videoreligion · 5 months
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That's it for this week's #FrancoFriday , See ya!
Al otro lado del espejo (1973)
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victormalonso · 2 years
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al otro lado de tu espejo \ víctor m. alonso
[on the other side of your mirror]
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dlirioss · 1 year
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The Obscene Mirror (1973) ‘Al otro lado del espejo’ Directed by Jesús Franco.
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Directed By: Rodrigo Álvarez Flores
JUAN PABLO MURO (as Claudio)
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sweet1hxney · 2 months
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˖ ࣪ ⊹ ( 🍓 )The idea stays in my mind, thinking a little and drawing MR!Mychael, I thought about his role as a yandere.
I have the idea that by already having affection for MC, just like Mychael, he will develop attachment to MC, but with the difference that he could be a little more possessive.
He is somewhat reluctant to even think of another way other than defense, but MC makes him feel warm, too much... Maybe he doesn't want you to go away from him, he is very suspicious of this new feeling, to the point that he becomes a little more violent in keeping you by his side, after all, he can no longer manipulate you, he must opt for other methods, perhaps not as effective.
˖ ࣪ ⊹ ( 🍓 ) La idea se queda en mi mente, un poco pensando y dibujando a MR!Mychael, pensé en su rol como yandere.
Tengo la idea que al ya tener cariño a MC, igual a Mychael, desarrollará apego a MC, pero con la diferencia de que podría ser un poco más posesivo.
Es algo reacio ya en siquiera pensar en otra manera que no sea en defensa, pero MC lo hace sentir cálido, demasiado... Quizás no quiera que se aleje de él, sospecha mucho de ese nuevo sentimiento, al punto de que se vuelva un poco más violento en mantenerte a su lado, después de todo, ya no puede manipularte, debe optar por otros métodos, quizás no tan eficaces
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emilyflorencescdblog · 5 months
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Like a Virgin
The other day at lunch, the conversation took a turn for the more inappropriate side of things for a work setting, but since we were at a restaurant, it was deemed "off the record." It all stemmed from "Girl Talk," with my coworker Joanna initiating discussion about her "body count." She and the other girls shared their numbers, and then it came to me. I didn't feel comfortable divulging that information, so I politely declined, and we moved the conversation along. However, they persisted in teasing me for the remainder of the day, attempting to coax me into confessing, but I remained firm.
Well, I decided to put together this all-white outfit for work today to drop them a hint... do you think they finally understand? --------------------------------------- Como una virgen El otro día durante el almuerzo, la conversación tomó un giro hacia el lado más inapropiado de las cosas para un ambiente de trabajo, pero como estábamos en un restaurante, se consideró "extraoficial". Todo surgió de "Girl Talk", en el que mi compañera de trabajo Joanna inició una discusión sobre su "cueta de parejas íntimas". Ella y las otras chicas compartieron sus números, y luego se me ocurrió. No me sentí cómoda divulgando esa información, así que cortésmente la rechacé y seguimos con la conversación. Sin embargo, persistieron en burlarse de mí durante el resto del día, intentando convencerme para que confesara, pero me mantuve firme.
Bueno, hoy decidí ponerme este conjunto completamente blanco para ir al trabajo para darles una pista... ¿crees que finalmente lo entenderán?
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cellbitupdates · 4 months
🟩 Ordem Paranormal postou no Twitter/🟨 Ordem Paranormal publicó en Twitter/ 🟥 Ordem Paranormal posted on Twitter:
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🟩 Qual o limiar entre humano e Entidade?
Sobrevivendo ao Horror apresenta o Monstruoso, uma pessoa que sacrifica seu próprio corpo, o adaptando a atingir as condições perfeitas para ser devorado e transformado pelo horror do Outro Lado.
Na arte, Raziel, um vampiro de Sangue.🩸
🟨 ¿Cuál es el umbral entre humano y Entidad?
Sobreviviendo al Horror presenta el Monstruoso, una persona que sacrifica su propio cuerpo, adaptándolo para alcanzar las condiciones perfectas para ser devorado y transformado por el horror del Otro Lado.
En el arte, Raziel, un vampiro de sangre.🩸
🟥 What is the threshold between human and Entity?
Surviving the Horror presents the Monstrous, a person who sacrifices their own body, adapting it to reach the perfect conditions to be devoured and transformed by the horror of the Other Side.
In art, Raziel, a Blood vampire.🩸
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Hola, Sgiandubh.
Mordor no debe estar muy contento con esas fotos que publicaste. Nos acusan de publicar recibos antiguos cuando hay un avistamiento Tait y, ahora, BIF y sus seguidores se dedican a rebloguear antiguas entrevistas donde ella hablaba del prometido "sin nombre". Ya se encargaba el magazine de turno de editar el texto añadiéndolo para que no quedara duda de su identidad. Como ese bloguer de IG que ha cambiado la secuencia de fotos y no ha publicado las que han causado tanto revuelo pero si se ha dedicado a seguir insultando a las #shipperscrazies. Manipulando la información real que hay disponible. Si eso no es reunir a las tropas para tranquilizar los ánimos no sé qué es 😆
Dear Rallying the Troops Anon,
Me alegra mucho que Mordor no esté contento con estas fotos, por supuesto. La idiotez colectiva del Otro Lado es contundente y menospreciar al adversario - la peor estrategia que pueda imaginarse.
But without further ado, let's translate your comment:
'Hi, Sgian-dubh,
Mordor must not be very happy with the pictures you posted. They accuse us of posting old receipts every time there's a Tait sighting, but now BIF and her followers are busy reblogging old interviews where she talked about the 'unnamed fiancé'. The magazine had already dutifully edited the text, adding to it so there would be no doubt about his identity. Just like that Instagram blogger who changed the order of the pics and did not post those that caused so much commotion, but who did continue to insult the #shipperscrazies. Manipulating the real information that is available.
If that is not rallying the troops to calm things down, I don't know what is 😆.'
Well, then - LOL. As I just said: I am very glad that these pics irritated the shit out of Mordor, of course. The collective idiocy of the Other Side is blatant and of course, belittling the adversary - the worst possible strategy.
But remember (hahahahaha), darling: double standard is a paramount policy of the Best Fans and the Only Ones, FWIW. They feel they have a license to do just about everything: repost things when reality bites and people begin to realize maybe things are not just as black and white (but rather more than fifty shades of grey, LOL). Insult people who dared question their honesty and/or intentions, with a ferocity that says a lot about their unsavory mob. And also play the ostrich, when people come to them with info like this very recent one:
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The reactions are just priceless:
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Sure, Jan, wherever you'd live (a 500 people village, somewhere, I suppose). Because social and business dinners happen on Saturday nights, since the dawn of humanity (where is McIdiot, on that Saturday night, since it's all so social/business? rehearsing Smooth Operator with Blonde Bambino?). And yes, of course, 'pictures or it did not happen' (it did happen before, btw, albeit with chaperones, but never with the multi-millionaire, successful music producer!), on that we agree, and it's rare - this round's on me. That being said, it's priceless to read (and almost hear) those banshee shrieks: 'They are not romantically involved!!!!!!!!!!!!' I spat my Coke, again and remembered this wonderful Terry Pratchett quote:
 'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.'
So, as you can see, that rally cry was also very, very far away from being efficient. As Cambronne famously said at Waterloo: merde!
One last thing and please try and not hate me for it, since I might have misunderstood what you really meant: there was no editing, as far as I know, of that interview BIF reposted. That name was always there, but once more, never uttered by C and just added for context by the journalist, when she wrote her paper. See for yourself:
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Reading that last phrase tells the whole story: 'finding time that suits both their schedules is also proving challenging'. ROFLMAO. For Christ's sake, the 'intensely private' one ain't no Quincy Jones! And this is how you just know Tatler sugarcoated a very bland, unenthusiastic interview. A very common practice.
Salud! Don't be a stranger, Anon. You inspire me. 😘
PS: that banshee shriek was completely unnecessary. Anon just said they were 'catching up', nothing more (which immediately makes me think there was something more about it). Nobody suggested anything romantic. Pavlov's dog will always react to the stimulus, though. And thank you, querida, for the heads-up. 😘🙌
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mooniminididi · 22 hours
This is a scene where Will, Hannibal and Alana have a scene in season 2. Alana says something like, "What kind of relationship do you two have?" and Will replies, "We know how things are between us, don't we know enough?"
There are two things; the way Hannibal shakes his head from side to side as if he's watching a tennis match, looking first at Will like, "Oh, yes, beloved. You're right." and then looks at Alana hoping she'll agree with what Will just said, but Alana goes silent watching Will like "You're a bitch, who do you think you are?" before looking at Hannibal making an offended face, and that's where Hannibal thinks something like "ah, what tension, I have to intervene"
The second is a little more serious. Alana must have realized that something was going on, I mean, Hannibal and Will looked at each other intensely and her words always carried a great strange emotion, I think at some point she must have felt uncomfortable being there. Also, why do I accept such a dinner?
Esta está escena donde Will, Hannibal y Alana tienen una escena en la temporada 2. Alana dice algo como "¿Qué tipo de relación tienen ustedes dos?" y Will contesta "Nosotros sabemos como están las cosas entre nosotros, ¿no es suficiente?"
Hay dos cosas; la manera en la que Hannibal mueve la cabeza de un lado al otro como si estuviera mirando un partido de tenis, mirando primero a Will como "Oh, si, amado. Tienes razón." y después mira a Alana esperando que este de acuerdo con lo que Will acaba de decir, pero Alana se queda en silencio observando a Will como "Eres una perra, ¿quién te crees que eres?" antes de mirar a Hannibal poniendo una cara de ofensa, y es ahí donde Hannibal piensa algo como "ah, que tensión, tengo que intervenir"
Lo segundo es un poco más serio. Alana debió de darse cuenta que algo pasaba, quiero decir, Hannibal y Will se miraban con intensidad y sus palabras siempre cargaban una gran emoción extraña, creo que en algún punto debió de sentir incomodidad al estar ahí. Además, ¿por qué acepto una cena así?
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centinelaprime · 12 days
Aquí un corto de D-16 soñando con Sentinel, antes de la carrera de Iacon.
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D-16 disfrutaba cuando el flujo de pensamientos, mientras se recargaba, lo conducía a este escenario. Claro, como un bot minero y sin su engranaje, no contaba con su hardware de interfaz.
Pero podía soñar con que, si las tuviera, sería justo como lo estaba imaginando ahora.
Admiraba a Sentinel Prime; para él, era el mejor de todos los Primes, solo superado por Megatronus, claro. Sin embargo, no podía evitar que Sentinel invadiera sus pensamientos. Agradecía que Pax estuviera del otro lado, recargándose al igual que los demás, porque odiaría que lo despertaran de su recarga justo en ese momento.
— D-16... —gimió el Prime, mientras abría las piernas de manera provocativa, revelando el tentador tesoro entre ellas, invitando al minero a tomarlo.
Era una válvula hermosa, no, perfecta. Por supuesto, Sentinel no podría ser menos que perfecta.
Le había ordenado al Prime tocarse, dándole a D-16 la vista perfecta para que su púa se presuriza.
El bot más pequeño se colocó entre las piernas del Prime y comenzó a frotar su púa contra esa encantadora válvula, que ya soltaba una generosa cantidad de lubricante.
— ¡D-16! —gritó Sentinel mientras el minero lo penetraba.
D-16 sonrió al escuchar su designación salir de los encantadores labios del Prime.
Sin decir más, tomó el casco del bot azul con su servo y lo acercó al suyo, ahogando los gemidos de Sentinel en un beso necesitado y hambriento.
— ¡D! ¡Despierta! —gritó Orion, golpeando el casco de su amigo para sacarlo de surecarga.
D-16 abrió sus ópticos de mala gana. Siempre lo despertaban justo cuando las cosas empezaban a ponerse buenas.
D-16 enjoyed when the flow of his thoughts, while recharging, led him to this scenario. Of course, as a mining bot and without its gear, it did not have its interface hardware.
But I could dream that if I had them, it would be just like I was imagining now.
He admired Sentinel Prime; For him, he was the best of all the Primes, only surpassed by Megatronus, of course. However, he couldn't stop Sentinel from invading his thoughts. He was grateful that Pax was on the other side, recharging like the others, because he would hate to be woken from his recharging right then.
— D-16... —the Prime moaned, as he opened his legs provocatively, revealing the tempting treasure between them, inviting the miner to take it.
It was a beautiful valve, no, perfect. Of course, Sentinel's couldn't be less than perfect.
He had ordered the Prime to touch himself, giving D-16 the perfect view for his spike to pressurize.
The smaller bot positioned himself between the Prime's legs and began to rub his spike against that lovely valve, which was already releasing a generous amount of lube.
—D-16! —Sentinel shouted as the miner penetrated him.
D-16 smiled as he heard his designation leave the Prime's lovely lips.
Without another word, he grabbed the blue bot's helmet with his servo and brought it close to his own, drowning Sentinel's moans in a needy, hungry kiss.
—D! Wake up! —Orion shouted, hitting his friend's helmet to get him out of charge.
D-16 reluctantly opened his optics. They always woke him up just when things were starting to get good.
*Espero y les haya gustado
*I hope you liked it
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videoreligion · 5 months
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Happy #FrancoFriday !
Al otro lado del espejo (1973)
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alas9 · 8 days
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50/100 / English down below
Estas son fotos de mi trabajo y mi escritorio del día de hoy :)
Llegué a la mitad de los 100 días de productividad! y los días han pasado livianamente como si nada, con dos proyectos empezados y tres certificaciones, mas de 200 horas de practica en total, y muchísimas mas ganas de seguir. Creo que es seguro decir que tenemos un habito despierto nuevamente, el habito del estudio.
Hay muchas formas de lograr la disciplina, ya que a algunos nos puede costar mas que a otros. Pero hay algo que es universal y es el hecho de movernos por nuestras convicciones. Una vez un profesor de bellas artes dijo algo que me voló la mente: "Somos todo lo que somos y lo que no somos. Porque lo que somos nos define por dentro, y lo que no somos nos define por fuera". Está en nosotros elegir que lado de nuestra definición vamos a invertir nuestros esfuerzos.
En una época de mi vida creía tener algunas convicciones que me atormentaban día a día pensarlas, y compartirlas con otras personas. Convicciones que habitaban solo un plano mental de mi vida, ya que no militaba esas ideas ni hacia nada en la vida real al respecto de ellas. Pero esa angustia estaba allí presente porque yo elegia definirme por lo que yo no era. Y poner energía mental en lugares que no me llevaban a ningún lugar. Cuando me empecé a preocupar y ocupar de la persona que si quería ser, esas convicciones desaparecieron de mi vida, dando lugar a que otras surgieran. Esas convicciones iniciales pasaron de ser un tormento diario a desaparecer totalmente.
Es realmente game changing dedicarse a uno mismo, dejar de consumir desde el odio, la angustia o la desolación, y enfocarse en todo lo posible para ser alguien mejor.
These are photos of my work and my desk today :)
I'm halfway through the 100 days of productivity! And the days have passed by as if nothing had happened, with two projects started and three certifications, more than 200 hours of practice in total, and a lot more desire to continue. I think it's safe to say that we have a habit awakened again, the habit of studying.
There are many ways to achieve discipline, since it may cost some of us more than others. But there is something that is universal and it is the fact of moving by our convictions. Once a fine arts teacher said something that blew my mind: "We are everything that we are and what we are not. Because what we are defines us inside, and what we are not defines us outside." It is up to us to choose which side of our definition we are going to invest our efforts in.
At one time in my life I believed I had some convictions that tormented me day after day to think about them, and to share them with other people. Convictions that inhabited only a mental plane of my life. I did not advocate those ideas or do anything in real life about them. But that anguish was there because I chose to define myself by what I was not. And to put mental energy in places that did not take me anywhere. When I began to worry and take care of the person I wanted to be, those convictions disappeared from my life, giving way to others to emerge. Those initial convictions went from being a daily torment to disappearing completely.
It is truly game changing to dedicate yourself, to stop hate-consuming, anguish or desolation, and to focus on everything possible to be a better person.
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dlirioss · 1 year
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The Obscene Mirror (1973) ‘Al otro lado del espejo’ Directed by Jesús Franco.
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camikiutxxx · 5 months
He began to hear familiar voices and couldn't help but get scared. When she turned her head forward she felt a slight dizziness.
He saw Lo'ak, plus three other boys who couldn't have been much older, were chatting, hanging out perhaps? He never really spent it with guys outside of the sullys.
It was too cowardly to hide behind a girl, and technically his younger sister. He could feel Kiri's disbelieving eyes on the back of her neck.
They arrived and the chatter ceased to give way to silence, amber eyes and blue ones now burying themselves in her small body.
“Spider!” Lo'ak shouted excitedly, raising an arm in greeting, he rose from his place next to a girl to perch next to her, fitting into her side, surrounding her shoulders with the usual familiarity they had in the forest. Despite everything, this felt warm and right in his heart.
“Guys, meet my other bro: Spider,” he pointed out in full. Spider only laughed lightly at the small playful push Lo'ak gave him, with the usual encouragement for them to play, he reached behind Lo'ak and reciprocated the push.
“And this is your brother…?” He asked, tilting his head, almost carefully, a boy with hair in ringlets pointing to the sky, could notice the careful question.
"Yes, our brother," Kiri said confidently, letting his arm fall over Lo'ak's shoulders. He snorted dramatically as if that were too much weight, Lo'ak gave him a blank look before laughing.
---The firts interaction in aonung and spider is going to happen in the next chapter, read the tags!
Spanish version:
Empezó a escuchar voces familiares y no pudo evitar asustarse. Cuando giró la cabeza al frente sintió un leve mareo.
Vio a Lo’ak, más otros tres chicos que no debían ser mucho mayores, estaban charlando, ¿pasando el rato quizá? Nunca lo pasó realmente con chicos fuera de los sully.
Era demasiado cobarde esconderse detrás de una chica, y técnicamente su hermana menor. Pudo sentir los ojos incrédulos de Kiri en su nuca.
Llegaron y la charla cesó para dar paso al silencio, los ojos ámbar y los azules ahora enterrándose en su pequeño cuerpo.
“¡Spider!” grito emocionado Lo’ak levantando un brazo en saludo, se levantó de su lugar a lado de una chica para posarse a su lado, encajando en su costado rodeando sus hombros con la habitual familiaridad que tenían en el bosque. A pesar de todo, esto se sintió cálido y correcto en su corazón.
“Chicos, les presento a mi otro bro: Spider” lo señaló completo. Spider solo rió levemente ante el pequeño empuje juguetón que Lo’ak le dio, con la incitación habitual en ellos a jugar, pasó el brazo por detrás de Lo’ak y correspondió el empujón.
“¿Y este es su hermano…?” preguntó ladeando la cabeza, casi con cuidado, un muchacho con un cabello en bucles apuntando al cielo, pudo notar la cuestión cuidadosa.
“Si, nuestro hermano” dijo Kiri con seguridad, dejando caer su brazo sobre el de Lo’ak en sus hombros. Resopló con drama como si ese fuese mucho peso, Lo’ak le dedicó una mirada en blanco antes de reír.
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crimsonwing · 1 month
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"Hidin' and being all sneaky, huh? Tell me, what are you doin'?"
"Who- me? Oh I was just taking a nap. You see..."
Thomas did his best to not look directly at it, but the sword in the stranger's belt caught his attention. A drunkard and weapons was a dangerous combination.
Indeed, the man put his hand on the sword.
"A nap? You think I'm dumb or what? There's nuthin' round here to sleep on. And sleepin' on sand? Fuck that, it itches."
"Well, I like that there's nothing here. The docks are really noisy so I come here to not be bothered."
"Yeah, I don't think I believe you, tough boy. Just look at your face." said the sailor clearly talking about Thoma's injury. Then he stopped, absentminded, and got closer to his face.
"Man, now that I look at it, they fucked you up good! Was it a knife fight or something?"
"A knife-? Heavens, no!" Thomas kept playing dumb "You see, I'm a fisherman so I had an accident with a cod. Yeah, it was at least this big and it hit me with it's tail when I tried to grab him..."
He wasn't done with this sentence when the man started laughing.
"It cut him in the face he says! Ha, you gotta be kidding me! A fucking fish!"
On one hand, Thomas was glad his distraction was working. On the other, he might have to revise his excuse.
"Oh, my sides! What a bloke! It wasn't even a big one!" --- "Conque estabas escondiéndote ¿eh? Dime ¿que haces?" "¿Quién? ¿Yo? Solo tomaba una siesta. Veras..." Thomas trató de no mirarla directamente, pero la espada que el sujeto llevaba al cinto le llamó la atención. Un borracho y un arma eran una combinación peligrosa. En efecto, acto seguido el hombre puso su mano en la empuñadura. "¿Una siesta? ¿Me crees tonto o qué? Aquí no hay donde acostarse más que en la arena, y esa mierda pica." "Bueno, me gusta que no haya nada. Los muelles son muy ruidosos y por aquí nadie me molesta." "Si, no te creo, chico rudo. Solo mírate la cara." dijo el hombre refiriéndose a la herida en la cara de Thomas. Solo para detenerse, y luego acercarse a su cara para ver las vendas mejor. "Hombre, viéndola de cerca si que te jodieron. ¿se pelearon con cuchillos?" "Cuchillos- ¡No, que va!" Thomas siguió haciendo el tonto "Esto fue de un accidente con un bacalao. Verás, soy un pescador y ayer estaba tratando de agarrar uno al menos así de grande que me pegó en la cara con su cola, y luego..." No acabó de decir esa oración cuando vio al hombre al frente reír a carcajadas. "¡Que lo cortó en la cara dice! ¡Un pez! ¡Me tienes que estar jodiendo!" Por un lado, Thomas se sentía aliviado que su distracción estaba funcionando. Por el otro, tal vez valdría la pena encontrar una mejor excusa. "¡No puedo con la risa, pero que idiota! ¡Ni siquiera era uno grande!"
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cellbitupdates · 4 months
🟩 Ordem Paranormal postou no Twitter/🟨 Ordem Paranormal publicó en Twitter/ 🟥 Ordem Paranormal posted on Twitter:
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🟩 Combater o Outro Lado é uma batalha mental acima de tudo.
Sobrevivendo ao Horror apresenta o Bibliotecário, um especialista que dedica a sua vida a obter a vasta sabedoria necessária para combater as Entidades.
Na arte, Paulo, um dos maiores estrategistas da Ordem.📚
🟨 Combatir contra el otro lado es una batalla mental por encima de todo.
Sobreviviendo al Horror presenta al Bibliotecario, un especialista que dedica su vida a obtener la vasta sabiduría necesaria para combatir las Entidades.
En arte, Paulo, uno de los mayores estrategas de la Orden.📚
🟥 Combating the Other Side is a mental battle above all else.
Surviving the Horror introduces the Librarian, an expert who dedicates his life to gaining the vast wisdom needed to combat the Entities.
In art, Paulo, one of the Order's greatest strategists. 📚
[Note: thank you to @/thingsmayy on Twitter who added this context:]
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🟩 Pra quem não sabe. Esse personagem é uma homenagem a um youtuber/streamer chamado Paulo Machado q faleceu em 2020. Ele tinha poliomielite e viveu a vida inteira no hospital. Ele era bem conhecido no mundo geek br e era amigo do Cellbit. Ele aparece no episódio 1 de Desconjuração.*
🟥 For those who don't know. This character is a tribute to a YouTuber/streamer called Paulo Machado who passed away in 2020. He had polio and lived in the hospital his entire life. He was well known in the BR geek world and was friends with Cellbit. He appears in episode 1 of Deconjuration.*
*correction from may: he appeared in episodes 4 and 15 of desconjuração
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