fandom-fandom · 2 years
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Like, I don't think they could be much more perfect.
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xyliane · 4 years
hello!!!!! ive just binge read a bunch of your hxh fics and i absolutely love your writing!!!! especially the way you world build and how everything always feels a bit magical! thank you for writing!!!!! (I was also wondering if you ever plan on continuing not selling any alibis? just wondering I’m so sorry if I imposed)
oh gosh thank YOU nonny! <333 I really like worldbuilding, especially if it’s for magic systems or weird backgrounds, and then chucking characters in like pingpong balls to see what breaks.
and...I’ve been putting off answering this for awhile, but I don’t know about not selling any alibis. I’ve had the rest of the fic planned out since before it went on hiatus, but it’s been a few years now, and I’m not really that satisfied with what’s there. even if I wanted to edit it or change the parts I’ve already written, I just don’t have time or brainpower. but every time I go to fully abandon it, I find myself not. I want to finish it, but I also don’t know if I can. I’m sorry this probably isn’t a satisfying answer.
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/anthony-scaramuccis-dance-summary-of-11-days-under-trump-is-as-stupid-as-it-sounds/
Anthony Scaramucci's Dance Summary Of 11 Days Under Trump Is As Stupid As It Sounds
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Warning: The above video of Anthony Scaramucci “interpreting” his 11-day stint as White House communications director via the medium of dance cannot be unseen. And, yes, it’s as bonkers as it sounds.
Scaramucci, aka “The Mooch,” left President Donald Trump’s administration in July 2017. On Monday, he pulled some “Mooch Moves” in a segment for the New York Post.
The clip has not gone over well on Twitter, where some folks have accused the generally pro-Trump Post of normalizing Scaramucci’s actions (and those of the Trump White House), and see the video as a distraction from the real issues:
Why are we doing this? Last I checked there were still children in cages, some unaccounted for. Focus.
— KnittaPhD (@knittaphd) October 22, 2018
It is time for this man to leave the public stage. His 15 minutes were up a long time ago.
— Anthony Bianchi (@agb412_anthony) October 22, 2018
Meanwhile, the people of Flint Michigan still don’t have clean water.
— Eric Vinc3nt (@SPYMANCE) October 22, 2018
Because it’s hard to mime “shit show”?
— Alastair Dewberry (@dewberritus) October 22, 2018
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/anthony-scaramucci-donald-trump-dance_us_5bcefa59e4b0a8f17ef056ef
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xyliane · 6 years
Oh my gosh i'm so embarrassed! I apologize for mistaking you for driftingglass. You both are just so talented and its my fault for not being about to distinguish two amazing authors. But I also wondered if you ever planned on updating Not Selling Any Alibis ?? It's one of my favorites!
hey nonny! oh gosh I’m blushing. and I’m sorry for taking so long to get back to you--I’ve been somewhere between “busy” and “barely have time to sleep”. which is also unfortunately the answer to your question. I’m really glad you like not selling any alibis! I too love that fic, and I want to do it justice. which means that, while I have the rest of the fic planned, and even am mostly done with one of the chapters, I don’t know when I’ll be publishing them. to quote cdprojekt’s stance on cyberpunk 2077, it’s coming when it’s done. 
so for now, it’s going to have to wait until I’m done with the next few months of work writing, which are gonna be......long. and tedious, and make my brain hurt, and probably foster a bunch of unrelated fic ideas. I would like to have it out before the end of the year, but that’s about all I can hope for right now. 
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xyliane · 6 years
So what’s up with Not Selling Any Alibis? Has it been abandoned, or is it just on hiatus? I get that you’re busy and that’s totally fine, I’m not trying to pressure you to write if you don’t have the opportunity. I’m just curious. It’s one of the best HxH fics I’ve read in a while, and the cliffhanger........ killed me. I now feel a burning desire to know more and that desire isn’t gonna go away for a long time. So what’s the status?
hi nonny! sorry for taking so long to get back to you.I’m utterly delighted you’re enjoying Not Selling Any Alibis--I haven’t abandoned it, I promise! I took some time off to 1: work on my dissertation advancement, and 2: finish my big bang. at the time I started publishing, I had most of the first 6 chapters done, which made it much easier to keep churning out chapters. while I have the whole fic outlined, I’d like to have the last 3 chapters written before I start publishing again, so I can’t give you a firm date on when it’ll be updated. I’ve got one chapter pretty much done, but the other two need a lot of work before they’re ready to be thrown at my beta. and I don’t want to let anyone down, least of all myself. 
sorry about the cliffhanger (mostly) (it hurt me too I promise) it’ll all be resolved soon! 
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xyliane · 7 years
summary: there are only so many breaking points to hit before things really start cracking. there’s a traitor. there’s a spy. and worst of all, there’s a cockroach. that it’s the cockroach killua has to trust to save his sister hurts almost as much as the betrayal the cockroach stands for.
notes: fun fact! the title of this chapter was almost the title for the fic. it’s quite evocative--in fact, a lot of the lyrics from the album I used for this fic’s titles are. I had a lot of fun picking them out. T, killugon, canon-typical violence, references to transphobia and misgendering and child abuse, negligent misuse of books. 5450 words.
programming note: I’ve mentioned this before, but this is the last chapter before a hopefully-brief hiatus on this fic. I have what we academics like to call a metric shitton of work to do on deadlines that are close enough they can see the whites of my eyes and they know I fear. also writing this year’s big bang which I should. probably be done with soon? maybe???
keep an eye out for the big bang submissions, and after that, I’ll be back with more spymance. there’s probably 2-3 more chapters after this one, haven’t decided yet.
thanks for reading, you’re all making this a blast <3
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xyliane · 7 years
summary: killua tries to find other options to his cockroach infestation with limited success (limited in that the only success is him getting a latte). gon has work problems too, but that’s just another distraction from everything. 
notes: spymance returns! without waiting months, either. huzzah!!! (let’s see how long that lasts l o l) and for such smart people, gon and killua are idiots. I love them. T, spy shenanigans, killugon, kurapika/insufferability, 4100 words.
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xyliane · 7 years
summary: under house arrest for absolutely nothing, killua does his best to not overthink things. given that much of his success comes from being able to overthink all options, that goes about as well as expected. gon is of no help, either.
notes: good gravy it was hard to get this chapter done. between real world crap, story writing crap, and writer’s block in general... on the bright side, the next four chapters are pretty much done, minus edits and some streamlining. huzzah!!! killugon, zoldyck family, misgendering (because the zoldyck family is the worst). 4100 words.
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xyliane · 7 years
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@decembercamiecherries: has a few thoughts about my fic
me: [evil laughter.jpg]
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xyliane · 7 years
not selling any alibis: chapter 1
summary: killua is an assassin, but he has a pest. a cockroach. and it’s making his normal non-assassin life hell. not least because his family insists on making it all his fault.
notes: I’ve been working on this thing for. gosh. I think the initial idea for this au came back in january (on minimal sleep, probably), and it’s been percolating and simmering until it’s finally boiled over. anyways it’s a spy/assassin au. T, killua zoldyck, zoldyck family shenanigans (read: illumi is awful and the rest aren’t much better). killugon. 3400 words. 
fic will update...probably not til the holidays tbh, the next few weeks are eeeeeeeeeeeevil. I just wanted to see if there was any interest in this mess.
[ETA] fic is now updating on ao3! link is here. 
chapter 1: eyes in your pockets, nose on the ground
“Do you have the target?”
Killua adjusts his sights, the comfortable weight of his sniper rifle keeping him steady even on this rickety perch. Across the wide street, typing away at her desk with the blissfully ignorance of someone trying to finish their paperwork at the end of the day. Killua doesn’t know who she is, and frankly, tells himself he couldn’t care less. It’s not in his job description.
Assassin means quick, clean, and quiet. Killua may be the best in the business, but that doesn’t mean he has to know about the lives of the people he kills.
“Target locked,” he says over the comm.
His brother’s voice hums an affirmative. “No sign of your cockroach?”
“None so far.”
“And what about in the street entrances? You cannot afford another loss, Kil.”
“Don’t have to tell me that twice. Or twenty times,” Killua mutters. Illumi is a pain in the ass to have on comms. His oldest brother might be a great assassin, but when he plays spotter for Killua, he can’t stop backseat driving. If Illumi’s going to insist Killua stay in the family business, to the point that he takes spotter whenever possible, he can stay out of Killua’s personal life.
So far, it’s worked out okay that way. Killua has his life, a normal life with classes and video games and friends and a years-long crush on his best friend, and he has his family’s work. They do not cross paths.
It had been going well for years. He’d moved out of the mansion to attend high school, having finally proved to Father that he could be in a “normal” school and stay at the top of the game. It was there he met Gon Freecss, a cannonball of sunshine and chaos who wormed his way into Killua’s heart, the best friend he could have ever asked for, even if Killua doesn’t know what he did to deserve Gon. Five years later, their mess of a two-bedroom apartment is nothing like Aunt Mito’s house or the Zoldyck mansion, but it’s theirs. It’s Killua’s space to not be a Zoldyck, to not worry about being perfect at what his family wants. To be best friends with Gon even if that means spending too much brainpower stomping down on the urge to burst into his best friend’s room and kiss him senseless.
Gon, of course, doesn’t suspect a thing. He’s used to Killua’s odd hours at this point, and with his job at Kite’s clinic doing some bizarre combination of paperwork and site visits for whatever it is Kite does, it’s not like Gon keeps normal hours either. He’s also too damn oblivious to realize anything involving kissing or desires to kiss or anything else that makes Killua lie awake at night debating the merits of screaming into his pillows.
But the last year or so, the jobs Killua’s taken have run into…a pest. His cockroach. A spy almost as good at their job as Killua is at his, with the tendency to snatch Killua’s best finds right out from under him. Can’t kill anyone if they vanish into the system, or protective custody, or hell, maybe the cockroach kills them.
How they vanish isn’t the problem, it’s that they do. It pisses Killua the hell off that he’s lost five separate targets in the last nine months, and neither he nor his family can figure out how. It’s not uncommon to run into rivals in their game, but it is rare for anyone to get a leg up on a Zoldyck, least of all one so good that Killua hasn’t even seen them for himself. For every botched job he has, he has to complete another three for even a fraction of his reputation to return. He does them, and he does them damn well, but then this asshole cockroach gets under his feet again and screws everything back to hell.
Which is how he ends up with Illumi resuming his role as Killua’s handler and backseat driver, like he’s twelve again and off on assassin’s first contract. That pisses Killua off almost as much as the cockroach themself.
He checks his backup cameras just in case anything’s crawled in while he was scoped. Nothing at all. “I’m clear. You see anything, Illumi? Since you’re the one with the security cams and all.” And has nothing better to do than be a pain in the ass, but Killua doesn’t say that out loud.
“There is nothing on my scans.” Killua is about to make fun of how easily Illumi is mixing up “checked the cameras” with “intensive scanning” when his brother makes a noise almost like a hum of recognition. It’s the sort of noise Illumi made when Killua was about to eat the unpoisoned fruit, or step on the sturdy boards while training, instantly signaling that something is not going according to plan. Come to think of it, maybe that was more of the point of the training beyond mere poison resistance or surviving four story falls: the ability to notice even the smallest details, even from someone familiar.
Killua snaps his attention back to the scope. The woman is still in her office, still typing away. “What is it?” Killua bites off.
“Oh, well. Perhaps there is something.”
If Killua keeps grinding his teeth, he’ll probably have nothing but stubs by the time he’s thirty. If he lives that long without either killing his brother or having a heart attack from one of Gon’s stupid ideas.
Killua’s just as stupid and infinitely more selfish, though, because now he finds himself wanting more from Gon. The sort of more that is a massive distraction when trying to line up a kill shot and his spotter is not doing his damn job of spotting problems before they become issues.
“Illumi. What did you see.”
“Hear, little brother. You must use all your senses.”
Sniper rifles are heavy, and Killua is increasingly considering the value of abandoning his position to bludgeon his brother to death. “What did you hear, then?”
“The sound of clampers attempting to scale the alley side of the building.”
Killua swears. That’s outside of his view and his cameras, supposedly under Illumi’s watch. That’s the point of having a backup and a spotter—someone to keep an eye on things he shouldn’t have to worry about. If he’d been on his own, like he should be, Killua would have spent the extra time to set up additional surveillance. Being even partially blind is horrible, especially at times like these. Killua is the best because he knows what he might miss. Relying on Illumi is a terrible blindspot, even in the best circumstances.
“Hook me into the audio while you figure out where the fuck this cockroach is,” Killua says. Illumi hums in acknowledgment and Killua’s headphones crackle with static, making him wince. Whatever frequency Illumi has been on, it’s next to impossible to hear anything. He fiddles with his receiver, trying to clear the sound.
He’s almost got it when the noise clears abruptly, Illumi’s voice returning. “Kil. Take out the target now.”
“It’s not the right time—”
“Your cockroach is taking the chance, so we must take ours. Shoot her.”
“On your head,” Killua mutters, and cuts the comms to focus in on the window. He steadies, aims—
And almost fires at an empty office, vacant except for a gently spinning office chair and a piece of paper with an enormous smiley face taped to the computer screen. Better luck next time! it says.
Killua swears again and slams his headset on the floor hard enough to make it crack.
If he hadn’t promised Father he’d stop by the mansion after the job—the failed attempt at his fucking job—Killua would have followed through on earlier plans to clobber his brother with the business end of his rifle and gone straight home. Gon has a way of making even the worst days palatable, just by being himself. He also seems to be having trouble at work lately, but what complaints are left to commiserating over a handle of cheap whiskey. Hopefully he’ll still be awake by the time Killua gets back.
Instead, he spends the forty five minutes it takes to fly to Kukuroo Mountain and the Zoldyck helipad filling out paperwork and wishing he could be with his best friend instead of within punching distance of Illumi’s blank face.
The Zoldyck mansion and grounds around Kukuroo Mountain used to be one of Killua’s favorite places growing up, full of mystery and danger even with all of the training he went through. Now, it’s okay sometimes—Mother is still overprotective, Father still expects Killua to become a carbon copy of himself, and Grandpa Zeno always looks like he’s trying to test Killua on something. Milluki’s always working on some super secret hacking project, and Kalluto’s been loaned to a colleague indefinitely. But Alluka’s not even at the main mansion anymore, so what little joy Killua had left in the house he grew up in is also gone. Some bullshit about Mother and Father wanting to keep her projects “safe,” but more likely it’s to keep her apart from Killua. Her and Nanika both.
And there’s Illumi, who should stay on the other side of the moon as long as he stays out of Killua’s business. Something he is deliberately failing to do.
The corridor to Father’s office gapes and yawns, the stretches between wrought iron lamps seeming to elongate with every step Killua takes. He’s dreading this conversation more than almost any other. Not helping are the prim steps of Illumi, just behind him and far enough to the side to reverberate in slightly disjointed echoes down the hall.
By the time the door arrives, Killua is half-jittery with the need to do something, anything to get out of this house. Instead, he pushes the door open and slips into the room, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“Welcome home, Kil,” Father says. He’s shucked his bespoke suit jacket and rolled up his shirtsleeves, blue eyes unreadable from behind the desk. People always say Killua takes after him, his height and his white hair and his blue eyes if not his bulk. How Silva ever managed to build a reputation as an assassin is less to do with stealth and more to do with brutal efficiency. But Father’s presence is grounded and weighty where Killua’s is electric and sharp, perhaps from age but just as likely from experience, even if Killua’s completed almost double the amount of contracts as when Silva was his age. There’s a reason Killua is heir to the Zoldyck dynasty, not because he wants to be but because he’s damn good at it.
It’s unusual to see Father out of his work clothes while in the office, even long after the end of the day. Propriety is vital in this business, he’d explained once, when Killua was too small to really know what the word meant. Mom, a slim black-haired shadow perched in her high backed chair at Father’s right hand, remains in her best work kimono, thick glasses glimmering in the red light.
Grandpa nods, his normal grin gone. “I hear there were complications again.”
Killua tries not to whip his head back to glare at Illumi. “I have my report here,” he says. “I had hoped to go over it myself, not have it fed through some incompetent third party.”
Illumi plucks the papers from his fist and gives them to Mom. “I believe, as your observer, I am neither a third party nor incompetent,” he says.
“Your screw ups cost me my job tonight, brother,” Killua snarls.
“Perhaps you should have checked your own tools rather than relying on what you perceived to be lacking in the first place.”
“I did set them up, you took them from me!”
“Boys,” Mom says, her voice dripping with misplaced emotions. “Don’t fight, not here. Kil, your report is flawless, but it does support what Illu reported already.”
“It’s not my fault.”
Grandpa Zeno at least looks a little sympathetic when he says, “Fault doesn’t matter, kid. Results do. And yours don’t look good.”
Killua does not growl or pace. He doesn’t allow his family the satisfaction of seeing his frustration manifest here. Instead, he pulls his hands out of his pockets and unrolls his copy of the paperwork. “I have the best record in this house, except for yours, Grandpa,” Killua says. “My only failed assignments have all occurred within the last eight months, and even taking those into account, I am succeeding well above Kalluto or Illumi’s expected averages. And all of them are related to that fucking cockroach.”
Father props his chin up on his fist. “Yet compared to your standards, you lack, Kil. That is unacceptable.”
“I still believe this is to do with his current living situation,” Illumi says softly, black eyes not showing a hint of emotion, not even satisfaction or success he’s obviously luxuriating in. “He has taken fewer and fewer contracts in the past few years. Perhaps it is time for the heir to come home.”
That is not negotiable. Killua is not leaving his apartment, his home, his friends. He’s worked too hard to keep that part of his life safe, locked away from his family and the blood on his hands. But he swallows the fear right back where it came from. “That’s besides the point. What I need to know is how my missions keep getting leaked.”
Father glances at Mom, who shrugs melodramatically. “There have been no words on leaks, Kil.”
Killua rolls his eyes. “I don’t screw up. Not like this. You know there’s something going on, or you wouldn’t have me under surveillance again. Either Milluki’s losing his touch or you’re getting lazy, Illumi.”
A brief flash of a grin passes across Zeno’s face, more for Killua’s benefit than anyone else in the room. “Told you he’d find them,” he mutters loud enough to echo. Father glares deadpan, the same look Illumi gives but with the strength and age to back it up. Unfortunately, when it’s targeted at Grandpa, it does about as much good as an water gun in a hurricane.
“Kil, no one else in the family is suffering from these losses,” Father says. “We suspect it’s coming from your end.”
Killua’s hackles rise defensively. “It definitely isn’t. I run sweeps every day, before and after missions, and whenever Gon’s in class. I made the protocols that allow me to stay out of this place, and you all approved them. Hell, you use them in all our safehouses now. Including Alluka’s systems—”
“Then the protocols need to be updated, darling,” Mom says. “As do those for field surveillance. Illumi, you will oversee Kil’s efforts at both of these.”
“Of course, Mother.”
“What? No! This was Illumi’s fault in the first place.” Working with Illumi out of the field is even worse than the backseat assassining that happens on the job. No way is this going to end without Killua tearing his hair out.
“Don’t argue, kid,” Zeno says. “Silva wanted to keep you at home until the aiai protocol is fixed. Consider this a compromise.”
“There’s a problem with Nanika?” Killua asks. “I thought Alluka finished last year. What has she said?”
“It’s nothing Milluki can’t fix,” Father says.
Mom looks more upset about this than Father, but she wants him back under the Zoldyck thumb almost as much as Illumi. Father’s always emphasized, if Killua can maintain his success and his secrecy, he can “expand his horizons” or whatever he says to excuse Killua’s flights of whimsy. Not that they are whimsical at all. Killua simply wanted to have a little corner of life for his own. Father seemed alright with even that, just so long as Killua never tested his leash.
At least, until now. The risk of losing what little independence he has looms large in Killua’s mind, and he shudders at the thought. He can’t lose all the time he’s put into stupid classes and stupid university credits just to lose them now. More importantly, he can’t lose his friendships. It’s bad enough he doesn’t get to see Alluka. Losing Gon…
Killua straightens, pulling his shoulders back and meeting Father eye for eye. “Fine,” he says. “If I get an extra visitation day.”
“Done. And you’ll install the new modifications in your apartment,” Father says.
“In the complex’s public spaces, not in my apartment,” Killua says.
“Tomorrow. I have to wait for Gon to go to class, since coming all the way out here means I’m not getting home til after dinner.”
His best friend’s name makes a flicker of emotion pass across Illumi’s face, sour and unamused. Killua marks a point in his favor, a tiny spot of hope in this mess.
“Agreed,” Father says.
Killua lets out a breath slowly, not letting his relief show on his face. “Great. So can we get to sorting out the leak now? Since I’m here, and not going to class tomorrow.”
Kikyo shakes her head, tapping her long nails on her husband’s desk. “We will take care of that, I think,” she says.
“If it’s centered on my contracts and no one else’s, I should be involved.”
“We have it under control,” Father says.
He’d said the same thing before all but exiling Alluka from the family, like she was a problem to be solved rather than Killua’s sister. He’d said it when the protocol—when Nanika was moved to the main mansion once its immediate success didn’t take hold. It takes every single spotless job to earn even a fraction of time with her, and losing that… It’s not a comforting thought. “Obviously not as much as you think, or I wouldn’t be missing another contract,” Killua says.
“You are the only unaccounted-for element in this search,” Illumi says. “Perhaps you should not be involved at all.”
Grandpa nods somberly. “We’ve been discussing this privately for some time now, Kil. If you are the target of this subterfuge, you should not be involved in the search. It would only draw more attention. And your performance during this time has been an issue as well.”
Killua’s eyes narrow. If they’re talking about a break, he’d take it gladly. He’s never had one, not while applying for university, not when Gon came down with some terrible upper respiratory infection, not even the first time one of Professor Krueger’s hell tests descended upon his grades. But if they’re talking locking him out of his own problems, just because he’s not following their plans…
“Are you seriously accusing me of leaking my own contracts?” Killua asks incredulously. He can’t stand his family most of the time, but they’re his family. Even Illumi. He can’t betray them to someone else. The very thought is anathema.
But no one responds. It’s worse than if someone said to his face they thought he was a traitor, because at least that way Killua would know who to punch. Instead, Father says, “Kil, you know the suspension protocols. No contact with the family, no access to the grounds, no further contracts. No access to family resources. Use the time to triple check your protocols and install any updates in the apartment complex.”
Killua balls his hands into fists. “You can’t suspend me now,” he says. “You need my help with this!”
“Check ins are once every twenty four hours with Illu,” Mom adds as though she doesn’t hear him. “Do not miss them, or all visitation rights will be revoked.”
“And if we cannot determine the cause, or decide it is too dangerous, you will return home and your visitation privileges to the secondary compound will be permanently revoked,” Father says. “It is too much of a risk to leave my heir in harm’s way, especially at a time like this.”
Illumi doesn’t smile. Illumi never smiles. But his blank black eyes seem to glimmer all the same. “You know how to reach me, Kil,” he says.
It takes every hard-won fiber of control in Killua’s body to keep himself from breaking the door on the way out.
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xyliane · 7 years
next chapter of “not selling any alibis” probably isn’t coming out til next week at the earliest (protip: write your 40p advancement paper not in a haze of exhaustion and caffeine. I am actually attempting to follow this, so gonna be MIA all the rest of the week). next couple of chapters should be up in decent time, but after that there’s gonna be a break while I finish my big bang.
but I’m going through comments and lots of people seem to have predictions! I wonder what those predictions are. I love predictions! are they right? are they wrong??? will I tell you???? 
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xyliane · 7 years
unfalsifiable99 replied to your post “GOD I LOVE NOT SELLING ANY ALIBIS SO MUCH IT FEELS SO GOOD TO LOOK...”
this au seems specifically designed to make him die from stress before he can be killed by the things that causing him stress
he’ll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
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xyliane · 7 years
summary: killua's one of the best in the assassin business. as the heir to the zoldyck family, this should come as no surprise, even if he wishes he could just go to college and hang out with his best friend. but his spotless record has been affected by the appearance of a rival. a cockroach, one that knows more than they should, who threatens to force him back to his family and away from gon. and killua will do almost anything to keep his double life in its carefully maintained balance.
notes: ignoring my work taking a break to crosspost this mess onto ao3, in case anyone is more interested in reading it there! I’ll probably have the updates there, since some of the chapters are kinda long. WHOOPS
also a better summary now!
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xyliane · 7 years
ONE and TEN (spymance au and pacific rim au :3)
dc, you know exactly where my thoughts are these days lol
1: Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?handprint on my heart. it’s a short fic, and almost entirely based in feelings and what-if’s rather than concrete facts, but I worked longer on that than almost anything else I’ve posted, and I’m really proud of how it turned out.
10: What are some facts that readers might not know about: SPYMANCEooo hmmmmmm. some structural stuff, I think, since I don’t want to reveal too much, yanno? so: all of the titles (chapter and fic) all come from the same album. also, I did not expect this thing to erupt into a plot (it was supposed to be maaaaybe 4000 words tops) and then it exploded over the course of a year of poking at it. I actually came up with this idea before my big bang? kinda weird to think now haha.
10: What are some facts that readers might not know about: PACRIM AUDID YOU KNOW I LOVE PACIFIC RIM
...ahem. more seriously: morel is a marine biologist with a specialty in pollution, so he joins the shatterdome to educate jaeger pilots in the effects of jaegers and kaiju on the environment. gon ends up taking a lot of classes with him, while killua dives more into the mechanics of jaeger maintenance and production (since that’s more his background). also I chose to have buff!bisky in this because she’s awesome if she’s big or small, but I don’t see enough big bisky and I think it’s good to have some more of her around.
got a writing question? ask me here!
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xyliane · 7 years
my initial nano plans were (and still are) to do a boatload of dissertation bullshit, but supplemented by finally finishing a fic I started 10 months ago.
instead of doing any of that, I’ve been working on a pokkle and ponzu fic and pondering headcanons for both of them. this is not productive, my brain. 
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xyliane · 7 years
emptybottleofwine replied to your post “not selling any alibis: chapter 1”
I love this! Why not put it on ao3?
and you’re in luck! it’s right here! (further updates will probably be there, with a link posted to this tumblr)
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