#Studio For Rent Ontario
channelgoyetv · 9 months
Complete your Product with Professionalism inside a Studio
Ontario is a world-class city having matchless event space venues to select from. If you're searching for a small rental venue to organize the upcoming event, you can easily get some of the most budget friendly choices available for you. 
If you are looking for event space for rent, it is important to count the list of guests. A small event will demand small space while a big event demands a high amount. It is also important to consider your budget. According, you should choose the right space. 
In the last few years, production spaces have been supposed to be the backbone of independent photography, film, and live streaming. No issue, no matter what your audiovisual requirements are, a production space promises a remote location for creative liberty. 
The spaces for the production are spacious and fully indoor environments. It can often boast a variety of technical services to make things better and simple amenities to make things simpler for your creative production. 
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Whether, you are planning to shoot out commercial ads, music videos, live events, short films, or still photography; you’re going to need a devoted space for the job. Flexible space often looks cheap, and changing a garage or backyard shed simply won’t give the feeling of professionalism. It is important to create space which makes a big difference in the overall quality of the project. 
When it comes to the environment of a studio environment, lighting plays a significant role. It normally gets fixed to the ceiling and can be managed through a control board. All lights are easy to connect to the board and can be individually familiar manually using sliders and dials on the board itself. Nowadays, the production spaces are flat-out requirements when it comes to making audiovisual art. Get Studio For Rent Ontario to complete your product with creativity. 
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The new globalism is global labor
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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Depending on how you look at it, I either grew up in the periphery of the labor movement, or atop it, or surrounded by it. For a kid, labor issues don't really hold a lot of urgency – in places with mature labor movements, kids don't really have jobs, and the part-time jobs I had as a kid (paper route, cleaning a dance studio) were pretty benign.
Ironically, one of the reasons that labor issues barely registered for me as a kid was that my parents were in great, strong unions: Ontario teachers' unions, which protected teachers from exploitative working conditions and from retaliation when they advocated for their students, striking for better schools as well as better working conditions.
Ontario teachers' unions were strong enough that they could take the lead on workplace organization, to the benefit of teachers at every part of their careers, as well as students and the system as a whole. Back in the early 1980s, Ontario schools faced a demographic crisis. After years of declining enrollment, the number of students entering the system was rapidly increasing.
That meant that each level of the system – primary, junior, secondary – was about to go through a whipsaw, in which low numbers of students would be followed by large numbers. For a unionized education workforce, this presented a crisis: normally, a severe contraction in student numbers would trigger layoffs, on a last-in, first-out basis. That meant that layoffs loomed for junior teachers, who would almost certainly end up retraining for another career. When student numbers picked up again, those teachers wouldn't be in the workforce anymore, and worse, a lot of the senior teachers who got priority during layoffs would be retiring, magnifying the crisis.
The teachers' unions were strong, and they cared about students and teachers, both those at the start of their careers and those who'd given many years of service. They came up with an amazing solution: "self-funded sabbaticals." Teachers with a set number of years of seniority could choose to take four years at 80% salary, and get a fifth year off at 80% salary (actually, they could take their year off any time from the third year on).
This allowed Ontario to increase its workforce by about 20%, for free. Senior teachers got a year off to spend with their families, or on continuing education, or for travel. Junior teachers' jobs were protected. Students coming into the system had adequate classroom staff, in a mix of both senior and junior teachers.
This worked great for everyone, including my family. My parents both took their four-over-five year in 1983/84. They rented out our house for six months, charging enough to cover the mortgage. We flew to London, took a ferry to France, and leased a little sedan. For the next six months, we drove around Europe, visiting fourteen countries while my parents homeschooled us on the long highway stretches and in laundromats. We stayed in youth hostels and took a train to Leningrad to visit my family there. We saw Christmas Midnight Mass at the Vatican and walked around the Parthenon. We saw Guernica at the Prado. We visited a computer lab in Paris and I learned to program Logo in French. We hung out with my parents' teacher pals who were civilian educators at a Canadian Forces Base in Baden-Baden. I bought an amazing hand-carved chess set in Seville with medieval motifs that sung to my D&D playing heart. It was amazing.
No, really, it was amazing. Unions and the social contract they bargained for transformed my family's life chances. My dad came to Canada as a refugee, the son of a teen mother who'd been deeply traumatized by her civil defense service as a child during the Siege of Leningrad. My mother was the eldest child of a man who, at thirteen, had dropped out of school to support his nine brothers and sisters after the death of his father. My parents grew up to not only own a home, but to be able to take their sons on a latter-day version of the Grand Tour that was once the exclusive province of weak-chinned toffs from the uppermost of crusts:
My parents were active in labor causes and in their unions, of course, but that was just part of their activist lives. My mother was a leader in the fight for legal abortion rights in Canada:
My dad was active in party politics with the New Democratic Party, and both he and my mother were deeply involved with the fight against nuclear arms proliferation, a major issue in Canada, given our role in supplying radioisotopes to the US, building key components for ICBMs, testing cruise missiles over Labrador, and our participation in NORAD.
Abortion rights and nuclear arms proliferation were my own entry into political activism. When I was 13, I organized a large contingent from my school to march on Queen's Park, the seat of the Provincial Parliament, to demand an end to Ontario's active and critical participation in the hastening of global nuclear conflagration:
When I got a little older, I started helping with clinic defense and counterprotests at the Morgentaler Clinic and other sites in Toronto that provided safe access to women's health, including abortions:
My teens were a period of deepening involvement in politics. It was hard work, but rewarding and fundamentally hopeful. There, in the shadow of imminent nuclear armageddon, there was a role for me to play, a way to be more than a passive passenger on a runaway train, to participate in the effort to pull the brake lever before we ran over the cliff.
In hindsight, though, I can see that even as my activism intensified, it also got harder. We struggled more to find places to meet, to find phones and computers to use, to find people who could explain how to get a permit for a demonstration or to get legal assistance for comrades in jail after a civil disobedience action.
What I couldn't see at the time was that all of this was provided by organized labor. The labor movement had the halls, the photocopiers, the lawyers, the experience – the infrastructure. Even for campaigns that were directly about labor rights – campaigns for abortion rights, or against nuclear annihilation – the labor movement was the material, tangible base for our activities.
Look, riding a bicycle around all night wheatpasting posters to telephone poles to turn out people for an upcoming demonstration is hard work, but it's much harder if you have to pay for xeroxing at Kinko's rather than getting it for free at the union hall. Worse, the demonstration turnout suffers more because the union phone-trees and newsletters stop bringing out the numbers they once brought out.
This was why the neoliberal project took such savage aim at labor: they understood that a strong labor movement was foundation of antiimperialist, antiracist, antisexist struggles for justice. By dismantling labor, the ruling class kicked the legs out from under all the other fights that mattered.
Every year, it got harder to fight for any kind of better world. We activist kids grew to our twenties and foundered, spending precious hours searching for a room to hold a meeting, leaving us with fewer hours to spend organizing the thing we were meeting for. But gradually, we rebuilt. We started to stand up our own fragile, brittle, nascent structures that stood in for the mature and solid labor foundation that we'd grown up with.
The first time I got an inkling of what was going on came in 1999, with the Battle of Seattle: the mass protests over the WTO. Yes, labor turned out in force for those mass demonstrations, but they weren't its leaders. The militancy, the leadership, and the organization came out of groups that could loosely be called "post-labor" – not in the sense that they no longer believed in labor causes, but in the sense that they were being organized outside of traditional labor.
Labor was in retreat. Five years earlier, organized labor had responded to NAFTA by organizing against Mexican workers, rather than the bosses who wanted to ship jobs to Mexico. It wasn't unusual to see cars in Ontario with CAW bumper stickers alongside xenophobic stickers taking aim at Mexicans, not bosses. Those were the only workers that organized labor saw as competitors for labor rights: this was also the heyday of "two-tier" contracts, which protected benefits for senior workers while leaving their junior comrades exposed to bosses' most sadistic practices, while still expecting junior workers to pay dues to a union that wouldn't protect them:
Two-tier contracts were the opposite of the solidarity that my parents' teachers' union exhibited in the early 1980s; blaming Mexican workers for automakers' offshoring was the opposite of the solidarity that built transracial and international labor power in the early days of the union movement:
As labor withered under a sustained, multi-decades-long assault on workers' rights, other movements started to recapitulate the evolution of early labor, shoring up fragile movements that lacked legal protections, weathering setbacks, and building a "progressive" coalition that encompassed numerous issues. And then that movement started to support a new wave of labor organizing, situating labor issues on a continuum of justice questions, from race to gender to predatory college lending.
Young workers from every sector joined ossified unions with corrupt, sellout leaders and helped engineer their ouster, turning these dying old unions into engines of successful labor militancy:
In other words, we're in the midst of a reversal of the historic role of labor and other social justice movements. Whereas once labor anchored a large collection of smaller, less unified social movements; today those social movements are helping bring back a weakened and fragmented labor movement.
One of the key organizing questions for today is whether these two movements can continue to co-evolve and, eventually, merge. For example: there can be no successful climate action without climate justice. The least paid workers in America are also the most racially disfavored. The gender pay-gap exists in all labor markets. For labor, integrating social justice questions isn't just morally sound, it's also tactically necessary.
One thing such a fusion can produce is a truly international labor movement. Today, social justice movements are transnational: the successful Irish campaign for abortion rights was closely linked to key abortion rights struggles in Argentina and Poland, and today, abortion rights organizers from all over the world are involved in mailing medication abortion pills to America.
A global labor movement is necessary, and not just to defeat the divide-and-rule tactics of the NAFTA fight. The WTO's legacy is a firmly global capitalism: workers all over the world are fighting the same corporations. The strong unions of one country are threatened by weak labor in other countries where their key corporations seek to shift manufacturing or service delivery. But those same strong unions are able to use their power to help their comrades abroad protect their labor rights, depriving their common adversary of an easily exploited workforce.
A key recent example is Mercedes, part of the Daimler global octopus. Mercedes' home turf is Germany, which boasts some of the strongest autoworker unions in the world. In the USA, Mercedes – like other German auto giants – preferentially manufactures its cars in the South, America's "onshore-offshore" crime havens, where labor laws are both virtually nonexistent and largely unenforced. This allows Mercedes to exploit and endanger a largely Black workforce in a "right to work" territory where unions are nearly impossible to form and sustain.
Mercedes just defeated a hard-fought union drive in Vance, Alabama. In part, this was due to admitted tactical blunders from the UAW, who have recently racked up unprecedented victories in Tennessee and North Carolina:
But mostly, this was because Mercedes cheated. They flagrantly violated labor law to sabotage the union vote. That's where it gets interesting. German workers have successfully lobbied the German parliament for the Supply Chain Act, an anticorruption law that punishes German companies that violate labor law abroad. That means that even though the UAW just lost their election, they might inflict some serious pain on Mercedes, who face a fine of 2% of their global annual revenue, and a ban on selling cars to the German government:
This is another way reversal of the post-neoliberal era. Whereas once the US exported its most rapacious corporate practices all over the world, today, global labor stands a chance of exporting workers' rights from weak territories to strong ones.
Here's an American analogy: the US's two most populous states are California and Texas. The policies of these states ripple out over the whole country, and even beyond. When Texas requires textbooks that ban evolution, every pupil in the country is at risk of getting a textbook that embraces Young Earth Creationism. When California enacts strict emission standards, every car in the country gets cleaner tailpipes. The WTO was a Texas-style export: a race to the bottom, all around the world. The moment we're living through now, as global social movements fuse with global labor, are a California-style export, a race to the top.
This is a weird upside to global monopoly capitalism. It's how antitrust regulators all over the world are taking on corporations whose power rivals global superpowers like the USA and China: because they're all fighting the same corporations, they can share tactics and even recycle evidence from one-another's antitrust cases:
Look, the UAW messed up in Alabama. A successful union vote is won before the first ballot is cast. If your ground game isn't strong enough to know the outcome of the vote before the ballot box opens, you need more organizing, not a vote:
But thanks to global labor – and its enemy, global capitalism – the UAW gets another chance. Global capitalism is rich and powerful, but it has key weaknesses. Its drive to "efficiency" makes it terribly vulnerable, and a disruption anywhere in its supply chain can bring the whole global empire to its knees:
American workers – especially swing-state workers who swung for Trump and are leaning his way again – overwhelmingly support a pro-labor agenda. They are furious over "price gouging and outrageous corporate profits…wealthy corporate CEOs and billionaires [not] paying what they should in taxes and the top 1% gaming the system":
They support universal healthcare, and value Medicare and Social Security, and trust the Democrats to manage both better than Republicans will. They support "abortion rights, affordable child care, and even forgiving student loans":
The problem is that these blue-collar voters are atomized. They no longer meet in union halls – they belong to gun clubs affiliated with the NRA. There are enough people who are a) undecided and b) union members in these swing states to defeat Trump. This is why labor power matters, and why a fusion of American labor and social justice movements matters – and why an international fusion of a labor-social justice coalition is our best hope for a habitable planet and a decent lives for our families.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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bekolxeram · 1 month
I know we've been manifesting S8 Air Ops since that photo of a hangar was posted by a member of the scouting team. And I know the other side has been mocking us for being delusional when other bts photos of an aircraft came out. So here I am, taking my shipper's goggles off, and diving into the aviation side of things. I have to admit, it left me with more questions than answers.
They already have a hangar for Air Ops in S7, they don't need another one
No. The 911!Air Ops we see in S7 is the Helinet hangar at Van Nuys Airport. Helinet is a company that rents and operates helicopters for news stations, film crews, medivac service or regular charter flights. You can compare images from 7x02 and 7x03 with Google Street Views of the Helinet Hangar.
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You can also see N67TV and N29HD here.
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Helinet is where ABC usually rents its news helicopters from, so it's cheaper and more convenient to film a couple scenes there when helicopters are needed. It can't be used for regular filming though, because Helinet has a business to run, and when a helicopter takes off, it's so noisy that you can't even hear each other talking, let alone shooting a scene. (I recommend watching the whole video, if you're interested in accuracy when it comes to writing fics.)
It's a plane related emergency so it must be related to Tommy
Also no. Again, I've written a piece about how Tommy was not the air tanker pilot in 2x14 before, and if he was not qualified for that, he's not qualified to fly an airliner either. It's not impossible that he flies a small turboprop aircraft like a Cessna 172, but he would never have the time to get certified as a commercial airliner pilot while working as an active firefighter since 2005.
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And this is a prop for an Airbus airliner.
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It's actually pretty easy to tell an Airbus aircraft from a Boeing one, as the shape of the rear cockpit windows is pretty different between the two. It's just a matter of which Airbus model it is. I believe it's a narrow body single aisle aircraft from the A320 family.
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Wide body Airbus aircrafts, like this A300, have their side cockpit windows more tapered to the top. It also applies to other Airbus twin aisle aircrafts, like the A330 and the A340.
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On the A320 though, the side windows are flat on the top.
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So it's a pretty safe bet that the aircraft we see in that bts photo is one from the A320 family. I can't pinpoint which one it exactly is, because again, I can just see a tiny section of the cockpit, not the rest of the aircraft.
So the hangar must be for the airplane then?
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The hangar itself is a former Air National Guard maintenance hangar at Ontario International Airport (ONT/KONT). It's especially used for filming. There are bigger hangars at the same airport for filming, but this one looks the best on camera.
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They don't need a hangar for scenes inside of the plane, they have cockpit and cabin mock-ups at the studio for them.
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You can clearly see the cabin door right here from recent bts footage. It looks just like a training facility for flight attendants.
They only film on location if they want shots of the entire aircraft from the outside. Like in 1x04, the scenes of Athena responding to an alleged unruly passenger were filmed in a set. The plane crash rescue parts of the episode though, were filmed in an actual retired 757 in a tub of water.
(Lone Star worked with this exact company for 3x08. Though, that plane was a 737 I believe.)
I can't think of any disastrous scenario happening in a maintenance hangar, where the aircraft is powered off with only maintenance staff present, no passengers or crew. Well, there have been cases of planes crashing into a hangar, but even then I don't see the need for the 118 to be there. Every major airport has at least one fire station on site with dedicated foam and crash units. In fact, there is a fire station right next to this hangar IRL.
Another problem, although I'm not sure because I don't have the actual measurements, is that the celling of the hangar looks quite low. (Refer to page 44 of this document) It was originally built in 1955 to house fighter jets. The F-102, the type of aircraft operated there in the 60s and 70s, has a total height of 6.5 meters. The tail of an A320 on the other hand can reach 11.76 m from the ground. (The shortest variant of the A320 family is actually even taller, 12.51 m.) So there could be some tail bumping action if you try to tow an A320 into this hangar.
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So Air Ops is still a possibility?
Yes. This hangar is quite a bit larger than the Helinet hangar, but still not as big as the actual Air Ops facility. A helicopter is obviously much smaller than a passenger airliner that can seat over 180, you can easily fit multiple helicopters in there with plenty of space left for other set props. But the problem is, they don't have enough helicopters.
They have that one replica of N211FN that they used to film the search and rescue in 7x03, that's it. All the other helicopters you see on screen, including the real N211FN that actually flies, belong to Helinet. Sure, they can get some more fake helicopters that are empty inside just for looks, but I don't see the need to spend so much extra money just to show Tommy's place of work unless it's related to some major plot points. For now, I don't see how that would fit into the story.
There is also the possibility that the hangar has nothing to do with anything aviation related. I mean, they've filmed countless ads, music videos and movies, including Ford vs Ferrari there. Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe that's why that crew member eventually got the green light to confirm the hangar is indeed for 9-1-1, it tells us absolutely nothing.
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hesitationss · 1 year
getting a studio basement apartment w 3 windows is like 1400 in toronto and i think i even saw something like that in hamilton. renting in southern ontario is paying 70-80% of your income if you work full time on ontario min wage to experience a torture simulation
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ryanscottcormierz · 9 days
Trying to , the world detached me anyway to help with usa amd Canadian dedication to make sure I stay poor enough time not afford a lawyer or stand uo for myself and still 14 months later 24 dedication to keep me homeless, let winnioeg get away what they did to me, hide me from gay people, no sex or friends allowed, no phones, 21 years of winnipeg belongings stolen, git me evicted, all 4 employers in winnipeg Ramada inn, Royal Crown, DELTA Winnipeg, and Fort Garry Hotel, union and other references or all are helping Fiort Garry Hotel prevent me by lying to not get my 2003 to 2022 banquet server job back fir bogus made uo belidrent claim, all past landlords are helping 198 furby street owner get away with what he did to me. All social media and pictures of 2002 to present are gone. No proof or photos I even lived in winnipeg, removed all winnipeg employers from resume and taking the hit. Never been disgustied by planet earth. 10000 emails all goverments lawyers pro bono pepsi Cole gay rights tenents boards worldwide. Unions talk show hosts the pope Buckingham palace quebec all 47 countries citzenship request attorney generals senators squirt zoom manhunt grindr facebook Google samsung queens bench lapd NYPD air force rcmp victim services tv stations movie studios radio towers hotels charities dental charities and maby other people worldwide and still tryjngvevryday to earn a friend or someone to maybe stick uo for me or maybe a boyfriend or even a hug. How can world be this heartless. How does even know me even, I thought no one knew i was gay. I'm sad, confused, sickened, that I have to die alone on the bedroom in Geraldton ontario no friends still no sex no guys no booze no fun not allowed smile or laugh no sympathy I own nothing at age 46 left Winnipeg with a back pack had no idea I was never coming back. And no one will even help me get a way to get a bis ticket and could months rent incase I can't find a job right away if I promise to go somewhere you won't ever have to see me again where maybe I have a chance to make a city or town I choose where no one knows me maybe fall in love with me without you warning or lying to them I'm a bad person. I ready to try making a bunch of strangers fall in love with ne if the rest workd is throwing me away. Give another city a chance to love please. Can u leave me alone. Can soke help me try this letting someone other town make my life worth living instead of my life Wirth nothing anymore. You took it all away and pretending you were decent ppl. Had no idea I was hated this much and that you got people outside canada help you get away with. Running out of idea who ask for help. ;)Need help with couple months rent incase can't find job right away and bus ticket
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talksthesuccess · 2 months
Justin Bieber: The Pop Singer
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Justin Bieber has driven versatility in his talent. He is one of the most talented and famous personalities in the world. A Canadian Singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. His marvelous singing harmonizes the flairs of the world. A truly influential figure who is bringing a cluster of talent.
He began his career in 2009, the teen idol whose fresh-faced good looks and appetizing pop songs glowed a global craze and enthusiasm. 
 A Canadian singer and a pop icon acknowledged for his multi-genre. Till 2008, Scooter Braun, an American record executive made Justin Bieber the record deal. Braun then introduced Bieber to musician Usher, and the two set up RBMG Records, in October of the same year.
His first studio album was; My World released in the same year, it became an international commercial success putting Justin Bieber in place as a teen idol. This is when he first came to the public limelight.
The early years of Justin Bieber 
Justin Bieber is the son of Pattie Mallette and was born on March 1, 1994, at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London. Ontario as a child after the separation of his parents after his birth and grew up in Stratford, Ontario. Bieber completed his studies and graduated in 2012.
Evolving up, he started to showcase his talent by playing the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet. At the age of 12, his singing was starting to buzz in people’s ears and minds when he performed Ne-Yo’s “So Sick” for a local singing competition in Stratford, and secured second position. 
Mallette allowed their friends and families to watch and enjoy the video of the performance that they recorded and posted on YouTube. The website that followed Bieber increased as she persisted in adding more videos of him doing more covers of other R&B songs.
As a 15-year-old Bieber entertained people during the tourist season of the same year by playing performed stairs of Avon Theatre using a rented guitar. Through YouTube, his fandom grew an amply big following on the website of fans of Bieber’s singing abilities. 
Amazed by Bieber’s natural confidence and singing talent, Usher helped sign him to a recording contract in late 2008. 
Beginnings of Bieber’s Career 
In May 2009, Bieber uncovered his first single, the buoyant puppy-love song “One Time”, and after six months he released the seven-track EP My World, glossy R&B-influenced pop was the main composition. His fan base had grown significantly by now, with millions of preadolescent girls finding him attractive, and the record had sold over a million copies.  
Early releases of Justin Bieber were not broadly fortunate to be successful despite being one of the world’s biggest musicians today. His debut release “One Time” only earned a twelfth position on the Canadian Hot 100 and did not crack the US Top 10. The album “One Less Lonely Girl” brought success to him and gained the confidence of the public.
This is so True, and worldwide, Justin Bieber was thrown into the limelight when he dropped his ” My World ” album. 
The album released in January 2010 became a truly stardom cause to him. The quick arisen of the album “Baby” climbed up the Canadian and American charts, and it became Bieber’s most successful single to date, it reached number five on the Billboard Hot 100 in just two weeks.
This is not the end of his beginnings. In 2011, Bieber’s third studio album was released “Believe” which further hardened his career and helped him in making his stardom solidified. Hits like Boyfriend and joint efforts with well-known musicians like Max Martin were included on the CD.
Furthermore, Bieber starred in the musical film “Never Say Never”, which took home over $30 million at the box office worldwide.
Bieber was constantly sticking to his visibility with the albums “Never Say Never” and “Under the Mistletoe”, both of which touched the number one tag in the United States and Canada. Bieber introduced “Believe” in 2012 and “Believe Acoustic” in 2013 – original perspective to the R ‘n’ B and pop genres.
Justin Bieber’s Hit Melodies 
Boyfriend – Hit single released in April 2012 
Beauty and a Beat- In October 2012, alongside many controversies regarding his ill-mannered behavior, Bieber managed to reach the top 10 of the charts with this party song.
Where Are U Now – Bieber came up with his nailing album that also touched the bar of summer’s top 10 hits with the collaboration of Diplo and Skrillex.
What Do You Mean – This was also Bieber’s first no. 1 single, which he released in October 2015.
Despacito – In January 2017, Justin collaborated with Fonsi for this remix, and hit the number-one spot on the Hot 100. And it is his longest-standing chart-topping song.
I Don’t Care – With this spring Bieber collaborated with Ed Sheeran, and it became the breezy track which placed at no.1 in several countries and topped out at No.2 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Stuck with U – American singers Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber released the song “Stuck with U” on May 8, 2020, to collect money for the families and first responders of the COVID-19 epidemic. The song became his sixth US number-one single when it debuted at the top of the Billboard Hot 100.
Anyone- The third single from Justin Bieber’s next studio album, “Anyone”, was released on January 1, 2021, and it reached number six on the Billboard Hot 100.
Awards and achievements 
He has achieved many awards and is now one of the most influential people in the world. He is driving the world with his melodious and pop singing. These accolades comprise a Grammy, 15 AMAs, 20 BBMs, two Brits, a Latin Grammy, 21 EMAs, and three VMAs.
Bieber is among the top ten highest-paid celebrities. His net worth is reportedly $265 million. 
Read More:- The Best Doctor in the World
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ontarioaurora · 6 months
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Apartments For Rent in Aurora, Ontario
Rent in Aurora: An apartment is a type of housing unit that is typically part of a larger building or complex and is usually rented out to individuals.
It can be a self-contained unit with its own kitchen, bathroom, and living space, or it may be more like a studio with a combined living and sleeping area.
Apartments come in various types, such as studio apartments, one-bedroom apartments, two-bedroom apartments, townhouses, and more.
They offer benefits like affordability, convenient locations, maintenance services, flexibility in terms of lease agreements, and a sense of community.
The term “apartment” is commonly used in the U.S., while “flat” is synonymous with apartments in the U.K. and Australia.
read more... https://ontarioaurora.com/apartments-for-rent-in-aurora-ontario/
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happyenglish · 1 year
Average Rent by Apartment Type and Provinces
Here is an overview of the average rent by apartment type and provinces in Canada. Please note that rental prices can vary significantly depending on the city, neighborhood, and specific rental market conditions. The following figures are approximate and can change over time.
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 900-1,200
1 Bedroom: CAD 1,000-1,400
2 Bedroom: CAD 1,200-1,800
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,500-2,200
British Columbia:
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 1,100-1,600
1 Bedroom: CAD 1,400-2,000
2 Bedroom: CAD 1,800-2,500
3 Bedroom: CAD 2,200-3,500
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 700-900
1 Bedroom: CAD 800-1,100
2 Bedroom: CAD 1,000-1,400
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,300-1,800
New Brunswick:
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 600-800
1 Bedroom: CAD 700-900
2 Bedroom: CAD 800-1,100
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,000-1,400
Newfoundland and Labrador:
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 700-900
1 Bedroom: CAD 800-1,100
2 Bedroom: CAD 900-1,300
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,200-1,700
Nova Scotia:
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 700-900
1 Bedroom: CAD 800-1,100
2 Bedroom: CAD 900-1,300
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,200-1,700
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 1,200-1,600
1 Bedroom: CAD 1,400-1,900
2 Bedroom: CAD 1,700-2,400
3 Bedroom: CAD 2,100-3,000
Prince Edward Island:
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 600-800
1 Bedroom: CAD 700-900
2 Bedroom: CAD 800-1,100
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,000-1,400
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 600-900
1 Bedroom: CAD 700-1,100
2 Bedroom: CAD 800-1,300
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,100-1,700
Bachelor/Studio: CAD 700-900
1 Bedroom: CAD 800-1,100
2 Bedroom: CAD 900-1,300
3 Bedroom: CAD 1,200-1,700
These figures are intended as a general guideline and may vary depending on the specific location and market conditions within each province. It's always recommended to research the rental market in the desired area for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Maria Bui's rent in downtown Toronto increased by $70 over the decade she lived there. Bui lived at 140 Harrison St. in the Trinity Bellwoods neighbourhood for 12 years. Then, in 2020, her long-term tenancy – the four unit house - would be converted into an opulent single-family home and listed for $3.85 million.
Bui’s monthly rent peaked at $870, nearly $2,000 less than the current Toronto average. The transformation of the house from a multi-unit with below-market rent to a luxury single-family home is not unusual in Toronto. Instead, housing and legal experts say what happened at 140 Harrison is emblematic of why the city is still in the grip of a housing crisis.
Three tenants and an elderly landlord shared a house at 140 Harrison, a few blocks northwest of Trinity Bellwoods Park, for a decade. In early 2021, the landlord placed the house on the market. It sold in two days for $1.75 million. The new owners then gave the house a facelift, nearly doubling its value, and relisted it. At first, they listed the property for $3.85 million but recently lowered it to $3.8 million. It still sits unsold.
In November 2022, Toronto Life published a House of the Week article about 140 Harrison, which stated: “The owners intended to renovate and move into the home. However, they’ve since changed their minds and are looking for a buyer with a taste for luxury.”
The current rejected interview requests from CTV News Toronto and responded through legal representation. “The Clients do not wish to make any statements or comments about the subject property,” lawyer Anna Vinberg said in an email.
What was once a home basking in old school charm dating back to the 1800s, inhabited by tenured tenants, is now fully renovated for a “modern family,” built to “suit demanding taste and lifestyle,” according to its listing.
KT, whom CTV News Toronto has granted anonymity, has lived in the apartment for 12 years. From the start, she said she had secured affordable rent, just like Bui.
From her one-bedroom unit in the attic she could see the CN Tower. The window with a view is still there, but now her bedroom is a giant bathroom equipped with a soaker tub and heated floors.
After packing up her art studio in the kitchen and plants beneath her skylight window, KT said she was unhoused for months before finding a new affordable unit.
It took ten months for the basement tenant at 140 Harrison to find a new place to live. When she did, her rent almost doubled, consuming her entire Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) monthly allowance. “I was rejected as a tenant ten times in that period. It was my first time applying for apartments as an ODSP recipient,” she said.
CTV News Toronto has also agreed to protect her identity. At Harrison, her rent started at $700 in 2014. It never rose higher than $740 a month. After months of searching for a more suitable place to live, her life began to unravel.
Shortly after she left, the entire house was gutted and flipped, according to Samuel Mason, a Parkdale Community Legal Services attorney who was the basement tenant.
While the evictions and renovations were at the hands of the landlord, Haider said it was not their responsibility to “fix” the housing crisis and provide affordable rental stock – the job of the city and the province.
CTV News Toronto asked the City of Toronto if they would consider implementing a policy preventing the conversion of multi-unit homes into single-family houses. Despite repeated requests over the past couple of weeks, they did not respond.
In December, Ontario Premier Doug Ford granted Toronto Mayor John Tory “strong mayor” powers to fast track housing development. While the city plans to build 40,000 affordable rental homes by 2030, Haider says it’s not enough. The municipality already needs tens of thousands of newly constructed affordable units.
After leaving 140 Harrison, Bui moved into her partner’s place across the street. She watched from her window as her red brick home of 12 years was gutted and painted beige.
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pstabs · 2 years
I Still Live With My Ex
A news article and a thread 🧵
This is something I don't talk about outside of my friend-circle, but I'm one of these ppl still living with their ex. Except I'm in the Toronto area.
The reason: Housing costs
I ended my 10+ year marriage in 2019. At the time, my father was at his end of life after years of suffering from prostate cancer. I had no intention of moving out with that happening.
I wanted to deal with one thing at a time. Dad first, moving out second.
2020 brought COVID lockdowns as I had started looking at places to live. So again, one thing at a time. I stayed.
Even then, housing costs were unsettling and I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to afford to move out. I would have to take a significant amount of debt with me
Marital debt is scary when one person is a big spender but in order to leave without super expensive lawyers, I'd need to take half of the debt with me. That's an $800 a month payment.
The pandemic has pushed us to the brink of a recession. Costs of everything are up
Costs are up but my standard of living increase at work resulted in a 3% raise over 2 years. The take home on that doesn't even cover the increased cost in groceries for a month.
Thank glob for rent control in Ontario. I wouldn't be able to afford the place I currently live in!
But should I be so happy?
My half of rent is currently $950 a month. The average rent for a 2 bedroom in my area is $2425 a month. So I'm below average due to rent control.
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This is fabulous, except if you need to move.
Let's downsize then.
Studio apartments average $1700 a month. So that would increase my rent by $750 a month.
A studio apartment is _one_ room that serves as your bedroom, living room and kitchen. There will be a small bathroom (no tub) included in that.
We gotta do what we gotta do, right?
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That's not affordable so I widened my search. When I look at everything within a 2 hour driving radius of my work the average goes down to $1600 a month.
But don't you work from home? I do. However, my place of employment is trying everything in its power to get us to come back
My place of employment and it's distrust of their employees is another thread for another day but basically, I'm tied to the area that my work is in. I decided that I could probably handle a 2 hour drive one way to work if I absolutely needed to.
Queue the commuting bills!
Oh and I'm one of those Canadians with an okay paying job (I'm $30k below market average right now but I can't afford to switch jobs at the moment either...again another thread for another time).
I'm one of those people who can't buy into the housing market.
I don't qualify for first time homeowner help and I'm too old for any government help either. Seriously there is an under 40 clause.
Not having a home to own means I don't have an asset to sell for an influx of cash to get out of this.
Life isn't easy living with my ex. Daily reminders of the failure of the marriage. Fights, resentment.
My mental health has taken a HUGE hit.
I feel like a shadow of the person I used to be.
I feel trapped.
No. I am trapped.
If you've read this far, thank you.
I'm not trying to play victim here at all. I don't want ppl to feel bad for me.
I chose to marry the wrong person. I tried to make it work but failed. This is my bed, I will lay in it.
I need to move out. But I can't afford to.
Housing costs in Ontario are out of control.
Rent control works great until you have to move.
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jderekambrose · 2 years
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Message to studios. If you don't make your film available to rent, stream or even buy in Canada I guess I have to bootleg it. #hellraiser (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9I1gIvUNq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
jelenamasterpost · 3 years
2011 pt.II
July 1st:
Selena's new film Monte Carlo is officially released in theatres and Justin tweets out his support:
Justin: "Everyone go see @/selenagomez movie #montecarlo in theatres NOW"
*tweet here (x)
July 11th:
Justin and Selena are spotted/joined by fans singing karaoke at Lucky Strike Lanes in LA - one fan tweeted he was partying with the couple.
The two took to the microphone for an impromptu duet of Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow’s “Picture” and shared a kiss after their performance.
Videos later surfaced (x)
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July 13th:
Justin and Selena attend The ESPY Awards together held at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles.
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July 17th:
Justin and Selena crash a wedding in Malibu, California
TMZ reports:
According to our sources at the wedding, Justin and Selena were strolling on the beach when they heard Justin's song "One Less Lonely Girl" playing at the reception -- inside the historic and shi shi Adamson House.
We're told Justin snuck up on some guests -- who predictably OMG'd and LOL'd -- and then hopped on the mic, saying: "We just crashed it. We heard a party so we decided to just come. So let's party."
They only stayed for about 10 minutes to pose for pics -- including some with the happy couple -- and then bolted.
July 20th:
Justin visits Selena at a Hollywood studio while she rehearses for her upcoming tour
July 22nd:
Justin and Selena are spotted together shopping on her birthday - he posted a photo of the two on Instagram and tweeted:
“Happy Birthday @SelenaGomez gonna be a special day.”
*tweet here (x)
July 24th:
Selena's We Own the Night World Tour begins tonight in Costa Mesa, California - Justin surprises her at the show and joins the stage to perform Justin Timberlake's Cry Me A River
He later tweets that night:
“@selenagomez u did great tonight. proud of u”
*full performance video here (x)
July 26th:
Justin and Selena are photographed out for lunch at Hooters in Burbank, California:
“Justin and Selena came in at about noon for lunch,”
“They were both really polite and signed a few autographs. They were both super-friendly and made the most adorable couple!”
July 28th:
Justin attends another one of Selena’s shows with friend Sean Kingston in Boca Raton Florida.
He posts a photo to his Instagram wearing her tour merch
*article here (x)
August 2nd:
Rumors began circulating that Justin and Selena may have broken up after a YouTube video went viral declaring that Selena found flirty texts Justin sent to his ex Jasmine - E!News later shot this down
Selena performs in Atlanta Georgia and Justin’s friends Alfredo and Carin attend the show. Justin tweets:
“ATL show @selenagomez love tonight! @alfredoflores and @carinmb are in the building i heard. #Beasts!”
*E! article here (x) / tweet here (x)
August 6th:
Alfredo posts a photo of him, Justin, Selena to Instagram captioned: “swimming with the boys :)” while Justin adds a photo of himself to Selena’s Instagram
August 7th:
Justin and Selena attend the 2011 Teen Choice Awards together and were super affectionate throughout the entire ceremony - Justin danced through Selena's performance of Love You Like A Love Song and cheered her on as she accepted her 5 awards
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August 13th:
Justin and Selena are spotted in an Apple Store in Rosemont Illinois, while she's in town for tour
August 18th:
Justin and Selena attend a pool party and are photographed kissing - Justin also uploads a photo of the two on instagram captioned:
“my babbyyyy”
August 19th:
Justin and Selena are photographed as they picked up a smoothie from Smoothie King in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she performs later that evening on tour
During Selena’s soundcheck performance in Philadelphia, a fan shouts out asking for her phone number, Selena replies:
“I don’t think my boyfriend would like that”
*full video here (x)
August 20th:
Selena had “JB” written on her right hand and “I love you” on her left wrist during her concert in New Jersey
August 21st:
Justin and Selena are spotted walking in Hershey Park theme park, in Pennsylvania
August 23rd:
Justin and Selena are photographed out and about with Alfredo, Ryan and Kenny in Toronto, Ontario
August 25th:
Justin announces that he would be releasing his first Christmas album and second studio album later in 2011 -
His manager Scooter Braun and vocal producer Kuk Harrell confirmed a week later that Justin had collaborated with Sean Kingston and Taylor Swift and had also worked with producers The Messengers.
August 28th:
Justin and Selena attend MTV Video Music Awards together where Selena was a co-host for the pre-show - Selena interviewed Justin in the arrivals hall at the awards ceremony where the two were very affectionate sharing kisses, Selena telling Justin:
'Thank you so much. Thank you for hanging out, babe.'
Justin also hugged Selena onstage as he accepted the award for Best Male Video
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September 2nd:
Selena watches while Justin plays basketball and cheers in the background
*video here (x)
September 9th:
Justin talks with Women's Wear Daily for an interview and mentions that he's dating Selena:
WWD: You told one of the kids earlier that you’re still friendly with Selena.
JB: She’s amazing. She’s my girlfriend right now.
WWD: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
JB: [Visibly counting] Well, by 25 or 26, I want to see myself, like, married or start looking for a family. I want to be a young dad. I want to be able to have done what I wanted to do — to be successful, to do a movie or whatever. But if the time is right, I definitely want to be married by 25.
One thing — I’m not looking to get married now.
*full interview (x)
September 10th:
Justin and Selena spotted out for lunch in Las Vegas, where Selena performs that evening - they later attend the shows after-party with DJ Taf
September 14th:
Justin and Selena visit the old-set of Wizards of Waverly Place
September 15th:
Justin and Selena attend “The Abduction” premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles - Selena gets boo’d (?) by fans as she walks the red carpet.
September 16th:
Justin are Selena are photographed having lunch and doing a bit of shopping at a mall in Los Angeles
September 17th:
Justin and Selena are seen arriving to LAX Airport departing to Atlanta - later that evening, they attend Georgia Music Hall of Fame with Usher and Justin performs and was honored with the Horizon Award at the 33rd Annual Georgia Music Hall of Fame Awards.
*article here (x)
September 18th:
Justin and Selena went to watch the Atlanta Falcons play the Philadelphia Eagles at the Georgia Dome. Justin tweeted photos of themselves kissing on the way to the game.
While leaving the game, Selena is filmed slapping Justin, suggesting they may have been fighting
*full article here (x) full video here (x)
September 19th:
Selena attends The Jay Leno Show where she performs Love You Like A Love Song. Justin came to support Selena and was photographed with her backstage
Selena has a cute interview backstage with Bryan following her performance, Bryan points out that Selena brought Justin:
Selena: “I did. He’s sweet. Everybody’s taking pictures with him right now,”
After her interview, the camera flashes to Justin chatting with Simon Cowell. Before the couple say bye to Simon, Justin grabs Selena’s hip and tells Simon:
Justin: “I’ll look after her.”
*full article here (x)
September 20th:
Justin uploads a photo of him hugging Selena while deplaning a jet onto Instagram.
Justin and Selena are also spotted in the park taking staged photos with 6 babies (?) in which Justin also later uploads to his instagram captioned:
"Brangelina 2.0 hahahahahaha"
September 21st:
Justin and Selena attend LA Zoo together
September 23rd:
Selena and Justin are photographed on a PDA filled beach stroll in Malibu California
*Daily Mail article / photos (x)
September 23rd:
Selena and Justin attend Demi Lovato’s concert together held at the Nokia Centre in Los Angeles
After the show, Justin surprises Selena by renting out The Staples Centre arena for a private, exclusive dinner date and movie screening of Titanic:
"The teen supercouple arrived at the empty, 20,000-seat arena, where the lights had been dimmed; on the court floor was a table set for two with candles.
After the meal — steak and pasta, catered by the Lexus club — the couple enjoyed a private screening of Titanic. (The "Baby" singer apparently got the idea from the Adam Sandler flick Mr. Deeds, in which Sandler's character surprises his girlfriend, played by Winona Ryder, with a similar gesture at NYC's Madison Square Garden.)
And TMZ reports that Bieber paid nothing for the big date: The Staples Center comped the evening as thanks for Bieber's recent sold out concerts there."
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*UsWeekly article here (x) *justin's tweet (x)
September 25th:
Justin’s best friend Alfredo posts instagram photo of him, Justin, Selena on private jet:
"BOOM BOOM POW! @/JustinBieber @/SelenaGomez -- see the creeper?"
*alfredo's tweet / photo (x)
September 28th:
Selena joins Justin in Franklin Tennessee on the set of his music video shoot for a song off his upcoming Chrismtas album, Under the Mistletoe.
Justin tweets:
“video shoot today for christmas album. #mistletoe”
September 30th:
Justin begins the Latin American leg of his My World Tour, beginning this evening in Monterrey Mexico and concluding October 19th in Caracas Venezuela.
Selena was judging a Disney Channel show with Sean Kingston when she met Ben Baller, the man who made Justin's grill. According to Ben, Selena wasn’t too stoked about meeting him originally, but then she concocted an idea to prank Justin, which he wrote about on his blog:
“Selena says ‘ohhhh I don’t like you! you’re the one who made Justin’s grill huh?’ I said yeah….. does he wear it?’ Selena said ‘YES! he definitely wears it! (stone face towards me) and I’m thinking to myself like damn…. she’s actually really sweet though, I can tell lol… so She says let’s play a prank on Justin…. and I agreed (why not right?) let’s take a pic and then send the guys the pic and under it say ‘guess who’s getting a grill?'”
“I didn’t say it was a joke or anything… a few hours later, I get a text from Justin saying ‘call me’ and I’m like…. damn, he’s gonna be mad or tell me to take it down….”
“He says ‘cmon bro. is she really getting a grill? (I’ve talked to him enough on the phone to know his voice and different sounds, from regular to really happy) and he was definitely concerned like ‘please say it’s a joke’…. so I’m thinking to myself, like damn, I know in the last 3 hours he’s had to have talked to his girl and he had to ask her…. I can’t believe she’s really stringing this little prank along for so long…. she’s really cool for playing the joke for real! haha”
*article here (x)
October 3rd:
Justin was seen looking for Selena in the airport in Rio de Janeiro because there was an issue with her visa.
Selena had some difficulty getting into Brazil because she didn’t have the correct visa
October 4th:
Justin and Selena take a helicopter ride while exploring Rio de Janeiro, Brazil before he takes the stage tomorrow.
An insider tells told Hollywood Life:
'Justin and Selena are staying at the Copacabana Palace in Rio de Janeiro, which is considered to be the most exclusive hotel in Rio.'
'They are staying in a Penthouse Suite which includes one bedroom with a king-sized bed, a living room, a mini bar and two marble bathrooms with a separate bathtub and shower.'
*Daily Mail article / photos (x)
October 5th:
Selena joins Justin backstage before he takes stage and poses for photos, while Justin tells a reporter he calls Selena “Mamacita” during an interview
After the concert, Justin and Selena were seen out for dinner, clubbing at Copa Club and kissing in the backseat of the car on their way back to the hotel
*DailyMail article here (x)
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October 6th:
Selena and Justin are spotted by numerous fans around town before Justin’s second show this evening - that night, Selena joins Justin on stage and they perform Selena’s song Who Says together.
Justin tweeted earlier in the day:
"had a lil fun last night in RIO….show #2 in RIO is 2nite….got some very special guests with me 2nite #mistletoe"
*justin's tweet (x)
October 7th:
Justin and Selena are photographed boarding their plane as they leave Rio de Janeiro
October 9th:
Justin speaks with New! Magazine for an interview and admits he loves Selena but insists they have no plans to move in together because of their busy careers:
"I wouldn't be with somebody if I wasn't in love,"
"Everybody can see she is hot and that's great, but there is so much more to her than that. She makes me laugh and she puts up with my practical jokes. She has really strong family values as well. We were both raised by our moms in single-parent households, and that's given us a lot of the same family values in life."
"At the moment we're so busy, it's pretty much hotel rooms for me for most of the year. She could be in one part of the world and I could be in the other. We are just a young couple who are enjoying spending time with each other. But we both took time off last month and it was just really cool to be able to spend time together and just do normal things like go to the beach and have dinner together."
*full article here (x) and (x)
October 9th:
Justin gives a radio interview with 97.5 Fanatic Philadelphia:
Interviewer: What’s up with you and Selena man?
Justin: Well she’s on tour right now, so yeah.
Interviewer: Is this an official hookup?
Justin: Y‘know, I like to keep some of my private life to myself.
Interviewer: Well it’s already out there.
Justin: I know I mean it’s pretty obvious, but I don’t really like to talk about it.
Interviewer: I got you, you wanna keep it a private relationship - but how’d you swing that? It’s tough to get that break through line.
Justin: Yeah I know, I was pretty shocked myself. She’s very beautiful.
Interviewer: So how’d you make the approach? Did someone put you two together or what?
Justin: We started as friends like 2 years ago, so we were just friends for a long time - that’s how it happened.
October 12th:
Selena tweets a photo she added to instagram, of her eating Tim Hortons in Canada:
“Canada.. I missed you. But @justinbieber misses you more.”
*selena's tweet here (x)
October 17th:
Justin's song Mistletoe, the first single off his Christmas album, is officially released - Selena posted a photo of the song to her Instagram captioned:
“Finally it’s out.. Did y’all buy it?”
October 18th:
Justin performs the last show of his My World Tour this evening in Carasova Venezuela
October 20th:
Selena and Justin are spotted walking around The Forks shopping area in Winnipeg, Canada. Selena has the night off from her We Own the Night World Tour, but has a performance in the city tomorrow.
Insiders confirm that her and Justin are staying at the luxury boutique hotel Inn at the Forks in Winnipeg.
That evening, Justin again rents out an entire movie theatre for a date with Selena -he arranged for a screening room at the SilverCity Polo Park Cinemas to be kept empty so he and Selena could watch Real Steel' in private, and also rranged for pizzas to be delivered to the cinema for him and Selena to feast on during the movie.
A source at the venue said: "They made sure to keep everything really under wraps and private. He was really polite and they both thanked everyone before they left."
Justin uploads a photo of him and Selena in the theatre to Instagram captioned "me and my besty watching a movie"
*full article here (x)
October 21st:
Selena plays at the MTS Centre this evening in Winnipeg Manitoba, while on her We Own The Night World Tour.
Her and Justin stopped by Winnipeg's D'Arcy's Animal Rescue Centre for a visit and played with the dogs for over an hour - there were rumours that Selena took a pup with her
Justin and Selena are spotted by various fans throughout the day while out exploring Winnipeg, including Tim Hortons, and Speedworld Indoor Kart Track along with friend Ashley Cook
*full article here (x)
October 22nd:
Justin takes Selena to a hockey game to watch his favourite team, the Winnipeg Jets, from a private suite at the MTS Centre wearing matching jerseys with their names emblazoned across the backs. According to onlookers, they spent most of the game kissing and cuddling one another.
After the game, the two physically took to the ice both wearing Jets jerseys - after circling the ice a few times holding hands, Selena didn't skate much at all, preferring to watch Justin take shots at net.
*full article here (x)
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October 24rd:
Selena is in London, Ontario for her We Own The Night World Tour and was seen carrying puppy Baylor around backstage before her concert wearing a Baylor University sweatshirt.
*photo here (x)
October 24th-October 29th(?):
Selena’s tour continues through October 30th in Canada and Justin remains with her for most of the dates - sometime throughout this period, they visited and spent time with Justin's family and are photographed together carving pumpkins and eating pie.
October 25th:
Its been reported that Selena and Justin have adopted a puppy together from D'Arcy's ARC while in Winnipeg, Canada:
“I was told that [Selena] was missing the dogs that she has at home,” the shelter’s CEO told People. “I wasn’t expecting her to adopt a dog while she was on tour.”
*full article here (x)
October 27th:
Justin sat down with Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush while promoting his new Christmas album, “Under the Mistletoe,” and chatted about Selena’s new puppy and their private movie theatre date
“She saw this dog, and she fell in love with it. She was like, ‘I need to have it!’ We just went to the shelter just to look around. Turns out, she brought one home. It was kind of like she just saw the dog, and it kept going to her, I don’t think the dog really likes me that much. I think he’s on tour with her right now,”
“If I go into a movie theatre and everyone’s not looking at the movie and looking at us, it’s kind of like awkward, I’m looking at the movie and everyone’s looking at me. It’s like I’m the movie or something.”
*full article here (x)
October 28th:
Justin appears on Jay Leno and talks about Selena - she is in attendance and her and Justin pose for photos backstage
November 1st:
Justin’s Christmas album “Under The Mistletoe” is officially released today - he begins shooting the Fa La La Music video with Boys II Men and Selena joins him on set posing for photos together.
Later that evening, a tabloid story about Justin began circulating online:
A 20-year old woman named Mariah Yeater has filed a paternity suit against Justin on October 31st, alleging that he fathered her child after a brief backstage tryst at Justin’s October 2010 L.A Staples Centre concert. The paternity suit was reportedly filed on October 31st in a California court.
*Mariah Yeater article here (x)
November 2nd:
Justin on appears on On Air With Ryan Seacrest to promote his new Christmas album “Under The Mistletoe” and he mentions Selena's newly adopted dog Baylor
He also later appears on POWER106 FM during his “Under The Mistletoe” promo, rapping an Otis freestyle referencing Selena:
“my girl says I’m perfect she just loves an imperfect person perfectly, personally I think she is perfectly perfect"
Later that day Justin tweets alluding to the Mariah accusations:
“all the rumors...the gossip....Im gonna focus on the positives....the music."
*POWER106 video here (x) tweet here (x)
November 3rd: '
Selena was photographed arriving to LAX Airport in Los Angeles, heading to Belfast to meet Justin, and was all smiles.
Meanwhile, the Mariah Yeater rumours have not settled down whatsoever as the tabloids continue and Mariah continues to give interviews
*DailyMail article here (x) AnythingDiz photos here (x)
November 4th:
Justin gives an interview to Today Show to dismiss Mariah Yeater’s claims and says he's never even met her:
“I would just like to say that none of those allegations are true.”
“I know I’m going to be a target, but I’m never going to be a victim,” Justin added.
“It’s crazy, because every night after the show I’ve gone right from the stage right to my car. So it’s crazy that some people want to make up such false allegations.”
A statement released by Justin’s publicist on Wednesday said his lawyers had not seen the suit reportedly filed by Yeater, but said:
“it’s sad that someone would fabricate, malicious, defamatory and demonstrably false claims. We will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations.”
Rumors begin circulating that Selena and Justin have split in light of the Mariah Yeater allegations - late Friday afternoon, it was reported Selena had dumped Justin in the wake of the scandal.
*Today Show article here (x)
November 5th:
Justin and Selena have not split up, a rep for Selena told Access Hollywood and USWeekly on Friday night.
A source close to Justin also shot down rumors of the split on Friday night, telling Access that there was no truth to the rumors and the couple is still heading to Europe together this weekend for the MTV Europe Music Awards in Belfast where Justin will be performing at the show while Selena will be the host.
*AccessHollywood article here (x) UsWeekly article here (x)
November 5th:
Justin and Selena wave to fans as they arrive together at the Merchant Hotel in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Later that evening, Justin and Selena are later photographed together hand-in-hand arriving at the MTV Voices Dinner.
"Justin and Selena could not keep their eyes off each other for the whole night," a dinner source told Us. "They were very much in love and didn't show any signs of stress or strain in their relationship."
Justin, who was receiving an award for his charity work, tweeted after the event:
"I know what it is like to not have alot...so it feels great to be in a position to #giveback. thanks to everyone helping me"
*photos here (x) UsWeekly article here (x)
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November 6th:
TMZ reports from sources directly connected with Justin that he will happily take a DNA test in two weeks when he returns to the United States to prove he is not Mariah Yeater's baby daddy -- and after that, him and his team are going after her in court.
Selena hosts the MTV Europe Music Awards in Belfast, North Ireland this evening while Justin is set to perform at the event. After the ceremony, they attend LMFAO'S after-party and are photographed together at the event
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*TMZ article here (x) photos here (x) / tweets here (x) (x) (x)
November 7th:
Justin and Selena are photographed after their private tour of Chelsea FC’s football ground in London on Monday morning
It's been reported that Justin gifted Selena $27k diamond bracelet and surprised her with it just before she took the stage to present at last night’s MTV EMA’s
*full article here (x) photos here (x)
November 8th:
Justin and Selena stop by NRJ Radio station Paris, France for an interview while Justin is promoting his Christmas album
Later that afternoon, Justin and Selena are photographed together hand-in-hand after a lunch date at Paris's L'Avenue restaurant
And that evening they were photographed on a dinner date
*DailyMail article (x) dinner photo (x)
November 9th:
Selena and Justin are photographed shopping while in Paris
Justin posts a photo of him and Selena on Instagram at Disneyland Paris with the caption:
“thank god above for my very own christmas love”
November 11th:
Justin and Selena hold hands as they head back to their car after visiting a television studio in Madrid, Spain
Selena has been joining Justin on his European promo tour for Under The Mistletoe.
Selena tweets that her puppy Baylor is sick and needs surgery.
*full article here (x) tweet here (x)
November 12th:
Selena and Justin are spotted leaving KISS FM Radio station together in London
*DailyMail article (x)
November 16th:
Selena’s music video for Hit The Lights is officially released and premieres on VEVO
TMZ reports thatMariah Yeater officially dismisses paternity lawsuit:
"The suit was quietly dismissed late last week and Mariah Yeater's lawyers, Lance Rogers and Matt Pare, have withdrawn from the case.
As we first reported, Justin not only planned to take a DNA test when he returned to the U.S., he was going to sue Yeater and her lawyers for making a bogus claim. And, as we reported, Justin's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, called the attorneys and informed them a suit was looming.
The paternity lawsuit left Mariah Yeater open to a possible charge of statutory rape, because Justin was only 16 years old at the time of her claims."
*TMZ article here (x)
November 17th:
Justin does the radio interview circuit today while in New York City in promotion of his album Under The Mistletoe:
Justin sits down with 92.3 NY for a radio interview and was asked about Mariah Yeater's claims, getting serious with Selena, and what Usher thinks of them.
They first speak about Mariah Yeater and the texts she sent her friend begging him to erase evidence/text messages that admit her son's dad is someone else, promising to give him a cut of the action when she gets paid.
*full video interview here (x)
Justin sat down for an exclusive interview at the Elvis Duran Morning Show at Z100 Studio where they replayed him an interview he gave back in 2009 saying while he thought Selena was pretty, he didn't *like* her.
Justin, blushing, tells Elvis:
"My life is pretty good right now, and she's just another blessing”
*full video interview here (x)
Justin appears on The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 for an interview and talks about his Staples Centre date with Selena and how that came about
(the interviewers are pretty inappropriate to him the entire time tbh)
*full video interview here (x)
November 17th:
Mariah Yeater sent a text Wednesday to a friend, begging him to erase an incriminating text in which her mom says someone OTHER than Justin Bieber is the baby daddy, and then promising to give him a cut of the action when she scores a payday.
*TMZ article here (x)
November 20th:
Justin and Selena attend The AMA’s together in Los Angeles and walk the red carpet, arriving and departing to and from the event in a white vintage Packard Super 8.
UsWeekly reported Justin serenaded Selena during AMA rehearsals:
"At one point Justin even sang 'I Feel Good' a la James Brown. They were totally adorable. They were snuggling in between takes, and he was serenading her! They look as in love as ever."
Selena and Alfredo were filmed dancing during Justin's performance
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*DailyMail article here (x)
November 21st:
Justin and Selena went out for breakfast at iHOP, the restaurant where they were first spotted holding hands last December, with their one year anniversary right around the corner — they smiled for the cameras as they walked hand-in-hand out of the restaurant in Los Angeles.
“Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had breakfast here at about 11 a.m. They were here for about one hour. They both seemed very happy and hungry. Selena had the double blueberry pancakes and Justin had two fried eggs, two waffles, bacon and potatoes. They left a very generous tip that was double the amount of their bill and said Happy Thanksgiving before they left!”
*full article here (x)
November 22nd:
Justin is photographed in the audience of Taylor Swift’s concert in New York City where he watched Selena and Taylor performing “Who Says” together
*photo here (x)
November 23rd:
Justin appears on The View to promote his album and he talks about Selena
*full video here (x) timestamp 2:33
November 23rd:
Justin appears on The Late Show with David Letterman and talks about Selena
*full video here (x) timestamp 8:45
November 25th:
Justin plays “Who Says” on Sirius XM while he was DJing songs “he was grateful for in 2011” (aired on the 25th)
November 25th:
Justin and Selena spent Thanksgiving in Selena's home town, Dallas, Texas, with Selena's family.
They went to watch The Muppets at the Landmark Magnolia Pictures Theater, after spending Thanksgiving with Selena’s family.
“It was just the two of them, they watched the movie with the general public. They were both incredibly polite and low profile.”
“Not too many people realized they were there because they came into the screening while the trailers were running,” the insider explains. “It was dark and people didn’t see them. When they came to the theatre complex, they were both holding hands. They looked really down to earth and very happy!”
November 29th:
Fans spot and photograph Justin and Selena hugging and walking around in Utah with Jaden Smith.
The three of them were later photographed by fans ice skating at Park City Mountain Resort, which later a staff member confirmed the photo was taken there:
“Jaden was doing some crazy one-legged stuff, I guess he really thinks he is the Karate Kid. They were laughing and joking with each other. Justin joked with Selena and tried to do a doubles routine at one point. It was all very playful. Everyone was in super great moods.”
*full article / photos here (x)
November 30th:
Selena stops to take photos with fans while ice skating, where you can see Justin in the background - the fan later posts it to instagram
December 6th:
Justin and Selena were spotted leaving Los Angeles airport earlier today and landed in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
They were joined by Selena’s mom and stepfather Brian and on route to Selena’s friend Shannon Larossi’s beach side wedding ceremony.
*full article / photos here (x)
December 7th:
While waiting for Selena’s friend’s wedding, Justin and Selena hit up the beach in Cabo San Lucas Mexico and were spotted jet-skiing
*full article / photos here (x)
December 8th:
Selena and Justin attend and are photographed at Shannon’s wedding where Selena was one of the bridesmaids - she and Justin were photographed kissing on the beach
*full article / photos here (x)
December 9th:
Justin and Selena got in more tanning by the pool in Cabo before jetting off to D.C for Justin’s Christmas in Washington performance in Washington
*full article / photos here (x)
December 10th:
Justin and Selena are photographed arriving at Washington National Airport for Justin’s upcoming Christmas In Washington performance at The White House - the two stayed for 3 nights in the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons Hotel
Justin and Selena visit and surprise the kids at Children's National Medical Center in D.C.Washington - Jacqueline Bowens, Executive VP of External Affairs of Children’s National Medical Center tells HollywoodLife.com exclusively:
“The kids loved them! It was a surprise for them. Justin spent quality time with all of the kids, talked to them, took pictures with them and sang to them. These are kids who are suffering from a range of illnesses such as cancer, blood disorders, orthopedic issues. None of them wants to be in the hospital…so they were beyond happy when Justin and the others arrived for their surprise visit!”
December 11th:
Justin and Selena are spotted out and about in Washington D.C before Justin is set to perform for the president.
Later that evening, Justin performs at the annual "Christmas in Washington" taping at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. - although Selena didn’t appear in any of the official event photos, she was spotted in the audience and took photos with fans
*full DailyMail article here (x) / full CBS article here (x)
December 12th:
Mariah Yeater’s ex-boyfriend speaks out, saying Mariah lied to seek $50k pay-day. In an exclusive jailhouse interview with RumorFix, Robert Powell says:
“She lied. We were both homeless and living in Oceanside [California] and Mariah was trying to make some quick money.”
So he says she made up the story and sold it to a tabloid for $50,000.
“She just picked him, because she thought he was famous and all and thought she could get a lot of money by telling the magazine Justin was the father. She just saw him as an opportunity to make a lot of money.”
*full article here (x)
December 14th:
Justin and Selena were seen leaving an event at L.A. Live with Ashley Tisdale in Downtown Los Angeles.
*photos here (x)
December 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Power 106 LA's Cali Christmas bash - Justin joined Drake on stage to perform "Trust Issues" during the show.
Selena abruptly left the venue and headed to be with her family after she received news of a family emergency.
*full article here (x)
December 18th:
Selena’s mom Mandy has tragically suffered a miscarriage - Selena has cancelled her concert after her mother sadly suffered a miscarriage. Citing a family emergency, Selena rushed to her mom, Mandy’s, side to comfort her.
*full article here (x)
December 20th:
Justin visits Selena and her mom Mandy in the hospital - the family are in mourning after Selena’s mother reportedly suffered a miscarriage the week prior
*DailyMail article here (x)
December 30th:
Justin and Selena are spotted at Hooters (not confirmed)
December 31st:
Justin and Selena are both in New York for each of their own work obligations where they are set to perform at - Justin performs in Times Square for 'New Year's Eve Rockin' Eve' and Selena joins Demi Lovato for MTV's live New Year's Eve special.
They meet up after each of their gigs for Justin's private NYE Party
*EW article here (x) / NYE party article here (x)
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ryanscottcormierz · 10 days
Trying to , the world detached me anyway to help with usa amd Canadian dedication to make sure I stay poor enough time not afford a lawyer or stand uo for myself and still 14 months later 24 dedication to keep me homeless, let winnioeg get away what they did to me, hide me from gay people, no sex or friends allowed, no phones, 21 years of winnipeg belongings stolen, git me evicted, all 4 employers in winnipeg Ramada inn, Royal Crown, DELTA Winnipeg, and Fort Garry Hotel, union and other references or all are helping Fiort Garry Hotel prevent me by lying to not get my 2003 to 2022 banquet server job back fir bogus made uo belidrent claim, all past landlords are helping 198 furby street owner get away with what he did to me. All social media and pictures of 2002 to present are gone. No proof or photos I even lived in winnipeg, removed all winnipeg employers from resume and taking the hit. Never been disgustied by planet earth. 10000 emails all goverments lawyers pro bono pepsi Cole gay rights tenents boards worldwide. Unions talk show hosts the pope Buckingham palace quebec all 47 countries citzenship request attorney generals senators squirt zoom manhunt grindr facebook Google samsung queens bench lapd NYPD air force rcmp victim services tv stations movie studios radio towers hotels charities dental charities and maby other people worldwide and still tryjngvevryday to earn a friend or someone to maybe stick uo for me or maybe a boyfriend or even a hug. How can world be this heartless. How does even know me even, I thought no one knew i was gay. I'm sad, confused, sickened, that I have to die alone on the bedroom in Geraldton ontario no friends still no sex no guys no booze no fun not allowed smile or laugh no sympathy I own nothing at age 46 left Winnipeg with a back pack had no idea I was never coming back. And no one will even help me get a way to get a bis ticket and could months rent incase I can't find a job right away if I promise to go somewhere you won't ever have to see me again where maybe I have a chance to make a city or town I choose where no one knows me maybe fall in love with me without you warning or lying to them I'm a bad person. I ready to try making a bunch of strangers fall in love with ne if the rest workd is throwing me away. Give another city a chance to love please. Can u leave me alone. Can soke help me try this letting someone other town make my life worth living instead of my life Wirth nothing anymore. You took it all away and pretending you were decent ppl. Had no idea I was hated this much and that you got people outside canada help you get away with. Running out of idea who ask for help. ;)Need help with couple months rent incase can't find job right away and bus ticket
0 notes
xerxia31 · 4 years
The 2019/2020 Australian bushfire season was among the most devastating events to hit the land down under, burning through 46 million acres of land resulting in 34 direct human deaths, the destruction of more than 3,500 homes and the deaths of an estimated 3 billion animals.
@fandomforoz​ set up an auction to raise money for bushfire relief. The winner of my auction, the extraordinarily generous @sunsetsrmydreams​, not only made an absolutely eye-popping donation to an Australian bushfire relief charity, she then gifted the work to her dear friend @justajjfan​ who is, as you might guess, Australian. Stella then provided me with the video prompt that became the basis of this story, as well as introducing me to the vibrancy of Australian culture and some of the intricacies of the language. I feel like her beautiful country is the third protagonist in this story.
The result of this collaboration is Flashover, a modern AU Everlark fic, which will post on AO3 twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays. 
These two ladies are the best that fandom has to offer, generous with their time and praise, always kind and uplifting. This story is, I hope, also a celebration of them, their friendship and the gifts they give our fandom every day.
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Introduction Dr. Katniss Everdeen stood in front of the tidy little cottage that would be her home for the next six months. Beige siding, white trim, two cute dormers popping up like eyes and a porch just big enough for two chairs, it looked like almost all of the houses in her hometown of Seam, Ontario. Except, of course, for the two towering palm trees flanking the front walk. That, and the fact that it was 24 degrees Celsius in freaking November emphasized that she was definitely not in Canada anymore. 
She pulled her suitcase from the back of her rental car—no, she corrected herself, her hire car with its steering wheel inconveniently located on the wrong side. It had taken nearly the entirety of the two and a half hour drive from the airport in Sydney for driving on the left side of the road to stop feeling weird. Mostly stop, anyway.
And now she was here, in Panem, New South Wales.
Home sweet home, she guessed.
Inside, the cottage was exactly as Annie had promised, clean and furnished, albeit sparingly. Tiny scrap of a kitchen, outdated but functional, living room, bedroom, bath and a half, and a sunroom at the back that would make a decent yoga studio. For what the rent was setting her back, Katniss had maybe expected a little bigger, but it was ample for one person.
One person. Her heart clenched as it always did when Katniss remembered that she didn’t need that second bedroom anymore.
She shoved aside the pain, squeezed it down into that dark pit in her stomach, then dragged her suitcase up the stairs to unpack.
Follow on AO3
(With gratitude to @lovely-tothe-bone​, @thegirlfromoverthepond​ and @appleblossomgirl0305​ for prereading and betaing)
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astoria-cosplay · 3 years
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tw grooming, sexual themes/ fetishes, exploitation, predatory behavior towards minors
I have previously posted about Tom Savage (aka everage studios, Taryn savage fox, savagebradito) before but here is the full run down of what’s been happening. I know the local cosplay community on tumblr is very small but I want to get this warning out on as many platforms as I can. the purpose of this post is to warn and inform, not to encourage harassment of any kind. Please do not harass him. 
at this time we do not know who or how many cosplayers had their photos sold, and we may never get a full list of the victims. To be perfectly clear this is not an issue of unclear copyright laws, it is a moral issue of going behind someone's back to profit off of them. This is also not a case of kink shaming, but the issue of pressuring people (including minors) into participating in your fetishes. Please be careful of who you shoot with, and if you see Tom do not interact. 
captions of the slides are under the cut.  
Tom Savage AKA @Everage / everage studios is a cosplay “photographer” in the greater Toronto area. He frequents pretty much all local cons offering free shoots. He is an extremely manipulative person who uses the offer of free photoshoots to prey on members of the cosplay community, especially young fem presenting cosplayers. He will push cosplayers into poses that involve his fetishes, most famously asking cosplayers to remove their shoes. Not only does he pressure people, including minors, into posing for these photos, It has come to light that he has been selling the photos he takes of cosplayers without their consent. This post will contain information on both his unacceptable behavior toward the people he shoots with and those sales. It will include some screenshots of stories and interactions and well as evidence of him selling photos from buyers. For everyone’s protection they will remain anonymous in this post.
The selling of photos was done mainly through his deviant art, where he would post journals encouraging people to request sets. As most of this was done through his dms we have no way of knowing how far this spreads or knowing exactly how many peoples photos were sold behind their backs. We know for a fact he was selling shoots because a number of buyers reached out to the models involved, and more have come forward since an initial warning post went out. Some of his sales were worded as people donating towards things, such as a new camera or the cost of the studio. While it’s understandable that he may want to use the photography to pay for these things the issue remains: He did not have the vast majority of the models permission to use them and images of their bodies as a means of gaining donations. Tom has also claimed that he needed the money to make rent/ pay bills. However the 20 tattoos he got within 2019-2021 paint a very different story. Not only did Tom sell these photos without our permission but he lied when asked about it. Only coming clean when he was directly confronted with what he did. A majority of the sets we have confirmed were sold contained subject matter surrounding fetishes and often the models were in more revealing outfits or lingerie. These models were not consulted or aware their photos would be sold. At this time he has not offered a real apology nor has he reached out to the models whose photos he sold. We have also found evidence on his deviant art that he was taking commissions from people on how to pose the models attending these events, with the express intention of selling said photos. While some models were informed on some of the poses being suggested from the D.A. audience, the vast majority of us were not informed that these photos would be up for sale. We also have reason to believe he sold photos off Deviantart on other websites, most likely including fetish sites.   On top of selling photos without permission Tom has also posted some photos to his page after being told specifically said photos were private. He also posted sets from a number of models without informing them that he would be sharing the photos at all. He has doxxed people by listing the photos with the models real names on his posts. He has listed models by stage names and dead names on a number of photos as well. He does not show enough regard for the models safety to even bother listening when those shooting with him have asked him not to use certain names for them, even when he’s been repeatedly given an alternative name to use. 
Tom is a manipulative, narcissistic person who has pressured, lied to, and groomed a number of people in the local cosplay community. He uses the offer of free photography to lure people in, and many cosplayers with no means of affording better stay around him because of that. He uses excessive compliments followed by statements like “sorry  I’m being weird” to guilt people into telling him his behavior is okay, and thus allowing him to push boundaries further. He is practically famous for asking cosplayers to remove their shoes for photos, and does not take being told no well. Not only will he continue to ask even within the same shoot, but he’ll push for “compromises”, or if someone gives an excuse rather than a flat no he will find a way to remove the reason they can’t indulge him. For example pushing a cosplayer to cut open her tights just to get a photo of her feet when he’d already been told no. When cosplayers do not give in to his requests he acts like a petulant child. 
Tom uses his claim of being asexual as a means of manipulating people into feeling comfortable doing these shoots. Regardless of if he is genuinely Asexual or not his behavior is inappropriate and it is not acceptable for him to push his fetishes onto others. It gives the Ace community a bad name to have a predator using His asexuality as a shield for their behavior.
While he is most famous for his foot fetish shots he also pushes for models shooting with him to pose in ways that show their underarms, take photos wearing handcuffs or other forms of bondage, and to remove aspects of their cosplays to make them more revealing.( ie Asking 2B cosplayers to remove the skirt or asking cosplayers to let him shoot up skirt shots to get photos of their ass.) Also pressures cosplayers to shoot outfits and cosplays that fit his personal interests and aesthetics. Often pushing for people to cosplay female characters in more revealing outfits or outfits that show shoulders or lack in footwear. 
On it’s own these facts are upsetting enough as cosplayers should not have to deal with being pushed like that by anyone, especially not a photographer. The truly awful part of these stories is how young some of the cosplayers involved were. Many of these stories come from teenagers or happened to people who are now adults while they were still minors. There is no reason a 40+ year old man should be asking a minor to remove their shoes for a photo, and there is no excuse for this behavior.
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muttonchopsalley · 4 years
Video Store Locations - As listed in the “Stuck on VHS” book.
Foster City Video, CA - Music Art Studio
Bankview Video (Alberta, Canada) - Sutton Group
Allandale Video (Ontario, Canada) - Loan shop
Scottsdale Vodeo, AR - Law firm
Main Dunstable Video (Nashua, NH) - Optometrist
Hummel's Video (Bridgeton, NJ) - Liquor store
Ganges Video Range, Canada - Trade shop
Hogan's Video (Modesto, CA) - Gas station
Carroll's Video (Porterville, CA) - Used car lot
DanVideo (Danville, VA) - thrift store
Mac's Video Center (Jersey City, NJ) - Daycare
Johnny's TV (Stillwater,MN) - Still In Business! Prob doesn't rent vids anymore.
Dick & Dot's Video (Huntsville, AL) - Dress shop
Mary Video (Sunnyvale, CA) - Dentist
Deb & Bob's Video ( Rushville, IN) - Abandoned (Formerly Tax Office)
Michelle's Video ( Sunrise, FL) - Vacuum Shop
Mayra's Video Club (NY) - Korean restaurant
Bethany Video, CT - Bank
Carmela's Video (Fort Bragg, CA) - Abandoned
Premier Video (Santee, CA) - Cell phone store
Rosebud Video (Asheville, NC) - Cafe/Bar
Spotlight Video (Mattoon, IL) - Aflac Insurance
PJ's Video (Elkhart, IN) - Gas station
A to Z Video (Brick, NJ) - Nail Salon
DJ Video Express (Chicopee, MA) - Walgreen's
Flix Video Rentals (Marlton, NJ) - CVS
Pick A Flick Video (Napa, CA) - Liquor Store
Broadway Video (Sausalito, CA) - Abandoned
Ace of Video II (Torrington, CN) - Dentist
Jumbo Video (Ontario, Canada) - Clinic
Take One Video (Willis, TX) - Donut Shop
SuperDuper Video (Riverside, CA) - Grill Restaurant
Couch Potato Video (Papillon, NE) - Gyros Restaurant
Couch Potato's (Medford, NJ) - Flower Shop
Freeze Frame Video (Green River, WY) - Dance studio
Das Video Haus (New Holstein, WI) - Private Residence
Will the Thrills Video (Ronkonkoma, NY) - Bagel shop
Le Video (San Francisco, CA) - Bookstore
Wild and Woolly Video (Louisville, KY) - Bar & Grill
Movie Madness Video and More (Portland, OR) - Abandoned
Movie Mania (Springhill, LA) - Abandoned
Videorama (Lavallette, NJ) - Pizza Parlor
Maniac's Home Video (Delaware, OH) - Abandoned
Crazy Mike's Video (Maryville, WA) - Dollar Tree
Crazy Mike's Video (Bellingham, WA) - Sub shop
Bulldog Video (New Albany, MS) - Insurance Firm
Video Fox (Romulus, MI) -Abandoned
Black Dog Video (Vancouver, Canada) - Still in business!
Movies to Go (Hammonton, NJ) - Sign Design
Movies * to * Go (Fair Lawn, NJ) - Credit Union
Video Man (Los Altos, CA) - Bookstore
Captain Video (Germantown, MD) - Hair Salon
Count Video (Glenview, IL) - Daycare
Video Master (Comstock Park, MI) - Furniture Store
Videosmith ( Lexington, MA) - Real Estate
Captain Video II ( Brooklyn, NY) - Dollar Store
Video Wizard ( Sebastopol, CA) - Restaurant
Palmer Video (Brick, NJ) - Gym
Premiere Video (Eau Claire, WI) - Auto Parts
Video Update (Jacksonville, NC) - Cafe
Rogers Video (Vancouver, Canada) - Laundromat
The Video Shop (Belmar, NJ) - Still in business!
Video Bank (Litchfield, OH) - Normal Bank
The Video Station (Lincoln NE) - Medical Supplies
(Surrey, Canada) - Hair Salon (Burnaby, Canada) - Supermarket
Video Vault (East Brunswick, NJ) - Martial Arts Studio
Video Movie House (Ontario, Canada) - Grocery Store
Movie Land ( San Mateo, CA) - Restaurant
The Video Land (Madison, WI) - Martial Arts Studio  (Sun Prairie,WI) - Vape Shop
Video Island ( Savannah, GA) - parking lot
Planet Video (Chicago, IL) - FedEx Store
Video Galaxy (Alpharetta, GA) - Restaurant
Video Universe (Columbus, OH) - Flooring Store
Audio/Visual Plus (Houston,TX) - Abandoned - Sign's still up
Archie's Rent & Tan ( Tuckahoe, NY) - Mormon Institute
Town  & Country (Brown City, MI) - Still in business, but rental aspect gone  (Croswell, MI) - Auto body shop
Sunburst Video & Tan (Madison, AL) - Restaurant (Huntsville, AL) - Gas Station
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