angst3njoyer · 10 months
Mater gets jumpscared by glowing blue lights from time to time, bros screaming and cussing at them for 15 seconds straight until he figures out it’s just a fucking led lightbulb lmaoo
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hoeforalbedo · 2 months
ᗪEᗩᒪ ᗯITᕼ TᕼE ᗪEᐯIᒪ ✟
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Chapter 1
———————— ♱ ————————
Sensitive topics including vague details of SA. Reader will display many mental health such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety. I will also discuss after effects of said trauma such as hyper sexuality, over-sexualizing oneself, over trusting, and many more. (Many cope in different ways however I am more familiar with this side of the spectrum as I have taken this information from my experience.) Suicidal topics. Horror. Manipulation. Blasphemy. Religious horror and possibly hints of religious trauma. Demons. Paganism. Witchcraft (I try to depict witchcraft as accurate as I can however if I make it too accurate, it will seem boring so I did add magical abilities. I write it based off of how I practice it). Possession. Death. Murder. Exorcism. Sex. Ritualistic sex. Female reader. A bit of crack (reader doesn’t take things seriously. Humor is the way of coping 😭)
If any of these themes trigger you, please do not read. You have already been warned.
Writing criticism is appreciated since I want to get better in writing.
SUMMARY: Everything is normal. I mean it. I swear.
———————— ♱ ————————
You went home feeling at ease and as you laid on your bed, you realized that maybe you should have invested in therapy. Hongjoong isn’t really qualified to be a therapist but he works just fine, plus he’s free.
Hongjoong is an interesting man. A hypocrite. A man so corrupted feels so tantalizing, like the fruit Eve was warned not to eat. The devil, these thoughts, they whisper at you, feeding you delusions of this man. You feel. . . Loved. Is that the right word? Love is a strong word and you just met the man but you just felt a strong connection. Maybe it’s because he gave you that ounce of validation you craved.
“You shouldn’t be going out on your own. Especially not with these serial killings going around,” Hongjoong joined you at the pew. You stare at the huge crucifix above the altar with contempt. You may have really come back at the wrong time. The small quiet town has been experiencing some serial killings. Many say it’s the devil. Others blame you, although it ultimately leads to the devil. Seriously, why can’t they just admit that some fucked up person did it?
You shrug nonchalantly. “We both know, nobody gives a shit about the murders. Plus, I didn’t want to be in that house. All I hear is their constant yapping of God.” You fight back the urge to roll your eyes. “It’s always God this and God that. God can suck my dick.”
“Do you resent God?” He asks curiously.
“Yes. Very much,” You scoff. “Isn’t it obvious? You know, after the talk we had at the confessional booth, I did something bad. I prayed to the devil,” You smile.
The man raised a brow, almost leaning towards you. “Did you now?” He asks with amusement laced in his voice.
“I did. I prayed that he would kill that motherfucker.”
“And?” He asks almost excitedly. Why is he feeling this way? He should be scolding you.
“I was watching the news and found out that he died. He was murdered. They also found that he was a predator. I think his other victims may feel some sort of relief that he’s dead,” You chuckle, as if the man’s death was the bare minimum.
“Are you happy?”
“Yes.” A comfortable silence falls between you for a moment before you speak up. “Although there’s gotta be a catch right? Maybe he wants my soul? Is my soul even that yummy?” Your brows furrow and your lips fall into a pout as you think deeply.
“Now why would you think that?” He chuckles.
“I’ve sinned,” You shrug.
“Sweetheart, I doubt those sins are enough. Hell is full of evil, and I promise they’ve done more than steal a pack of bubblegum,” He jokes.
You look at him offended, “Hey I’ve done stuff! And you’re a weird priest. Shouldn’t you be like ‘demon bad’ instead of indulging me?”
“Well you’re weird for admitting to a priest, but if you ever need an exorcist, you can always call me,” He smirks.
“Y’know, you look much cooler in this outfit,” she hums, admiring how handsome he looks in the typical black outfits priests wear with the white in the middle of his collar. “The robe thing you wore on Sunday made you look short.”
Hongjoong gives a playful glare at you. “Give me five Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers.”
“Where did you go? Do you not realize how dangerous it is right now? Especially for a woman? Your father’s been throwing a fit, asking where you are.” Your mother drags you in and closes the door.
Despite it being modern times, your mother, along with other women in the town, played into this 1950s wife role. She wears a typical red plaid dress and despite being in the house all day, her hair is done along with wearing heavy makeup. Your mother prided in having red lipstick.
You recalled how comforting she was, humming as she cooked the meals. She never let you go to school without breakfast, saying how “It’s the most important meal of the day.” You’d force yourself to finish the whole plate then went to school despite your parent’s lack of dreams for you.
“I’m a grown adult and I have a scalpel. I’ll be fine,” You groan, tired of always hearing her lectures. “And I was at the church,” You add in hopes that it would shut her up. Satisfied, your mother let go of your arm and you went up the stairs to your room.
The room remained the same after all those years. There’s a desk in the corner and multiple bookshelves, from textbooks and just books of God. You weren’t allowed typical books such as Harry Potter as it apparently promoted witchcraft.
Your queen size bed is against the wall with your nightstand beside it. Across from your bed hangs a silver cross that somehow never rusted along those years. You also have drawers against the other side of the wall. It looks exactly the same way you left it.
You lay down on your bed. You’re tired. Tired of everything. The true punishment is being dragged back into this town. You hate it. It’s the literal epitome of hell. This holy town is hell. It’s embarrassing failing a suicide attempt. You had a letter and everything. It’s just pure humiliation when you’re brought back to the very town you tried to escape.
You didn’t realize when you had fallen asleep but the loud sound immediately had you bolting up your bed. The sun has gone down. “Oh fuck!” You hiss, tapping your phone to check the time only to be blinded by it. Dark mode isn’t meant to blind people. It’s 2 am.
You reached over your bedside and turned the lamp on, being blinded once more, as your eyes strain to adjust to the light. When has the room gotten so cold? When your feet touch the floor, you almost didn’t want to stand up as it just felt too icy compared to your warm skin. Every step felt like pricks of ice.
It was the crucifix. The nail that had kept it up had rusted and weakened. You bend over to pick it up then walk back to your bed. The crucifix is placed on the nightstand. Now you can’t sleep. Isn’t this what happens at the start of every horror movie?
“How unfortunate! Absolutely vile,” Your mother exclaims as she reads the newspaper. Who reads the newspaper these days? Your father answers with a grunt.
“Remember Betty? The sweet lady who taught Bible study back in the days? She had been murdered last night! That poor woman,” Your mother sighs, shaking her head then folding the newspaper.
“This is why you have to keep praying or else the devil will take you next,” Your mother lectures.
“That will be the day,” You groan, despising the sound of her squealing voice.
“That’s not how you talk in my house,” Your father yells.
“Then I’ll gladly see myself out,” You smile and get up from your seat, not wanting to finish your breakfast anymore. You hurriedly put your shoes on then ran out the door without lending an ear to the berating screams of your parents.
A walk. You needed a walk. You allowed your feet to take you wherever it wanted and suddenly you found yourself in the woods, where you used to run to, when you were younger. In the middle of the forest, there would be a huge tree, bigger than the rest. The forest seems to be circling it.
“What is a young lady like you doing here?” A woman asks, making your heart skip a beat. Her hair is gray and her skin is wrinkled. Her body is hunched over but despite all that, you can make out her beauty peeking through her age.
“Where did you come from?” You freak out.
“You know, this tree held special meaning,” She absolutely ignores your question.
“That’s nice,” You mumble, not really wanting to hear a history lesson.
“This was where the witches of the town were burnt. This area harbors a lot of pain and turmoil, begging to be avenged,” She smiles wistfully.
“Witches?” You perk up. That’s new. You know about witches after leaving the town. The topic always piqued your interest.
“Oh yes. Oakheart used to be a coven of witches, that is until the Evangelist came and forced us to turn to their God. Others who refused were burned here. My family were ones who played along with the Evangelist but we never forgot,” The woman tells her story.
“Interesting, so like we worshiped Satan?” You asked, not meaning to sound ignorant at all.
The woman chuckles but doesn’t take offense to your words. “The town worshiped more than just Satan. Lilith, Lucifer, The Princes of Hell, Hekate, Athena, Thor, Loki, and so many more deities. It was a coven where people worshiped who they wanted and nobody judged,” The lady explains. “It seems that a deity may have taken interest in you. You have to help them!”
“Huh?” You’re taken aback.
“Help them! Help them! You have to help them!” The woman starts screaming all of a sudden, grabbing onto your arms.
“What is wrong with you!” You wince, pulling away and running off, her screams becoming distant. You kept running and running, occasionally stumbling on rocks. “Stupid rocks,” you curse under your breath.
You didn’t know where you were going. It was all the same looking trees. When you started questioning your location, you eventually found a clearing.
“Thank god!” You let out a sigh of relief. Before you is the church. You never knew the forest was behind the church, only because the forest is so big.
“Y/N,” A voice suddenly makes you jump. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
You clutch your chest to catch your breath. You look up and it’s none other than Pastor Hongjoong. “Yeah I’m fine. I’m fine,” You breathe heavily.
“What were you doing in there?” He looks at the vast forest.
“It’s my favorite place,” You manage to catch your breath.
“You need water?” He offers.
“Yes. Please.”
You follow Hongjoong into the church, going through hallways that the usual parishioners never go into. You could definitely get lost, the place looking like a maze. The walls are the same off-white with occasional paintings of either Mary or Jesus. The overall lighting is dingy and just shabby. There are a few lightbulbs that would blink on and off. It’s almost as if the church doesn’t have enough funding for a proper electrician. With the amount of donation they receive, they should.
“Y/N,” Hongjoong calls.
“Yes?” You turn 90 degrees to come face to face with the statue of Holy Mary.
“Over here,” He calls from the room right next to you.
“Coming,” You answer but you can’t seem to stop looking at the statue. Something feels off, and as you look closely, you realize why. It’s crying. You wipe the tears or water or whatever liquid it was on the statue's face before following Hongjoong in.
“Welcome to my office,” He smiles, handing you a water bottle and telling you to sit on the small couch. “I promise you it’s not usually this messy.”
You look around. His desk is clean however the counter next to his fridge is littered with empty bottles of water, food wrappings, containers, and many more. There are also crumbs of food in front of the fridge. Besides that, it’s pretty clean.
“Oh what’s with that box over there?” You ask curiously, looking at the box with crucifixes, statues, and holy books.
“Well you know how I just started here. I was going to put that around and decorate the place but I never had the chance. You’d never expect that priest could get so busy,” He chuckles. “So? How have you been?” He asks, leaning against his desk.
You shrug, “Same old. I really can’t handle my parents and I really hate this town. Maybe once I get myself sorted out, I’m going back to New York and invest in some therapy.”
“That would be good, but hey I don’t mind being your unofficial therapist,” He gives a lopsided smile.
“I need some professional help too, Pastor Hongjoong,” You chuckle.
“Hongjoong. Please just call me Hongjoong.”
“Got it.”
“So, from what I heard you are a neurosurgeon. A good one?” He asks.
“A very good one. I have very skilled hands,” You smirk, realizing how sexual it came out to be. Curse you and your dirty mind. You’re almost like a teenager, except you gained free access to the internet in your 20s.
“Oh really?” He raised a brow and crossed his arms in amusement.
“Yup. Many would personally ask for me since my hands work amazingly,” You play along. “But seriously I love my job a lot. I want to go back.” You sigh, feeling a sense of sadness. Your parents never really care how successful you are. You have a nice high rise apartment, your name is known, and yet not a single ounce of ‘I’m proud of you.’ “Anyways, what about you? What are you doing here in Oakheart? You could have gone anywhere else so why here- And be honest! I spilled my whole trauma to you!”
Hongjoong laughs, “Okay, okay. I was an exorcist. Well an exorcist in training. Not anymore!” He sighs, sitting next to you.
“What happened?”
“We had to exorcize a demon from a child. The poor child. He was a victim of child trafficking. Of course the Vatican had to determine if it was just mental health problems, but you can’t really blame mental health when the kid is literally flying. Well he was just too weak and well he died during the exorcism,” He rubs his face with his hands.
You put a hand on his back, offering him some sympathy.
“Well in a way I think the demon gave him the justice he deserved. The demon gave him the strength to, uh, to have the power to kill the people responsible for the crime ring. And I believe he never wanted to be saved. When the demon wasn’t speaking, he would beg to die, to give him the permission to commit suicide. I felt his pain. It was very painful,” His voice broke.
You rub circles on his back.
“So yeah, I was traumatized,” He chuckles. “Maybe I should also invest in therapy, too. The Vatican doesn’t really offer those. I know that demons are meant to be all bad but it angers me that the demon did what God couldn’t. Isn’t that weird? A priest questioning God?”
“Want me to be honest?” You ask in which you earn a nod. “That is so fucking weird.”
Hongjoong chuckles and shakes his head. “It’s kinda too late to change careers. I’m already a fucking priest, excuse my language. You need a degree for that. You need a degree to talk about God,” He laughs. “But I agree. This town sucks. I don’t blame you for wanting to leave.”
“Well now I feel guilty leaving you here,” You huff.
“You got space for me?” He jokes.
“Oh honey, I got plenty, and money ain’t a problem either,” You smirk.
“Oh, we’re skipping to pet names now, huh?” He teases.
“Oh I didn’t mean-“ Your cheeks flush pink.
“I'm just messing with you. It’s cute.”
“Omg stop flirting!” You whine.
“Sorry, baby,” He chuckles.
“I'm leaving,” You stand up.
“Oh, I’m sorry. . .” He looks at you guiltily.
“No no, you’re all good. I'm just playing with you. I just get flustered easily. You know, being raised like a holy child of Jesus and all.” You trail off, admiring his perfectly sculpted face.
Hongjoong stands up and takes heavy steps towards you until he’s towering over you. “Well aren’t you a bad girl, playing with a priest like that,” His voice low and seducing.
“I tend to play dangerously. It’s more thrilling that way,” She shrugs.
“You know, Jesus was quite the ladies man,” He hums, lips curling into a devious smirk.
“Where are you getting at?”
“It means,” He tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear then lifts your chin with his hand. “Even holy men can’t take their eyes off of pretty women, and I’m no exception. May I?” He asks your permission to kiss like a gentleman.
“Yes,” Your stomach flutters as your lips press against another. You kissed with need and desperation, pressing against him. You’ve kissed before. You’ve kissed many, but this kiss tastes sweet and satisfying, perhaps because of how wrong and sinful it is.
Your breathing is ragged as you part from him, yet it seems like depriving him of your kiss would kill him. He captures your lips once more, like a hungry predator, and as he does so, he steps back until he feels his heel backing into the sofa. He sits down, his lips staying on yours like a magnet, and you eagerly climb onto his lap. Your hands ran up his solid chest slowly before wrapping your arms around his neck.
Hongjoong’s burning from the sweltering heat, although unsure if it’s from the kiss or from the sin he’s about to commit. He now understands how Eve was so easy to convince.
“So pretty,” He mumbles as left warm kisses against your jaw and down your neck.
“Joong,” You whisper, tilting your head back. He hums and bit down the side of your neck, not too hard but just enough to leave a mark.
“You taste so good,” He practically moans, indulging in the taste of sin. You reek of sin and it’s all the more sweeter and fulfilling. Hongjoong’s drunk off of it as he’s grinding his hard cock up against your clothed pussy. He’s a desperate man. “You’re so good to me, Y/N,” He whines.
“Oh God, Joong!” You moan profanities.
“He’s not here, darling,” He chuckles. “Can I have you? Please, I need you.”
You nod, “Please Joong.”
He shifts you both so that you’re laying below him. “You look so pretty below me,” He says, admiring how vulnerable and hot you look underneath him. “Can I?” He asks, tugging at the hem of your shirt.
“Yes,” You answer. You wanted it. You want it this time.
You arch your back to help him pull your shirt over your head.
“Cute,” He chuckles, looking at your cute pink bra.
“Don’t judge me,” You huff.
“Not at all,” He smiles as he fumbles with the hooks of your bra to reveal your perfect tits. “Fuck,” He groans, feeling his cock constrict from his boxers. He kisses down your sternum as he squeezes your breasts. His fingers brush against your budding nipples.
“Hongjoong,” You hiss, needing to feel his touch.
He clicks his tongue and frowns in disapprovement. “Don’t rush a starving man.”
You complain, “And don’t tease me- fuck!” Your back arches up as his lips wrap around your bud. He is quick to shut you up with a harsh suck. “Hongjoong,” You gasp, tugging on his hair. Your eyes flutter close as you revel in the way his tongue circles your nipple.
It feels so good when suddenly it doesn't. You try to push away that foreboding feeling, images flashing through your mind. Why is it that whenever you start feeling so good, your mind seems to be punishing you. You open your eyes in hopes you don’t vividly see the scene in your head but right over Hongjoong’s shoulder is a cross nailed to the wall. That’s when it hits you that you’re about to fuck a man of God.
Honjoong notices how stiff you got so suddenly and looks up at you with worry. “Hey are you okay?” He asks, immediately getting off of you.
“Yeah, uh, it’s just, sorry,” You wince as you notice how you’re half naked. You immediately sat up, grabbed your bra, and put it on. “Sorry it’s just I suddenly remembered-“
“Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault,” He says, taking your shirt and putting it over your head. “If you’re uncomfortable with it, I’m not gonna force you.
“It’s just, I do want it. But that stupid man,” you kick the couch in frustration.
“No, I get it. Maybe it’s still too soon and you’re not ready for anything yet.”
“Thank you Hongjoong. Thanks for understanding,” You smile softly.
“No need to thank me. It’s the bare minimum.”
“I typically don’t try to fuck priests,” You crack a joke.
“Well I don’t typically try to fuck parishioners either,” He chuckles. “I get we just met but you’re a really sweet woman and I was hoping maybe I can get to know you more. Perhaps a date?”
“I would say yes Hongjoong but I don’t plan on staying in this town,” You say apologetically. “I might go insane here. Sorry, I just don’t want to get your hopes up,” You force a smile.
“I get it. This town is hell but at least indulge me?” He asks. “Just a date, nothing else.”
You sigh in defeat, falling into temptation so quickly. You do want this date. “Fine. Just one date.”
“Got it. I’ll make it worthwhile,” He smiles.
“Stop being so cute. It’s tempting me to go on more,” You joke.
He rolls his eyes, “I don’t know what you mean.”
You chuckle as you fiddle your fingers. “So uh, I think I should go home. It’s gonna get dark soon and I don’t want to be on the murder list.”
“Ah yes, do you need anything before you go?” He asks.
“No, I'm good.”
“Actually let me drive you home. It's dangerous walking alone and for my sake, I’d rather see with my own eyes that you get home safe.”
You wanted to refuse but he’s right. The murderer hasn’t been caught and there wouldn’t be a date at all if you were to be dead. “Fine.”
“Oh- and,” He shuffles through a box that’s placed in the corner of his office. He takes out a black shawl and wraps it around your neck to act as a scarf. “As much as I want you to show off my marks, I don’t think you’d want anyone to see that.”
“Oh my god you’re actually so sweet. Take me home already or I might cry. Wait a damn second, you can drive?!”
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writer-of-the-lamb · 4 months
unholy alliance.
lamb : before you scream-
narinder : lamb.
lamb : i said before you scre-
narinder : how have you done that.
lamb, sweating : i don't know, i just, like, sneezed and-
narinder : oh, god, please remove it. i dislike its eyes. very much.
lamb : motherfucker i'm trying, i-
goat : h̷̡̞͓̤͙͗̂̉̀͝ḙ̷̡͇̯́͌͋̉̓ͅḷ̴̭̣̼̣̐̃͊͠͝ḽ̵̢̨̞̣̂̌̽̈́̕o̵̺̯̣͍̯͗̎̐͊́
lamb : OH MY GOD-
narinder : *HISSES*
goat : w̸̞̭͈͕͉͗̀͊̑͝h̵͎͈̬̻̩͛͆͒̂͝ÿ̵̭͖̲̹̹͛͗͛̽ ̷̞͕͉̹̦͛͊͑̎͘ḧ̸̢̛̦̦̟̬͑̍́ă̸̻̟̺̂́͂̓ͅ��v̸̢̰͚̳͒̆̽͌̀͜ę̶̣͈̪̱̆̅̆̈́͘ ̴̜̖͚̠̜͐̈͆̊̕ỳ̵̬̖̟͓̹̌͑͋̕ǫ̴̰͕̬͛͑̈̌̔ͅu̵̢̡̖͉̮̍͆̓̏͘ ̷̨̛̞̼̪̜̉́̒͊b̴͔͈̳͕̰̄̆̋̄͊r̵̢̛̭̗͖͎͗̈́̊̚ǫ̷̖̺̲̘̍̈́́̀͛u̵̩͚̞̺͒̐̂͜͝͠g̸̞̘͍͍̑͋̆̚͘ͅḩ̵͓̲̻̬͑̔͌̏̊ẗ̵̝͓͓̲̱͌͋̀̓ ̵̪͚̭̜̱͑̉̉̕̚m̸̧̗͚̪̪̽̑̍̚͝ě̶̟̗̰͚̘́̐̂̀ ̷̡͓͇̭͓͊̈́̿̈͠h̴̢̬̩͉̍̉͊̏̄͜e̷̡̛͙͚̪͆͑̉̂͜r̷̮̭͙̮̫̊̀͌̾͐ȩ̷͕̠̥͙́̓͐̈́͛.̶̨̖̖̣̼́̏̃̆͝
narinder : W- I CANNOT SPEAK RUNE?
goat : i̸̺̰͔̪͉͐̉̓̈́͠ ̶̡̛̮̱̯̲̀͂́̈́f̵̼̥̲̗͊̎̀̓̚͜e̴̙̩̫̫̼̓̉̒͆̌ę̴̞̭̼̠̊͂̀̏̾l̷̪̦͍̪̙̓̽̆̍̋ ̴̺̳̮̼̟̉͒̃̈́̓b̶͎͉̫̦̜̈́̋͊̀͑l̸̲͖̪̝̝̄͛̍̚͝ǒ̸̟͍̖͍͈̐͌͒͝ò̴̜͉͓̮̒̍̑͜͠d̸͎̳̗͓̈́͂̔̔͊͜.̷̡̡͈̟̪̀̀̔̐͝ ̷̛̞̗̘̫͐̀̄̚ͅĩ̸̡͖͇̲̗̿̾̀̀ ̶͙̭͔̦̝̉́̑͆̍f̵̛̙̼̬̤̈́͊̽̈́ͅȇ̴̢͓͖͇̌̊̚͜͠e̶̪͕͍̬̲͒̑̋̔͠l̷̟̥̪̦̞͆̍̀̓̄ ̷̣̠͈̘̭̓̄̈̓̕d̷͔̙̝̺͍̽̃͘̚̕e̶̢̬̩̤̦͌͌̔͂͠v̸̤̪̼̜̦̀̉̈͌̄o̶̬͔̝̦͖̅̎̈̐͝t̷̪̼̲̟͈̀͂̊̕͝i̵̛̼͓͎̤̱̿͊͗̇ơ̶̢̜̱̯̹̋̀̿̓n̷̡̧͙͖̜̎͒̇̆̿.̷̢̖̪̟̲̈̈́̀͒̀
lamb, yanking the red crown off his head and shaking it : PLEASE BUDDY DO SOMETHING OH MY GOD
narinder, backing against the wall : NEVER HAVE I FELT THE NEED FOR A CRUCIFIX, YET HERE I AM.
goat : i̸̻͇̲̭̭̋̃́͒͠ ̶̪̺͕̯͔̾̆́̌̈́ç̸̱͚͓̺̃̔̓́̽õ̸͍̟̳͉̖̓͌̏͂m̸̨̛̦͎̳͔̓͂̑́e̸̛̠̰̘͉͙̓̈́͑̌ ̷̺̺̱͔͈̒̂̒͘͘i̶͍̘̩͕̲̓̊͆̽͠ń̴̜͖̜̫̗̇͆́̕ ̶̳͎̻̺͙͂̒͌̌̚p̸̡̲̲̯̗̑̈́́͑͠ę̸̨̗̺̝͆̄͌͛͘a̵̗̬̼͙͕̋̈̽̈́́c̸̖͙̱͉͓͆́͒͋̕ȅ̸͙͔̞̟̖͛͐̔̄ ̸̡̖̖̬̠̽̑̂̌̕f̵̩͖͉͓͍̒́̂̒̽ǒ̶̲̩̩̲̲̓̑̅͌r̶̡̨̫̰͍̂̅̚͝͝ ̶̤̠͓̗͕̆̅̄́̕c̷͕̬͇̞̦͐̀͛͝͠h̷̲̲̯̺̝̍̀̑̈̄ẫ̶̞͉͓̹̦͑̒͝o̵̢͕̥͚̬̓̄͂̊͐s̷͙̱̞̳̪̅̌́̈́̎.̶̹͎̥̼̌͌̓̋͝ͅ
goat, summoning the purple crown from atop his head : t̴̢̳̟̲͚̉͆̄͘͘a̵̖͚̗̦̳̒̑̂͘͠-̶̥̦̞̞̜̌̈͐̽͐ḋ̶̡̛̺͇͙̞͊͐̊a̶̭̞̘̲̤̽̄̌͘̚
narinder : ....impossible....how- where? how could you possess...lamb, i strongly advise you to undo what has been brought here. this creature is not from our domain...or our dimension. our astral plane rejects its very being, i-
lamb, hands on hips : *gasp* now how'd your silly ass get shamura's crown!
narinder :
lamb : cheeky little pickpocket, aren't ya!
goat, grinning : ì̸̫̟̺̮̺̓̽̈́̓ ̶̢̝͕͓͚̅͑̃̀͠d̸̛͇̤̖̝̝͒́͛̒ą̸̞͍͈̥̄̔̈́̉͝ḅ̸̧̳̪͔̅̀͐̽͋b̷̨̛͖̜̲̣̌̅̍̀l̵̞̮̗̝͙͐̆̌̑̚e̷̗͙̻̓̈́̄̽̒ͅͅ ̶̖̭̘͙̝̀͗͂̚͠î̴̢͕͍̹̃̾͝͠ͅǹ̵̮͚̠͙̙͌̀͆̕ ̶̡̲͕͖̊͋͗̀̃͜t̴͕̯̫̒̄͊͗͜͜͠h̸̯̘͇͔̙͋͗̈̇͂ę̶̗̜̖̺̌̾̈̋͝ ̷̝̤͙̱͑̆̉̊́ͅā̴̢̡͎̜͙͗̓̒͆r̶̢̜͖͔̱̿̈́͊͗͝t̷͉͕͔̪͍̽̋̃̀͌
lamb : uh-huh! we'll work that one out later!
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utilitycaster · 1 month
Hi there! Do you think the Bells - and in particular Ashton's focus and indist a bit too hard on the fact that Aeor orb vision will completely change people's perceptions of gods? I tend to think that lot of people who somewhat know history are aware of the fact that Primes and Betrayers joined hands to destroy the city. As for common folk - it would be at also hard to believe that for example they would completely denounce Wildmother who is nature (all good and all bad. Bad as in destructive). I can imagine some folks reaction to this would be to feel scared, but then again. Those are Gods we speak about, not your friendly neighbors. What do you think?
So here's the thing: I've felt some of the depictions of what the average person knows this campaign have been...inconsistent isn't the right word, because, for example, the norm in the Menagerie Coast might not be the norm in Gelvaan and certainly isn't the norm in central Issylra, but also the party not recognizing the symbol of Asmodeus (for example) is something that's always struck me as like. people in the United States not knowing what a crucifix is. Like yeah those people exist - I've met very religious Jews in the US who don't know what day Christmas is other than "generally in late December" - but either we never met many of those people in Campaigns 1 and 2 and met them all in Campaign 3, or there's been some retconning (which...that's a complex discussion as to canonicity between campaigns, since the answer is, ultimately, it depends on the specifics and the magnitude and the source of that information, ie, if High Bearer Vord's creation myth is wrong that's valid because he's providing a specific perspective with plenty of bias, or if orcs were NOT created during the Calamity that's valid because unfortunately myths born of stereotype and bigotry are extremely common; but if Matt's drastically changing previously established truths of the world without in-world explanation, rather than just quietly dropping no longer relevant references as one-offs a la Ladueger, yeah that is bad storytelling and anyone who tells you it isn't is an idiot).
But actually that doesn't matter because here's just a truth about people: a whole lot of people in, for example, the United States in 2024, where 95% of adults have regular internet access, are fairly uninvested in much outside their basic day to day life, just, in general. This is going to be even more true in a world without that degree of information and interconnectedness. I think a lot of people are going to be like "ok and this thousand year old city being destroyed affects me how?" Not to get too cynical about it but think about someone whose experience with the gods is rather like what Laudna describes her youth as being: harvest festivals and wishing for rain. Like, if it's a good harvest this year, will they care?
I don't personally agree with this mentality irl, but groups of people on the whole are frequently resistant to change, do not want trouble, and want to be left alone. I think no shortage of people's attitudes will simply be "why is this motherfucker downloading the Downfall of Aeor Album to everyone's iPod when I am trying to eat breakfast." It won't even get to the point of "are the gods good or bad"; it will literally just be "who the fuck is broadcasting something? the MOON is fucked up? we have real problems?" Like, if people do not know the story of the fall of Aeor, someone being like HEY THE GODS CRASHED THIS CITY BECAUSE THEY HAD MADE A GOD-KILLING WEAPON is probably going to elicit a response of, again, "and I should care about this because? a fucking phoenix is strafing us, why are you doing a test of the emergency broadcast system?"
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it was this big grayish thing, and clothes were rottin' of it like it died in 'em. do it. AH!! it was strong, and it Killed, and it carried off it's kill. was it a vampire? it had FANGS what else would it be?? a SNAKE, a BABOON. baboons. baboons got fangs! WE'RE IN ROMANIA, baboons???? *stomps* did it speak?? you tried telepathy?? yes. yes it spoke?? YES, I TRIED TELEPATHY. so it did speak. I think it was sick. why are you laughin' with 'em, givin' out your real name?? you even NOTICE while you're makin' friends everyone's got a crucifix, wearin' garlic?? *gnaws on rat.* Mortals, Scared Of Vampires, In A Part Of The World, Known For Vampires, Ain't a SURPRISE, or EVIDENCE, OF AN ACTUAL VAMPIRE!!!! there's one of us out there!! but if he can't take you BALLROOM DANCIN' and tell you you're pretty, hell with him, is that it?? ohhhh, hello grudge. no, mmm mmm!! I FORGAVE you for messin' up my plan, I did not FORGIVE YOU, for bringin' him with ya. in a Landfill, with Five Years of garbage on top. IN. HERE. YOU CARRY HIM IN HERE!! you slow us down. what were you gonna ask him, if he could talk? change the subject, the truth blinds ya. "who made you??" and then what!? "wHo mAdE tHe oNe tHaT mAdE yOu??" I mean WHAT ARE WE LOOKIN' FOR, HERE?? ADAM AND EVE OF THE DAMNED???? GOD?? ARE WE LOOKIN' FOR GOD, CLAUDIA?? yeah GET IN THE HOLE. I'VE KNOWN EXACTLY FOUR VAMPIRES IN MY LIFE AND YOU'VE ALL. BEEN. THE WORST. LESTAT, ANTOINETTE, THE MOTHERFUCKER AND YOU. I'm lookin' for one. JUST one. THAT AIN'T A GODDAMN BASTARD!!!!
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carlos-in-glasses · 11 months
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Thank you for the tags @carlos-tk @thisbuildinghasfeelings @inflarescent @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @strandnreyes @sanjuwrites @heartstringsduet @whatsintheboxmh @herefortarlos 🩷
Something from Flashback Fic (which I'll start posting on Sunday!) It's 2021, the day TK and Carlos break up. Carlos is drawn back to the honky-tonk...
Smiling politely but tearfully at the barman, Carlos orders a tequila slammer.
The barman blinks. “Excuse me?”
“One tequila slammer, please,” Carlos repeats, “Actually make that two!” He’s only ever had a tequila slammer during Austin Pride, at a pop-up bar with rainbow awning called Mermen on the Rocks. The silver tequila was mixed with red food dye to become pink.
The barman raises an eyebrow. He’s an older guy – a gray-bearded biker type in a leather waistcoat. His arms are covered in aged, greening tattoos of snakes curling around daggers, thorny roses growing around crucifixes. “How about one shot for the road, and then you get a taxi home and drink lots of water, son?”
“No, no, no!” Carlos appeals with flare. “I can’t go home. I have to stay right here.” He spirals a finger and then bounces it against the bar. “Right here.”
“Why can’t you go home?”
“I don’t have one. I mean I do. I’m a homeowner.”
“But I was staying with my…my…” Carlos keeps swirling his finger in the air, like he’s aiming to land on words visible only to him. “But! You know. Sometimes.”
“Ah. Yeah,” The barman smiles. He has a gold tooth. Shiny. “I think I get what you’re saying.”
“Thank you. You’re the only one who does.” He’s also the only person Carlos has talked to since TK fled from him at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
“Women trouble,” the barman says definitively.
“Something like that.”
“We’ve all been there.”
“I haven’t.”
“I mean. I have. Literally with a woman.”
“Uh huh.” The barman surreptitiously fills a glass with water and pushes it towards Carlos slowly.
“But this is different. TK’s different.”
“Flowers. Chocolates. A groveling apology. It’s all we’ve got.”
“But I didn’t do anything wrong.”
The barman stifles a laugh. “You almost certainly did.”
“All I did was buy an apartment for us. Without mentioning it. But like…it was meant to be a happy thing. A nice surprise. It was meant to be, like…hey I got you a piece of forever, and this piece of forever has great light, and it’s near clubs and that really good bakery. You know?”
“Sounds like a good forever to me.”
“I thought so.”
“Have a little water, son.”
Carlos seizes his glass of water in both his large hands, like he has the dexterity of a three-year-old. He sips from it gently. “This is good,” he says, as if the barman has given him something new and delicious. “My partner is totally sober. My ex, I mean.” His voice cracks as he cries. “I haven’t been drunk like this in a long time.”
“That does not surprise me.” The barman sighs and hunches, leans his folded arms on the bar to create a little privacy with his shadow. He lets the strange man cry in his presence, as many have done before.
“We had our first dance here. First kiss. First–”
“Son, look at me and listen,” the barman says firmly. Carlos does. He looks into friendly blue eyes surrounded by crinkled skin. “Tomorrow is a new day. You sober up yourself, and then you take that pretty girl the biggest box of chocolates your money can buy, and the biggest motherfucking bunch of roses too. You get down on your knees and tell her you love her with your whole dumbass heart. I’ve got no other advice for you, than to try.”
Tags below + open tag!
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @inkweedandlizards @redshirt2 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @jesuisici33 @three-drink-amy @orchidscript @basilsunrise @mikibwrites @fitzherbertssmolder @ambiguouspenny @wandering-night19 @catanisspicy @sugdenlovesdingle @noxsoulmate @theghostofashton @paperstorm @reyesstrand @goodways @bonheur-cafe @freneticfloetry @rosedavid @chicgeekgirl89 @spaghett-onaplate @liminalmemories21 @never-blooms @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @ladytessa74 @lightningboltreader
❤️ 🩷 🧡 💛 💚 💙 🩵 💜
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reveriexxgirlly · 1 year
fuck that feeling both us fighting (repost)
Ledger!Joker x Fem!Reader SMUT
Warnings: PISS KINK! Reader beware
Word count: 1.7k
                                  ゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤ enjoy ! ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
What an excellent day for an exorcism.
You would like that?
J and I settled on the couch for movie night, and tonight he chose The Exorcist. I was nuzzling onto his arm, with my head resting on his shoulder and my legs tucked in. J was sitting with his legs spread and paying close attention to the movie. He never reciprocates my touches but doesn't stop me either.
I was wearing a white tank top with my favorite pink panties. J was still wearing his clothes without the coat or the blazer, and the sleeves of this button-up rolled up.
On the nights J arrived home early, he’d put on an intense horror movie to see how much we’d I’d stomach it.
I can say confidently that I was handling it pretty well until I got the urge to pee. Since the crucifix scene, I kept moving around in my seat, desperately needing to go. I was surprised I didn’t piss myself then. 
I squirmed in my seat so much that J started to take notice and kept stealing glances at me while he was still facing the tv, knowing there was something up. 
I finally decided enough was enough. I didn’t want to get a UTI. So I let go of J’s arm and carefully got up from the couch to go to the bathroom. 
As I was about to take my first step away from the couch, I felt both of J's hands grab my hips and pull me down onto his spread lap. I yelped in surprise and discomfort.
My back was against J’s chest as he rested his chin on my shoulder, lips lightly brushing against the shell of my ear, and whispered.
“Now, where do ya think you’re going?”
J’s arm around my waist tightened before I could answer, and I whimpered in response. The motion pressed against my bladder, making me feel deeply uncomfortable.
“Please stop. I really have to pee.”
I said breathlessly.
“Aw, you poor thing.”
J said in normal volume this time, without a trace of sympathy. He started moving his hand lower, stopping directly on top of my bladder and pushed down harder. I began squirming and tried to get off J's lap, but his arm was caging me in.
The feeling was unbearable. I kept trying to get up, but he was so much stronger than me and held me tighter against his chest. It made things worse than before since his hold was starting to feel like a bearhug. Making the urge to pee more painful.
I didn't know what else to do but cry. I couldn't do anything but take it and really didn't want to embarrass myself and have an accident on his lap.
J noticed the tears rolling down my face and loosened his grip. 
“Oh, shush, shush, shush, shush.”
He said as he wiped my tears with the back of his hand, the same hand that was on my lower belly.
I took deep breaths in an attempt to calm down, but I kept crying softly. As I was sobbing, I felt J's cock get semi-hard in his slacks. 
I'm usually okay with J taking things too far during sex, but I was still taken aback by this.
“Tell ya what.”
While he licked his lips between his sentences, I looked up at him with doe eyes so he’d consider showing me mercy.
“I’ll be a nice guy and let you go wee-wee.”
I let out a breath of relief.
I sniffed and wiped my tears away. I tried to get up, but J still didn’t release his hold on my waist. 
I whimpered and turned my head around to look at him. All I saw was that stupid grin on his face, and I was getting ready to cry again.
“But you said I can go to the bath-“
“I said you can go pee, not go to the bathroom.”
My heart dropped and my eyes widen. J wasn't playing a game, he was being serious.
He cocked an eyebrow at me.
He said expectedly.
I huffed and turned my attention back to the movie. I could hold it in until the end.
J chuckled and leaned back on the couch pulling me down with him. 
“Suit yourself.”
Stick your cock up her ass you motherfucking worthless cocksucker.
Be silent! 
I mewled in pain. 
The desperation started to hurt. The movie was still playing, but I paid no attention to it. It became background noise to me.
I'd move around in discomfort every now and then while J leaned back against the couch, holding my back close to his chest. Smirking every time I squirmed because it kept his cock hard in his slacks. I could feel it pressing against my ass.
He had one hand on my hip to prevent me from getting up. It was a small gesture of control because we both knew he would be able to catch me and pull me back before I took one step away from him.
“No! Please!”
I begged when J moved his hand from my hips directly over my bladder and tapped his fingers against it.  
“Had enough?”
He said with amusement in his voice. 
I couldn't take it anymore. My pride was not strong enough to lie to him. I did have enough. I turned my head and rested my forehead on his neck, taking a couple of breathes before I spoke.
I whimpered weakly.
“Whatcha waiting for then?”
I sat up straight on J's lap and took a deep breath. Sitting on his spread legs felt weird, almost simulated a toilet seat. Just when I felt like I was ready to let go, nothing came out. 
I huffed in annoyance, and I felt J's hand rubbing my back. 
It was nice, but it wasn’t helping.
I tried concentrating on peeing, but my body wouldn’t let me. Even with a full bladder, I was still too shy to let go.
I groaned in frustration.
“I - I can’t.”
J cleared his throat as he sat up straight, resting his chin on my shoulder again, and whispered in my ear.
“Does my little bunny need Papi to help her?”
I nodded rapidly. Slightly curious about J's next move while simultaneously hoping that he'd just let me go to the bathroom.
I felt J remove both his head and his arm that was on my bladder. I turned around and saw him spit on his fingertips. He winked at me as he moved that hand into my panties and grazed my clit with his nails.
I shuddered and let out a pornographic moan. I didn’t even realize that my whole lower half was so sensitive. J started rubbing soft little circles on my clit, and I nearly jumped out of his lap from the pleasure.
He let out his infamous laugh at my reaction.
“I didn’t think your little pussy would be so sensitive from not pissing.”
I was breathing heavily, wanting more. I moved my hips against J's fingertips, signaling him to move faster.
J bit my shoulder and started rubbing my clit with more intensity. 
I wailed from the change of pace, my voice echoing throughout the apartment.
The pain from the denial to pee was replaced with delicious pleasure.
“S-shit. I-Ah! That feels so fucking good.”
I panted.
J hummed at me in response. I didn’t notice when he tightened his arm around my waist, and started humping my ass. 
I wasn’t going to last long, but J never lets me cum or, in this case, pee without his permission.
“Papi. I-Fuck! I’m so close. Please, please can I cum?”
He said through gritted teeth.
I whined at his response. 
“But I thought you wanted me to -“
I kept my mouth shut after that. 
J grunted as he kept thrusting up, he sounded like an animal hungrily devouring its prey. It’s the first time I ever heard him sound remotely desperate to reach an orgasm. 
All I could do was try to distract myself from my approaching orgasm since he never lost intensity on my clit. He didn’t make it any easier to wait for him. 
I turned around and saw him focused on humping my ass. I sighed as I turned to focus on anything else but his touch on my clit. I remembered the movie was playing when I heard shouting from our television.  
Take me. Come into me.
God-damn you take me! Take me!
I screamed when J slapped my pussy to bring my attention back to him. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and forced my head to look down at his fingers circling my clit. 
“Ya ready bunny?”
I nodded as much as best as I could with his hold on my head. 
J’s thrusts got more sloppy, and his breathing got heavier. I could sense J was also close, so I asked him one more time.
“Papi, please, please, PLEASE. can i cum? I can’t wait any-anymore.”
“Yes. God, yes.”
With that, I finally let go. I opened my mouth to scream, but my voice was silent, and my eyes fluttered shut as I came. I felt the warm liquid stream over my gushing pussy, and onto J’s lap. 
My orgasm masked the feeling of peeing.
When J felt the crotch of his pants get wet from the warm liquid, he made a hard thrust against my ass and came. He pulled my head back as he stilled his movements up into my ass. We stayed like this for a few seconds before he kept humping a few times to make his orgasm last longer.
My orgasm started drifting away, but the warm liquid between my legs kept trickling over my sensitive pussy down to my ass. Making me whimper from the feeling. 
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.”
I heard J tsk in my ear.
“Ya dirty girl. Pissing all over my lap and ruining your pretty pink panties because papi told you to. Have you no self-respect?”
I shook my head no in response. 
J said with a smile. 
I really had no self-respect or control around J. If he told me to lift my skirt to check how wet I was in front of his goons, I would. If he told me to scream his name late at night, and risk waking up my neighbors on the other side of the wall, I would. If he told me to piss myself on his lap, I would.
When I finished, I collapsed on top of J’s chest, catching my breath. My ass and the front of J’s pants were wet. And I’m sure so were the inside of his pants from his cum. 
I was also sure I had ruined his custom pants, but hoped that they weren’t irreplaceable. 
I turned my head towards the tv and heard the chilling orchestra play during the ending credits. 
J grabbed my jaw and turned my head to face him. I thought he was leaning in for a kiss until he stopped at my lips and said.
“You owe me new pants.”
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see-arcane · 2 years
Van Helsing, the Suitors Three, Mina herself: The picture of sterling virtue and knightly, valiant purpose. Every other diary entry is part-sermon part-prose. They feel God in this Victorian Chili’s tonight.
If you’re dumb enough to attack and conscript Mina,
You’re a big enough schmuck to let me send you to Hell!
Garlic blossoms!
If you think you’re going to get away with this bullshit,
You can kiss my knife!
It’s my belief that you’re such a stupid motherfucker,
You’ll walk into this ambush,
And get jumped!
If you find a last coffin,
Shove it up your undead ass!
You heard me right!
Shove it up your undead ass!
Bring your dirt,
Bring your title,
Bring your gold,
I’ll mug you!
That’s right!
I’ll mug your ass!
Because in Victorian England,
You’re fucked six ways from Sunday Service!
Take a boat,
To Transylvania!
Home of chickenshit vampires!
That’s right!
Chickenshit vampires!
How do you do it?
Keeping everyone in the dark
About your dozen weaknesses
And feeding off people like an ancient tick!
Don’t wait,
Don’t delay,
You fucked with my wife, now I’ll rip your nuts off!
Only with the important firm of Hawkins & Harker,
The only firm that tells you to fuck off!
Get ready asshole!
I’m coming for your head the minute after I open your earth box!
Doesn’t matter where you go, because you’re a dead motherfucker!
Go to Hell!
Courtesy of me!
Love’s holiest,
And title holder of Most Pissed Solicitor in all of Exeter!
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 4 months
I've come to make an announcement: Gary Miller's a bitch-ass motherfucker. He carved out my fucking face. That's right. He took his snake fuckin' scalpel out and he carved out my fucking face, and he said his demon was THIS POWERFUL, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com. Gary Miller, you got a weak demon. It's as powerful as this walnut except WAY weaker. And guess what? Here's what my crucifix looks like. That's right, baby. Smooth edges, no corpse, no malphas, look at that, it looks like two pieces of wood. He carved my face out, so guess what, I'm gonna kill malphas. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER LASER EXORCISM! Except I'm not gonna kill malphas. I'm gonna go higher. I'm exorcising the ABOMINATION! How do you like that, GARY? I EXORCISED THE ABOMINATION, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the holy rays hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I exorcise you too!
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vanosslirious · 4 months
BBS Dialogue Prompts #320
ʙʙꜱ ᴅɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ & ꜱᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ: [ 10 ]
Oh my God, I almost died, you fuck.
Please don’t die.
No, don’t die, don’t die!
Is he dead, did he die?
He died!
Alright, off to a terrible start.
Looking for a shipwreck, looking for a shipwreck~
Okay, we found it, now what?
We gotta kill this fucking guy.
I just teleported.
We gotta find the dungeon, right?
He’s almost dead, he’s almost dead!
I don’t fucking know, just run!
Do we have to kill more?
Hold on, I’m in a tornado.
Close the door!
We’re fine, right?
Am I dead now?
Yeah, it was pretty cool, it was pretty cool, it was like an action movie.
We were winning!
We should not be allowed to cheat.
Bitch, I got him, I knew it was you.
I'm done with it, I'm just shooting anyone.
I was watching you study that guy.
Don't worry, I insta-avenged you.
I don't know what he is anymore.
That's how my garage is going to look like in a few days.
Oh my gosh, he's so fast.
That looks fun as fuck.
That scared the shit out of me for a second, I thought for sure I was dead.
Cautiously, let's find our stuff.
This was a fucking mistake.
I mean, I think we need a better strategy.
This one's pretty standard.
Do we need to start drinking?
I got the gold!
Look at our fucking score!
I don't like the way you said that.
Well, I fucking did!
What is knocking me over?
I could’ve actually, if I was funny.
I’m so proud of you!
You stupid fuck!
I didn’t gargle nothing.
Are you going to get me back?
Use the other one now.
It was just really delayed.
You’re never wrong.
Someone could have jumped in and I'm gonna note that down…
Good communication, guys.
What do you mean he flew?
I want to show you what I am.
He’s flying in the sky, how are you flying in the sky?
I was running from nothing, shit.
I still got a chance.
I thought I could jump through that window, that’s what I was trying to do at first.
Get the heck off me.
I’m right above you.
Let’s both get on this.
That’s right, I’m all powerful.
Somebody take a crucifix and drop it on the floor.
We're gonna die.
Do you hear that noise?
Where the fuck was he?
Was that Slenderman?
Is he using it?
There he is.
Yes, Jesus Christ, do you need someone to hold your dick when you piss?
No, he ran through the salt, I'm gonna die!
Oh, wait, that's you…is that you in the picture?
What are you getting me to draw right now?
It looks like one of your art pieces.
I haven't paid you a single cent.
Wait, you're on my team?
I can't move cause you're on my goddamn wing!
Oh my God, you hit him so hard!
I didn't throw anything, I just shot you in the head.
I’m looking away.
Alright, nah, you can die.
We just spoke it into existence, didn't we.
Oh no, he's on fire!
I'm going to the boat, bye.
Is this how sailboats work, what is happening?
You spawned right in front of me.
What the fuck, you look dead, that doesn't look comfy.
Why is the couch like this?
I knew it, I fucking knew it, I knew your ass was gonna back out!
This is actually a cry for help.
Come here, let me kiss you.
What the hell am I doing here?
I got carried away.
That was such a hard brake.
Thank God, it saved me.
I need motherfucking help.
I think our car is almost broken.
I'm gonna break the rock, ready?
Is it just us vs them?
I'm so gonna die.
Yeah, that's crazy.
Do not leave your car.
Oh, I'm on fire, look at that.
I tried to shoot you in the face, I hope you understand that.
There looks like there has been a murder, I'm here to investigate.
It'll be fine, just drive, we'll be good.
Trust me.
Don't do that.
Where are we sailing to?
To be honest, I would rather have flew into a tree and died than made it.
What are you doing with a gun?
See you later, boys, I'm going to the ocean.
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sometimesoliloquy · 2 years
The Handmaid’s Tale 5x06 “Together ” (or, “Warm Milk and Murder”) 👀
I’ll be honest, the first draft of this recap/review just read “NIIIIICK” with a string of heart-eye and water gun emojis. Second draft was “This episode could have been the last 15 minutes”, and I stand by that.
However, that is not what we were given,  so into the  scary kidnap van with June and Luke we go. Luke tries a trick he saw once on Dateline where a girl kicked a car tail light out to escape, and June’s like that’s nice honey, maybe just save your energy. They get their fake No Man’s Land Gilead mugshots taken and June reminds these Gilead(?) goons (and us) that she is a bad ass and is of NOBODY, motherfucker.
Then we’re once again at Serena’s prison the Wheeler’s house, which I swear is reminding me more of the Murder House in the first season of American Horror Story by the minute. Good morning, Serena! Today with your green breakfast smoothie you get a side of creepy surprise gyno house call! Lucky girl, as Aunt Lydia would say. Up the Vertigo staircase they go, to the reveal that the W's have set up a full birthing suite in the attic, which is totally normal and not creepy at all, and the good doctor is very excited to get her up in the stirrups and take it for a test drive.
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(Just for me, huh?)
Dr. Egregiously Inappropriate proceeds to casually discuss Serena’s perineum and which essential oils from his MLM she should use to massage it with. Five seconds after being knuckle deep in her cervix, he asks her to dinner, because romance is not dead (generally the dinner part comes first, pal!). He humble brags about the mean cedar plank salmon  “his martha” makes, giving us another small, disturbing glimpse at the wider pseudo-Gilead community outside of the Wheeler’s creepy mansion. Just how wide is it, I have to wonder? This scene also echoed back to the creepy doctor in s1 who called June “sweety” or “honey” and offered to bone her on the doctors table “help her out” (gag). Before he finally got the dinner invitation out I really thought what he was going to ask Serena was if he could be next in line to impregnate her (really I guess the end goal for him is the same, though).
I’m going to have a hard time ever getting that image out of my head, but at least it gives us Serena delivering the line “I’m not going to date my gynecologist”, which is the most reasonable thing that’s ever come out of this woman’s mouth in her life and that’s a fact. Unfortunately, Mrs. W does not agree, Serena simply cannot be a slutty single mother and she is grounded until she finds herself a nice respectable husband baby daddy like Dr. McCreepy. GO TO YOUR ROOM, young lady. The irony probably lost on her (or maybe just once again overshadowed by self-pity), Serena sadly slinks off  to her cell bedroom to cry under the looming crucifix, probably not thinking at all about how she absolutely reveled in doing the exact same thing to June (and I’m sure June’s predecessor). I am a little confused by Mrs. W’s strategy here because I thought handmaids couldn’t be married, but I digress.
Meanwhile, Aunt Lydia is extremely disappointed to hear that poor Esther’s UTERUS HARVESTING (fucking excuse me?) has been canceled. It’s very upsetting because she was just sure Esther’s been looking forward to this all week! But it seems that said uterus has already been “filled with his divine light” which is confusing to Lydia because Esther’s not yet been posted, and confusing to me because “divine” and “light” are the furthest words I would use to describe anything coming out of Warren Putnam. After she’s done victim blaming the 15 year old rape victim (but what was she wearing?) she declares it is JUST AWFUL that Warren raped Esther in that way, because if there’s one thing Lydia knows it’s that there is a proper time and a place for rape and that was NOT IT. It’s truly egregious that he did not wait the one day’s time to legally rape her at the right time, because this is definitely the problem here. Esther understandably freaks the fuck out at Lydia and continues to writhe and scream in pure despair, and my poor darling damaged murder-child, if they keep doing horrible things to you or kill you off, I swear I will riot on their front porch while they are trying to watch the latest episode of HoD.
Aunt Lydia rushes to deliver the news to Commander Lawrence, who has the nerve to not be outraged, and engages in his current favorite pastime: dropping truth bombs of the hypocrisy of the Gileadean system she’s enforced and facilitated all these years. He has a point but she’s not quite ready to hear it (it’s gonna be a long road, I think) and she storms off in a cloud of righteous indignation, leaving JLaw “TO IT.” Despite being unmoved by Lydia’s morality play, we can see the wheels turning in that mysterious noggin, and he apparently decides it’s time to invite his good buddy Warren over for drinks to congratulate his raping of a child pending fatherhood.
Back in fake NML Gilead, Luke and June have been locked in (according to June, quite spacious, actually) cages and Luke will not shut the fuck up about how fucking CRAZY this shit is, and I’m not sure what kind of amusement park he thought Gilead actually was but finally June says what we’ve all been thinking for the last 5 minutes and tells him to please shut the fuck up (KEEP YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER, LUKE). He laments not being able to “be that guy” to swoop in on a white horse and save her or something, and wishing that he had been there with her (no, you don’t, trust me!), still somehow not getting it that she doesn’t need a man to save her but ok. I have to assume that he’s thinking of Nick (and Serena’s words) here. The thing is, for all her ill intentions, Serena’s phrasing was actually quite accurate: June had “Nick’s support”, not Nick to save her.  I do think actually that Luke was trying to convey a similar sentiment, but it’s so interesting and telling to me that his wording seems to consistently center his feelings around himself, and around an idea of protective ownership that screams of benevolent sexism. Anyway, they say some more sentimental stuff that I don’t quite buy and flirt to pass the time. The goons come back and of course as soon as June tells Luke what not to do, he immediately does it. He tries to break free and run away (um, where?), and immediately they viciously beat him (the “he’s not resisting!!”, was rough to watch… damn, constant parallels to awful events in irl America).
Later that evening in real Gilead, Lawrence, Nick and Putnam cozily clink glasses by the crackling fire, and Putman talks about how much he loves raping women and children the perks of his job. In fact, he wasn’t even thinking about conceiving a child and the subsequent benefit to his career, he did this purely for the joy of raping his work, that is how dedicated he is. He (thinks he) gets a dig in at JLaw, wondering what’s the point of even being a commander if you’re not going to rape anyone take advantage of the perks?  Nick is once again having a real hard time controlling his face, but he manages to get out some Gilead double speak, and JLaw does some very pointed double speak, as Warren continues to fail miserably at reading the room.
The next day, in Canadian wanna-be Gilead, Mr. Wheeler summons Serena to his study.  She thinks it’s about her quarrel with Mrs. W, but LOL woman, he has not the time for silly female squabbles. He tells her his men have captured June, and  he’s going to have Ezra execute her in NML since Gilead keeps fumbling the ball. Serena looks... concerned? upset? I don’t know, their relationship is weird. But she also sees here an opportunity: the enemy  of my enemy is my friend as they say (or at least she can be for a hot second until they go back to enemies again, I guess). She begs Mr. W to let her tag  along, saying that she wants to watch June be killed with her own eyes. Mr. W is super turned on moved by this and just like that goes from “absolutely not” to “yeah ok”.  She can’t get the fuck out of that house fast enough as Mrs. W trails  nervously, looking a little suspicious. From the looks of it she starts having contractions in the backseat so let’s hope Ezra is a fast driver...
June and Luke have been laying on their cage floors for god knows how long at this point. Luke is pretty fucked up, and June blames herself. She apologizes to Luke for not stopping him from coming (”You didn’t know how bad it could be. I did.”) but he insists it was his choice. He wants to be able to at least say goodbye this time, and June, sensing that he is giving up hope, gives him a pep talk that includes a pretty good impression of Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans (Stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you! No matter how long it takes, no matter how far. ! I WILL FIND YOU.) It didn’t quite ring true to me, but seems to work with Luke, bolstering his will. Then the goons are back and dragging them off in separate directions, onto separate vehicles. June yells frantically after him and despairingly mouths “I’m sorry”, still feeling responsible.
Naomi and Warren are just trying to have a nice brunch at the country club when a bunch of guardians roll up before they can even finish their eggs benny and bottomless mimosas (RUDE). An alarmed Naomi prances down the stairs after her wayward husband as he is dragged and deposited quite satisfyingly at the dress-shoed feet of our two favorite commanders. Nick recites Warren’s crimes in a way that makes “apostasy” sound like something I very much want to do, and then it’s Lawrence’s turn to quote some apt scripture to silence Warren’s self-righteous whining. Not to be outdone by his late buddy Fred, WP gets his “but I’m going to be a FATHER!” moment, but somehow Nick is not moved and proceeds to blow his despicable brains out. Crows caw in the distance (at least that’s what my subtitles are telling me, I can’t really hear over my own cheering).
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(Pls send help.)
Back at the Blaine household, however, Mrs. Blaine is not so impressed. Apparently she is cool with her husband facilitating the death of rapist commanders as long as he specifically is not the one to do the dirty work (what, he changed his shirt at least!). I get that her religious beliefs probably include “thou shalt not kill” and that it would be startling (especially for a seemingly gentle soul like Rose) to hear that your husband just shot an acquaintance point blank in the head, but in this case I can’t help feeling like it’s something akin to being horrified at the sight of someone snapping a chicken’s neck, and then going home to enjoy some nice breaded tenders. She worries about “the kind of person it makes him” and Nick implies he’s doing it for their CHILD, casually giving Rose’s pregnancy reveal(??) and looking just overjoyed to be a father to be, as we pan out on the truly uncomfortable silence of two people sitting as far away from each other on a couch as physically possible. Sorry Nick, darling, you truly deserve a hero’s welcome. June would have got it (and so do I, call me).
A bit later that day, Aunt Lydia takes the girls on a fun field trip to the wall where Warren’s body has now been strung up on display. She tells them this was justice and then shoos them home for a nice cup of warm milk before bed. She’s been wielding the wall as a warning to “her girls” for years, of course, but we see a slight shift in tactic as the new woke, softer, kinder slightly remorseful Aunt Lydia now uses it also as a vow of reassurance, that she will protect them from abuse from corrupt commanders (as long as they behave), and of course make sure they only get raped at the proper time and place. Janine lingers staring at the limp body of her abuser and says “I wish I could have watched” (me too, girl, me too).
June is on the school bus to hell Gilead with a bunch of other poor souls, and (praise be!) the inner monologue is back, as June reflects on meeting her imminent end, and the unexpected twists and turns of life. The bus stops and Ezra shows up to call her out of class and go to the principal’s office. BOOM, here is your twist, June, the principal is Serena (of course, eyeroll). And she is pissed. But she also has a plan. With the magical powers Serena apparently possesses over anyone with a penis, she convinces Ezra to let her be the one to shoot June and he gives her the gun (not sure why would he think she even has any idea how to use it?) and unties June, also at his queen mistress’s demand, so she can pray. June is like FINE, BITCH, but then sincerely prays for her daughters, for their children: “may they do better than we did.” Serena was either duly moved, or this was her plan all along and she just wanted to make June sweat a little first (which I suspect), because she shoots Ezra instead and orders June to get in the car and DRIVE, bitch, before she has this goddamn baby right here on this dusty ass road. June’s like Jesus WTF is happening, oh hell I guess we’re doing this now, and off they race into the sunset, Thelma and Louise style. For a second I thought June would do an ode to Emily and run over Ezra on the way out, but no, they leave him merely winded thanks to his bullet proof vest, and surely about to give chase/run back to his boss with the bad news.
So. “Together”. Obviously Serena and June are together at the end of the episode (and about to get into some birthing hijinks from the look of it). Nick and Lawrence are continuing to work together to methodically dispatch Gilead’s corrupt and further Lawrence’s agenda (whatever that is). I suppose Aunt Lydia and Lawrence are also working together, albeit in a very dysfunctional (and very frustrating for Lydia) way. Aunt Lydia and Janine, it seems, will work together to protect handmaids (from unsanctioned abuse, at least). And then we have June/Luke and Nick/Rose.
Nick and June’s marriages parallel each other in an interesting way this episode. The two couples are physically “together” (well ok, maybe not Luke and June at the end), but in their  trajectory and mindset, miles apart.  Neither Luke nor Rose fully understand the brutality of Gilead, both having I think been spared/sheltered from the worst of it, and because of that, Nick and June each now find themselves very much alone.
Nick retreats to his stoic mask and inner shell in the wake of Rose’s disapproval, but the sense of loneliness and longing for understanding in this moment is palpable. He already doesn’t think of himself as a “good person” and this seems to be a reminder of how little his wife really knows him. Despite his underlying shame and feelings of unworthiness though, he is actively trying to set some things right, and as much as he would never admit it, it must hurt to be so misunderstood here.
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On her end, June finds herself for the majority of the episode alternately instructing, reassuring, apologizing and worrying about Luke, who is experiencing his first small taste of Gilead’s inhumanity and is woefully unprepared for it. She knows she has to stay strong for him, and she must feel alone in this and in feeling the responsibility for their safety and survival, for Luke’s safety and survival, squarely on her shoulders.
Nick and June are both without the person who would understand in each of their respective situations, and would actually be able to provide comfort and support: each other. In contrast to their married spouses, they are physically apart, but mentally and spiritually on the same page. They’ve been through war together, they know the brutality of the enemy, and they’re willing and able to wield brutality back against it, whatever “kind of people” that makes them, because they know it’s the only way that works here.
So hopefully, we can stop playing games, get these two together, and get this revolution going, ASAP. May the lord open.
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dcbbw · 2 years
Sunday Snippets
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Happy Sunday, Tumblr! I hope everyone is safe and sound, warm and dry. This past week has been one for the books in my corner of the world: in no particular order, I have dealt with Tropical Storm Ian, dental work that required a drill and clamps, the aftermath of a pukey toddler, family toxicity, drama (work and otherwise), and I need to prepare for an interview on Tuesday!
Needless to say I have missed all the late-September tumblr event deadlines I signed up for, but still gonna write the stories and of course give proper credit. Below are snippets from what should be posting this week.
As usual, these are in a state of rough draft, and published versions may be edited/revised.
It’s all below the cut; happy reading!
Guy Time (tentative title), TRR DC AU guys + OC, For the Boys event:
Once the men were settled and a new hand had been dealt, conversation resumed.
“What are some qualities, for you, a woman absolutely has to have to make her a keeper?” Lonnie asked.
All eyes turned to Liam, who was tearing into a quesadilla while watching a frustrating second quarter.
“Me? Okay, we all know I want this with Riley B., but she isn’t the inspiration behind it. Penelope is. I need a team player who has some traditional values. It would be nice if she were gainfully employed, but she can be a stay-at-home if she wants … as long as she has goals and ambitions and is actively working on them. Dinner doesn’t have to be cooked when I get home … we can fix the meal together … but if I’m working late, something in the microwave or on top of the stove would be appreciated. Good morning kisses, at least starting the laundry would be great, someone I can both teach and learn from. She’d never have to do yard work, would be appreciative of presents and gifts, sees my efforts, and matches my level of commitment. In return, I’ll give her all of that back tenfold.”
“What about you, Lonnie? What are you looking for when you get back out there?” Leo tilted his beer bottle to his lips.
“She just needs to be breathing and one of three orifices should be functional. Loyalty would be nice, along with having gotten the streets out of her system.”
“Let me give you Penelope’s number,” Liam offered jokingly.
Lonnie rolled his eyes. “No, thanks! That chick cray. I still remember that fight you two had that night. Silly chick stood in the middle of the street cussing you out for over an hour. At four in the morning!”
Drake choked on his tamale. “What the hell happened?”
Liam shook his head. “I honestly don’t remember the details; I know we were both drunk and she kept calling me a limp dick motherfucker. So, I threw her ass out. At one point, she got naked asking Rhode Island Avenue who wanted all this.”
Siren Song, Perfect Match/Open Heart Crossover, #HYAW:
With a nod, the man hit the button, and they rode in silence; he exited first. The woman rode up two more floors and exited into the administrative wing of the medical facility, the conference room directly in front of her. Double wooden doors affixed with crucifixes were propped open; members of the audio/visual team were setting up laptops and projectors while hospital management clustered around a tall man wearing a navy-blue pinstriped suit. His auburn-colored hair was perfectly styled, and his long, slender fingers were curled around a styrofoam cup.
Her eyes narrowed.
Dr. Ethan Ramsey.
The rumors were true.
Her phone, ensconced in her pocket, vibrated. With a frown of impatience, she quickly removed it. She had a text message:
Leave the facility NOW. We’ll rendezvous at your place this afternoon.
Her lips pursed as she glanced at the good doctor again. With a sigh, the woman turned on her heel, pressing the down button.
I’ll see you soon, Dr. Ramsey.
Inside the elevator, she shrugged off her lab coat, folding it neatly before laying it in a corner of the car; she placed the clipboard and name badge atop it. She was firing back a reply as she walked towards the hospital’s parking garage.
Phase One of Operation Hybrid is in effect.
Inside the parking deck she looked around slowly before heading to her car. The level was full, and the only other person was a tall Asian gentleman; he had a full head of glossy black hair, dark eyes, and a five o’clock shadow covering his lower face.
He wore a black suit with a camouflage backpack and carried a cup of Starbucks in his hand. He acknowledged the woman with a terse nod when their eyes met. When they were close to crossing paths, his free hand went to his jacket pocket, patting frantically as if he had forgotten something.
The woman ignored him, her thumb pressing against the car remote. The man whirled swiftly, silently with a taser in his hand. He aimed it at the woman’s side and squeezed the trigger firmly. Thin, bluish-white streams of electricity traveled through the distance. Caught unawares, the woman went down with a pained cry. The man stepped closer, the heels of his oxford shoes tapping against the concrete floor. He pulled the trigger again before stooping to retrieve her purse.
He removed her wallet, rifling quickly; he left everything intact other than her driver’s license. Her cellphone was nestled in a snug compartment; he pocketed that as well. Tossing the purse onto the ground, the toe of his shoe prodded her once; no movement, but acrid smoke wafted from her body and the smell of burnt wiring scented the air.
With a smirk of satisfaction, he returned to his car and drove off.
One down, one to go.
The Price of Everything, TRR/Platinum AU, @choicesprompts Prompt #2::
It was four weeks past the wedding, three weeks since the miscarriage; while the grief had not lessened, life was beginning a return to normal for the young couple. Kiara spent the first 72 hours following the medical emergency in a private wing at Stormholt Samaritan Hospital, Liam constantly at her side. Once home at the Palace, Liam insisted she stay on bedrest, and he personally tended to her every need. Kiara insisted she was fine with no ill effects, but Liam continued to care for his wife.
One morning, she sat in front of her vanity mirror, wrapped in a sinfully soft white robe watching her husband's reflection as he ran a wide-toothed comb through her tresses.
“I’m agreeable to an annulment,” she said quietly to the mirror.
Liam looked up; there was a frown on his lips, but a flame of hope flared in is eyes before dying out.  “What are you speaking of?”
“The reason for our union is ... no more.” Her voice cracked slightly. “We can go back to being who we were before.”
Liam looked puzzled. “We were good friends who had sex. Isn’t that what we are now?”
Kiara shook her head slightly. “Exactly! We aren’t even best friends! Sex is not a basis for marriage. It isn’t a reason to stay tethered to duty. Let’s get an annulment and you can find someone you LOVE, Liam! I can return to New York and my job. We don’t have to stay married.”
Liam pondered her offer. In the weeks following the loss of their child, Liam had spent every night after Kiara fell asleep searching for Riley Brooks, but he and the Crown’s security team repeatedly drew blanks.
It was as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.  
The King procured the services of Interpol, New Scotland Yard, the FBI, local law enforcement jurisdictions, and private investigators to assist. But there were simply not enough details.
Her phone number was no longer in service. The bank account information the Crown had on file for her was no longer valid. The bar she used to work at had been torn down, replaced by high-rise condos.
The sole contact Liam had for Riley was of no use. The King had no physical description, no last name, no address for the person. All Liam knew was a first name and occupation.
Good luck trying to find a waiter named Daniel in New York City.
Liam worried his lower lip as he considered how to word his response. True, if there had been no child, he and Kiara would never have considered cohabitation, let alone marriage.
But there had been a baby.
No one, not even their parents, knew.
An annulment after less than 10 days of marriage would cause tongues to wag faster and more furiously than a child conceived out-of-wedlock.
And as horribly selfish as it was, if they separated now, Kiara had something to look forward to. Liam had nothing.
Tagging: @jared2612​ @ao719​ @burnsoslow​ @marietrinmimi​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog​ @queenjilian​ @indiacater​ @kingliam2019​ @bebepac​ @liamxs-world​ @mom2000aggie​ @cmestrella​ @liamrhysstalker2020​  @neotericthemis​ @twinkleallnight​ @umccall71​ @superharriet​  @busywoman​ @gabesmommie1130​ @tessa-liam​ @phoenixrising308​ @beezm​ @gardeningourmet​ @lovingchoices14​ @foreverethereal123​ @mainstreetreader​ @angelasscribbles​ @lady-calypso​ @emkay512​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @21-wishes​ @princessleac1​ @charlotteg234​ @queenrileyrose​ @alj4890​ @yourfavaquarius111​ @motorcitymademadame​​ @bbrandy2002​​
In case you’re interested: @choicesficwriterscreations​ @lizzybeth1986​​
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I’m more of a monogamous person so I’ll go with Hyunjin alone 😅 btw English is not my first language so I’m sorry in advance for any mistakes. Also I’m a little sick and suffering a headache that pounds like a motherfucker and I’m not in the best shape! Hope you’ll enjoy!
After the first time with you, Hyunjin questioned himself, his faith, his strength and devotion. This shouldn’t have happened. He’s a changed man at this point, not some weak boy who gives in his desires.
So he blames you. He believes you’re the devil incarnate who was sent to test him. And he hates it. He hates how easily you made him crawl to you and how easily he put his new life at risk for a soul so dirty.
He’s pissed beyond comprehension. And he hates you. However, the sinful thoughts won’t leave him alone. He wants more and you’re not there. He hasn’t seen you for some time which makes him pissed. He sees red.
And he finally gets you.
On your knees, hands behind your back tied with a rosary you normally wear on your neck. The cold metal of a crucifix touching your bare skin feels like a river of fire. Tears streaming down your face as he shoves his dick down your throat with such force it’s hard to breathe. Which he knows but doesn’t care. You’re a sinner after all. So he fucks your face without mercy until he can’t take it. Cum dripping down your lips and chest, face covered in tears. Glossy eyes looking up at him because you want more. You’re a sinner.
You’re a sinner for tempting him like this. He wants to hate you but he wants to have you. And he has you. Stealing a peace of your soul with every bite, every lick. Devouring you like a dead man walking, licking a cross between your folds. “Pray to me y/n” Because you’re a sinner.
And you’ll pay for his sins. Each and every time.
“Show me your god and I’ll show you mine”
Oh, no worries!! You have nothing to apologise for and your English is really good. I hope you feel better though :/ I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
I'm not going to lie, I'm typically not all that into hard dom! Hyunjin but, the way you wrote him here is so 🫠🫠🫠
Using the rosary for restraint????? Fucking insane. Holy shit. I had to pause my reading when I got to that section.
Him knowing that he should be focusing on his duties. Trying to become a priest. He's been working at it for ages. Working at his redemption for ages but, he just can't help but, fall back into old habits so easily with you.
And who can blame him, really? When you smile at him like that and, bat your eyelashes at him like that. It's a wonder he's held out for so long as it is.
He thinks he understands how Eve felt in this moment.
And now as he watches you under the moonlight, the rosary glinting when the light hits it, he knows he can never resist temptation.
Never resist you.
Curses that should definitely not be uttered in the church falling from his lips freely as you choke around him. Spit and pre-cum dribbling down your chin and your beautiful, teary eyes looking up at him while you let him use your mouth. He doesn't think he's ever seen anything more divine.
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lyrics365 · 3 months
I Am The Apocalypse
[$LICK $LOTH:] Eyes stay bloodshot Both on Fetty Wap Let them roll back while them drugs do their job Same motherfuckers thinking that they still hot Be the same motherfuckers I can’t see at the top 6 double 6 til my crucifix Diagnosed a lunatic Blood on me no need to rinse Been dead for years no need to slit Suboxone strips so I don’t slip But all my cravings still exist Shit Sometimes I just…
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x-heesy · 6 months
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One, two, Freddy's coming for you
Three, four, better lock your door
Five, six, grab your crucifix
Seven, eight, gonna stay up late
Nine, ten, never sleep—
(Aye, aye, aye, aye)
Pulling up with the pump (yeah!)
Slugs that'll make you slumped
Drugs always keep me numb
Wake up in the morning just to pop some
Bodies in my basement
Lord of the forsaken, watching bitches fornicating (shit!)
Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan
Triple six be my language
Smoking on something that's flagrant
Shooting up something that's tainted
Raindrops cover my dreadlocks
Mood 21 Savage, that Red Opps
Might get my face tatted with a tear drop
Shell-shocked leaving bodies on the sidewalk
Six days 'til my death, on the seventh let me be
Lower level dwelling, now the devil rocking FTP
Ruby setting trends but in the end, he wants his breath to cease
Leopard print all on his body, body hanging off the Sphinx
Ruby got a plan involving firestorms thinning out the herd
Ruby got a plan to see the locusts swarm, poisoning the dirt
Ruby going to find his death and flirt
Ruby got his motherfucking heart torn, cut up into thirds
Ruby got a broken oath he once swore, take him back to church
Ruby bloody fist up her skirt
Do You Believe in God? by $uicideboy$ nope
@bethanythestrange @bigbonzo
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Slide on a bitch, we don't care 'bout no stick
Pretty bitch, she take dick, but I bust on her tits
I got three, I got four, I got five, I got six
This so fire all my hoes at my damn fingertips (Yeah)
I control my life, but I know this ain't what it's meant to be (Meant)
Lookin' back in time, there was no way that you could tend to me (Tend)
Stand on what I said, I know I can't bring back yo' energy (Energy)
Wasted all this time, bitch, all that shit was just a mess to me (A mess)
Wake up, time to cake up (Kk), fuck investigators ('Gators)
You slip then I'll take her (Fly), pussy, see you later (Later)
Hate it when I stand out (What?), n***** lowkey fanned out (What?)
Sorry that I left you, I'm okay with how it panned out (Fuckin' see)
I can float through memories
And see past the darkest of my dreams
Life is not for everyone, definitely not for me
Stand on the toes of my enemies
Silence is what I want for now
My head is stuck inside a cloud
So leave my brain to sit and bleed
Life sucks, so we fuck, there's no better remedy
N***** diss, we get buck, leave yo' bodies on the street
Kill the rest, make 'em duck, all I wanna see
Fuck you n***** and yo' family, you so dead to me
(Aw, yeah)
Crucifixes and coffins, often kerosene in my alter
Often sell your soul to get change, I fear
Can't sell shit you don't own, my dear
I drop a nuke on the whole world, reset (Okay)
Only warm when a motherfucker meet death (Okay)
Two step, one two, two step, I (Okay)
Tried to warn you soldier, didn't I?
Overdosed in my hotel room
And the whole damn world went red
France would sentence to guillotines
And I watch the roll of my head
Took the path of the crusader and I saw where serpents tread (Huh?)
Four big white soft padded walls
And I lay the dirt in my bed
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