#Super pal trio
yourhighness6 · 8 months
The super pal trio is so underrated honestly. Scorpia is super in love with Catra even though Catra is still getting over her ex turning into an eight foot tall warrior princess and basically just ignores her. Entrapta and Catra are under the impression that the other is an idiot because Catra has no idea what Entrapta is yammering on about half the time. Scorpia and Entrapta are actually best friends, although you have to imagine that Scorpia is at least a little jealous of her surprisingly semi-healthy relationship with Hordak. They DO have a braincell (somehow) but it transfers between Catra and Entrapta at alarming rates and Catra is constantly fighting for it meanwhile Entrapta gives zero fucks as long as she can hang out with robots. 10/10 would recommend
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1very1fancy1doilies1 · 9 months
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super pal trio comm :D
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nny11writes · 1 year
Catra: Can I be frank with you all?
Entrapta: I don’t know how changing your name will help.
Scorpia: Can I still be Scorpia?
Double Trouble, who knows better: shh! Let Frank speak!
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chiqita · 2 years
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New year, new shenanigans!
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alicelinducha · 7 months
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-why do you have pictures of babies in your lab????ru okay??
-what?????? where's the baby pictures????🥺🥺
- these pic-- ahm whatever forget about it
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capndragn94 · 9 months
Scorpia: Wildcat! Why is she unconscious?!
Entrapta: Hm? Oh, I think she fainted after she realized that I'm going to be her boss soon.
Scorpia: What?! Hordak's making YOU second in command?! What about Catra?!
Entrapta: No no no, he's not making me second in command of the Horde.
Scorpia: Phew! I'm sure Catra will be relieved to hear--
Entrapta: He's making me QUEEN of the Horde! I came down here to give you guys your invitations to the wedding.
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galxeygirl3467 · 4 months
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I saw a version of this done with the Blight siblings from TOH and thought it would work with the super pal trio. So- yeah- idk, I just thought it was a bit silly-
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quirrelli · 1 year
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Costume Swap 2.0
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sometipsygnostalgic · 9 months
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We're gonna win in the end!
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sherafaces · 2 years
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All the drawings from SheRa part 2
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baggebythesea · 20 days
I saw the series of posts with Entrapta being an evil Queen but was distracted by spiny chairs.
Brain jumped to thought of a heroine on an epic quest to defeat Entrapta. Entrapta instead of fighting her just asks her about the adventure to reach her and if she discovered anything interesting along the way.
If there was something that interested Entrapta the heroine is now a prisoner/assistant backtracking to whatever in the heroine’s journey interested Entrapta.
Totally! Entrapta would never even register that people try to topple her or anything like that, she would see the heroine and go Yay! New friend and happily start dismantling her doomsday device, not because the heroine wanted her to but simply because Entrapta wants to show how it works, in the process rebuilding it as a toaster. This techinically achieves the goal of stopping Entrapta from blowing up the world, so that's a plus.
I nominate Scorpia as the heroine, with a highly sarcastic Catra as a sidekick. This set ups the Super Pal Trio, and also gives us potential for uneasy Hordak+Catra bonding over being the only (slightly) sane people in Dryll.
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glitra-stan · 2 years
Catra: I need you at the rehearsal dinner tonight at 1800 hours.
Scorpia: Uh-huh, okay, what time is that?
Catra: You don't know military time?
Scorpia: Oh, I must've been in missile training the day they taught that.
Catra: Just subtract 12.
Scorpia: Okay, so, 1,800 minus 12 is...
[Scorpia looks at Entrapta]
Entrapta: ...1,788.
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tippenfunkaport · 7 months
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👽Area First Ones👽
Comic sci fi ensemble chaos!
Area 51 FBI agent Catra / Alien Adora
Entrapta single-handedly stopping and/or causing an intergalactic war with her alien boyfriend
stressed single dad Bow and his alien kindergartner, Wrong Hordak
Ensemble sci fi ANTICS!
AKA sometimes family is a mysterious clone child, an unstable scientist, her alien boyfriend bent on destroying the planet and the stressed archer she blackmailed into co-parenting with her
Read on AO3
A new ongoing fic that I wrote as a present for @sometipsygnostalgic as part of the SPOP Flex's Monster Mash event!
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that-ari-blogger · 8 months
The Turn Of The Seasons
If you were to look at an episode of television, or any self-contained story for that matter, the first few minutes would probably establish the themes and core questions of that story. For an overt example, Star Wars tells you outright in its opening.
Obviously, you can apply this analytical framework to a series as well, with the first episode setting up the plot of latter episodes. The second season of She-Ra and the Princesses Of Power begins with The Frozen Forest, and I would argue that it establishes three core themes: Consequence, change, and harmony.
Let me explain.
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Here is something interesting about She-Ra and storytelling as a whole: Themes aren't separate. There aren't moments where change is the entire focus, for example. All of the themes weave together to tell the story. Think of it like the rgb colour wheel, every part of this story has bits of each theme in it to form a whole. It may focus on one element, but the others will still be there, influencing the scene in minour ways.
With that said, I am going to try and talk about the themes separately for a moment, before bringing them all back together. I will talk about the constituent parts of the story, and then see the end result. I just feel it is important to understand that the separation is artificial.
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Consequence is a theme carried over from the previous season and the series as a whole. Although, where the first focused on the overarching cycle of trauma and abuse and the direct result of that, this season focuses in on the consequences of specific actions on the world on a whole, and on the fallout of the story up to this point.
First, the framing of this episode. The Frozen Forest takes place not long after The Battle for Brightmoon, and so the Whispering Woods is still recovering from the ice that nearly destroyed it. This is a series that engages with the fallout of spectacle, and now, even though they have won, the princesses are on the back foot. Where the Woods Provided a border, now the alliance has to hold off the attacking army itself, and it is spread thin trying to do so.
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Meanwhile, Catra and Adora are dealing with the consequences of not learning the lesson of the previous season. Adora is still working for Light Hope, and still processing Catra's words at the end of the previous season. Her response to any new development in the Horde is "ah, Catra," and her self-confidence has been eroded, and Light Hope has found that as a weak point and is keeping pressing.
Catra, on the other hand, has moved past Shadow Weaver. Right? She has defeated her in single combat and now her abuser sits in a cell, in shambles. So... why am I talking about it?
Unfortunately, that's not how healing works. Moving on isn't as uncomplicated as hitting someone in the face. Catra hasn't quite worked that out, so she goes to Shadow Weaver to gloat, and Shadow Weaver reads her like a book.
"If you're doing so well, why are you here? It's Adora, isn't it?"
But how does Catra respond?
"I let her win one.  We're gaining ground, and our armies are growing!  When they're ready to roll out, I will be at the head!!  And you'll be here rotting. Thanks, I needed this."
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She lies and she blusters, because Catra wants to feel powerful, so she puts Shadow Weaver down. But, does she want to feel powerful? Is that the core desire going on here?
I would argue for something else. I think that Catra wants to feel safe, and she has associated control with that safety. I think Catra lashes out because she feels herself losing control and gets scared. That last line, "I needed this". I don't think its entirely a lie. Catra did need that, at least in her mind. She needed a moment to release all of her anger, but I don't think she recognises that. I would argue that Catra just said that to try and get at Shadow Weaver, to try and tell her that she hadn't won, being correct was entirely accidental.
There is also the fact that Catra's only release is letting out her anger at Shadow Weaver, and whether or not that is healthy is debatable, but what happens if Shadow Weaver was to escape. Where would all of that anger go?
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Catra also leads into the theme of change rather well, specifically with her treatment of Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio. Once again, Catra has tried to move past Shadow Weaver, but here we show where she has gone after that. Catra is taking her authority the only way she knows how; she is becoming Shadow Weaver.
Back on the princess side of the war, there is a meeting about a change in tactics. Things have been going ok for the alliance, but nobody is sure how often they can continue, so Bow proposes a new strategy, and we see what that means to him. Intelligence comes in various forms, and while Entrapta is the inventor and scientist, Bow is a strategist, capable of maintaining a big picture perspective eternally. So, Bow suggests doing something different, a tactic that won't win the war, but it will buy time to figure out the next step. Bow also prioritises a change in perspective, focusing on knowledge about the opponent, believing that will inform his decisions.
Glimmer is also changing, and her development is mirroring Catra of all people. Overly Sarcastic Productions has a video on the parallels between these two characters later on in the series, but it is neat how early that starts. Glimmer takes on a role that is a lot like her mother in this episode, specifically in her relationship with Frosta. She becomes overprotective, and panics when Frosta gets herself in danger, and because she is Glimmer, her instinct is to push away responsibility. She is rebellious, so it takes her intentionally thinking about her actions to develop and apologise.
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I’m sorry I yelled. It's just -- I guess you remind me of... me.  And I can do some really dangerous stuff sometimes.
And this weaves in with the final theme of this episode and this season: Harmony. Specifically harmony with each other.
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The opening of the episode shows how the alliance is all made up of individuals who are formidably fighters, but who's miscommunication is holding them back. The band is together, but they ain't playing the same song, so what's the point? This episode shows them why they need to think as a team, and the conclusion where the power of friendship literally saves the day shows this off. Magic in this world is associated with that harmony between princesses, and so when they achieve it, the magic rewards them.
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It is telling that Entrapta, Scorpia, and Catra do have this harmonious relationship already, and to me it actually looks like more of a found family than the princesses. These are people who all feel safe around each other, and in this episode at least, Catra actually shows some healthy behaviours towards those in her life. She is supportive of Entrapta, if a little overbearing, for example, and the scene of all of them watching tv on the couch deliberately evokes that familial atmosphere.
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All of these moments connect with other themes as well. Adora's attempts to get over Catra are the collision of change and harmony, for example. She wants to get over Catra, but there is that loyalty there. The war council shows the consequences of the Horde, the need for a change, and the complete disharmony of the alliance.
But, the scene that, to me, shows the three themes in full, while letting them both individually shine and mix with each other, is that final scene of the episode.
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Consequence: Entrapta's "death". Change: Entrapta's "death". Harmony: Entrapta's "death"
The desire for change stands on its own with Bow trying to adapt his methods and taking a more scientific approach to the war.
The consequences are on display from the previous season and the episode up to this point. The bots are getting better, and the war is getting more tense.
The harmony is on display through what got Bow here in the first place. The fact that it took the entire alliance to bring down the bot and let Bow take a look inside it.
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But that all comes crashing in on itself with the reveal, and how it is framed. Often, a fake out death would be brushed off, but here Bow dwells on it. A single change has altered the way he sees both the consequences of the previous season, and the harmony of the princess alliance. Suddenly, he has more agency in Entrapta's fate than he realised, and Marcus Scribner kills that final line.
"Hold onto your hat, Future Bow. Entrapta's alive, and we left her behind."
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Final Thoughts
Thus begins another season of She-Ra, and I do like this episode as an opener. The themes are really well done and its telling that, when you think about it, everyone in that War Council Meeting was right, and wrong. Perfuma was right in that they needed cohesion, Mermista was right about needing that change of perspective. Its just the ways that they went about it that was wrong, because teamwork takes time and understanding of each other's boundaries, and the group hadn't worked that out yet.
Next week I'm tackling Ties That Bind, so stick around if that interests you.
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catra-come-out · 2 years
Scorpia: If Entrapta and I were drowning, who would you save?
Catra: You two can’t swim?
Scorpia: It’s a hypothetical question, Catra! Who would you save?
Catra: My time and effort.
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bi-dykes · 1 year
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The Best Friend Squad, The Super Pal Trio, and The Horde Cadet Trifecta icons <3
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