leeny-leens · 1 year
The seasons and their symbolism
Because I am obsessed we're gonna go through this shit.
When Violet Golddrop is born, it's in the middle of a raging snow strom, the coldest day to date. Bittercold weather, stiniging ice, frozen limbs, all an omen to what her life will be like; cold, dark, painful and lonley. Did she deserve it? Of course not, but her destiny could not be changed, yet.
2. Violet Golddrop dies on the day of Winter Solistice, a day symbolising death, rebirth and new beginnings. Her old life came to a bitter end, but new times are looming ahead. What they might bring with them is yet to be determined. Her death during this specific day stands for how she leaves one realms to enter a new one, achiving a kind of balance between her lives
3. Esmeray Amoril Van Leonidas is born on the 18th May, around the end of spring. In that part of the queendom, the end of spring is still very mild, kind of cold still, but not biting and aggressive like the winters. There's a certain softness to that time, when all living beings wake up after their deep slumber, rejoiced to have survived the harsh winter. Such is the fate of Esme, who survived 13 long and cold years where frost and bitterness were her only companions. It's still not clear what her fate will be, how she will become, what she will achieve, but for now, enjoying the fact that she survived is enough.
4. Esmeray meets Luciel during a mild summer day, one where the breeze is strong, clouds hang in the air and the sun doesn't let itself show. The summer is symbolic for both of their youth and innocence, the heavy skies and abscence of the sun clear for the hardships they went through and the ones yet to come.
5. Esmeray, Luciel and Hyacinth meet during fall, symbolic for the plentiful 'harvest' (aka their potential bond). Esmeray at this point works hard to change the fate of her family, and finding the original main character is the first fruit of her labor. However, taking him in means rewriting fate and changing what was set to be. Decay and death are yet to come
6. Esmeray's 3 major character development scenes in each book happen during the winter, starting with harsh winter storms and raging winds, to delicate flakes and cutting wind that stands for her emotional state, and lastly an out of character mild winter, quiet landscape and soft yet reassuring wind
7. The coronation as the new demon queen happens during spring equinox, the time of renewal and rebirth; she enters a new era of her life, a new chapter after she leaves behind her old life as Esmeray the half demon heiress and takes seat as the demon queen. New things await her, and with this symbolic day a new regime awaits both the demonic realm and the human realm
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minimewtreasures · 10 months
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Artisans: ThunderVoice Hat Co.
Instagram: Thunder Voice Hat Co.
Shop: TVHC | Thunder Voice Hat Co.
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Nay mình thi môn DLNN, làm bài cũng tạm, phần tự luận tương đối khó.
Tuần sau T5 mình thi tiếng, T6 mình thi PLDC giữa kì, thứ 2+3 tuần sau thi liên tiếp HNH và TVHC. Mình không thể đi chơi cùng HCH, cũng khá là đáng tiếc (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
Bây giờ mình đang làm trắc nhiệm KTCT, ôn trước được phần nào hay phần đó, dù sao mình cũng phải thi rất nhiều môn trong kì 2 này .
Cố lên nhé mình oi
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ohmyomalley · 6 years
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stills of Alex Turner from the Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino pop-up shop film
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furubaish · 5 years
so one time i signed up for an anonymous book mail thing, and i was so excited to get my books right because omg cool?! well i got two books through that program and they were both gems
the first one was a raunchy romance novel, the cover depicting a barely clothed woman draped over a hunky male specimen.
the other one was....
the very hungry caterpillar.
i think about that sometimes. how excited i was to get that package in the mail and open it and find that caterpillar grinning up at me.
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amarithecat · 2 years
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Another TVHC themed design and Ultimate Spiderman fanart.
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gravenedvi1987-blog · 7 years
usb 3.0 драйвер для windows 7 32 hp
usb 3.0 драйвер для windows 7 32 hp
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Добрый день, у меня Телевизор Samsung UE95ES6767UXUA, подключаю жесткий диск Трансенд на 6 ТБ, диск находится, но когда открывается список папок ужасно тормозит. Пользуюсь 6 месяцев и ранее такого не было. В чем может быть проблема? ## Блоки питания для ноутбуков - купить, сравнить цены и Проверьте, возможно, ваш ТВ поддерживает формат FAT87 и не поддерживает NTFS, а ваш диск как раз в этом формате может быть ### Настройка онлайн кассы Да, но в моём случае через этот единственный USB кабель осуществляется не только обмен файлами, но и питание моего диска с USB моего TV, а диск потребляет 5Вт (паспортные данные). Как можно решить эту проблему чтобы не перегружать USB порт в телевизоре? #### PCI-контроллер Simple Communications драйвер by Здравствуйте! У меня был жесткий диск Seagate 7 Tb и он отлично работал в домашнем кинотеатре (Yamaha blue-ray). Купили новый диск Samsung 8TB и он не отображается. Диск работает в телевизоре (Samsung) и компьютере. Как подключить его к blue-ray? Или они могут быть по какой то причине несовместимы? Здравствуйте. С этим вопросом обратитесь в службу поддержки производителя, возможно, требуется настройка телевизора или внешний накопитель имеет неверный формат. http:///support/ru/contacts/tvhc Теперь просто нажмите кнопку Upload в программе &ndash среде разработки. Подождите несколько секунд &ndash вы увидите мигание светодиодов RX и TX на плате. В случае успешной загрузки в строке состояния появится сообщение Done uploading (Загрузка выполнена). (Замечание. Если у вас Arduino Mini, NG или другая плата, вам необходимо физически кнопкой подать команду reset непосредственно перед нажатием кнопки Upload ). Система ругается на 69й драйвер (стоит Win ). Пишет, что 676 Наиболее подходящий драйвер для данного устройства уже установлен 687 . Если указыавть драйвер принудительно (через Выбрать драйвер из списка), тогда пишет 676 В указаной папке не найдено драйверов, совместимых с данным устройством. 687 . У меня флешка Transcend JF785 69GB. Есть идеи по этому поводу? Спасибо. Всем добрый вечер. Столкнулся с проблемой на Transcend 555gb. После очередного извлечения из тв девайс перестал запускаться на пк. В диспетчере устройств он виден как StoreJet Transcend USB Device, но как диск не определяется в 676 моем компьютере 687 . Безопасное извлечение только можно сделать, там он тоже называется как StoreJet Transcend. Диску лет 5, первый раз проблема и такая вот буду рад помощи. Следующий этап – идентификация кода устройства нашей флешки. Для этого в свойствах диска на вкладке Details в параметре Device Instance Path выберите и скопируйте  ( Ctrl+C ) код экземпляра устройства. Есть два жёстких диска Transcend 6 TB USB заполнен на 75% другой на 85%.При подключении к ноутбуку через USB HUB с работают оба при отключении и использовании USB HUB в качес��ве удлинителя,работает только диск который заполнен на 85%,а на 75% машина не подключаю по одному так как HUB используется как HUB подключён к порту подключении диска заполненного на 75% напрямую к порту ноутбука диск нормально работает,причём и через ли количество информации на диске на потребление им питания?Или проблемма в самом диске?Диск же заполненный на 85% работает по любому.
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leeny-leens · 2 years
Okay very quick deep dive into some of my fav themes in TVHC volume 1:
-Past vs. Present
-Choices vs. Deadends
-Friendship and hardships
-allies and betrayel
-self discovery and self expression
Ill explain this tmr bcs I'm literally on the brink of falling asleep lads
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wilderpoppies · 10 years
Head Canon
As a teenager, Poppy had a difficult time controlling certain visuals when angry. Luckily for her, mortals are easy to convince that they didn't see what they thought they saw.
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar
When i was a tiny fat caterpillar kid, i loved that book. Actually i still have it, the book isn't intact as you can imagine, but it has an totally invaluable added value because of all my stunning artworks inside.
This book really marked my life, 20 years later i still love food and cooking. Sometimes, some nights, i wake up in the middle of the night, hoping i finally became a butterfly, but nothing happens. Okay that's not true,...it's just part of my imagination...
Just for you to know, this blog is going to be my "food and cooking diary" or something like that... I hope you enjoy, copy, share whatever you find on my site. If you have some tasty recipes please, be good and share them with The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Got to go, the oven is waiting!
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leeny-leens · 2 years
The only way I can describe the YacinEsmeLuc dynamic is like,,, Yacin being the oldest of the three and having no idea how socializing works and thus he leaves that to the other 2 while he intimidates anyone who comes near them
Esme being the youngest who's very reckless in the name of collective good and extremely good at manipulating and talking to people, she's basically the front and brain of the group
Luciel, the second oldest, is the quiet sarcastic asshole who loves his dumbass friends (some more than others 😳😳) but he'd never admit that ofc. His personality is very deceiving bcs just like Esme he's impulsive and reckless but only under certain circumstances. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty and lacks a clear moral compass (which Esme and Yacin make up for) and thus he's the one executing the darker aspects of Esme's plans
I love them so much and I will be going onto their relationship and dynamic in detail some other time but for now have these crumbs
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leeny-leens · 2 years
Excuse me as I go scream into the void about Hyacinth and Nyx getting a second chance to properly know eachother without tragedies because Esmeray will be damned if he doesn't get a happy end
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leeny-leens · 2 years
My top 5 ships from TVHC
(I'm aware that I'm the one writing this let me have this)
Number 5:
Yacins parents have a great love story tbh, the whole "idc what anyone says as long as we're together" vibes we're a bit too strong but I love them nonetheless
Number 4:
Queen Thalia and Lirio??? They deserved so much Better???? I had Thalia with all Mt heart but holy shit she was so happy with Lirio?? I mean he was technically the side chick but like Leonhard never loved Thalia and both had lovers, Lirio could have simply lived his life as a concubine in the palace smh. Worst of all is that he could have helped change Thalia's destiny if only it weren't for certain complications
Number 3:
Losna and Lucides are W parents but also W people in general?? They're very much in love your honor they would literally go to war for eachother I stan a loving husband who supports his soft yet badass wife with everything he's got
Number 2:
Omg everyone shut up Nyx and Yacin are so cute???? They deserved a Hella lot better and now they finally have the chance and it's the pure unbridles joy of experiencing love for the first time on both sides for me 😭😭 but also love the way Esme is the captain of this ship and would do anything in order to make it sail, including make up a whole fake scheme to make them work together. We also stan a supportive bf who uplifts his gf and helps her find what she wants to do in life and I return a gf who tries to help her bf learn how to communicate more openly without being ashamed of his feelings bcs yes they make eachother better
Number 1:
Look me in the eye and tell me Luciel and Esme aren't just the best couple out there. "I can fix him" "I can change her" what about accepting eachothers flaws and turning said flaws into the deadliest weapons??? Making eachother worse??? Supporting your lover while they plot to take over the world???? That's my type of shit- they're a villain couple in a way although they aren't really villains but oh well
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