#TPoH Commentary
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mousathe14 · 2 years ago
So, I don’t know what the significance of it is but I know that it is important that Hero of The Property of Hate is turning into a cartoon character.
They gave up a finger so now they only have 3 fingers on each hand. They had to be recently… restructured. Their hands are now big white gloves, their nose is now a completely separate shape and color. They were all rubber hose when they came out of the lake where they saved Melody and Julienne.
I know what’s happening I just don’t know what it means.
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
Okay, so I’m not sure how many people have noticed, but I myself have only just noticed, this past chapter is not the first. . . time that we have heard from Time. Remember these:
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This makes me wonder about perspective and all that. We have all just seen (at the start of the 20th chapter), how much Time can manipulate things. Is most of this story in his perspective? He is mainly focused on the main story, but he will occasionally check in on other characters to see how they’re doing. Does this also mean that he has more power than Hate? She can see the story as if she’s behind it, but she can’t tell what characters are saying. She also can’t see through darkness. But it seems that Time can if he was able to switch perspectives from jeebs on trial in the market to the Idea, TOby, and the chair. Seeing as he is not with Hate, is this why she wants him back so much? He can do more than She can on her own. These two together can make quite a duo. I am also wondering if Hate knows where Time is, or of his impact on the story? If She does, then I’m wondering why She hasn’t gotten Dial or Click or someone to bring him back? I also notice some fitting contrast to these two. Hate, while not showing a physical appearance, resides in a white background. Her own realm. Time resides in his own world, one that for the moment looks darker than Hate’s. His speech blocks are also black. They seem like opposites that can come together to make a powerful force. 
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tpohzine · 5 years ago
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Preorders will last from Sept 17, 2019 to Oct 17, 2019 with two tiers available: the First Release version which has the 30 illustrations collection for $10 USD, and the Director’s Cut version which has the illustrations as well as artist sketches and select TPoH page sketches along with commentary from Sarah Jolley, available at $15 USD. You will not be charged (credit card or paypal) until the day the books are released on Oct 17, 2019, 9 AM (PST). Click this paragraph to order your books now!
After the preorder, I’ll be collecting the proceeds and matching it up to $300 USD. It will then go towards the Ehler-Danlos Society charity to contribute towards the charity’s research, management and care to those with EDS. If you wish to donate without having to go through the zine - you can do so here.
And finally, give a warm thanks to those who contributed to the zine - without them, this book couldn’t exist:
Alanide | Doorstop Lord | Corn Mayor | J Alice | Jozy | Averice| FireflySummers | Twhimsii | Alice Tirard | Robb Pickering | vfordii | Cosette | Francesca Ross | Phoebe Lewis | emzurl | Leah Mulholland | Nat | LonelyDragoness | RamonesFan | clownrenown | glowbat | Ikolit | Rainboopz | DreamOfSerenity | Chipper | flugmunk| Theholeyness | PineappleSquash | FairyArmour | Florence Bones  | Modmad | Potentialforart | Joey Granger
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pestiwit · 5 years ago
Hi, I must say I really like your takes and theories on the events that are happening within TPoH
Aw thank you! :) I do my best to provide interesting and also really quick commentary on all new pages. Glad to hear you like my theories!
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ky-the-squiddy · 8 years ago
Things I discovered when re-reading TPoH for the umpteenth time
Plus a whole bunch of questions we don’t have answers to
Chapter 1: The Hook
| Next Chapter
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RGB seems very happy to have found a new hero (despite Hero not having said yes yet), does this paired with what he says on page 37 mean that it’s difficult to find the right sort of candidate? A child alone shouldn’t be that difficult to hunt down (and there’s also the thing where it’s never stated that the hero must be a child), so what actually makes a Hero? What qualities are needed, and how does RGB tell that someone has them? And what’s so difficult about finding a hero that’d make him so glad he’s found a potential candidate?
Also that’s a lot of blue there, RGB, sad already about the fact that you’re kidnapping a kid?
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RGB’s cane falls out of literally nowhere. How. Why. Jeebs, are you really so extra that you hung your cane on a cloud?
Also that brings up a good question on how the hell he managed to turn the smoke into a staircase, especially as that doesn’t seem to be a power we’ve seen him use at any other time. Was it just the power of Narrative? Or Imagination, or something similar? Also, RGB, why are you so damn extra?
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Please note that he never actually said ‘no’
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That’s a lot of negative emotions (fear, sadness, anger) over just introducing yourself, Jeebs... anger especially. I realise some of the drips might just be part of an artistic choice, but Mod has known what she’s been doing from the beginning colour-wise, and that is a lot of red. Did RGB really pick his name himself? Or did he have something previously that would bring back bad memories?
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Hero is the most adorable thing ever and also does a wonderful TOby impression
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Trees (and likely plants in general) do not cast shadows. However, it is possible to cast a shadow on a tree, as can be seen a little later on in page 18 with RGB’s shadow getting warped by the tree roots. Sadly, that damn butterfly is all too solid. However, this does give me hope that someone with a flyswatter might come along and solve a lot of problems. Especially as...
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...it seems to sap the life from whatever Stuff it touches. Or it certainly takes something from things that leave them less than they were before. This makes me very, very scared for Hero, especially considering what happens just before chapter 10. What is this bug and what does it want? And what plans does it have for our protagonist?
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mousathe14 · 2 years ago
I have read all three volumes of The Property of Hate and caught up with it online and I yearn for more.
What a fascinating and beautiful thing that I lost track of long ago and am happy to have returned to.
It’s gonna be interesting to see what happens next however I have a slight fear that even more tragedy may next be in store for the land of make believe.
Wonder what TOby and the Ferryman are up to these days.
Anyhow, no point dwelling now. Gonna move on to Giant Days.
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
TPoH Commentary of the week: Chapter 20, Cut To, page 375- It seems like we’ll be traveling through RGB’s memories for a while. I find this intriguing. 
Rather than an actual dream, he’s reliving memories (not just about his demise). It’s hard to tell if this is a reaction to Hero’s dreams, or if this is what he usually dreams about. Seeing as Hero has just started to dream, I hope this memory doesn’t turn into a nightmare. This update proved to be very heart wrenching, seeing as a mother had lost her life and had to leave her child. RGB, while always wanting to project himself as a jerk, was very understanding of this child. He felt such sadness. It would also seem that he recruited this elephant to be a hero. This opens up so many new questions. Can an animal be a hero? I say this lil baby was brave staying there, but that doesn’t mean they have the credentials to be a hero. This only really served as a way for RGB to save them. They wouldn’t have lasted long by themselves. I’ve already seen multiple posts that have had people guessing this was Assok in their previous life, and I say I can see it. Can this baby understand him though? This child needed someone to cling to in the moment, so as not to be alone, and RGB happened to be there. Now for some criticism: I cannot even believe RGB recruited an elephant. I thought it was bad that he recruited an 8 year old child, but now we know he recruited a baby elephant. A BABY ELEPHANT. I think this was more out of pity, but it didn’t really help, did it? Left there, that child probably would have died, but in the world of make believe, they would also die. I guess though that this was a better way, because RGB could look over them, but we know that he left them behind and moved on. Doesn’t that break some hearts? Speaking of this, I wonder how RGB feels? He must have so much regret within himself. He’s killed so many, from family, to young men, to baby animals. I wonder how RGB has the will to continue? While we can see the moments where jeebs has been really cruel and cold, in moments such as these we get to see that he’s still human. He is capable of compassion. Moving on, his quotes. I find it funny that he had said there were no heroes there, only monsters. Yes he could have been just talking about himself, but maybe he was talking about those poachers as well. Maybe he was comparing himself to these people? I think that’s a wrong term to use. He is not the same as the people who murdered that mama elephant. They did it to make money. He could be calling himself a monster because of all the people he’s killed, but there is an important reason. There is an important cause to his mission. Next, when he was talking to the mother. I saw a post by @staticjuice, where they were comparing something Assok had said in POV in RGB’s voice: I’m so sorry. This can be looked at as proof that this is assok. They heard that and they used it. It’s funny to see something from different perspectives. Final thoughts- I wonder if we’ll be seeing any other hero origin story? If this is in fact Assok, maybe he’s reliving former grief. Maybe we’ll be seeing someone like Dial? Or Click? I can’t wait to see what’s next.
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
Well, it seems like for the moment, The Property of Hate is on hiatus. I say that is perfectly fine because Mod’s health is more important than a comic. What I am curious about though is what the audience will see when the comic resumes updates? The new chapter is called “Cut to-.” Could this chapter mainly be about the former heroes? Now true, I really want to see RGB waking up at the House of Paint and majorly flipping his shit because of all the stuff that happened while he was unconscious, but at the same time, I’d really like to see this whole chapter be about the other characters. What could be the possibilities? The idea making it to the market? Dial finding Click and shooting the breeze with Tinker and Tailor? Or maybe Assok getting their new outfit? Maybe even TOby reaching some sort of bottom to Endless Deep? There could also be a possibility of seeing plot relevant things that RGB and Hero may encounter in their future. True, all speculation, but just food for thought. This hiatus can be looked at as a possibility for making more theories or fanart in terms of what could happen next. 
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
TPoH commentary of the week- Page 353, Dolly Zoom: Okay, so to just say it: NEGATIVE RGB IS BACK, HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME. *Ahem. Anyways,
 this update has shown the fandom that negative has more power than we all thought. A cool thought that is now brought up are the implications. We all remember that previous conversation between RGB and Hero: “Is anything stronger than the trees?” to which RGB replies, “Nothing.” We know that Nothing is in fact a thing. What we have just seen right now is negative repelling Nothing by using one of his flowers. Does this mean that negative is stronger than Nothing? And by extent, is negative stronger than the trees? So it would seem that RGB technically really is the very worst monster. This is actually very hilarious, because he just gave himself that title to sound cool. It is actually very fitting for him. Now a theory. This is in fact a long-shot, and just thought of on the spur of the moment. This will also most likely be debunked come next update, so at this point it’s wishful thinking: What if there’s a chance that negative could bring that forest back? Now let’s first look at the differences of RGB and his alter ego. RGB is polychromatic, he’s very lively, and he lets his words get him out of bad situations. He’s also a coward who runs away. At the same time there is a grimness about him. There is a trail of death behind him. He has doomed a heck of a lot of people and if something were to happen to this child, he’d do it again(unfortunately). Now negative. From every indication he’s the exact opposite of RGB. He’s monochromatic, silent, and he’d let his actions do the talking rather than words. In a fight he’d rather stand his ground than run away. If RGB has a trail of death behind him, does this mean that negative could have a trail of life? I mean, in a sense he does create life by way of those flowers. We all also don’t know what negative really acts like. He never sticks around long enough. We don’t even know if he’d harm Hero if given the opportunity(but it seems like he’s saving her right now, so...). So I really do hope that negative could restore that place, but I guess it doesn’t seem likely.   
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
Okay, so I missed some TPoH hype today ‘cause of work, but it’s still mind-blowing that NEGATIVE RGB HAS COME BACK!!!! I am so excited to see what happens next. It seems obvious that negative will come to Hero and RGB’s rescue, but I still have my doubts. In every depiction I’ve seen of him, even from Modmad herself, he is portrayed as a scary killer that could easily rip your arms off(he has also been portrayed as being a protective dad to Hero, but that’s wishful thinking right now). I hope that after this event RGB and Hero will be okay. Flashing forward to after this catastrophe and when these two are safe, I  wonder what RGB’s initial thought will be. The previous time he went negative, the last thing he remembered was being hit by the Grief. Will the last thing he’ll remember now is being swallowed up by Nothing? Maybe he’ll actually ask Hero about this. Speaking of Hero, I wonder how her relationship with RGB will be altered? She doesn’t trust him initially because of negative. Is she going to be even more wary, or will she put more trust in him? I really hope for the latter in this situation. I’ve loved how their relationship has been growing. At the beginning of this adventure they were just being jerks to each other. Now they will risk both their lives to save the other! Last note: I just think it surreal that the past few misfortunes they have had have only comprised a day. Let’s look at RGB. In one day he has had two bad dreams, run for his life on three different occasions, gotten shot and nearly killed, banished from the only safe place in that world, seen a once beautiful place wiped out, and got swallowed by Nothing. Hero has lost two fingers, run for her life as well, was having a major identity freak-out, jumped into a storm to save her friend, and now she’s running into a person she would’ve been happy to never see again. These two have had one hell of a day.  
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
TPoH commentary of the week: Dolly Zoom, page 345- Well, it seems as though another brilliantly improvised plan of RGB’s has failed. I pity 
him. Both his and Hero’s face in this update was absolutely priceless though. The pure “oh shit” look was very funny. It would seem like RGB has also lost his hat. I hope he’ll be able to retrieve it, for it completes his whole look. The most important scene of this update, however, was what RGB was doing in the last panel. It seems that he’s going to fling Hero towards, or over the fence. This makes me very proud of RGB. We all know that he is a coward. Cowards run away and do what they can to make sure they live to see the next sunrise. But he is about to do a very selfless act by saving Hero. Now in the beginning of this comic, whenever he saved Hero he was very rude about it. He made it clear it was just because he didn’t want to have to start over with a new Hero. That could be the case right now. It wouldn’t seem logical though for this “very worst monster” to save the Hero and have her be by herself with no guide to save the world. If he was truly selfish he could just have her die alongside himself. He’s not doing that though. He’s saying right now that he’d rather die knowing Hero was ‘safe’ than die knowing that he killed this child. Now of course we all don’t definitely know what will happen in next week’s update, but we can all make a darn good guess. Now assuming it does play out that Hero is safe and RGB is “killed”, we know this thing isn’t going to disintegrate him(he a star of this story). This does imply though that negative will make another appearance in the next few updates. Hopefully with his violent tendencies he doesn’t try to kill whatever the heck that is(he’s strong, but not that strong). Assuming both he and Hero make it over the fence, he’d still be negative. Now if he passes out, everything is fine and they have both made it to Elastic Valley. However, I think negative will be conscious for a bit of time while they’d be on the other side of the fence.This is very worrisome for Hero. Last note: Dial. It seems like he’ll be combing the dessert in the future. His problem though is that one, the passageway that led there is nonexistent. Two, there’s that train. And three, whatever the heck that thing is. All the former heroes have been starting to disappear/change in some way. I have a bad feeling about what might happen to Dial. 
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
TPoH Commentary of the week- Dolly Zoom, page 349: It would seem like Hero is embracing her role of ‘Hero’ and is jumping into the storm, hoping to rescue RGB. Now
 while I think that is very sweet, I don’t think she was applying much thought into this decision. I will say that it is sweet that she’s trying to save him, regardless of the fact that he kidnapped her, ‘killed’ her, and terrified her with his negative form. After viewing some of the older pages in this comic, it’s very warming to see how their relationship has progressed. Primarily, Hero was blindly following this wretched monster into the unknown. It then shifted to Hero getting angry with RGB and both of them fighting with each other(probably to the delight of that butterfly). Eventually leading to a segment of the story where RGB is belittled by everyone, but starting to show a softer side of himself. Now to current, these two both have more respect for each other, RGB wanting to protect this child, even at the cost of his life, while Hero wants to do the same for him. Now no one seems to know what is going to happen come next update, but hopefully it’s nothing too gruesome. A thought that had just occurred to me is that Hero will be somewhat protected in this storm. Everyone knows that the wooden clogs are meant to protect her from the sands of Regret, but let’s also remember the new amour that she is wearing. Now it may just only protect her from Griefs and Doubts, as Miss Cell had said, but I want to believe that the clothes will also protect her from the violent storm that she is jumping into. A main topic of concern though: what has happened to RGB? He was swallowed by that storm after flinging Hero to safety. No one knows what’s happening to him. All anyone can do is wait to see the state he is in come the next few updates. Another note to add: its been approximately a month since anyone has seen Jeebs. I gotta say it feels weird. It feels like he’s in a sort of limbo, seeing as he disappeared in that storm, and nobody knows what’s happening to him. . .I do hope he is alright. This also seems to be the opportune time to catch sighting of his alter-ego. Maybe negative will be protection for RGB, possibly being able to repel the effects of that storm. However, Hero doesn’t have the type of protection that RGB might have. That is why I am assuming that Hero is going to find negative RGB in the storm, and he is going to try and save her. 
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
TPoH Commentary of the week- Page 359, Inbetweens: It seems like things are heading in a good direction. Unfortunately, 
negative is gone, but we all know for sure that he will return some day. RGB is also going to be sporting pan colors, which I am excited to see. A problem right now for Hero is the distance to the top of the picket fence. It would seem that Nothing did a good job of wiping away some of that sand. Now Hero could just walk one way until she finds a hill where she could easily scale the fence, but there’d be no way to bring RGB with her while he’s unconscious. Speaking of Hero, I am very concerned for her. I’ m assuming RGB will not have been affected by that storm (his colors look as vibrant as ever), but Hero has been. Sleep will probably heal her, but right now she has lost a lot of color, and her speech has also been affected. Moving along is the primary point of this week’s commentary: that golden bar. I think we can all make a good assumption about what it is. It seems to be a door. Now where have we seen this before? In the very first chapter, the door Hero went through that led her to the world of Make-Believe. Now I can see why it would be there of all places. That place was once a forest, and the first door we all saw opened up into a sort of forest. What does this mean though? Where does this door lead? Could it lead Hero back home? Maybe. RGB does have a key in his coat pocket. If Hero remembers, she could try and see where the door leads to. This door could lead her home, but I’m thinking it could be a trap, conjured up by that Butterfly. By every single indication, this is the heroes journey. We’ve all witnessed a hero in her normal world, the call to adventure, leaving her world, a mentor, and hardships/temptations. This would seem to be another temptation thrown at her. She does want to go home, but she also technically accepted the title of a hero. Will she decide to leave this world and ditch her adventure (as true heroes don’t do), or will she continue on? Now I believe 100% that Hero will refuse, but let’s just imagine for a second what would happen if she did. RGB would find her gone, and he’d realize her decision. He’d most likely be heartbroken, and he’d start over again, while at the same time hardening his heart and distancing himself even more than what he’s done already. Now I am pretty sure this is a scheme cooked up by that damn butterfly. From the get-go it’ s been trying to dissuade Hero from trusting RGB. This could be it’s chance to really try and mess with Hero and RGB. Who knows what will happen next week. I’m very excited to see what will happen!
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
For RGB's sake, I hope his plan works out. I have my concerns though. For starters, there's the chance this plan won't work and he might just kill himself. If it does work, there might be a chance that the train will notice and come after them. If it somehow doesn't, there is the problem of them not knowing where they are. They previously had the ocean at their backs to tell them their direction. Now for all they know that train could've taken them way off course! Finally, RGB's attitude is worrisome. Whenever faced with a topic he doesn't want to discuss, he waves it off and changes the subject. Hero still seems to be concerned, however. I hope she learns to interpret RGB's positivity as being unsettled. I also hope despite what is about to happen, that Hero pursues RGB on his wellbeing.
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sweet-peridork · 6 years ago
TPoH Commentary of the Week: Page 356, Inbetweens- Well, it seems like negative has once again receded into the shadows. So long monster. Hopefully it’s not too long a time before we see him next. However, 
we still don’t know if he’d be nice to Hero, so I guess for Hero’s sake it’s a good thing he’s gone. It also appears that Hero made the connection between how negative came back: water. She had also wanted to prove her theory but backed out of trying. It’s nice to see that she was trying in a sense to face her fears. An interesting observation is that the glass flower still exists. This is very unusual, seeing as the first time negative went away the flowers exploded. Maybe it’ s because of the sudden disappearance of negative the flower just didn’t explode. It seems though that come next update, either a portion of the flower, or the whole thing, will shatter. Hero was easily able to break it just by leaning on it. I have to wonder at this point if RGB will be able to see what he had done. Now true he was unconscious as that whole fiasco took place so his memory may be a bit foggy, but he’ll still be there in the desert when he wakes up. Now Hero could try to pull him to Elastic Valley, but it does not seem likely for multiple reasons. Reason one, she’d have to drag him a distance across the sand and she probably remembers that it serves as an eraser, and reason two is that she would not be able to get RGB over the fence. He has to wake up and get himself over. Seeing as he’d have to stay where he is, he’ d wake up to golden stems in his vicinity. He was not able to see the previous ones from the first time he went negative, but now he will, and he’ll probably ask Hero how they came to be. These stems will also probably be a permanent fixture in the desert of Regret. If we all recall, in the plains of Hesitation, the Idea was not able to devour those stems, implying that they are made out of extremely powerful stuff. At this point if an Idea couldn’t budge them, I don’t think that sand will. This also leads me to imagine if Dial finds them. Now who knows if he will. That path is now nonexistent in the market, and even if Dial could get to the desert, he’d still have to deal with Nothing and possibly that train. I just wonder what Dial’s reaction would be. A strange force of nature that can withstand the effects of an erasing desert, and that happens to be located right where his cousin was traveling. Now I suppose Hate has already seen these flowers. Back when we saw a break from RGB’s trial, we saw the idea, implying that Hate saw those indestructible gold stems. Moving on to another observation, it seems RGB was talking in his sleep. Now what we all saw could have easily been just a thought bubble, so we understand what’s playing through RGB’s head, but it seems very likely that he was mumbling in his sleep. It showed a speech bubble, and the different coloration could just signify the lack of consciousness as well as the environment RGB is experiencing right now. He is once again playing through gruesome demises, all the while commenting how they are not how he died. I am wondering if we’ll get to see what is being played out in his mind, seeing as last time he was faced with an iron, and when he was on the train, he was experiencing maybe a flashback sequence of some sort (if he was in fact human before this). If this was in fact actual spoken words from RGB, I wonder what Hero thinks? Will she ask him what he meant when he regains consciousness? Or will this be another question that will take a while to be answered? Last comment is that I’ m wondering how mad RGB and Hero will be at each other when he wakes up. RGB will be mad at Hero for jumping into Nothing and almost killing herself, and Hero will be mad at RGB for not trying to save himself. 
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sweet-peridork · 7 years ago
TPoH commentary of the week: Well, I am now very scared for RGB and Hero. Let’s hope that the train wears down before it nails them. But at the same time, I *almost* wish it gets RGB. I sort of can’t wait to see negative again. Although, even though negative is pretty powerful, I don’t think he can take on a train. Alternatively, in the case of the train, if the train is trying to run them over, maybe it’s  a trap set up by Hate? Maybe she’s running an experiment to find the cause of the black-outs? Also, how did that fall feel for RGB? Like getting dragged across sand-paper? Or a smooth eraser? And uh, can RGB fix his back? His sketch is showing a bit.
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