#Stranger Things Monsterfucker May
alicetallulaafterdark · 3 months
Stranger Things Monsterfucker May 2024 - Jopper - Werewolf!Jim Hopper - 16.06.2024
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I'm so late for this ! But finally I managed to do one of my two ideas for the event created by @aidaronan 😅😊🥰
Full Moon Fun - Jopper - Werewolf Sex - 16.06.2024
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I had the vision of our dear Jim as a werewolf, chasing Joyce through the woods - as some roleplay - catching her and ravishing her ❤️❤️And yes, Joyce decided to wear some red to entice him and playfully do a Red Riding Hood little roleplay 😉
Done using watercolors, ink pens, alcohol markers, metallic watercolors and Photoshop for the light and shadows effects
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter NSFW post
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starryeyedjanai · 3 months
counting the days till i'm coming home
lake monster steve fic steddie | Explicit | part 1 of 4 | read on ao3
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The first time Eddie stumbles across the monster in Lover’s Lake is right after he fails senior year for the second time.
He doesn't know it’s the monster everyone talks about at first—because no one has ever really seen it.
People only talk about how there’s something in the lake, something that sometimes pulls people under, something that’s been there since before Eddie was even born.
He’s sitting at the edge of the lake—just watching it ripple, thinking about how he’s probably going to be stuck here, in Hawkins, for the rest of his life—when he sees something moving out of the corner of his eye.
His head snaps over to look—because for as long as he’s been coming out here to Rick’s, he’s never seen anyone in the lake.
But there’s someone in there now.
This guy, he’s almost ethereal looking—smooth tan skin, hair slicked back from the water.
“What are you doing in there?” he asks before he can stop himself.
The boy looks up at him, his eyes lighting up. He swims over to Eddie—he’s fast, probably faster than anyone on the swim team even.
“Hi,” he says after he stops a handful of feet in front of Eddie.
“Hi,” Eddie says, almost breathless.
He’s even more gorgeous up close, with his full mouth and doe eyes and moles dotting his face and neck and shoulders.
“What are you doing in there?” he asks again.
“What do you mean?” the boy asks.
“People say there’s a monster in the lake. You should be careful.”
A smile tugs at the boy’s mouth as he says, “People say a lot of things. But nothing’s ever happened to me when I swim here.”
Eddie nods. People say all kinds of shit, so he isn't surprised that the monster in Lover’s Lake is probably just a myth that got repeated too many times.
“I’m Eddie,” he says, wondering where this guy came from. He doesn't recognize him from school—he’d remember a face like that—so he must be visiting relatives or something over the summer.
“I’m Steve,” he says, drifting a little closer. “You should come in the water sometime. It’s nice.”
Eddie smiles. “Maybe sometime. Not exactly dressed for it right now though,” he says, a little ruefully, looking down at his jeans.
He kind of wishes he had the confidence to strip down to his briefs and dive into the water, feel its cool touch on his overly warm skin. He’s been sitting out here a while now—and now that he thinks about it, he doesn't remember hearing a splash when Steve got into the water. He must have really been distracted by his thoughts.
Steve shrugs and wades back further into the lake. “I’m here all the time, so if you ever decide to come in, I’ll find you.”
Those words haunt Eddie after he leaves the lake, after watching Steve disappear under the surface and not seeing where he popped back up.
He sees Steve in his dreams that night, whispering the words I’ll find you over and over as he reaches out as if to touch Eddie, but the touch never lands on him. He spends the entire dream craving that touch, wanting it, but never getting it—just listening to him tell him he’ll find him.
He wakes up in a daze, thoughts only on the boy in the lake—his voice, his hair, the way his skin looked in the sunlight.
He slips a hand in his boxers and he isn't surprised to feel how wet he is. The dream was confusing and weird, but craving someone’s touch isn't new.
There have only ever been a handful of guys here in Hawkins that he’s been attracted to, but he’s always only ever crushed on them from afar. There’s no way he’d risk the wrath of some backwater jock by hitting on him.
There’s something alluring about Steve though, even though from what little Eddie’s seen of him probably suggests that he’s also a jock. But he’s not from here. There’s something about that that makes it less scary, thinking about approaching him, asking him if he wants to fool around.
Worst thing that could happen is that he gets the shit kicked out of him and can't go to Lover’s Lake for the rest of the summer. But Steve will be gone back to wherever he came from come September. A guy like him has probably got plans for college already neatly lined up, swimming scholarship or whatever sport he plays that makes him almost inhumanly fast in the water.
So he thinks about it as he touches himself. Thinks about going back to the lake and finding him there, waiting for Eddie.
I knew you’d come back, he’d say when Eddie dove into the lake.
Eddie imagines being brave enough to wade close enough to feel the heat of Steve's skin.
He’d say something like I came back for you or something equally as cheesy.
Eddie fucks two fingers into his cunt, the palm of his hand grinding against his dick as he thinks about Steve reaching out just like in his dream, but this time actually touching him.
He thinks he’d probably gasp at the first touch of Steve's fingers grazing his skin, touching his tits, thumbing at his nipples.
His breathing picks up as he thinks about Steve's hand slipping between his thighs, touching him like he’s touching himself now.
Maybe he’d spin him around and let him feel the expanse of his chest pressed against his back as he touches Eddie’s dick with deft fingers.
He’d press them tight together so Eddie could feel how hard he is for him, just for him.
Maybe he’d take him like that, right there in the lake for anyone walking by to see. He’d press inside him, stretching him out on his cock until Eddie's eye crossed from the pressure building inside him.
Maybe he’d turn Eddie's chin with his free hand and kiss him, slow and deep as he fucks into him from behind.
Eddie comes with his fist pressed against his mouth to keep the noises from spilling out as he clenches around his fingers, riding it out.
He sinks boneless into his sheets, still thinking about warm brown eyes and big hands all over his body.
chapter 2
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sevenmerrymagpies · 5 months
The next chapter in my Goo Monster!Steve fic. In this one Steve discovers some of the limitations of his new existence, gets a job with Robin, and makes one more startling discovery.
(Hint: the discovery is he has a crush on Eddie.)
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dutiful-wildcraft · 2 months
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Restoration Worship
Nikolai x Fat F! Reader Tags: monsterfucking, gargoyles, dubcon, overstimulation, tail sex, anal play, double penetration, squirting, cunnilingus, p in v, dirty talk.  I think thats about it, I think yall should know by now that every reader I write is fat, blacked out and wrote 3K words of gargoyle smut sooo… enjoy!
It had begun as a research effort, a little trip to the cemetery to hopefully procure some interesting insight into a little project she’d been working on for the museum. Eyes scanning over lichen covered graves and cracked mausoleums, words long faded in time. 
She’d seen the videos before. Kind strangers brushing away years of decay with a brush and patience. Who would we be without the knowledge from our predecessors after all? 
So with a passion for restoration and a need for busy hands she set to work, uncovering gracious prayers and one of the best cookie recipes she’d ever tasted set within the worn stone. 
It’s months before she comes across him. He’s a big boy, covered in lichen and the webs of spiders, stone stained heavily from the elements. Sharp claws curl into the pedestal he hunkers on, broad wings curled against his back, stone teeth bared in warning. 
Even like this he’s beautiful, strong features carved delicately in tarnished marble. 
She’d found her next project. 
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A decade had passed since death had been at Nikolai’s doorstep, when he’d let the stone take him, closed himself off from the world to rest after an egregious injury. He’d watched over the lowly cemetery with weak eyes, until they too became covered. Until he’d lost himself to the void, consciousness falling into inky blackness as he waited amongst the trees. 
That is, until her.
His days had shifted from the chittering of squirrels and bird song to an incessant chatter. A soft english lilt that stirred something in his hazy mind. He likes the english. Past visions of old friends flash in his mind, warm dark skin, cigars, a mask made of bone. 
How could he forget? 
He strains, willing his senses back to life, listens harder for the soft voice amongst the tombstones. 
She talks to the dead, chattering away at graves that will never speak back to her. This graveyard is old, quiet, its occupants long passed over after they stopped burying the dead here, when their loved ones had long passed on themselves. 
She asks them questions, makes up stories, tells them about her day. She’s a museum conservator and she brings things back to life all the time. Making them shiny and new, loving them through hard work and careful hands so that others may get to love them too. 
And when she’s not talking she’s humming, or singing so off tune that even the birds grumble. But she’s laughing at herself,  looking up songs from the years written on the graves and playing those too, a little tune the deceased might be familiar with. 
Her voice bounces from grave to grave, and he realizes she’s cleaning them, scrubbing the dirt away and bidding them adieu when her task is finished. 
Sweet thing, he muses, wishing he could see her, wishing she would bring him to life too.
His dream comes true on a sunny afternoon, the summer rays warming his stone, waking him just a little more. 
She’s close, footsteps rustling the leaves at his feet as she circles him. 
“You keep watch don’t you?” she asks him seriously, and she’s right there. So close he can smell her, like blueberries and vanilla sugar, it’d make his mouth water if he could just move.
She speaks again, but he can barely register the words as warm gentle hands clear the infinite dark from his field of view. Brushing away vines and lichen.
“There! That’s better!” 
And there she is. A big soft girl, with sweet round cheeks flushed from the heat. He needs to hold her, crush her close and reward her for her kindness, but she’s gone just as quickly, promising to return to clean him properly, and his marble heart warms at the thought. He commits her form to memory, watching her soft braids sway against her back as she leaves.  
A longing seeping deep into his marrow as he lets the sleep take him again. 
She returns the following weekend, small spray rig and gentle cleaner in hand when she finds him again. She’s mindful, soft hands gently tugging at his limbs to test the durability before ambling her soft body onto his platform. It’s wonderful, to finally feel the heat of another against his skin, and he thinks if the sun weren’t touching him he could come to life now, tackle her into the soft grass and ravish her. He knows she’d be so sweet, whimpering and mewling under his touch. 
It would wait for another time. 
She works from the top down, soaking him with warm water before scrubbing him with soft bristle brushes. She’s delicate, leaning her soft body against his as she cleans, washing away years of dirt and moss. She scrubs behind his ears, in the bend of his horns, clearing the nests of insects from between his teeth. He revels in the feel of her, soft breasts and belly pressed to his skin, gentle hands stroking over the sensitive margins of his wings. Had he been mobile he’d be purring, with spread wings and stiff cock all over some gentle petting. 
He mourns when she leaves, water cooling against his stone as she packs up before nightfall. 
But it gives him time to practice.
It takes days, weeks, before he can move under the cover of night, limbs coming to life sluggishly, the world becoming more clear to his dulled senses. 
She returns like clockwork, spending the afternoons with him, chatting and humming, leaning against his platform as she eats her lunch. 
He can’t move far, just a few movements, but he gets greedy, finally willing his wings to open, letting them stretch pleasantly in the cool night air and freeze there when the sun freezes him again. 
She’s a bit startled when she returns, eyeing him with confusion and the broad reptilian wings spread proudly behind his back. Come closer love, they’ve always been this way.
Nevertheless she scrubs those too, warm hands petting over the webbing, ghost along the modified fingers of his wings. He has half a mind to wallow in the night, cover himself in more dirt if only to keep her trips regular. But he knows his time is coming to an end when she dusts away the last leaves from his pedestal. 
She has a final rest with him, his sweet keeper perched at his feet as she watches the sun disappear behind the trees. 
And finally, finally. As the soft light of the moon kisses his skin, he greets her. 
“Hello solnyshka” he purrs, voice low and gravely,  amusement crinkling pupil-less eyes, as he watches her nearly jump out of her skin. Scrambling away and whirling to take a look at the massive gargoyle.  He can see now, really see, and she’s lovely. Freckles dusting round cheeks, bulky denim and cotton hiding big soft curves underneath. 
She’s frozen, staring at him with wide eyes. He stretches, not unlike a cat, trembling slightly with the effort as he spreads his wings, lifts his hands above his head to crack his own spine, shaking away the stiffness from his tired bones. He relaxes again,  smiling at her fondly, revealing sharp fangs underneath. 
“I’m grateful for your work.” he calls again, taking a slow step off of his platform, clawed feet digging into the earth below. He is truly, his new keeper being the first ray of sun to truly grace his skin in decades. Just the light he needed to wake him from his slumber.  He needs to hold her, feel her softness under his claws. 
She swallows, clasping trembling hands in front of her. 
“I didn’t mean to be a bother, sir”
He purrs at the honorific, but why did she think she was a bother? Had she not heard him?
“Not a bother, you’ve “restored” me” he chuckles, “quite well too” he adds looking over his limbs as he eases closer. “Call me Kolya.”
She repeats it, mimicking the accent just right, and being the polite thing she is, she gives him her name in return. It melts in his mouth like sugar, His pretty prize unaware of the hold she’s given him with just her name alone. 
“Come here, let me have a look at you”
She hesitates a moment before inching towards him, and he meets her halfway with a long stride, chin to his chest as he looks her up and down. His poor thing is so nervous. Fidgeting under his gaze, pulling, pushing and twisting at the joints of her fingers, desperate to get them to pop, to alleviate some of the tension in her body. 
He takes her hand in his, sliding a claw between her fingers to shake them loose, letting her soft little hand curl around his own. He dwarfs her, already half-hard with just her palm in his. He moves her carefully, flipping her hand over to trace a dark claw over the sensitive lines of her palm drawing a small shiver from her that has his cock twitching in interest. 
He continues, gliding his fingers up her arm, over her shoulder, toying briefly with the denim strap of her overalls. She’s bashful, keeping her eyes averted, a hot flush to her cheeks as he looks her over. 
“None of that” he chides, sliding his fingers beneath her chin, tilting her back. Her lips part, pupils blown as he smiles down at her, some of her nervousness melting away as he handles her so gently.  “So pretty, daragaya” and the stars in her eyes as he praises her break what little self control he has left. 
He’s quick, catching her round face in both hands and bending low, pressing a hungry kiss to her lips. She squirms briefly, hands flying up to grip his wrists in panic, he curls a tail around her calf, holding her neatly in place as he licks into her mouth, earning a soft gasp from his keeper as her lips part for him. 
Good gods, she even tastes sweet. 
He purrs happily into her mouth, savoring the taste of her flavored chapstick, the end of his tail flickering happily, brushing the soft curve of her ass. She’s panting now, a soft little whine bubbling from her throat at the contact. He dives low, licking a stripe across her jaw, reveling in the salt of her skin before nibbling and kissing his way down her throat, clawed fingers easily popping the cheap metal clasps of her outfit, pushing the denim away before yanking off the extra cotton shirt underneath. 
Nikolai thinks it should be forbidden for such soft curves to be hidden like that. She’s a vision, an angel with the most beautiful soft curves, and when he has her back in his den he’ll dress her in the finest silks and jewelry, pretty chains to hug her waist, dangle nicely between her breasts. Highlight all his favorite parts. He might even keep her bare, just for his eyes to see. 
She shivers in the cold, using her arms to cover her breasts as best as she could, eyes averted from his hungry gaze.  Why did she hide from him? There should be paintings of her, statues in her image. She was perfect. So warm and soft, he kneaded at the handles at her hips, clawed fingers tracing over the soft swell of her belly, the rolls at her sides, skin hot beneath his fingers. He huffs, snagging her wrists and holding them well above her head, using the extra digits at the ends of his wings to hold her there, pulled taught and vulnerable beneath his gaze.
With a sharp claw he rips away the scrap of fabric that covered her chest, large hands palming them eagerly, nipples pebbling under the warm drag of his thumbs. He hums, pinching and pulling at her perfect little tits, hard cock nudging incessantly at her belly, leaving glistening webs of pre-cum over her skin as she whimpers and gasps. 
“Kolya” she whines as he drags a hot tongue over her soft peaks, flicking his tongue over her pert skin before drawing a nipple into his mouth, nibbling and suckleing greedily. He breaks away, grinning up at her, sinking his teeth into the meat of her breast cheekily. She squirms, eyes squeezed tight and teeth dug into her plump lip as she tries halfheartedly to escape him. Though the wiggling only gives her tits a lovely jiggle that has him diving in again, nipping at her nipple just to earn himself another squeal. 
He kisses over the skin in a gentle apology before sliding down her belly, pressing a trail of hot kisses there before he reaches the seam of her panties, cute little curls peaking out around the edges at her thighs. He marvels at the dark stain of her arousal, pressing his nose into the soaked fabric and breathing deep. She bucks against his face, squirming madly to get some kind friction. Not so demure now are you?
“I’ll take care of you greedy girl, patience.” he warns, tail patting her ass fondly as he drags his tongue along the sodden fabric. He rips those away too, thick tongue sliding against her folds with little preamble, the resounding moan like music to his ears. Using his tail to tug her legs further apart, he lavishes her in earnest, slurping at her cunt like a beast, using his thumbs to spready her puffy lips apart. She’s heaven, sweet and tangy on his tongue, and he would stay here for hours, drinking her down until her legs gave out and then taking more. 
He sinks his tongue inside, licking into her tight heat as his nose brushes against her clit, humming wickedly as she cries and bucks. He takes control, dragging his claws up to grip her hips, guiding her into a nice and easy rhythm against his face. He loves every minute of it, reveling in the drag of her soaked folds against his tongue,  the broken whines as he breaks away to suck her clit. He drags her to the edge over and over, fucking his tongue back into her wet heat and nosing at her sensitive nerves until she’s gushing against his face with a choked cry. 
“So good, solnyshka” he praises, sitting back on his haunches to admire his work. He leans in, licking a hot stripe up her thigh, catching the errant rivulets of slick as they drip from her. 
“So wet, I bet we can make a bigger mess can’t we?” he purrs, dragging his knuckles against the soaked seam of her sex, drawing a tired whimper from her. She sags against his hold, chest flushed, and thighs soaked. He could devour her whole like this. 
He releases her, lifting her spent body into his arms, easing her down onto the clean pedestal that was once his. Pushing her legs apart he slides between them, sliding his neglected cock over her folds, using his tip to rub at her sensitive clit before sliding it along her body. He’s thick, head tapered to a near point, thick ridges rippling along underside of his shaft for a textured drag. Heavy balls kiss the seam of her sex as he rests there, tip drooling against her stomach. He needs her to see what she’s getting herself into, how much she’ll need to take for him. His soft girl looks up at him, big glassy eyes full of nervous anticipation. 
“I know” he coos, grinding himself against her skin, “you can take it, my perfect girl, we just need a little more room.”
He needs her pliant, well stretched to take him fully. With his claws as they were, using his fingers wasn’t an option,  but he does have another solution. Dragging a heavy palm through her slick he grabs hold of his tail, coating the tapered end thoroughly before guiding it toward her entrance, using a thumb to circle her clit as he slips inside. 
The tip is easy, no thicker than a couple of her fingers as it pushes its way inside, the glide nice and easy from her previous orgasm. He fucks nice and slow, thrusting the tip in shallowly until she’s whining for more. He leans over her, rutting his cock against the crease of her thigh as he sinks his tail in further, fucks into her with more speed, using his hands wisely to play with her tits, rolling her nipples between his fingers and nibbling at her lips to distract her from the stretch. She’s holding on for dear life, hands gripping his horns for purchase. 
Even as spent as she is, she clenches around him desperately, sweet pussy desperate to take as much of him as she can. He can’t wait to feel her pulsing against his cock. Wet and hot, and so so tight. 
He growls, rutting into her with more fervor. She’s close, chubby thighs clenching as he curls the tip of his tail a bit, just to bully more of his length inside of her. She’s lost in it, frantically kissing at his face as her peak draws closer and closer.  Sneaking a thumb against her clit she cums again, legs slamming shut against his tail as he fucks her through it, laughing as she sobs, shoving at him weakly as she gushes messily around him again, slick coating his abdomen and dribbling down the stone underneath. 
“Good girl, one more for me zoloste, I know you can do it.” He yanks her thighs apart pulling his tail from her greedy cunt and dragging her further down the pedestal, her plush ass hanging off the edge. He rests her thighs against his chest, kissing her ankle soothingly as he drags himself through her slick folds, thoroughly coating himself before lining up with her entrance. 
Even with the prep it’s a tight squeeze. He takes it slow, bullying his way inside her soaked heat, gummy walls squeezing him tight as he sinks in, whimpering as the ridges of his cock drag against her sore entrance.  He fucks slowly, pumping in shallow thrusts before he pulls out again, teasing her tired clit and pushing in again, head thrown back with victorious groan as he finally pushes himself to the hilt. 
Its a gorgeous sight, her pussy split open on the girth of him, legs spread wide and clit twitching as he fucks her with tight shallow circles. She’s a mess, cheeks streaked with tears and trembling against the stone, whimpers and little hiccups falling from her lips. He hushes her, sliding his palms against her thighs, catching her hands to curl his fingers in hers, anchoring her there as he picks up the pace. 
She’s already close, cunt clenching around him with every thrust. He fucks into her with earnest, her pretty fat pussy swallowing him down to the balls as the sticky slap of it echoes through the cemetery. 
“Fuck, taking me like you were made for it.”  he snarls bending over her to lick into her mouth, swallowing every little cry and plea as he fucks her mercilessly, soft body jiggling with the harshness of it. 
“You’ll give me anything won’t you? Let me fill up this pretty pussy.” he pants, yanking her closer, and with a sick knowing grin, his tail slides underneath her, slick tip toying with her asshole. “Let me fill this pretty ass too, wouldn’t you?”
“Anything you want, Kolya, please, please,”  she begs, his perfect girl cock drunk and hazy, tears spilling down her cheeks as she rocks into him for more. 
“Don’t even know what's good for you, silly girl, you’d let me tear you in two.” he chuckles, “ but I’ll give you a little taste.” His tip slides between her cheeks, already slick from her own juices.  He teases her there, flickering playfully at her hole before sinking in slowly, pushing just past her tight ring of muscle to fill her up, groaning at the feel of his own cock sliding against her walls. 
Her next orgasm takes her like a freight train, soft body arching and trembling as it ravages through her. He fucks her through it, pussy clenching him like a vice as he pulls his tail from her ass, sharp claws digging into the meat of her hips hard enough to draw blood as he chases his own end. 
Snarling like a beast he pounds into her, sinking himself deep as he comes with a low growl, painting her insides with long spurts. Filling her completely until his spend seeps out around his cock, spilling down her thighs and into the soft earth below. 
He holds them there like that, cock buried deep as he marks her from the inside out, his bulky head resting against her breasts as they both come down. 
His, his, his. 
His perfect soft girl, flushed and damp from sweat and slick, trembling hands carding though his dark hair.  Kind and gentle despite the way he ravaged her. 
And when she leans up, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips with a nervous giggle, he knows he’ll guard her for the rest of his days. 
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aidaronan · 5 months
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The Strangers Things Monsterfucker May challenge is here! That means it's time monsterfy your blorbos and put them in sexy situations, babey. AO3 Collection Now Open (STMonsterMay24) | On tumblr, use #STMonsterMay Rules under the cut!
This challenge is for adults only. If you are not an adult, do not the challenge.
Characters should be from the older side of the ST universe. "Babysitter's Club" age and older. Otherwise there's no limit on who you write about. Sapphic fics and rarepairs welcome!
Use tags, respect tags. To the best of your ability, tag your Freaknasty Shit (and other things that are important to tag). Conversely, if you go into some freaknasty shit that is clearly labeled "Freaknasty Shit" on the jar and are shocked by the freaknasty shit you find, idk what you expected. This also goes for fics about characters/pairings you don't like. Life is so much better when you seek the things you love instead of being mad about the things you hate.
The Monsterfucking doesn't have to be explicit. It can be implied. You can do some "what is sex to this monster, actually?" world building. Be the fun. Have the joy.
"Is my nonhuman character idea monster enough for the monster club?" - Do I look like a cop? If it feels like a monster to you, then hell yeah.
Dark concepts/themes are okay as long as you tag.
Please be conscious and sensitive re:monsters that might not be yours to play with (e.g. creatures from Native folklore or marginalized religions) and creatures with bigoted histories (like, for example, maybe goblins shouldn't run the banks).
While there are rules, this is a largely unmoderated challenge. I'll be peeping bc i wanna be at the devil's sacrament getting railed by the devil. If I see anything hella off and it's within my power, I will try to fix it. But mostly I expect people to be kind and smart in their creating and in their reading/art-connoisseuring.
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medusapelagia · 5 months
Other events: General, Rare Pairs, Character Centered Events - May Update
Stranger Things Big Bang ( @strangerthingsbigbang) The authors sign up are closed but the Artist sign up is open till May 11! Event info
Strangers Things Monsterfucker May challenge (@aidaronan) An event for the monsterfucker lovers! Event info
Hawkins microfic ( @hawkinsmicrofic) Here it is! Get ready to challenge yourself with a prompt and a defined number of words. May prompt is: Eyes - 528 words Event info
Billy Hargrove Big Bang ( @billybigbang2024) Billy Big Bang is back on under a new management! Join us! Writer Sign-Ups Close: May 15 Artist Sign-Ups Close: July 6 Event info
Stranger Things Sapphic Mini Bang ( @sapphicstevents) Writers Sign Ups are closed, but Artists Sign Ups are open till the 14th of June Event info
Corroded Coffin Fest ( @corrodedcoffinfest) This even will take place from July 1st thru July 31st but there are going to be some warm up events! MAY 15TH - GET A JOB JUNE 15TH - BAND ON THE RUN Event Info
A Stranger Summer ( @astrangersummer) A Strange Summer it's finally started! Have fun with some weekly prompts through the months of May, June, July, and August! Event info Prompts list
Summer Things Fest ( @summerthingsfest) A prompt base fest open to all ships! Prompts open on the 26th of April Claim from from the 10th of May Event info on AO3
BUCKLEWAY APPRECIATION WEEK Do you think it was a pity that Robin and Heather never got time together on screen? Here is your occasion to make it happen! Run from MAY 19 - 25 Event info
Metalsandwich Movie Mania ( @now-showing-at-the-hawk-events) Post-2000s Metalsandwich Movie Mania will take place June 9th-22nd Pre-2000s Metalsandwich Movie Mania will take place November 10th-23rd!  Event Info and prompts!
Eddie Munson Big Bang ( @eddiemunsonbigbang) It’s still a bit early but get ready to sign up to the most metal Big Band ever! Sign ups open on July 1st, 2024 and close on September 9th, 2024 Event info
Stevie week ( @stevieweek) A week were all Stevies are welcome! Non-binary, genderqueer, cisgender, gender fluid etc. From the 4th of July to the 10th of July Event info
Metal Sandwich Bingo ( @metalsandwichbingo) The bingo will take place 1 Oct - 31 Dec, 2024, more info closer to the event! Event Info
Steve Harrington Big Bang ( @steveharringtonbigbang) Finally we have some info about this Big Bang that was postponed to 2025! Sign Ups Open -- January 01, 2025 Sign Ups Close -- March 21, 2025 Event info
Stommy Big Bang ( @stommybigbang) It's still a work in progress but keep an eye on their page for more info soon!
StrangerThings Reverse Big Bang ( @strangerthingsreversebigbang) This year Big Bang was such a huge success that I can't wait for the next one! Sign-ups opening September 2025!
As always feel free to reblog and add other events!
Under the cut the past events if you want something to read!
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang @strangerthingsreversebigbang Here is the AO3 collection !
Rare Pair Roulette ( @st-rarepair-roulette) Find all the fics in the AO3 collection!
Stranger Things Femslash ( @strangerthingsfemslash) Here is the AO3 Collection
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rindecisions · 4 months
Demon's Ideal
A Monsterfucker May special for From Hell and Back
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Art by : @lady-lostmind
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Stranger Things Monsterfucker May is hosted by @aidaronan
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epicbuddieficrecs · 10 months
Weekly Recap | November 20th-26th 2023
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107 DAYS UNTIL SEASON 7 PREMIERE!!! I'm so excited!!! 😃
Also! I just hit 100 followers! Thank you guys! I hope you enjoy my recs :)
Ruin Me Like Castle Walls and Burn Me Like a Village by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Dragon Eddie | 6K | Explicit): When a call goes wrong, Buck sees a new side to Eddie, and starts to realize a lot of things about his best friend. And himself.
🔥 The Monsterfucker's Symphony by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Mermaids... and more | 57K | Explicit): A collection of smutty oneshots featuring Buck or Eddie (or both) as a non-human creature.
🔥 and here, too, am i by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Future fic, Married Buddie | 41K | Teen): Six months into their marriage, Eddie is still struggling to decide whether or not he wants more kids, when he knows Buck does. The universe may not scream, but it certainly talks.
you’re everything that I want, but I didn’t think I’d find by Daffi_990_ao3/ @daffi-990 (Post-S6, Proposal | 2K | Not Rated): Eddie is so in love and proposes to Buck on Christmas Eve. (sequel to come close, let me be home)
all i ever wanted comes right down to you by Iover_of_mine (I_almost_do)/ @lover-of-mine (Getting Together | 3K | General): Eddie is very dramatic in his pining and Buck overhears something that changes everything.
🔥 stranger sunlight, still by mmtion/ @mmtions (Catfishing/Secret Identity | 64K | Explicit): When the 118 find out about Buck’s secret thirst account on Instagram – to raise fire safety awareness, obviously – they make fun of him the appropriate amount and move on. Eddie finds it a little harder to do the same. Of course, Eddie would never invade Buck’s privacy by searching for and finding the anonymous account. Or looking at all the uploaded photos late at night. Or even directly messaging Buck’s secret account. That would be weird, because he’s certainly not planning on doing anything about his newfound attraction. However, anonymous account @elbombero118 has no such limitations.
🔥the evan buckley matchmaking agency by mmtion/ @mmtions (Season 5, Feelings Realization | 28K | Mature): Buck tries to set up Eddie. It goes well for absolutely no-one involved. 
wanna lose my mind in a hotel room with you by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (Post-S6, Getting Together | 4K | Explicit): "Think you’ll ever have that kind of love?” Eddie asks as he leans against the wall with a beer in his hand at Maddie and Chimney’s engagement party. He’s got a fond look on his face, if not a little wistful as he turns to face Buck. “I hope so,” Buck says with a small smile on his face. He’s pretty sure he’s already got half of a love like that standing next to him, he just isn’t sure if it’s reciprocated. “I-I really hope so.”
hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (PWP | 2K | Explicit): Eddie hiccups. “Just tell me,” he groans. “Come on, how bad could it be? Hic!” “Rectal massage,” Buck says, the words tripping over each other like he just wants to get them out as fast as possible. “Apparently, there was a guy who stopped hiccuping after rectal massage. And this is in, like, Healthline, so it’s probably legit—”
impossible to know (if after this we can still be friends) by lecornergirl / @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 1,7K | General): Hen sighs. “This better be an emergency.” “Does Buck turning up on my doorstep and saying he’s in love with me count as an emergency?”
this is gonna be one of those things by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): It turns out he only has about three seconds of proper bull-riding in him before he’s tumbling to the floor. Hen and Chimney are bent double with laughter, but Eddie only looks at him, smirks, and says, “You’re doing it wrong.” “Like you’d do any better,” Buck shoots back, and Eddie gives him the most unimpressed look.  “You’re forgetting something,” he tells Buck as he mounts it. “I grew up in Texas.” 
my hands are shaking from holding back from you by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (S5E18, HenRen Wedding, Getting Together | 2,5K | Teen): So now Hen and Karen are renewing their wedding vows, and Buck is—Buck is a lot of things, but he’s mostly worried about the concept of Eddie in a suit. Buck is, after all, only one man. He’s a little worried it might be too much for him to handle.
🔥 [Podfic] dream of some epiphany by MistMarauder/ @mistmarauder from a fic by extasiswings/ @extasiswings (Canon Divergent, Pre-Canon, Pen Pals | 45-60 mins | Mature): Evan Buckley is lost. It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center. Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name. Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
🔥 Both Blade and Branch by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-S6 | 9/13 | 43K | Mature): The chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but Buck still manages to pull it off. During a double date with Marisol and Natalia, nonetheless. Eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as Buck recovers from yet another trauma, Eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. He’s not quite sure what version of Buck he got back.
in my head by yourcatfishfriend/ @your-catfish-friend (Friends With Benefits | 6/8 | 23K | Explicit): Buck is confidently bisexual. Eddie isn't sure. Buck helps him figure it out.
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katyawriteswhump · 4 months
dragon's treasure
I was going to post this fic here properly at the weekend, but I was too scared!!! It was supposed to be a second fic in a series (and waaaaay less explicit tbh!) but... monsterfucker may was running out and this, uh, happened as a stand-alone. Prequel and hopefully a sequel are still in the works... and please heed warnings, dead dove, mfmay, etc. It's def more E than my usual stuff, though also kinda romantic, I hope.
Dragon's treasure (2382 words) by katya1828 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Bottom Steve Harrington, Top Eddie Munson, apart from he's a dragon, Size Difference, Human/Monster Romance, Sex Magic, Dom/sub Undertones, Fluff and Smut, Needy Steve Harrington, Implied Mpreg, Eddie Munson Takes Care of Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Whump, Sub Steve Harrington, Rough Sex, Impossible Anatomy, Intersex, Dragons, Protective Eddie Munson. Series: Part 1 of Dragon's hoard (steddie dragon romance au)
Summary: ““Ssssssshhhhhhsssss.” The dragon trailed a talon across Steve’s sweat-flecked brow. For a magical split second, those hard golden eyes yielded into soft-chocolate-fondue whirlpools. In that moment, Steve knew what his heart had known all along, and what his head had been singing, ‘La-la-la, not listening,' at: “Eddie?””
Or, Steve can’t stay away from Eddie’s secret den, even when Eddie tells him to. Unfortunately, Eddie can’t stay away either, even when he is not quite himself…
Read on AO3
also, no pressure tag to say THANK YOU to @aidaronan for organising #STMonstermay :)
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akronus-writes · 5 months
the embodiment of fear: slashers and movies
Antros' mother knew something was different with her child the day he was born, silent and already cheerful. At first, they thought it was a sign he was a blessing, a child that could bring joy to the world. but then it started, no matter how much they fed him, he always seemed malnourished, but whenever someone got scared of him starving, he looked perfectly healthy.
They had hoped it was just a strange coincidence, but as he got older things only got worse. almost every night his parents caught him cheerfully watching horror movies as soon as he was smart enough to operate the remote. then he started scaring his parents, and even the other kids at school.
not even birthday parties were safe, every time one of them happened, he'd somehow get his hands on the remote, and start playing Friday the 13th, or Halloween. eventually his parents kept him home, and as they got used to his scares, he started to degrade. without that fear to cause, it was almost like Antros was going through withdrawals. But if he even just managed to cause some fear, he was right as rain, like nothing had happened.
on his 13th birthday his parents finally caved, and he was given access to a library of classic and modern horror. supplied with all of this horror, he quickly watched every movie before the month had ended, and in that moment, truly began to reach an understanding of himself. not the genderfluid part, he's known this for a while.
to his knowledge he was an embodiment of fear, a being that quite literally subsists off of, and is empowered by, fear. from what he understood he seemed to embody slasher villains and movie horror, leading him to experiment with his powers.
at first it was simply summoning machetes or being able to take a punch, but as he learned to better harness the fear he embodied, the more powerful he got.
eventually his control had reached a point that he could casually make a "banshee scream" loud enough to stun a grown man, and had permanently altered his body to be much more durable, and all around physically superior.
along with a development power wise, Antros had also begun studying in school to both become involved in the horror films industry, and to better understand human psychology. which is when it happened.
while walking home from the screening of the recently released 'the strangers: first chapter' Antros was approached by a young woman, about his age (16), in a black three piece suit and tie, with long black hair that trailed down her back like blood.
at first, he was ready to fight the woman, or just walk past her, but she had other plans.
"so you're the one my associate told me about, I believe Antros was your name?" she questioned, a smile dancing at her lips.
"yes I am, what about it?" Antros responded, stepping back to keep his face hidden.
"well, I've hear of your particular... skills, and believe I may have a job offer for you" she stayed back, letting Antros have his secrecy.
Antros remained silent for a few seconds, before tilting his head, and speaking "what kind of job?"
"a contract of sorts, you use your... fear powers, for me and my business, and in return I pay you, in money" the women responded, as the cloud began to shift, revealing the blood that stained her shirt.
Antros weighed his options before he spoke, holding out his hand to the woman "deal"
"deal" the woman shook his hand, before swiftly turning around and walking off.
"fuck, I didn't get a way to contact he-," Antros' train of thought was cut off by the blood that dripped onto his shoes, looking to its source, he saw the bloody business card his new employer had left him.
on the walk home, he examined it closer. there were only two things on the card, an address, and what he assumed to be the woman's name, Aldira.
@good-wizard @f4y3w00d5 @monsterfucker-research-wizard @f4y3w00d5 @the-final-knight @fayewoods-2
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laundrybiscuits · 4 months
So I was playing around with an expanded version of this wlw vamp!Eddie snippet (tentatively titled heard you like magic) for Monsterfucker May because, well, 1) it’s pretty good incentive to write something I’d been thinking about anyway 2) I am procrastinating on a fuckton of work right now.
Anyway, I started jotting down some thoughts that wound up being practically a whole-ass essay, and the expanded fic definitely isn’t going to be posted before tomorrow, so…I thought I might as well post this. It’s not very exciting; it's about 1300 words of me ruminating on the worldbuilding/character decisions I’ve been making about adapting Steve’s gender. 
The heard you like magic fic is really just me sort of iterating on the loose sketch of cisgirl!Steve I started noodling around with in feel how you fit around me. Obviously it’s not the same timeline at all; I hadn’t really thought through this AU very much, since it was spontaneously birthed from skimming the lyrics to “Red Wine Supernova” and getting inappropriately stuck on “her canine teeth in the side of my neck” but I’m using it to play with similar ideas. 
I do think a very similar story to canon could have been created with cisgirl!Steve. (If female!Steve is trans, the timelines get a little complicated and there’s literally no way she could have socially transitioned and achieved an unquestioned popularity in the 80s. It could be a good and interesting story, but it would have fundamentally different beats.) Canon!Steve’s initial thematic/narrative function as the hot, popular boyfriend who embodies normality and social acceptance (at a cost) within the context of high-school-drama-turned-supernatural-horror could absolutely have worked with some of the genders shuffled; admittedly, it would likely have been received by audiences very differently. But from a purely thematic/structural perspective, yeah, I think the same story could have been told. 
So the specific question I’m poking at here is: what does that Steve look like, if his largely unquestioned shifting relationship to masculinity becomes a largely unquestioned shifting relationship to femininity? Part of what makes him such an interesting character is how he navigates taking on a babysitter/caretaker role within the group, because that runs counter to his gendered expectations about who he is and what he’s good at. For a teenage girl, though, “babysitter/caretaker” is a pretty conventional role. 
I’ve thought a lot about approaching this as “What would have to change to make female!Steve commercially viable?” Honestly, I do think the production machine would probably have killed her off as planned; she’d be too unlikeable. She’s hot and bitchy in a way that is simply unforgiveable in an 80s-inflected horror narrative. 
But what if they didn’t, though? What’s the minimum amount of change needed to make Stephanie Harrington work in the story and world of Stranger Things?
If we’re cleaving as closely as possible to canon’s themes and structure, Nancy has to be male. Their relationship needs to represent convention and safety, because Nancy’s journey is partly about her inability to let things lie. For better and for worse, she’s not the kind of person who can pretend that everything’s okay when it’s not, and Steve exists to be the temptingly normative option. 
Jonathan Byers is basically already Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club, so that’s straightforward enough: he’s a trope of the artsy “unsafe” alternative, the one Nancy’s parents wouldn’t approve of, but the one who understands and enables her rejection of easy answers. If we’re not concerning ourselves with marketing decisions, he could still be male and fit the same thematic role in M!Nancy’s arc, but that would change Steve’s journey pretty significantly. 
I think it could still be a good story! There’s a lot of potential there. But if we want to keep Steve’s confrontation with Jonathan as a turning point for his character, it just works much better if Jonathan’s a conventional rival. The dynamics also play out pretty differently if M!Jonathan gets in a physical fight with F!Steve—it’s hard to imagine any version of Nancy being super chill about that. F!Steve is also slightly less likely to default to that kind of physical confrontation as socially acceptable/expected, although I could definitely see it similarly escalating to physical violence with F!Jonathan. 
The Stobin dynamic more or less works with the genders exchanged. This is pre-Will and Grace; the concept of a “fag hag” existed but was not nearly as mainstream as it would become in a decade or two, so there wouldn't necessarily be a lot of expectations or models of what their relationship should look like. One minor shift: the public imagination had a much more specific concept of what gay men looked and acted like than it did for lesbians, so Steve would probably be a little more resistant and/or take a little longer to get it. 
The Party can still keep their canon genders; I don’t think that would affect the older teens too much. It might shift the dynamic of Dustin seeing Steve as a role model, but I think that’s a sufficiently indirect/unstated part of their relationship that it could translate reasonably well. I do think Dustin might get a highly embarrassing and often-denied crush on female!Steve, but he absolutely would not admit it. 
Max would probably be a little closer to F!Steve, since she’d have a bit less older-brother baggage, and less drawn to M!Nancy. Mike would hate F!Steve exactly the same amount, and neither Lucas nor Will seem to be that invested in canon!Steve anyway. 
More generally, though, I don’t see F!Steve as taking refuge in “at least I’m a good babysitter,” because to some extent that would be expected. F!Steve probably didn’t babysit for spending money as a younger teen, but it wouldn’t be out of the question. I really cannot stress enough how much growing up in small-town midwest USA pre-Y2K was oriented towards training young girls for motherhood. They got explicit and implicit instructions that young boys simply did not.
I’m not completely convinced that F!Steve would be as inclined towards a big family as canon!Steve, either. For Steve, whose familial model is an almost wholly absent father, a big family is part of the fantasy of belonging. While I do tend to read him as having honest intentions about pulling his weight, he doesn’t have a very practical understanding of what childrearing is like, and anything he does above the bare minimum is going to be praised. F!Steve would be more keenly aware of the scrutiny she’d be under as a mother, as well as the sheer scale of labor involved. Also, she’d be much less likely to want to pop out six kiddos from her own uterus. The calculations are different.
I grew up in a very conservative area with girls whose primary worldly ambition was genuinely to become mothers. When we talked about “careers,” it was with the explicit understanding that it would be a side gig to help support their main role as a mother. Some of them do now literally have six children.
Steve does not strike me as that kind of person on a fundamental level. He has certain normative ideas about what family and relationships look like—his arc really is all about disrupting and complicating those ideas. In the context of F!Steve, though, I don’t think that thread of clinging to hegemonic norms would manifest in wanting a big family; it seems more likely to me that she’d have some vague ideas about two or three kids and a wealthy, attentive husband. 
I also don’t necessarily see her being quite as keen to lean into a tank role. The “woman warrior” trope was gearing up for the cresting wave of girl-power third-wave feminism in the 90s, but it wasn’t quite there yet—certainly not for someone whose narrative category is “the conventional one.” I actually think that could be a good angle for F!Steve’s development; while canon!Steve has his established/normative role as the tank to counter the subversive dynamics of his role as caretaker, F!Steve could potentially flip those: it’s not weird or unexpected for her to babysit, although she might be surprised by how well she does with Dustin, but translating her athletic ability to combat could propel her towards accepting that she might not be 100% conventional after all.
Anyway, I really need to stop thinking about this and get back to the core of this story, which is “what if vampire!Eddie wildly underestimated how much of a monsterfucker Stevie is, and also what if they were both girls”
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kamiyae · 3 months
Hey you.
Yes you! I’m talking to you!!
Have you been unable to find a perfect fanfiction?
Maybe you want to see your favorite ship in a modern, corporate rivals to lovers scenario, but you can’t seem to find one you enjoy anywhere!
Well, look no further…because
I’m opening commissions for fanfics, short stories, poems, and anything you could possibly dream of!
also by buying a commission you will be helping out a he/they in need as i get through college 🙏 (if you can’t get anything, pls share! if you want to. idk don’t feel bad if you don’t 😭)
✅ NSFW* or SFW
✅ Angst, Fluff, really any genre upon request
✅ Any and every fandom/media!*
✅ Any tropes are fine! (One bed, found family, age gap, arranged marriage, etc.)
✅ AUs (Modern, your own, college, etc.)
* to commission an NSFW fanfic, you have to be 18+
* I will probably write better fanfics for: Star Wars, Fallout, Genshin Impact, Identity V, Homestuck, Demon Slayer, Baldur’s Gate 3, Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things, Pokémon, Bridgerton, Spiderverse, Splatoon, Resident Evil, Obey Me, and Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra thanks to my familiarity with those fandoms, but I can write anything!
❌ Bestiality*
❌ Pedophilic Content; includes illegal age gap relationships (i.e. 16 and 27)
❌ Academic Essays (unless you pay me a shit ton of money/there’s extenuating circumstances but otherwise academic honesty ftw)
❌ Noncon
* Furries and monsterfucking is not bestiality so I will write those :^)
EDIT: I did change the pricing! If you commissioned me before 7/8/24, though, I’ll charge you my original rates :)
Note: I accept Venmo and Zelle :3
Poems: $7 USD
Less Than 1k Words: $ 10 USD
1k - 5k Words: $ 20 USD
5k - 10k Words: $ 45 USD
10k and Above: $ 70 - 200 USD (may be more or less depending on content, NSFW inclusion, how complex you want the plot to be, etc.)
—> once you request a piece, i will give you an estimate on when it will be ready (i will try to have it done within 1-2 weeks)
—> you can receive the piece first, then pay me! and i can also post it to tumblr or AO3 if you want :)
—> please dm about any other questions
DM me or send a request in through my inbox if you’re interested 🙏 TYSM!!! (i am very desperate for money despite having a job 🙈 i need money to buy groceries for myself and for college, which i’m only able to attend with scholarship money, so any interest/shares are greatly appreciated 🩷)
also….if you want a little sample of my writing, take a look at my AO3 account! ^_^
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for the line reqs, can you do “is that how you usually get out of these situations? by fucking your way out of them?” for hastur if u could write for him!!… 👀
<3 ur work!
'be not afraid' 'would' 'be a little afraid' meme is so real for him lol sir i will lick a tentacles if you put next to the cipher im at I WILL
Rated: Mature | Warning: reader is a monsterfucker (mvp)
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Hastur, The Fester as the humans call him here, has seen many things throughout his life and studying humans. Yet, he finds himself particularly confused by the wink you give him. Are you malfunctioning? The deity is known to have worshippers who would throw themselves at his presence, coming up with various ways to worship in order to gain his favor.
However, he knows this not stemming from worship and twice the one called Priestess has reprimanded you for being flirtatious towards him.
Such a strange creature, even stranger as he more than once felt you caress the tentacles he used to harm the survivors. He even recalled one when he felt you bite it. You must be malfunctioning somewhere.
Is this how you get yourself out of these situations, mortal? The idea of you presenting yourself to others is not a pleasant thought, not jealousy, he simply believes that is beneath you.
“No, just you. You could just chair me but…” You smile as you tilt your head to the side, and your hand caresses the tendril he had summoned near this cipher. He only teleported here because you are distracting him. Not in arousal as he feels none but the sensation is odd.
“I would like to have a little fun before that?”
Are you a follower of the God of Lust perhaps? Love? Your proposition for him is… Sound be given towards those humanoids. Perhaps one like the Evil Lizard or Fool's Gold since you appear to like the extraordinary.
Do you assume I would entertain you?
“Hastur,” You cross your arms. Fearless as you speak his true name, “I am trying to entertain you. Again, you can chair me.” You look serious, “If I offended you—”
No human dared to attempt to mate with me, mortal. You are an odd one. Such a union may not end in your favor.
“That makes this hotter, babe.”
Odd is too kind for you.
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sevenmerrymagpies · 5 months
He looked down. He was naked. Everything seemed the same as he scanned down. The same hairy chest. Arms and hands were the same. His sides looked like they hadn’t been bitten by Demobats at all. There was no pain. He looked further down. His dick and balls were still intact, thank God. His legs were fine, and his feet- Well, shit. One foot looked normal, while the other was purply-pink and slightly see-through. It was the right shape, and it moved with him as he thought about curling the toes and then flexing them, but he could clearly see through it, too. As he looked at it, it filled in and became as solid-looking as his other foot. Okay. So that was new. --- Steve is turned into something a little weird in the Upside Down, saves Eddie's life, falls in love, and then fucks him. All while dealing with being whatever the hell he's turned into. Written for the Stranger Things Monsterfucking May Challenge. For something that should be a pwp, it has a surprising amount of plot, romance, and world-building.
The prologue was all horror, the next chapter is all Steve ridiculousness with enough body horror to give it a little zing.
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lucky-bishop · 9 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
Thank you for the tags @rosieposiepuddingnpie and @thotpuppy! I still had a few works in progress that I knew (or at least desperately hoped, lol) would be posted in 2023, but now I can safely say I'm done posting for the year (though I have things raring to go for early 2024) and wanted to share my year in review!
Words and Fics
230,669 words posted across 32 fics
One fandom represented: y'all already KNOW it's Teen Wolf!
Earliest Drop: Doctor's Orders (Steter, Explicit, 2,529 words) on 1/5/2023
Most Recent Drop: Creature of the Night (Stackson, Mature, 7,529 words) on 12/29/2023
Longest Fic: Pretty Good Bad Idea (Steter, Explicit, 28,502 words)
Shortest Fic: Werewolf Healing (Teen+, 1,090 words)
Overall, this makes me super happy! My writing goal for 2023 was 200k words, and I made it with over 30k to spare! I also met my goal of posting at least once per month (although in the summer it was mostly just the biweekly updates for Pretty Good Bad Idea).
Top Fics by Kudos
The Empty-Nester Alpha (Steter, Explicit, 16,306 words)
Pretty Good Bad Idea (Steter, Explicit, 28,502 words)
Lips are for Biting (Stetopher, Explicit, 2,436 words)
Down to the Marrow (Steter, Explicit, 23,206 words)
A Long History (Steter, Explicit, 11,528 words)
Hm. I wonder what my most popular pairing and rating are 😂
My fandom fic events in 2023
The Empty-Nester Alpha (Steter, Explicit, 16,306 words) for the 2023 Steter Valentine's Exchange
Burnin' Up for You, Baby (Starrish, Teen+, 5,765 words) for the Stiles Rair Pair Valentine's Day Event
Promises, Promises (Mature, 2,789 words) | The Witch in the Woods (Explicit, 7,044 words) | What Spring Will Bring (Mature, 1,701 words) | Breaking Bonds (Teen+, 4,354 words) | Born to Run (Mature, 3,419 words) | Touch Me, Fix Me (Explicit, 5,497 words) for Deter Week 2023 (which I will be running for 2024! Details coming soon!)
I'm Sorry (like a pipe through the gut) (Petopher, Teen+, 1,675 words) for the May 2023 Petopher Event
A Ways to Go (Stackson, Mature, 10,537 words) for the Stackson Reverse Bang
Welcome Home (Stetopher, Teen+, 1,113 words) | Good Morning (Stargent, Explicit, 1,489 words) | The Best Gift (Starrish, Teen+, 1,999 words) for the Stiles Shipping Central Ficlet Exchange
Down to the Marrow (Steter, Explicit, 23,206 words) | sweeter than honey (Steter, Teen+, 1,909 words) for the 2023 Steter Bang
As We Know It (Stetopher, Mature, 17,063 words) for Fandom Trumps Hate
A Creature of Habit (Steter, Mature, 20,918 words) for Steter Secret Santa 2023
Hey Batter, Batter, Swing! (Steterson, Explicit, 5,209 words) | Creature of the Night (Stackson, Mature, 7,595 words) for the Teen Wolf Holiday Fest
Last year I said I wasn't going to sign up for so many events this year. As you can see, I lost control of my life.
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
Oh man! A ton of events, again, lol. I will probably sign up for at least one Valentine's Day event, like I mentioned above I'll be running @deterweek 2024, I'll be down for the Steter Bang and Steter Secret Santa again, and hopefully several months of the Stiles Shipping Central Exchange.
As for projects, also a ton. I can never just be working on one thing at once, lol. I currently have eight requests in my queue, one of which is going to be ready by early January. I have thirty-nine existing idea docs/WIPs for Teen Wolf (including that one request). Which is fucking insane of me. Actually. But for a short list of things that should be (or hopefully will be) coming in early 2024 are:
Possessive Peter Steterek
Stiles gets bit by a grindr hookup (Steter)
Lorde-inspired Stargent painting fic
Alpha form Peter/Stiles monsterfucking in the woods
Outside of Teen Wolf I have a Stranger Things and a few WWDITS idea docs/WIPs that I'd love to work on, but I just don't know if it'll happen. We'll see! Cheers to 2024! That's a wrap! Phew, thank you if you read even half of this, let alone all of it.
Rules & Tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Tags: Anyone who sees this and hasn't done it and would like to! I know I am very late to the game, haha, but I love seeing stuff like this.
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aidaronan · 5 months
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We're a little under halfway through the Stranger Things Monsterfucker May challenge, and I think we absolutely can and must fuck more monsters about it. So make your blorbo into a dragon, a demon, a demogorgon. Or maybe take a little inspo from Mermay. 😉 AO3 Collection Open for Additions (STMonsterMay24) | On tumblr, use #STMonsterMay Rules/info under the cut!
This challenge is for adults only. If you are not an adult, do not the challenge.
Characters should be from the older side of the ST universe. "Babysitter's Club" age and older. Otherwise there's no limit on who you write about. Sapphic fics and rarepairs welcome!
Use tags, respect tags. To the best of your ability, tag your Freaknasty Shit (and other things that are important to tag). Conversely, if you go into some freaknasty shit that is clearly labeled "Freaknasty Shit" on the jar and are shocked by the freaknasty shit you find, idk what you expected. This also goes for fics about characters/pairings you don't like. Life is so much better when you seek the things you love instead of being mad about the things you hate.
The Monsterfucking doesn't have to be explicit. It can be implied. You can do some "what is sex to this monster, actually?" world building. Be the fun. Have the joy.
"Is my nonhuman character idea monster enough for the monster club?" - Do I look like a cop? If it feels like a monster to you, then hell yeah.
Dark concepts/themes are okay as long as you tag.
Please be conscious and sensitive re:monsters that might not be yours to play with (e.g. creatures from Native folklore or marginalized religions) and creatures with bigoted histories (like, for example, maybe goblins shouldn't run the banks).
While there are rules, this is a largely unmoderated challenge. I'll be peeping bc i wanna be at the devil's sacrament getting railed by the devil. If I see anything hella off and it's within my power, I will try to fix it. But mostly I expect people to be kind and smart in their creating and in their reading/art-connoisseuring.
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