#Software Bug
rajakaen · 6 months
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I had another interesting interfleet experience 😂 This error was simply caused by logging in. Never seen this before 🙈
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I feel lost here 😶‍🌫️
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fpacatuto · 6 months
Hi! I've tried looking it up but haven't found anything on what I'm looking for, and I've seen this blog come up when looking for other general Firealpaca things, so I figure I'll try asking here. Do you know if there's any kind of setting to make my Firealpaca brush settings default when I close the program? It used to do that before I updated it and I liked it resetting the opacity and size of the brushes I used every time I closed the program, do you know if it's a setting or something or if it was just a thing removed from the newer versions?
Hello! It seems that this could be a bug after newer updates. If you don't mind, you can try downgrading this more recent version and see if that works.
If you have the newest version installed, they actually changed it a bit in a recent bigger update, so that if you change your brush temporarily e.g. change the size, it will keep that change, indicated by the brush number being red the next time you open it. Now, it would make sense, that if you go to the brush settings (double-click the brush or click the gear icon), you should be able to reset the brush. But it seems that over the more recent updates, this does not work anymore the way it was intended. I remember when the update with this change came out, it kinda worked as you'd imagine it, but had some weird behaviour then too.
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When you go into settings, it now simply saves the new size over as if you clicked ok. The only thing for now I can reccommend for now, is that you remember the original size of the brush and re-type it in again. Then it should be back to normal. Unfortunately, it does not seem like many have noticed yet, but I just tested it on my own Firealpaca and it doesn't seem to work properly at all. All we can do for now is write a bug report at the official site.
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In general, I suppose this was a feature that was requested by other users. That's the only thing I see as possible as in the update log, it seems that it was a long-awaited feature.
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mcb3k · 11 months
Huh, this seems like a weird bug:
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myriadism · 1 year
@staff hey why does every cross post I see from Instagram have a big fat play ▶️ triangle over the img even when the post is a static image and I can't watch insta videos without going to the Instagram site regardless? Is this a compatability issue that Facebook refuses to fix so that people will actually have to use their garbage Instagram app or what? Is there something that can be done to fix it, because I cannot see the cool art images that I want to without a giant white triangle in the way. I bet this irritates Instagram artists and such trying to cross-post even more than it does me
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miss-biophys · 2 years
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So there’s this bug in the software of the atomic force microscope (AFM) that I use.
You image your sample - cellular membrane here - and than you can indent it with a tiny tip to measure its stiffness and elasticity. Sometimes, the image dissapears the moment you switch to the indentations so you are blind on where to push and indent. This is the best solution I thought of today to mark where the membrane was. 😆
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fatihulusoy · 3 months
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Greetings folks! Do you remember our folks at Facebook now Meta? You know 'em, you love 'em! Yet some of them still not trust them.. Annd you folks right to do so.. Here is why:
İn recent weeks some of your pictures you took and post these platforms get flagged as "Made By AI" for no reason like this one..
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An Instagram photo of the Kolkata Knight Riders, labeled incorrectly as "Made with AI". An Instagram photo of the Kolkata Knight Riders, labeled as “Made with AI.” Image Credit: Instagram (screenshot)
Well the thing is our folks at meta has been work on a new ai based picture identification project for rest of their platforms for the last few mounts called: PlatoNERF!
actual tech is pretty amazing actually Nerf (NEural Radiance Fields) tech is mostly used by mockups and quick cgi reference shots this is simply generates photo realistic and high resolution scans into 3d renders like photoscan but based of reflections of light.
But what is PlatoNERF? has design and made by both MIT and META's R&d labs have developed PlatoNeRF, an AI-powered computer vision technique that can use shadows to model 3D scenes, including objects blocked from view using both Nerf tech and Lidar scan.
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its simply scans the pictures and can create 3d envoirmental model through it but how its decides if something is real or AI? Shadows!
if it cant detect any shadows it automatically flags the post!
i know im speaking like its a techno-horror story or some its a conspiracy theory but i swear this bug actually caused by this :)
So if we solve that case we can continue with our regular schedule see you guys tomorrow!
for you guys to understand how NERF tech works:
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duniatekniksipil · 9 months
GS AFES, Software Analisis dan Desain Pondasi Yang ...
Apa GS AFES itu? GS AFES adalah salah satu software analisis dan desain pondasi yang cukup powerfull. Software ini adalah salah satu software desain pondasi yang pernah populer di dunia perencanaan konstruksi.Di antara engineering software yang banyak beredar, yang satu ini terbilang cukup unik. Pertama Kali Mengenal AFES Kami pertama kali “kenalan” sama versi bajakannya software ini sekitar…
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emcee334 · 9 months
Weird Highlight/POTG bug
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ninjakittycomics · 2 years
I still love tumblr, but it just nuked my access to a follower of mine.
I talked to them on the phone, their blog is still there to them, but I can’t see them.  When I search her name, “this is a ghost blog” appears.
I know I didn’t block them at all...  I’m still performing spam bot whack a mole, but she shouldn’t have been caught in the mess.
but yeah, she’s stripped from my followers, my activity list, everything.
anyhoo. if for some reason you suddenly can’t see someone you always saw for a long time... something in the latest update probably ate the connectivity.  No idea why... but anyhoo, sort how to check on your peeps.
EDIT: This reminds me to share a link: https://help.tumblr.com/hc  in case you need to report a bug.
(i already did report this, and I do believe they’ll fix it.  it’s just wild)
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ask-cyantist · 2 months
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"So yer telling me dude's been down there for days?? That blows."
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" 'Kay then, where do I put down this living marine specimen, genuinely packed from Earth? ....Oh, this one's called the Paracentrotus lividus... Yes, it's alive. Sooo is the table alright, or...?"
[Rapid clanking sounds from the nearby vent-]
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[Your hand suddenly feels a lot lighter.]
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Cyan: "Oh my stars- a real live kina urchin!! I heard these are a delicacy when cooked, though they're overpopulated- I can't believe there's one here! Its colors are beautiful, so many rows of ambulatory spines! I'll need to look up what it eats- the storage container is also a bit small, could use an expanded-"
[Cyan stops short, realizing in this moment exactly what she's done, and why she's suddenly holding a jar. That doesn't belong to her.]
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Cyan: "Oh @%$# I'm so sorry- I don't know what came over me. I got really excited hearing what you said... do you mind if I borrow this, for study? You can say no, of course, but I'll give it back when I'm done!"
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rajakaen · 2 years
Meanwhile somewhere in germany an untypical bug has occurred...
Dear Mr Siemens Magnetom Skyra MRI Scanner Man, how am I supposed to operate your system if the user interface is shown on the screen INSIDE of the exam room?
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
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ohhhhhhh....... nasa peeeeepo..............................................
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girlchomp · 1 year
Ao3 currently has a bug! You are not actually blocked by cloudflare, don't panic, what's happening (as far as I can tell) is that any action that requires the same page to reload (like commenting, opening comments, or just plain reloading the page, you get my drift) causes the cloudflare message to pop up. if you click the go back button, it should show the page agian and be fine, if not, just opening a new tab and doing it that way should do it. unfortunately, the bug prevents you from reporting the bug through the technical issues form on the site as clicking the submit button refreshes the page (ironic, i know) so we just have to hope ao3 staff notices and it gets fixed soon enough. ao3 volunteers are godsent angels though so i have full faith this wont last long :))
happy fanfic reading guys!
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nixcraft · 1 year
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programmingmadness · 1 year
Me trying and failing to find out why a bug is happening:
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deathlywounded · 3 months
Duuuuude, I worked my arse off to gain my sweet epilogue with teacher Gale Dekarios and there is a damn bug now that doesn’t allow you to convince him of not becoming a megalomaniac ass, even after the 30 check before kicking the netherbrain.
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