clownmoontoon · 1 year
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a couple alien catboy brothers! 💚💜
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annashipper · 7 years
JT Anon
thats the thing. its been mentioned before. people with small children go out w them every day. not once every few weeks or months. you take your kids to the park, for walks, shopping etc. only, i think one nonny said “freaks” keep their kids inside for weeks and only take them out every months and a half to a restaurant (where the name of the restaurant is def mentioned and hashtagged on social media). Now I will give it to nonnies that SH is not famous. Anyone who has media up for a decade and doesn’t even have as much interaction on it as she does family is someone who is simply not famous and just isn’t known to the public. So Sh taking the kids out would be seen any other stay at home mummy dragging her kids around in the afternoon, since thats what mummies do who don’t work.
the thing is, there are large chunks of time lately when ben is not working. in fact he is not working so much these days that he makes a point to talk about how little he is working and how  much time he is spending w his family and not working. so then we’re back at the beginning. unless the cumberbatches are freaks who only take their kids out every month and a half to eat at restaurants that get a little promotion from their dining there, Ben would be taking his kids out daily like literally any other father on earth. If he was taking his kids out daily, like any other father on earth who doesn’t borderline neglect his kids by forcing them to stay in, then ben would have been spotted dozens of times by now. just walking down the road, taking kids in an out of the car
Look at Renner. Now he makes a point to make sure his kids face is not in the media, more than can be said for the Batches, but he is seen on a regular basis parenting his child. did you catch that? he is publicly parenting his child because he is a public figure and also happens to be parenting a child. You can find him making birthday parties w his kid, doing crafts, on outdoor outings, at the park etc. When he is not working, it is very clear he is with his child, parenting her. His child is not exposed. Some brands get promotion, for ex he will thank a company if he and his daughter attend an event, but more often than not, he is seen out with his child, parenting her, raising her, spending time w her like a regular father w out there being a product placement, and w out weeks going by where this kid doesn’t see the light of day. He takes her to parks, he takes her to kid specific events, he plans her bday parties, he takes her for lunch, he takes her for walks, ive seen them at kid museums and kid events. all safely. all w out exposure. all w out dozens and dozens of service product placements. all without an accompanying article about just Renner and how cool he is.
Now some could say, maybe the kids are w the nanny. The nanny? A stay at home mommy and a dad who is home and not working needs a nanny to take the kids out? Well, to be fair, these two have yet to be seen with both of their kids, so maybe they are two people who aren’t comfortable with their children and don’t feel capable of managing them out in public. Maybe they are parents who cannot actually manage parenting and living their life w them is a bit too hard, so they can’t actually take them many places and need to hire someone tho get them out of the house.
oh, and tuna sandwhich? dont suddenly shove a bunch of pics of ben taking kids in and out of car seats down our throats and pushing kids on a swing. these children have existed for years. we would have seen that by now.
to recap:
parents who are home and not working take their kids out more than every few weeks. Because of this, we would have had dozens of shots over the years of the Batches living their regular daily lives with two kids in tow around town over the years. No hashtags. No brand promotion. No newspaper article. Just two parents living their lives with two kids not working so they are out w their kids every day like every other parent on earth.
All of bens houses are publicly known as far as location goes. we have multiple examples of paps catching ben just around. there is a reason that we have never seen ben and/or sophie going in and out of his house, around his nabe etc w out an accompanying newspaper article. we see candid shots of ben, just never w his kids. w his kids its a production and there are newspaper articles attached.
its not like we don’t see these photos because ben and sophie are concerned for their childrens media exposure. their children have been featured in the papers and for sale before, so there is no fear from the parents in that department
if you want to believe that ben and sophie have managed to go years w out ever being seen parenting their children out of doors for those years, and the only times the kids are noticed is when there is a brand attached or a service attached or a newspaper article attached, then thats your prerogative.
if you want to believe that ben is caught dozens and dozens and dozens of times out eating and walking and on dates to the theatre w his wife and concerts and snowboarding and trips, but is never caught with his kids in years, even when he isn’t working, then go for it friendo.
if you want to believe that a man w a real live family needs to mention that they arent pr stunts in the media, then thats up to you.
if you want to believe that ben is spotted all over town by paps, just never with his kids, have at it.
if you want to believe that a family with two children never take both their kids out at the same time, go for it.
if you want to believe that a man who waxed poetic about wanting children, and that he would basically become The Hulk to protect them would allow for his sons image to be placed for sale for a financial profit, his sons house address and blueprint to that house to be made publicly available when there is an active stalker case, to let paparazzi take his children’s image to accompany media articles for the promotion of his family, then thats your business.  
i mean there is that possibility. that ben just simply is not a good father after all. that he doens’t care much about protecting his kids from the press. that he can’t be bothered to take them out and parent them. that he married a woman who loved the idea of her sons picture being taken because there was to be an article about her pretty, pretty clothes attached, so important choices were made.
we could be wrong. they could just be lousy parents.
J constantly waved at by her neighbor T anon
PS. PLEASE PLEASE sandwhich, don’t suddenly arrange a bunch of photoshoots of ben and wierdo w kids doing daily activities, then time release them so it looks like they are taken over the course of weeks. its been too long
Nothing for me to add.
Just a reminder that it’s Easter in the UK, and I expect more than a lonely pap walk at the Cotswolds featuring Ben on the Fail this year.
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