#Sorry for bad grammer
splatoondetective · 9 months
Do the Koopalings know their biological parents (if they do, what were they like)?
Ludwig: Well, are multiple parents died a year after Larry was born. I can't really remember what they were like, being only a toddler, but i just know they weren't around much. We spent alot of time in daycare.
Roy: Then we went to a stupid orphanage.
Ludwig: Yeah.
Roy: We would try to escape countless times. And when we failed we got scolded pretty harshly.
Ludwig: Then we were finally successful!! I was 16 when we left, running away from that awful kingdom and into the mushroom one.
Roy: We were homeless and broke. So we started looking for jobs. Then we found a flyer, requesting minions to help the king of Darkland with his schemes. The pay was great, and it included a place to live, and free food. All we had to do was assist some king with concoring another kingdom!! So we took some tests to see are worth, and we got the medium rank!!
Ldwig: Signed the long yet vague yearly contract. And it was official!
Ludwig: 3 years later, we are now the highest ranked, and Bowsers most feared minions!
Ludwig: we've come a long way.
Roy: yeah.
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ultraarat · 16 days
you guys wanna hear about a gravity falls au i made up. ofcourse you do ford comes outta the portal, stans lke "woahrhhrayaya yaya borhter!!" thgey start fighting and ford takes it a LITTLE too far and is like "how would YOU like being in universes???" and FUCKLING THROWS STAN INTO THE PORTAL and then turns around seeing dipper and mabel who just watched their grunkle get fucking tossed.
so stans in the silly multiverses, and finds himself in a universe where Scalene and Euclid [bills parents] are still alive and theyre like"hlekoo!! have you seen. our awesome son!!! we wanna talk to him!!" and stan is like "oh hey im heading to a universe with bill in it" and they team up!! and basically. Scalene and Euclid treat stan like their son since. its kinda the opposite not really of ford and bills relationshipthats all i got so far
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hollypies · 7 months
Finally staring to get my life together by which I mean I’m washing a lot of clothes and I just willingly showered
I always knew getting my own room would fix me
Woooo!!!! Congrats!!! Im very happy for you :D
Is your room nice? I hope it is
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professional-man-eater · 11 months
I've had this vood for a little while now so I'm gna share it (I'm writing this while waiting for a game to redownload on my Switch)
I keep imagining a really smug pred maybe they're a rich snob or maybe they just think they're better than everyone. Whatever the case may be they meet an unwilling prey and are both forced to interact with each other (perhaps as roommates), the prey hating the fact they are stuck with some stuck-up egotistical predator and the predator thinking they are too good to be talking to such a pathetic prey. Eventually, for whatever reason they start to argue (probably started by the press ego and the prey's snide remarks about them) and eventually, the predator just gets sick of their bullshit and drags them off to a flat surface perhaps a bed or a couch, really anywhere with the right terrain, and shoves the prey onto said surface and pins them under their weight, the predator's chest smothering the preys face which leads to many a protest about their current arrangements. The prey pushes and shoves the predator's chest with all their might in an attempt to free themselves but to no avail, the predator teases the prey for being so weak and easy to subdue the entire time (maybe even teasing them more by taking off their shirt). After a while, the prey grows more and more tired from all the struggling and starts to get a little sleepy (perhaps the predator has already been asleep for a long time) and the prey's eyelids grow heavy, making it harder and harder for them to stay awake even as they try their hardest not to doze off eventually it become too much for them and they drift off into sleep.
Perhaps the predator and prey make this a regular thing (the prey dismissively saying they don't like it, despite the fact they very clearly do), god knows the predator won't let the prey live such an embarrassing moment of vulnerability and weakness down.
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missmielyhoran · 11 months
A lot of you were asking me about the updates of my fics especially oreos and pickles amd stages of grief and I wanted to tell you guys that I will post both of them and they will definitely be completed.
I've been inactive cause college has consumed my whole life tbh, I'm in college from 8 am to 5 pm, and then after that, I'm with my friends.
I've also been really sick, as I have told before I've really low hemoglobin level (moderate anemia), so I'm also recovering from that.
I hope you guys understand all this and try to understand why I haven't been posting.
I love you guys a lot. I don't think you have a drop worth idea of how much you have helped me and given me hope in my darkest days. I write angst cause they're a reflection of my inner feelings. That's why I love to read and write angst, and this platform has given me a way to express myself. I love you guys more than anything.
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mayrine · 2 years
So I’ve been listening to Will Wood lately and started to associate his song from the Self-ish album to tma. So here are some loosely connected things that i found    (spoiler warning btw)
Self fells like Jon at the end of s2 all defeated and stuff giving a sad song as he  sits on the floor in Georgis apartment. Here are some lyrics that express that: “We'll write history books from memories“ - trying to figure out what the hell is happening from the statements that people give “Well, they always ask you not to leave“ - Elias forcing very nicely asking his employees not to leave “No, I won't come back and be the same“ - Jon and everyone being change about the things they experienced
2012 is about Jon in s3 being scared about becoming an avatar for the eye, as in scared that he’ll lose himself. “I was an existential criminal, so innocently cynical Ignorant as fuck but a proud individual Originally meant to live a God-damned miracle Mighta’ve been metaphysical, but I think it was medical” - basically s1 Jon “Never finding a theory” - Jon not understanding how the statements fit together in a coherent way “Did you lose yourself?” - Jon is afraid that he is in fact losing himself
I dont really have anything on Cotard's solution so we’ll move on
Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity is the theme song of the not!them. I could go to every lyric and say how they related but that would mean that id have to copy paste the whole songs. Still, here are some examples: “Levitating off the ground“ - the first ep, the guy floating a few cm of the ground “Is another man wearing your face!“ - do i really need to say anything at this “Somebody to replace yourself“ - the not!them association with the stranger “Ready in your head and fed upon your memoirs” - again the not!them fit perfectly here
The Song With Five Name is my favorite. I imagine every  entity coming together and making fun of Jon “You can break a shovel when you break new ground You dig dirt up when you dig deep down” -this lyric is about Jon in s2 and 3 breaking every connection he has with other people while trying to uncover the truth “Don't you forget That all you project Is just to protect you from The void within the form“ - again this is about Jon trying to protect himself from the truth with skepticism in s1 “And we'll have nothing left for us to lie to No matter what we seek you'll never find truth” -t he entities telling Jon that he’s to dumb for trying to find the truth
Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In! this is kinda like self in the sense that it’s a Jon solo but this one takes place in the peak of his paranoia in s2. The whole vibe of the song is jon frantically doing anything in his power to figure out what is happening. “It just seems unlikely that it's me who was to blame” - i know i said that this song would fit in s2 but this line specifically remind me of the s3 climax when  i think?? it was Sarah Baldwin that used Gertrude and Leitner skin to make Jon think that the end of the world was his fault “This is not enough, this is not enough to prove it yet No, I need to hit the bottom                                                                              Gotta get to the bottom of this” - pretty self explanatory, Jon trying to find the bottom of things “"Don't look down! You'll fall and break your back!" But that just reminds me how There's more to be found beneath the black” - the “Dont look back” is Elias telling Jon to stop doing stupid thing but he doesn’t listen “Gotta get to the bottom of this Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Gotta get to the bottom of this If it kills me”  - the last bit of the son makes me think of when Jon got an axe and broke that table. The last chorus fits perfectly with that bit, it has that frantic energy and desperation that Jon is having while he understands how massively he fucked up
Dr. Sunshine Is Dead is just a song for the dark, point blank, so i will not go into it
ish is self part 2. Theres not much to say here, it again plays into Jons fear of losing himself “And if I change my self can I still stay me? Or did I just change my mind? No it doesn't matter who I am”
Now if you read all of that  first i must thank you for putting up with me for that long, you may be thinking that there is no connection and that im grasping for straws or that because the message of the album is about the fear of losing yourself it would obviously share that theme with tma since that is like a main plot point in the podcast and not everything that shares a theme is connected.
And you know what, you’re right. Im not writing this because i think that i found  definite proof that the album and tma are connected, I dont even thonk that the connections I found are that good. First of all, I wrote this because it was fun and it gave me a chance to talk about two of my favorite thing and because I find it really cool how the human mind can find connections between thing that arent related at all and this is an example of that. So, thats all i got. If your a tma fan go give this album a listen because its good and who know maybe youll also think that it fids with the podcasts vibe and if you’re a will wood fan go listen to tma because i said so.
Goodbye now, thanks again for reading and have a nice day :]
ps. Honorable mention of ok ultra from the normal album for kinda feeling like how i imagine taking and reading a statement feels like
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tomano-03 · 2 years
{Burn the wealthy}
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Just took a look at this dude's sprites. Suffice to say, there is not a sane thought inside there. I think about the day when they just snap and attempt grand amounts of arson. And they say something like:
"That's it! I'm done being in the lower class. Time for y'all to turn into ashes"
Yeah... not that the most creative quotes that I could think of, but it somewhat conveys a basic and rough understanding. Any thoughts?
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ask-toto-and-co · 2 years
Atmos@Toto: "So. The green thing on your ear. Its a halo yes? Is it something you got even after you were born? Or is it something else? A gift? A curse? Other reason? Perhaps" (*The mew asked the eevee*)
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"holy shit thats a mew-"
the eevee mutters to herself in surprise, it takes faer a few seconds to regain composure
"y-yeah it was a gift, from Sapphire- or Kyogre I guess- sapp's kind of just a nickname"
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"I got it in my 18th birthday. its a sort of symbol, that despite-" toto abruptly stops, as if she was about to say something she shouldn't "despite some, circumstances, I reached adulthood" toto speaks as if getting a gift, or anything, from a god is perfectly normal
(mod note- hi im experimenting with visuals, still no clue what the fuck im doing)
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peppersimagines · 2 months
Okay I know my grammar is horrid, but someone just told me that talking to me when I was drunk was better than talking to me sober and now I just don’t even know what to do. Am I really that boring? I need to be drunk for people to want to talk to me? Like I try to be nonchalant because if people see how much I care about stuff they run because goodness why the hell do I care so much that someone who didn’t actually make plans of calling me tonight didn’t call me tonight.
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cobbleztone · 2 months
After having beat both God of War 2018 and Insomniac Spider-Man, i think Spider-Man should have won GOTY over God of War.
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shadowthehedgehog · 3 months
working on a fic outline/oc background for a fic i wanna write and
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honeybuddhahoe · 9 months
“write this way to get more wow factor!” “write like this to get more audience interaction” “5 tips to make your writing better”
how about I write the story that I want to tell and that I think is meaningful. how about that
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drowninginthoughts27 · 9 months
Hey uhh maybe STOP RATING FICS!!!
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shout out to this amazing thing
its not just "plain terms", its brain blabber and it's helped me so much *snif*
so much 🥺
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justaboutdead · 11 months
Entity Mission 1 Expedition 5 log
(ENTITY is a solo ttrpg by Peter Sholtz)
>I awake in the strange altar room, it is exactly how I left it, no change to indicate time had past. The air remainz oddly still, like I was the first person to disturb it in thousands of years. Cold light pours from the intact fixtures, illuminating the lethargic scene. Motes of dust hang in the air, visible in the light. They appear to be almost entirely still, fixed, refusing to change.
>I open the bulkhead to the airlock, where I could see the Ash I tracked in yesterday, the gray-white stain destroying its apparent sterility. The outer door opens, and a toreent of ash pins me against the back wall. I claw my way out and see the peircing sun above, the storm has stoped, I am out.
>Today I will take the long way around. I start my trek across the violent dunes of ash. Every step seems to put me just as far forward as it puts me back. Small luminescent blue and green organisms ride the wind forward besides me. They fascinate me.
>I look up and I see that these stragglers are only a small part of a far larger migration. They carve a ruver in the sky above me. Seems they are heading the same way as I am.
>From the ash ahead rises an ancient stone monolith, remaining vertical despite the test of time. It is carved in the shape of a pyramid, likely the Pyramid. Its covered in a thick unknown script.
>I scan the text using my visor. I will analyze it later.
>I turn and look at the Pyramid behind me. It looks back.
>In the distance, large, sharp blades of black glass cut through the ashen dunes. As i draw nearer their true scale impresses itself upon me.
>Suddenly, as if I steped into a bubble, my feed cuts out. Some sort of alien technology is attacking my systems. I flail in blindness looking for the port to which I will attach my multitool.
>I successfully am able to turn off my coms for now, neutralizing whatever signal that was causing the dusturbance. Someone did not want this place found.
>Strange religous artifacts are strewn between the blades of glass. They appear ti be from various alien cultures, and some are even lodged between the shards dozens of feet above me. I attempt to pry a few open using a piece of metal I found nearby. I succeed but not without colapsing back into the wall behind me.
>A crackle of energy surges into my suit. Seems there may have been some sort of a wireless charging station nearby. A clean disc carved of volcanic glass rests in the box I opened, this will be usable for the map room.
>I venture further into the canyons of glass, and the religous artifacts grow in density. Flags and banners are strong across the canyon, tattered with age. Statues and shrines litter the floor. What the hell could be here?
>The glass opens up ahead. I enter into a large circular clearing, with thusands of prayer flags stung densly around its perifiry. All the glass fans bordering it point to the center, where an easily 300 ft tall obilisk rises from a perfectly circular crater in the ash. Its made of a flawless black metal, and emits a strange hum. I have no idea how it wasn't visable from outside.
>My suit energy reads are familiar; they resemble those from right before my ship crashed. Whatever this is, it has something to do with the Pyramid.
>I walk down the crater, despite my best instinct, its perfect surface reforming after every footfall. I place my hand against its surface, it is warm to the touch.
>A tear of the strange black metal forms at the top and begins to roll down into my waiting hands. The metal settles there for a moment, feeling like its about to slip through my fingers. Then it suddenly snaps into a perfect cube.
>Whoever or Whatever made the Obelisk, made the Pyramid was far more advanced than anything else on this planet, definitley at least more advanced than humans. Perhaps thats what they were trying to mimic with their dark structures. I rest for a moment against its perfect geometry.
>But for now I must continue home. I should be able to complete my maproom now.
>I.A.P. Mikonial signing off
[This concludes the log for Mission 1 Expedition 5]
Hey, heres a heads up, tommorrow's going to be a bit different. Today was the end of the actual gameplay for the first mission (!) so tomorrow is going to be a breif mission conclusion then an explanation of how the game actually works/my thoughts so far!
Happy exploring Pioneers!
(note: there probably wont be a post sunday, travel day)
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yandere-kokeshi · 8 months
Warnings: yandere, grammer not checked, and bad detailed smut.
Desperate yandere! Simon Ghost Riley is a whole other level. The type of man who forces himself to be submissive towards you. He always adores you, looking at you with heart-shaped eyes.
Behind the glass — Ghost is popularly known for his terrifying stare, structure, and skull mask. A large killing spree that leaves others choked. Most fear him and know what he's capable of. Wrath and anger. Fast and serious.
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But with you, he becomes extremely overwhelmed; gasping quietly at every touch you give him. Especially on his right pec; the scar thick and sensitive. Goosebumps trailing all over his body when you hold his hand, because he feels like he doesn't deserve it. Feeling a little lost at what to do, and begs softly for sex.
His kisses are sloppy — too wet and slippery, too eager to feel you, and ends up accidentally nipping your lips with his sharp teeth. A small sorry mumbling out onto your skin, and I'll make it up, ends up with him bucking his hips onto yours with a large boner. Feeling your hands go through his hair, grasping it gently when he nips at your lips again, makes him go over the edge. Cumming at your gasps, and ends up hiding his face in your lower stomach, embarrassed of his mess. He only gets harder when you praise him, telling him it's okay.
Or how he gives oral, he lives for it like gifting flowers.
Begs for your cock / cunt as an evening snack when he comes home from work; planting himself on his knees, not changing clothes, curling his arms around your legs whilst talking nonsense; only telling you that, I want ya'. He rubs his face directly on top of your crotch, breath blowing hot, whilst promising to make you feel good. And when you finally agree, his eyes light up- glistening like a rare rock. He ends up dishing out many sounds, slurping away at your sex, who quickly becomes drunk that he could be easily mistaken for the one receiving.
He plays with your sex — massaging his spit into your skin like lotion and licking your cum like sweets. He mentions on how a piercing would doll you up, show you just how pretty you are. He'd love to get matching ones.
Oh and, the sex is hot. At times too fast, loving and soft, yet desperate. He fucks you like a rabbit, mumbling I love you so fuckin' much in your ear when he cums for the 3rd time in a row. You've lost how many times you have, and he begs for another round; promising that it'll be the last and how he'll treat you like a god when you two are done. But as soon as his thighs grind against yours, and his hips slap against yours, his lips sucking on your neck, it tells you that he's not going to stop anytime soon.
At times when he looks at you in public, his knees get weak, finding your body too perfect, and he gets hard. His possessive touches barely leave you alone, grinding his hard-on you and begging for you to let him have you. It's only a matter of seconds when you two make it to the bathroom stall, hollow hope that it would act fast. But as soon as he moaned, putting his tip into your sunken sex, he loses all hope of control.
Simon clenches his teeth as he grabs your ass, pulling you on top of his lap completely as he controls you; keeping you trapped in his large arms, his cock hitting your g-spot perfectly. He whispers small: 'm sorry, you feel so fuckin' good, and many strings of profanities.
Until he cums — filling you to the brim, making you gasp out, as he moans. Simon pushes his face into yours, kissing your lips and cheeks whilst apologizing. It's only a matter of small confusion as he starts rubbing his hips into yours, nudging his face into your neck with many apologizes. He starts over again, making you two have many orgasms to come.
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