murs · 1 year
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carbone14 · 2 years
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Les membres des Jeunesses hitlériennes forment une svastika en l'honneur d'un soldat inconnu – Allemagne – 27 août 1933
©Associated Press
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
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Marian Wawrzeniecki’s swastika signatures
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gianluc30 · 2 years
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Svastika 🇸🇪
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cry-ptidd · 1 year
Hey what is laura's relationship with the Hellsing characters like?
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
But i'm now wondering ab the etymology of nevěsta bc i know the joke that goes like "to a mother, her son's wife is nevjesta because nije vješta (she is not skilled), and to a woman, her husband's mother is a svekrva because za sve je kriva (everything is her fault)"
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iidsch · 10 months
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I'm of the opinion that this type of censorship is incredibly stupid and useless but also I will never not see Registeel doing a nazi salute from now on
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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From THE One
To the many.
From the many
To The ♡NE.
The Swastika Symbol
In Sanskrit it is called a swastika, meaning “good.” It comes from the word swasti “welfare,” in turn from su “well” and asti “it is.” In popular use in India, it is thought to be a sign of good luck.
The clockwise Swastika is a Solar Symbol representing the cycles of the Sun, while the counterclockwise is called “Sauvastika” and it represents the night and its Lunar cycles.
This archetypal pattern refers to eternal processes of cycles and polarities which exists at all scales of nature, just like the Ouroboros, Hexagram, Yin-Yang, Torus, Fibonacci Sequence, etc…
It is the “Cosmic Spiral” which forms the Universe and Life itself.
“Few world-symbols are more pregnant with real occult meaning than the Svastika. It is symbolized by the figure 6; for, like that figure, it points in its concrete imagery, as the ideograph of the number does, to the Zenith and the Nadir, to North, South, West, and East; … It is the emblem of the activity of Fohat, of the continual revolution of the ‘wheels,’ and of the Four Elements, the ‘Sacred Four,’ in their mystical, and not alone in their cosmical meaning; further its four arms, bent at right angles, are intimately related … to the Pythagorean and Hermetic scales. One initiated into the mysteries of the meaning of the Svastika, say the Commentaries, ‘can trace on it, with mathematical precision, the evolution of Kosmos and the whole period of Sandhya.’ Also ‘the relation of the Seen to the Unseen,’ and ‘the first procreation of man and species.’ The initiated adept, who had successfully passed through all the trials, was attached, not nailed, but simply tied on a couch in the form of a tau (in Egypt) of a Svastika without the four additional prolongations (thus:, not) plunged in a deep sleep (the ‘Sleep of Siloam’ it is called to this day among the Initiates in Asia Minor, in Syria, and even higher Egypt). He was allowed to remain in this state for three days and three nights, during which time his Spiritual Ego was said to confabulate with the ‘gods,’ descend into Hades, Amenti, or Patala (according to the country), and do works of charity to the invisible beings, whether souls of men or Elemental Spirits; his body remaining all the time in a temple crypt or subterranean cave. In Egypt it was placed in the Sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Cheops, and carried during the night of the approaching third day to the entrance of a gallery, where at a certain hour the beams of the rising Sun struck full on the face of the entranced candidate, who awoke to be initiated by Osiris, and Thoth the God of Wisdom.”
–Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine - Volume II
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yoga-onion · 7 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (9)
Naga 2 – Shesha, the king of the serpents [Part 1]
The Brahma Purana describes the reign of Shesha as the king of the serpents in Patala:
During the night the light of the moon is not utilised for its coolness but only for illumination.
Since that passes away is not taken notice of by the Nāgas who enjoy with gaiety the foodstuffs and the edibles they consume and the great beverages they drink. 
Nor are Danujas and others aware of it.
O brahmins, the forests, rivers, lakes, and lotus ponds, the cooing of the cuckoo and other sweet birds, the pleasing skies, the unguents and the continuous notes and sounds of musical instruments such as the lute, flute and Mṛdaṅga drums, O brahmins—all these and other beautiful things are enjoyed by virtue of their good luck by Dānavas, Daityas and Nāgas residing in Pātāla. The Tāmasī form of Viṣṇu, named Śeṣa (Shesga) beneath the lower regions.
Daityas and Dānavas are not capable of recounting his good qualities. He is honoured by Devas and celestial sages. He is spoken of as Ananta. He has a thousand hoods and he is clearly bedecked in Svastika ornaments devoid of impurities. He illuminates all quarters by thousand jewels on his hoods.
— Brahma Purana, Chapter 19
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ヒト型爬虫類 (9)
ナーガ 2 〜 蛇の王、シェーシャ(難陀竜王) (その1)
『ブラフマ・プラーナ』には、冥界 (パーターラ)における蛇の王としてのシェーシャの治世が描かれている:
- ブラフマ・プラーナ第19章
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santoschristos · 4 months
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From THE One To the many. From the many To THE ♡NE.
The Swastika Symbol 卍 In Sanskrit it is called a swastika, meaning “good.” It comes from the word swasti “welfare,” in turn from su “well” and asti “it is.” In popular use in India, it is thought to be a sign of good luck.
The clockwise Swastika is a Solar Symbol representing the cycles of the Sun, while the counterclockwise is called "Sauvastika" and it represents the night and its Lunar cycles.
This archetypal pattern refers to eternal processes of cycles and polarities which exists at all scales of nature, just like the Ouroboros, Hexagram, Yin-Yang, Torus, Fibonacci Sequence, etc. . .
It is the "Cosmic Spiral" which forms the Universe and Life itself.
“Few world-symbols are more pregnant with real occult meaning than the Svastika. It is symbolized by the figure 6; for, like that figure, it points in its concrete imagery, as the ideograph of the number does, to the Zenith and the Nadir, to North, South, West, and East; . . . It is the emblem of the activity of Fohat, of the continual revolution of the ‘wheels,’ and of the Four Elements, the ‘Sacred Four,’ in their mystical, and not alone in their cosmical meaning; further its four arms, bent at right angles, are intimately related . . . to the Pythagorean and Hermetic scales. One initiated into the mysteries of the meaning of the Svastika, say the Commentaries, ‘can trace on it, with mathematical precision, the evolution of Kosmos and the whole period of Sandhya.’ Also ‘the relation of the Seen to the Unseen,’ and ‘the first procreation of man and species.’ The initiated adept, who had successfully passed through all the trials, was attached, not nailed, but simply tied on a couch in the form of a tau (in Egypt) of a Svastika without the four additional prolongations (thus:, not) plunged in a deep sleep (the ‘Sleep of Siloam’ it is called to this day among the Initiates in Asia Minor, in Syria, and even higher Egypt). He was allowed to remain in this state for three days and three nights, during which time his Spiritual Ego was said to confabulate with the ‘gods,’ descend into Hades, Amenti, or Patala (according to the country), and do works of charity to the invisible beings, whether souls of men or Elemental Spirits; his body remaining all the time in a temple crypt or subterranean cave. In Egypt it was placed in the Sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Cheops, and carried during the night of the approaching third day to the entrance of a gallery, where at a certain hour the beams of the rising Sun struck full on the face of the entranced candidate, who awoke to be initiated by Osiris, and Thoth the God of Wisdom.” --Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine - Volume II
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aristotels · 1 month
Kad idem kod psihe Nikad nema Slobodnog parking mjesta A ionako mi auto ne radi Pa idem autobusom I svejedno se raspizdim Oko toga šta nema parkinga I šta autobus uvik kasni A ponekad i ne dođe Uglavnom shvatili ste (Ako ste se ikad vozili Prometom) I dođem tamo I onda me ona pita Kako sam Šta kako sam Tri autobusa nisu došla A vanka je četrdeset I nitko nije napisao obavijest BUS NE DOLAZI A ni ne prolazi Kako sam, kažem: ljuta sam I ona pita zašto sam ljuta Odakle da počnem Ljuta sam, ljuta Radi globalnog zatopljenja I radi svastika na zgradama I radi toga šta Hajduk loše igra I ljuta sam jer se u Palestini Ratuje do krvi I jer nikoga nije briga I jer više ne broje tijela nego kilograme I jer je jedan otac htio pokopati svoje dijete I dali su mu vreću raskomadanih ostataka Koja je težila 18 kilograma I rekli nek to pokopa O jebote, ljuta sam I ljuta sam jer u Sudanu ljudi umiru od gladi I ljuta sam jer su otkazali TV seriju koju volim I ljuta sam jer imam previše posla A još sam ljuća kada nemam posla I ljuta sam jer sam u PMSu I ljuta sam jer čovjek nije mogao pokopati dijete (Onu vreću od 18 kilograma Izmiješanih kralježaka i kostiju) I ljuta sam jer nikoga nije briga za ništa I ljuta sam jer nitko drugi nije ljut I ljuta se osjećam poput psa svezanog U dvorištu, u kućici I laje li ga laje i nitko ga ne čuje I ljuta sam jer je sve poskupilo I jer burek košta 2 ipo eura I radi apartmanizacije i radi turista i radi neovlaštene gradnje Govorim joj, ne pitajte me Radi čega sam ljuta Mogli bismo ovdje biti danima Ne samo jedan sat kojeg imamo Mogli bismo stajati i nabrajati I razdvajati i prebrojavati (Kao ostatke u onoj vreći) Jer ja sam, vidite Ljuta na čitav svijet Možemo uzesti popis stanovništva I početi nabrajati Od slova A pa nadalje Uključit ćemo i one japanske znakove I nećemo stati Dok svakoga poimence Ne nabrojimo.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
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phoenixofthestars · 27 days
okay I need to talk about this.
I’ve known about it for a while, but five minutes ago I just realized how huge this is.
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this is the Mezine Swastika in Ukraine.
it is 12000 years old and the oldest swastika found.
twelve millennia. [plain text: twelve millennia.]
for some perspective, 12000 years ago is when humans shifted from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to become farmers, so they had to stay in one place—meaning they finally had the time to record things and make stuff that looked cool.
the swastika is as old as recorded human history.
it comes from the Sanskrit word svastika, meaning “good fortune” or “well-being.”
the swastika was also used to symbolize hope, peace, and general well-being.
it is found in cultures all across the world.
and one man managed to bastardize it and turn it into a symbol of nightmarish horror in only 25 years.
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juanitasupreme · 2 years
The fucking svastika on her shirt ????
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