#South affrica
scorebetter · 1 year
BRICS Summit 2023 | ब्रिक्स शिखर सम्मेलन 2023
Johannesburg set to welcome global leaders. As South Africa holds the presidency of the 15th BRICS Summit, world leaders arrive Johannesburg.
Johannesburg set to welcome global leaders. As South Africa holds the presidency of the 15th BRICS Summit, world leaders arrive Johannesburg. ब्रिक्स शिखर सम्मेलन: जोहान्सबर्ग वैश्विक नेताओं के स्वागत के लिए तैयार है। 15वें ब्रिक्स शिखर सम्मेलन की अध्यक्षता दक्षिण अफ्रीका के पास होने के कारण विश्व नेता जोहान्सबर्ग पहुंचे। India actively participates in BRICS summits and other events of the…
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leadertelugunews · 2 years
ఫస్ట్ టీ20లో దక్షిణాఫ్రికాపై భారత్ గెలుపు.. స్వింగ్‌కి సఫారీలు బలి
ఫస్ట్ టీ20లో దక్షిణాఫ్రికాపై భారత్ గెలుపు.. స్వింగ్‌కి సఫారీలు బలి
దక్షిణాఫ్రికాపై ఫస్ట్ టీ20లో భారత్ సునాయస విజయాన్ని అందుకుంది. తిరువనంతపురం వేదికగా బుధవారం రాత్రి జరిగిన మ్యాచ్‌లో టాస్ ఓడి మొదట బ్యాటింగ్ చేసిన దక్షిణాఫ్రికా టీమ్ 8 వికెట్ల నష్టానికి 106 పరుగులు చేసింది. అనంతరం లక్ష్యాన్ని 16.4 ఓవర్లలో రెండు వికెట్లు కోల్పోయి భారత్ ఛేదించేసింది. రెండో టీ20 గౌహతిలో ఆదివారం జరుగుతుంది. మ్యాచ్‌లో ఫస్ట్ బ్యాటింగ్ చేసిన దక్షిణాఫ్రికా టీమ్‌కి భారత ఫాస్ట్ బౌలర్లు…
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rohanseoewe · 9 months
FOR BRITISH AND WELSH CITIZENS - TURKEY Turkish Electronic Visa System Online - Government of Turkey eVisa - Fisa Electronig Ar-lein Swyddogol Llywodraeth Twrci, proses Ar-lein Gyflym a Chyflym.
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FOR BRITISH AND WELSH CITIZENS - TURKEY Turkish Electronic Visa System Online - Government of Turkey eVisa - Fisa Electronig Ar-lein Swyddogol Llywodraeth Twrci, proses Ar-lein Gyflym a Chyflym.
Mae'r ymwelwyr hynny sy'n dod o un o'r 50 o wledydd 30 bellach yn gymwys i wneud cais am fisa Twrcaidd yn gyfan gwbl ar y we gan ddefnyddio eu ffôn neu gyfrifiadur personol. Gellir cyflwyno ffurflen gais fisa Twrci o ffôn symudol, PC, neu declynnau electronig eraill. Y cyfan sydd ei angen yw ychydig funudau i orffen yr electronig ar-lein ar gyfer eVisa Twrcaidd. Gydag e-Fisa â chymorth, gall tramorwyr gynllunio ymweld â Gweriniaeth Turkiye am hyd at 90 neu 30 diwrnod ar gyfer y teithiau hamdden neu'r ymweliad busnes.
Mae'r cyfnod amser yn dibynnu ar eich cenedligrwydd ar y pasbort arall, gall fod yn 90 diwrnod neu 100 diwrnod. NID yw'n ofynnol o gwbl i ymgeiswyr ymweld â swyddfa neu lysgenhadaeth llywodraeth Twrci ar unrhyw adeg. Hefyd, nid oes angen negesydd y dogfennau a'r pasbort trwy negesydd neu bost. Mae'r cais yn 2 y cant ar y we. Turkey Visa Application Online Byddwch yn cael fisa electronig wedi'i ardystio trwy e-bost, y gallwch ei argraffu a'i gario gyda chi'ch hun i'r maes awyr wrth deithio. Mae angen i bob deiliad pasbort cymwys wneud cais am eVisa i ddod i mewn i Dwrci, gan gynnwys plant dan oed. Gall gwarcheidwaid neu rieni orffen y cais am fisa ar ran plentyn.
Amseroedd Trin e-Fisa Twrci, Dim ond ychydig eiliadau fydd eu hangen ar gais e-Fisa Twrci i orffen. Gall ymgeiswyr orffen y strwythur electronig o'r cartref neu'r swyddfa mewn 3-6 munud. Rhaid i'ch pasbort fod yn ddilys am XNUMX mis ar adeg mynediad i Weriniaeth Twrci. Mae'r gwledydd canlynol yn gymwys i wneud cais am Fisa Twrcaidd, Bahamas, Canada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mecsico, Cyprus, Dominica, Gweriniaeth Dominica, Antigua a Barbuda, Awstralia, Saint Lucia, De Affrica, Hong Kong-BN (O), Emiradau Arabaidd Unedig,
Kuwait, Maldives, Unol Daleithiau, Fiji, Jamaica, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Suriname, Tsieina, Mauritius, Dwyrain Timor, Armenia a Saudi Arabia. Those visitors who are from one of the fifty 50 countries are now eligible to apply for a Turkish visa totally on the web using their phone or pc. The Turkey visa application form can be submitted from a cell phone, PC, or other electronic gadgets. All that's needed is a couple of moments to finish the online electronic for for Turkish eVisa. With a supported e-Visa, foreigners can plan visit the Repubic of Turkiye for up to 30 or 90 days for the recreational trips or business visit.
The time span relies upon your nationality on othe passport, it may be 30 days or 90 days. Applicants are NOT at all required to visit a Turkish government office or embassy anytime. Also, there is no need to courier the documents and passport by courier or mail. The application is 100 percent on the web. You will get an electronic endorsed visa by email,Turkey Visa Application which you can print out and carry with yourself to the airport while travelling. All eligible passport holders need to apply for an eVisa to enter Turkey, including minors. Guardians or parents can finish the visa application on behalf of a kid. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, The Turkey e-Visa application will just require a couple of moments to finish. Candidates can finish the electronic structure from the home or office in 2-3 minutes.
Your passport must be valid for 6 months at the time of entry into the Repubic of Turkey. The following countries are eligible to apply for a Turkish Visa, Bahamas, Canada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mexico, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Hong Kong-BN(O), United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Maldives, United States, Fiji, Jamaica, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Suriname, China, Mauritius, East Timor, Armenia and Saudi Arabia.
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anneroselt-blog · 7 years
Colourful Taxi Dance Mural Uplifts Lives in Durban
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The ability beautiful colours have to uplift our environment and our lives is well known. When you combine colour and art and add it to a mundane urban environment, a special kind of magic happens. A great example of this  can be seen in the epic vibrant mural painted a few months ago at the Cartwight Taxi Rank in Durban South Africa.
Named the Taxi Dance the 44 metres x 3 metre colourful mural…
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webodevelopersteam · 3 years
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kajalhedav · 4 years
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tanzanitestone-blog · 5 years
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Tanzanitestone | Real Tanzanite Stone Distributors in USA, Tanzania
What is the best color for real tanzanite stone? The top color for rough tanzanite or natural tanzanite is a vivid blue.if you want to buy tanzanite stone in kolkata, USA, Australia, South Affrica, India. than you must contact tanzanitestone
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milleniumpapers · 5 years
Kraft liner made of virgin pulp and testliner made from the recycled paper.craft paper is wiedly used in Decklan sheets.The product is frequently used in furniture as top layer and also used  for lamination.
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lebokuty-blog · 8 years
Hair Update March 2016
Hair Update March 2016
Can you believe that we are now into our third month already? sheesh before you know it will be December again but I really am not mad at that. Its time to talk about what has been going on with my hair yay! (more…)
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shachisharma90 · 5 years
এমন লজ্জা আগে পায়নি দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকা - S Newz
স্টিভেন স্মিথ আর ডেভিড ওয়ার্নারকে বিদ্রুপ করায় ম্যাচের পুরোটা সময় স্টেডিয়াম মেতেছিল। দু’ বছর আগে এই আফ্রিকাতেই বল টেম্পারিং কেলেঙ্কারি করে নিষিদ্ধ হয়েছিলেন অস্ট্রেলিয়ার এই দুই মহাতারকা। কিন্তু দিনশেষে হাসিটা হাসল অজিরাই। অস্ট্রেলিয়ার বাঁ-হাতি স্পিন…
from Snewzin's Favorite Links from Diigo https://snewz.in/shame-for-south-affrica/36032/
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sammyj-me-blog · 5 years
My computer notes for my class presentation
Summary of the reading:
·         Snugglepot and Cuddlepie in the ghost gum (https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/snugglepot-and-cuddlepie-in-the-ghost-gum-evelyn-araluen/ )has multiple narratives over the 10 pages. Overall, it feels like it is a personal account of the author about her Indigenous culture, land, memory, and Australia’s cruel treatment of the Indigenous through history.
·         The first part, the ghost gum sequence, has the character travelling the land via roads to Sydney. It goes into detail the characters connection and consideration to the land. It very quickly takes a turn into the government’s control of the land, where they ‘close off every path to leave without paying’ (p. 2), and then into the Stolen Generation, where ‘Governor Macquarie gathered up the precious children … to teach them God and Civilisation’ (p. 2).
·         There’s a very succinct passage that demonstrates how the Indigenous and white Australians see the land very differently. ‘Why don’t they build something there, a sunset profile picture asks on the community Facebook where we gather to buy and sell and complain. There’s nothing in that field but a tree’ (p. 2).
·         Afterwards, she touches on memory and childhood, through the characters from the childhood book Snugglepot and cuddlepie. She then considers, ‘they want me to write about them—or maybe they don’t, and they just want to be left where they are’ (p. 2). This line almost speaks to me to say that she wasn’t sure if she should write about this content.
·         The last paragraphs touches on the history of Australia. “The Cumberland Plains of Blacktown and the Hawkesbury are drenched in a history of settler violence and forgetting that goes unspoken when we squabble over heritage”. But despite this, without having to be taught, they know the land. “In the way I know all times are capable of being, Tench’s gaze is still there – but so is ours, staring back”
A nest of auspoes:
·         She appears to be telling a metaphorical story from the point of view of animals. The Auspoes are white Australians who are ‘an invasive species’ that ‘suffocate the native species’ (2019, p. 2). The entire paragraph points to this conclusion, but it is through reading the previous paragraph where the themes were introduced, that allows us to think this way. As Walker states about the braided essay: it ‘lets [her] pop in and out of different realties—not so much manipulating the facts but instead to pace them out, allowing [her] to digest reality in drops’ (2017, p. 3). And I think that’s what the rest of the other piece is doing by separating them into sections. It’s like everything is too much to deal with all at once, so separating them helps.
·         And another link to do with this paragraph, is that she talks about the children’s book snugglpot and cuddelpie. And maybe, for some reason, she is taking the approach as if writing a story for kids.
Playing in the pastorals:
·         This paragraph talks about peoples view of the Australian bush from what seems is a bit more academic approach.
·         “The environmental conditions of the land being incompatible with European modes of agricultural practice, nineteenth-century poets such as Charles Harpur and Henry Kendall necessarily emphasised Gothic-Romantic themes of hostility and hardship in early Australian pastoral poetics, while Henry Lawson and Barbara Baynton staged forbidding prose tales of estrangement and annihilation against the backdrop of a land fundamentally opposed to humanity and civilisation”
·         “Hodge and Mishra have explored this double premise as the ‘Aboriginal archipelago’ of simultaneously refusing to acknowledge Aboriginal presence in social space while conjuring up emblematic tropes of Aboriginal spiritual presence in disembodied forms”
·         She also touches on how the eucalyptus was misused in settler text; how settlers wrote about it however they saw fit. These all highlight how settlers had no connection to the land and used and abused it along with the Indigenous people.
·         About children’s literature. “Affrica Taylor extends this notion in her argument that for the white children of this literature, native animals functioned as guides or mentors through their ‘journey towards indigenisation’, naturalising their claim to the land as both entitlement and inheritance”
·         She talks about a native/settler binary towards children is that they are only ever safe at the homestead. And that the books cast out Aboriginal people through negative representation.
To the poets
·         This section is different yet again. It seems more emotional and passionate. Summing up, the narrator talks to the white settlers; about the differences between them and the Indigenous. How they are “puppeting your hands through ancestors, through relations”
·         “But I want to know what it means to lose the world you’re still standing in.”
To the parents
·         Is more of a straight talk about settler views and control of the land. As well as the influence of children’s literature depicting Australian lands.
·         It changes back to the first narrative where it seems like it’s present day narrator. They talk about land and animals and we can feel their connection. They ‘write poetry here, and about here’
·         “I can name the colonial complexes and impulses which structure these texts but it doesn’t change the fact that I was raised on these books too. They tell me they never chose them to hurt us, and I never thought they did. They both grew up surrounded by the bush in country New South Wales towns”. They can’t change the fact that they’re part of the ‘new’ world as well.
·         Shen then talks about her parents and how hard they worked to just afford books to read.
·         Her dad however read to them with “salt grains and disputations”. To say to scrutinise everything, don’t just believe off the bat. He told his own stories, but let them join in too.
·         She then describes that it was too easy to see Indigenous Australians as victims, but this disregards all their hard work and effort.
·         To finish that paragraph, she arrives home, where everything belongs.
The dropbears poetic
This appears to be a narrative that combines all of the settler myths that were mentioned throughout the story.
Why did you choose it?
·         Besides it being one of the last ones to choose from. But because the structure of the piece was different, and after having read it, I just found it very interesting. It’s hard though.
Discuss what practical applications this reading had--what did you gain from reading it that will inform your writing practice going forward? What do you disagree with, and why?
·         I’m looking at this piece in a braided essay lens. By switching between different narratives that detail the same story, it lets you look at it from different angles. The writer uses a few different narratives. Like through the personal, through the influence of children’s literature, in a metaphorical sense, through a parent generation. However by including so many different perspectives, I lose the sense of the specific thing she is talking about. I feel that there are so many elements that I get a little lost. Although I feel I got the bigger picture, I lost the nuances she was telling.
Question: Do you think that the use of subheadings and separate sections added additional meaning? Or perhaps do you think it is too much? They lose the sense of what’s happening? Has anyone does something like this before?
 Discuss the reading in relation to the piece/s of writing you have chosen from the ‘Community of Practice’ folder--why did you choose to discuss these pieces together? Do these pieces demonstrate lessons that the piece of theory has to offer?
·         I’m looking at Blossom from a braided essay lens, as well. I found Blossom was easier to understand because it just uses two narratives and it’s clear what she is talking about. They both write about personal narratives overarched with a wider concern.
·         jing switches between concern for writers of colour and how their bodies are perceived, then abruptly to a personal love story between her and H. She flips between these two narratives, yet it is still about bodies. Her body and how her lover treats it, and as a wider concern, bodies of coloured people, particularly how people view hers, and how she views it herself. By having two different narratives of the body, adds a deeper meaning when the reader is engaged in the text.
·         Although they both look very different in structure they both have an interweaved narrative that lets us see multiple sides of the writer.
Last question:
·         I’ve been looking at this from a braided essay point of view. Is this a limiting view? Or perhaps not a quite right way to look at it? How did other’s read it?
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drzigs · 5 years
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We did it!! To all you beautiful people – we are IN THE GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS BOOK (and main spread too!!) It took one whole year of planning, the negotiated use of a Welsh Castle, the organising of a World Bubble Festival, the hosting of 94 of the worlds best, most talented Bubble Artists (from Hawaii, Malaysia, Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Austria and USA), 40 of the best stewards, 2 amazing time-keepers, the making and distributing of 450 Giant Bubble Wands, 420 multi-wands, 400 buckets, and 800 litres of Dr Zigs bubble mix, AND the participation of the most amazing community of North Wales.   Dr Zigs and friends – now TWO TIMES world record holders!!!  Were you there on the day?  Why not see if you can spot yourself in the official pictures?  Do let us know and we would LOVE to share any of your pictures too.  THANK YOU FROM THE HEART TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO TOOK PART, HELPED AND MADE THIS POSSIBLE!   You are, officially, very amazing! ❤❤❤❤ I’r holl cefnogwyr selog - rydym wedi llwyddo!! Cawsom ein cynnwys yn y llyfr GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS (ag ar prif tudalen hefyd!!). Cymerodd flwyddyn cyfan i’w gynllunio, negydu i gael defnydd un o gestyll Cymru, trefnu World Bubble Festival, croesawu 94 o’r Bubble Artists gorau yn y byd (o Hawaii, Malaysia, Yr Ariannin, Seland Newydd, De Affrica, Singapore, Yr Eidal, Ffrainc, Sbaen, Gwlad Pŵyl, Yr Almaen, Denmarc, Awstria, ag America), 40 o stiwardiaid gorau, 2 geidwad amser anhygoel, creu ag dosbarthu 450 o Giant Bubble Wands, 420 multi-wands, 800 litr o gymysgedd Dr Zigs a chefnogaeth y gymuned arbennig yng Ngogledd Cymru. Mae Dr Zigs a’u cyfellion rwan wedi e’u hachredu gyda DAU RECORD BYD!! Os oeddech yno ar y diwrnod, edrychwch am eich hunain yn y lluniau swyddogol! Gadewch i ni wybod - bysem yn falch o rhannu eich lluniau. DIOLCH O GALON I BAWB A GYMERODD RHAN A GWNEUD HYN YN BOSIB! Rydych chi i gyd yn anhygoel! ❤❤❤❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZJEpegAZE/?igshid=1d8dh7xis4hix
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Trade talk has been mixed with trade war, then there is no trusts between 2 sides, then the only left is to protect yourself(selves), to the point it will be broken talk or just symbolical talk and not much results come from talk only who will be  collapsed first, then the one who remain will stand as winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, they are playing with time and political survive between Trump and Xi JINPING and political survival between 2 systems!!!!!! This way it might be more benefit to Xi Jinping than president Trump if Xi jinping know how to get along with Asia;unfortunately, it seems Xi is not in that move in eastern sea that makes him XI looks foolish ; on the other hand trade war and trade talk will cause a lot of confuse for American system between democracy and Trump 's business style, and capitalism, then it will decide which fall first in American system that will be decided in trade talk and trade war; besides, Trump is confused between Business and democracy and dictatorship, sometime the president wish he is as king or similar position as Xi jinping that make him not to know how to use the power of democracy and laws, or misused the power of democracy; besides , the prsident did not have trust in system of democracy; unfortunately, democracy in USA has been infiltrated and run in the wrong directions due to promotions of wrong cultures and wrong or low values in social movements; unfortunately Capitalism is for money; however, they should know how to promote non - money factors to get money sometime, then good culture and good values and good education are the ways to protect American economy in trade talk and in trade war Note: for test on duration between China system and USA system, USA system is stronger than Chinese communists sytem; however, China economic system must be more duration than USA system; unfortunately, China system is more with corruption than USA system I wonder why USA an China did not divide the World in 2 parts: one half belong to China and the other half belonged to USA!!!!!!!!I guess life on Earth and world are not that simple; besides,  there are Euro, India, Russia, South America, Affrica and AUStralia, then the world and the Earth and life cannot be divided in 2!!!!!!!!!!otherwise, noway China with Xi and communists, then there are Trump with capitalism and consumming American, those above make it noway American and Chinese can agree to make this world in 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for them to take over the world that way in 2, then it required a lot more people can see or the eyes can see!!!!!! may be they are not smart enough to share the world in 2 in 2 in 2 in2 SHARE THE WORLD IN 2
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drudwen · 7 years
Betty Campbell - Ff. Arwel
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Ganed Betty Campbell (Johnson gynt) i gartref tlawd yn Nhre-biwt yn 1934. Bryd hynny roedd yr ardal yn cael ei hadnabod fel Bae Teigr (Tiger Bay). Yno, ger dociau Caerdydd, gorweddai calon cymunedau aml-ddiwylliannol cynharaf  Cymru – a chartref Betty.
  Daeth tad Betty, Simon Vickers Johnson, draw i Gymru o Jamaica yn bymtheg oed. Lladdwyd ef yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd ar ôl i’w long, The Ocean Vanguard, gael ei daro gan dorpido yn 1942.  Magwyd Betty gan ei Mam, Honora, fu’n gweithio yn anghyfreithlon fel bwci.
  Bod yn athro fu breuddwyd Betty ers iddi fod yn ferch fach. Ond, er iddi brofi ei gallu yn y dosbarth sawl tro, gan fynd ymlaen i ennill  ysgoloriaeth arbennig i astudio yn y Lady Margaret High School for Girls yng Nghaerdydd, gwynebodd ddiffyg cefnogaeth oherwydd ei hil a’i dosbarth.
  Un enghraifft o hyn oedd pan ddywedodd ei phrifathrawes wrthi y byddai’r problemau y byddai hi yn siwr o’u hwynebu fel geneth ddu o gefndir dosbarth gweithiol yn “anorchfygol”. Rhuthrodd Betty yn ôl i’w desg ar glywed y geiriau a dan feichio crio.
 Byddai Betty yn cofio’r geiriau hynny am byth. Ond er hynny, dim ond llwyddo i finiogi ei herfeiddiwch i wireddu ei breuddwyd wnaeth geiriau siarp ac anystyriol yr athrawes.
  Yn 17 mlwydd oed, a hithau’n astudio am ei Lefelau A, beichiogodd Betty ac yna yn 1953 gadwodd yr ysgol i briodi ei chariad, Robert Campbell. Ond nid anghofiodd hi hi fyth ei breuddwyd o fod yn athro.
  Yn 1960 a hithau bellach yn fam i dri o blant, fe ddaeth Betty ar draws hysbyseb ym mhapur y South Wales Echo oedd yn nodi bod Coleg Hyfforddi Caerdydd bellach yn derbyn myfyrwyr benywaidd. Yn sydyn, teimlai’r freuddwyd o ddysgu yn fwy real nag erioed ac yn fuan ar ôl ymgeisio, fe’i derbynwyd hi i’r coleg.
  Erbyn iddi ddechrau ei gradd mewn addysg, roedd Betty wedi rhoi genedigaeth i’w phedwerydd plentyn a’r plentyn hwnnw yn dioddef o ffitiau yn gyson a gyda anghenion arbennig. Ond gyda cymorth gan ei Mam, ei theulu a’i ffrindiau, fe barhaodd Betty gyda’i hastudiaethau.
  Er mai yn Llanrhymni roedd ei swydd dysgu gyntaf, buan iawn dychwelodd i Dre-biwt ar ôl derbyn swydd yn Ysgol Gynradd Mount Stuart. Ond doedd dychwelyd i’w hardal enedigol ddim yn fêl i gyd. Fel athrawes ddu fe brofodd hi hiliaeth ac agweddau gelyniaethus gan rai rhieni. Doedd rhai ohonyn nhw erioed wedi gweld athro du o’r blaen ac fe deimlodd Betty ei bod yn cael ei gweld yn israddol oherwydd ei hil.
  Roedd hi’n gwbl benderfynol o newid eu hagweddau rhagfarnllyd.
  Ei breuddwyd fawr hi oedd cael bod yn brifathrawes ac yn yr 1970au fe wireddwyd y freuddwyd honno pan ddaeth hi’n bennaeth ysgol du cyntaf Cymru yn Ysgol Mount Stuart. Fe’i hysbrydoldwyd hi gan ymgyrchwyr gwrth-gaethwasiaeth fel Harriet Tubman a’r mudiad hawliau sifil draw yn yr Unol Daleithiau felly dechreuodd ddysgu’r disgyblion am gaethwasiaeth, hanes pobl dduon a’r system apartheid oedd yn weithredol ar y pryd yn ne Affrica.
 Wynebodd feirniadaeth am gynnwys ei chwricwlwm ond gwrthododd ildio –roedd yn ddyletswydd arni i ddysgu’r plant am yr hanes a’u gwneud yn ymwybodol o lwyddiannau arbennig pobl dduon o amgylch y byd.                                              
  O dan arweiniad arbennig Betty fe gynyddodd amlygrwydd Ysgol Mount Stuart a daeth pobl ledled y wlad i ddeall am waith gwych Betty. Bellach, mae ei chyn ddisgyblion wedi mynd ymlaen i ddilyn gyrfaoedd hynod lwyddiannus fel doctoriaid, cyfreithwyr ac athrawon.
 Daeth dim diwedd ar lwyddiannau hynod Betty. Yn 1998, fel aelod o’r Comisiwn dros Gydraddoldeb Hil, fe’i gwahoddwyd i gyfarfod â Nelson Mandela yn ystod ei unig ymweliad ef â Chymru. Bu’n aelod o fwrdd BBC Wales yn yr 1980au gan oruchwylio materion golygyddol a chynyrchu ac, yn 2003, fe’i gwnaed yn gymrawd anrhydeddus Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd am ei gwasanaethau dros addysg a bywyd cymunedol.  Cynrychiolodd hi Dre-biwt fel cynghorydd hefyd fel aelod Llafur Cymru ac aelod annibynnol.
 Yn ddiweddar, yn ystod mis Hanes Pobl Dduon Cymru yn 2016, cyflwynwyd iddi wobr cyfraniad oes gan Kebba Manneh, cadeirydd Grwp Aelodau Du Unison Cymru Wales.
 Mae Betty Campbell yn gosod esiampl arbennig - ac mae’n fodel rôl ar gyfer pobl ddu a menywod fel ei gilydd. Mae hi’n parhau i fod yn uchel ei pharch yn ei chymuned yn Nhre-biwt ac yn cael ei chydnabod fel awdurdod academaidd pwysig ym maes addysg am ei syniadaeth arloesol mewn addysg plant.  
  Mae ei chyfraniad arthurol hi i’r byd addysg – heb sôn am ei gwaith codi ymwybyddiaeth hanesyddol a dathlu cyfraniad pobl ddu drwy’r byd – i’w weld hyd heddiw yn ei chymuned yn Nhre-biwt, drwy Gymru a thu hwnt.
  Gyda’i phendantrwydd a’i herfeiddiwch a’i hetifeddiaeth arbennig hi, mae Betty Campbell wedi hen ennill ei lle fel un o fenywod mwyaf ysbrydoledig ac arwyddocaol Cymru heddiw.
  Darllen pellach:
Erthygl ar BBC Wales News
Cyfweliad gyda Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-9Ct_Gvhes Erthygl Wales Online http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/lifetime-achievement-accolade-betty-campbell-10183522
Daw Fflur Arwel o Gaernarfon ac mae bellach yn byw yn Aberystwyth ac yn gweithio i wasg Y Lolfa fel rheolwr marchnata.
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