fraternum-momentum · 1 year
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We out here drooling.
Reminds me when I slept on plumbing tools and metal pipes with a blanket on top
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I DREW US AS THE TWO MIMIR BEAR AND BUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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andvys · 1 year
My lover E.M.
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Warnings: hurt/comfort, reader has low self esteem and feels bad about her body, mentions of unrequited love, reader feels unlovable, happy ending
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader
Summary: When you struggle to believe that anyone could ever love you, Eddie is there to prove you wrong.
Word count: 2.7k+
@aftermidnightwriting , I hope you will like this one and I hope that it'll cheer you up a little
stranger things masterlist
You always struggled with the thought of falling in love, mostly because you struggled to believe that someone could fall in love with you and stay in love. So many fears followed you, so many anxious thoughts, so many what if’s. 
Your self esteem was always low, there have always been things that you didn’t like about yourself, things that you would criticize yourself for. Whether it’s your looks or your personality, there was always something you didn’t like. 
If it wasn’t your face then it was your body, if it wasn’t your body, it was your hair and if it wasn’t that it would be the clothes that you wear and if for once you felt good about your looks, you would just simply hate yourself. 
You always asked yourself, if you can’t love yourself, who else could love you?
You would always compare yourself to the girls around you, to your friends or the pretty girls from the cheer squad that made everything look so effortless. When you saw them, you just felt more insecure. 
And he hates it, he hates the way you see yourself, he hates the way you put yourself down, he hates the way you compare yourself to other girls, he hates the way you think you are so unlovable. You might not show it to him, you might not talk about the way you think and feel about yourself but he can see right through you. He can see the way you long for love, the way you long to be held and kissed when you watch those cute couples on TV, the way you watch old couples with a fond smile on your face which is always followed by a sad one. 
He tries. 
He wants to be the one to hold you and kiss you, to show you that you are so so lovable, to show you that you deserve everything good, to show you that you deserve to be happy and he tries, he really does but you won’t let him in, you won’t let him love you, you don’t allow him. 
But he won’t give up. 
Sitting on the blue picnic blanket in Steve’s backyard, you and Nancy are listening intently to Robin as she gushes about her date with one of the girls that used to be on the cheer squad when you were all still in school. 
A smile lingers on your face as you stare at your best friend. 
Robin’s cheeks are flushed red, she’s waving her hands around as she talks about her.
“–then we got milkshakes at Benny’s, totally cliche, one strawberry milkshake with two straws,” she giggles. 
Nancy cups her cheeks as she lays on her stomach, kicking her feet up as she urges Robin to keep going. 
“And then what?” You ask, clapping your hands together. 
Robin grins, shaking her head as she tries to hide her face behind her short hair, she looks down and bites her lip, “w-we kissed.” 
You and Nancy squeal in excitement, grabbing each other’s hands as you feel happiness rushing through you. 
“Oh stop it!” She says, playfully rolling your eyes. 
“Never,” you giggle, “what kind of a kiss was it? A cute one or a full on hot and rough kiss with tongue?”
Her eyes widen and her cheeks get even redder, “s-stop!” 
Nancy smirks, glancing at you, “why so red, Robin?” 
You continue teasing her, causing her to get more red but your teasing eventually comes to bite you in the ass. Robin smirks at something behind you, she looks back at you, her eyes flash with mischief. 
You furrow your brows, just as you’re about to turn around to see what she’s looking at, you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulders and a small bundle of freshly picked flowers are held in front of you. Your eyes widen and your heartbeat instantly picks up. 
“Hey, pretty girl.” 
You slowly raise your hand and wrap your hand around the flowers, touching his rough hand, you turn around as a smile appears on your face, you turn your head to look at him. 
“Hi,” you whisper. 
Eddie smiles at you, eyes flashing with something unreadable. 
“I saw these and thought of you,” he smiles, “daisies are your favorites, right?” 
Your heart flutters in your chest and your cheeks heat up, you blink as you stare at him in confusion. Why did he get you flowers?
“Y-Yes, I love them,” you say, bringing the flowers up to your nose, you smell them, “thank you, Eddie.” 
“My pleasure, sweetheart,” he smiles, looking down at the dress you’re wearing, he blushes a little, smile growing bigger, “you look so pretty today– you always look pretty but– fuck, you look beautiful,” he breathes as he stares at you in awe. 
You hear Nancy and Robin giggling behind you, it only makes you blush even more. Your heart starts racing as you stare at him. 
You like him, you like him a little too much. 
He looks pretty too– in fact, Eddie is the prettiest man you have ever seen. You love his brown eyes and the way they shine when he’s in the sun, you love his curls– Steve might have the best hair but Eddie has the prettiest hair. You love his smile and the way it always lights up your mood. 
“Thank you,” you breathe, unable to fight off the smile. 
“Hey Eddie! Come here, I gotta show you something!” Dustin yells after stepping out into the garden. 
Eddie closes his mouth just as he was about to say something to you.
“I’ll talk to you later, princess,” he winks at you before he turns around and rushes back, wrapping his arm around Dustin and ruffling his curls as he walks back inside with him. 
You sigh, trying to shake the feeling he left you with. You look down at the flowers with a small smile on your face before you turn around to face your friends, who are quietly staring at you with teasing smiles on their faces. 
“Shut up,” you mumble, rolling your eyes. 
“We didn’t even say anything,” Robin smirks to which Nancy nods her head. 
“You didn’t have to!” 
That wasn’t the first time that Eddie had done something sweet for you. He always does so much for you, getting you coffee or breakfast without you having to ask, surprising you with takeout after a long day at work, coming over unannounced with your favorite snacks and movies, getting you cute little presents. 
You don’t know why he is doing all of these things and you do wonder if he does them for his other friends too. 
He doesn’t. 
He only does these things for you. 
And you begin to notice it as more time passes. 
When you’re all at the movies, he brings you popcorn and your favorite drink– not for the others, just for you. 
When you’re at diners or bars, he orders for you, knowing how anxious you get when you have to order. 
When you’re all out together and halt in your tracks to tie your shoelaces, everyone keeps walking, everyone except for him– at one point, he even kneeled down in front of you to tie them for you. He left you a blushing mess and smirked at your flustered expression. 
Bringing you flowers every Sunday becomes a habit, though it’s always different ones, the daisies are always in the little bundle. 
He invites you over to his trailer more often and when you start staying over, he always has your favorite creamer in the fridge and your favorite cereal in the cupboard, he even bought you a mug that he saw you eying with a smile on your face when you passed by one of the stores at the mall. 
Eddie treats you like you’re his girl. 
And you love it, you love him. 
The realization struck you hard and it scares you so much that you almost have a panic attack when you lay on your bedroom floor and look up at the ceiling with a lovesick smile on your face as you think of him, one that quickly falls when you realize just how attached you had gotten to him, how hard you fell for him. 
Maybe it’s dramatic but when it all begins to sink in, your blood runs cold and tears well up in your eyes. You didn’t want this, you didn’t want to fall for anyone, let alone one of your closest friends that means the world to you. 
What if he doesn’t even feel the same? 
What if he will feel weird about your feelings for him? 
What if he only does all these things for you because you are his best friend? Because he wants to see you smile? 
What if this– your feelings, will ruin the friendship and the bond the two of you have? 
He doesn’t feel the same, he can’t, right? 
You started crying and you panicked, badly. 
A mix of emotions run through you, shock, sadness and anger. Why did he do this? Why did he make you fall for him? Why did he have to be so amazing? Why did he do all these things for you? 
Before you know it, you reach for your jacket, put on your shoes, grab your keys and leave the house. Without thinking things through, you make your way to his trailer, with tears streaming down your face. 
Yeah, maybe you are being dramatic but you are scared. 
It’s the middle of the night, 1am to be exact, there is a chance that he is sleeping already but you didn’t care when you made the decision to go see him, you have to confront him. 
By the time you make it there, your chest is rising up and down heavily, your cheeks are soaked with tears, your bottom lip is quivering. You knock on his door, once, twice. 
He doesn’t open at first, it takes him a moment but when the light eventually turns on and he opens the door, you can see that he was sleeping before you had disrupted him. 
He looks tired and pissed but when he sees you, his expression immediately softens, worry flashes in his eyes when he sees the tears on your face. 
“Sweetheart,” he whispers as he reaches for your hand but you step back and shake your head. 
His brows furrow and his eyes flash with hurt. 
“W-What’s wrong?” He asks as he steps out, trying to get closer to you. 
His hair is messy and his eyes look tired. 
“W-Why are you doing this?” You ask as more tears well up in your eyes. 
Confusion takes over his face and he shakes his head, “doing what?” 
“E-Everything! Y-You get me flowers, presents, you take care of me, call me pet names a-and take me out on w-what feels like dates!” You exclaim, blinking as though you try to control the tears that won’t stop falling, “y-you treat my like I’m yours!” 
As you continue to ramble, listing all the things that he had done for you. Eddie stares at you, taking in the fear in your eyes, the shakiness in your voice– you like it, you like that he takes care of you, that he cares for you but you are scared and worried. You have feelings for him– you have feelings for him.
Just like he has feelings for you. 
You have never been in love before, you were always too scared of him. You were scared to let someone in, to be vulnerable, to let someone love you, to let him love you. 
But, you are everything to him, you are everything good. You are the one that has always been by his side, the one that he could always count on, the one that was always there, the one that he always loved. 
But you weren’t ready and he was fine with that– he would wait for you forever. 
You are so beautiful, even with tears rolling down your cheeks and messy hair, you are still the prettiest girl to him. 
“Why do you keep doing this–”
Finally, Eddie steps forward and before you can move away, he cups your cheeks, “because I’m trying to prove to you that you are loved.” 
A small gasp fall from your lips and you look into the eyes of the man you love. He smiles a little, he wipes away your tears and steps even closer. 
“I know that you think that you are unlovable, that you are hard to love, that you’re not fucking perfect but sweetheart, that’s all such bullshit,” he says as he looks deeply into your eyes, “you are an angel, you are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on–”
“I’m not–”
He places his finger on your lips, shushing you, he gives you a stern look, “listen to me, princess.” 
Your eyes widen and your cheeks heat up but you nod. 
“You are everything to me. You have always been the one that accepted me for who I am, you have always supported me, you were always there for me, writing with me, helping me with campaigns and song texts and shit, baby, you are the sweetest fucking girl, you’re always so good to me, always taking care of me and being so goddamn perfect, I swear to Ozzy, you are the prettiest girl in the whole world, in the whole universe– shit, in all the other universes out there! You were crafted by gods yourself!” 
You can’t even help it anymore, a giggle falls from your lips and you shake your head at his words. Your heart is both racing and fluttering in your chest and you look at him with awe in your eyes. 
He smiles widely at the sound of your beautiful laugh, leaning down, he presses his lips to your cheek and he gives you a soft kiss. 
“I know you struggle to believe me but let me in, let me show you how loved you are,” he whispers. 
Your eyes soften as you look at him, you see nothing but the truth in his eyes. He tucks your hair behind your ear and leans in, kissing your tears away slowly, he makes your skin tingle, he makes you feel warm, he makes you feel loved and taken care of.
“I’m crazy about you, sweetheart,” he whispers. 
When he finally feels your hands on his waist and you tug him closer, happiness rushes through him, his heart flutters and he looks at you with a large smile on his face. 
“I-I’m crazy about you too,” you whisper shakily. 
“Yeah,” you nod. 
Even beneath the moonlight, you can see his cheeks glowing red, nervousness flickers in his eyes and he smiles sheepishly. 
“I love you, angel, I love you so fucking much.” 
“Really?” You whisper with big and hopeful eyes, a gasp falls from your lips. 
“Yes,” he smiles, “I love you,” he kisses your cheek, “I love you so much, I would do anything for you,” he kisses your other cheek. 
Your heart soars and so does his when you grab his cheeks and pull him down for a kiss. Your lips touch his for the very first time and he can’t help but smile when he feels what he always longed for, your love. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in deeper. Your lips move softly against each other. 
The kiss is slow, sweet and soft.
Eddie’s heart is fluttering and he can’t even fight the smile off. 
“I love you, Eddie,” you whisper against his lips. 
You love him. You love him the way he loves you. 
“You really do?” He whispers. 
“Yes,” you say, smiling at him as you continue to gaze into his eyes. 
“Are you finally gonna let me love you, princess?” 
You nod shyly and peck his lips once more, “yes.”
As he pulls you in for another kiss, he feels like the happiest man alive, the girl he always wanted is finally in his arms, letting him in. 
And he swears to himself that he will make you the happiest. 
When Eddie pulls you into his trailer, you notice the freshly picked Daisies in the vase, the one's he picked for you, the one's that he planned to give to you the way he does every Sunday morning when he brings you coffee and bagels.
As Eddie wraps you into his arms and kisses you sweetly, you know that you will be loved, that he will always be there to show you just how much you mean to him.
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ajortga · 9 months
the forgotten letter
pairing: tara carpenter x fem reader
a/n- ahh guys it's finally here! probably one of the longest word count story i've done with around 6k words, but yes! for the people who voted on my poll, i did both angst and happy ending<3. i hope you enjoy!
thank you for 100 followers, i guess this is a special!
You think you loved Tara for as long as you could remember.
Well, years later, you think you loved her ever since you laid eyes on her, if you knew what love meant.
It was like a click, a connection, the kind of love you didn't even know was real out of movies.
But it was, it all was when you met Tara.
You had met her in second grade, well, you could say a year after. How could you forget that every day, you were on the swings, and the only reason was to be able to see Tara eating at the same table with her lunch box without being caught staring. You always looked at the sky when she turned, sometimes you would make eye contact and she'd give you the sweetest smile that made you kick your feet and giggle till you fell asleep with a smile on your face two nights in a row.
You were always a shy soul when it came to making conversations with strangers, especially someone as beautiful as Tara, with her wavy, long hair that seemed to always be perfect. A little messy? You wouldn't dare to say that, one small messy hair is like realizing how it complimented the girl you thought was perfect enough. Her dark brown eyes seemed to have stars in them, you loved stars. 
The first time you made an interaction, it was the same procedure, lunch-time bell rings, your classmates squeal, you all run out, and you make your way to the second swing that was next to the lunch tables. Then you'd wait and wait, till you saw her, then you'd swing, even though you weren't very good, you only got a foot high at most times. 
Usually, when you would swing, your friends would be there, but when you told them about Tara, and how you said, "I think she's very very very pretty." They all laughed, saying "ewwwwww.." They kind of left you by yourself on the swings from then forward.
You were sad, but that didn't stop you from always looking at her. 
Tara noticed, you were staring at your feet, swinging lowly and she felt bad, she didn't like strangers, but she always saw you, it was like you were friends. So she abandoned her lunch box and walked over to you. 
"Hi.. Do you want me to help swing you? My sissy Sam taught me some ways so you could swing higher! I can push you if you want!"
You looked up at her mouth open as they quickly turned into a wide smile, Tara thought it was cute. 
"Yes please! I-I don't know how to swing very high.."
She giggled, shaking her head as she approached closer behind you, where the handles were, "I know, every day you are here and every time, I see you swing and swing! But your friends.. They aren't here. Are they absent?"
You shook your head, a little pout showing, "No.. They.." You didn't know what to say, and as much as you wanted to lie.. You couldn't to this girl that made you smile. "I come here and see you every day, and I always want to talk to you, but I feel weird and not comfy when I try talking to people I don't know very well. My mommy says it's called being shy. I think you are very pretty. My friends don't like when people say that. They say it's yucky. So now I'm a little lonely."
Tara looked surprised, but it quickly turned into a small smile, tilting her head, "You think I'm pretty?"
You nod your head up and down, "I think you are very pretty, I see these stars in your eyes that no one else has, I think it's cool."
She smiles, happily, "I think you're very pretty too! Wow! I never been called pretty! Thank you! Wow!"
You turn to her and give her a smile you never knew existed, it looked so happy, "Thank you!"
"My name is Tara by the way. Tara Carpenter!"
"I'm Y/N! Y/N Y/L/N! That name fits you.. Tara.. I don't think I'll remember that.." (That was a lie, you memorized it by the time you got home and asked your mom to write it on your notebook..) "I think I'll have to call you a shorter name.. Like.. Cheese!" 
She makes a small grimace, but it looked so cute, "Cheese? You're funny!"
You both giggled as you give her a cheeky grin, "I think we'll be really good friends."
"Me too," She says with a soft voice, pushing you on the swings, higher than  you could ever imagine. You could see the clouds and felt like you could touch them, but most of all, you could see her name in the sky. 
"Tara Carpenter," You whispered to yourself with a squeal as Tara pushed you higher.
- - 
In 6th grade, your parents had a big fight that made your eyes go wide, making you hide under your bed as you clawed at your ears, silently sobbing. Sure they fought and it could be bad, but this one was different, it was worse, screaming, crying, your walls shaking and random things being thrown. You found out that they got divorced.
Then at that night, you grabbed your phone and opened your window with tears in your eyes, going to Tara's house, running as fast as you could move.
You climbed up the ladder that Tara had shown you and crawled to her room on top of the house, knocking quietly on her window, sniffling.
A long moment later, you could see her shadow as she opened it, rubbing her eyes as she looked at you, "Y/N?"
Then, she looked up at your face, the only light was from her lamp and the moonlight, finally seeing your tear stained cheeks and crying eyes.
"You're crying," She says, concern flooding through her features as she pulled you inside and onto her bed. 
She sat next to you as you stared at her stuffed animal.
"Not too much.." You murmur, tears daring to fall down again.
Should you tell her something that has been going on for almost your whole life?..
"My parents fought today.. Oh Tara.. It was terrifying.. There was screaming, crying, I heard so many things being thrown and I tried everything.. It just w-wouldn't stop.. They.. I.. They..." You sniffle, your mouth opening to let out soft cries, she knew what happened, your mom and dad weren't together anymore.
Something in Tara broke, she couldn't see you cry. Seeing you cry made her eyes water, especially someone like you.
She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer, making you sob against her chest, rubbing circles behind your back, something she learned in the past. 
"It's all going to be okay. I'm here. I won't ever leave you."
Your lip trembles, looking up at her, "Do you really promise?"
She can see it in your eyes, fear. You don't want her to leave you. 
"I promise."
You nod against her chest, turning away from her so your back is facing her stomach as she hugs you.
A moment passes before you turn to her again, she could see something swimming underneath those eyes, uncertainty. 
"Do you really promise? Y-You're all I have."
Tara can feel her heart squeeze as she nods, nuzzling your nose. "I really promise."
You nod, "I trust you. I always trust you." You whisper, sniffling as you hug her, your nose buried against her chest as you cry, cries turning more muffled as she can sense your beginning to fall asleep. You never heard, but as you slept, she kissed your forehead quickly, whispering a small, "Love you."
- -
When Tara was 15, her parents divorced like yours, and both her dad and sister left her. She didn't know what she felt.
She was upset, she cried in her bed for months.. 
But then, she felt angry. Angry at her dad, her sister, at the world. 
It was a turn of events for her and it caused her to shut everyone out. Everyone. 
Including you.
She didn't want to take any anger out on you, she would never be angry you. But she always felt like if she talked to someone she cared deeply about, like you, she would snap.
But she never thought abandoning you would hurt you as much as she thought.
At first, it was when she saw you in the halls, and you saw her, but as soon as she met your eyes, she would turn a corner, seeing your waving hand fall limp to your sides. She felt bad. But it would get easier, and it did.. But she always felt that small feeling of guilt eating at her.
It happened multiple times, but you thought she just couldn't see you.
Then it was in the classes you shared when she wouldn't talk to you. 
You usually would talk to her, but whenever she wouldn't talk to you first, you would think she's busy.
But she never turned to you with a joke, a conversation, not even a glance when you saw.
You sat alone at lunch, you sat alone at dinner too, maybe be greeted with your dad if he was drinking.
No more good morning, goodnight, or any texts from Tara.
You tried approaching her, but every time you'd lock eyes, she'd give you this stare that made your gut twist and walk the other way.
You couldn't help but cry, you felt betrayed, everything was crumbling. You had lost the one person that you cared so so deeply about, the person you desperately wanted to be by your side for the rest of your life.
It was hard to get any sleep, because most of the time, you'd be staring at the ceiling, waiting for a goodnight text that would never come. The goodnight text that let you fall asleep as quickly as you shut your eyes.
And you thought that it was because of you, she didn't want to see you ever again. 
You cried, every single night till you passed out from exhaustion. 
Little did Tara know, that there was a letter on the side of your desk, the fresh ink marking it's words on the paper beginning to see the seasons change, beginning to grow as time went on.
The letter you were going to give Tara confessing your love.
The letter that you spent day and night on. 
The letter that was now untouched for months, left on the side of your desk.
The letter, filled with your words of adoration, never being able to experience a reaction, because you never gave to her.
You felt numb, you didn't know what to feel, but you felt abandoned, it hurt so much, it hurt harder than a piercing knife in the heart.
Tara noticed you began to avoid her, began to finally accept it.
You never truly accepted it, you would say you just lost hope, 3 years had passed so quickly.
In class, when she'd turn to you, you never turned back.
When she would sit at the spot you both sat at, she would see your shadow sitting on the chair, untouched and cold.
Sometimes she'd see you at the park, just sitting on a picnic towel and writing in your journal.
Under the tree you both would always sit,
Never having the guts to approach you.
She would say you seemed peaceful, but you weren't. Because whenever she saw your face, it's like your sweet persona was gone and faded, the vibrant colors you used to have was long gone.
Replaced with eyebags, tired eyes, and hair that was always covered by headphones or a hoodie.
Tara never knew why her leaving you left a big mark on your heart, you two were just friends. Right?
She tried to stop thinking about why, but she couldn't help it, you popped up in her head on nights she couldn't go to bed so easily.
- -
Tara was looking at the stars one night, just staring, the moonlight glistening on her cheeks.
She thought of you. She thought back to second grade, words that were ages ago. She could hear your tiny voice.
"I see these stars in your eyes that no one else has, I think it's cool."
She then realized she made a huge mistake, why didn't she think of it before?
Her leaving you was like you being abandoned again, she left you in the dark when she said she would never abandon you. But she left just like your parents.. She left just like how her parents did..
She promised that night you had ran to her. She promised that she would never leave you, and you weren't the person who trusted people often. 
But you trusted her. You knew that she wouldn't leave you.
You thought she wouldn't leave you.
She was the first person you thought of when you were afraid, because she was really all you had.
"Do you really promise? Y-You're all I have."
She remembers those words she said that night, her voice running around her mind, saying the words, "I promise."
She remembers you telling her your parents divorced, she remembers you telling her that when you were with your mom, she was never home, you never had a holiday to spend with your family. Most days alone, and when you met Tara, she always let you come for the holidays.
She was all you had, and you were faithful in what she told you. But she abandoned you, just like everybody in your life had did. She had did something she never wanted to be in the first place. She was so mad that she was left by her family, even when her mom was still with her, that she didn't realize that she did the one thing she wanted so badly not to be.
Abandoned, you were abandoned when she was all you had.
She knew she had to do what was right, she thought distancing herself would work. But it made you worse. She had to fix it.
- -
You were sitting at the park, same place, with your journal, your tote bag in the other, listening to god knows what. 
(You were listening to "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron..)
Tara was going to finally approach you.
Something in her gut told her something was wrong, something was going to be wrong. But she sighed, just brushing it off and thinking that it would be you possibly never forgiving her.
She sat next to you, making your head turn from the small thump next to you.
Your eyes were shocked, mouth agape, whispering the only word she could make up.
She bit her lip, but instead of smiling at her, you didn't say anything, looking at her with a small scowl and turned your head back to your journal, exhaling an angry huff.
She frowned, looking at you, reaching for your shoulder.
"Look.. Y/N-"
"-Save it Tara." You snapped, making her flinch.
"Y/N, please."
You make a long sigh, turning to her. "Tara I really don't have time for this. You shouldn't be being here right now. You can't be here today! You shouldn't be!"
She looked confused but she kept going, "Look I-I'm sorry. For leaving you."
You turned to her again, at this point she could read your gaze, you were angry, you were upset, most of all behind those eyes, you were hurt.
"You can't just leave me for 3 years and come back to apologize thinking I'll forgive you just like that! You're out of my life for so long and come back like nothing has happened."
She exhaled, "Let me just speak! I-I've learned from then and I'm trying to apologize!"
You stopped her, "I don't want you apologizing for this damage that has caused my life to crumble and has already been dealt with.."
She interrupted you, "I know! But I was dealing with so much! M-my parents divorced and I thought letting you go would be best.. Please, I'm trying! Can't we just go back to what we had and forget what has happened?"
You were hurt, tears brimming at your eyes, "You don't understand! Are you forgetting that you left me? YOU left me Tara! And you didn't bother to even tell me or apologize when you left. I was depressed okay? And it was because of you! Every single damn day for three years I was never able to sleep properly because I would think that you would finally text me one night and wish me a goodnight! You were all I had! When my parents divorced I didn't leave you!"
At this point, when your mouth opened, soft cries were being heard, "You were all I had.." You repeat, sniffling, "You promised me you wouldn't leave and that's just what you did."
She felt bad, the walls you put up to get away from her were all falling apart, she saw the little girl that she knew once before. The little girl she saw that night your parents divorced when they both left you. She felt all this guilt that has built up when she ignored you beginning to swarm in her chest, she felt horrible.
"I'm sorry. I don't even know who I was.." She whispered, looking at your shaking figure.
You turned to her, your tears flowing down, like the three years to stop them wasn't enough.
"Tara just s-stop! I-I'm just getting over you after this long and I can't have you here again. N-not today."
She looked at you, aghast, eyes wide, "What?"
You cover your face, hands sliding down to stop, "Yes Tara! I loved you! I fucking loved you and the day I was going to tell you, you left! YOU left me!" You screamed, angry, betrayed, sentence ending with a cry.
She was stunned. You loved her.. You loved Tara. And she thought that when she loved you, pushing you away could make her forget her feelings, making sure you were safe, but she caused this.
You didn't wait for her to respond, shuffling through your tote bag and grabbing up a crumpled piece of paper, slamming it in her hand before you got up and left, the gush of wind hitting her hair as she stared at her hand in horror, not knowing what to do.
- - night
Tara sat in her room, staring at the ceiling, hair draped all over her bed as the only light was from her lamp, only adding a light orange hue to her room.
She felt bad, she should've known that she never should've left you. She should've thought about how you were going to feel like. It made her want to cry.
As much as she's staring, she notices the crumpled up paper you gave her. She wasn't even sure what it was, maybe that's why she was so scared of opening it.
She grabs it from the side of her night stand and slowly uncrumples it, revealing a letter.
From you 3 years ago.
Dear Tara,
We've been friends for so long and I remember when you first came up to me in second grade because you noticed my friends weren't playing with me like they usually do everyday. To be honest, I never told you but for some reason, years ago, I remember staring at you every day while you ate lunch because you seemed so sweet and I wanted to approach you so badly. It's weird that myself in second grade would even do that. But you should know the only reason why I sat on the swings, every, single, day was because I wanted to see you. That's the first time we've ever met and I'm so blessed for that day because now, you're my best friend. Everyday I'm so happy to have you to be the reason I get to smile and have a shoulder to cry on or rest on. I've been wanting to tell you this for so long, but I remember feeling a strange feeling in my chest when I first confessed my problems at home with my parents and felt your soft hands touch mine to comfort me. 
It was so so weird. Love always seemed like something I might never have because I found it to be gross. But when I met you, I felt like love wasn't so bad anymore. That day, I remember feeling this warmness in my cheeks when you hugged me, I remember feeling something I don't feel for people often. I felt trust. That's when I knew I was falling in love with you. you've been there every step of the way and I don't know where I'd be without you. Tara, I want to write to you that I love you. I've been falling ever since on nights where I got yelled at and came to your house crying, when you invited me over for Christmas with your family because I didn't have a home I wanted to go to, I love you because you're Tara and it's so hard to explain. but at the same time it isn't. I don't think I met someone as loving, understanding, and caring as you, I've seen you as someone who can light up a room. Even on my bad days, you somehow manage to make me smile, not many people can do that for a person like me.
My mother was planning to move to Canada in like 3 years, she said 3 years later in April, but she said it was up to me. And I told her we had to wait just a little longer because I wanted to give this letter to you and see what you said. I think I won't leave this place because it stores all our memories, like at the coffee shops or the tree we sit down at every morning of Saturday. I'm not leaving because you're the only person that is making me stay. I would've been long gone if you weren't here. But meeting you has caused me to look forward to something to everyday. To someone. I don't think I've ever been so happy to you know, just walk to your house randomly and pop out under your bed and see your scared reaction. But, Tara Carpenter, I love you. I don't even think these words can even explain the kind of comfort, or need that I feel when you're by my side. I hope that these words can help you realize how much you've taken a toll on my life, and possibly, one day I can be by your side for the rest of my life.
All my love,
Tara covered her mouth, trying to cover a cry, which came out muffled. Your words. Her betrayal. She left you before you could even tell her. 
She thought of your face in her thoughts, she thought of seeing the letter fall out of your hands when she ignored you on every day she could ever see you. 
She thought of you crumpling it with broken sobs and throwing it on your desk.
She thought of the letter you were going to give her, the letter that was supposed to be given, but never was.
The forgotten letter beginning to age.
And noticed, it was all ruffled and there were marks of fallen, long old tears on it, seeing how the ink smudged from the tears.
The letter fell, tears falling from her eyes and streaming down her face.
It must've been so long ago. But it felt like yesterday. Even though it was 3 years ago.
She could've changed the slightest thought of her mind the day she began to ignore you.
If she did, everything would've been right. She could picture her holding hands with you, cuddling at night with your favorite movie playing in the background. You two would've been in desperate, everlasting, love. If her parents didn't divorce, she could see you, in your usual wavy hair with a ribbon tied from the back with your half up half down, the smooth letter laying in your arms, running up to her. She could picture the way you smiled, the way your silly smile made her smile back with a tinted blush on her cheeks. She could picture the way she would jump up and down and say she loved you too.
Everything would've been perfect.
If she didn't leave you in the first place.
Instead, she was left with your letter, crumpled, not smooth, wrinkled, seeing the way the letter couldn't bear to be left anymore. 
Tara fell asleep that night, broken, feeling horrible for the way you must've felt, with the crinkled letter in her hand. 
- -
The next morning, Tara was at the park, she could see a train station up ahead, New York's local train station that she would take when she had to travel.
Tara was sitting under the tree you always sat at with her. The tree that held so many memories, the way when spring would hit, the white flowers would fall on the green grass when you two would be together. The way the tree's flowers began to wilt when you began to sit alone, like the friendship that began to wilt. 
She waited, you sat at this tree every single day, but why weren't you coming? She waited, looking up at the flowers, they weren't very white anymore, the fallen flowers a little orange from being dried. It was spring, it was April, the flowers should've been whiter, but they weren't as bright. What a metaphor and sign it was for her. But still, they were as pretty as ever. 
She bit her lip, sighing, grabbing the letter you wrote her again, reading it again. Then before she could read it again, as she looked up, she could see..
You were at the train station, you held a luggage, looked packed, with your hair down, usually ribbon in your hair, waiting to enter the train.
Her eyes widened, and it came to her, everything made sense, her thoughts unfolding, everything like magic was happening. 
She remembered something, something..
She quickly read the letter she was reading, then her eyes expanded with fear.
Then she remembered, it was 3 years since she left you, and it was April.
"My mother was planning to move to Canada in like 3 years, she said 3 years later in April, but she said it was up to me. And I told her we had to wait just a little longer because I wanted to give this letter to you and see what you said. I think I won't leave this place because it stores all our memories, like at the coffee shops or the tree we sit down at every morning of Saturday. I'm not leaving because you're the only person that is making me stay."
- -
happy ending
"Fuck!" Tara cried, grabbing the letter as she ran after you.
It couldn't be too late, it couldn't have been today! 
As she ran, her legs taking her as far as they could, she could hear your voice in her mind,
"You shouldn't be being here right now. You can't be here today! You shouldn't be!"
She should've known you were going to leave, she should've seen last night! Is that why you were so afraid to see her when she came up to you? Because you knew you were going to be gone the next day? And she was going to keep you from leaving? Because you didn't have the heart to really tell her why she couldn't have talked to you?
It all made sense.
Tara sobbed as tears fell like a thunderstorm,  running and seeing the train doors open, there were at least 10 people in front of you waiting to get on, it made her more desperate, running after you.
She screamed your name, she was so close but yet so far away, why can't the people move slower? 
Tara lost her father and sister, she couldn't lose you. She can't. She needed to apologize, she never got to say her true apology.
She was almost there, and you were so close to entering the train, making her run up the stairs as fast as she could, panting and losing her breath.
The day was beginning to lose hope, there was only a few more people who needed to get on before it closed, before you did. 
She saw your figure, your pretty face, not focusing on the tired eye bags as she got up the stairs, running to the train.
Tara screamed your name as loud as she could, making you turn, and her grabbing your arm, pulling you and your luggage out of the train, seeing it start to roll away.
 She was panting hard, you turning to see her, your eyes full of fear, confusion, and most of all, a wave of.. Hope?
For some reason, it took her a while to catch her breath, but before you could say something, she hugged you, tightly.
The arms of you wrapped around her stomach, she felt you melt in her arms, burying your face against her chest, as she embraced you, the letter you wrote falling to the floor.
Tara cried as you both hugged, whispering in a slight broken voice, "I'm sorry Y-Y/N.."
You were crying too, softly as you hugged her, "I know.. It's okay. We're okay.." 
She kept talking, she felt horrible, "I-I left you when you needed me.. I was the only person you relied on a-and I left because I w-wasn't thinking about how you felt.. I thought t-that if I c-could push you away, these feelings I-I felt would go away and I wouldn't take m-my anger out on you for my parents divorcing.. I'm s-so s-sorry.." The girl's scent comforted you, reminding you of your past, making you hug her more.
Tara could hear you hiccupping on cries as she twisted your hair, "I didn't even k-know you needed me that much, you s-should've told me you were planning to leave."
You looked up at her, you were crying horribly, she swept bangs away from your face to see your tired, broken face that has been building up these past 3 years.
"I-I thought you didn't want to see me anymore.. I thought you didn't need me.. I-I thought you left because you hated me.. or didn't care about me anymore.. I couldn't bear to think about you breaking your promise.. I thought you abandoned me.. I was s-so hurt that I j-just did all these things that weren't me.. I tried to avoid you.. I couldn't sleep or eat.. I was s-so scared because I had no one.." You said, voice barely a whisper, raw and full of hurt.
Tara's eyes widened a little, a wave of strong guilt hitting her, as she shushed you.. "No Y/N.. Of course not.. I never hated you.. I-I loved you and I couldn't bear to think that I would take my anger out that you never caused on you.. S-so I avoided you and didn't think about how m-much it would affect you. I'm sorry.." Tara said again, voice cracking.
You nodded against her chest, sniffling as Tara saw the tears fall again, wiping them.
"I love you," she whispered, "I always had."
She saw your eyes slightly sparkle, that sparkle that she thought she'd never see, the sparkle that disappeared that day she left.
Her hands reached to grab the letter she dropped, showing it to you, "Let's try to restart, okay?"
You were still crying, but managed to make a small smile formed as you nodded, "Tara, I love you. I've loved you for so long, I've loved you when I realized that you were the one person that I could finally trust, a word that I thought that might never happened, but it did because o-of you. C-can we maybe.. Just.."
She pulled you a little closer, grinning just a little as she nodded her head before you could finish, "Yes."
Then she kissed you softly, it was like everything had never happened, she could feel the way you hugged her, the way the wilted flowers were going to flourish again, the letter that was forgotten, finally given.
"Do you really promise you won't leave me?.."
You both locked eyes when pulling away, Tara held up a pinky. 
"I don't break pinky promises."
You take her pinky and link it with yours, hugging her again.
"I trust you."
Every bad thing that happened between you two was long forgotten.
- -
angst ending
Tara's eyes widened with fear, seeing you with a packed luggage, your figure entering the train, you couldn't.. Not today..
"Fuck!" She cried, the train was not to far, she could still make it.
She screamed your name, all the feelings towards you she felt spilling out from her scream as she ran after you. 
She ran, ran ran ran, running out of breath as her shoes crumpled on dry leaves and grass, crying.
"No! You can't be! Y/N! Please!" She screamed, but her voice was muffled, you couldn't hear her. 
Tara was so close, yet so far as she kept running, getting closer, an apology of cries coming out.
The train got closer and closer as she finally saw you, screaming your name.
You finally turned around, knowing the voice all to well as you turned to see her. 
Then the train doors closed, your eyes only being seen through the window as she cried out your name, shaking her head in disbelief, her eyes filled with regret and tears.
You looked at her, like you couldn't believe she was here, you thought you'd never see her again as your hand reached up to touch the window, your touch ghosting on her face as she could hear you mouth out her name.. "Tara.." Then she could sense the sense of shame on your face, sorrow.
"Please.. It's not too late.." She sobbed, her voice going in the crevices of the doors.
Then the train began to move, as she saw you getting farther and farther away, your hand on the window as she saw you mouth the words, "I'm sorry."
She ran after the train, but knew deep down, she wasn't going to make it. She wasn't going to see you again, the train leaving her sight as she cried, regretting the days she ignored you, regretting the way she made you think that she didn't ever care. She abandoned someone when knowing, years ago, she was once the girl who promised to protect them and never leave her side.
She knew that you had left, all those memories you two had created were left with her now. She knew that you weren't going to come back.
She never even got to say goodbye. She never got to say sorry. She never got to tell you she loved you, she loved you all of these years. She never knew where you would be. She would never know if you two would ever meet again. 
The only sound she could hear was the wind blowing in her hair, blowing the muffled sounds of you two laughing and giggling, what you two once were, what you two could've been, it was just too late. You would just be a memory for her, a memory she could never forgive herself for. A broken memory she knew she caused. The memory was broken but she also knew, long season months ago, she broken your promised heart.
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you.
Take me back to the night we met.
Tara thought back to the day you two met, the day you became friends. The day that led to you falling to her years later. The day that led to her falling for you, then pushing you away.
The day that led to this.
If she could see your face one last time and kiss you, everything would be okay.
Tara knew that she was just too late, seeing the train long gone, tears in her eyes as she let out a choking sob, the letter falling out of her hand, long forgotten.
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valuunit · 3 months
best dad ever
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summary: it’s dad’s day and harry and his family celabrate it in the most chaotic way
here in mexico today’s celebrated father’s day, so yeah, i wrote this.
Content: She/her pronouns. children lol, a itty bitty of smut, i wanted to write something but i couldn’t, im with my family 💀, food, pregnancy. oh, mommy is used a couple of times sexually, but nothing crazy. that’s it ig :)
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, please let me know so i can correct it :D
“c’mon guys, dad should be getting up by now.” y/n walked across the hall, standing next to the master bedroom’s door.
“we’re going mum” alisha said behind her baby brother, dereck, who was barely walking with a ballon in his little hand he was holding like his life depended on it.
she sweetly laughed and kissed her two children. “good job, wait here a minute, when i open the door we’re going to say ‘happy day, daddy styles’, alright?”
dereck laughed, showing his father’s dimples on his face, god, he was his dad in all of its splendor.
“yes mummy!”
“perfect.” she entered the room quietly, her bare feet touching the rug she and harry bought when they were moving in together to their first apartment. “harry…!” she whispered.
“hmm.” he mumbled.
“happy day, sleepyhead.” she started crawling into the bed, careful to avoid his limbs and wake him up with pain.
“oh, yeah, dad’s day. i completely forgot about it, like the rest of the world.” his green eyes were barely visible, but charming as always. his view went to his stunning wife, his words, hovering over his body.
“well, i guess i’m an e.t.” she replied closing the space between their faces.
“i guess so, your out of this world.” his hands went to her hips, sitting them in his thighs.
she laughed and kissed his cheek, then cleaning a saliva stain off of it. “you’re still a flirt, aren’t you?”
“just with you, my love” he dragged his hands up, going under her new lace pj top, passing through her spine, shoulders and back down to her ass. he smirked, giving away his intentions, but y/n didn’t.
“wai-” before she could complain a knock on the door separated them.
“well, later then.” he giggled.
“shut up!, your kid prepared something really cute for you.”
“oh, my babies.” he smiled, when someone mentions his kids his eyes light up in such warm light it’s almost heavenly.
“yes, so, act surprised.”
“mummy! a minute has passed!”
“going, baby!” y/n appeared scared of her only daughter while harry laughed so loudly dereck also did.
she quickly turned to the door, now not caring if she kicked harry’s legs or anything, which she did, right on the balls. “oof, baby!”
“sorry!” she squealed and opened the door.
“‘appy ‘ay, da’y styds!” dereck screamed.
“oh my god, good job love, but.” she laughed at the chaoticness of the situation. alisha was also laughing. “now.” she grabbed alisha by the shoulders gently and let them inside the room.
“happy day daddy!”
“‘addy haffy!” dereck jumped, jumped and landed on the bed. where harry was now seated laughing, his hands in this private area.
“my beautiful children, come here!” he opened his arms letting his daughter run towards him.
“careful!” y/n screamed when she saw alisha landing near his legs.
“come here mummy!!”
“yeah mummy, come ‘ere” harry smirked putting dereck and alisha around one arm, having space for his wife.
“going daddy harry” she went, they were happy in the bed, the ballon, which was harry’s face, floating above them, dereck still gripping it.
“what’s that honey?” with all the fuzz, harry didn’t saw that masterpiece. so he looked up, watching a not so attractive picture of him in a medium size ballon. “wow! i love it bud, thanks!” he said faking enthusiasm.
“he loves it bubba!” y/n smiled towards her son, hi smiled even more.
“i also got u something dad!” alisha went to the door, where were a plate with pancakes, that had “best dad ever!” written with nutella and berries.
“thanks honey!, it’s so pretty and sweet”
“any time, dad” alisha replied, harry laughed.
“i taught her that!” y/n said raising her hand and smiling.
“where were we?”
that’s what y/n heard as soon as she got into the bedroom after taking dereck to bed. it’s been a long day of celebrating, so it was relatively easy.
“hm?” she pretended not to have heard, turning around and quietly locking the door.
“i said…” he kissed her shoulder. “where. were. we.” kiss after kiss he was progressively getting closer to her soft spot at the back of her left ear.
“ahm” even with his kissed it was hard to think for her, “i don’t recall… anything.”
“i could make you remember, or maybe you’ll prefer me to left your pretty little mind in blank.”
she turned to face his beautiful, handsome husband. looking at her with as much love and desire as he looks at authentic tiramisu.
“i like the second one better, but first i should tell you something.” she took his cheek and kissed him passionately, slowly and lovingly.
“whatever you need” he said after a couple of minutes. they joined their foreheads, looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m pregnant, three weeks.”
she smiled so sweetly in response to his reaction. his whole face fell in utter shock, his hands, shaking, took her face and his eyes searched for every bit of honesty his wife had to offer.
“my love, a-are you kidding?” she shook her head no, a couple of tears going down her face into her wide smile.
“that’s, that’s amazing, thank you, thank you, for everything.” he hugged her, lifted her, spun her, loved her.
“yeah, yeah, you’re welcome. now, where were we?” she smirked, her hands in his face.
“no, love, what about the… you know, thingy…” he replied looking at her stomach.
she laughed, hard. “c’mon, you promised leaving me watching stars, now you do it. it will be fine, it’s smaller than a pinhead.”
“you’re so hot, love. before we do anything else can i thank you again?”
“of course. with an orgasm.”
“your wish is my command, mommy.”
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honeybeefae · 1 year
omg imagine rhys with a s/o that has a crush on him, like an actual huge crush, they’re mated, married and have been for a long time but she still blushes and gets nervous around him. She gossips with her friends ab cute stuff he does and she’s just being soooo inlove. She tries on new dresses and literally does everything to get his attention even though she already has it, He notices obviously and thinks it’s so cute😩🥹 imagine he’s in a meeting and he gets out of his office and reader just runs up to him and leaps in his arm and AHHHH SO CUTEE
stop bc i just know that if i were mated to Rhys i could be 10,000 years old and he would still make me kick my feet and giggle like a teenager. that man is FINEEEE. Also, I love writing fluff so this was so fun.
also listened to Tattooed Heart by Ariana Grande while writing this <3
Butterflies (Rhysand x Reader)
It was baffling to you how even after hundreds of years of being mated, after countless dates, sex, memories, everything really, your mate was still able to make you feel like you did when you first met him.
Rhysand was the definition of perfect in your eyes. His midnight-colored hair, those blue eyes that turned violet and held a million stars, the voice that made you feel safe and alive, and his touch that had saved you so many times. All of it could be found in him. He was your beginning and ending, your moon and sun, your everything.
You knew your friends grew sick of you talking about him all the time, about the most recent way he had spoiled you or taken you. It was so hard not to talk about him. You felt like a teenager with her first crush.
If you were being honest, it should be embarrassing. Every time you go out and buy new dresses you pick out something you think would catch his eye or a matching set of lingerie that he would ravish you in. Whenever you cooked you made sure it was something he would like and don't even get started on the notes you two wrote to each other.
He knew what you were doing, of course. He knew you would try to catch his attention when he was busy or wear his favorite perfume just to get him to come closer. You loved watching his eyes light up when he saw you in his favorite dress or heels, loved the way he would pull you into his arms and kiss you like you were the only two in the entire world.
Today was no different as you stalked outside his office door, the soft pads of your feet barely making any noise as you waited for him to finish whatever business he was attending to.
It had been three days since you had seen him due to his trip to the Illyrian camps with Azriel and Cassian. Rhys had asked you to stay here, knowing this was not a happy meeting, and you were mostly fine staying behind. You just didn't know how hard it would be for you not to see him.
The pen was still scratching against the paper as you let out a small sigh and began the walk back to your shared room. It had been several minutes since you had been waiting and you knew he probably was going to be a few hours more.
As you touched the doorknob you heard a door at the end of the hall open, the familiar scent of citrus and sea wafting over to you as you turned your head. Rhysand stood there, tired but smiling, as you let out a small squeal of happiness and launched yourself towards him.
He caught you with ease, burying his nose into your hair as you wrapped your legs around him and clung to him like a babe. You could feel his rumbling chuckle in your body as he kissed your temple and pulled back to look at you.
"I missed you, darling. Three days is much too long for us." He smirked, licking his lips.
"Any day without you is too long, Rhys." You said softly, caressing his cheek. "Did you see what I'm wearing?"
"It was the second thing I noticed after your smile." Rhys hummed, letting you go so that he could examine you properly. "I think it's so cute that you still think you have to do all these things for my attention, Y/N."
"I want to make sure your eyes and heart are always on me." You grinned. "Just like mine are always on you."
"Darling you've had my attention since the moment I met you. No one else can ever come close to you." He purred, pulling you into a sweet kiss. You melted into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you savored him as if it were your first kiss.
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dre6ming · 5 months
Wedding plans -TDBR
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Warnings: none, fluff, a little crying
Plot: making wedding plans with Austin is so wholesome
Word count: ~1.9k
TDBR series
Tag list - add yourself
A/n: this was a request and I apologize it took me so long to fulfill it. Request are still open but keep in mind I’m very slow when it comes to posting, but feel free to send them
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Thinking back to 9 years ago when you met Austin, you never thought you'd end up here, drowning in tulle and chiffon, laughing with your best friends, tripping over lace veils. "What do you think of this?" You make a little pirouette to show the ample skirt, feeling like a princess head to toe. "It's cute." Taylor says, drinking some lemonade, brushing her bangs back. "Yeah, it's nice" Roxanne adds clearly not loving the dress as well. "So it's not it!" You say dropping your arms at your sides, sighing heavily. "Maybe the next one?!" Timothee sounds hopeful, but part of you feels that is only because, this is the 10th time you all dedicate a day for dress shopping. "Ok I'll go try it!" You say a bit defeated, lifting the front of the dress so you don't trip. You take one more look at yourself in the mirror as you walk away, you liked this one, but to be fair you liked every single one before this one as well, they are all so different and unique, but they are simply not your dress.
The next dress you put on, gives you shivers. It's made of silk, with pleats and boning, accentuating your waist perfectly and the dropped shoulders make you look angelic and sexy at the same time. This is it. "I found it!" You squeal, coming out of the dressing room in a heist, giggling and kicking your feet happily.
"OH my god this is it!"
"You look wonderful!"
"I'm going to cry!"
"Please don't cry mom!" You giggle, blinking back tears, as you turn around to take a look in the big mirrors. The dress hugs your waist, the silhouette complimenting you so beautifully, your breasts look amazing in it too and magically it's your size, so no alterations will be needed. "I can't believe it! I finally found it!" You say, your voice breaking as you still try very hard not to cry. Taylor comes up from behind you, hugging your shoulders and resting her chin on your shoulder, her eyes watch you through the mirror and you notice her glossy blue eyes, tears in them as well. "I can, because it was meant to be!" She sniffs, kissing your cheek before sticking a veil in you hair. You take a better look at it in the mirror, immediately panicking when you recognize the piece, starting to take it out of your hair, but Taylor stops you before you can.
"Taylor I can't, this is..."
"Your something borrowed!" She assures, smiling bright. The veil somehow works perfectly with the dress, like it was meant to be. Looking at it you remember as clear as now the day you saw Taylor in a boutique not much different from this one, find her dress and her veil. She got married to Joe wearing this, the memories of one of her best days are tied to this piece of material. "Ok ok..." you breathe out, smoothing your dress. "What about gloves? I know Taylor already gave you the veil, but mom insisted I give you these?" Timothee says, handing you a pair of silk gloves. "Thanks Timmy!" You say hugging him tight as you put them on. The look seems now complete and you feel complete.
You walk through the dark apartment, tip toeing, trying not to make too much noise, knowing Austin is probably asleep. He was away filming some projects for the past week and you were supposed to be here when he got home, but he insisted that you don't rush your day with the girls and Timmy. "Y/n?" You hear Austin's groggy voice and it stops you right in your tracks. "Baby?" You feel his arms circle your waist in the dark and your body turns to slime. He places a kiss on top of your head, inhaling your scent. "I missed you!" Austin tells you honestly, squeezing you so tight you think you might burst at the seams, but you love feeling like this, engulfed in him. "I missed you too!" You sigh into him , happy to feel him on you, rubbing your cheek on the soft hairs on his chest. "I found the dress." You announce , biting your lip excited for his reaction.
"The dress? You mean THE dress?" Austin takes a step back looking at your face, trying to see if you're lying. "The dress!" You nod, smiling at him. He grabs your face and smashes his lips onto yours. You let him take control, while his mouth dominates you, his tongue explores your mouth and your heart flutters in your chest. "Can I see?" He asks breathless, "No! It's bad luck!" You chuckle, shaking your head, threading your hands in his soft hair. "Hmm ok, then show me everything else you got done while I was gone?" He arches a brow, smirking at you. "Oh yes yes, come on!" You say jovially, grabbing his hand, dragging him to your shared bedroom to get your wedding binder.
"Ok so I got done with the sitting chart, I might have done it a little risky, but, it'll work." You open the glitter decorated binder and show him the sketch you made. "So we sit, Katy and Orlando at the same table as Tom and Daya, ok" Austin says, reading closely over the guests , seeing where your brain has decided that they each should sit. "And I thought we could get away with having Baz sit with your dad and sister, I mean it would be a family table, right?"
"Mhm, yes , it works, honestly this looks fine to me. But what about your mom and dad?" Austin asks, not being able to make full sense of the chart. "We'll have a long table, we sit in the middle, my bridesmaids of my side your groomsmen of yours, for dad I'm saving a seat at the table with Baz and your dad, he hasn't RSVP ed yet" you explain and he nods following your chain of thought. "Ok it sounds like a plan, I think it would work, but I think Ash wants to bring Robbie, would that be fine?" He asks, referring to his nephew. "Hm sure, then I'll have Baz and Cathrine as the table with Pedro, move around Roxy and Joshua, then Ashley and Robbie and Zac can sit with Joe" You try and Austin seems to consider it for a minute, even if he know he'll agree anyway. "Good thinking baby!" He admits and you move on to showing him the flowers you picked "No purple star flowers?" He asks, looking at the white gardenia bouquets, thinking how you left out your favorite flower. "I have a theme, ok? It's white and creams and stuff." You defend.
"But honey, I think we could play with the colors a bit, don't you?" Austin suggests and you swipe on the next doc, titled: back up flowers. "Are you sure they look fine, tho?" You question, fearing the white and purple bouquets would be too much or too out of theme. "There's my girl!" He says, kissing your cheek. "They look like something that should be at our wedding, don't they? The purple star flowers, the sunflowers and you even put my favorite in, the pink magnolias" Austin can be so over the top sometimes, but he's an actor, so that's so in character. "I wanted to have something from the both of us."
"Well I think it look so beautiful way better then the white boring ones you had as a first option" he argues. "Oh ok miss I know everything about flower arrangements" you joke, kissing him, throwing the binder to the side, turning to face him and straddling his hips. "I want it to be perfect!" You whisper, playing with the baby hairs around his forehead. Austin grins and pulls you closer, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. "It's you I'm marrying, it's already perfect." His hands squeez your hips and you sigh, inhaling the smell of him. "I know, I can't believe it's happening!" You admit absentmindedly, drawing circles with the tip of your finger on his shoulder. Austin sighs and kisses your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin, leaving goosebumps down your spine. "Me neither." He admits, laying back on the pillow, with you on top of him, head resting on his heart. You enjoy the soft beat of it, as your cheek absorbs the heat of his skin. "I cried yesterday, in the shower." You tell him and he tenses underneath you. One of his hands moving from your waist to your chin, forcing you to look as him, his blue eyes wonder over your face, looking over every freckle, curve and shadow. "Why?"
Austin is a bit scared to ask, he fears you might get cold feet and put an end to all of this, which to be fair he wouldn't mind, he loved you ten years without you being he wife, he'd love you a thousand more just the same. "I'm scared, I - my parents made it sound like marriage ruined them. I don't want it to ruin us." Tears prickle your eyes as you speak, and his thumb caresses you cheek catching a falling tear. "It won't, we are not them, we love each other too much. Y/n I want you to marry me because I can't see a life without you, but I want you to know, if you even feel like this isn't what you want, I'll love you just as much for as long as I live." Austin confesses and you can't even find a speckle of doubt that he means every syllable spoken. "I want it, I want to have your name, I want to be your wife, I'm just defrosting my girlhood heart, cause I used to love weddings." You tell him, pulling closer to his face and connecting your lips to his soft ones, time standing still, as your bodies stay intertwined. "I know baby, take your time!" Austin says rubbing you back and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, yawning, which makes him chuckle. "Sleep mrs Butler, I'm home now!" Austin lulls you, pulling the duvet over the both of you, as you fall asleep on his chest, snoring softly.
"Have you written your vows?" You ask halfway asleep, which makes Austin laugh, knowing that no matter how tired you are you'll always make sure to have everything checked for the day, before letting your mind disconnect. "Oh my Virgo baby, ever so organized. I have!" He tells you in a low voice, barely above a whisper, hoping you'll finally let yourself sleep. "Hmm, can I hear them?" You ask, blabbering, Austin grins knowing your having the fight of your life to stay awake right now. "Yes, in a month on august 13th." You groan and wrap your arms around his neck, falling asleep without another word, and Austin does the same as he massages your back, the soft brush of your breath against his neck and the comforting weight of you on him, being his favorite sleep medicine.
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wanderingelvis · 1 year
Your innocent!reader fics got me squealing and kicking my feet❤️❤️
I would love to see some domestic fluff with innocent reader, I see innocent reader as a cute lil baker! She’s always making new sweet treats for her daddy to make sure he knows she loves him❤️❤️
(But if anyone insulted her baking in any way shape or form big daddy Elvis would be PISSED haha)
I loveeeee this!!! I hope I did it proud!!
Let me know if you’d like a p.2 with someone insulting Readers baking!
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻
word count: 1,604
pairings: Innocent F!Reader x Elvis
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Everyone has a love language and for you, it's baking. Elvis finds it so sweet, watching you furrow your brow and stick your tongue out as you concentrate so much on making sure that every bit of the baking process is done to perfection. You just want to make your Daddy proud of you, know that you love him and for you, that means baking him something sweet at any opportunity you can find.
It can get messy but Elvis loves that. He loves patting the kitchen counter, knowing that you'll climb up onto it without thinking, that he has that kind of command over his little one now. He loves to firmly tell you to keep still as he takes a wet cloth and wipes it over your little fingers and over different areas of your face that are covered in flour or icing as you babble on and on about how excited you are to give him the baked goods that are in the oven all the while swinging your little legs back and forth like a good girl for your Daddy as he cleans you.
When Elvis bought you the brand new mixer that everyone in America is raving about as well as a brand new oven, you couldn't help but giggle and squeal, jumping into his arms and thanking him, enthusiastically promising that you'll him and the Mafia make the best cupcakes ever!
When the Mafia all arrived with their wives, you were busy and hard at work in the kitchen whilst Elvis greeted them, slipping them each a $50 dollar bill to enjoy your cupcakes no matter what, even if they didn't turn out quite as expected - which was the case.
You hadn't put a big enough egg in the mixture and you spent just a little too long babbling to Elvis about the flowers that Jerry's girlfriend had brought you and how pretty they were to notice that the cupcakes needed to come out of the oven so it was safe to say the cupcakes were dry and burnt.
In your defence, Elvis had just bought you a new oven and it was a complicated thing to use, so many buttons and dials that you just weren't sure where to even start and whilst Elvis would always insist on helping you, you'd told him that you'd be able to do this all on your own... but apparently not.
When you saw the burnt edges of the little cakes, you couldn't help but feel tears prick your eyes and your cheeks turn a deep shade of pink. The sudden embarrassment you felt was overwhelming as you heard the roaring laughter of Elvis and all of his friends in the next room and the pressure of serving them all your little cupcakes became a bit too much for you.
You were desperate to be a good, domestic, girlfriend for Elvis. You adored the domestic life with Elvis in Graceland. Elvis had swept you off your feet when you'd first met him backstage one of his shows and everything had been a bit of a whirlwind since then. 
Elvis could tell from your first conversation together that you were just an innocent and bubbly little thing and he could tell you were a people pleaser. Elvis was drawn to that and he invited you to join him on tour for a little while, which you accepted straight away. 
The thing about Elvis was that he wasn't like the immature boys that you knew from back home. He was a man, he was a King. His aura was magnetic and you never expected that he would pay you any attention but he did and you slowly began to grow dependant on him. 
But Elvis soon realised that the tour life wasn't for you. The sordid activities that would occur on tour were something that Elvis definitely didn't want you exposed to, so it wasn't long before he took you to Graceland. 
But you'd loved Graceland as soon as you'd arrived, tending to the plants, feeding the animals, baking all your little cakes and staying right by Elvis' side. However, right now, you were feeling less than content as you wandered shyly into the living room towards Elvis.
You tugged on his loose blue shirt that was slightly unbuttoned in an attempt to get his attention as he chuckled along to Lamar's story. He turned around, knowing 
"There's my baby," Elvis smiled before the grin softened when he noticed your anxious demeanour. "What's wrong darlin'?" Elvis asked with a raised eyebrow, looking down at you.
You gestured with your hand for him to come closer, not wanting to share with Lamar and Sonny what you wanted to tell your Daddy.
Elvis crouched in front of you, letting you cup your hands around his ear and whispering, "I ruined the cupcakes Daddy." You said softly with your voice trembling. 
"Oh little," Elvis cooed at the state of you. "They won't be ruined, want Daddy to come and take look hm?" Elvis asked you in an equally hushed tone to make sure you didn't feel even more embarrassed which you appreciated. 
You nodded, your bottom lip jutted out and teary eyes that had gone slightly red with the tears. Elvis extended his large hand for you to slip your little one in as he quietly excused the two of you and led you back into the kitchen as you followed behind skittishly. 
You anxiously chewed on your fingernails as you watched Elvis look over the tray of cupcakes, trying to anticipate his reaction. You really didn't want to let Elvis down, you'd tried really hard to make the cupcakes perfect. You furrowed your brow as you watched him smile at them and chuckle lowly, confused at why he was smiling at the sight of the cupcakes.
"Doll, these ain't ruined!" Elvis said, snaking his arm around your waist to bring you into his side and comfort you. "Look, see we can put some icing on 'em and they'll be just like the ones you like from that cute lil' bakery down the street." He said, tickling your neck to make you giggle and feel better.
Now, Elvis wouldn't really admit to you that you were right, the cupcakes didn't exactly look great, but he figured he'd be able to help with coating the soft cakes in icing.
"I just don't know how it happened, I know I was talkin' to you for a while but they cooked, like, at super speed!" You told Elvis, grabbing the manual for the oven. "Maybe I put it on the wrong buttons?" You mumbled, partially to Elvis, partially to yourself as you'd turned your concentration to the guide.
You flicked through the manual, reading all the instructions yet again, trying to figure out where you'd gone so wrong but all the jargon and terms were just confusing your little head even more.
"Damn it." You muttered, your brow furrowed and a pout on your lips, the words catching Elvis' attention.
"Uh, darlin', what have we said about you cursin'? I don't wanna punish you now," Elvis warned softly, knowing you were just frustrated and overstimulated.
"M'sorry, but you always say it!" You protested with a little whine, even if you knew he was right.
"I know, but we agreed on house rules that you weren't gonna curse none, and besides, those ain't words a baby should be usin' now, are they?" Elvis said, turning to crouch down by you so that he'd be level with you.
"M'not a baby." You said crankily - just like a baby.
"Of course you're not, little one." Elvis chided, as he would with a baby.
Elvis could tell that it was all becoming a little too much for you, so he gently took the manual from your hands, insisting that he'd take care of it all whilst he gave you all the edible decorations that you could put on the cakes to make them look all sweet and pretty.
By the time the two of you were done, they really didn't look that bad, you were grateful that Elvis had stepped in, knowing you wouldn't have been able to do it all on your own. 
You leaned up on your tippy-toes to give him a kiss, his strong arms wrapping around your waist as he lifted you off your feet, causing you to pull back from the kiss with a giggle.
Elvis walked behind you as you both left the kitchen into the dining room and living area, with you proudly holding a tray of the finished cupcakes, your face positively beaming with delight and anticipation at the decorated baked goods.
"Everyone, c'mere! Y/N has somethin' she wants to give y'all." Elvis called out, grinning down at you before offering you a wink, making you blush.
All of the Mafia and their girlfriends flocked to you, taking a cupcake each and complimenting them, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside at everyone being so friendly and kind. You looked up at Elvis after everyone had taken a cupcake, shocked that everyone seemed to want one - little did you know about the $50 in everyones pockets.
"Here's your one!" You smiled, offering Elvis a cupcake that had icing formed into a love heart shape.
"Awh, thank you darlin'." Elvis praised, rubbing your back as he tucked into the cake. Sure, it was dry and a bit crumbly, but the icing had made up for it and it wasn't a bad attempt by any means, he was proud of you, knowing what this afternoon meant to you.
"D'ya like it?" You asked softly, nervous for his answer.
"Best cupcake I ever did have, yittle." Elvis chuckled. 
tag list: @prompted-wordsmith @vintagegirl2005 @imaginationlast @presleyenterprise @librafilms
@ccab @wolywolymoley @billhaderstan420 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @elvispresleywife
@ellie-24 @hollbunn @sassanoe @gothicphantom @eliseinmemphis @fallinlovewithurlove @astralheart21 @elvisbf @slimerspengler @octobers-snow @meetmeatyourworst @reddie-freddie @domaniquessidehoe
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
your post about the human au with beel as a farmer has me giggling and kicking my feet!! and now i can't stop imagining the brothers on their own little farm (writing this even though i know nothing about farming)
lucifer and satan mainly handle the finances, making sure they have the best equipment and techniques to produce good crops. the goats and sheep seem to take a liking to lucifer, especially the baby ones, who love chewing on his clothes. satan stays away from them bc they keep thinking his blond hair is food, choosing instead to coo over the farm cats
mammon and levi are the unofficial handlers and bully victims of the birds. mammon gets pecked by the chickens as he goes to collect their eggs, and he says one day, he'll cook them all up as revenge!! (everyone knows he's lying). levi spends more time with the ducks, where they quack at him on the farm and when he's fishing at the local ponds. (one time, a group of baby ducks imprinted on him and followed him home. it took forever for him to get them back to their mama)
asmo does a lot of advertising for the farm, with both his social media and charming personality at the farmers' market. he designs the cutest packaging and sews any holes that end up in his brothers' clothes with lovely little patches. his favorite animals on the farm (a couple piglets and bunnies) are marked with pink bows, but you could tell by how he squeals whenever he sees them
you already went over beel, but i imagine him still having his super strength and can easily carry adult sheep with ease. he also has gained a lot of (kissable) freckles from being in the sun all the time
belphie is a straight up cow whisperer, which may be caused by his habit of cuddling with the cows on their pasture to skip out on chores. but he's great at milking and can instantly tell if something's wrong with the cows, to the point that other farmers go to him in need of help. he's a lazybones hero!
aaaaaa the sillies - 🎠
Honestly, I'm surprised that little post of mine got so much attention lol! I was definitely thinking about it more in terms of what I think the boys would do if they were humans, rather than how it would be if they all worked on the same farm. But I saw a couple tags suggesting a Stardew Valley crossover, which could be all of them on the same farm or all of them with separate farms. I haven't played Stardew in a long time, but I am so obsessed with farming sims it's ridiculous. My favorite is Story of Seasons Trio of Towns, I've played it so many times and I still replay it from time to time because I loved it so much lol.
ANYWAY that's all to say that my farming experience comes almost entirely from video games. I took a class about plants and agriculture in high school, but otherwise it's all vibes and cozy gaming!
But I think you've nailed it with these. I keep seeing Satan falling asleep in a pile of hay, just completely covered in barn cats. Cute lil Asmo all decked out like a farmer but only for the aesthetic 'cause he's running that farmer's market booth like nobody's business. Cow whisperer Belphie, please I love it so much.
Also freckled, sun-kissed Beel... human!Beel would have so many freckles if he spent any time outside at all. I love this because I'm extremely freckled myself and it'd be really cute if MC had freckles to match his.
Though I actually hadn't even thought about MC's role in a human au. Since they're already human. Would it be reversed? MC is the demon in this scenario? Or just MC is their same human self but they meet the others in a different way? I think both options could be interesting. I was initially going with the idea of there being no magic and no realms though.
I was trying to think of what the characters would do with their lives based on their interests and Beel just screamed farmer to me. Like yeah he probably still works out a bunch, but he really loves food. So I thought it would be interesting to consider that as his primary motivation for wanting to become a farmer. He just wants to feed everybody.
Anyway, I love this, I'm thoroughly enjoying imagining the boys on their farm. Though Mammon threatening to cook the chickens is hilarious. Like I can just hear him saying that to a bunch of indifferent hens, too. It reminds me of a story my mom used to tell me about my great-grandmother getting so annoyed at my uncle's pet rooster for getting his beak tangled in her yarn that she straight up made soup out of him. I dunno how true that story is, but it's one my mom & her siblings have told me numerous times lol.
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noisyquokka · 1 year
hii i’ve just found you acc and i’m inlove with your fairy tail kisses story. i cant get out my head the thought of y/n and jisung telling her cousin they are together and her being abit like ew but also like happy cuz she’ll see ji more.
could you write like a short epilogue or something of them telling her? you don’t have to but the thought just has me crying 🥺
lots of love ❤️
PAIRING - Jisung x F!Reader
WARNINGS - Fluff, basic cute s/o interactions, we on babysitting duty again, also kids say the craziest things 😭
A/N - My GOSH!!! You don't know how much I kicked my feet as I wrote this, thank you for the request! Fairly certain that Fairytale Kisses is my favorite fluff piece on my Masterlist so it was lovely to add a little extra to it! I hope you enjoy, Darling! 💛
Part 1 || Part 2
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Your ears perk at the sound of the front door swinging shut, little squeals accompanying the dull pitter-patter of bare feet. The shadow that whizzes past the kitchen is tiny, a flash of cerulean blue fabric and dark, bouncing braids. She doesn't even notice you, too busy scouting out someone else.
"Honey, please no running in the house!" It's your Aunt's voice; that gentle motherly tone that borders on a warning. You offer up a smile when she appears in the hall, the woman sighing as she places multiple bags on the counter. "I come bearing gifts."
Jisung peeks his head up from behind the counter, eyes darting to the Tupperware tins that she pulls from one bag. Dark brows arch in a knowing question and your Aunt chuckles.
"Yes, they're your favourite cookies, Jisung. Take your pick."
"Sung Sung?!" That mousey voice. Little feet scampering back toward the kitchen.
He's quick about it, slipping behind your spot at the counter, resting a hand at the small of your back. Reaching for a smaller tin of freshly backed cookies, he leans in and presses a quick kiss to your cheek when you spare a glance over your shoulder to him. And just like that, he's darting for cover again. And you're standing there shaking your head, clamping your hands over your burning cheeks as your Aunt chuckles at the antics between you and your boyfriend.
The scampering halts at the doorway to the kitchen, doe eyes settling on you with a newfound determination. You raise your brows, bringing a finger to tap at your chin as you glance toward the opposite end of the counter. She must've picked up on it, because little feet are heard pattering over the runners in the kitchen until…
"Sung Sung!!"
She lunges for him, tiny arms wrapping around his neck. You hear a grunt, the cookie tin sliding onto the counter as the man has no option but to embrace the little girl that clings to him like a koala. You chuckle at the sight of his finger tips gripping the edge of the counter, an attempt to keep himself upright. His free arm wraps around her, pulling her up and away from the floor with ease.
"You found me!?" He sounds surprised, the words muffled behind a whole cookie between his teeth. But you know he saw your not-so-subtle gesture that tipped her off to his location. Your cousin continues her clinging, her head tucked under the crook of his neck. She nuzzles her face into his t-shirt, soft sounds of contentment leaving her little body.
"I missed you," She mumbles quietly, as if just admitting such a thing turns her into a shy bean. Jisung chuckles, his hands moving to place her on one of the nearby stools.
"I missed you, too! How's my little Princess been?" He's gentle when he smooths out the tulle of her dress, the fabric having rode up on her legs as she raced through the house and clambered all over her favorite person.
Your Aunt catches your attention with a soft tap of the shoulder, and you turn your head.
"I'll be back around eight. Text me if you need anything." She says. You nod, watching as she turns to her daughter with a mock seriousness in her eyes. "Be good for your cousin and Jisung!"
All the woman gets is a fit of giggles and a coy nod.
It's been a few weeks since the kiss between you and Jisung. Since you gave in and both of you confessed in your own bumbling ways. After that, you agreed to a date, although the details didn't matter much to you. Just the idea of going out on a date was enough to keep you content. Jisung, however, planned everything to a T. You had scoffed at the sight of the empty arcade, rented out for the full day so the two of you could enjoy whatever games you wanted without interruption. Safe to say, he had more than outdone himself. The only thing you had yet to cross off your list was telling your little cousin the news.
Your eyes settle on the bundle of affection that has buried herself into Ji's side. The child is nuzzling into his torso, mussing her braids with not a care in the world. Jisung looks down at her with a grin, lightly patting her head before she springs off the stool and races around the counter to get to you. Her arms wrap around your legs as she looks up with curious eyes.
"I missed you!" She giggles, squeezing tighter as if she can bleed her love and affection into you through her sheer belief. You chock it up to some kind of kid magic because you swear her antics only make you smile broader. You lean down, balancing on the balls of your feet as you hook your hands under her arms.
"My goodness, you're getting so big!" You huff, placing her on the edge of the counter. "I won't be able to pick you up if you keep growing like this."
"King Sung Sung is strong! He can pick me up!" She exclaims, brown eyes darting over her shoulder. Jisung chuckles, biting into the cookie he'd pulled from the tin.
"Speaking of, the king needs his crown, doesn't he?" You ask, patting the out of place strands on her head. She nods eagerly, kicking her feet against the cabinet below. "Why don't you go get it for him. You remember where you put it, don't you?"
Another eager nod. You grin, slipping her off the counter top and watching as her little legs carry her off towards the hall once more.
"You're so good with her." You'd heard the footsteps to your right a moment prior, anticipating the warm hand that comes to rest on your hip. The corners of your mouth quirk up, and you turn around to face your boyfriend.
"That's humble coming from you. She ran through the entire house in search of you. Not me." Jisung rolls his eyes, waving away your words as he takes another bite of his cookie.
"Obviously! I'm the fun, humble, strong King Sung Sung!" He wisps his hair back like one of those movie characters, shooting you a smug grin.
"Oh my god, never do that again." You laugh, softly smacking the side of his face. That earns you a laugh as well, hands following the swell of your hips upward as he leans in.
"So we should probably tell her about us at some point, huh."
You bite at your bottom lip, nodding. It's something you've been thinking about a lot, even as you know she'll be over the moon to have Jisung around more often than he was before. But at the same time, you don't know how to tell her. For some reason, this seems more intimidating than the idea of meeting the parents (if you hadn't already known them for years) or even telling your friends.
"Hey," Jisung's brows furrow, noting that look in your eyes. He's known you far too long to not know where your head is. "She's smart, she loves you, and she loves me-" He chuckles into your hair, your forehead connecting with his chest. Ever the jokester! "I love you, and I know you're worried, but I don't think she's gonna care too much when she's got more time with the both of us." Warm hands find your jaw, pulling your face back up so he can capture your lips with his. It's delicate and sweet, not only from the cookie he'd bitten into. It eases your racing mind, the curve of your back leaning into the counter.
"I got it!"
You jump at the sound of that mousey voice, the palms of your hands shoving at a sturdy chest. You're quick, and yet, not quick enough.
Your cousin stands in the doorway, one of her costume tiaras adorning her head. Jisung's crown is grasped carefully between her fingers, those orange silk flower petals fluttering with every movement of her arm. You pivot on the balls of your feet, jutting a hip into the counter's edge as you cross your arms, bringing a hand up to your mouth. The little girl sways from her mad dash through the house, her cheeks pink from exertion.
"There you are, Muffin!" You clear your throat, sparing Jisung a glance. He's pressing his lips together, a hand at the base of his neck as he, too, leans against the opposite counter. The look on his face is both smug and embarrassed.
When you look back to the child standing in the doorway, it seems that she's already connecting dots. Doe eyes flit between the two of you, narrowed and analyzing until her nose is scrunching like that day three weeks ago.
"Hey~" She drawls out the word, tone going higher, it's almost accusatory. She bounces on her tip toes as she twirls in the doorway, pointing the crown in her hand at the two of you, her eyes wide with excitement.
Jisung's lips quirk as he watches her, taking note of her mannerisms. She's a little too giddy. Much more than usual. His eyes narrow as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"Someone's been sneaking…"
Your brows furrow, but as you glance between the two, you begin to see the signs. Her feet shuffling as she now looks at the ground, that flush on her cheeks turning pinker. The dead giveaway for you is the exaggerated shrug she gives Jisung, suddenly too shy to answer either of you. The little stinker was right outside the hall for who knows how long.
Jisung is the first to move, taking the few long strides to the doorway only to kneel down so he was eye level with the child. She keeps her gaze on her wiggling toes, the tiara atop her head sliding forward. He tilts his head to the side, catching her gaze before she turns away with a pout.
"C'mon, Peanut. Why don't you tell us what you heard." He offers, attempting to gently coax her back into a playful headspace. He brings his hands up to his cheeks, rests his elbows on his knees. And when she looks up, that shy gummy smile returns.
"You kissed the magical moo cow again." She blurts, promptly covering her mouth with a squeak. Those brown eyes are wide, almost animated as she stares between the two of you. Jisung turns his head to lock eyes with you, trying to maintain his composure. That's obviously not what either of you were expecting.
"I did." He replies, eyebrows arching as he clears his throat. "Do you remember why?"
She blinks, brows furrowing as she thinks back through your little fantasy playtime sessions.
"To break the curse?"
"That's right, Sweet Pea." Jisung adjusts the tiara on her head, reaching down for the handmade crown in her grip as she glances up at him with stars in her eyes. He settles the crown atop his head, the woven branches fitting perfectly as he picks her up with a grunt.
"Does that mean you love each other?" She asks, fiddling with the tulle of her dress. You can't help but grin at the way she's going about this, almost like she's interviewing you for a school presentation. Jisung turns to you with the softest smile, and you note something akin to relief swimming behind glowing irises.
"Yeah... yeah, I love your cousin a lot." He murmurs, and there goes your heart fluttering again. Absolutely hammering against your chest. He's back over to you in a few careful strides, giving you a peck on the cheek. The gesture earns a squeal from the little girl on his hip, her cheeks a light pink.
"Are you gonna get married?"
"Alright," You clap your hands together, trying to remember which drawer holds the utensils as the giggles resume. "why don't we dig in to some of these sweets and watch a movie, hm?" You feel your face burning from the question, which is quite innocent coming from a child. But oh boy, does it throw you for a loop. Jisung's clearly amused by it, his brown eyes watching you search through the drawers until you give up and settle on just cookies. You reach for the Tupperware containers on the counter, filling a small plate for your cousin as Jisung puts her back down. He hands her the plate and she runs off toward the living room, leaving the two of you.
"I've gotta hand it to her, that was bold."
"Ya think?" Fingers find your nose bridge as you listen to the sound of your boyfriend's jovial laughter. Your ears perk at the sound of a drawer opening, silverware clinking together with the help of deft fingers. Jisung settles against the counter beside you, holding a fork up between the two of you as you bring your gaze up. You mutter a thanks, taking it from him and reaching for the cheesecake slices in one of the containers. You're just about to ask him if he wants some when he speaks first.
"I kinda like the idea though…"
You pause in your actions, fork dangling from between your fingers as you attempt to comprehend what he just said. Kinda like the idea!? You huff in disbelief, wondering where this newfound confidence has come from. Perhaps your little cousin's bold remarks have rubbed off. But you can't even ask him because the pitter-patter of feet closes in on the kitchen.
"Sung Sung, come get the movie ready!" She says, and no one is allowed to object when the six-year-old is already pulling him by the arm. Little hands like a tiny vise around his wrist. 
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Just tiny little dad!Elvis blurb (that no one asked for)
After feeding and putting a fresh diaper on Ada, you picked her up and walked back to your bedroom where Elvis was laying in bed. Ada began kicking her feet and bouncing in your arms happily when she saw her daddy. You giggled and walked over to him knowing that was where she wanted to go. Elvis chuckled softly seeing her cute reaction and he held his arms out for her.
“C’mere, yittle.” He beamed.
You handed her to him and he laid her against his chest and kissed her cheek. She pressed her little face against his as her feet kicked excitedly and she cooed. You smiled at the both of them as you climbed into bed beside him, just watching the two of them. Elvis began to kiss her cheek repeatedly which caused her to giggle and squeal and then he started lifting her up and down which only made her giggles louder as he lifted her higher into the air.
You shook your head at him.
“Elvis, you keep doing that and she’ll spit up on you. She just ate.” you said softly.
“She won’t spit up. Right yittle? You won’t spit up on your daddy.” He laughed as she looked at him having no idea what he was talking about and he continued on and she kicked her legs and squealed.
You raised an eyebrow and just nodded. “If you say so, honey.” You hummed, continuing to watch them and as he tossed her in the air once more that’s when she let out a tiny burp and she spit up on his shirt and some even getting on his face. You placed a hand over your mouth and began to laugh, shaking your head. “What did I tell you! You don’t listen.” you rolled your eyes as you continued to laugh.
Ada was so happy that she just kept on giggling and wiggling in his arms wanting him to continue and he had a disgusted look on his face because he could smell the spit up. He then sat her back down on his stomach. The two of you just giggled at him and you reached back over to take her, grabbing her little bib and wiping her mouth. “This is what happens when daddy thinks he knows everything.” You teased with a grin.
Elvis glanced over at you as he continued making a face and he took the bib from you to wipe the tiny bit that got on his face and then wiping off what got on his shirt. “Is it suppose to smell like that?!” He exclaimed as he climbed out of the bed and you just laughed, kissing Ada’s cheek and watching Elvis quickly take his shirt off.
“Maybe next time when I say she just ate, you’ll listen to me. You know she’s got a sensitive tummy.” you giggled. Ada was resting her head against your chest and giggling along with you.
“Yeah, yeah.. ‘M happy the two of you just find this so funny.” He mumbled as he put a fresh shirt on.
Idk why I wrote this. But it was an idea that I had that as I was writing the dad!elvis one shot and I thought was cute. So, I figured I’d write a tiny blurb. Whenever I’m like in a writing rut when it comes to writing smut in my other fics I’m working on, I immediately just start writing fluffy shit. Lol.
Tagging: @18lkpeters @re3kin @memphis-mania @ccab @kendralavon7 @kiankiwi @elvisblueshoes @peaceloveelvis @generoustreemystic @arianatheangel-girl @genetakovicluvr
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
could you make a blurb of Tom holland x reader when they have a daughter and she hears someone call him ‘Tom’ so she copies
Never done a blurb before so hope you all enjoy this!
‘Tom’ || Tom Holland
Toms friends were over today, he invited them to come and chill by the pool on the hot day. Music played in the background as you all sat around and in the pool, talking and having laughs. Yours and Toms daughter, Darcy, was swimming with the help of her uncles, Harry and Sam.
She had her arm bands on, helping her to stay afloat. The young Holland was only 2 years old, she could just about talk. You decided to dip your feet into the pool, the cool water hitting your legs. You watch your beautiful daughter splash and laugh as the boys messed around in the pool.
Harrison then ran and jumped into the pool, making a big splash of water go all over you and Darcy. “Harrison!” You squeal as all the water flew into your drink. He came up from being under the water and just smirked laughing at the splashes of water on your body.
“uwcle Hawrrison, you splash” Darcy wines rubbing her eyes as the water had splashed all over her. “Sorry little one” He chuckled at the cute girl pulling her close to him, so she’s resting on his hip. He moved her hair from her face, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Yo Tom! Jump in!” Harrison called his best friend, who sat down next to you placing a small kiss on your lips.
Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “In a little while” Tom took a sip from his beer using his free hand.
“Come on Tom, you haven’t even gotten in for ages” Harrison said splashing him to try get him to come inside the pool. Darcy copying his actions and splashing you both, giggling when Tom kicked the water up at the pair.
Darcy was then next to speak, “Tom come play” She made grabby hands wanting her father to come in the pool with her. Everyone was silent for a minute realising that she had called him ‘Tom’ and not ‘daddy’ like she usually did or ‘dada’.
Harrison chuckled a little as he saw Toms face. “What did you call me?” He chuckled a little as the girl wiggled out of Harrison’s hold to swim to her mum and dad.
“Tom” She smiled.
“No, no. Baby, it’s daddy. Not Tom” He said as everyone started to laugh even you.
“Come, pwease Tom” she held onto his legs trying to pull him in. Then she turned to you, “Mummy I want him in” she said. Everyone knew Darcy was a daddy’s little girl.
“So you can call her mummy not y/n and you call me Tom?” Tom placed his beer down with a pout.
“Go on Tom, play with her” You smirk teasing him a little. “Yeah Tom” Harry smirked as well.
Tom slowly pulled himself into the pool, bring his daughter close to him. “Yay! Can we plwy now” She asked him, Tom still not liking her saying his name.
“First you have to say my name, my name you usually call me” He held onto her close.
“Tom” She smiled making him pout even more and a whine left his mouth.
“Noo. Darcy, love. It’s daddy, not Tom. Just daddy or dada, anything else but Tom” He pleaded waiting for her to say his usual name. That’s when Harrison whispered something into her ear, making her giggle.
“Thomas?” She questioned with a giggle.
Everyone started to laugh at the little girl and her father. Tom however pouted. “Harrison!” He whined.
The little girl tried to swim to her uncle Haz, Tom held onto her tickling her sides making the girl giggle. He loved her laugh. “Stop. T-thomas” She screamed as he continued.
“Stop calling me that and i’ll stop. Call me ‘daddy’ or ‘dad’ anything” He kept ticking her sides and stoped a little waiting for her to say a name.
“Daddy, stop” She smiled and he smiled back liking this name better, his actual name. He let go of the girl as she tried to swim over to Harrison. He held onto her arm pulling her closer.
“Tom” She began to giggle again, Tom swimming over to them. Harrison held onto the girl swimming away from Tom, laughs fell out of all there mouths.
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honey-crypt · 3 months
☺️I’m back☺️
This is for the Harvey x Cerebral Palsy reader 💕😣
Its called Left Hemiplegia, and preferably I’d like it to be spastic because that’s what I deal with , thank you so much🙏🙏🥺 literally a angel when I saw you do a lot of disability awareness stuff I literally squealed giggled and kicked my feet)
a/n: i’m so happy that you’re happy!!! i pride myself on disability awareness, advocacy, and activism haha. anywho, enjoy :3
warning: ableism
★ harvey with a farmer who has spastic left hemiplegia ★
★ harvey has been your biggest advocate and supporter when it comes to living with your disability
★ he gets you connected with the specialists, battles the insurance companies, and helps you get the assistive technology needed to run your farm
★ you have your hard days and it frustrates you deeply, especially since you have a farm to run, but harvey always reassures you that you’re doing your best
★ you often use a walker and getting around the farm can be a pain in the ass but harvey helps you get the layout modified to your needs, such as a ramp for the farmhouse and stable paths
★ harvey does physical therapy with you, not as a doctor but as a partner, encouraging you and looking out for you while you do your exercises
★ he does the exercises with you and combined with aerobics, he gets stronger
★ gets you cute stickers for your walker, such as stickers themed around your favorite shows and favorite color
★ you would think harvey would be too timid to confront ableists but for you?? he becomes an attack dog
★ he doesn’t yell at ableists but rather, he makes them look stupid as fuck
★ “mayor lewis, you shouldn’t undermine (y/n) when your last physical was subpar and they can lift a goat”
★ you can lift a goat on your right side; after all, you depend most on that side of your body
★ loves to hug you, he’s very touchy behind closed doors and he needs a hand or something on you at all times
★ always researches ahead of time if a place is accessible before he takes you there for a date
★ more than happy to work on the farm after marriage, he loves to feed the animals the most
★ harvey loves you and you love harvey, he would go to the ends of the earth for you if you asked
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intheticklecloset · 1 year
Lunchtime (Dr. Stone)
Modern AU
Summary: Gen attempts to retrieve Senku for lunch, but as usual, his boyfriend is making it more difficult than it needs to be.
A/N: A fic I wrote and shared with my buddy @skribblz privately a while back. I've been in a SenGen mood lately and decided to finally share it with the rest of you. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1,054
Gen saw his feet first, kicking back and forth like a child’s. Then the khaki shorts and white t-shirt, followed by that tall, leek-style hair. Senku had his earbuds in and seemed to be silently jamming out to some music, which the mentalist found unbearably adorable. He had his notebook cracked open, scribbling away at a rapid pace, as though he couldn’t get his thoughts onto something concrete fast enough.
“Senku-chan~” Gen sang, only mildly surprised when the scientist didn’t seem to hear him. He’d often get caught up in his projects so much that even without earbuds he would become unresponsive. Add music to the equation and it was like talking to a wall.
Gen took a moment to admire him. He leaned in the doorway, eyes roaming over his boyfriend’s body – surprisingly fit for someone who sucked at exercise. He didn’t know how Senku managed that, but it made him jealous nonetheless. Jealous and also extremely proud. He smirked to himself. That man is mine, he thought. All mine.
Bare feet, bare calves, shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. Senku was in his comfy clothes – what he always wore when working, in brainstorming mode. Gen had been coming to get him for lunch, but as usual, it looked like he’d have to get his attention the hard way.
“Dear Senku, will you never learn?” he murmured, striding forward, trying to make his footfalls heavy so the man would notice. He didn’t. Of course he didn’t. Gen smiled. “It’s like you want me to do this to you every time, my dear. How cute~”
He grabbed Senku’s kicking ankles, quickly pushed them to the floor and straddled them, then – before the man had entirely processed that he was being ambushed – started scribbling his blunt nails along the scientist’s calves.
The reaction was instantaneous.
Senku sputtered, ripping his earbuds out as a snort escaped him. He barely looked over his shoulder to make eye contact before he was giggling crazily, barely able to get words out. “Gah! M-Mehehehentalist, no! Not agahahahahahain!”
Gen giggled along with him, enjoying his useless wriggling. “You have your back to the door when you know I’m coming to get you eventually? Please, Senku-chan. You make it too easy to play with you.”
Senku flushed at the words, flailing one arm back in a useless attempt to stop him, using the other to grasp at nothing on the floor, having pushed his notebook out of harm’s way. After two ripped up blueprints from past attacks, the man knew better than to let his project stay within his range when Gen came after him like this.
“Stahahahahahahap! I gehehehehet it, it’s luhuhuhuhuhunchtime! Rihihihihight? Gen!” Senku squealed when his boyfriend teasingly swirled his fingers in the pits behind his knees, another snort slipping free.
“Bingo!” Gen sang, scooting up so he was straddling the very place he’d been tickling, effectively keeping the scientist from being able to kick him or move away at all.
Senku’s eyes were wide as he darted a glance over his shoulder again, though the brightness in them along with his shaky, anticipatory giggles gave away how much fun he was having. “Mentalist!”
“Yes, my dear?” Gen slowly – excruciatingly slowly – lifted the hem of his shirt from where it had ridden up slightly above his waist, snaking one hand beneath it to graze the bare skin of his back. “Any last words?”
“P-Please…” Senku trailed off, knowing it was useless. Or perhaps he knew as well as Gen did that he didn’t hate this as much as he had claimed to in the beginning of their relationship, before the scientist realized there was no hiding anything from Gen. Especially when it came to the man he loved –and the man he loved to tickle constantly. Just for fun. Just because he could.
Gen chuckled, laying down so his body was on top of his partner’s, pinning him in place, gently kissing the shell of his ear, which drew the cutest squeak he’d ever heard in his life. “You’re adorable.”
Senku whimpered, always weak to direct compliments and teasing. “I’m not.”
“You’re really going to argue with me,” Gen challenged playfully, beginning his scribbling along his boyfriend’s hypersensitive sides, “when you’re in no position to do such a thing? Bold of you, Senku-chan~”
Senku jerked beneath him but, of course, was not going anywhere now. His fingers scrabbled at the hardwood floor as high-pitched cackles began to burst out of him, finally managing to grab onto the nearby rug and fist some of it in his hands. He pressed his forehead to the ground to try and muffle himself.
“Oh, no, no, no,” Gen said, voice turning slightly firmer. “We can’t have that.”
Then he dug into Senku’s sides for all he was worth, grinning at the scream it pulled from him, the way he frantically tried to move literally any part of his body but couldn’t, trapped beneath the mentalist as he was.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA GEN, NOHOHOHOHOHO!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Senku begged, laughter exploding from his lungs faster than he could keep up with, tears springing to his eyes. He wrenched his head to the side to let it all out freely, pounding the ground with a fist. “NOT AGAHAHAHAHAHAIN!! NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!!”
Gen pressed a kiss to his cheek, then his neck, then his ear again, all of it making his partner so hysterical he nearly went silent laughing so hard. He cooed into his ear, “Ready to eat, Senku-chan?”
Senku cursed through his helpless cackling but quickly yelled, “YES, YEHEHEHEHEHES!! I’M REHEHEHEHEADY!! PLEASE, GEN!! GEHEHEHEHEHEHEN!!”
The mentalist slowed his tickling to a gradual stop, brushing some stray strands of hair from his partner’s face, leaning down to kiss the side of his lips. “You keep using my name,” he teased. “I know what that means.”
“Shut…shut up,” Senku muttered, heat flooding his cheeks again.
“Perhaps we should make a pit stop on the way to the kitchen?”
“Don’t need to.”
Gen climbed off him, flipped him onto his back, and loomed over him with a dangerous smirk on his lips.
Senku swallowed audibly.
“Or…perhaps right here is good enough?” Gen asked.
Senku shuddered, then grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him down into a kiss.
Gen felt a rush of satisfaction. Who needed words when actions spoke louder anyway?
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Ok now future Willow meeting present Hunter (and yeah, greeting him in a way he absolutely dies) I love these sm!!!! 😭😭😭
Okay listen. It’s short and goofy buuuuut I guess we do need to compete the square.
Hunter and Luz once again fell from the sky, not too far from where they had originally left but uncertain how far they were from thejr correct time.
“Is portal jumping supposed to make you so nauseous?” Luz inquired, holding her stomach.
“They’re artificial portals, so they’re more unpredictable and less dependable,” said Hunter, feeling equally dizzy.
“Aw, Lilith said the same thing about Eda once,” Luz recalled fondly.
“Nevertheless, we have to be careful,” said Hunter rising to his feet. “We should find the others and make sure we’re in the right-.”
“Hey Gus, I found them!” came a voice down the way and Luz and Hunter saw Willow off in the distance. Luz waved to her friend as she summoned Clover to fly over to them quicker and she couldn’t help but notice her brother watched her silently as a blush crept onto his face.
“Oh look, now you have another chance to ask if she thinks you’re cute,” teased Luz in a whisper.
“Do not mention that,” he said in a panicked whisper of his own.
“Oh c’mon, I don’t think she changed her mind,” said Luz, playfully elbowing his ribs.
“Luz, I’m not gonna let you embarrass me in front of Willow twice in one-.” He was cut off but a blur of green as Willow nearly knocked him over with the force she embraced him with as she hopped off her staff. She trapped his arms at his sides and lifted him off the ground as she spun him around, laughing in delight. When she finally set him down, he attempted to process his feelings to properly greet her but before he could she pulled him down into a firm, eager kiss.
Willow held him down like he was floating way and Hunter became a worthless noodle, a melted popsicle, total putty in her hands. He knees forgot how to work and as soon as Willow released him, he feel straight to the ground like a pile of bricks.
Willow simply giggled and looked at him fondly. “Hi.”
Luz examined the plant witch who stood before her and squinted in suspicion. “Okay, am I crazy or are you-.”
“Oh no, I’m not the Willow you came here with,” she said with a knowing smile. “Well timeline wise at least. Time pools or whatever, ya know? I’m guessing by Hunter’s hair that we’re just a couple months apart.”
“Soooo does that mean in the future, you and Hunter are-.”
“We’re kind of dating, yeah,” she giggled, rocking on her heels as she brushed her hair behind her ear to show off a sparkling gold earring.
“Oh! We’re gonna be sister-in-laws!” Luz squealed. “Oh, wow Amity owes me so much money.”
“Okay, calm down I’m not from that far in the future,” she laughed. “But, I should probably go find my Hunter; this has been happening all day.”
“You just... go around kissing Hunters?” Luz asked.
“Yeah,” she said with a laugh, admiring the passed out boy from the past still laying on the ground. “It’s kinda ma thing.”
“But his hair changes a lot, shouldn’t you be able to tell which Hunter is from the past and which is the one you’re dating?”
“Yeah,” she admitted. “But I guess I just get excited.”
Luz looked down to Hunter on the ground and gently kicked the back of his foot. “Holy cow Willow, I think you killed him.”
“I’m fine!” Hunter insisted enthusiastically from the ground, his voice shaky and whimsical. “I’m totally fine with it! I’m more than fine with it!”
“Awh, he says that every time.” Future Willow said with a smile.
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
AJWJAJJSJDJ GHOSTFLOWER/GWILES MADE ME SOB. AND HOBIE OMG I CAN'T ANYMORE I FEARED FOR HIS LIFE. And MIGUEL OMG I KNEW I COULDN'T HATE HIM THAT MUCH. Lyla my bae AND YURI UGHHHH I LOWKEY ADORE HER. I can't stop squealing and giggling and kicking my feet OMG omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg I'm gonna kms
And I wanted Mathias to be killed in the harshest, painfullest, bloodiest way possible omg you did not disappoint
That queen istg I hated HER GUTS
I am never getting over this fic. Y'know when u read a really really REALLY good book and you get book hangover and you google everything related to it and make Pinterest boards for it (i totally don't already have a board dedicated to ur fics)?? Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do. Literally drunk on this fic. I'm gonna end up writing unpublished fanfic about this fanfic. That's how obsessed I am. Like I need all sorts of stuff I need to see R and Hobie grow old and experience the world together I need to see the twins in the BDAS universe- OMG I NEED TO SEE BILLIE AND RAMONA AS PIRATES OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
Honestly worth the wait, my heart is satisfied ❤😭
I think that just about covers it, if you've read this review all the way through I'm actually so happy 🥺😊
Literally crying real tears rn I can't believe it's over 🥹
Sending loads of love ❤🌾
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HAHAHHAHA I got u all with the miguel fake out 😂 Yuri is wifey material ngl
Yeeesss captain stacy did a magician move and appeared from nowhere 😂 now they've got an actual adult on the ship
I always knew mathias needed a very painful death! I was debating whether he accidentally gets hanged ala tarzan villain or drowned in shallow waters but I'm still glad I went through with what I wrote bc r gave him a beating lol
They deserve so much happiness 🥺 can you imagine the babies in bdas?!!! Oh Hobie would have his hands full with them onboard
Thank you!!! I cannot express how much I appreciate your love and your thoughts ILY ❤️❤️❤️
Lots of love to you, my love!!!!! (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)
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dannystheone · 1 year
Lee Kenny with the spot being feet?
Ah sorry I know it's been a while since you sent this in but I finally had an idea for it! Another anon sent in a request for SOT that someone could be thrown in makeshift stocks as punishment for screwing up the game after reclaiming the stick of truth from Clyde, and my brain just kinda created this mashup lol
So here's a teeny SOT drabble of Kenny getting what he deserves teehee I'm trying to work on my drabbles more and not have quite so many details in my writing without taking away from the atmosphere of the story if that makes ANY sense
also i finished this at 3 am if its crap spare me plz
Revenge On Princess Kenny! (Lee Princess Kenny/Ler Stan and Kyle)
WARNINGS: Kids swearing, feet tickles (with and without socks), and SPOILERS for the Stick of Truth game
The boys get Kenny back after what Kenny subjected them to at their final showdown!
"MMPH!! Guhuhuymph! Wehehem cahahaham tahahahamlk ahahahaboumt thihihihimph!!" Princess Kenny's eyes screwed shut as she kicked her ankles in protest of what was currently being done to her. Elbows secured her ankles in place as fingers scribbled up her feet in an experienced way.
"No way dude, you totally traitored us. Just because you have a kickass backstory doesn't mean you can backstab your friends." Kyle angrily commented, and dug his fingers in Princess Kenny's toe spaces. Princess Kenny squealed as the sensation zipped up her thigh like a jolt of electricity.
"Yehehehemph ihihihihihimph dohohohomph!! Thahahamph mahahamph imph cohohohool!!" Princess Kenny giggled behind her hood as her legs tried to pull back from the tickles skittering up and down her feet. Stan and Kyle had her ankles in a tight headlock as her upper body was free to move. She couldn't do much to free herself with all her wriggling, however.
"Princess Kenny if you wanted to have a dark and angsty backstory you can hang out with the goth kids. You're either a cute pretty princess from Japan who controls unicorns, or you're a half-orc half-human who watched her people get wiped out before her very eyes. You can't have it both ways, God." Cartman, who was spectating from the couch, butted in. He was watching the scene with the New Kid sitting next to him; the New Kid watching with that usual blank stare.
"B-Buhuhumph I ahahahamph bohohohomph! Tehehe-hmhmhmph!" Princess Kenny was suddenly overwhelmed with giggles as Stan formed his hand into a big five-fingered claw and shook all five fingers in Kenny's foot at once.
"Yeah Kenny, just 'cause you have a dark backstory doesn't mean you can be an asshole and steal the stick for total power. Like, what kind of a dick move is that. You saw how literally NO ONE else moved for the stick when it was offered to them except for you, right?" Stan added while keeping up his claw technique. Kyle had Kenny's foot lodged in the crook of his elbow and his chest, making it easy for him to scribble his fingers back and forth to wherever he wanted to target.
"Ihihihihimph wahahahamph juhuhuhumph plahahahayimph myhyhyhy chahahaharachtermph! MhmhmHMHMHMPH!! MMM!!" Princess Kenny's dress ruffled as her struggling grew more erratic. Stan found a choice spot in the middle of the ball of her foot. He scritched a blunt nail down the line of it and tightened his grip on her ankle. Thankfully she was wearing shorts underneath that dress.
"Oh I see, so you're saying if you were to be offered the Stick of Truth again and kill all your friends in the pursuit of dominant universal power, you would do it again?" Kyle questioned, and started slipping off Kenny's white sock in preparation for his potential answer. Stan and Kyle halted their tickling for just a moment, and looked back at Princess Kenny for her response.
Princess Kenny had a hand over her beating chest as she caught her breath. She adjusted her golden wig and crown as she thought of her honest answer. Her bare toes flexed as Stan also stripped her of her sock. Would she be honest and tell the truth, or try and save her skin?
Cartman loudly slurped on a juice box in the background, filling the would-be tense moment with sucking noises.
"Mmm, yemph. Imph parmt omph my bamchphory thamph I plot againmph orcs amph humamphs, so I woulmph tamph themph stimph againmph for powermph amph fame. Amph boobiemphs." Princess Kenny muffled behind her hood. She seemed confident in her answer. She even crossed her arms over her chest.
Stan and Kyle exchanged glances with each other, their eyes lidded with knowing looks. One look at Stan's face adorned with his steel helmet and one look at Kyle's face donned with his thorn crown, and they immediately launched their fingers back into Princess Kenny's bare feet with renewed energy.
"N-MHMHMHMMHM!! MMM! MHMHMHMPH! GUHMHMHMPHS!!" Princess Kenny squealed and bucked as she kicked her feet back and forth to try and dislodge her attackers. Kyle and Stan kept tight holds on her ankles as they curled their sides into her and shook their fingers into her skin.
"Don't you remember how you traumatized King Douchebag, Princess Kenny? You, the fairest maiden of all the land, inflicting the most damage upon our most sacred warrior? Have you no shame? And you dare say you would do it all over again for fame, power, and... boobies? Well, to be fair, that does sound pretty sweet. But still, not cool dude!" Cartman scolded. The New Kid silently watched as Princess Kenny twisted all over the carpet as her friends scribbled their fingers into her defenseless feet.
"LOOK PRINCESS KENNY! LOOK HOW TRAUMATIZED HE IS! HE WILL NEVER FORGET FIGHTING NAZI ZOMBIE UNICORNS AND SWALLOWING YOUR PRINCESS NAZI ZOMBIE BARF!! HE'S JUST A BOY FOR GOD'S SAKE!!" Cartman reached over and squished the New Kid's face with both hands to accentuate his innocence. The New Kid sat there plainly without saying a word as his cheeks were squished.
Stan looked over to Cartman and saw him with his hands on the New Kid. "Cartman leave the New Kid alone. He's not traumatized, Jesus." Kyle shook his head at the scene and put his fingers between Kenny's toes to tickle between all his spaces. That got a big reaction from him.
"Jesus wasn't even a part of the battle because of how gritty it was! The action! The suspense! You'll never be completely over it, will you, New Kid?" The New Kid opened his mouth to speak, but Cartman put a finger over his mouth.
"Spare me your sugar-coated lies, my lamb! Do not cover for the Princess! She's aware of her actions and she said she would inflict them upon you once more for materialistic treasures! Have you no heart, Fair Maiden? Have you no heart..." Cartman covered his heart with his hand as he was now standing on the couch in his drama.
Stan and Kyle slowly stopped tickling Kenny and let him go eventually as they watched where Cartman was going with this. The New Kid craned his neck up to watch as well as Princess Kenny smoothed out her dress and retrieved her discarded socks.
"What are you going on about, fatass?" Kyle asked aloud. Cartman's eyes opened as if he just became aware of where he was. He dropped from the couch and picked up his juice box to slurp obnoxiously from it again.
"Oh, I dunno. I just got super bored and made up a gay poem out of nowhere. Anyway, you guys wanna see Asses of Fire 2? They just released it in the theatre." Cartman announced and threw his juice box behind him when he was finished.
"Oh pfft, like you have to ask? The hell are we doing here then? Come on, let's go see!" Kyle exclaimed. The four guys, New Guy included, started for the door. Kenny trailed behind them and threw her hands up.
"Omph, whamph themph fumph? Guymph, I don'mph hamph money to see imph!" Princess Kenny shouted behind her hood. The guys looked at each other while New Kid stayed silent.
"Uh, anyone paying for Kenny's ticket?" Stan asked.
"Uh no."
"Fuck no."
"Yeah me neither."
A moment of silence passed as Princess Kenny crossed her arms angrily. They all shrugged as they started for the door again.
"Sorry about that dude! Maybe don't traitor your friends if you're not even gonna be successful with the stick next time." Kyle shrugged as they all shut the door in Kenny's face.
"Fumph youmph guymphs, serioumphly."
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