#Sulien does not have a 'we stan' tag...
harps-for-days · 4 years
Hey babe agate, moonstone, and spinel for the gemstone ask thingy? Sorry if you’ve already answered them.
Hey thanks for the ask!
Spinel - Which character is the most likely to burn the world down?
It be Leopold. This was a very easy question lolllll. The entire series is his endeavors to do so (but he thinks he’s doing it for the greater good). 
Moonstone - Which character has the most secrets?
It’s a tie between Sulien and Vasha. Sulien has done a lot that he is not proud of and often keeps those experiences to himself. He also likes his quiet life in Leodover; He doesn’t want his background to interfere with his or his son’s new life. Vasha starts out not trusting a lot of people and also keeps to themself in general. They, for a lot of their life, had to take up secrecy as a survival tool and really have not come out of that mindset. Even now, they do not feel very comfortable sharing a lot of who they are in the environment that they are in, despite it being relatively safe.  
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