lesbiancarat · 2 years
honestly i really hope jun is the mafia this time I've been waiting for him to be the mafia since don. 1
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baby-chirp · 2 years
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I had the most obvious vet bait in day 1 and evils still tried to attack me.
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potatomountain · 1 month
CIY- CH 19
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Chapter Nineteen
📍Pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader
📍Summary: "Deeper Than You Think"
📍WC: 3.4k
📍AU: detective/mafia
📍Genre: action, dark themes, poly romance
📍Warning(s): 18+ rating, suggestive, milf, slight fxf, slight exhibitionism, creeps
📍Nets: @pirateeznet | @mirohs-aurora-society
📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer , @skteezcursed and edited(usually) by the amazing: @daemour
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You knew just how dark the underbelly of the city was from your extensive research and the cases you dealt with back in SK, but this still had your stomach churning in disgust. In particular, what you knew about the Red Wolves.
The number of times for the rest of Wooyoung’s ‘tour’ that he had to warn you to stay away from anyone with red studs in their ears that looked like fangs. Red bandana’s or a choker were signs of Red Wolf property and when dusk hit, you saw a frightening amount of people with such indicators.
The idea of being trafficked by them opposed to dying by your new unit’s hands no longer had any appeal; you'd rather take your chances with the two in the car with you.
“While the wolves are the most ruthless, and open about their organization from the main three, we really haven’t made a dent against them. Arrest one member, two more pop up. Free one from their clutches, two end up dead.” Wooyoung was solemn for once, a look in his eyes that spoke of a man you weren’t familiar with. One who was much deeper than just the flirt you thought he was. Perhaps that was the detective in him? Or deeper than that, the real vulnerable man underneath.
It had you conflicted, but just as that glimpse had appeared, it was gone, replaced with his charming half smirk once more. “Anyways, ready?”
Your brows twisted together. “For what?” You looked around, the car parked and Yeosang slurping on some noodles at his desk oblivious to the conversation. You were back downtown in the Pink Boa category, in front of the club that Wooyoung had told you about earlier. Two prostitutes walked across the street and slipped between the car you were in and the one in front of you, pink gemmed chains around each of their waists: Boa’s.
The two women were immediately approached by three men who had red fang studs in their ears, the men that Wooyoung had just been talking about. The warnings of the Red wolves were ringing in your head as Wooyoung was talking about something that wasn’t registering, only because one of the creeps grabbed at the women.
No one else was batting an eye, but you were out of the car before you even realized it, anger surging through you at the look of fear on the girl’s face. “Yo! Hands off buddy!”
Vaguely you heard Wooyoung curse out behind you, but he didn’t get to stop you before you had fully situated yourself between the Boa’s and the wolves, chest to chest with the man who’s wrist was now in your grip just as he had grabbed the woman behind you.
The man certainly didn’t mind, eyes flickering down to your low cleavage and smirking in a way that made your skin crawl. “Are you offering yourself in exchange then, slut?”
You snarled your lip back, pushing him by the wrist to get him away from you. “Fuck off, they’re on my time right now.” You lied through your teeth, hands placed on your hips as you jutted out your chin a bit intimidatingly.
It did get the three men to hesitate, especially when you felt an arm wrap around each of yours. “I told you we weren’t available.” The woman on your right goaded, running her nails up your bicep. You could feel her stare on your features, but you didn’t tear your eyes from the men.
The man on the far left swallowed hard, but not with fear. “How much to watch then?”
“How much to get lost?” You countered instantly, pulling out your wallet for the cash you kept on you. You didn’t have much but you were in too deep to back out now.
Mr. Handsy sneered at your gesture. “Forget it. Come on, we can find more willing prey elsewhere.” He flicked his fingers and turned on his heel, giving you one last look over before scoffing and walking away.
As soon as they were out of ear shot the two girls started squealing. “God that was hot babes.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to stand it if some other sleaze tried to step in.” The other added on, both kissing your cheek before giving you a slight tug closer. “Want to get a room with us? So we can show our gratitude? Free of charge babes, haven’t gotten to share a pretty woman in so long.”
While you certainly appreciated their gratitude, you weren’t oblivious to the way they touched you, light but with clear intentions. It was almost purely sexual until you noticed the way they tried to coax the wallet out of your hand.
Wooyoung pulled you back against him, arm around your waist that was tighter than you expected. “Sorry girls, this one is here to see Madam.”
“Oh it’s Mito.” The first one huffed, suddenly disinterested.
“Boo, that means she’s not on the market.” The smaller, curvier one pouted as she crossed her arms to pout even cuter.
Wooyoung smiled over your shoulder and out of the corner of your eye it almost looked strained. “Yes yes, sorry. We’ll be heading in now.” He pulled you back some more than turned you so his arm was around your lower back but his grip was just as tight as before. He leaned into your ear once you were halfway across the street. “What the fuck was that?”
Oh, he was angry with you.
With a huff, you tried not to let it get to you, keeping your head high. “I couldn’t just watch-”
“Yes you fucking can and you will. This is downtown, have all my warnings gone out your fucking ears?”
You didn’t like his tone, nor the way he was gripping you so tightly, but you waited until you were across the street before pulling away and glaring at him. “I will not, Mito, just sit by and watch. Whether it was my job, no matter my career or place, I won’t. I won’t stand for it.” You snarled out, staring him down unwaveringly.
He broke first, shutting his eyes for a brief moment before smiling down at you. “We’ll talk about this later. You really have no idea how it runs, what flies down here, how to play the game-”
“Then teach me, but know that I will not follow rules I don’t like. If that includes watching a woman, no matter her affiliation or career, get harassed to the point fear is obvious, I will not.” You stepped back even more taking note his anger seemed to have passed, or at least wasn’t at the forefront.
No, he seemed almost… elated as he stepped closer and grabbed your hip, pulling you flat against him, lips close enough it would be so easy to close the distance and kiss.
“Then would you go against the rules and laws to protect someone in that sense? Someone who lives here, who works the corner, who has blood on their hands if they’re in trouble and you see it?” He whispered against your cheek, his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt, teasing your skin he exposed.
“Wooyoung-” Yeosang’s voice warned in both of your ears before you had a chance to reply.
With a huff he pulled away, now grabbing your hand. “Come on, you have a job interview.” He was pouty as he pulled you into the night club, past the bouncer who nodded at him. It wasn’t lost on you how you two skipped the line without a single word, like he worked here or something.
Or something was probably more accurate, every working girl smiled or giggled at him as you both passed. A dance floor to the right takes up over half the club, with booths along the wall and a large bar to your left run by three people with a dancer on a small stage on either side. You could make out kitchen doors behind one of the dancers in clubbing attire, but it was quickly pushed out of sight as you headed up secluded stairs to a second floor.
While the dancefloor was mostly exposed from this floor, due to the waist high thick railing the activities up here were much more secluded; that included the private booths that lined the walls above the floor, just out of sight. The bouncers didn’t stop Wooyoung from pulling you to the right, away from the open area and clubbing below, to a hall that had a sign hanging above reading “employees only”.
Since you missed his explanation, you could sort of hear Yeosang in your ear repeating the plan. “You’ll be meeting the madam of the club for a position as a bartender or waitress, but don’t accept anything for dancing. You should do well enough but also remember not to freak out at the customers.” The rest of his warnings fell on deaf ears as you stepped around a corner in the hall where another bouncer was, this one stopping you both by holding up his hand.
You immediately took notice of the gold chain on his wrist with three rings for a charm. A sign of the Golden circle. It made sense that at least one of the workers here would be one, considering the Pink Boas were their subgroup. But something also felt so out of place of once single Golden Circle this far from the rest of the business of the club.
Not that you had time to dwell on it.
Wooyoung didn’t speak to the bouncer, giving him only a moment to step aside before he took you forward. You passed a few doors with odd symbols, stopping in front of a door with a golden snake in a circle, the one eye of it a pink topaz that felt almost like a warning. And in a way, it was.
He had brought you right to the head of the Pink Boas.
You swallowed hard, trying not to let the sudden onslaught of nerves show. This was not the head of one of the six, but a subgroup, one that was all female and probably the least intimidating group to come face to face with.
Wooyoung smiled over at you, brushing your hand with his own. “Don’t worry Goddess, you’ll do fine. When in doubt, do what I do or Yeosang says.”
You rolled your eyes. “Because that’s going to get me the job.” You laid the sarcasm on heavy, getting a dry chuckle out of him before he knocked in an odd rhythm. Three times, pause, then once, another pause, then two more times.
The door opened almost instantly, an older woman with a stone expression standing on the other side. You had a moment to admire the perfection of her makeup, the subtle extravagance of her outfit, and the way she carried herself all before she was turning her back to you both and stepping further inside.
Wooyoung motioned for you to go first, stepping in behind you and letting the door shut behind him. The cool demeanor of the woman shifted immediately as she swirled on her heel and was now beaming at you, hands clasped in front of her. “Oh I’m so happy to finally meet you!”
You were shell-shocked before you were pulled into a hug, the flowery scent of her perfume an undertone to something more earthy, but not unpleasant. Almost homey which was an odd thing to think of a woman who ran a sub-mafia family. But not as odd as the fact she was hugging you so tightly.
Glancing at Wooyoung in a panic, he laughed and gently pried each other apart. “Easy easy, I told you not to do that!”
“But you would not stop talking about her! I was really excited alright?” The woman pouted as she smoothed out your clothes, a twinkle in her eye. “We’ll have to get you into something less gaudy for your job here. Wooyo tells me you have bar experience?”
“Wooyoung, how much did you tell her?” Yeosang sounded exasperated in your ear, but you were still lost.
Wooyoung shrunk away from your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck. “I can’t help it, Sang- not when it’s…” He trailed off but you weren’t going to wait for him to clarify.
“I’m sorry but can someone fill me in? You’re the head of the Boa’s right? The symbol was a dead give away. I thought this was a job interview.”
The woman laughed, pushing some of your hair behind your ear before and noticing the ear piece. “You can call me Haru, and this is a job interview. Wooyo already filled me in, and I promise you will come to no harm here.”
Your brow furrowed in even more confusion before it fully hit. “Oh- I see. That… is not what I expected. Are you really?” You chose your words carefully, hoping she would catch on.
“Whatever you are thinking, yes. He can explain later I’m sure. He referred to you as Goddess but I don’t think that will be a good cover here. How about Dalnim? You’ll be referred to as Dal by the other workers.” She explained before sitting against the edge of her desk. “I don’t care what you see here and what you tell him, but the one thing I do care about is that if it’s concerning my girls you inform me first. Understand?”
“I- hold up. Hold the fuck up.” You had to put your hands up, turning on your heel to start pacing, nibbling on your thumb. “Explain.” You spoke to Yeosang in your ear, but Wooyoung opened his mouth to do so. You pointed a finger at him, a stern glare on your features. “You shut up, I’ll deal with you later.”
Yeosang was silent for a moment, you could tell from the fact you heard no sound what-so-ever he probably had himself muted. You heard a click a moment later, and it wasn’t Yeosang’s voice that spoke.
“Sorry about this Firecracker, are you going to back out?” Hongjoong’s voice rumbled in your ear and you stiffened in your spot, breath hitching a bit.
“Captain- are we really going to-” Yeosang was pleading in the background, and someone else was there.
You glanced at Wooyoung for a moment, his eyes on the floor. Where did his confidence go? He looked nervous, and not just from a scolding from his Captain. Haru was staring you down with a look of curiosity that seemed familiar, but it was when she grinned that you realized something else.
She resembled Wooyoung quite a bit, like a softer, more mature version. She laughed when she saw it click on your features, a nod giving you the confirmation.
This was, by far, so much deeper than you ever thought. But your earlier suspicion had also been confirmed: She knew you were a detective, she knew Wooyoung was, and she was setting you up and giving you permission to use this position as a way to gather information.
Wooyoung was providing you the perfect undercover, with someone he clearly trusted with his life.
“No, I’m not backing out.” The words escaped you the moment you made up your mind, announcing to those present and those not. “So this position, I’m just bartending right? Starting simple? I can do that.” You straightened your shoulders, regaining your confidence.
Haru smiled wider, clapping her hands together. “Oh Wooyoung was right, you are such a smart woman. Capable too. Yes, that is the case. I can give you more details on your first day, but first… I need to make sure you leave here safely.”
She waved at Wooyoung dismissively, pointing towards the door as she stepped over to you. The way she moved was captivating, her whole demeanor becoming seductive, predatory even, like a snake coiling back to attack it’s prey. Her tongue even ran over her vibrant pink lips as if to taste the air.
Her hand was on your neck the second the door was shut. “Now that I have you alone, almost, let me give you the real welcome.” She pulled the earpiece out of your ear and slipped it into your pocket while she swiveled you towards the desk.
While you knew, logically, that you should be afraid, intimidated even, you were not. It didn’t matter her relation to Wooyoung, or how you felt about the unit- which was in dire need of being questioned- she was the head of the Pink Boas. A very capable woman who had risen in the Golden Circle enough to establish this sub group and make it her own. A woman capable of running the downtown underbelly, successful businesses, and navigating it all with such ease you hadn’t even know she had a son.
You couldn’t be intimidated, instead admiring her too much to feel any real threat from her. Because if you had been, you were sure you wouldn’t have made it here, right now. Though when she leaned in, lips brushing against your ear, your breath hitched in anticipation.
Your real name cascading from her lips in a low, sultry tone might be enough to make any woman gay for her. “Listen very carefully now. I”m going to tell you something, but I need you to act for me so he doesn’t hear. So no one does.” She bit down on the shell of your ear, chuckling when your breath hitched in an almost moan.
“Yes ma’am.”
She laughed a bit, hands pushing your shirt and touching you everywhere almost as if feeling you up, but it seemed more strategic than that. You let out a loud moan for her, remembering how you had faked it for the two neighbors not that long ago. This felt easier, since the little touches were turning you on just a bit.
“That’s it, such a good girl. You’ll treat him right won’t you?” She whispered as moans and whimpers fell from your lips. “I know you’re still so new, that you don’t know much of anything really, but I want you to. Do you want to? Do you want to be a part of what he and his little friends have going on?”
“Y-yes Mommy. I do-” You whined out, purposely adding that just to fuck with Wooyoung.
Haru laughed breathlessly, a hand now in your hair messing it up as she tugged it back. “I want you to learn everything about them, and I’ll help you baby girl, but you have to promise me something. And if you ever- ever - break that promise…” He teeth scraped your neck before she sucked a hickey there, making you moan out for real. Oh this woman knew just what she was doing.
“Well, you’re a smart girl, I think you know just what would happen if you did, yeah?”
“Yes yes-”
“Good good. Now that promise is that no matter what you learn, you never hold it against them. Especially not my little boy. Because if you hurt him, pretty girl, you’ll suffer worse. And you know you will, with how fucking prettily you melted in my arms like this.” Almost as if she couldn’t help herself, she cupped your mound between your legs and squeezed in a way that stimulated your clit.
“Fuck-” You whined out, for a split second forgetting what you were supposed to say. “Y-yes I promise Mommy. Promise. C-can I come now?” You whined, playing your part perfectly.
She gave your mound a little pat before stepping back, laughing under her breath as she nodded. “I almost feel bad for playing with you knowing his intentions.” She muttered to herself as you cried out, faking an orgasm for the listening ears, but you didn’t miss what she said.
Haru let you leave after that, making sure your clothes were still a mess and the hickey on display. You couldn’t meet Wooyoung’s gaze when you did, nor could you put the earpiece back in.
But as you passed the Golden circle bouncer, you noticed how intently he looked you over, eyes lingering on the forming hickey on your neck, a scowl forming. That’s how it clicked, that bouncer wasn’t there to guard Haru, but watch her.
You just got yourself into some really deep shit.
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse
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Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
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The idea of you — dark!ex!mafia!Lando Norris x reader - part five
Part one part two part three part four part five part six
Word count — 2.9k
Warnings— reader is still locked up 🥲 Lando and reader are low key slightly tiny bit manipulating each other in this mentions of death but no one important.
Lando has been watching you for days now, studying your habits and routines. He knows your favorite cafe, your preferred grocery store, and your usual walking route. Today, he finally decides to make his move.
He spots you walking down the street, earbuds in your ears, and completely engrossed in your thoughts. Lando takes a deep breath and approaches you, "accidentally" bumping into you.
"Oh, sorry love," Lando says, feigning surprise. "I didn't see you there. You alright?" You stumble back, caught off guard by the unexpected collision. "Yeah, I'm fine," you say, a bit flustered. Your mind doesn't even register who it is who bumped into you, just that it's a man with a charming smile.
Lando takes a moment to appreciate your surprised expression, savoring the moment. He reaches out a hand to steady you, his touch lingering a bit longer than necessary. "Are you sure you're alright?” he asks again, his voice dripping with concern.
You hesitate for a moment, suddenly realizing how close he is. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little startled," you say, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Lando grins at your reaction, knowing full well that he's gotten under your skin. He keeps his hand resting on your arm, the contact sending shivers down your spine.
“Oh hey, I remember you, I bumped into you a couple of days ago,” you say looking at Lando. Lando pretends to be surprised, even though he remembers you all too well. “Oh, yeah!” He says, acting as though he’s just now putting two and two together. “Yeah, I recognize you,” he says, his eyes roaming over your face. “I thought you looked familiar.”
Lando's eyes linger on your face, taking in every detail. He's struck by your beauty all over again, and the feeling of possessiveness flares in his chest. He smiles, his smile widening when he notices your slightly flustered expression.
You can't help but feel a bit flustered by Lando's proximity and the way his hand is still on your arm. You try to play it cool, but there's no denying the strange magnetism drawing you in. Lando doesn't miss the effect he's having on you. He can see the tiny shiver that runs down your spine when he touches you, and the way your eyes dart to his hand on your arm. He grins inwardly, knowing that he's already got you hooked.
"Where are you headed?” Lando asks, keeping his tone casual. He slowly slides his hand down your arm, relishing the feel of your skin under his fingertips.
"Just heading home from work," you say, trying to ignore the heat that's rising in your cheeks. Lando's touch is sending your mind into a dizzying spiral, and you're finding it harder and harder to concentrate.
Lando smiles at your response, noticing the way your voice falters ever so slightly. "Mind if I walk with you?" he asks, his tone casual.
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of whether to accept his offer or not. But there's something about Lando that draws you in, and against your better judgment, you find yourself nodding your head. "Yeah, sure," you say, trying to sound nonchalant.
Lando's smile broadens at your agreement, and he starts walking beside you, keeping his stride slightly longer than yours to make up for his height. He keeps his hand resting on your arm, his touch is possessive but not forceful. As you walk side by side, Lando keeps up a stream of easy conversation, asking questions about your day and job. But in reality, his mind is solely focused on you. His eyes keep wandering over your figure, taking in every detail and etching it into his memory.
He can feel the heat from your body radiating next to him, and he finds himself drawn in by your every move. Every time you laugh or smile, his heart skips a beat. Every time your arm brushes against his, he feels a jolt of electricity run through him.
He steals glances at you as you walk, watching the way your hair moves in the breeze and how the sunlight hits your skin. He can't get enough of you, like a moth drawn to a flame. As you reach your building, Lando reluctantly lets go of your arm. He doesn't want the moment to end, but he knows he can't push his luck too far. "This is your stop, huh?” he says, feigning disappointment.
"Yeah, this is where I live," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. You can't deny that you're a bit sad to see him go, but you're also a bit overwhelmed by the intensity of his presence.
Lando steps a bit closer, his hand reaching out to touch your shoulder. He looks into your eyes, his gaze intense and unwavering. "It was nice seeing you again," he says, his voice low and soft. "Maybe we'll run into each other again soon."
"Yeah, maybe," you say, unable to look away from his eyes. The proximity of his body to yours is making it hard to concentrate, and your thoughts are swirling in chaos.
Present time
Lando followed closely behind you, his sharp eyes watching your every move. He had decided that you could earn the privilege of joining him for dinner, but he wouldn't trust you to be alone for a second. He had one hand lightly resting on your back as you descended the stairs, keeping a possessive grip on you.
As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you took in your surroundings. The house was dimly lit, and the only sounds came from the distant clinking of dishware in the kitchen. Lando directed you towards the dining table, his hand on your back gently steering you in the right direction. He pulled out a chair for you, gesturing for you to sit.
Once you were seated, Lando took the seat across from you, never taking his eyes off you. The table was laid out with an array of food, the smell making your mouth water. Lando gestured for you to help yourself to the food, casually serving himself a plate.
As you helped yourself to the food, you could feel Lando's gaze on you. He was silent, his expression betraying no emotion, but his eyes were fixated on you. He watched as you picked up your fork and started eating, his plate sitting untouched in front of him.
The silence between you was palpable, broken only by the occasional clink of silverware against a plate. Lando continued to watch you, his stare unwavering. The tension in the room was thick, like a coiled spring waiting to snap.
As the minutes ticked by, your unease grew. You could feel Lando's intense gaze on you, the air around him charged with an electric current. You tried to eat, but your stomach was in knots, the food tasteless in your mouth.
Finally, Lando broke the silence. "You're quiet tonight," he said, his voice low and gravelly. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving your face.
You could feel his gaze boring into you as if he were trying to delve into your very soul. "Nothing to say, love?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of mockery.
You fidgeted in your seat, suddenly feeling like a prey being stalked by a predator. "I...I don't know what to say," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
Lando chuckled darkly, enjoying the power he had over you. "You don't know what to say." He repeated, his tone dripping with mockery. "I should be offended, you used to talk so much. What happened, love? Did you lose your tongue?"
You felt a pang of humiliation at his words. You used to be so confident, so able to hold your own against his snarky remarks, but now you felt like a mere shell of your former self. You took a deep breath and tried to find your voice. "I don't have anything to say to you," you said, trying to sound defiant.
You felt a pang of humiliation at his words. You used to be so confident, so able to hold your own against his snarky remarks, but now you felt like a mere shell of your former self. You took a deep breath and tried to find your voice. "I don't have anything to say to you," you said, trying to sound defiant.
Lando smirked at your attempt at defiance. "Oh, so the quiet little mouse has found her voice again, has she?" He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table, his eyes never breaking contact with yours. "Go on, say something else. Use your words like a big girl."
You flinched at his words, feeling like a child being scolded by their parent. But despite the fear that was coursing through you, you refused to let him see it. You stood your ground, meeting his gaze with as much confidence as you could muster. "I won't give you the satisfaction," you replied, your voice still shaky.
Lando chuckled again, clearly enjoying the game now. "Oh come now, love. Don't be like that." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, a smug expression on his face. "We both know you're dying to say something. Let it out."
You gritted your teeth, desperately trying to hold back the wave of anger and fear that was threatening to crash over you. "You're a monster," you spat out, your voice shaking. "You're a manipulative, controlling monster and I hate you."
Lando's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Careful, love," he warned, his voice dropping an octave. "You're walking on thin ice here."
"Or what?" you retorted, the fear slowly being replaced by a reckless sort of anger. "What are you going to do? Keep me locked up in here forever? Keep me all to yourself like some sort of pet?"
Lando's expression hardened, his jaw clenching tightly. "Is that what you think I'm doing?" he asked, his voice calm and deadly. "That I'm just keeping you here for my amusement?"
Lando's expression hardened at your words, his grip on his chair tightening. "You're better off here," he said, his voice gruff and firm. "I'm the only one who truly knows how to take care of you, how to keep you safe."
You scoff at his words, the anger and frustration you felt reaching its boiling point. "Keep me safe?" you repeated, your voice rising in volume. "You've taken everything from me! You've isolated me, cut me off from my entire life, and you think you're keeping me safe? You're delusional."
"Delusional?" Lando echoed, his eyes flashing with anger. "I'm trying to protect you, you ungrateful little-" He stopped himself, taking a deep breath to compose himself. He clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to rein in his temper.
"You're not protecting me," you shot back, your temper flaring. "You're imprisoning me, you're stealing my life away from me. Can't you see that?"
Lando slammed his fist on the table, making you jump in fright. "I'm doing what is best for you!" he shouted, his voice rising. "You're too naive, too trusting. You wouldn't last a day out there without ending up in danger."
"Danger from who?" you countered, your heart pounding in your chest. "From you? From the man who's holding me captive? The man who's taken away every bit of freedom I ever had? The man who thinks he has the right to control every aspect of my life?"
Lando's jaw clenched tighter, a vein in his neck pulsating. "I'm not the one who will hurt you," he said through gritted teeth. "The world is a dangerous place, love. You're too innocent, too vulnerable. You have no idea how cruel people can be. just take me for example look at how easy it was for you to fall for me."
"And look at how easy it was for you to turn into a monster," you shot back, your emotions in turmoil. "You used my feelings for you against me, you manipulated me and trapped me. You're not protecting me, you're destroying me."
Lando's expression darkened, but underneath the anger, there was a flicker of something else. Something that looked almost like guilt. However, it was quickly replaced by his usual stony cold expression.
"You're exaggerating," he said, his voice a low growl. "I didn't destroy you, I made you better. I taught you how to trust, how to love. And don't deny it, you loved me."
"I did love you," you admitted, your voice breaking. "But that love was based on a lie. You pretended to be one thing, when all along you were just using me, just playing a part to get what you wanted. You took everything from me and broke me in the process."
Lando flinched at your words as if they physically hurt him. He paused for a moment, the silence between you thick and heavy. He stared at the table, avoiding your gaze, his expression unreadable.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low and quiet. "I did it for you, you know. Everything I did, was to keep you safe. To protect you from the world that would crush you like a bug."
You looked at Lando and sighed “Deep down part of me understands that Lando, but you scared me. I’m scared of you. I'm scared of what I saw. You killed that man. I can't get that image out of my mind; it's seared in my brain. The look of enjoyment on your face terrifies me. I hate that some small part of me still loves you and I hate myself for it.” You said your voice was broken and your throat hurt like someone had punched you in the throat.
Lando's jaw tightened at your words, visibly swallowing hard. It's as if your confession stabbed him in the heart. You could see the internal struggle written all over his face, a whirlwind of emotions churning behind his eyes.
He didn't speak for a moment, just staring at you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. Then, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke, his voice a soft murmur that betrayed his inner turmoil.
"I never wanted you to fear me. I never wanted you to see that part of me."
His voice was fragile, a vulnerability that you had never seen before. It was as if you had stripped him bare, exposing the raw nerve that lay beneath his tough exterior.
He leaned forward, his eyes pleading with you. "Do you believe I'm a monster?" he asked, his voice quivering slightly.
The emotion in his voice tugged at your heartstrings, making you hesitate. But the memory of his cold, calculating expression as he had killed that man still haunted you.
"Sometimes, yes," you confessed, the honesty of your words making your chest ache. "I've seen the darkness in you, I've seen what you're capable of. It scares me."
Lando's eyes widened slightly at your response, pain flashing across his face. He sat back in his chair, the strength seeming to drain out of him. He placed his hands on the table, his shoulders hunching forward.
He looked defeated, broken almost as if your words had cut through to his very soul. He spoke after a long moment, his voice hoarse.
"I don't want to be a monster. Not to you."
The sadness and resignation in his voice made you falter for a moment. Part of you ached to comfort him, to tell him that you forgave him, that you understood.
But another part of you, the part that had been hurt and betrayed, held back. The memory of his deception, of his manipulation, was a cold weight in your chest.
"Then why?" you asked, your voice a ragged whisper. "Why put me through all of this if you didn't want to be a monster?"
Lando clenched his jaw, his hands balling into fists. It was as if your question had struck a nerve.
"I did it for you," he repeated, his voice taut with tension. "I did it to protect you. I love you, I always have. I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you, of this cruel world taking you away from me."
"You call this love?" you burst out, your emotions boiling over. "Locking me away? Manipulating me? Treating me like a possession instead of a person?"
Lando flinched again as your words hit him, his expression pained. It was clear that your accusation hit home.
"I...I didn't mean for it to happen like this," he protested, his voice strained. "I never wanted to hurt you, I just wanted to keep you safe. I made a mistake, a big mistake. I know that. But I did it all because I love you, I swear."
“You don’t love me, Lando. You love the idea of me and that’s different you know that and I know that”
Lando looked wounded by your words as if you'd reached into his chest and pulled his heart out. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
He was like a deer caught in headlights, completely speechless. It was as if you'd just said the thing he had refused to admit to himself.
You could see the conflict etched onto his face. The realization of your words was visible in the way his eyes widened, the way his lips twitched as he tried to form a retort.
But ultimately, he seemed to deflate, his gaze falling to the table. He swallowed hard, the silence between you both like a heavy shroud.
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @anedpev @amatswimming @alwayzbeenale @bblouifford @bbtoni @biancathecool @barcelonaloverf1life @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @entr4p3 @embrosegraves @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @jinx53 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mrsgeorgerussell63 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @sweate-r-weathe-r @swifth0lic @strugglingyetvibing @toasttt11 @the-ghost-lovwr @tallrock35 @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @llando4norris
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fcthots · 1 year
Please 🙏 give us more thoughts on the friends to lovers AU cause that's literally the one I have too.
I’m assuming you mean my friend to ememies to lovers au. Tbh it’s super self indulgent but I’ll hit the high points for you. Heads up: it’s fem reader bc it came from my notes app as a personal au.
Basically reader hangs around Jason’s neighborhood through childhood
Immediately best friends
Jason sees you about twice a week for many many years
Side plot of Jason finding a new mafia in Gotham
One day Jason shows up unannounced to your house bc you do it to him all the time since he moved and he really needs to talk to you (haven’t decided what the emergency is yet)
You aren’t in your room and something looks wrong
He crawls in through the window and hears people yelling and arguing
He goes Robin mode and starts trying to figure out what happened
He follows the metaphorical tracks into the wall
Secret door
He spies and realizes your family is the mafia family he has had his eyes on
And you’re the topic of conversation
There’s an emergency with one of the fronts they have so the topic switches and they leave
Jason confronts you a week later after being weird and distant
He asks what they were talking about
You explain that you either have to join in on your family’s crimes or you’re going to have to live on the streets. They don’t want you working in the family bc you’re a woman.
(There’s a scrapped version where your family demands you to kill someone’s to pledge your loyalty and when Jason dies, you say you killed him)
He tells you he’ll take care of you. He’ll talk to Bruce. You can figure it out. You will figure it out, together. He reveals himself as Robin. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for you.
Then Jason dies
You find out from the news after you don’t see him for two weeks
You decide, fuck it. Nothing waiting for you outside of mafia life
Your family doesn’t want want u working for them. AND you started later than everyone else. Double whammy
Your family doesn’t trust you
You work twice as hard. You are determined to work your way up. You will survive
They give you low level assignments
You start doing side assign,ents that they don’t ask you to. You get them intel they didn’t know was there to get. Intel they didn’t know they needed
You start working your way up a twinge over the years
They send you in undercover as a stripper. Your job is to see if a rival gang comes in. The man you’re looking for has a deal there today.
The man is known as the Red Hood.
You don’t know Red Hood’s identity but he’s big in the game. A known killer. But a protector of women and the innocent. Your family HATES him.
The Red Hold walks in as well as his client
You switch places with someone and dance colder to their table sk you can hear their conversation
The Red Hood looks at you and freezes
In his head, he’s thinking you left the mafia, but because he died, no one was there to support you so you turned to stripping
He’s also thinking he missed you
You tell him that if he’s gonna stare at you like that, he better fork up some dollar bills
He tells his "client" to hold on for a moment
He walks up to you, voice modulator on and asks how much for a private dance
You make a joke about how he probably can't afford it
He says “I guarantee you I can”
Your "manager" walks over and says you have to take the money and do it, all in "subtle" wording
You’re nervous but agree
You lead him to his private room
And before you can try to make him horny enough to interrogate him, you turn around and his mask is off
You see his face
Older, but Jason
Someone is supposed to come to the club in 5 minutes and kill the "client" was making a deal with.
You can't let them kill Jason.
"You have to leave. Right now."
"What?" He's confused.
"Fuck. I'm so glad you're alive, but you have to go."
He tries to ask if you chose to be a stripper or if you were out of options
You say "I'm not a stripper"
He's confused. Thinks you’re maybe a prostitute.
"My brother is coming in 3 minutes to kill whoever *Client* was making a deal with so that he would be forced to make a deal with-... with us."
"You didn't"
“Dont. Don't do that. You were dead, Jason. And even ignoring that fact, you're not exactly far from the profession either."
"No. No, but you didn't want this. Your family treats you like shit"
“Better than the streets would have treated me... 2 minutes, Jason you have to go. Fuck. I'm gonna get demoted for this.”
Jason says he has a plan
You say it's too dangerous; you’re not losing him again
"Do you trust me?”
“…I still trust you"
He walks out and cancels the deal
He walks back in and says *Client* has to make his merchandise half price now, and with your ‘private dance’, you made it happen
He kisses your cheek and walks out
Your brother walks in and asks where he is, ready to be angry
You tell him to make the deal now, it's half off and that you convinced the other guy to walk
This is great success
You’re even given the weekend off
Jason waits until you leave late at night with the other girls
They're used to him showing up sometimes and walking them to their cars. They don't bat an eye
But he wordlessly gets in your car. Gets in the drivers seat, and drives you to his place, where you spend the weekend.
He tries to convince you to stay. You say you can't.
Because you want to take over the whole joint some day
So you go back do what you do
If you and Jason ever intersect, you go to your apartment together.
You fuck
He leaves for patrol before you wake up
He fucks you so you fall asleep and he can leave without saying goodbye
You fight.
YouI say you should stop.
You love him. If you keep going you’ll never love anyone else. You’ll never move on.
The truth is: you already love him like that, but if you keep fucking him, you won't be able to leave and it'll put a target on both of your backs
You fuck one last time and then he leaves
(He becomes a bat around this time)
He’s your enemy now
And you’re rising the ranks
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spacexseven · 1 year
Tuna, messed up idea, but imagine thriller buddy cop comedy turned full blown yandere horror with: scapegoat! Darling based on the serial killer au. Darling just has terrible luck and gets pinned all the murders and worse thing? they wake up one day, covered in blood, in a strange place with the cold corpse of a red headed man. It takes a while for the implications of what happened to hit them and they later find out they now have mutiple abilities. Abilities they never had before. Or! maybe, this is a crappy isekai au with bad end! serial killer reader. sigma 🤝 isekai scapegoat darling - 🦄 (im thinking about random ideas too much while i should be finishing other wips and ideas.)
manga spoilers below regarding the unknown doa members and a future part of the doa's plan :) i took liberties with the extent of the book's abilities so. don't question it hfhfh
in the same universe as sk reader, but this time, reader is a stranger who has been brought into the bsd world as a pawn in fyodor's new plan. here, fyodor has broken out of meursault already. fyodor centric but implied sigma x reader and nikolai x reader
cw: murder, dark isekai, death, start of an obsession, manipulation, kind of dehumanization of reader, fyodor is Evil.
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let's say things were not going according to plan. the hunting dogs had found the coin bombs in the casino, and now all eyes were on sigma and the associated members, mushitarou was out and working with ango and the ada, and the port mafia had seemingly come to help the ada too. it would only be a matter of time before kamui's identity was revealed, and that would destroy everything he's worked for thus far.
it would be easy to do as kamui says and unleash bram's infection across the population; it would only take weeks, if not days, for the virus to spread with kamui's ability in hand. but fyodor disagreed with his decision. no, there was a better way to do things. all he needed was time to distract the public and get everything back on track. if kamui's identity was revealed now...it would throw the world into chaos, yes, but not the kind he needed.
this called for his last resort.
though he hadn't told anyone, there was a little more than a side of a page left blank in the book. on the written side, he had intentionally left a very part blank on the offchance that things would stop going his way. kamui was unaware. of course, but that was for the best.
the first order of business was to ensure ango sakaguchi was dead.
his ability would prove to be too much of a hindrance since he could use it to find kamui and the others. with the information he had, he could somewhat be certain of where ango was and what he would be doing.
under the moonlight, he writes, ango sakaguchi walks down the alleyway, believing himself to be alone. suddenly, there's a strange sensation at the back of his neck; he considers turning around to face his pursuer and slowly reaches for his gun. but it's too late. the minute his hand reaches for the handle, something pierces his chest...
he can almost feel the words coming to life, twisting reality. fyodor smiles to himself as he finishes writing the last line; besides the corpse of ango sakaguchi, a person awakens. in their hand is a gun, the bullets of which match the ones inside ango. he writes about the blood splattered newcomer methodically cleaning up the scene and disposing of the body and evidence.
this person's ability allows them to take the ability 'discourse on decadence' for themselves.
it's a little bit harder to alter history, to make it so that the deaths of numerous ability users before were a result of his new subordinate's work, and give you all the power you need to be useful to him. he has to write down all the details about the deceased users so that there are no discrepancies, has to ensure the crime scenes are cleaned up but with enough clues so the implication is clear. there is a serial killer loose in yokohama, one that has been targeting ability users for almost a decade now.
the special division wouldn't be surprised that ango had become a victim; it made sense because he had been strongly involved in the case for a while now, but this also made it a priority. files about the sky casino were put on hold, and now the terrorists of the armed detective agency and the serial killer were the priority of the government.
it's funny; the special division thinks that the serial killer is working with the ada, which is why you were not caught despite the agency being aware of your presence all this time, and the ada believes you to be working with the doa. they would all be running in circles, chasing their own beliefs, with no consideration of fyodor's involvement.
nikolai brings him updates; his pawn is in a constant state of confusion and shock, and still unable to use your ability as it was intended. you're plagued by nightmares, too, and still afraid of everyone. he chides fyodor for not writing you to be a calm, composed person, so you would continue your work as fyodor intended you to, but he only had so much space. besides, he tells nikolai, pawns can be trained, too; like pets. all he needs is to offer you a home, an identity, and a life—just like he offered sigma—and you'd be eating out of his hand. what did it matter to you, after that, if a few more lives were lost as long as it guaranteed your own survival?
he arranges for documents to be made; for you to have your own job and home so that there's no suspicion about your identity, arranges for nikolai to surveil you closely and watch out for the eyes of god, lest you're caught by fitzgerald, and for sigma to gain your trust. he himself comes to let you know about all the abilities you have and helps you wield them easily
it's a shame. on paper, you were the perfect pawn—but you're too weak to act on your own yet. he doesn't mind the extra time spent, however, and he coaxes you into targeting mushitarou, whose ability would be extremely useful, but your hands still shake even when he places his over yours and directs the gun for you, and you still cry when you see the blood pooling out of mushitarou, folding in on yourself with shallow breaths. you still tremble when he asks you to use your newest ability.
you're still sniffling when he pets your head and suggests you clean up, and though you go quiet, he can tell you're still haunted by your actions when he looks at the glossy emptiness of your eyes. even after all this time, you still look conflicted when he praises you for a job well done.
it doesn't matter what you feel right now, anyway. fyodor smiles to himself when he catches sight of you slumped up against sigma, watching the other go through his customer files, because he would never let you leave. you don't have anywhere else to go, or anyone else to turn to. nobody would accept you like they have, and you knew that; even if you were so terrified that your hands froze over the trigger or you can't pull the knife out, you'd still force yourself to do it if he asks.
truly, you make for a perfect pet.
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merakiui · 2 years
The horror movie vibes from your last Jade thought… shivers. Like, I know a lot of your work is unsettling, but this one really takes the cake in how much it bothered me (in a good way!). It’s totally in character for Floyd to forget and for Jade to play along, but my gosh, poor reader is gonna have trust issues for the rest of their life, haha.
I have to ask, though, what does Floyd do when he comes back and finds the apartment empty? Is he curious and ask Jade? Or does he shrug it off and assume that the reader knows that the Leeches are well taken care of and can pay for the lease?
I know you’ve talked about Floyd coming for reader’s rescue or at the very least going again Jade in the Sk! Jade series, but would he do the same for this recent thought?
I always love reading your yandere stuff and coming to the conclusion that as usual, Floyd is actually the most sane in thr group.
Aaaa I'm so happy to hear that it was unsettling to read! I think Jade works really well in eerie plots. I have so many concepts for him: snowed in at a cabin in the mountains with an attractive stranger (Jade), falling down a steep slope in the forest and breaking your arm or leg, so you have to rely on Jade to help you (but his intentions are not so nice), mafia bosses Jade (and Floyd) subtly harassing the poor maid at the maid café they like to visit in the daytime (imagine trying to draw a cute cat on his omurice and your hands are shaking because he's so scary. T_T), etc etc!! Many ideas for Mr. Jade. <3
Knowing Floyd, he probably wouldn't think anything's immediately wrong. Since the semester has ended and his study abroad has wrapped up, it makes sense that you might have moved out or left for the extended break. Floyd probably asks Jade if everything worked out with him and you, and Jade smiles serenely and tells him that the two of you got along swimmingly. Floyd's happy to hear that. It wouldn't be very fun if his brother couldn't enjoy his time at the apartment if he didn't get along with you. He probably shrugs it off and leaves it at that. No use dwelling on something that's no longer important. Floyd is too carefree sometimes. ;;;
I think it depends on how close you are with Floyd in this concept. On one hand, this is his brother, who he's known since birth, and you're just...you. He's only known you for a year, maybe two, or maybe even less. If Jade's happy with you, then Floyd doesn't want to ruin that. Besides, kidnappings don't really faze him. The family business is not exactly the sweetest or most legal thing in the world, so he's probably been exposed to lots of bad things and has just become desensitized. Knowing Jade, he's probably taking really good care of you, both with his own funds and their family's money (which is quite the large fortune). Floyd knows Jade will take good care of the things that are his, so it's not like you're living starved and naked (though knowing Jade, that could be a punishment. orz).
I also think Floyd's views of love and affection are more rooted in his upbringing. He doesn't love like humans do. He loves like an eel merman would because that's how he was raised. He knows more about the way of life in the ocean than he does humanity, so sometimes love is a little more aggressive under the sea. But that's just his normal! All merfolk are a little predatory; they're natural-born hunters, after all. And sometimes love is scarce in the sea. Some merfolk won't ever find love or reproduce, so it's important that they find someone they can cherish forever. Floyd won't take that away from Jade, but if he likes you as well he'll definitely want to share.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
Hihi!! I just dropped a notification bomb but I also wanted to drop by your askbox to show some love and appreciation for the ongoing event!! :DD (hope you don't mind lmao ;;;)
I might be late to the party (I missed the first week of 2024 orz) but when I returned, my dash was full of pieces from your event!!! I just had to scroll back to the beginning and ended up a tad too invested in the lore by the time I reached the latest post DX
Anyways, I'll be sticking around because I feel like this is going to be a WILD run /pos!!! (I'm searching for a new jamboard app to compile all the info and theories because my brain is braining (I HAVEN'T BEEN THIS INVESTED IN ANYTHING SINCE THE MAFIA EVENT HELP???))
tdlr: I love your creative brain and I can't wait to uncover the SK + Cupid and Eros's boss :)
P.s. I hope it's alright that I'm still theorizing lore and stuff even as a non-participant?? DX If not, lmk as well!!! Then I'll just continue the thoughts in solitary :D
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Anyways, I don't mind if you theorize about all of this. I think it's going to be very fun when the weekends hit because it's going to be a free day for me to decide "which part of lore am I going to drop" HAOSNSOSJ
AND THE JAMBOARD. I CANT THE JAMBOARD (mafia astro memories ^)
Pls if you have one please send it to me so I can add it to the masterlist and so others could see it. I wanna see how much that's going to be filled with "who's the sk" and "what's the boss's actual identity" (because tbh the first can be solved if you guys looked over it again. Who knows? I might drop something there)
"I am connecting the dots" "you didn't connect shit" "I am connecting them" energy right there
Anyways I am thoroughly enjoying the amount of dedication, please continue, I allow anyone to go wild with what's going on in the event and see what the hell is happening
(as I plan Ansy's part to be more lore related and maybe be the ""cusp"" filled with most answers. Who knows hehe)
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catenchanter · 1 year
HEY SO! Today I recieved an... interesting package.
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Anyone remember The Savior of Salem? I don't and neither should you! /j
BUT UM. I haven't seen much archiving of this compared to the original card game, so when I found a copy on ebay I was like "screw it why not?". Feels like I've managed to obtain some kind of rare forgetten artifact lmao.
Anyway, I mainly just wanted to at least. Archive this somehow! I really wanna see if I can get a proper photo of all the cards at some point. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do so. I'm tempted to scan them but obviously that comes w/ risks and uh. Yeah. Either that or getting a photo of everything. Just trying to get a HQ one I guess would be the issue...
Either way! I mainly just wanted to showcase some of the more interesting cards for the whole.... 2 Town of salem fans (ily /platonic)
So, uh. Lets go.
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First off your role selection is. Not very good :( considering that Spy was a stretch goal, having only three possible roles you initially can obtain during the game is a bit. Hm. Also interesting that Psychic also originated from SoS, alongside the specific Vigilante skin. Shame Veteran has yet to get similar treatment.
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The fact that mob mentality is a mechanic tickles me. Also y he look like that.
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Horsemen prior to Town of Salem 2? Kinda wild.
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This confirms that A) The vigilante needs glasses and B) The sheriff has killed. Probably killed a townie, hence why the Vigilante can't use them /nsrs
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Spy does not want to be around dogs. Spy how could you. /nsrs
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The closest we'll ever get to the mafia being relevant again :( also hello stray hair that might have been from me whoops.
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Tag u and the squad (I'm Gold Value: 150)
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I feel like you can make a joke out of this.
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Just some neat creatures. Shout out to the inner demons specifically.
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Glad to see the Amnesiac canonically has hair and is not bald.
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All the other horsemen get cool weapons... famine gets the scales. Tbh who needs cool weapons anyway when you have :bread
(I mean tbh it does make sense but. Sick ass weapons either way)
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SOME EXAMPLES OF UM. art. The full body chainmail looks traced from the town of salem game art holy shit flummery.
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Just some townies being used and abused :)
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And that's about it! At least, the ones I think are neat and wanted to share anyway. The deck came with a whole bunch of blank cards, as well as many. Many more cards. Like I didn't show you guys all the coven ones.
I definately want to get a photo of everything at some point but for now. Here you go eat up I guess.
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confuchan · 3 months
Seventeen Recs Pt. 2
(updated: aug. 30, 2024)
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Warnings usually left by authors at beginning of each
My warnings just in case (I hope these make sense): ⤵
♨ - contains nsfw in story         🔞 - just nsfw
💖 - my faves  
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Series (Multi-part fics) / OT13 Masterlists
Imprinted - Masterlist♨️💖 ~ werewolf au, OT13
Tales from the Pack - Masterlist♨️ ~ werewolf au, OT13
the party chronicles - Masterlist♨️💖 ~ various POVs, party au, OT13 [unfinished(?)]
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Fics (5k+ words)
S. Coups
hello tutorial💖 ~ 7.3k, college au, frat au
tomorrow night💖 ~ 20.8k, f2L, idiots to lovers
nobody knows ~ 7.2k, mafia au, assassin!s. coups
other people's weddings💖 ~ 15.6k, fake dating au, f2L
dare you♨️ ~ 6k (Part of SVT Hub Spookteen collab + same couple from "It's all fun and games")
by hook or by cross♨️ ~ 12.4k, meet-ugly au, kickboxing au(?), s2L
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Oneshots (1k-5k words)
S. Coups
{dog trainer coups oneshot}💖 ~ 1.1k
Bouquets for a Friend (From a Friend) ~ 1.6k, ceo au, secretary/personal assistant au
Sleepless Nights💖 ~ 1.3k, roommate au (Prequel to All Through The Night)
All Through The Night🔞💖 ~ 4.5k
who’s in control?🔞💖 ~ 4.7k
(best friend hoshi oneshot)🔞 ~ 2k
25¢ Magic ~ 2.6k, f2L au
Paper Rings💖 ~ 4k
pretty party favor🔞💖 ~ 3.7k
clover camp💖 ~ 1.7k, camp counselor!chan, summer camp au
Double Dare ~ 1.5k, fwb2L
Fuck, Marry, Kill🔞💖 ~ 4.7k (+ S. Coups & Hoshi)
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Drabbles (under 1k words)
S. Coups
(college ta{?} s. coups)🔞💖 ~ 761, college au, tutor au
[get a taste]💖 ~ 231
(there’s a cat in my kitchen. i don’t own a cat. prompt)💖 ~ 918, neighbor!wonwoo
muffin for you ~ 480, acquaintances to lovers, coffee shop au
impossible💖 ~ 570
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Reactions / Scenarios / Misc.
Incorrect Quote (SK, DN, WZ, MH, VN, WW, JS, & HS)💖
SVT - married w/ kids, getting some, or bitchless💖
SVT - members green flags
Expecting {texts} ~ (VN)💖
SVT - shirtless cuddling + some sleeping too💖
SVT - how would every member kiss you
SVT - Major Turn Ons
SVT - reaction to their s/o being drunk and hørnier than usual
SVT - reaction to the reader being shy the morning after their first time
Incorrect Quote (JH, SC, Maknae Line)💖
SVT - most to least helpful in changing your flat tire💖
choi seungcheol is a youtube dad
Unsolicited Review of SVT Members' Stans💖
Incorrect Quote (JS, HS, DK, SK, VN, & WZ)
neighbors with seventeen
powerpoints (@/thepixelelf) think seventeen would bring to a ppt sleepover💖
SVT as Bottoms (🔞?)
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
I have a friend whos getting into romance novels and would love some recommendations, she's into bdsm, dom/sub dynamics (with a preference for femdoms) harem/reverse harem and polycules. They can be any subgender of romance really, however she's not the biggest fan of mafia books and I think she's not super into dubcon stuff. If you have anything that fits into this it would be greatly appreciated!
For sure!
In general, I would recommend Sierra Simone. Most of her books are kinky with a heavy emphasis on dom/sub, and several of her most famous series are poly. At points, her characters may practice CNC (consensual non-consent; everyone consents to the fantasy beforehand and there are safe-outs ahead of time, in fact she's one of the only authors I've read who covers things like "snap your fingers if you want me to stop" when gags are in play) but it is not dubcon.
A quick rundown of her books and their kinks/tropes:
The Bell Brothers series, which includes:
Priest--Catholic priest/parishioner (sort of), BDSM with a dom hero and a submissive but bratty heroine, obviously a lot of play surrounding Catholicism
Sinner--Novice nun/her brother's slutty best friend, age gap, BDSM with a male dom, virgin heroine
Saint--Monk/his ex-boyfriend, m/m obviously, lighter on the kink but Dom/sub is still present; there's also a chastity device involved.
New Camelot:
American Queen, American Prince, American King--must be read in order, MMF, Dom/sub with a dom hero, a switch hero (subs for the other hero, often doms the heroine but there is more of a power play between them wherein she engages in some light domming) and sub heroine. Begins as a love triangle but is a polyamorous triad by the end of book one. VERY kinky, with things like bondage, spanking, CNC, role play, edging, pain play, light CBT, etc.
Salt in the Wound and Salt Kiss--must be read in order, in progress. MMF, though the triad is currently in its early stages. SitW focuses on the main dom and the heroine, who is a sub but is very particular about her submission (she's into pain and is quite aggressive in some ways), and SK focuses more on the submissive hero falling for the dominant hero and then the heroine separately (he has a somewhat more dominant role with the heroine, but it's more of a trade off). A little darker than NC I'd say, due to the dominant hero being more of an enigma and all three leads being more... violent? Not necessarily with each other. Breeding kink (not for actual conception... it's quite queer), bondage, wax play, pain play, etc.
A Lesson in the Thorns, Feast of Sparks, Harvest of Sighs, Door of Bruises--must be read in order, VERY poly, six leads with two core relationships (MMF and FF) but everyone does have sex with each other at some point. There's some free use, Dom/sub, very taboo relationships, and there is femdom in the FF pairing.
Outside of Sierra, I'd say...
Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre. Femdom, the heroine is paid by the hero, her boss, to be his domme. It's actually quite fun and romantic in a lot of ways, but she's also sort of financially dominating him by making him donate to women's shelters and stuff lol.
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham. This is a femdom historical, though the heroine doesn't realize that the hero wants to be dominated until the last third of the book or so because he's been trying to hide it from her. He does see a dominatrix during this time, though there isn't explicitly sexual contact (I believe he gets caned, which does arouse him, but doesn't involve direct skin to skin engagement); I didn't have an issue with it as a READER, but obviously it's not ideal for a relationship lol. I liked how it was handled, personally.
Her book The Earl I Ruined also has some light Dom/sub stuff, with a male dom and a newbie female sub.
Hyacinth by S.M. LaViolette. Another historical. The heroine is less experienced than the hero (but not a virgin) but they're both interested in kink and they switch off on dominating each other. At points she ties him up, at points she whips him until he comes, all that.
Sara Cate's Salacious Players Club has generalized kink and I'd recommend:
Praise--Dom/sub with a male dom. He's a pleasure dom, which is depicted here in what I would consider a pretty soft but also very clearly set out kind of way?
Eyes on Me--This isn't D/s so much as it is voyeurism. The heroine is a camgirl and her stepbrother (yes I know... they didn't grow up together) begins watching her, because voyeurism is his thing. Not for everyone, but Iiiiii liked it.
Give Me More--This isn't as heavy on the kink (though there is some bondage stuff and what one hero initially thinks is cuckoldry, but that's actually not his kink) but it is heavy on the MMF, as it's about a married couple realizing they're both in love with their male best friend. Very hot.
Mercy--This is a straight up femdom romance (with pegging, a rare find). The hero realizes that he's a brat, the heroine realizes she's not only a domme but a brat tamer, and we go from there! Super good. I'd say GMM and Mercy are the strongest installments in this series, for sure.
And then leaving Sara Cate...
Scandalous Passions by Nicola Davidson. A fun historical FFM romance with femdom! The older heroine is a domme, and the hero and the younger heroine both submit to her. She falls in love with both of them separately before they fall for each other. Kinky and also pretty clear on consent.
Minx by Sophie Lark. This is a kinky escort/billionaire romance. I'd say that he's the more dominant partner at first, but she's very actively involved and they start switching towards the end. The big kink with this one is PET PLAY, and they both get turns wearing the collar.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. Contemporary that focuses a lot on daddy kink, with some stepfather/stepdaughter roleplay. Some light CNC is involved, all carefully discussed beforehand.
Possession by Adriana Anders. Generally very kinky, set in a literal "kink camp" where people go to work their shit out. The hero is dominant and the heroine is submissive; there's roleplaying kidnapping, as well as some sharing of her with his friend. There is also a bonus scene wherein he shares her with uhhhhh like... four or five people lmao.
A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor by Kathryn Moon is a historical monster romance, wherein the heroine is a sex worker who ends up with... five...? Male partners. Of various monster origins--vampire stuff, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde vibes, there's a sphynx, one guy is like... invisible, one is a gollum I think lmao it's wild. There are many kinks involved, including generalized BDSM, somnophilia, etc; I believe one guy is a little more on the submissive side. Some of them interact with each other sexually on the reg, some prefer only her.
Consort of Fire by Kit Rocha is a fun fantasy romance (ongoing series). It's FFM, with the two heroines already in a relationship when one of them marries the hero, and they all begin to fall for each other. The hero is definitely on the switchy side, and we are working up to some light femdom imo. Super hot.
Triple Sec by TJ Alexander... This one isn't out until this summer, but I'd recommend that anyone who loves a poly romance pre-orders! The heroine is recently single and meets this female lawyer she hits it off with; the lawyer is open about being in a polyamorous marriage, with an NB spouse. Initially, our main heroine only dates the lawyer, but slooooowly sparks begin to fly with the spouse as well. Has some light femdom, I'd say.
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potatomountain · 24 days
(Putting this here cuz I didn’t wanna clog up your reblogs 🥹🫶🏻)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm glad you enjoyed my silly little rambles 😭 I definitely wanna do the same for each chapter when I have the time! But for now I'll at least do so for the weekly updates because I ADORE this story 💗
You definitely did an amazing job at conveying the deeper attraction and more complicated emotional nuances behind their interactions doom 😔 enemies to lovers is always hella hit or miss for me but this was a clean bullseye from day one 🫠 I won't take up too much of your time going off about it but the way you wrote out mcs character and past trauma with her previous team (and potentially her dad if my dory memory serves me right???) and how it plays into the way she handles each situation and her relationship with the boys is so well balanced and beautifully laid out. I sincerely appreciate that you took the time to flesh her out as a multifaceted individual who has her strengths and her flaws and moments of weakness too, it makes me love her so much as a character 🩷 I totally get why woo would be on his knees for her ngl 😔
And woo is definitely a favourite character right now!! I can definitely see how he's the most honest with mc, love him sm for that. Makes me wanna roll him up and eat him like a little croissant 😔 can't wait to see more of him (and the results of whatever happened between that car and yeosangie's little hacker cave 😳) next week 🤭
ANYWAY, hope you have a wonderful day!!
~lyra ( @ateez-main-yapper )
this makes me so so so excited to just show off more of the everyone's backstories. like the amount of planning and world building that went into this and how it affects the things they do and how they treat mc. How mc reacts to them is also so important for the storyline. She needed to be a character that fit both the role of a detective, but also would fit in with them. Still since this is a reader insert i still have to keep a certain vagueness to her (thus while despite her past with SK, and the hints of her father's legacy, the rest is pretty blank) Right now ive tried to mostly give each of them their own time and spotlight with mc. Things that sparked their curiosity in each other, while simultaneously moving the plot. Again i built a whole ass mafia world, back stories, underlying plot points and more for this and i am so hyped to show it!
Hyped enough that im already working on the next chapter cuz u just got me so excited for it! (unfortunately Woo has had his time and someone else is going to get a little more heavy focused but Woo will still be there, doing what he does best hehe) I hope you'll continue to like the story, and i would love to hear theories. it just fuels me even more to know the little hints i place are seen and im really so so so happy you've picked up on a lot of them already! Plus the dynamics ive been working on <3
(and please dont be afraid to send in more asks im legit kicking my feet right now <3)
-sincerely Doom :3
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snowddeong · 1 year
sorry im new to itzy. whats the mitm discoursce?
Got to this a bit late cause I was on a shitty road trip but in case you still wanna know what goes on from my perspective and my opinions then lemme try and just lay out facts first before being annoyed about the situation hadh
mitm released and a lot of kpopies hated it, not surprising tbh mfs will hate itzy for everything. Italian kpopies got mad about the song for "glorifying the mafia" (it doesn't 🙄) and made all these posts and shit but everyone kinda didn't gaf and memed tf out of the whole drama which pissed these italian kpopies off real bad
And also gave us this meme
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Then Yeji did this 🤌 and they got pissed off even more about how she was "mocking italian culture" (she wasn't 🙄). Since then it's been an off and off discourse where these mfs compare mitm to cultural appropriation and racism then refuse to engage in good faith discussions because they know they're being offensive in drawing those comparisons but want excuses to throw around slurs. The most annoying part is a lot of other italians, even white ones, see this for what it is and call that shit out then mfs go "well yeah but still!"
It shouldn't be surprising how I feel about this but I find the whole thing to just be another case of white people trying to feel oppressed about something that realistically is not worth all this discourse. Anti-italian hate is a thing that actually exists and loads of italians have gone through awful dehumanisation cause of it but like... this is not that...
Mafia is a colloquial term. Every country has a mafia 😭 it has evolved to mean "crime organisation" despite there being a lot of baggage around the word cause of western culture. Mitm is a song about the mafia game with a twist to make it cool. That is all 😭😭😭 mitm is not glamourising anything it's literally about a fucking game that every fucking soul in SK has played at least once including a lot of the faves of the mfs pretending to be mad about this situation.
Ofc there's a discussion to be had about how the media potrays the italians and the mafia, but MITM is not at fault for any of that nor is it even an example of the glorification or perpetuation of this shit.
And EVEN IF IT WAS, white people going around telling poc and other marginalised folk that if they're not allowed to be mad about this then why are we mad about cultural appropriation and people that make jokes about racist violence and shootings in the us is so many levels of fucked up. You're allowed to be offended by mitm ig even if the justification is shit like be mad if you want, but someone doing a hand gesture does not cause the same harm as those other things and it's vile that people wanna be oppressed so bad they'll oppress others to get there and not see why that is wrong lmao.
ALSO last thing Yeji did that in reference to Vincenzo, not to mock anyone. Idk if the show is inappropriate it's very possible that it was cause iirc it's a mafia drama modeled after that caricature of "the italian mafia" but in that case the issue is not really Yeji trying to mock italians it's the fact that there's no education about what's appropriate and what's not lmao. Iirc Vincenzo didn't see any outrage (though I'm open to being fact checked on that Irdk) so it's wild to me that itzy got all this blow back but no one said a fucking thing about that show. Wild, not surprising, cause people will hate itzy for everything lmao
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vcrnons · 1 year
top 5 dino moments 🫂
ask me my top five anything !
when seungkwan had dino & jun as his phone wallpapers and woozi was like ‘i think they’re sk’s favourite members’, sk agreed, and then dino went ‘i don’t want to be your favourite!’
when he saved himself as the doctor in that one mafia game and looked as if he’d accidentally discovered the cure to all known diseases
‘a true friend is someone that can sincerely clap for you when you do well.’ ‘i don’t remember the last time Dino clapped for me’ ‘when was the last time you sincerely did well?’
all of his ad-libs during ‘just do it’ on the ode to you tour, but specifically the time he just laughed full volume into the mic and half the band hit the deck
going live on international children’s day after one of the fml wins because dk announced it was his birthday to explain that it was not, in fact, his birthday
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foofsterwolf · 1 year
are the first eight the new ones? tell me about them!!
The only new one that isn’t totally new is Tacenda. But otherwise. All are new! :D
So the first is Camboy Stiles which is Stiles being a Camboy and finding a NSFW website centered around werewolves. Scott visits and Stiles proposes they make a video together, here’s the snippet:
He is very happy to be back from the airport. He hates driving through D.C. traffic. Scott is led to the guest bedroom. Stiles expects him to go straight for the bed, but somehow his friend seems to have endless energy and sits on the floor in front of the boxes.
“Dude I don’t even know what is in those. Get some sleep.” Stiles complains as Scott opens the first one. He pulls out a bag of rubber bands. Stiles was wondering where those went.
“You should turn these into one of those balls.” Scott tosses them aside. Stiles gives him another look, if he’s tired, there is no way Scott -who has been up since two am- is not. “I’m not going to sleep at three in the afternoon. Sit down.” With a groan, a sigh and a stamp of his foot, Stiles complies.
Next up is Not Okay Colin. It was basically, “he will calm down if he gets pegged” as a fic. Here you go:
She moves with such grace that it knocks the breath out of Colin. That or it’s the weed talking. But the way she inhaled the smoke and blew it back out sends shivers down his spine. He could watch her for hours. She seems to have other plans however.
Her hand runs up his thigh, the action causing his longing to grow more. She’s the one. Well, every woman is the one in the moment when they collide. Whoever is there to help him when he needs it is made for him specifically. He doesn’t like to think about it too hard. He just considers himself easy to please.
“Take off your clothes,” she instructs. He eagerly complies. His hands quickly goes to undo the buttons on his branded shirt. He would do anything for her.
SK AU, oh yes. It’s for the Teen Wolf Mini Bang. I’m so excited to post it:
Blood, it covers every thought and action he does. Melds with his mind in a mix of pink and scarlet that can’t ever be truly washed away. It’s like it controls him, and commands him. He needs it. He is one with it.
It’s beautiful, washing down the walls and across the floor. Filling all of the cracks in the floor, it’s bliss. Filling him with a peace he was missing his whole childhood. He brings the knife down again, savoring the sinking and the noise that accompanies the motion. The firm releasing of the flesh under the blade, the resistance as it gives in. A high lingers over him.
Every sense is hyper-aware of every detail. His fingers slip along the hilt of the blade and he can taste the blood in the air. He feels at peace. Like a part of him that is always gone is finally where it needs to be. His soul is complete.
The whump exchange I’m writing is about Stiles surviving torture and having PTSD. Mostly it’s about him recovering slowly.
“How much sleep have you gotten?” Scott asks, he sounds tired himself. The call feels like an afterthought to a long day of work at the animal shelter.
“Plenty, you woke me up,” Stiles manages to sound more alert. He’s thankful that Scott did call him. His living through more of that dream is not his ideal night.
“Plenty? How much this week?” Leave it to Scott to hear one mention of Stiles having nightmares and then decide he needs to monitor Stiles’ every sleeping moment.
“A couple hours a night,” He lies, he is relying on Scott not hearing his heartbeat since the phone's mic can’t pick it up. He forgets that Scott has known him long enough that he doesn’t need it.
San Francisco’s finest, my darling! I haven’t actually written any of the story. I have half of the overview done though. I’ve done soooo much research for this story. It takes place in the year 1955 during real life events of the Mafia. I have 5000 words of research. Here’s Stiles’ short snippet of backstory:
Backstory: Born Mieczyslaw Genim Stilinski 1930 to Claudia and Noah Stilinski, Stiles was raised by his father to be the next in line in the Stilinski family organization. From a young age he started learning about how to run a successful crime family, by 1946 he had taken his first life in a fight with a business owner who refused to pay for protection. In 1950 he was shot two times by Isaac Lahey as Lahey defected to the new family in town, the Argents.
Tacenda is probably my current and maybe permanent magnum opus. The story is so good. I love it but it still hasn’t been properly edited:
Stiles can’t help but let out a small sigh as he paces his room. After the Nogitsune left his body the tension holding him taut like a bowstring had mostly dissipated. Mostly being the keyword. After years of only experiencing anxiety over things like possibly losing Scott, or something happening to Lydia. Having a near constant stream of it was exhausting.
In some ways he enjoys it. It’s always something to cut through the numbness he normally feels. A constant source of something for him to grasp onto. It’s hard to be bored if you can’t breathe or the words on your page are all out of order.
It’s not all gone of course, but neither is the Nogitsune. Stiles supposed that he got so used to having a voice in his head that once it was gone, the already broken collection of gray matter grasped onto it. A small comfort in an uncomfortable time. So what if he hears a voice in his head that tells him they will kill everyone close to him. It doesn’t mean he will. And it’s not like it’s all the time.
Subspace is my fictional band. I created the band for On the Road Again. Here is part of Danny’s (the drummer’s) backstory:
He grew up in a middle class family in the suburbs of Boston. His father was a doctor and his mother was a homemaker. He grew to resent the area he lived in from around the age of 10 when he started to notice how miserable his parents really were. He started playing the drums as an outlet, driving his neighbors crazy.
Once he got to high school, he quickly found his place with a group of outsiders. Frequently hosting parties at his place, he met Jack when he came by to deal pot to the party-goers. They didn’t get along at first, Danny didn’t like that Jack was dealing at his place. But he put up with it.
Last one, Stiles says they’re gay. This one is from Scott’s POV, he is woken up to Stiles and Melissa talking to each other. Stiles comes out to her before anyone else. Then starts talking about a relationship he is in. Here’s a snippet of Scott thinking Stiles and Isaac are dating:
“You two are so sweet, I don’t know why I failed to notice this sooner. Looking back, it makes so much sense.” Sweet? Isaac? He can think of a lot of ways to describe Stiles and Isaac in a room together and ‘sweet’ is not one of them.
“Isaac, sweet?” Scott mumbles into Stiles’ side. It makes Stiles laugh a little bit. Scott always forgets how ticklish he can be. He pulls back and repeats himself.
“Hush, Scotty. Go back to sleep.” Stiles says and gently pushes Scott back to the pillow. Scott doesn’t fight it. He finds the pillow far too comfortable to ignore. Plus he’s warm. He just wishes Stiles would lay back down so they can cuddle again.
“What do you think we are talking about?” His mom laughs slightly. But stands up to leave. “I’ll talk to your dad after work. Get some more rest. You boys need a lot of it after all you have gone through.” She then kisses Stiles in the forehead and ruffles his hair. She walks out of the room. Leaving just Stiles and him.
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hddnone · 2 years
WIP Ask Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of  how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the  title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or  tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
Tagged by the wonderful @27dragons!
Admittedly it feels a little like that one storage closet where everything gets stuffed in to deal with later and opening it up Vanna White style and saying BEHOLD THE MESS.
I’ll do the Marvel & Teen Wolf fandoms and skip the Merlin & Witcher. 
Marvel: The One with Goats | Servitude | Come eating WORDS + Face Sitting + Sex compulsion + Premonitions | Sag Photo Inspo | Fisting & Competence Kink? | Public Claiming | Ravishment/Soft/Porn | Aristocats/Catnapped | 12 Suckers | There was something in the woods/Wendigo Tony | SK | Criminal Minds AU | Hades & Perseph AU | Doyle but Soft | Kingsman | WIH Mail Order Bride | King Arthur | Soup | Natural Disaster | Phantom Hiker | Scholomance | Werecreature one | Winter symbiote | alll those unfinished AO3 fics...
Teen Wolf: Betrayal | Peter/Stiles with Derek friendship | OT3 - Mating Run | Stiles Bit - Alpha | “The universe is punishing me” | Child Abduction | Eli | Roommate | The Art of Territory Negotiations | Derek/Stiles/Lydia | Peter Alpha post fire | FBI Case | Mates one | Hale Mafia | Step A/B/O | Investigative Team | Magical Mafia | Not quite cheating | Up in flames | Human or Alpha | Price of Humanity | Breeder | Hades & Persephone
I don’t think I know 40 people, hahaha. but ummm @polizwrites @riotfalling @iam93percentstardust @rise-up-ting-ting-like-glitter @shi-toyu and anyone else who sees & wants to play. 
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