#Tedd EGS
queen0funova · 11 months
I had an interesting thought come to mind about El Goonish Shive:
So we know Mist and Co. are using projections to disguse themselves. But we also know Tedd can see through projections; however, Mist doesn't seem to know about this. Mist only thinks technology royalty may have can see through it, and that it's not that big of a worry.
But this leads me to the thought: what are the odds of Tedd happening to run into one or more of them and seeing through their projections?
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ladyhatty · 8 months
Awe they've come so far! Tedd has become worthy of trust and learned her friends actual wants and needs. And Sarah has become comfortable with herself and her body enough to enjoy something like this. It's awesome seeing them become friends over the years and such cool people.
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new favorite Tedd face
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I love El Goonish Shive because you can have a talking stage-magician's wand which was created to teach people magic, and which doesn't understand that people don't have "purposes" the way it does, and then it learns that a character who is Very Autistc has been pulling all-nighters researching stuff, and drops everything to teach them the Japanese word "karōshi", meaning "death from overwork", as a way of convincing them to Stop Doing That. and then you scroll down look down at the author commentary, and the author is like "Yeah, I learned that word from the anime I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years, the first episode got me to stop staying up past sunrise to work on the comic and then getting out of bed 3-4 hours later to immediately continue working on the comic."
like I need you to know that this is not a hypothetical example or an exaggeration. I am describing something which literally happened, today.
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egsreactions · 1 year
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Sarah: It was a gift from my mom.
Tedd: Your mom gives pretty bad gifts. Although, on the other hand, all my mom ever gave me was abandonment issues, so...
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Tedd Egg Moments
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ademmatta · 2 years
Today's mood
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zeemczed · 1 year
Grace: *Happily eating a cinnamon roll*
Tedd: Cannibalism.
Grace: *Confused chewing*
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hauntsdiscourseblog · 2 years
Summary of my relationship with being trans, I guess?
So my friend came out to me today. Utterly unexpected - I’ve known this guy since like fifth grade and known her to be just as much of a nerd as me if not more, but never really thought of her as a woman. It’s also wild to me because as far as I can tell she speedran the whole experience and skipped straight past the part I’m stuck at. Like I’ve had a list of things that make me wish I were a woman since before I knew what being trans was. I’ve mistaken jealousy for sexual attraction so many times that I’ve figured out what it actually is and come to terms with it. I regularly crossdress(?) and purchase women’s clothes whenever I’m online shopping, and I’ve hated guys’ fashion for years and years. I’ve even recognized gender weirdness within myself (I first thought of myself as genderfluid sometime in college - after reading EGS, of course - and decided I was probably just a trans woman sometime after). And yet, she’s over there certain about being trans and I’m over here creating side blogs to explore the idea.
Why? Well partly out of duty. I have a family that cares about family and I care about them and about family as well. And well, you can’t have kids if you become sterile from taking estrogen. (Yes I know, you can freeze your sperm or whatever. It’s a matter of doing it right, not just doing it. I’ve got my conservative facets, we all do. And that leaves you with a limited supply anyway.) I’ve never really “thought of” myself as trans either, perhaps as a result of the above. I’ve been more on the side of being “happy with what you have to be happy with”, to quote King Crimson, and viewed myself as the person that I am with some inclinations towards being a woman. It doesn’t quite feel real, you know? And that leads to questions of, not quite “are trans people faking it”, but rather, “are we all just playing pretend”. Which is hard to disprove! The “You will never be a woman” comment hits hard because it’s true! Good luck getting the full biology of a woman. Male puberty is irreversible. Sex changes reduce sexual pleasure. Top surgeries (not relevant to me, but relevant to some) leave massive chest scars. And nobody has ever been able to have children after a sex change. You can’t maintain a desire to continue the human race while also deciding to become incapable of doing so. Like with all of that in mind, are we really going to say that we’re not just playing pretend?
So I get a little bit terfy. I don’t understand the path, so I’m not sure if I want to walk it, and I hesitate. And the community doesn’t help either. They do all kinds of things I don’t like, such as:
Saying gender is meaningless or can mean anything you want it to, and then asking hence-meaningless questions like “what do you identify as”;
Stupid terminology issues, like calling everyone transgender even if it’s their sex they want to change because “oh well the transphobes use the word transsexual so we’re just gonna let them have it”;
Claiming that trans people’s right to transition is justified by dysphoria, when it is painfully obvious that nobody is interested in restricting transition to just the dysphoric people (and if they were of course I would be effectively excluded; I’m much less interested in not being a man than I am interested in being a woman);
Being straight up misandristic, cisphobic, straightphobic, the whole shebang, and then claiming that it is literally impossible to be these things because “but they aren’t oppressed like we are”;
Refusing to interact with people they disagree with, as if the issues people have with the lgbtqia community aren’t just misunderstandings that can be worked out through discussion; and
As above, losing their ability to exist as a community (by definition; trans people can’t reproduce and gay people refuse to) and hence being 100% dependent on the good will of the straights they so clearly hate.
The fourth and fifth ones are especially infuriating because it actually leaves me feeling ostracized despite being a trans woman. Despite how much I’ve considered it I’m still questioning, and I still express myself as male. I still walk around acting like a straight cis white man all the time. And hearing “hey this thing you express yourself as is evil and sucks” from the community that’s supposed to be objectively the best about acceptance and tolerance... it kinda sucks. It’s like “oh ok, so this group would accept me, but only if I transition”, like my acceptance is contingent upon being one of them. Contrarian that I am, it makes me less willing to transition. It makes me less willing to involve myself in that culture and identity. And what’s worse is that at that point the people who are willing to talk to me are the terfs. And that’s how people get recruited - by being driven away by the exclusionary nature of the lgbtqia community and straight into the open arms of the terfs and (since that’s a pipeline on TikTok) the Nazis. And I can’t accept that a community that behaves like that is one that I “should” be part of. It’s kinda disgusting honestly
So the community is irritating to me, and it’s pretty obvious even though nobody talks about it that it only exists at all because straight cis people let it. (Y’all know marriage only recently became about sexual attraction at all, right?) And that made the uncertainty in my feelings that much worse, because though I crossdress(?) regularly, I always get this feeling of “eh” out of it, you know? Like clothes are clothes. I’m kinda big so I don’t fit in every outfit I buy, and while I’ll admit that a) I love the buying of the clothes, and b) I think I actually look pretty good in them (at least the ones that fit me), the only feeling I really get from them is “this doesn’t really achieve what I wanted”. Well, that and “wow, bra underwires are insanely uncomfortable, the cis girls were right”. But like yeah, it was almost a negative feeling for me. Until this past conversation with my friend, who said that putting on women’s clothes was more dysphoric than anything, because like she will never have the actual woman’s body she wants. And that, I can say I’ve felt. That I can relate to. Despite everything else in this post, and the fact that it’s still a negative experience, it’s nice to know that at least it’s a feeling other trans women have.
In conclusion? As I told my friend, I am all over the fucking place on gender. I get a bit crossdressy(?), I get a bit terfy, I get a bit overthinky, and I get a bit... family-y? Eh. I also get a bit of jealousy, and a bit transvirtual-y. Even as I sit here wondering how the fuck being trans could even be a viable life choice I still do all the things that make me think “hey maybe I am anyways”. I don’t know where I am. But that’s why this blog is here. To say these things and ask questions. And there it is - my summary of my situation. I’m late for work, but at least it’s out there. Thanks for reading, please comment with what thoughts you have.
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queen0funova · 5 months
I wonder if the reason Edward suddenly chilled with Tedd's gender fluidity is because he accidentally copied Tedd's magic mark spell
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bcomic-blog · 5 months
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Tedd vibes. (Like I do with everything I been swapping characters with egs ones while reading Val and Isaac)
Omglol, doppelganger tropes!
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egscomics · 10 months
(Sorry sent you this ask in Dan but would be more fitting to do it for EGS) To follow up the ask about the Dewitchery Diamond, one thing that has bugged me is why this artifact that definitely worked with highly potentially disastrous results was kept in the lightly secure facility of inert and useless objects? The worst case scenario I could imagine abusing it would be a lunatic with enchantment magic just using various enchantments on themselves and repeatedly using the diamond to make themselves an army of magic "cursed" duplicates.
The only logical in-universe answer is someone didn't take the potential for someone else going after the diamond seriously, which unfortunately means I need to throw Edward under the bus on this one.
"Elliot and Tedd only went because they knew it was there. To anyone else, it's a complete unknown. Plus, the facility itself is a trap. We'd catch anyone before they'd get to some crate on the second floor."
Or, more likely:
"What a long day THAT was. What to do with the diamond? Eh, it's already in a facility. Box it up. I'll get around to moving it someday."
And later:
"Darn it all, I'm no longer in charge of paranormal investigations in this part of the country. Was there anything I'd been meaning to do while in that position? Eh, Arthur's problem now."
And even later:
"Edward LEFT IT there?!"
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 7 months
The latest El Goonish Shive:
Elliot: Ten bucks says Hope ends up matched against both Susan and Tedd and has less of a chance to meet Sarah.
Ellen: No bet.
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egsreactions · 1 year
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Ellen: Onion rings are vegetable donuts. 
Susan, used to this: Sure... 
Ellen: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed. 
Susan: Okay? 
Ellen: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake. 
Susan: … 
Ellen: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio- 
Susan: Jesus, that one is a little- 
Tedd, interested: No, no, Ellen, keep going.
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