#THANK YOU LANCE !!! Also hi everyone im home from work
seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Voltron in "The Little Mermaid" Part 2!
Alright so I wanted to get 2/3 of it out in July cause ya know Julance, so it may be a little rushed but im having fun so thats nice. And this one comes with burnt out art! (By that I mean I gave up half way cause drawing is hard but its still cute.) Once again, thank you to @paracosm299 for being the backbone to this fanfic. And I hope everyone else likes it too! If I ever find a laptop that doesnt hate me and tumblr I'll link the three together. Until then, hopefully my tags might work for ya'll...
Also, if ya'll havent listened to the music from all three versions (cartoon, live action, broadway) youre missing out and they are referenced in this part. So minor spoilers for the Live Action! ("Shes in love" OBC is a bop I do so recommend it)
Lance sprawls across one of the many rocks, chest heaving as he tries to slow his heart rate. His eyes roam what he can see of his collection, that familiar ache hitting him hard.
He just didn't understand. 
Here, in the waters he's always known, he should feel a sense of home. And yet at every corner, he simply feels trapped, unable to even breathe without the threat of punishment for doing it 'wrong'. Instead of love and encouragement, he is crushed under rules, expectations, and this pressure to do something, but with no idea what that something is. He has a vague recollection of a woman, with deep brown eyes- the only real feature he can recall- saying so earnestly, it was almost prayer-like, that he was their future. 
He still couldn't fathom what she meant. Lance, the future? Should he somehow outlive the Emperor, Lance would be taken down immediately, by those vying for the Triton. Sendak may drill his lessons and expectations into him daily, but Lance doubted very much he'd ever actually hold any power. The only future Lance can see, is either forever a decoration to the Emperor, or a trophy given to another. The very thought makes him shudder, but it's a reality he's long since acknowledged. 
Lance was no future. Lance was not free to be a future. Lance was simply... a dressed up prisoner. 
For every gadget, gizmo, whosit, whatsit, and thingamabob Lance found, for every glimpse of wonder, a longing grew. He wanted more than this, he wanted...
To be where the people are. To see them dance, to walk around on those... those... feet! To run along streets, to stay all day under the sun's warm rays, wandering free... was it so much to wish to be up there with them? He hasn't much to give, but he wonders idly, if he were offered a chance, would he give what was asked in return readily? To live out of these waters, for even just a day to spend warm on the sandy beaches. 
Coran has since crawled from his own little crevice, watching him with worried eyes,
"I bet you up there, they understand, that they don't reprimand your every move, that they see you for who you are. Im... I'm sick of swimming with an anchor strapped to my fin. I want to stand, free... is that so much to ask Coran?" 
"No child, to be free is not something that you should have to pay for." And the emotion in the man's voice has tears of his own burning in Lance's eyes. 
"I want to know everything, ask them my questions and get some real answers. Like, whats a fire and why does it, what's that word?? Burn! When will I be allowed to do something for me?" Lance swims through his treasures, towards the small hole at the top, reaching towards the surface he's forbidden from breaching, "I'd love to explore that world up above... out of the sea, I just... I wish I could be a part of a different world... I know that makes me terrible, but... I'm so tired..."
Lance stares at the barest glimpse of the moon before it's covered, casting a shadow that's dispersed by bursts of colored light. 
"What in the Seas?" 
"Wait, Lance my boy, it's not safe up there, not tonight!" 
But Lance ignores the octopus, for probably the first time, making his way towards the surface before he can stop himself, breaching it fully for the first time. Loud popping sounds assault his ears, and debris splashes around him, before him a little ways, is a large ship with joyous music playing. Lance looks around, maybe for a sign to turn back, but finds none, something almost seems to be... pulling him, calling him, towards the Ship. He navigates past the debris, until he comes to the side of the ship where smaller ones hang. It takes him a moment to pull himself up and into it, arms straining as he tries to remain quiet. 
There's a small gap that allows him to see the occupants, and a smile graces his face as he watches them dance. They throw each other around and slam their feet, and play instruments and drink. And just when Lance thinks it can't get any better, they start to sing. 
It wasn't as melodic as the songs of his people, or as hypnotic or power filled as the royal siren songs. And yet, Lance couldn't look away. To think that just as his people feared and hated humans, Humans too, feared his people. They were so different, but at the same time, not so different at all. 
One of the humans, seemingly younger than the rest, was on the edge of their celebration. The bright- and loud- lights in the air illuminated his face, eyes shining just so, like where water and sky meet. He's pulled aside by a taller man, who has a scar over his nose and a tuft of white hair laying on his forehead. They come close enough for their voices to drift to Lance's position, and he ducks away from the opening until only his eye is seen. 
"Keith, you know we have to go back." The taller one says, sounding apologetic. 
"Shiro it's my birthday, please let me have this one day not to think about that place." The shorter one- Keith- responds. 
"You know Kolivan will be coming over to lecture you soon. The late King-" 
"Wanted me to be trapped inside the castle for the rest of my life, isolated on our island home, never to do anything new because he had some crazy notion that that would keep us safe." He sighs, leaning heavily on the railing and staring off into the distance, the furry creature lays at his feet, staring at Lance curiously. He buries a hand in his fur with a smile. "I feel like the ocean is calling to me Shiro, I'm not afraid of it, I want to explore." 
Lance feels a sort of resonation, like he's looking in the mirror once again instead of at a human. Someone who sees a future, and is ready to make it himself...
A crack of lightning lights up the sky, violent and sudden as the ocean rises up and crashes against the ship. 
"Storms coming in fast! On your toes!" 
Lance jumps into the waves before he can hear more, he needed to leave, there was no telling if this was Posiedon or Sendak-
Lance's eyes flash back to the ship, to Keith holding the fluffy creature and throwing him as the ship is alight and collapsing. Lance curses in his head, diving below again to help, guiding him to the calls of the people in the little ships. When he comes up again, he sees no sign of Keith and a panic he can't describe grips his heart. 
He dives again, dodging wreckage as the ship sinks, swimming through the harsh currents in search for a splotch of red. His distress rises with each moment, movements quick and jerky, until finally, finally, he sees it. Unmoving except for his slow descent, arms raised like even in unconsciousness he's reaching for something. As Lance draws closer he sees the cut along his jaw, the ripped clothing, smaller injuries, and he's sure bruising will form. 
Hooking his arms under Keith's own Lance drags him to the surface. It's an effort to keep the human's head above the waves as the storm rages on, but Lance wont let him drown, not while he can do something about it. He heads inland, praying to any God that will listen, that the human survives. 
Even if it means his own demise when he returns to Atlantica. 
The sand is dry and coarse, but warm under the morning sun's rays, as he tugs the waterlogged human far enough from the lapping waves. His hand shakes as it hovers over the still form, the cut on his cheek still leaks blood, his pale skin taking on a sickly pallor, before he can really think twice, his voice rises from somewhere deep. A careful melody fills the air around them, a glow encompassing his own form as he finally places his hand to Keiths chest. 
It takes longer than he'd like for color to return to his cheeks, one now marred with a scabbing scar. A groan leaves his lips and Lance's relief is palpable, despite the exhaustion that settles into his very bones. He wants nothing more than to lay here, but he knows better. Shouts reach his ears, and with a reluctance he cant place, he returns to the sea, hiding behind a rock a ways off. 
He watches as a group of humans surround Keith, who seems at least semi-coherent now, watches as they make off towards their own settlements. 
"I don't know what this feeling is. I don't even know how I know, but... something changed. I've found the world I want to be a part of..." 
Lance watches until they've vanished from view, a pull stronger than ever before, calling him towards a human with inky hair and deep eyes, to a future he'd never thought of. 
If he lived past sunset that is. 
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Allura practically falls on his head, Coran wrapped around his arm only a second behind. 
"Lonce! Where have you been!?" Allura is scanning his face, claws hovering, "Coran told me about the… thing… and then there was a storm and you were gone! We've been worried sick!" 
"Im sorry, I just-"
"Don't even think about lying to me Lonce!" 
Lance swears shes on the verge of tears, and he lets out a reluctant sigh,
"I…" he rubs his free hand over the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact, "Rescued a human…" he mumbles.
"You did WHAT!?" 
"No one saw me!" Lance is quick to defend, admittedly a little petulant. 
"Shhhh!!! Sendak can not know about this!" Allura looks around in a panic, her voice hushed.
"Know about what?" A new voice asks from behind, nearly scaring Lance right out of his scales. 
Flipping around Lance sees someone he hadn't in several years,
"Rachel?? What are you doing here? I thought you all weren't allowed at the gatherings anymore!" They clasp arms, exchanging smiles.
"Well, he wants info on our territory then someone has to come." Her grin turns sly, and Lance thinks there's more to what she says, but then again, it always seems like there's more when it comes to them. "So what's this I hear we aren't telling?" 
"Nothing. Seriously guys, I'm already gonna get a lecture from Se- my father, I really don't need this right now." 
He sees a bunch of Mers heading towards the reefs, decides that's a good way to delay the inevitable, and follows. Though of course he has company cause they dont give up that easily. And to continue his declining luck, four more mers to add to his growing entourage. 
"Wow, look how big you've gotten!!" Lisa exclaims, looking close to pinching his cheeks like a Grandma- though Lance only knew this through observation of their pod.
"Lance has a secret!" Rachel blabs, leaning over his shoulder with far more excitement than necessary. 
He groans, pushing her away as he joins the other mers in cleaning up the reef, a twinge of guilt in his gut despite the cause of the storm being from someone else's power. 
"Oh, what, does Grumpy blob have a crush or something?" Marco teases, elbowing Luis beside him. 
Lance grumbles as he fumbles with the debris hes moving, internally cursing himself at the gasps around him. 
"So! You're acting fishy because you're up to your gills in love!" Rachel swoons backwards into Marcos waiting arms. 
"Oh Dios Mios." Lance would love for a cavern to open up, right now, beneath him, please. 
The only Mers who don't treat him like Sendak's property and he wants to throttle them. 
"I see it now!" Luis exclaims, never one to miss out on a tease, the traitor, "he's dizzy, dreamy, head up in the foam! His eyes have got a gleam in them, like there's no one home." 
"Someone get this boy a coastal shelf to mope on!" Lisa instigates, laughter in her eyes. 
"He's moody as a snapper! As sure as a dogfish bites, someone’s made him lose his head!" Marcos' grin is as lopsided as he is, floating above Lance's head, he shoves him away, wondering if he should just retreat. 
"Seriously guys flip off, it's not gonna happen." Lance heaves a larger piece off the side as gently as he can, frowning at the coral beneath, it would take a lot of song and time for these poor things to come back. 
"Come on tell us who the deep-sea hunk is!" Rachel leers at him, eyebrows dancing, behind her Lance glimpses Coran and Allura, one has a look of concern, the other… well Lance can't quite identify Alluras look. 
"There's no deep sea hunk." Lance turns away, seriously debating finding that shark again.
There's a long pause, but Lances hope of them giving up is crushed when Veronicas panicked voice breaks the silence,
"Oh no. Please, please no. Lance please tell me you didn't go and," She cuts herself off, looking around frantically before coming in closer with a low hiss of, "seduce a human?" 
Lance gives an indignant squawk,
"I did not, seduce, anyone!" 
"But there is a human??? Lance, what are you thinking? Liking human stuff is one thing, but this- Lance what are you thinking??" With hands on his shoulders to hold him still, Veronica levels him with a desperate look. 
"Ronis right Lance, the human world is no place for us." Luis, like everyone else, has taken on a serious face. 
And those expectations are back. Those heavy looks, so much weight pressing into his chest, and yet no clue what it is they want from him. What it is they think he needs to do. 'Youre the future, Lance.' 
"I don't know what it is you think is up there Lance, but just take a look around you! Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there." Lisa takes on a lighter tone. 
Lance knows what's coming, knows because he's been told before, has tried to convince himself, but something always comes to remind him why he wants to escape. 
"I mean seriously, what more are you lookin for? Up there they work all day-'' Lance pointedly looks at the debris he's clearing and Marco is quick to continue, "they're slaving away under the sun's hot rays. While we get to float around down here all the time, nice and cool."
Lance wonders what they do in their territory, for all of Lance's collection, it's taken him years of little moments of free time to gather stuff, and honestly half of it was Coran and Romelle gifting him stuff. 
"And you know what they do to fish on land, they're either in a bowl or," Rachel runs a finger along her throat with a harsh click sound, "on the plate. Just imagine what they'd do to us!" 
"Not to mention, they can't possibly beat our rhythm." Luis sports a confident smile, but Lance remembers the song he'd heard on that ship. 
As if on cue however, the reef comes alive with song. Healing waves of energy that quickly distracts the mers before him, and Lance takes his chance and bolts with them none the wiser. 
He heads towards his grotto, needing some peace and quiet before his inevitable summons. He liked the McClain pod, they'd been around as long as he can remember, but they always left him feeling like he was missing something. Not that they weren't missing some major parts to his story too, but Lance didn't want them to know either. 
He enters his grotto with a tired sigh, running on no sleep and brain still too busy and anxious for it to come anytime soon. He takes in his collection, hoping for some comfort or peace of any kind. Anything to stave off what's to come-
"So you've finally returned."
Lance flips around fast enough to make his head spin, there looming in the shadows of the entrance, Triton now glowing with power,
"My. son." 
Keith stalks through the halls of the palace, determined to find a ship, or a carriage, something so he can search himself. To find the boy who saved him, the one whose song rings in his head, the one who risked their own life to get him home alive. 
"You aren't supposed to be out of bed yet." 
He turns to see his mother, standing tall and regal, like the Queen she is, in the doorway to the dining hall. She eyes him, the bandage on his head, the scaring mark on his jaw, the unsteady walk of a sailor on land- and a waterlogged man who should probably be resting, maybe.
"I don't need rest, I'm fine." Keith wants to leave it at that, but of course,
"Join me for breakfast." She turns without his answer, not that he could turn her down. 
They sit, eating quietly, but Keith is tense. He knows she wants to say more, but she takes her time, figuring out exactly what she wants to get across. After so many years away, only to return after news of her husband's passing, the two knew very little of interacting with each other. It was Kolivan and Shiro that kept them from having a bigger rift than they did. 
"I don't want you going out there again. You need to be here, preparing for the throne." 
Keith takes a breath, before he'll say something he'll regret,
"The boy who saved my life is out there. I'm going to find him-"
Keith stands, chair falling behind him,
"I don't want to be king. I never have. I belong on the water-"
She slams her hands on the table, silencing filling the room,
"You are grounded. There will be no sailing, you will stay here and heal." 
He stares at her, the woman who never cared to stay, who left his father to raise him. The woman who knew next to nothing of him, who wanted to trap him to this existence of walls and nothingness. He turns and storms out of the room, heading for the cliffs, anything to get away.  
All he'd ever wanted, as a boy born on a ship but raised on an isolated island, was the open sea and sky, freedom that seemed so far from his reach. He was only able to grasp some semblance of happiness sailing on excursions to learn and trade, his brother- in all that mattered- right beside him. 
And now, his soul tugs again, towards something- not quite new- but foreign in a way he'd never thought of. He's haunted, thinking only of a blurry memory of someone leaning over him, more of a feeling really, and a song he sings. A song  that takes him, to places beyond his wildest dreams, to uncharted waters miles beyond the seas he knows. 
Keith had been sure he was darkness bound, destined to drown at sea and never return home. Then, miraculously, he’s saved, pulled above the stormy seas and all the way to land, before being left alone, to stand on the shoreline while his mind remains lost at sea. He wishes only for him to be found again, so he can stop wondering about who he is, where he’ll be next, and to hear his song from the source rather than this echoing in his head. Someone somehow stronger than the undertow, yet able to glow silhouetted by the rising sun, to return him to land in only a night's time. 
He won’t be able to get over this mystery, something- someone- so intriguing, there was no way he’d give up before it was solved. Somewhere, beyond where man can see, with eyes that outshine the horizon line, where they can face the unknown side by side. Whether on the shoreline where he was left, or where no compass or map can guide him, Keith would find this mystery boy, no one would stop him. It’d be easier, he’s sure, for this boy to find him once again, right where he was left, but good things aren’t always easy are they?
Throw whatever you have at me, wild uncharted waters, he’d face it all.
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alycosworld · 2 years
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I posted 139 times in 2022
That's 38 more posts than 2021!
79 posts created (57%)
60 posts reblogged (43%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 109 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#aly.rants - 69 posts
#dc's legends of tomorrow - 29 posts
#legends of tomorrow - 28 posts
#john constantine - 12 posts
#matt ryan - 11 posts
#sara lance - 7 posts
#in space with markiplier - 7 posts
#markiplier - 7 posts
#ava sharpe - 6 posts
#the clone dilemma - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#watch it pick back up again for a fleeting moment and then i'll leave you all stranded with absolutely nothing
My Top Posts in 2022:
bethic twinstinct doesn't feel like an episode. it feels like i had a very shameful and strange dream and now im awake and do not know how to go about my day without thinking about it or letting it affect me.
151 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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See the full post
157 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
i saw yr post abt the request thing so im gonna request^^
how abt venti with a s/o that i introverted and hates alcohol??? im not a big fan of alcohol and drunk ppl really scare me lol so id like to see how that would work out! i also have a social battery and when i do run out of that social battery and get really irritable and frustrated so how would he deal with that? take yr time and get rest <3
🧸/💮 anon~
(did u know iphone added new heart emojis0.0)
Venti with an Introverted S/O
A/N: in the process of momentarily reviving the blog as I said earlier, so here's the first post to mark that.
also, if you understand/like the phoenix wright reference then ily &lt;3
thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
okay so, he's not gonna stop drinking for you. dude's an alcoholic, through and through.
and, he doesn't want to leave you alone because he loves you and he likes having you with him.
but...he realises that you don't like the atmosphere of the rowdier bars he frequents, or even the nice bars late into the night.
people shouting and making unnecessary comments, loud, horribly-sung music, all the drunkards crowding together and closing in around you.
it's terrifying and Venti's used to it, but you aren't and he understands.
you can stand him being drunk alone, because he's just dumb, funny and flirty - which, honestly, isn't much different from regular Venti.
so, what exactly does he do to help you out?
solution one: drink at home, sing his own songs, and recreate the atmosphere of a bar with just you. He doesn't care much for the patrons either - they're fun to be with, but he much prefers you.
solution two: take you two a calmer bar like Angel's Share (usually while Diluc's around so he can keep everyone in check) and defend you like Phoenix Wright.
as for your social battery, Venti just knows when you're running low. No matter what he had planned, no matter who else wants to see either of you, as soon as you get a little bit irritated, he's ushering you home.
he can't cook anything fancy, but he lives off bar food and he'll pick up something or haphazardly make something for you. Sure, it isn't elegant or well presented, but it fills you up, calms you down, helps you relax and tastes pretty damn good.
he'll cuddle with you, sing you an impromptu tune, tell you a good story, or just let you sleep while he takes care of everything else. If you need to get away from people, Venti will know and he'll handle it perfectly.
he'll stop whatever he's doing and immediately remove you from a social situation with some vague excuse:
"Well, I-- oh! Look at the time! Y'know, I think my darling lover and I should get going right about now, huh? Buh-bye, now!"
and he'll let you do whatever you want straight after, whether it be flee the scene like a villain or collapse on the street from tiredness.
"Oh? Have you had enough for today, my love? I agree, let's get you home and I'll take care of the rest."
"Don't worry about them, dove. All that's important is that we get out of here. No matter the situation, I'll handle it. You just rest. I love you."
161 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
guys mark confirmed that yancy, as lore, has magical tattoos that change according to the universes changing around him. omg. y'all.
189 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
John Constantine X Reader
NEW A/N: so! It's finally here, the finished version of "TITLE" that I accidentally posted all that time ago (and decided to leave up for the memories). I've left in all the old stuff, no changes to the original text, I just added to it so it's a complete story. I've even left in the old A/N for nostalgia ykwim. aNYWAYS, HAVE FUN!
OLD A/N: 100 followers is coming up but I have nothing for y'all so take the product of my latest obsession: john mf constantine - resident demonologist, exorcist, master of the dark arts, accomplished warlock and outrageously attractive brit. I love him, you love him, so let's give our soulless boy a round of applause! thanks for reading, please enjoy &lt;3
warnings: a lil spicy, slight choking??, talk of sex, inexperienced reader, reader is called pretty, love, sweetheart (idk if these are considered gendered words but I dont think they are??), gender-neutral reader
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(takes place in s4, Séance and Sensibility with the old Zari (Tomaz))
Kamadeva, now locked in the brig of the Waverider, poured some of the glittery ashes of his vial into his hand, blowing them through the air vents and to reach all the other rooms and Legends aboard in the night.
"Now, what are you doing, dreaming about me, love?" John asked. His trench coat had been removed and his sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows as he sat on the edge of your bed.
"The fugitive must've done something. It's fine, y'know, can't two friends hang out in a dream?" You chuckled nervously, sitting on a beanbag on the ground, crossing your legs and trying to act perfectly normal, although you knew that Kamadeva's magic wasn't for friends and John had special abilities when it came to dreams - he knew you were dreaming then and when you woke up, he'd know you'd been dreaming about him.
"Friends...that's not how I'd describe you and me. The way you act around me...it's not typical for friends, is it, sweetheart?" John asked with an undeniably attractive grin on his face.
"Don't call me that." You said, unable to stop heat from rising to your cheeks as John tilted his head to the side.
"And why not? I do it all the time. Or is it suddenly becoming less...friendly?" John asked before you felt your body stand up and walk to him. You definitely wanted to be near to him but, unaware of how much John would know about this dream when you woke up, you had to try and resist having fun. You came to stand just in front of him but he pulled you closer still, holding you by the waist as he guided you to straddle his lap.
"John..." You started, feeling your heart race as John leaned in towards you, pressing a kiss from your jaw to your neck to your collarbone and then pulling away to look at your flushed face as you gasped and breathed heavily, chest heaving up and down for John to marvel at.
"Pretty..." He mumbled with a dazed smile on his face.
"What?" You asked, not believing his words despite the whole situation being a fantasy.
"I said, pretty. Prettiest "friend" I've ever had the pleasure of knowing." John said, making you smile and look away from him. John seemed to realise the effect of his words and how you partially didn't believe them.
"I mean it, love," John said, snaking a hand behind your head to cradle the back of your neck, but when he watched you shudder and flinch slightly as his hand touched the skin, he grinned wickedly.
"Oh?" He asked, testing his theory of sensitivity by ghosting his fingers along your neck again and watching as you fell apart.
"John, I--" You managed meekly, but he only chuckled deeply before coiling one hand around your neck and tightening his grip ever so slightly as the other palm rested on your thigh.
"And how do you enjoy that, love?" He asked, watching your breath hitch but noticing your blatant satisfaction. John squeezed a little harder before letting go completely and smiling charmingly at you before leaning in and pulling your head down gently so your lips could meet his.
Unfortunately, just before the kiss you had dreamed about would occur so vividly in your mind, you woke up, panting heavily and in desperate need of a cool down.
You walked into the kitchen where the girls were, in just your pajamas, hair a mess and heart racing.
"The fugitive get to you too?" Sara asked, a smile on her face as Charlie beamed brightly.
"Yeah." You nodded as Sara handed you a glass of cold water.
"Well, personally, I really enjoyed my night. Blowing David Bowie's mind." Charlie grinned as Sara chuckled and Zari rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Who'd you get a leg over, Z? Wait, lemme guess, Nate? No, Kamadeva?" Zari stayed silent but raised her eyebrows making you and Sara look at her incredulously.
"Both?" You and she asked.
See the full post
331 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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natewrightt · 4 years
ADHD (part 3)
other parts
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Summary: Five and the reader go after the eye while forming an unexpected alliance with Klaus
Ship: Five Hargreeves x ADHD!reader
Warnings: none
Notes: I like where this is going
“Excuse me?” Five asked as he walked into a building with you trailing along behind him. In the apocalypse, the two of you had managed to find an eye clutched in Luther’s head. This was probably him attempting to save the world and because of this, this eye had to be of some kind of importance.
“Hello...” A man named Lance greeted him with a confused look on his face. What the hell were 2 thirteen year olds doing in a facility like this?
“I’d like to return this.” Five announced, a fake smile plastered on his face. You stood nervously behind him, not comfortable with your surroundings.
Lance examined it for a moment before speaking again. “Where did you even get this?”
“Well, me and my husb- BROTHER!” You started, correcting yourself mid sentence. Five smirked lightly at your mistake. “Me and my brother were walking to the park and we...found it. Must have just...popped out.”
“What thoughtful young kids.” The secretary said from beside them. Five shuddered at the use of the world kid but remained focused. For now, at least.
“Yeah. Look up the name for me, would ya?” He seethed, already over this. You noticed the anger in his voice and quickly latched onto his arm, the feeling of your warmth calming him down a bit.
“Well young man, if-” Lance starts, reaching for the eye but Five is quick to snatch it back.
“You’re not touching this eye.” Five hissed, narrowing his eyes at the man. You held on tighter, realizing where this was headed. Shit.
“Now listen here young man-”
“No, YOU listen to ME asshole.” He exclaimed, grabbing him by his collar and losing control. “We’ve come a long way for this. Something that your tiny brain couldn’t even comprehend. So give us the name, and we’ll be on our merry way. And if you call me young man one more time I will put your head through that damn wall!”
Lance stuttered before turning to his secretary. “Call security.”
You rolled your eyes before picking up Five bridal-style and walking away.
“Oh! That was...so touching!” Klaus says dramatically, jumping out of the closet he was stuffed in by Five. He rolls his eyes at his brothers behavior. “All that stuff you said about dad and-”
“What are you wearing?” He interrupts, gesturing at Klaus’ ensemble. “I thought I told you to put on something professional.”
“This is my nicest outfit!” Klaus defends.
“Personally, I really like it.” You say, making Five scoff and Klaus smile.
“Listen to your hoe, Five. Now, what’s the plan again? I have to act like your dear old dad, is that right?” (A/N: if you know where that’s from ily)
“Yeah, basically.” He answers, gesturing for the two of you to follow.
“I’m getting paid for this, right?” Klaus asks again.
“AFTER the job is done.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” He stops the both of you. Five sighs, rubbing his forehead in annoyance. “So like, how is this going to work? Was it a one night stand?”
“Sure.” Five answers, but Klaus interrupts him again.
“Okay we met at...the disco! Remember that, okay? Ugh, your mother, that SLUT! Oh, the sex was amazing!”
You laughed as Five spoke again. “What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain.”
“Don’t make me put you in time-out!”
“Like I said to your children before, you don’t have the person’s consent and therefore I just can’t help you. It’s for privacy purposes.” Lance explains again. You and Five sigh, ready to give up, but Klaus isn’t going down without a fight.
“Consent? Well...who gave you the consent...” He starts, standing up. “To lay your hands on my children?”
“I didn’t touch your kids.”
“Oh really?” Klaus challenged. “Well, how did he get that swollen lip then?”
“He doesn’t have a swollen-”
Lance doesn’t get to finish before Klaus’ fist comes in contact with Five’s lip. He groans upon impact but quickly gets up when Klaus turns to you. You brace yourself, ready for a punch.
“And that black eye?”
“Klaus, if you touch her-” Five warns, but it’s too late because he’s punching your left eye, knocking you down. For such a scrawny-looking guy, he can sure pack a punch. Five is at your side immediatley, helping you up and making sure your eye is okay.
“You’re crazy.” Lance mutters in shock of what just happened.
“You’ve got no idea.” Klaus responds with a smirk before picking up a snow globe on the man’s desk. “Peace on earth. That’s so sweet.” He reads out loud before crashing the glass on his head. You and Five wince at the loud noise and pain that he’s probably in.
“GOD that hurt!” He hissed before looking back up at Lance, who was calling security. Before he could say anything into the phone, Klaus swiped it from his grasp and reported a staff abusing customers before slamming it down and shaking his head while chuckling slightly.
“You’re gonna do great in prison, Grant.”
“It’s Lance-”
“A little turkey like you. You’ll get tossed around like a-” Klaus rolls his hips in exaggeration before continuing. “You’re just...you’re gonna do great. Trust me, I’ve been there.”
You and Five smirk at Klaus, surprised but also proud of his method.
“Jesus you are one sick bastard.”
“Thank you.” He answers, spitting out a piece of glass.
“Well, that was a waste of time.” Five grumbles as you, him and Klaus leave the facility informationless.
“Yeah, but I was pretty good right? Where’s my consent bitch!” Klaus mimicked. You smiled at him.
“That was pretty awesome.”
“Thank you, little one.” Klaus patted your head before turning his attention to Five. “Yeah, can I have my 20 bucks now?”
“Your 20 bucks?”
“Yeah, my 20 bucks.”
Five goes up to his brother, anger relevant in his eyes. “The world is ending in 8 days and all you care about is getting high?”
“Well that and I’m hungry. Tummies a’rumblin.” He then proceeded to act out his stomach rumbling.
“You’re useless. You’re all useless!” Five exclaims, throwing his arms up in anger.
“Not you.” He corrects quietly to you before sitting down on the steps, officially done with everyone and everything. You and Klaus follow him.
“Hey, now I know why you’re so uptight: you must be horny as hell! I mean, all those years alone together, did you-”
“Oh my god.” You mutter quietly, hands coming to your face in attempt to hide the redness start to come in your cheeks. Five scoffs before teleporting the both of you away attempting to hide his own.
“I have an errand to do, you need to go home and get some rest.” He instructs, placing you in front of the academy doors. Before you can protest, he presses a soft kiss to your lips and blinks away.
Bro I got half of these lines wrong don’t come @ me my brother was hogging the TV 😭
Taglist: @manicpixieboysherlock @thetrashcannot @oceanspray5 @myunngi @lovinparkers @mutantandprou-d @fancytravelerbird @whenyouregrungeaff @tuashenanigans @singingcroissants @im-here-for-fanfics
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Butterflies (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Butterflies Rating: PG-13 Length: 1900 Warnings: Pining.  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in  June 1988.  Summary: Reader spends an evening out with Connie and Steve. 
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“So,” Connie started with a coy look, “Steve tells me you’ve caught the eye of a certain someone at work.”
You tensed, ever so slightly, as you brought the beer bottle to your lips and took a sip. “We’ve just had one date.”
“Oh, so it was a date?” She wiggled her brows. “That sounds like there might be another date, doesn't it, Steve?” Connie questioned, nudging him in the ribs. 
You shot Steve a withering look. You had explicitly told him not to go running his mouth about your date. And that meant Connie. 
“Who needs a refill? Oh, look you do, honey.” Steve remarked as he picked up Connie’s empty wine glass and retreated towards the bar. 
“I told him not to tell anyone.” You explained to Connie as she met your gaze with a questioning look. “You know how I feel about dating coworkers.” The uncomfortable conversation the Murphys had roped you into after you started working for the DEA was still fresh in your mind a year later. 
“But he’s not really your coworker.” 
“I see him at work!” You huffed a little, folding your arms across your chest. “Sure, he’s more of a work-adjacent associate.” You shrugged your shoulders, “I just want to keep this whole thing on the downlow for now.”
Connie looked so excited for you. It actually kinda made your heart hurt a little. She truly wanted the best for you — and everyone, really. And at least now she wouldn’t keep trying to find you a date. 
“Is there something to keep on the downlow?” 
You rolled your eyes and took another swig of beer, “We’re going hiking this weekend.” 
“Okay, I have to ask,” Connie started, “Did you guys sleep together?”
“Really?” You let out an exasperated sound, sinking back against the booth. “No. Okay? We did not sleep together.” 
“I’m so proud of you.” She slid out from her side of the booth and moved to join you on yours. “I’m not going to judge you for how you live your life but—”
“Sounds like you’re about to.” You side-eyed her. 
“I’m not. But I am glad that you might’ve found someone to settle down with.” 
“We have had one date, Connie. One. Date.” Your brows drew together as you turned to look at her. “I don’t know how things work in West Virginia, but…” 
“Oh, shut up!” Connie laughed, squeezing your arm as she leaned against you. “We should double date.” 
“Maybe.” You shrugged. “I meant it when I said I’m trying to keep this thing on the downlow, okay?” 
Steve returned then, sliding into the booth across from the two of you. “You two through talking about the suit?”
“You’re as bad as Javier.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “Lance is a perfectly decent person.” He was actually pretty fantastic, in your book. He was a charmer, that was for certain. A little bit of a southern accent that really suited his smooth way of talking. Strong jaw, pretty blue eyes. 
The only thing wrong with him was the fact that Javier hated him. Steve did too, but Javier… really hated the guy. 
The funniest thing was the fact that you were dating Lance because of Javier. If he hadn’t pointed out that he didn’t like the way the ‘CIA suit’ was looking at you, you wouldn’t have noticed that Lance was hitting on you. You tried to keep work and your personal life separate. It was hard to do that in Colombia, where your work friends had become your only friends. 
Javier had no idea that he had put Lance on your radar as a potential boyfriend. Boyfriend. It was such a juvenile term, but Lance had already put that out into the universe. It had actually been sweet. After your date, he’d walked you home, kissed your cheek, and told you that he would be honored with the chance to be your boyfriend. 
But it put you in a weird position. Javier hated Lance. He hated the CIA, in general, but Lance really seemed to piss him off.  Every time you were stuck in a joint department meeting, Javier would seethe over every fucking word Lance said. Not that it would just stop after the meeting. 
You were pretty fucking nervous about letting Javier find out about you and Lance. That was the sole reason you’d told Steve. You wanted to know what he thought would happen when Javier found out. But the man was a wild card sometimes and, as Steve pointed out, you tended to be on the same page as him. 
Which meant there was every chance you might lose Javier. And that prospect really sucked. Who else was going to talk telenovelas with you? 
Steve drummed his fingers against the table, shaking his head, “Let’s make one thing clear right now. I am not as bad as Javier. If you’re happy, that’s all that matters.” 
You smiled at him, “Thank you.” 
“We’ll have to have both of you over soon,” Connie suggested. “Once you’re ready to be more public about your relationship.” She nudged you in the ribs, “Don’t worry about whatever issue Javier has. You’re living your life, not his.” 
“Yeah.” You chewed on your bottom lip as you finished off the last of your beer. “You know, we’ve got an early morning, Steve. I think I’m gonna head home.” 
“Already?” His brows rose upwards. “Alright, well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Are you okay?” Connie questioned as she slid out of the booth so you could get out. 
“I’m just tired.” You admitted and you were. But you also really didn’t want to have this conversation. “Five gets here fast.” 
She hugged you, “I really am happy for you.” 
“Thank you,” You squeezed her back. “See you in the morning, Murph.” He offered him a mock salute, before you headed to the bar to close out your tab. 
It felt stupid to run, but you really didn’t want to talk about your fledgling relationship with Lance. If you weren’t careful, Connie would already have your wedding and honeymoon planned by the weekend. 
You really liked him too. He’d been an absolute gentleman during the date — the kind of gentleman that made the butterflies in your stomach swarm just from thinking back on it. It had been awhile since you felt that kind of giddy. 
 Sleep was not your friend. Every time you started to fall asleep, your mind would present some new topic for you to stress about. Currently, it was Javier. Of course it was Javier. As if he wasn’t constantly on your mind recently, as you mulled over whether or not you’d lose his friendship. Nights like this one was precisely why you didn’t want to lose him. 
You threw off your covers and padded barefoot out of your bedroom, grabbing the phone off the side table. You caught ahold of the cable, keeping it from snagging on the edge as you sat it down on the sofa beside you. 
You curled your legs beneath you as you sank back against the sofa, turning the TV on and seeking out whatever telenovela was on at one in the morning. You tucked the phone between your shoulder and your ear as you dialed a familiar phone number. 
It took two rings before he picked, “Hello?”
“Hey,” You offered quietly. “I hope I didn’t wake you up.” 
“You didn’t,” Javier assured you, though his voice sounded rather exhausted. 
“Amar y Vivir is on.” 
“Yeah?” Javier questioned, before you heard the rustle of Javier’s hand covering the receiver. “Hang on a second.” The line went quiet. He’d clearly sat the phone down. You could barely make out the sound of voices — his and a woman’s — though both were distant and muffled. 
He clearly hadn’t been up. 
You were a second away from hanging up, before Javier returned. “Sorry about that, company just left.” He sighed heavily, “What’s this about Amar y Vivir?”
“Javier, you didn’t have to kick the poor woman out at one in the fucking morning to talk telenovelas with me.” 
“It’s fine.” He assured you. “She’s already gone and I’ve already got the TV on.” He sighed heavily and you could almost picture him dragging his fingers through messy hair. 
“I still can’t believe they chose to show a car bombing,” You stated, veering your mind away from the direction it was headed. “In the current political climate? It was ballsy.” 
“I’m impressed Escobar hasn’t found a way to permeate the telenovelas yet.” Javier offered with a chuckle, “There’s nothing he won’t use to his advantage.” 
“Don’t ruin novelas for me, Javi. You can’t make them about work.” 
Javier snorted, “You’re the one who brought up car bombs, baby.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not your baby.” 
“You got a preference for something else, baby?”
“No.” You laughed softly. “It’s fine.” 
“That’s what I thought. “Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth, before sighing heavily. “You know, this isn’t a half-bad novela. I still think them having a kid was an odd choice.” 
“I don’t know. He’s got his enterprise, she’s got her music.” He paused for a moment, humming thoughtfully. “I dunno. They just didn’t strike me as the parenting type.” 
“I guess I get that,” You shrugged. “Her own parents weren’t the best.” You grew quiet and realized you were listening to the sound of Javier breathing, instead of focusing on what Irene was singing on the screen. “Javi, have you fallen asleep?”
“No.” He answered, though you weren’t entirely convinced. 
“You’re asleep aren’t you?” 
Javier exhaled slowly, “Maybe.” 
“Javi, just go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” 
“You know I’m…” He trailed off, growing quiet again. It sounded like maybe the phone had slipped out of his hold. “I’m always going to answer the phone for you.” 
Which was a silly thing to say, considering he had no way of knowing that it was you calling him. “I hope that’s the truth, Javi.” You whispered, even though you knew he couldn’t hear you now. “I really hope you’re still going to answer when I call.” 
You started to put the phone back on the cradle, but you paused. Maybe he’d wake back up and expect you to be on the other line still. You stretched out on the sofa, tucking the pillow under your head. 
This might be the last time Javier would stay up — or fall asleep — watching telenovelas with you. Even sleeping, you weren’t quite ready to let that go. Just in case, you lost this. 
But Connie was right. You weren’t living his life, you were living your life. 
Lance wasn’t going anywhere. 
If Javier cut you off, it would hurt like hell but you weren’t going to let it hold you back. That wasn’t you. You’d jumped through every arbitrary hurdle, you’d been met with thanks to men, and the last thing you were going to do was let Javier’s bad attitude hold you back from something that had the potential to be great. 
You heard a rustle on the other end of the line and you brought the phone back to your ear, “Javi?”
“Sorry, I uh…”
“Fell asleep?”
“Yeah.” He laughed nervously. “I’m awake now. I’m not going anywhere.”
You really hoped that was true. 
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angels17324 · 4 years
The Violet Paladin (Keith x Reader) Ch. 15
Hows quarantine treating everyone? I know I don’t have to explain myself on not posting but guys I want you to know I am a health care worker I’ve been at work for almost 10 hours a day everyday for the last two weeks on both days and nights. So I love you all I know I am trying to keep writing but its hard. Guys if you don’t need to go out please don’t stay home find some new fics to binge read or shows to obsess over I don’t want to lose anyone to this virus.  Word Count:   Update Schedule: Unknown (Im gonna try and set myself a goal of updating on  Wednesdays call me out if I forget guys!!) [Masterlist] [Prev] 
When I got back on the castle I learned that Shiro would be in one of the healing pods for a while. I still hadn’t told them anything about what happened, but I’d rather tell them at the same time then one by one. We were all in the healing bay watching Shiro.
“Is he okay?” Hunk asked when we heard Shiro groaning. 
“Sometimes the healing process causes involuntary brain waves,” Allura explained. 
“It looks like he’s having a bad dream,” Hunk mumbled. 
“He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards, what dream could be worse than that?” Keith asked. We all waited for a short while longer before he started to wake up. We had all gathered closer and smiled at him when he opened his eyes. He told us about having a dream of a Galra soldier helping him and some coordinates in his arm. 
We waited for Shiro to get dressed before walking down to the green lions hanger. Lance was filling Shiro in on what had happened with him and Hunk and Mermaids? I wasn’t really sure, I was just thankful the attention wasn’t on me, I don’t even know how I’m going to tell them. 
“(Y/n)?” I heard Hunk called out. 
“Huh?” I looked to see everyone was staring at me. 
“You were kind of zoned out there,” Lance looked me. 
“Oh…” I breathed. 
“You know you’ve been acting really weird since you got back, you’re the only person who never shared what happened while we were all separated,” Pidge crossed her arms. 
I sighed, I was going to have to tell them sooner or later and I might as well just get it over with, “I don’t really even know where to start,” I stated. “A lot happened honestly,” I guess I should just ease the information in. “Well, I guess I can start with I crashed onto this planet where I was met by a girl who ended up being the planets princess,” I said I wasn’t trying to be vague but I’m still not sure how they will take it. “She ended up taking me to the queen, where I found out I was on the home of the original Violet Paladin, and at first the queen wasn’t very happy learning that I was the new paladin,”
I explained a bit of what I learned like how they had closed of all communication with the rest of the universe, and how the only reason I think they hadn’t been attacked is because in the Archives I learned that they never shared the location of their planet with anyone. Coran shared that not even Alfor or any of the other original paladins had been to the planet and that I was the first ‘outsider’ I bite my tongue to hold back from correcting him at least yet. “Okay but none of that explains why you’ve been acting weird,” Pidge said ever observant she is. 
“It might just be easier to show you then tell you.” I pulled out my phone I had snapped a photo of the picture that the Queen showed me and I showed it to the group. 
“It looks like you, but it’s not,” Pidge state. 
“Is this some creepy twin in space thing?” Lance asked. 
“No, how do I put this… it’s true it’s not me, but it’s also not a twin thing… I mean, except the actual picture in this is over 28 years old.” I explained, I could almost see the wheels turning in their heads. “It’s my mom!” I exclaimed not really being able to take it anymore. 
“How!” Pidge was the first to speak up since she was the only person here to ever meet my mom. 
“Wait what?” Lance was the next one to speak up. I explained to them as much as I knew which still wasn’t much other then the fact that she was the queen’s little sister. It felt so much better to have this off my chest. We continued to the hanger to find out what if anything was in Shiro’s arm. The whole way down Lance kept questioning me about everything, I was kind of annoyed but I just ignored him. 
While we were waiting for Pidge to find the coordinates I just kept thinking about everything that's happened. I wonder if my mother would have ever told me about this? And if that was why she was mad that I had joined the garrison.
 Eventually Pidge found the coordinates, but Allura didn’t seem too happy about trusting something from the Galra but we went ahead and used a  wormhole to get to the base. In front of us were these large crystals they were kinda cool. 
“Well this is it. No signs of life, living or otherwise.” Coran said. “I don’t want to bring the castle any closer those xanthorium chucks contain highly unstable nitrate salts even bumping one can blow us straight to Wozblay,” Okay slightly less cool. 
“Are you sure this is right?” Shiro asked. 
“These are the coordinates Number Six gave me.” Coran said.
“Hey! My decryption is solid,” Pidge defended glaring at Coran. 
“We’ve gotta be missing something,” Shiro said. We ended up waiting a few minutes before alarms began blaring. 
“There’s an intruder in the Castle!” Coran shouted. Allura found him on level five. We all suited up and went down. We each began running through the halls to find this guy. Lance was the first to find him. I began to head back towards Lance listening to Corans commentary. Next they ran by Pidge. I soon found him dragging Pidge and being followed by Lance, and I joined following them. 
Then Hunk who somewhat blasted at us. We all chased him but kinda lost him as he ran towards Keith. That was the only good part of Coran’s commentary is we knew where this guy was. By the time Hunk, Lance and I caught up with Keith was quite literally hurled at us knocking the four of us down. 
We watched as Shiro and the guy were at each other’s throats before they both backed down. And that’s when Allura slammed him into the wall. When Shiro explained that the guy was the Galra soldier he’d remembered. 
We eventually had him chained up in our common room. Ulaz was apparently a Galra soldier in this secret underground revolution called the Blade of Marmora. The coordinates we had were actually corrected its just the base was hidden in a space fold. Honestly you could feel the tension between everyone from Allura’s mistrust of Ulaz, to the rest of us kinda being on the same side as her, except Shiro. 
Everyone except Lance, Allura, and Coran took the Red Lion to the base. We learned that they had several members in the ranks of Zarkon’s army including his main ship which is why we got away last time. Pidge asked about her family, which Ulaz agreed to transfer prison data to the castle of lions. 
“What’s that weapon you carry?” Keith asked. 
“It’s a ceremonial blade that each of our members carry,” Ulaz explained. “Oh, nice,” Keith said. Alarms began blaring again. We opened a screen to see another one of those stupid robeasts, but how did it find us this time? Before we left, Ulaz gave Shiro coordinates. Allura blamed Ulaz for us being found, but this time I think I agree with Shiro I don’t think Ulaz told Zarkon we were here. 
We waited in our lions but soon the fight was on. But this thing was nearly impossible to beat, it sucked in the crystals before blasting us, or it tried to suck us in. Ulaz left after the base was revealed… maybe he’s not one of the good guys. No time for that though as the beast tried to suck in the castle. We managed to stop that, but our plan to blow it up after didn’t work. It tried to suck us in again. 
“I’m going to take this down from the inside!” We heard Ulaz call. 
“No let us handle this!” Shiro tried. 
“Voltron is too important,” was the last thing he said to us before he flew into the beasts mouth, just as we thought it didn’t work it started to fold in on itself. He opened a space pocket inside the beast.
When we returned to the castle no one seemed in too high of spirits. I decided to walk around for a bit too maybe clear my head. So much has happened in the last couple of days its been a lot to process. Honestly, how long had it been since we’d left earth? It didn’t seem like that long but there was no day in night in space, we had a schedule but it was more like we slept for a few hours and we stayed up until we were ready to pass out. 
I finally decided maybe going to bed would be the best option right now to clear my mind. I slowly walked down the hall being quiet because I’m sure everyone else is probably trying to sleep now. I was almost to my room when I noticed Keith in front of my door. 
“You need something?” I asked. 
“Oh yeah, I just wanted to talk,” He said.
“About?” I wondered what he wanted to talk about. 
“A few things actually,” He said. “Would you mind if we went in my room for a minute?” I blushed a bit at the request but nodded I did tell him we could talk if he ever needed to. We went to his room. We both sat on his bed. 
“Alright what’s up? I’m not the only one who’s been acting kind of weird lately you’ve gotten more reckless,” I said noting his behavior from the last few days? Weeks? But it was more than that almost like he was also being protective. “Remember that sword Ulaz had?” He asked.
“Yeah, you seemed pretty interested in it,” 
“Well it’s because of this,” Keith pulled out a dagger from under his pillow, it had a weird marking, kinda like Ulaz. 
“Where or how’d you get it if you don’t mind my asking?” I looked at him. “I’ve kind of always had it, I thought it was weird but now it's even weirder because the marking is similar to Ulaz,” Keith explained. “That means the Galra were on earth at some point,” 
“But Ulaz also did say that only the Blades of Marmora had them,” I said. “And I’d reason that if my mom and possibly my dad made it to earth without being detected by the garrison then who’s to say someone else couldn’t? And for all we know, maybe it was imbedded in a meteorite or something and your parents found it and thought it was cool,” 
“You might be right,” He smiled a bit. 
“What else do you want to talk about?” I asked. I could tell there was something else, we didn’t know about the Blades until today so he hasn’t been acting weird because of that. 
“Oh, well, how do I put this…” He said looking down. 
“Keith-” I was cut off, I was so shocked Keith was kissing me! 
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@somebodytouchedmysaeran @ittie-bittie-tittie @izabellah816 @zanysouleggstudent @rickxreader1shots @chewymoustachio
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angstalottle · 5 years
Lana On The Case
Part 3
Lana knew she shouldn’t have been expecting much, especially after spending the last week lying in bed stewing in her own filth and misery.
That didn’t change the fact that her current appearance still shocked her.
Her skin had gained an ashen quality about it and dark circles under her eyes.
She was sure is Red hadn’t practically force fed her she was have lost much more weight then she already had.
She felt drained and heavy, like her life was sucked out from her when Hannah left her…
Keith showing up had given her a small glimmer of excitement perhaps even hope but as soon as he was gone and she was left alone to her thoughts they turned right back to the fact that her best friend was gone from her life forever.
That thought hurt even more than knowing her sweet wonderful Hannah killed people.
Job offer or not Lana likely would have spent the rest of her life lying in her bed if her aunties hadn’t decided to do something about it.
One moment she's dozing staring into space, the next Blue has pulled her covers away while Re dumped a bucket of warm soapy water over her.
The two manhandled her out of bed and into some clean clothes before giving her two options.
One was to stay cooped up inside and suffer through them inviting every nosey friend they could think of over to omard her with questions and pinched cheeks followed by of course the dreaded relationship advice that everyone over a certain age believed they knew.
Or go down to the police station and actually do something with her life/
Though neither option was particularly fun in the end Lana chose to go out mainly because Red had also made a swinging joke which of course practically sent her bolting through the door.
The police station like everything else in the village was only a short walk away from the Altea estate, you could get pretty much anywhere by cutting through the large gardens that have unfortunately fallen into a state of disrepair.
The lady of the manor had died when Lana was away and since then the place hadn’t been the same, like some of the beauty of the world left when she did.
As far as she knew the only daughter of the family Allura was away for school or something while her father worked in London.
Lana had fond memories of Allura, being a few years younger then the girl and quite a bit poorer, she always seemed like this fairy princess that could have anything or do anything.
Looks like not even princesses could escape tragedy.
Lana hiked up her skirt as she climbed over the thick mess of weeds and flowers careful not to disturb anything as she passed through.
Even if everyone took the shortcut it was an unsaid rule that you were not to disturb the gardens or ever go close to the house.
Of course when Lance got her foot caught in a bramble and fell face first into the ground she broke that rule by flattening at least a dozen flowers beneath her.
“Oh dear are you alright?” A woman wearing a veil and long white gloves asked as she hurried over from the main house.
Odd appearance aside what really caught Lana’s attention was her snow white hair. A characteristic that was common amongst the Altean family.
Going off her build she could have been anywhere between 20-30 but without the face or hands it really was impossible to tell.
Lana felt her cheeks burn as she pulled herself up and dusted herself down frowning at the rip that now worked its way up her blue skirt.
The woman put her hands on her dress and examined the rip tutting softly “we really must get the gardener back in this place really has fallen to ruin.”
Now that she was closer Lana could smell the sweet scent of roses coming off her in such a large volume it would almost be suffocating if they weren't outside.
“Do you work here?” Lana asked trying to swallow her embarrassment while this strange woman kept hold of her skirt.
One strong breeze and she would see next weeks washing.
The woman chuckled “not exactly. I used to live here I never actually planned on returning but in light of my father's disappearance I suppose I didn’t have much choice.”
Lana couldn’t help but flinch, since what Hannah did came to light any case of men running off in the middle of the night or simply not returning after a day out is now considered suspect.
Their still digging up all the bodies and people have been flocking from all over in search of their missing husbands, fathers and brothers.
Lana then realised something very important.
Mainly that if Alfor was missing and this woman was his daughter then it must have been Allura!
Lana couldn’t see her face but she imagined a smile on those pretty pink painted lips she used to know very well.
“That’s me, im sorry but who are you?”
Lana had her suspicions of course that this was all a scam, someone swooping in to steal the Altean family fortune, but she wasn’t really in the mood for any other mysteries right now.
That and according to Keith she was pretty forgettable.
“Oh im Lana… I used to play with you in the garden as a kid.”
“Oh my i'm so sorry Lana, im afraid my memory hasn’t been that good since the accident. She gestured to her veil and gloves “I got caught up in the Blitz and i'm afraid my appearance paid a higher price then by mind.”
Lana felt guilt crawl into her stomach, well at least she didn’t outright accuse  her of being a con artist. Besides Coran was a dear friend of the family, there's no way someone would be able to just take over Allura’s life without him noticing.
“Im sorry, I didn’t realise.”
Allura waved her off finally letting go of her skirt “don’t worry about it, ive made my peace with my situation, it is a tad lonely though, people aren't exactly eager to visit the manor these days.” She sounded so sincerely sad that Lana couldn’t help but feel for her.
She knew what it was like to lose everything because of a situation out of her control, the war had stolen many things from them, Lana was lucky to keep her beauty at least.
“Well then I suppose I have no choice but to come round for tea, I would invite you to my aunts cottage but they tend to get too excited around anyone they used to know.”
Lana gave her the best smile she could manage and was rewarded by Allura taking her hands and kissing them.
Once again her face turned an interesting shade of red.
“That sounds simply wonderful Lana, how about Thursday at 8 o'clock?”
Lana had lost her ability to form words so simply nodded earning her a small chuckle in response.
“I don’t want to keep you if your busy so ill just see you Thursday?” Allura asked startling Lana out of her stupor.
“Yes I should go, but i'll erm see you then I promise.”
Lana stuttered deciding it was best to continue on her way before she made an even bigger fool of herself so mustered up what grace she had to give an awkward curtsy realising that was dumb halfway through and instead turned and hurried on her way hitting herself muttering “stupid stupid stupid” over and over again until she finally arrived at the police station.
As expected of a small town the police station was fairly quiet this time of day home only to the drunks that were picked up the night before and only now being released to go back to their family or in some cases the church.
Of course one would expect it to be much busier with the number of bodies being dug up but unfortunately since Hannah left and it became national news the investigation had been taken over by some fancy out of state law enforcement that walk around in nice suits and a stuck up attitude to match their overall pompous appearance.
Going off the sour atmosphere in the station no one was too pleased to have the villages first ever big case stolen from under them.
Lana did her best to smile politely as she made her way to reception preparing herself for awkward small talk with someone she really hoped wouldn't recognise her.
“Hello im here-”
“If you got a crime to report fill out the form if not get lost.”
The woman behind the desk looked too young to be working, her slight frame and big doe eyes making her seem like she couldn't be much older than 15 but then again looks can be deceiving. Like the fact that despite wearing big round glasses and squinting at a book in front of her the glass within the frame appeared to be purely decorative and not actually serve any function.
Lana cleared her throat “no actually i'm here about the job. Im expected.”
This time she at least bothered to look up from her book and glanced Lana up and down “what they replacing me with some tramp, i've worked here ten years and they bring in some totty to take my job”
Lana quickly held up her hands feeling actually pretty threatened by this tiny angry lady “no! No i'm the new consultant im supposed to be working with Keith and-”
“Oi Keith! Some broad here says shes your new partner!” She yelled and just like that, all eyes were on her.
Lana smiled awkwardly at them really wishing a hole would appear beneath her and swallow her up whole so she could escape this situation.
However the only thing the universe sent her was a very flustered keith running in from the back.
He was carrying a stack of papers and had that god awful mullet tied back in a ponytail that honestly didn't look half bad on him.
“Thanks Katie i can take her from here.” Keith dropped the papers on her desk “Also Griffin needs you to file these for him.”
“He could do it himself” Katie grumbled grabbing the papers and flicking through them “he didn't even bother filling some of these out!”
Keith quietly grabbed Lana’s arm and pulled her towards him as Katie got distracted with her angry mutterings “Sorry about her, she's just pissed that her dad lost his job to a hot shot whos dad just happens to be a governor.”
“Ah where would be be without nepotism” Lana chuckled letting Keith led her back into a small office where five other people were sat. She assumed the cells were behind one of the closed doors and perhaps the archive room behind another.
It had been a long time since she had been back here, it was certainly before the war was even a possibility and she had broken the wrong persons window and ended up having to wait for her mother by Corans desk.
People tend to say that places from your youth always seem so much smaller when you visit them again. Until now Lana wasn't really sure she bought into that nostalgia fueled nonsense.
But seeing the row of chairs her feet used to dangel off while she prepared an excuse for her behaviour for her furious mother now looked like they would fall apart if she just got too close let alone sat on one.
At least not all the changes were bad. Coran really did deserve that nice office and the title Detective neatly painted above his name.
“You know I was starting to think you wouldn't be coming” Keith said as they came to what Lana assumed was his desk. It was a little away from the others and scattered with paper work in various states of finished. It lacked much personality beyond a couple of knives and oh boy keith standing next to an incredibly attractive man that Lana realised fairly quickly must have been his older brother.
“To be honest i wasn't sure either, my life kinda went to hell but Aunt Blue and Red practically shoved me out of the door.”
Keith chuckled in response as her perched on the edge of his desk “that sounds about right. Though I hate to say it but you've kind of come on boring day. Everyones so desperate for something to do that their even taking the grunt work from me.”
“So what your just sitting around all day?” Lana asked right as a hand collided with her behind.
Lana likes to think herself an understanding woman. Or at least she tries to ever since the instadent where what she thought was a gropper on a train turned out to be a blind man having dropped his cain. So rather then turning around and grabbing the arm of whoever just did that to break over her knee she calmly turned to them.
She came face to face with a tall man that she unfortunately recognised.
James Griffin top of the class when they went to school together and by far the most arrogant man she ever met. And that was before he got a cushy job thanks to his dad.
Lana glared up at him giving him a chance to apologize or say he had mistaken her for his girlfriend that was into that kind of thing.
Instead he just smirked “wow Keith how did you find yourself this hot piece of ass.”
Ok she was going to break his nose now.
Unfortunately before she got the chance keith stepped in front of her “don't talk to her like that Griffin, Coran hired her himself as a consultant and i'm sure he wouldn't take that kind of behaviour.’
James rolled his eyes but did visibly tense as he shot a glance at the closed office door. “Whatever. This whole thing is just for press, whoever heard of a woman police officer. Their far too emotional.”
“Last I checked you were the one that cried when i kicked you in the nuts as kids.” Lana huffed crossing her arms.
“Ah buck teeth Lana! My my you did fill out nicely. How about after work I take you out?” Jame smiled looking her up and down in a way that made her skin crawl.
“How about I tell your mother that you slap my ass, if i remember right she was a reasonable woman.”
Oh how quickly his attitude changed. He swallowed whatever response he had ready and scurried off to his office next to Corans.
“What a creep.”
“Yeah but a rich one.” Keith sighed “you ok?”
“Yeah just kinda pissed i didn't get to make that jerk squeal like in highschool.” Lana noticed a small smirk appear at the corner of keiths lips at that and decided to take it as a win even if she could still feel his disgusting hand on her.
Unfortunately the next few hours were not as exciting.
Lana pulled up a chair across from Keith and kept herself busy by flicking pieces of paper at him, an activity that he avoided joining in with for exactly ten minutes.
They were so wrapped up in their game that they didn't notice coran standing next to the desk until after Keith made the winning shot and jumped up to let out a victory cry.
“It's nice to see you've found a way to keep miss Mclain here entertained during our slow day.” Coran chuckled as Keith startled and quickly cleared his throat trying to hide the blush quickly creeping up his face.
“Detective i can explain”
Coran held his hand up quickly cutting him off “no need, I understand the importance of a bit of fun to avoid dying of boredom. The time for that has now sadly passed im sending you to look into a missing persons cases.”
Keith and lana exchanged a look, while lana’s was excitement Keiths was confusion.
“Sir while im happy for a case why not give it to someone else? Im sure all the others would kill for a case right now.”
Coran simply chuckled to himself handing over a case file “because Kogane your the only officer here I trust not to get side tracked while investigating. That and i'm sure Lana here will make sure your eyes don't wander too far.”
Lana wasn't really sure what he meant by that until they got to the scene of the crime.
Or as everyone else calls it the ‘Galra Gentlemens Club’.
When the club first opened it was met with outcry from the church and the school boards and well anyone with too much time on their hands.
Now after being open for more than a decade, those same people have become the most lucrative clientele, who know stuck up prudes could have such deep pockets for the sinful arts.
Keith had kindly offered to give Lana a ride on the handlebars of his bike since the club was located uphill from the station and there was no way the poor old police car would make it up the whole way. Apparently a replacement was on its way but they had been promising it since before the war.
Lana had of course told Keith that while she appreciate the offer she would find the very idea outlandishly improper, so of course made him ride the handle bars while she put her years of missing the bus and not wanting to be late training to good use.
After a quick check with her compact and a nod to Keith they entered the club.
Lana was no stranger to Gentlemens clubs, she had been to more than a few during the war to meet with people who were usually a lot more willing to give up information when they had a few drinks in them.
This club was no different, everything was a sickening deep purple as if the colour alone could make it classy or hide the disturbingly prominent wet patches on the couches.
Lana tried her very best not to stare at the men already here this early on a weekday morning and instead focused on following Keith back to see the manger.
“Just let me do the talking, guys like this aren't always that nice to women” Keith whispered as he knocked on the door and it swung open to not show a greasy man but instead a very tall muscular woman with short black hair wearing a suit.
Lana felt her mouth go dry just looking at her.
“A-are you the manager here?” Keith asked clearly feeling equally intimidated and aroused as Lana was.
“Yeah i am, who wants to know?” She asked leaning against the doorway and looking down at him. Her gaze however moved quickly from keith to Lana and a smile spread across her face.
“Usually we don't hire new talent outside of auditions but for  a beautiful girl like you im willing to make an exception.”
“I” Lana squeaked finding herself speechless for the first time in a long time.
Thankfully Keith came to her rescue before she could actually contemplate working for this greek god of a woman.
“Actually we came from the police station. You called about one of the dancers going missing?”
The woman nodded and stepped back into the room hurrying them inside before closing the door.
“Yeah my best girl Ezor, she was seen leaving the club last week but no one has seen her since.”
“Does she often disappear like this? Perhaps to visit a gentleman caller miss...?” Keith asked pulling out a notebook while Lana looked around the office.
“Zethrid…. And trust me she's not the sorts to make house calls.”
It was fairly empty save for a punching bag in the corner and a few pictures on the walls. Most of them were group shots of all the dancers in costumes. But those actually on the desk seemed only to contain Zethrid and a slim woman with pink hair tied in a high ponytail. It was just the two of them over and over again smiling like they didn't have a care in the world.
“Is this Ezor here?” Lana asked picking up one picture showing the two in the park, judging from the bunting and celebrating in the background it was the day the allie ‘won’ the war.
Zethrid nodded “yeah that's her… we actually live together and yeah she disappears sometimes but never for this long and never without contacting me.”
“Is it possible she ran off with a sweetheart?” Keith asked taking the picture.
“She wouldn't. I know she's been taken its the only explanation.”
Something told Lana that this relationship was deeper than friendship “The last night she was seen, was there anything unusual happening?”
Zethrid thought for a moment “now that you mention it there was a black car parked outside the club all day. I didn't give it much mind incase it was a customer trying to work up the nerve to come in but it left right after she did.”
“Did you happen to catch the plates?” Keith asked hopefully only to let out a disappointed sigh when she shook her head no.
“But the car was old looking with a dent in the drivers side door.”
Keith noted it down “thanks we will be in touch.”
He led the way out but Zethrid grabbed Lana by the arm before she could leave “please i can't imagine life without her… she's my best friend.”
Lana knew what it was like to lose one of those. So she smiled and put a hand over hers “I promise ill do everything I can to find her.”
Once they were safely outside keith let out a groan “you should promise people anything, it just means you'll get attached to the case.”
“Isn't that the job of a detective though? How can i love a case if i don't care about it?” Lana huffed hitching up her skirt and getting on the bike.
“I'm just saying that it will end up hurting you more if we find her dead in a ditch somewhere.”
Lana rolled her eyes “ever the optimist huh Mullet. Besides we have a lead how many people in town have old black cars?”
“Excluding the police cruiser i'd say seven.” Keith noticed the sceptical look Lana was giving him and rolled his eyes.
“My brother owns the mechanics remember, i help out sometimes and not many people really have cars round here.”
Lana sighed “maybe we should get a second opinion from your dreamy brother.” she batted her eyelashes playfully at him as he climbed onto the handle bars.
“Shut up and pedal we've got a lot of groundwork to do.”
Five hours!
It took five hours to find all the cars, to check for dents and alibis.
In that time Lana fell into two ditches, got attacked by a chicken and the rip in her dress traveled up to past her knee.
As her mother would say she's only some red lipstick away from looking like a whore.
Lana wished she could say that time was well spent and while watching Keith getting chased by an angry family of pigeons that had taken resident in one of the old cars they ultimately ended up on a dead end.
So while the light began to fade and the two slowly walked up to the station the mood was sour.
“It could always have been someone from out of town?” Lana suggested holding the split in her dress to try and keep it from travelling any higher.
“No they would have been too noticeable. If someone from out of town drove through here everyone would know about it by now. We must have missed something.”
Lana shivered in the cool air and was surprised when Keith handed over his jacket without taking his eyes off the path.
The red really did suit him better but the warmth from his body made her feel better.
“We should check surrounding houses tomorrow, maybe one of the cars was taken without the owner realising.”
“And what they dented it and then undented it?’ Keith snorted “no if the dent was fixed it would have had to come through the shop. Shiro may be able to help.”
“I'll try to hide my disappointment” Lana laughed earning her a playful push from Keith which she returned.
The two were laughing and having a moment of fun that when cold hard reality finally came crashing down Lana felt like she had been punched in the face.
Just as they walked in the car they were looking for pulled in behind them.
Old, black and with a large dent on the side.
The only problem was that it was Coran driving it.
39 notes · View notes
court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Bruno ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship
Took out category of Bruno and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Bruno with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon. 
Also ships where a human and one of Bruno’s pokemon have been taken out because again pokephilia. So many people are shipped specifically with his clefablee for some reason
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Bruno w/ a Villian:
Top rated ships: Iapetos, and Tortuga shipping
Bottom rated ships: Battalion, Indistinct, Krypton, and Reprobate shipping
BattalionShipping - Archer & Bruno 0/10 Everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, why the F! Bruh naw I don’t see it. Bruno is too pure for Archer and if anything Archer would just manipulate the Frick out of him.
EquiusShipping - Bruno & Mars 3/10 Mars too! Like seriously she’s everywhere. Eh I mean they both have happy personalities and I could see it working a bit better, but still I dunno how smoothly they’d work together considering life directions. 
GroundworkShipping - Bruno & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni gets around the most out of anyone though, and always has such a dope ship name. Also hahahaha, no, yeah no Bruno too fluffy. 
IapetosShipping - Bruno & Maxie 4/10 Ehhhhh, maaaaybe? I dunno I just they have some more compatibility as others but if they were together it’d be one of those grumpy lad with fluffy muscle boi. 
IndistinctShipping - Bruno & Petrel 0/10 Bruno why would you put Bruno with the trigger happy lad???? No no no danger!!!
KryptonShipping - Bruno & Proton 0/10 Proton is like that guy who wants to murder every npc in the d&d party, naw.
ReprobateShipping - Bruno & Ariana 0/10 Reprobate means someone without morals so Ariana would likely flirt, and Bruno would 100% not realize what’s going on until like they’re in the bedroom and then you’ve got Bruno breaking the door down to leave cause he’s panicking. 
TortugaShipping - Archie & Bruno 4/10 Heh 2 muscle bros? Ok kinda cute, but if anything I think it’d be even cuter as best bro friends that work out, just saying. friends 10/10
Bruno w/ a Champion:
IronRingShipping - Bruno & Steven Stone 6/10 Heh, ok could be cute. I mean Steven’s kinda a wholesome soul, but they’ve both got some shady stuff too it could be kinda cute. 
PotentialShipping - Bruno & Lance 5/10 The name is amazing for this. Eh potential maybe especially with Bruno’s whole mind being scrambled about thanks to Rocket and his early time with Lance getting also lost. But yeah idk maaaaybe?
Bruno w/ an elite:
Top rated ships: StrongestKnight, Control/StrikingIce, and Giant shipping
Bottom rated ships: Bauble, Despondency, and MuscleBurn shipping 
***BaubleShipping - Bruno & Agatha -50/10 Oh gosh plz no, Agatha is the one that made his brain all messed up. He forgives her but he’s not gonna romance her. Plus age gap much?
ControlShipping/StrikingIceShipping - Bruno & Lorelei 9/10 Heck yes please I think this one would be super cute. Again Bruno would kinda have all those memories gone, but at the same time maybe that’d be the sparking point for them talking again. 
DelilahShipping - Bruno & Karen 4/10 HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT’S IT LIKE IN NEW YORK CITY! I’M A THOUSAND MILES AWAY BUT GIRL TON- Anyway so now that’s out of my system, I think it works smoother than Karen and Koga but I still like the vibe of the four of them being like a family with each other. 
DespondencyShipping - Bruno & Will 1/10 I like this less than Delilah cause Karen connects with Koga, and Will connects with Bruno. It’s like they each have their own older mentor to help them with their specific things to adapt to civilian life. 
ForesightShipping - Bruno & Phoebe 3/10 Phoebe gotta go get shipped around with every other human too. Ehhh kinda cute? But there are others I can see her with better. 
GiantShipping - Bruno & Marshal 8/10 Big bois over here flexin! Yeah I think it could be cute. They’re very similar in personality Bruno is just a golden retriever and Marshal is a Rottweiler. I think it’s cute. 
*JourneyShipping - Bruno & Lucian 7/10 The journey they went on was how the frick to read good. Seriously poor Bruno watches this man whip through a book meanwhile he’s struggling cause he keeps forgetting words. I could see it tbh either with Lucian helping him read and they fall for each other, or just friends with one helping the other. 
LaeliaShipping - Bruno & Caitlin 3/10 Eh maybe? I don’t really feel how they'd really hit it off, but they likely would have some fun as friends though. 
MuscleBurnShipping - Bruno & Flint (elite) 2/10 They’re just gonna be 2 nerds screaming at each other and making bad decisions, but Bruno trying to stop Flint. Please let them be friends and make these mistakes.
ReturnShipping - Bruno & Koga 5/10 Yeah ok this swings between cute as flip to but their friendship is cuter! I’m down for either direction. 
StrongestKnightShipping - Bruno & Wikstrom 10/10 YES! This is cute as frick it’s currently being shipped and I love all of it. 2 wholesome bois who also happen to talk kinda odd, and are muscly. Also bless that ship name, get Bruno Armor please.
Bruno w/ a Gym leader:
Top rated ships: Toughie, Bancho, Ataraxia, and TarotSport shipping
Bottom rated ships: IsshinRyu, Kendo, Rurouni, and Zubon shipping
AtaraxiaShipping - Bruno & Gardenia 10/10 Ok when I first talked about who to ship Bruno with one of them was Gardenia and I still ship it. She has the same wholesome soul as Bruno, and energy but with that soft taking care of plants vibe and it’s cute.
BanchoShipping - Bruno & Jasmine 10/10 This is a Jasmine ship that I do enjoy alot more than others. Bruno does well with wholesome folks, and Jasmine really is top tier wholesome levels. Also she maybe small but home girl tough as nails. Watch her sit on his shoulder to see a concert play or other cute things with their size differences.
**BlackbeltShipping - Brock & Bruno 0/10 Don’t really get this one tbh. Like they both take really good care of their pokemon, and that’s about it....
DjinnShipping - Bruno & Roark 2/10 idk why but I’m just imagining Roark and Bruno in the underground Roark mentioning they’ll have to go around awhile to get this place, and Bruno just punches his way through walls to get there. I dunno I just want them as bros. 
DrillSergeantShipping - Bruno & Lt. Surge 2/10 ....Usually I can see Lt. Surge with a fair amount of people, and like they’ve both been through some trauma in their lives so like I should be able to see it but I just can’t???? idk here
**FrostHeaveShipping - Bruno & Brycen 4/10 Weirdly I kinda see it. Idk just let Bruno find out the other has a whole secret life as an actor and gush over trying to keep the secret. 
GestaltShipping - Bruno & Morty 1/10 The name baffles me. Like I’m just saying prt of a whole? What does that mean? Also naw Morty is too salty of a boi.
*GrasshopperShipping - Bruno & Bugsy 0/10 I need someone to confirm Bugsy’s age before I can feel comfortable shipping him with anyone. I’m just imagining Bruno training his young grasshopper, Bugsy, who is trying to get swol!
IsshinRyuShipping - Bruno & Janine -50/100 0_0 Koga would understandably kill him, and there is no way Bruno could see her like that.
KendoShipping - Bruno & Pryce 0/10 Even without the trauma he caused Will and Karen from the manga no. Like age gap wildly bad.
MikageShipping - Bruno & Clair 5/10 Eh could be cute. I see them bonding via beating each other up though in training. 
MontevideoShipping - Bruno & Volkner 2/10 I feel like Bruno would try to cheer him up and then it wouldn’t go over well, and yeah Volkner is just too broody. 
MuramasaShipping - Bruno & Maylene 6/10 Like him and Clair but Maylene is more wholesome so better chance.
RollerDojoShipping - Bruno & Korrina 4/10 Cute but I am more partial to other ships with Korrina so I don’t see it as much. 
RurouniShipping - Bruno & Roxanne 0/10 I still feel weird shipping Roxanne cause idk her age! F it her only ship is Bugsy fite me. Besides she has that know it all vibe and I just feel like Bruno would feel dwarfed cause of his voice tik.
SenseiShipping - Brawly & Bruno 2/10 Freaking Brawly getting around too. Ship name kinda says the dynamic with Bruno as a teacher and Brawly the student. If you’re into that dynamic then I can see it, but for me it’s ehhh. 
SitDownShipping - Bruno & Flannery 7/10 What is this name?! XD I kinda think it’s cute just Flannery screaming as she does to show confidence and Bruno screaming back cause he thinks it’s appropriate and them both being a general mess. 
TarotSportShipping - Bruno & Sabrina 10/10 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It’s cute Sabrina is broody like volkner ye but we’ve also seen she has a soft spot for people that make her laugh and Bruno is one of those guys who’s unintentionally pretty funny. Also this is just April and Andy from parks and rec.
TokyoRainShipping - Bruno & Erika 5/10 She’s super soft and wholesome, and I see it more than other ships with Erika. Ehhh idk on this. 
ToughieShipping - Bruno & Whitney 10/10 HOW OLD IS WHITNEY!? Also frick I really hope she’s an adult cause they have the vibe of, guy who looks like he can and would beat you up but his girl friend is the one who is 100% more willing to throw hands. 
VentifactShipping - Bruno & Falkner 0/10 Falkner and Janine tho. Anyways I don’t see what they’d connect on. 
*VestigeShipping - Bruno & Misty 0/10 Naw Misty is like too abrasive for me. And like I know that’s kinda why I like him and Whitney but the difference is that Whitney hides her savageness. 
YevonShipping - Bruno & Elesa 4/10 Kinda cute can see Elsa introducing him to new fashion and all. But there are other ships with Elsa I think would work better. 
ZubonShipping - Bruno & Chuck 0/10 Chuck has a wife and forgets her all the time. No hurting fluffy Bruno boi like that.
Bruno w/ Professor or prof assistant
HokkaidoShipping - Bruno & Celio 2/10 I......what would they have in common exactly?
***ContemplationShipping - Bruno & Professor Oak 0/10 Bruh Oak???? No yeah like c’mon really, no, just I can’t see them being anymore than friends.
GnosisShipping - Bill & Bruno 5/10 Idk maybe? Like Billy gets into shenanigans what with becoming a pokemon and Bruno trying to help with stuff only to end up with a fussy Bill. Kinda cute.
Bruno w/ Minor GAME npcs:
*PersevereShipping - Bruno & Zinnia 8/10 Please. Give me feral girl with confused boi who’s trying to figure out what her deal is. Also them both having small pink pokemon is cute. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 While I do want to see them on a journey/pilgrimage together I don’t see them coming out of it shipped too easily. 
*PowerHouseShipping - Bruno & Greta 1/10 Wild choice, and she reminds me of all the other punchy hit gals but on the same level of connections Korrina but alot less. 
Bruno w/ Minor ANIME npcs:
OsakaShipping - Bruno & Kathi Lee 2/10 Diantha’s manager huh? I mean they’d be cute but I don’t see it lasting long term with Bruno’s lazy habits here and there. 
*PlayFightShipping - Bruno & Duplica 0/10 I think they’d have a fun dynamic but as friends and nothing romance coming out of that. 
Bruno w/ Orre, or Ranger character
EngrishShipping - Bluno & Bruno 0/10 They are just shipped cause of the names, and I don’t see anything else. 
LoveMuscleShipping - Bruno & Lovrina 0/10 Guess what, bam bah bum, she’s a child! and always acts childish. 
Bruno and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: IndigoLeague, and SelfDefenceAgainstFruit shipping
Bottom rated ships: SecretTechniques, QuizzicalBlackbelt, and Ringside shipping
DawnguardShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Marshal, Korrina & Maylene 10/10 This is just all the punch bois and gals together but with a cool name. Although tbh I am totally here for them all hanging out or all being guards in some au. 
*MayleneFatalFourwayShipping - Bruno, Byron, Crasher Wake & Marshal 9/10 The name gives me concern. Are these just all people shipped with Maylene? Ahhh idk I think they’d be good pals tho catch em all teaching each other Dif training techniques.  GachimuchiShipping - Bruno, Chuck & Crasher Wake 7/10 This is the crash and brash gang, and they will wreck everything mostly on accident. 
IndigoLeagueShipping - Bruno, Koga, Lance, Will & Karen 1000/10 YES! GOOD CREW! great buds, SUPER GREAT LOVE EM!
IndigoPlateauShipping - Bruno, Blue (game), Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 9/10 A good group except for the fact that Agatha traumatized the boi, and Blue can be a butt and wasn’t champion as long. Great group video game wise but story wise kinda hard to play with. 
ISMRSShipping - Bruno, Misty & Yellow (Special) 8/10 I can not figure out what the ISMRS means. I’m gonna see this group as feisty girl, big buff guy, and neutral girl  on an epic adventure! And yea I think it’d be fun. 
OriginalEliteFourShipping - Bruno, Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 10/10 Same thing and indigo plateau. It good but kinda limited, but if nothing else time when they’re all in Rocket you got cool story potential. 
***QuizzicalBlackbeltShipping - Brock, Bruno, Aria (anime) & Felicity 3/10 I wanna break this down for ya we got breeder/gym leader Brock boi, the swellest boi Bruno, a super contest lady, oh and someone who appears as TCG art for the lot game corner. This is a wild amalgamation of characters. 
RingsideShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Crasher Wake & Maylene 5/10 They all train on the beach, that's it that’s the only thing I got for this ship. 
SecretTechniquesShipping - Bruno, Karuta & Koga 2/10 It’s trying to be focused on a ninja ship but I don’t think Bruno is much of a ninja so it feels forced.
*****SelfDefenceAgainstFruitShipping - Bruno, Cherubi, Tropius & berries 420/10 (for meme worthiness, and ship has nothing to do with weed just adding o the meme) I AM AWARE OF WHAT THE REFRENCE IS HERE AND HECK YEAAAAAAAAH, gosh this is a dumb ship the reference btw, it’s 3 minutes long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnjYeHBWvKA 
ShitennouShipping - Aaron (elite), Bruno, Drake (Hoenn), Flint (elite), Grimsley, Koga, Lance, Lucian, Marshal, Sidney, Siebold, Wikstrom, Will, Agatha, Bertha, Caitlin, Drasna, Glacia, Karen, Lorelei, Malva, Phoebe & Shauntal (gen infinite) 10/10 All of the elites, all of them, in one room, and hanging out. Heck ye let em party it up. 
TripleThreatShipping - Bruno, Crasher Wake & Marshal 10/10 Idk why but they feel like the most cohesive punchy bois as a group. 
Bruno’s pokemon shipped w/ other pokemon:
HiddenLegendShipping - Clefable & Suicune (Bruno's & Misty's) 1/10 Did....did Misty get a suicune at some point??? Also hidden legend, are you telling me that clefable is like legendary quality rn. what is this cleanable and I’m confused! MaskFableShipping - Clefable & Yamask (Bruno's & James's) 1/10 I mean Yanmask has some fun personality and I think James and Bruno would have some good friendship but idk how to feel about a ship there. 
StrongFableShipping - Clefable & Snivy (Bruno's & Ash's) 1/10 Please explain to me a thing about why Snivy??? Anyway yeah also when is he gonna see Ash much?? StrongLoveShipping - Clefable & Golem (Bruno's & Bruno's) 10/10 See at least these two can actually see each other often. Also yeah I do think it cuter than most like I mean they can actually be with each other and fluff with big rock boi is cute.  WrestlingFableShipping - Clefable & Hawlucha (Bruno's & Ash's) 3/10 Again when they seeing each other? And I mean kinda like the wrestle bpi and fluffy girl but still how it gonna work?
Other Ships Mun likes 
BandagedknucklesShipping - Bruno & Cheryl 100/10 Look Cheryl is soft and cute. Bruno is soft and a sweet boi. They’d be adorable together I’m just saying. Also Cheryl getting into the chaos she gets into and Bruno being the muscle acting like a body guard to her when she needs it. Cute shiz ok!
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aelsell · 5 years
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Headcanon: Circle of Angst / The Writing Group
[If your muse is interested in the written word, feel free to join them during one of their meetings or maybe send Tilda a manuscript to publish? She takes poems, novels, articles, but no songs. Especially not Lance's songs. (She loves them, she'd just never admit that)]
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. In modern-day Tilda met Wilhelm Reuss ( @meinliied​ ) when he was an exchange student at her small British university. She fell in love with the German in a matter that can only be described as swiftly and fiercely. The relationship between these two was a rollercoaster and tears and curses were shed once he left for home. A summer of wild emotions, Sturm und Drang wie er im Buche steht. After Tilda dropped out of university and returned to her own lake-side home her relationship with Tobias and the drugs he had already lost himself to caused the young girl to wander down a darker path. Only years later she is able to re-discover her passion for literature and writing, healing with every word she puts on paper. Tilda writes a book about her struggles, about the boy she lost and the son she had to give up. It is at that time, with her book being successful and her small independent publishing house growing like a flower in the first days of spring that she reencounters Wilhelm. He helps her to heal, he helps her to write. He falls in love with her all over again. If you know this blog you know the love story of these two and how writer and journalist helped each other to slay inner demons as well as inner critiques.
Tilda manages to reconcile with her son Tristan, finding the same joy for the written word within him. Slowly and surely she and Wilhelm build their little publishing house, encountering friends and allies along the way. A trusted circle of writers, each different in what they like and what they write, forms. A circle that, thanks to Wilhelm, begins to meet monthly in order to exchange, give critique and inspire. A friendship that is filled with more honesty and truth than most for these people show through words not only the inner mechanics of their minds but also the greatest secrets they ever harbored, all desires, all fears, all the love. Tristan's English teacher Lance du'Lac, ( @krxkor​ ) singer and songwriter in his spare time, is the first member to join their little writer-coven. He is fast friends with Tilda's brother Brian ( @aelernil​ ) and even faster friends with Wilhelm. Much to Tilda's despair. Lance is the part of their writing group that always challenges Tilda to outgrow herself, to become better with every word she writes. They have regular shouting matches and if asked separately will always tell you how much they despise each other. They will tell you that Wilhelm and his idea of a writing group is the only thing that can get them in a room together (and parent-teacher conferences in Tristan's school, where Lance is an English teacher). But the truth is that they are more than just vital for the creative process and energy of each other. Tilda cannot grow without Lance challenging her and Lance cannot be honest without Tilda questioning every word he puts on paper. Not with her and surely not with himself. They created some of their best works with the help of the other's critique. The newest and most dramatic member of their circle is Elise Lehmann. They call her damned and divine, for her words come from the heavens but her temper tantrums are something straight out of hell. A former German exchange student she met Wilhelm through a program of their university during which he tutored new students. Elise is more than a decade younger than the rest of the group and has yet to outgrow her angsty-poetry phase. Tilda does her best to explain to the younger woman that the starving artist is an aesthetic they should fight and not defend but she is sure she will one day have to punch that phrase out of Elise with all the violent force of her own pen. Elise is never master of her own emotions, no matter how hard she tries and though that makes her able to write with honesty it also makes her fear the words she put on paper herself. Nothing is ever good enough for Elise and while she is quick to praise the works of her friends she is even quicker to rip her own pages into shreds. Being the runt of the litter she is fiercely protected by everyone else, especially since she despises that. Her friendship with Tilda's son Tristan helps her to mentor the young boy in ways in which Tilda never could. She even once read his poetry to the others, masking it as her own, because Tristan wanted his mother's opinion without asking for it himself. (Lancelot was quick to realize it but stayed silent nonetheless) Corresponding headcanons:
Sir Dancealot (modern)
Lancelot and Tilda
And all falls into place
Elise Lehmann
Not Another Happy Ending AU
Next Gen.
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Thunderstorm -- Shklance
K this is a little late in coming, sorry. it’s one i started ages ago and only just now finished and it is absolutely not beta read so i apologize again, this time in advance for how poorly it’s probably been written. um in other news my boyfriend and i have been talking about marriage and so in addition to everything else stressing me out we’re planning a wedding and by we i mean me and not him and so im just a mess honestly. anyway have a story. and please feel free to send me other prompts please? I’m almost officially out of finished fics, i just have that one shklance series i was kind of working on, an unfinished shklance sugarbaby au and some klance piece that looks like its going to be a multichapter fic except im scared of commitment so now im ignoring it lol. I also have a klance version of this fic that i might finish and post in the future. im also looking to start on a MCU stevetony or stevebucky or stuckony fic if i ever get my crap together *shrug* i think that’s everything i wanted to say so im shutting up, hope you enjoy :)
Thunder cracked ahead, low and booming, threatening. Lance whine and curled up into an even smaller ball, a seemingly impossible task, ye tin his desperation, he managed. He tried to simultaneously clamp a hand dover his mouth and cover his ears with his hands, torn between muffling himself and the terrifying noise from outside. His heart ached. He had once loved thunderstorms – loved the rain, the petrichor, the sight of the angry sea, with its rolling waves, the way the storm seemed to reach deep inside him and tug on his own heart. Snuggling into bed with his parents as a child, and later with all his siblings as he comforted them through the storm as his parents once did for him. But that was before Voltron.
              Before the whole war had started, before all the battles and deaths. Before the fear. Before the explosion.
              After so many months out in space, they’d finally returned to earth, only to encounter a raging thunderstorm. Faced with such dangerous conditions (Allura specifically seemed nervous about flying through the storm) and combined with everyone’s exhaustion (thanks to several skirmishes along the way, and everyone’s lack of sleep from excitement at being so close to home), it was decided that they would each land and wait out the storms in their own lions. Thought, Lance was the only one both awake and alone. Or maybe it just felt like that. But, no, the comms were on. Like any of them would allow anything less, not after finally getting Shiro and Keith back.
              Even over the storm, Lance could make out Hunk’s snoring, so he was out. Pidge’s video feed showed she’d finally knocked out, too. Allura and Coran in Blue were holding a quiet conversation, and though Lance couldn’t hear or see them, he knew Shiro and Keith were sheltered together in Black. Another squeak left him before he groaned again, a few tears slipping from the corners of his eyes. Keith was an entirely different problem. Honestly, would it have killed him to maybe just say hi when he first came back? It wasn’t like Lance was asking for a full-blown makeout session (not that he would’ve said no), he just wanted a hi. Maybe a hug. But noooo. Shiro was always the priority for Keith. Not that Lance could blame him. If it ever came down to him or Shiro, he’d choose Shiro, too. But still… Whatever. It was fine. It was going to be fine. He was going to keep quiet and keep still and when this storm ended he’d clean up and bounce back, ready to get back to Earth with his friends. Moving on. Probably never see Shiro or Keith again, when they went their separate ways, so that’s fine. It was fine. It was –
              There was another crack of thunder and Lance yelped again, sobbing pathetically as he lay helpless on the floor. His comms were muted, thank goodness, but he couldn’t help wishing that the others would care enough to come for him and help him, comfort him in some way. But this was fine. He was going. To. Be. Fine.
              “Lance?” Lance choked down on another sob, hardly daring to believe the whisper he thought he’d heard. No, he’d imagined it. Because he’s just that desperate. And pathetic. Right.
              “Lance.” Lance cracked his eyes open and was able to see the outline of Keith’s face in the dim lights from within Red.
              “Keith?” Damn. His voice was hoarse. So quiet. So pathetic. Ugh. Keith didn’t seem to notice, though, so Lance was grateful to him for that.
              “Red felt uneasy, like something was wrong. She’s not used to dealing with emotions, I think,” Keith tried to joke, but Lance only felt guilt settle heavier on him.
              “Oh. Sorry. I’ll uh. I’ll try to keep it down then, ya?” Lance chuckled, though it came out more like a muffled sob, and more tears fell from his eyes, slipping down his face and across his cheek uncomfortably. He shifted to sit up, wiping the tears off as he did so.
              “Hey, no, that’s not what he meant.” And holy heck was that Shiro? Lance peered up carefully, amazed that not only had Keith come, but Shiro had, too. He saw Keith frown, concern shining in his eyes. Why was he concerned? Lance was fine. Just then, Red growled, sending a shiver through both boys.
              “I didn’t mean that you should hide it, Lance,” Keith continued. “What’s wrong? I thought… I thought you loved the rain. We figured you would’ve been thrilled to spend some time here, so why’re you sad?” Shiro joined in, “Are you happy we’re so close to Earth…? But then… why are you laying on the floor, hiding?”
              Lance watched in fascination, storm around them almost forgotten, as Keith and Shiro rambled on, sometimes even talking over each other in their eagerness to help Lance. It almost didn’t even register in Lance’s mind that they had asked him a question, until he noticed they were both standing above him, looking at him expectantly and with worry.
              “Oh! Um ya I’m great! Perfect! Totally fine!” But another bellow of thunder made Lance flinch back, biting his lip to hold back another whimper. Why did they have to come to talk to him now, of all times? There had been plenty of other opportunities where Lance hadn’t looked like a major crybaby, but hey. Truth hurts and all that. Whatever.
              More thunder rumbled above them, and Lance tried to swallow back the sobs as he turned around a curled up in a ball, at least managing to avoid eye contact with the other two. Or at least, he had avoided eye contact, until Shiro reached down and scooped Lance up into his arms. Lance attempted to squirm at first, but quickly gave in, instead gripping Shiro’s shirt in his fists, clinging tightly and hiding his face in his chest. Shiro soothed his quiet, distressed noises, even as he settled himself on the floor, Lance sideways on his lap, still leaning against Shiro, huddling as close as he could possibly get. Keith sat down next to them, leaning over to stretch Lance’s legs across his own. He massaged the tight, tense muscles, joining Shiro with soft words of comfort and praise.
              Together, the two waited with Lance, waited until the storm had let up and the thunder had faded into the distance. By then, Lance had finally relaxed. Though he still hid, the whimpers had been exchanged for somewhat steady breaths, shaky sighs interspersed amongst them. The room had been so quiet and still for so long that initially it took Keith and Shiro some time to realize that Lance was talking to them.
              “It was the explosion. I know it. Was years ago. I know that. I know I’m stupid. Weak. Pathetic. Shouldn’t still be hung up on such a stu-“
              “Stop.” Keith broke in. “Stop it, Lance, because you’re not stupid. You’re not. You’re incredible. And so, so strong.”
              Shiro nosed at Lance’s hair as Lance paused to take in a deep, shaky breath before continuing as if Keith hadn’t interrupted. “The explosion on the castle. With Coran. The thunder sounds just like it.” And the minute they realized what Lance meant, they were back to touching him, soothing him, quieting him. Reassuring. Because even if they hadn’t quite talked about it yet, Lance was theirs. Keith’s and Shiro’s. The team’s. He had a family that he needed to return to. He belonged to Earth, and to his friends. And they were damn well going to get him there.
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pinkykitten · 6 years
What is that?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Keith x female! reader
Warning: death, planet destroyed
Specifics: romance, fluff, angst, comedy
People: Keith, you, Shiro, Lance, Pidge, Hunk (mentioned), Allura, parents (mentioned)
Words: 1,686
Requested: By anonymously Hi! Hope it’s okay for me to request here! Could you please do a Keith x reader from voltron where the reader is an alien and exceptionally good fighter but she doesn’t know a lot about earth stuff (kind of like Wonder Woman) and Keith falls her and just lots of fluff and Keith being a cute blushy mess? Hope this is okay! Thank you!
Authors Note: hello anon of course u can request here! i luv keith fun fact he was my fav the first time i watched voltron. also i luv wonder woman she is one of my fav superheros she is so amazing! i tried to make this very fluffy as possible srry if this sucks. i also added some angst cuz im depressing✌️ thank u so much for requesting pls guys advice and feedback i do luv so much so just remember that! p.s. srry again for not writing yesterday u all know why so yep srry again! enjoy!
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“C’mon y/n! Is that the best you can do?” 
You placed your sword if front of you, swinging it from side to side with skill. Keith was dodging each blow. 
“I do not wished to be teased by an earthling. I know I can do better, I am just going easy on you.” You giggled, flipping, dodging Keith’s attacks.
Keith raised his eyebrow at your comment. “Try some of this then!” Keith jumped in the air, doing a flip, and landing in front of you. Unfortunately, he would of made it perfect had your leg not been out and tripped him, causing him to fall on top of you. 
“Wow, okay this is awkward,” Keith looked everywhere but into your eyes, blushing at the fact that his body was pressed onto yours. 
You smirked but as Shiro walked in you threw Kieth off of you, muttering, “Earth boys are so shy.”
You stood up to greet Shiro leaving Keith in a blushing mess. 
“Oh crap, why do you like her? I mean like why?” Keith questioned himself in his head while staring at you. 
He liked many attributes of you. You were a great fighter, you were kind, smart, gentle, and a real friend to the team. 
After your discussion with Shiro you went to go take a shower leaving the two men. 
Shiro walked up to Keith, trying to keep his smile at bay. 
“So, you and y/n, are you guys a thing?”
“What? No, ew, stop, no we’re not a thing! Whatever!”
Shiro chuckled and placed a strong hand on Keith’s shoulder. “I think she likes you too.”
Keith’s eyes bugged out, “Seriously? You think she likes me?”
Shiro nodded, “She speaks very fondly of you, about your training, your attitude, heck even sometimes the way you eat.”
Keith giggled and wiped his forehead from the sweat. “Yeah, its an alien thing.”
“You guys would make a great couple. But all I’m saying is, its not bad to want something or someone for yourself. To have something to make you happy. Keith, its not wrong to feel happy.”
Keith bit his lip thinking and stood up, “Yeah, thanks for all of this. I’m gonna hit the showers. See you at dinner.”
Shiro gave Keith a wave. 
After you struggled to turn on the shower for about 10 minutes which Hunk helped you with that. You got yourself ready for dinner. You wore what earthlings call it a t-shirt (which was too big for you), and some 80s sweats. The clothes that you had come in were ripped to shreds and then you remember.
You remembered that you wore your home planet attire when you first met Keith. Your planet was getting destroyed, your whole family perished by the hands of the Galran empire. Tears started coming down your face, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, wiping away the fog from the glass. You remembered you were struggling to fight, to stay alive. Voltron found you. They found you, all battered and bruised with nothing but the ripped up clothes you wore. They offered you to stay with them as long as you wanted. Truth be told you wanted to stay with them forever. They were like family to you. Keith was what made you smile everyday and not think about your devastating parents death. He made you feel at home, peace. 
Tears started to come out more while looking in the mirror. You heard a knock and dressed yourself up quickly. “I’m coming.”
You opened the door and there was Keith. 
“Dinner is- hey are you okay?”
You sniffled and wiped your eyes. “Yeah I am fine earthling. Do not worry about me.”
Keith gave a look of concern as you walked by him to go to the dinner table. 
As you entered the room everyone greeted you. You greeted them with your proper hello from your home planet. That just made you feel homesick. 
“Is something the matter y/n?” Allura asked eating her food. 
You looked up and gave a fake smile. “No its nothing, I think I got what you call shamoo stuck in my eye.”
Every one laughed and you shrugged. “What are you all laughing at?”
Lance, across from you, smiled and said, “silly its not called shamoo, its called shampoo! Shamoo I think is a whale!”
You laughed at your mistake, cherishing these precious moments with your friends. 
While eating dinner you picked up your spoon the opposite way and tried to pick up some of your dish to eat. Keith always sat next to you, helping you out with whatever you didn’t know. 
“Am I doing this wrong?” You grumbled in frustration. “Keith I don’t think this, spoon? Is that what you call it, spoon? I don’t think this spoon works Keith.”
Keith looked to you and flipped the spoon the correct way. “Like this.”
“Oh, I see.” You dug into your food and filled yourself up. 
During your conversations you learned some dishes that were popular to the Alteans. Your mind getting bigger with knowledge of every ones cultures. You learned Lance’s favorite Cuban dish, Hunk’s favorite dessert, Pidge’s favorite drink, Shiro’s favorite snack, and you even learned what Keith’s favorite sandwich was. You were learning so many things at the dinner table. 
“Oh my god can we just for a second remember ice cream.” Pidge almost drooled at the thought of that.
Hunk’s face grew sad knowing that they didn’t have ice cream in the ship. 
“What is ice cream?”
The whole gang put their attention on you. You looked at them oblivious to the stares and open shocked mouths. 
“Wait let me get this straight, you don’t know what ice cream is?” Lance was the most shocked. 
“Is it that obvious?”
Shiro smacked Lance’s head, and said with an annoyed dad voice. “Lance.”
Lance looked down and said sorry. Shiro went on, “Its okay y/n if you don’t know what ice cream is, I just wish we had some so you can try it. What it basically is, is its a frozen dessert, so its cold. Its sweet and its made out of dairy. There are many flavors. Ice cream is very delicious and I think you would enjoy it.”
Pidge pushed her glasses up, “you kinda sound like “How its made.”
You looked at your fingers, “that does sound very appetizing right now. I shall try it when we find it in your home town Shiro.”
Shiro chuckled and placed his utensils on his plate. “Y/n you can find ice cream almost anywhere on earth. Its that popular.”
“I am excited to try this dairy dessert. Well I think it is time for me to go to rest, but I will wake up tomorrow to train so if anyone would like to join me, you are more than welcomed to.”
Keith stood up as well and quickly, before any one got the chance to, said that he would like to join you. 
You grinned and nodded. “Alright earthling, you shall train with me tomorrow.”
As you placed your dishes in the sink and went to get ready for bed, Keith had asked you to come to his room. 
Your palms were sweating and you prepared yourself for anything. You stood up straight and walked all posh, gently knocking on his door. 
“Y/n is that you?”
You smiled hearing Keith’s voice on the other end. “Yes, its me, Kie-earthling. May I come in?”
Keith then opened the door, your face almost bumping onto his. Your faces were just a few spaces apart. Yours and his breathing shared. Keith’s cheeks began to get red again, the second time the same day. 
“Yeah, come in.”
 You slowly walked in after him. Your hands were clasped together being nervous. This was your first time being in a boys room, actually this was your first time being in Keith’s room. You felt scared, frightened. Not because of Keith but because of yourself. You were terrified you were going to ruin this moment. 
“You can sit if you want to.” Kieth pointed to his bed. 
You sat down slowly, awaiting for Keith to talk first. His bed smelled just like him. You gave a light smile at the thought of Keith’s smell, and you cuddling up to him. 
“I just, god I’m not good at this, but its about what happened-”
“What happened before dinner.” You finished his sentence for him knowing it was difficult for him to talk about others feelings. 
“Yeah. Do you want to talk about it?”
You sighed and stared at your fingers. “I sometimes feel homesick. I miss my planet and miss the people there. The customs. But most importantly I miss my parents. I dream about them every night.” 
Keith nodded, his face of sadness. 
“Sorry you probably don’t want to hear any of this. I will get on my way then.” You stood up, wiping your tears that were anew away. 
“No I want to hear, please y/n. Don’t shut yourself out, don’t pretend like we don’t care about you because we do. I do.” He said the last part quietly and bashfully. 
You turned around abruptly, shocked as to what you heard. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry about what happened to your parents and your home. You can come to me when you are hurt or feel like crying.”
Your mouth grew wide open and then you ran to him, hugging his chest and sobbing. 
Keith soothed you, comforting you and rubbing your head. “Its okay, I’m here.”
He carried you to the left side of his bed and he entered in after you. You laid there crying into his chest, while he cuddled you. His protecting arms were around you, you felt warm and safe. 
“I’m here y/n. I’m here.”
Your cries became sniffles and your head laid gently on his chest listening to his heartbeat. 
“You okay?”
You looked up and saw Keith’s face. He had on a smile to comfort you. 
You smiled as well, “yes I am now. How do you say, yeah, thank you. Thank you Keith.”
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BLESSED OKAY! SO! After Shiro is brought back to life and everyone returns to earth, reuniting with their families, Lance continues to be wracked with guilt every time he looks at Shiro. He is beating himself up over the fact that he couldn’t help Shiro in the astral plane and if it wasn’t for Allura, it would’ve been too late. He struggles to look Keith and Shiro in the eye and the guilt starts to have negative effect on him, to the point where it makes him ill. Cue Keith taking care of him (1)
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(Anon, great ass prompt?? I loved writing this! i havent written voltron in a while, so please forgive any rustiness but aaa!! I’m back in vld hell lol)
He’d dreamt of this moment for so long.
He dreamt about leaping into his mama’s arms as they reunited, cuddling with his hermanos and hermana and his tios and tias and his sobrinos and sobrinas and his abuelo and abuela. He dreams about the moment he feels while again. Lance fantasises about this moment and the absolute sunshine that would reign upon him as it happened. But when it does actually happen he feels so empty and broken and it feels so wrong.
He shouldn’t be celebrated. He’s no hero.
Lance has caused so much pain. When he walks into his living room he sees his abuela’s altar with his picture next to his papa’s. When he looks into his family’s eyes he knows that there’s something in them that has been broken and it can’t be fixed. It can be taped back together but the damage has been done. It can never be quite whole.
Lance did this to the family who worked to the bone, all scraping just enough cash to send him to the Garrison. He looks at his beloved mama who left her entire life behind for him, moving to America for the sake of her precious mijo. She looks much older, and her eyes are heavy.
Lance is at his breaking point.
His heart can’t take much more.  In fact, he was surprised that it took as much as it did. Lance had definitely felt extreme lows before, there’s no denial in that, but this has to be the lowest he’s ever felt in a while. His first heartbreak, feeling incompetent, feeling left out and unwanted, feeling so so alone, especially with Keith gone for so long, a near death experience he hadn’t quite processed and most of all, a tremendous feeling of guilt that seems to plague his brain.
Every time he so much as moves he can feel the guilt rushing through him. He can’t pour himself a glass of water, because his hand is shaking so much. He feels a little bit sick every time he so much as glimpses over at Keith or Shiro.
He’s always known he wasn’t the brightest; and especially next to super geniuses like Pidge or Hunk. But he never thought he was this stupid, so stupid as to not even piece together what Shiro was trying to say to him. It was so painstakingly obvious when he thought about it, and it nearly cost his dear friend his life. And he hates himself for it.
In his dreams he sees a world where it was too late. He watches Shiro cease to move, he can hear Keith’s agonising screams as his leader is hauntingly still. Void of life. He can vividly see his friends’ tears and wails in grief for their friend. All because of him. And when he wakes his pillow is wet and the room is dark and it’s nowhere near time to get up, but he can’t fall back asleep, and all he can do is fall deeper and deeper into the swirling abyss of guilt he finds himself further and further entangled in.
He’s numb. He doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t eat. Lance had been most vocal about missing home, but now that it’s finally here he cannot feel a thing.
He’s so angry. He doesn’t understand why he can’t just feel happy. Lance told himself he would finally feel happy when he got home; and why is it that he still feels so blue? Was there any hope for him? Maybe this was all there was for him.
Lance woke up on an air mattress on his bedroom floor, and momentarily he felt warmth. He feels the sunshine basking on his face coming through his window, and he looks up to see the glow in the dark stars plastered onto his ceiling. He saw his Star Wars and Star Trek posters still perfectly in tack. No one touched his room since his disappearance. And that’s when the warmth began to conduct away from him and he’s filled with that cold feeling again.
He got up slowly, looking if Keith was awake–finding his bed empty. As he had no family to reunite with on Earth, he decided to come with Lance–besides, he wanted to finally try out the Varadero beach Lance kept on raving about. Then Lance became aware of a pounding headache and the hot and cold tidal waves swashing up and down his bloodstream. He shivered violently, feeling absolutely miserable. He knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, considering the maximum two hours of sleep he was getting per night.
Lance forced himself up slowly, coughing harshly into the crook of his arm. He shuffled into his kitchen to find his Abuela hovering over Keith and continuously offering him more and more food, to which Keith was trying to politely refuse. It had been their fourth day now, and his Abuela had already fallen in love with Keith.
“Ay, mijo! You are so skinny! You need more food in you, no?” She insisted, a plateful of eggs in her hand.
“O-oh, no m'am, I’m really fine..Thank you so much though–”
“Abuela, él está lleno!” Lance chimed in, trying to rescue Keith, cringing at how raspy his voice was, as he sat himself down in the chair next to Keith.
Keith blinked at the croaky nature of his voice, and the two semitones his voice seemed to drop.
“Oh, fine!” His Abuela gave in, giggling a little as she leaned in to give Lance a quick kiss on the to of his head.
“Uh, Gracias,” Keith piped up as she began to walk away.
He raised an eyebrow, “..So..you’re not going to poke fun at my pronunciation?”
Lance jolted a little, having zoned out and looked at Keith, before a pang of guilt hit him and he couldn’t look at him, only being able to see the sorrowful Keith in his dreams, “U-uh, yeah, crappy accent, Keith–hh–wait, sorry..”
Lance turned away from Keith, cupping two hands around his face to four ticklish, soft yet harsh sneezes.
“Salud!” His mother called out as she placed bacon on her son’s plate, booping him on the nose as she did.
“Gracias,” Lance smiled half heartedly, missing his mother and abuela’s cooking dearly but feeling so sick he didn’t have an appetite.
Keith looked suspicious, but also concerned, “You alright, man?”
He nodded, trying to stay calm and avoid any worry over him, it’d just make him feel worse, “Yeah, yeah–my nose is just bothered by sleeping with you all night. Well uh, next to you–near you–in..in the same room as you.”
Keith rolled his eyes playfully, but looked away from Lance with a slight blush on his face, a silence falling between them as they continued to eat.
“Mijo, you’ve barely touched your food!” His mother exclaimed, “Is there something wrong with it?”
Lance shook his head, smiling weakly, “No, mama, of course not–I’m just taking it slow because I know I’ll eat too much too quickly!”
“We don’t want a repeat of Marco’s birthday dinner,” Veronica giggled as she passed by the kitchen, starting to get ready for their planned beach day.
His mother seemed to be happy with that, and left to get ready too, leaving just him and Keith. Lance could feel Keith trying to sneakily eye him up, and he could feel the anxiousness creep up, fearing that Keith was starting to resent him for not realising what he had nearly done to Shiro.
“You sure you’re okay, buddy? You look..kind of pale, you get much sleep?” Keith asked quietly.
“Yeah, I slept like a log!” He lied.
“Look..Lance, you haven’t been able to last two seconds without zoning out, look at me, please?” He asked gently.
Lance began to fiddle with his hands nervously, “Im fin–”
He burst into a sudden coughing fit, whipping away from him quickly and doubled over into his arm, the coughs hurting his chest. He began to feel a little lightheaded from the lack of oxygen entering his body.
Keith patted his back firmly, until the coughing eventually subsided. Lance had been so drained and exhausted by the fit he leaned against the kitchen chair, panting and trying to regain a steady tempo with his breath. Whilst Lance was weakened Keith placed a cool hand on his forehead, “Quiznack, Lance–you’re burning up! You need to head right to bed!”
“No!” Lance hissed–sharp as a knife, causing Keith to retreat just a little.
Lance looked at his hurt expression, and sighed, feeling his heart fill with self loathing and regret. “I’m..I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, Keith–I didn’t mean to..to yell at you like that. I just..”
He pressed his lips together to try and suppress any emotion. “We’ve only..got a week together and I can’t ruin this. I ruin everything and I promised Sara and Geronimo that I’d build a sandcastle with them and I cannot stand to hurt anyone anymore,” He said quietly, a stark contrast to the lively and bubbly Lance that Keith knew. This Lance was deflated. And tired.
Keith softened a little, feeling very torn. Lance did only have a week with his family. It was precious time. But he was genuinely so sick, and he was worried. “God dammit Lance..Fine. But if you get worse..we have to come home, okay?”
“I’ve gotta get dressed,” Lance said hurriedly, speaking with Keith only making him feel worse and worse. Keith’s concern was not warranted, he didn’t deserve to be cared for and worried over, after everything he had done.
“Wh–wait, Lance, I was gonna ask–” Keith tried uselessly, but he was gone.
“..what you meant by ‘I can’t hurt anyone anymore’”, Keith finished to himself, sighing, unable to hide the concern etched onto his face.
Lance had barely heard Keith walk into his bedroom, all dressed for the beach.
“You should take something, at least,” Keith suggested, completely taking Lance off guard and breaking his trance.
He jolted a little, “Huh? No–I’m fine.”
He twisted and angled his body away from Keith, three ticklish sneezes into his hands.
“Bless you–look, Lance, uh..”
Suddenly the door busted right open, revealing two excited and bubbly children.
“Lance!” They squealed with delight, bouncing up to him and giving him a tight hug.
“Hey you guys!” Lance beamed, a sudden shift from his more solemn, dull exterior just then, suddenly back to the bright and bubbly self he usually was. But Keith knew there was something not quite right. Something was missing. He wasn’t really whole.
Lance began to push them off him gently, stifling a cough against his sleeve, “C'mon, guys, we’re wasting precious sunlight! Let’s go!”
The two children took a hand each, skipping merrily out of the house, one of them grabbing for Keith’s hand.
Sara smiled brightly at him, “Are you Tio’s friend?”
Keith managed a small smile back, “Yeah, yeah I am.”
He wished he could be. He seemed to be drifting away.
Lance could feel the rippling of the ocean. He felt light. He felt graceful as he swam across, feeling the oceans warm embrsce against his fingertips. It hugged gently at his legs as he threaded, looking upon the vivid blue sky. He finally felt at peace, where he finally belonged at last. All he could hear was the sweet swirling of the water, and all he could see was the light sparkling on its beautiful blue entirety. For a second he felt whole.
He let himself relax, for the first time in weeks, floating upon the surface of the ocean and blue and letting his burdens fall away for a second. He felt nothing but tranquility.
And suddenly a sudden tickle at the back of his throat and he forced himself upright, the water splashing against his face as he doubled over into a forceful, violent coughing fit that seemed to stab knives into his chest every time he coughed.
He felt a pair of hands holding him steady, the one of the hands left him to rub up and down his back soothingly.
“Lance, are you okay? Maybe you should sit down..” Keith suggested softly, his eyes so kind that Lance wanted to cry.
He didn’t understand this. He didn’t understand how because of him Keith nearly lost one of the most important people in his life, and yet he still showed him so much kindness. He wondered that maybe this is some twisted joke life is playing on him, tugging at his heart strings and causing that deep hole of guilt to only widen more. Lance didn’t deserve this.
“I’m fine–” He sneezed twice. “I just..drank some sea water.”
“Lance! Come here please!” Geronimo called out, waving over to him, having built the foundations to their sandcastle.
“Coming!” Lance replied, giving Keith a small smile as he began to swim towards them, and began to help them build their sand castle.
As he sat next to them, he was overcome by another two ticklish, forceful sneezes he directed away from them and into his arm.
“Salud! Are you okay Lance?” Geronimo asked.
He managed a weak smile. “Yeah! Someone here just reeks!” He joked, reaching in to tickle his nephew.
Despite his feigned brightness, he felt absolutely miserable, on a physical sense and a mental sense. He was angry that he couldn’t just suck it up just for a little while, devote himself to his family and just have a good time. He had started to wonder if he ever could again, or if it was too late for him.
But he was given some sense of hope when his niece grabbed for his hand in the sweetest way imaginable, and he felt some warmth ignite within his heart and he knew maybe, just maybe, there was still hope for him.
Time had begun to pass and a fiery lustre began to cascade down onto Veradero beach. It was quiet, save for the sound of seagulls and the tides coming in and occasionally the sound of his family’s laughter.
As the day began to fade so did Lance’s energy, and while he could feel like his blood was boiling it was like his skin was covered by a layer of bitter ice. He watched the sunset, and the way its blazing hues rippled against the ocean. It was magnificent.
He could feel the warm rays of the sun soaking into his skin, and he felt at home again. He felt safe. Secure.
Then his mind took a turn and he wondered what Shiro felt like trapped in that astral plane. Perhaps he felt unsafe. Insecure. Trapped in this dark, dark place. Maybe it was cold. And bitter. And he was all alone.
A wave of anxiety and guilt crashed against his heart, causing him to tense up and claw at the material of his shorts. He bit his lip, his breath beginning to pick up as that blanket of guilt began to engulf him once again.
“Hey man,” Keith greeted as he sat down next to Lance. “Quiznack, that sunset is really something, huh?”
Lance looked up to see him, and his nose was so sensitive the slight shift in pressure caused his breath to hitch. He had been sitting with his knees up, so he buried his face into his knees and sneezed harshly four times, a very forceful and sickly sounding fit compared to his usual tickly, soft fits.
Keith frowned, “Bless you. That doesn’t sound too good, Lance.”
Lance glanced over at him, but he couldn’t bare to look at his kind, warm gaze. It made him feel like he was deceiving him.
Keith tensed a little, and sighed, looking away from Lance and into the sunset, “Alright. Just tell me, what did I do?”
Lance blinked, “What?”
He shifted to face him, “Tell me what I did, Lance. You can’t even look at me. You’ve been so odd around me lately. What’s going on? Look, if you’re mad, you’re mad–and I’m sorry. But I can’t fix things if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’m not..I’m not mad. And..it’s not your duty to fix,” Lance murmured, feeling uncomfortable now he was on the verge of revealing the more vulnerable side to him.
“What do you mean? Of course it is. If there’s something that’s bothering you about me then I have to fix it.”
Lance bit his lip hard as tears began to well up in his eyes, beginning to cloud his vision, “I..It’s me. It’s all me. It’s all, stupid me who can do nothing but mess everything up. You can’t..can’t fix this.”
A few tears managed to spill from his eyes, which he aggressively wiped away with humiliation.
Keith was alarmed, “Wait..what? What are you even talking about, Lance?”
Lance didn’t even know what came over him, but the waters had been pushing the dam too long and it was about time it burst.
And it all came crashing through.
The tears couldn’t seem to stop falling down his cheeks, “Shiro. He tried telling me. Only I was too stupid to see. Pidge and Hunk are out here cracking and creating algorithms daily and i can’t even figure out a message that is point blank in front of me. We are meant to be saving lives and I nearly lost Shiro his because I was too stupid.”
“God, I don’t even know why I’m here half the time, in this seventh wheel that nobody asked for–I have nothing to offer and the only thing I have ever contributed to the team seems to be mistakes everyone has to go and clean up.”
“Every time I see you or Shiro I feel like my heart is being stabbed because every time I’m reminded by what I nearly did to you and him. And yet you’re still so so nice to me and you’re so soft and so gentle and every time I look at you I feel sick to the stomach because you don’t even realise what you’re looking at.”
Keith couldn’t do anything else but just stare at him for a good minute. There was so much just said and it needed a little while to process. Keith was in a state of disbelief, unable to comprehend how he had never known. How he had never even realised that this is how he felt. How someone like Lance could feel this way.
His brain was an absolute storm of clashing thoughts but eventually it calmed down, so he could finally collect himself, “I know what I’m looking at, Lance.”
Lance still couldn’t look at him.
“I’m looking at a guy who loves so deeply and cares so much for his team mates. I look at a guy who works so hard, goes the extra mile and achieves more than anyone ever expected from him. I see the heart of Voltron, who we certainly don’t deserve, but desperately need.”
He looked away with a slight flush on his cheeks, “I see a guy who I’ve grown to care about. Maybe a lot more than I thought my heart was capable of.”
Lance couldn’t really say much because he was still crying, and all he was capable of was pulling Keith close to him into this hug, burying himself into his warmth and clinging on to him to make himself feel safe.
“I’m cradling you in my arms,” Keith joked weakly, “You better not forget this time.”
“I never did,” Lance whispered softly.
Keith blinked, incredulous, both feeling kind of annoyed, but also moved at the same time.
But he couldn’t dwell on that feeling because he had just become aware of the intense heat his friend was radiating.
He pulled Lance away slightly, enough so that he could lay a hand on his forehead, “Quiznack! Lance, we need to get you home..”
Lance’s mother came plodding along the beach, towards them, “Are you boys alright?”
Keith shook his head, “Lance has a fever, I think–he hasn’t been feeling well all day and I think it’s just gotten so much worse.”
His mother’s eyes widened in alarm, placing a hand on her son’s cheek, worry etched on her face, “Ay, mijo, you’re so sick! You always do this..”
“I just..didn’t want to disappoint anyone again, mama,” Lance whispered softly, voice croaky and weak.
“Mi amor, you never did. There has never been a day where I have never been proud of you, now, let’s go home,” She reassured, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as Keith guided Lance to his feet, beginning their journey home.
Keith tucked Lance into his covers (after much fighting over Lance taking the bed, there was no way Lance would let his guest take the floor, and there was no way that Keith would let his sick friend take the floor–and one of them was currently stringer and healthier than the other, and they won) he laid over a cool cloth over his head.
“That feel better?” He asked softly.
“Much,” Lance muttered.
Keith absentmindedly ran his hands through Lance’s soft, messy hair, making a map in his mind of all the features of his face, gazing at him with all his attention focused on him.
“You know there was nothing you could have done, right? That Shiro would not want you to make yourself this sick worrying and guilting over something that was not your fault?”
“It doesn’t make it not my fault, though.”
“But it wasn’t. You put this burden on yourself.”
Keith smiled softly, “Lance, you love the universe so much you would much rather blame yourself for its horrors. It’s what makes you a hero. But you can’t save everybody, Lance. It sucks. It does, but you can’t. You’ve got so much hope and you’ve got to hang on to that, because sometimes it’s all we really have, and we can’t lose that. You need to guide us through the dark.”
“You gotta look after yourself too, buddy.”
Lance smiled feverishly, “I feel a lot lighter.”
He fell asleep shortly after that. Keith did too eventually, a few hours later they woke to a harmonious melody. The lively and bright timbre of a traditional Cuban folk song.
Keith wrapped Lance up in a blanket and slowly walked him out to the family backyard where they joined in on the music. The night was alive with the sound of Marco’s maracas and Veronica’s guiro and Lance’s guitar. It finally felt like the moment he had fantasised about in his dreams. There was a milky twilight above them but Lance could feel the sunshine reigning upon them. And when he looked at Keith he didn’t feel sick, he felt so alive.
And for the first time in a few weeks he felt free.
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ididntlookback · 6 years
Could you maybe write something where lances ends up wearing keiths jacket but not by choice. Like his gets damaged or he forgot it and it’s freezing or something. Thanks sooo much ;)
I am SO awful, I got this ask like a month ago and i’ve had this finished for like a week but i’ve been super busy im so so sorry ahhh i hope you enjoy (wc: 2,800)
Lance was a stubborn guy. He was self aware of that. He liked to be right and he hated to admit it when he was wrong.
In the hellish situation he was currently in, though, Lance had to admit that he’d been very wrong. Very wrong.
Team Voltron had gotten back to Earth a few weeks prior. Things were looking scary. When they arrived at their home planet, instead of getting the calming, heartwarming atmosphere they’d hoped to rebuild their castle in, they were confronted with fighting and- you guessed it- the Galra.
They hadn’t taken over Earth yet, but there were regular attacks and voltron were doing their best to fend them off. The Galaxy Garrison wasn’t much help, as their weapons and ships didn’t even begin to size up to the advanced technology the Galra had.
It also didn’t help that the Galra were an enigma to most earth goers. The existence of aliens hadn’t been common knowledge until voltron came down to Earth. Even then, humans were hesitant to believe it until the first Galra attack arrived
Even with the minimal help the garrison provided, team Voltron wanted to stay close to the base, as that’s where their ship was being rebuilt. For the time being, they were all cramped up in Keith’s cabin.
It was a late afternoon and Lance was laying on Keith’s very uncomfortable couch. He was eating a bag of chips while staring up at the ceiling. Pidge, Hunk, and Coran were outside fixing up Keith’s old cruiser, which had broken on the last trip to the garrison. Everyone else was over at the Garrison working on the ship.
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, the sky tinted shades of orange and violet. Lance loved the sunsets. Ever since he got back from space he held a deep appreciation for them. Today, though, Lance would not be able to sit back and enjoy it.
Shiro entered the cabin with his signature serious face that meant ‘time to get to work.’ Pidge and Hunk trailed after him.
“The Garrison just signaled. There may be another few ships coming down,” He said. “Lance and Keith, take the cruiser and get over to the garrison. We’ll back you up soon.”
“Is the cruiser even ready to drive?” Keith asked. He was across the room from Lance, sitting against the wall.
“It should be good,” Hunk said. “Probably.”
“Probably?” Lance asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah,” Hunk confirmed. “… Probably.”
Lance and Keith met eyes, both uneasy at Hunks unenthusiastic reassurance.
“Oookay,” Lance said. “Our armor’s at the Garrison, so we’ll have to gear up over there.”
Keith got up and pulled his jacket on, heading for the door. Lance followed suit.
“Get your jacket,” Keith said, halting in front of the door and causing Lance to bump into him.
“No thanks, Mom,” Lance said, rolling his eyes. “It’s the desert. How cold could it be?”
“Pretty fucking cold,” Keith scoffed.
“I’ve been at the Garrison for years, i think i know how cold it’ll be.”
“You’ve been in the warm, safe walls of the garrison, not stuck out in the desert at this time of night.”
“Whatever,” Lance said, pushing past Keith. “I’m not gonna bring my jacket just because mr. weather guy over here says I should.”
“Your funeral,” Keith sighed, following Lance.
When Lance got outside, it was slightly chilly but nothing like what Keith said it would be like. He mentally scoffed to himself.
After Keith took the front seat and Lance climbed on behind him, Lance wrapped his arms around Keith’s waist. At the contact Keith winced a bit, as if he’d been washing dishes and his hand touched something gross.
“You don’t have to act so repulsed by me,” Lance scoffed.
Keith shuddered a bit as he turned the engine on. “Do you have to… hold me that tight?”
“Well, excuse me for not wanting to fall off this thing and die.”
Keith didn’t answer. He just started driving.  
It was a 15 minute drive to the Garrison, and Lance, like Keith, was not enthused about the idea of physical contact between the two of them.
As they drove, Lance looked out at all the passing mountains and rock mounds. When he was a kid in the car, he’d imagine a man running with the car and jumping from tree to tree, from building to building. He liked to do that on the rides over to the garrison as well. It made him ache to visit home again, as he’d done when they first arrived on Earth.
“Did you really live out here for a full year?” Lance asked. He had to speak loudly, the wind carrying away his voice.
“Yeah. Why?”
“There’s nothing to do out here,” Lance said. “Besides following weird energy stuff, what did you do for fun?”
“What were you doing while i was out here,” Keith snapped. “Failing flight simulators at the Garrison?”
Lance didn’t reply for a few seconds. “Me-ow,” Lance laughed, “What’s with the aggression, Mullet? It was just a question.”
“… Sorry,” He said a few seconds later. “Sometimes i just forget that we, like… don’t hate each other anymore.”
“Oh, don’t worry. A small part of me will always hate you, no matter what,” Lance said, his words dripping in signature Lance sarcasm.
Keith actually laughed at that. “It does make me feel better, thank you.”
Lance was glad they weren’t facing each other. He didn’t want Keith to see the smile at their banter.
“You feeling the cold yet?” Keith asked.
Lance actually was. It got really cold really fast. Still, it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle. They’d be at the garrison in no time.
“Nope,” He said. “I guess you’re just weak.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Keith replied. “It’ll get colder.”
“Great,” Lance said, though his heart sank at Keith’s words, “I say bring it on.”
Lance let his mind wander as the air became increasingly more chilly, becoming like small daggers piercing his skin. He started formulating a plan for when they got to the garrison, but it was hard since they knew pretty much nothing about the attack.
When they were about seven minutes away from the Garrison, the cruiser began to slow down. The drop in speed brough Lance back to reality.
“What are you doing?” Lance asked.
“I’m not doing anything,” Keith said, angrily trying to get the speed up.
The cruiser finally stopped all together and at a strange smell Lance looked behind him. There was smoke coming out of the engine.
“That doesn’t look good,” Lance grumbled.
Now that they were just sitting in the now pitch black desert, Lance was shivering, the cold making his fingers numb. Him being stubborn, he tried not to shiver. He didn’t want to give Keith the satisfaction.
Keith got up to investigate and Lance missed his warmth. Not that Keith had much warmth- his hands were like iceicles- but in the freezing desert he was basically a heat generator.
Opening up the hood of the cruiser, Lance saw Keith poke and prod around, trying to see something wrong.
“I think the oil thing is leaking,” Keith said, frowning.
“T-the ‘oil thing?’” Lance asked.
Hearing the stutter in his voice, Keith’s head snapped over to look at Lance.
“You’re cold,” Keith declared.
“What?” Lance said, taking in a sharp breath that hurt his lungs. “No i’m n-not.”
“I told you to bring a jacket!” Keith scolded. “You just had to try and be right.”
“Okay, let’s back up a b-bit,” Lance said, holding his hands up. “Did you just call it the ‘oil thing?’ Can you fix it or not?”
Keith sighed. He walked over to where Lance was sitting. “I don’t think so.”
Panic was starting to rise up in Lance at their situation. He was trying to subtly hug his own arms for more warmth. “What do you mean ‘I don’t think so?!’ It’s your cruiser!”
“This is the first time it’s broken!” Keith argued back. “I’m not an engineer, i don’t know how the thing works.”
Lance looked at Keith blankley as he tried processing things. The cold air must’ve been slowing down his brain. Keith raised an eyebrow as he watched Lance make blank eye contact with him.
“You… okay?” Keith asked.
“We’re s-stuck… in the desert… the cold desert… alone,” Lance cleared up, talking with his hands for more emphasis.
“Yep,” Keith said.
“Well… shit.”
“How far aw-away is the garrison?”
“Four miles,” Keith said miserably.
“How f-far away is the cabin?” Lance asked, hoping for a better answer.
“Four miles.”
Lance hung his head down dramatically. “S-s-so all our options s-suck?”
“Yep,” Keith confirmed. “We should walk to the Garrison. The attack is still happening and they’re counting on us.”
“That’ll t-take us an hour,” Lance groaned. He’d done track all through middle school, so he was acutely aware of how long a mile is.
“Better late than never,” Keith said. “Let’s get moving.”
Lance wanted to die. That’s when he knew that for once- well, maybe more than once- in his life he’d been wrong. What he’d do for his jacket. The two were walking against the chilly winds which added insult to injury. Lance’s lips felt numb and his fingers felt practically immobile.
Keith looked cold but not nearly as cold as Lance. How warm could that jacket be? It was so short it could barely be classified as a jacket.
About ten minutes into silently walking, Lance kept feeling Keith’s eyes on him. He didn’t look over, as he wasn’t in the mood for a conversation or awkward eye contact.
“You’re freezing,” Keith declared a few minutes later.
Lance had given up on trying to look warm at that point. He let himself shiver freely, giving in and embracing the consequences of the dumbass decision he’d made.
“No, i’m t-toasty,” Lance grumbled sarcastically.
He looked over at Keith, who did the same and met Lances eyes for a few seconds. Keith sighed and took off his jacket, offering it to Lance.
“W-why?” Lance asked, looking at Keith. “Y-you need it.”
“I’m used to the cold,” Keith said. “I lived out here, remember?”
Lance hesitated for a few second, looking at the jacket as if it was a bomb that could explode at any second.
Keith, his arm still outstretched, pressed it slightly against Lance’s shoulder. “C’mon. Take it before I change my mind.”
Deciding that his pride was less important than getting frostbite, Lance took the jacket and put it on with shaking arms.
Boy was he wrong about the jacket not being that warm. It was already slightly warmed up from being on Keith’s body for so long, and the inside was lined with a delicate fleece, which Lance had not expected.
Even though the jacket was small on Lance and and ended slightly above his waist, it felt like the best and warmest thing ever in the cold desert.
“Thanks, m-mullet,” Lance stuttered out. Keith didn’t say anything in response, he just glanced over at Lance a few times.
“I do have to s-say,” Lance continued, “this jacket is so not practical even though it is kinda warm.”
“W-what do you mean?” Keith asked, starting to shiver.
“Why is it cropped? Like… w-why? Also, look at this.” He connected both sides of the jacket and zipped it all the way up so that the huge collar was hiding half of his face. “Why?”
Keith looked over and honest to god laughed at that. Lance snapped his head over to look at Keith, hearing laughter come from him being such a rarity.
Lance looked forward quickly though, not wanting Keith to catch him looking at him.
“It’s a cool j-jacket,” Keith shrugged.
“On what planet!?” Lance laughed. “You clearly got your fashion sense from your mom because that jacket is definitely not cool on Earth.”
“I like it.”
The two left it at that and continued to walk. They’d bump shoulders every once in a while, the wind and cold making them unsteady.
“How much longer?” Lance asked.
“Probably another t-thirty minutes.” Keith’s lips were turning blue, his arms shaking where he held them up to his chest. “Have I said ‘i told you so,’ about the whole jacket thing yet?”
“I don’t think so.”
Keith looked over at Lance with a small smirk on his face. “I t-told you so.”
“And I now accept that.”
Lance had a selfless thought and he hated himself for it.
He slipped the jacket off and handed it back to Keith. “I was the dumbass who didn’t bring a jacket. You should wear it.”
Keith took it but didn’t put it on. He looked in thought, as if he didn’t know what to do with the jacket. After a few seconds he looked at Lance with a glare and a sigh.
“The second we get to the Garrison, all m-memory of this leaves both of our minds, got it?” Keith borderline growled.
Lance raised an eyebrow. “All memory of w-”
His question was answered when Keith practically rammed his shoulder against Lances and wrapped an arm around his waist. With his other arm he draped the jacket over both of their shoulders like a blanket, pushing the two even closer together.
“Oh,” Lance creaked out, the blood rushing to his face. He looked over to see Keith’s face was red as well.
Their heads were right next to each other, and Lance could feel Keith’s breath. He was hyper aware of the arm around his waist. Copying Keith, he wrapped his own arm around Keith’s. He didn’t know what to focus on more, how warm he was or how muscled he was.
“Why are you so warm?” Keith asked, taking Lance by surprise.
“Y-you are weirdly warm. W-why?”
If Lance wasn’t blushing before he sure was now. “I c-can’t tell if you’re looking for a logical answer. I’m j-just warm blooded.”
Lance had been wondering why Keith had said that, but when he himself randomly blurted out, “you smell n-nice,” he assumed that the cold was short circuiting both of their brains.
“T-thanks?” Keith said. “What do I-I smell like?”
“Dunno,” Lance answered back. “You s-smell very K-Keith like.”
At his response Keith chuckled a bit, causing blasts of warm breath on Lance’s cheek. Lance looked over at the boy besides him and Keith looked over as well.
They made eye contact and it made Lance’s heart stop. Lance had always seen Keith’s eyes as a strange shade of purple, but up close he found so much more in them.
“Uh, we should k-keep on going,” Keith said, his voice a whisper.
Lance hadn’t realized that they had stopped moving. He had to take a few seconds to reboot his brain before looking away and stuttering out a response. “Y-yeah.”
They shuffled on forward, fighting another gust of cold wind and pretending the earlier moment never happened.
“I can s-see the top of the garrison tower,” Lance exclaimed. “We’re almost there.”
“Good,” Keith breathed out. “And remember, not a w-word of this to anyone.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll just repress the hell out of it like I d-did to the ‘bonding moment.’”
“What? Nothing!” Stupid hypothermia, making Lance unintentionally say things.
The two didn’t speak for the rest of the trip. They finally made it to the Garrison and Lance could practically taste the heating they’d find inside the establishment.
They got to the doors and waited for their buzz to be answered.
“Well, it’s been fun sharing awkward contact wi-with you,” Lance said, separating himself from Keith but immediately missing his warmth.
“B-back at you,” Keith said.
The door opened and the two immediately rushed inside. Lance’s skin itched as it warmed up. Both him and Keith rubbed their hands together, trying to bring feeling back to their fingertips.
“Where have you been?” Coran asked, rushing over to the boys. “The Galra ships will be here any second. Suit up!” He rushed off somewhere else, not even waiting for an answer.
Lance and Keith had to go separate ways to get to their lions. Before they split Lance offered Keith his jacket back. “Thanks for helping an idiot out,” Lance told him.
“You can keep it till the mission ends,” Keith told Lance. He started walking away until he stopped and looked back with a small grin. “It looks good on you.”
“Oh,” was all Lance could squeak out as he watched Keith walk away. HIs face was red and his heart was beating fast. He probably would’ve stood there in shock for the rest of the night until he remembered with a start where he was supposed to be.
“Right. Earth is being attacked. I should deal with that.”
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audeity · 6 years
JOINED: Heartbxnd, Kxkuko, Wxtaru, Katsxra, Yanxgi and Bxrryjxn
Name: Vani
Pronouns: Whatever is fine
Forms of contact: Discord Vani#0007 , Tumblr Ims to Heartbxnd / pokemusesvani
Triggers/squicks: N/A
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Url: https://forgxtmxnot.tumblr.com
Name, alias, etc: Agatha
Pronouns: She/her
Home region: Kanto
God of: the Underworld
Associated with: Time’s passage, death, knitting/sewing/stitching- and all sorts of utensils used on them, prophecies, wrath, and grudge.
Abilities: Necromancy (control over the dead- not just animals but plants as well).
Current residence: Viridian city
Current occupation: Agatha runs a small sewing studio, crafting stunning outfits for her clients.
Is their real identity common knowledge: No.
List at least three fact about your muse:
Agatha is the one who created the underworld- a place where the dead were sent to once their lives have ended. Seeing how there used to lack a place for such thing in ancient times- so for the longest time she not only was the creator and ruler of it, she was also the one handling and doing every single duty- that would later be fulfilled by her descendants. Agatha then dedicated her time and attention in knitting- essentially putting together a tapestry of the universe/world they were in. It was said that once she completed her work, the end of times will come. She would use strings of lives that had passed away as material for her work. Until they “ran out of business” and started their lives as mortals, the last time she had stepped out of the Underworld was in order to arrange Morty and Lance’s wedding.
Agatha is Morty’s creator- he can oftenly be found in her studio.
Agatha may look like an adorable elderly woman, always sitting by her sewing machine’s desk never facing away from her work. Don’t let this seemingly calm facade fool you, especially don’t ever try to disrupt /distract her work. She is well known for the short fuse and explosive reactions to most situations, that find their way to her.
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Url: https://forgxtmxnot.tumblr.com
Name, alias, etc: Blaine
Pronouns: He/him
Home region: Kanto
God of: Knowledge and  inventions
Associated with: Fire, curiosity, the act of learning/researching, algebra, ideas, alchemy later in the future he would become a symbol for science.
Abilities: Control over fire to a certain extent, grant someone a small tidbit of his vast knowledge.
Current residence: Cinnabar Island
Current occupation: A scientist, the sole soul that can be found in the Island where Science once thrived in the Kanto region, he stays the entire time inside of his workshop where he is always working on something.
Is their real identity common knowledge: Yes
List at least three fact about your muse:
Blaine is amongst the few deities that have always shown a very clear bias towards humans, he will stand up for them- defending them from the other Gods’ wrath. Because of it, he may not really be a popular or quite welcomed by his fellow entities.
Blaine is the one responsible for creating most of the objects that have become synonymous to their owners;
In the ancient times, Mr.Fuji had transcended his mortal condition thanks to the deity, and became the oracle or the only consistent bridge between Blaine mortals and most deities. He was always the one speaking for him. In the present time however, Mr.Fuji now runs a cemetery for pokemon located at Lavender town- he is amongst the very people allowed in Blaine’s workshop.
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Url: http://wxtaru.tumblr.com/
Name, alias, etc: Lance
Pronouns: He/him
Home region: Johto.
God of: Nobility, heroes, execution.
Associated with: The Sun, leadership, the upper class in societies, kings/emperors/ministers/etc. gold, fury, bloodlines, demigods, dragons the guillotine.
Abilities: Summon any of his three soldiers at any time and have full control over them, whoever drinks/consumes his blood will temporarily have their strength and senses upgraded.
Current residence: Celadon city, Kanto.
Current occupation: He lives the fine life, experiencing only the best that the modern world has to offer. Such as parties, travels and so on. He doesn’t work, and can easily be found around those of the upper class.
Is their real identity common knowledge: No.
List at least three fact about your muse:
Lance is married to Morty, and has been since long ago in the ancient times. Despite that- they have a long history of infidelity to each other. Their marriage ensures a good relationship between the underworld and the surface. It is unlikely they will separate from each other anytime soon.
Lance used to be the champion of the Kanto and Johto regions (more so of Kanto than Johto), he used to rule over all the other deities in the golden era. He has lost this position ever since they started live a mortal life.
Lance has had MANY demigods as his children throughout history, they all turned out to be important figures in the human society- living up to the status of heroes. He keeps close tabs on them, by protecting/guiding/teaching/etc when necessary.
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Url: http://heartbxnd.tumblr.com
Name, alias, etc: Morty/Matsuba/Enoki
Pronouns: He/him
Home region: Johto.
God of: Death and funeral rituals.
Associated with: The upper class, nobility, fortune, embalming materials, peace.
Abilities: Call upon his three headed Gengar at any given time, prepare a mortal/deity’s corpse flawlessly.
Current residence: Celadon city.
Current occupation: He lives the fine life, experiencing only the best that the modern world has to offer. Such as parties, travels and so on. He doesn’t work, and can easily be found around museums and historical cities/locations.
Is their real identity common knowledge: No.
List at least three fact about your muse:
Morty is married to Lance, and has been since long ago in the ancient times. Despite that- they have a long history of infidelity to each other. Their marriage ensures a good relationship between the underworld and the surface. It is unlikely they will separate from each other anytime soon.
Morty used to be known for being three entities in one body, however ever since they started to disguise themselves as mortals his other two identities have gone out of use- he hasn’t assumed them in a long time. The other two entities he used to be were Enoki (protector of cities/temples/graveyards/households) and Matsuba (Underworld’s ferryman who guards its entrance). Morty will not respond if someone addresses to him, by using any of those two names.
Morty is most of the time a calm, friendly and wise God. Thanks to these qualities, he is oftenly seeked out to try and give some kind of neutral view or an opinion for most matters when Lance isn’t around.
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URL: https://forgxtmxnot.tumblr.com
Name, alias, etc: Pryce
Pronouns: He/him
Home region: Johto
God of: Winter, family and knowledge
Associated with: The act of teaching and learning, professors, teachers- those who possess knowledge, large families, protection, frostbites.
Abilities: Control over the temperature surrounding him, cast freezing blizzards and destructive hailstorms, summon upon the winter itself.
Current residence: Mahogany town
Current occupation: Pryce is a professor at the local university, as well as a librarian.
Is their real identity common knowledge: Yes, although no one seems to believe in such claims.
List at least three fact about your muse:
Pryce is the personification of Winter (or in this case used to be), his children and grandkids are all representations of the winds that carry the cold and low temperatures throughout the Johto region. He is one of the oldest Gods within the region. He, just like Blaine are deities that represent knowledge- because of it they have a powerful friendship that has been going for ages. They can be oftenly found reading or even playing some games together- when in doubt, they aren’t shy of reaching out for the other’s help and piece of their mind.
Pryce is the one who taught Morty as much as he knew about how to prepare a God’s body for their funeral, when he had to do that for the very first time. Lance has learned a few hunting skills and war strategies from Pryce. He is the only person who is constantly solving Blaine’s quizzes on a consistent basis.
Pryce is amongst the very few deities who would stand up for the mortals in ancient times- it is safe to assume how much pride he has taken with the modern world.
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URL: http://bxrryjxn.tumblr.com
Name, alias, etc: Barry
Pronouns: He/him
Home region: Sinnoh
God of: Love and the messenger of the Gods.
Associated with: Childhood (naivety, cheerfulness), speed, gusts of wind, lightning bolts, sunshine and young love.
Abilities: Inhumanly speed (to a point he can actually fly), make people fall deeply in love with each other (using his bow and arrows of love).
Current residence: Twinleaf town
Current occupation: Barry chose to maintain his child looks, and because of it he doesn’t work. Instead Barry is constantly travelling all over the world- he still occasionally takes up the messenger duties for the others of his kind, but it comes nowhere near to what it used to be like in ancient times. It seems like he is in an eternal childhood.
Is their real identity common knowledge: No
List at least three fact about your muse:
Barry is the son of Palmer (the entity responsible for carrying Earth on his back) and a deity assosciated with maternity and fertility. Unfortunately, because of his duty Palmer wasn’t able to start a mortal life like everyone else- meaning he is nowhere to be seen. Barry is one of the few deities who can visit Palmer.
Despite trying to live as a human, Barry still acts on his God of love duty occasionaly. In fact- it is quite easy to find him pranking others with his arrows of love.
As expected Barry is quite impatient when dealing with most he runs into- he can come off as quite bratty at times as well, meaning not all Gods may be thrilled to be in the boy’s presence.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Past Connections (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Past Connections Rating: PG-13 Length: 2100 Warnings: Mild Angst  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in March 1998. Summary: The second article hits the newstands. 
@grapemama @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes @thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow @plexflexico @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut @snivellusim @lukesrighthand @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper​ @awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie​ @swhiskeys​ @lady-tano @beskar-droids @space-floozy @cable-kenobi @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes @findhimfives @pedrosdoll @frietiemeloen @arrowswithwifi @random066 @uncomicalhumour @heather-lynn @domino-oh-damn @cyarikaaa @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl  @yabby-girl @xqueenofthecraziesx @punkass-potato @coredrive @pascalesque @theduchessofkirkcaldy @queenquazar @sabinemorans @buckstaposition @holkaskrosnou @yespolkadotkitty @fleetwoodmactshirt @seeking-a-great–perhaps
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Following the bombshell report The Post released in the March 2nd issue, the DEA came forward with allegedly incriminating documentation purporting a pattern of unsanctioned expenditures, where Javier Peña had filed expense forms on evenings spent with Colombian hookers. 
During our investigative reporting, The Post was able to connect with three of the women who had been paid by Peña, using DEA funds, during his time with the DEA in Colombia. 
Elena Ramierz, who was willing to go on record using her own name, was forthcoming with information concerning her time with Peña. 
“I would not be where I am today, had I not crossed paths with Javi. He was willing to sponsor my immigration request — without asking for anything in return. Javier Peña is one of the only men I worked with who was a genuinely good man. He cared about all of the girls at the brothels and would look out for us. I cannot, however, say the same about other men who abused the systems the DEA willingly put into place.”
When pressed further, Ramirez went into detail painting a picture of the systemic abuses that were encouraged by the DEA, including but not limited to brutalizing sex workers, non-consensual contact, and intentional situations that led to physical and mental harm. These claims were largely substantiated by the other two women who were willing to speak with The Post. 
“He hated what he had to do to get information for the DEA. You could see the weight on his shoulders. Despite the brutal situation he was in, he was always kind and gentle with me and the other girls. Whatever picture the DEA is trying to paint him out to be, it’s to hide their own misdeeds.”
At the request of the DEA, The Post also made contact with Lorraine Jackson (neé Davis) who was the former ex-fiancé of Peña. Jackson, who hails from Laredo, Texas, provided details about the nature of her relationship with Peña nearly thirty years ago. Despite the DEA’s insistence that Jackson’s testimony would be detrimental to Peña and Morley’s case against DEA, her statement was to the contrary. 
“Look,” Mrs. Jackson stated, “Javier left me at the altar when we were kids. I was angry for a long time. A long time. Even after I got married and started a family with a truly wonderful man. I was still wounded by what Javier did, but it all worked out for the best. I can’t even imagine what life would’ve been like if he’d shown up. Have you met his daughters? They adore him. He’s a good man, despite what happened between us.”
Mrs. Jackson continued, “When the DEA approached me about our relationship, I let my hurt feelings get the best of me. He made a lot of mistakes when he was younger — but didn’t we all? He left, went to college and came back to work for the Sheriff’s Office. He’d closed himself off and frankly, he was an ass. I don’t pretend to know what happened in Colombia, I wasn’t part of his life then, but I could see he had changed when he came home. The DEA wants to paint him out to be a villain in all of this and that’s just not the case.”
The DEA issued a revelatory statement, rebuffing the claims previously printed in The Post. 
There is no doubt that Ms. Morley contributed admirable efforts in the war against Pablo Escobar. As the American people have now seen, her records contain multiple instances where she assisted in the apprehension of multiple associates of Escobar’s. 
Despite her efforts, during her tenure with the DEA in Colombia and Ms. Morley failed to uphold the standards expected of a DEA field agent. One year after her transfer, she entered into a relationship with a CIA liaison who was an active member of a joint task force formed by the two agencies. It became clearly, early on, that she was not capable of maintaining a professional work environment. 
In 1992, when Ms. Morley revealed that she was pregnant, she was immediately placed on desk duty. During a meeting with her direct chain of command, Ms. Morley intentionally concealed the identity of her child’s father. When questioned about Mr. Peña, she blatantly denied that she had any sexual contact with her partner. The following year, when Ms. Morley and Mr. Peña provided the DEA with the truth, we were forced to terminate her employment for her misconduct. 
While The Post may attempt to twist this situation into a gender-based discrimination case, it is abundantly clear that both Ms. Morley and Mr. Peña engaged in unethical practices unbefitting of federal agents. 
The Post reached out to CIA Agent, Lance Collier, who Ms. Morley was in a relationship from June 1988 to June 1989, clarified that their relationship had been approved by his director prior to its beginning. 
Collier was willing to go on record with a statement of his own, “Annie was one of the hardest working agents I’ve ever worked with. During meetings, I repeatedly witnessed her being ignored and silenced by her superiors. They would ultimately use her knowledge under the guise of their own, intentionally undermining her abilities. On numerous occasions, I was also present for meetings where Javier Peña and Steve Murphy would go to bat for their partner. Annie was well aware of the risk and complications related to being a woman in a male dominated field, and despite that she persisted. I have seen men who acted as bad agents against our government still be venerated, so why are they still punishing her for becoming a mother?”
The Post is dedicated to the continued investigation of this scandal. 
 “You’re brooding.” You told Javier as you shut off the stove and grabbed a trivet to sit the pot of wild rice off the burner. 
Javier huffed, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned against the kitchen counter across from you. “I’m not brooding.” He rubbed at the back of his neck before he pushed away from the counter and moved to grab two plates out of the cabinet. “The timing was just less than ideal.” 
“I know.” You grabbed an oven mitt and pulled out the pan of chicken patties, sitting it on the stovetop. “I wish Vickers had told us how thorough Valerie was going to be in her statement to the paper.” 
“It was fucking mortifying, baby. I don’t know how I’m gonna make it through exams next week. Think it’s too late to make it a paper?” He questioned, grabbing the buns and mayonnaise out of the fridge. 
“Unfortunately,” You made a face as you shut off the oven and moved to grab a paper plate to cut the tomato on. “It’ll blow over.” 
“Not nearly soon enough,” He shook his head. “You know how much I hate looking back on that shit and now everyone knows my business.” 
“It was a risk we were both willing to take,” You reminded him. “Say the word and we pull the plug.” 
“I’m not pulling the fucking plug, baby. I’m just saying — did my class really need to know about my exploits with hookers in Colombia? I get that it’s tantalizing, but she pushed it too far.” 
“Even Elena didn’t realize how far it would go,” You sat the knife down and wiped off your hands on a dishtowel, turning to approach him. “I’m sure the DEA thought they could put a wedge between us — like I didn't know what you got up to.” 
“You talked to Elena today?”
You nodded, “I called to thank her. Her word would’ve been enough I think, but having two ‘Jane Smiths’ reaffirm what she was saying? There’s so much bullshit going on, in the pursuit of stopping drugs that has to end. We both know how they abuse those women.” You reached up and brushed your fingers over his cheek, leaning up on your toes to kiss him. 
He snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him. “Think they’ll try to track down Matias next?” 
You let out an incredulous laugh at that, “God, I don’t even know what happened to him.” You admitted, “I doubt they’d be able to track him down.” He had been a sweet young man you’d spent a handful of evenings with in the pursuit of intel nearly a decade ago. “It’s not like you don’t know.” 
Javier dragged his teeth over his bottom lip and nodded slowly, “It’s just fucking bullshit. Even if it exonerated us.” He sighed heavily, “I should’ve cancelled class. Standing up there trying to keep on topic — knowing they’ve just read an article with three women who I’ve fucked.”
“Technically five.” You pointed, clarifying when he arched a brow.  “Elena, Valerie, and Mia, Lorraine, and myself.” 
He made a face, feigning disgust before he released you. “I hadn’t realized the DEA would be so determined to punch below the belt.”
“Because bribing Monica to say you’d fucked her was above the belt?” You pointed out as you moved to grab two buns out of the bag, throwing them on the plates and using a spatula to pick up the chicken patties and place them on each bun. 
“Alright, alright. You’re making valid points.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “One day the girls are going to see these articles.” 
“Then we’ll explain to them that sex workers deserve more praise and credit than they’re currently afforded.” You stated simply, “And that there’s nothing wrong about being sexually active — like we were, before we got together.” You shrugged. 
“You wanna have that conversation with them?”
You shrugged, licking your thumb clean after you got mayonnaise on it, “Sure. It doesn’t bother me.” 
Javier pinched at the bridge of his nose for a moment before he started plating up his chicken sandwich, “You got cheese?”
“Hang on,” You headed for the fridge, pulling the door open and rummaging around in the deli drawer. “Swiss or cheddar?”
“Do we have any of the pepperjack left?”
You hummed as you pulled open a drawer below, grabbing the bag of pepperjack cheese. “You’re in luck. I hid it the last time Nadia was here.” You tossed it onto the counter beside him, “That girl loves cheese.” 
“Monica wasn’t in class today,” Javier stated, throwing two pieces of cheese onto his chicken patty before topping it off with the bun, “Did you hear from her today? I meant to call but got pulled into meetings.” 
“I called her this morning at work,” You told him as you stowed the mayo back in the fridge. “She’s still pretty skittish after everything that happened.” You explained, smiling when you returned to your plate and Javier had scooped up a spoonful of wild rice for you. “Thanks, babe.” 
He pressed a kiss to your cheek, “Anytime.” Javier gave your ass a playful swat before he headed for the kitchen table. “She’s got office hours with me tomorrow.” 
“I wouldn’t make a big deal about it,” You cautioned him as you sat down across from him at the table. “Honestly, she seemed fine. She just wanted to skip today.” You took a bite of your sandwich, before washing it down with a swig of beer. “I can’t wait for all of this to be over with.” 
“You and me both, baby.” Javier retorted, covering his mouth with his fist as he spoke with his mouth full. “I want them to fucking pay for their bullshit and let us get on with our lives.” 
You nodded your head slowly, “Everyone at the P.D. has been so supportive. They’re far from perfect, but they at least recognize what the DEA’s been doing is morally and ethically wrong.” 
Javier rocked his jaw slowly as he stared at you across the table, “You still thinking about quitting?”
“All the time,” You admitted with a shrug. “I just want to get through this first. The DEA’s been such a dark shadow for so many years.” 
“Once this is over, I feel like we’ll be able to really live.” 
“Right?” You agreed with a grin, “Connie thinks we should go on vacation.” 
“As soon as this semester’s over.” 
You leaned across the table and took his hand into yours, giving it three short squeezes. “There’s a part of me that is stupidly excited about my name finally being attached to yours in the record books. And Steve’s, of course. It’s bizarre to see our lives laid out in the newspaper, but at the same time — I love it.” 
“Me too, baby.” Javier grinned at you, “It means no more hiding.” 
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vld-spoilers-blog · 6 years
ive been awake all night. i own voltron now. heres season 7
-once the crew has found a planet to camp at for a night lance and allura have an honest sit down. allura thanks lance for being there for her during the whole loturd mess, and also admits that the mice spilled the beans about lances crush on her. allura says that she respects lance as a person and paladin, but after everything thats happened, shes not ready for a relationship, and she feels they work better as friends than they would partners. lance is obvs heartbroken, but supports her and understands what shes gone through and what she needs/wants. after this discussion their friendship grows even stronger.
-keith and crew take a moment to just... appreciate that theyre alive, that everyone is okay despite the hardships theyve endured. the team bonds w krolia and the wolf dog and they discuss the last 2 fucking years. keith and lance break off from everyone and have a convo along the lines of “hey man i missed you, im glad youre okay/i respect how you/we’ve grown”, where lance semi admits to the one sided rivalry as a coping mechanism for feeling insecure, and now that shiro almost died and all the other shit hes realized that he needs to put all that behind him and continue maturing like keith has.
-the journey to earth is long af considering they dont have a teleduv to wormhole them across the galaxy, which means hours of them all flying in their lions playing ‘i spy’ ‘20 questions’ ‘never have i ever’ etc to pass the time and “bond”. of course the paladins are gonna have some kinda trick contest w their lions bc flying for hours on end gets boring as shit. also? roadtrip sing a longs started by hunk and pidge which end up lasting for hours w almost everyone chiming in depending on what song theyre singing. during this time pidge and hunk work on a replacement prosthetic for shiro which is sick as FUCK. 
-once they finally make it to earth, first thing lance does is find a phone and call his family. like fuck the government, fuck the garrison, this boy is calling his family they need to know hes okay. of course he cries on the phone w them. hunk calls his moms and pidge contacts her mom and dad, matt fully joined team voltron on their way to earth bc by god hes not gonna go see his family all together again. keith and shiro visit keiths shack/wherever shiro and keith lived before the kerberos mission. ummm shiro has a husband named theo like that one post ill link when i have the energy, so they go and find theo and shiro and his husband just,, sob into each other. shiro feels like this is the first time he can breathe in years: being back on earth with his team and keith and his husband there and hes no longer connected to the galra and hes just,,, ALIVE. 
-team voltron is cordially invited to dinner at lance’s familys house which is just a mad house considering how many people there are when u combine his family and team voltron lmao. but they all get along so well and its the happiest the team has ever seen lance, dudes talking a mile a minute and laughing with his siblings and giving his parents the tenderest looks like if keith wasnt already in love w lance hes fucked up now. lances siblings DEFINITELY tease him about his obvious crush on keith theyre like, “youve been back home for 5 minutes and weve already seen you make goo goo eyes at keith 3 times”. 
-lance is out on the back porch after dinner after sunset, listening to the waves crash on the beach that sits a block away from his family home, smiling at the din of voices he can hear from inside his warmly lit house. keith steps outside to join him, to which lance quips about it being too cramped for keiths liking: 
“actually, it’s.. nice. youre family is really special lance, i can see why you missed them so much.”
“i did. its funny - i dreamt about being back home every night up in space, but now that im here it doesnt feel real.”
keith hums and moves closer to lance, resting his hip on the railing of the porch. he quirks his lips into a smirk “it’s definitely real, considering that your sister showed me all of your middle school theater pictures. i couldnt make that kind of awkward tween imagery up.” lance sucks in a breath and groans, turning his body towards keiths. “please dont tell me she showed you pictures of my role as mercutio in romeo and juliet when i was in 8th grade...” keiths turns his gaze back towards the house, his grin showing absolute mirth and... tenderness as he nods. he shrugs and scuffs his boot across the porch boards, “i thought it was cute.” 
their eyes lock, searching each other as they shyly smile. “careful kogane,” lance says, his eyes glinting, “get all mushy on me, i might think you like me or something.” keith leans forward, his bangs falling over his eyes. “i do like you, i never disliked you.” hesitantly, lance reaches upward and brushes the hair away from keiths forehead, his fingers lingering near keiths temple. “neither did i.” lance breathes. their eyes meet again, challenging each other to move, and so lance does. in one careful motion, he brings his hand down to cup keith’s jaw, angling him so that they align perfectly as lance brings their lips together.
inside the house the familiar chatter continues, and lance has never felt like hes belonged anywhere more than now.
-during their time on earth, allura meets a wonderful girl named erin whos patient with her and caring and admires allura in every way, but meets her w enough fire to keep allura on her toes. allura falls in love with her the moment she sees erin smile.
-since lotors cis ass is gone voltron essentially takes his position as head of the galra empire?? like the people who chose to follow lotor cant necessarily go to sendak bc their traitors to him, and leaving the empire to form another doesnt offer much protection, so team voltron releases the planets that they had under their control and team up w the galran army against sendaks “empire” and rip that bitch to pieces lmao
-after the big ol battle everyone retires back to earth where they all live together/relatively close to each other since they cant imagine being apart from their family after everything theyve been through together. shay leaves her planet and comes to live on earth w hunk after a while, and earth becomes a hub of peaceful human and alien life.
im real tired so this might not make a whole lot of sense but anyway shiro retires, lance becomes black paladin and keith goes back to red, bi lance is canon king, allura and lance are the wlw/mlm solidarity we deserve, everyone on team voltron deserves to be happy. in this essay i will-
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lohkinight-blog · 6 years
VLD Season 6 Thoughts! Spoilers (obviously)!!
This is basically a huge rant so you can just scroll away now.
I see so much hate over it but honestly I really enjoyed it! It was... a lot.
The animation was gorgeous and some points just showed so much emotion?? Like with Shiro and Keith especially.
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They all looked so beautiful this season!
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Pidge was such a badass fixing everything and having that backup against Shiro. Imagine the amount of stress-
Hunk was doing amazing (as usual), especially in that first episode :) WE NEED MORE HUNK!
The dnd - AHEM I MEAN monsters and mana- episode speaks for itself haha~
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Krolia and Keith's developments and backstory had me literally screeching, but my post with "I left you because I love you" post was tOTALLY RIGHT.
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Keith's dad and Shiro's clothes... :(
Krolia telling Shiro "thank you for raising him to be the man he is today" killed me. We got to see how close they were :') but uh... sorry Sheith shippers...?
Keith... has a wolf... thing?
We already knew it but I'm going to say it anyway. THE SHIRO WAS A CLONE THEORY WAS 100% CORRECT.
He has white hair now?? White Lion maybe?? Huh??
Keith's galra side showing more! With the marking and the eyes :D
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Also he's 2 years older? Lance commented on his growth and how he got "bigger" so I wonder if Keith is maybe taller than him now? Also his hAIR IS LONGER.
They're going home!! Back to Earth!!
Now onto the biggest thing. Lance.
I know a lot of people really hated it (especially some Klance shippers) but I thought it was ok?? It's kinda been hinted at a lot.
He's definitely grown from just being jokingly flirty to genuinely caring a lot about Allura... and might I say... love her? Who knows?
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I do hope we see Lance develop even more and gain some confidence :')
I was actually really proud of Allura this season.
She basically started to love a guy who seemed to show genuine interest back... but then she found out what he did in the past. She could have been blinded by her feelings and tried to defend him, but she turned against him. She threw him to the ground!! After she literally kissed him like a dobosh prior!
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I feel like Acxa is going to play more of an important role as a possible protagonist?? Its already been shown and hinted at.
Also, what is her connection with Keith? They aren't siblings (or at least, not with the same father), so what is up with them?
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I need to get this out there but... Allurance is most likely canon at this point. I legitimately cannot see anything potentially romantic between Keith and Lance anymore... whoops? I mean unless they have some kind of major change and development which at this point?? Season 6?? I highly doubt.
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What's going to happen with both Lotor and Zarkon being defeated?
Is the Earth going to become part of the coalition? Did everyone believe and follow Sam Holt, and if so, what are they going to find when they return?
... possible beach episode...?
That was a lot but thanks for listening to my ted talk.
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