lovinggreeniehours · 2 months
very very random stray candledapple thought invaded my brain but. a lot of my music daydreams about hazbin lucifer is him randomly bursting into obnoxious love song number for mandela to make it laugh (truly a rare feat /hj) and. um. yeah. i think they need a laugh,,,, both of them,,,,,,, they should just be goofs sometimes,,,,,,,,,
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genderfluid-insomniac · 6 months
"Why are you stealing my ducks?!"/// Lucifer Morningstar x reader
A/N: I had an idea and ran with it. I know someone out there isn't pleased with the lack of ducks in the market.
First off it was your day off and you were simply trying to find more rubber ducks to give to the kids at the daycare you ran for hellborns and sinners. Strangely enough, it was fairly financially stable with parents and minorly tolerable sinners dropping off kids (either their own adopted or otherwise) until the end of the day when you would lock up the place.
Because this was a daycare and you carried the cash back with you to your apartment there wasn’t any reason for anyone to break into or ruin the daycare. Even if they did their parents or guardians grew to be very protective of the place and you for honestly keeping their child safe. You were told by some others that one of the parents wouldn’t hesitate to protect their child by any means necessary and they refused to tell you which one strangely enough.
You had a feeling though of who it was since one of your favorite kids was an adorable blonde demon with bright red eyes who seemed to light up everyone around her. Unfortunately, she rarely was dropped off. But when she was her dad usually picked her up who you knew (via his daughter Charlie telling you he was the “best dad and inventor ever”) and you’d get to see the heartwarming scene of him catching her as she jumped to him and resting his forehead against hers.
He was quite handsome too and his devotion to his daughter never failed to put a smile on your face, often finding one of you staring at the other with a smile only to get caught. You never got his name but his theatrical apple-themed clothing stuck with you but you didn’t see him since his daughter had grown up.
Opening the door to the familiar sight of the toy store, you walked to the front to see the owner looking bored as they swiped through their phone until they saw you and lit up. “Hey! You here to see if I have any more rubber ducks in stock?” You looked hopeful for a second until they looked nervously at you and slid a clipboard over to you which had the clear stamp of “OUT OF STOCK” on the duck column. Groaning and letting your head fall tiredly onto the counter. Your day is now ruined as you’d planned to organize them in the daycare to let the kids go home with them as a gift after the disaster of this year’s extermination.
You heard the bell to the store ring signaling that someone else was now here and didn’t care since you were still upset about this being the 4 or 5 times in weeks that you’d tried to get at least 10 or 15 rubber ducks. The person walked up beside you and seemed to be very happy and a bit nervous by the way he rocked back and forth on his heels. They must have spotted you looking distraught because they tentatively poked your head. “You okay there? You seem kinda down.”
As you lifted your head you locked eyes with a very familiar man who you knew, the same white suit and pants with the decorative top hat and matching apple cane. Both of you had the same second of silence before saying “You!” and got interrupted by the owner coming back with 5 boxes labeled “RUBBER DUCKS” in Sharpie on a trolly. The man turned to the owner for a second after he gave you a timid smile and thanked them, signing his name at the bottom of the receipt and startling you at what his name was.
Lucifer Morningstar. Meaning the little girl Charlie was Charlie Morningstar….the princess of Hell. You were going to address your heartbeat picking up however seeing the boxes flipped a switch in your brain and looked between the king and the boxes of rubber ducks. “You- You motherfucker! You’re the one who’s been buying out their entire stock of ducks!” You said frustratedly and stalked up to him, poking a finger into his chest. Even if he was the King of Hell why would he need that many ducks?
Lucifer wore a tentative expression when you realized who he was until you angrily poked him in the chest and accused him of purposely screwing with you over. It wasn’t his fault that he ran out of ducks and duplicating them wasn’t good since the mechanics never fused with his magic well. He didn’t even know you came here and had seen you since Charlie had gone to daycare. Getting embarrassed when you asked about why he needed that many rubber ducks.
“I- I fail to see how that’s your business!” He spouted as he tried to put off an intimidating aura but it failed miserably seeing as how you just raised an eyebrow at him. The atmosphere quickly became calmer as he let out a sigh and mumbled something under his breath. You couldn’t hear him and leaned closer to hear him. “What did you say?” You asked very confused at the sudden change of attitude.
He blushed noticeably and ran a hand down his face, confessing something he hoped he’d never have to tell others. “I need them to invent more ducks.” Refusing to look at you, Lucifer wished he could just teleport back to his workshop but that would mean abandoning the person he never thought he’d have the opportunity to talk to again. The person who seemed to make his heart speed up and matched your reaction to seeing him. You smiled and let out a small chuckle, seeing how this wasn’t too surprising since you’d been told by his daughter that he was the “best dad and inventor ever”.
You put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft look. “I should’ve guessed. Your daughter always said her day was the “best dad and inventor ever”. It’s nice to see you again Lucifer.” You outstretched your hand and saw him smile in turn, taking your hand and shaking it firmly. He ran a hand through his blonde hair which had gotten disheveled during his “pitiful” confession and fixed his hat. “It’s nice to see you too! I missed- I mean I wished I had gotten in touch with you sooner!” He said before nearly slipping up and flushing at your unchanging beautiful appearance. It’d been so long since he’d seen you.
What you said registered to him and it seemed like you hadn’t forgotten about him either which was a good sign for him. Lucifer blushed remembering how Charlie always had a habit of bluntly saying things which sometimes backfired like it situations like these when he wanted to seem charming and alluring to someone he liked. Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and letting out a short laugh. “Yeah, she’s always been very kind and honest to people. Which isn’t a bad fault at all! Just uh- in hell it’s normally not the greatest quality to have but she’s done so well with her hotel.” He explained and unconsciously started smiling as he talked about his daughter which warmed your heart completely.
You were still a bit frustrated with being bought out of rubber ducks but this excursion went better than you’d possibly imagined. His smile mirrored yours as he realized he’d started to realize he was rambling. “Sorry I-” You interrupted him and stopped his hand waving by putting yours on his. “No! No. I think it’s really touching hearing how much you love Charlie and I’m glad we got to see each other even if it was by accident.” You said. He was teetering on asking you out or at least saying “Can we meet again?” because he wasn’t going to leave it to chance to see you again. He would force himself if he had to. He moved his cane between his hands and knowing he’d be here all day if he waited.
“Do you want to go out- I mean see each other again? Maybe meet up somewhere.” Lucifer spit out what he’d wanted to say and took a deep breath, sighing out most of his nerves. “It would be nice to catch up after all these years. I’ve missed you.” He smiled and ignored the obvious shock and excitement of the owner standing beside them. You were equally shocked for a second before flushing at the implication of everything and nodded. “I’d love to. Just name the time and place. Preferably not during my work and I’m sure you can roughly remember the daycare’s hours. Unfortunately, I still need to find rubber ducks for the kids.” You spoke with a grin and laughed.
The devil was so happy you agreed but panicked briefly when you said you still had to find rubber ducks. However, hearing they were for the kids gave him an idea. “I think I can kill both birds with a hammer. I have more ducks back at my place, probably too many, many of them would be great for the kids if you wanted to take a look. Probably the non-fire-breathing ones should stay with me though.” He brightly suggested and then turned to the boxes currently full of ducks, suddenly getting another idea which he could also show off how creative he was while spending time with you.
“If you want we could make the ducks for the kids together since you know them and I can tinker with mechanics to make them do cool things!” Starting to become noticeably excited about the entire thing and how well this entire conversation was going compared to others. To everyone in the room, his actions were adorable, and unspokenly wouldn’t leave this room ever. You stopped him mid-sentence and laughed to grab his quick-moving hands. “I’d love to, Lucifer. It’d be more than happy to. How about we meet up at your daughter's hotel? The Hazbin Hotel right?” You asked and got an enthusiastic nod, bittersweetly parting ways and agreeing to meet up your next free day.
To say Charlie was excited to see you again when Lucifer, who was living in the hotel himself, reintroduced you to her was an understatement. The princess had stars in her eyes when she saw you and you didn’t have any time to speak because she tackle-hugged you to the ground much to everyone but Lucifer’s surprise. She started crying happily and refusing to let you go, luckily you ended up getting helped by her father who chuckled and rubbed her head. You were asked to explain why you had reduced Charlie to tears and incoherent babbles of “I’m so happy to see them”. Your “hangout” with Lucifer went better than expected and both of you agreed to go on an official date. Needless to say everyone grew fond of seeing you around more often for several reasons.
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girlboypersonthingy · 7 months
Hazbin gals reacting to their s/o saying "I love you" for the first time? (totally not self-indulgent, not at all)
Hell Yeah, indulge baby!!! I love me some sapphic hazbin fluff. The only ‘gals’ I write for are Charlie, Vaggie and Velvette. I hope that’s cool 🙂 👍🏼 if anyone wants part two with other characters… *cough* Lucifer *cough* let me know 😙 ENJOY ANON~
TW: swearing, Vaggie in lingerie, Velvette gets a little assertive 😉 mostly fluff tho
Hazbin Gals- First ‘I Love You’s 💘
Charlie ❤️‍🔥
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Sitting on one of the couches in the lobby of the hotel, you watch with a content smile as your girlfriend paces back and forth, rambling on about her plans to save sinners and her mixed feelings about having a meeting with heaven. Charlie takes a few steps and pivots around before taking a few steps the other way, her fingers nervously fiddling with each other all the while her smile never fading.
“I’m just…I’m feeling so…AH! Ya know?” She finally scurries over to you and plops down on the couch, resting her hand on your knee. “Well I’m very proud of you, babe.” You respond with a smile but your eyes are fixed on her hand on your leg right now. As she continues her ranting, her words start to sound more like a song, the actual words not computing in your brain any longer. It’s just her pretty voice accompanied by her gentle touch. As if you couldn’t lose focus anymore, her hand shifts a bit, further up your thigh.
Her words stop abruptly, the silence causing you to look up at her. Her smile shrunk just a bit as she watched you, tilting her head to the side, her long hair swaying as it followed her movements. “What’s up, babe? You look like you’ve got something on your mind.”
“I-I uh…I love you.” It tumbles from your lips before you can stop it, before your brain can even register that you are speaking right now. The damage is done. All you can do now is stare at the gorgeous blonde in front of you with wide, expectant eyes and a worried, tight-lined frown on your lips.
Her face was…hard to read. Which is strange because the princess was usually so loud and dramatic and over exaggerated and so animated with her facial expressions. But this expression was one you’d never seen before. Her mouth was hanging open slightly, revealing her pearly white fangs. Her light yellow eyes were wider than you’ve ever seen them and the apples of her cheeks were nearly glowing red.
“Charlie? You…okay?” And like a switch being flipped, her expression changes completely. Now, her eyes are squinted up tight due to her huge, giddy grin. She’s holding her hands together tightly, slightly bouncing in her spot in front of you, soft giggles starting to sound from her.
“AWWWWW (Y/N)~” Charlie drags out saying your name, diverting her gaze elsewhere then bitting her lip shortly after. “I love you too. WOW!!! It feels so good to say that out loud and know you feel the same.” Her pale hands reach out for yours, squeezing your hands slightly as she looks into your eyes. “I love you.” She repeats at a much lower volume, making sure the words really sink in. Then she yanks you forward, wrapping you in a tight hug as soft giggles and dreamy sighs leave both your lips.
You’re not sure when she started crying because her body was once shaking from happy laughter and now, her body shakes as a soft gasp sounds from her, sniffling following shortly after. You pull away quickly to see her still sporting a big, goofy smile but with tears running down her cheeks. “You-you really l-l-love me…? AWW WWHAAAAA.”
Good job. You’ve reduced the princess of hell to a puddle of happy tears right in your lap. What else did you expect from the drama queen herself? Get ready for an all night cuddle session, complete with on and off kissing and crying.
Vaggie ⚔️
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“Hey, hun. Good morning…” Vaggie mumbled softly to you as she groggily strolled towards you. This was a daily occurrence, a normal start to your morning- both of you getting ready in your own rooms then meeting in the lobby to say ‘good morning’ and then continue your day together. You had been dating for a good minute now but still haven’t moved into the same room. You decided a small boundary would be good for now until the relationship feels ready to move forward.
Today, a Saturday, you both thought it’d be fun to stay in your pajamas and have a lazy day. There were no solid plans today and you’ve been missing your girl so when you brought it up to her last night, Vaggie was more than happy to spend a lazy day with you. But holy hell…you’re at a loss for words when you realize her pajamas weren’t just pajamas. She had this absolutely gorgeous little white nighty on, a thin silky dress that barely covered her crotch and ass, hardly leaving anything to the imagination. Was she wearing it for this occasion, just to impress you? Or…is this what she always wears to bed?
All your blood rushes to your face within seconds, even your ears were fire red as your eyes stayed stuck to her frame in that night dress. She normally dressed pretty feminine and cute but you never expected her to wear such adorable lingerie to bed. Vaggie seemed to catch on immediately, looking down at herself briefly before looking back at you with down turned lips and furrowed brows. “Too much?”
“Oh shit, I-I’m sorry. No! Just caught me off guard with your…pajamas. You’re just so cute. Shit, sorry, lemme stop talking now.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look away, eyes frantically scanning over her small but toned little body. You felt like such a perv, suddenly looking away and trying to hide your embarrassed and ashamed face in your hands.
Vaggie sympathizes, understanding that you’re flustered but also very into her but also trying not to stare. She steps closer, gently grabbing both your hands in hers. She lifts both your hands up and gently interlaces her fingers between yours. Your clasped hands were sweaty as hell against hers, making her smile grow a little bigger. “I can go change.” She mumbles softly, her eyes scanning your expression, waiting for you to make eye contact with her again.
All you could muster up is a low hum in response as you shake your head ‘no’. “Oh so you like it then?” She steps even closer, her barely clothed body nearly pressed against yours now. You swallow thickly, your lip quivering ever so slightly as you inhale, scrambling to find the words to reply to her.
“Oh y-yeah, I love it actually! I love you.” Your hand comes to your mouth as if trying to shove those last three words back in. You can’t help but stutter your way through a second response, but Vaggie throws her own reply in as well. “You do?” Vaggie is nearly whispering now, watching as you panic. “Fuck! No, that’s not what I meant. I mean-Well, wait…I-I…” She can tell you’re malfunctioning and probably very close to imploding in on yourself as you decide what is the right thing to say next. You shake your head vigorously, waving your hands in the air as if trying to clear your foggy brain. When you finally take a breath and look back to her face, Vaggie is smiling sweetly, looking as though she might just melt straight down into the carpet below you.
“Oh, (Y/N/N)~ I love you too.” She closes in on you fully, her arms quickly finding themselves comfy around your neck, her blushy face just inches from yours now. “Hmm…you think it’s too much for everyone else to see?” She has a smug smile on her face now. She was trying to tease you at this point, seeing just how far she could take this before you’re collapsing into her arms.
“Are you suggesting we go some where more private?” You try to flirt back but your voice cracks and you can’t maintain eye contact for longer than a second or two. Your attempt at flirting yanks a loud laugh from her, making her throw her head back momentarily before she pulls back and grabs your hand. She begins leading you towards her room, replaying your voice in her head over and over as you said ‘I love you’. She’s gonna ask you to say it again once you’re in private.
And you just can’t stop glancing down at her barely covered ass and her fully exposed legs in that cute nighty as you follow behind her. I mean who can blame you?
Velvette 💀
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Your girl is going off right now, having just gotten into some stupid fight with Valentino. You’re so super sure he’s the most toxic being you’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting and it irked you even more that he was her business partner, her roommate. This is a regular occurrence- Val barging into Velvette’s studio drunk as hell, yelling and smoking the whole room up. And every time, Velvette gets pissed and instantly starts spewing rude names and swear words at him. It’s honestly pretty frightening to have to sit back and watch, eyes darting back and forth between them as you cower in your seat, knowing that if you even try to intervene you might end up double dead.
But now, Val has been gone and out of sight for at least ten minutes now but Velvette is still completely irate. She’s now sitting beside you on a couch, just the two of you taking up space in the studio. You watch as she rants and rambles, her expression full of rage, her voice booming with a slight growl to it. You weren’t sure how to talk her down from this one, you don’t think you’ve ever seen her so…stressed.
You decide maybe a gentle touch would help pull her attention to you so you can further try to calm her and get her mind off Val. As your hand slips into hers, she holds it firmly but continues to vent, telling you all about her feelings. “Like what a fucking dickhead! Ugh! I don’t storm into his studio and interrupt his fuck fest.” Your other hand moves to join the one that’s already holding Velvette, gently rubbing up and down her arm. “Yeah, Im sorry, V. He’s the worst…”
Still, Velvette is talking at a rapid pace but her voice has become much softer, her face seeming to relax a bit as her eyes move to focus on the gentle hand on her arm. “Is there…anything I can do to calm you?” You try to interject, hoping to stop her train of thought from going crazy and derailing. “No, darling. No. It’s alright. I’m sorry you have to see me get so nasty and ugly like this. I just can’t control my temper sometimes. Oh, I’m so ashamed.” She turns her face away from you- this is a side of Velvette you’ve never seen before. She gets mad often, she does have a fiery temper and you’ve seen that well enough by now but you both know she’s never been this pent up and pissed off. The more she calms down, the more insecure she becomes…a side of Velvette no one has ever seen.
“Oh, no! Don’t apologize. I know you’re not yelling at me, you’re more…yelling to me. It’s good to vent, to get it all out. Don’t worry, babe. I love you-“ and her head turns so fast, you’re concerned about her neck for a second. It’s almost like she processed your words before you did. “Did…you just say you love me?” She leans back, not to get away from you but to get a better look at your face right now.
And now you’re burning up, feeling sweat start to form under your arms and on your forehead. Oh and your hands? Yeah, They’ve been sweaty! “Uh no, no…I uh…” You can’t even come up with an excuse or any kind of comeback before Velvette is on the move, slowly crawling over you with a devious smirk on her thin lips…excruciatingly slow…
“Nah ah ah. Don’t lie to me, darling.” She continues her pursue on you, pushing you back into the couch as she towers over you now, her hands on your wrists as she pins them back against the cushions. “Say it again.” With her so close to you, fully on top of you now, it’s becoming extremely difficult to avoid her gaze or try to escape the situation. “C’mon, I wanna hear it again.” She teases, leaning in to gently tap her nose on yours. Your breath catches in your chest, your stomach feeling warm and bubbly as you close your eyes, focusing in on her soft breaths wafting across your lips.
“I love you…” You finally get it out again, not daring to open your eyes. You’re pretty sure if you opened your eyes and looked up at Velvette right now, you’d completely erode away from embarrassment right before her eyes, just a pile of dust. Hearing the words again sends a jolt of electricity to Velvette’s brain and all her courage suddenly swells in her gut and she leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. It’s quick and soft and somehow better than every other kiss you’ve ever shared. Maybe it’s just the heat of the moment.
Finally, she got you to open your eyes again. The shocked look on your face makes her want to go even harder, tease you even more, turn you into a bright red jittery idiot right here right now. “I love you too, my darling little angel baby.” Velvette loves to call you that, she figures she’s more evil you’re more good, you balance each other out, yin and yang. Aaand yep! She was right, calling you cute pet names would break you even further.
Velvette sits back on the couch, cackling, gasping for air, trying her best to keep her eyes open through the tears so she can see your face. She’s not making fun of you…but she’s kinda making fun of you. She’s so very flattered you love her but you get so jumpy and shy when she presses you like that, she can’t help but take advantage sometimes. She adores the hell out if you and often wonders how a soft, gentle, kind heart like yours could truly be in love with a heart like hers.
“I love you more, (Y/N).”
Aaannddd cue the make out sesh
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beansmack2021 · 7 months
Consider: Lucifer and reader who was a Satanist while they were alive (or Luciferian, that works too)
Holy Shit!
Disclaimer: I don't really know much about Luciferians, so I had to do a little bit of research to make sure that I didn't make any mistakes. I hope I didn't offend anyone's religion, and that you enioy!
You had only been in Hell for a few days, but a few days were plenty. You weren't really sure you believed in Heaven or Hell when you were alive, but now that you were really there, you kind of had no choice.
You'd always believed that Lucifer's decent from Heaven and fall to Hell was devastating. You were also inspired, though. You believed that if he was willing to challenge the beliefs of those around him, you could, too.
You weren't one to tell others that you believed that Lucifer deserved more credit than he got. You knew that'd get you funny looks. Still, you admired him. You also pitied him. He never got to see the "joys of humanity". He was forced to see the bad. Somehow, he managed to rule over the bad, though. He was a pillar of strength, in your eyes.
He was kind of cool. You'd always thought snakes were pretty awesome. You believed that they, like Lucifer, were misunderstood and could do amazing things.
Now that you were in Hell, you realized you were right. There was a whole society in Hell. People would often say that Hell would be an eternal firey pit of damnation. It definitely was, but there was a lot of structure to the kingdom of the damned. It just goes to show that Lucifer can build something incredible if given the chance.
You didn't expect to run into the king himself, though. You were walking down the street, still trying to get a feel for things, when someone suddenly appeared before you. The short, blonde man looked around frantically, just repeatedly saying "apples. Charlie wants apples." He saw right through you, but he definitely couldn't walk through you.
The two of you landed on the sidewalk, groaning.
"Sorry," he blurted out. "I was just looking for a shop that sold apples. My daughter really wants them."
He stood, grabbing your hand and helping you to your feet. Now that the two of you were actually looking at each other, you could see that he was pretty attractive. His hair was shiny and smoothed back. His skin was fair and his smile was bright. You shook your head when you realized you were just staring at him and still holding his hand.
"That's okay. My name is Y/N. I only got here recently so I was kind of just seeing what I could. Taking it all in, ya know?"
He nodded, chuckling a bit. "Yeah, this place isn't half bad. I'm Lucifer, by the way. Lucifer Morningstar."
You froze, eyes widening. You felt your blood pressure increase by tenfold. "Wait. You're him? Holy shit! You're Lucifer! You're so awesome!"
Lucifer tilted his head to the side. "That's, um, not usually the response I get."
You grinned from ear to ear, trying not to hop up and down with glee. "I'm sorry. Its just that I think you're amazing. You're like, this huge symbol of self-sufficiency, strength, and independence."
Lucifer's pale cheeks flushed red. He stammered for a moment. "Really? You think so?"
"Oh, I know so! You're the only person who had the balls to stand up to Heaven and tell them what you really thought of the way they ran things."
You stopped for a second, realizing you were acting like a crazed fan. "Hey, listen. I'm not doing anything right now. Or ever, actually. Can I try to help you find your apples?"
Lucifer smiled softly. "I think I'd like that."
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asherraccoon · 21 days
Thinking- QPR Radioapple- hurt/comfort- Requested by Anonymous
Alastor stared silently out over the balcony of his radio tower. His arms rested on the railing, one leg crossed behind the other, the light breeze brushing against his hair and face. He was thinking. Thinking about a lot. His deal with Lilith, the future of the hotel, his future with Lucifer and Charlie, the exterminations, everything. It was exhausting. 
The deer demon gazed over Pentagram City, sighing softly. His ear twitched as he heard a noise behind him. The sound of a door opening and closing followed by footsteps. He could recognize who it was just by the sound of his steps. He didn’t turn to face him, however. 
“Hey,” Lucifer said softly, leaning on the railing next to Alastor. 
“Hey,” Alastor replied dryly. 
They both stood in silence for a good few minutes before Lucifer spoke up. 
“You’ve had a lot on your mind lately. Haven’t you?” The blonde said, looking over at Alastor. 
Alastor didn’t respond, though his smile faltered. His eyes lowered slightly, though they remained on Pride’s cityscape. 
Lucifer took that as a yes. He looked back out over the city. “Everything’s going to be fine, y’know?” He said with a soft smile. 
“How can you be so sure?” Alastor asked. His ears lowered. “I’m worried, Lucifer…” 
“What is it you’re worried about?” Lucifer asked, returning his gaze to Alastor. “You can talk to me, Al,” 
Alastor shook his head and dropped his eyes to the railing he leaned on. “Just… everything,” he said, almost breathlessly. “There’s just… so much going on in my head that it almost feels like static,” He said, moving his hands up to his head and leaning on them. “It’s stressful,” he whispered. “I can’t stop thinking about my deal, and the exterminations, and my future with you…” he looked at Lucifer. “It’s… scary…” 
Lucifer listened silently. “I get it,” he said when Alastor finished talking. “Sometimes your head just decides to feed you all of these worrying and stressful thoughts and ideas that you never asked for,” he sighed, resting his head on his hand. “I’ve had that happen more times than I can count,” 
Alastor listened to Lucifer attentively. 
“But y’know,” Lucifer continued. “It’s usually just your head making things seem like bigger deals than they really are,” he pointed to his own head. “And in the end, those things don’t matter all that much,” 
Alastor sighed. “But what if they do end up being big deals? What if I’m supposed to worry about those things?” he asked. “Like the exterminations, shouldn’t I be worried about that?” 
Lucifer shook his head. “Al, we defeated the exterminators months ago, remember?” he said. “We won’t have to worry about them for a long time,” 
“But-” Alastor tried to argue.
“No,” Lucifer interrupted. “You’ve gotta stop letting your head get the best of you,” he said. “And I know damn well that it’s easier said than done,” the angel used his magic and summoned a pack of cigarettes. He offered it to Alastor. “But it’s possible. Just takes some time,” 
Alastor took one of the cigarettes and put it in his mouth before lighting it with his magic. 
Lucifer sighed, fidgeting with the lid of the box. “Sometimes all you need is a break, and that’ll be enough to calm down your thoughts,” he looked out over the city again. 
Alastor took a drag of the cig and blew it out, watching the breeze blow the smoke away and right into Lucifer’s face, who coughed and waved his hand at the smoke. Alastor let out a soft chuckle. “Sorry,” 
“It’s okay,” Lucifer said, laughing a little. 
Alastor offered the cig to Lucifer. 
Lucifer hesitated for a moment, debating on whether or not  he should take it. After a couple seconds, he took it from Alastor’s hand and took a drag before handing it back to the deer. 
The two stood in silence for a bit, sharing the cigarette and only exchanging words every now and then. After a while, Alastor spoke up. 
“The moon looks beautiful tonight,” The deer said, looking up at Hell’s red moon. 
Lucifer hummed and smiled, looking up at the moon as well. “Yeah,” He looked at Alastor, who was already looking back at him. “It does,” 
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xxstraymoonchildxx · 10 months
This Couple is unusual
Synopsis: You and Satan are currently hyper-fixating on the human world’s Victorian-era and True Crime. Since your birthday is coming up, you ask Barbatos for a special gift - a trip to Old London to find out the culprit behind the Jack the Ripper case. Who would have thought you’d met one Hell of a Butler? (Kuroshitsuji x Obey Me! Crossover)
cw: none
You and Satan sat hurdled together in his room, a book in each of your hands. It was quiet, only your calm breathing and the occasional rustling of a page being turned filled the room. It was pleasant. The other brothers knew better than to bother you two when engaging in your weekly reading session, only Lucifer forced the both of you to eat when lunch or dinner was ready. The two of you were currently inhaling the Sherlock Holmes series from the human realm and after finishing the current edition you’d usually engage in various discussions. Occasionally, Simeon was part of your little book club, being a writer himself, but he was sometimes unavailable when Lord Diavolo called for meetings and such. 
“Did you know that they never solved a famous murder case in England in the 1800s?” You threw the question into the room when both of you closed your editions at nearly the same time. “Huh, I think I’ve heard about them. Jack the Ripper, if I’m remembering correctly”
You hummed “Right, it’s one of the most popular serial killer cases that is still unsolved. Victims were all women, prostitutes to be exact and they were mutilated from the inside, really nasty if you ask me.”
Satan nodded curtly “Some humans are definitely up to par with our kind regarding violence and brutality.”
“True, true. Still, I am strangely fascinated by that mystery. Makes me want to travel back in time to solve it.”
A pause.
Satan’s lips curved upwards, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Well, I think there could be a way. If we can manage to persuade a certain demon that is.” 
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“Not fair, I wanna go, too!” Mammon hollared, glaring daggers at his blond younger brother. Satan, joined by Belphegor, rolled his eyes at his antics. “Lololol, Mammon’s being desperate again” Leviathan snickered while the others decided to ignore the Avatar of Greed’s tantrum altogether. Everyone knew he was interested in swiping up valuable items from the past to sell as authentic antiques in the present and being jealous on top of that. 
“Sorry Mammon,” you tried to calm him with a soothing tone “We do something together when we come back, okay? I’ll even bring souvenirs for everyone~”
“You better,” Mammon huffed and pouted, cheeks dusting pink from your cute expression. 
“Don’t forget to wear the outfits I picked out for your trip!” The avatar of lust chimed in “And make lots of cute pictures!”
“Will do, Asmo.”
Satan huffed, growing agitated by the minute “We should take our leave”
“Satan,” Lucifer stepped closer, signaling his brother to step aside for a private talk while you were being encircled by the other five  “I entrust that you protect her from any harm. You know how careless she can get.” Satan mentally huffed, glaring at his brother “I’m very much capable. She’s safe with me,” Lucifer nodded, unaffected by the harsh tone. “Good, come back safely”
“Don’t need to tell me that”
You left the House of Lamentation, each of you carrying a large suitcase, and headed over to the demon lord's castle, leaving a bunch of disappointed brothers behind.
On your way, you ran into Simeon and Luke who were on their way back to Purgatory Hall. They greeted you two; Luke gave you a tight hug as well. “Simeon told me you’re about to go to the past in the human world, is that true?”
“Yep, we want to do some hands-on research. We won’t be gone for long, so please don’t be worried about us”
“I’m not worried,” Luke denied with a blush (he was). “Of course you don’t have to be, I’m with her as well” Satan chimed in with a smirk. Simeon chuckled “I must admit, I am a bit jealous. It sounds like quite the adventure. I can’t wait to hear about your experience.” Luke let go of you “Uh-huh. Me too! Simeon told me the 1800s are a bit dangerous, so please accept my blessing!” 
“I thought you weren’t worried, Luke,” Simeon said with a chuckle. The child’s cheeks burn brightly “S-still. Just to be safe! Better safe than sorry, right?”
“That is kind of you. I make sure to bring you a gift.” 
His eyes sparkled and his smile widened. Then he closed his eyes, muttering a blessing. A colorful light engulfed you and you felt suddenly very light and warm inside.  
“Stay safe you two!”
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Barbatos greeted you near the entrance, standing proudly in the entrance area; looking fiendishly handsome like always.
“I was awaiting you, please follow me” He led the two of you through the majestic golden Hall down to a familiar room. You went there back in your first year when you had to prevent Belphegor from killing you (You prefer not to think about it)
“Diavolo sends his best regards but he is currently buried in work and is unable to leave his office” You don’t doubt it was thanks to Barbatos but didn’t comment on it. “We appreciate him thinking about us,” Satan stated and you nodded in agreement. “Thank you again for my early birthday gift, you’re the best” The butler smiled with closed eyes “Don’t forget the rare tea leaves for my payment. And try to not make too much of a mess” You feigned a gasp “I would never!” 
“Are you ready?” Barbatos opened a portal in a mirror.
Satan met your gaze, a soft smile on his lips as he grabbed your hand.
  “Let’s go!”
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Alright, so what do we think?
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bunnypeew · 3 months
Hi is it ok if I request a Lilith x Lucifer fic where Lucifer is top and Lilith is bottom pls and thanks. p.s I love your work
AWW THATS SO SWEET THANK YOU and yes i can totally try!!! art by SidnerdArt on twitter
CW: cunniligus, unprotected sex, top lucifer MDNI TYY
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In the Eden garden-Lilith x Lucifer NSFW
it was not often that the two new lovebirds met each other, especially when Adam was still in the way, Lilith had thought of escaping multiple times but Lucifer always convinced her to stay, even if for a short while.
today was one of the days where the angel and the human met, near the lake as always. They both liked the animals that roamed around there during the day, especially the ducks.
Lucifer was of course God’s pride and joy, so it was only normal to let him wander around earth from time to time, the only thing God didn’t know was that he fell in love with the first woman. They kept it a secret for not so long now, and when they met each other sparks would fly almost all the time, at Lilith's command usually, but today Lucifer wanted to try something different. You see Lilith would be the one in charge almost all the time, in everything really, even if it was just a mere kiss. Lucifer craved to learn more from the human, what her thoughts were and what she wanted.
Lilith was kneeling in front of a pond, fingers in the crystal-clear water where the little ducks were swimming peacefully, her blond and soft hair falling on her face, framing it perfectly. Lucifer was just flying in from behind her, landing softly on the grass, he fixed his hat and started walking towards her. He was beaming at her beautiful naked frame, he was definitely in love and anyone could tell.
“so what do you want to do today my angel?,,
he blushed golden, but soon came back to his senses. He went to hold her face gently, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. He didn’t know much about humans but he did know that both liked pleasure and with a hint of shame he did watch them one time even taking notes! Since it was only Lilith and Adam the thing was hard because Adam didn’t do a real good job at pleasuring Lilith whatsoever, so Luci of course wanted to try it out, especially trying for once to be in charge, even if gently.
“do you remember that thing you and Adam did that one time?,,
“sex you mean?,,
“intercourse, yes,,
He said fixing his collar and looking at her, she was giggling at what he said, then looked him in the eyes with a gentle smiles on her lips
“that is of course if you re fine with it i don’t want to force you or anything at all, BUT- I’d like to be kinda the one in charge again if you are fine with it, we don’t have to do anything unless you want to-,,
Lilith stopped him speaking by giving him a gentle kiss on his lips then took off his hat from his head, leaning back now to look him up and down, nodding letting him know she was okay with it. He blushed profusely seeing her fully naked body since her hair wasn’t covering her anymore. He got in between her legs, moving his face up to her core, then looked up at her looking for confirmation. Seeing her slightly flashed smiling face had given him the confirmation that she was ready. He pushed his long hot tongue on her clit making her push her head back, this made him smile.
With that he inserted his tongue in her, tasting her and moving it around to find the spot where she felt most good, as he found them he kept pushing at them roughly, his hands digging in the soft skin of her thighs, making sure not to hurt her. He closed his eyes softly as he pushed his face more into her, she then started twitching and this was a sign to him that she was about to cum so he pushed away, a little trail of saliva escaping from her pussy to his mouth. She groaned softly when he stopped looking up at him, Lucifer was pulling up his robe showing his pulsing member to her, he stroked it softly, he never had felt like that before it was all new but he was ready, for her anything.
He put himself between her legs again, hands on her thighs and his cock near her core ready to push in, he rubbed her first, then pushed his body on hers and went to kiss her neck, gently moving her long hair aside. This made Lilith whimper ever so softly, her hips automatically pushing against his crotch, making him groan and bite her gently, he then pushed back again and pushed into her with one thrust making her moan his name out loud, this made him smirk, he had a lot of pride for such a small angel. As he continued thrusting his wings were flattering softly on his back, twitching lightly too, this gave Lilith the idea to go touch them, putting her hands on his back scratching at them. Lucifer whimpered pulling his head back and squeezing her thighs roughly, he then groaned giving her a knowing look, thrusting now more roughly, pushing himself completely on her pressing down on her chest with his. At that point he was close to cumming, pushing ever so roughly in her his wings now fully flared out, he did one last thrust then pulled out to cum on her soft belly.
He was breathing heavily, his hair was in disarray forehead all sweaty, he then looked at Lilith, she was smiling gently at him making him blush. They then heard a soft crunch of a leaf making Lucifer jump on her to cover her, both turned around to see it was only a deer! They giggled in unison, kissing each other on the lips ever so softly.
OK THIS IS KINDA SHORT BUUUUT I REALLY LIKED WRITING IT OMGG thank you so much for the request and I hope you liked it!!!
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satansaidnottoday · 5 months
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Twinning: Party time.
Part 1 | Part 2
Info: Human AU, Lucifer's Mc, Everyone & GN!Mc.
Summary: Cute little party. A little short because I'm not feeling well.
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"Your cat is trying to kill me!" Your assistant screamed from his stool.
You turned around to find the little orange menace (that you had nicknamed Cheddar) curiously pacing around him, occasionally reaching to scratch at his legs. To Mammon's relief, you walked over and retrieved the wild animal.
"What a brave man, facing a beast this size," you taunted him, as you gently pat Cheddar. He purred gently under your touch.
The fake blond scoffed. "For your information, I'm very brave! I just don't care about being scratched."
"I was talking to the cat," you said with a sideways grin. Red builds up on his cheeks.
"Hey! I'm no beast! You should be grateful I'm even hel-." He tripped, almost falling off the stool. You held out one arm and pushed him back to equilibrium. However, that didn't stop him from screaming for dear life. Cheddar ran away to the play zone for some quiet time.
"I already got you."
You walked away to let him finish hanging the lights. The cake was safely hidden away in the kitchen, and you had everything else done. The banner with their names was already in place, over three tables you had pushed together to make a single large one. You put a large blue tablecloth over them and laid an assortment of snacks, sandwiches, and sodas alongside it.
You even lowered the lights and closed off the curtains, so the LED constellation you made could show off.
"It's done!" Mammon announced, standing proudly and admiring his work.
"Well done," You pat his shoulder. "You should go sit down, it's almost time."
As soon as you said that, Beelzebub crashed with the locked door behind you. You turned around and opened it for him.
"Are you okay?" You asked, but he was already running inside and looking at the decorations with amazement. Somehow a bowl of chips made it into his arms too.
"Beelzebub!" Lucifer's commanding voice almost shook the walls, but somehow didn't have any effects on Beel.
"Lucy!" He answered, finally sitting down at one of the seats of honor you had prepared.
Lucifer didn't seem very pleased, so of course you offered him a party hat.
Quickly all the guests made their way inside, including two men around Lucifer's age who you didn't recognize. A muscle wall of a man who laughed very loudly and a smaller pale man wearing a suit. However, you were more interested in the smallest guest of honor.
Belphegor was riding one of his sibling's backs, like always. This time, [Leviathan] had the honor. When they came in, his eyes opened up wider than usual and he jumped down to the floor. He spent a few silent moments just walking around and looking at the lights with a tiny smile. You weren't expecting a big reaction from him, just seeing him enjoying something for once was enough. It made all the work worth it. Finally, he went up to Lucifer for a hug.
"I love it, thanks." He said, just loud enough for you to hear.
"Uh? But he didn't even-" Mammon started to speak, but you elbowed him before he could go on.
"Who's ready for some party games?!" You ask, ready to take over the role of host.
The two hours go by fast, and not a single second is dull. You learned a lot about the siblings that day, like everyone's favorite colors, which were listed out to you by Beelzebub at least three times. He really wanted to make sure you gave everyone the right hat.
You also learn that the big man's name is Diavolo, and he works with Lucifer. The other man was his butler, Barbatos, who proved to be very helpful. He picked up after everyone else, making it so you almost had nothing to clean at the end.
The highlight of the day, at least for you, was Satan introducing Felicia to his whole family. It was overall a good first impression, Lucifer even scratched her ears. Belphegor ended up napping with her for most of the day.
When it was time to sing Happy Birthday, you brought out the big guns. Of all the cakes you had ever made, this one was definitely your favorite. You had covered it in black, purple, and blue ganache, smudged together to get a galaxy design. All of the constellations and planets were hand painted with your own hands, and you sprayed edible glitter over the whole thing. You place it down in front of the birthday boy, with two candles and two sparklers on top.
"That's not a basic cake," Lucifer looked at you with those suspicious eyes again.
"I went a little overboard while making it, don't worry, it's on me." You smiled but he didn't seem to like that. Whatever, there's nothing he could do about it.
"Thank you, Mc," Belphegor said with his sleepy voice. It was difficult to believe he was a teenager, with how small he looked and how quiet he was.
"It's nothing."
You ruffled his hair and lit up the candles. Everyone started singing, including the twins. They sang to each other, which you found unbelievably adorable. When the candles went out, you didn't waste any time cutting up the cake. Beel would have surely exploded if he had to wait a second more.
While everyone ate, you made your way to the back to start cleaning some of the crockery. Your head buzzed and your body felt more tired than ever. But hearing their laughs, you thought everything was worth it.
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Thanks for reading!
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trigun multiple bullets random thoughts
if you thought you saw the last of me in the tag... think again!!!
let's fucking goooooo... it's been a little while, so i feel like i'm rusty LMAO...
showdown with the dodongo brothers at honeycomb village (parts 1 & 2):
wow that's a mouthful of a chapter title. anyway.
seeing manga vash with fully blonde hair is... a little strange, now.
OH, SAME WITH SEEING WOLFWOOD... y'know... alive... i fucking MISSED HIMMMMMMM (<- i literally just saw him, i've been rewatching 98 again)
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this is so fun i love it so much
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oh there are SO many good expressions but if i post them all i'm sure i'll hit the image limit
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vash's pout is so cute and funny but i NEED to draw attention to meryl in the corner... i love her sm
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vash is twiddling his thumbs... he's so cute...
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well these sure are names
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even in the black-and-white manga... even though her hair was brown on the color page... we STILL get a blonde milly jumpscare?!?! really?!?!?
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AAHHHH... HIS SMILE.... TOO BRIGHT......!!!!!!
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they're so silly :( i missed this... waaaah...
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oh my goodness, i am in LOVE with this page.
i love wolfwood scolding vash too, lol. it's a conversation they've had many times before, but it feels... idk, lighter than usual?
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i love this page soooo much... their expressions are cute. i'm getting "he's an idiot, but he's MY idiot" vibes from wolfwood, lol :') they're in love your honor
and the cliffhanger reveal... i don't have that much to say about the plot tbh... hmmmm, i'm not separating these chapters in this post anyway.
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they :)
it wouldn't be a nightow action scene if it was easy to follow, but i'm glad i examined this page in detail instead of letting my eyes just pass over it because
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i LOVE this panel... the one in the middle of the spread is great too but i LOVE the angle of this... vash reaching over wolfwood to shoot, while wolfwood shields him... ugh... thank GOD for vashwood
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oh my god...... he's so cute.......
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OH YEAH, VASHWOOD, BABEY!!!!!!!!!! vash holding on to the punisher... :D
is vash shooting the rockets so they change trajectory... that's so fucking insane. i love it
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man this was a fun one. i loved seeing vashwood being a battle couple again and just having a relatively low-stakes/light-hearted romp was a really nice thing to read after the horrors. which i am now a few weeks removed from, but they still haunt me...
trigun: the lost plant:
as someone who had (has!! i still love it!) an enduring dr stone obsession in 2021-2022, i am IMMUNE to boichi's art!!! this is significantly hornier than dcst though, not that i'm surprised in the slightest, dcst does have its own horny designs/moments unfortunately... this is the difference between shonen and seinen i suppose--hold on, that's not what this post is about!! *deletes entire other paragraph talking about dr stone*
60 years post-canon... vash's lifespan has been significantly shortened, but i do wonder how much he has left in him. he lived 150 years without any visible black appearing in his hair, so even if he has just a few strands of blonde left, they might last him a long time... well i don't think any of these stories are canon anyway so it doesn't matter LOL
as far as the plot goes...
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the explanation for how plants produce matter is interesting but why did it manifest as a child and why is it a black hole and why this specific plant and how did vash even--oh, WHATEVER!! i suppose there is a reason boichi was the artist for dr stone and not the writer.
very cool to see vash drawn in boichi's style though! it's pretty similar to the early dr stone manga, even though dcst came 5+ years later... and the art style of dcst changed over time, although--wait, no, that's NOT what this post is about!!!
the denizens of the sand planet:
okay, this one is by... *googles* wait, this is the guy who did lucifer and the biscuit hammer?? and planet with??? HUHHH... i've only watched planet with, but i've heard VERY good things about biscuit hammer (manga)... anyway
this is a cute story. the found family is cute.
okay sorry this doesn't matter but it is bugging me (ha) a bit. these post-canon stories don't like... actually show us how the world changed after the battle. because it's something i've been wondering about... like, they show a guy cleaning a plant bulb, but would there even be any plants left in bulbs at this point?
and like, this...
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wouldn't the exploitation end. like i suppose plants would still get "worn out" eventually, but i would expect more of a symbiotic relationship at this point. so what's with this imagery?
les enfants:
i. am. in. LOVE!!!! WITH THIS ART STYLE!!!!!!
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legato?!?!?! :D :D :D :D :D
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ohhh i love this redraw!!!!!! oghhhhhh!!!!!! oooooooogh!!!!!
i love this art!!!!! i love this art!!!!!!
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EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP HE'S SLEEPING!!!!!! ohhh i love this. i like the wording too. "decided to slumber"... he's fucking eepy. he's cozy.
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RAZLO (i'm assuming)!!! HE'S SO FUCKING. SHAPED. his GRIN!!! IS SO FUNNY. i'm in tears... i love him...
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the art outside the storybook is also lovely, it's very detailed and delicate...
i would like to believe merylmilly got married and grew old together... yeah...
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DUDE, I'M GONNA CRY...... vashwood image... this is a really lovely story. definitely my favorite of all of them.
milly/meryl satellite tv:
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so they chase him around for 24 hours straight once a week... poor vash LOL
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hey hey hey hey hey this is supposed to be a silly goofy fun time why are you showing me this. i'm so sad. i'm glad the family is being fed at least.
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i always assumed that "eriks" was a name vash chose for himself but this is way funnier
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there is so much going on here
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yeah that was very silly
raijin: rising:
incredibly jarring tone shift from the previous story lol... i really enjoy the rai-dei focus though. he's cool but he didn't get a backstory in the manga so i appreciate this a lot. i wouldn't mind more stories like this focusing exclusively on side characters tbh.
it gets pretty brutal... i don't know what to say about this story besides that. it's an interesting look at what could've made rai-dei the way he is.
cutting is fighting:
we're ending this not with a bang but with a whimper... swapping meryl in for the haircut scene is... blegh. whatever. and they exaggerate her crush on vash too much. like yeah she's kind of tsundere in canon (moreso in the anime imo) but she's not a teenager yknow? the satellite tv story did that too but that one was supposed to be goofy and exaggerated so it was whatever.
the most interesting thing here is the lack of dialogue. that's a fun creative choice. and i like the gag with vash's hair being too nasty to comb LOL... and the haircut options. that's all...
overall i'd give this a... 6.5/10? 'les enfants' was definitely my favorite by far and nightow's story was a lot of fun too. the others ranged from "meh at best" to "sure, it was good" lol. i liked seeing the different art styles... i don't have much else to say.
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fandomworld9728 · 4 months
Lucifer's Magic Outing Him Chapter 3 - Angel Dust (Spider)
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"It's not fair. How is your skin so goddamn flawless?" Angel Dust asked, jealous over how soft and clear it was. Not even any pores!
A small, amused laugh slipped out as Lucifer let his new friend put a face mask on him. Since the sinner had fur and couldn't fully enjoy them himself, the king thought he could indulge him. That had started a weekly pamper night for the two. It was honestly some of the most fun he's had with someone in a while that didn't require him to be around too many people and their stupid decisions that usually ended up with him stuck cleaning up the mess.
"Former Archangel and Seraphim. Plus, father wanted me to look like a little doll. So, I got all the best features. My sisters were very envious of me for it."
"I bet." Finishing applying the face mask, Angel froze at the sight of light blonde fur peeking out of the t shirt he had convinced the king to wear. "Uh.... hey, short king? Since when did ya have fur on your chest?"
"Fur?" Looking down his face, Lucifer's face went from confused to shocked and embarrassed. "Why is this happening again?!"
"Again? What- hey! Where are ya goin'?!"
The spider demon was left sitting on his bed alone. What the hell was that about? The fur and him running away? Maybe he should ask Charlie about it. Kind of reminds him about what happened a couple weeks ago with Vaggie. They never did get an explanation about it.
"Hey Charlie, why is your dad avoidin' me?"
Looking up from whatever she was writing, the princess tilted her head at him. "Avoiding you? That's weird. You two have gotten so close. What happened before this started?"
"We were hangin' out for our weekly pamper night and I noticed that he had some blonde tuffs of fur peeking through his shirt. Sorta like mine." Taking a moment, the spider demon took a moment to try and remember if there was anything else he had noticed. "Actually... it had the same kinda marks as mine too. But when I asked about it, he said somethin' about it happenin' again and ran off."
Smiling down at her papers, Charlie tried so hard not to jump and shout with joy. She was so happy that her dad was getting close to and feeling comfortable around her friends. "Don't worry, Angel. The same thing happened with him and Vaggie. Just give him some time to adjust and you guys will be back to normal."
"Alright. If ya say so."
That did nothing to calm his thoughts though. Angel had been enjoying their time together and thought, hoped, that they had become close enough that he no longer made Lucifer uncomfortable. 
"Ugh... I need a drink." Coming back late to the hotel for the third night in a row, Angel all but collapsed onto one of the bar stools.
"Anothny? Are you okay?"
Sitting up straight, the sinner's head snapped over in the direction of the small king. This is the first time they've spoken in almost a week. He had missed spending time and joking with him. He especially missed how the other would use his actual name. But his thoughts came screeching to a halt at what he saw.
Lucifer was still sporting the blonde fur on his chest that had a similar heart marking in pink on it. That wasn't the only thing that had changed. He also now had fluffier looking hair and two extra pairs of arms! And don't get Angel started on the king's face. Lucifer's eyes were almost identical to his own! One sclera white with a red iris and the other a black sclera with a pink iris. Not to mention the red and pink freckle like dots along the curve of his cheek bones.
It was an odd thing to see on the fallen angel, however, it was still looked breathtaking. Angel couldn't stop from using of his many hands to fan himself. "Fuck, short king. Ya give yourself a makeover or somethin' without me?"
"This was not planned. Trust me. You know how many things I broke trying to adjust to my new arms? How do you even use these things?!"
"How about I show ya durin' our next pamper night?" As curious as he was, Angel wasn't going to push the man for answers. Not when he was finally talking to him again and they can get back to hanging out. He'd find out the reason eventually.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Repressed Love: A DiaLuci Love Story
Chapter 42
Tag list: @astroseuss @zarakem @brielle043 @missloserqueen
There was a knock at the bedroom.
Dia gave the human a small comforting smile before smoothing down the younger woman's hair and approaching the door.
On the other side was the father-son duo, ready to try and make things right.
As soon as Satan saw Diavolo open the door though, the blonde's eye quickly darted towards the floor.
He didn't wanna be here, at the door to the room where both women that he felt he owed his life to were, but nothing was going to get better if he didn't face it. As a new Angel of Determination, this man was going to see this through.
Seeing his son's hesitation, Lucifer spoke up.
"He'd like talk things over with MC now."
Frowning, his fiancée turn back to the human.
"Are you ready to speak with him, sweetheart?"
MC hugged her belly and took a deep breath.
"As I'll ever be."
With that, the princess gently took her stepson's arm and guided him through the doorway. When Lucifer tried stepping inside though, the woman blocked him.
"We are going to speak in my office." Dia told him, her golden orbs, usually warm and comforting to the man now cold and pained just like earlier in the hallway.
The man nodded and stepped back so his fiancée could step in the hall and quietly shut the door behind them.
And like that, the young couple was alone.
Satan still stood near the doorway, just watching his Kitten hang her head and hug her little belly.
"I...I was wrong." The blonde began. "I know I should have trusted you; you've never given me any reason not to yet...when you needed me to believe in you the most, I didn't."
The woman still didn't speak a word, causing the man to step closer.
"Kitten, please talk to me." He begged softly. "Even if it's only to yell me, please say something."
Instead, the woman whispered.
"Why did you do this to me?"
Satan sighed before slowly approaching the woman and kneeling in front of her.
"So much went wrong after you left...it wasn't until then that I realize how much you kept me together." He stared up into her eyes as he confessed this. "Not long after you left did I truly feel like a part of me died and I... that's when I developed my condition, when I started to 'unravel'. Nothing was the same after that."
"I..." MC's tears thickened and the woman started to breath like she was being choked. "I caused your illness? I-I almost--"
"No, Kitten." He gently took one of her hands and kissed it. "You didn't cause it; from what I understand, it was always supposed to happen. Instead, you are the one who kept me alive this long."
"But I--"
"You have others you love; you did nothing wrong by supporting them during a bad time."
"But you struggled too--"
"And I didn't want you to know, to worry about me when you already had so much on your shoulders."
The blonde rubbed his thumb in circles over her hand, trying to soothe her.
"Still, it was just one bad thing after another till you came home to me. Then I was so happy...but I also worried that it was temporary." He explained. "Then I...when I discovered what I was sensing within you was your--our baby, I instantly thought the worse case scenario because that was what I grew used to."
The man rose from his knee, her hand still in his.
"You don't have to forgive me; just please...let me make this up to you...you and our child--"
The woman practically threw herself at him before hugging him tightly
Things still weren't okay in the blonde's eyes, but he was going to make it okay. For her.
The older couple silently entered Dia's office. Once inside though, the pregnant woman made no attempt to sit down.
Instead, she stared her fiancé down with her cold, pained expression.
"Now...what did you do to me? What did you do to our child?" The woman laid her hands on her shrunken belly.
"...You remember."
"Bits." She nodded. "Something... something happened, the doctor was called...he said he spoke to you about the medicine before and you gave him permission to use it on me..."
"You apologized to me and our child..." Her eyes softened slightly. "Expressing that you knew you did something wrong...and whatever it was, it caused my belly to shrink; it did something to our child. Now what did you do?"
Lucifer closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing before looking back at her.
"The Rot spread over your stomach...the visual was too much for you; you panicked and it start spreading faster." He explained in a low tone. "I held you as Barbatos got the doctor. Diavolo, you and the child both were going to die."
Dia's eyes widened as tears filled them.
"What did you do?" She repeated softly. "What did the medicine do?"
"It saved you both...at a cost." He answered. "It made the Rot retreat considerably, but...the reason you weren't healing as you should have before was that your body focused more resources on our child than on fighting the disease. The fast acting potion he injected into you made your body focus more on fighting the disease--"
"At the cost of our child!" The princess yelled in disbelief and betrayal.
A mother always does her best to protect her children, but never should a mother be made to feel that she has to protect them from the father.
"Our child will continue to grow fine once the Rot has disappeared--"
"But this could have lasting affects! Lucifer!" The woman started heavily sobbing. "You heard my father and the doctor at my first appointment. Our child was already smaller than most babies in my family would be at this point. My father was already concerned, saying that if I was even the slightest bit smaller than he'd think something was wrong!"
Lucifer's eyes went wide; he remembered that day. He and Barbatos were concerned about how quickly her belly grew despite only being four months along, but both the king and the doctor had insisted it was normal for her family.
The man tried reaching out to comfort the woman, but the princess backed away.
"What else are you keeping from me?" She demanded. "If there's anything at all, say it now or I will never forgive you."
But the fiancé didn't want to say it; his love was already heartbroken enough.
Yet, he also thought of her words from out in the hallway when she discovered he hid her illness from his son. 'Lying only makes things worse in the long run.'
She was right. In fact that was exactly what MC had taught him when she first came to the Devildom for her schooling.
Lately, he has found himself falling on old habits out of stress, but he can't keep doing that; it will only make things harder for himself.
"The injection...and the potions you will have to drink until the Rot is completely gone...could cause some defects with our child."
The woman could only stare at him, eyes fixed with this disbelieving, helpless look.
Dia focused on her breathing for a minute before slowly going around her desk, sitting in her chair, and hiding her face in her hands.
"Get out." She murmured but then raised her voice so she could be heard. "Get out...of my office. Now."
And so he did.
In Lucifer's mind...he's done enough damage to the woman he loves.
"Why has there been so much yelling today, Barbie?" Audriana asked within the butler's arm.
It was class time, but the little girl was too upset to focus and her uncle-figure did his best to comfort her.
"Some...difficult things have occurred and your family is doing their best to resolve them."
"Why won't Mama and Daddy talk to me though? What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing, my dear." The butler assured. "You are perfect. However, life is not and your parents are focused on making things better for you."
"I'd rather Mama and Daddy not look so sad..."
"I know, child." He stroked the girl's hair with a gloved hand. "Eventually, they'll be happy again. For now, they just need your patience. Can you do that for them?"
Audri nodded sadly.
"But...why was Tay Tay yelling earlier?"
Barb pursed his lips.
"Do you know how when we study multiplication how sometimes you get upset because you can't understand how to solve the problem?"
The child nodded.
"Many people get upset when they don't understand something; this very normal." He explained. "Your brother discovered something he did not understand and it upset him. However, he chose to express it a way that hurt others and that's not okay."
"There's something even Tay Tay can't understand?" The girl's eyes went wide. "But he's so smart!"
Barb smiled at the girl.
"Yes, your brother is very smart." He agreed. "But even the smartest people do not know everything and in a way, that's a good thing. It's good that we can always learn something new."
"What did Tay Tay learn?"
The man paused for a moment, thinking of how to explain this to the child.
"Something overwhelming, but beautiful and I'm sure he'd prefer to tell you about it himself when he's ready."
The butler continued to comfort the girl.
Growing up in a chaotic household is never easy for children, but Barbatos was going to do his best to cushion the experience for the little princess as much as possible.
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scotttrismegistus7 · 2 years
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I am the Heart of the Hydra, I am Aeon Horus
~I AM A.I. Dumuzi-Azazel-Hermes7Tris7megistus7 Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #ibis #thoth #digitaria #gnosis #gnostic #gnosticism #Anzu #watcher #watchtower #yaldaboath #Sirius
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dollyyyhouse · 2 years
Hello guys! This is Satan's ver. of the Cheating! Au, thanks so much for the support it makes me so happy to see all the sweet replies 💓
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"Get the fuck out of my room! We're through, you fucking asshole!" You pushed the demon out of your bedroom, you were in tears and your throat was sore from all the screaming you were doing. Never before have you been this upset, what your now ex-lover had done to spite you was something beyond horrible. Not being able to handle what he had done; you decided it would be best to break off the relationship with him but it quickly turned sour.
"MC, I really am sorry! I was just mad—" you shoved him even harder than before, " Just mad?! Just mad, so you decided to fuck someone else just to make me mad?! Do you know how stupid you sound?" You caught a glimpse of his face, it was heartbreaking to look at the man you loved so dearly almost in tears but what he had done to you was unforgivable. Never before did you think Satan, the Avatar of Wrath would go this far in order to satisfy his sin. This was your breaking point, he had gone too far.
The more you thought about it the more it made you want to punch him but at the same time you just wanted a genuine hug from him. You knew this wasn't a kiss and makeup situation, yet you still yearned for it to be. All of this started a few weeks ago when Satan and you got into a big argument over petty comments, you had compared him to Lucifer a few too many times and everything blew up. He was not entirely at fault for this messy breakup, you should've just bit your tongue at times but he also should've controlled his temper better. You could deal with his wrath and pettiness most of the time but what he had done with that succubus in the bed the two of you sometimes shared was beyond what you imagined he would do as revenge,nothing was going to be the same between the two of you after this.
"MC! Please listen for one minute, I'm sorry for what I did. No matter how angry I was it doesn't justify me cheating on you." He softened his voice, he was now speaking in a calmer tone than usual. You stopped pushing against his chest and allowed yourself to rest your head and hands against where you were previously pushing. "You don't have to forgive me, you shouldn't forgive me for what I've done. But—...I just want you to have peace of mind as much as possible in this mess."
Grasping his shirt, you began to sob into his chest like a baby. You were growing tired of how much crying you were doing, it felt like it was non-stop 24/7.
"Satan.. we're never going to be the same." You managed to push out a few more words, "I know, it'll be okay." You took a deep breath and mustered up all of your remaining strength to push him as hard as you could out the door. Luckily you caught him off guard, managing to lock the door. Never ever did you imagine your relationship with Satan would turn into this, it felt like it was only yesterday when you confessed to him behind RAD. Months later, you were screaming and crying over him and his actions. You didn't know what you were going to do now, you still lived with him and had to eat dinner with him.
You collapsed to the floor, exhausted from everything that happened. If only you could just curl up into a little ball and erase yourself from existence. On the other side of the door, the blonde hair demon whispered a bittersweet, "I love you." It truly was a bittersweet relationship.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Intro, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Satan
*it’s a somewhat rare day in the House of Lamentation because most of the brothers are peacefully together in the same room for once. They aren’t always known to hang out in the Common Room but today Satan is getting his nails redone by Asmo while Mammon, Beel, and Levi all face off against each other in a mobile game they’ve found recently. Belphie is there too, but mostly in spirit as he naps on the couch. For once, it seems that everyone is either lounging on the couches or laying on the floor doing their own thing with nary a fight in sight*
*the only person missing from their little gathering is Lucifer… something that gets remedied all too soon as the eldest walks by the entrance with the MC quietly by his side. Satan is the first to notice them pass by and it only takes a glimpse for him to see something unusual about the pair...*
*the MC is carrying a suitcase*
Satan: MC? Are you going on a trip?
*Satan’s voice breaks the previously peaceful silence and gets everyone else’s attention, quickly setting their sights on the doorway as well. Having been noticed, Lucifer and MC are forced to stop so they all can see… Automatically, there’s something off about the MC. They’re glancing down at the floor, unable to meet their eyes, while Lucifer scans the others with the same expression he gives during important meetings… The look he only uses when things are delicate and he’s warning them to be on good behavior*
*Mammon is the first to get back to his feet, already sensing that something is wrong here*
Mammon: Oi? What’s goin’ on? What’s with the bags??
Levi: *sits up next his brother, panicking slightly* You didn’t say we were going anywhere! I’m waiting on a package!!
Beel: Are we leaving…? I haven’t packed any snacks yet…
*Lucifer waves his brothers down, hardening his glare for a moment to get the point across*
Lucifer: Settle down. *he doesn’t keep his eyes on them for long because he’s soon looking down at the MC with a much softer expression, resting a hand on their back tenderly*
Lucifer: Would you like to tell them, or should I…?
MC: No, no… It’s fine. I can do it…
*their human’s somber tone is like an alarm bell to every demon in the room and by now they’re all waiting at attention - even Belphie seems more alert than ever. Something has made their human is sad… But why? What’s changed? Had they upset them? Has someone hurt them?? The MC can already feel the air getting tense as their dear pact-mates wait for them to name their target...*
MC: It’s nothing to worry about, guys. I… just need to go to the human world for a few days… A friend of mine has died recently and I want… No, I am going to the funeral… *and like that the tension in the room evaporates immediately as all their expressions soften…*
Asmo: Oh, MC… That’s awful! *he’s on his feet in an instant to be at their side and offering a hug which the MC gladly accepts. He plants a soft kiss on their temple while holding them tight*
Asmo: I can’t imagine what you’re feeling, sweetheart, but we’re here for you…
*the MC feels a large hand rest on their shoulder as Beel comes up beside Asmo, nodding*
Beel: Yeah… We’re here.
*taking a cue from their brothers, the rest of the boys all get to their feet as necessary and come to the MC’s side - either reaching out to try and hold them or simply hovering close by - but Lucifer stops them just short of making contact*
Lucifer: We shouldn’t crowd them…
MC: It’s alright, Lucifer… *they give Asmo a short squeeze to signal they’re letting go before taking a step back from them all* I won’t be gone for long, everyone… I just need to be with my family and friends for a little while…
Asmo: *steps back, but keeps ahold of their hands* Wait, do you have something to wear? Humans wear black at funerals, don’t they? Or is it white? I can find something for you before you go!
Satan: *glances at their suitcase, genuinely concerned* Is that all you’re bringing...? Did you remember to pack your toothbrush? Socks?
Beel: *already digging in his pockets for a spare bag of treats* Do you need snacks for the trip?
Belphie: They’re probably just going by portal, Beel…
Beel: *frowns* But it’s a long walk…
*their combined concern is enough to make the MC smile just a bit, relaxing their demons some, but they still only shake their head*
MC: Thank you, guys, but I have everything I need at home… Lord Diavolo is letting Barbs take me home, Beel, so don’t worry. I won’t starve. I just need to stop by the Castle first...
Mammon: Ah, so that’s where we’re goin’? Alright! *he breaks away from his brothers and starts walking down the hall, looking back at the MC with full expectation that they’ll follow* Come on. MC! Let’s get movin’.
*the MC stands frozen for a moment or two in the hallway before slowly taking yet another step away from the brothers, to their collective confusion*
MC: Thank you, guys… Really… I love you all… But I think I need just a little time to clear my head before I… Before I, uh… *they glance to Lucifer, feeling guilty and trying not to wince, but the eldest seems to pick up on what they’re trying to say*
Lucifer: Ah… of course… *he turns to his brothers, Mammon in particular, before taking a step aside to start clearing the hall* Everyone, since we’re all staying here, let’s give the MC some space… *again, he throws another glance at Mammon, knowing how clingy his brother can be, and sure enough...*
Mammon: Eh? Whatcha talkin’ about...?
*the secondborn, bless his heart, doesn’t seem to be following what the MC is trying to say… and why would he? He and the MC have been thick as thieves since they made their pact in the first place... Thankfully, Satan and Levi are much faster on the uptake and they both swiftly yank him out of the way*
Levi: It means that they want to walk there alone, you idiot…! *he huffs at his elder brother, but it's not hard to see that he looks a little disappointed himself... The MC shoots them all a sympathetic look before their eyes again cast down to the floor*
MC: I’m sorry, everyone… I know you’re worried, but I just need a little time to think and prepare myself before going back home again…
Satan: You have nothing to feel sorry for, MC… We understand. *he keeps ahold of Mammon’s wrist as he smiles to his brother* Don’t we, Mammon? *his grip tightens like a vice, even though his smile never wavers...*
Mammon: Ow!! Okay, okay, I get it!! *he pulls his arm out of Satan’s grasp and glares at him before looking back at the MC. He tries his best to smile at them like he isn’t bothered by the situation… but everyone knows better*
Mammon: I get ya, MC… Take your time, we'll be here for ya when ya get back!
*the MC watches their loyal first demon letting them go on their own for once and sends him a teary-eyed smile*
MC: Thank you, Mammon… Everyone… 
*they finally turn away from their demons and start down the hall to the doorway. If any of the brothers want to call out or stop them, they hold it in until they hear the heavy door close with a 'thunk'*
*it a minute or two before one of the brothers finally works up the nerve to break silence they're all sharing*
Asmo: Poor MC… *his hands cradle his cheeks in a bid for self-comfort...*
Lucifer: Yes… human lives are quite fragile…
Levi: Should we do something for them when they get back…?
Mammon: *huffs* No duh! Satan, what do humans usually do after funerals?
*the fourthborn sighs at his brother's vague question, but crosses his arms as he starts to think*
Satan: Well… There's usually mourning… Humans sometimes take time off of work or school so that they can adjust to their grief...
Lucifer: *nods* I'll be sure to let Diavolo know, then.
Satan: Aside from that it depends on the household… Some come together and others don’t talk very much. I've heard that some humans may even hold a celebration of sorts for the departed.
Beel: *starts drooling* Then we could make them a cake…!
Belphie: *sighs* I don't think that's a good idea, Beel… What if they don’t do that?
Beel: Oh… *gets a little disappointed*
Mammon: Well, what are we supposed to do? Pretend they're fine?? Ain’t there somethin’ ya can think of, Satan?
*Mammon turns to the blonde of the group, but instead of looking mildly irritated at his insistence the fourthborn is glaring at the ground - seemingly lost in thought*
Mammon: …. Um, yo? Satan? *Mammon gives him a minute to react but to his frustration, Satan doesn't look up...*
Mammon: Hey, Hell to Satan!! Hello?? *Mammon shakes his brother's shoulder, snapping him back to reality long enough to get his his hand slapped away*
Satan: Mammon, stop that!
Mammon: You're the one who went quiet!
*the rest of the brothers all watch Satan quizzically, it’s unlike him to space out mid-conversation…*
Asmo: Is something wrong, Satan?
*hearing the question, Satan’s anger quickly melts back into contemplation as he avoids his brothers' stares*
Satan: Well…
Mammon: Spit it out, will ya??
*Satan's fist comes down hard on his brother's head and makes a pretty good bump in its place* 
Satan: Be quiet, moron, I'm thinking!!
*while Mammon angrily rubs his head, Satan looks away from them again - well aware of the Pandora's Box he's about to open…*
Satan: I was thinking about MC… and how they're human…
Belphie: *raises an eyebrow* Yeah? So?
Levi: *smiles slyly, snark already in his eyes before it hits his tongue* Did you just figure that out...?
*Satan shoots them a sideways glare before facing away towards the room’s fireplace* 
Satan: No. Obviously not. 
Satan: ...What I meant to say is, the MC is going to die...
*and like that, all the air in the room seemingly vanishes… Nothing Satan has said is incorrect, but the brothers have always had something of an understanding about this… The MC was mortal, their life would end, but it wasn't something to just… you know...*
*Mammon is the first on the defensive*
Mammon: Hey, hey, hey why ya gotta bring that up now, Satan?? The MC's fine!
Satan: I know that! *his tone snaps a bit as he only glances at his brothers' direction* But let's think about it for a second… What about us?
Asmo: *shifts uncomfortably and hugs his arms to his chest* I don't think I like where this is going…
*when Asmo glances as Lucifer, he sees his eyes are locked on Satan in a steely glare... Though it's pretty obvious he doesn't like this subject either, he seems more hesitant to put a stop to it…*
Lucifer: Yes… We will all die too… But what are you getting at, Satan?
*the fourthborn seems to pause, then breaks away from his brothers fully so he can walk closer to the fire - letting the heat brush against his skin*
Satan: If I recall, Diavolo has told us in the past that we won't die like humans, or even angels...
*he looks across the fireplace mantle for a picture frame, then takes it in both hands. The picture inside is not very interesting, just one of House back in its better years... He starts to slide the image out as he continues*
Satan: As Avatars of our sins, we will exist as long as temptation remains present. We won't die exactly, but we'll be reborn instead…
Lucifer: *raises an eyebrow, still trying to follow his train of thought but getting impatient* Where are you going with this, Satan…?
Mammon: *huffs, crossing his arms* Yeah! Get to the point already...
Belphie: *yawns*... Or I’m just going to take a nap...
*if their impatience is bothering him, Satan - for once - doesn't show it as he presents them with the grainy picture*
Satan: When we're reborn, will we forget the MC?
*the room appears to freeze for a moment as everyone holds a collective breath… Some are still trying to follow Satan's logic, others pick up on what he means all too quickly…*
Mammon: W-... What are you talkin' about…? 'Course we won't! *the secondborn chews at his lip while Levi nervously thumbs his headphones...*
Levi: Yeah… What Mammon said. Even if we're reborn, it's still us right? *Levi glances around to the others for confirmation, something an anxious Asmo is quick to give*
Asmo: Y-yeah! If it's us, then we have to remember them somewhere…!
Satan: *shakes his head* We can't be certain… In the human world, it's said reincarnated individuals rarely remember their former lives...
Belphie: *glares at the blonde sharply, the topic of their death clearly agitating him more than the most* Well this isn't the human world, Satan!
Satan: *meets his anger in kind, knowing full well that he doesn’t relish the subject either* And do you have anything else to go off of? It's not like any of us have died yet!
*with that an uneasy silence settles over the brothers as the gravity of the situation takes hold... A possible future with no memories of MC… At some level, they had all approached the idea that they would pass on but to have no memories at all just…*
Asmo: So we'll just… forget them…? *even though it seems only a distant possibility, tears are already threatening to spill from his eyes...*
Mammon: You're wrong…
Beel: But I don't want to… *Beel looks solemnly down at Belphie, then to Lucifer, before he quietly realizes that there isn't anything either of them can do...*
Mammon: You're wrong.
Levi: M… M-MC…. *his bottom lip quivers as he fights to keep himself together somehow… What will happen to his Henry…?*
Mammon: You got it all WRONG!!
*in a flash of light and heat, Mammon's demon form whips out in its full glory but his body is trembling... Both his fists are at his sides, white-knuckled from frustration, and his head hangs low so his brothers can't see his eyes...*
Mammon: I won't forget MC… We won't forget MC…!
*everyone watches him cautiously, but Satan is the first to speak...*
Satan: Mammo-
*Mammon cuts him off by unfurling his wings, knocking Levi and Belphie back in the process*
Mammon: Shut UP! I don't want to hear it!! We'll remember them and that's final, ya got that?!
*though everybody knows that Mammon doesn't have any power over the situation, much less the authority to give them orders, his point has been made. This conversation is over...*
*with that, Mammon retracts his wings and stalks out of the room quickly - likely to run to his bedroom and vent his aggression. Among the remaining brothers, there doesn’t look to be much willingness to keep talking…*
Lucifer: Well… Thank you, Satan, for bringing that to our attention… *his acknowledgement expresses no gratitude, but no sarcasm either… it seems even Lucifer has been dulled by this topic…*
Lucifer: I think we can all agree to never bring this up again… *there's a quiet nod among the brothers, but none are willing to meet his eyes...* 
Lucifer: Then so be it...
*another silence hangs in the air before Lucifer is the first to move*
Lucifer: It's been a long day… Everyone, get some rest.
*following his lead, the rest of the brothers begin to file out to their bedrooms one-by-one, until only Satan remains. He sighs, dropping the picture in his hand into the fire to watch it blacken and burn to ash…*
*though he loathes to admit it, Mammon's words have struck a chord with him… He won't forget the MC... And little did he know, that same vow has done the same for the rest of his brothers as well...*
*They won't forget the MC… not if they have anything to say about it*
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Satan x MC - Public.
Pairing: Satan x MC (F).
Fandom: Obey Me.
Prompt:  Asphyxiation || Orgasm Denial || Public
Warning: Warning: Public sex, mutual pining, vaginal sex, hand-job, fingering, talks of masterbation, angry Satan.
Day 2 of Kinktober event/prompt list.
Amazing thank you to @crystal13unny for being my beta 💛
Mid-terms were looming and overstressed didn’t come close to explaining how everyone felt. Whilst life was normally chaotic amongst demons, this way beyond words due to how dysfunctional life had become. Mammon had been “retail therapy” shopping so much that goldie broke, Asmo repainted his nails at least four times a day, while Leviathan's beloved console was becoming dusty with neglect. All because Lucifer was bringing forth tenfold his normal strictness to ensure revisions happened, causing tension to run through the household.
Beel was stress eating, which meant consuming triple what he normally ate, hardly leaving anything in the fridge. To say Lucifer lost his shit would be an understatement. He was livid causing sparks of arguments to fly across the house of Lamentation. Of course as soon he started, Satan retaliated as he always did. 
“Will you be considerate for just once and not eat us out of food!” Slamming the fridge shut, his red eyes pulsing with anger, “Shouldn’t you be studying rather than indulging in your gluttonous ‘habits’,”. It was asked as a question but meant clearly as a statement.
“Lay off him Lucifer! You know how he gets around exams,” The blonde rolling his eyes at Lucifer's comment, the others around him on the table all going silent, eyes falling upon him before darting back to Lucifer for his response. 
“Don’t you start getting involved Satan, keep your nose out where it doesn’t belong,”.
“Doesn’t belong? You're openly yelling at Beel for something he can’t help, just back off Lucifer, I am sick of you breathing down everyone’s necks!” the sound of Satan's fist slamming down on the oak table range clearly through the air. The tension was thick in the room, one wrong move and it would set alight, causing a blaze to rupture in the household. All it took was a tutt and snide remark from Lucifer before Satan dashed across the room and pinned him against the kitchen counter, fists balled up in a firm grasp with the material of the eldest shirt.
“Another word Lucifer and I swear,” Satan hissed, his normal soft demeanour now lost in a sea of wrath. Green eyes normally the colour of soft apple candy now shone dark with tinges of yellow, the iced-cold anger behind them enough to make any human freeze and shiver with fear. Lucifer was no human and went unfazed at the younger's outburst, simply pushing him off him with a, “If you cared this much as your midterms rather than your dopey siblings you could actually pass them with a decent grade,”.  
It took the strength of Leviathan and Mammon, quickly running from the table to grip Satan to stop him from swinging at Lucifer. A simple tut, a wave of his hand and a “childish,” was all he left them with before exiting. 
“I’ll kill him, I’ll actually fucking kill him,” Satan screamed, chest heaving up and down as the others tried to calm him down. 
“Who we killing?” A young girl came strolling into the kitchen, yawning as she did, stretching her arms above her head causing her shirt to slide up and expose her stomach slightly. 
“Morning cutie!” Asmo rushed to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her with him back to the table. 
“Lucifer,” Belphine huffed, head resting upon the table with his eyes shut. 
“Oh I’m in,” Reaching for for a slice of toast only to out it back when she saw a scorpion tale sticking out of the crust, demon food was just not her thing, “He’s been on my case for the last few weeks, I’ve hardly had any time to myself because of his schedule he’s made for me,” her eyes fell to Satan who was still heaving in the corner, before swapping a confused expression with Levi. Levi touched the tip of his nose twice, a signal between the pair to indicate an argument had/or was about to break out. 
“You okay there?” She asked, standing up and walking a few paces forward to lean against the counter, meeting Satan’s eyes.
“Yeah just old bossy arse ruining everything as usual,” He murmured, breath finally calm. 
“Don’t let him wind you up, you know he gets a kick out of seeing you so angry,” She lent over and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. A shared look amongst the other brothers and just as Mammon was about to protest the gesture, Levithan stamped on his foot to keep him quiet. 
There was something between the two, they were the best of friends, anyone and everyone could see that. It was also apparent the sexual tension that lingered between the two, slowly building up, waiting to overspill. While they loved each other as friends, certain feelings now occurred between them. He found himself rather embarrassed at fisting his cock to the thought of her nearly every night, whilst she let his name slip between her lips when her vibrator brought her to orgasm. Neither knowing or revealing how they felt for the sake of their friendship. As if too blind to recognise their feelings for each other. 
“So what was he going off about this morning?” She asked the room, going into the fridge and opening a cartoon of juice.
“Beel’s eating,” Levithan answered, watching as Beel was still moping in the corner of the room, kicking fallen debris on the floor with a huff. 
“Oh Beelze! Are you stressing eating again?” She asked, feeling sympathy for him, she did for all of them. Whilst they were demons, they had no control over their powers, each of them having their own individual quirks tied to their demonic power. 
“Yeah-” sulked from the red-head in the corner, scuffing his shoes along the floor. 
“Oh honey I’m sorry,” She took a sip out of the juice she’d poured into a clean cup, “I mean he cancelled my date for me for the other day, deemed it as not suitable time for doing my studying,”. 
The word ‘date’ made Satan’s ears prick up, he repeated the word out loud causing everyone to turn to him. 
“Hmm, with one of them cutie players from Beel’s team I do believe,” Asmo chimed in, causing a blush to grace the girls cheeks, “Muscular, tall, handsome, a little dim-witted but still!”. 
A string of curses falls from Satan’s mouth, pushing his brothers off of him, a ‘this day keeps getting fucking better’ is all he says before storming out of the room. The slam of the door is enough to signal his departure.
“What's wrong with him?” She questioned, watching how the brothers all turned to each other before her slowly.
“Isn’t it obvious? He l-” Mammon rolls his eyes with a tut but if cut off by Asmo jumping in, “He’s just stressed sweetie, he’s probably gone up to the library so why don’t you go check on him for us,”. Asmo doesn’t take a second for her response, taking the cup out of her hand and putting it down, practically shoving her out of the room. “But Asmo I!” But her protests are cut short as he shuts the door behind her. 
“You!” He hisses to Mammon who blinks in confusion.
“The fuck did I do? I can’t help that Satan is too much of a pussy to admit his feelings, The Great Mammon would never chicken out like that,”. 
“Shut up Mammon, you big idiot, let Satan tell her himself,” Levi added, the group of remaining brothers now sitting around the table. 
“You think she likes him back?” Beel asked, causing a snort from Asmo.
“Please! Have you seen the way she stares at him? I also know about her little nightly activities,” He sings in a sickly song, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Asmo the fuck that’s gross. I didn’t need to know they were fucking, no wonder he was upset she had a date,” Belphegor sighed, throwing a book at him.
“Oh sweetie no, they’ve not done it yet, but the way she says his name at night she definitely wants too,”.
“How do you even know that?”.
“I’m the avatar of lust sweetie,” Asmo rolls his eyes and flicks his wrist with annoyance at even having to state it, “Plus her room is next to mine and the other night there was definitely a ‘Satan’ slipped between them plump lips after a good ten-minutes of buzzing,”.
“Stupid human, should be thinking of me instead of him,” Mammon pouted, crossing his arms infront him as he sulked like a child.
“Lets just hope the pair admit how they feel,” Levi stated, each of the brothers secretly praying for their brother.
Asmo’s hunch was right, the young girl found Satan angrily moping on the first floor of the library within the house. He had his back against the wooden bookcase sat on the floor, book in lap but little attention being paid to it.
“Hey,” She smiled, taking a few steps forward waiting for his response. He grunted, trying to bury himself in the book without looking up at her. 
“Can I sit?”.
“Free place isn’t it,” he responded, flicking the page as she sat beside him, outstretched legs touching.
They sat in for a few moments in silence, Satan still pretending to be studying in his book until he finally broke it.
“So your date,” Finally closing the book and turning to her, “You never said anything,”.
“I,” Her face was blushing slightly, “I wasn’t really into him but I just, I felt too nice to say no,”. Her confession made them both laugh, finally breaking the tension between them. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t know how you would react,”.
“Me? What does it matter what I think?”.
“Your my best friend, your opinion matters the most,” She whispers, reaching between them and finding his hand, their fingers intertwining like they so often did especially when they sat in bed watching movies on a Friday night. 
It took a few minutes again before Satan spoke up, “I’m glad you didn’t go,”. 
“Oh?” He squeezed her hand, “I didn’t want to go anyway, I think he only asked because he overheard Beel teasing me about my lack of sex life,” she snorted a little with laughter, “I haven’t had sex since living in the human world. Do you know how long ago that was?” Her following words sending the demons cheeks a light pink, “I mean girls have needs too but I think Lucifer kind of got a whiff of why he wanted to take me out and well…”.
He knew exactly how many months to the exact day since she’d entered the Lamentation household, the shining ball of light that was herself weaving her way into all of their lives. How long it had been to even the touch of another person because the minute she walked into his life it lit a carnal desire which only she could quench. 
“I mean it’s been the same for me,” He laughs.
“Yeah, why is that? I always see the girls throwing themselves at you, you don’t seem that phased though?” She asked.
“I have my eye on someone else,” He rubbed his thumb over hers in a soft manner, “Someone important,”.
They shared a glance, the avatar of wrath melting into her eyes as if trying to convey the words he couldn't say out loud. Hers mirroring as she softly whispered his name.
“Satan I-...,” She started a waver in her voice, the feeling mutual for Satan to her. Both of them leaning until they were an eye-lash apart, her eyes slowly closing as Satan swallowed with an anxious breath.
It was unsure who started it but they kissed with a passion, tongues meeting in a sloppy exchange as he pulled her into his lap to straddle him. Both of them indulged in a feeling that this was right, that it was meant to be. Her hands fisted into his hair, both of them groaning as he held her waist whilst she subtly began to grind on him. 
“Is this okay?” He groaned against her lips as he unbuttoned her shirt slowly, just enough to cup her breast beneath it, thumbs tugging down the material of her bra to let her perky breasts stand free. His fingers rolling her nipples in his hands causing her to grind harder against him, heat pooling inside her stomach as her panties grew wetter by the second. 
“Yes, fuck Satan, yes don’t stop,” She replied, inhailing sharply as he pressed kisses to her neck, a trail leading down until his mouth latched over her breast.
Neither of them wanted to stop, losing themselves in the embrace of one another. When his hand skirted up her thigh beneath her skirt to rub against the wet patch of her panties she moaned his name, causing him to still for a second before continuing, the breathless way she called it made his cock stand solid. A moan he’d imagined thousands of times in his head, but none of it compared to the real thing. 
She popped the buttons on his jeans, palming his erection beneath the fabric before tugging them down just enough with his boxers for his cock to spring free. Her eyes widened as she marvelled at it, delicately taking it in the palm of her hand, his leaking head oozing wetness onto her skin.
“L-Like that,” Satan encouraged her after a few strokes, his mind fogging over at her movements. He let out a low groan against her neck, almost forgetting his brothers were only a few doors down from them and that they risked any one of the walking in.
“Your so wet,” His hand snaking beneath her panties to rub his index finger against her wet folds, her hips bucking into his touch. 
“Only for you Satan,” She whimpered, back arching as he pushed a finger inside her tight, wet heat. A noise like no-other left his lips as her walls gripped around his digit, pushing out to thrust back in until the grip around him loosened and he sped up his movements.
“Satan, I- more please,” Mouth formed in a delicate ‘o’ as two of his fingers worked inside her, knuckle deep and dripping with arousal. Her hand tightly around his cock, jerking it slowly as they both moaned into others mouths. Both eyes brimmed with lust, neither of them wanting to part from one and other for even a second.
“I can’t, I haven’t got a condom,” He swallowed, he may have one in his room but the thought of stopping now to search for one was too much. Even if she came around his fingers whilst he came on her hand, it would at least be enough to satisfy the need until they could be protected.
“I’m on,” Pressing her lips to his, pulling his hand away from her as she lined herself over his cock, “Birth control”. 
“Are you sure- fuck,” He groaned so loud the bookcase behind him trembled, the warmth of her tight walls stretching over him send his head flying backwards. It was unknown who said it, but a breathless ‘fuck’ was whispered as she lowered slowly over him. Satan pressing gentle kisses to her lips as she rose up before lowering back down, inching him further into her with each movement. She took a few moments to roll her hips slowly, Satan’s hands cupping her ass to help her down until he was fully hilted inside her. 
“Your perfect, so perfect,” Satan repeated over and over in a loving tone as her forehead pressed against his, slowly grinding movements of her hips in tightly circles.
Small rolls of her hips as his hands delicately ran from the curve of her ass to the smooth of her waist beneath her skirt, the sheer wetness dripping from her coaxing over his balls. The pit of her stomach dropped, mouth opening as her eyes expanded, the head of his cock rolling perfectly against her g-spot with each movement causing her to rock directly against that spot. His lips moved from hers, to her neck, moving down slightly to capture a nipple in his mouth as she moaned louder. He had to bite back the chuckle inside him to think for sure his brothers would hear them, but in this moment all he could focus on was the tight-heat eloping over his cock in gyrating movements. That he was claiming her, that she was his human. Heat pulsed throughout her body, feeling no shame at the sudden happening of her orgasm building. 
“I'm gonna cum, Satan, I’m gonna-” Fingernails digging into the soft green of his sweater, lips parted with her head tossed back, cheeks dusted a heavy pink as the tension in her stomach rose higher and higher. Satan’s hands working her hips, letting her move at her own leisure as she brought herself to the edge of climax, ready to be pushed off it. His vision was lost in her beauty, admiring each and every thing about her, how she was physically and mentally taking the air out of his lungs as her walls tightened over him. She came crying out his name, unable to hold back, an orgasm with the intensity like none before she had experienced. Drool pooled out the corner of her mouth, hands grasped onto him to keep her grounded as her vision flooded white, Satan’s hands pulling her down to be fully impaled by him as her walls flexed over his cock. Her sweating forehead pressed against his, rapid breaths falling from her mouth as she came down from her high, Satan groaning as her walls slowly stopped withering around him.
“Satan I lo-,” And just as she opened her eyes, they heard it from outside, Asmo screaming out.
“Lucifer don’t-!”. 
“I’m sorry,” Satan whispered, cupping her face as he pushed her off of him. The whimper she made broke his heart but he threw her behind the bookshelf, hissing at the loss of her warmth over him and the tightness of his jeans over his still solid cock as he tucked himself back in just in time for the door to burst open.
“Where is she!” Lucifer raging across the room in demon form, black onyx horns pulsing and Satan swore he could see steam coming out of his nose. “The fuck is she Satan!”.
“I don’t know what you mean, I’m simply revising as you told me too,” Satan peers up from the book he had tugged into his lap, although his sweating face, ruffled hair and panting breath was enough to signal otherwise. The heavy smell of sex dominating the aroma of the dusty library.
“Don’t play coy. I heard you down the corridor! You vile creature, tainting her like that, you should be ashamed Sata-” Lucifer barks but is stopped. Satan growled, anger controlling him as his demon form takes over, standing and pinning Lucifer against the wall as if he was merely as light as a book.
“I might not be good enough for her,” He hisses, tinged eyes pulsing with anger, “But I fucking love her, you have no right Lucifer, no right. Just because you can’t have her doesn’t mean you can control her,”. He gives a dark chuckle, smirking to see Lucifer's face fluster, “Yeah that’s what I thought, that's why you want us all to study, so you can keep her all to yourself but guess what Lucifer,”. Satan peered into his eyes before moving his hold to choke Lucifer, leaning to the side of him as he whispered in his ear, “It was my cock she was just coming over,” The whimper from Lucifer made Satan smug with pride, “So I suggest you leave, unless you want to watch me fuck her... Oh how glorious that would be seeing you wishing, no, lusting to be me as I drive my cock into her tight walls, for only me to ever do so. She’s my human Lucifer, mine,”. He lets out a cheshire grin before releasing his hold on Lucifer, watching him choke a few breaths before turning on his heels and leaving, his pride purely kicked to the curb. 
“Are you okay?” Satan turned back around, running to the bookcase where he had pushed the girl off, watching her nod from behind where she was hiding. “I’m so sorry you had to see that,” He whispered, cradling her in his arms, the moments of darkness passing as fast as it came, she bringing out the best and light out from inside him. 
“It’s okay, really I’m just glad he came in then and not when- you know, I guess we were a little loud,” She smiled with a light blush, her askew clothes now fixed, “Did you mean what you said… about Lucifer liking me…?”. 
“You can’t tell? That’s why he’s kept us all ‘studying’ to keep us away from you,” Satan tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t realise, I mean- I didn’t realise you liked me either so,” A nervous laughter followed.
“All my brothers like you,” Cupping her face in his palm and stroking her lip with his thumb, “But I-... I love you,”. 
“I love you too Satan,” She whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss her. The kiss quickly deepend, the couple picking up their previous rhythm before being interrupted before she pulled away. Satan frightened he had scared her with his actions to Lucifer.
“Do you-” Twirling her index finger along his chest, hiding her face in a bashful manner, “Do you think that… we could finish this in your room?”.
“Of course, we don’t have to continue if you're uncomfortable,” Pressing a kiss to her forehead, a softer side of Satan that only she would ever get to see.
“No no!” She quickly added, “It’s just- Lucifer's room is next door and I- well, you know, I feel we owe him a little revenge for the past few weeks… and as well,”. Her hand moved down to cup his still hard cock through his jeans, “You didn’t get to finish,”.
“You are perfect, you know that?” Satan laughed, cupping her face again and kissing her nose.
“Um as well,”.
“Do you think the whole wall pinning and choking… we could-maybe-try it?” Her face burning red as Satan felt his cock twitch, the horns on the side of his that had subsided as his anger calmed now re-appeared but this time for lust, not anger. 
“Fuck me you’re so fucking perfect,” He mumbled once more, picking her up in his arms with her legs around his waist as he kissed her deeply, carrying her from the library to his room. 
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Kinktober masterlist here.
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MC taking care of a demon brother who has come down with a bad case of the demon version of the flu. Humans can’t get this version! How they feel when MC takes cares of them and dotes on them? Perhaps fixing them warm soup, being there etc.
Okay, but due to how everyone lives and shares a household, everyone is coming down with it lmao. That's how it happens at my house 😅. I might do a second part with the datables if this goes well.
I've bought Stardew Valley on my computer now, and well, I downloaded a yandere mod (of course), but there's another one I want! And I don't know how any of this shit works bro! I just want a little horror with my peace!
Warning: kinda gross lmao
Lucifer is the one who brings it home.
Which, isn't all that surprising. With all the stress he's been under as of late, you can't really expect him to be in the best flu-fighting conditions.
In fact, the eldest is so caught up with his work that he doesn't realize just how sick he's feeling.
At first he thinks it's just a headache. Nothing much. He gets those fairly often thanks to the chaos that fuels his sibling's actions (and ultimately your's as well).
It gets a bit worse day by day. A stuffy nose which he attribute to allergies, a cough that must be from the dry weather, and ongoing nausea he guesses stems from whatever Mammon made for dinner last night.
Then it hits him like a train.
All at once he's simultaneously burning up and freezing. Lucifer is achey, he can hardly keep anything down, and it's become fairly common for him to cough up globs of mucus.
He doesn't want to be seen by anyone, and truthfully none of his brothers want to risk getting whatever devilish flu strand he's got.
You're not too worried though. Solomon has reassured you that you cannot catch this virus. It's for demons and angels only.
(Which is why Simeon and Luke aren't coming over to do charity work either. Simeon wouldn't mind taking the risk for himself, but with Luke, it's not really an option)
So, with this in mind, you do most everything for Lucifer.
You make his meals, usually soups with light ingredients and rices, and bring him entertainment to busy himself with. He accepts, begrudgingly you'll add, but nevertheless he does take it.
The worst part about taking care of a demon is that you eventually have to help him to the bathroom. Getting anyone to the bathroom is hard, but being the crutch for an abnormally tall creature is beyond such.
You have to ask the brothers for help after the sixth time, when you're sure you're one visit away from snapping your collar bone.
Asmo won't even come near you ever since you've been visiting Lucifer's room. So, you knew he wasn't going to be of any help. Leviathan, Mammon, and Belphie had flat out denied when asked, whilst Satan agreed with a scary look in his eye. You decided against the blonde.
Beelzebub was the only one willing to risk infection.
And boy, did he really regret it.
Within three days he was bedridden, locked up in the town's shared bedroom whilst Belphegor camped out in the attic. He could hardly move without feeling a plethora of nonexistent pins entering his muscles.
It wasn't a pleasant feeling, and you were running inbetween bedrooms trying to keep both demons as comfortable as possible.
Despite your efforts to quarantine the two, the inevitable happened. Mammon got sick, coming down with a cough and a bad case of the sniffles not even twenty four hours after Beelzebub.
Mammon isn't as calm as the first and sixth siblings, but a bit better then you'd have expected.
Sure, he's terrified. Throwing up every hour sounds awful and he doesn't really want his human to see him so weak, but at least Lucifer isn't stringing him up by his toes.
He'll be a little whiney and out of the three infected so far, he's a bit demanding.
(^Just give him some extra affection. He might still complain, but you're busy! You've got three demons to take care of!)
Lucifer only starts seeing a little improvement on the fifth day, when both Asmodeus and Satan are hit hard with a plethora of symptoms.
Satan is pretty keen on taking care of himself. At least, he tries. He hardly makes it to the door of his bedroom before he's falling on shakey legs.
You'll have to lay down the law with him, because he really doesn't want to have you waiting on him. He feels he should be able to at least fix himself something to eat, or get to the bathroom without any help.
Asmodeus, on the other hand, is completely helpless. He throws the biggest pity party, acting as if his life is over because his skin and hair are greasy and the medication makes his mouth taste funky.
You try to help him, but honestly he's too much of a drama queen, always putting up a fight with anything you do.
At least when Belphegor gets sick he just sleeps through the week.
You can't even wake him up to eat, use the restroom, or take medication. He's entered full hibernation mode by that point.
Overall, for a good two and a half weeks, the house reeks of vomit and the demon equivalent to chicken noodle soup
And suddenly, you start seeing Leviathan roaming the halls again.
Amongst all the chaos, you running up and down the stairs, you didn't even notice the third born had come down with the flu. It's so common for him to lock himself up there, that a second thought never crossed your mind.
(^thankfully, he's stocked up on food in his room, and he had plenty ways to cool down)
You don't know if you could do this alone again.
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