I restarted playing acv, and I realized that you never actually see Styrbjorn in the intro cutscene fight with Kjotve? He's obviously there during the celebration, but as soon as the Raven Clan guard raises the alarm Styrbjorn just disappears from his seat, not to be seen again until Eivor meets with him as an adult in Fornburg.
I assume he was in the fight with Kjotve at Heillboer, but you just never see him lol.
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leofrith · 6 months
the girlies (gn) when eivor returns to norway after five years away and learning what it feels like "to cradle something as fragile as life in your hands" and the responsibility that comes with leadership and when styrbjorn mentions her father sacrificing his life and his reputation for his family and his clan eivor, for the very first time since he was killed, hesitates to call her father a coward
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orphiceonian · 2 years
Okay but do you ever just think about how Eivor was probs such a happy child. like she's so excited abt giving the armband to styrbjorn and has good memories of her childhood and they were all ripped away from her because fate and calculations thought to traumatise a child. those around Eivor saw her change from a happy child to one filled and motivated with rage. they saw how she stopped smiling so much and stopped singing cause her voice was too rough. It hurt for her to laugh and so she stopped. Odin took everything from her, and yet we are supposed to believe that she would side with him in the end?
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bagelvangr · 2 years
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Randivor AU where Eivor never leaves Heillboer after the attack and Styrbjorn never gained the influence that he did.
Bear with me, this one needs quite a bit of exposition, I think!
(omfg 6k words, I am SO sorry, I am putting it under a cut. I'M SORRY I posted this at 4:30am and I was definitely already more than half-asleep!!)
After the attack, Gunnar speaks up for the clan and is extremely disappointed at how little Styrbjorn’s forces were able to help in a small, nighttime raid. Sure, it was a surprise and they were in the middle of a feast; but it seemed like something a jarl of Styrbjorn’s supposed caliber could have easily fought back against. They are thankful for the help and remain allies, but the trust and the allegiance had been forever fractured.
Gunnar takes guardianship of Eivor and rallied what remained of the bear clan to rebuild their homes.
They gladly do so; healing together as a community. Bound together in helping the remaining heir of their jarl recover from her vicious wounds; swearing to become stronger and self-reliant and never being taken by surprise ever again.
Eivor grows up learning the harsh truth of the world around her; the realities that faced their clan and the turmoil that grew all around Norway. She never bid for the jarl’s seat, she never had ambition to play as a leader in a seat.
Unspoken, everyone in Heillboer had no doubt that the seat was all Eivor’s. They don’t contest her claim at any point, nor do they force her to be the central ruler. Neither Gunnar nor Svala or anyone else that survived that night ever tried to place that burden upon the Wolf-Kissed. They were far too busy taking care of each other and building up what was lost.
When she was old enough to understand all that a longhouse and a jarl and the lineage of her birth implied; Eivor made the final decision to keep Heillboer to be defined as the clan. The bears at the north of Rygjafylke; rebuilt and strengthened by the trials put upon them in a treacherous world.
The scar of the wolves remain, but the call of the Allfather never truly awakens within her. The need for vengeance ran deep, and in her darkest moments, she faltered and thought of how to grant justice for all the wrongs done at the hands of others. She often found solace at the peak of Fannaraki Summit, a place she visited often to look upon their small settlement and to the seas just beyond their docks. She loved to climb and meditate for hours. To look all around and see the craggy fjords and how the snow remained undisturbed inland.
She knew that just eastward were where wolves had started to settle. She knew that Kjotve had built up a fortress right where their lands and Egdafylke bordered. She knew that the wolves were weakening with each season and harsh winter that went by, and if she so wished; she could end the lineage of an entire clan with a single night of battle by herself.
Eivor knew all of this and thought of it often when she sat at the top of the world. But with plenty of sighs and hours of stacking cairns in the memory of her parents – with the patience of her mother and the strength of her father; she always found herself climbing down and making her way back to Heillboer more resolute to never shed blood when there was home to go back to.
Patience and strength were what her parents imparted upon her.
Gunnar raised her to be dutiful, loyal, to build her own merit in the world. Svala had raised her to be tactful, wise, and kind.
A selfish need for vengeance endangered all of the core values that she built for herself and would have brought nothing but misery to the clan she sought to protect, and one that cared for and cultivated her unique strengths in return.
She had given up the longhouse for the whole of the clan, having settled in a small dwelling for herself close to the cave where she used to explore and play with her father and train with her mother.
Her efforts were focused on securing the safety of her people as Rygjafylke and Hordafylke grew more and more unstable; avoiding conflict in an increasingly bloodthirsty world and keeping a low profile as to not draw the attention of those seeking glory in or out of Norway. Their position at the border meant that she was able to intercept trade routes and secure exotic goods in trade for their artisan wares and rare cures, courtesy of Gunnar’s forge and the unmatched, sagacious knowledge of their young seer; inherited from the all-knowing Svala.
Slowly, more and more settlements and travelers learned of Heillboer. More and more sought a formal alliance with the clan of bears; once unable to do so for the lack of offering to secure such an alliance, many started to realize that there was no such fealty or lavish offering needed in return.
The bears had found wealth in forging their bonds amongst their clan and power in truly sharing what gave them strength: a community at the heart of Norway, driven by impressive frith and unburdened with ambition.
Eivor was their center, their beacon, their strength; but she was not the sole pillar they relied on. She strengthened them in every way, and they strengthened her in a way not easily emulated by others in a fundamentally different mindset.
Randvi had never really liked politics either.
Being the daughter of a jarl, however, it was something she could not easily avoid. Her father would plead with her and make her sit and study the long sessions he held with his advisors in the war room of their grand longhouse.
The reindeers were not a clan that could boast strength; but cunning and strategy led them to accumulate riches that afforded them more stability and power that a small clan could dream of.
Randvi, at any point in these political discussions would have gladly rather been practicing with her bow, fishing, hunting, sparring with her sister, her brother, the many vikingr training and preparing for their expeditions.
They enjoyed their fairly quiet life at Tromøya, taking advantage of their position between the Danes and Geats to diversify their economy despite their small seat in the larger picture of Egdafylke.
At one point; Randvi’s father had been more concerned about seeking alliances. In the great era of Ragnar’s travels, it became apparent that the divide in Norway meant that there were two paths to the survival of a clan: Those who wielded brute strength and sought glory turned vikingr to follow in Ragnar’s path; seeking other lands across the sea to settle as their own. Those that remained saw the opportunity in a fractured Norway, taking up the void in power to absorb clans and lands into their own. To survive was to find and secure strong alliances.
When Randvi was just about to be of age to be involved in these talks was when she started rebelling against her father’s wishes. She was the youngest and the most cherished out of her siblings, and her father had a particular weakness to her wishes. Whenever she happened to have been requested to accompany her father in so-called innocent travels to meet other jarls, Randvi would conveniently end up in a multi-day hunt or a week-long fishing trip on her boat. Her siblings would join and her mother encouraged her – though she did it to escape having to sit through politics and hearing men who barely cared to understand her or her family barter her future and potential away, she always came back with plenty of spoils. Whether it was hunted game, an abundance of fish, securing new trade routes or finding new cultures to send over to their island, Randvi still made sure her actions benefitted her family and her clan.
It was a habit that persisted into her adulthood. The conflicts in Rygjafylke had calmed and the vikingr came about less often, but her father still kept on meeting with those in the seats around them to better their relations. It shouldn’t have surprised her to hear that in one of these travels, her father had actually come quite close to securing an alliance with a jarl in Rygjafylke; the ravens of Fornburg were quite receptive to her father’s proposals. In particular, the jarl’s son had shown a hefty interest in the diversity of the travelers her father had told them frequented their harbours. The ravens did not have as much strength as they did before; the turmoil of the previous years getting to them too; in particular, they had trouble with the wolves and lost the alliance of most of the northern part of their border. But they were still a potential ally that held strong ties to the seat in Stavanger.
Randvi disappeared for almost two moons after learning the news.
She had taken to travel inland, seeking isolation from the circumstances of her birth, seeking connection with others in the smaller settlements leading up to the mountains. At one point, she saw a grand peak and took it upon herself to climb up there; not really caring for the harshness of the winter causing the snow to pile up and ignoring the constant burning in her limbs as she made her way up the steep, jagged rocks.
At the peak, she found serenity and silence. An impressive array of cairns were balanced right at the perfect flat surface; facing a small village at the end of the endless valley below.
She was not the only one to find this place and take a refreshing breath away from the turmoil of everything else.
It was almost nighttime when she decided to finally descend. The sky had been lit by a fantastic river of greens and blues, specked by the occasional purples and reds. The gods would light her way down.
She had told no one but Kiarr where she was going; which meant that if anyone else knew of her whereabouts, it would be Thora, who would encourage her to find her own way instead of be bound to the wills of their father.
So when Randvi returned to Tromøya, it was with great surprise she could not suppress when she heard that Thora had agreed to an alliance that her father had secured.
And not to the ravens, but to the wolves close to the region she had just spent her time sulking away at the prospect of being tied to a man – to politics, to strategize, advise, to build and protect and not be thanked.
Thora only smiled at her and reassured her that it was completely her choice; that she had wanted to bring stability and power to their seat too, and that perhaps this was what would stabilize and give respect to the reindeer once and for all.
So in the following years when Kiarr had ended up leaving Tromøya; when Thora had suddenly reappeared in their longhouse again; when their father spent nights apologizing to his children and their mother giving comfort and promising them they would never need to fulfill any duties to their clan ever again; Randvi steeled herself and swore that she would not play the game of politics.
The fragile jarls of Norway could have their power grabs and petty wars; the reindeers and her family would find stability in ventures not involving strife and blood.
She doubled her efforts in listening more to what happened around the harbour; to the tales being regaled in the taverns, to the fleeting conversations of key movements of armies and traders all around the Nordic world.
Thankfully, it seemed that their only threat would be if the Danes decided to launch an attack onto them; but it seemed as if they were more preoccupied with exploring new lands beyond the seas to think of invading and attacking their neighbours.
Slowly, they grew more stable, but she was also aware of the growing influence of Harald in the north and how he was making his intent to rule all of Norway by allying or absorbing each clan he came across.
The reindeer found themselves in a strange position of safety; her father being a cousin of Harald’s own father, thereby related to a degree. There was a small sense of comfort that the Yngling’s first target would not necessarily be the reindeers.
They weren’t fools though, and Randvi had grown to be quite the tactician with all of the information she was able to gather. Her rebellious streak and desire to partake in activities that other nobles cared little for made her popular with the other clan members and she carried an easy, charismatic relationship with almost all of the merchants that frequented their island with trade.
She knew that even if they didn’t seek any official alliances and even if they were willing to let Harald take official rule of their land; they had no guarantees under the new rule and far too much ambiguity about resolving disputes between clans to not at least attempt to bolster their connections with the borders they held.
To the east was already Harald’s territory, and to the west was Rygjafylke; so to the west it was.
The wolves were no longer an option, having quite a history with her siblings. There were the ravens which never officially denied or absolved the possibility of an alliance; but from what she heard, Fornburg had less influence over their region now, especially with the son of the jarl perpetually away in other lands. It was more likely that the ravens would be enthusiastically absorbed into Harald’s plan than be interested in allying with another smaller clan in a unified Norway.
That left really one clan within their borders, and it was definitely one that intrigued her.
Just beyond the summit she remembered so clearly in her mind was the settlement of the bear clan.
Randvi had heard frequent tales of the bears and of Heillboer. They came off more as fantastical sagas; myths that could not possibly be. The bear clan held stability and influence and were able to fend off attempts of absorption by far more powerful clans without a jarl to lead them through it all.
But Randvi knew. She listened. She observed and made the connections. She knew of the Wolf-kissed. She knew about the tragedy that befell and nearly wiped the small settlement. She knew that although the bears claimed no jarl, that they would follow the Wolf-kissed to the ends of the earth, but that they would never be asked to carry such a burden.
The Wolf-kissed held a soft power that was far more impressive than any amount of bannermen could ever rally.
It was an unbreakable claim of frith; a community that truly held each other together.
If there was to be stability within the reindeers in the change to come in Norway, they had to approach it with as little visibility and as much subtlety as possible. They didn’t need a show of strength or to hold a large region. No, they needed alliance and true connections with a clan that understood and fundamentally operated in much the same as their own.
Randvi would approach her father and suggest they seek an alliance, much to the jarl’s (and the rest of her family’s) surprise. They were all left stunned when she further explained that she sought to approach the bear clan without a show of force.
The jarl would consider Randvi's suggestion. He was skeptical of the benefits and the truth of the myths. Surely a clan so well known as being without a leader would have been overtaken by another and forcibly absorbed into their own. He would be careful.
Four fine warriors and two of their most knowledgeable ledgers would make journey into the mountainous path. They would bring rare metals found in the exotic trades made between Rus and the Celts. They would bring fine herbs and crops only found in climates far warmer than their own. Surely the winters had been harsh on them as well.
He expected them to come back with new information, but he was not prepared for them to return in jovial spirits, regaling the longhouse with tales of a lone warrior that hunted and fended for their clan. The same warrior was mentioned again and again as the ones to assess the new party and introduce them to the variety of trade that existed there.
The same warrior that caught the favour of Ran and Njord, the abundance of fish they caught despite the frigid waters almost mythical in the way they told it.
It was not said explicitly, but the jarl already knew that this warrior was the one who took the seat of leader with the bears. Why they never took the title of jarl was a mystery he wanted to find out.
Randvi, ever the observant one, caught and analyzed every word. She was pleased to have her suspicions confirmed.
The crew that were sent to Heillboer were a fine bunch, but she had also heard of small raids and attacks in the villages in-between; the wolves in turmoil with their own and with others that passed through. Many were desperate and a decorated yet minimal crew from a clan known for their rich trade should not have passed so effortlessly.... would not have passed so effortlessly. She had heard of a lone warrior patrolling the mountains and the borders, allowing for the safe passage of those on the trade routes without their knowledge.
Putting it together, she concluded that it must be the same person. The one that refused the official title of jarl ensured the prolonged safety of their people, and assured the safe passage of the members of her clan.
For the next stage of her plan, she surprised her father yet again by offering to go by herself.
She did not surprise Thora or her mother when they learned that she had not even waited for the permission of the jarl; having immediately set out the night before with the help of someone that looked suspiciously like Kiarr.
It started off slow.
Randvi allowed herself to be selfish in her lone trek. The weather had been fair, and while there had been storms in the moons before, the sun was more forgiving on her way to Heillboer.
She had indulged herself and made her way up beyond a lake and onto the same peak she had been at years before. She knew that the trek down into the settlement in the distance would not take her more than half a day, but she felt strangely empty handed as she finally saw the longhouse in her line of sight.
When she made her way down from the summit, she prepared her bow as she approached the tree line, keeping an eye on any game that might be small enough for her to carry alone and present as a gift. Actual reindeer had been abundant in the area, grazing on the new green exposed by a small patch of sunlight melting the snow away.
She gauged that the settlement had to be fairly close; she was nearly level with the sea where she was at. Feeling like she had quite a bit of energy still, she set her ambition a little higher and tracked a juvenile reindeer – one that she would likely have a little trouble carrying by herself, but not so much that it would encumber her and prevent her from presenting the kill as a gift as she arrived into the town.
Carefully moving through the rocks and avoiding making too much noise in the crunching snow, Randvi took aim and shot an arrow straight into the neck of her prey. Unfortunate timing meant that the animal had turned its head slightly before the arrow pierced, so it was not a clean kill. Randvi would quickly fire off another arrow, but as good of a shot as she was, she couldn’t predict the movements of a thrashing, panicked animal.
The second arrow dug itself into the back of the reindeer and it ran off into the crag away from her view.
Having scared off all the others, Randvi knew she had to track it and at the very least not prolong its suffering. It seemed to have gone uphill, but at least it went in the general direction of Heillboer instead of away. Perhaps she had a chance still of arriving with a gift.
Eivor had found it all quite amusing. She had been sat at the hill close to Valka's when she noticed someone she had never seen before passing through the eastern crag. They had their bow held the ready, eyes scanning the grazing herds. She assumed she was looking for a target that would be easy to carry. She didn't see a horse or any companions with the woman.
When she had crouched low by the rocks, Eivor was skeptical that her shot would land. The reindeer she had set her eyes on were quite far and slightly uphill from where this hunter was.
It surprised her that when she fired an arrow, it not only connected solidly into the animal's neck, but the hunter was also able to quickly adjust her aim when the reindeer started to move.
Even though it was not a swift one shot kill, she would have expected any other hunter to have completely miss when the reindeer started to move.
She kept watching, the skill displayed fully catching her attention. She witnessed a second shot swiftly sent off as the reindeer rounded the rocks; and though she expected yet another miss here, she raised an impressed eyebrow when the second arrow pierced the back of the prey.
The animal had escaped the hunter's line of sight, but she had shown great skill already. Whoever this was had years of experience with a bow and was not someone to be underestimated.
From her vantage, she tracked the staggering animal as it made its way around the rough hills, all the while tracking and observing the hunter getting closer and closer to Heillboer.
It was hard to fully assess her from the distance, but Eivor could note fine, thick furs, an embroidered caplet and a subdued but tastefully decorated overtunic that did not bother to hide status to those who knew.
The spark of fire in her hair made it easy for Eivor to spot her in the backdrop of the white snow and black rocks; and as she made her way to the injured animal, she made a mental note to get to know the hunter a bit more if their paths crossed.
If they were half a good of a tracker as they were an archer, then Eivor was convinced they'd cross paths.
And so they did.
When Eivor first turned around, she had been in the middle of digging out the arrowhead in the reindeer's spine.
She expected to have to explain herself and say that she had no intent on stealing the hunter's kill, but she was surprised to observe that the hunter had no malice or wariness in their voice or demeanour.
The hunter stood relaxed, watching Eivor as she spoke. The hunter's clothes definitely did tell her that this was someone born into wealth, not necessarily someone she'd expect to have such prowess with a bow.
Curious of all, the way she spoke almost made it seem like she had planned for Eivor to have seen her to begin with.
Of course, to Randvi, that would have been the ideal situation. She made no attempts at concealing herself on her path to Heillboer. She made no attempts at hiding her status or her skills. She had expected to arrive into the settlement without any fanfare, but her ideal situation was actually close to unfolding right in front of her.
Randvi wanted Eivor to see her. She wanted Eivor be able to have enough time to be aware of her and gauge her skills as she hunted. She wanted to make the Wolf-kissed curious about her, and if she was being honest, there was a part of her that wishes she had found herself in danger with either bandits or with predators in the area just so she could see how the Wolf-kissed would react. Would she be left to her own devices? Would she be assessed in her ability to fend off danger? Would the Wolf-kissed jump in and help her without context on who she was? She knew she would be safe, but she wanted to experience the tales of the Wolf-kissed first hand.
How much would Eivor actually be able to tell about her just from these observations alone?
Eivor, to her credit, was able to tell quite a bit. She confirmed the details she noticed from afar.
Thick, clean furs. A fine capelet and finer embroidery on her over tunic. A small hatchet on her side, holstered in artisan leatherwork. The hunter's hands were exposed to the air, a handful of cloudberries in her palm. Braided red hair framed her face; the warm sun and the glow of the mostly undisturbed snow around them giving Eivor a brilliant chance to get captured in blue-green eyes that showed confidence and relaxed amusement. This woman was not threatened by their interaction, but clearly did not underestimate Eivor's capabilities.The hand that remained at her side playing at another holstered weapon Eivor had not yet had a chance to identify.
When their gaze met, Eivor found an equally analytic warrior looking straight at her with no attempt to hide what she had been doing.
There was a sense of knowing and familiarity there.
To both of them, they didn't feel like strangers meeting for the first time. It didn't feel like they needed to guard or hide themselves to each other or feel like they had to leverage status or make small talk about politics a d trade.
Eivor launched immediately into asking why Randvi had been travelling alone when their clan's party had just departed the settlement not a fortnight past. Randvi asked how Eivor knew she was in the same clan as them and Eivor could only respond with a genuine smile and the reply of, "They spoke rather highly of you".
Randvi smiled at that and replied right back, "I'm sure it's nothing compared to what I hear of you".
Randvi's expedition was well received in Heillboer. She would find all of her doubts about the myth surrounding the settlement and the bear clan to be cleared away. They thrived without a show of force because they made no claims to what was not theirs and because they relied on each other in times of hardship.
Eivor had ended up carrying the reindeer back into the settlement upon her own insistence and the clan members at the longhouse happily received it.
Randvi noted the lack of throne and grand chambers and let herself truly understand the implication of a self-ruling community.
She would spend the rest of winter in Heillboer, at first happily staying in the longhouse to observe all of the comings and goings of the clan and how they resolved their issues amongst their peers.
She would go on hunts and fishing trips with Eivor, who frequently invited her along for any and all activity.
It should have alarmed her how easily she felt she slotted into their community and into the companionship of Eivor, but she realized that this was exactly how a clan without a jarl would be able to survive so long.
The genuine connection had multiplied into magnitudes she did not even realize until she found herself hiking with Eivor one day to Fannaraki Summit.
She had learned that Eivor, much like herself, found no value in ambitious glory and making alliances with clans that would be as eager to drive a blade into your gut as they are to forge so-called bonds in a single night.
Randvi had understood all of a sudden as she sat next to Eivor carefully stacking stones and talking about what she remembered of her mother that she truly had no need to propose an alliance to Eivor or the bear clan. She realized that Eivor and the rest of Heillboer had been measuring her merit as a person from the moment they met her.
As she handed a rock over to Eivor to slowly and carefully balance on the stack, Randvi truly understood that she had been accepted before she even knew many in the clan. She knew that Eivor had assessed her from a distance and decided to befriend her before taking her to the rest of the bears. Randvi realized that perhaps she wanted to come alone because she wanted to know how she would be perceived if she presented herself as genuinely as possible instead of someone that had something beneficial to obviously offer the clan.
She knew that Eivor had accepted her. Knew that if they ran into trouble, she would protect her. Knew that she met everyone that she did because Eivor's company calmed any anxiety around a stranger walking in their community. She knew that they would all treat her with the same respect they did now no matter if Eivor was around or not, but it certainly was in her favour that Eivor took a liking to her so early. Randvi knew that an alliance would not need to be made official here.
Still, as Randvi listened to Eivor's retelling of her memories, of her parents, of a Heillboer from before, the more Randvi wanted to hear even more of the Wolf-kissed's history. At some point in her stay, she became less concerned about joining their clans together and what that could imply and found herself wanting to hear Eivor talk about anything and everything.
Randvi wanted to share herself too; to let Eivor know of her past and her family and her way of viewing the world around them. She hoped Eivor mirrored her want to know of each other and craved to listen as she did; even to spend time quietly alone together as she did.
Later on, when Randvi asks if she could stay anywhere else in Heillboer that wasn't the longhouse, Eivor would not hesitate to invite her to her home and Randvi was eager to accept.
When Thora arrived at the dock a moon later, she felt no surprise to see Randvi and Eivor approach together.
What did surprise her and what she pressed her sister on was the fact that they came out of Eivor's single room dwelling together. That they retired for the day at the same time as each other and went back at the same dwelling. That when one or the other went out to sail or fish or even go for a small walk, it was nearly always with each other.
It seems that relations between their clans had successfully been secured and her baby sister was enjoying the time in freedom of doing what she wanted with the security of not having to sneak around or feel as is she was being improper or endangering her family and the clan.
Thora was perceptive in her own right and while she was relieved she didn't have to protect her baby sister; she saw clear as day how subtly protective Eivor was of Randvi. She did feel slightly neglected when it was clear that Randvi preferred to spend her time with Eivor instead of her. She understood, of course, and the implications filled her heart with warmth and joy, she couldn't help but call out and tease Randvi about her new found passion.
To both of the reindeer women's surprise, Eivor did not shy away or get flustered by the topic; confirming without a doubt how she felt and what she wished for their clans and for her own personal relationship with a certain hunter that caught her attention so many months before.
Though she had yet to meet the rest of their clan and they had yet to come up with a plan on how to take on the dangers that faced them in the future of their country and beyond, Eivor made it very clear that her intent was for both of their clans to be intertwined and prosper, grow and expand together in more ways than one and on levels from personal to the dreaded political.
They would face the hardships of relentless winter storms, of social turmoil with their neighbours, with attempted raids on their lands keeping their physical prowess sharp and ready. They would face decisions they couldn't been to anticipate at where they stood then, but it was very clear.
The reindeer of Tromøya had found unity, solidarity, and an unbelievable match in values with the bears of Heillboer.
The future of Norway remained uncertain, but their two clans would find stability, peace, and safety in the years to come.
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legitalicat · 5 months
Anya the Ashen
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Board done by @zaldritzosrose
When warriors collide and matters of the heart are engulfed in the flames of war, only The Ashen can find a way for them to survive.
Anya Eivorsdottir.
Anya the Ashen.
Anya Honor-Bound.
Nidhogg, Harbinger of the End.
Four names to describe one woman.
Born in 873AD, she is the only daughter of Eivor Varinsdottir and Hytham of the Hidden Ones. Due to Eivor's status among the Raven Clan and reputation among the Norse, Anya was granted the name Eivorsdottir rather than taking her father's name. She grew up learning from both her parents what it meant to be a warrior and leader. She could kill with any weapon effectively, and poison should the need ever arise, though she feels it a cowardly method. She was first blooded at the age of 13.
The only thing greater to her than family is honor. Anyone who knows her knows that. Anya Honor-Bound, the people of Ravensthorpe call her. Her people. Those who know she will leave an innocent man alive and unharmed, but in the same breath will destroy one guilty of breaking the laws of man. Murder in cold blood, breaking an oath, risking the innocence or life of others, all of this and others were cause for her to strike someone down. And it was, in her mind, just.
She does not play in shades of gray. There is right, there is wrong. There is how to be, there is criminal offense.
She earned The Ashen early in her journey as a vikingr. All across Mercia, she was known for leaving nothing but smoke and ash in her wake. Part of it was because she felt it kinder to provide a clean slate to rebuild from. Part of it was to send a message.
By the age of 16, she had earned the name Nidhogg, Harbinger of the End by the Saxons. She allowed the name, finding it amusing how easily it made them squirm, despite how it angered some that she was being so disrespected. And it was this that allowed her to convince her parents to allow her to go on a journey across the ocean like her uncle Sigurd. Despite their reservations, and Sigurd's descent into madness in the years following his return from his own travels, they ultimately knew she would take care of herself and her crew.
So with her crew and her banner, the symbol of the Raven Clan splayed on red, she set sail from England.
She returned home in 893AD, after her 20th year, followed by a Prince from a strange land who could ride a dragon, a beast once thought only possible in the myths. She had one thing, one goal, that she needed to accomplish. One that she knew was her divine right.
To unite all of England under her banner.
Her hair is made of fire, her eyes mirrored her father's. She is of divine beauty, even from a young age, captivating those around her. Her body is thicker than some of the Saxon women yet not as robust as some of their mobility, Anya was made of muscle, with an ample chest, rounded hips, and thickened thighs. She was the object of many men's desire.
Family Tree
Mother: Eivor Varinsdottir
Maternal Grandfather: Varin
Maternal Grandmother: Rosta
Adoptive Grandfather: Styrbjorn Sigvaldisson
Adoptive Uncle: Sigurd Styrbjornsson
Father: Hytham of the Hidden Ones
Further paternal line unknown.
People and Allies of the Raven Clan of Mercia
The Targaryens of Westeros
Uhtred of Bebbanburg's "Coccham Squad"
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch
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vikingnerd793 · 1 year
Wow! I tried “you should have trusted us” for alternate dialogue with Styrbjorn back in Norway and the dialogue from then on completely changed. Eivor at the end saying “I have no father” after Styrbjorn says “I was like a father to you” … YIKES AND OUCH. Poor Styrbjorn, and Varin…..
I definitely prefer the dialogue I always pick, “I hope you found peace,” which feels way more natural to her character development. Where she sees why Styrbjorn did what he did, even if she hated how he did it. And she realizes Styrbjorn was 100% right about Sigurd.
But I do like how dialogue choice alters the outcome quite a bit!
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There was blood everywhere.
The floor, the walls, the ceiling, the furniture, everything was covered in your parents' blood. You could only helplessly witness the macabre scene unfolding before your eyes. Your father was lying on the floor, the back of his head was sunken, his left eye was literally sticking out of its socket, your poor mother was being beaten up, the mad man was screaming incomprehensible words. You closed your eyes, covering your ears as you begged the gods for someone to help you. You couldn't prevent a little cry of terror from escaping your lips when you heard the man turn over the whole house, destroying the furniture and objects that came to hand. The man kept breaking everything and knocking it over. He seemed to be searching for something. What was he looking for? You stayed hidden in the closet, waiting for the crazy man to give up and decide to leave. You stayed in the closet until sunrise.
You woke up with a start when you heard someone banging on your bedroom door. You heard Randvi's muffled voice, telling you that it was time for you to get up and that Eivor was back before returning to his activities. You had no choice but to leave your warm bed to get dressed for this new day. You put on your warmest clothes before leaving your room to greet your adoptive father, King Styrbjorn, but when you arrive in the hall, you surprise him chatting with Guthorm The Wise. This man was the sage and uncle of King Harald. What was he doing here?
You turned to Eivor, the Drengr was smiling at you and wasted no time in hugging you. Your smile quickly faded seeing his coquard and his split lip. He patted your shoulder, letting you know he was fine. Guthorm The Wise left the longhouse, passing you and Eivor.
"Eivor, come forward. And explain in plain words why you have willfully disobeyed my commands," Styrbjorn ordered as he sat down on his throne. "Do you mock me?"
"I do not mock you, king. I mean to embolden you… Against your enemies. And your own poor judgment," Eivor replied nonchalantly.
"You know nothing af my judgment. You know nothing of my plans and strategies."
"Sigurd and (Y/N) would agree with me."
"I am," you say, glaring at Styrbjorn.
"(Y/N) silence! My son might agree with you, but he would obey me. He knows his place."
"Not as well as he knows his father."
"Imagine you are harassed by an enemy with warriors that vastly outnumber you own. What profit does open war bring?" asked the king, eyeing his adopted son. "Would it no be better to work quietly, through diplomacy, gaining alliances? Waiting until the day our numbers outweigh our enemies' and our victory is guaranteed?"
"Do we have any allies to speak of? Or is that your excuse to do nothing?" Eivor asked, clenching his fists.
"You confidence blinds you to so much in plain sight, Eivor," King Styrbjorn said, rising from his seat. "Day and night I toil to forge ties with clans to the north. Very soon you will see the fruits of my efforts. Only then will you understand."
You rolled your eyes when you heard that. It sounded like a stupid excuse to avoid fighting. Your adoptive father's behavior was suspicious. Why had he invited Guthorm here? This man's nephew was a king. What does he intend to do with a king from another land? You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the bugle sound. What was happening? Randvi quickly entered the longhouse, announcing Sigurd's boat had arrived at the docks. After two years of absence, he was finally back. You didn't have time to head for the door when Eivor lifted you off the ground, throwing you on his shoulder and starting to run towards the docks. Some people gave you a puzzled or stern look when they saw the king's adopted son running towards the docks with you, perched on his shoulder, like a vulgar potato sack. Sigurd was doing the same with you. It was a habit your brothers had picked up. As soon as they wanted to show you something or run away, they would throw you over their shoulder. Their excuse?
"You are light as a feather, sister."
"We're going to have to make you eat more."
Wolf-Kissed set you free once you got to the dock. You glared at him as your foster brother kissed your cheek apologetically. You just rolled your eyes when your attention fell on Sigurd's boat. He was unloading the treasures and memories he had brought back from his trip around the world. You were approaching the ship when you saw two people dressed in white clothes. Who were his men? Why had Sigurd brought them here? You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Sigurd calling you and Eivor. Your brother hurried down from his ship, nudging one of his men, who had had the misfortune to get in his way, to hug Eivor.
"Oh, look at you, blood-soaked drengr. Have you been warring without me?"
"Ah, and you, salt-cured vikingr. I smell the stink of a kingdoms in your beard," Eivor replied, returning the hug to his adopted brother.
"It's just the start," Sigurd replied letting go of Eivor to turn to you. "Eivor, who is this sublime woman?"
"I told you he took too many blows to the head," you said, glaring at Eivor who was watching you having fun.
"It can't be you (Y/N). You were just a little girl when I left."
"A lot of things change in two winters," Eivor commented as he put his arm around your shoulders. "Isn't it, sister?"
"Unfortunately," you said pulling Eivor's arm away to hug Sigurd. "Welcome back, Sigurd."
Sigurd let go of you to greet Randvi, his dearest wife, telling her that her husband had returned with gifts and riches. Randvi added that he also brought new friends with him. Sigurd turned to the men in question who were approaching. Your brother introduced them: Basil and Hytham. They had met them at Mikligard. The so-called Basim spoke up, saying that he and his apprentice were grateful to Sigurd for his invitation and were eager to pay their respects to the king. Eivor explained that his brother took care of the people around him, if they were standing and safe near him, that must mean he liked them. Sigurd laughed, telling his brother to wait until they were full for introductions. He put his arm around Eivor and Randvi's shoulders. The Wolf-Kissed put his arm around your shoulders, taking you with them. Sigurd wasted no time in saying that they had bartered a ship and told them that Eivor, the Wolf-Kissed, had been captured by Kjotve's men. To which Eivor replied that that wasn't the whole story, he explained that he killed his guardians and freed his crew. Which earned him the reproaches of King Styrbjorn. Sigurd knew his brother's opinion: only war can drive Kjotve from their lands. You nodded, telling Sigurd that you had overheard his father talking with Guthorm The Wise. Your adopted brother looked at you surprised by what you had just said. He nodded slightly, saying that things were going to change today, that by the end of winter, only goons and drunks would still utter the name Kjotve the Cruel. The group arrived at the longhouse, Styrbjorn coming out to welcome his son with open arms.
"My son. Welcome home," he said, hugging Sigurd.
"Ah, Father."
"Tonight we feast and celebrate your return, Sigurd. The tables are laid with barley and lamb, bread and mead-"
"And no more," Sigurd cut in. "I want nothing you would not serve a thrall. Let me be the one to honor you. I bring gifts and tales from faraway lands. After two winters away, I am full up with both."
"Very well, very well. Come inside," Styrbjorn prompted as he walked towards the door of the longhouse.
"And when are fat and satisfied, Father, we will talk of Kjotve and his clan," Sigurd said, causing his father to stop. "And how we may end their terror, once and for all. He has dogged us too long. Shamed us for too many seasons. I know this. (Y/N) knows this. Eivor knows this. It ends now."
Styrbjorn looked sternly at his son following this tirade.
"Yes, of course," he replied, rolling his eyes. "Where the time is right."
You rolled your eyes, this guy had no sense of priorities. You decide to go back to your room, you hated this kind of gathering. Sigurd and Eivor knew it, they never forced you to participate in their events. You knew that Sigurd would take the time to tell you all about the adventure he had during his two winters. You traded your skills for the tunic you stole from Eivor. A sigh escaped your lips as you settled down at your desk, starting to write in your diary, describing your dreams, the course of your day, Sigurd's return, and the fact that King Styrbjorn was up to something. . You put down your quill, pinching the bridge of your nose. You were tired of Norway and this adoptive father who did nothing to ensure the safety of his family. It was his fault that Kjotve had attacked eighteen years ago. It was also his fault if your family… No, you shouldn't have thought about that. You shook your head pushing his thoughts out of your mind. You didn't have to think about that night anymore, you had to forget. You closed your diary, deciding it was time for you to go to bed. You put out the candles and got into bed for the night. The music and the voices were muffled by the walls and the door, but strangely, it reassured you. You fell asleep, exhausted by this eventful day.
"His parents didn't survive. He slaughtered them," Varin said as he tossed the last rags into the fire. "Oddmund and Alvheid are unrecognizable. Their daughter saw it all, my King. She saw her parents being slaughtered!"
"Have you found this man?" asked Styrbjorn.
"No, he managed to escape. We're still looking for him."
You were sitting on the edge of Eivor's bed, staring at a fixed point. Why did such a thing have to happen? Why did your parents have to die this way? Because of the mad man, your parents couldn't join Valhalla. Why did this man decide to kill your parents?
"(Y/N), you're hungry?" Eivor asked as he entered the room with a bowl of stew. "Mother made stew with deer meat."
"I'm not hungry," you say, lowering your head.
Eivor came to sit next to you, holding the bowl on his lap. The boy didn't know what to tell you. Your parents were given a funeral worthy of a Viking. Rosta tried to reassure you, telling you that Odin will undoubtedly have accepted your parents in Valhalla despite their death. You knew it was impossible. They had not had their ax in their hand. But there was one thing you couldn't understand.
"Why did they die? Why did the guy decide to kill them? Why?"
"I don't know," Eivor replied. "Father and some other men are looking for him. He can't be far away and he's going to pay for what he did!"
You turned to Eivor, your friend smiling at you as he handed you the bowl of stew. You picked up the bowl, starting to eat a few spoonfuls. Eivor reassured you, saying that he had overheard a conversation between his parents who had discussed adopting you.
Your dream dissipated in a black mist, your eyelids opened when you heard someone knocking at your door. You sat down, letting the covers fall over your lap. You left your warm bed to go about your routine, swapping your tunic for your warmest clothes before leaving your room to find Randvi. You were surprised to find that Eivor and Sigurd were absent.
"Where are Eivor and Sigurd?" you asked taking bread.
"They've gone to Nottfall. Kjotve sent men to kill us while we slept. Eivor is to take care of them. Now his head will fall off," she said, smiling at you.
"Finally, we're going to be freed from a burden," you say, giving the king a stern look. "
It took until Sigurd's return for things to finally move. Kjotve had been a problem for too long. Once rid of him, Scandinavia will be better off. You noticed that King Styrbjorn seemed nervous. You decided to ignore him, preferring to focus on your day. You went to the stables to take care of your horse: Dǫglingr. This horse was one of a kind. He was a wild horse that many men tried to ride him, but each time he reared, knocking out those who tried to ride him. You were the only one Dǫglingr allowed to ride him. You loved this horse, you decided to build it Dǫglingr because of its attitude. You put the saddle on his back, prepared his harnesses before mounting him and leaving the village to go to the heights of Sjaleng. You had to talk to the völva. You got along well Valka as well as his mother: Svala. When you were a child, you often went to see Svala and Valka to tell them about your nightmares and tell them about your questions about that night and the mad man. You arrived in front of the cabin, you climbed down from Dǫglingr's back, tying him to a post before going to see your friend. You entered the cabin, finding Valka trying to communicate with the Gods. You saw Svala, sitting on a bench, seeming lost in thought.
"(Y/N). It's been a long time my friend," Valka greeted, stepping closer to you.
"Valka. How is Svala?" you asked, turning your attention to your friend's mother.
"Her mind is a jumbke. She speaks to spirits. I fear her final winter has come. But she has me. Now let us speak to your needs, (Y/N). Why did you come to see me?"
"For the past few days, I've been seeing the day the mad man killed my parents. I'm seeing Varin and Rosta again. I thought it was the stress, King Styrbjorn getting weirder and weirder, the return of Sigurd, The fact that Eivor went to challenge Kjotve, but…I'm afraid his memories are an omen."
"How long has it been since you had his memories?"
"When Sigurd decided to go traveling."
"I see," Valka replied as she walked over to the table. "You have always carried the murder of your parents and those of Eivor on your shoulders. Are you worried that this mad man is coming back?"
"Every night."
"Dreams can say express a lot of things. Your doubts, your fears, your guilt. You had to experience the loss of your parents and Eivor's parents. Maybe his dreams are telling you that it's time for you to fly away from here."
"Fly away?" you asked, laughing a little.
"Yes, I often dream of you, watching a white snowy owl flying in the distance. You seem to be far from Scandinavia. Where you are, there is no snow."
Far from Scandinavia, was that even possible? You had heard that Ragnar and his sons had gone to conquer England, but even if you hated Rygjafylke, were you ready to leave the place where you were born? You thanked Valka for giving you time and for her help. Your friend replied that her door was always open to you if you had any other questions. You saluted Svala, leaving the hut to return to the longhouse. Two days passed before Sigurd returned to tell you the good news, Kjotve the Cruel had just joined the Kingdom of Helheim. You had never been so relieved. Norway was finally rid of a nuisance. Sigurd offered you to come with them to the althing organized by King Harald to celebrate this victory, a proposal you refused. You were going to be able to sleep peacefully tonight. For once, you had a pleasant dream.
You were playing with Eivor and Sigurd building a cairn stone. You laid the pebbles on top of each other, being careful not to topple the tower. You heard Sigurd moan in frustration as he lay down on the floor.
"I've had enough! How can you like that?" Sigurd exclaimed.
"Mother loved doing her tricks," Eivor replied. "She said it gave her time to think."
"Do you want me to help you?" you asked, placing the last pebble on your tower. "I'm done."
Sigurd sat up to see your cairn stones which held perfectly in balance. Your brother was sighing loudly as he motioned for you to join him. You went to sit on Sigurd's lap, helping him stack the pebbles on top of each other. Sigurd was surprised to see your patience and dexterity. The cairn he had started was finished in minutes. Eivor approached the pair, watching you build a third cairn stone.
"You're really good, sister," Eivor commented smiling at you.
You dream was brutally interrupted by a knock on your door. You hid your head under your pillow, but Sigurd ordered you out of bed, because he had something important to tell you. You let out an annoyed sigh, leaving your cozy bed to open the door. Unsurprisingly, Sigurd was accompanied by Eivor. The drengr followed his brother like his shadow. You returned to sit on your bed, allowing them to take their place. Given their expression, the King's Althing must not have gone as they would have hoped.
"So? Why are you waking me up so early?" you asked looking out the window. "The Sun hasn't even risen yet."
"Sorry, (Y/N). But we have something important to tell you," Eivor said as he settled down next to you.
"The Althing didn't go well?" you asked, glaring at Eivor.
"King Harald has decided to unite all of Norway, making the whole Kingdom his subjects. My father dared to kneel before him and swear allegiance to him, depriving me of my birthright! I cannot accept!" Sigurd exclaimed, heading for the window.
"What's going to happen? We're going to have to serve the king?" you asked worried.
"No, sister. Sigurd has a plan."
"Yes, we cannot stay in Norway, not under Harald's boot, not without fueling war. So we push forward. To newer lands. To England! And there make a new home. A kingdom of our own."
"England?" you asked perplexed. "That's where Ragnar Lothbrok's sons are. They've been there for eight winters, haven't they? Is there any land left?"
"Yes, by and large, sister. There are four kingdoms in England, last I heard only one is truly pacified. I know you don't like such a sudden change (Y/N). This all can be scary, and it is, but believe me, England is our best option."
"We won't be the only people leaving Norway, sister," Eivor continued. "Randvi, Dag and many others want to leave Fornberg. We will build a new home together."
Leave Fornberg? Leaving your native country for an unknown land? It made you sad, but you refused to be under King Harald's yoke. You didn't want to see Styrbjorn anymore. You remembered Valka's words. Of his dream. You nodded slightly, telling your brothers you were following them to England. Eivor and Sigurd were relieved to hear your response. The future Jarl told you to get ready as soon as possible and to take only the essentials, nothing superfluous. Sigurd was the first to leave the room. Eivor put his hand on your shoulder, telling you he was glad to know you were following them, before leaving the room, leaving you alone. You hurriedly got dressed and took the things you deemed necessary. You took a doll, it was an old toy your brothers gave you for your eighth birthday, and your warmest blankets for traveling. You found the group that was about to go to sea. You found Sigurd and Eivor, the two men were checking the food for the trip. Randvi came to meet you, telling you that she was delighted to know that you were going with them. His gaze rested on your doll: Skuldalið.
"Do you take it with you?" she asked, glaring at you severely.
"Why should I leave Skuldalið in Norway?"
"Don't you think it's time for you to get rid of her? You're a young lady now."
"For you Skuldalið is only a doll, Randvi. But for me, it is an object of great value. She comes with me."
"Leave (Y/N) alone Randvi," Sigurd growled as he moved closer to his wife. "We all have a very valuable item. If (Y/N) wants to take Skuldalið with her, she has every right to do so."
"Brother," Eivor said, nodding towards Styrbjorn who was arriving with two guards.
"Sigurd, what is this assembly? What are you planning?" asks his father, stopping near his son who turns to him.
"An exile, Father. As graceful as I can? For it I cannot be king in the land of my borth, I will start a new saga. In England."
"Nonsense. Your place is here, Son. At my side. There will be other victories soon, other glories."
"My choice is made, Father. Do not hope otherwise," Sigurd replied sternly, turning his back on his father to check the supplies.
"It is easy to lose one's way on the road to glory. Do not let false victories blind you to what is true."
"You talk of false victories to me, old man?" Sigurd asked sarcastically, turning to his father. "A sad old bear who destroyed his honor with one bent knee? The further I sail from this place, the louder I will sing."
Sigurd picked up a crate of supplies, telling you to get into the boat. You followed the others to board the ship, waiting for your brothers to finish their discussion with the former king. Your attention was drawn to Valka. Your friend was near the platform, a slight smile on her lips. You waved your arm, greeting your friend who waved back. You knew it was just goodbye and you would see her again soon. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a hand land on your shoulder. You turned to Eivor and Sigurd.
"Ready to go, sister?" Eivor asked smiling at you.
"Yes," you replied, smiling at him.
"So here we go," Sigurd announced.
"The time for tears is over, you weeping sacks of wool!" Dag shouted to the crew. "Put some muscle into those sweaters!"
"Ration your strength, Dag. We have an ocean to cross," Bragi joked as he started rowing.
"All right, you lazy bacraut. Sigurd, what's our course?" Dag asked, glaring at Sigurd.
"The Sons of Ragnar established a settlement near the coast. We sail for that," the new Jarl explained. "Bragi! Sing a song to lift our hugr!"
"To rouse the Gods! Inspire a mighty fart from Thor to speed us on our way!"
You took your place next to Eivor, draping your fur over your shoulders. It was strange. You would have thought that leaving Norway would have been easy. Since the death of your parents and Eivor's parents, you had always wanted to leave forever this cold country which held bad memories. Yet, in this moment, you saw all your moments with Eivor, Sigurd, Valka and all the others.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Eivor asked, putting his arm around your shoulders.
"Yes, it's just that… I never thought I would be so sad to leave Norway."
"Norway will always be where it was born. You have the right to be sad," Eivor reassured, hugging you.
"An ocean lies before us, Eivor, (Y/N). And on its far side, a new kingdam awaits."
"You know England well from your travels?" you asked, staring at a puzzled Sigurd.
"I spent a season in then Kingdom of Mercia. A temperate land. Lush and wild. By now, the Sons of Ragnar will have claimed its heart."
"Do we mean to join their army?" asked Eivor equally perplexed.
"They will join ours! In time, all of England will know of Raven Clan and the glory we brought to that fractured land. So to England, glory and destiny!"
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reiverreturns · 2 years
do you ever just think about how eivor’s whole personal arc is set in the context of her believing varin was a coward and weak for sacrificing himself to kjotve for his clan. not understanding that love doesn’t exist stagnant and immutable. learning, in time, that it’s in action and choices. choosing others, your family, your clan, over yourself. forgiving others, your family, your clan, in spite of yourself. how sad it is that she always sees what her father did (and also what styrbjorn did) as a passivity when she herself is so unwilling to be subject to her own fate. she’s constantly in company but so fucking alone because she all she understands love to be is empty words and sentiment. She can act on it but can’t recognise the act from others, until she can, looking into the faces of the people of ravensthorpe that choose to follow her, to love her. and she chooses them right back. 
and ubisoft... ubisoft thinks eivor just decides to up and leave them all. in the middle of the night. to wander alone for the rest of her life. because odin said so.
i just.
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
So I have the vague shape of an Eivor/Randvi Omegaverse au where Sigurd doesn’t want to get married so Styrbjorn thinks it would be a good way to get Eivor to settle down and she’s like “eh why not I do love ladies this should be easy” but then Randvi is a beautiful hotheaded woman who puts Eivor in her place and then they connect and fall in love and it’s beautiful but I’m better with pictures than words and it would need to be a multi part fic to really have the tension build before they finally mate lol for now it will exist as misty images and scenes in my mind
NO CUZ THAT WOULD BE SO GOOD?? The idea of Eivor being stunned by Randvi's fiery nature, intrigued and feeling like it's a challenge to understand who she really is...only for her to fall deeper and deeper because she loves everything she discovers about Randvi??? The idea of Eivor having a presence that brings other alphas to their knees but then Randvi is basically like "bad Eivor, sit >:(" and she immediately is like "my love I'm sorry don't be mad I just wanted to protect you :((((((" ahjsljkfl I'm screaming omg
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alt-king · 8 months
Continuation of my Ivarr playlist post, but this time with my beloved Eivor ❤️🐺
(I'll be using "they/them" for Eivor just so everyone stays happy on both sides.)
I don't know if everyone thinks this or just me, but while Eivor always seems to be torn between loving or hating Varin (until they finally accept) they always speak so highly of their mother, and I definitely think that they had such a close bond before Kjotve killed her. Not only is the song sang in old norse, it's just an amazing song all round. Not to mention I could definitely imagine this being played in longhouses, or sang before a battle.
This makes me think of Eivor and Odins connection to one another. How they are literally connected by Yggdrasil. The whole Asgard arcs fall under this song as well.
Makes me think of Eivor and Sigurd's relationship together. How Eivor was always so willing to do anything and everything to please him and get his approval. The breakdown of their once great bond during and after Fulkes tortures on Sigurd. And then the both of them finally accepting one another have changed and grown, and even though it won't be like how it used to be, they will always love and have one another. 🥲
Think it speaks for itself. 😅😂
This song makes me think of young Eivor; their childhood. After thier parents death they are heartbroken, but they can't let anyone see that, they have to be strong. They get into fights with the older kids, snap at Styrbjorn. Not to mention they are so focused on revenge against Kjotve it makes them cold. They didn't really have a childhood with everything that happened in it. Essentially they are burying all the hurt and sadness deep down.
Similar to the one above, it makes me think of the sheer amount things Eivor has gone through that they just choose to bury or ignore, and you can see that throughout the game how much it changes them and how they begin to struggle to bury their emotions anymore. Especially after the Hampshire arc when they loose so many friends and allies.
Like Ivarr's I have so many more songs in Eivor's playlist and I'm always adding to it. Let me know what you think. Any songs you would have added?
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leofrith · 1 year
Obligatory "Eivor!" for the ask game
well yeah of course ✨
a song that reminds me of them: borders by kalandra. every kalandra song can be about eivor if i want it bad enough 💖
what they smell like: honey and wood smoke
an otp: girl has chemistry with basically everyone. kassandra vili randvi hytham estrid etc etc. but i'm feeling some type of way about leofrith lately (lately being the last uuuuuh six months rip)
a notp: sigurd. there's a few others that i can understand but just don't particularly care for but keep away from me with that shit in particular. they're literally siblings!!!
favorite platonic/familial relationships: sigurd in the deeper version of their relationship that lives in my head. varin because eivor's relationship with her father is one of the emotional through lines of eivor's character in the main game. rosta, my darling rosta, who doesn't get as much attention as she deserves, but eivor is such a mama's girl and it makes me a bit insane. also gunnar!!! he loves her so much and is so proud of her. styrbjorn and eivor's relationship is so interesting and i wish we got to see more of it. i'm just listing everyone now. valka and eivor's relationship is so sweet and there's a kind of trust and understanding there that i don't think eivor shares with any other character.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i don't know if there are really any specific headcanons that i dislike? i tried to write a few responses to this but they just feel really nitpicky so i stopped 😂
the position they sleep in: when she's alone, with her back to a wall with easy access to a weapon. when she's with a trusted partner she's the little spoon because she can rest easy knowing she has someone watching her back 😭
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: accidentally have been becoming very serious about my star wars au in which mandalorian eivor comes into possession of the darksaber and starts having visions because of it (the sword's haunted--) while also trying to lead her scattered people and ally with jedi hytham and basim, who are hunting a relic of the jedi order for their own purposes. if none of this makes sense to you because you don't know or care about star wars lore then i envy you 💖 just ignore this and read the fic whenever i finish it pspspsps it's all you need i promiseeeee
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: the berserker armour is my usual go to, but i also hate wearing it in wintery regions because eivor looks cold ahgsdfasdhf in which cases i'll usually rotate between the raven clan or mystical armor. would also wear the huldufolk armor if i had it !!!!!!
send me a character and i will answer these questions!
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erobret · 2 years
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@austerulous​ asked : As dawn leaked over the horizon, their hunt met its end.  Pale light bled through the valleys, creeping towards Whiterun by degrees.  A narrow stretch of woodland, awash with mountain flowers, their blossoms petal-soft underfoot.  They were hidden within the trees, noses flooded with the treacly scent of pine. Bones rearranged themselves, crackling as they shrank.  Fur receded, blunt teeth replacing fangs.  It was an aching process, for the beast to retreat, to go from monster to man.  Farkas stood in the glade, shameless in his nakedness, steam rising from his shoulders.  Blood matted his raven hair, dripping thickly from his freshly-forged fingertips, coursing down the broad, human chest that heaved as he gulped air, steadying himself, drunk on adrenaline, hungover from the hunt. And there was Eivor, as naked and blood-drenched as he.  All the hours of the night, they had roamed, ruled by the moon, by the beast.  Farkas recalled nuzzling at her, licking the viscera that stained her maw, speaking to her in a chorus of whines and growls. “I see you,” he said by way of greeting – and he did.  She with her scars, her wild beauty.  She with her calculated savagery, her feral grace.  Greedy, his gaze skirted her edges, appreciating the strength that wrote itself into her body.  Unabashed and hunt-drunk, he dared to come closer, to catch her chin with his fingers, to raise her noble head, inviting her to devour him with those hoarfrost eyes.
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            THE    HUNT    WAS    NEW    TO    HER    .    never    had    she    allowed    herself    to    roam    in    the    wilderness    .    .    .    not    since    that    first    .    that    first    had    been    terrifying    .    she’d    been    but    a    child    and    not    known    what    had    become    of    her    when    she    awoke    deep    within    the    mountains    ,    stained    in    mud    and    gore    .    it    was    a    scar    that    could    not    be    seen    .    .    .    not    knowing    if    the    crimson    had    been    man    or    beast    .    only    those    closest    to    her    had    known    ;    styrbjorn    ,    sigurd    ,    valka    and    later    randvi    .    they    knew    and    they    had    helped    her    cage    the    beast    .    when    the    full    moon    would    draw    near    she’d    retreat    to    a    deep    cave    where    iron    bars    had    kept    her    within    .    she’d    been    bound    and    blind-folded    .    incense    had    thrown    off    her    sense    of    smell    and    the    waterfall    that    hid    the    cave    drowned    out    all    noise    .    for    seventeen    years    she    had    lived    like    that    when    the    beast    came    .
            this    time    she    had    allowed    the    beast    its    freedom    .    he    had    been    with    her    and    even    though    her    wolf    was    far    more    feral    and    wild    than    his    ,    he    had    grounded    her    and    kept    her    from    man    villages    .    it    had    been    a    whole    new    experience    ,    even    if    her    body    had    not    felt    like    her    own    ----    as    if    another    had    stepped    foot    within    her    being    and    took    over    .    she’d    seen    splatter    of    blood    ,    tasted    the    heat    of    meat    ,    heard    the    stag’s    final    cry    ,    smelt    its    fear    .    all    new    and    he    had    been    with    her    .
            far    more    feral    and    wild    .    she’d    often    growled    and    snapped    at    him    when    he’d    drawn    near    to    press    muzzle    against    her    but    she    had    not    bitten    him    .    though    lips    had    been    curled    ,    tongue    licking    at    gums    and    teeth    while    snarl    escaped    .    .    .    she    had    welcomed    the    affection    .    she    had    welcomed    him    .
            now    here    she    was    ,    collapsed    as    skeleton    reformed    from    beast    to    woman    .    the    jaw    and    legs    were    the    worst    of    the    pain    that    came    during    this    time    .    spine    would    ache    as    she    rose    from    hands    to    bare    feet    .    chest    rose    and    fell    heavily    with    breath    that    game    in    large    huffs    of    vapor    from    dripping    mouth    .    like    him    ,    steam    rose    off    bare    body    .    one    would    think    her    fire-kissed    with    the    crimson    that    drenched    wheat    blonde    hair    ,    now    a    wet    red    mane    (    she    would    have    to    take    the    braids    out    and    fix    it    all    once    more    )    .    dripping    fingers    were    curled    as    if    her    claws    were    still    there    .    though    beast    had    retreated    she    was    still    as    feral    as    she    was    .    it    always    took    a    while    for    the    fog    to    vanish    from    her    mind    .
            his    voice    was    sharp    in    his    ear    and    head    turned    quickly    to    look    over    shoulder    ,    caked    in    blood    and    muck    .    azure    hues    ,    still    crazed    from    the    hunt    ,    watched    him    move    closer    .    a    low    growl    left    her    lips    ---    more    human-like    than    before    but    still    quite    animalistic    ---    when    hand    came    to    her    .    lashes    fluttered    as    she    blinked    rapidly    ,    her    mind    clearing    slightly    to    know    what    she    wanted    .    with    a    snarl    ,    gore    covered    hands    flew    to    grab    him    ,    fingers    curling    around    the    back    of    his    neck    to    draw    him    down    so    mouths    could    connect    .    she    tasted    the    blood    upon    his    lips    as    he    could    hers    ,    but    past    that    she    tasted    him    .    a    hand    in    his    hair    ,    the    other    making    deep    scratches    down    his    back    ,    she    held    him    close    .    refusing    to    let    him    go    .
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bagelvangr · 2 years
modern day au where Eivor and Randvi are travelling back home for the holidays
they are from different cities but have the same connecting flight and end up seated next to each other on the plane
Randvi obviously has the window seat because she checked in early and Eivor has to awkwardly take the middle seat, this will not be explained further
just like right now, there is an arctic system affecting flights. their flight ends up delayed from the gate, and then it taxis/holds on the tarmac for like 4-5 hours because de-icing and general weather conditions are making it really difficult for ALL flights
they get to know each other on the plane. Eivor's phone lost charge like 2 hours into the forevertaxi and Randvi had been reading some old Norse archeology book so they start talking. Eivor talks about and shows Randvi her tattoos and talks about living in Norway/Iceland/Faroe Islands/England/Ireland/Archeological flavour of your choice.
They find out they have a lot of mutual contacts and plan to meet up when they land.
The travelling situation is a mess and they have to navigate the airport with hundreds of other stranded travelers trying to figure out what to do with their cancelled flights. Randvi is distraught bc it's her first year in a while going back home and her sister (Thora ofc) just had a baby. Eivor is distraught bc a mentor and father figure of hers passed away (Svend) and she's concerned she won't make the funeral.
They spend literal hours in endless lines getting confusing information from a severely understaffed and overwhelmed 3am airport staff. Everyone around them (and themselves) are tired, hungry, thirsty, looking for a way to their destination.
They split briefly at first, but eventually find each other again to navigate the mess. It just makes more sense to stay in line together. One can stay in line and watch bags while the other uses the restroom, tries to find out what is happening in another line, tries to find food/drink, charges their phone. This of course leads them to exchanging their contact info so they can keep each other informed.
At some point Randvi gets super cold bc it's negative double digits and her coat is in her checked-in luggage. So of course Eivor gives her her jacket and says "it's fine, I run hot. Anyways, I'm wearing a flannel so technically I have layers too" -- totally normal gay behaviour.
Eventually, after 16 hours, they are delirious and swaying on their feet, but they manage to get a standby flight to where they're headed. They get food and drinks together once the shops are finally open and then head to their gate. Eivor, clearly shaking and on the verge of sleep deprived delirium, offers to stay awake while Randvi catches up on some sleep while they wait. Eivor says she will sleep on the flight.
Their first standby flight is a miss; but they're automatically rolled over to the next flight. Since it's still some hours away, Eivor does get some sleep and they both rest for a while.
There's a mutual unspoken fear of being put on separate flights since they are on standby and itching to get going, but luckily they make it on the same flight.
Seats are super limited though and they end up sitting separated from each other. Not that it matters too much bc all they end up doing is sleeping lol
When they land, there's a bit of debacle about how to find their luggage, and they end up chatting a bit more. This is when Eivor learns that Randvi was actually pretty close with Sigurd and Styrbjorn's family in general (details to be filled in on exactly what this is lol), and Randvi learns that Eivor is very good friends with Tove, who she is also good friends with, sharing mutual interest in ancient art.
So they learn they're going to the same neighbourhood, so they take a rideshare together. They actually solidify their plans to meet up later when Randvi learns Eivor is getting another tattoo and Randvi is giving research materials to Tove for referencing.
Eivor takes a genuine interest in it and offers to help on any expeditions or research sessions or trips if Randvi would like. Randvi learns Eivor has a boat and has enjoyed their time so far, and so they start planning regular expeditions around the North Sea, experiencing its lands and gifts together and witnessing the beauty of the northern lights regularly on Eivor's boat. :)
And for the 7292649391638th time, these two bitches fall in-love AGAIN
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mass-effect-galaxy · 1 year
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cinematic 1: Battle for the Northern Way
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Norway 872 AD. Eivor Varinsdottir, called 'Wolf-Kissed', is the adopted daughter of King Styrbjorn Sigvaldisson of the Raven Clan. For more than a decade, the Raven Clan has been fighting the powerful Wolf Clan under Kjotve the Cruel. Kjotve once killed Eivor's parents. When King Harald of Vestfold offers an alliance to the Ravens, the time for revenge has finally arrived. But Harald's help comes at a price...
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vikingnerd793 · 1 year
New season, going barb. Went with Soma as a name (My eternal game Druid was Styrbjorn!)
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Can't help myself from taking bets on which characters are going to make it alive to the end of the game, and also which ones will inevitably be revealed as members of the Order of Ancients
So far I've got:
1. Sigurd - high chance he's not going to make it, being Eivor's brother, and we all know that these games LOVE to kill familial characters to use as 'character growth'
2. Hytham - I'm like 90% sure I saw spoilers ages ago that he dies (or maybe it was Basim...) Still. 😬 not looking good for you, my lad
3. Ubba and Ivarr Ragnarsson - certain that the nice one is gonna cark it. No one who acts with a level(ish) head makes it in these games. 50/50 that the scrappy little guy will either die because he's a bloodthirsty bastard OR he gets a redemption arc somewhere along the line
4. Ceolwulf - I think he's got a low chance of either of the two options. I haven't learnt much about him but he seems okay so far 👌
5. The son of Ceolwulf - not a fucking chance. That kid came on screen being all intelligent and respectful and I already had a vision of his death scene
6. Styrbjorn - maaaannn..... I'm comparing characters from Odyssey and he's gonna take a Perikles style dirt nap I'm sure of it
7. King Harald - I think he's going to have an Aspasia type reveal later in the game. I don't trust him though I wish I could
I have not yet met anyone of enough importance that I can remember lol but we'll see how close or horribly far my guesses are as I go
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