#Sorry last night's episode broke my brain
quipxotic · 2 years
Has it honestly never occurred to Imogen that if she loses her powers she also loses her chief means of protecting the people she cares about? I mean, Bells Hells has incurred a lot of debts and pissed off a lot of powerful people, and none of that is going away regardless of what happens at the solstice.
Going off with Laudna and retiring to a farm to raise horses is a nice thought, but I can think of at least 3 powerful organizations who would likely work very hard to ensure they didn’t get to enjoy it for long. What happens then?
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pt IV good omens but all i know is i watched three episodes on a stream with you all
Three hours being in a server with good omens fans in the wild *insert random emojis to sound like optimum clickbait youtuber except this ain't clickbait*
Okay I woke up. Before everything just WASHES out of my brain, I'm gonna describe whatever happened last night best as I can, because that's what I do.
Some of you were unable to attend the stream, and were sad. But don't worry I got you guys here's the rundown:
people joined the server. people were confused. i was afraid. i was assured that i should be, which was meant to comfort me.
people introduced themselves. someone said they had worked in a brothel as a bartender, which was cool, they said they had many stories. they did not elaborate for fear of scaring the newcomers. The newcomers, aka, me, were already scared, and it was not of the brothel stories.
I brought an emotional support orange with me. It looked uncomfortable. I thought it would be rotten. It was not, but we would not know that until later.
@thescholarlystrumpet entered fabulously, and started the stream.
i didn't realise the show had started for a good two minutes because there was a random voice over that was telling us about Earth's star sign (Libra) and somehow that didn't compute in my brain as being part of the episode. I thought we were checking audio.
It turned out, the episode had begun, and everyone was acting like this is a completely normal way for a show to start.
We time-jumped from the fall of man to modern day society so fast that I got whiplash.
There were a lot of orgasmic noises. I asked why. I was told in no uncertain terms that those were screams of labour. I'm sorry to everyone who has given birth ever.
There were three babies. I tried to keep track, it was hard. I thought the Antichrist won prizes for tropical fish. I was wrong.
I fell in love with Crowley and his hips and was very gay on the chat. This was heartily applauded.
I didn't realise an hour had passed when the episode ended, which it seemed was to be a common theme. I said nothing happened which everyone found funny for some reason.
I was very concerned about Armageddon. Everyone assured me that it would take place over the course of the season. I asked why we'd speedrun through millennia in five minutes but eight days took several episodes. I was a naive fool. Time is a social construct and this show cares not for social constructs.
They fucked up the mission. This was also to be a common theme.
I begged for a break and had to shake my head to try and get the brain rot out. I did not succeed.
The second episode commenced. The intro concerned me, because the cartoon Aziraphale looked pregnant or like a chicken. I asked if Crowley had impregnated him. He had not.
The pornography scene had to be replayed because I was so lost and had not relished it properly.
There was a lot of crying on the chat. Every few minutes someone would say a normal sentence in English and everyone would respond with crying emojis. Needless to say, I was concerned. This was also to be a common theme.
I asked why we were talking about random children. I was told it was The Them and they were the Antichrist's friends. I liked the hellhound.
I wanted to adopt the Antichrist, and grew more thirsty for Crowley every time he was a casual accessory to murder. I'm relying on this fandom not to use this as evidence with the cops. The chat was not reassuring, they said maybe.
I thirsted for Crowley more. This was also to be a common theme.
Aziraphale was very cute, I realised. That was nice. It was not nice when he had gay panic and said mean things to Crowley and they broke up. This was also to be a common theme.
I got so gay for Crowley that I ate the emotional support orange. It was gaseous. The chat was concerned, and everyone got excited every time oranges were mentioned after.
The third episode was a fucking roller coaster. Crowley and Aziraphale were your average high school couple but biblical for 6000 years.
Both were casual accessories to murder, and sometimes the cause of the murders, before going out for a date. Crowley got horny and he stopped listening every time Aziraphale ate. This was also to be a common theme.
The chat was keeping count of the husband breakups. This was not nice.
The Bentley was silver in many scenes, and people were forced to concede that they saw it. I was smug.
Crowley was sexy. She served gender, or as some people in the chat said, she served cunt. Her hairstyles got better and better. No one liked the 60s one. I did. I like everything she does. I love him.
Things happened. The fandom infected me. Someone mentioned how the book said Crowley felt lonely. I was near tears.
Crowley walked down the aisle for Aziraphale. We all were happy.
The book case, the thermos, the bandstand. I was broken.
Everyone said very emotional goodbyes.
I made a post on tumblr that was absolutely incomprehensible but accurately conveyed my love for Crowley. I fell asleep.
Same time next week, I believe.
I hope this was an adequate summary of the livestream for everyone, I am broken irreparably and if anyone mentions the bandstand I will have to start drinking and not stop till I get a happy ending. I cannot afford alcohol. I will ferment grapes myself if I have to.
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justmeinadaze · 6 months
"I'm Just a F**ked Up Girl Looking For Her Own Peace of Mind"
I'm currently experience this and struggling with it so I wrote a little thing here. *sighs*
TW: Mental health (anxiety and depression), child abuse, mentions of suicidal thoughts. Reader has a breakdown and the guys help her through.
Eddie firmly barreled open the front door as he powerwalked into the house. Steve had texted those two words he dreaded every time he got a text from the former jock. 
“Bad day.”
When they started dating you, you told them about your past. About the hospital stay and medication… the depressive lows and manic anxiety episodes… the thoughts that pushed through your head from time to time even though your life was so much better now than where it had been. 
“I’m not…easy…to be with.”
“That’s ok, honey, neither are we.”
You three had laughed at that at the time. 
The first time they experienced it broke their hearts for you. People always mentioned “feeling depressed” or “oh I’m so anxious about this thing!” but they discovered the true meaning of those words during your first break in front of them.
They hadn’t moved in with you yet so you were able to hide the fact that you hadn’t been sleeping. Your mind constantly reminding you of things that needed to be done and how you were a failure for not doing them. Nightmares plagued your dreams at all hours so you just gave up, scrolling through your phone instead as the mental illness continued to whisper.
“Do better. You’re lazy. May as well just get it over with and end the burden you put on people.”
That following evening you had a date night with them at their place and you couldn’t cancel. You genuinely wanted to see them but you were so tired…
“A good girlfriend goes out on dates. Go ahead. Cancel. Let’s see how quick they leave you for someone better.”
Through the first half of the movie they put on, your leg never stopped moving. Steve watched as your eyes never stayed focus in one place. Eddie felt your erratic energy radiate off you as you switched from holding his hand to letting go every few minutes. 
“Baby? Is everything ok?”
“Yeah.”, you responded a bit too enthusiastically. “Yeah, Ed, I’m fine. I’m just…I’m just a bit tired. It’s ok. I’ll get over it.”
Steve paused the film and as his hand petted your head you broke down. 
“I’m sorry. Fuck! Why can’t I be normal?! I’m ruining everything. You should just leave me and find someone better.”
“Hey, hey. No. Sweetheart, no one is better than you.”
“Talk to us, honey. What’s going on?”
You sobbed as you told them what had been happening over the last few days. The listened intently, comforting you anyway they could think of in that moment. 
“They don’t go away, Steve. Those thoughts never go away. Most days I can manage them but they are always there. W-Who can I tell? If I tell a therapist or a doctor they will put me back in the hospital even though I’m not going to do anything… I can’t tell my friends because I feel like I’m burdening them or they just don’t care. I can’t tell people in general because then I’m being ‘overdramatic’. I can’t take time to heal because I’m supposed to ‘suck it up’. So I do… Eddie, I want my brain to just stop telling me I want to die because I really don’t. Some days, though, on bad days…it’s so loud…”
The metalhead yanked you to his chest as you cried, crying with you as he tightened his grip as if he could squeeze all your broken pieces back together. He’d give anything to take your pain away, they both would. 
Today was a manic day and Steve picked up on it fast. Today was his day off and as soon as you woke up, you barely said a word. He asked you if you wanted breakfast and you shot him an angry look as you walked away. Turning on the tv, he put on the game but after a few minutes you came around the corner snapping at him to turn the noise down. Even when he muted the sound, he could hear you growling and swearing under your breath as you moved around the bedroom. 
Other people would see it as you being a brat; causing drama for the sake of drama. 
You wished you could make the world understand that was the opposite of what you wanted. In an episode like this everything was just…amplified…and for some reason your brain insisted it was on purpose. Steve was purposely turning up the volume to get under skin. The birds chirping outside knew you were on the edge so they gathered outside your window with intent. Even the clock on the bed side table was mocking you. 
Both men tried to handle days like this by themselves but when it got to a certain point, they knew they needed to come together to help you. That point came when you abruptly screamed and threw something hard against the wall. 
When Eddie entered the bedroom, Steve was off to the side watching you as you angrily paced, fluttering your fingers with eyes squeezed tightly closed. 
“What happened?”
Your eyes open at the sound of his voice as you shrugged and threw your hands in the air. 
“What happened? What the fuck happened?! Oh, I don’t know. Where do we start, Eddie?! This house is a fucking mess. I tell you guys all the time I need fucking help! I’m not a maid! I’m your girlfriend! But who fucking cares right?! We can just live in trash and be unhappy!”
They knew better than to respond. Before you three moved in together, you had suggested they come to therapy with you and they were surprised with some of the things they learned. They and even you knew they were more than accommodating when it came to housework and splitting household chores. When you were growing up, however, it was never enough.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, look at this mess! Did you do anything today?!”
Little you looked around at the immaculate living room wondering what else you could have missed. 
“I work and I slave all day at a job I hate so you can have food and a roof! The least you could do is fucking get off your ass and clean a bit!”
“I-I’m sorry, mama.”
“Don’t be sorry. Just do your job! We’re a team remember? I need you to pull your weight.”
They could almost see interactions like that replaying through your eyes and it killed them. They also saw how fast the logic brain took over as you realized what you were doing before the depressive brain abruptly took over.
“I’m sorry. I-I don’t mean to… I know I’m being crazy…I just…” You lean your back against the wall and slide to the floor with your hands over your ears. 
Both men descend with you, crawling closer to you and as soon as Steve’s hand touches your bicep you head shoots up with eyes full of tears. 
“I’m sorry. You two don’t deserve this. I’m a terrible girlfriend.”
“No, baby, you’re not terrible. Everything’s ok.”
“I-I-I appreciate…e-e-every…everything you guys do. Fuck. Everything is so loud, Eddie. I can’t… I couldn’t…I just wanted to scream…”
“Then scream.” You laughed at his response as you wiped your eyes but he insisted. “I’m serious, sweetheart. Just let go.”
“What about…about the neighbors?”
“Like they don’t get an earful almost every night.”, he jokes, grinning when you laugh again. “Go ahead. Just lean back and let loose.”
You roll your eyes as you do what he says but it’s a small shout that barely echoes in the room. 
“Wow. That was both adorable and pathetic. Come on now. Steve, why don’t you try?”
Chuckling, he struggles to stop smiling making you giggle harder before finally closing his eyes and letting out a good scream that makes the metalhead clap. 
“That’s the king of Hawkins right there! Now try again princess.”
Sighing at his antics, you do as he says actually letting go while they scrunch their face and cover their ears. 
“Woo! That was like Banshee from X-Men! Way to go!”
“What about you, nerd?”, you ask as he smirks.
Eddie doesn’t even hesitate as he leans his head back and howls loudly like a wolf. 
“I love you both.”, you softly grin as you reach for both boy’s hands. “I’m sorry for being…me.”
Wrapping his arms around your shoulders, Steve tilts you closer to him and kisses the top of your head. 
“Don’t ever apologize for being you, honey. We love you. Every part of you.”
“We know everyday you’re trying, baby. Unlike your mother who insists on being an evil little gremlin.” You giggle at Eddie’s interpretation. “Like your wizard of a therapist said, healing takes time and we’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“Jesus, Munson, you ARE a nerd.”, Steve jests. “But the other stuff he said I agree with.”
“Oh please! Tell me her doctor doesn’t sound like Gandalf from time to time.”
“I still have no idea who that is.”
After rising to his feet, the metalhead grabs your hands and pulls you off the floor. 
“Well, I know what we’re doing tonight.”, he announces with a mischievous smirk before kissing your lips and running back towards the living room. 
“I’ll make dinner.”, Steve murmurs as he leans down to kiss your lips as well. 
“Oh, you know he won’t allow that. He’s going to want you in front of the tv so you don’t miss anything.”
“True. Hm. How about Enzos delivered?”
When you nod, he caresses your cheek before disappearing after his friend. 
As your eyes glance around the room again everything seems different than it did before. Instead of seeing a mess ridden, dark empty area, you saw a bright room filled with memories of the men you loved making you laugh and feel loved unconditionally. 
“But for how long? It’s only a matter of time.”
“No, it’s not.”, you whisper. 
Taking a deep breath, you head towards the living room where Eddie and Steve greet you with a comforting smile. 
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static-scribblez · 3 months
last night i had a dream that will wood made an entire 1970s themed horror arg podcast, which for some reason had the same cover art as in case i make it, but like, more grainy and desaturated (it may have been made to promote the album idk)
all i remember is episode 1 being about 35 minutes (dream me had a short attention span, they only listened to one minute of pure static before he got bored)
Putting the rest under a read more because I don’t think everyone will want to read this, I’m so sorry I should’ve put this earlier
episode 4 was a five minute long, live action psa about, like, breaking ins and keeping your doors locked or something, i can't remember but it was disturbing as shit, the guy who broke in had a gun (it was a prop gun dw) and every now and again throughout the episode it would just cut to him slowly walking around the house
the episode ended with the youngest girl muttering "i think i'm gonna throw up" after almost getting shot by the guy - i think in the dream it was implied that she wasn't acting at all throughout the episode, and nobody told her they were planning on having a guy break into their house / their set, because they wanted her to have a 'genuine reaction' or something
i think my brain lost the plot at that point because what the fuck does any of this have to do with will wood
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Chase
Saving the commentary for next time. I haven't actually listened to any of the commentary tracks. Are they worth it?
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Disney princess Aang.
There is no way the Air Nomads didn't have some sort of textile-based industry with that much shedding going on.
Sorry Katara, but Toph is much more Goblin than girl.
In a completely unsurprising move, the 12 year old formerly caged only child high on her first taste of freedom takes it too far.
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The beat up Sokka quota is fulfilled! 3 minutes and ten seconds in might be a new record.
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This is the kind of miscommunication I can get behind. Katara thinks they've had this whole fight complete with big issues, a falling out and a need to apologise. Toph has no idea that there are any issues.
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What kind of cows are they expecting to meet to necessitate that!?!
How exactly is Toph supposed to help unload anyway? Unloading = throwing things down from a place she can't see. The last time anyone threw something to her from Appa she got beaned in the head. I get that she could help set up tents maybe, but unless Appa's saddle is made of stone she can't see it or anyone on it.
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I get that they're all tired, but I'm with Toph on this one.
Sokka! Truly a man of wisdom. Sometimes all you should do is sit back and watch the fireworks.
Did Katara just insult Toph for being blind? Not cool.
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Why would a tent made of stone have seams?
I love how when Sokka sticks his head under the covers his voice gets muffled.
Pushing Appa this hard has got to be borderline abusive. And how it keeps finding you? Maybe the trail of breadcrumbs maguffin you spent the first scene of the episode setting up? These poor kids are dumb when they're tired.
Zuko's so angry that his anger wins out as a descriptor over the whole 'half his face is missing' thing. That's impressive.
"Fun and Perky!" Honestly, no comment. Trying to put "FuN and PeRkY" in the same sentence as Sokka broke my brain.
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"There's no way they could have possibly followed us" except for the giant carved pathway up to where you are?
These three. Hmm. Did not miss them.
Wow those ride on lizards sound annoying!
Since when can lightning demolish walls?
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"We've been up all night with no sleep." LIES. FILTHY LIES.
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That's sleep.
You have GOT to be kidding me.
I had not thought about the dangers of ten tonne sleep deprived flying animals.
Katara's really in full bitch mode this episode huh?
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Sokka is the only person with sense this episode. Also love the toilet brush trees.
"We're all just trying to get used to each other." Actually, the only person who had a problem with Toph was Katara.
Sokka speaks truth and has his priorities in order. What else can I say? This guy rocks.
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This guy can't catch a break.
I hope Appa was napping during that bath.
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I take it back. They're not toilet brushes. They're moustaches.
And that's all you're getting for today folks because I just lost power!
edit: part 2 + wrap up is posted.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Day 6: Chase
Sean and Ethan just finish wrapping up Brain Leak Episode 11, and are ready to play around like the childish people they are. A lot of silliness ensues.
I was up at 1am last night, when I realized I forgot to upload the latest tickletober fanfic. But...I decided to upload it today to make up the difference, and upload today's fanfic as well. So...2 fanfics in 1 day? On accident? Sure. We'll call it that.
I decided to experiment with Sean and Ethan's podcast 'Brain Leak', and had written this back when the tickle scene for Brain Leak episode #11 was being talked about in the community. And honestly...I felt excited to write about these two! I watched a lot of Brain Leak videos to get their friendship interactions correct, so I hope this is accurate. I hope you enjoy!
Here's the link to Brain Leak if you're interested.
Seán got up and turned off the cameras, while Ethan stayed on the couch. “Alright. That’s a wrap for Brain Leak.” Ethan declared into the microphone. 
Seán laughed a bit. “Mic’s off, you know.” He reminded him. 
“Yeah, I know. But it’s funnn!” Ethan reacted dramatically. “You can spin it around, you can swing it back and forth…” Ethan started swinging the mic back and forth, while watching it swing with just his eyes. 
“You are getting sleeeepyyy…” Seán joked. 
To go along with the joke, Ethan leaned himself over and went limp before snoring dramatically. 
This made Seán laugh at him. “Woooow. Sooo sleeeepyyy.” Seán walked around the right side of the couch to the back. He leaned his arms on the back of the couch and started to whisper something to him. “When I snap my fingers, you will say ‘Buddy’ in your silly voice.” Seán said, giggling near the end, which only broke his facade as the hypnotizer. 
Sean’s giggles only made Ethan start smiling and giggling as well. 
“Hey, I didn’t snap my fingers yet.” Seán warned with a bright smile, poking his side. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.” Seán told him. 
Ethan jumped and giggled. “Sohorry, sorry.” He cleared his throat and pretended to be sleeping again. “Okay.” Ethan said quietly. 
Seán snapped his fingers, and waited for Ethan to do his thing. Right away, Ethan lifted his head back up, put on the stupid little signature face, and smiled all childishly. “Buddyyy!” Ethan declared. 
Seán doubled over and bursted out laughing, absolutely loving the Unus Annus reference. “Buddyy!” Seán imitated almost perfectly. 
“Buddyyy!” Ethan declared in his baby voice. 
“Buddyyyy!” Seán imitated, laughing. “God, I think we drank too much giggle juice before this.” Seán admitted. 
“What’s giggle juice again?” Ethan asked. 
“I dunno.” Seán replied. “Probably water.”  
“Ah.” Ethan replied with a laugh. 
Seán hopped back onto the couch. “Okay.” He thought for a moment. “Just to clarify, is it actually true that you can’t do massages?” Seán asked. 
“Yeah. My neck and shoulders are toooo tickly.” Ethan admitted. 
“Meanwhile I can’t even handle being touched.” Seán joked, touching his own right side. 
“Really?” Ethan asked in his ‘eef’ voice. “You can’t handle a little touchy-touchy?” Ethan asked, bringing his wiggling finger closer to Seán’s face.
Seán pushed his hand away. “Don’t even think about it.” He warned. 
“Aww come on, buddyyy.” Ethan said, referencing the Unus Annus quote again. “Not even a poke? Not even a little boop?” Ethan asked before bringing his other hand to his side. 
Seán pushed his other hand away this time. “You touch me, I punch you.” He warned. 
Ethan laughed. “Wohohow.” 
“That’s what’s gonna end up happenin’. You poke me one too many times, and I end up sucker punching you all the way to space.” Seán warned. 
“It’s just a poke.” Ethan told him. “Come on.” Ethan adjusted himself and put up his hands in fists. Only, both his index fingers were up. “Put ‘em up! Fight me!” Ethan teased. 
Seán raised his eyebrows. “Oho, you’re on.” He put up his fists with the index fingers up as well, and put on his game face for the poke war that was about to ensue. 
Seán ended up throwing the first poke. He poked Ethan in the left side, making Ethan double over slightly. “AH- Hey!” Ethan poked Seán’s right side with his left finger, before following it up with a right finger against the left side. 
“Ah fAHCk! You fuckin-” Seán threw his fingers towards Ethan’s sides and unloaded several pokes against him rapidfire. 
On the last poke, Ethan felt more than one finger touch down, which only made him laugh more. “HAHAhaha! Yohou cheater!” Ethan reacted, poking Seán’s right and left side with his index fingers super quickly. But Ethan’s hands would slip out of the fists, and he would end up throwing a few more fingers in. 
Seán fell back onto his butt and laughed, wiggling himself around and attempting to grab at Ethan’s hands. “ETHAHAHAN!” Quickly, Seán tried to take the upper hand. “YOHOHOU BASTArdly little-” Seán pulled Ethan’s arm out from his belly and pulled the childish blondie across his lap. “Gotcha now.” Seán proceeded to cover Ethan’s sides with tickles and squeezes. 
Ethan wheezed and closed his eyes, laughing almost hysterically as he kicked his feet like a little ballerina. While he wiggled around, Ethan managed to turn himself onto his left side with his back facing Seán, which somewhat got him out of an uncomfortable position. Ethan grabbed at Seán’s hands, attempting to pull them away and escape. “HAHAHA! KKKHAHAHAHAHA!” Ethan threw Seán’s hands away from his sides and just barely managed to escape on his feet. “HA! I got out!” Ethan cheered, throwing his hands away. 
Seán got up onto his feet. “Not for long.” He warned. 
Ethan looked at Seán, and quickly saw the mischievous twinkle that filled his eye. Realizing he might be fucked, Ethan sprinted away from him. “YOU CAN’T CATCH MEEEE!” Ethan shouted. 
Seán ran after him. “IS THAT A CHALLENGE?!” Seán yelled back. 
“I DON’T KNOW!” Ethan replied. 
Ethan ran through doors, thankfully having a better understanding of where he was going. Seán had started out following him, but seeing where Ethan was going, Seán quickly noticed a secret little passage he could take and turned to take the detour. 
Ethan turned around and smiled brightly. He had lost Seán! Time to get to the backyard and do some mad stunts! He opened the door to the backyard and ran out, not even bothering to close the door behind him. Ethan ran and slid across the green grass, completely covering his light brown pants in grass stains. 
Ethan made it to the bottom of the hill, and hid behind a tree. He was breathing heavily by this point, which he likely knew may be giving away his position. But he didn’t care. He felt he was hidden enough. He looked around at the yard, and sighed. He was safe now. He can rest. 
By this point, Seán had slowed himself down and was shaking his inhaler. He took a moment to breathe in the medication, and held his breath to let it kick in. He didn’t want to experience an asthma attack while he was simply running around with Ethan. that’d be a sorry reason to end up in the American hospital. When Seán felt physically ready again, he let his breath out and put his inhaler back in his pocket as he resumed walking at a faster pace to find Ethan. 
“Ethan?” Seán called, looking around. “Eeethan?” he called again, turning to look at the other side of the yard. “Eef?” Seán called teasily. 
Then, he heard it. A little Ethan giggle. A contagious Ethan gaggle. There was his clue! Now how to make Ethan giggle all over again… 
Seán thought for a moment, and smiled a bit as he remembered Unus Annus moments again. He remembered Ethan’s failure to say ‘skillet’. And then he remembered the infamous song…
“The dance of Italy!”  Seán sang loudly. 
Ethan gasped and smiled brightly. An Unus Annus song! “WOH-WOH-WOH!”  He loves that one! 
Seán widened his eyes. There’s no fucking way…That WORKED?! Seán sighed and rolled his eyes with a smile as he kept going. “The dance of Italy!” Seán repeated. 
Ethan sighed. “WOH-WOH-WOH!” Ethan replied, giving up and not even caring about being found anymore. 
Seán smirked and noticed a tiny finger hiding behind the tree. He showed off his teeth in his smile and walked closer. “It’s the dance of Italy~!” Seán said. 
“Woh-Woh-Woh??” Ethan said, turning to listen for where his friend was located. 
Seán ran to the tree. “GOTCHA BITCH!” He shouted as he charged at Ethan. “AAAAAAAH!” Ethan yelped as he was successfully tackled to the ground by Seán. 
The moment he managed to keep Ethan under control, Seán started poking the absolute heck out of the man. “Poke war finale!” Seán proclaimed. 
“AAHAHAha! HahaHAHA! OHO! OHOHO GOHAHAD! GAHA- HahAHA!” Ethan cackled, his voice going up and down, and all over the place. 
“A little poke here…” Seán poked his belly button a few times. “A little poke there…” Seán poked at his ribs next. “Ound a leetle poke zhere!” Seán declared in his ‘Henrik’ voice as he poked his right side a few times. 
Ethan tried and failed to push Seán’s hands away. “HAHAHA! Naha- PLEHEASE! Ahaha- Ihi’m SORRYYY!” Ethan reacted. 
“Sorry doesn’t fix how much I can tickle you now that we’re in-person.” Seán reminded him. 
It was here that Ethan started to try and get him back. His pushing hands moved to poking Seán back, specifically going for his right side. “Poke de nerve.” Ethan kept repeating. 
Seán jumped and chuckled, curling in on himself. “Yohou motherfucker.” Seán muttered, resuming his poking. 
Then, Ethan grabbed both his hands and used them to push his friend down. “Poke fight over. ONLY TICKLES!” Ethan covered Seán’s right and left side with endless tickles. 
This made Seán wiggle around and curl up into a ball, laughing involuntarily. “HAHAHA! YOHOHOU BAHASTARD!” He yelled. 
Ethan smiled eagerly. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle-” He kept repeating the word over and over again. 
“SHUHUT THE FUCK UHUHUP!” Seán yelled back at him. 
“Tickle tickle- Hm? Why? Too ticklish for your own good?” Ethan asked in his Eef voice. 
“WHAHAT DO YOU THIHIHINK, AHAHASSHOLE?!” Seán shot back, kicking his feet while still in the fetal position. 
“Would raspberries be too much for you-” Ethan started to genuinely ask. “DON’TYOUFUCKINGDAHAHARE!” Seán warned, pushing Ethan’s head away from him. 
“Ahalright, alright! Fine!” Ethan stopped his fingers and moved away from him. “Too much?” He asked. 
Seán let out a breath and slowly unraveled himself onto the grass. He grunted and sighed. “A little, yeah. But I’ll be fine.” Seán replied. 
Ethan smiled, laid down a couple feet beside him. They hung out outside for a little while longer, chatting about a few different things. They chatted about the next couple days of filming, and chatted about the different topics they may chat about on the podcast. 
Eventually, the boys went back inside and continued their conversations within the walls of Ethan’s home. 
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groovygrub · 2 months
heyyy folks!!! as promised, a brief(...ish) explanation of what's been going down:
so we had ourselves a bit of a ~tornadic thunderstorm~ almost a week ago; apparently FOUR lil twisters touched down in our area and several were visible from our driveway?!! – tragically, i didn't get to actually see the tornados because i was tripping too hard (here's some common sense disguised as a fun fact! if you consume 16x a "microdose" of shrooms, especially combined with other edibles, the dose isn't so micro anymore!! that shit had me macro-ed, dude 😩 learn from my mistakes!) and also didn't expect any visible touchdown from our house :((( i cried when i found out i missed out on the nados, ngl.
anyway, the majority of the city lost all power and my house just got it back last night! we still got some live wires ⚡ hanging in our yard so it's cordoned off but hopefully they'll fix that soon because i really gotta go foraging soon & would prefer not to get yelled at and/or zippity zapped. i'm already getting zippity zapped enough by my own brain, you know??
while on the topic of brain zaps!! the extreme heat & humidity and stress (and without any AC, air purifier, very little water, etc) has been... less-than-compatible with my chronic health shit (especially my seizures, POTS, EDS, mast cell disease, and migraines) 😅 i've had 5+ (?) episodes over the past week and they're still periodically making little cameos 🥲
definitely one of the worst clusters i've had yet tbh. after the initial seizure, i couldn't really move & was just chilling there and my broke-ass brain very helpfully kept supplying me with nothing but the thought "damn, bro got prone" (i would make a great doctor, i know). and then i started sobbing because my CNS was too afk to go grab a drink and seizures always make me sooo goddamn thirsty for some reason & i was already so dehydrated 💀
and i didn't even get to see any nados!!!! like!!! that's so twisted, dude (pun really not even intended, just slipped out, whoops). "fucked up" doesn't even begin to describe it. absolutely gargantuan L for me :((( an elephantine L, a BROBDINGNAGIAN L, if you will. feels like i just got hoodwinked by the cosmos.
anyhowsies. i set forth with the intention of just letting y'all know why i've been playing tumblr hooky (oh!! and in the days immediately leading up to the power outage, i was just busy being helplessly in love. still am, don't have any plans of stopping ❤️✨ but i'm also trying to be more present again for my beloved little army of weirdos!) and to say sorry for the delay in memes 😕 so idk how it turned into this mess, my b!
i'm slowly working through my notifications too!! just takes some extra time to process things when Brain is rebooting (and Brain has to fully reboot every time i have an episode 🙄 dramatic ass lil bitch). thank you so much for all your patience, birds & bees (new inclusive alternative to "ladies & gentlemen" just dropped!) 💛
ps to my wonderful moot who said they were queueing one of my memes for last monday: if you're reading this, please know i didn't forget about you or your post!! i WILL get to it, promise! 🙏
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silent-shanin · 1 year
My Love For You Is Like A Balloon; You Deserve To Float
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Three Hopes (Modern au) Ship: Marianne/Hilda Rating: sfw (Also on Ao3)
"Come on, Mari...anne." She added the last part because you're not 'Mari' to her anymore. You're 'Marianne' now. Some distant habit that she's trying to stomp out, just like how you stomped on her heart after breaking up with her. "I just want to talk." 
"I don't," you lie. You do. You do. You do. You've been wondering how she's been doing these past three months. You would like nothing more than to talk. To make up, make out, make love, and have everything be alright again. To have her in your arms and hug her so tightly, your chests mush together and her body heat finally warms up your cold hands and cold heart. 
The only thing you can do is not talk lest your brain spills out of your mouth and your ugly feelings lay bare for Hilda to see. So you don't. 
She's done waiting and throws up her hands. "Ugh, stop being stubborn. You never wanted to talk and only ever listened. Do you know how annoying that always was?" She loved how you were the listener. She preferred you that way because she was the talker, the chatterbox. You are━ were perfect for each other like that.
"I guess we just don't work together." Another lie. How many more do you need to commit before the Goddess will smite you and take you out of this situation. 
Silence. Something you haven't heard a lot in your two year relationship with Hilda. And then she sighs again. 
"... I guess we don't."
And that hurt more than not seeing her for three lonely months. Now she's the one lying. Right? 
"Don't look at me like that, Marianne. What do you want me to do?" Chase you to the ends of the world. "You're the one who broke up with me." You didn't mean it. "Don't give me that kicked-puppy look." You can't help it. 
"Then," you say, because you need to talk to keep the tears at bay. Change the subject. "What did you want from me?"
The sound of Hilda's jacket indicates a shrug. "Nothing, I guess. Nothing anymore anyways." You must've looked confused as Hilda starts to explain. "I just wanted to talk. Ask you how you've been. You straight up ghosted me after you━ after we broke up." She still holds it against you. 
Should you tell her? How it's been hell. How you've finally managed to sleep one night without crying. How you want nothing more than to━ No. You don't deserve that. Not after breaking Hilda's heart and running away like some coward. You wonder if she can see it by the bags under your eyes, though those have always been there.
"And... I guess I wanted to ask why."
Why what?
"Why you dumped me. Did you really fall out of love? Was it something I said or did? I'm not asking you to take me back, but an explanation would be nice."
It wasn't any of those reasons. It wasn't Hilda. Or, well... it was in a way. It was her radiance, her happiness, her everything that you didn't━ couldn't taint. You saw how she struggled with your anxiety, with your panic attacks and your depressive episodes. She didn't understand. She couldn't understand a monster like you. You couldn't keep pulling her down with you, so instead you let her go. Like a balloon, she had to soar and go her own way. 
"I'm sorry," is instead the only thing falling out of your mouth.
She waits for more, but nothing comes out. You don't want to cry again. 
"Marianne... I'm trying. I really am, but sometimes you're just impossible. I wanted to be there for you, I still do but━" You think you hear a quiver in her voice, though you're not sure. You haven't been able to look at Hilda this whole time. You know you'll fall again if you do.
Always weak to her tears, fake or not, you never could say no to her.
"I don't know what you're thinking if you don't talk." And yet the fact that she's here makes you realize she suspects the true reason of your avoidance. "Tell me. Please?"
"I don't... want this." Is your weak excuse.
"Want what? Me?"
You shake your head and gesture at yourself.
"Oh, Mari..." There's that quiver again. She takes one step forward, hand grasping at nothing, right into your vision. You forgot how small she actually was. Her eyes meet yours by accident and...
There they are. And there you go. Falling for her as gently as the first time, as steadily as her tears. And soon your face matches hers. 
Hilda has never been a pretty crier, not when she's actually hurt. Her face scrunches up, her eyes become red, and her throat closes up so much she can't even speak. You've seen it once, when Holst ended up in the infirmary for eating bad mushrooms. You were there with her, you were the one to catch her and drive her to the hospital. You were the one who she could lean on, because she allowed herself to lean. 
And yet you still think she's the most radiant woman in your life. 
"Ma-Marianne..." she croaks. "... Can I hug you?"
Without a thought you open your arms and she falls in them immediately. You hate that she's your puzzle piece. Fit together snugly, both physically and mentally. 
You were made for each other.
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lazzarella · 3 months
Reluctantly, I'll admit I wasn't 100% feeling it this week, but I don't like to be negative in the tag so I'll leave it at that. And I still wrote three pages of notes 🤣 so, here we go:
(Okay, so while writing these notes up from my handwritten ones, the issues I had with the episode while watching don't seem as important and helped me see the episode as a whole, and how it furthers Yak and Dee's story. I still hope we get more from Dee's side of his past, but I'm also just trying to accept media on its own terms, instead of what I wish it would be)
- Right in the deep end with the family drama!
- Yak saying 'can you hug me?' in that little voice just broke me!! And then crying as Dee hugs him! ;__;
- Awww! Dee looks so proud and happy when Yak eats <3 god, I love Dee!
- "Your hug is really warm!" That's so cute! And that whole conversation was really lovely
- "I love you the most, more than anyone" Ahhhh, my heart! I bet Dee's never heard that before, or been prioritised like that, except for by his grandma
- Picking Dee up and spinning him around! I am WEAK for this!
- Okay, I love them both doing their own thing in Dee's apartment! Very domestic and boyfriend-y
- Shoulder rub!! Yak is so sweet and attentive <3
- When Yak said his own big brother is his idol, I just about melted! No matter how angry he gets at Yei, it's always been obvious how much he idolises him <33
- "You'll always have me by your side!" DEEEEEEE!
- Ahhh! Yak looks so disarmed when Dee hugs him without being asked!!
- I just want more Yak and Dee :( (I can't remember what was going on in this part now lol but I was pouting about not enough Yak and Dee on my screen, but see note at top about how that doesn’t bother me as much now 🙈)
- Gosh, Yak is so pretty!
- Aww! Dee went with them!!!!! I mean, of course he did, but that actually surprised me?
- I love how Dee managed to both deny being Yak's bf but also not? Or, well, when Yak said close enough he didn't deny it <333
- also!!! Yak not only saying this is my boyfriend but he is the one???!!!! Damn!
- "Are you two cursed?" LMAO! Pretty bold to be cracking jokes about your estranged sons Papa Phadetseuk lol
- "We settle conflicts with punches" well, that's healthy! XD
- "Let me help you!" Oh, Yak <3 "Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you." (Time to break out the Star Trek quotes)
- "If it's heavy you can put it down" aaaaaand that's when I started bawling ;__;
- That house looks familiar 🤔
- LMAO! I love Yak's shirt that says "Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?" Wise words, sexy tank top, wise words!
- Cher already getting Dee in on calming the waters between Yei and Yak—he's truly a part of the family!
- Cher saying Yak and Yei's mum would be happy that her son's sweethearts were helping and Dee not deflecting and just being happy! Also, how cute was Dee when he was apologising to Yak’s mum for not making the wreath well?? Fuck, I love him ;__;
- Dee's smile when he's talking to Cher and Yak's step-mum about whatever it was (I was SO tired last night)—choices and love, I think—and it kind of looks like he's made a decision about Yak maybe? Just the way he's smiling?
- not entirely sure I understand what was going on in the ceremony—is the touching thing for family? Was it a way to show they've accepted their step-mum? I don't really know what to google to figure that out, but maybe when my brain is on I'll think of what terms to use lol
- this is nice, but I just want Yak and Dee!! 😭 (sorry, lol, I’m being a brat)
- But Yei asking for a reward from Cher! lol he and Yak truly are brothers haha
- the karaoke song is cute! This whole scene is very cute!
- Ahhh! Cher and Dee in the family photo! Idt Dee has ever really felt like part of a family so this is so important for him ;__;
- OMG LITTLE DEE!!!! Nooooo! He's so tiny and this is so sad! D:
- YES! FINALLY! Yak and Dee alone lol (...is the background music rockabye baby?????)
- Oh, I KNEW IT! I KNEW he had absent parents even before they died and that he never felt loved by them! VINDICATION! (Okay, not that much vindication because the show made it kind of obvious but still lol)
- Fuck! Is he so good at hugging because he puts all the love he wished he'd felt from his parents into them??
- Oh damn, crying again with Yak stroking Dee's hair! ;__;
- (This whole conversation just broke me! Like, I knew this was what was going on with Dee, but hearing him talk about it... Ahhh! Dee <33333)
- Yak going to Dee's grandma is quite lovely
- THE VIDEO!!! Ahhhhh, fuckkkkkkkk. This episode made me cry like no other has made me cry D:
- Oh, Dee! He has such a big heart and so much love and warmth!!
- Okay, but the moments leading up to the kiss, where you see that realisation on Dee's face... That just made me so happy!
- ...lmao, okay, the preview is all serious, serious, serious, CLOWNS!
- INN'S SONG! YAY! I really like this song! It's so cute :3
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hawkp · 1 year
I can't guarantee anything. But I might write a Kirk Bros fic because of you. Any ideas on what kind of thing would be the most fun and/or heartbreaking with that? (Again, no guarantees. I'm kinda flighty sometimes.) You've made me think more about them than normal, so if you need to yell about them, I may yell with you. (Sorry if this is too random, or annoying, or anything.😅)
So sorry but this answer might not make much sense. I have the stomach flu and just woke up from fourteen hours of sleep because I broke my fever. This is how I feel rn.
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So if it doesn’t make sense please ask or message me for clarification. Everything below is just word vomit at this point.
NO NOT RANDOM I LOVE PPL YELLING even if it’s something I don’t know about. I just love when people are passionate about stuff.
I have like 30 WIPS sitting in my google drive so I totally understand you. I also started a Kirk Bros fic. It’s just a lengthy outline right now that starts right at the end of 2x10 and would end after the four Enterprise crew members are back on the ship and recovering (because everyone is going to be messed up as hell, especially La’an and I’m sure that someone will be dead in the show).
But these are some things I’ve thought about including in my WIP! Please feel free to run with them. Seriously, take them from me!
Disclaimer, in my fic I’m retconning Sam’s wife and kids from TOS because I haven’t found the SNW mention of her, which is apparently there somewhere, but I didn’t want to have to include the daddy dynamic of Sam’s character into it lol.
So first off, Pike doesn’t end up deciding if they’re pulling out, Una does. They only pull out far enough to not be in immediate danger, which is still against Starfleet orders, so they’d be breaking some regulation already and be in a wacky sort of limbo.
Then, how difficult it would be for Pike to tell Jim. I feel like he’d save him for last after contacting everyone else’s families… which I now realize those four have very little of. Jim would just know that something is wrong off the bat just from Pike’s face. He might even jump to the conclusion that Sam is dead and then the reality of his situation when Pike tells him ends up being so much worse. From there, Jim is dead set on joining them for a rescue mission, even if he has to break some regulations himself. Also at this point Christopher is a freaking mess ofc.
My biggest issue with writing the Gorn right now though is figuring out how to not have them immediately kill or do the dermal impregnation thing that’s going on with Batel, to the four of them and the settlers from the planet. I’m toying with the idea that the Gorn have been possessed by another entity. There’s an episode of Enterprise where some crew members contract a “silicone based virus” that was a whole separate species and I was thinking about trying to emulating that somehow.
I have a lot in my brain that happens between the exposition and the rescue but of course my whumpy ass had Sam being in the worst shape out of the group when they get back to the Enterprise. I think if I did go the infected Gorn route then the “virus species” will have been experimenting on Sam and he might be totally catatonic by that point and from there it would be blah, blah, blah recovery blah, blah. <- my brain literally cannot form a better sentence to communicate this rn
The actual first scene I wrote for the fic was Sam telling Jim about how picturing their childhood got him through everything that happened and specifically telling him the story about the first time he held him as a baby. Idk what kind of crack I was on that night but he ends it by telling him that he knew it was his job to take care of him as soon as he set his eyes on him. Did I write that because I’m the oldest sibling? What? No.
So anyways… yeah I have a lot of thoughts on this. And if you’d like to write something together I’m down for that too!
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elis-exists · 1 year
i am not okay
okay so like Season 2 came out last night for me (on the 27th) and i watched the first 2 episodes and watched the rest in the morning. When I tell you I was REELING from the kiss scene oh my god.
I had to pause, step away from my computer, and start stimming and sobbing and screaming and shaking like a madman before continuing. THE WORST PART FOR ME IS THAT I KEEP REWATCHING THE FUCKING KISS SCENE LIKE WHY MUST I DO THIS MY BRAIN FEELS LIKE IT DOESN'T EVEN REGISTER THE SCENE OR SEASON 2 BEING REAL AHHHHHHHH
i would just like to say that I made a joke about James being short for Jameson and now i don't find it funny anymore for some reason- ALSO NINA CALLING MAGGIE "ANGEL" OH MY GOD. I HAD THIS IDEA OF MAGGIE AND NINA KIND OF BEING LIKE "INEFFABLE WIVES" BUT LIKE THEIR OWN PERSON AND I WASN'T THAT FAR OFF-
the fucking "Crowley's emotional support angel" made me physically pause and reload considering my ex girlfriend CALLED ME HER EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANGEL ANYWAY I ACTUALLY LOVE THAT FACT, ESPECIALLY NOW SINCE IT'S IRONY
i want to cosplay the scrunkly angel even more i just can't with myself. i'm going to rewatch the season like several times (well more like having it on in the background while i clean up and procrastinate, watching the entire season over and over). Also was it just me or did Morag look awfully similar to Dargon (i think that's her??? please i'm so bad with names i'm sorry)
honest to god i was so ready for aziraphale to ask the metatron if he could step down, especially after that kiss, but it never happened. the fact that someone said that aziraphale was brainwashed by the metatron makes so much fucking sense it hurts.
this show has me sobbing and i will wait for however long it takes for season 3 to come out because i am not going to let neil break my fucking heart like this and leave us on a cliffhanger amazon you better fucking approve season 3 on god before i come down there and you will get smitten bezos.
anyways yeah the kiss broke me and i'm going to rewatch the scene (i called it kiss™ and now idk how to feel) and then gonna go rewatch the whole season yeah (i'm not even going to go into how i went onto spotify and played an "ineffable husbands" playlist and starting crying)
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anyathefandom · 2 years
My thoughts on Fridays episode:
My boy got broken up with by his trashy girlfriend the night before and he had to come in on his off day.😬 I wouldn't have picked up the phone.
The look on cam's face when Spencer gave him his order after he just told him he was on break, Yeah Spencer better stop playing with him.😂
Spencer: Do you have any tips on how to be a good big brother? Cam:😳 Me:🙈
It's still annoying that Liz and Nik think Esme has no reason to fake amnesia. I expect this from Nik but damn Lizzie rub some brain cells together.😭
Also why hasn't Nikolas fired Demetrius??? He's legit the reason why Esme could even start the fucking fire!!
Liesel you can't pack Esme up in a box with all this damn monologuing.🥴
Why does Nikolas sound so proud of the fact that it's his baby? Also sonny is so extra.
*Spencer insinuates that josslyn broke up with cam for dex* cam basically: I'm sorry when are you such a hater of love?? Spencer basically: Love is dead. Cam: What about you and Trina?? Spencer: ....okay fine love is on life support.
Wait so the writers are trying to sell me that Trina knew about Britt dying and didn't contact spencer?
Liz stay on Nikolas's head. Girl was like "Why tf would your goofy ass tell Sonny about you and Esme?🥴"
Liz always gotta reign these men in because their always such punks when it comes down to doing crime together.🙈
Spencer: I'm so tired...I'm so tired uncle sonny. Me:😔 like you could hear how tired he was in his voice.
Dex is such a weirdo for staring cam down. Like what even?? I hope their not trying to make us believe Dex feels guilty because it's a no for me. All this last minute guilt that Josslyn and dex have going on isn't believable. Also the staring really solidified to cam that josslyn did break up with him for dex.
These Liz and Esme bonding moments got me wondering if their going to have Esme supposedly only trusting Liz and Liz using that to her advantage and having her volunteer to let Esme stay with her because she wants to keep an eye on her just in case she remembers anything.🤔
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falloutelephant · 2 years
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mynameishazard · 2 years
Okay so, S5 of ST I need Will to go missing again for, like, three episodes. Three episodes that span, like, two and a half months.
Joyce is flipping out, Hopper is desperate, El is trying to keep everyone calm because she can feel Will, he's fine he's just trying to work some stuff out.
Mike is just...not there. He walks around and talks and eats but he's just so deep in his mind about Will that he's like a zombie. He's just visiting his family between nights curled up in Will's sheets at this point and he can't figure out WHY.
And then Will comes back and Mike sees him and immediately rushes over and pulls him into a kiss by his hair. Fingers running through Will's longer, wild hair(that actually is kinda hot), refusing to pull away until they both need air, clinging to Will and pressing their foreheads together to breathe each other's air because it finally CLICKED in Mike's brain and he can't look at Will yet.
He can't look at Will because he finally gets it and he feels horrible but Will is holding his jaw gently and prompting him to open his eyes, so he does.
And Will is grinning like a fiend, gently rubbing his nose against Mike's like he understands and all he says, real soft, is
"You found me."
And Mike says back, even softer
"I'm sorry I took so long."
And Will presses another kiss to Mike's lips and pulls back and says
"Crazy together, right?"
Because Will knows what Mike's really saying and he knows that Mike, for all his bluster and courage, sometimes just needs a hand to hold because he's scared.
Joyce is ecstatic, Jonathan is happy, etc, etc.
Hoper is just fucking furious because "this Wheeler brat just won't stay away from my kids".
And then Will breaks the news that Eddie's alive, that he's being controlled by Vecna and he only escaped because Real Eddie broke through and they REALLY need to go back to save him now.
And then they all head back into the Upside Down to kill Vecna, break the curse and at one point El is down for the count, Steve is being fed on by an unwilling Eddie, Nancy and Hopper are shooting Vecna with as many bullets as they can pump out and NOTHING'S WORKING.
But Will is with them this time and he's DONE with being controlled, done with the Upside Down and done with being afraid and he just grabs his head and screams and the whole scene whites out.
He wakes up in a hospital bed outside of Hawkins, Indiana a few days later and holds Mike's hand as Hopper and Joyce tell him what happens:
He screamed and everything burned.
Vecna disintegrated into ash.
Eddie burned alive in burning blue fire that left him unconscious but alive, Vecna's control being burned out of him like a wound that was cauterized.
Max's eyes glowing like she was possessed as he burned Vecna's influence out of her, too.
And then he collapsed and the whole party began to watch as the Upside Down started to crumble around them. They held each other in fear, positive they were all going to die in the Upside Down.
And then a hand grabbed Nancy's arm, tugging even as she whips around to see Barb's frantic face.
"NANCY, C'MON, YOU NEED TO GO!" she screams and Nancy, confused but still with her wits, follows her as she looks back at the group.
Barb is pulling her along. Chrissy Cunningham is helping Steve lift Eddie from the ground and helping them stumble along. Bob is rushing Joyce and Hopper along behind them even as she watches Billy carry Lucas-who'd been injured in the fight-in his arms with Max running alongside.
Every friend and loved one this group had lost somewhere, somewhen during this trial for the last four years, is helping the party along to safety, shoving them towards the last gate, and Nancy helps Barb hurry everyone through the gate until it's her and Barb and everyone they'd lost.
Nancy begs Barb and the others to come through with them, it's not too late, they can make it.
Barb holds Nancy's face smiling with tears in her eyes and explains that none of them can follow her back.
Barb explains gently that each one of them is long dead and the only thing that was holding them all here was Vecna's power and now they get to go.
Barb warns Nancy that it's not safe on the Right Side and they need to get everyone in the party out of Hawkins as quickly as possible.
Barb tells Nancy that it's okay for her to move on and she really needs to forgive herself because Barb's death wasn't her fault.
Barb shoves Nancy through the gate and vanishes as Nancy sobs but pulls herself up and runs to the party, yelling Barb's warning and rolling into a van and yelling "GO!"
Because Hawkins is collapsing, the ground falls out from beneath their wheels as they drive like mad to avoid it.
Basically, Hawkins pulls a Sunnydale and they make it to edge of the town and watch as it falls into a sinkhole, holding each other.
At the end, it was just the Party, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce and Hopper-Eddie and Lucas are in the van being tended to by Max and Robin, because Eddie just pulled a Jesus and Lucas is bemoaning his lost basketball career-and Hopper says something along the lines of
"I don't know how the government is gonna explain this."
Steve shrugs and says in reply
"Well...we've seen stranger things."
Cut to black.
Credits roll. Preferably with video of the characters after the series.
Lucas ends up teaching basketball instead and goes on to become one of the best coaches the NBA's ever seen. He married Max and they have two kids with one on the way. Max is obviously a prominent voice in equality for all and help with escaping domestic abuse. She creates the William Hargrove Foundation in the hopes of helping as many people as she can get out of violent homes.
Hopper and Joyce got married, obviously, but then there's footage of a pregnancy announcement because somehow, someway, Joyce and Hopper made an oopsie baby. It's another girl and El absolutely adores her and volunteers to babysit all the time. Her middle name is Sarah.
El goes on to become a highly decorated intelligence official, letting her hair grow past her waist and keeping it tied tightly away only at work.
Jonathan and Nancy broke up but they're still best friends and own their own newspaper in the town they live in and it sells out everytime it goes to print because Jonathan takes amazing photos and Nancy writes amazing articles and curates nothing less than amazing staff when they get too big for two people.
Robin goes into child psychology and makes leaps and bounds in research and she's so awarded, Steve is beyond proud.
Steve and Eddie end up dating quietly, Eddie playing in Corroded Coffin as they take off into mainstream music but don't get viral. Steve ends up being thier manager because he knows exactly how to corral four overgrown kids correctly and he'll occasionally provide background vocals.
Dustin obviously marries Suzie and they have a hoard of small children and they live on a large farm where they're both awesome at what they do and they have a slightly smaller hoard of pets that just run around friendly but feral on the farm.
Mike and Will eventually end up getting married by Argyle(who is ordained, because he got bored and high one time), even if the law technically doesn't acknowledge it until early in the 21st century. Will is thrilled the first time one of his art pieces is bought by someone and then he starts getting more and more in demand, until D&D commissions him to draw more updated art for their newer manuals.
Mike becomes a great fantasy writer with time and he's eventually tagged by a pair of brothers who read his first novel as kids and grew up to work in the film industry and want to make a show out of the supposed fantasy. They want him to pen the pilot of the show and he does and then he gets a copy in the mail, printed and everything. He pulls it out of the envelope, even as he looks over photos of actors for characters in the show and flips through it before he closes it because Will suddenly came home with their son and he brought dinner. The script flutters and the camera zooms in on the title of the show.
"Stranger Things"
The camera runs out of battery, as has been indicated by the flashing red battery in the upper right corner of the screen for the last minute or so, and the screen goes black again.
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theextratreefairy · 2 years
Nightmares - ʸ!ᴮᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒ + ʸ!ᴬⁱᶻᵃʷᵃ!ᵖˡᵃᵗᵒⁿⁱᶜ
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I am having memories pop up that my brain now thinks I am ready for. Like bitch, I wasn't ready for the small details. You think I am ready for the whole memory? So this is kinda angsty with a lot of fluff, because my brain just got the achievement; NEW MEMORY :D deal with it :D.
Warnings: Angst fluff, mentions of slight abuse(?)
Don't forget to take care of yourself.
they/them reader x y!soft!BakugoKatsuki + y!platonic!AizawaShota
Reader hates sleeping, something Katsuki was well aware off. But he never knew to what extent. Not that he didn't try to ask.
Class 1-A was sleeping soundly in their dorms, everyone but Reader. They were sitting down in the common room of the class 1-A dorms, watching tv well drinking some tea. Crying softly, afraid to fall asleep again.
They wanted to cuddle with Katsuki, but they couldn't. Reader and Katsuki were only allowed to sleep in the same room if they do a sleep over with more classmates. To make sure no night things can happen. Aizawa was rather a platonic yandere for Reader.
Reader was crying 'bout their nightmares full on. Heavily breathing, shaking in fear, their tea no longer comforting them. Aizawa was woken up and Kirishima (a very light sleeper) had woken up Katsuki, who sleeps rather deeply, immediately recognizing Reader's voice.
Katsuki had rushed to the common room, when he saw Reader sobbing in Aizawa's arm his heart broke. Aizawa noticed that Reader wanted Katsuki. "Don't do anything stupid, Bakugo." Aizawa warned his student with a sharp eye.
When Katsuki sat down on the couch Reader clang onto Katsuki. Shaking and their tears were staining his shirt immediately. "Do you want to watch one of the Avatar series? Or the Hunger Games?"
"Can we watch Avatar: The last Airbender, season 1, episode 6?" Reader questioned softly. "Of course, do you want some tea?" Katsuki asked softly, Reader shook their head and clang onto Katsuki tighter.
With the A: TLA episode on the background Katsuki mustered up his courage to ask; "Could you tell me what happened, darling?"
"I remembered something I wasn't ready for." Reader whispered. "I saw her face again."
"That teacher that hurt you?" Katsuki asked for clarification. "Yes. And I remembered something stronger, I could have died because of my own stupidity. My shoulder hurts on those spots, I think of those teachers, I think of the pain I was caused."
"Do you wish to speak of it? Or do you wish to watch A: TLA in silence?"
"Can we please cuddle in silence?"
"Of course."
Lmao, sorry if this was all over the place. Just wanted some comfort kinda.
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roadsidewritings · 2 years
Morning Blooms
I suppose it makes sense that my first post on this blog is a fic. I did not expect it to be Merlin of all things, but I re-watched a few random episodes to escape finals stress and could not get it out of my brain.
Sir Leon x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: None
Summary: During a visit to Camelot after a long time away, you are reunited with your lover Sir Leon.
Sunlight streamed through the window, warming the spot where you sat combing out your hair. You had arrived in Camelot late yesterday evening —there as an emissary for a neighboring kingdom— and looked forward to the visit ahead.
Being from a noble family in a kingdom closely allied with the Pendragons meant that you had visited Camelot quite frequently in the past, as both child and adult, but it had been several years now since your last trip and you were eager to see the faces of old friends.
A knock on the chamber door broke you from your contemplation, and you called a gentle “come in,” before turning to watch a servant enter. She carried a polished serving tray in one hand and, to your surprise, a vase full of flowers in the other.
“Good morning,” she greeted with a respectful curtsy, “I have your breakfast here, as well as flowers I was instructed to deliver.”
“Thank you,” you replied, standing to make your way toward the table. You stopped at the spot where she had set the flowers, taking a moment to marvel at the delicate blooms—a cluster of white daisies with splashes of blue forget-me-nots mixed in. “Who sent these?” You asked, glancing up at the maidservant who had just finished laying out breakfast.
“They’re from Sir Leon, my liege.”
Sir Leon. You bit back the smile that tugged at your lips, looking back down at the flowers.
“I believe there is a note as well,” she added, gesturing to the parchment that you hadn’t yet noticed tied to a stem. “Is there anything else I can get you, my liege?”
“No, thank you,” you shook your head, and with another curtsy the maid departed. As soon as the door had closed behind her, you reached down and tugged the note free, smoothing the scrap of parchment against the table.
I’m sorry I could not greet you when you arrived last night, though I hope to make it up to you. Meet me at noon at our spot.
Now you really couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face. Two years was far too long to have been away, and your stomach fluttered at the thought of Leon wanting to see you as much as you wanted to see him.
You ate your breakfast quickly, though you knew it would be several hours before Leon would be there to meet you. You could only pray that the time would fly by.
The two of you had never officially courted, but all of his fellow knights —and quite a few others besides— were well aware of the romantic feelings that existed between you. It had happened several years past when your kingdom was renewing its treaties with Camelot; you’d found yourself spending quite a bit of time here, assisting your Queen in the negotiations. You had met Leon before, but this time he’d been assigned to protect you when a threat was made against the new treaty, and as a result you’d grown quite close.
You could hardly wait to see him again, and when noon finally rolled around you practically skipped down to the place where you were set to meet. Your ‘spot’ —as he had written in the note— was an old oak that spread its branches over a secluded castle courtyard. You and he had spent many hours there, any time during your visits that you’d both had a free moment, and it had become a place quite dear to your heart.
Now, as you neared the door that would lead you out into that familiar courtyard, you slowed your pace. As you got closer and closer, a hint of nervousness wormed its way through you—what if something had changed between you in the time you’d been away? You knew Leon to be incredibly loyal, but it had been a long two years and you feared that perhaps he’d finally lost interest. The door before you stood ajar, and stepping up to it you peeked through to the courtyard beyond.
There, under the sprawling oaken branches, stood Leon. His curls fluttered in the breeze, and from his shoulders cascaded the bright crimson cloak of the Knights of Camelot. At the sight of him, all your previous doubts were swept away. You were brought back to the warm days spent in this very spot, laughing, talking, wondering at the future. Where he stood now, you could see him shifting back and forth, scuffing his feet against packed earth —A nervous habit. You almost chuckled at the thought that perhaps he was just as nervous as you were.
As quietly as you could manage, you pushed the door wide enough to slip through and entered into the courtyard. Here, the sun filtered in patches through the leaves of the oak, and only the faintest breeze reached down to tousle your hair. Creeping closer, you did your best to school your face into a neutral expression.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The knight jumped, spun to face you, then immediately broke into a grin. Rushing to meet you, he opened his arms and you quickly fell into his embrace.
It was the warmest, most comforting hug you’d had in two years.
“I missed you,” he said quietly, words meant just for you.
“I missed you too,” you told him, wrapping your arms tighter around his waist.
As seconds stretched to minutes, the two of you stayed wrapped in each other’s arms, silently making up for far too much time spent apart. Finally, you gently pulled away.
“I’m sorry I was gone for so long, the Queen has been calling on me more than ever.” Leon just shook his head, face still lit by a warm smile.
“I understand, you have your duty as I have mine.” After he spoke, Leon took a long moment to look you up and down, as if checking to make sure you weren’t going to disappear. Though you were no longer hugging each other, his hands stayed on your arms, reluctant to break contact completely.
“You look amazing,” he finally commented, looking back into your eyes. You could feel the heat creeping into your face then, and marveled at the fact that the handsome knight could still make you blush so easily.
“I could say the same to you,” you managed to get out, reaching up a hand to brush a curl from his forehead.
Just then, voices drifted out from the corridor behind you, and both you and Leon glanced back, watching to make sure no one was coming out into the courtyard. You didn’t really have to hide your relationship, and certainly didn’t make much of an effort to do so, but this was a private moment; considering that fact that you’d not yet entered into any sort of official courtship, it wasn’t entirely proper to be meeting in secret like this.
When the voices had passed, Leon returned his gaze to you.
“How long do you have?” When he asked, you could hear a hint of apprehension as he wondered whether you would soon be whisked away to attend important political matters.
“All day,” you replied, and the way his face brightened, it was as if the sun itself had come out from behind the clouds. “I don’t have any court matters until late this evening, I was hoping to spend the day with you,” you confessed.
“I would love that,” his words came as a breathless whisper, and soon he was leaning in, lips just barely brushing yours. You closed the remaining space, and the kiss was so sweet and gentle, you practically melted into his arms.
Two years was far too long, but now you were back with your love, and you had all the time in the world.
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