shima-draws · 6 years
shaaron for the ask meme
When I started shipping it if I did: When. I first created them?? Lol;; I intentionally made them from the start and said “They’re going to end up together” so yeah
My thoughts: Their relationship is so good tbh it’s based on mutual trust and it was something they built up over time!! I love both of them, Aaron’s so soft and pure and sweet and kind and god he deserves the world. And Sheila’s so strong, she lost her mom at a young age, she’s been spearheading everything by herself and chasing her dreams and constantly training herself to become stronger and I am PROUD. She is such a strong character;; And Aaron sneaks in and fills up the gaps in her heart and cracks her outer shell!! They’re the ultimate team tbh, they work so well together! They’re actually based off of several of my favorite anime characters lmao so yeah there’s that too
What makes me happy about them: How doting they are?? Really it’s Aaron who’s doting since he’s crushed on Sheila since like 10th grade lmao and he would do anything for her;; he’s not the strongest person mentally or physically but god dammit if you threaten Sheila he will beat your ass. I just really like how their relationship develops too, Sheila goes from hating him to tolerating him and eventually she comes to really trust him and depend on him and overall, she cares about him so much and he cares about her so much and they’re so good. They’re willing to sacrifice anything to make the other happy and I cry
What makes me sad about them: Aaron’s condition fucking ruining everything all the time, he’ll be fine and then he’ll get an attack and end up in the hospital for two weeks while Sheila pulls her hair out in worry and tries not to make it obvious she’s terrified for him;; Also another thing is that they eventually find out some BIG secrets and have to separate for a while and they don’t want to but it’s just how things end up and I cry
Things done in fanfics that annoy me: Nothing since this is my series and I just started talking about it so there’s not any content yet lmao
Things I look for in fanfics: Again;; nothing much lmao. In a hypothetical situation I’d love fanfics of them traveling together in the Shadow Reaper Realm, cause they do go there together in the canon verse searching for the Truth™ about Sheila’s mom and the Shadow Reaper Queen so. It’s a fun time (but not for Sheila whoops)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Hmm;; Sheila’s best friend Chloe would be a good match for her, and Aaron’s best friend Nura, they’d be cute together (and Nura does have a weird thing for him too so!)
My happily ever after for them: They can live together happily and get married and not have to worry about shitty medical conditions or curses or whatever else, and train new Shadow Catchers and learn more and more about the Realm and the connection it has to their world
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Hehe I feel like they’d switch! But mostly Aaron since he’s a cuddler
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: They just like hanging out and being together, basically! Aaron helps Sheila clean her weapons sometimes, they both have study sessions together in the library (Aaron is WICKEDLY smart), they walk around campus and talk about stuff, those kinds of things~ They also have movie nights with all their friends in the dorms and it’s a fun time
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Answering some general asks! Thank you for the love and support <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
are u comfy writing fics with a trans reader in them?? nothing like this was in ur rules so i wanted to ask before requesting
Hello darling! This is a really good question. The short answer is that I am okay with writing for a trans reader, but it really depends on the actual request. By that I mean if it’s focussing heavily on issues that I haven’t experienced or know much about, it can be really hard for me to write something that feels genuine which is something I like to do. I never want to make light of serious topics or offend or insult anyone by writing something I clearly have no business writing.
I hope this kind of answers your question and I’m totally up for discussing it if you wanna hit up my chat <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
Connor is actually hurting me with his cuteness ;-; Send help
Connor glances at KC who is has her head on the desk, unmoving. “She may already be dead and unable to help.” He smiles pleasantly.
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
okay as long as I'm spamming your inbox (sorry about that btw) I just gotta say, Detroit is the first game to fuckin. romantically frustrate in a long ass time. I don't want to fuck the robots, I just wanna hold their hands and tell them it'll be okay. I'd rather just be a robofucker gdi HELP -detroit anon
Its the worst feeling and SAME. I don’t know if you’ve noticed how affected I am by the feels that suddenly hit me in the fucking face, but good god. Also I’ve always been a robofucker sooooooooooooooooooo  I DUNNO WHAT TO TELL YOU. WELCOME TO THE CLUB OR SOMETHING.
malina4ka said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I’m glad you liked the fluff darling!! <3 I hope it was cosy enough <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I was just scrolling through the DBH tag to find someone who shares the same amount of love that I have for a precious smol bean that needs to be protected aka Connor and let me tell you that you are a blessing! AH I LOVE YOU
I LOV EYOU TOO! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STOPPING BY TO SEND THIS AMAZING MESSAGE AND SHARE THE CONNOR LOVE. I’ve seen that some people are mad that people love Connor so much? I’m not exactly sure why, but I mean, I love Markus and Kara too, but we can have our own faves, I dunno. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I'm in between fandoms right now so I came to read your Devil May Cry writings because that's what I do when I'm in between lol And I come here and see Connor, and... well, I always joked that once androids of that level were a thing I was going to fall in love with one, so I guess this is just natural progression. Kudos to you for being the unwitting matchmaker 😂😂😂
OMG thank you for coming back to ready my DMC stuff!! I do hope the rumor about DMCV is TRUE. I need more DMC in my life, there is never enough. I will always love my devil boissss <3 Also androids will become the bane of everyone’s existence, especially if they’re CUTE and FRIEND-SHAPED like Connor. Hahahahah
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I gotta say, your characterisation of Connor feels super spot on :0 Absolutely love your fics! 
O M F G thank you SO MUCH that’s such a huge compliment. Characterisation is something I always try to get right because how else can I make my reader inserts feel genuine. Like, I want it to feel like the character adores you, so I need to write how they would show affection for you, and for that to happen I have to get the character right. Ya dig? ANYWAY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR POSITIVE FEEDBACK. ITS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!! !!!!!! !! <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
more connor please thank u for existing 
Ohh thank YOU for existing. I love you so much, thank you for sending in this ask. I will write more Connor fo SHO.
panicnowandrun said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
That Connor imagine was so cute!!! Would you be willing to do a part 2? Like where Connor deviates for her or something? Idk there just isn't a lot out there for him yet and you did so well! (Sorry if this is weird, it's 3am and I can't sleep lol)
I’ll definitely write more Connor stuff and I shall see if I can figure out something for your request, although I think most of my fics will be based on Connor already being a deviant or coming to terms with it or something. Maybe I’ll figure something out for when he’s still instruction-bound. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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