#Super Millets
supermilletstcs · 8 months
Millet Benefits for Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts
In the realm of athletic performance and fitness, millets, particularly those from Super Millets, have gained recognition as a nutritional powerhouse. This exploration delves into the specific benefits that millets offer for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, shedding light on how these tiny grains can play a crucial role in optimizing physical health and performance.
I. Millets as a Sustainable Energy Source
A. Complex Carbohydrates: Sustained Energy
Explore how the complex carbohydrates in millets provide a sustained release of energy, making them an ideal choice for athletes enduring prolonged physical activity.
B. Super Millets' Contribution to Endurance
Understand how Super Millets products contribute to enhanced endurance, supporting athletes during extended training sessions and competitions.
II. Protein Power: Muscle Building and Repair
A. Protein Content in Millets
Uncover the protein-packed nature of millets, providing the essential building blocks for muscle growth and repair.
B. Super Millets: Quality Protein for Fitness
Explore the emphasis placed by Super Millets on the quality of protein in their products, ensuring athletes receive optimal nutritional support.
III. Nutrient Density for Peak Performance
A. Micronutrients: Essential for Athletic Function
Delve into the micronutrient content in millets, providing athletes with essential vitamins and minerals crucial for optimal performance.
B. Super Millets: Nutrient-Rich Offerings
Learn how Super Millets ensures nutrient density in their products, catering to the increased nutritional demands of active individuals.
IV. Millets and Hydration: Supporting Fluid Balance
A. Electrolytes in Millets
Explore the role of millets in supporting hydration through their electrolyte content, aiding in the maintenance of fluid balance during intense physical activity.
B. Super Millets: A Hydration Boost
Understand how Super Millets products contribute to hydration, complementing the fluid needs of athletes engaged in rigorous training.
V. Millets for Recovery: Minimizing Muscle Fatigue
A. Antioxidant Properties in Millets
Discover how the antioxidant properties of millets help in minimizing oxidative stress, reducing muscle fatigue, and expediting recovery.
B. Super Millets: Accelerating Recovery
Explore how Super Millets products are designed to accelerate the recovery process, supporting athletes in bouncing back from intense workouts.
VI. Weight Management for Athletic Performance
A. Satiety and Weight Control
Understand how the fiber content in millets promotes satiety, aiding athletes in weight management without compromising energy levels.
B. Super Millets: A Balancing Act
Learn how Super Millets products contribute to a balanced approach to weight management, supporting athletes in achieving their performance goals.
VII. Millets for Digestive Wellness
A. Fiber for Digestive Health
Explore how the fiber-rich composition of millets promotes digestive wellness, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption for athletes.
B. Super Millets: Supporting Digestive Resilience
Understand how Super Millets products support digestive resilience, a crucial aspect for athletes with demanding nutritional needs.
VIII. Super Millets: Versatile Options for Fitness Diets
A. Millets in Pre and Post-Workout Nutrition
Discover the versatility of millets in pre and post-workout nutrition, offering fitness enthusiasts a convenient and nutritious option.
B. Super Millets Products for Fitness Diets
Explore specific Super Millets products designed to cater to the nutritional needs of those following a fitness-centric lifestyle.
IX. Millets and Athletic Hygiene: Gluten-Free Advantage
A. Gluten-Free Millets
Highlight the gluten-free nature of millets, providing athletes with a safe and nutritious option, especially for those with gluten sensitivities.
B. Super Millets' Commitment to Gluten-Free Products
Explore how Super Millets ensures the gluten-free integrity of their products, catering to the dietary requirements of athletes.
X. Millets for Enhanced Cognitive Function
A. Nutrients Supporting Cognitive Health
Delve into the nutrients in millets that support cognitive function, an essential aspect for athletes requiring focus and mental clarity.
B. Super Millets: Holistic Support for Mind and Body
Understand how Super Millets products offer holistic support for both physical and cognitive aspects, contributing to overall athletic excellence.
XI. Millets in Sports Nutrition Education
A. Millets in Sports Nutrition Programs
Explore the inclusion of millets in sports nutrition education, emphasizing their role in providing athletes with well-rounded and sustainable nutrition.
B. Super Millets Nutrition Workshops: Empowering Athletes
Learn about nutrition workshops organized by Super Millets, empowering athletes with knowledge on optimizing their performance through proper nutrition.
XII. Conclusion
A. Millet Benefits: A Game-Changer for Athletes
Summarize the transformative benefits of millets for athletes, showcasing their potential as a game-changer in the realm of sports nutrition.
B. Super Millets: Elevating Athletic Nutrition
Conclude by highlighting how Super Millets stands at the forefront, elevating athletic nutrition through their commitment to quality and nutritional excellence.
For More 
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leavemebetosleep · 2 years
my birb: would get incredibly sick if I let her have coffee
also my birb: gets mad at me that I won’t share my coffee 
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What Are Millets and How Can They Benefit Diabetics?
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses cultivated as cereal crops. They include varieties such as pearl millet, finger millet, foxtail millet, and sorghum. These hardy grains are known for their ability to grow in diverse climates and soil conditions.
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Traditional Indian cuisine features various millet-based dishes, highlighting their cultural significance.
You can enhance your daily diet by including these five Sridhanya (millets): Little Millet, Kodo Millet, Barnyard Millet, Foxtail Millet, and Brown Top Millet. These offers unique health benefits and can be easily add into various meals.
Millets are rich in protein, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and lower in carbs content. And also have Low GI Millet Require less water and are more resistant to pests and diseases. It Can withstand harsh growing conditions. It also provide economic support. Suitable for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease
Benefits of millet for diabetes
Millets have more protein than rice and are great sources of dietary fiber, which helps with digestion and keeps you feeling full. They usually have fewer carbohydrates compared to wheat and rice.
Millets are lower in carbohydrates, which helps reduce the intake of foods that quickly increase blood glucose levels.
Millets have a lower glycemic index compared to wheat and rice, they cause a slower, smaller rise in blood sugar.
Millet is rich in protein, it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Millets are highly versatile and can be used in a variety of recipes, including porridge, salads, soups, bread, and even desserts, making them easy to incorporate into different meals.
Choose Health—Incorporate Millets into Your Diet! To know more about this, please visit our Article. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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milletsgirlmilli · 1 year
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finger millets and its Benefits: A blog about the benefits of finger millets and how it can improve your health
Finger millets, also known as ragi, are a nutritious cereal crop that is grown in many parts of the world. It is a rich source of calcium, iron, and other essential nutrients, making it a valuable addition to the diet. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of finger millets and how it can improve your health.
Rich in Nutrients:
Finger millets are a rich source of calcium, iron, and other essential nutrients. It is also high in dietary fiber, which helps in regulating blood sugar levels and improving digestion. The crop is also rich in amino acids, making it a complete protein source.
Good for Bone Health:
Finger millets are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for bone health. It is also rich in vitamin D, which helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. Regular consumption of finger millets can help in preventing bone-related disorders such as osteoporosis.
Controls Diabetes:
Finger millets are low in glycemic index, making it an ideal food for people with diabetes. It helps in regulating blood sugar levels and preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. The high dietary fiber content in finger millets also helps in reducing the risk of diabetes.
Reduces Cholesterol:
Finger millets are rich in dietary fiber, which helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. It also contains antioxidants that help in preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which is harmful to the body.
Good for Weight Loss:
Finger millets are low in calories and high in dietary fiber, making it an ideal food for weight loss. The high fiber content in finger millets helps in keeping you full for longer, reducing the need for snacking between meals.
Good for Skin:
Finger millets are rich in antioxidants, which help in preventing the damage caused by free radicals in the body. It also contains vitamin E, which is essential for healthy skin.
In conclusion, finger millets are a nutritious cereal crop that is rich in essential nutrients. It offers numerous health benefits, including improved bone health, controlled diabetes, reduced cholesterol levels, weight loss, and healthy skin. Therefore, it is important to include finger millet in your diet to improve your overall health and well-being.
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artemis-potnia-theron · 3 months
Hi 💙
I would like to worship Artemis, i've looking and investigate about hellenic polytheism and i have a special bond with the Delian triad (Artemis, Apollon and Leto), i love them, but i'm new in this and i want to start first with Artemis...
How i could start? How do you begin with her? I don't know how to start and what i have to do... Could you help me? I see how is your relationship with her and i love it ✨
Khaire! 🫂
So excited to hear about your interest in the trio!! They all hold very special places in my heart, so I love to hear when other people find them as well!
However, although I consider Apollo(n) to be my spiritual father and Leto to be my spiritual grandmother, the relationship I have with Artemis is an intersection of mother, sister, best friend, love of my life, spiritual mistress, queen, ect...so I will be approaching this from a more Artemis focused perspective lol. Hope that's okay!!
First, I would strongly recommend reading She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu for a really solid, comprehensive overview of her worship. Understanding her history and domains can be very helpful in understanding Artemis as a goddess. Apollo(n) and Leto are featured in it, but mostly in relation to her.
Theoi.com is a good overall resource, but I would recommend sticking to 'scholarly' or peer-reviewed sources as much as possible when trying to get historical information about her cults, worship, and associated religious practices. The same goes for Apollo(n) and Leto.
In terms of personal practice stuff, it took me years to really forge the connection and relationship I have with her how. She can be prickly in certain ways. Her energy is as intense and wild as anything I've ever experienced. Early on, it felt like getting close to a roaming wolf or a hunting lioness. But once you bridge that gap, she's as protective and loves with as much ferocity as a mother bear. Apollo(n) and Leto were a bit less distant, even in the early days - at least for me. So take your time. Don't rush things with any of them, but most specifically not with Artemis lol.
In terms of activities/stuff she likes, I can list some random, everyday ways I connect with her!
- Being out in the moonlight, walking with the nightroaming critters 🌙🦇
- Going on nature walks, hikes, or just sitting outside! Touching grass really works haha
- Work on healing your 'inner child' through shadow work, but mostly importantly through therapy if it's accessible
- Taking care of and/or spending time with animals
- Reading her myths
- 'Ecstatic' dance. She shares a connection with The Mousai (The Muses) and to singing and music in general - a domain she shares with her brother
- Anything involved in childcare and/or childbirth
- Practicing archery
- Standing up for yourself
- Appericating solitude/independence
- Listening to folk music, lol. She loves The Amazing Devil
- Of course, connecting with others close to her helps! Apollo(n) and Leto are the most obvious ones, but she also has close ties to Hekate, Kybele, Dionysus, Persephone, Demeter, Zeus, Athene, Pan, and many more both inside and outside of her 'main' pantheon.
- In terms of symbols and stuff I've found she likes for her altars, she loves deer, bear, dog, fish, boar, and wolf imagery in particular. I associate green, brown, grey, blue, and purple with her. She's loves amethyst. And of course she loves any nature-related offerings!
- I also love connecting everyday stuff with her - albeit in a UPG kind of way lol. I associate the movies Beasts of the Southern Wild and Princess Mononoke with her as well as A Children's Bible by Lydia Millet and We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shriely Jackson and that's all super UPG! Personalize your practice to you, your life, and your beliefs.
What matters most is fostering a relationship with a good foundation. As cliche as it sounds, it really can be about the journey rather than the destination when it comes to deity work. Enjoy yourself, be respectful, decide what you believe, and listen to the lessons she has to teach you. The rest will come naturally :)
Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions! May Artemis' arrow guide you always.
- Taylor 🌙🏹🦌
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comfymodeaudio · 8 months
Made a little audio drama thing out of a script by the lovely @sexygoddessdawgy where you pretend that Laios is nerding out to you about monsters for five and a half minutes.
Script under cut!
Laois (excited): I never would’ve thought someone would sign up for a lecture of mine! Of course I'd be happy to show you the ropes! Here, take a seat.
(Sounds of a book being open, pages flipping)
Laois: *ahem* Welcome to your first lesson in Cryptozoological Gastronomy! The goal of this lesson is to introduce you to the goal of this course: To understand monsters, inside and out.
Laois: Let’s start with the basics. The cockatrice and basilisk are closely related, but fundamentally different. Can you guess what the biggest difference is?
Audience: …
Laois: Oh, don’t feel bad. It’s not common knowledge. The main difference between the two is the method of attack. Basilisks use a potent toxin, which paralyzes the victim and leaves them vulnerable. Ah, a little history lesson: since both heads have a digestive tract, researchers argued for a long time about which head consumes the prey. Some argue the basilisk uses the two heads and tears the corpse apart. Others think the heads take turns eating.
Laois: But actually! The chicken portion of the body uses its large feet to crush up its prey and make it easier for the chicken body to digest. However(!), they typically only do this when they have chicks to feed. Otherwise, if the prey is small enough, then the snake head swallows the victim whole! Isn't that so cool?
Audience: And what about cockatrices?
Laois: (whispered) Oh, yeah, Cockatrices are super cool, too. (normal volume, still excited) They can completely turn their victims to stone. For a long time, nobody knew what was done to the petrified prey. What we know now is that the petrification magic takes a long time to wear off by itself, relative to the victim's natural magical ability. What we didn't find out until recently is that if a piece of the body breaks, the petrification on the severed limb is dispelled, and it will turn back to flesh.
Laois: So, like basilisks, the cockatrice feeds by immobilizing its prey and then using its feet to break up the body. Once the petrification fades from the critter-pebbles, the two heads take turns feeding. However, unlike the basilisk, the larger cockatrice has to keep both its bellies fed simultaneously, so they prey on larger species. I've heard they will scavenge, as well.
However, an important thing that they have in common is that they’re really hard to confuse. It’s a common trait among polycephalous monsters.
Audience: How do they not get confused?
Laois: There's a lot of theories about how monsters with multiple heads don't get confused. I think they're communicating somehow, maybe by causing different sensations in the shared body or some other nonverbal way of communicating. It's also possible that the snake head gives commands to the rooster head and body. The snake is the brains, the chicken is the brawn, do you understand?
Audience: Not the other way around?
Laois: Research was done to figure out which head is predominant.  Cut off the chicken head, both the basilisk and cockatrice continued to move around without much issue.  Cut off the snake head, the basilisk runs around and eventually begins to lose interest in hunting its own prey. In fact, without the snake head, a Basilisk can survive only on millet and grains.  Meanwhile, in cockatrices, if you cut off the snake head first, the chicken half keeps hunting, but with a way lower success rate.  That’s why I think the snake is the brains.  Also, the snake has a heat-sensing pit organ, which makes escaping either monster much more difficult.
Oh, but if you manage to hunt one, the meat is so tender and juicy!
Audience: How do you cook them?
Laois: I’ve only had basilisk so far, and I wasn’t the one to cook it, so I’ll tell you what my mentor Senshi did.  Back then, he didn’t cook the snake part, I think because he didn’t have everything needed for preparing it.
Audience: Have you eaten snake before?
Laois: I did eat snake once, back when I was a curious kid.  If I remember right, you can eat snakes even if they have venom or poison, so long as you prepare and cook them right.  Cut off the head, remove the skin, take out the guts and skeleton, cut it into parts, then fry it.  You can probably do the same to basilisk or cockatrice if you have the right tools.
Laois: For the chicken half, it’s not as difficult as you might think!  After cutting off its head and the crop–sorry, that’s where food is stored before digestion for a lot of birds–you have to hang it to drain, then scald the body.  Put it in hot water and move the body around.  It’ll make plucking the feathers off the body way easier.  Then, remove the organs and skeleton.  Then, you rub in spices to your liking.  Senshi recommended letting it sit overnight to let the flavors marry really well.  After the spices, Senshi stuffed the basilisk with herbs and root vegetables to help an injured adventurer, but you can stuff chicken with lots of different ingredients.  Finally, you roast it, either over an open flame, or in a seasoned pot with a splash of water. Either method will give you a crisp, salty skin, with a tender and juicy bite. If I were to compare it to something… it has the rich flavor of roasted chicken breast, with the texture of smoked pork loin.  Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?
Anyway, I think that’s enough for the first lesson. For your next lesson, we’ll work on obtaining this information from monsters ourselves through careful observation and experimentation.
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helputrust · 4 months
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Jai Shree Ram!
We are delighted to invite you all to join us in celebrating International Yoga Day at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Viraj Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow.
This special event aims to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga, and we believe that your participation will greatly enrich the experience for all attendees.
Event Details:
Date : 21st June 2024
Time : 06:15 am to 07:15 am
Venue : Max Super Speciality Hospital, Viraj Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Chief Yoga Instructor: Shri Surendra Ji
Additional Information:
Yoga mats and T-shirts will be provided free of charge to all participants.
Refreshments will include Aam Panna, sprouts, poha, and water bottles.
Free blood sugar and blood pressure checks will be available for all participants.
Each participant will receive a packet of millets as a gift.
The event will feature yoga sessions led by experienced instructors, along with an interactive workshop and discussion on the health benefits of yoga.
This will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together, learn, and practice yoga in a supportive environment.
We look forward to your positive participation and hope to see you at the Yoga Day Programme.
All are invited to bring their families to enjoy these health benefits. Prior confirmation of your participation is mandatory by 15th June 2024. Please confirm your attendance on 9415020720 (Whatsapp).
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#NarendraModi #PMOIndia
#Maxhealthcare #MaxSuperSpecialityHospital
#YogiAdityanath #UPCM
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#KiranAgarwal #DrRupalAgarwal #HarshVardhanAgarwal
#followers #highlight
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@followers @highlight
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
[Kanto] [Johto] [Hoenn] [Sinnoh] [Unova] [Kalos] [Alola] [Galar] [Hisui] [Champs] [Paldea] [Paldea2] [Paldea3] [Teams] [Misc.]
Ya know who else I've totally neglected in this series of posts? The Battle Frontier bosses.
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Anabel's name is LILA[リラ] from Lilac, hence her color scheme. That one's super straight forward.
Spencer's name was UKON[ウコン] from ukon[鬱金] the name for tumeric, a type of ginger root that is very popular traditional chinese medicine.
Noland's name was DATURA[ダツラ] from the genus of poisonous flowers in the Nightshade family, as well as other such charming common names as Devil's Trumpet, Hell's Bells, and Devil's Weed. They are all not only extremely poisonous but psychoactive
Brandon's name was JINDAI[ジンダイ] a neat pun as the common Japanese name of this cactus, jindai[神代], means "god time" as in "age of the gods/myth" in other words, "ancient," which of course lends to his role as Ruins Maniac/Pyramid King.
Tucker's name is HEATH[ヒース] which funny enough means he shares a namesake with Erika, and with Heath, aka HEATHER, Briar's ancestor that wrote the violet/scarlet book.
Greta's name is KOGOMI[コゴミ] from kogomi[屈] the Japanese name for the fiddlehead fern, used in cooking. They have a super distinctive curled shape which is where she gets her hair.
and then Lucy's name is AZAMI[アザミ] as in Azami[薊]: "thistle," appropriate for her prickly demeanor.
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Technically I already did Darach's once, but I'll go over it again here. His name is KOKURAN[コクラン] as in kokuran[黒蘭], lit. "Black Orchid" and as a play on that Caitlin is actually named Cattleya[カトレア] from the Catelleya genus of orchids. His ancestor Anthe was named Sharon[シャロン] in reference to the Rose of Sharon, which is actually a common name of a few unrelated flowers, including the national flower of South Korea. (Oddly she seems to bear absolutely no relation to the Orchid theme between Kokuran and Cattleya. )
Argenta's original name was KEITO[ケイト] from keitou[鶏頭] the Japanese name for the Silver Cockscomb, which has very obvious color associations that lend to her design. Also the Silver Cockscomb's scientific name is the Celosia argenta, which is where they got her English name.
Palmer's name is KURUTSUGU[クロツグ] after kurutsugu[桄榔] the Kaong Sugar palm
Thorton's name was NEJIKI[ネジキ] from nejiki[捩木] the Japanese name of the Anyaar/Angeri(Lyonia ovalifolia). They have thee adorable little white bell flowers.
and finally for this batch, it's Dahlia who was in fact just named DAHLIA[ダリア]. For the image i picked a yellow Spider Dahlia specifically since it seemed to match her color scheme and hair
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Oh and just to round out this little batch of extras, Barry's name is actually JUN[ジュン] from Junichi Masuda, game director of the core Pokemon series. It's a play on Gary's name being SHIGERU[シゲル], after Shigeru Miyamoto. But sadly it has nothing to do with his dad's name.
While I'm here...
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Cheryl's name was MOMI[モミ] from momi[籾] which is a word that refers to unhulled rice specifically. Unrelated to her ancestor Wasabi's name.
Marley's name is MAI[マイ] from mai[米], which is just the word for "Rice" as a food staple, so depending on context it can implicitly mean when hulled, because the alternative would be momi, but it does also generally to the crop and even the food industry. (Ironically Mai in Hisui was actually named YONE[ヨネ] which is an alternate reading of the same kanji for "rice" [米], yet they named her Mai in English, Marley's actual Japanese name...)
Go figure, Buck's name is in fact BAKU[バク] and it's the Japanese word baku[麦] for Wheat or Barley. By sheer coincidence it is how Japanese phoneticizes "Buck" but it does not actually refer to Buck Wheat. Also he has nothing to do with his brother, nor their ancestor's names.
Mira's name is MIRU[ミル] from "Millet." It's also where her little hairtie design comes from.
and finally, Riley's name is GEN[ゲン] from genmai[玄米] the name for brown rice, which is a kind of earthier more nutritious rice.
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So oddly, there is a concept in Chinese agriculture and cooking called Wu Gu[五穀]: "The Five Grains" that refers to the 5 staple crops of Chinese agriculture dating back to ancient times, and several far et cultures have their own variations on this... but despite the obvious grain theming the 5 stat specialist trainers don't actually match any specific version of the 5 Grains?? It definitely feels like that was the intended reference, yet it sort of falls apart in the specifics... maybe just a disagreement on what made fora good name or not?
Oh and as for a few other oddball ancestors...
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Sabi, Mai, and Zisu I've all technically covered before in one form or another but the quick overview is that Sabi was named WASABI[ワサビ], YONE we mentioned above, and Zisu was named PERILLA[ペリーラ], after the same type of redleaf mint that Flint, aka OBA[オーバ], was named after.
Pesselle's name is KINE[キネ] from kine[杵]: "(mortar &)pestel" which is both a cute play on Millet and on her role as head of the medical division and the grinding of medicinal herbs.
and Riley's ancestor Rye is actually named HAKU[ハク] as in haku[白]"white"but sensibly a reference to hakumai[白米]:"White rice" in parallel to Gen's gen[玄] also reading literally as "Black/Dark" when referring to "brown rice."
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lindentreeisle · 7 months
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I honestly have meant to be on here more, but it's honestly been hard to get back in the habit, haha. Also the state legislature is in session and I do a lot of legislative advocacy so to the extent I have slack time at work, I usually spend it on that.
The babies have settled in really well- they are very comfortable in the small cage and more and more engaged in playing with toys and exploring. The first time they (accidentally) ended up on the floor, they were terrified, but now they go intentionally and are delighted with the adventure. I'm still working on encouraging them to explore the big cage- I want to feel like they're confident and safe getting around in there before I move them for good because there's a lot of ground to cover in there.
Most importantly, at the beginning of last week I finally got their names. The white is Beep and the yellow is Duck. (Which is kind of ridiculous but I thought of it and knew immediately it was the right name.)
We are working on getting them to eat the dang pellets and not just the seeds in their food, and mixing in the pellets I use with the plan of transitioning them over (I have at least two more weeks of food from the breeder, she gave me a LOT). And while they are generally happy to come onto my hands in exchange for millet, after Duck suddenly got super hand shy again I realized I needed a different approach. Plus with them outside the cage more now, I need to work on step up so I can get them back in without grabbing (right now I mostly open the cage when it's near feeding time, so I can get them back in the cage easily by luring them into the food bowl and moving that).
So we've gone back to first principles and I'm doing touch training. Duck got it immediately (I would call Duck "highly food motivated") and Beep finally, FINALLY seemed to make the connection today (instead of just trying to figure out how to get to the millet directly). Starting to work with Duck on movement (following the target) and hopefully from there on to stepping on and off a perch. Working with two is turning out to be challenging in ways I didn't expect. They are bonding with one another and spend many happy hours squeaking and preening each other but are also more than willing to trample each other for a bite of millet.
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
Any kimono or other chestnut patterned object? Or a legend? Chestnuts have been present in Japan since before rice.
Chestnut or 栗 kuri can indeed be found used as patterns, for kimono, obi and any knick knack like boxes, plates, sword guards, etc. On the blog, you can find some here.
Tbh, rice was mostly reserved to the elite for a super long time, and common people eat other cereals, like millet. Chestnut were an afordable food, eaten in Japan since at least Jomon period, easy to store and packed with nutriments.
Kurigohan (chestnut with rice) is still nowadays a well loved autumn dish. Their auspicious golden colors also makes them suitable to be served for celebrations in place of the usual auspicious sekihan (red beans and rice).
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vixen525 · 1 year
Sammy the uromastyx picture time!
So today when I went to give him good meal, he actually didn’t dive under the big rock in his enclosure! He was nervous, went to a corner, but I’m happy he stayed in the open.
I took a picture of him out basking before I opened because I thought he would hide.
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But surprisingly enough, I got two pictures after closing it back up because he stayed out!
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Those colors are slowly coming in!
If you are curious about the meal he got this time: escarole lettuce, a dandelion bloom, a little sample of green leaf lettuce, a couple pieces of squash, and an always available bowl of bird seed that is 90% millet and sprinkled with super veggie supplement. With his escarole staple he regularly gets samplings of other types of lettuce and a couple varieties of squash, dandelion blooms or bits of wild plantain, sometimes sprouted lentils, and some veggie treats I got at the pet store. Gotta spoil my boy!
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supermilletstcs · 8 months
Millet Desserts: Sweet Indulgences with a Healthy Twist
Embark on a delectable journey through the realm of millet desserts, where sweetness meets health, courtesy of the offerings from "Super Millets." In this exploration, we unravel the art of crafting desserts that not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also infuse the goodness of millets. From grains to flour and ravas, "Super Millets" transforms dessert indulgences into a wholesome and nutritious experience.
I. Millets and Sweet Symphony
A. Millets: The Versatile Sweet Canvas
Discover the versatility of millets in dessert creations, serving as a unique and nutritious base for a variety of sweet treats.
B. Super Millets' Commitment to Sweet Wholesomeness
Explore how "Super Millets" ensures that their products contribute not only to sweetness but also to the overall nutritional profile of desserts.
II. Millet Flour Magic: A Flourishing Dessert Base
A. Millet Flour in Desserts
Uncover the magic of millet flour in desserts, imparting a nutty flavor and a nutrient boost to your favorite sweet concoctions.
B. Super Millets Flour: Elevating Dessert Excellence
Explore how "Super Millets" flour takes desserts to new heights, ensuring that each spoonful is a delight for the taste buds and a nourishment for the body.
III. Ravas Revelry: Innovations in Dessert Making
A. Ravas by Super Millets in Sweet Recipes
Dive into the world of ravas and its applications in sweet recipes, adding a unique and wholesome twist to traditional desserts.
B. Super Millets Ravas: Redefining Dessert Textures
Understand how "Super Millets" ravas introduces a new dimension to dessert textures, making every bite a delightful experience.
IV. Millet-Infused Sweet Breakfasts
A. Millet Pancakes and Waffles
Start your day on a sweet note with millet pancakes and waffles, a nutritious and indulgent breakfast option.
B. Super Millets Breakfast Mix: A Convenient Sweet Start
Explore the convenience of "Super Millets" breakfast mixes, making it easy to incorporate millets into your morning routine without compromising on taste.
V. Wholesome Millet Dessert Bars
A. Nutty Millet Bars
Create nutritious and satisfying millet bars, combining the goodness of millets with a variety of nuts for a wholesome snack.
B. Super Millets Dessert Bar Range: Choices Galore
Discover the diverse range of dessert bars offered by "Super Millets," catering to different taste preferences and dietary needs.
VI. Millet Puddings: Creamy Goodness Redefined
A. Classic Millet Pudding
Indulge in the classic millet pudding, a creamy and comforting dessert that brings together the richness of millets and the sweetness of your choice.
B. Super Millets Pudding Mix: Effortless Decadence
Experience the ease of creating delicious millet puddings with "Super Millets" pudding mixes, ensuring a delightful dessert with minimal effort.
VII. Millet Cookies: Crunchy Delights
A. Millet Chocolate Chip Cookies
Satisfy your sweet cravings with millet chocolate chip cookies, where the nuttiness of millets complements the sweetness of chocolate.
B. Super Millets Cookie Mix: Baking Made Easy
Explore the convenience of baking with "Super Millets" cookie mixes, creating batches of wholesome cookies with minimal time and effort.
VIII. Millet Cakes: Celebration in Every Slice
A. Millet Carrot Cake
Experience the goodness of millets in a classic carrot cake, where the natural sweetness of carrots pairs harmoniously with millet flour.
B. Super Millets Cake Mix: Effortless Celebration
Celebrate special occasions with ease using "Super Millets" cake mixes, ensuring a delicious and nutrient-packed cake every time.
IX. Millet Muffins: Bite-Sized Bliss
A. Blueberry Millet Muffins
Delight in the burst of flavors with blueberry millet muffins, where the nutty notes of millets complement the sweetness of fresh berries.
B. Super Millets Muffin Mix: Quick and Tasty
Discover the convenience of whipping up tasty millet muffins with "Super Millets" muffin mixes, making baking a breeze.
X. Millet Tarts: Elegant Dessert Options
A. Fruit-Filled Millet Tarts
Elevate your dessert table with millet tarts filled with a medley of fresh fruits, showcasing the versatility of millets in pastry creations.
B. Super Millets Tart Shells: Time-Saving Elegance
Explore the time-saving elegance of "Super Millets" tart shells, allowing you to create sophisticated desserts effortlessly.
XI. Millet Ice Cream: Cool and Nutrient-Rich
A. Millet Chocolate Ice Cream
Indulge in the richness of millet chocolate ice cream, a cool and creamy dessert that combines the joy of ice cream with the goodness of millets.
B. Super Millets Ice Cream Base: DIY Frozen Treats
Create your own nutrient-rich ice cream with "Super Millets" ice cream bases, customizing flavors to suit your preferences.
XII. Millet Trifles: Layered Decadence
A. Berry Millet Trifle
Experience layered decadence with berry millet trifles, where the textures of millets add a delightful crunch to the soft layers of cream and fruit.
B. Super Millets Trifle Mix: Quick Layered Delights
Simplify the creation of layered delights with "Super Millets" trifle mixes, ensuring a quick and impressive dessert presentation.
XIII. Super Millets Dessert Mixes: A Culinary Adventure
A. Diverse Dessert Mix Offerings
Explore the diverse dessert mix options offered by "Super Millets," transforming your kitchen into a culinary adventure zone.
B. Creative Dessert Making with Super Millets Mixes
Learn how "Super Millets" dessert mixes serve as a creative catalyst, allowing you to experiment with flavors and textures in your sweet creations.
XIV. Conclusion
A. Millet Desserts: A Harmony of Health and Sweetness
Summarize the harmonious marriage of health and sweetness in millet desserts, with "Super Millets" leading the way in transforming indulgences into nutritious experiences.
B. Super Millets: Elevating Dessert Standards
Conclude by highlighting how "Super Millets" plays a pivotal role in elevating dessert standards, offering products that redefine the concept of sweet indulgences.
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flock-talk · 1 year
My budgie is currently on a couple antibiotics that he'll need to take three times a day for the next two weeks. (I have to towel him to do so.) I gave him the first doses last night, and he's already acting super hesitant about being around me, when usually he's incredibly friendly and it's a struggle to get him to leave me alone. He's still accepting millet from me and giving my finger little boops with his beak, but is only stepping up for a few seconds before flying away and isn't coming over to hang out by me.
Any suggestions for how I can try to maintain his trust in me as much as possible while he recovers? Or would you recommend I just give him his space and work on repairing our bond after he doesn't need the medication anymore?
Unfortunately when you’re stuck in the middle of needing to give meds you don’t have a ton of wiggle room.
Main thing would be to just get it done as quickly as possible and follow up with a buttload of good high value treats to soften the blow.
Between doses you can either opt to hide everything so they connect that grabbing and dosing only happens when syringes are present and have less fear outside of those conditions or you can leave everything visible and work on neutrality near the items so the dosing isn’t as scary overall. Just depends on the individual bird which route to take there.
Otherwise it’s all about doing what they want, if they show fear when you offer treats and interact then I would opt to keep my hands away and just chat with them instead. Your main goal is to just help them see that you’re not always pushing boundaries and scaring them. They’re going through a lot of fear with every dose we don’t need to push their comfort zones even more working on taming and trust building at the same time. I’d give them a break or work exclusively under threshold where 0 fearful body language is present
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rerenikos-sweetheart · 4 months
hi!!!! my type is either expressive & arrogant "evil" characters, as well as super nice & chill/unbothered characters :]
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i think you'd like mucha and millet !
while i can't fully say that mucha is evil, he is still very morally grey. he is always very polite and gentle with people, because of which it's hard to know his true intentions...but once you know him better he is a nice person to be around. feed him trdelnik, he deserves it
millet on the other hand is a very simple man — he likes gardening, and being very close to the soil. he is a very kind person, always ready to lend a hand, but is also very easy to trick, because of which he very often falls victim to scams..he is also very bad with technology, so you'd probably have to teach him that...he has no enemies he just vibes
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
For your ask game, how about 2, 7, 13, 16, 19, 23 and 24 ☘️
AAAAHHHHH! Oh my goodness! Thank you for all the questions, Vilandel! Sorry if that makes me take Eternity+ to answer but it really is so nice of you to ask so much~!
2) that makes me laugh
From a sort of crack fic about the Black Bulls putting on a play production of the Tale of Momotarou.
It's just a beautiful hot mess and I laugh every time it crosses my brain again. This particular section where Asta gathers his animal retainers for the job is by far the best because it's a funny little exaggeration of the crew's flaws.
[While on the way to the onis’ lair, Momotarou happened upon a dog, black as night.] Nacht, using his Canis Unite form, stood on the side of the road, arms crossed and eyes fixed in a deadly glare. He barely glanced at Asta when the boy approached. “What?” “You don’t look very happy, Mister Dog,” Asta said gently. “Something the matter?” “I long to feed on the flesh of those who have wronged me,” Nacht snarled in reply. “Hm… If you’re hungry, then I’ll share my rations with you.” Asta dug out one of the millet dumplings and held it out. “They’re my Ma’s and made with love!” In silence, Nacht looked at the dumpling then at Asta. He eyed the ration once more. Then he snatched it up. “It’ll suffice for now.” [Momotarou and the dog continued together. Soon, they came upon a pheasant.] Finral, draped in a feathered cloak that looked suspiciously familiar, was crouched down on the ground, shaking like a leaf. Asta looked to Nacht, who shrugged apathetically. Asta then sat on the ground too. He touched Finral’s shoulder, making the young man jump. “YEEEEEEK!” “What’s the matter, Mister Pheasant? What has you scared?” “I-I-I—! M-mo-more scary than I thought!” Finral stammered. “Charmy! She’s terrifying!” “Please calm down.” Asta offered up a dumpling. “Here, good food always makes me feel better.” Finral hesitantly took the offered food. “It’s… chewy. But really good…” [With two animal retainers in tow, Momotarou’s journey continued. The group’s next encounter was a monkey.] Asta and company found Magna sitting on the ground, picking at his tail made from rope. When they stopped in front of Magna, he scrambled to his feet. “Uh…” Magna stared at Asta, Nacht, and Finral. They stared back. “Monkey noises?” Nacht facepalmed. “Did you not read the script at all?” “Ad lib!” Finral hissed behind his hand. “I, uh, want to become a warrior!” Magna shouted, spraying the others with spittle. “But because I’m a monkey, no one will let me! I want to prove myself!” “Ooooooo! That’s a good motivation! Say! We’re on our way to fight some onis! Want to join us?” Asta offered his hand to Magna. “Hell yeah. Sounds super manly!” Magna grabbed Asta’s arm and shook it. “And the perfect way to become a warrior!” “And now that we’re friends!” Asta handed over another dumpling. “I’ll share some food with ya’!” Nacht and Finral looked to each other. They had to tell themselves it would be over soon. [Momotarou, the dog, the pheasant, and the monkey soon reached the onis’ lair. Their aim was declared and a fierce battle raged.] Asta hesitated. “I know it’s not real but I don’t wanna—” [I said a fierce battle raged now get on with it! DAMN!]
Yami being a narrator who interacts with the characters as they act is just the best thing. It only happens twice in the fic (here and a little earlier) but I still like how it just shows how unprofessional the production is.
7) that i nursed in a daydream before finally writing
The initial idea that had me nursing this fic in my brain before writing happens after this snippet from the fic, but I decided to share this part because of how soft it is...
Ever so carefully, Morgen reached over and placed his hand on Josele’s head. He waited a moment, to be sure that she wouldn’t wake, before he began to run a hand along Josele’s mussed brown hair in slow, soft strokes. Josele fidgeted for a second, making Morgen hesitate. She let out an incoherent murmur before settling again, completely undisturbed. Morgen’s smile grew as he took in the sight of her. Josele just looked so cute, resting peacefully, and he didn’t want to wake her up just yet. And so, Morgen started to hum the tune of a lullaby. It was one he learned from Gwenith before her passing, a bittersweet memory but it was the gentlest song he knew. The melody must’ve reached Josele in her sleep as she sighed and curled closer to Morgen. Even something so small made Morgen fall deeper in love with Josele. Morgen continued to hum and stroke Josele’s hair for another minute or so. Merely enjoying the serenity of the moment. Eventually, Josele started to shift, finally rousing. She turned onto her back and pushed herself up into a sitting position. A squeak of a yawn left her mouth. Then, Josele rubbed her eyes until they blearily opened. “Josie?” Morgen grinned at her when she turned to his call despite being half-awake. Chuckling, he placed a hand on Josele’s cheek. “Ready to wake up?” “I’m awa—aaahhh…” Josele stretched her arms up and arched back. When she finished stretching, she leaned against Morgen. “Good morning, sunrise.” “Good morning,” Morgen replied. The pair remained that way for a bit. Morgen admired Josele, the way she glowed in the dawn’s light. Josele, being so close, took in Morgen’s natural scent that reminded her of dew and honey.
Sorry not sorry for being obsessed with my ship's fluffy moments! Let me just bask in their cuteness and shower you in it too!
13) that helped me understand a character better
This fic, Contrast, actually helped me understand two characters better!
“Isn’t it creepy the way he’s always mumbling?” “Don’t play with him. I hear his family curses people. That makes them evil.” “Why does he keep staring at us from over there?” He never held their words against them. They didn’t know him yet but once they did, he was sure that they would be his friends. That was his hope. So he kept watching. Learning about other people. He noticed how people’s faces lit up when they were given a gift. So Gordon sewed, pricking every finger along the way, until he had made a little doll for each of the children who frequented the park. But instead of smiles, he got looks of disgust and screams. People liked to hear nice things about them. And Gordon tried. He tried to tell Jane how pretty her red hair was or how Mark could strike cool poses. But no one heard him, saying, “What was that you said?” Sometimes, they didn’t even listen and told him, “Stay away from me!” Gordon learned about other people. But no one tried to learn about him. No one looked his way.
A sort of character exploration for Gordon and then Gauche. One tries to reach out to the world only to get pushed away. And the other actively pushes the world away. And yet they found themselves at the same place.
16) from a recent piece i want to brag about
A few months old but this fic, A Mystery in Spade, is something I wanna bring attention to. It's Ciel centric and I just kinda use it to address a detail which I didn't like being unaddressed in the original manga. Ciel is carrying a lot of pressure but she's staying strong through it.
Dante Zogratis, Vanica Zogratis, and Zenon Zogratis of the Dark Triad. Moris Libardirt, former Magic Scholar of the Diamond Kingdom. While reports from Clover’s Magic Knights attested to their downfalls, Ciel and her advisors had made it a priority to find their bodies again to confirm their deaths. The people of Spade had put their all into the task alongside preparing for the rebuilding of homes. And yet after four months… “Has nothing from any of them been recovered?” Ciel’s advisors frowned grimly. “Are we certain that we’ve checked every possible nook and cranny of the castle? We’ve left no piece of rubble unturned? We haven’t ignored any rooms by accident, have we?” Ciel inquired between deep breaths. “Your Majesty, we’re sure,” Albert answered and bowed his head slightly. “This was our fifth full area search. We cannot find a trace of them.” Ciel wrung her hands together. Closed her eyes, squeezed them shut tight. She took deep breaths. Deep, slow, trying-to-prevent-panic breaths. With a final exhale, Ciel opened her eyes and looked her advisors in the eyes.
Of course she's still haunted by the way the Zogratis destroyed her kingdom and ripped her family from her. But Ciel has a kingdom to worry about. She has her son back in her life and her confidence to inspire her.
The fic isn't all that in depth but I still wanna brag about touching upon a loose thread and giving some character to Ciel and Spade as a whole.
19) from that project that was SUPPOSED to be short but then i kept writing and now it is very long
This isn't a completed work but a WIP that's I've been touching on and off. And the reason it's so long is that I conceptualized the arc before realizing "oh no. I can't make this just one long oneshot story. This will have to be... chaptered." And the last time I wrote a multi-chapter fic, it stopped after 11 chapters and I never posted because unless I got a real fire in my belly (and all the time in the world), I wouldn't have the stamina to see it through. (The fact that it was a series spanning fic didn't help.)
Thankfully this WIP's story is more like a mini arc rather than a series re-write. But even then... I originally projected 5-chapters but with Chapter 1 being ~2500 already and I don't think it's done yet, I might have to extend it by another chapter or two so the chapters don't become overloaded.
Miles away, the same song was carried by another voice. “Still and quiet…” Josele muttered to herself as she scrubbed the floor of the common area. “The air feels like death…” Spurred on by the lack of anything else to do, the Black Bulls were doing a deep clean of their base. The squad was spread throughout the base. Clearing out dust, washing everything to a shine, and reorganizing their cupboards and cabinets. While some were having fun with their teammates in doing the work, Josele was absorbed in her own world. “What peril looms beyond…” The words came to Josele from the past, from memories that she hadn’t considered for years. “No one knows…” “What’s with the creepy tune, Jo?” “Huh?” Suddenly pulled from her thoughts, Josele perked up and turned to face Yami who was behind her. “Sorry, say that again?” “I was asking about the song,” Yami said bluntly. “What’s got you singing something so weird?” Josele blinked a couple of times before letting out a half-hearted sigh. “I don’t know actually,” she answered and shrugged. “I was just remembering this old lullaby that my dad used to sing.” “A lullaby? Sounded like some dark ritual chant to me,” Yami replied with a chuckle. He clapped Josele on the back before walking off to resume his share of the cleaning. Left alone, Josele sat in silence for a bit. The lullaby had never come off as particularly unsettling to her. Then again, she grew up with Thomas singing her the song every so often. He never sang as often as Gwenith did, but Josele’s memory of her dad included him singing that tune to her. He shared that lullaby with Josele for as long as she could remember and only stopped after— Josele’s hand, gripping a sponge, paused over her bucket of soap water. When did he stop singing the lullaby? she wondered. I guess I just outgrew lullabies like every other kid. Josele plunged the sponge into the bucket. She had to finish scrubbing the floor.
Who was initially singing the song, prior to Josele? Why is Yami finding the song so unsettling? What is even the central plot of the arc? Hopefully I finish the dang thing so y'all can find out!
But here's some insight. The story of this fic explores Josele's past and her family history. Something which I've left pretty minimal in the content I have posted already. It's also something that happens during the 15 month time skip, kinda like the Devil Believers Arc from the anime only... I really hope my story turns out better...
23) that was inspired by a work from another medium (music, visual art, dance, etc.)
The fic that this snippet came from was inspired by Kenshi Yonezu's song "Lemon" Which is just... it's just Faustsele through and through for me. Cannot get over the song or this fic.
A floodgate opened, and Josele let out a strained wail as she clung to Morgen like a lifeline. The weight of it all, her sorrow and pain, caused her knees to buckle beneath her. Morgen didn’t let her collapse though but eased them both to the ground. He held her. So close. Like he wanted to be one with her even in such a broken state. As though he would never let her go. In that moment, despite the sadness, she felt safe, loved even. … Josele knew it was raining. Her clothes were already soaked through. Her bones felt frozen over. But she wouldn’t leave. Morgen stayed with her through the rain. The least she could do was return the favor. The cold was nothing compared to how she felt. Nothing could match it. Losing the one she loved because she failed to do a thing for him. Perhaps the unending torment could be her solace, a reminder that she once had him at all after her happy memories of him faded. Even if the world moved on without him. If she had to go on without him brightening her life. Morgen was forever in her heart. Forever her light and sunrise. And it pained her to know that.
24) that makes me go "huh...i wrote that?!"
This snippet is from a fanfic that I never posted (and likely never will because... reasons I guess?). When my KnY brainrot was a lot stronger, I wrote!
And aaaaaahhhhh! I wrote content for my oc Shizuka as well as my friend Steph's oc, Suzume. This snippet here is from Suzume's perspective so it's a good moment of showing her analytical skills (outside of combat, in combat she's far more panicky and cute about it!/lh). And it's lowkey me bragging about Shizuka's skills because hee hee! OC!
Afterwards, Suzume and Kenta returned to the yard but remained on the engawa. Shizuka and Masatsugu were already hard at work. Masatsugu did squats while carrying a metal bar weighed down by stones as large as his torso. Shizuka, meanwhile, had surrounded herself with cutting targets and was swiping a blade through them, the metal flashing whenever the sun hit it at the right angle. Both had stripped off their outermost layer, letting their sweat give their skin a faint sheen. “You see incense burner there?” Kenta asked and pointed. “Watch her and tell me what you see.” Suzume nodded then observed Shizuka. The way she moved and cut through the targets could be described in one word: fast. Her body was lithe with whipcord muscles perfectly suited to her agile movements. “It’s clear that she’s suited for speed,” Suzume commented as she watched. Unlike Kochou-sama, though, she’s not compensating. “She’s able to use her speed to enhance her strength rather than make up for a lack of it.” Kenta lifted his bokken then dropped it on Suzume’s foot. “Urk!” “You’re not looking hard enough.” Suzume, hopping on one foot and holding the abused one, opened her eyes through the pain and focused more. The girl’s movements were fluid, with each movement feeding into one another. At times it was difficult to determine where one technique ended and another began. “It’s like all of her attacks are part of a single motion.” Suzume traced the movement of the tip of the sword. The fluidity is less like water and more… Like wind! She could imagine seeing smoke rising from Shizuka’s sword like it would from burning incense. “Watching her Breath Style is like watching smoke rise. It’s derived from Breath of Wind!” “Getting closer… What else is there?” Looking closer still, Suzume noticed that Shizuka’s movement would fluctuate at the last second before the edge of her blade hit the target. It was a last-second snap of motion that released immense power and tore through the targets with ease. What was stranger still was the way Shizuka seemed to cut the very air around her. “She’s able to take the power built from her movement and release it in a single burst.” Suzume’s heart skipped a beat, in awe of Shizuka’s ability. I was wrong. Her swordsmanship is amazing! “It’s a cycle of build and release.” “There you go. It’s certainly complex for someone so young, but she created it herself,” whispered Kenta with a proud grin on his face. “Tell me, do you have any guesses as to why I never have any student slay demons the exact same way?” “‘Why,’ huh?” Suzume pursed her lips and hummed. “By making their own Breath Style, it ensures that everyone has one that’s perfectly suited to them.”
Oh and if I'm gonna talk about Suzume, I have to have to HAVE TO share my favorite moment involving her! (And I will be leaving the text normal size for this snippet because it's needed to understand a bit of the humor.)
“Wha—?! No, no, no! Hey!” yelled Suzume as she chased after the demon. “Hey! Get back here you— Uh! You weird faced demon!” She ran close behind the demon, refusing to let it leave her sight. As he fled, the demon uprooted a tree and used it to knock down several more in Suzume’s path. “Yikes!” Suzume jumped back as far as she could. Leaves and cough-inducing dust filled the air. Suzume got through her coughing fit then looked up. “Oh… no… He got away!” She vaulted over the felled trees, looking back and forth for her opponent. Keep calm! Don’t panic! You can find him again! He couldn’t have gotten far! … Except he’s a demon with superior strength and speed so he actually could have gotten far if he was trying! He probably is trying since I’m here to kill him, too! And there’s a whole mountain to search for that matter! Suzume stopped and slapped herself in the face. Get a grip! The search continued. Left, right, up, and down. It didn’t take long before Suzume heard branches rustling nearby. She held her sword in the direction of the sound. The demon had climbed a tree and wrapped himself around a branch and appeared to be shivering. “D-don’t tell me you’re scared too,” Suzume whispered, her shoulders drooping. Right, they’re still human deep down. “I… I can try to make your death as painless as possible if…” She noticed the demon’s face began to sag. “That…” No, it was more like the skin was melting off. “Helps…” Suzume gaped. The demon shed his skin and came out looking stronger. His skin was green with blade-like protrusions sticking out of his arms and legs. There were more eyes on his face. He obtained sharper teeth and larger mandibles. He also grew five spikes from his forehead. When Suzume finally came back to her senses, she vaguely pointed behind her and squeaked out, “I’ll… be going now…” Then the demon had the audacity to move again. “KYAAAAAAAAAAA!”
Yes, Suzume fights the Father Spider on Mount Natagumo Mountain and it's the best thing in the entire world! She loses her cool a bit easily but she gets her head after a temporary scare. I love Suzume! I love Steph for letting me write for Suzume. AND I LOVE THIS MOMENT!
I know this was two snippets but I just love my old KnY work so much! Especially with golden character moments like this!
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Homemade Hamster Food 🐹
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Why would you want to make homemade hamster food?
A lot of commercial hamster mixes are SUPER processed. Pellet food is often made of difficult to digest ingredients like soy and pea husks.
These don't fill your hamster up, aren't nutritiously satisfying, and pellets are often coated in artificial flavors or molasses to make them more appealing to your hamster.
Hamsters can be picky eaters and you may see them stuffing themselves on seeds and leaving the pellets. Pellet mixes are often proposed BECAUSE of this very issue as, being nutritionally balanced, they ensure your hamster doesn't selectively intake nutrients. Yet often the hamster leaves the pellets becayse they make them feel sick.
The solution is to ensure your hamster gets nutrition some other way. In the wild they eat whole grains and seeds and even insects. Fruit should be given sparingly as a treat.
This mix includes:
pot barley
pinhead oats
hemp seeds
alfalfa seeds
golden linseed
sunflower seeds
pine kernels (sparingly)
I was really pleased with this as it worked out better than going to the pet store in terms of price. I used a local grocery store, and I'd also rather support them than buy from more commercial sources. But as a result I wound up with a lot of brown paper bags of leftover ingredients, though luckily, they're non perishable.
Hamsters need protein too! Insects are how they would gain this naturally.
Seeds and nuts should be given more sparingly as they are high in fat. For a much clearer guide than what I can write, this website does the job amazingly.
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