in running but the way he lived his life. THEY USED TO FILL THEM WITH ASPHALT FROM OUTSIDE. So, come along, we’ll have a talk. Exiles or cazadora vaquera tommy hilfiger the sons of exiles. And as soon as she heard I had not seen you for five days she began at once urging me to go to you.”. And there was such piercing anguish, such suffering in her eyes that I saw that apart from my words her wounded heart was bleeding already. Case, 51Duane "Old Timer" Allen Case, 51, of Ashland died Monday July 18, 2016, at the Cleveland Clinic. Retail or a little higher," said , the company's marketing vice president. He was sent to Iraq in 2010 and spent a year there with the 130th Engineer Battalion, according to Puerto Rico National papuci de casa din pasla Guard spokesman Maj. What I want is a life in prison that I can fill with some meaning. Liebow, too, has a short list of things you can do to minimize the problems if you insist on wearing high heels. The event was staged as part of the city's sesquicentennial celebration going on this year. Thus Ignatius, who for his pre?minent piety was called, par excellence, by his church, “Theophorus, the God-bearer,” when summoned before the Emperor Trajan, used the following remarkable language: “No one can call Theophorus an evil spirit * * * * for, bearing in my heart Christ the king of heaven, I bring to nothing the arts and devices of the evil spirits.”. How much will it cost? How long will it take? Drilling down on the genesis of the traffic study cover story. All laid aside what they were doing, and with grave and speechless curiosity watched the two opponents. We do not know this is, but always know where the celebrities, maybe the most outstanding brands, that is people follow in his footsteps, and employ chrysalisrk them to use the same product.
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dpinoycosmonaut · 6 years
by Bert A. Ramirez / July 29, 2018
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               There’s more than meets the eye in the decision by the Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas to withdraw the country’s participation in basketball in the 2018 Asian Games to be held next month in Indonesia.
               Off hand, critics have pounced on the SBP for what they felt was a sudden, seemingly impulsive decision that puts the country in bad light considering there are just barely three weeks left before the games start on August 18.  I myself was critical of the decision as I felt the country’s primary goal under the circumstances – with 10 of its regular national team players suspended by the FIBA (no matter if that suspension did not apply to the Asiad) – was not to win but to give a decent representation for the Philippines.
               But looking at the circumstances more closely, one gets the feeling that, maybe, the decision is at least understandable given the factors that made the country’s basketball stakeholders decide to make one PBA club – Rain or Shine – represent the country in the Games in the first place.
               When that decision was made, which was based on Rain or Shine’s being the top team in the eliminations of the ongoing Commissioner’s Cup, and team owners Terry Que and Raymond Yu agreed to assume the responsibility, it was also agreed that former Elastopainters coach Yeng Guiao be made to assume the role of head coach.  So the SBP and the PBA board were one in the thinking that “one team” would represent the Philippines in the Asiad, as a PBA board meeting confirmed last Thursday, July 26.
               Guiao, however, was hoping that he could get some reinforcements from other PBA teams in addition to the core of the ROS squad and listed six players as possible reinforcements – June Mar Fajardo of San Miguel Beer, Greg Slaughter and Jeff Chan of Giñebra, Paul Lee of Magnolia, John Paul Erram of Blackwater and Stanley Pringle of GlobalPort.  The veteran coach was aware though that getting Fajardo as well as Slaughter and Chan was a long shot given the fact that the three were playing for the Beermen and the Gin Kings in the finals, although getting two or three reinforcements would make him feel better that the country would be better represented.  He rationalized his thinking when he said the Philippines would be playing not just club teams – as most of the squads the Ateneo Blue Eagles played in the recent Jones Cup were – but full-fledged national teams.
               “Rain or Shine is one of the top teams in the PBA and it has a strong lineup.  But remember, pagpunta ng Rain or Shine sa Asian Games, hindi naman mga kapwa ballclubs ang kakalabanin namin (kundi) mga national teams ng ibang bansa (when Rain or Shine goes to the Asian Games, it’s not fellow club teams that we would be fighting but the national teams of other countries),” Guiao explained.  “Kung makakalaban namin ay may (Hamed) Haddadi na NBA veteran at lampas seven feet, mas maigi siguro kung may makakatulong kina Raymond Almazan at Beau (Belga) (If we would be fighting a team with a Haddadi who is an NBA veteran and over seven feet tall, it might be better if there’s somebody who can help Raymond Almazan and Beau).  If we cannot get the reinforcements, we simply can’t compete.”
               It was against this backdrop that the PBA board held a meeting to confirm the country’s Asian Games participation through ROS last Thursday.  When SBP president Al Panlilio and PBA commissioner Willie Marcial presided over a press conference at the end of that meeting, there was no mention whatsoever of Guiao’s request being turned down, but both confirmed that the PBA stuck to the original agreement to send only one team to the Asiad, which means the Elastopainters with no reinforcements.  Reading between the lines then, Guiao’s wish of getting even two or three reinforcements was set aside.
               The PBA’s thinking was clear.  It agreed to send players from only one team to the Asian Games to minimize disruption in the league’s schedule for the coming Governors Cup that starts on August 17.
               “In the last board meeting, one team lang para hindi masira ang schedule, TNT, hindi puwede, ‘yung No. 1 team (ROS), pumayag, siya ang kinuha.  One team lang talaga ang policy nun (only one team so the schedule won’t be disrupted, TNT can’t be tapped, the No. 1 team agreed, it was taken.  One team only was really the policy then),” Marcial himself said.  He then explained that with ROS representing the country, it’s only the Elastopainters’ schedule that the PBA would be adjusting, emphasizing that ROS would in fact be making a big sacrifice as it would then be playing games in succession once it came back from the Asiad.
               Once the PBA board’s decision on reinforcements had been firmed up, the SBP then called an emergency meeting with basketball godfather Manny Pangilinan late Thursday night and finally decided to pull the plug on the country’s participation in the Asiad, apparently convinced it wouldn’t do the country much good if it couldn’t send a competitive team to the quadrennial meet, where coach Chot Reyes’ Gilas Pilipinas team floundered with a seventh-place finish in 2014.  Present in that meeting with MVP were Panlilio himself, SBP executive director Sonny Barrios, Reyes, Guiao and Rain or Shine coach Caloy Garcia who would have acted as Guiao’s assistant.
               Once the SBP announced that decision on social media, the PBA was quick to disown any knowledge of that decision and stressed that it was always supportive of the national team’s cause.  Magnolia governor Rene Pardo, for one, stressed that the PBA never denied any call for help from the league.
               “Di naman kami tumangging tumulong (We didn’t refuse to help),” Pardo said, choosing to be pragmatic.  “Ang sakit na nagre-review kami ng budget, bumababa yung mga gate revenues (ng PBA) (It hurts that while we are reviewing the budget, the gate revenues of the PBA are going down).  At the same time, we’re still offering to help flag and country dahil alam namin ang importance niyan (because we know the importance of that).  Nakakatulong din sa PBA – kapag maganda ang performance ng Philippines, maganda rin ang epekto sa (liga). Handa kaming tumulong, so ‘di niyo puwedeng sabihin na magmamaramot kami sa flag and country (It also helps the PBA – if the performance of the Philippines is good, the effect on the league is also good.  We’re ready to help, so you can’t say that we are selfish to flag and country).”
               The controversial Giñebra governor and San Miguel Group sports director Alfrancis Chua even took the credit for convincing ROS ownership to lend its team for the country’s participation in the Asian Games. “I’m the one who talked to Raymond Yu, sabi ko, ‘Pare baka gusto mong sumali?’ ‘Sige pag-isipan namin,’ pumayag siya (I said, ‘Brother, you might want to participate?’  ‘All right, we’ll think about it,’ he agreed).  That’s the story,” Chua said.  “Sabi ayaw magpahiram?  Actually po, a couple of months ago nung umupo si Mr. Ricky Vargas as (PBA) chairman, ako ang nagsabi na tanggalin ang one (player) per team – kahit ilan ang gusto sa SMB Group, magpapahiram kami.  You can ask the board, wala nang pilian.  I-full blast na ‘to (They say we don’t want to lend players?  Actually, when Mr. Ricky Vargas sat as chairman a couple of months ago, it was I who said let’s remove the one (player) limit per team – however many they want from the SMC Group, we would lend.  You can ask the board, there won’t be any more picking.  Let’s make this full blast).”
               Chua, however, might be missing the point here. Guiao, the chosen coach, wanted some reinforcements from other teams, and the PBA refused.  Now tell us who is at fault here.  And let’s just confine ourselves to this Asian Games stint, or its aborted version, that is.  Let’s not even mention other national team commitments as that would just muddle the whole issue of this particular case.  Fair enough?
(Photo from fastbreak.com.ph)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Sean Connery and Michael Caine are Godlike in The Man Who Would Be King
“I’ll stand one day before the Queen, not kneel, mind you, but stand like an equal, and she’ll say ‘I’d like you to accept the Order of the Garter as a mark of my esteem, cousin,’” Sean Connery’s ex-British soldier Daniel Dravot proclaims in the 1975 period adventure film, The Man Who Would Be King. And with those words, and the epic death scene which followed, Connery completed the saga of a long-germinating work from one of Hollywood’s most celebrated directors. John Huston was Hollywood royalty. His father, Walter, was an acting icon, and his offspring have all gone on to distinguish themselves as part of the Huston Dynasty.
Connery was of course no stranger to acting royalty himself. Eventually knighted in 2000, he also got to play King Agamemnon in Terry Gilliam’s Time Bandits in 1981, King Richard the Lionheart in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991), and King Arthur in First Knight (1995). James Bond was only a small part of Connery’s cinematic output. The Oscar-winning screen legend wasn’t always a suave, debonair, tuxedoed aficionado of the shaken martini.
He was already distancing himself from the immensely popular 007 role by the time he made Diamonds Are Forever in 1971. He wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty for parts, and he reveled in playing the occasional antihero and other less sympathetic roles.
Thus Connery got the chance to play a not-so-bright, morally flawed but timeless character in the 1975 film The Man Who Would Be King. He also fulfilled a lifelong dream for a Hollywood legend, and turned a myth into reality.
Huston had loved Rudyard Kipling’s “The Man Who Would Be King” since he was a child, according to the book The Hustons, by Lawrence Grobel. Kipling was 22 in 1888, when he wrote the short story, and had been shot at while exploring the setting. Huston’s adaptation was a dream project which had morphed into the purgatory of lost film masterpieces, like Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon, Alejandro Jodorowski’s Dune, or Orson Welles’ Heart of Darkness. Francis Ford Coppola wound up adapting the Joseph Conrad novel with a post-Vietnam War mentality. His Apocalypse Now is about a good man corrupted by absolute power. Huston took the lessons of the unpopular war in the opposite direction. The Man Who Would Be King is about bad men who are held accountable to the indigenous people they conquer.
The Man Who Would Be King is about power, greed and the manifest destiny of entitled Europeans. It lampoons the superiority of British colonialism. In a “Making of” documentary about the film, Huston says he found the “ideal” actors to capture his subversive intent. This movie was the only time Connery played with his lifelong friend Michael Caine, besides A Bridge Too Far, which had too many bridges and a platoon of stars between them. The pair met at a cast party for the first show Connery acted in, a touring company’s production of South Pacific in 1954. On July 9 of that year, Huston told Allied Artists’ Harold Mirish he wanted his next film to be the first and only on-screen pairing of Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable.
Huston originally had The Man Who Would Be King slated as his next production after he finished Moby Dick (1956). He planned to begin principal photography in India between November 1955 and January 1956 and was negotiating to film in the Todd-AO process. Huston had worked with Bogart on the very first film he directed, The Maltese Falcon in 1941, and the pair continued a string of successful and innovative films together. Though working fairly steadily, Bogart was battling esophageal cancer and ultimately succumbed to it on Jan. 14, 1957. Huston discussed the film with Gable while filming The Misfits, but the actor known as “The King of Hollywood” then also died in 1960. 
Richard Burton was set to play the role against Peter O’Toole, and Huston kept start dates ready from January 1966 to January 1967, waiting for the opportunity, but the year passed and it never came. The film almost reunited Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and The Sting’s Robert Redford and Paul Newman, who told Huston the film deserved English actors, and suggested Connery and Caine specifically.
Caine immediately jumped at the role just because his part had been written for Bogart. He’d chosen his stage name after seeing Bogart fidget with his ball-bearings as Commander Queeg in The Caine Mutiny. As for Connery, the Scottish actor captures the essence of Gable’s screen persona in the film. They both bring an amused cynicism toward their roles. Both actors furrow their brows and project a sensual gravitas.
You can imagine hearing Connery say, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,” with a different accent but the same delivery as Gable’s in Gone with the Wind. Granted, it would probably be coming out of the mouth of Saturday Night Live’s Darrel Hammond as a bemused answer to Alex Trebek, but it rings true. Whether he liked it or not, Connery’s turn as Bond made him as recognizable in the public’s mind as Gable.
On screen, Caine and Connery interact easily and naturally, nailing the parts with their distinct charisma. Danny and Peachy laugh at their disasters, because there’s really nothing else to do, and they make it infectious. They really are the Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid of imperialist Great Britain. Caine’s Peachy Carnahan could have been a great-great-grandparent to his Jack Carter in Get Garter; Connery’s Daniel Dravot could imaginably give sage advice to his third-generation thief grandson Matthew Broderick in Family Business (1989), or even lead a son like Indiana Jones across unexplored ancient treasures.
Together, Connery and Caine are a powerhouse. One of the great cinema pairings. They bring authentic accents, real-life camaraderie, and regional humor to the roles. Caine also bought his wife, Shakira, who plays Roxanne, the Kafiristan wife of Connery’s Daniel Dravot in the film. Christopher Plummer played Rudyard Kipling, a correspondent for “The Northern Star” newspaper, and a Freemason, a central point in the film and its symbolism.
Huston wrote the new screenplay with his long-time secretary Gladys Hill. Shooting on the final version took place in Morocco, which traded rough terrain for rampant corruption as the producers had to bribe their way through much of the filming. The locations and local extras were important to Huston to evoke the British Raj period of the movie.
The director wanted Connery and Caine to brave the “mass of mountains and peaks and glaciers” Kipling described in his story. Huston exposed Bogart to the cruel elements of location filming in The Treasure of Sierra Madre and The African Queen, and had discussed parachuting the two Hollywood icons into the Himalayas during the initial production, according to The Hustons. The two British stars faced equal peril. For the climax of the completed version, Huston let Connery plummet hundreds of feet from a rope bridge suspended over a vast valley. 
In the film, two former British Army sergeants, now clumsy gunrunners and incompetent conmen, traverse the Khyber Pass to find the isolated area of Kafiristan, located in the Hindu Kush mountains northeast of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. This is where the descendants of Alexander the Great live. The Greek emperor had conquered Afghanistan and married a Kafir princess named Roxanne, according to Kipling’s story.
Peachy and Danny plan to become the first Europeans since the ancient Greeks to penetrate the region and “loot it six ways from Sunday.” They admit this to Kipling shortly after robbing him and returning his stolen item back to him.
“In any place where they fight, a man who knows how to drill men can always be a king,” Connery’s Danny explains to Plummer’s Kipling. “We shall go to those parts and say to any king we find: ‘Do you want to vanquish your foes?’ And we will show him how to drill men, for that we know better than anything else. Then we will subvert that king and seize his throne and establish a dynasty.”
With this, Connery’s character captures the eternal dilemma of that region. No external power has ever permanently dominated Afghanistan. Britain lost control in 1919, which the country celebrates as the year of its independence. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, and continues its costly occupation with no end in sight. Kafiristan, which is now called Nuristan, is home to 15 ethnic groups speaking five different languages. No one man can be king. No single government can rule. Even O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia had to admit that. Connery’s authority, however, has a much deeper voice, and the conviction of a faithful pilgrim.
Peachy and Danny believe they can find a kingdom not yet touched by civilization which they can take over easily with their weapons, knowledge and contemporary expertise. “When we’re done with you, you’ll be able to stand up and slaughter your enemies like civilized men,” they tell their trainees. Huston allows the audience to enjoy the two soldiers of misfortune, in spite of their self-ascribed superiority and blatantly racist attitudes. When their translator asks whether to woo local high priests with claims of their divinity, Peachy says to tell them they are “not gods, [but] Englishmen. The next best thing.”
Read more
How an Overlooked British Classic Boasted Sean Connery’s Finest Performance
By Mark Allison
Sean Connery Called Brett Ratner “A Fraud?”
By David Crow
Danny is nonplussed by how easy the locals are exploited. Connery lets him indulge his moral superiority, tossing harsh judgements on native customs like offering daughters and sons up to guests for sex. When he takes an arrow in the chest and keeps on fighting, he readily assumes his mantle as the son of Alexander the Great. Connery sells that assumption realistically and believably. Peachy assumes the huge rubies in the temple are good to go. 
Caine’s Peachy Carnahan remains a Cockney through and through. Connery’s Dravot gives in to temptation almost athletically. When he finds himself worshiped as a deity, he is happy to believe it. The scene where he convinces himself is hysterical, and performed completely organically. Connery is completely surprised by himself, and Caine literally falls over laughing as he does an internal pratfall. It is as much an acting free-for-all as it is a ballet of physical comedy. The gag is the same as C3P0 telling the Ewoks he’s a deity in Return of the Jedi, which happened to be shot on the same Panaflex camera as The Man Who Would Be King.
In a highly competitive Oscar race–which included One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Barry Lyndon, and Jaws—The Man Who Would Be King was nominated for four Academy Awards: Best Art Direction, Best Writing, Best Costume Design, and Best Editing. Connery was also the lead performance in the Oscar-nominated film The Wind and The Lion that same year.
The Man Who Would Be King is an adventure film, and Connery and Caine make it a wild ride with perilous curves and a harrowing but hollow finish. Like so many of Huston’s movies, their scheme doesn’t turn out the way it’s planned, but the plot finds strength in the weakness of powerful characters. By the end of the movie, all these two characters have is each other, and even that promises to be fleeting. The performances endure though. It’s acting royalty. It’s like they were destined to do it, preordained. 
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The post Sean Connery and Michael Caine are Godlike in The Man Who Would Be King appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/385W63u
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datgutnovel · 5 years
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Do you know that if it were possible to go a doctor and request euthanizing in a self honorable suicide today I would. I wouldn’t on the terms of the deceit hiding and pretending and fraud. I personality do not have anything that I want to offer the American society anymore. My legendary status is sealed. I can GO now. I want absolutely nothing from the American society. And that is the truth. To me you are not worth quality. You as America is not worth what I could give your people. You are JUST not worth my time or effort. You are NOT worth me or it. So I can peaceful take the euthanasia and GO. You mean nothing to me. None of you. I don’t see nothing about America or it’s people or anything to love like or be excited about. Even euthanizing myself would not satisfy me America’s fraudulent way. Just call America FRAUD Nation. That will be the case until I see my grave. America ain’t shit. But faggies n8ggers H9NKYs and frauds. I will die on that.
i woke up one morning and had all of a sudden all these N8ggers and H8Nkys running behind me, had my sisters working behind the scenes in the offices messing up the business affairs properties registrations and licenses, and had the motherfucking cops hunting me like a damn JIPdawg in heat, and little N8gger ass faggies from the gay bars mocking me, surrounding me trying to learn me to try to beat me, and then had the people who was appeared interested in having friendships trying to suck my partners dicks and prostituting himself to every contact of mine on my Facebook page while smiling in my face appearing to be trying to suck me too. All of a sudden one goddamn morning - all screaming “I want you” and was showing it by some psychotic way of sabotaging me saying “if I don’t get you no one will”. All these nasty N8gger and H9NKY hoes were trying to KILL me citing “we want him”. And The mother fucking dumb black ass N8GGERS who said to have started all of the shit who couldn’t read - got their idiotic FACTS from a prom picture and by trying to read an article I wrote about another person’s book to have gathered the questions of the book being reviewed was the questions about life of Terry Dwayne Ashford which was not. The questions were of the author that terry dwayne Ashford was interviewing centered on the book review. The journalist reviewed a book and interviewed the author of that then hot new book out on the market - and the interceptors who were dumb N8GGER Men who are not known to read-thought the thoughts of the interview of the new hot-out-on-the-market book author who Terry Dwayne Ashford was reviewing was HIM. Not knowing that the words of an article was the words of the topic and the subject interpreted and re-written by the journalist. So they thought I wanted to know who was straight and who was gay, the alibi of the questions the HAZING was trying to answer. And terry dwayne Ashford didn’t even have those questions. Business in journalism is we do an article and move on to thr next fucker. And these dumb ass N8gger men have me stuck in a time warp over the line up of questions that I asked the then author. And through that saying “we love you and trying to help YOU” in a profession that they know nothing and could not even read the article correctly, a set of dumb N8GGER men linked to a bunch of H9NKY cocksuckers to show Terry Dwayne Ashford who was GAY and who was not in the Downlow world showing him all this low class low down N8gger racism in a brother jealousy that was pointed in recovery as a HAZE. Carlos tried to use the article and the dumb ass prom picture to support the HAZE where he was JEALOUS and murdered our mother. Point mother fucking blank. When the mother told him to sat his oversized slow fat ass down, the fat slow jealous and THEN mad angry brother linked to the white cocksuckers to overtake my mother behind the scenes without the one he was jealous of knowing - altogether just like you saw APPLE and the cops align during a podcast when the victim didn’t even know. And the result was Carlos and June and the jealousy N8ggers killed our mother. June brought in the girl who was brought back to my mother’s house by the likes of Bobbi Hardin to KILL our mother. The N8GGER brought the girl back a couple of days after the 4th of July and she with my father left together strangely one morning before anyone got up caught by my mother who woke me up and said something strange is happening “Dave just left the house with the then 16 year old girl” at 430 am on the morning of July 13th. Went to find them in the vehicle that had been sabotaged by Perry in the night and the vehicle broke down after returning to thr house to report to mom that I had found them. At about 130 when the vehicle finally broke down Perry then jumped in the car with Dave who was supposed to just have come to pick me up - and they both left the girl who was brought back to the house to KILL my mother there with the woman she was instructed to kill. When we returned that is when the ambulances came and got my mother wit
When we returned that is when the ambulances came and got my mother with Perry and Dave having took the little girl next door in a separation format and had pushed me into the bathroom to keep me from seeing any thing. And that is also when i and my dad got into a verbal fight as he tried to instruct me terry dwayne Ashford and force me to turn away from the ambulance I was following that had my mother. I believe the girl stabbed my mother in the neck upon instructions from the gang leaders and was supported by Dave and by Perry who framed the car break down. I argue that it was an arranged killing as I asked that my father pick me up and Perry jumped in the car with him giving a alibi for Leaving the girl at the house with her. The COMO city N8gger police force was populated with majority N8gger Bobbi Hardin type of people - and they dropped the girl off st my mother’s house when Terry Dwayne Ashford who filed the police complaint was at work. We now argue that the Muslims who had been attacking the Ashford’s family was the police that instructed the killings and dropped off the murdering girl through the given instructions to her and to Dave and Perry. Both left the Said Criminal Girl of the N8GGER gang dropped off by the n8gger Bobbi Hardin link at my mother’s house. I terry dwayne Ashford was the one that put the N8gger girl out of my mother’s house for striking my mother while I was away. And that is indicated in the police report to the TATE County Police who I, Terry Dwayne Ashford, used to remove the criminal black N8GGER teenage Whore. I have a copy of the report filed to the Tate county police demanding to remove this girl or I will. And the girl was gone. And brought back exactly 6 months later to KILL our mother by the same gang that kicked in the bathroom door of my sister named Bobbi Hardin kin of the same teacher MS Hardin who attacked me as a 3rd grade kid. Larry Hardin the brother of the Bobbi Hardin was the N8GGER following male of Terry Dwayne Ashford as I was seemingly courting my friend Jennifer Newsom. We were just friends however. But Larry did not know that and was following me and stalking her in Memphis Tn at around the same time that Jennifer’s gay brother had just passed. The N8GGERs stalking and attacking the Ashford family through my N8GGER brother Sam known as Uncle Sam killing his mother for government money. And that brought in the Levy woman who lied directly on the stand under the Obama administration and the tax Fraud that created a fraud case in MD which held terry dwayne Ashford property registration on his car based on the fraud tax in the state of Maryland developed from outdated tax documents which were created from scratch. The same way the fraud outdated tickets were. Illegally linked to property against federal regulations and held the tags on my car. All of that was attacking the SON of the mother that they had already KILLED. The police and today we identified the police officer who may have crashed the window and stolen the iPhone. Another Muslim same as the man pulled out his penis by following and stalking terry dwayne Ashford and same as the accosting of terry Dwayne Ashford first male date Todd Jones while in college- same Gang that followed in jr. high school Darrin Jones who was killed found with a stuffed penis in his mouth in a ditch - and same GANG as the MPD officer identified today badge 5243 officer Johnson driving 489 MPD van who was caught stalking Terry Dwayne Ashford in his stake of white men at the takoma tennis courts who was met and identified at the Safeway. The penis pull-out occurred by another stalking Muslim at the takoma aquatics feet from where the Officer Johnson badge 5243 was stalking in truancy van #489. We have murdered my mother and targeted terry dwayne Ashford the journalists by the Muslim black men using Muslim whiter men to deceive behind the scenes. And they are the staff at Shepherd Park Library, Casey, Will, the newly hired manager said to be named Brian all working with the plot that attacked the Ashford family through editing vi
through editing videos, computer assignments, Larry volz and cameras which Terry Dwayne Ashford have totally under raps trying to sabotage terry dwayne Ashford. Whenever terry has a job interview guess what the whitey’s try? They plan for the retardants to overpopulate the library then setup video editing and try to place the retardant in a videography position to be edited as terry Dwayne Ashford. They would place a retardant
or a crippled person beside me and the white male cocksucker would edit a man sitting in similar positions at computer 9 as Terry Dwayne Ashford sitting at computer 8- face only and that would pose the retardant’s antics as Terry Dwayne Ashford then send the video to the employer by watching through his phone where terry Ashford applies. Now the H9NKY Will and Casey claim to have been involved citing “I want him”. The sabotage is H9NKYs as well as N8ggers. “Will” watch the dumb shit
Face looking H9NKY and you will see. He documents where I apply and sends the edited video to the HR of that company knowing there is an INSIDE link. So our police should be on every communication device Will touches. Phone, email, chat app, and pull his contacts. He has one contact that links to all these companies and that may be linkedN. Ditch the H9NKY shit face cocksucker. Casey worked with him. Ditch the H9knys for power points. They like to suck bait the Faggies and stuff SHIT over the crack they smoke into their mouths and leave them in the ditch for symbolism. Use the arrangement method to setup the H9NKY and give him the most attractive looking killer N8GGER butch wad shooter. And take this H9NKY to HELL. Choke the H9NKY first and give the H9NKY fear that makes the H9NKY kill himself. We got something for the H9NKY. Closed. Oh by the way that’s even if it IS the government. Kill this H9NKY and we will deal with the government later maybe blow a few buildings or take planes out of the sky. But we gonna GET these H9NKYs for power points. And claim we are playing after they are stuffed with shit turds. Got me? Make the shit happen!
Officer Johnson MPD badge 5243 appears to be the one officer that may have links to the stolen iPhone and may also have links to going to the neighborhood house to obtain the video of the crashing of the window to get the phone. That officers has been stalking terry Dwayne Ashford at the tennis courts and the aquatics center and was caught stalking terry dwayne Ashford In stake made for a white man captured by the phone that was stolen two days before the crash sitting in front of the court where terry Dwayne Ashford practices serves. The white man was meeting him sitting with the black dark African female police officer days before the November 11th crashing. We argue that the picture he thought was being taken by the camera made him as angry as you saw at the Safeway. The anger saw the officer attack by crashing the journalist’s window and stealing that wxacr phone in revenge. You fucking faggots I do not have to go anywhere cuz I don’t like no crazy low class HOE ass N8gger or H9NKY - got me? Intimidate someone other than a journalist that’s what your faggot asses better do. Lock the officers in Alcatraz.
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thegameslave · 5 years
The Professional Gamer - July 19, 2019
Sorry about that late post last week: I was having trouble with Twitter plugin for Squarespace (now resolved), and just not been able to find the time to get things fixed and posted. And, of course that means that I haven’t had a lot of time to do fun things either. Instead, I was traveling for work, and then having meetings in several evenings. What did I actually do for fun this week? Played some D&D and finished watching Good Omens. Oh, and a little bit of watching Crystal play Dragon Quest Builders 2. Let’s talk about all of those things.
First up, let’s talk about DQB2, since its the least intensive thing for me to talk about. Crystal is having a lot of fun with the game, and they seem to have improved lots of parts of the game including both the story and the controls. I think she’s getting close to the end of the first area, so it’ll be fun to watch the big boss fight.
On to D&D, where we had some adventures with accidental hallucinogenics, more deer hunting, and meeting with an orc tribe. There were some other confrontations during the session, especially my character forcing the party to think about tactics and not stepping on each other’s feet during combat. I was good, and fed them a huge breakfast first, rather than make them deal with hard stuff on an empty stomach. And now, I think my character is going to start begging for help from anyone that he can find to help him retake his homeland. But that will have to wait for the next session.
Lastly, I finished watching Good Omens, which is a very good series. I’ve borrowed the book from a friend, and am going to make an attempt to read it starting next week. I really enjoy the characters and the humor. I’ve not actually read any Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman works before, and I wonder if I need to give both of them more of a chance. I love the whole of the TV show, but my absolute favorite beat is Aziraphale saying “To the World”. There is a subtle pause and emphasis in Michael Sheen’s performance that just kills me. This is the first time that I’ve seen David Tennant onscreen since he was on Doctor Who, and I definitely have a bit of trouble moving past that character with him. Crowley is, of course, very different to The Doctor, but there are a few lines (“Run away to Alpha Centari. I hear is lovely this time of year.”), that are very reminiscent in isolation. The series overall is very good and I’m excited to try to read the book as well.
That’s all I have for now. I’m travelling the first part of this week, then heading out for vacation at the end of the week. I may have trouble getting a blog post together for you all next week, but I’ll see what I can do. Until next time, have a great week and game on!
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tigereye771 · 7 years
New Year, New Beginnings (Part 6/?)
My apologizes for taking so long, but work has literally been a killer. It’s not quite eased up yet, but will hopefully do so soon. Trust me, I’m counting the days until July 1 where I think there should be a bit of breathing room. All this is a long-winded explanation for the delay in updating this. Hopefully you will enjoy it.
Title: New Year, New Beginnings (Modern AU)
Part: 6/?
Pairing: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark
Previous parts: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
His dream began as it always did: in the snow.
He was running towards the helicopter;  Edd to his right, Tormund running ahead of them, the soldiers of the White Walker terrorist group chasing them, firing in their direction.  Pyp, Grenn and Satin had already gone down.  His six-man team cut in half in what felt like a blink of an eye.  If none of them make it out today, it would still be a victory.  The Night King was dead.  Jon himself had killed him with a bullet to his head and one to where his heart should be if such a vicious being had a heart.  They all knew that the odds were high that none of them would survive the mission, but with the helicopter just a few hundred yards away, Jon had started to hope.
Then Edd had cried out and stumbled, causing Jon to stutter to a stop and turn back to his fallen comrade, despite the other man telling him to run.
“Get your ass out of here, Commander!” Edd had bellowed even as he had started to fire behind them, momentarily making the enemy pause in their efforts.
“I don’t leave men behind!” Jon shouted back as he moved to help his second-in-command.  With a glance he could see Edd had taken a bullet to his ankle and moved to help him up when Tormund was suddenly beside them.
Without a word, the larger man threw Edd over his shoulder as Jon turned and began to lay cover fire, allowing the others to run to the waiting helicopter as he slowly backed up towards it.
Then it happened.  His gun jammed and in that brief moment as he worked to fix it, he felt the first bullet hit him in his chest.  The force of it took his breath away, but the armor vest had caught it and while it would leave a nasty bruise, he wasn’t hurt. But he wasn’t so lucky with the second bullet which caught him in his left thigh and made him buckle.  Then some bright fellow thought to load his weapon with armor piercing bullets and the next series pierced his protective armor like a hot knife through butter.
The first bullet that entered his chest didn’t hurt. Adrenaline and surprise was an anesthetic to it, but the second, third and fourth bullets sliced through him, robbing him of his breath with a swath of pain.  Jon fell backwards and he felt the snow cushion his fall.  He stared up into the gray sky, watching the lazy fall of snowflakes that dotted his eyelashes.  He could feel his warm blood slipping out of his wounds and mingle with the dirty snow beneath him.
Memories filled his mind at that moment.  He and Robb swimming in the hot springs at Winterfell; Bran staring down at him from yet another tall tree he had climbed; Arya swinging a stick like a sword as she challenged him to a duel; little Rickon tugging at his hand, Ned and Cat smiling at their brood and him from the steps of Winterfell; and Sansa sitting on a bench, singing softly to herself as she brushed her hair.
In his previous dreams he dies at this point and Jon would wake up in a cold sweat, clutching at his chest and gasping for air.  But that did not happen this time.  The pain he felt from his wounds were gone and suddenly, he was staring up into a blue sky occasionally blocked out by waving red leaves of a Weirwood tree.  He was lying on soft, green grass.
“Jon!  Come on, Jon!”
He couldn’t make out whose voice that was.  He knew it was familiar, but he couldn’t tell if it was male or female.  Jon pushed himself up into a sitting position and touched his chest.  He was no longer in his fatigues and armor, his wounds were gone.  He was in a simple t-shirt and jeans, his feet in soft, leather boots.
“Come on, Jon!”
That voice again.  He rose to his feet and they somehow knew where to go and he was slipping through a forest that he knew: the Godswoods of Winterfell.  A shadowy figure was ahead of him, slipping through the trees, leading him somewhere.
Even as he ran effortlessly after the figure, Jon looked up and around him.  The sky peaked through the rustling leaves of the trees. Dappled sunlight flickered on his skin as he moved closer and closer to the shadowy figure leading him somewhere. The shadows of the leaves painted soft tattoos of ever shifting patterns over his skin.
As he drew closer, he saw a flash of copper and milky skin and he knew, even before she turned her head back to look at him, laughing merrily, her blue eyes sparkling.
“It’s time you come home, Jon Snow,” he heard her say.
“Sansa,” Jon whispered as his hand reached out to touch her.
“Come home, Jon,” he heard her say to him in the softest, gentlest voice.
He could feel himself reaching out to her, his finger tips about to brush against the silk of her hair.
“Jon?  Jon, wake up.  It’s time to get up.”
Jon felt a hand gently shake up and he peered up in the dim light into Sansa’s face.  For a moment, he was disoriented, nor remembering where he was before it came back to him.  He was in Sansa’s bed.  His face colored at the thought, inexplicably embarrassed that he had thought that sentence. He saw her peer curiously at him, but she only said, “I left some clean towels in the bathroom if you want to shower before you drop me off at work.  We have about a half hour before we have to go.”
Right, he was giving Sansa a ride to work and while he spent the night in her bed, he did not spend it with her.  Jon nodded, pushing himself up and realized Sansa had turned on a small lamp in the corner that cast the room in a soft light.  The clock on her night stand said 4:15 am.  She had said she needed to be at the café at 5 am.  Jon could see she had already showered and was in her robe with a towel wrapped around her hair.  He realized then that she likely needed him out of the room to change and he blushed again, realizing that underneath the thick, light blue terry cloth robe, she was likely naked.
“I won’t be long,” Jon muttered as he slid out of her warm bed to pad his way to the bathroom.  He switched on the light to the small bathroom that was still slightly steamy from Sansa’s shower.  He saw a set of snowy white towels on the counter with a brand new toothbrush still in its plastic wrapper on top of it.  The sight of it made him smile slightly.  Any child of Catelyn Stark would be prepared for any unexpected guests.  
Jon glanced in the mirror above the sink and examined his face closely.  Mornings he usually found a bleary-eyed, tired man staring back at him, having gotten less sleep than he really needed.  The dreams often allowed him only four or five hours of sleep on a good night.  Jon had refused to take the sleeping pills prescribed to him, not liking how sluggish and slow they made him feel the next day. However, while the amount of sleep he’d gotten wasn’t more than usual, for some reason he looked more rested than he had in long time.  Maybe it was the dinner he had last night.  Despite the horrible things he heard the Starks go through, he found he couldn’t stop eating the delicious meal he had been served.  Or maybe for once, he was someplace where no one had wanted or expected anything from him.  Whatever it was, the face Jon found staring back at him seemed less tired, more relaxed.
Fifteen minutes later he was walking into the kitchen, his hair pulled back from his freshly scrubbed face.  Sansa turned from the coffeemaker at his approach and handed him a blue travel tumbler. “I hope you don’t mind not having breakfast until we get to the café?  I don’t normally eat breakfast until the morning prep work is done. But I’ve got coffee if you want it.”
Jon took the tumbler from her hands and flipped the lip open.  “No problem.  I’m still a bit full from dinner last night, but coffee will never be turned down.” He took a sip and closed his eyes, savoring the taste of it.  It was the same coffee from the café which was the best he had ever tasted, even better than the expensive brand used in the Targaryen household.  It was also prepared perfectly for him, black with one sugar.  “How did you know how I took my coffee?” he asked curiously.
Sansa was finishing filling her own tumbler and then resetting the coffeemaker to brew another pot for Arya and Bran.  “Hmmm? Oh, noticed it yesterday at the café. You pick up those things quickly in waitressing.”  She finished what she was doing and looked up at him.  Her brow furrowed.  “Jon?”
He hadn’t realized it, but his face had fallen into a sad expression, remembering why Sansa was in a position to having to waitress, to get up so early and work so hard just to keep what was left of her family together.  But Jon also knew that pity was the last thing Sansa probably wanted so he quickly wiped the look from his face and gave her a small smile.  “Just zoned out a moment.  Caffeine hasn’t quite hit the brain yet.”  He took another sip of the delicious coffee.
Sansa nodded and then a few minutes later they were in Jon’s car, driving down the darkened streets towards the Hghgarden Café.  A few miles into their trip, they passed by Sansa’s broken down Jeep, the sight of it causing her to let out a small sigh.
“What are you going to do about that?” Jon asked with a nod towards the forlorn vehicle.
Sansa sighed again. “Hopefully, it’s something Arya can fix.  If not…” Her voice trailed off and Jon could see her worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.
He knew money was an issue and a new car, even a used one, would be a significant purchase.  He was about to offer his help but remembered Arya’s reaction to his attempts at doing so and knew it likely would be even less welcomed by Sansa.  He would have to get creative if he wanted to provide any type of assistance to the Starks.
“If not?” he prompted.
Sansa sighed more loudly this time.  “We really need two cars, so we’ll just have to buy another one if we can’t salvage my jeep. I don’t only need it for work, but we need a vehicle for Bran to get around in.  Arya’s truck is too hard for him to get in and out of and the disabled transit service offered by the city only does so much.”
“I’m happy to go car shopping with you, if it comes to that,” Jon replied nonchalantly.  “I’m pretty knowledgeable about cars.”
Sansa threw him an amused look.  “I’m not sure you know more than Arya.”
Jon chuckled. “True.  I can’t believe she’s working in a garage.”
Sansa let out a soft laugh that made Jon grin.  It was good to hear her laugh.  “I know, but then again, it seems so…Arya too.  She’s happy about it though and Sandor, you met him yesterday in the café, is actually a pretty good boss.  And her friend Gendry works there too.”
“So, this Gendry, any…romance there?”
Sansa laughed again. “I think he hopes there will be, but Arya is allegedly oblivious so far.  I say allegedly because I think she wants to be more than friends, but hasn’t made that step yet.”
“Why not?” Jon asked.
The soft, amused look left Sansa’s face and she turned her head to look out the window, but Jon could see her face in the reflection on the glass.  She looked so tired and sad.  “Maybe because she’s seen some bad examples of relationships and it’s made her gun shy.”
Jon decided not to push her for answers and the rest of the ride was made in silence until they got to Flea Bottom and Sansa directed him through a twist of streets that led to the back of the café which was much less picturesque than the cobbled street version in the front.  He parked in the small lot in the back and then followed Sansa as she unlocked the back door and went into the kitchen of the café.  
In movements that spoke of routine, one hand went out to flick on the lights and she hurried forward towards a panel that was near a small desk that was nestled in an alcove by a pantry closet.  Jon watched as she punched in a code to turn off the alarm before it was triggered and she went to hang up her jacket flipping on various lights and equipment as she moved.
Jon stood off to the side, watching her practiced movements, moving with a dancer’s grace.  In the early morning light that came filtering in from high, small rectangular windows, the kitchen looked much different than it did yesterday.  It seemed cold and unfriendly, almost sterile with the gleaming equipment and prep table, the shiny hardware, and the pristineness of the floors and counters. He could have excused himself and simply gone home now that Sansa was here, but Jon found himself reluctant to leave her just yet.  His mind cited concerns about her safety, a woman alone in the early morning hours at a business. But Sansa had been doing this for years and he had watched her lock the heavy door behind her when they entered.  No, Jon simply didn’t want to leave her yet and return to either an empty bed or a passed out Ygritte.
She sent him a curious look. “I hope you don’t mind if I don’t give you breakfast until I’ve got the prep work underway?”
Jon held up his half full tumbler.  “Got coffee. I’m fine.”
She gave him a small smile and then simply ignored him as she concentrated on what needed to be done. Jon settled himself down in the chair he sat in yesterday for lunch and watched Sansa busy herself with making bread, cookies, pies and other things that Jon knew would eventually turn into delicious things to eat.
When they had entered the kitchen, it seemed cold and almost sterile, but it gradually warmed up with the heating ovens and the enticing smells that came from the food Sansa began to prepare.  The empty tables and counters began to fill with assorted foodstuff as Sansa worked and she, herself, seemed to breathe life into the room with her copper hair and vivid blue eyes.  The room began to feel almost cozy, like a kitchen in a home but just larger.  “What are you making?” he asked after almost an hour of companionable silence.
“Individual breakfast quiches,” Sansa replied as she stood at a stove, frying bacon.  “They’re a pretty good seller.”
Jon sniffed the air appreciatively.  “Bacon in anything is guaranteed to sell,” he agreed.
Sansa sent him an amused look.  She drained the bacon she was frying and moved over to some that she had fried earlier and left to drain.  She took those pieces and crumbled them into a mixture that was then poured into small pie shells.  In one she added an extra amount of bacon and a handful more of cheese before she slid the prepared shells into the oven and set the time for thirty minutes.
“I remembered how much you liked bacon,” Sansa said to him with a nod towards the oven.  “That one with the extra bacon and cheese is your breakfast.”
While he appreciated the thought, Jon looked skeptically at her.  “Quiche?”
Sansa let out a low laugh. “Yes, even big military heroes can have quiche for breakfast.  Try it and if you don’t like it, I’ll make you plain old eggs and bacon instead.”
The cook at Rhaegar’s mansion would prepare anything Jon asked for, but he didn’t feel the same sense of pleased warmth that spread in his chest knowing that Sansa was making something special for him based upon her memories she had of his love for bacon. The cook had to make what Jon wanted because that was his job. Sansa did it because she wanted to. It made all the difference to Jon.
He refilled his tumbler with more coffee and asked Sansa about it.  
“It’s from a small farmer in Dorne.  Margery and I must have tasted thirty different brands before we settled on this independent vendor.  We’ve found anyone who’s had this coffee really can’t drink any other brand,” Sansa explained as she hand kneaded bread.  
“I’d love to buy some for Rhaegar’s,” Jon said before he savored another sip.  He saw Sansa pause and stare at him contemplatively, the first time she’s really stopped since they got to the café.  “What?”  He touched his beard.  “Do I have something on my face?”
“No…” Sansa paused and began to knead the bread again, a small frown on her face.  She shook her head.  “It’s none of my business.”
Jon didn’t know what she wanted to say, but sensed this was an opportunity to maybe get more out of Sansa other than polite conversation about coffee.  A former commanding officer of his who had helped prep him for his mission had once said that when you’re undercover, you had to give a little of yourself to get someone to trust you.  If he wanted to help Sansa and the other Starks, he was going to have to earn their trust.
“No, go ahead.  I don’t mind.”
He watched as Sansa hesitated a moment before she said quietly, “You called it ‘Rhaegar’s’, not ‘home.’”
Jon blinked at her.   So he did.  Jon rubbed the back of his neck.  “Huh, yeah, I guess I did.”  He took another sip of coffee.  “I guess it’s because it doesn’t feel like a home to me.  Just a place I’m living in for now.”  He watched as Sansa began to hand shape loaves.  “I really hadn’t realized I felt like that.”
“It must be difficult, adjusting to now having a father when he’s been gone from your life,” Sansa murmured. “How are you doing? I mean, there have been so many changes for you and, well, we all read that you were pretty badly injured during your mission.”
The scars still marked his body and though they were healed, it was almost as though Jon could feel the hot sear of the bullets still.  He shrugged non-committedly.  “Like you said, it’s been an adjustment.”  He blew out a loud breath.  “It is weird. All my life the only father I felt I had was yours, Ned.”  He was relieved when he didn’t see Sansa flinch or look sad.  “But now I not only have my father, but he’s Rhaegar Targaryen, the richest man in Westeros, making me-“
“Second richest?” Sansa gently teased with a saucy grin as she turned away from the rising drawer where she had slipped in the prepared loaves of bread.  The smile dropped as she said softly.  “You know, you don’t have to change who you are because of them.”
“What?” Jon gave her a startled look.  “What do you mean?”
Sansa bit her lower lip and his eyes automatically were drawn to it.  Jon felt a small flicker in his gut, but ignored it, more interested in her comment.
“I also read that you’re going to be taking over some of the duties at Targaryen Industries.  It’s just that well, I’ve just never seen you doing a desk job, you know.  I’m sure that Rhaegar probably has expectations of you and well, I’m just saying you don’t have to do what he wants.  Just do what you want to do.  You shouldn’t have to compromise who you are and what you want just because the Targaryens expect you to.”  Sansa was flushing a bright red at the end of her stumbling speech and she began to fiddle with the edge of her apron.
Jon stared at Sansa with wide eyes. Ever since Rhaegar came into his life everyone, even Edd and Tormund, have said how lucky he was having a rich father who wanted to give him everything, making him feel like there was something wrong with him or he was simply ungrateful for having doubts and even resentments over having his life taken over from him.  But here was someone else telling him he wasn’t crazy or foolish to feel what he was feeling. That not wanting the burden of being Jon Targaryen wasn’t worth losing who Jon Snow was.
“No one has ever said something like that to me,” Jon croaked.
He didn’t think it was possible, but Sansa turned even redder.  “I’m sorry.  You must think I’m stupid or overstepping myself.  I shouldn’t have butted in-“
“No!” Jon got up from his chair and in three strides was beside her, gently putting a hand over the wrist of one of her hands that was worrying her apron into a balled up knot. He was pleased when she didn’t flinch from him but instead looked into his eyes.  “I just meant that everyone keeps telling me what a lucky bastard,” he snorted out the last word, “I am for having a rich father come into my life and make all my worries go away.”
“But they don’t,” Sansa nodded understandingly.  “It just gives you other types of complications and worries.” Tentatively she reached out to touch his hand that was over her wrist.  “Jon, you don’t have to be what they want, just be you.”  She gave him a small smile.  “The Jon Snow I knew at Winterfell.”
Jon stared into her blue eyes and that small flicker in his gut seemed to spread and grow into something else, a warmth that filled his body that filled the dark void inside of him that he didn’t realize was there.  “I didn’t think you noticed me much when we were at Winterfell,” he murmured.  
“We may not have been close, but even I could see what a nice guy you were.” Sansa withdrew her hands and took a step back, a dark look descending on her face as she turned back to her work table.  “Trust me, I know what a commodity nice guys are. They’re a rare bird these days.”
Her words were like a bucket of ice water on the warmth that had been steadily growing inside of him. Sansa had a story that he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear, but when she was ready to tell him, he would listen.  He didn’t reach out to touch her, instead slipping his hands into his jeans pockets to stop him from that.  Sansa looked at him, grateful he wasn’t trying to force himself into her space.
“Jon Snow is a pretty good guy.  I don’t think he needs to change himself for his father or anyone else.”
Jon Snow gave her a small smile and could only say, “Thank you, Sansa.”
Holding her high heels with one hand and the other against the bannister of the curving staircase to help steady her, Ygritte hurried up the steps to her bedroom, hoping to avoid any servants or more importantly Jon or the Targaryens. Unfortunately for her, as she rounded a corner, Dany was just walking from the other direction and they nearly collided.
The petite blonde raised a judgmental eyebrow at the other woman, taking in her disheveled appearance and clearly the dress she had on the night before.
“Rather a late night, considering it’s six in the morning,” Dany said.  Her eyes latched onto a bruise just visible over the low neckline of Ygritte’s dress.  A small, nasty smile spread over her face. “Had an interesting night?”
Ygritte glanced down at where Dany was looking and swore internally as she tried to tug the dress up to hide the bruise. She tried to bluff her way out of things and drew herself haughtily up.  “Jon can party with the best of them.”
Dany smirked. “Try again. Jon had dinner with the Starks last night and stayed over so he could help one of them out this morning.  You weren’t with Jon, so who gave you that lovely souvenir?”
“None of your business!’ Ygritte snapped.  She pushed past Dany.  “And if you say anything to Jon, you’ll regret it!”  She stomped down the hallway towards her room accompanied by Dany’s laugh.
Later in the shower, Ygritte took an inventory of her body. Besides the bruise above her breast, there were a few marks along her thighs where he had gripped her tightly as he roughly pounded into her when he bent her over the table.  She felt a low throb between her legs as she remembered the sex she had last night.  It had been so long since she and Jon had made love, the atmosphere in the Targaryen mansion doing everything but putting Ygritte in the mood, that when Ramsey Bolton, proprietor of the night club she went to last night, approached her and began to flirt, she had been more than willing, especially considering the amount of alcohol she had consumed.
However, she wasn’t so drunk that when he tried to get too rough she had hit him, flipped him onto his back and snarled, “I like it rough, but don’t think you can mess with me like you can with some stupid college girl.” She had proceeded to rake her nails down his chest hard enough to draw blood and rode his cock hard and fast, making the bastard howl in pleasure, enjoying her rough treatment as much as he enjoyed delivering it. The rest of the night was a blur of rough sex, more alcohol and commands that he not leave marks since she had to go back to Jon. So much for not leaving marks.
Ygritte leaned her forehead against the wet tile of the shower, allowing the water to pour down her body, a part of her hoping it would wash away with the disgust she was feeling for herself. What was she doing? Jon was a sweet guy she thought she had fallen in love with in The Gift, so much so she had forgiven him for lying to her when he revealed he was using her as a cover and believed him when he said he loved her too and wanted her in Kings Landing with him. Maybe they could have been happy if Rhaegar hadn’t come into their lives, but he was here along with his bitch sister Daenerys who looked at Jon in a way no aunt should be looking at her nephew.
And Jon, who was always a bit moody before seemed even worse now. Shouldn’t he be happy? He had her and he had a rich man wanting to give him the world. What did Jon have to complain about?  Why couldn’t he just enjoy the ride?
Ygritte shut off the water and stepped out of shower, wrapping herself in a large, luxurious towel. She swiped at the steam on the mirror and stared at herself.  Without her makeup, she could see the dark circles under her eyes and the sunken in cheeks. Life was always hard in The Gift, but she never looked this tired and worn out, despite the better food and the luxuries she had access to now.
Her hands gripped the edge of the sink and she lowered her head.  Maybe Jon wasn’t the only one unhappy with his life right now.
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solivar · 7 years
Dog Daies: Some of My Own
Find below some of my own Dog Daies prompt responses, most of them revolving around my original characters.
July 6th: Terror At Makeout Point “Something smells…fishy.” Merrick’s nose wrinkled, rather involuntarily Natanael thought, though his eyes remained a soothing storm-cloud blue. “That is not fish.” Natanael replied, with a wry smile. “You have not spent much time near the ocean, have you?” “No.” A delicate shudder. “Not since I went to the Old Country to visit my kinsfolk there. I was wretchedly sick the entire way, there and back, and vowed upon my life that I would never get on a boat again, no matter how grandly anyone chose to describe it.” “Ah. Well.” Natanael lifted his birding glasses and scanned the darkening eastern vista; from their place on a slightly elevated spit of rock and sawgrass, the entire point was visible with the aid of magnification. Windswept dunes blent into the flatter length of the beach, still slightly damp from high tide; well above the tideline, late bathers – most of them young, all of them ignoring the local authorities’ injunction against haunting the seaside so close to full dark – gathered around driftwood fires, the wind carrying the sound of their talk and laughter and, very faintly, the scent of the clams they were steaming for dinner. “My people come from an island nation. The sea is in our blood.” “If you insist.” Merrick handed him a mug of tea poured from their thermos in exchange for the glasses. “Frankly, I would rather – “ Screams started, and a screech just at the edge of human hearing. Merrick’s eyes flickered green in the gloaming and he shucked off his coat and drew his knives in two economical motions. Natanael did not, at that point, learn precisely what he would rather.
July 7th: The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You
 The main building lift, formerly a freight elevator for the upper floors, was once again out of order. Nate didn’t find that a bad thing, necessarily; the elevator was one of those things that reminded him of the assorted weird-ass turns his life had taken in the last year and change, as well as being a prop straight up lifted out of a horror movie. A horror movie about a haunted elevator that took out its rage on innocent bystanders in a profusion of unpleasant ways, potentially involving beheading. He was, generally,  altogether happy to take the stairs, even when it was dark and the hall lights were fritzing and he was carrying an armful of grocery bags, because the bags could at least be theoretically used as a weapon.
 He did, however, find it to be a spectacularly bad thing to open his apartment door and find it already occupied. Occupied, point in fact, by the person he always and forever least liked to have in it, sitting casually on his futon and apparently having a deep and heartfelt conversation with his cat.
 Morpheus looked up at his entrance and greeted him with an insouciant meow, sapphire blue eyes at half-mast, clearly perturbed neither by the nature of the company nor the body bag taking up most of the living room coffee table. Special Agent Felix Delgado, Department of Homeland Security Special Operations Division, greeted him with a smile just slightly too wide for comfort and eyes just slightly too brilliant to be entirely natural. “Hi. Dinner’s in the oven, iced coffee’s in the fridge. Can I pick your brain about something? Not literally of course,” The smile hitched a disturbing fraction wider. “Oh, and for the record? The lift’s not haunted. Or, rather, it’s not haunted any more. You’re welcome.”
 July 8: Never Sleep Again
 The cup seemed to manifest at his elbow between one instant and the next, much like the man carrying it. Merrick blinked eyes gritty with weariness at the vision before him, tall and lean and still in his physician’s greens, red hair pulled messily back in a long queue. He wore a few days worth of rusty stubble on his jaw and a fiercely worried look in his eyes. Laboriously, Merrick transferred his attention to the earthenware cup, one of Natanael’s unbreakable monstrosities, exuding a plume of gently fragrant steam.
 “What is it?” It took him entirely too long to remember how to pronounce three single-syllable words.
 “A mild sedative.” Spoken with more than a trace element of asperity. “It will help you sleep.”
 “I cannot sleep.” Merrick replied, through clenched teeth. “Not while -- “
 “No -- you cannot maintain your current state of awareness, not without a more immediate degree of threat.” Kieran pushed the cup more solidly before him. “You’re accomplishing nothing but exhausting yourself to no purpose, and you must know that. Natanael is as safe as it’s possible to make him right now.”
 Merrick hissed in irritation. “It isn’t as though I can just turn it off, you know! I -- “
 “Hence the bloody sedative. Drink.”
 It was a tea of some sort -- an herbal tisane, fragrant and vaguely familiar from childhood fevers and aches, sweetened with honey to gentle the bitterness. “There. Happy?”
 Kieran collected the mug and smiled benignly down at him. “Exceedingly.”
 Ten minutes later, the sitting room door opened and Natanael poked his head in; Kieran looked up from the process of dragging Merrick’s senseless body to the sopha closest to the fireplace. “Give me a hand, would you? He’s heavier than he looks.”
 “Certainly.” Between them, they got him levered up, with a pair of pillows under his head and neck and a heavy woolen blanket for his comfort. “What did you put in that tea, anyway? I thought it would take longer to work.”
 “Chamomile and hops, tincture of valerian, and concentrated syrup of skullcap.” Dryly. “He may be a touch hungover in the morning, but at least he’ll rest tonight.”
 July 9: Spiders Are Scary
 “Nate? Honey?”
 Nate looked up from the stack of paperwork he was perusing. Terry stood in the door of his office, still in his workaday clothes, tie mostly undone, gaze fixed pointedly on something a few inches above his head. He was reaching, Nate could not help but notice, with extremely slow care for one of the heavy histology monographs occupying the bookcase just inside the door.
 “Do me a favor and hold very still.” Terry hefted Bancroft’s Theory and Practice of Histology Techniques 7th Edition in a shot-putter’s grip, gaze still fixed.
 Nate held, and tried not cringe as Terry flung the book with substantial force and accuracy; it slammed into something and both the book and the something hit the floor behind him with an audible impact. Only the something, however, skittered away also with a clearly audible noise of too many legs scrabbling for purchase and a screech not entirely unlike something from a Z-grade 80s horror flick.
 “...Please tell me that wasn’t a spider.” Nate stuffed his papers in a manila folder and retreated to the door with what he hoped was a properly grown up degree of non-concern.
 “Probably not.” Terry replied, pulling the door shut behind them and casually sliding an errant portable x-ray rig in front of it. “Just the same, we should probably tell sanitation to stock up on the industrial strength bug killers for a while.”
 July 10: Attack of the Killer Whatever
 “Hurry!” Natanael shouted, and fired.
 The shot’s report, in the relatively close confines of the hallway, was loud enough to make his ears ring but not enough to overwhelm the sound of a dozen spell-bearing flechettes ejecting from their casing and whirring over his shoulder like a swarm of violently annoyed high velocity hornets. It had the desired effect, however -- behind him, he heard at least eight solid impacts, black jade needles piercing through their target with a tearing shriek. Natanael stepped aside to let him into the room, Mercy of Heaven never wavering, until he himself stepped back and slammed the door, even then only laying the shellcaster aside on the nearest shelf instead of returning it to its holster.
 A spell-needle pinned a warding strip so freshly scribed the ink still gleamed in the flickering light of the lamps to the inner surface of the door. Similar confections hung on each interior wall, across the doors and windows, even the floor and ceiling. In the middle of a hastily constructed protective circle, the Takasugi family huddled together, battered and stunned.
 “Everyone accounted for?” Merrick asked in an undertone, trying without success to take a headcount; his eye was far too swollen and blurry.
 “Yes.” Quietly, as something slithered by in the hallway, wafting with it a horrific stench.
 “Well. Good.” Merrick lowered his voice another degree. “Would you care to explain to me, using the smallest words possible, why precisely anyone knowledgeable about the...peculiarities...of your homeland would save a bloody pair of underwear for a full damned century?”
 July 11: Gory Deadly Overkill Title of Fatal Death
 Special Agent Gerhard Stahl knew -- knew to the depths of what was left of his soul -- that something had gone horribly wrong when he found not one but four interns hiding in the Clean Room, wearing virtually identical expressions of resonant mental trauma. Using his gentlest tones, a plate of chocolate-covered cinnamon buns, and the assistance of four burly nurses from the infirmary armed with quick-acting sedatives, he managed to coax them out in relatively good order, saw them strapped onto mobile hospital beds, and sent up for psychological evaluation.
 Then he went and noted on each of their permanent files his recommendation that they be accorded an enhanced hazardous duty allowance.
 He found the source of their distress stretched out with his feet up in the staff lounge, a tiny pot of intensely black coffee at his elbow and a plate of the aforementioned buns next to it, in firm possession of the flatscreen’s remote control, idly surfing video files with an expression of intense boredom on his unreasonably handsome mask of a face.
 Stahl glanced at what he was watching and transferred a look that lay halfway between long-suffering despair and perfect irritation to his defiantly erstwhile partner. “Delgado, I thought we had an understanding about not watching the video record of that thing in Detroit while the children are in the office…?”
 July 12: Not A Mask
 “Nate!” Rin tried her best to dig in her heels and force a stop, but her brother wasn’t having any of it and, unfortunately, his association with his underwear model boyfriend had him in better physical condition than her mostly sedentary academic life hunched over computers eighteen hours a day allowed. Her breath was coming in short, shallow gasps, both of her sides were stitching like somebody’s needle-crazed grandmother, and her knees were both objecting loudly to a longer time spent running than she’d been forced to endure since -- well, honestly, probably since middle school. “Stop. Seriously. Need to breathe. Come on.”
 He came to a halt so abruptly it was all she could do not to run into him. As it was, she caught herself against his shoulder and leaned shakily against him, trying not to whimper too loudly as her intercostal muscles savagely expressed their disapproval of her current lifestyle choices. “Nate. Seriously. The hell? It was. Just a stupid. Really, really stupid. Mask. Honestly.”
 And then he was grabbing her and pulling her into the mouth of an alleyway -- admittedly, a not particularly awful alleyway, full of regularly emptied trash cans and not entirely stanky compost bins, one of which he unceremoniously shoved her down beside, urging her as far back as possible. She complied, if only because it allowed her to put her back against a fence and give her throbbing knees some relief. He hunkered down half in front and half on top of her, shielding her more fully from view she thought a little giddily, like he was the heroic protagonist of the hopelessly wanky and derivative first person zombie shooter some of her classmates were working on in their spare time, watching the well-lit sidewalk a dozen feet away.
 “Because,” He said quietly, as slow, steady footsteps became audible over the pounding of her own heart, “that wasn’t a mask.”
  July 13: The Stars Are Going Out
 The morning after midwinter’s night, Natanael woke at what Merrick considered a perfectly vile and inhumane hour and immediately commenced cleaning. Admittedly, he went about it in a kindly fashion, refraining from making any loud or even loudish noises until the sun was well above the horizon and, if Merrick were going to be perfectly honest about it, until it was closer to luncheon than to breakfast, neither of which his stomach expressed any interest in consuming, possibly in deference to the rich food and abundant tipple from Kieran’s holiday part still working its way through his system. In fact, it was only with the greatest of reluctance that he peeled himself out of bed and the previous evening’s clothing, wrapped himself in a heavy flannel dressing gown, and made his way downstairs at all and only because he heard the bathhouse pump engaging and was abruptly afflicted with the desire to be clean stronger than the desire to be blissfully prone.
 “What in the name of all the gods are you doing?” He asked, a touch more waspishly than he wanted, and offered a wan smile of apology to the look Natanael shot him from around a mass of evergreen branches, cut lengths of bamboo, and assorted oddments of hempen rope, sprigs of colorful dried berries and flowers, silken ribbon, and little horses cut from gilt paper.
 “Kadomatsu,” Natanael replied, enigmatically, and rose to fix him a bowl of tea and a plate of bland boiled chicken with rice.
 Natanael continued in that recondite fashion for the best part of seven days, making a merry bonfire in the garden firepit out of the old midwinter decorations and the entire house smell gently of beeswax and citrus oils and the evergreen of the new decorations, three staves of bamboo cut at a sharp angle and tied together at the base with rope, sprigs of pine, red berries, and white flowers tucked in among them, along with the little gilt paper horses strung on red silk ribbons. He declined Merrick’s offer of assistance, neither brusquely nor angrily, but rather absent-mindedly, and instead asked him to run errands, picking up the shopping and suchlike, most of which tended to keep him out of the house. Once the cleaning and decorating was accomplished, he repaired to the kitchen where, between preparing foods that he promptly sealed in a set of lacquered wooden boxes Merrick had never seen before then stashed away in the cold storage room, he sat at the table writing note-cards in his outstanding calligraphy, painting little sketches on the opposite side, and then tying the whole to a vividly red envelope stuffed with silver.
 “Is something going on that I should know about?” Merrick finally asked, late one afternoon, as Natanael came in from refreshing the supply of incense sticks and charcoal at the shrine atop the garden hill, not to mention hauling up several armsful of cushions, woollen blankets and thick furs.
 Natanael blinked at him, his expression one of such unguarded surprise that it made Merrick’s heart contract painfully and, for an instant, flutter about inside his chest like a flustered matron’s hands confronted with something wholly untoward at tea time. “It is a custom of my people -- the turning of the new year is a holiday, with certain rituals appended.” A pause, and Natanael briefly looked rather more flustered at his encouraging gesture. “I -- thought you would be visiting with your family in the city. Though I did make you some osechi-ryori -- the boxes in the cold room -- “
 Merrick shivered melodramatically and, not for the first time, thought that sixteen was far too young an age to be told that human intimacy was a thing you could never have and reaching for it a thing you should never do. “Damon is even worse than usual after he’s been drinking and the lifewater will flow freely at Lyonsgate House on the new year, I assure you. I’d much rather be here, where it’s safe.” He offered his most winning smile, and rested his chin on his hand. “Do tell me all about these rituals.”
 Dinner that evening was served late, though the broth simmered slowly all day, dashi and mirin and seven-pepper spice, shrimp fresh from the monger that morning and soba noodles added at the end to make a hearty soup rich with unfamiliar but delicious flavors. As it drew toward midnight, they repaired together to the shrine which, thanks to Natanael paying assiduous attention to the braziers throughout the day and the quality of the tightly louvered shutters, was still tolerably warm despite the clear, bitter cold of the night in general, particularly once they were ensconced in the nest of furs and cushions and blankets he had made. Natanael, in his mercy, opened only one set of the shutters, the ones facing east, and so helped to preserve that comfort.
 “Do we stay awake all night?” Merrick asked, well-filled with hot soup and rice cakes and good company, his eyes struggling to stay at half-mast.
 From far below in the river valley proper the first of the bells ringing in the New Year started as the district hall clock struck midnight, joining with the clangor in the streets and the sound of bells from further up and down the river on all sides, and the fireworks blossoming in the sky. Natanael added a stick of incense to the sand-filled pot next to the brazier and Merrick did likewise, resting his chin on his companion’s thigh to watch the display. After a moment’s hesitation, his companion’s gloved hand came to rest in his hair. “We do not have to, no. Though it is good luck to greet the first sunrise of the new year.”
 “Mmmm. Then we…” Merrick was asleep before the thought finished itself, comfortable and curled close to Natanael’s warmth, and that night his dreams were perfumed with incense riding cold air.
 “Merrick.” Natanael’s voice was close to his ear. “Wake up.”
 He did, instantly and without any muzzy-headedness. Though it was still mostly dark, the eastern sky was beginning to visibly pale with oncoming dawn.
 “The stars are going out,” Natanael murmured, almost dreamily, his hair and hands fragrant with incense smoke.
 Together, they watched as the sky grew slowly more silver as the light rose and the stars winked out one by one. As the sun rose over the dark rim of the horizon, Natanael added more charcoal to the braziers and a last stick of incense to the pot, murmuring something in the language of his mothers as he did so.
 “What now?” Merrick asked, as his companion lowered the shutters and slid them closed.
 He was answered an instant later as Natanael slipped beneath the blankets and the furs, curling next to him, asleep without even an attempt to answer that question. It was, Merrick thought, settling back down himself, not a particularly unpleasant way to start the new year.
 July 14: Beast With A Human Face
 Jagdherrin Ionela von Kallisch had cause, on more than one occasion over the years, to wish that the order of birth in her daughter’s sons had been reversed. Damon was an utterly competent, capable, and dedicated man, a natural leader of other men, as fierce in their defense as he was on the Hunt -- a competence and a ferocity that stood him in good stead when rare circumstances forced them to justify the continuance of their commission from the Republic, as the Lege occasionally required. No one could summon fiery rhetoric on the floor of the legislature chambers quite like Damon, who had the injuries he had suffered before his twenty-fifth winter to display as object examples of the harm they kept from the innocent and the powerless.
 He did, however, lack two significant qualities of character that, in her estimation, kept him from being as fully-rounded a gentleman as he was a huntsman. The first of those was tact and the second was compassion. Lack of the first had, more than once, caused him to put his foot down firmly wrong with individuals whose goodwill would have helped his cause, so intent upon the Hunt that he considered any display of delicatesse or even basic courtesy to be an intolerable delay in the proceedings, to be disposed with entirely or tended to with such churlish brevity that it was almost more insulting than the lack.
 The second was causing him, at that very moment, to glare down from their high vantage in the upper mezzanine of the Monarch’s Residence at the quadrille being performed on the ballroom floor below, as though he found the mere existence of dance or dance floors mortally offensive. Fortunately, no one else was close enough to them to accurately determine the precise direction of his gaze -- the fearsome reputation the hexenjagd enjoyed conferred a few advantages, a bubble of personal space about them being but one -- or the provenance of his generally sour expression. Unfortunately, she knew any counsel she offered to him on the issue would fall on ears largely deafened by the unshakable conviction that the object of his distaste was a serpent clasped to a much-beloved bosom, a grotesque and inhuman abomination merely awaiting the proper time to tear away its mask of deceptive humanity to reveal the lusus naturae within.
 It didn’t help matters that Merrick and Kieran were obviously enjoying themselves greatly.
 July 15: Harbinger of Impending Doom
 The first time, it was triggered by touch -- not by Merrick’s touch, but the touch of a thing whose kin were pursuing him with murderous intent, and the sight of it was just that, a vision of horror and agony and death, but a thing still outside of himself, something he saw not something he felt.
 The second time was a flicker of light in the corner of his eye, a vertiginous moment of sensory disorientation, the sound of wood cracking -- no, not wood, bone, a mist of blood striking his face, coating his lips and the lenses of his spectacles, and he moved, just in time. Just in time to knock Merrick sprawling behind solid cover, the caster shell that would have otherwise reduced most of his head to a fine red mist striking the brickwork a few inches from Natanael’s face instead.
 The third time was a single unguarded instant of shared breath, Merrick pressing him back against a rough-hewn rock wall, faces a few inches apart and it lanced through him so savagely it was all he could do not to scream. But, then, he couldn’t scream, could he? It was all so quick -- an instant of horrific pain, bones breaking, flesh tearing, fingers like knives wrapped around his heart, two sharp tugs. No time to drown in blood or even breathe out one last breath and Natanael knew, knew in his bones, that if Merrick went where he himself needed to go, then Merrick would not return alive from that dark place.
 And so he went alone.
 July 16: Not Using the Z Word
 “Doc! Over here!”
 Nate slung his field bag over his shoulder and turned to face the source of that particularly strained and breathless shout. It was Sergeant Alessi, a beat cop he’d had more than a little contact with over the last few months, one of the solid, no-bullshit kind he respected most when it came to their knowledge of the local neighborhoods, their character and peculiarities, both usual and other-than.
 “Hey, Sarge. What’s -- “ He took one look at her and motioned her closer. “Okay. Give it to me in small words.”
 “Call came in about an hour and a half ago. Noise complaint.” Sergeant Alessi licked her lips, which were significantly paler than usual, as was her face, her scattering of freckles standing out even more vividly than usual. “My partner and I pulled the call. No one answered at the front door so we went around back -- the back door was ajar. Found the first victim in the kitchen, adult male, and another two -- adult female, juvenile male, upstairs in one of the bedrooms.” She shot a quick glance over her shoulder where her partner sat in the back of the first ambulance to arrive, being tended to by the paramedics. “On the way back down the stairs, something grabbed Tommy by the ankle, pulled him down. It refused to respond to commands -- repeatedly. I shot it, twice, in the chest, once in the head and -- “
 From the other side of the police cordon, a low ululating moan rose above the sound of emergency services vehicles and police radio chatter. Sergeant Alessi paled and hurried back towards her car.
 Nate pulled out his cellphone, scrolled through his contacts, and hit the auto-dial. “Delgado? Listen, I know you’re there and since I’m trying not to use the z-word, you might want to get your ass down here. Now.”
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realrealguylin · 8 years
2016 Reflections + 2017 Commitments
The month of doubt - where I discovered the depths of my fear of death
I got the IOE peer advisor job… which turned into nothing because no one ever came in
Started discipling Matt
Wow.. I fasted from social media and it was so fruitful. What happened to that? I think I’m going to try to stave off of social media again. If nothing else, it’s such a time sink, I could be doing so many other things
Now I remember - I basically knew every girl the guys in Radicle liked. That’s a level of trust that I can’t overlook when I have this position of LG leader
The start of the comparison game with peers. Looking back and even now, I can’t say I’m “cured” of this struggle, but I think it goes more than just straight comparison. The reason being that I compared for a goal: am I “good” enough? Am I doing a “good” job? There are no metrics to this following Jesus thing, and that is hard for someone like me. Also, besides that, there’s a misconception in my mind that I have to reach a certain level of spirituality or resume to earn a girl’s affections, especially if that girl seems “out of my league.” But then, what is the “league” in reference to anyways? Isn’t it insecurities that Satan places into our hearts?
Mere Christianity was a really good book… it strengthened my faith, exposed my pride and envy
Not sure if it was the start, but my affections for her started to rise and get more and more confused
God’s “fairness” - it’s up to Him, it’s not something I can control or should complain about
I did read over Mere Christianity and talked to Chris and looking back, I can’t say that the fear “disappeared” but it’s more like… what do you do in response to the fears? Just give up? Keep doubting? Stay awake all night? No you keep moving forward in the faith that God is trustworthy.
I mean, I think this comes from my upbringing of comparing during high school and I still need the Gospel truth to free me of this
Read Meaning of Marriage - really changed my perspective about marriage
The start of CSMP!
I remember now, the sermon about Doubting Thomas. It was a really good sermon that helped my doubts as well.
The start of having to prepare for people to leave - Peter and Terry
I was also frustrated at the lack of fruit from Radicle, so far. But now I see where some of these guys are at, and I think they’re different. Maybe not super different, but some of the dreams we had for people, is only now starting to come through. If that is the case for Radicle, how can that not be the case for Highlight?
I had a big argument this month. I do regret the form of communication, but I don’t regret the intention of it. I think we both made up, though, and they appreciate me for the confrontation.
Circumstantially, I wouldn’t say much happened during this month, but rather learning a few things here and there. Vocationally, I was trying to take steps to move forward. Dr Liker found an opportunity with Dunning Subaru and I definitely think that helped me get experience in preparation for a job in the future.
On a younger brother note, I do think Matt has grown up a little. It’s been a long time coming since Trademark; fruit comes in time.
I thought that living with Ben would allow me to learn more from him, but I barely see him, it’s hard to get that life-on-life mentoring from him. But this was also the start of getting discipled by Sam and I think that was pretty great.
I totally forgot we did men’s ministry in Radicle. I hope there is fruit from that specific time. I can’t say we have to right now from our current men’s groupme.
This month was the start of another round of struggling with titles in the church, this time with ET. I think the spark/catalyst was suspecting someone else was invited and I wasn’t. And then… it went back to the comparison game. Yea I definitely want to grow out of this.
I think a good part of this, though, was God was showing me that, ultimately, I want to be on the frontlines, in people’s lives.
Continued struggles with ET and dating and how they how twisted into a muddled jumble
I was able to reflect about how I’m just as weak as other people. Second semester was filled with more struggles than I thought, but even as 2016 ends, I think I grew a little bit out of these struggles. I don’t feel lonely as much anymore because I know people have my back, the doubts and fear are still there from time to time, but I’m responding better, I’m taking steps to not put myself in a position to compare to others, and I definitely feel like I know a little bit more about the direction of my life compared to April
The start of my relationship with Samee. Did not expect him to confess his sins to me so early, but I’m blessed
Now that I have a job, things with Mom have calmed down. But it definitely was rough throughout the year when it comes to talking about the future.
It’s not about “who is good” but “who is it good for”
Just reminded that God does not forget me, just as He does not forget sparrows. So what if I didn’t go through “interesting” things during April, the grass is always going to be greener no matter what happens
But I learned that she’s not necessarily like my grandma in that she’s going to be stubborn to her opinions. She’s going to present an opinion, because she’s my mom, and whether I listen or not is up to me - I’m an adult now, after all.
Started ramping up CSMP planning and it was great. It helped me cultivate my calling for church planting
Career wise, definitely did not want to help companies increase in their profit
Said good-bye to Peter. It was more emotional than I thought. Well I guess it’s not good-bye, but see you later
Probably one of the first times I had financial troubles, actually. I was too prideful to ask Mom, but eventually swallowed my pride and asked her
My conviction from Ignite was to actually stay right here in AA indefinitely, to take ownership of what I have right now, church plant my Lg right now, to learn these lessons now so that if I plant a church, I’ll be trained up. It might be Detroit
For CSMP, I saw how important and rewarding it was to be the hands and feet and try to service the needs of the community - that’s what the church is meant to do
CSMP, not even field work yet, was already a vision of what partnership for the Gospel could really look like and it was awesome
I think CSMP was the start of me trying to cultivate evangelistic and apostolic gifting
But my conviction, also, is that once we start the church plant, you have to stick around, but the church is an institution that God ordained for a reason
The ultimate reason for a church plant is to bring light to the darkness, there’s not enough churches in places that really need the Gospel
But I still need to grow in this
In response to my financial troubles, people gathered a love offering for, started by Robby. Wow, best prayer partner
This was the month Brandon came to know Christ
The beginning of the “what next, Lord?” This was a very fruitful time of my life
Got a GSI appointment
Invited to stewardship
Terry left
Another tough moment with Mom because she got eye surgery and it challenged my priorities especially as I was doing missions
Still need to grow in closeness to her, but I wonder if part of this isn’t the culture we’ve grown up in?
I saw the value of prayer walking
CSMP was a time of flourishing - when compared to other people who struggle bussed hard. I didn’t want it to end, but all seasons come to an end. And it’s ok, because I was able to take the things I learned into the next season of ministry
Again, still learning about cross-gender friendships
Actually, there was one fearful moment, when I got locked out and felt this overwhelming fear that I got locked out
Learning how to be in people’s corners
Ultimately, wanted to live out the life of Philip the evangelist
I learned that I was fearful of getting left behind, or that people’s care for me was only structural of “because they have to.” This was a lie and the Gospel is proof that Jesus didn’t have to do anything, but he chose to go out of his way to love me
The start of a new wardrobe, I can receive from younger brothers in this way
Forming convictions for the school year: presence, meeting the needs of the campus
Drove with Terry to Denver
It is hard to plant a church in a big city like New York compared to a college town like AA
I was convicted to count the cost of ministry - it’s really through my mom who has worked hard to financially support me throughout all this time all while paying off her mortgage. She’s the real MVP, part of me wishes I worked somewhere else where more family was, but I feel called here and I just have to be ok with that cost. The only way this is worth it is one day she accepts Christ, so I have to relentlessly pray for her.
The start of LG, thankful for the OCR partnership and small fruits like Catherine signing up
It’s funny and maybe a little weird, but I started relating more to army officers in the field. I enjoy leading the charge with people instead of playing the general, and I think upper levels of leadership become more like generals, and I don’t know if I like that or desire it
Frustrated at the way our upper levels of leadership does things, but glad things are now changing in weeks and months to come
Started serving for the stewardship team. Definitely still need a lot of grace for that
Had some anxiety with if I could graduate after finding out something came up with my credits, but by the grace of God I graduated
Some seeds planted for growing my gifting of teaching
Retreat was ok, I’m wondering if I heard God correctly during that time
Started doing this thing where I reflect everyday before my devotions and, usually, it’s really refreshing and needed to know where I’m at with God
Having to continually fight this lie about not being good enough for people’s approval
Jer 12 was a convicting passage
From then on, just had to persevere
It’s a promise, I believe, that God has bigger plans in store for me and to just persevere through this season(s) of waiting on many things
Thankful for opportunities in class to teach
Missions Week was personally great for me. It inspired me to live a life for the Gospel, even if it has to be in a big city. Really encouraged by Doc Fuder’s life and just learning from him
Started the job application process thanks to Jonah, but it’s just more waiting
Had to navigate election results for both myself and other people in our church. We have to be a voice to the voiceless because in the next 4 years, there’s going to be a lotttt of hardship for a lot of people out there who don’t get a chance to be a voice
Had some relational conflict throughout this month which was discouraging but it got resolved and I learned from it, so praise God.
Was convicted by 1 Peter 1 to step up in my servanthood and responsibilities in the church - although I don’t want more titles and responsibilities per se, I think God is calling me to do bigger things than just my own tiny ministry, just as the prophets of old were called to more than their own sphere of influence. I’m going from captain to general whether I prefer to or not.
Need to read the book he wrote about Neighborhood Mapping
Got the job the Jonah referred me to! It was definitely a slow interview process, but I’m thankful for the connection and God’s provision - He always comes through
There’s going to be a lot of changes starting in January and rolling on throughout the rest of 2017 - personally, in our church, and even in our country.
One of those changes is graduating. Thankful for the past 1.5 years of grad school, I learned a lot about engineering and culture and people and want to continue in developing my vocation. No more studying!
There was a string of days of emotional struggle - realizing how not surrendered I am to the future and also just my identity in Christ
Even as I take on my church responsibility, I was encouraged by the gospel - 5 years ago, I would not have imagined myself in the position that I am in now, but by God’s grace I am who I am and God’s plan is always the best plan
2017 Thoughts
The most important decision I need to make this year… I suppose it’s the one about church planting. When will God call me to a church plant?
The habit I’d like to most establish this year is fitness. As I’m transition into working life, I think having more energy throughout the day is important. Plus every year I’m getting older, health is always important.
My most important financial goal is to be debt free. I think just through working I should be free of student loans this year. After that, I’d like to pay Mom’s bills, too.
One way I can be a blessing to my pastor is just ask how he’s doing. Many people don’t do that for their pastors anymore, and it’s sad.
There are multiple books in the docket right now I want to read: Neighborhood Mapping, Reason for God, and at least one book on social justice
The one thing I regret from last year… living in fear of different things. What will I do about it? Follow God, and do the right thing even in the midst of it.
This year, I’m definitely going to try to do more evangelism and outreach to the broken and needy in AA. I think this is what the church is meant to do, and I want to get my feet wet.
If those who knew me best gave me advice, I think they would say… don’t be discouraged or feel lonely, those aren’t true. I think they would be right, too. What will I do about this? Well it’s hard to control my feelings in the moment, but I’d say battle it with the truth so that it won’t take over my ministry.
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mrhotmaster · 5 years
Best Netflix Movies In India (2020 February Edition)
Best Netflix Movies In India (2020 February)
From the Dark Knight, Dil Chahta Hai.
In its endeavors to win Oscars and please its 167 million individuals, Netflix has been emptying billions into motion pictures as of late, including ventures from or highlighting any semblance of Dwayne Johnson, Martin Scorsese, and Michael Bay. One of those — The Irishman — piled on 10 selections for the gushing help at the 2020 Oscars, however it neglected to leave away with a solitary prize. Netflix has additionally extended its film endeavors in India in the previous year, declaring ventures from any semblance of Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar. For the time being however, the quality of its list is as yet the acquisitions. With more than 3,500 films, Netflix offers a bigger number of decisions than some other stage in India. To pick the best motion pictures on Netflix, we depended on Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and IMDb appraisals to make a waitlist. The remainder of them was favored for Indian movies given the setbacks of audits aggregators in that office. Also, we utilized our own article judgment to include or expel a couple. This rundown will be refreshed once like clockwork if there are any commendable increases or if a few motion pictures are expelled from the administration, so bookmark this page and continue checking in. Here are the best movies right now accessible on Netflix in India, arranged one after another in order.
12 Monkeys (1995)
Propelled by the 1962 French short La Jetée, a detainee (Bruce Willis) is sent back so as to become familiar with the infection that cleared out almost the entirety of mankind. Terry Gilliam coordinates.
12 Years A Slave (2013)
Hoodwinked into subjugation on the record of work, Steve McQueen's adjustment of a free New York dark man's (Chiwetel Ejiofor) nineteenth century journal is a fantastic genuine story, and a significant watch.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
In Stanley Kubrick's exceptionally persuasive science fiction film, mankind graphs a course for Jupiter with the aware PC HAL 9000, to comprehend the disclosure of a dark stone monument influencing human development. It's not so much plot, but rather more a visual and aural experience.
3 Idiots (2009)
Right now the Indian instruction framework's social weights, two companions describe their school days and how their third tragically deceased musketeer (Aamir Khan) propelled them to think imaginatively and autonomously in a vigorously traditionalist world. Co-composed and coordinated by Rajkumar Hirani, who stands denounced in the #MeToo development.
50/50 (2011)
Enlivened by a genuine story, a 27-year-old radio writer (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is determined to have spinal malignancy and learns the estimation of companionship and love as he fights the uncommon ailment.
Aamir (2008)
Adjusted from the 2006 Filipino film Cavite, a youthful Muslim NRI specialist (Rajeev Khandelwal) coming back from the UK to India is compelled to consent to psychological militants' requests to do a shelling in Mumbai after they undermine his family.
American History X (1998)
In a film that is more important today than when it was made, a neo-Nazi racial oppressor (Edward Norton), who served three years in jail for deliberate murder, attempts to keep his more youthful sibling from going down a similar way.
American Hustle (2013)
In the late 1970s, two scalawags (Christian Bale and Amy Adams) are compelled to work for a FBI specialist (Bradley Cooper) and set up a sting activity that intends to cut down a few degenerate government officials and individuals from the Mafia. Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner star nearby.
Andaz Apna (1994)
Two bums (Aamir Khan and Salman Khan) who have a place with white collar class families strive for the expressions of love of a beneficiary, and incidentally become her defenders from a nearby criminal in Rajkumar Santoshi's religion parody top pick.
Andhadhun (2018)
Enlivened by the French short film L'Accordeur, this dark satire spine chiller is the narrative of a piano player (Ayushman Khurrana) who professes to be outwardly debilitated and is trapped in a snare of turns and lies after he strolls into a homicide scene. Tabu, Radhika Apte star close by.
Apollo 13 (1995)
Ron Howard sensationalizes the prematurely ended Apollo 13 strategic put the space explorers in danger after an on-board blast gobbled up all the oxygen and constrained NASA to prematurely end and get the men home securely.
Argo (2012)
Ben Affleck coordinates and stars right now a CIA operator acting like a Hollywood maker exploring for area in Iran, so as to safeguard six Americans during the US prisoner emergency of 1979.
Article 15 (2019)
Ayushmann Khurrana plays a cop right now casteism, strict segregation, and the current socio-political circumstance in India, which tracks a missing people's case including three adolescent young ladies of a little town. A hard-hitting, very much made film, however unexpectedly, it was reprimanded for being casteist itself, and giving a pariah's point of view.
The Avengers (2012)
Earth's mightiest saints — including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk — meet up right now collaborate from author chief Joss Whedon to stop Thor's received sibling Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and his outsider armed force from oppressing humankind.
The Aviator (2004)
With Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes and Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn, Martin Scorsese jumps into the life of the flight pioneer and film maker, who thinks about extreme OCD while his acclaim develops.
Awakenings (1990)
Robin Williams and Robert De Niro lead the cast of this dramatization dependent on a 1973 journal of a similar name, about a specialist (Williams) who finds the helpful impacts of a medication on mental patients, in this manner gifting them another rent on life.
Barfi! (2012)
Set during the 1970s in the midst of the slopes of Darjeeling, essayist chief Anurag Basu tells the story of three individuals (Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, and Ileana D'Cruz) as they figure out how to cherish while fighting the thoughts held by society. 
Beasts of No Nation (2015)
With common war seething over an anecdotal African country, this Netflix Original spotlights on a little fellow who's prepared as a kid trooper by a furious warlord (Idris Elba), and the impacts it has on him.
Before Sunrise (1995)
In the main section of Richard Linklater's protracted set of three, two optimistic twentysomethings, an American man (Ethan Hawke) and a French lady (Julie Delpy), go through the night together strolling around in the Austrian capital of Vienna.
The Big Lebowski (1998)
A person known as The Dude (Jeff Bridges) looks for recompense for his demolished floor covering after he's confused with a mogul with a similar name right now from the Coen siblings. Less about the plot and progressively about a method for living.
The Big Short (2015)
Featuring Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt, a glance at Wall Street's inclination for self-benefit in a horrendous circle that caused the 2007–08 worldwide money related emergency.
Birdman (2014)
Alejandro G. Iñárritu won three Oscars including Best Picture for this story of a cleaned up superhuman entertainer (Michael Keaton) who battles to restore his profession with a Broadway play. Referred to for showing up as though it was shot in a solitary take, it likewise featured Edward Norton, Zach Galifianakis, and Emma Stone.
Blade Runner (1982)
One of the most powerful cyberpunk films at any point made is about a worn out cop (Harrison Ford) who hesitantly consents to chase down a gathering of criminal "replicants", engineered people with a constrained life expectancy who aren't permitted to live on Earth.
Blue Valentine (2010)
Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams lead this show moves between timespans to delineate a couple's romance and how their marriage self-destructed.
Das Boot [The Boat] (1981)
One of the most true war films at any point made accounts the life of a German submarine team during World War II, as they experience significant lots of fatigue and times of exceptional clash, while attempting to keep up confidence in a case 10 feet by 150 feet several meters under the surface.
The Bourne trilogy (2002-07)
In fact not a set of three, however the initial three parts — Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum — featuring Matt Damon ahead of the pack as the main CIA professional killer experiencing amnesia were acceptable to such an extent that they changed the longest-running covert agent establishment ever: James Bond.
The Breadwinner (2017)
This vivified film follows a 11-year-old young lady living under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, who masks herself as a kid to accommodate her family after the dad is removed without reason. Uses brilliantly attracted vignettes to weight on the significance of narrating.
Bulbul Can Sing (2019)
Three young people fight man centric society and the ethical police as they investigate their sexual characters in Rima Das' National Award-winning dramatization — and pay for it beyond all doubt. Das composes, coordinates, shoots, alters, and handles ensembles.
C/o Kancharapalem (2018)
Set in the eponymous Andhra Pradesh town, this Telugu film traverses four romantic tales across religion, station, and age — from a student to a moderately aged unmarried man. A presentation for author executive Venkatesh Maha, featuing a cast generally made up of non-proficient on-screen characters.
Capernaum (2018)
In the honor winning, most noteworthy netting Arabic film ever, a 12-year-old from the ghettos of Beirut relates his life paving the way to a five-year sentence he's given for wounding somebody, and thusly, his choice to sue his folks for kid disregard.
Captain Phillips (2013)
The genuine story of a Somali privateer seizing of a US load boat and its commander (Tom Hanks) being abducted, which generates a salvage exertion from the US Navy. The Bourne Ultimatum's Paul Greengrass coordinates.
Cast Away (2000)
After his plane accident arrives in the Pacific, a FedEx worker (Tom Hanks) awakens on an abandoned island and must utilize everything available to him and change himself truly to endure living alone.
Castle in the Sky (1986)
In the primary film formally under the Studio Ghibli flag, a little fellow and a young lady shield an enchantment precious stone from privateers and military operators, while on the quest for an amazing drifting manor. Hayao Miyazaki composes and coordinates.
Chupke (1975)
Hrishikesh Mukherjee's redo of the Bengali film Chhadmabeshi, in which a recently married spouse (Dharmendra) chooses to pull tricks on his better half's (Sharmila Tagore) apparently savvy brother by marriage. Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan additionally star.
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Set in a not so distant future tragic Britain, essayist chief Stanley Kubrick adjusts Anthony Burgess' tale of a similar name, remarking on adolescent wrongdoing through the eyes of a little posse pioneer who appreciates "a touch of the old ultra-savagery".
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Steven Spielberg's moderate paced science fiction pic — which went through quite a while being developed, being changed again and again — is about an ordinary hands on fellow (Richard Dreyfuss) whose dull life flips around after an experience with a unidentified flying item (UFO).
Cold War (2018)
Bouncing either side of the Iron Curtain through the late 1940s to the 1960s, Oscar-victor Paweł Pawlikowski delineates the account of two star-crossed sweethearts, as they manage Stalinism, dismissal, desire, change, time — and their own dispositions.
Company (2002)
Enlivened the genuine connection between Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Rajan, executive Ram Gopal Varma offers a gander at how an associate (Vivek Oberoi) scales the mobster stepping stool and becomes friends with the chief (Ajay Devgn), before they drop out.
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
Declining to acknowledge a capital punishment from his PCP in the wake of being determined to have AIDS during the 1980s, the genuine story of a circuit tester and trickster (Matthew McConaughey) who carries restricted drugs from abroad.
Dangal (2016)
The exceptional genuine story of beginner grappler Mahavir Singh Phogat (Aamir Khan) who prepares his two little girls to turn into India's first world-class female grapplers, who proceeded to win gold awards at the Commonwealth Games.
The Dark Knight (2008)
In the second piece of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight set of three, viewed as the best comic book film ever, Batman (Christian Bale) faces a miscreant, the Joker (Heath Ledger), he doesn't comprehend, and should experience damnation to spare Gotham and its kin.
Dev.D (2009)
Anurag Kashyap offers a present day rethinking of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's Bengali sentiment great Devdas, in which a man (Abhay Deol), having said a final farewell to his youth darling, discovers shelter in liquor and medications, before falling for a whore (Kalki Koechlin).
Dheepan (2015)
Champ of Cannes' top prize, three Sri Lankan outcasts — including a Tamil Tiger warrior — claim to be a family to pick up haven in France, where they before long understand that life isn't totally different in the harsh neighborhoods.
Dil Chahta Hai (2001)
Farhan Akhtar's directorial debut around three indivisible cherished companions whose fiercely unique way to deal with connections makes a strain on their kinship stays a religion top choice. Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta star.
Django Unchained (2012)
Composed and coordinated by Quentin Tarantino, a German abundance tracker (Christoph Waltz) helps a liberated slave (Jamie Foxx) salvage his better half from an enchanting however barbarous estate proprietor (Leonardo DiCaprio).
Drive (2011)
A double working two jobs as an escape driver (Ryan Gosling) becomes enamored with his neighbor and her young child, and afterward partakes in a bungled heist to shield them from the obligation ridden spouse.
Dunkirk (2017)
Christopher Nolan's first recorded war film narratives the departure of Allied fighters from the French sea shores of Dunkirk in World War II, utilizing his affection for non-straight narrating by portraying three fronts — land, ocean, and air — in time-moved ways.
The Edge of Seventeen (2016)
Right now age satire, the life of an ungainly young lady (Hailee Steinfeld) gets increasingly perplexing after her more established sibling begins dating her closest companion, however she discovers comfort in an unforeseen fellowship and an instructor cut coach (Woody Harrelson).
End of Watch (2012)
Before he made a horrible science fiction revamp of his own movie, essayist chief David Ayer took a close documentarian focal point to the everyday police work of two accomplices (Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña) in South Los Angeles, including their companionship and dealings with criminal components.
Unceasing Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
An irritated couple (Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet) start another relationship uninformed they dated beforehand, having deleted each other from their recollections, in what remains as essayist Charlie Kaufman's characterizing work.
The Exorcist (1973)
One of the best blood and gore movies ever, that has left an enduring impact on the class and past, is about the satanic ownership of a 12-year-old young lady and her mom's endeavors to spare her with the assistance of two clerics who perform expulsions.
The Florida Project (2017)
Set in the shadow of Disney World, a bright six-year-old young lady (Brooklynn Prince) takes advantage of her mid year with her ragtag companions, while her insubordinate mother attempts to make a decent living with the phantom of vagrancy continually hanging over them. Willem Dafoe stars nearby.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
In John Hughes' presently exemplary adolescent picture, a high schooler fakes being wiped out to go through the day with his better half and his closest companion, while his chief is resolved to keep an eye on him.
Fruitvale Station (2013)
Dark Panther essayist chief Ryan Coogler's first element offered a glance at the genuine occasions of a youthful California man's (Michael B. Jordan) demise in a police shooting in 2008. Victor of two honors at Sundance Film Festival.
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Stanley Kubrick follows a US marine nicknamed Joker from his days as a newcomer under the direction of a savage sergeant, to his posting as a war reporter in South Vietnam, while watching the impacts of the war on his individual officers.
Ghostbusters (1984)
A lot of whimsical paranormal aficionados start an apparition getting business in New York, and afterward unearth a plot to unleash ruin by gathering phantoms. Brought forth one of the most notorious tune verses ever.
Gol Maal (1979)
A contracted bookkeeper (Amol Palekar), with a talent for singing and acting, falls where it counts the hare opening subsequent to misleading his manager that he has a twin, right now parody. 
Gone Girl (2014)
In view of Gillian Flynn's top of the line novel and coordinated by David Fincher, a frustrated spouse (Ben Affleck) turns into the essential suspect in the unexpected puzzle vanishing of his better half (Rosamund Pike).
GoodFellas (1990)
Considered as extraordinary compared to other criminal movies, time, it brought Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro together for the 6th time. In light of Nicholas Pilegg's 1985 true to life book Wiseguy, it recounts to the ascent and fall story of horde partner Henry Hill, his loved ones somewhere in the range of 1955 and 1980.
Gravity (2013)
Two US space explorers, a newbie (Sandra Bullock) and another on his last strategic (Clooney), are stranded in space after their van is annihilated, and afterward should fight garbage and moving conditions to get back.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
A lot of intergalactic mavericks, which incorporates a talking racoon and tree, meet up to shape a ragtag group right now that needs no earlier information.
Guru (2007)
Mani Ratnam composed and guided this clothes to newfound wealth story of a merciless and aspiring businessperson (Abhishek Bachchan) who doesn't give anything stand access his way as he transforms into India's greatest investor. Approximately propelled by the life of Dhirubhai Ambani.
Haider (2014)
Vishal Bhardwaj's Shakespearean set of three finished up with this advanced adjustment of Hamlet, that is additionally founded on Basharat Peer's 1990s-Kashmir diary Curfewed Night. Follows a youngster (Shahid Kapoor) who gets back to research his dad's vanishing and winds up entangled in the progressing vicious insurrection.
Her (2013)
A forlorn man (Joaquin Phoenix) begins to look all starry eyed at a shrewd PC working framework (Scarlett Johansson), who enhances his life and gains from him, in Spike Jonze's magnum opus.
Hot Fuzz (2007)
A top London cop (Simon Pegg, additionally co-essayist) is moved to a lethargic English town for being the solitary overachiever in a squad of bums. A mix of relationship satire and a classification cop motion picture. Edgar Wright coordinates.
Hugo (2011)
In 1930s Paris, a kid who lives alone in the dividers of a train station attempts to make sense of the secret including his late dad and his most prized ownership, a machine, that needs a key to work. Martin Scorsese coordinates.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
In the best of four films, Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss Everdeen is compelled to partake in an uncommon version of the Hunger Games, a challenge where people battle until the very end, including the victors of every single past challenge.
I, Daniel Blake (2016)
After a coronary failure that leaves him incapable to work, a bereft woodworker is compelled to battle an unfeeling British welfare framework, while building up a solid bond with a single parent who has two youngsters. Champ of the Palme d'Or.
I Lost My Body (2019)
Right now victor, a cut off hand escapes from a lab and scrambles through Paris to return to his body, while describing its previous existence that included moving to France after a mishap and beginning to look all starry eyed at.
In This Corner of the World (2016)
Set in Hiroshima during World War II, a 18-year-elderly person consents to wed a man she scarcely knows right now film, and afterward should figure out how to adapt to life's day by day battles and figure out how to push through as the war seethes on around her.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Coordinated by Steven Spielberg off a story by George Lucas, an eponymous paleontologist (Harrison Ford) ventures to the far corners of the planet and fights a gathering of Nazis while searching for a puzzling antiquity, in what is presently frequently considered as probably the best film ever.
Infernal Affairs (2002)
The exit is a modification of this one-of - a-kind Hong Kong film in which a policeman operates covertly in the Triad while a member of the Triad is operating furtively for the cops. We both have the same goal: to find the mole.
Into the Wild (2007)
In light of Jon Krakauer's true to life book, Sean Penn goes behind the camera to coordinate the narrative of a top understudy and competitor who surrenders all belongings and reserve funds to good cause, and bums a ride across America to live in the Alaskan wild.
Iqbal (2005)
In author executive Nagesh Kukunoor's National Award-winning film, a conference and discourse debilitated homestead kid (Shreyas Talpade) seeks after his enthusiasm for turning into a cricketer for the national squad, with the assistance of a cleaned up ex-mentor (Naseeruddin Shah).
The Irishman (2019)
In light of Charles Brandt's 2004 book "I Heard You Paint Houses", Martin Scorsese offers a liberal, overlong take a gander at the life of a truck driver (Robert De Niro) who turns into a contract killer working for the Bufalino wrongdoing family and trade guild pioneer Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino).
John Wick (2014)
In the initial segment of what is presently an arrangement, a previous hired gunman (Keanu Reeves) exits retirement to discover and slaughter those that took his vehicle and murdered his canine. Less story, more activity, with the movie producers drawing on anime, Hong Kong activity film, Spaghetti Westerns, and French wrongdoing dramatizations.
Jurassic Park (1993)
It may be more than 25 years of age now however viewing the absolute first Jurassic film from Steven Spielberg — in view of Michael Crichton's tale, which he co-adjusted — is an extraordinary method to remind yourself why the new arrangement, Jurassic World, has no clue why it's doing.
Kahaani (2012)
A pregnant lady (Vidya Balan) goes from London to Kolkata to look for her missing spouse in author executive Sujoy Ghosh's National Award-winning riddle spine chiller, doing combating sexism and a concealment en route. 
Khosla Ka Ghosla! (2006)
After a ground-breaking property vendor (Boman Irani) holds a white collar class, moderately aged man's (Anupam Kher) recently bought property to recover, his child and his child's companions devise a plot to hoodwink the cheating squatter and pay him back with his own cash. Dibakar Banerjee's directorial debut.
Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
A story about growing up of the youthful main witch, who opens an air conveyance business, helps a bread shop's pregnant proprietor in return for convenience, and becomes friends with a nerdy kid during her time of self-revelation. Hayao Miyazaki composes and coordinates.
Woman Bird (2017)
Greta Gerwig's directorial debut is a story about growing up of a secondary school senior (Saoirse Ronan) and her violent association with her mom (Laurie Metcalf), all while she makes sense of who she needs to be through fellowships and short connections.
Lagaan (2001)
Set in Victorian India, a town rancher (Aamir Khan) stakes everybody's future on a round of cricket with the well-prepared British, in return for an assessment relief for a long time.
The Little Prince (2015)
Antoine de Saint-Exupery's 1943 novella is given the liveliness treatment, wherein an old pilot (Jeff Bridges) describes his experiences with a little fellow who professed to be an extra-earthbound ruler to his neighbor, a young lady. Rachel McAdams, James Franco, and Marion Cotillard additionally voice.
A Little Princess (1995)
Alfonso Cuarón coordinates this story of a little youngster who is compelled to turn into a hireling by the headmistress at her New York all inclusive school, after her affluent highborn dad is assumed dead in World War I.
The Lord of the Rings set of three (2001-2003)
Subside Jackson brought J.R.R. Tolkien's extensive Middle-Earth to life in these three-hour stories, which graphs the excursion of an accommodating hobbit (Elijah Wood) and his different sidekicks, as they attempt to stop the Dark Lord Sauron by obliterating the wellspring of his capacity, the One Ring.
Loveless (2017)
A Cannes champ about the social ills of life in present day Russia, told through the eyes of two isolated guardians who are moved back together after their 12-year-old kid disappears. From grant winning chief Andrey Zvyagintsev.
The Lunchbox (2013)
A far-fetched botch by Mumbai's broadly effective lunchbox bearer framework brings about a surprising companionship between a youthful housewife (Nimrat Kaur) and a more seasoned single man (Irrfan Khan) going to resign from his activity.
Lupin the Third: Castle of Cagliostro (1979)
In unbelievable Japanese executive Hayao Miyazaki's component debut, a running expert cheat enrolls the assistance of a long-lasting adversary in the police and a kindred hoodlum to protect a princess from an insidious check, and shut down his fake cash activity.
Marriage Story (2019)
Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver play a media outlet couple experiencing a separation, which pulls them — and their young child — from New York to Los Angeles, the two unique main residences of the heroes.
Mary Poppins (1964)
In light of P.L. Travers' book arrangement of a similar name, a restrained dad contracts a caring lady (Julie Andrews) — who he doesn't know is fit for enchantment — to be the caretaker for his two naughty youngsters. Won five Oscars, including best on-screen character for the debutant Andrews.
Masaan (2015)
Neeraj Ghaywan wanders into the heartland of India to investigate the life of four individuals in his directorial debut, every one of whom must fight issues of station, culture and standards. Champ of a National Award and the FIPRESCI Prize at Cannes.
Million Dollar Baby (2004)
A neglected, veteran boxing mentor (Clint Eastwood, who additionally coordinates) hesitantly consents to prepare a previous server (Hilary Swank) to help accomplish her fantasies, which prompts a nearby dad girl bond that will everlastingly transform them.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
With the association he works for disbanded and his nation after him, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) attempts to beat the clock to demonstrate the presence of the rogues calling the shots right now. Acquainted Rebecca Ferguson with the establishment. 
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
The unbelievable British parody troupe blend their abilities in with the story of King Arthur and his knights, as they search for the Holy Grail and experience a progression of abhorrences. A contender for the best satire ever.
Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
Parody so cutting that it was restricted for a considerable length of time in the UK and somewhere else, Life of Brian saw Monty Python turning their eyes on increasingly long-structure narrating. The Life of Brian is the narrative of a youthful Jewish man conceived around the same time and nearby to Jesus Christ, who gets confused with the savior.
Mudbound (2017)
A Netflix Original, this World War II show is set in country Mississippi, and follows two veterans — one white and one dark — who get back, and should manage issues of bigotry notwithstanding PTSD.
Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. (2003)
After his folks discover he has been professing to be a specialist, an amiable Mumbai black market wear (Sanjay Dutt) attempts to make up for himself by taking a crack at a medicinal school, where his sympathy looks over against the tyrant senior member (Boman Irani). Co-composed and coordinated by Rajkumar Hirani, who stands denounced in the #MeToo development.
My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Set in post-war rustic Japan, an inspiring story of a teacher's two youthful little girls who have experiences with well disposed timberland sprits. Hayao Miyazaki composes and coordinates.
Mystic River (2003)
Three beloved companions rejoin after a fierce homicide, where the unfortunate casualty is one's (Sean Penn) little girl, another (Kevin Bacon) is the situation analyst, and the third (Tim Robbins) is suspected by both. Clint Eastwood coordinates.
Nightcrawler (2014)
Jake Gyllenhaal plays an independent video columnist without any morals or ethics who will successfully get the best film of rough violations that nearby news stations love. A component directorial debut for screenwriter Dan Gilroy.
Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Right now Steven Soderbergh's set of three, which includes a group cast including George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon, Danny Ocean (Clooney) and his eleven partners intend to ransack three Las Vegas club simultaneously.
Okja (2017)
Part condition illustration and part stick of corporatisation, this undervalued Netflix Original by Bong Joon-ho recounts to its account of a youthful Korean young lady and her closest companion — a monster pet pig — while easily crossing sorts.
On Body and Soul (2017)
A timid, withdrawn man and a lady who work at a Hungarian slaughterhouse find they share similar dreams after an episode, and afterward attempt to make them materialize.
Just Yesterday (1991)
A Studio Ghibli creation around a 27-year-old vocation driven Tokyo lady who thinks back about her youth on her way to the wide open to see her sister's family. Isao Takahata composes and coordinates.
Paan Singh Tomar (2012)
A genuine story of the eponymous fighter and competitor (Irrfan Khan) who won gold at the National Games, and later transformed into a dacoit to determine a land debate. Won top distinctions for film and on-screen character (Khan) at National Awards.
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
In Guillermo del Toro's fantastical form of Spain five years after the common war, Ofelia — a youthful stepdaughter of a brutal armed force official — is told she is the resurrected rendition of a black market princess yet should finish three errands to substantiate herself.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
Emma Watson stars right now age satire dependent on the novel of a similar name by Stephen Chbosky, who additionally composed and coordinated the film. Watson plays one of two seniors who control an anxious first year recruit.
Phantom Thread (2017)
Set in the glamourous couture universe of 1950s post-war London, the life of an eminent dressmaker (Daniel Day-Lewis), who is utilized to ladies traveling every which way through his custom-made life, unwinds after he begins to look all starry eyed at a youthful, solid willed server.
Pink (2016)
A legal counselor (Amitabh Bachchan) leaves retirement to support three ladies (Taapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari, and Andrea Tariang) clear their names in a wrongdoing including a legislator's nephew (Angad Bedi). Won a National Award.
PK (2014)
A humorous parody dramatization that tests strict authoritative opinions and superstitions, through the viewpoint of an outsider (Aamir Khan) who is stranded on Earth after he loses his own communicator and becomes a close acquaintence with a TV columnist (Anushka Sharma) as he endeavors to recover it.
Porco Rosso (1992)
Changed into a human pig by an abnormal revile, an Italian World War I expert contender veteran presently functions as an independent abundance tracker in 1930s Adriatic Sea in the Mediterranean. Hayao Miyazaki composes and coordinates.
Queen (2013)
A 24-year-old timid lady (Kangana Ranaut) sets off on her special first night alone to Europe after her life partner cancels the wedding a day earlier. There, liberated from the customary trappings and with the assistance of new companions, she increases a newly discovered point of view on life. Chief Vikas Bahl stands charged in the #MeToo development.
Rang De Basanti (2006)
Aamir Khan drives the group cast of this honor winning film that centers around four youthful New Delhi men who transform into progressive saints themselves while playacting as five Indian political dissidents from the 1920s for a docudrama.
Ratatouille (2007)
A human rodent (Patton Oswalt) who aches to be a culinary expert attempts to accomplish his fantasy by making a partnership with a youthful trash kid at a Parisian eatery. From Pixar.
Rebecca (1940)
Alfred Hitchcock's first American film depends on Daphne du Maurier's 1938 novel of a similar name, about a credulous, young lady who weds a noble single man and afterward battles under the scary notoriety of his first spouse, who passed on under baffling conditions. 
The Remains of the Day (1993)
Made by the pair of Ismail Merchant and James Ivory, this dependent on a-book film is about a devoted and faithful head servant (Anthony Hopkins), who gave quite a bit of his life — and passed up a ton — serving a British master who ends up being a Nazi sympathizer.
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
After a just gems heist turns out badly in Quentin Tarantino's full length debut, six hoodlums — Tim Roth, Steve Buscemi, and Michael Madsen are a couple of the entertainers — who don't have any acquaintance with one another's character begin to associate each other with being a police witness.
The Revenant (2015)
Leonardo DiCaprio and executive Alejandro G. Iñárritu won Oscars for their work on this semi-personal Western film set during the 1820s, which recounts to the account of frontiersman Hugh Glass and his mission for endurance and equity in the midst of extreme winters.
Roma (2018)
Alfonso Cuarón returns to his adolescence in the eponymous Mexico City neighborhood, during the political strife of the 1970s, through the eyes of a working class family's live-in servant, who deals with the house and four youngsters, while adjusting the entanglements of her very own life.
Sairat (2016)
In a modest town in the Indian province of Maharashtra, an angler's child and a neighborhood government official's little girl begin to look all starry eyed at, which sends swells over the general public in light of the fact that their families have a place with various standings. As of now the most elevated earning Marathi-language film ever.
Scarface (1983)
Al Pacino conveys perhaps the best execution as a Cuban outcast who lands in 1980s Miami with nothing, rises the positions to turn into a ground-breaking drug boss, and afterward falls because of his sense of self, his suspicion, and a developing rundown of adversaries.
Se7en (1995)
Right now, spine chiller from David Fincher, two investigators — one new (Brad Pitt) and one going to resign (Morgan Freeman) — chase a sequential executioner (Kevin Spacey) who utilizes the seven fatal sins as his thought processes.
Secret Superstar (2017)
In spite of the fact that regularly exaggerated, this story about growing up — delivered by Aamir Khan and spouse Kiran Rao — of a Muslim young lady from Vadodara who fantasies about being a vocalist managed significant social issues and broke a few film industry records during its dramatic run.
Sense and Sensibility (1995)
Jane Austen's acclaimed work is enlivened by chief Ang Lee, around three sisters who are compelled to look for budgetary security through marriage after the passing of their well off dad leaves them poor by the standards of legacy.
The Shining (1980)
Stephen King's mainstream novel gets the film treatment from Stanley Kubrick, about a dad who loses his mental stability in a segregated inn the family is remaining at for the winter, while his mystic child sees terrible premonitions from an earlier time and what's to come.
Shoplifters (2018)
Victor of the top prize at Cannes, the account of a gathering of neediness stricken outcasts figuring out an under-the-radar living in Tokyo, whose life is overturned after they take in another, youthful part. Hirokazu Kore-eda composes, coordinates, and alters.
Shrek (2001)
A half-spoof of fantasies, Shrek is about an eponymous monstrosity who consents to enable a detestable ruler to get a sovereign in return for the deed to his bog, loaded up with enough jokes for the grown-ups and a straightforward plot kids.
A Silent Voice: The Movie (2016)
In view of the manga of a similar name, a story about growing up of a school menace who attempts to present appropriate reparations with a meeting weakened young lady he tormented once upon a time, after the tables are turned on him.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Two individuals (Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper) with agony and enduring in their past start a street to recuperation while preparing together for a move rivalry, in what turns into an impossible romantic tale.
The Sixth Sense (1999)
In essayist chief M. Night Shyamalan's best film to date, a youngster analyst (Bruce Willis) attempts to support a little fellow (Haley Joel Osment) who can see and converse with the dead.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Chris Evans stars right now from Bong Joon-ho, which happens in a future desolated by a test, where the survivors live on a train that constantly circles the globe and has prompted a rebuffing new class framework.
The Social Network (2010)
The story of Facebook fellow benefactor Mark Zuckerberg gets a slight anecdotal turn, as it investigates how the youthful designer was sued by twin siblings who asserted he took their thought, and offered misleads his prime supporter and pressed him out.
Soni (2019)
An irascible youthful police officer and her collected female supervisor must battle with instilled sexism in their every day lives and even at work, where it impacts their planned endeavors to handle the ascent of wrongdoings against ladies in Delhi.
Spartacus (1960)
In the wake of neglecting to land the title job in Ben-Hur, Kirk Douglas optioned a book with a comparable topic, about a slave who drove a revolt — referred to reflectively as the Third Servile War — against the compelling Roman Empire. Won four Oscars and was named as outstanding amongst other chronicled sagas.
The Stranger (1946)
An atrocities agent chases a high-positioning Nazi outlaw (Orson Welles, additionally executive) stowing away in the US territory of Connecticut, who is likewise tricking his credulous new spouse.
Super Deluxe (2019)
A between connected treasury of four stories, including an unfaithful spouse, a transgender lady, a lot of youngsters, which bargain in sex, disgrace, and otherworldliness. Runs at about three hours.
Swades (2004)
Shah Rukh Khan stars an effective NASA researcher right now a genuine story dramatization, who gets back to India to take his babysitter to the US, rediscovers his foundations and interfaces with the nearby town network all the while.
Taare Zameen Par (2007)
Sent to life experience school without wanting to, a dyslexic eight-year-old is helped by a whimsical workmanship instructor (Aamir Khan) to conquer his incapacity and find his actual potential.
Talvar (2015)
Meghna Gulzar and Vishal Bhardwaj consolidate powers to recount to the tale of the 2008 Noida twofold homicide case, in which a young lady and the family's contracted hireling were slaughtered, and the maladroit police botched the examination. Utilizations the Rashomon impact for a three-pronged take.
Tangerine (2015)
Shot totally on iPhones, a transgender female sex specialist pledges retribution on her beau pimp who undermined her while she was in prison.
Tangled (2010)
Bolted up by her excessively defensive mother, a youthful long-haired young lady at last gets her desire to escape into the world outside gratitude to a decent hearted cheat, and finds her actual self.
Thithi (2016)
Right now Kannada-language film, set in a remote town in the territory of Karnataka, three ages of men ponder the demise of their locally-acclaimed, awful tempered 101-year-old patriarch. Made with a cast of non-proficient entertainers.
The Town (2010)
While a gathering of long lasting Boston companions plan a significant last heist at Fenway Park, one of them (Ben Affleck) begins to look all starry eyed at the prisoner from a prior theft, confusing issues.
Train to Busan (2016)
Stuck on a blood-soaked slug train ride across Korea, a dad and his girl must battle their way through a countrywide zombie episode to make it to the main city that is protected.
Tu Hai Mera Sunday (2016)
Five thirty-something companions battle to discover a spot in Mumbai where they can play football in harmony right now romantic comedy story, which investigates sexual orientation partitions and social mores en route.
The Two Popes (2019)
Enlivened by reality, the story of fellowship that framed between Pope Benedict XVI (Anthony Hopkins) and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Jonathan Pryce), the future Pope Francis, after the last moved toward the previous in regards to his interests with the course of the Catholic Church.
Udaan (2010)
Vikramaditya Motwane made his directorial debut with this story about growing up of a young person who is ousted from all inclusive school and gets back to the modern town of Jamshedpur, where he should work at his abusive dad's manufacturing plant.
Udta Punjab (2016)
With the eponymous Indian state's medication emergency as the scenery, this dark parody wrongdoing film portrays the intertwined lives of a lesser police officer (Diljit Dosanjh), a lobbyist specialist (Kareena Kapoor), a transient laborer (Alia Bhatt), and a hero (Shahid Kapoor).
Whole Gems (2019)
An alluring, New York-based Jewish diamond setter and a betting junkie (Adam Sandler) winds up stuck between a rock and a hard place right now, battling to keep a cover on his family, wants, business, and foes.
The Untouchables (1987)
With mobster Al Capone (Robert De Niro) utilizing the widespread debasement during the Prohibition time frame in the US, government specialist Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner) hand picks a group to uncover his business and carry him to equity. Brian De Palma coordinates.
Not yet decided (2009)
A corporate cutting back master (George Clooney) who adores living out of a bag discovers his way of life compromised because of a potential love intrigue (Vera Farmiga) and a goal-oriented new contract (Anna Kendrick).
Vertigo (1958)
Besting Citizen Kane in the most recent Sight and Sound survey of most noteworthy movies ever, Alfred Hitchcock's spine chiller about a criminologist scared of statures who falls for an old companion's better half while examining her bizarre exercises proceeded with his convention of transforming crowds into voyeurs.
Village Rockstars (2017)
A youthful Assamese young lady of a widow pines to possess a guitar and start her own musical crew, however cultural standards routinely disrupt the general flow. Rima Das composes, coordinates, shoots, alters, and handles outfits.
Visaranai [Interrogation] (2015)
Champ of three National Awards and dependent on M. Chandrakumar's tale Lock Up, the tale of four Tamil workers who are encircled and tormented by politically-spurred cops in the neighboring territory of Andhra Pradesh. Vetrimaaran composes and coordinates.
A Wednesday! (2008)
Neeraj Pandey's film is set between 2 pm and 6 pm on a Wednesday, normally, when a typical man (Naseeruddin Shah) takes steps to explode five bombs in Mumbai except if four psychological militants blamed in the 2006 Mumbai train bombings case are discharged.
WonderWoman (2017)
After a pilot crashes and illuminates them about a progressing World War, an Amazonian princess (Gal Gadot) leaves her detached life to enter the universe of men and stop what she accepts to be the arrival of Amazons' enemy.
Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
This Disney energized film recounts to the narrative of a computer game reprobate who decides to satisfy his fantasy about turning into a saint yet winds up carrying destruction to the whole arcade where he lives.
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
The decade-long worldwide manhunt for Osama canister Laden is the focal point of this spine chiller from Kathryn Bigelow, performed as and when expected to keep a CIA insight examiner (Jessica Chastain) at the focal point of the story.
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (2011)
Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar, and Abhay Deol star as three beloved companions who set off on an unhitched male outing across Spain, which turns into a chance to mend past injuries, battle their most exceedingly awful feelings of trepidation, and become hopelessly enamored with life.
Zodiac (2007)
David Fincher marked on Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, and Robert Downey Jr. to portray a sketch artist's (Gyllenhaal) fixation on making sense of the personality of the Zodiac Killer during the 1960s–70s.
Zombieland (2009)
An understudy searching for his folks (Jesse Eisenberg), a man searching for a most loved bite, and two rascal sisters unite and take an all-inclusive excursion over a zombie-filled America, while they all quest for a without zombie haven.
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infolibrary · 5 years
100 Delicious Facts About Chocolate
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100 Delicious Facts About Chocolate
Ah chocolate, the first love of every man, woman and child, it’s a solution (however temporary) to every problem from upset and anger to happiness and adoration.
Chocolate truly is one of the wonders of the world, in the past it has been that valued it’s actually been used as currency and  in 2014 U.S. chocolate sales were $21.1 billion, that alone shows the significance and the demand for the product.
Whether it be white, milk, dark or other more rare varieties (all will be revealed later on), everyone loves to sit down and have a square or 10.
Here we’re going to look at 100 delicious facts about chocolate.
Winston Churchill at one point was in danger of a Nazi assassination by an exploding bar of chocolate.
Aztecs used cacao seeds were a form of currency.
Montezuma II, an Aztec emperor, drank over 50 cups of chocolate per day.
As well as milk, dark, and white varieties, there is a rare fourth type known as blond chocolate.
The film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” was financed by Quaker Oats to promote its new Wonka Bar candy. That’s why it’s named that instead of the book’s title of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.
Joseph Fry invented the first chocolate bar in 1847.
The chocolate industry is worth approximately $110 billion per year.
Milky Way bars aren’t named after the galaxy; they’re named after the malted milkshakes the bars were supposed to taste like.
Three Musketeers bars were originally three pieces; chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. They switched to just the one bar after strawberry prices increased.
In 1947, hundreds of Canadian kids went on strike and boycotted chocolate after the price of a chocolate bar jumped from 5 to 8 cents.
Andes Candies were called “Andy’s Candy’s,” after creator George Andrew Kanelos but it was changed after men didn’t want to buy their partners chocolates with another man’s name.
A 2013 study found that the smell of chocolate in a bookstore made customers 22% more likely to buy books of any genre and a whopping 40% more likely to buy cookbooks or romance novels.
The largest chocolate bar ever weighed over 12,770 lbs (5,792 kg), created in the UK in celebration of Thornton’s 100th birthday.
The world’s most valuable chocolate bar is a 100-year-old Cadbury’s bar, it sold for $687 at auction in 2001. It was taken on Captain Robert Scott’s first expedition to the Antarctic.
Chocolate milk was invented in Jamaica. Irish botanist Sir Hans Sloane is said to have first mixed chocolate with milk in Jamaica in the early 1700s.
Chocolate milk is an effective post-workout recovery drink.
German chocolate cake has history with Germany. It’s named after its inventor, Sam German.
Darker chocolates can have as much caffeine as a can of Coca-Cola.
A 2004 London study found that 70% of people would give their passwords for a chocolate bar.
Americans buy 58 million+ lbs (26 million+ kg) of chocolate on Valentine’s Day, that’s 5% of yearly sales.
Brussels Airport is the world’s biggest chocolate seller, selling over 800 tons of chocolate a year.
More than two-thirds of the world’s cocoa is grown in Africa, and Côte d’Ivoire alone produces 33% of the world’s supply.
A chocolate river existed in 1971. The famous chocolate river from the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory film was made with 15,000 gallons of water mixed with chocolate and cream. The river spoiled fairly quickly due to the cream and the cast said it stank.
The International Cocoa Organization say the average Brit, Swiss, or German eat 24lbs (11kg) of chocolate a year.
In 1930, Ruth Wakefield mixed Nestle chocolate pieces into her cookie dough after running out of baker’s chocolate whilst making chocolate cookies. Instead she created chocolate chip cookies, and later sold the idea to Nestle for a lifetime supply of chocolate.
Lays sold limited edition crisps covered in milk chocolate said to have a “salty-sweet combination, along with the texture contrast of warm melted chocolate and a crunchy chip”.
The average chocolate bar contains insect fragments. The U.S Food and Drug Administration say “Anything more than 60 insect pieces per 100 grams of chocolate is rejected.”
A thief took $28 million worth of gems in 2007 after gaining the guards trust at an Antwerp Bank by repeatedly offering them chocolate.
1 in every 200 workers, or around 17,000 people in Belgium work in the production and promotion of chocolate.
One chocolate chip gives an adult enough food energy to walk 150 feet. Around 35 chocolate chips is enough for a mile or 875,000 chips would take them around the world.
It takes the whole of one year’s crop from one tree to make half a kilo of cocoa.
The man who created the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup was a farmer, by the name of Harry Burnett Reese, who was a former shipping foreman and dairy farmer for Milton S. Hershey, the founder of Hershey’s chocolate.
Terry’s produce over 350 million chocolate orange segments per year.
During the Aztec reign, a slave could be bought for 100 cocoa beans.
1 in 7 15-24 year olds claim life without chocolate is not worth living.
The biggest chocolate sculpture ever made was a 10 foot high Easter egg weighing 4,484 lbs (2,034 kg) in Melbourne, Australia.
Blue packaged chocolate doesn’t sell in Shanghai or Hong Kong, as the Chinese relate blue with death.
The first cacao trees were found in the Amazon River basin and the Venezuelan and Colombian Andes.
In 1991, a chocolate model ship was made in Barcelona measuring approximately 42.5ft long, 28ft tall and 8ft wide.
Japanese women give chocolate hearts to their loved ones on 14th February. The men a month later return the gesture on “Howaito” white day.
In the original Psycho film, the blood in the famous shower scene was actually chocolate syrup.
Chocolate sales in 2014 were $21.1 billion.
On 6th December during the feast of St. Nicholas, children in Holland put their clogs outside at night so Santa can fill them with chocolate money.
7th July is National Chocolate Day in the UK, the day marks when chocolate was first brought to Europe on 7th July 1550. Some credit Christopher Columbus with this feat in 1504.
International Chocolate Day is on 13th September, and some celebrate National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day on 7th November.
Milton Hershey the creator of The Hershey Chocolate Company started his empire in candy. He founded his first company, The Lancaster Caramel Company at 30 years old.
5 tons of chocolate is enough to make 28,000 Terry’s Chocolate Oranges.
Daniel Peter created milk chocolate in Switzerland in 1875 after mixing chocolate with condensed milk following eight years of trial and error.
Making chocolate takes about 400 beans to make a single pound of chocolate.
Cacao trees can live up to 200 years old but they only make viable cacao beans for just 25 years of their life.
The world’s largest box of chocolates weighed in at 2,002 lbs (908 kg). It was made in Chicago, USA, and contained Frango mints.
There are 2 types of cacao tree. Most chocolate comes from Forastero beans, which are said to be easier to grow but the Crillo bean makes much tastier chocolate.
To’Ak chocolate is one of the most expensive chocolates in the world, Each 50 gram (1.7 oz) bar is in a handcrafted Spanish Elm wood box individually engraved with the bar number.
Chocolate is the only edible substance to melt around 93° F, just below body temperature causing it to melt easily on your tongue.
More than twice as many women than men eat and crave chocolate.
Chocolate cravings have been proven to be unable to be satisfied by anything other than chocolate itself.
Chocolate produces the effects of a mild anti-depressant by increasing serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain.
Although not scientifically proven, chocolate is believed by many, to be an aphrodisiac.
Dan’s chocolate factory offers a chocolate covered bacon burger – and apparently it’s not too bad!
Cocoa butter is a by-product made from crushing roasted cacao beans. As well as in chocolate it’s also used in cosmetic products including massage oils and skin cosmetics. It’s one of the most stable, highly concentrated natural fats and as it melts at just below average body temperature it’s easily dissolved into the skin, perfect for moisturizing creams and other products.
Despite being high in fat content, chocolate doesn’t seem to raise blood cholesterol.
America consumes almost 50% of the world’s chocolate.
If all the Toblerone bars sold each year were to be laid end to end they would stretch 62,000km (38,525 miles), this is longer than the Earth’s circumference.
The amount of chocolate a country eats on average is linked to the number of Nobel Laureates that country has produced.
In 2009, 7.2 million tons of chocolate was consumed worldwide.
In the pre-Columbia era, possible dinosaur fossils were ground and mixed with chocolate.
Red M&M’s are among the most popular today, but in the 1970’s, they were replaced with orange pieces for almost ten years. This was the result of a study which stated that red food dye was linked to cancers.
Chocolate gives you a more intense mental high and gets your heart pounding more than kissing.
Hershey’s Kisses are named that after the kissing sound the deposited chocolate makes as it falls from the machine on the conveyor belt.
Hershey’s produce 70 million Kisses a day, and enough a year to make a 300,000 mile (around 483,000 km) line of Kisses.
When chocolate is covered in a white speckled layer, it has “bloomed”. This is caused by the fat (cocoa butter) molecules inside the chocolate over time rising to the surface and recrystallizing. Bloomed chocolate is still edible but will be dry and less flavorful.
Ben & Jerry’s made the first cookie dough ice cream after a suggestion on their shop’s flavor suggestion board.
Chocolate and chili is a well-known combination, but Firebox took it a step further producing the “instant regret chili chocolate” infused with 6.4 million Scoville chili extract.
Napoleon always had chocolate with him; he ate it as whenever he needed an energy boost.
One cacao pod will contain about 42 beans.
More than 7 billion chocolate chips are eaten annually.
American author Robert Cormier wrote a novel called The Chocolate War, due to its nature the book appeared in the American Library Associations “Top 100 banned/challenged books in 2000-2009”.
Global production of cocoa is currently forecast to decrease for the third year in a row, 2015/16 production is expected at 4.1 million tons vs. 2014/15 production of 4.2 million tons. 2013/14 production was 4.3 million tons.
A cocoa tree takes almost a year to produce enough pods to make 10 normal-sized Hershey bars.
Chocolate has 3 times more flavor compounds than red wine; red wine has just 200 whereas chocolate has 600.
The tree that chocolate is produced from is called Theobroma cacao which means “food of the gods.”
To die from Theobromine, a poisonous compound found in chocolate, an 12.5 stone (80 kg) human would have to eat around 12.5 lbs (5.7 kg) of unsweetened dark chocolate or 6.2 stone (40 kg) of milk chocolate.
The ancient Maya are said to be the first to commonly grow cacao trees and drink chocolate. The Aztecs had to trade for cacao as they couldn’t grow the trees.
The word “chocolate” derives from the Aztec “xocoatl,” the bitter, spicy cacao bean based drink.
Chocolate was consumed not as a solid but as a liquid for 90% of its history.
The largest chocolate ever made was in the Netherlands; the chocolate marzipan took 3 days and weighed 4,078 lbs (1,850 kg).
Ninety percent of the world’s cacao is grown on small family run farms under 12 acres (4,047 sq. meters).
In 2006, worldwide over 6.5 million tons of chocolate was traded.
Recipes exist for chocolate and calamari soup, the combination surprisingly seems to only have 1 person brave enough to try it, they gave it 4 stars.
In 17th century Mexico someone suffered death by chocolate. Poison was injected into chocolate, killing a Spanish Bishop who banned the consumption of chocolate during church services.
Chocolate contains tryptophan which makes us very happy. Tryptophan (also found in turkeys) affects endorphin levels in the brain and increases serotonin causing euphoria.
Pure cocoa can help prevent tooth decay. Naturally occurring chemicals in cocoa beans fight harmful bacteria in the mouth.
Europeans consume about 40% of the planet’s chocolate.
Chocolate producers worldwide use around 20% of the world’s peanut crops and 40% of all almonds grown.
Chocolate actually inspired the Microwave. Percy Spence, a scientist working on WWII radar was loved chocolate. When near a magnetron, he noticed a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. He realized magnetrons could be used to heat food quickly and discovered the microwave oven.
Gorging on sugar-free chocolate acts a severe laxative. At one producers factory there are buckets of defective chocolates. Each bucket has a sign warning employees of the ramifications of over-consumption.
Cadbury World is on the site of the Cadbury factory established by Richard and George Cadbury in 1879.
In 1929 chocolate became Nestlé’s second biggest product.
Richard Cadbury, the son of Cadbury founder John Cadbury, made the first heart-shaped box of chocolates in 1861 for Valentine’s Day.
William Cadbury (Grandson of Richard Cadbury, the founder of Cadbury) commissioned the design of the Cadbury logo in Paris 1905 by French designer George Auriol.
So there we have it, as I said earlier chocolate really is one of the wonders of the world, driving people to do all sorts of things in search of the alluring substance.
Chocolate is an instant source of desire and happiness, and yet it’s even been used to kill!
Whether it be one of the major chocolate powerhouses, a smaller artisan chocolatier or a high-end high-quality purveyor supplying you your fix, just remember how much work goes into each piece of the melt-in-your-mouth goodness.
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Dan Lewis has worked in the tech sector for about 7 years and is qualified in most areas including networking, hardware, software & support. Enjoys writing about anything techy, nerdy or factually interesting.
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