#Sorry this is rambly
heyclickadee · 1 year
I really want to know what the dynamic in the batch is going to look like once everyone is reunited and reconciled with each other after season three(1).
This doesn’t mean I think they’re never going to be whole or a family again, because I think they absolutely will be. And I’m not even saying that they’re going to all go their separate ways forever or that things between everyone are too broken because, well, this is the eucatastrophe franchise about hope and family, and in Star Wars nothing good is ever so broken as to be beyond repair. I think they’re going to be together, more or less. I even think we’re going to see them united in a cause to some extent.
But that doesn’t mean they’re going to be together all the time.
Part of the batch’s story so far has been a little bit of each of them coming into their own. Leaving the GAR and taking in Omega, or, in Crosshair’s case, staying on his own, has forced all of them to expand beyond their roles on the team. I’d argue that each of them is more themselves now than they’ve ever been, and I expect that trend to continue into season three. They’re individual people, and part of that means there are going to be times when one of them wants something different than the others do; and given the way the batchers tend to respect each other’s agency, I expect that when one of them wants something else, they’re free to go and come back as they please. And there’s something kind of powerful about that.
And then, of course, there’s the flip side of each of them becoming more themselves as the show goes on. Being more themselves, having to expand beyond their assigned roles, exploring the galaxy and gaining a better understanding of what they really like and want, means that when they are together, and if they choose to be together at the end of the series, it’s because they really want to be. And there’d be something really powerful about that, too. So I do think that we will see them together, emotionally at least, even if they’re not always physically in the same place (though I do think they’re going to end up physically in the same place a lot of the time).
But things are never going to be the same when they are together.
They’ve all been through too much. That sort of devil-may-care fratboy dynamic from the Bad Batch arc isn’t coming back. They’re all different people and, post season two, they’re kind of all living out their personal nightmare scenarios, and that’s going to change them even more. It doesn’t mean they can’t still work as a team; I’m betting they can. They might even work better as a team than before. And it doesn’t mean they’re relationships are going to end up cold or distant; if anything, I think there’s a chance these people are going to end up loving each other all the more fiercely in the end, because now they know what losing each other is like(2). They might end up stronger as a family and as a team in the end. Things might end up better than they were. It’s just not going to be the same.
1. I guess I should put an “if” in there, but I really do think that’s what’s going to happen.
2. I kind of think that we’re going to see them even a little more broken up than they are now before they get back together. Like. We might see a scenario where Echo and then Wrecker have to go off and do other things for a minute, and then Hunter ends up on his own for an episode and finally has that breakdown he’s clearly been staving off since about episode one.
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margle · 1 year
thoughts on the new episode:
just watched the episode finally. it was really fun! malcom and his dad were funny and the pacing felt good. (also it broke the pattern of kinda lacklustre endings so far in the series) the parallels between aaron and bryan against mac and dennis were really interesting. charlie got to be silly! which is fun because he has kinda played the straight man so far. and I liked how it followed the typical sunny structure where everyone is broadly 'on the same page' but they disagree on the exact details. it was mentioned throughout the episode - so it felt like a commentary on them understanding how the structure works well for the show and denouncing how in the later seasons there was an unnecessary and uncomfortable amount of friction between the characters that are supposed to be friends.
my only problem is WHY WAS DEE EVEN THERE? it's like they forgot she is a main character this season? it's actually becoming a bit frustrating. why couldn't she have had her own plan that wasnt just going on holiday? I feel like she should have started scheming too and tried to call the boys from the plane; tried to sabotage someone's plan or tried to pitch an idea when walter and jesse got on the flight. it would have been very in character for her to immediately interject and mess up everyone's plans as soon as they were prepared to pitch their ideas.
so far every episode it feels like they've planned an episode revolving around mac, charlie, dennis and frank. and then at the last minute remembered that dee is a character and cobbled together a minor plot point that just means she's on screen enough to make a few jokes but not actually be part of the main story. im being kinda unfair because it's more nuanced than that and she did have a big part in frank shoots every member of the gang. and obviously not every episode can focus equally on every member of the gang. you could argue that frank is also more in the background, but he always seems to have his own motivations and schemes going on and often acts as the glue that ties the episode together. dee is kinda just there along for the ride.
im hoping and begging that bowling will start and end with a dee-centric plan.
but yeah that's just me griping - I still enjoyed the episode loads. I dont normally like it when they randomly shit on dee for no reason but hearing them all yell stupid things down the phone was funny and well done. again, it felt like commentary on the typical structure - randomly shitting on dee doesnt really make sense and so they heightened it to an absurd level to make it seem entirely ridiculous. also I like frank & dee moments and I find it interesting that they seem to be getting along well.
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cephy-art · 2 years
the miraak x ldb phantom of the opera au writes itself my friends
strange masked man miraak that lives in a nasty ass crypt isolated from society
is feared by most people who've never seen him
has an incredible voice
is incredibly dramatic
is a maidenless geriatric
ldb has an incredible voice too but with no training
miraak trains and communicates to the ldb via black books as the "aNgEl Of MuSiC" lmao
the persian would be vahlok 100%
idk who raoul would be
for my ldb it would be serana in a queerplatonic way
"serana he's dropped an entire fucking chandelier on a crowd of people but he's got such a nice voice 🥺"
"bitch no"
I keep thinking back to the "sing! Sing for me!!" part in poto and it's just totally them hshdhf
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dwtdog · 9 months
i think his goal with the video should be to show how many bad actors there are trying to use this shit against him, twisting everything he does to be bad, rather than Just being a debunking of the allegations. i think the two go hand in hand, that he can debunk them by showing how they’ve been twisted and then people will be able to understand, when people in the future try to do it Again, that he isnt a monster and every claim against him should be critically looked at rather than taken as fact
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ourlittleforever · 18 days
I feel a lil bad bc I've technically shipped w Vronos for about 4-5 years but it's only really now that I'm giving him the attention he deserves 😭 I know that's silly and like, I still loved him even when I was not focused on him.
But it's crazy it's been that long already. My magic f/os are my constants and I adore each and every one. I don't remember how I came upon his short story or found out about him but I'm so glad I did.. 🥺💞
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fandomaddict505 · 1 year
I should have expected Good Omens Season 2 to emotionally destroy me when less than a minute into the first episode i already had to pause so i could process what i was seeing. And, honestly, i think we arent talking about that scene nearly enough because we all got so blindsided by the ending.
Ive seen a few people talk about Crowley being the first to do the “wing umbrella” thing, but nobody ive seen has even mentioned the fact that after years of thinking Crowley fell in love at first sight and then Aziraphale fell for him at the absolute latest in the 40s (though i would strongly argue he was already in love before the French Revolution because the way he says ‘Crowley’ in that moment is so far past just relieved) in reality it was Aziraphale who fell in love with Crowley at first sight, before the Earth had been created, before Crowley fell, before everything! He had been so happy when he thought Crowley was calling him gorgeous, and so disappointed when he realized he meant the nebula. Even if it was just attraction, he certainly felt something for Crowley.
Then by the time Crowley fell in love with Aziraphale it was too late. He had fallen, and as much as he may have still loved (or otherwise cared for) him, Aziraphale just couldnt love a demon. Crowley was too late and missed his chance, just like he did at the end of season 2. Not that i think either time was his fault, mind you. Obviously they weren’t. I just find the parallel interesting, whether it was intentional or not.
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palmtreepalmtree · 2 years
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Two of my favorite roles of the great lady herself - Angela Lansbury. The first is from The Harvey Girls (1946) and the second, of course, is Murder, She Wrote.
I know she didn't relish the tough-dame roles she was cast in early on in her career, but when you can give the camera that look, you're kind of stuck with it. She truly had a gift for expression. If you image search Angela from her Murder, She Wrote years, there are so many wonderful gifs - sometimes it feels like fun television mugging - but a lot of the time her face is just expressing a very specific human emotion and you know exactly what it is just by looking at her. She was truly a magnificent performer.
I know plenty of people will honor her for her stage work - I never had the pleasure. But I grew up with her as JB Fletcher in Murder, She Wrote and what a role model and a delight that character was.
Truly this show sits squarely within my childhood. 1984 to 1996. This is a show that was watched religiously in my household. When I was little, I was allowed to watch so long as I got into my pajamas and brushed my teeth during the commercials. I remember running back to the couch to make sure I didn't miss anything. And then as my sister and I got older, I used to settle in with a glass of milk and cookies to watch the show.
I know I have waxed poetic about this before, but I'm just gonna indulge again anyhow. As a character, JB Fletcher was a fucking fantastic role model. She navigates the world with an almost effortless independence. She is constantly traveling, furthering her career, meeting up with friends and relatives all over the world. She is a childless widow who is never portrayed as sad or lonely. Her relationships are rich and meaningful.
And on top of that, she doesn't take any fucking shit. No matter how many times she is demeaned or dismissed by the lawmen who treat her like a meddling old lady, she just rolls her eyes and carries on with solving the crime for them. She won't stand for being mistreated and always stands up for herself and others. And of course, she is always cleverer than anyone else on screen. What a fucking delight.
Anyhow, Angela Lansbury was a great lady who played one my favorite characters of all time. And I fully intend on starting an MSW re-watch tonight.
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l-bluebirdblues-l · 2 years
HE SAID"You were my BROTHER Anakin, I loved you" NOT "You were my LOVER Anakin I loved you"
Obi Wan met Anakin when he was NINE, if that was a romantic relationship then Obi-Wan's a pedophile. I know it's a 'don't like, just scroll' world, but it's just EVERYWHERE. I Want to see hot Obi Wan fanart not hot Obi Wan in bed with an equally hot just as shirtless Anakin.
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gingeredmink · 1 year
feel free to ignore this if you arent the person to ask, but is 2kki doing ok?? i stopped playing around the time that wataru's maps were removed from the game, and qxy's maps (especially nocturnal grove) were massive faves of mine... it's surprising to hear about their removal :(
Yes! The situation seems to have been resolved and Qxy returned their worlds. Haven't checked but believe they should be back on YNO as well. Here's a screenshot of his statement another person took.
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Being vague was a mistake on own part, but personally thought what he said before removing wasn't that he was removing them but temporarily pulling them to address bugs. Which given how he seems like a bit of a perfectionist and is experienced with coding can understand why bugs can bother him, esp ones in his worlds. Agree it was really surprising since he seems rational and level headed, but don't know what is going on in his personal life and having an issue nag you for an extended period of time can take its toll.
Experience with programming is minimal but don't think people realize how much a bug can drive you up the wall [Weeks of agonizing over a bug just to be The Semicolon joke here]. THINK 2kki is also stored on Github so version control and rollback are options, plus it should list what files were affected in a commit/update.
Also not sure if you heard but Wataru returned as well! Initial statement was his maps were going to be re-implemented but he wouldn't be making anything new but he added a sub-area to the red streetlight world.
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so in a previous post that i now cannot find, i mentioned how strange it was that chris and his agent were so certain christmas carol would get him enough coverage to be able to move away from the cpds, when they were literally doing the production illegally. well, thinking about how much earlier in the year dennis' party was made me come up with an idea for why this happened.
i believe that at the time of dennis' party, the cpds didn't know they had been banned from the bbc. they started planning christmas carol incredibly early, because they're all excited about doing it, and they just assume that because of max's aunt being the head of the bbc, they will have a spot.
then, sometime after dennis' party, they find out they're blacklisted. sometime after that, the bbc's version of christmas carol with derek jacobi is announced. because as i said earlier, i can accept cornley planning christmas carol super early because they're dumb, but i find it hard to believe that the bbc's version was also already in the works in may, because that's a strangely large amount of time to be working on it. so i think that this was announced much later in the year, and that's when the cpds decided to hijack the production.
so not only does this make dennis' bday fit in canon, it makes chris' belief that it will give him better opportunities make much more sense.
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darling-blurbs · 2 years
I watched Wednesday when it came out, I watched the TikTok’s, read the tumblr posts, and I gotta say… Is this twilight all over again?
Now I have my favorite ships, my least favorite ships, but I don’t like the whole Team Tyler vs Team Xavier. Did we not learn anything from Twilight? When I was talking to a friend, they brought it up and I agreed.
Keep in mind that I am asexual, I love Xavier, and I have been watching Addams family content since I was a little kid. I had a massive crush on Wednesday when I was little and saw us as alike. Hell I dressed up as her for an entire month before my mom told me to stop.
Wednesday has always made me feel seen as someone who is confused when it came to emotions because that’s what she is, confused about certain emotions. She feels the need to conceal them to the point where she is numb. Which is part of why I hate this “THIS SHIP HAS TO BE ENDGAME.” Like no. I’ve seen Endgame. Not a great thing tbh. Jokes aside, I don’t want Wednesday to date at all. She feels good as a stand alone character. Having Enid as her soulmate is possible but she is at best a demiromantic. I don’t think she even liked Tyler romantically but was curious.
Continuing this, I like Tyler with Xavier if either HAS to be with someone. They are both insanely misogynistic and feel like Wednesday owes them and it felt like, in one scene, that Tyler was basically calling her stupid not seeing his hints.
Now I love Xavier. I’m actually writing a fanfiction with my own OC but I will say that despite the fact I think he is great, he doesn’t love Wednesday. Nor does Tyler. Tyler made me feel like he was trying to win something. (Love him still though). Xavier made me feel like he was owed Wednesday’s love. Especially when he got all pissy at the Dance scene.
I like Enid and Ajax together. They are really sweet and anyone who complains about how “Enid is lesbian!” Enid is Pansexual and so is Ajak (both are headcanons but I see it a lot).
Now that my complaining is out of the way: my actual headcanons
Tyler is closeted homophobic bisexual leaning towards girls.
Xavier reads as someone who has a homophobic father but is bisexual.
Wednesday is Demiromantic Asexual but still figuring herself out
Enid doesn’t like labels but will say she is under the pan umbrella
Ajax would agree
Bianca is a siren plus her mother feels homophobic but still a siren so genderfluid pansexual
And Yoko is Asexual Lesbian/Pan with a preference for girls :)
All in all, this is a silly show with fictional characters. I would be annoyed if Wednesday started dating Xavier but it is ultimately not my decision. 
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uglygirlprettyboy · 2 years
polyamory is intriguing
but also confusing cuz i feel like its not talked about a lot and a lot of people don't understand it or know about it and things like that so I don't really have a good grasp on how others feel about it. like I've talked to not that many people about it but most of my irl friends that its come up in conversation with(like naturally (cuz I have like 2 queer friends that I have a lot of discourse with)) have been cis [het?] guys and most of them were confused/ repulsed, or even just like idk why u would want that. so it makes it hard to tell if other queer people (or even just people in general who have an actual good grasp of polyamory) feel similar to me.
for context, now that i know what a polyam relationship is and how it works/what it entails, it seems honestly... kind of nice? like idk if I want to be in one specifically but I definitely see the appeal... like its just more partners (btw im aware that's a super oversimplified explanation) i think the trouble for me is that ive never been in any romantic relationship b4 (cuz I'm lonely and not rlly that attractive as far as I'm concerned and don't put myself out there) so idk what i want a relationship to be like, like at all, and don't have any experience, and therefore i have no idea wheter i would want to be in a polyam relationship (or even other non-conventional kinds of relationships like qprs).
but its confusing cuz i feel liek i cant adress it with the same way of thinking as when I realized I was bi and genderqueer where it was like "oh shit cishet people don't think about x this much/at all" because now I'm aware that I'm super fucking queer.
but like i feel like even in the queer community there's not that much talk about polyamory in general but also more specifically ow people realized they were polyam or even how people feel about polyamory.
so i don't have anything to base my feelings on like I did with my bi-ness and genderqueerness.
can anyone relate?
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unforth · 4 months
Y'all I know that when so-called AI generates ridiculous results it's hilarious and I find it as funny as the next guy but I NEED y'all to remember that every single time an AI answer is generated it uses 5x as much energy as a conventional websearch and burns through 10 ml of water. FOR EVERY ANSWER. Each big llm is equal to 300,000 kiligrams of carbon dioxide emissions.
LLMs are killing the environment, and when we generate answers for the lolz we're still contributing to it.
Stop using it. Stop using it for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. We need to kill it.
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goldiipond · 5 months
Top 5 women?
bro i can't even top one woman ha ha h[two drums and a cymbal fall from the ceiling killing me instantly
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scorndotexe · 6 months
i can't lie to you i loveee bad endings sometimes. what if nothing worked out. what if the characters gave into their worst instincts. what if they became worse. what if there's truly no hope left. what will they do out of desperation? who will they become as their worst selves?
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teaboot · 8 months
On of the less intuitive things about love, I've found, of any kind, is the importance of needing things.
I didn't realize it until recently, but I've always seen love as something requiring sacrifice, selflessness, patience, and generosity- to ask for nothing is to be the best person I can be, small and quiet and never in the way, always happy and helpful, self-sufficient and present when desired.
It's only as an adult, now, that I'm beginning to see the selfishness of wanting nothing.
I cut my friend's hair in my kitchen the other day. They wanted a trim and I had the skills, so I offered, and was genuinely excited when they stopped hesitating over "bothering me" and took me up on it. It was a peaceful afternoon, and we had tea and chatted for an hour or more.
My brother and I shared popcorn at the movies a while ago. When I came time to pay, I pulled my card out like a wild western sheriff and slapped it on the machine before he could fight me for it first. The satisfaction was delightful.
Someone called me crying on the phone the other day. Kept apologizing for disturbing me at work, talking about how they were bothering me on my lunch break. I was telling the truth when I told them that really, I was flattered and honored and relieved, knowing that if they were hurting I would know, that I didn't have to worry in silence. It felt good to hear them slowly come down, and to know that they knew it would be better soon, and to hear them laugh wetly on the other end. We're getting together for a visit next week.
It's hard to need things, if you've trained yourself not to. It's hard to want things, when you don't know how to want anymore. Trusting people is difficult, and so is relying on them, but I don't know where I'd be without the people who rely on me.
I've heard a lot of people say, "Nobody will love you unless you love yourself". I've had a lot of thoughts about it. It's not right, but it's not wrong, either, I think.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... I've always taken that to mean, "You will not be lovable until you develop a positive view of yourself as a person".
Now, I think it's sort of inside-out.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... because nobody can show their love to you in a way that you can accept until you treat yourself kindly, and learn what you need, and what you want, and how to ask for it, and then give that vulnerability away.
Love, for me, is someone I ask for a ride to the airport. Whether they end up doing this or not is irrelevant.
It's not needy, or selfish, or taking up energy. It's giving the gift of being wanted, and needed, and thought of. It's giving someone the security of being part of someone's life.
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